Dead or Alive Wiki

These are transcripts of the Extra Episodes from the DMM version and, if applicable, the Singapore Steam version. The order supplied at the bottom is the girl order selection.

Note: The dialogue given when the player avoids peeking in the Live Change episodes (or, in the case of Nagisa, Patty, and Tsukushi, peeks) are the same as when the girls complete the shower scenes and get a new outfit. Photoshoot episodes (including the Shinobi Versus Senran Kagura suit episodes that have a mixture of both photoshoot and live change episodes) supply 10 XP for the Owner Level, while Birthday episodes, bonus scenes such as Sparkling Blue, Mystery Wind, Secret Foot Massage, Goddess Night Dream, Victory Celebrating, Sharing With , or Labyrinth of Black Flame, and live change episodes supply 100 XP for the Owner Level.


Episode 1: Kasumi's Birthday (かすみの誕生日)


DOAXVV かすみ Happy Birthday


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene (카스미 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 34 - Kasumi's Birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん、何かご用ですか?なんだか、浮かない顔 … … どうか、しましたか?え?フェスのお仕事で問題が?このままだと … … 島のオーナーが替わるって … …!そんな … … はい、わたしで良ければ相談に … … それじゃ、みんなにも相談しないと。わたし、探してきます。

Kasumi: Oh, hello boss. Did you need something from me? You seem a little down… Did something happen? Oh? There's an issue with your work? And, if this continues… Someone will take over you…?! No way… Do let me know if I can be of help… You'd better talk to all the girls about this. I'll go look for them.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): オーナーさん、みんな、探してみたんですが、だれも部屋にいなくて… … … …?オーナー… …さん?誰も、いないのかな… …?

Kasumi: きゃっ!?!?… …オーナーさん!?それに、みんな?どうして?はっぴー、ばーす… …でー???えっと… …?? お誕生日… …わ、わたしの?じゃあ、さっきの話は… …「ごめんなさい」って… … … …オーナーさん!?… …もう! ふふっ、あはははは......

Kasumi (OFF): Boss, I tried looking for the girls, but none of them are in their rooms… …? Boss…? Is anyone here…?

Kasumi: Kyahh!?!? …You're here!? And…with everyone? What's going on? Happy…birthday? Um… A birthday party…for me? But what about that work issue you mentioned? You're…"sorry?" So it was all just a…! …Oh, Boss, you…! Hehe… Ahahaha…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: はぁ……オーナーさん、それに、みんなも。こんなに楽しいお誕生日は、初めて、カな。ありがとうございます。

Kasumi: *Sigh* You know what everyone? I don't think I've ever had this much fun at a birthday party. Thank you so much.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。お片付けまで、ありがとうございます。ふふっ、こんなにお祝いしてもらうだなんて。わたし… …本当に、初めてかも。あと… …本当に、嘘でよかった。… …でも、次は… …ふふっ、わたしも、仲間に入れてくださいね?オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました。あの… … これからも… …よろしくお願いしますね。

Kasumi: Ah, Boss. Thank you for organizing the party. Hehe. I've never had anyone celebrate anything for me so elaborately. Also…I'm glad that the work issues you had were fake. But next time… Let me part of the surprise too, alright? Hehe. Today was really special for me. So I um… I hope to see you around again, okay?

Episode 2: Keep Watching Over Me (見ていてくれますか)


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scean (카스미 2019 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん♪よかった。わたしの誕生日パーティー、楽しんでもらえてるみたいで♪わたしもすごく楽しそう……ですか?ふふっ、もちろんです。……?いつもより明るく見える?そう、かな……♪でも、そう見えているのなら……嬉しいです。えっ?もっと喜ばせてみせるって……

Kasumi: Boss ♪ I'm so glad you seem to be enjoying my birthday party ♪ Am I…enjoying it too? Heheh, of course. …? Do I look more cheerful than usual? I guess… ♪ Well I'm glad that you see it that way… Hm? You'll make me even happier?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁっ、誕生日ケーキ……!ふふっ♪……オーナーさんの言う通り、ですね♪こんなに素敵なケーキ……ふふっ♪とっても嬉しいです♥

Kasumi: Wow, a birthday cake…! Heheh ♪ …Just like you said, boss ♪ Such a wonderful cake… Heheh ♪ I'm really delighted ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました。とっても楽しかったです♪みんなや……オーナーさんのおかげですね。え?上を見て……?

Kasumi: Thanks for everything you've done, boss. It was really fun ♪ And it's all thanks to you and the girls. Hm? Look up…?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): ……ふふっ♪綺麗な星空ですね♪わたしの星座……?うお座です。愛と美の女神、アフロディーテとエロースが、魚に姿を変えたもの……なんだそうです。

Kasumi (OFF): …Heheh ♪ What a beautiful starry sky. My horoscope? It's Pisces. They say the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, along with Eros, transformed into fishes.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……えっ!?あの、これは……サプライズプレゼント?

Kasumi: …Huh!? Erm, this is…a surprise present?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ、素敵な水着……!うお座……わたしの星座の水着!……ですか?まるで、人魚みたい……♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。とっても……とっても、嬉しいです♥じゃあ、あの……おやすみなさい。

Kasumi: Wow, what a beautiful swimsuit…! So…this swimsuit is based on my horoscope, Pisces? It looks like a mermaid ♪ Thank you so much, boss. This makes me so, so happy ♥ I guess… Erm…goodnight…

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): ……〜♪〜〜♪

Kasumi (OFF): 〜 ♪ 〜〜 ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ひゃっ!?オーナーさん!?えっと、あの……これは……この水着が、とても素敵で……嬉しかったから。はやく着て、泳いでみたくて…………今、ここで撮影……ですか?せっかくの誕生日ですから、少し恥ずかしいけど……思い切って、お願いします♪

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Hyah!? Boss!? Um, well… This… It's just that this swimsuit is so nice… I wanted to try swimming in it right away. Photos? Right here and now? Since it's my birthday… I'm a little embarrassed, but okay ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……あの、似合ってますか?えっ!?愛と美の女神……そのもの……!?そ、そんな……も、もう!オーナーさん……!……わたし、よく夢を見るんです。人魚のように、自由に水の中を泳ぐ夢を。そのたびに思うんです。もっと自由に……素直になれたらいいな、って。この水着を貰ったとき、本当に嬉しかった。オーナーさんが、見ていてくれたように思えて。それに……「いつもより明るいわたし」に、気が付いてくれて。だから……オーナーさん、今日は本当に、ありがとうございました。あの、これからも……見ていてくれますか?

Kasumi: Erm… How do I look? Eh? Like the goddess of love and beauty herself!? How could that… Oh boss…! I have this dream a lot… Where I'm swimming freely like a mermaid. And every time… I think about how wonderful it would be to have that freedom. I'm really happy to receive this swimsuit. You must've been watching over me closely to know what I like, boss. Plus… You noticed that I seem more cheerful than usual. So… Thank you so much for today, boss. I hope you'll keep watching over me closely.

Episode 3: Hanzō Ninja Suit (Kasumi) (半蔵学院(かすみ))

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。綺麗に撮ってくれると、嬉しいな……

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kasumi: あの、誰にも見せないで……

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Hm? You mean, right now? Well, this is kind of awkward, but I'll get ready. Only take shots that make me look pretty.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kasumi: Just don't show anyone, okay?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kasumi: Cass! Hey, don't look! Terrible...

Episode 4: Amethyst's Color (アメジストの色)


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene1 (카스미 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今年もお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございました♪オーナーさんや、みんなも楽しんでくれてることが……わたし、すごく嬉しかったです♪それで、オーナーさん。この飾りはどこに運べばいいですか?えっ?片付けはやるから、手伝わなくて大丈夫……ですか?いえ、いつもお祝いしてもらってますから、そのお礼です。お手伝いくらいは…………え?「お礼」なら、もう買ってる?えっと、なんのことでしょう?わたしは何も……それより、渡したいものがある……?あの、オーナーさん、それは……

Kasumi: Thanks for celebrating my birthday again this year, boss ♪ I'm happy that you…and all the girls had such a good time ♪ So…where should I put these decorations? Hm? You'll take care of it…and I don't have to help? But boss, I have to return the favor for preparing this for me. The least I could do is help clean up… Hm? I've already done so? What do you mean? I haven't done anything… That aside, you have something for me? Boss, you don't have to…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ、素敵な水着……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪えっ?着たところを見たい、ですか?えへへ……ちょっと照れちゃいますけど、そう言ってもらえるの……嬉しいです♪じゃあ、少しだけ、待っててくださいね。いま、着替えてきます♪

Kasumi: Wow, what an amazing swimsuit… Thank you, boss ♪ Oh…? You want to see me wearing it? Heheh… I'm a little embarrassed, but flattered that you asked So…just give me a minute, okay? I'll put it on right away ♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、お待たせしました♪えっと、どう……ですか?よく似合ってる……?ふふっ、ありがとうございます♪この、水着についている宝石、アメジストですよね?わたしの誕生石……嬉しい♪そうだ、オーナーさん。アメジストが「案色」になった理由、知っていますか?この「緊色」は、お酒の神様が、透明な水晶に簡萄酒を注いで生まれた、と言われているんです。だから、アメジストには「透きとおるような業色」と、「崎麗な濃い衆色」があるんですよ♪誕生石の水着……とっても素敵なプレゼントです。えっ?写真……ですか?はい♪こんなに素敵な水着……♥……わたしからも、お願いします♪

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Thanks for waiting, boss ♪ So…what do you think? Looks good on me…? Heheh, thank you so much ♪ The gems attached to the swimsuit are… My birthstones, amethysts, right? I'm so happy ♪ Have you heard about the origin of amethyst's purple colouration [sic], boss? It's said that the God of Wine poured some wine into transparent crystals, turning them purple. That's why amethysts have many different shades of purple ♪ This swimsuit with my birthstones on it… Is such a wonderful gift. Hm? Take some photos? In this gorgeous suit ♥ Please do ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ありがとうございます♪今年も、たくさんのプレゼントをいただいちゃいました。ふふっ、わたし、本当に幸せです……いくらお礼を言っても足りないくらい……あっ、そういえばオーナーさん。さっき言っていた、「お礼ならもう買ってる」って、結局なんのことですか?わたし、オーナーさんから貰ってばかりで、特に、これといったお返しなんて、できてないのに…………答えを教えるから、後で、また……?……わかりました。じゃあ、また後で……オーナーさん♪

Kasumi: Thank you so much ♪ I received so many gifts this year. Heheh, I am truly happy… I feel I could never thank you enough… Oh, by the way, boss… What did you mean by saying that I've already "returned the favor?" I've just been getting gifts from you all the time, and I haven't really given you anything in return. …You'll give me an answer later? I see… Well, see you later then, boss ♪

Episode 5: Many Thanks (たくさんのお礼)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Kasumi after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene2 (카스미 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん♪この水着、本当に素敵ですね……「アメジスト」は月の女神の神官の名前。月の光の下でも、とっても椅麗で……えっ?もっと綺麗になる……?あの、オーナーさん、それってどういう……一緒に波打ち際に……ですか?はい、いいですけど……

Kasumi: Oh, hello boss ♪ This really is a fabulous swimsuit… "Amethyste" the name of a devotee to the Moon Goddess. And this swimsuit is so beautiful under the moonlight. Hm? It can be even more beautiful? What do you mean, boss? Let's go closer to the shoreline? Sure thing…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: きゃっ!オーナーさん!?なんで急に、水を……?あっ……!すごい……水着の色が……この色は……葡萄酒で染められた、アメジストの……?すごいです……言い伝えの通り……本当に、素敵な水着です♪改めて、お礼を言わせてください。……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……こちらこそ、ありがとう?え?えっと、わたしは何も…………「わたしの笑顔」をたくさん貰ってる……?あっ、さっき言っていた、「わたしから貰ってるお礼」って…………あの、オーナーさん。わたしがこうして、たくさん笑えるのも、オーナーさんのおかげなんですよ。この島に来て、たくさんの人たちと知り合えて、……それに、あやねちゃんとも……ふふっ♪だから、わたしの「お礼」も含めて、たくさんのものが「オーナーさんから貰っているもの」なんです。えっ?それなら、あと一つ、貰ってほしい……?

Kasumi: Kyah! Boss!? Why are you splashing water on me!? Oh…! Wow… The swimsuit's color… This color… It's like how amethyst was dyed by wine…? Wow… Just like the legend… This is truly an amazing swimsuit ♪ I need to express my gratitude again. …Thank you so much for this, boss ♪ …Why would you thank me? I didn't do anything to deserve it… My smile is "more than enough?" So when you said I've already returned the favor… Oh boss… You're the reason I'm able to smile so much like this. Coming to this island, and meeting so many people… And especially Ayane… Heheh ♪ I've gotten so many wonderful things from you, boss. Including my smile. Eh? There's one more thing that you want me to have?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……!オーナーさん……これって……

Kasumi: …! Boss… This is…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: アメジストの……指輪…………石言葉は「心の平和」。オーナーさんのおかげで、みんな、ここで楽しく過ごせているんです。……オーナーさんは十分だって言いますけど、やっぱり、わたし、もっと伝えたいです……!ありがとう、オーナーさん……。水着も、指輪も、ずっと大切にします。ふふっ♪

Kasumi: An amethyst…ring… Amethyst stands for "peace of mind." I'm having a wonderful time here with everyone, thanks to you, boss. Even though you've said I've given you enough, there's so much more I want to express to you. Thank you, boss… I'll cherish this swimsuit and ring forever. Heheh ♪

Episode 6: Kasumi-chan Wants to Hang Out! (かすみちゃんは遊びたい!)

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: I Want You To Try It… (食べてほしくて…)

First version


【DOAXVV】DOAX VenusVacation kasumi Valentine Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん。少し、いいですか?これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: Boss. Can you spare me some time? I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Kasumi extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん。少し、いいですか?これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: Boss. Can you spare me some time? I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。綺麗に撮ってくれると、嬉しいな……

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: Hm? You mean, right now? Well, this is kind of awkward, but I'll get ready. Only take shots that make me look pretty.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、誰にも見せないで……

Kasumi: Just don't show anyone, okay?

Episode 8: A Swimsuit to Long For (憧れの水着)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 今日は、素敵なパーティーをありがとうございました、オーナーさん。会場に飾られていた、白い花節りがとっても綺麗で、香りも……そういえば、同じお花がたくさん節られていましたけど、もしかして、何か意味があったんですか?えっ?誕生花のフリージアが、わたしのイメージにピッタリだったから……?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます。とっても嬉しいです。あんなに綺麗なお花に例えられると、ちょっと、照れますけど。じゃあ、あのお花……あとで少し貰ってお部屋に飾ろうかな……♪……え?今すぐ、プレゼント……って……?

Kasumi: Thank you for throwing such a wonderful party today, boss. Those white flowers decorating the party venue were so pretty, and smelled amazing… You know, I noticed you used the same type of flower all over the venue. Does it have some kind of special meaning? Hm? Because the freesia is my birth flower, and perfectly fits your image of me? Heheh ♪ Thank you, that makes me so happy. It's a little embarrassing to be compared to such a beautiful flower though. Maybe I'll take some of those flowers to decorate my room later ♪ …Hm? A present… Right away?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ……♪真っ白で結麗な水着……まるで……まるで、白無垢……みたいな……えっ?本当に自無垢をイメージした水着……なんですか?それって、あの……誕生日の記念に、着てみてほしい、って……あの、わたしが着ても、いいんですか?じゃあ……わかりました。……ふふっ♪こういうの、女の子のあこがれですから……少し、緊張しちゃいますね。

Kasumi: Wow ♪ Such a beautiful, pure white swimsuit… Just like… It's just like a traditional Japanese bride's dress, the "shiromuku…" Hm? You actually patterned it after the "shiromuku?" Does that mean that you… Um… You want me to wear it to commemorate my birthday this year? Um… Are you sure it's okay if I wear this? Well…okay. …Heheh ♪ This is what every girl longs for… So I'm a little nervous.

Scene 3
The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、どうでしょう……か?……似合っていますか?ふふっ……よかった♪ありがとうございます。着る前は少し緊張しましたけど、やっぱり着て良かったです♪ふふっ、うれしいな♥え……?やっぱり、わたしにピッタリ、って……この水着が……ですか?フリージアの、花言葉……?「無邪気」に 「あどけなさ」あの、オーナーさん……は、恥ずかしいです…………そうだ。あの、オーナーさん、お願いをしてもいいですか?せっかくの、特別な水着ですから……写真を、撮ってほしいな、って……お願い、できますか?ふふっ♪じゃあ……

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Um… What do you…think? … It looks good on me? Heheh… What a relief ♪ Thank you. I was a little nervous before I put it on, but now I'm glad I went through with it ♪ Heheh… This makes me so happy ♥ Hm…? A perfect fit? You mean…this swimsuit? The floriography of a freesia? "Carefree innocence," and "purity…" Um, boss… Th-This is getting embarrassing… …Oh yeah. Could I ask you a favor? This is such a special swimsuit and everything, so… I'm wondering if you could take some photos of me wearing it… Heheh ♪ Okay then…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ありがとうございました♪今日の思い出に……お部屋に飾ろうかな♪……え?あとで、もうひとつプレゼントを……ですか?この場所で、待ち合わせを……ふふっ♪わかりました。じゃあ、また、ここで。お待ちしていますね、オーナーさん♪

Kasumi: Thank you so much ♪ Maybe I'll decorate my room with these to commemorate the day ♪ …Hm? You have another gift to give me later? Meet up again right here…? Heheh ♪ Okay. See you later, then…right at this spot. I'll be waiting, boss ♪

Episode 9: With a Carefree Heart (無邪気な心で)

To get this episode, you must give Kasumi her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん♪えっ、楽しそう……ですか?ふふっ、そうですね♪この水着を着ていると……なんだか、ドキドキして♥やっぱり、花言葉通り……って、もう、オーナーさん……恥ずかしいです。……?それは……

Kasumi: Oh, boss ♪ Hm? I look like I'm having…fun? Heheh, well yeah ♪ I mean… Just wearing this swimsuit gives me such a thrill ♥ Just like the floriography says…? Oh boss, you're embarrassing me… …? What's that?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁっ……フリージアの……ブーケ……!ありがとうございます♪お誕生日に、お花のプレゼント……とっても嬉しいです♥そんなに、って……もちろんです!……この水着と同じ……女の子の、憧れですから。ふふっ♪

Kasumi: Oh wow… A bouquet of freesias…! Thank you so much ♪ Getting flowers on my birthday really makes the day special ♥ What do you mean "is it really that special…?" Of course it is! Just like with this swimsuit… It's what a girl longs for. Heheh ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: いい香り……爽やかで、甘酸っぱくて……写真と一緒に、お部屋に飾りますね♪今日の思い出大切にします♥

Kasumi: They smell so nice… So fresh…and tangy… I'll use these along with the photos to decorate my room ♪ As a way to cherish the memories we've made today ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今日は本当に、ありがとうございます。とっても素敵なお誕生日……嬉しいです♪え……?花嫁衣裳とブーケが揃ったね、って……もう、オーナーさん……ふふっ♪でも、……嬉しいです。白無垢の水着に、綺麗なブーケ……女の子の夢のような、素敵なお誕生日でした。この花……フリージアには、「無邪気」って花言葉があるんですよね?今日は、本当に「無邪気」になれた……かな♪……え?いつでもそれでいい……ですか?バカンス……だから……うふふっ♪そうですね♥オーナーさんのいる、この島でなら……そんな「無邪気」な気持ちで、いいんですよね♪……じゃあ、これからも……よろしくお願いしますね。オーナーさん♥

Kasumi: Thank you so much for all you've done today, boss. I had a wonderful birthday, and you've made me so happy ♪ Hm…? The bridal dress and bouquet are together now…? Oh boss… Heheh ♪ But…you've really made me happy. This white bridal swimsut… And a beautiful bouquet… Such a wonderful birthday that any girl could dream of. These freesias are a symbol of "carefree innocence," aren't they? I think maybe… I was really able to feel carefree today ♪ …Hm? I'm free to feel that way all the time? Because I'm on vacation? Heheh ♪ That's true ♥ Being with you on this island…is why I can live with such a "carefree innocence" ♪ I hope we can keep this feeling going, boss ♥

Episode 10: Thin Towel Wrap (Kasumi) (うすかわたけのこ(かすみ))


Kasumi SSR Towel "Live Clothes Change" Extra episode


Kasumi Changing Scene

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Hey… Do you mind if I change right here? Close your eyes until I finish, OK?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 11: With You (Kasumi) (ウィズ・ユー(かすみ))

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Shall we... Can I change my clothes here?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me...

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Kasumi) (S・ショコラティエ(かすみ))

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Shall we... Can I change my clothes here?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me...

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 13: A gust of wind in a riddle (Kasumi) (なぞの突風(かすみ))

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Kasumi) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(かすみ))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、遅くまで外回り、お疲れさまでした。……よかったら、お茶でも入れましょうか?

Kasumi: You must be exhausted from visiting clients into the late hours. How about I make you some tea?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): ……え?足裏マッサージ……ですか? 「疲れが取れる」って……じゃあ……

Kasumi (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? It’ll “rejuvenate” me? Well, okay…

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、マッサージ……するんですよね?み、見られるの……ちょっと恥ずかしいな……

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Um… You’re gonna give me that massage…right? I kind of feel awkward when you look at me like that…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 次は、こう……ですか……?あ、あまり見ないでください……恥すかしい……

Kasumi: Now…maybe something like…this? I wish you wouldn’t stare at me…it’s embarrassing…

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Kasumi) (愛の妙薬 (かすみ))

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Kasumi) (甘い香りに誘われて(かすみ))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): オーナーさん。少し、いいですか?

Kasumi (OFF): Boss. Can you spare me some time?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Episode 17: Sunset at the Park (Kasumi) (あかね色の公園で(かすみ))

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Episode 18: White Prince (Kasumi) (ホワイト・プリンス(かすみ))

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:


If Kasumi acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Why I Seem Happy (楽しそうな理由)

Scene 1
Japanese English

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん♪今日は、誕生日のパーティーを開いていただいて、ありがとうございます♪オーナーさんやみんなに、こんなにお祝いして貰えるなんて……わたし、とっても幸せです♪うふふっ♪……え?今年は特に楽しそう……?えっと……そ、そうでしょうか……?い、いえ!もちろんパーティーは楽しいですけど……「特別な理由」とかは、特にありませんよ?あっ……そ、そうだ。オーナーさん、わたしに何か用があったんじゃ……え?渡したいもの……二人きりで、ですか?

Kasumi: Oh, Boss ♪ Thanks so much for throwing me a birthday party today ♪ You and the girls taking time to celebrate like this…just makes me so happy ♪ Heheh ♪ Hm? I look like I'm having more fun this year? Well… I guess so…? I mean…! The party is really fun, but… There's no "special reason" in particular why I would be. Oh yeah… Did you say you wanted to see me about something? Hm? Something to give me? Just the two of us?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kasumi: ……わぁ♪これ、誕生日の水着……ですか?ふわふわなスカートが、まるでドレスみたいで……それに、とっても績闘な色ですね♪ありがとうございます♪素敵なプレゼント……とっても嬉しいです♪あの、オーナーさん。少しだけ、ここで待っててもらえますか?すぐ、着替えてくるので……ふふっ♪

Kasumi: Wow ♪ Is this my…birthday swimsuit? The skirt is so fluffy…it reminds me of a dress…. And what a beautiful color ♪ Thank you ♪ It's a wonderful gift…you've made me so happy ♪ Um, Boss? Could you wait here for a little bit? I'll try it on right away… Heheh ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Kasumi: あの、どうでしょうか……?ふふっ、ありがとうございます♪わたし、この色が大好きなんです♥それに、この「いちご」の節りが、とってもかわいくて♪わたし、いちごが……あっ……オーナーさん、さっき 「今年は特に楽しそう」って……ひょっとして、分かってたんですか?大好きないちごがいっぱいで……わたしが楽しそうにしてたこと……えっと……子供っぽくないかなって……少し恥ずかしくて。ごめんなさい。つい 「いつも通り」ってウソを。でも……ふふっ♪なんだか……しいです。オーナーさんが、わたしの好きなものを知っていてくれて♪えっ?誕生日の記念写真ですか?はい、よろこんで♪この水着、大好き……ですから♥

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Um… Do I look all right? Heheh. Thank you so much ♪ I absolutely love this color ♥ And this strawberry décor is super cute ♪ Strawberries are my… Oh… Boss… You mentioned I look extra happy this year, so… Did you already know why? I love strawberries, and there's so many this year… That's why I've been having so much fun. I mean… I♪thought that might seem a little childish, so… It was kind of embarrassing. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied and said it's the same as always. But… Heheh ♪ I'm feeling pretty happy now, 'cause you knew exactly what I like, Boss ♪ Hm? A photo to commemorate my birthday? Of course, I'd be happy to ♪ I absolutely love this swimsuit ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました。大好きないちこがたくさんの誕生日、嬉しかったです♪……え?パーティーの後で、もう少したけ?「楽しみにしていて」って……ふふっ♪わかりました、じゃあ、お待ちしていますね♪

Kasumi: Thanks for the wonderful day, Boss. I'm crazy for strawberries, and having so many for my birthday made me really happy ♪ Hm? Hang out a little after the party…? Something to "look forward to?" Heheh ♪ All right, I'll be waiting then ♪

Episode 20: The Meaning of Strawberries (いちごの意味)

To get this episode, you must give Kasumi her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kasumi: オーナーさん、お待たせしました。みんなと話してたら、楽しくて……つい♪ふふっ♪本当に楽しいパーティーでした♪オーナーさんのおかけです……ありがとうございます。あっ、でも……まだ、これから 「楽しみに」しても……いいんですか?え……「二人だけの特別なパーティー」を……ふふっ♪じゃあ……お願いします。

Kasumi: Sorry to keep you waiting, Boss. I was just having so much fun talking to the girls ♪ Heheh ♪ That was such a fun party ♪ And it's all thanks to you, Boss. Oh, but… Did you have something I was supposed to be "looking forward to?" Hm…? A "special two-person party?" Heheh ♪ Okay, that sounds nice.

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Kasumi: わぁ……!オーナーさん……!これ……わたしのために……?こんなに大きなケーキに、それに、いちごがとってもたくさん……♥オーナーさんが「楽しみにしてて」って言った意味…………わかりました♪うふふっ♪恥ずかしいとか、関係なくて……とっても、とっても……楽しくて……嬉しいです♥「いちご」の言葉は、「あなたは私を喜ばせる」……ですか?ふふっ♪オーナーさんにピッタリですね。わたしにも……?そんな……わたしは、そんなこと……わたしが喜ぶことが……オーナーさんの喜びだから?オーナーさん……あのオーナーさん、少し近くに……いいですか?

Kasumi: Wow…! Boss…! Is this for me? It's such a huge cake…and look at all these strawberries ♥ Now I know what you ment when you said I should look forward to this ♪ Heheh ♪ Embarrassing or not, it doesn't matter anymore… This is so incredibly fun for me… And you've made me really happy ♥ The strawberry is a symbol for "making someone happy?" Heheh ♪ Then it fits you perfectly, boss. I…made you happy, too? Because seeing me happy is what makes you happy? Boss… Um… Can I come a little closer?

Scene 5

The following is subtitled

Japanese English

Kasumi: この、たくさんのいちこと同じくらい……いえ、もっとたくさんの喜びを……あたと、一緒に……♥……あ〜ん♥

Kasumi: I'm experiencing more happy moments than the number of strawberries here… Just by being with you ♥ Say "ahhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Kasumi: うふふっ♪美味しいですか?……よかった。少し、恥ずかしかったけど……わたしがいつも、オーナーさんから貰っている喜びを、ほんの少しでも……お返ししたくて。それに、オーナーさんが喜んでくれるなら……わたしも、それが嬉しい……ですから。とっても素敵な誕生日を、ありがとうございます。……オーナーさん♥

Kasumi: Heheh ♪ Is it tasty?… Well that's good to hear. I was a little embarrassed to do that, but… You've broguht me so much joy, Boss… So I want to return the favor to you, even if it's just a small amount. Besides, seeing you happy makes me happy, too. Thank you for such a wonderful birthday… Boss ♥

Episode 21: Goddess Night's Dream (Kasumi) (女神の夜の夢(かすみ))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、こんばんは。今日も、いろいろお話ししたいな。えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。ふふふっ……なんだか……不思議な気持ち。

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: Good evening, owner. I'd like to talk to you about a lot of things today. What, now? I'm a little embarrassed, but I'll get ready for ....... I feel ...... strange.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさんに、もっと、撮ってほしい……なドキドキします……

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: I'm thrilled that the owner wants me to take more ...... shots ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。

Kasumi: Thank you very much, owner.

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー1 (かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー2(かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー3(かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー4 (かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー5(かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー6(かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Kasumi) (ひみつのシャワー7 (かすみ))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kasumi.

Episode 29: Love Letter Maiden (Kasumi) (恋文フトメ(かすみ))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん。 少し、いいですか?

Kasumi: Boss, do you have a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: その……わたしの、気持ちです。

Kasumi: Here…just a token of how I feel about you.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。

Kasumi: Oh, you mean right now? Sounds a little embarrassing, but…I'll go get ready.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、これで……いいですか?

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: Um, does this…look okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさんにだけ……ですよ?

Kasumi: It's for your eyes only, Boss.

Episode 30: Something I Can Do (わたしにできること)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさんとの待ち合わせ……きっと、今年の誕生日の……ふふっ♪ふふっ……♪誕生日がこんなに楽しみだなんて……そう思えるのは、 きっと、島のみんなと…………オーナーさんのおかげ、 だよね。何か、 わたしからも……できないかな。お礼……だけじゃなくて……

Kasumi: I'm supposed to meet up with the Boss… I guess it's for my birthday…heheh ♪ Heheh ♪ Being able to look forward to my birthday like this… I guess it's because of everyone on this island, and… Especially the Boss. I wonder if there's anything I can do. Not only to say thank you, but…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わたしにできること……オーナーさんにも、楽しんでもらえるような……

Kasumi: Just something… To make the Boss happy, too.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……あっ、オーナーさん!ごめんなさい、少し考え事をしてて、 気づきませんでした。いえ、大したことじゃなくて……気にしないでください。……それより、 今日は……

Kasumi: …Oh, Boss! Sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't see you there. It's nothing important, so… Don't worry about it. Anyway, today happens to be…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁっ♪これ、誕生日のプレゼント……?とっても素敵な水着……ありがとうございます♪いつもお祝いしてくれて……本当に、嬉しいです。わたしからも、何かできればいいんですけど…………えっ?「じゃあ、この水着に着替えて欲しい」 ……ですか?……うふふっ、そうですね。じゃあ、この水着に着替えて……そのあと……少しだけ、待っててくださいね、 オーナーさん。

Kasumi: Oh wow ♪ Is this my birthday gift? What a fabulous swimsuit…thank you so much ♪ I'm so happy you're always here to celebrate with me. I wish there was something I could do for you, too… …Huh? You want me to "put on the swimsuit"? Heheheh, of course. I'll just slip it on now, and then… Just give me some time, Boss.

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ふふっ♪とっても綺麗で……素敵な水着ですね♪あの、どうですか、 オーナーさん。わたしには、ちょっと……オシャレすぎるかも……って……「大人っぽくて、素敵」……?ありがとうございます♪うふふっ、よかった。じつは……こういうの、着てみたかったんです……♪……え?わたしから、甘い香りが……?えっと……それは……さっき、水着に合わせて新しい香水をつけたから……かな。あやねちゃんみたいに。 香水は詳しくないんですけど……オーナーさんに、 少しでも楽しんで欲しくて。それに、このふわりとした甘い香り……なんとなく好きだなって。……わたしらしい香り?それって、 どういう意味でしょうか……?わたしに似合ってる……なら、嬉しいです♪オーナーさんにそう言って見えて。じゃあ、あの……記念撮影、 ですよね?ふふっ、オーナーさんなら、 そうしたいだろうって。じゃあ、よろしくお願いします。 オーナーさん♡

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: Heheh ♪ What a pretty and nice swimsuit this is… ♪ Um, what do you think, Boss? It might be a little too fashionable for the likes of me, but… "Mature and appealing…"? Thank you ♪ Heheh, that's a relief. I've actually been wanting to wear something like this ♪ …Hm? A sweet fragrance coming from me? You know, it's probably… Because I put on a new perfume to go with this swimsuit. I'm not as well-versed in perfumes as Ayane is, but… I was hoping to do something you might enjoy, Boss. And somehow this subtle, sweet fragrance is quite appealing to me as well. It's a "Kasumi-like fragrance"? What do you mean by that? It fits me well…? I like to hear that ♪ Especially coming from you, Boss. So yeah, um… A commemorative photoshoot, right? Heheh, I was assuming that's what you wanted. Be sure to get some good shots, Boss ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、どうですか?綺麗に撮れていればいいんですけど……よかったか♪……そう言ってもらえると、わたしも嬉しいです。……あ、あの、オーナーさん……!……このあと、お時間……ありますか?あの、もしよければ……なんですけど…………わたしと……デート、 してくれませんか?わたしの誕生日。 わたしだけじゃなくて…………オーナーさんにも、 一緒に楽しんでもらいたくて。……ふふっ♪よかった。じゃあ……行きましょうか、 オーナーさん♥

Kasumi: So how'd it go? I hope you got some pretty ones… Good ♪ …I'm glad to hear you say that. … U-Um, Boss…! Do you have…some time after this? That is…if it's okay with you, I um… Would you…go on a date with me? Instead of spending my birthday alone, I was hoping we could enjoy it together. …Heheh ♪ Yay. Maybe we should get going then, Boss ♥

Episode 31: Wrapped in Kindness (包み込む優しさ)

To get this episode, you must give Kasumi the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ……綺麗な花火……♪デートって、こういう感じ……なんですね。心がぽかぽか温かくて……なんだか、 楽しくて。あの……オーナーさんも、 楽しんでもらえましたか?ふふっ♪ 思い切ってお誘いして、 よかったです。オーナーさんに楽しんでもらえて。……それに……こうやって、 オーナーさんと一緒にいると……なんだか、心が包まれるみたいにと、 安心できるから。……え? オーナーさんも……同じ?わたしと一緒にいると……安心できるんですか?わたしといると、みんな……優しい気持ちになれるから……?そんな……わたしには、 そんなこと…………うふふっ♪それはきっと……この水着と、香水のおかげです。この、包み込むような、優しい香りの……えっ?「そんなことない」……?

Kasumi: Wow, what pretty fireworks ♪ So…this is what it feels like to go on a date. It's so heartwarming…and really fun. Um…did you have fun too, Boss? Heheh ♪ I'm glad I had the courage to ask you. You were able to have fun, and also… Just being together with you like this, I feel like… My heart is wrapped in your warm embrace, and I feel so at ease. …Hm? You feel the same way…? So you can relax when we're together? Everyone…feels a "sense of kindness" when they're with me…? Well… I don't know if I'd… That's just… …Heheh ♪ It's all thanks to this swimsuit and perfume, I'm sure. As if we're wrapped in this gentle fragrance… Huh? That's not it?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: この写真……デート中の?ふふっ、こんな顔……してたんですね。わたし、とっても楽しそうで……「見てる方も、 優しい気持ちになれたから」……それで、写真を……?そっか……でも、 それは……オーナーさんが、 とっても優しいから。だからわたしも、オーナーさんを優しい気持ちにできてるんだと思います。オーナーさんのいるこの島が、 とっても優しくて……この甘い香りみたいに、包容力があるから♪だから、これば、オーナーさんへのお礼と……二人が、もっともっと、優しく、楽しくいられますように。

Kasumi: This photo…of us on the date? Heheh, look at my face here. Like I'm having so much fun… You felt a sense of kindness looking at me? And that's why you took this photo…? I see… But that's… Because you're so kind, Boss. And I think…that brings out the kindness in me, too. This island with you…gives off a sort of kindness, Boss. It feels so welcoming, just like this sweet fragrance ♪ So this is a token of my gratitude to you, and… May our days together be filled with lots of joy and kindness going forward.

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 今は、これしかできないですけど……わたしからの、 プレゼント……です♡あの……オーナーさんにだけ……ですよ?……うふふっ♪なんだか、 楽しくなってきたな……♪オーナーさん、まだお時間、 大丈夫ですか?わたし、もっと遊んでいたくて。よかった♪じゃあ……これからも、よろしくお願いしますね、 オーナーさん♡

Kasumi: This is all I can manage for now, but… It's a gift…from me to you ♡ For you…and only you. …Heheh ♪ This is starting to get fun ♪ Do you still have time, Boss? I'd like to stay with you a bit longer. Yay ♪ Okay then… Let's keep this going between us, Boss ♡

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Kasumi) (勝利のセレモニー (かすみ))

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Kasumi (かすみとシェア♥)

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: Bitter♡Sweet (Kasumi) (ビター♡スイート(かすみ))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ふふふっ……なんだか……不思議な気持ち。

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Hmmm... ...... something ...... strange.

(camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: その……私の、気持ちです。

Kasumi: its ...... my, feelings.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 恥ずかしいけど……わたし、頑張ります。

Kasumi: I'm embarrassed to admit it, but ...... I'll do my best.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさんにだけ……ですよ?

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: It's ...... only for the owner?

(Camera flash)

Episode 35: In a different world (違う世界で)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……? ここは……急に身体が軽くなって、 あたりが明るくなって……あっ、オーナーさん……!あの、ここは?……わたし、夢でも見ているんでしょうか?……「夢じゃなくて、 異世界」 ?えっと……?ごめんなさい。 わたし、よくわからなくて……でも……ふふっ♪ オーナーさんと一緒なら、心配いりませんね。「異世界」というのも、 信じます。「誕生日を、ふたりきりで一緒に過ごしたかったから」……?ええと、あの…………はい♡……そんなふうに思ってくれるだなんて、嬉しいです。そうだ。 この水着……これも、オーナーさんが?袖もスカートもフワフワで、とっても可愛くて……♪「召喚士」の水着……特別な力があるんですか?「ゲームや漫画によくあるアレ」……?えっと、そういうの、 あまり詳しくなくて……で、でも、わたし頑張ってみます♪だから、色々教えてくださいね、 オーナーさん。

Kasumi: ......? This place ...... suddenly made me feel lighter and the area became brighter. ...... Oh, Mr. Owner ...... What is this place? Am I dreaming? ...... "Not a dream, but a different world"? Um,......? I'm sorry. I don't really understand,......, but if you're with the owner,......, you don't have to worry. I believe in "other worlds." I believe the "otherworldly" part. "Because I wanted to spend my birthday together, just the two of us. Well, um,............ yes♡...... I'm so glad you feel that way. Yes, it is. This swimsuit...... is also by the owner? The sleeves and skirt are fluffy and very cute,......♪ "Summoner" swimsuit,...... Does it have special powers? It's a very cute and pretty swimsuit with sleeves, a skirt, and a very pretty skirt. Well, I don't know much about that kind of thing,......, but I'll try my best,......, so please teach me a lot,.......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……?この気配……なんでしょうか……くせ者!? オーナーさん、 下がって…………えっ?「召喚」 で戦うんですか?ええと……じゃ、じゃあ、やってみます……!

Kasumi (OFF): ……え、えーいっ!

Kasumi: ......? Is this sign ...... a ...... peculiar! Owner, back off. ............ eh? You fight with "summons"? Uh,...... well, I'll try it then,......!

Kasumi (OFF): ...... yeah, yeah!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 今のは……大きな 「ドラゴン」……わたしが「召喚」 したんですか……?これが、この水着がくれたカ……なんですね♪オーナーさん、 すごいです!……え?「いきなりドラゴンを召喚できるなんて、 すごい」?そうなんですか? よくわからないですけど……オーナーさんが喜んでくれて、 嬉しいです♪……それで、これからどうしましょう?……「契約」?それをしないと、異世界にはいられないんですか?ふふっ♪ オーナーさんがそう言うなら……はい♪

Kasumi: Was that a ...... big "dragon" ...... I "summoned" ......? This is the one that this swimsuit gave me .........! ...... what? "It's amazing that you can summon a dragon out of the blue"? Is that so? I don't know, but I'm glad the ...... owner is happy. ......So, what are we going to do now? ...... "Contract"? You can't stay in the other world without it? If the owner says so,...... yes,......

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player unlike prior photoshoot sessions has to press the camera button to advance.

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 契約って、 写真撮影……だったんですね。少し、緊張しちゃいました。でも、なんだか…… 不思議な力を感じるような。これなら、もっと召喚できるような気がします。オーナーさんとふたりで 「冒険」……ですか?……冒険、 かぁ。わたしたちのいた世界とは、こう世界……なんですね。……ふふっ♪ なんだか、子供みたいですけど……ワクワクして……楽しみです♪じゃあ、行きましょう、 オーナーさん♡ふたり一緒に……冒険へ♪

Kasumi: So the contract was for a photo shoot ....... I was a little nervous. But I kind of ...... feel like I have a mysterious power. I feel like I can summon more of it. Are you and the owner having an "adventure"......? ...... adventure, huh? The world we were in is this kind of world,....... I'm like a child, but I'm excited ...... and I'm looking forward ...... to it. Let's go on an ...... adventure together!

Episode 36: Dreamy adventures (夢のような冒険)

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Kasumi's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 虹色の空に、空から落ちてくる大きな滝……それに、どこまでも続くお花畑……♪本当に、夢のような風景が一杯で、びっくりしました。これが、異世界……なんですね。オーナーさん、次はどこに……オーナーさん……?すごい汗……「疲れた」 って……ごめんなさい、気付かなくて。わたし、楽しくて…………あっ、ちょうどいい小川があります。ここで少し休んでいきましょう。

Kasumi: I was amazed by the rainbow-colored sky, the big waterfall falling from the sky...... and the endless fields of flowers......♪ It really is full of dreamy scenery. This is a different world ....... Owner, where to next...... owner......? I'm sweating so much...... "I'm tired."...... Sorry, I didn't realize. I'm having fun ............ and there's a nice creek, let's take a little rest here.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: うん、この木は湿ってないから、使えそう。こっちは火起こしにつかって、こっちは……乾いた枝を置いておけば、 何かが近づいてきてもわかるから……それに、川を背にしていれば動物は平気だし…………え?「なんだか、 すごく手慣れてる」……?え、えっと……慣れてる、というか……あの……こういうの、 至でしょうか…………え?「すごく助かって、 嬉しい」 ……?……ふふっ♪ ありがとうございます♡じゃあ……火も起せたので、ここに座って…………あっ、 そうだ♪ えいっ!

Kasumi: Yeah, this tree is not wet, so we can use it. We could use this one to build a fire, and this one to put a ...... dry branch on, so we'll know if something comes close to us. ...... And besides, animals won't mind if we have the river at our backs... .........What? You're very good at this." ......? Well, uh,...... familiar, I mean,...... is it for this kind of,......... .........? "I'm so glad you're so helpful." ......? ......Thank you so much♡Well, now that you've got the fire going, you can sit here ......... ...Oh, that's right!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……よかったぁ♪ 成功です。ほら、オーナーさん。 可愛い動物がたくさん……♡まるで、小さな動物みたい♪ここで一緒に、一休みしましょう♪

Kasumi: ...... Thank goodness... It's a success. Look, the owner. So many cute little animals ...... like handsome little animals................................

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、 休憩から随分歩きましたけど……お身体は大丈夫ですか?よかった♪……わたし? はい、大丈夫です。……「そろそろ目的地」 ?……わぁ♪わたしたち、 頑張りましたね!じゃあ、ここで 「宝物」 を探して……って、 あれ……?

Kasumi: Mr. Owner, you've walked a long way since your break. ...... Are you feeling okay? I'm glad. ...... me? Yes, I'm fine. ...... "almost where we're going"? ......Wow...we worked hard, didn't we? Well, let's look for some "treasure"...... here..............?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ……ありがとうございます。 オーナーさん。少し肩を借りますね。「疲れてたのか」って……えっと、 実は……い、いえ、冒険に疲れたとかじゃなくて……オーナーさんとふたりの旅がとっても楽しかったから……つい、はしゃぎ過ぎちゃって……♪

Kasumi: ah ...... thank you. I'm going to borrow your shoulder for a minute. You asked me if I was tired. ...... Well, actually, ...... no, it wasn't that I was tired of the adventure, it was just that I was having so much fun on the trip with the owner that ...... I got a little carried away. We had a lot of fun on our trip with the owner,...... and we got a little too excited,.......

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 「ちょうどよかった」 って……これ……この「オイル」がプレゼント……なんですか?「疲れを癒やす、 特別なオイル」 ……?えっと……ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……オーナーさんになら……はい、お願いします♡

Kasumi: "Just in time" is ...... this ...... this "oil" is a gift ......? "A special oil to relieve fatigue." ......? Well, ...... it's a little embarrassing, but if it's for the ...... owner, ...... yes, please, handsome!

Scene 7

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: はぁ……♪身体がポカポカして……とっても気持ちよかった♡……ありがとうございます、 オーナーさん♡おかげで、疲れはすっかりとれたみたいです♪「じゃあ、そろそろ」……?……はい、出発しましょうか♪もう、身体は大丈夫ですから。……「いいの?」 って……ふふっ♪ オーナーさんさえよければ……ふたりきりの、 この楽しい冒険……もっと続けたいです♡

Kasumi: Hi,......... my body felt so nice and warm,......... thanks to the handsome owner,....... I'm feeling a little tired now... "Well, it's time to go." ......? ......Yes, let's body is fine now. ...... "Are you sure?" If only the owner would be willing to continue this fun adventure...... just the two of us♡♡

Episode 37: Secret Esthetic Time (Kasumi)

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Kasumi's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Honoka's Birthday (ほのかの誕生日)


DOAXVV honoka Birthday Scene (호노카 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 47 - Honoka's Birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、こんにちはー! え?プレゼント……ですか?わぁ、ケーキだぁ!えとえと……これ、ひょっとして私の誕生日に……うわぁー!ありがとうございます!うれしいなぁ……うふふっ。ふわふわのホイップいっぱい……わたし、ホイップクリーム大好きなんです♥……ごくり……はわつ。ダメダメ……!これは、みんなで食べますね。今晩、みんながお誕生日パーティー開いてくれるんです!あのあの、オーナーさんも、来てくれますか?ふふっ、 よかった。じゃあ、このケーキはその時に……でも……ちょっとだけ……なら……は、はわわつ、ダメダメ……っ!がまん……がまん……え?我慢しなくていい?みんなが別のケーキを用意してる?でもでも……うーん…………あの、わたし、やっぱり我慢します!せっかくオーナーさんにもらったケーキ……独り占めしちゃ、勿体ないもん。みんなで食べたら、みんな嬉しくて、わたしも、もっと嬉しいかな、って。その代わり……パーティの準備ができるまで、わたし一人で待ってなきゃだから……その間だけ……その……オーナーさんを、独り占めしちゃいほすね♪

Honoka: Hello there Boss! What? A present… for me? Oh, it's a cake! Umm… Could it be… that you got me this for my birthday…? Wow! Thank you so much! I'm so happy… Hehehe… There's so much fluffy whipped cream… I… I love whipped cream♥ … Gulp… No, no no…! I've got to share this with everyone. everyone is throwing me a birthday party tonight! Umm… Would you be coming, too? Hehe… That's great. Well, then, I'll save this cake for later… But… Maybe just a taste… That would be OK… Ahh, no, no, no…! Patience… Patience… What? I don't have to wait? You ordered another cake for everyone else? But… But… Umm… …Well… I… I think that I'll wait anyway! Since you went to all the trouble to get it for me… It would be a waste to eat it all by myself. I think if everyone else has some and they enjoy it, that will make me even happier. Instead of that… I have to wait out here alone until the party is ready… In the meantime… Umm… I'm going to hog you all to myself ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): わー、綺麗な夕日……お誕生日、オーナーさんと過ごせて楽しかったです♪

Honoka: オーナーさん、あの、ちょっといいですか?えつと……オーナーさん、いつも一緒にいてくれて、ありがとうございます。今日はわたしがお祝いしてもらう日、ですけど……だから、お礼もちゃんといいたくて。あの、来年も、その、一緒にいて……お祝いできたら、嬉しいです。は、はわ……え、えっと……そろそろ戻らないとですね。マリーちゃんやみさきちゃんが呼びに来るかも。じゃあ、オーナーさん、みんなで一緒に、ケーキ食べましょう!

Honoka (OFF): Oh, what a beautiful sunset… I enjoyed spending my birthday with you ♪

Honoka: Do you mind if I say something? Umm… Thank you for always being with me. Today is my day to celebrate, but… I just wanted to thank you properly. Umm… It would make me really happy… if you would celebrate my birthday with me again next year. Oh… Oh… Well… I suppose we'd better get back. Marie and the others might come looking for me. Well, then, let's go eat cake with everyone.

Episode 2: The Best Gift (一番のプレゼント)


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene (호노카 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: やっほ〜♪オーナーさん♪今年の誕生日パーティーも、大盛り上がりですね!こんなに楽しくていいのかな〜?ふふっ♪……?オーナーさん、ひょっとしてお疲れですか?夜遅くまで、パーティーの準備してくれたんてですね。ありがとうございます。えへへっ♥……えっ?今年は、プレゼントをふたつ用意した?わぁ〜い♪さっすがオーナーさん、太っ腹〜♪なんだろなんだろ?楽しみだなぁ♪じゃあ、まずは……そっちの大きい箱から♪

Honoka: Yoohoo ♪ Boss ♪ My birthday party was really exciting this year too. Is it all right for me to have this much fun? Heheh ♪ Boss…? Are you feeling a little tired? You spent all night setting up for the party, didn't you. I really appreciate that. Heheheh ♥ Hm? You have two presents for me this year? Yaaay ♪ You're always so generous ♪ I can't wait to find out what they are ♪ Let's see… I'll start out with the large one ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ!すっごーい!ホイップクリームたっぷりの誕生日ケーキ!ホイップクリーム大好きなの、覚えててくれたんですね?えへへ、嬉しいなぁ……♪大きくておいしそうで、独り占めするのはもったいないです!疲れた時は甘いものが一番って、おばあちゃんも言ってました♪オーナーさんも、一緒に食べましょ〜♪

Honoka: Wowww! A birthday cake covered in whipped cream! You remembered how much I love whipped cream. Heheh… That makes me so happy… ♪ It's so big and delicious looking, it would be a waste for me to eat it all alone! My grandma used to say that sweets are what a tired body needs the most ♪ Let's have some, boss ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ〜、おいしかった♪ごちそうさまで〜す♪……あっ、そうだ!プレゼント、もうひとつあったんでした!小さい箱のほう!こっちも開けてみちゃいますね♪それじやあ、いきますよ〜!

Honoka: Mmm, that was amazing ♪ What a treat… ♪ Oh…yeah! I forgot there's one more present! The little box! I'll open it now ♪ So… Let's see…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: こ、これは……新しい水着!牡羊座をイメージした水着なんですか?フワフワして、すっごくかわいい……♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪

Honoka: It's a…new swimsuit! Patterned after Aries, isn't it? It's so fluffy and adorable… ♪ Thank you so much, boss ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): ほのか羊が一匹、ほのか羊が二匹……

Honoka: あれ?オーナーさん、起きちゃいました?

Honoka (OFF): One Honoka sheep… Two Honoka sheep…

Honoka: Huh? Oh, did I wake you up boss?

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: ふふっ。ほのか羊が、オーナーさんを寝かせにやってきました♪オーナーさん、疲れてたみたいだったから。おばあちゃんに羊を数えてもらうと、ぐっすり眠れるんですよ。だからオーナーさんにもって……かえって目が冴えちゃう?おかしいなぁ。私はぐっすり眠れたんですけど……えっ?寝る前に写真撮影を……?だ、ダメですよ、ちゃんと寝なきゃ!誕生日の記念撮影だから、日付が変わる前じゃないとダメ……?そういうことなら、わかりました♪バッチリ撮っでくださいね♪メーメー♪

Camera flash

Honoka: Heheh. I came to count Honoka sheep, to help you sleep better ♪ Because you looked pretty tired. My grandma used to count sheep for me when I couldn't sleep, and it worked wonders, but… It seems to keep you wide awake… Which is odd, since it puts me to sleep like a log… Hm? A photo session before you sleep? No no no! You better get your rest! Oh, so since it's a birthday shoot, we have to take them before the day's over? Well, if that's the case, I understand ♪ Take as many as you need ♪ Baah baah ♪

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Honoka: おいしいケーキを食べて、かわいい水着ももらって、最高のお誕生日でした♪いつも本当にありがとうございます。オーナーさん、ゆっくり休んでくださいね♪一緒の時間が勿体無いから、まだ起きでたい……?もう、オーナーさん!無理したら、めっ、ですよ!ちゃんと休んで元気になってもらうのが、一番のプレゼントです♪じゃあ、オーナーさんが寝るまで、もう一度羊を数えてあげます♪今度こそ、ぐっすり寝てくださいね♥あっ、でも……わたしが先に寝ちゃったら……ゴメンね?えへへっ♪

Honoka: The cake was delicious, and my new swimsuit is adorable. What a great birthday this was ♪ Thank you for always taking care of me. Now get some rest and have sweet dreams ♪ You want to stay awake… To spend more time with me? B-a-a-d boss! Don't be so hard on yourself! Getting you well-rested and healthy… Is the best birthday gift I could ever have ♪ I'll count sheep again until you fall asleep ♪ This time you'll be out like a light ♥ Oh but… Sorry in advance if I fall asleep first. Heheheh ♪

Episode 3: Hanzō Ninja Suit (Honoka) (半蔵学院(ほのか))

Japanese English translation

Honoka: えっ、写真、撮りたいんですか?えっと……じゃあ、準備しますから、待らててくださいね。じゃあ、かわいく撮ってくださいね。イヤラシイのは、無しですよ?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Honoka: ぱちり!ふふっ♪かわいく撮れたかな?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Honoka: Oh, you wanna take pics? Well, okay… Gimme a second to get ready. Take some cute shots of me, okay? But I'm not doing anything too sexy.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Honoka: Click! Click! Heheh ♪ Did you get some cute ones?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Episode 4: Yummy Cake (おいしいケーキ)


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene1 (호노카 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ありがとうございます!オーナーさん!と〜っても、美味しいケーキでしたよ!……えっ!?浸い食べっぷりだった……!?そ、それはパーティーが楽しかったからで……もちろん、ケーキも美味しかったですけど……そんなに喜んでくれて嬉しい……?えへへ……当然です!だって、オーナーさんや、みんながいるパーティー、楽しいに決まってるじゃないですか♪

Honoka: Thank you, boss! That cake was soooo yummy! Huh!? You're surprised how I wolfed it down? B-Because I had so much fun at the party… And of course, because it was so tasty… You're glad to see I'm so happy…? Heheh… Of course I am! I mean, a party with you and all the girls… How could it be anything else but fun?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わあっ!綺麗な水着!わたしのために用意してくれたんですか!?とっても嬉しいです!ありがとうございます!ふふっ……綺麗な水着……着るのが楽しみです!……えっ?待ってるから、着てみて欲しい?はいっ!もちろんです!すぐに着替えてきますから、あの……待っててくださいね?

Honoka: Wow! What a pretty swimsuit! You got it especially for me !? That makes me so happy! Thank you! Heheh… How gorgeous… I can't wait to put it on! …Huh? You want me to put it on right now? Okay! You got it! I'll change into it right away. Um… Hold on a little.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ……♥どうですか?オーナーさん?この水着、ひらひらしていてとっても可愛いです!えっと、なんだっけ……海にいる……小っちゃい動物に似てるかも……?透明で、妖精みたいな……あっ、そうだ!「クリオネ」みたいです!「クリオネ」って、『流氷の天使』って呼ばれてるんですよね♪……写真ですか?もちろん!よろしくおねがいしまーす どうせなら「天使みたい」に、撮ってもらいたいな〜。……でもでも、お空は飛べないし……オーナーさん、「天使」って、どうやったらなれるのかなぁ……?えっ?そのままでいい……?えへへ……ちょっと恥ずかしいけど嬉しいです♪じゃあ、「天使の笑顔」になれるように、がんばりますね♥

(camera flash)

Honoka: Heheh ♥ What do you think, boss? I like how this swimsuit flutters. It's sooo cute! You know, it kind of reminds me of those little creatures in the ocean… Those see-through, fairy-like things… Ah! That's right, cliones! Cliones are also called "Sea angels" ♪ Pics? Of course! Take some good ones ♪ Would be nice if you could make me look like an angel… But, I can't fly though… How does one become an angel, boss? Hm? Just be myself…? Heheh… That's a little embarrassing, but it makes me happy ♪ I'll do my best to smile like an angel ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……終わりですか?は一つ、緊張したあ〜……「天使みたいな」写真、撮れてたらいいなぁ……♪今日はありがとうございました!えへへ……おいしいケーキに、水着まで……お誕生日、とっても楽しかったです♪えっ!?「クリオネ」みたいに大きな口で、ケーキを食べてたって……!?…………オーナーさん、見てたんですか?うう、恥ずかしいです…………?あとで、もうひとつ、渡したいものがある……?は、はい、わかりました!って、何だか、わからないですけど……わたし、楽しみにしてますね!オーナーさん♪あっ、でも、ケーキはもう……お腹いっぱいかも……えへへ……

Honoka: …That's a wrap? *Phew* I was so nervous… I hope you took some "angelic" photos of me ♪ Thanks for everything today! Heheh… From the yummy cake to the swimsuit… I had a really fun birthday ♪ Huh!? I gobbled the cake with my big mouth, just like a clione!? …You saw it all, boss? Ugh… This is so embarrassing… …? There's one more thing you want to give me later? O-Okay! I don't have any idea what it could be though… I'm really looking forward to this! Boss ♪ Oh… But I think I'm pretty stuffed on cake already. Heheh…

Episode 5: Angel of Happiness (幸せの天使)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Honoka after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene2 (호노카 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ほわぁ……縞麗な海……「流氷の天使」かぁ……ここに流氷は無いけど、この水着で「天使」みたいになれるといいなぁ……

Honoka: Wow… The ocean is so beautiful… "Sea angels…" I may not be a sea angel, but I hope this swimsuit makes me angelic…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: はわわ!?びっくりしたぁ……オーナーさん、いつの間に……!?え、えっと、いまの……聞かれちゃいました……?……じゃなくて、そ、そうだ!あの、「渡したいもの」って、……何ですか?

Honoka: Wh-whoa! You scared me… When did you get here, boss…!? Um… Did you…hear what I was saying? Never mind… Anyway! What is it…you wanted to give me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁっ……!綺麗〜♪どうしたんですか、この指輪!えっ!?わたしに……プレゼント!?受け取って欲しい、って……あの、その……わたし、受け取っても……いいですか?じゃあ……あの、ドキドキしちゃいます……

Honoka: Wow! How pretty ♪ What is that ring for? What!? Huh!? A gift…for me!? You want me to accept it? Um, well… Are you sure…it's okay? All right, then… My heart is pounding…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ……♥オーナーさんから貰っちゃった……♪綺麗な青い石……まるで、海みたいです。……「アクアマリン」って、言うんですか?石言葉は『幸福』……?わたしを見ていると、みんな幸せになる……?あの、それって、オーナーさんも……ですか?ふふっ……じゃあ、わたし、この水着と指輪で、もっと幸せを運ぶ「天使」になれるように、がんばりますね♪だから、これからも、毎回楽しく、幸せに……♪ず〜っと、一緒にいてくださいね♥オーナーさん♥

Honoka: Heheh ♥ My gift from the boss ♪ What a beautiful blue stone, just like the sea. …It's called "aquamarine?" And it's called the "stone of good fortune?" Everyone will be filled with joy when looking at me? Does that…include you, boss? Heheh… I promise to use this swimsuit and ring… In my quest to become an angel of happiness ♪ So to get your daily dose of fun and happiness… Stay with me for a long, long, time ♥ Boss ♥

Episode 6: Honoka-chan Wants to Hang Out! (ほのかちゃんは遊びたい!)

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: It's Embarrassing... (恥ずかしいです…)

First version


DOAX VenusVacation Valentine Extra episode Honoka

Japanese English translation

Honoka: あつ、オーナーさん。あの、ちょっと、いいですか?あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Ah, Boss. Do you have a second? Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Honoka extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あつ、オーナーさん。あの、ちょっと、いいですか?あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Ah, Boss. Do you have a second? Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えっ、写真、撮りたいんですか?えっと……じゃあ、準備しますから、待らててくださいね。じゃあ、かわいく撮ってくださいね。イヤラシイのは、無しですよ?

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Oh, you wanna take pics? Well, okay… Gimme a second to get ready. Take some cute shots of me, okay? But I'm not doing anything too sexy.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ぱちり!ふふっ♪かわいく撮れたかな?

Honoka: Click! Click! Heheh ♪ Did you get some cute ones?

Episode 8: Like the Sun (お日様のように)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: 今年も美味しい料理に、楽しい出し物もたくさんで、とっても幸せでしたー♪こうして、オーナーさんやみんなと誕生日を過ごすことが出来て嬉しいです♪わたし、またひとつ大人になれたかなぁ……?なんて……えへへ♪わたし、もっと、もーっと大きくなりますから♪オーナーさん、見ていて下さいね♥……ほえ?渡したい物がある……?なんですか?

Honoka: I'm glad we could have such amazing food, and so many fun things to see again this year ♪ Being able to spend my birthday with you and all the girls makes me so happy ♪ So…have I become an adult now…? What am I saying…heheh ♪ I'll keep growing more each and every day ♪ So keep a close eye on me, boss ♥ Oh? You wanna give me something? What is it?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わあっ!とっても綺麗な水着♪これ、貰っちゃっていいんですか?はわわ、いけない。さっき大人になったEかりなのに……でもこの水着、真っ白なドレスみたいで、嬉しくて、つい、はしゃいじゃいました……♪……わたしに似合うように、選んでくれたんですか?えへへ……♥そんなドキドキしちゃいます♪さっそく着てみてほしい……?はい、もちろんいいですよ♪オーナーさんに、見て欲しいですから♥

Honoka: Wow! What a pretty swimsuit ♪ …Can I really have this? Oops… I shouldn't do this… Gotta act like an adult since I just became one… But this swimsuit looks like a white dress, and I was so happy that I couldn't help dancing around ♪ …You chose one that would look good on me? Heheh ♥ That gets me excited ♪ You want me to try it on right away…? Of course I will ♪ I want you to see me in it, after all ♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: わあ……!真っ白でチューリップみたい♪とっても可愛いです♪え?ホントにチューリップをイメージした水着なんですか?ありがとうございます♪でも、どうしてチューリップなんですか?……えっ、わたしの誕生花?なるほどー!そうだったんですね♪わたしのイメージにピッタリ……?ふふっ♪そんな風に見えてたなら、嬉しいです♥元気で楽しい毎日が一番、ですから♪え……?わたしの笑顔を写真に残したい?……ちょっと緊張しちゃいますけど……わたし、お日様みたいにピカピ力に笑いますね♪

(camera flash)

Honoka: Wow…! It's so white…like a tulip ♪ Really adorable ♪ Huh? So this swimsuit was really patterned after a tulip? Thank you so much ♪ But why did you decide on a tulip? Oh…it's my birth flower? I get it now! It is, isn't it ♪ It fits your image of me perfectly? Heheh ♪ I'm happy you see me that way ♥ Nothing more important than enjoying each day to the fullest, after all ♪ Hm…? You want to capture my smile with a photograph? …I'm kind of nervous about that, but… I'll smile nice and shiny like the sun ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ。わたし、上手に笑えたかな?「とびきりの笑顔だった」……ですか?ふふっ♪じゃあ、それは相手がオーナーさんだからかも♪……?どうしました、オーナーさん?他にも渡したい物があるから、あとで待ち合わせを?はい!もちろん大丈夫です。じゃあ、わたしここで待ってますね♪よろしくお願いします、オーナーさん♥

Honoka: Heheh. Was…that a good smile? An "exceptional smile?" Heheh ♪ It's because I'm with you, boss ♪ …? What's up? You have something else to give me, so you wanna meet up later? Sure! Of course I'm okay with it. I'll be waiting here for you then ♪ See you soon, boss ♥

Episode 9: My Cherished Family (大切な家族)

To get this episode, you must give Honoka her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん♪えへへ、この水着とっても簡間だから、ずっと着ていたくて。このまま待ってました♪あとあと……オーナーさんに、聞いてみたいことがあって……この水着、真っ白で、ドレスみたいですけど…………えと、その…………え?他にも渡す物がある?ま、待って下さい。まだ、心の準備が……

Honoka: Oh, boss ♪ This swimsuit is so pretty, I wanted to keep wear it. So I've been waiting for you like this ♪ Oh yeah, and…there's something I wanted to ask you… This swimsuit is so white like a dress, and… I um… Hm? Something else you want to give me? H-Hold on… I need to prepare myself for this…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……わあっ♪綺麗なお花!水着と同じ、チューリップですね♪これも、貰っちゃっていいんですか?……え?いらないの?って……はわわ、イジワルしないで下さい……!こんなにかわいい花束、いらない、なんて女の子はいません♪

Honoka: …Whoa ♪ What pretty flowers! They're tulips…just like the swimsuit ♪ Are you sure I can have these? …Hm? Don't I want them…? Don't be such a meanie…! No girl would ever say she doesn't want such an adorable bouquet of flowers ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ……♪オーナーさんから花束……ブーケを貰っちゃいました♪お部屋に飾って、お日様をいっぱい当てて……オーナーさんとの思い出、大切にしますね♥

Honoka: Heheh ♪ Wow…I just got a bouquet from the boss ♪ I'll put them in my room where they can get plenty of sunshine… And cherish this memory with you, boss ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ほえ?チューリップの花言葉……『思いやり』って意味もあるんですか?おばあちゃん思いのわたしにぴったり……?ふふっ♪家族を大切にするのは。当たり前です♪それに、わたし、おばあちゃんが大好きだから♥でも、改めて褒められると……えへへ……やっぱり嬉しいです♪……あのう、オーナーさん。さっき、間こうとしてたこと、なんですけど……真っ白でドレスみたいな水着に、ブーケって……あの、その…………お嫁さん、みたいだなって……はわわ、やっぱり!?ど、どうしよう…………え?いつも笑顔を貰ってるから、そのお礼に……ですか?……ふふっ、ありがとうこざいます♪じゃあ、わたしもこの水着のお礼に……これからも、オーナーさんの隣で……ずっと、毎日、い〜っぱい、お日様みたいに笑いますね♪だって、オーナーさんは、わたしの大切な、家族だから……?……え、えと、その……そうじゃなくも……なくて……家族……みたいな人……ですから♥……えへへっ♪

Honoka: Hm? Floriography of the tulip? So it means" kindness?" Perfect for me since I'm always so nice to my grandma? Heheh. Well it's only natural to cherish your family ♪ And I love my grandma so much ♥ But being complimented for it… Heheh… Actually makes me happy ♪ So boss, um… About that question I had for you… Getting this swimsuit that looks like a white dress, and a bouquet with it… It kind of, um… Reminds me of what a…bride might wear… Oh whoa, whoa! I knew it! Wh-What should I do… …Hm? It's to pay me back… For always smiling for you…? Heheh… Thank you ♪ Then in return for this swimsuit… I'll be sure to always be at your side, boss… Smiling nice and bright like the sun ♪ You're a cherished part of my family after all, boss… Ooh… I mean… That kind of came out wrong, I guess… Because I cherish you…"as if" you were part of my family ♥… Heheh ♪

Episode 10: Thin Towel Wrap (Honoka) (うすかわたけのこ(ほのか))


DOAXVV Honoka SSR Towel Extra Episode

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 11: With You (Honoka) (ウィズ・ユー(ほのか))

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 12: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Honoka) (黒炎のラビリンス(ほのか))

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 13: Sweet Chocolatier (Honoka) (S・ショコラティエ(ほのか))

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 14: a gust of wind in a riddle (Honoka) (なぞの突風(ほのか))

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Velvet Time Rose (Honoka) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ(ほのか))

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 16: The Medicine of Love (Honoka) (愛の妙薬 (ほのか))

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Honoka) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ほのか))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: 今日も一日、お疲れさまでした♪ずーっと外回のしてたから、疲れちゃいましたね♪

Honoka: You really worked hard today ♪ Going out to see clients gets pretty exhausting, doesn’t it?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): えっ?足裏マッサージ……ですか? 「疲れ取れる」って……じゃあ、よるしくお願いしまーす♥

Honoka (OFF): Huh? A foot massage? To “rejuvenate” me? Sure, let’s do it ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……あの、これでいいですか?この格好、ちょっと……ずか恥しいかも……

(camera flash)

Honoka: So…would this be okay? I feel a little embarrassed doing this…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: くすぐったいけど、ちょっとだけ、気持ちいいかも……♥あの……もっとお願いしても、いいですか?

Honoka: That tickles…but it kind of feels nice, too ♥ Could you…do it a little longer, maybe?

Episode 18: Chain of Beauties Stratagem (Honoka) (美女連環の計(ほのか))

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation




Depending on whether the girls have all their outfits or not, it will either focus on one of the girls who still lack the outfits, or otherwise show a new clip

Japanese English translation
Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Helena Douglas
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Sunset at the Park (Honoka) (あかね色の公園で(ほのか))

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Episode 20: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Honoka) (甘い香りに誘われて(ほのか))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): わたし、着替えるから……見ちゃだめだよ?

Honoka (OFF): I'm changing clothes. Don't look at it, do you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Episode 21: Ripe Mango's Appeal (完熟マンゴーの魅力)

Scene 1
Japanese English

Honoka: こんばんは、オーナーさん!今日のパーティー、今からとっても楽しみでワクワクです♪出し物とか、お料理とか……何があるのかなぁ♪いっぱい食べ過きないように、注意しないと…………あ、ネタバレはダメですよ。オーナーさん!楽しみは、本番までとっておかなきゃ…………ん?その手に持ってるものって……?……じゃあ、これも見せない……?はわわ、ま、待ってくださーい!それって、ひよっとして……!?

Honoka: Good evening, Boss! I'm getting so excited about the party today ♪ I wonder what kind of food or entertainment will be there… ♪ I'll be sure not to eat too much… Hey! No spoilers, Boss! I wanna save the fun for when the party starts. Oh… What's that in your hands…? You're not gonna show me that either…? Oh my gosh! Wait a minute! Could that be…?!

Scene 2
Japanese English

Honoka: わぁ……すっごい綺麗な水着……!これ、わたしの誕生日の水着……ですか?似合うと思う……って……え、えと……こんな綺麗なの、似合うのかな……でもでも、オーナーさんが選んでくれたから……きっと……えへへ……着たらどう見えるのかな……今からドキドキです♪じゃあ、すぐ着替えてきますから、少しだけ待っててくださいね、オーナーさん♪

Honoka: Wow… What a gorgeous swimsuit! Is this my…birthday swimsuit? You "think it'll look nice" on me? Well… It's just so pretty…so I don't know. But since you chose it for me, you must be right, Boss… Heheh… I'm getting so excited now, just thinking about how I'll look when I put it on ♪ I'll go slip it on now, so hold on a minute ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Honoka: あ、あの……オーナーさん、どうですか?はわわ、思ってたよりオトナっぽくて……こんなの、わたしなんかが着てもいいのかな……えっ……想像以上に似合ってる?プレゼントしてよかった……って…………はぁ、よかったぁ♪こんなオトナっぽい水着、ちゃんと着れてるか不安だったんです。ふふっ♪この水着、「南国風」っていうのかな……着ているだけで、ポカポカしそうな色ですよね♥それに、なんだか甘〜い果物みたいで、美味しそうな……はわわ、ま、まだパーティーまで我慢しなきゃ……!え?オーナーさんのイメージ通り?よく熟れた「マンゴー」をイメージした水着……なんですか?マンゴー、おいしいですよね〜♪とくに、よく熟れたのはトロトロで、あま〜くて……♥……マンゴーには、『魅了』って言葉があるんですか?たしかに、とっても美味しくて、魅了されちゃいますよね〜♪……えっ!?オーナーさんも、オトナっぽいわたしに「魅了」されそう?そ、そんな……オトナっぽいとか……は、恥ずかしいですぅ……でも、オトナの魅力……かぁ……ちょっとだけ、憧れちゃうかも……?えっ?オトナなポーズで撮影……ですか?じゃあ、ほのか、オトナっぽく頑限っちゃいます♪

(camera flash)

Honoka: Well… what do you think, Boss? Wh-Whoa… It's more mature than I expected… Are you sure I can wear this? Huh? It looks even better than you imagined? And you're glad you chose this as my gift…? Whew… Thank goodness ♪ I was a little uneasy about such a mature swimsuit, whether or not I'd look okay in it. Heheh ♪ I think this swimsuit has a "tropical vibe" to it… Just wearing it makes me feel so warm…with these colors ♥ Plus it reminds me of sweet, delicious fruits… Oh my gosh… I have to hold in my excitement till the party starts! Hm? It's exactly how you imagined? So…this swimsuit is based on fully ripened mangoes? Mangoes are so delicious, aren't they? ♪ Especially when they're ripe…so sweet and juicy ♥ Oh… The mango is a symbol for "fascination"? Well it certainly is fascinating to me…how delicious they are ♪ Huh?! You're "fascinated" with me when I look this mature? Come on… Do I really look that mature…? This is embarrassing… But an attractive adult… That's something I've always kind of admired. Hm? You want to take some photos of me doing mature poses? Okay… Get a ready for a taste of mature Honoka ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Honoka: ……どうでしたか?水着に負けないように、オトナっぽかったらいいんですけど……えへへ……ありがとうございました。オーナーさんっ♪今日はと〜っても、楽しかったです♪……あっ、でもパーティーはこれからでした♪まだまだ、い〜っぱい楽しまなくちゃ!でもでも、オトナっぽくもしなきゃですよね……うーん、難しいです……えっ?まずは、みんなとのパーティーを思いっきり楽しんで……あとで、オーナーさんと二人きり……「オトナのパーティー」をしてくれるんですか!?はわわ、ええと……よ、よろこんで……?あ、あの、楽しみにしてますね、オーナーさん♥

Honoka: …How was that? I tried to act as mature as this swimsuit… Heheh… Thank you so much, Boss ♪ I had soooo much fun today ♪ Oh my gosh, and the party is about to start ♪ Oh my gosh, and the party is about to start ♪ There's still a looot of fun to be had today! Oh yeah… I have to act mature though, right? Hmm… This is hard. Hm? So first I can just be carefree and enjoy my party with the other girls… Then when it's just you and me… We'll have a "mature party"?! Wh-Whoa…! Um…I'd be glad to… So I'm…really looking forward to it, Boss ♥

Episode 22: Faux Maturity? (オトナのモノマネ?)

To get this episode, you must give Honoka her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん、こっちですよー♪えへへ……オトナのパーティーが楽しみで、早く来ちゃいました♥じゃあ、オーナーさん♪オトナのパーティー、よろしくおねがいします♥えへへ、ちょっとドキドキですけど…………え?緊張しなくてもいい?ふふっ♪オーナーさんといると、なんだか安心します。でもでも、ホントはオーナーさんをドキッとさせるくらい、オトナっぽくなりたいなぁ……え……?もう、十分ドキドキしてる……?あ、あのあの……えへへ、そうだったら嬉しい……です……えっ?もう一つプレゼントがあるんですか……?な、なんだろう……

Honoka: Oh Boss… Over here ♪ Heheh… I was really looking forward to the mature party, so I got here early ♥ Okay, Boss ♪ Time to get started now ♥ Heheh… I'm a little nervous about it, but also excited… …Hm? I have no reason to be nervous? Heheh ♪ You actually have a calming effect on me, Boss. But really… I wanna be so mature that your jaw drops to the floor… …Hm? You're already really excited? Um… Heheh… Well, I'm glad to hear that… Hm? You have another gift for me? What could it be…?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Honoka: わあぁっ!すっこい大きなケーキ……!?オーナーさん!わたし、こんなに大きなケーキ初めて見たかも……!これ、ぜーんぶ……わたしのケーキなんですか?はわわ、オトナでも食べきれないです……でも、とっても美味しそう♪水着と同じ、マンゴーのケーキなんですね♥

Honoka: Wow! What an amazing cake! And it's huge! Boss, I don't think I've ever seen a cake this big before…! Is this whole cake…for me? Wh-whoa…! Even a mature adult couldn't eat a cake this big alone… But it looks so delicious ♪ It's a mango cake, isn't it… Just like the swimusit ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English

Honoka: そうだ、オーナーさん♪ちょっとだけ、近くに来てもらえませんか?もうちょっと近くで、ちょっと前かがみで……はい、オッケーでーす♪わたし、ちょっとだけ「オトナ」の勉強をしてきたんです♪今から、オトナのモノマネ……してみますね♥

Honoka: Oh Boss… ♪ Could you come closer to me…? A little closer… And lean down a bit… Okay, there ♪ I feel like I learned what it takes to be an adult ♪ Watch me…try to be mature now ♥

Scene 6

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Honoka: ……オーナーさん♪わたしの、あま〜いハート、召し上がれ♥はい、あ〜〜〜〜んっ……♥

Honoka: …Boss ♪ Take this…as a sweet expression of my heart ♥ Say "ahhhh…" ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English

Honoka: あの、どうですか?オトナなほのか……マンゴーみたいにオーナーさんを魅了できてたかな?……よかった♪……えっと、その、嬉しいです♪

Honoka: So…how is it? Was I able to fascinate you with my maturity, like a fully-ripened mango? …Yay ♪ That…makes me really happy ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English

Honoka: オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました♪わたし、まだまだ子供っぽくて、完熟マンゴーみたいにオトナっぽいのは難しいけど……マンゴーみたいに、ぽかぽかなお日様をいっぱい浴びて、もっと大きな、あま〜いオトナになりたいです♪だから……これからも、ほかほかなお日様みたいにわたしを見ていてくださいね、オーナーさん♥

Honoka: Thanks so much for all you did today, Boss ♪ I'm still so immature… And it might be hard to ripen up like a nice sweet mango… But if I continue to soak up the warm sun, just like a mango… I can grow into a bigger, sweeter, and more mature adult ♪ So… Please continue to watch over me, Boss… Like the warm, soothing sun ♥

Episode 23: Goddess Night's Dream (Honoka) (女神の夜の夢(ほのか))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、おかえりなさーい!わたし、ずーっと待ってたんです!これからは、ずーっと一緒に、いたいな。えっ、写真、撮りたいんですか?えっと……じゃあ、準備しますから、待っててくださいね。これでいいですかー?

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Welcome back, owner! I've been waiting for you for a long time! I want to be with you all the time from now on. Oh, you want to take pictures? Well, please wait for me at ...... and I'll get ready. Is this okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさんと、もっと一緒にいたいです……だから、延長、お願いします。新しいほのか、見せちゃいます……な、ナイショだよ?

(Camera flash)

Honoka: I'd like to spend more time with you and the owner ...... so, extension, please. I'll show you the new Honoka: ......, na na na na na na?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: もうやめちゃうんですか〜?

Honoka: Are you going to stop now?

Episode 24: Secret shower 1 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 25: Secret shower 2 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー2(ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 26: Secret shower 3 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー3(ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 27: Secret shower 4 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 28: Secret shower 5 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー5(ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 29: Secret shower 6 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー6(ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 30: Secret shower 7 (Honoka) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ほのか))

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Honoka.

Episode 31: Love Letter Maiden (Honoka) (恋文フトメ(ほのか))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、 あの、ちょっと、お話ししてもいいですか?

Honoka: Boss, could I talk to you for a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、あの……これ、受け取ってください!

Honoka: Um…I'd like you to have this!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさんのお願いなら……みんなにはナイショだよ?

Honoka: Well…if that's what you want, Boss… Just don't tell the others, okay?

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Honoka: あの、その……もう! いつまで見てるんですかー!

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Oh my gosh…really? How long are you planning to stare like that?!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うふっ、みんなには……ナイショだよ?

Honoka: Heheh…please don't tell the others about this… Okay?

Episode 32: Fun For Two (二人分のドキドキ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ふふっ♪ 今年の誕生日は、どんなのかなー?よーし、 最高に楽しい誕生日にするぞー♪でもでも、 それってどうすればいいのかな……うーん……あれとか、 これとか……つまり……そうだ♪よーし、 今日は一日、 がんばるぞー♥

Honoka: Heheh ♪ I wonder what kind of birthday it'll be this year…I'll make it into a super fun day ♪ Except…how am I supposed to do that? Hmm… A little of this, a little of that… Which basically means…yes ♪ I'll work hard to make the day great ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん♪お待ちしてましたー♪えっ?「がんばるって何を」って……あ、あはは、聞こえちゃってました……?えっとあれは、その……今年も、誕生日を目いっぱい楽しめるように、がんばるぞーつ!……って意味で…………え?「じゃあ、さっそく」 ……?

Honoka: Oh Boss ♪ I've been waiting for you ♪ Hm? What did I mean by working hard "to make the day great"? Oh, hahaha… So you heard that…? I mean, basically it's just… I wanna make an effort to enjoy my birthday to the fullest again this year! That's all. …Hm? "Let's get right to it…"?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ、とっても綺麗な水着……♪これ、誕生日のプレゼントですか?えへへ、さっそく楽しいことが起きました♪さすが、 オーナーさんですね♥こうやって、オーナーさんと一緒にいると、どんどん楽しいことが起きて……あっ、いけない!わたし一人だけが楽しんでちゃ……さっき、「がんばる」 って言ったばっかりなのに。あの、オーナーさん♪すぐ着替えてきますから、待っていてくださいね♡

Honoka: Wow, what a pretty swimsuit ♪ Is this my birthday gift? Heheheh… I can't believe something fun has happened already ♪ You know exactly what you're doing, Boss ♡ When I'm here with you like this, fun things start happening right and left… Oh no, I'm having fun by myself… And I just said I'd work hard today. Um, Boss ♪ I'll change right into this so wait here, okay? ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ……♡キラキラで、サラサラで……とっても綺麗な水着ですね♪どうですか、 オーナーさん……あの、似合ってますか……?あはっ♪よかったー♡ 大人っぽい水着だから、お化粧とかも、 ちょっとがんばったんです♪……「とっても爽やかな香りがする」?はい♪せっかくこんな素敵な水着を買ったから……わたしなりに、 色々考えてみたんです♪わたし一人が楽しいだけじゃなくて、どうやったら、オーナーさんにも、 もっと楽しんでもらえるのかなって♪この水着、まるで朝のピーチみたいにキラキラで綺麗だから、それで、この香水をつけてみたんですけど……でもでも、わたしそんなに香水って詳しくなくて。……これで、あってますか?……「水着の雰囲気にピッタリ」ですか?やったー♪がんばって選んだかいがありました♪そうだ……オーナーさん♪あの……写真、 撮ってもらえますか?ばっちりポーズを決めてみせますから♪よろしくお願いしまーす♡

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Wow ♡ It's so sparkly and silky…what a beautiful swimsuit ♪ What do you think, Boss… Do I look good in it…? Hah ♪ Yay ♡ It's a mature swimsuit, so I put on some makeup to go with it ♪ A "really fresh fragrance"? Yes ♪ Since you went all out getting me this fabulous swimsuit… I was thinking of things I could add to it ♪ Instead of enjoying the day by myself, I wanted to figure out how to make it more fun for you too, Boss ♪ This swimsuit is so sparkly and pretty like the beach in the morning, so I thought this would go well with it… Except I don't really know much about perfumes… Do you think I made a good choice? "It fits the swimsuit's vibe to a tee"? Yay ♪ Then it was worth the effort ♪ Oh yeah…Boss ♪ Um, think you could snap some pics? I'll give you some real nice poses ♪ So take some good ones, okay? ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あの、 どうですか? かわいく撮れてたかな……うふふっ♪ オーナーさんが楽しそうでよかったです♡ひとつ、目標達成ですね♪えっ、 「なんの目標」 ……ですか?ええと……それは……わたし……決めたんです!今日の誕生日を、 「最高に楽しい誕生日にする」って。でもそれって、 わたしが楽しいだけじゃ足りなくて……だから……一生懸命考えて、誕生日をもっともっと楽しくする方法を、 思いついたんです!だから、えと、その……オーナーさん……あのつ……!……これから、わたしと……デート、 して下さいっ!そうすれば、二人一緒に。 もっともっと楽しい誕生日にできるかなって。あの……いいですか?ふふっ、よかったぁ♪じゃあ、二人で……楽しみましょうね。 オーナーさん♡

Honoka: Um, how'd it go? Did you get some cute shots? Heheh ♪ I'm glad you seem to be having fun ♡ One of my goals is accomplished now ♪ Oh… "What goals"? Let's see… Just that… I…made a decision! To make this a super fun birthday. Except just having fun alone isn't enough… So I thought about it really hard… And came up with an idea for how to make this birthday even more fun! Um… Let's see here… So um…! I'd like you to…go on a date with me now! That way…we could probably make today even more fun! Does that…sound okay? Heheh, good ♪ Let's have some fun together then, Boss ♡

Episode 33: Excitement For Two (二人分の楽しさ)

To get this episode, you must give Honoka the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ……見てください、 オーナーさん。おっきな花火が、 とっても綺麗♪楽しすぎて、夢みたいで…………このまま夢の世界に……行っちゃいそう……えっ!? 「疲れてるみたい」 ……ですか?えへへ……オーナーさんとのデートが楽しすぎて、はしゃぎすぎちゃったかな……それに……わたし、ずーっとドキドキしてたから……かも。……え?「疲れたなら、ここで休んでも大変夫」?えとえと……オーナーさんが見守ってくれるなら、安心ですけど……でも、今日はもっともーっと、オーナーさんと一緒に、 誕生日を楽しみたいです♪それに……なんだか、このドキドキがとっても嬉しくて。ずっと、 感じていたいなって…………え? オーナーさんも、同じ気持ち……ですか?

Honoka: Wow, look at that Boss. Those huge fireworks are soooo pretty ♪ I'm having so much fun, it's like a dream… I feel like I'm about to ascend into dreamworld or something… Huh?! I "look tired"? Heheh… I guess I've been having so much fun on our date, I got a little too giddy… Plus… My heart's been pounding with excitement the whole time. …Huh? I can rest here if I'm tired? Wow, um… I'd be relaxed if you'll be watching over me, but… I wanna have even more fun with you today, Boss. More, more, more birthday fun ♪ And this excitement I feel makes me so happy. I wish I could feel like this forever… …Huh? You feel the same way?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: これって…… デート中の写真……オーナーさんが、ドキドキした時の写真……ですか?えへへ……なんだか恥ずかしくて、 くすぐったいような……でも……ありがとうございます。オーナーさんがドキドキしてくれて…… とっても嬉しいです♡じゃあ、オーナーさんがもっとドキドキできるように……ええっと……そうだ!あの、 ちょっとだけ待ってもらえますか?わたしからも、 プレゼントがあるんです!

Honoka: Is this…a pic of me on our date? You took it when your heart was pounding? Heheh… I feel so embarrassed…it almost tickles… But…thank you so much. It makes me so happy to know your heart was beating with excitement, too ♡ And to keep that feeling alive for you… Let's see…I know! Could you wait a few minutes? I've got a gift for you, too!

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Honoka: 最高に楽しくて、ドキドキの誕生日の記念に……オーナーさん、 持っていてもらえますか?あっ、でもでも、 二人だけの、ナイショですよ♡ふふっ♪喜んでもらえたみたいで、 よかったです♪ふぁ……なんだか、安心しちゃって……聞く…………ううん、せっかくの誕生日なんだから、もっともっと、 楽しまないとですよね♪オーナーさんも一緒に、もっと楽しくて、 ドキドキの誕生日、 続けましょう♡でも……途中で寝ちゃったら……もし、ずっと側にいてくださいね♪ オーナーさん♡

Honoka: To commemorate this super fun and exciting birthday, I'd like you to have this. Oh, but keep it a secret between the two of us, okay? ♡ Heheh ♪ I'm glad to see you're pleased with it ♪ *yawn* I feel so relaxed…I'm getting sleepy… No no… This is my once-a-year special day, so I've gotta keep having fun ♪ Come on, Boss… We can keep this birthday fun and excitement going ♡ But… If I happen to fall asleep… Stay right next to me, okay? ♪ Boss ♡

Episode 34: Victory Ceremony (Honoka) (勝利のセレモニー (ほのか))

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 35: Share ♥ with Honoka (ほのかとシェア♥)

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 36: Bitter ♡ sweet (Honoka) (ビター♡スイート(ほのか))

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん、見とれてますか?ふふっ♪

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Oh, are you gawking, owner? Hmmm...

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん、これ……どーぞ!

Honoka: Oh, Mr. Owner, this is ......!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うふっ、みんなには…内緒だよ

Honoka: ugh, don't tell everyone...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(Camera flash)

Honoka: How about this?

(Camera flash)

Episode 37: A perfect day for an adventure! (絶好の冒険日和!)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles for this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……えっ? はわわっ!?びっくりしたぁ、急に目の前が真っ白になったと思ったら、目の前に、オーナーさんがいるなんて…………って、 あれ?あの、オーナーさん。ここってどこですか?ずっとオーナーさんのこと考えてたから……ひょっとして、 テレポートとかできちゃったりしたのかな……「テレポートじゃなくて、異世界に召喚」 ……?じゃあ、ここは異世界 ……!?……それって、 ゲームとかマンガでよく見るアレですよね。わわ、すっごーい!オーナーさんって、 そんなこともできるんですか……!「誕生日に、二人きりで過ごしたかったから」……?じゃあ、わたしと同じですね♡わたしも、オーナーさんと一緒に……って考えてて…………って、 はわわ、 言っちゃった。ちょっと恥ずかしい……かも…………でも、嬉しいです!誕生日に、オーナーさんと一緒に、 二人きりだなんて♡あ、そうだ♪……この水着、オーナーさんのプレゼントなんですか?ちょっとセクシーすぎかもだけど……星がキラキラで、 とっても綺麗な水着です♪……え? 綺麗なだけじゃなくて……異世界を冒険するために、水着に特別な力があるんですか?冒険といえば……やっぱり、 剣士……!……って感じじゃないなぁ。じゃあ魔法とか……♪星がいっぱいだから、空から星を降らせる魔法とか……!強そうだけど、ちょっと危ないかも……?……そうじゃなくて?「せんせいじゅつし」 の水着……って?あ、占星術……星占いのことですね!わたし、知ってます。 毎朝テレビでやってますよね♪寝坊しちゃって、急いで朝ご飯食べなきゃ!……って時でも、ついつい見ちゃうんですよねー♪じゃあさっそく、 冒険がどうなるか占ってみますね!えーと、こんな感じかなぁ……♪

Honoka: ...... eh? What? I was so surprised, I suddenly felt blank in front of my eyes, and then I realized that the owner was right in front of me... ............? Um, Mr. Owner. Where am I? I've been thinking about the owner for a long time. ...... I wonder if I could teleport or something. ...... "Not teleport, but summon to another world" ...? ...? So we are in another world ......? ...... That's something you often see in games and manga, isn't it? Wow, that's amazing! The owner can do such a thing? I wanted to spend my birthday alone with her. ......? I was thinking ...... with the owner, and then I said ............. I'm a little embarrassed ...... or ............ but I'm happy! I'm so happy to be alone with the owner on my birthday♡Oh, that's right............. this swimsuit is a present from the owner? It may be a little too sexy,...... but it's a very beautiful swimsuit with sparkling stars,...... what? Not only is it beautiful,......, but does the swimsuit have special powers to help you explore other worlds? Speaking of adventure,...... I knew it, a swordsman,......! I don't feel like a ....... Then magic or ......♪ There are so many stars, so maybe magic to make stars fall from the sky or ......! Sounds strong, but it might be a little dangerous. ......? Not ......? What's "astrologer's" swimsuit......? Oh, you mean astrology...... astrology! I know what it is. I know it's on TV every morning...I overslept and had to eat breakfast in a hurry! Even when I have to rush to eat my breakfast! Let's see...I think it's something like this: ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ、本当に何か頭に浮かんできました……!……えーと、 キラキラの星とハートのイメージ?よくわかりませんけど、たぶんいいってことだと思います♪朝の占いなら、絶好の冒険日和!……って感じです♡じゃあ、さっそく 「契約」 を……?一緒に冒険するために必要だから?わっかりました♪オーナーさんとの契約……ずっと一緒、ってことですよね♡あっ……ええと……「冒険中は」 ってこと……ですけど……えへへ♡

Honoka: Wow, something really popped into my head: ......! ...... Well, is it the image of sparkling stars and hearts? I'm not sure, but I think it means it's probably a good idea! I'm feeling ...... handsome, so let's get to "the deal" ......? Because we need it for our adventure together? ...... but ...... hehe ♡♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to actually take a picture to advance

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: よーし♪ それじゃあ、冒険に出発ですね♡ おー!……それで、 冒険って……どこへ行くんですか?「プレゼントのレアアイテムを探す旅」 ?わぁ、楽しそう♪じゃあ、さっそく場所を占いますね!

Honoka: Alright, then, let's go on an adventure ♡ Oh! ...... So, where are you going on your adventure? "A journey to find a rare gift item"? Wow, that sounds fun!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、わかりました……♪レアアイテムは、あっちです! ……と思いますっ!それに……ふふっ♪わたしも、行きたい場所が出来ちゃいましたっ♪じゃあ、オーナーさん、 冒険に出発です!レアアイテムを探して、最高の誕生日にしましょうー♪

Honoka: Oh, okay, ...... ♪ Rare items are over there! I think it's ......! And ...... I've got a place I want to go too... Well then, Mr. Owner, let's go on an adventure! Let's find some rare items and have a great birthday!

Episode 38: Hands-on as fortune tells. (占い通りに♡)

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Honoka's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、 すみません……この道、モンスターがいっぱいでしたね……おかしいなあ……?さっきの占いで、「オーナーさんの運がいい道」 を選んだつもりだったのに。スリルがあってよかった? それに……その分、 わたしとたくさん冒険が出来て楽しい……?……えへへ、 それじゃあ、 わたしも一緒です♡あっ、そうだ。オーナーさん、 疲れてませんか?この辺りで、 ちょっと休憩しましょう♪

Honoka: Sorry, Mr. Owner, ...... this road was full of monsters ...... funny, isn't it ......? I thought I had chosen "the owner's lucky road" according to my earlier fortune-telling. Was it a thrill for you? Besides,...... you'll have lots of adventures with me for that,......? ......hehehe, I'll be with you then, handsome ♡ Oh, that's right. I'm sure you're tired, owner. Let's take a break around here.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: さっきの森で、食べられそうな果物を採ってきましたから、オーナーさんも一緒に食べましょう♡えへへ……異世界の冒険も面白いけど、こうしてると、二人でキャンプしてるみたいで楽しいです♪

Honoka (OFF): ……わぁ、オーナーさん見てください♪夜空が、 お星さまでいっぱいだぁ……

Honoka: ヴィーナス諸島の夜空も綺麗だけど、この世界の夜空はカラフルで……ロマンチック、かも♪あっ、そうだ♪せっかくだから、占星術でなにか占ってみましょうか。えと……オーナーさん、何か占ってほしいこと、ありますか?えっ!?「相性占い」……?それって……わたしと、オーナーさんの……?え、えとえと……そういうのは、もっとこっそり…………じゃなくって……あの、 その……そ、そろそろ行かないと、レアアイテム、 誰かに先に取られちゃうかも……?急ぎましょう、 オーナーさん……!

Honoka: I picked some edible fruits in the forest earlier, so let's eat them together, Owner ♡hehehe......An adventure in another world is fun, but in this way, it's like we're camping together...

Honoka (OFF): ......Wow, look at the stars in the night sky!

Honoka: The night sky of the Venus Islands is beautiful, but the night sky of this world is colorful and ...... romantic... Oh, yes, let's try astrology to see what it is. Well, ...... owner, is there anything you would like to have your fortune read? What? Compatibility fortune-telling. ......? Is that ...... me and the owner's ......? Well, uh, uh, ...... that kind of thing, not more secretly ............, but ...... Well, I mean, ...... if we don't go soon, someone might get the rare item before us. ......? Let's hurry up, owner. ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うーん、占いの場所はこの辺りのはずなんですけど……「レアアイテム」 って、どんなものなんですか?プレゼントだから、 ナイショ……?うーん、嬉しいですけど、 それじゃあ探せませんよお……そうだ、こんな時こそ、 占星術で……

Honoka: hmm, the fortune-telling is supposed to be around here. ...... What kind of "rare item" is it? It's a gift, so it's a secret ......? Well, I'm glad, but I can't look for it then. ...... Well, this is the time to use astrology. ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あれ……?なんだか、不思議な力で隠されているみたい……?見つけるには、二人の協力が必要で……?ふむふむ、なるほどぉ……!オーナーさん、ちょっとだけ……いいですか?こうやって、手をつないで……じゃあ、わたしと一緒に、呪文を唱えてくださいね♡

Honoka: is that ......? It seems to be hidden by some mysterious force ......? To find it, we need both of us to work together......? Hmmm... I see... ...... Mr. Owner, may I ...... have a word with you? Hold hands like this,...... then please recite the spell with me, ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……わぁ♪見つかりました♡これって……なんでしょう?「疲れを癒すエステオイル」……?オーナーさんが、 わたしに……?え、えと……ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……ちょっとだけ、疲れた……かも。……いいですよ♡

Honoka: ...... wow... I found it... ♡Is this ......? Is it "Esthetic Oil for Relieving Tiredness" ......? The owner gave me a ......? I'm a little embarrassed,...... but I might be a little tired,....... It's ...... good handsome.

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ありがとうございます。 オーナーさん♪恥ずかしかったけど、 気持ちよかったです……♡それに、ちゃんと占い通り、 オーナーさんとの相性も……「なんのこと」って……あっ、 えとえと……あのですね……じつは、最初の占いで 「オーナーさんとの相性」 を占ったんです。そうしたら、この場所に来たら相性がよくなる、って……?えへへ……♡それに、 その時の占いだと……冒険を続けたら、もっともっと、 相性がよくなるって……だから、オーナーさん。もう少しだけ……ううん、この先も、 ずーっと……二人で冒険を続けませんか?ふふっ♡

Honoka: Thank you. I was embarrassed, but it felt good. ......♡And, as I predicted, you and the owner are compatible. ...... "What do you mean?".... ...Oh, uh, uh,...... well,...... the truth is, the first reading I did was about "compatibility with the owner". Then I was told that if I came to this place, our compatibility would improve. ......? Hehehe......♡And, according to my reading at that time,...... if we continue our adventure,...... we'll be more and more compatible,...... so, Mr. Owner, I'm sure we'll have a good time together. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work for you. handsome

Episode 39: Secret Esthetic Time (Honoka)

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Honoka's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Marie Rose[]

Episode 1: Marie's Birthday (マリーの誕生日)[]


DOAXVV 4K【】Marie Rose's Birthday extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん?こんにちは♪オーナーさんは、今日が何の日か、知ってしますか?せいかーい♪今日はマリーの誕生日なんです!お誕生日パーティーを開きますから、オーナーさんも、来てくださいね?それじゃあ、,お待ちしていますね♥

Marie Rose: Good afternoon, boss♪ Do you know what day it is? Bingo♪ It's my birthday today! We're having a birthday party! Will you come? All right, then, I'll be waiting♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ!オーナーさん、こんにちは♪マリーのお誕生日パーティーに来ていただいて、ありがとうございます♪お菓チもジュースもいっぱい用意したし、それに、お料理もマリーの手作りなんです♥本当は、エレナ様の時みたいに、大人なパーティーにできればよかったんですけど……マリー、今回は自分で準備したかったんです。マリーが、この島に来てどれだけ大人になったか、エレナ様や、オーナーさんや、みんなに見てほしくて。お料理も、ヒトミさんに習って……えつと、その、ちょっとだけ……手伝ってもらって……頑張ったんですよ♪今のマリーの精一杯です♪今日は、しっかり見てくださいね、オーナーさん♪えっ?オーナーさんからのお誕生日プレゼント!?何ですか?はやくはやくっ♪……パーティーのあとで?

Marie Rose: Oh! Good evening♪ Thank you for coming to my birthday party♪ I brought lots of sweets and drinks, and I made all the food myself♥ I really wish I could have prepared a more adult party, like Lady Helena's, but... This time, I wanted to do everything myself. I wanted Lady Helena, you, and everyone else to see how much I've grown since coming to the island. Hitomi showed me how to make the food... Umm... Err... Well, maybe she did help me a little... but I worked hard♪ This is my very best♪ Watch closely how I handle things, OK♪ What? A birthday present from you!? What is it!? Quickly, quickly...♪ ...After the party?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、パーティー、楽しかったですか?ふふっ、よかった♪エレナ様も喜んでくれたし、今のマリー、お見せできました♪それでー……ふふっ♪オーナーさんのプレゼントって、何ですが?……?

Marie Rose: Did you enjoy the party? Hehe, I'm glad♪ Lady Helena enjoyed herself too; I really showed everyone what I'm capable of♪ And now... Hehe...♪ What did you get for me? ……?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): わぁーっ……!オーナーさん、これ……!?

Marie Rose (OFF): Wow...! Boss, this...!?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: マリーへのプレゼントは……オーナーさんと二人で、少しだけ……大人のパーティー……?わぁっ、可愛いケーキ♥……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。マリー、こんなパーティー、してみたかったんです♪……今のマリーには、少し早いかもしれないけど……今のマリーも、……これからのマリーも、 見ていてくださいね?オーナーさん!

Marie Rose: Your present to me... You wanted to celebrate with me... just us two... Just for a littlee while...? Oh, what a cute cake♥ ...Thank you, boss. I really wanted a party just like this♪ …… It might be a little too soon for me now, but... You'll continue to watch over me from now on as well, won't you? Boss!

Episode 2: DOAFES 2018 Marie (DOAFES2018 マリー)[]


DOAXVV 4K【】DOAFES 2018 Marie Rose マリー編


DOAXVV Extra Episode DOAFES2018 Marie

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん♪マリーのDOAFESのお仕事、見てくれてました?……♪えっへん!マリーは、 サーバソト以外のお仕事も完璧なんです!いいこいいこって……もう!マリーを子供扱いしないでください!ぶー……あっ、たうだ、にのドしス♪エレナ様が、オーナーさんを驚かせるためにって選んでくれたんです♪どうですか?似合っていますか?……♪ふふっ♪ありがとうございます♪そうだ、もうひとつ♪……ねえ、オーナーさん?今のマリー、オトナっぽいですか?♥……♥あはっ♪やったぁ♪……オーナーさんや、みんなと過ごしたこの一年で、少しだけ、大人になれたかな♪オーナーさん、これからも頑張りますから、大人になるマリーを、見ていてくださいね?♥

Marie Rose: Oh, Mr. Owner, did you see Marie's doafes work? ...... # EH! Marie, work other than the server Soto is perfect! Good thing. Another Don't treat Marie as a child! Boo... Oh, it's yep, ♪ Helena-sama, I chose to surprise the owner. Do you look handsome? ...... ♪ Ugh, thank you ♪ Yes, one more thing ♪...... Hey, Mr. Owner? Is Marie, like, grown-up now? ♥... ♥ Oh, ha! In the past year I spent with the owner and everyone, I wonder if I could become an adult ♪ owner, because I'll do my best in the future, please look at Marie to become an adult? ♥

Episode 3: Let's Find It Together (一緒に探して)[]


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene (2019 마리로즈 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 51 - Let's Find It Together

Scene 1

This scene does not have any dialogue

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): オーナーさん♪

Marie Rose: どうですか、この水着、マリーに似合ってますか?今目のお誕生目パーティー、みんながマリーに似合う水着を、たくさん用意してくれたんです♪お着替えするのは大変ですけど、みんなの期待に応えられるように、張り切っちゃいますね♪あっ、もう次のお着替えの時間!オーナーさん、失礼します♪

Marie Rose (OFF): Boss ♪

Marie Rose: What do you think of this swimsuit? Do I look good in it? Everyone gave me all these swimsuits to wear at my birthday party today ♪ Changing into them all isn't easy, but I'll do it for everyone ♪ Oops, it's time for my next change! Excuse me, boss ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ、やっと落ち着きました♪オーナーさん、さっきは時間が無くて、ごめんなさい。今日はパーティーに来てくださって、ありがとうございます♪えっ?マリーにプレゼント?ふふっ♪なんでしょう、楽しみです♪

Marie Rose: Heheh… Finally things have calmed down ♪ Sorry I didn't have time to chat with you just now. Thanks for coming to my party today ♪ Hm? A present for me? Heheh ♪ What could it be?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 大きなケーキ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん オーナーさんや、みんなにお祝いしてもらえて……マリー、とっても幸せです♪……オーナーさん。今日のマリーどうでしたか?とても可愛かった?えへへ……照れちゃいます♪オーナーさんにも、いろんなマリーを見てもらえて、嬉しいです♪え?そんなマリーにピッタリのプレゼント、ですか?

Marie Rose: A huge cake ♪ Thank you , boss ♪ I'm so happy you and everyone else are celebrating my birthday ♪ Boss… What did you think of me today? I was really cute? Heheh… You're making me blush ♪ I'm glad that you got to see me in many different outfits, boss ♪ Hm? You have the perfect present for me?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ、新しい水着♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪マリー、嬉しいです♪大切にしますね♪……あっ、そうだ!パーティーの後、お暇ですか?じつは……マリーと一緒に、来て欲しい場所があるんです…………じゃあ、お待ちしていますね♪

Marie Rose: Wow, a new swimsuit ♪ Thank you, boss ♪ This makes me so happy ♪ I'll cherish it ♪ Oh yeah. Umm… Are you free after the party? Actually… There's this place I'd like to take you, just the two of us. Okay, I'll be waiting for you ♪

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): あっ、オーナーさん♪お待ちしてました♪

Marie Rose: えへへ……さっきプレゼントしてもらった水着、着て来ちゃいました。えっ?神秘的で綺麗……?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます♪じつは、この場所でオーナーさんに写真を撮って欲しくて。この水着と、この場所、とっても合うと思うんです♪とても、いい写真になると思う……ですか?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪じゃあ、撮影、よろしくお願いしますね♪

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose (OFF): Hi boss ♪ I've been waiting ♪

Marie Rose: Heheh… I'm wearing the swimsuit you got me for my birthday. Hm? A mystical beauty? Heheh ♪ Thank you ♪ Actually, I was hoping you could take some photos of me here. I think the swimsuit goes perfectly with this place ♪ You think they'll turn out great? Heheh ♪ Thank you, boss ♪ Take some cute ones, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: マリー、いつも「大人になりたい」って思ってるんです。でも、みんなと一緒にフェスに出ていて、「大人の女性」ってだけじゃ、ダメなような気もしてて……みんなのこと、「魅力的だな」って感じるんですけど、どうすればマリーがそうなれるのか……わからなくて。大人の魅力って、どうすればいいのかな……えっ?今のマリーも魅力的……ですか?えへヘ♪ありがとうございます♪そっか……オーナーさんの水着のおかげで、新しい魅力、ひとつ見付ける事が出来たんですね。……あの、オーナーさん、もっともっと、マリーの魅力、一緒に探してくれませんか?マリー、たくさん魅力を探せるように、いろんな事にチャレンジしますから♪これからも、よろしくお願いします、オーナーさん♪

Marie Rose: I'm always wishing to become an adult. But when we all play at the festivals, I feel that being a mature woman isn't enough. I mean, I feel that the other girls are so attractive, but I'm not sure how I can be more like them… How do I achieve the appeal of a grown woman? Hm? You think…I'm attractive just like this? Hehehe ♪ Thank you ♪ Wow… Thanks to this swimsuit you gave me, it's like I've found a new attractiveness within myself. Would you…help me find more things that are appealing about me, boss? I'll challenge a lot of new things, in order to find out more about myself ♪ I look forward to doing this with you, boss ♪

Episode 4: Crimson Squad Ninja Suit (Marie) (焔紅運隊(マリー))[]

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪可愛く撮ってくださいね!

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Marie Rose: 写真、マリーにも見せてくださいね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: You wanna take some photos? Heheh. Sounds good ♪ Take some cute ones!

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Marie Rose: Show me what you took when you're done.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Marie Rose: Oh, my God! What are you looking at? Please turn away quickly!

Episode 5: Marie the Princess (マリーはお姫模)[]


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene1 (마리로즈 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん♪今日はマリーのお誕生回をお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます♪ふふっ♥今年も、とっても大きなケーキで……マリー、嬉しいです♪えっ?まだプレゼントがあるんですか?

Marie Rose: Oh Boss ♪ Thank you for celebrating my birthday today. ♪ Heheh ♥ You got me another huge cake this year…That really made me happy. ♪ Hm? Another present?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わあ……!これ、水着ですか?キラキラしてて、すっごく可愛い!フリルもいっぱいあって……マリーこういうの大好きです♪オーナーさん!これ、着てみていいですか♪

Marie Rose: Wow…! Is this a swimsuit? It's so shiny and adorable! Look at all these frills… I just love this design. ♪ Boss! Is it okay if I try this on? ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: うふふっ、どうですか、オーナーさん?えっ!?お姫様みたい……ですか?嬉しいですけど……「お姫様」って、オーナーさん、マリーのこと子供扱いしてませんか?えっ!?じゃあ「花嫁みたい」……!?そ、それはちょっと、マリーには早い……かな……も、もう!オーナーさん、マリーのこと、からかわないでください!

Marie Rose: Heheh, what do you think, Boss? Huh!? I look like…a princess? I'm happy to hear that, but…by "princess"… Are you treating me like a child, again? Huh!? So now I look like "a bride"!? I think that's moving…a little fast for me… Come on, Boss! Stop making fun of me!

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: この水着……真珠がモチーフなんですね。内側からキラキラしていて、すごく綺麗……真珠には「守護のカ」がある、って聞きました。……ということは……オーナーさんが、マリーを守ってくれるんですね♪ふふっ♪頼りにしてます♪あっ、写真ですか?はい、お願いします♪じゃあ……今のマリーは「お姫様」ですから、かわいく撮ってくださいね♪

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit…has a pearl theme, doesn't it…It's so sparkly from the inside out…and really beautiful… I heard pearls hold the "power of protection." Which means… That you want to protect me, right Boss? ♪ Heheh. ♪ I'm counting on you. ♪, Oh, a photo? Uh-huh, please do. ♪ And…since I'm a "princess" with this on… Be sure to take plenty of cute ones. ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪あとで見せてくださいね♪パーティーのあと、一緒に……?ふふっ、マリー、楽しみです♪えっと、じつは……マリーも、ちゃんと伝えたいことがあって……ふふっ、今はまだ、ナイショです♪じゃあ、お片付けが終わったら、また!

Marie Rose: Heheh. ♪ Show them to me later. ♪ Together after the party…? Heheh, I can't wait. ♪ Um, Boss? Actually… I've been wanting to tell you something… Heheh, but it's still a secret for now. ♪ Anyway, I'll see you again after we clean up!

Episode 6: Marie the Servant (マリーはサーバント)[]


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene2 (마리로즈 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Marie Rose after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさんっ!えへへ♪びっくりしましたか?オーナーさん♪……って、いけない!素敵な水着を着てるんだから、おしとやかにしないと……似合ってる?そ、そうですか……?ありがとうございます♪えへへ♪写真も、可愛く撮れていましたか?よかったぁ♪マリー、嬉しいです♪えっと、それじゃあ、マリーの方も……オーナーさんに、ちゃんと伝えたいことがあるんです。あの、オーナーさん……今日は、素敵なお誕生日を、ありがとうございました。マリー、とっても嬉しかったです。……えっと、その……この水着をもらった時、マリー、はしゃいじゃってて……ちゃんと、お礼を言えなかったから。この水着に似合うように、きちんと、お礼を言わなきゃって思ったんです。大げさだ……って、そんなことないです!マリー、本当に嬉しかったんです!……ふふっ、ちゃんとお礼が言えて、よかったです♪それじゃあ……えっ?まだ……用事が?あっ、それって……

Marie Rose: Boss! Heheh. ♪ Did I scare you? ♪ Ooh wait! I need to act more dignified while I'm wearing this amazing swimsuit… I look good in it? Wow… Thank you. ♪ Heheh. ♪ Did you take some cute photos? …Great! ♪ That makes me so happy. ♪ So…now it's my turn. I've got something I need to tell you. Uh… Boss… Thank you so much for the wonderful birthday party. You really made my day with it. … And um… When I got this swimsuit, I was dancing around full of joy… But I never gave you a proper thank you. I wanted to thank you in a way that's equal to how wonderful the swimsuit is. No, that's not an exaggeration! You really, really made me happy! …Heheh. I'm glad I was able to properly thank you. ♪ So…I'll see you later then… Hm? You've got… Something else, for me? Oh my gosh, is that a…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: パールの、指輪……?わあっ♪……素敵♥

Marie Rose: Pearl ring…? Wow. ♪ …It's amazing ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ、夜でも白く輝いていて、とっても椅麗……素敵な水着と指輪のプレゼント……ありがとうございます。オーナーさんが、マリーを大切に思ってくれる気持ち……マリー、とっても嬉しいです♥

Marie Rose: Heheh, even at night, the white color is so shiny and beautiful… You gave me this amazing swimsuit, and now this gorgeous ring… Thank you so much. Boss, I feel really treasured… That makes me so happy ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: パールの石言葉は、「守護」……「サーバント」のお仕事は、身の回りのお世話だけじゃなくて、ご主人様をお守りすることもあるんです。マリーは、エレナ様のサーバントですけど……オーナーさんは、特別にマリーがお守りしてもいいですよ♪えっ?「お姫様と立場が逆になる」って…………今は「お姫様」ですけど、マリーはやっぱり、優秀なサーバントですから♪ふふっ♥

Marie Rose: The pearl is a symbol of "protection"… The role of a servant is not only to look after oneself, but to protect her master too. I'm Ms Helena's servant… But I won't mind looking after you too, Boss. ♪ Hm? I'll be the opposite of a princess? Well, you can call me a "princess" now… But being the best servant I can be is where my heart really is. ♪ Heheh ♥

Episode 7: Marie-chan Wants to Hang Out! (マリーちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Episode 8: Sparkling Costume (キラキラな衣装)[]




DOAXVV All event episodes of Messenger from the moon -second half- event (English)

Note: This episode is only an Extra Episode in the DMM version of the game. In the Steam Version, it is an Event Episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナでんだ!こんにちは、オーナーさん。マリーに何がご用ですか?プレゼント?やったー!なんだろう。楽しみです!

Marie Rose: Oh, it's you! Hi boss, were you looking for me? A present? Awesome! What could it be?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:わぁ!マリー、このお話ス好きなんです!主人公の女の子が、まだハさいのに強くて、凜々しくて、とっても可愛いの!このお話、オーナーさんも読んでるんですか?ふーん、大人なのに… …… …そうだ!オーナーさん、この主人公の女の子、どんな格好してると思いますか?マリーは、きっと、キラキラでかわいい衣装だと思うんです!だから、オーナーさん。マリーに、この女の子が着ていると思う水着、選んでくれませんか?じゃぁ。お願いしますね。

Marie Rose: Oh my gosh! I love this story! The heroine is still young, but she's tough, respected, and super cute! Have you read this story, too? Really? But you're an adult... Oh yeah! What do you think the girl in this story is wearing? It's probably something shiny and cute! So I'm wondering... Would you pick out a swimsuit for me, that you think the girl in the story might wear? Okay, I'm counting on you.

Scene 3

Note: Marie Rose's lines from here onward depend on whether or not she has the Princess Rosetta SSR or is wearing it.

Japanese English translation

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: どうてすか?似合ってますか?

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta SSR

Marie Rose: じゃーん♥

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: Well? Does it look okay?

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta SSR

Marie Rose: Ta-dah! ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: ふーん、オーナーさんは、とこんなふうに想像してたんた。マリーの想像とはちはっと逼らたくけど… …オーナーさんが選んでくれたものですから。マリー、あの主人公の女の子みたいに… …この水着が似合うように、頑張りますね。ありがとう、オーナーさん♪

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta outfit

Marie Rose: さすがオーナーさんですね!キラキラで、とってもかわいいい水着!マリーが想像してた女の子にピッタリ!ふふっ、マリーにも似合ってるといいなぁ。……オーナーさんとマリーって、気が合うんですね♪ありがとう、オーナーさん♥

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: Hmm. So this is exactly what you imagined. It's a little different from what I had in mind. But since you picked it out for me... I'll do my best to look good in it, just like the heroine in that story. Thank you so much!

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta outfit

Marie Rose: I knew you'd get it right! This swimsuit is shiny and super cute! Just like I imagined the girl in the story would wear! I hope it looks good on me too... You know, I think you and I really hit it off! ♪ Thank you so much.

Episode 9: Marie's Utmost Effort (マリーの一生懸命)[]

First version[]


DOAXVV DOAX VenusVacationを無課金プレイ22「マリーのヴィーナスバレンタイン完遂」

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの…マリーです。あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Marie Rose extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの…マリーです。あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪可愛く撮ってくださいね!

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: You wanna take some photos? Heheh. Sounds good ♪ Take some cute ones!

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 写真、マリーにも見せてくださいね。

Marie Rose: Show me what you took when you're done.

Episode 10: Thin Towel Wrap (Marie) (うすかわたけのこ(マリー))[]


Marie Rose SSR Towel "Live Clothes Change" Extra episode


DOAXVV - Marie Rose Towel event

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 11: With You (Marie) (ウィズ・ユー(マリー))[]

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 12: Marie's Flowers (マリーの花)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪オーナーさん♪マリーのお誕生日に、とっても素敵なパーティーをありがとうございます♥それで……あの、オーナーさん。良かったらマリーと二人で、少しお散歩しませんか?……はい。じゃあ、行きましょう♪

Marie Rose: Heheh ♪ boss ♪ Thank you for having such a wonderful party for my birthday ♥ Oh, and boss… If it's okay, could we maybe go for a little walk, just the two of us? …Great. Let's go then ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: はぁ……風が気持ちいいですね♪なんだか、ちょよっとロマンチックで…………えっ?「プレゼントが欲しいの?」って……もうっ!オーナーさんったら!おねだりなんて!マリー、そんな子供っぽいことしません!「じゃあいらないの?」 ……って?……ま、待ってください!別にいらないなんて、マリー言ってないです……!あっ……え、えと……そうじゃなくて……

Marie Rose: *sigh* The breeze feels so nice ♪ This is actually kind of romantic… …Hm? Do I want a gift? Oh boss! Come on! I'm not going to pester you for anything! I'm not a child! Oh… You think I don't want it now? W-Wait a minute! I never said I didn't want it…! Um… So, yeah…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁっ!これ……プレゼントですか!?凄い……とっても大人っぽくて、綺麗な水着……え、えっと……こんなに素敵なプレゼント……受け取らない方が失礼です、よね?……着替えてほしい?ふふっ♪……オーナーさん、オトナなマリーが見たいんですか?じゃあ、少し待っててくださいね♪

Marie Rose: Wow! Is this…my gift!? Amazing… Such a mature, beautiful swimsuit… U-Um… It would be rude of me…not to accept a gift as wonderful as this, wouldn't it? …You want me to try it on? Heheh ♪ …Boss, you want to see me in a more mature light? [blank]

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ……オーナーさん、お待たせしました。マリー……どうですか?ふふっ♪「似合う」って言ってくれて、嬉しいです♥……マリーもそう思ってましたから。だって、オーナーさんが、マリーのために用意してくれた水着なんですから♪真っ赤な「薔薇」の水着、マリーの誕生花、知っていてくれたんですね!大好きな薔薇に包まれてるみたいで……マリー、嬉しくてドキドキしてます♪えっ?オーナーさんも?ふふっ、ねえ、オーナーさん♪……お誕生日の写真、撮ってくれませんか?こんな素敵な水着で、ひとつオトナになったマリー、残しておきたくて♪じゃあ、お願いします♥

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: Okay, boss… I'm ready. So…what do you think? Heheh ♪ I'm happy you think it looks good on me ♥ …Because I was thinking the same thing. I mean, you went through the trouble to get it for me, boss… So that's why ♪ This swimsuit is designed after red roses, which means you know my birth flower! I love roses so much, and I feel like I'm wrapped up in them… This gets me so excited and happy ♪ Hm? You too? Heheh… Hey boss ♪ Would you take some birthday pics of me? I want to preserve this "grown-up" memory of myself, in this fabulous swimsuit ♪ Go ahead and take some ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪ありがとうございます あとで、マリーにも見せてくださいね♥……そろそろパーティーに戻ろう……ですか?でも、マリー……この水着、もっと着ていたいなぁ…………えっ!?パーティーのあと……部屋まで迎えに来てくれるんですか?えと……じゃあ……マリー、オーナーさんのこと……お待ちしていますね♪

Marie Rose: Heheh ♪ Thank you so much ♪ Show them to me later, okay? Oh…we should get back to the party now? But… I wanna wear this swimsuit for a while more… …Huh!? So…you'll come to my room to get me? Well… I'll be…waiting for you then ♪

Episode 13: Little Lady (リトルレディ)[]

To get this episode, you must give Marie Rose her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): あっ、オーナーさん……

Marie Rose: マリー、お待ちしていました♪えっ、手を……?ふふっ♪……じゃあ、エスコートお願いします、オーナーさん♥

Marie Rose (OFF): Oh, boss…

Marie Rose: I've been waiting ♪ Hm? My hand? Heheh ♪ Okay then, be my escort, please ♥

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ……綺麗な星空……オーナーさんと一緒だと、夜のお散歩も安心ですね。え……?顔が少し赤い……?えと、ドレスの色のせい……かな……でも……マリー、ちょっとドキドキしてるかも……えっ?もっとドキドキさせたい?それって……

Marie Rose: Wow… What a beautiful starlit sky… I feel so safe walking at night when you're with me, boss. Hm…? My face is a little red? I mean…maybe it's just from the color of the swimsuit… But… I am feeling a little excited right now… Hm? You want me even more excited? Does that mean…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ……真っ赤な薔薇のブーケ……綺麗……マリーのために、用意してくれたんですね……マリーの大好きな花を、こんなにたくさん……ありがとうございます♥

Marie Rose: Wow… A bouquet of red roses… They're so pretty… You did all this for me… So many of my favorites flowers [sic] in a bouquet… Thank you so much ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん……薔薇って、本数で花言葉が変わるんですよね?……このブーケは、何本あるのかな♪ふふっ♪オーナーさんの気持ち、数え切れません♥

Marie Rose: Boss… The symbolism for roses changes depending on how many you have, right? I wonder how many are in this bouquet ♪ Heheh ♪ There's too many to count, which tells me how you feel about me ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ねえ、オーナーさん……今日のマリー、どうでしたか?「素敵なレディだった」……?えへへ……♥ありがとうございます♪薔薇の花言葉は 『愛』と 『美』だから……そんな言葉が似合う「レディ」になりたいな………って。……オーナーさんにも、そんなマリーを見てほしかったから……え、えっと……その……うぅ……ごめんなさい。オーナーさん!マリー、ドキドキしすぎて、もうダメです……今日は誕生日だから、オトナでいようって頑張ってたんですけど……でも、マリーにはまだ難しいみたい。エレナ様みたいには、できないなぁ…………え?「今のマリーもオトナなマリーも、どっちも素敵」……?え、えへへ……♪嬉しいな……それじゃあ……これからも時々は、この水着を着て、オトナなマリーをお見せします♪楽しみにしていてくださいね、オーナーさん♥

Marie Rose: Hey, boss… How was I today? A "wonderful lady?" Heheh ♥ Thank you ♪ The symbol words for roses are "love" and "beauty" so… I'd like to be a lady that emulates those words… And I wanted you to see me like that… Um… You know… Urgh… I'm sorry, boss! I'm just getting overly excited here… I tried my best as a "grown-up" for my birthday today, but… I guess it's still not easy for me. I mean, I can't be like Ms. Helena… …Hm? The "Marie" I am now is just as fabulous as "grown-up Marie?" Heheh ♪ I'm glad to hear that… Anyway… I'd like to wear this swimsuit sometimes from now on… To show you how mature I can be ♪ Something for you to look forward to, boss ♥

Episode 14: Toasty Apron (Marie) (ほやほやエプロン(マリー))[]

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 15: Sweet Chocolatier (Marie) (S・ショコラティエ(マリー))[]

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 16: Riddle Gust (Marie) (なぞの突風(マリー))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Marie) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(マリー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 遅くまで外回り、お疲れさまでした♪喉、乾いてませんか?マリー、お茶を入れてきますね♪

Marie Rose: I’m really impressed how late you worked today, visiting clients ♪ Did you work up a thirst? I’ll make some tea for you ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): 足裏マッサージ?「疲れが取れる」って……マリー、ずっと立ら仕事だったから……少しだけ……

Marie Rose (OFF): A foot massage? To “rejuvenate” me? I’ve been on my feet all day so maybe…just a quick one.

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの……これでいいですか?こんな格好、マリー……恥ずかしいです……

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: Um…is this okay? I’m pretty embarrassed to be sitting like this…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: も、もう……マリー、くすぐったいです……!イジワルしないで、はやくマッサージしてください……!

Marie Rose: Hey… That tickles! Stop being such a meanie and get on with the massage!

Episode 18: The Medicine of Love (Marie) (愛の妙薬 (マリー))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Episode 19: Sunset at the Park (Marie) (あかね色の公園で(マリー))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Episode 20: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Marie) (甘い香りに誘われて(マリー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF):

Marie Rose (OFF):

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Episode 21: White Prince (Marie) (ホワイト・プリンス(マリー))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose

If Marie Rose acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Episode 22: Respectable Lady (立派なレディ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Marie Rose: あっ!オーナーさん、みーつけた♪今年もマリーのお誕生日をお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます♪でも、オーナーさんばっかり働くのはダメです。マリーのお仕事はサーバントですから、パーティーの準備やお片づけは得意なんです♪え……?「誕生日なんだから、休んでて」?う〜ん、でも…………?じゃあ、マリーにお仕事をくれるんですか?マリー、お仕事頑張ります♪

Marie Rose: Oh, Boss! There you are ♪ Thanks for celebrating my birthday again this year ♪ But I can't have you working all by yourself. I work as a servant, so party preparation and clean-up duties are my specialty ♪ Hm? I should "just relax" because it's my birthday? But… …? Then, could you assign me some work? I'll work hard at whatever you ask of me ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English

Marie Rose: これがお仕事……?でも、これって……マリーへのプレゼント……お誕生日の水着ですか!?ありがとうございます♪真っ赤でオトナっぽいのに、とっても可愛い♪素敵な水着ですね♡じゃあ、マリーのお仕事はこの水着に着替えて、パーティーでみんなをお迎えすること……ですね♡……えっ?オトナっぽいマリーを、早く見てみたい……ですか?えっと、そんなこと言われると……マリーちょっと照れちゃいますけど…………わかりました♪マリーのこと、待っててくださいね。オーナーさん!

Marie Rose: This is work? But it's… A gift for me…? A birthday swimsuit?! Thank you so much ♪ It's bright red and feels so mature, yet it's really adorable, too ♪ What an awesome swimsuit ♡ So I guess my job is to put on this swimsuit, then welcome everyone to the party…right? ♡ Hm? You can't wait to see a mature version of me? Wow, when you put it like that… I feel a little embarrassed. …But okay ♪ Hold on while I get changed, Boss!

Scene 3
Japanese English

Marie Rose: お待たせしました♪どうですか?マリー、オトナっぽい……かな。可愛いのに、セクシーで……とっても似合ってる?えへへ、ありがとうございます♡マリーもこの水着、とっても気に入りました♪「さくらんぼ」の飾りがいっぱい付いてて、とっても可愛い水着ですね♪……えっ?さくらんぼはマリーの誕生果、なんですか?「上品」って意味があって、マリーにピッタリ?ふふっ、当たり前です♪マリーは、エレナさまのサーバントなんですから♪エレナさまにご迷惑をかけないように、サーバントは常に礼儀正しく、上品にって心がけてるんです♪えっ、立派なレディだね、って……ふふっ♪オーナーさん、気づくのが遅いです。マリーはずっと前から、立派なレディですよ♪……でも、褒めてくれて、とっても嬉しいです。えっ?お誕生日の記念写真ですか?……わかりました♪マリーのこと、可愛く撮ってくださいね♡

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: There ♪ What do you think? Do I look more…mature in this? Cute but sexy…and looks really good on me? Heheh, thanks ♡ I really like this swimsuit, too ♪ Look at all these cherry accessories. They're really adorable ♪ Hm? The cherry is my birthday fruit? It's a symbol of "elegance," and fits me perfectly? Heheh, of course it does ♪ I am Lady Helena's servant, after all ♪ Since I want to serve Lady Helena well, I'm always doing my best to be courteous and elegant ♪ Hm? I'm a "respectable lady"? Heheh ♪ It's about time you noticed, Boss. I've been a respectable lady for as long as I can remember ♪ But the compliment makes me happy, for sure. Hm? Some pics to commemorate my birthday? Okay, sure ♪ Take some cute shots of me ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪これで、準備はバッチリですね♪それじゃあ、パーティーに行きましょう♪オーナーさん。マリーのこと。エスコートしてくださいね♡えっ?パーティーが終わった後……ですか?マリーは、もちろんパーティーのお片づけです♪サーバントのお仕事で慣れてますから、任せてください♪じゃあ、そのあと二人だけで……?他にも、お仕事があるんですか?わかりました♪お片付けが終わったら、すぐに行きますから。待っててくださいね、オーナーさん♡

Marie Rose: Heheh ♪ Everything's ready now ♪ Let's go to the party, shall we? ♪ I expect you to escort me, Boss ♡ Huh? After the party's over? I'll clean up when it's over, of course ♪ I'm used to it, working as a servant, so leave that to me ♪ Oh, just the two of us after that? Did you have another job for me? I'm fine with that ♪ I'll go right after I'm done cleaning up, so be sure to wait for me, Boss ♡

Episode 23: Little Sweetheart (小さな恋人)[]

To get this episode, you must give Marie Rose her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん。お待たせしました♪ふふっ♪お片付け、みんなも手伝ってくれたから、つい話し込んじゃいました♪えっと、マリーは一人でやります。って言ったんですけど、お誕生日だからどうしても、って…………でも、嬉しかったです♪そうだ、オーナーさんから貰ったこの水着、みんなからも、「カワイイ」って言ってもらえました♡マリーが着てるから、当たり前……?えっと、あの……もう、マリーをからかわないでください……でも……ふふっ、ありがとうございます♡えと、それで……マリーに何かご用ですか?何かお手伝いすることは…………パーティーを手伝ってくれたご褒美を?でも……お手伝いはマリーのお仕事なんですから、お礼なんて……いいから、って……もう、オーナーさん……?

Marie Rose: Oh, Boss. Thanks for waiting ♪ Heheh ♪ All the girls helped with cleaning up, so we ended up talking for awhile ♪ Um… I told them I'd do it myself, but they insisted on helping since it's my birthday. But…it made me so happy ♪ Oh yeah, and everyone kept complimenting the swimsuit you got me ♡ "Of course they would," because "I'm the one wearing it?" Um… Would you stop teasing me, please? But still, heheh… I do appreciate it ♡ Anyway, did you need me for something? Like maybe some help doing something, or…? A reward for helping out at the party? But… Helping out is my job, so no thanks are necessary… You insist? Oh, Boss…

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Marie Rose: ひゃっ、こ、これ……!?とっても大きなケーキ……?お誕生日おめでとう、って……も、もう!オーナーさん……!こんなサプライズ……マリー、本当に驚いたんだから……でも……ふふっ、いい匂い♪水着と同じ、さくらんぼがいっぱいですね♡……えっ、さくらんぼには、「小さな恋人」って意味があるんですか?えっと……マリーは小さくありません。子供扱いしないでください…………そうだ♪オーナーさん♡ちょっと、近くに来てもらって、いいですか?あの、それじゃ届かないから、もっと近くに……

Marie Rose: Kyah! Oh my gosh…! What a huge cake! "Happy birthday"? C-Come on, Boss! These kinds of surprises really do shock me. But…heheh, it smells so nice ♪ And a lot of cherries, just like the swimsuit ♡ Oh… The cherries symbolize a "little sweetheart"? Um… I'm not that little, you know. Please don't treat me like a child. Oh yeah ♪ Boss ♡ Would you come a little closer? I can't reach from here, so a little more…

Scene 5

The following scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Marie Rose: マリーの、オトナな気持ち……オーナーさん、召し上がれ♡あーん……♡

Marie Rose: I want you to get a taste of how mature I am right now ♡ Say "ahhhh" ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Marie Rose: えと、マリーがさっき怒ったのは……その、「小さな」ってところだけ、ですからね?だから、ええと……その、子供扱いじゃなくて…………え?今から……二人だけの特別なパーティーを……?……ふふっ。じゃあ、オーナーさん♡手を……♡ひとつオトナになったマリーのエスコート、お願いしますね♪

Marie Rose: And to clarify why I was a little upset just now when you mentioned the "little sweetheart," it was only for the "little" part, okay? So, like…D-Don't treat me like a little kid. …Huh? This is a special party for just the two of us? Heheh, okay Boss ♡ Take my hand ♡ Now that I've grown another year into womanhood, I'd like you to be my escort ♪

Episode 24: Goddess Night's Dream (Marie) (女神の夜の夢(マリー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 遅くまでご苦労様です、オーナーさん。さ、マリーと遊びましょ?お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪マリー、かわいく撮ってほしいなぁ……

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: Thanks for staying up so late, owner. Now, let's play with Marie, shall we? You want to take a picture? Marie, I want you to take a cute picture of me. ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん!まだ帰っちゃダメです!もっと可愛いマリー、撮ってほしいな。

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: Owner! You can't leave yet! I wish you would take more pictures of this lovely Marie.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: えーっ、もうおしまい?オーナーさん、もっとやろう?

Marie Rose: Oh, are we done? Owner, shall we do more?

Episode 25: Secret shower 1 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー1 (マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 26: Secret shower 2 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー2(マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 27: Secret shower 3 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー3(マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 28: Secret shower 4 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー4 (マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 29: Secret shower 5 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー5(マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 30: Secret shower 6 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー6(マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 31: Secret shower 7 (Marie) (ひみつのシャワー7 (マリー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Marie.

Episode 32: Love Letter Maiden (Marie) (恋文フトメ(マリー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie: マリー、 オーナーさんにお話があるんです。

Marie: I'd like to talk to you about something.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie: オーナーさん、これ……受け取ってください。

Marie: Boss… I want you to have this.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie: お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪

Marie: You wanna take pics? Heheh, of course ♪

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Marie: ふふっ、照れちゃうな……

(Camera flash)

Marie: Heheh, this is embarrassing…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie: マリーのこと…ちゃんと…見ててくださいね。

Marie: Be sure you keep watching me, okay?

Episode 33: Victory Ceremony (Marie) (勝利のセレモニー (マリー))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 34: Best Present (最高のプレゼント)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: まったく……オーナーさんは、いつまでマリーのこと待たせるつもりなんですか?あれ? メールが……「お仕事で、どうしても手が離せなくて」……?オーナーさん、やっぱり忙しいんだ……こんなに申し訳なさそうにして……マリーは怒ってないのに。でも……今日はマリーの誕生日なんですから……ふふっ♡ ちょっとくらい、許してくれますよね?

Marie Rose: How long is the owner of ...... going to make us wait for Marie at all? What? I got an email from ...... "I'm at work and I just couldn't get away."......? The owner is busy after all, ...... so apologetic ...... even though Marie isn't mad at him. But ...... it's Marie's birthday today,...... phew♡ You'll forgive me a little, won't you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん。……遅いですよ?マリー、待ちくたびれちゃいました。……オーナーさんにとって、マリーの誕生日はどうでもいいことなんですか?「ごめん」 って……これは……?

Marie Rose: Oh, Mr. Owner. You're late for ....... Marie, I got tired of waiting. ...... Does Marie's birthday mean nothing to you, Mr. Owner? I'm sorry. ...... is this ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ……お誕生日のプレゼント?オーナーさん、 せっかくのお誕生日のプレゼントなんですから、そんな渡し方じゃ、ダメです。それで……ちゃんと、 マリーの目を見て……じゃあ、 笑って……はい、もう一度、お願いします♡

Marie Rose: ...... birthday present? Owner, it's your birthday present, you can't just give it to her like that. So ...... properly, look Marie in the eye and ...... then smile and ...... yes, again, please handsome.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪ ありがとうございます。 オーナーさん♡お祝いしてもらって、 マリー嬉しいです♪わぁ♪とっても素敵な水着……マリー、早く着てみたいです♪ ふふっ♪……「機嫌が直った」 ?何を言ってるんですか、 オーナーさん。マリーは、 これだけじゃ満足なんてしないんですから♪じゃあ、マリーは着替えてきますから、 オーナーさんは、プレゼントをもう一つ、 考えておいてくださいね♡

Marie Rose: phew...thank you so much....................... I'm so glad you congratulated me, Marie nice swimsuit ...... Marie, I can't wait to wear "I'm in a better mood"? What are you talking about, Mr. Owner? Marie won't be satisfied with just this... well, I'm going to go change, so you can think of another gift for her, handsome.

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: これ、マリーに着て欲しかったんですよね?……ふふっ、オーナーさん、どうですか?とっても綺麗で、カッコよくて……さすが、 オーナーさんですね♪……え? マリーからいい香りがする?はい♪せっかくの素敵な水着にあわせて……オーナーさんのために、とっておきの香水を選んでみたんです♡ふふっ♪ハーバル系の香りは、 爽やかでスッキリして…………心地よくありませんか?♡……じゃあ、オーナーさん♪おめかしを頑張ったマリーを、写真に撮ってくださいね♪……オーナーさんを、虜にしちゃうかも♡

Marie Rose: I wanted Marie to wear this, didn't I? ...... What do you think, owner? It's very beautiful and cool. ...... You are indeed the owner... ...... What? Marie smells good? Yes,...... I chose a special perfume for the owner to go with her lovely swimsuit,....... ...... isn't it pleasant? ♡......Well then, owner, please take a picture of Marie who tried her best to dress up...♡......I might make the owner fall in love with you♡♡♡♡♡

Scene 11

There is no dialogue box or subtitles for this scene. Also, the player needs to directly take the picture unlike prior photoshoot episodes.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 12
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: じゃあ、オーナーさん♪マリーへのもう一つのプレゼント、 考えてくれましたか?……「今日はこれだけしか準備してない」 ?……仕方がありませんね。じゃあ……マリーが教えてあげます♪……今夜、マリーとデートしてください♡それが、マリーへの最高のプレゼントなんですから♪……え?「まだ仕事が」……?ふふっ♪ お仕事のスケジュールは、全部調整済みです。優秀なサーヴァント、マリーを舐めないで下さい♪だから……はい、マリーの手を取って……今夜は、マリーのエスコート、お願いしますね♡

Marie Rose: So, Mr. Owner... have you thought of another gift for Marie? ...... "This is all I have prepared today"? ...... I don't have a choice. Then ...... Marie will tell you... ...... please go on a date with Marie tonight, because that's the best present for Marie, hands down.  ......What? I still have to work."......? Hmmm... ♪ I've already adjusted all of your work schedule. Please don't lick Marie, an excellent servant. ♪ So ...... yes, please take Marie's hand and ...... escort her tonight, handsome.

Episode 35: More important. (もっと大切なこと)[]

To get this episode, you must give Marie Rose the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、花火……!綺麗……はぁ、楽しい時間はあっという間ですね……♪オーナーさんは、マリーとのデート……どうでしたか?「疲れたけど、楽しかった」……?ふふっ♪ せっかくのマリーの誕生日ですから。オーナーさんと、色んな所に行ってみたかったんです♡……それに、オーナーさんにも、マリーと一緒に、いっぱい楽しんで欲しくて。お仕事大変みたいですけど…………もっと大切なこと、忘れて欲しくないですから。「ごめん」……?むー。 オーナーさん、何か勘違いしていませんか?……マリーは、 そんなに子供じゃありません。お仕事も大切ですけど……オーナーさんを大切に思う人がいること、忘れないでください♡……もちろん、マリーとの約束も忘れて欲しくないですけど♪……え? 「忘れてない」 って……これは、 写真?

Marie Rose: Oh, fireworks......! Beautiful...... haha, the good times fly by......♪ How did you and Marie's date ...... go, Mr. Owner? I was tired, but it was fun. ......? I'm sure you'll be happy to know that it's Marie's birthday. I wanted to go to various places with the owner♡...... and I also wanted the owner to have a lot of fun with Marie. I know you have a hard time at work,............ but I don't want you to forget about more important things. Sorry."......? Moo. I'm sure you've misunderstood something, Mr. Owner. ......Marie is not such a child. Your work is important,...... but please don't forget that there are people who care about you, the owner,...... and of course, I don't want you to forget your promise to Marie, but... Â ......What? I haven't forgotten. ...... Is this a picture?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ……デート中のマリーの写ですか?とっても楽しそう♪これが、オーナーさんが今日一番大切に思っていたもの……?マリーの笑顔……ふふっ♪……マリー、 とっても嬉しいです♡じゃあ、マリーの誕生日の思い出と、オーナーさんへのお礼に……

Marie Rose: Wow ...... is this a copy of Marie on a date? She looks so this what the owner cherished the most today......? Marie's smile: ...... phew... ...... Marie, I'm so happy to see you here...a handsome reminder of Marie's birthday and a thank you to the owner: ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles for this scene

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:

Marie Rose:

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: はい、これはオーナーさんに♡……お仕事に疲れたら、 この写真を見て、マリーのこと、思い出してくださいね♪……じゃあ、オーナーさん。マリーの誕生日は、まだ終わってないですよ?ここからは、 マリーがもっとわがまま言うんだから♪最後まで、一緒にいてくださいね?♡……ね、 オーナーさん♡

Marie Rose: Yes, this is for the owner♡......When you are tired of working, please look at this picture and remember Marie.........See you, owner. Marie's birthday is not over yet, right? Marie is going to be even more selfish from here on please stay with me until the end, okay? ♡...... right, handsome owner?

Episode 36: Share ♥ with Marie (マリーとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Bitter♡Sweet (Marie) (ビター♡スイート(マリー))[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie: 二人っきり、ですね♡

(Camera flash)

Marie: Just the two of us, handsome.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie: オーナーさん……♡

Marie: owner ......♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie: オーナーさん♪マリーに、どんなこと、して欲しいですか?

Marie: What would you like Marie to do?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie: もっともっと、マリーに夢中にさせてあげます♡

(Camera flash)

Marie: I'll get you hooked on Marie even more ♡.

(Camera flash)

Episode 38: Marie Rose's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Marie Rose's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Marie Rose's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 40: Secret Esthetic Time (Marie)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Marie Rose's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Ayane's Birthday (あやねの誕生日)[]


DOAX VV Ayane Birthday Scean (아야네 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あり、オーナーさん、こんにちは。わたしの誕生日……オーナーさんなら覚えていて当然よね。で、何かプレゼントでも貰えるのかしら?みんなで……誕生日パーティー?まあ、そんなところだと思ってたけど……いいわ。まあ、断るほどじゃないし。じゃあ、あとでね。

Ayane: Oh, hello there. My birthday… It's only natural that you would remember. Does that mean I'm going to get a gift? A birthday party…together? Well, I was expecting that… Sure. It's not something I'd say no to. See ya later then.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、パーティー、楽しんでいるかしら?まったく、予想遁りね……みさきやルナ、それにほのかまで……なんでこう、うるさいのに懐かれるのかしら。お祝いされるほうが疲れちゃうわ……ふふっ♪ま、気持ちは嬉しいけど、ね♪……人徳?ふふっ♪からかわないでよね?それより……オーナーさん、ちょっといいかしら?いいから、来なさい?主賓の命令よ♪

Ayane: Are you enjoying the party? Just like I expected… I wonder how such boisterous people such as Misaki, Luna, and even Honoka can come to love me… It's more tiring to be the one being celebrated… Oh ♪ But I'm still happy ♪ …Virtue? Ah ♪ Don't tease me like that. Actually… Do you have a second? Just come on now, won't you? I'm the guest of honor here ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はぁー、夜風が気持ちいいわ♪……ん?用事?そうね……少し、ここで休憩するから…………一緒にいてくれないかしら。一人は嫌いじゃないけど……オーナーさんがいると、なんだか落ち着くのよね。ふふっ、少なくとも、うるさくはないし……気を使う相手でもないから、かしらね♪ え?ちょうどいい、って…………プレゼント……?ああ、えっと……あ、ありがとう……って、もう!油断してるときに渡さないでよね……びっくりしちゃつたじゃない。……ふふっ♪ま、オーナーさんらしいわね。抜けてようで、人のスキに付け込むのが上手いんだから♪じゃあ、あらためて、素直に言うわ。ありがと、オーナーさん♥これからもよろしくね。

Ayane: Ah… the night breeze feels great ♪ …What is it about? Right… I'm going to take a break here… so could you stay with me? I don't hate being alone…but it would make me feel more relaxed if you were here with me. At least you're not as boisterous… So there's no need to worry about you ♪ Huh? This is the right time for…? …A gift…? Ah…th…thank you… Hey! Don't give it to me when my guard is down… You took me by surprise there. …heheh ♪ This is so you, boss. You act like a klutz, but you're good at catching people when they aren't paying attention ♪ Okay, so, I'll say it again. Thank you so much ♥ I'm looking forward to more.

Episode 2: Eagerly awaiting (期待してるわ)[]


DOAXVV Ayane Birthday Scene (2019 아야네 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 54 - Eagerly Awaiting-0

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、こんばんは。わたしに用があるって聞いたんだけど、……一体何かしら?呼び出しておいて、つまらない用件だったら許さないわよ?……わたしの誕生日?ふふっ、ちゃんと覚えてたみたいね。忘れてたら、許さないところだったけど……こういうところは、抜け目ないんだから。

Ayane: Good evening, boss. I heard you wanted to see me about something. What could it be? Whatever it is, I hope you didn't call me here for something boring. …My birthday? Heheh… So you remembered. I wouldn't forgive you if you forgot, but you're a sharp one, aren't you…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……ありがと♪ケーキまで用意して、準備がいいわね。でも、このケーキ、一人で食べるには大きすきぎない?……あなたのことだから、一緒に食べたいとか言うんでしょ?ふふっ♪それくらい、お見通しよ♪え?もう一つ、プレゼント?

Ayane: Thank you ♪ I see that you're well prepared… With the cake and all But I think it's too big for one person to eat, isn't it? Knowing you, I suppose that you want to eat this with me, Heheh ♪ It's so easy to tell ♪ Huh? You got me something else, too?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: わぁ……!なにこれ、すごいじゃない!?わたしのための……水着?ふふっ♪獅子座をイメージしたの?オーナーさんにしては、いいセンスだと思うわ♪気に入ったわ♪ありがとう、オーナーさん。……な、なによ、その笑顔…………なんて♪分かってるわよ。着てあげればいいんでしょ?まったく。せっかちは嫌われるわよ?……じゃ、オーナーさん、行きましよ♪どこに行くのか、って?ふふっ♪いいから、ついて来なさい?せっかくの水着なんだから、それにふさわしい場所で……ね?

Ayane: Wow…! This is really something! A swimsuit…for me? Heheh ♪ It's eve paterned after the Leo sign. You've got great fashion sense ♪ I love it ♪ Thank you, boss. Wh-what's with that face? Of course I know ♪ You want me to slip it on, right? Sheesh. Don't be so impatient. Okay… Let's go, boss ♪ You don't know where we're going? Heheh ♪ Just follow me. Since I've got this nice swimsuit, we'll go to a more appropriate place.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ、夜風が気持ちいいわね♪オーナーさん、どうかしら?星空の下だとこの水着が良く映えると思わない?……もう、見惚れてないで、返事くらいしなさい?せっかちなんだか、ぼんやりなんだか……ふふっ♪ありがと♪でも、その誉め言葉の半分は、あなたに買った水着のおかげね♪……オーナーさん、ありがとう。えっ!?撮影したい?……ま、いいわ。プレゼントのお礼に撮影させてあげる♪ただし、ちゃんと絢麗に撮るのが条件よ♪

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Heheh. The night breeze feels good ♪ What do you think, boss? Doesn't this swimsuit looks incredible under the stars? … Stop drooling and answer. One moment you're impatient, but now you're spacing out? Heheh ♪ Thank you ♪ But half of that compliment should go to the swimsuit you gave me ♪ Thanks, boss. Huh!? You wanna take photos? Well, sure. I'll let you take some in return for this gift ♪ But only if they make me look beautiful ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ♪いい写真が撮れたかしら。あとで、ちゃんと見せなさいよね?……せっかくの、記念写真なんだから♪ヘンな写真だったら、やり直しよ?えっ!?次は、二人で部屋で撮影したい……?……ば、ばか!何言ってるのよ!?……ダメに決まってるでしょ?もう、すぐ調子にのるんだから…………ふふっ♪まったく、しょうがないわね。オーナーさん♪今日は、素敵な誕生日プレゼント、ありがと。……来年も、期待してるわ。二人で、いい写真が撮れるといいわね♥

Ayane: Heheh ♪ Did you get a nice shot? Promise that you'll show me later. It is to commemorate my birthday, after all ♪ If it's a bad shot, you'd better take another one. Huh!? Now you want a shoot with just the two of us in your room? A-are you out of your mind!? That's just out of the question! You're always getting ahead of yourself. Heheh ♪ What am I to do with you? Boss ♪ Thank you for the great birthday gift. I'll be eagerly awaiting for next year's. I hope we can take a nice pic together ♥

Episode 3: Hanzō Ninja Suit (Ayane) (半蔵学院(あやね))[]

Japanese English translation

Ayane: まあ、別にいいけど……ちょ、ちょっとだけだからね。うまく撮らないと、承知しないわよ?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Ayane: いい写真だと嬉しいんだけど。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: Well, I guess I don't mind… But…just for a little bit. I'll only approve of the good ones you take.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Ayane: I hope these photos turn out good.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 4: Ayane-chan Wants to Hang Out! (あやねちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 5: Surprise (サプライズ)[]


DOAXVV Ayane Birthday Scene1 (아야네 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: きゃっ!もう、なによ、この騒ぎは。え、わたしの誕生日パーティー?……なにか準備してるとは思ってたけどこんな大きなパーティーだったなんてね。みんな、ありがとう。せっかくだから、楽しませてもらうわ。

Ayane: Kyah! Sheesh, what's with all the noise? …My birthday party? I knew you were planning something, but I never thought it would be this huge. Thanks, everyone. Since you've gone all out, I might as well enjoy it.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、オーナーさん。ここにいたの。……サプライズ成功?バカ、クラッカーの音に驚いただけよ。え? 「サプライズはまだまだある」って……?

Ayane: Oh, there you are, boss. You succeeded in surprising me? I was just shocked by the firecrackers, dummy. Hm? So there's "more surprises to come?"

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: わあ、いいじゃない。わたし、こういう水着好きよ。え?「着てみて欲しい」って……?そうねぇ……着てもいいけど、一つ条件があるわ。簡単よ。わたしがこのパーティーを心の底から楽しめるように、エスコートして頂戴。それができたら、水着も着るし撮影でもなんでも、させてあげるわよ。ふふ、じゃあ、期待してるわ。オーナーさん。

Ayane: Wow, not bad. I like this kind of swimsuit. Huh? You want me to "slip it on?" Sure…I guess I can wear it, but under one condition. It's easy. Just be my escort, to guarantee I can enjoy my birthday party to the absolute fullest. If you can do that, I'll glady [sic] put on this swimsuit, and let you take as many photos as you like. Heheh, I'm expecting you to come through with this request, boss.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: パーティーも、そろそろお開きね。それにしても、わたしの誕生日をみんなでお祝いだなんて……ほんと、平和な島よね♪え?「パーティーは楽しめたか」って……?ふふ、さあ、どうかしら?じゃあ、わたしは少し用があるからまたあとでね、オーナーさん♪

Ayane: Looks like the party is about to start. Just being able to celebrate my birthday with everyone like this… What a peaceful island ♪ Huh? Did I "enjoy the party?" Heheh, I dunno… Anyway, I have something to get to, so… I'll catch you later, boss ♪

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): オーナーさん、ちょっといいかしら?

Ayane: なに間の抜けた顔してるのよ。着てあげるって、約束したでしよう?その……パーティー、楽しかったわ。ああ、もう……二度は言わないわよ。それより、水倉の方はどうかしら?似合ってる?「よく似合っている」……?まあ、あなたが選んだんだから似合ってないとは言えないわよね♪ふふっ。ま、わたしも気に入ってるから、正解よ。この宝石……ペリドットよね?夜のエメラルドだなんて、なかなかロマンチックじゃない。「暗間の中でも輝きを失わないところが、わたしに似てるから」って……?ふふ、上手いこと言っちゃって……なんのつもりかしら。……「ご美が欲しい」?はぁ……ま、そんなところだと思ったわ。ふふ、いいわよ。せっかくなら綺麗に撮ってよね?

Ayane (OFF): Boss, can we talk?

Ayane: What's with the blank stare? I promised you I'd put this on, right? The party was…fun. *sigh* You'll only hear me say it once. Anyway, what do you think of the swimsuit? Do I look good in it? I "look amazing?" Well, you're the one who picked this swimsuit out, so it's a given that you wouldn't say anything less ♪ Heheh… I like it too, so you answered wisely. These gems…are peridot, right? They also call them evening emeralds… Sounds pretty romantic, doesn't it? "They never lose their shine in the midst of darkness," and that's why it suits me? Heheh, you're pretty good with words. …I wonder what you've got up your sleeve. You want a "reward?" *Sigh* I had a feeling you were after that. Heheh, I guess that's fine. Just take some beautiful shots, okay?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: どう?満足したかしら?え?「今日は夜景が橋間だから外で散歩でもどうか」って?もう、そうやってすぐ調子に乗るんだから。でも、いいわ、つきあってあげる♪

Ayane: Well? Are you satisfied? Hm? You want to go for a stroll outside to take in the beautiful night view? Wow… There you go getting carried away again. But yeah… I'll go along with you ♪

Episode 6: Peaceful Days (平穏な日々)[]


DOAXVV Ayane Birthday Scene2 (아야네 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Ayane after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: 綺麗な夜空ね……それにとっても静かで、落ち着くわ。ふふっ、さっきまであんなに眠やかだったのが確みたい。それにしても震いたわ。あんなに盛大なパーティーをするなんて……あなたも、ご苦労様。大変だったんじゃない?え?「自分は会場を用意しただけで、あとは他の女の子達が張り切ってやった」……?「みんな、わたしのことが好きだから」って……?ふふっ、日頃の行いのおかげかしら♪なんて、それだけじゃ無理ね。やっぱり、この島の、平和な空気のおかげだわ。だから、その……感謝してるわ。そ、それより……他に言いたいこと、あるんじゃないの?あなたのことだもの、ただ散歩に誘ったんじゃないんでしょ?え?「もう一つ渡したいものがある」……?えーと、なにかしら……

Ayane: What a beautiful night sky… And it's so peaceful out here… Heheh… I can't believe it was so loud and wild just a little bit earlier today. And you really had me shocked. Putting on a party that huge… Thank you for going all out. I'm sure it must've been hard. Hm? So you just got the party hall ready, and the girls did everything else? Because they all "love" me? Heheh, since I'm so well behaved I suppose ♪ No, that can't be the only reason. Must be the peaceful vibe this island gives off. So…I'm really thankful. Anyway… There must be something else came out here to say. You're not the type to just invite a girl on a walk for no reason. Hm? There's…something else you want to give me? Uh… What could it be…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: え!?これって……指輪?ちょっと、聞いてないわ!?「言ったらサプライズにならない」って、それはそうだけど。……あなた、覚悟はできてるの?なんて、冗談よ♪受け取ってあげるわ。

Ayane: Huh!? This is…a ring! You never told me about this! "It wouldn't be a surprise" if you did? Well, you got me there… So you're ready to pop the question? I'm just kidding with you ♪ I'll take it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふ、夜空の下だと一段と素敵ね。え?「ペリドットの石言葉は平和」……?あら、この島にぴったりじゃない♪あなたが居て、みんなが居て……毎日騒がしくて……バカみたいに平和で。ねえオーナーさん。わたし、この島が好きよ。ふふっ、これからも、思う存分楽しませてもらうわね♪

Ayane: Being under this gorgeous night sky makes the moment even better. Huh? "Peridot is the gem of peace?" It goes with the island perfectly then ♪ With you, and all the others here with me… Every day is so lively, yet at the same time, everything is ridiculously peaceful. You know what, boss? I think I like it here. Heheh, and I intend to enjoy it to my heart's content ♪

Episode 7: Just Take It, Will You? (受け取りなさい?)[]

First version[]


DOAX Venus Vacation Ayane Valentine SSR Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Ayane: ちょっと、いい?あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Do you have a minute? Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Ayane extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ちょっと、いい?あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Do you have a minute? Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まあ、別にいいけど……ちょ、ちょっとだけだからね。うまく撮らないと、承知しないわよ?

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Well, I guess I don't mind… But…just for a little bit. I'll only approve of the good ones you take.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: いい写真だと嬉しいんだけど。

Ayane: I hope these photos turn out good.

Episode 8: Thin Towel Wrap (Ayane) (うすかわたけのこ(あやね))[]


DOAXVV あやねエクストラエピソード『うすかわたけのこ』


DoAX Venus Vacation First Time Soft Esthetics Ayane Bonus Episode

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 9: With You (Ayane) (ウィズ・ユー(あやね))[]

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 10: Totally Caught You (全部バレバレよ)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら?オーナーさん……どうしたの?……パーティー会場にいないから探してた?ヒントもなしに、よく見つけられたわね。ふふっ、まずは合格、かしら♪どうして会場からいなくなったか……?そうねえ……パーティーも楽しいけど……「オーナーさんが、二人きりになりたそうだったから」。……当たっているかしら?パーティーの間、わたしを見て、そわそわしてたでしょ♪今だって……ほら、後ろに何か隠してるんじゃない?……全部バレバレよ。ほら、観念なさい?

Ayane: Oh, boss… What's the matter? You couldn't find me at the party, so you came looking for me? Good job finding me without any hints. Heheh… You passed my little test ♪ Why did I leave the party venue? Well… Parties are fun and all, but… It seems like you were longing to be alone with me… Am I right? I noticed you looking me over and getting restless at the party ♪ Hey…! I just saw you hide something behind your back. I totally caught you, so let's have a look.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: やっぱり準備してくれてたのね。……ま、当然と言えば、当然だけど♪けど、こうやって、お祝いして貰えると嬉しいわ。プレゼントありがとう、オーナーさん♪それにしても……とっても綺麗な水着ね♪わたしの誕生日に、ぴったりだわ♥ふふっ♪……言わなくても分かってるわよ。じゃ、さっそく着替えてくるわね♪せっかくの水着だもの。わたしが着こなしてあげるわ♪

Ayane: I had a feeling you prepared something for me… And why wouldn't you, right? I'm so happy you're celebrating with me like this. Thanks for the gift, boss ♪ What a pretty swimsuit ♪ Absolutely perfect for my birthday ♥ Heheh ♪ I can tell what you want without hearing a word from you. I'll go slip into it right away ♪ You got me this swimsuit, so I'll look hot in it for you ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Ayane: 濃いじゃない、この水着♪キラキラしてて、色もわたし好みで……さすがね♪よく似合ってる……?ふふっ♪当然でしょ?オーナーさんが、「わたしのために」選んだんだから♪そう言えばこの水着は「花」がテデザインされているのね。……「桔梗」、かしら?わたしの誕生花……「トルコキキョウ」?オーナーさん、いろいろと考えてくれてるのね♪ま、気に入ったわ♪せっかくだし、記念に写真を撮ってくれない?……ほら、グズグズしない!わたしが、「撮影しなさい」って言ってるんだから♪こんなサービス、滅多にないわよ?……じゃ、よろしくね♪

(camera flash)

Ayane: This swimsuit is amazing ♪ It's so sparkly, and I love the color. Just what I expected from you ♪ It looks nice on me? Heheh ♪ Of course it does. You picked it out for me, after all ♪ Actually, it's designed with a flower theme, isn't it… The balloon flower, maybe? It's my birth flower…the Lisianthus? You put so much thought into this, boss ♪ I really like it ♪ Since we're here on my birthday, how about taking some photos to commemorate this moment? Hey, stop fidgeting around! I said take some pics, so get with it ♪ It's not every day you'll get this lucky, so take some nice ones ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……あー、楽しかった♪いい写真も撮れたし、満足したわ♪さて……と。そろそろパーティーに戻らないとね。みんなも心配してるでしょうし……今年も、悪くない誕生日だったわよ、オーナーさん。……来年も、こうして平和に過ごせるといいわね。……え?後で待ち合わせがしたい?ふふっ……まだ、何か考えがあるのかしら?……仕方ないわね。いいわ、付き合ってあげる♪……特別にね♪パーティーが終わったあと、場所はここでいいわよね?一応言っておくけど……わたしを待たせたら、タダじゃ済まさないわよ♪

Ayane: Wow, that was fun ♪ You got some great pics, so I'm satisfied ♪ But anyway… I guess we should get back to the party. Everyone must be worried by now… My birthday wasn't too shabby this year either. I hope next year's nice and peaceful, too. Hm? You wanna meet up with me again later? Heheh… What could you have up your sleeve this time? Well, why not? I'll go along with that. As a special service to you ♪ Once the party's over, this spot will do, right? But I'm warning you, if you make me wait, you'll pay for it ♪

Episode 11: Doesn't Feel too Bad (悪い気はしないわ)[]

To get this episode, you must give Ayane her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はい、来てあげたわよ。オーナーさん……?……あら?もうずいぶん待ってたって顔ね……♪もしかして、そんなに気にしていてくれたのかしら?ふふっ……けっこう可愛いところあるじゃない。なんだか、ちよっと嬉しいわ♪……それで、今度は一体何をするつもり……えっ?ちょっとオーナーさん……!?これは……

Ayane: Okay, here I am. Boss…? Oh… That expression makes me think you've been waiting awhile ♪ I guess you were really concerned about me. Heheh… You've got a cute side to you…. This makes me kind of happy ♪ So what on earth did you have in mind this time? Huh? Boss…wait…! What are you…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: な、何よ急に……花束なんて……!?……嫌じゃないけど……ただ。びっくりしただけよ。……貰うわよ♪だって、「わたしの」なんでしょ?

Ayane: What's that… A bouquet out of the blue!? I mean, it's nice and everything… You just startled me. I'll take it ♪ It is "mine" after all, right?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ♪なかなかやるじゃない、オーナーさん♥女の子の誕生日に花束だなんて♪いい匂い……色もがあってキレイで…………心が安らぐわ♪……何よその目は?わたしだって、花を愛でるくらい……いいでしよ、別に。

Ayane: Heheh ♪ You did good, boss ♥ Getting a girl a bouquet of flowers on her birthday ♪ They smell nice. And these bright colors… It's so soothing ♪ What's with the look? I mean, I'm cherishing these flowers, so what's the problem?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……いいプレゼントね……こんな風に、あなたからブーケを貰えるなんて、嬉しいわ。ありがとう、オーナーさん……♥

Ayane: This is a nice gift… It makes me happy to get a bouquet from you. Thanks, boss ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ドレスみたいな水着に花束、ね……♪まるでお嫁さんみたい……え……トルコキキョウの花言葉?わたしが、そういうの知ってると思う?……え、『永遠の愛』?って!な、なによそれ……!?お……大けさなこと言わないでよ!……全くもう……反応に困るじゃない……だいたい、経々しく女の子に使う言葉じゃないわよ。……まあ、言われて悪い気は……しないけど。……改めてありがとう、オーナーさん。おかげで、とっても素敵な誕生日だったわ♪……わたしからも、何かお礼をしなくちゃね。……今夜はとことん、付き合ってあげる。さ、行きましょ、オーナーさん♥

Ayane: A swimsuit designed like a dress, and a bouquet. You know what ♪ It's almost like I'm your bride. Huh… What the Lisianthus symbolizes? You expect me to know that? Huh? "Everlasting love!?" What are you getting at? Stop exaggerating! Wow…what a response. That's not a word you can just throw around with a girl. I mean…it doesn't feel too bad to hear it though. Thanks again, boss. Thanks to you, I had a wonderful birthday ♪ I need to pay you back somehow. So I'll spend the whole night with you. Let's get going, boss ♥

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Ayane) (S・ショコラティエ(あやね))[]

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 13: the wind gust of the riddle (Ayane) (なぞの突風(あやね))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Ayane) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(あやね))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ♪遅くまで回の、お疲れさま。……ま、あなにしては、頑張ったんじゃない?

Ayane: Heheh ♪ Well done, going out to see clients all day like that. Knowing you, that’s quite a lot of effort.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): えっ?足裏マッサージ? 「破れが取れる」って……当でしょうね?

Ayane (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? It’ll “rejuvenate” me? Are you sure about that?

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……な、何見てるのよ、もう。マッサージ、してくれるんでしょ?

(camera flash)

Ayane: Hey, what do you think you’re looking at? Aren’t you supposed to be giving me a massage?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: もう、ふざけてないで、ちゃんとやりなさいよ!この、ヘンタイ……!

Ayane: Would you quit messing around and do it right?! I swear you’re such a perv…!

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Ayane) (愛の妙薬 (あやね))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Ayane) (甘い香りに誘われて(あやね))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): 準備するから、ちょっと待ちなさい。

Ayane (OFF): I'll prepare you, so wait a minute.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Episode 17: Sunset at the Park (Ayane) (あかね色の公園で(あやね))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Ayane: あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Episode 18: White Prince (Ayane) (ホワイト・プリンス(あやね))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation




If Ayane acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Goddess Night's Dream (Ayane) (女神の夜の夢(あやね))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、遅くまでお疲れ様。でも、まだまだ楽しめるわよね?ふふ、ひょっとして見とれてる?……なんて、ほら、さっさと始めましょ。これでどうかしら?

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Oh, thank you for staying up so late. But we can still have fun, can't we? Are you admiring it, by any chance? ....... Come on, let's get started. How about that?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ま、オーナーさんが撮りたいなら、もう少しだけ付き合ってあげるわ。ほら、はやく撮って。あなたのためなんだから。もう、恥ずかしいこと言わせないでよ。フン。

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Well, if you want to take pictures, I'll stay with you a little longer. Go ahead, take the picture. It's for your own good. Don't make me say embarrassing things. Hm.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: もっと楽しませてくれる?

Ayane: Can you entertain me more?

Episode 20: Charming (チャーミング)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Ayane: どう、オーナーさん♪わたしの誕生日パーティー。楽しんでくれてるかしら?と言っても、このパーティーも、オーナーさんの仕事よね。わたしのためとはいえ、なんだか悪いわね。「とても充実してる」?あら、わたしの誕生日をお祝いすることが、そんなに嬉しいの?ふふっ♪本気か冗談かはともかく……悪い気はしないわね♪……ま、無理しない程度にね。手が空いたら、わたしが話し相手くらいしてあげるわ♪……え?「じゃあ、今すぐ、仕事じゃなくプライベートな話を」?なによ、そんなにわたしと話したいの?……ふふっ♪はいはい。じゃ、二人で話せる場所まで、案内してもらえるかしら?プライベートな話なら、二人きりじゃないとね?

Ayane: So Boss ♪ Are you enjoying my birthday party? Though…this party is also part of your job, right? I feel kind of guilty putting you through all this. "It's really fulfilling"? Wow, celebrating my birthday actually makes you happy? Heheh ♪ I don't know if you're joking or serious… But I like it ♪ As long as you don't overdo it… I suppose I could chat with you when I have time ♪ Hm…? You want to forget about work and talk to me? Really? You want to talk to me that badly? Heheh ♪ Okay, okay. Think you can take me somewhere we can talk alone? If it's a personal chat, we should go somewhere with no one else around.

Scene 2
Japanese English

Ayane: これは……水着!?ひょっとして、誕生日のプレゼント?不意打ちでプレゼントだなんて、なかなかね♪オーナーさんにしては洒落てるじゃない?でも……どうして「不意打ち」なの?みんなの前で、堂々と渡せばいいのに。……それだと「仕事」になるから……?もう、大げさなのよ。……わたしが、そんなこと気にすると思う?それに……ちょっと、恥ずかしいじゃない、こういうの。

Ayane: Is this…a swimsuit?! Maybe even a birthday present?! Catching me off guard with a present like this…was very well-played ♪ And a very stylish choice coming from you, Boss. But why do it by surprise like this? You should have been bold, and given it to me in front of everyone. Because that would look like you were "just doing your job"? Stop exaggerating. Did you really think I'd care about that? Besides… I'm…a little embarrassed getting it like this. But if this isn't "just a job," I better repay you somehow. Heheh ♪ I know what you want, so just hold on a minute ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Ayane: わぁ……素敵な水着じゃない♪腰のヴェールが綺麗ね。それに、このデザインは……「桃」かしら?……桃は、わたしの誕生果なの?へぇ、そういうのもあるのね。さすが、オーナーさんだわ♪桃には、「天下無敵」という言葉があるの?ふーん、「天下無敵」ねぇ……悪くない言葉だけど……それ、誕生日の女の子に贈る言葉かしら?もっとこう、あるでしょ?もっとわたしにふさわしい言葉がある?……聞いてあげるから、さっさと言いなさい?……えっ!?「チャーミング」……!?か、可愛い……って……も、もう。思うのは勝手だけど……面と向かって言うのは……恥ずかしいでしょ……?「可愛い写真を撮りたい」って……はぁ……「お断り」と言いたいところだけど、せっかくの誕生日プレゼントだもの。特別に、許してあげるわ♪

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Wow…what a spectacular swimsuit ♪ This veil at the hip is so pretty. And…was this designed with a "peach" theme? The peach is my birth fruit? Heheh, I didn't even know that existed. Nice one, Boss ♪ The peach is also a symbol of "invincibility"? Hmm… I like the sound of that. But is that something to say to a girl on her birthday? Isn't there something…better? I mean, a more suitable word for me…? I'm all ears, so let's hear it. What?! "Charming"…?! So you think…I'm charming? C-Come on… If that's your opinion, fine. But don't say it to my face, it's embarrassing. You wanna take some "cute pics"? *sigh* I actually feel like saying "no" right now, but… This is my birthday present after all, so… I'll allow it this once ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Ayane: どう、終わった?「チャーミング」はもうわかったから……本気で恥ずかしいんだから、やめなさいよね?さて、じゃあパーティーに戻りましょ。この水着を、みんなに見せてあげないとね♪……え?「パーティーのあとはどうしてるか」って……さあ、一人で散歩でもしてるんじゃないかしら?どうせ、みんなの相手で疲れちゃってるだろうし……あ……その質問ってつまり、そういうこと?そうね……わたしを見つけることができたら、付き合ってあげるわ♪退屈するまでは、待っててあげるから。頑張ってね、オーナーさん♡

Ayane: All done? That's enough "charming" for now… I'm really getting embarrassed, so let's wrap this up. How about we get back to the party? I can't wait to show this swimsuit to all the girls ♪ Huh? What are my plans after the party? Well…I was thinking of going on a stroll by myself. I'm sure I'll be exhausted from all the mingling by then. Oh…is that where your question was leading? Well sure… If you can find me, I'll hang out with you ♪ I'll be waiting until I get too bored. So good luck on your search, Boss ♡

Episode 21: For a Walk Alone (一人の散歩には)[]

To get this episode, you must give Ayane her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Ayane: あら、オーナーさんにしては、早かったじゃない♪パーティー、結構盛り上がったから、片付けに時間がかかるんじゃないか。って思ってたけど。……え?「待っててくれたのか」って?言ったでしょ?みんなの相手をするのに疲れたから、一人で散歩してただけよ。ま、一人の散歩にも飽きちゃったから、こうして涼んでたんだけど。「こんな、わかり易い場所で」……?ビーチのほうが賑やかだったから、静かな場所にいただけ……それだけよ……もう……そんなこと質問するために、わたしに声をかけたわけじゃないんでしょ?……二人きりで会いたかった理由、そろそろ、聞かせてもらえないかしら♪

Ayane: Wow, Boss… You're here earlier than I thought ♪ The party got so lively, I thought you'd be spending a lot of time cleaning up. Huh? Have I been waiting for you? Didn't I already say? I was tired of mingling with everyone, so I went out to take a walk on my own, that's all. But I got tired of walking alone, so I was just enjoying a little cool air here. This was an easy spot to find? There was too much going on at the beach, so I decided to come to this peaceful spot instead, that's all. Wow… You didn't want to see me just so you could ask questions like that, did you? Maybe you could enlightenm me on why you wanted us to be alone like this ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Ayane: えっ!?これ、ケーキ……?わたしの、誕生日の……「誕生日をもっとお祝いしたいから」って……ふふっ♪ちょっと大きすぎじゃない?まあ、気持ちは嬉しいけど……ね♡いい香り……これも「桃 」のケーキなのね。桃の言葉は「チャーミング」……だったかしら?じゃあ、こんな食べきれないようなケーキを用意したあなたに、ちょっとした、お礼をしてあげようかしらね♪

Ayane: Huh?! This is…a cake! My birthday cake… You wanted to "celebrate" my birthday more? Heheh ♪ Isn't it a little too big? I guess I'm happy you thought of me, though ♡ It smells so nice… It's a peach cake, isn't it. Didn't you say the peach is a symbol of being "charming" or something? I'll never be able to finish this cake by myself, so… Maybe I should give you a little token of my gratitude ♪

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Ayane: こんな素敵なプレゼントを用意するなんて、あなたも、十分に「チャーミング」ね♪はい、オーナーさん……あーん♡

Ayane: You're pretty "charming" yourself, thinking of such a nice gift for my birthday like this ♪ Open wide, Boss… Ahhhh ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Ayane: ああもう……慣れないことをすると、恥ずかしいわね……どう?満足した。オーナーさん?……?桃にはもう一つ言葉があるの?「わたしはあなたの虜」って……!?もう、何度も恥ずかしいこと言わないでよね?ま、わたしの虜っていうのは、当然だけど……そういうのは、自分の言葉で言いなさい?い、今は言わなくていいから……!また今度、聞いてあげるわ。さて……じゃあ、夜の散歩にでも行こうかしらね。オーナーさん、もちろん、付き合うわよね?「散歩は飽きたんじゃないのか」って……?一人の散歩には、ね♪じゃ、行きましょう。オーナーさん♡

Ayane: Oh my gosh… I'm ot used to this kind of thing, and I'm getting embarrassed. So are you satisfied, Boss? …? The peach is the symbol of something else, too? It means I'm holding you "captive"? Would you stop saying things to embarrass me please? I'm obviously holding you captive with my charm, but…just express it in your own words. Actually…you don't have to say it now…! I'll ask you about that later. Anyway… An evening stroll sounds nice right about now…Of course I'll take you with me, Boss. Aren't I "tired of walking"? Of walking alone, for sure ♪ So let's get going, Boss ♡

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー1 (あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー2(あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー3(あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー4 (あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー5(あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー6(あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Ayane) (ひみつのシャワー7 (あやね))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Ayane.

Episode 29: Love Letter Maiden (Ayane) (恋文フトメ(あやね))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あの、 オーナーさん、 ちょっとお話しましょ?

Ayane: Um, can we talk for a second, Boss?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く! もう……

Ayane: Here…have this… Come on, would you hurry up and take it?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まあ、別にいいけど……ちょ、ちょっとだけだからね。

Ayane: I mean, whatever… Just make it quick.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Ayane: 早くりなさい……恥ずかしいんだから……!

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Hurry up and take some shots…This is embarrassing…!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Ayane: 別にいいでしょ。ま、たまには、ね。

Ayane: I really don't mind, if it's just on occasion.

Episode 30: Victory Ceremony (Ayane) (勝利のセレモニー (あやね))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 31: Velvet Time Rose (Ayane) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ(あやね))[]

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 32: Share ♥ with Ayane (あやねとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 33: The "usual" surprise. (「いつもの」 サプライズ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まったく、 誕生日にわたしを呼び出すなんて。ホント、こういうの好きよね、 オーナーさんは……♪まあいいけど…… ただノってあげるだけじゃ、面白くないわよね……ふふっ……みてなさい♪

Ayane: Damn, you called me on my birthday. I know you like this kind of thing, don't you, owner? ...... ♪ Well, it's okay, but it's no fun just to flirt ...... ♪ Hmmm... ...... watch...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら……オーナーさん。もう、 やっと来たの?こっちは、待ちくたびれちゃったわよ。「待ち合わせまでには、まだ時間がある」って……はぁ……何のんきなこと言ってるのよ。こういうのは、 早めに来るのがマナーってものでしょ?何の用だか知らないけど、 人を呼び出したんだから、言い訳なんかしてないで、さっさと要件をいいなさい?これを……? ふふっ♪ 一体なにかしら……?

Ayane: Oh ...... owner. You finally showed up? We're tired of waiting for you. What are you so carefree about saying, "There's still time before the meeting." ...... It's good manners to come early for this kind of thing. I don't know what you want, but you've called someone, so don't make excuses, just tell them what you need. You can find this at ......? What in the world is this ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふん、 新しい水着……ね。これ……随分、手が込んだものみたいだけど……「誕生日おめでとう」……?ふふっ♪ やっと言ってくれたわね……♪ありがと♪ 「いつもの」 サプライズプレゼント、 嬉しいわ♪「気づいてたのか」って……当たり前でしょ?ノッてあげてるのに、そっちこそ気がついてもいいと思うけど……ま、そこがオーナーさんのいいところ、 か……♪じゃ、ちょっと待ってなさい?言われなくても、オーナーさんの考えてることは分かるわよ♪

Ayane: Hmm, new swimsuit ....... This ...... looks pretty elaborate. ...... "Happy Birthday" ......? I'm so glad you finally told me ...... that your "usual" surprise gift is appreciated... "Did you notice?" ...... "Of course I did," you said. I'm just trying to get your attention. ...... but that's what's nice about you, the owner. ...... ♪ So, just wait a minute? I know what you're thinking.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ♪……どう? オーナーさんの想像以上、 でしょ?あははっ♪ おうと思ったこと、言われたってカンジね。……でも、ありがと♪素敵なプレゼントだわ。この水着いいわね。 カッコよくて動きやすくて♪さすが、 わたしの好み、よく分かってるじゃない♡……何よ?せっかく着替えてあげたのに。照れてないで、もっと近くで見たら?……え? わたしからいい香りがする?もう、そういう意味で 「近づけ」って言ったんじゃないわよ。ヘンタイ……ま、いいわ。 どう? この香水。この水着に合わせて、選んでみたんだけど♪甘すぎず、クールで爽やか♪この水着と、わたしにピッタリでしょ?……え? 撮影したい?もう、わたしの話聞いてた? まあ、いいけどね……ほら、わたしは逃げも崩れもしないから、「好きなように撮ってみなさい♪ただし……綺麗に撮れなかったら、後でおぼえてなさいよ?なんてね♪

Ayane: ...... How do you like it? More than the owner could have imagined, right? I'm sure you'll get what you were thinking of, right? Thanks for the ......, though... it's a nice present. I love this swimsuit. I'm sure you know exactly what I like. ...... What is it? I went to the trouble of getting you dressed. I'm not shy, why don't you take a closer look? ...... What? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm not sure what I mean by that either. I didn't mean it that way when I said "get closer. Hentai...... is fine. What do you think? How do you like my perfume? I chose it to match this swimsuit... not too sweet, cool and fresh... perfect for this swimsuit and me, right? ......? Do you want a photo shoot? Did you hear what I said already? Well, it's okay. ...... See, I'm not going to run away or fall apart, so I'm going to say, "Do whatever you want, but ...... remember me later if you don't get a good shot, okay? What a surprise!

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player has to take the picture unlike other photoshoot scenes

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……さて、と。ここまでは、 オーナーさんのサプライズにノッてあけたけど……悪くなかったわ。この水着は素敵だし、香水にも気がついてくれたしね。でも…… 「これで終わり」……なんて言わせないわよ?だって。 やられっぱなしは痛じゃない?ここからは、わたしのデートに付き合ってもらうわ。……もちろん、「断る」 なんて言わせないわよ?……えっ?「香水は、デートの為につけてくれたのか」って…………も、もう、うるさいわね!そういうところは、気が付かなくていいの!ほら、行くわよ? さっさと来なさい!……手くらい繋ぎなさいよね? もう……

Ayane: ...... Well. So far, the owner's surprise wasn't so bad. ...... The swimsuit is nice, and she noticed the perfume. But ...... I'm not going to let you say, "That's it."...... Because. It hurts to be left on the receiving end, doesn't it? From here on out, I'm going to ask you to go on a date with me. ...... Of course, I won't let you say "no," will I? ...... What? You're already being so picky ............ about whether or not you put on perfume for our date! You don't have to notice that part! Come on, let's go, okay? Come quickly! ...... at least hold my hand, right? I've already ......

Episode 34: I'm not going to let them get away with it... (やられっぱなしじゃ⋯)[]

To get this episode, you must give Ayane the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: んー、こうしてのんびりと花火を見るのも……たまにはいいものね。オーナーさん、今日はどうだったかしら。わたしのデートに付き合ってもらって…… 楽しかった?「ちょっと、意外だった」……?あら、どういうところが?「もっと賑やかな場所や、人気のスポットを回るものかと」って……ふふっ♪ そうね……普段なら、 そうかもね。でも、こんな素敵な水着を買ったんだし……たまには、 自然と触れ合うのも悪くなかったでしょ?それに、アレよ。 せっかくのデートなんだし……わたしと二人きりになれて、あなたも嬉しかったんじゃない?「もちろん」 って……もう、少しは照れなさいよ!はぁ……まったく。これじゃ、わたしがやられっぱなしみたいじゃない……ま、これで誕生日は終わり、 そろそろ…………え?まだ、 渡すものがあったって……

Ayane: Hmm, it's nice to relax and watch fireworks like this ...... sometimes. Ayane: Well, I hope you had a good time today, owner. Did you have a good time with me on my date......? It was a bit unexpected. ......? Oh, what do you mean? I thought we'd be going to more crowded places and popular spots. But you bought such a nice swimsuit,...... and it wasn't bad to get in touch with nature once in a while, was it? And that's the thing. I'm sure you were happy to get some time alone with me,....... Of course,...... you should be a little shy! I'm not going to let you get away with this. I've been on the receiving end of this. ...... Well, now that the birthday's over, it's time to get back to work. ............ What? He said he still had something to give you. ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: これは……デート中の写真?もう、こんなの、いつ撮ったのよ……「楽しそうな顔が可愛かった」って…………わたしの顔、たしかに隙だらけね……はぁ、撮られたことにも気づかないだなんて。今日は、オーナーさんにやられっぱなしね。ノッてあげたつもりだったけど、 まんまとノセられたわ……♪でも、このままじゃわたしの気がすまないから……最後くらい……見てなさい♡

Ayane: Is this ...... a picture of you on a date? Oh my god, when did you take these ...... "You looked so cute having fun." ............ My face is indeed full of gaps! I can't believe you didn't even realize you were photographed. ...... I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a new one, but it's a good idea to have a new one. I thought I was trying to get her to go along with me, but she got me just fine. ...... But I'm not going to let it go on like this, so I'm going to give her the last ...... bit of my attention. Watch me, handsome.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はい、わたしからのプレゼントよ。受け取りなさい♪ふふっ♪ やっと、照れた顔が見れたわね。どう? これで、貸し借りはなしよ♪さて、 それじゃあ……そうね、もう少しだけ、 付き合ってもらおうかしら♪「最後じゃなかったのか」 って……オーナーさんの、その顔を見てたら、気が変わったわ♡もう少し、デートを続けましょ♪そうね、今度はオーナーさんにエスコートしてもらおうかしら。わたしが好きそうなスポット、お願いね♪ほら、 次はあなたの番なんだから、しゃきっとなさい?ね、オーナーさん♡

Ayane: Yes, it's a present from me. How's that? Now we don't owe each other anything... Now then, ...... I guess we'll just have to hang out a little longer... "Wasn't that the last time?" ...... I saw the look on the owner's face, and it made me change my mind. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a friend who is a bit more experienced than I am, but I'm sure it's a good idea. I'm sure you'll find a spot that you like. Hey, Mr. Owner, handsome!

Episode 35: Bitter♡Sweet(Ayane) (ビター♡スイート(あやね))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: さて、 何をしてほしいの?

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Well, what do you want me to do?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。 もう……

Ayane: Oh, um, here, take this. Come on, come on. I've already got it at ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: せっかく楽しくなってきたんだから、もうちょっと付き合ってよ。

Ayane: Now that we're having fun, you should hang out with us some more.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふ、ひょっとして見とれてる?……なんて、ほら、 さっさと始めましょ。

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Huh, are you gawking by any chance? ......, come on, let's get on with it.

(Camera flash)

Episode 36: Ayane's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Ayane's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Ayane's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Secret Esthetic Time (Ayane)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Ayane's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: A Special♥ Day (特別な♥日)[]


DOAXVV Nyotengu(2017)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、オーナー殿。わらわに何用じゃ?その包み紙 … … さては、「ぷれぜんと」じゃな?そうか、今日はわらわの「特別な日」…… 覚えていてくれたのじゃな。ふふふ、遠慮はせぬぞ?

Nyotengu: Did you want to see me about something? This paper wrapped around the object, makes me assume it's what you call a "gift?" So you remembered that this is myL "special day." Hehe. I accept.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ひやっ、こ、これはは知っておるが…… !「けーき」は知っておるが…… ふふ 、ーなんと……オーナー殿……美味そうじゃな……では、いただくそ ……?

Nyotengu: Oh my goodness…! I am familiar with this edible "cake" object… Hehe… But wow… It's so big, and looks delicious… I think I'll eat it now.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、「けーき」はうまかったのう……そなたにも分けてやりたかったわ。なんと?一人で食すものでは… …ないのか?どうりで……わらわは、もう満腹じゃ……ふう。人間は「特別な日」にだけ、「けーき」を贈り、食すのであろう。そんなに美味いものなら、なぜ毎日食わぬのか……人間とは不可解なもの 、と思っておったのじゃ。われら天狗は、快楽を我慢などせぬからのぅ。けれど、オーナー殿……そなたからの「けーき」を受け取って、分かった気がするぞそ。「特別な日のけーき」とは、こんなにも、特別で嬉しいものなじゃな。ふふ、これが毎日では、幾らわらわでも、身体が持たぬわ。……のう、オーナー殿♥今宵は、わらわの特別な日を……共に……楽しもうぞ?

Nyotengu: Hehe. The "cake" was delicious. I wanted to share some with you though. What? So it's not to be eaten by one person alone? Well that seems logical. No wonder I feel so full now… Whew. Yet humans only present this "cake" for consumption on one's "special day?" Why would they not eat something this delicious on every day of the year? Humans are puzzling creatures. Us tengu have no reservations when it comes to pleasurable activities. But still… By receiving this "cake" from you, I feel that I've learned something. This "special day cake" somehow produced a special happiness inside of me. And it's something even my body could not handle every day of the year. You know what… Tonight, I would like us to enjoy my special day together.

Episode 2: After the party ♥ (宴のあとで……♥)[]


DOAX VV Nyotengu special day Scean (뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふむ。皆、宴を楽しんでおるようじゃな♪今日はわらわの 「特別な日」♪昨年は、おーなー殿と二人きりであったが……ふふ、こうやって、皆に祝うて貰うのも、悪くはないのう♪では、おーなー殿?その包みの中身、わかっておるぞ?……さあ、わらわを焦らすでない♥

Nyotengu: Hmph… Everyone seems to be enjoying the party ♪ Today's my "special day." ♪ Last year we spent it together, just the two of us. Heheh, but having fun with everyone like this isn't too bad either ♪ So anyway, boss… I know what you have wrapped up there. Come on…stop teasing me ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、おーな一殿が用意した「けーき」……♪大きくて、美味そうじゃ……♪さあ、今宵は、皆で楽しませてもらおうぞ♥わらわ一人では、食べきれぬからのう。……ん?はて、おーなー殿、この、もう一つの包みはなんじゃ?なに?わらわだけに、「特別な贈り物」……?

Nyotengu: Heheh… A cake prepared especially for me ♪ Very big and looks delicious ♪ Let's share it with all the girls ♥ It's too much for me to handle alone. …Hm? Well then, boss. What's that other package in your hands? What? A "special gift" just for me?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これをわらわに……?……おーなー殿?覚悟は、できておろうな……?ふふっ、宴のあとが楽しみじゃのう♥

Nyotengu: Wow, this is for me…? Boss… I hope you're ready for me… Heheh, we're gonna have some fun after the party ♥

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?そなたの「ぷれぜんと」、似合うておるか?ふふ、当然じゃ♥……どれ。少しだけ「さあびす」じゃ。さあ、好きにするがよい♪

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Well? Do I look attractive in this "present" of yours? Heheh, of course I do ♥ I'll give you a little service, so do what you like ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 「さそり座」の水着……?ふむ……かすみの占星術で聞いたことがあるぞ?なにやら、毒で英雄を倒した……と。ふふ……では ……今宵は、わらわの毒で、そなたを骨抜きにしてやるかのう?……おーな一殿♥今宵はともに、楽しもうぞ?

Nyotengu: A "Scorpio" swimsuit…? Hmm… I've heard of this from Kasumi and her fortune telling. …It killed a mighty hero with poison… Heheh… Anyway… Tonight I'll make you weak in the knees with my "poison." Boss ♥ Let's enjoy the night together.

Episode 3: Gessen Ninja Suit (Nyotengu) (月因女学館(女天狗))[]

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、そなた、わらわと二人きりで何をするつもりじゃ?♥ふふっ、遠慮はいらぬぞ?♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nyotengu: ふふふ、満足したか?♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Nyotengu: Heheh… What do you intend to do with me, while we're all alone, hm? Heheh… Don't be bashful ♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nyotengu: Heheheh… Satisfied? ♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Episode 4: Shimmering Gift (輝く贈り物)[]


DOAXVV Nyotengu special day Scene (2019 뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트1)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: おーな一殿、分かっておろうな?今日は毎年恒例の……『あの日』じゃぞ♪ふふっ♪「けーき」は皆と頂いたぞ♪大変大きくて、美味で……一人では食べ切れない程であったからのう。わらわの『特別な日』……だが、おーなー殿のことじゃ。あれだけでは、ないのであろう?ふふっ♪やはり準備しておったか♪今年もわらわのための水着、くれるのじゃな?

Nyotengu: Oh boss, are you aware of this? It's "that day" again… The one that comes around once a year ♪ Heheh ♪ I enjoyed "cake" with the others ♪ It was massive and delicious… But too much for me to finish all on my own. very big and delicious. But knowing you, boss… There's more than just cake for my "Special day," right? Heheh ♪ I knew you had something prepared ♪ Another swimsuit this year, perhaps?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これはこれは……また、豪春な「ぷれぜんと」じゃのう。よかろう♪わらわへの供物として、しっかりと受け取ったぞ♪……どうした?おーな一殿。「ぷれぜんと」を渡したと思ったら、そわそわして……さては…………その熱い眼差し、ふふ♪言わずともばれておるぞ♥せっかくこうして祝うてもらったことじゃ。期待には、応えてやらねばな?着替えてやるから、……部屋で待っておるのじゃぞ?ふふっ♪

Nyotengu: Ooh… Look at this. Indeed, what a luxurious "present" it is. Yes ♪ I'll be happy to accept this as my gift ♪ What's the matter boss? You're acting all fidgety after giving me a present. You've got that look in your eyes… Heheh ♪ You don't have to say a word ♥ Since you went all out for me this year… You must want something from me in return, right? I'll slip it on for you. So just wait in the room. Heheh ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?この水着……そなたの、わらわへの情熱が伝わってくるような……「熱い」水着じゃのう。それに、この石……「とぱあず」というのか……この輝きが、高員なわらわに相応しいのう♪……おや?ふふっ♪……そなたも、この宝石が気になるようじゃな♪ほれ……もっと近くに寄って眺めても、構わんぞ?ふふっ♥なんじゃ、今更恥ずかしがって♥わらわと、お一な一殿の仲ではないか♪後からもっときちんと見返すために……写真を撮りたい、じゃと?ふふっ♪仕方がないのう。存分に撮るがよい♪

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: What do you think? It really shows how passionate you are for me… A "hot" swimsuit for sure. And these stones… They're called… "topaz," are they? Perfect for someone as classy as me. Oh… Heheh ♪ You…seem to be quite enamored by these gems as well. Come on… Come get a closer look. I don't mind. Heheh ♥ Oh, so now you're embarrassed ♥ But we are pretty close, aren't we? Boss ♪ You want to "take some photos?" So as to continue admiring me like this in the future? Heheh ♪ If you insist. Take as many as you desire ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……?どうたのじゃ、おーな一。……せっかく着てやったのに、まだそわそわしておるが………まだ贈り物がある、じゃと?なんとなんと……おーな一殿は、毎度驚かせてくれるではないか♥ふふっ、では、受け取ってやろうぞ♪さあ、早く渡さぬか♥……何?「心の準備ができていない」とな?そなた、一体何を渡そうとしておるのじゃ……?ふむ……仕方がないのう。わらわは寛容じゃ。もう少しだけ待ってやろう。だが、少しだけじゃ……はやく覚悟を決めて……ふふっ♪わらわを、あまり待たせるでないぞ?お一な一殿♥

Nyotengu: …? What's the matter boss? I've already slipped it on for you, and yet you're still so fidgety… You've got "another" gift for me? Wow… You never cease to amaze me ♥ Heheh, I'll gladly accept ♪ So, come on, let me have it ♥ Hm? You're not "mentally prepared" for it? What could you possibly have for me…? Hmm… Fine then. I'm patient, so I can wait a little longer. But only a little longer… Hurry up and ready yourself… Heheh ♪ Don't make me wait too long, boss ♥

Episode 5: No Escaping (逃しはせぬぞ)[]


DOAXVV Nyotengu special day Scene (2019 뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트2)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Nyotengu after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?おーな一殿。……もう、覚悟は決めたのであろうな?わらわをこれだけ待たせたのじゃ……良いものでなけサれば、承知せんぞ?ふふっ♪……なんじゃ?思いつめたような顔をして……

Nyotengu: Well, boss? Have you come mentally prepared? You've made me wait this long… So it'd better be amazing. Heheh ♪ Hm? That's a serious face you've got there…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これは……指輪、か……?……ふふっ。これはまた、大胆な贈り物じゃのう?わらわは人間ではないが……人間が指輪を贈る意味くらい、知っておるぞ?……ふふっ♪良かろう♥おーな一殿の覚悟……受け取ってやろうぞ♪

Nyotengu: Oh it's…a ring…? …Heheh. This is quite a bold gift isn't it? Although I'm not a human… I know what it means to receive a ring. Heheh ♪ Very well… ♥ Your gift… I will gladly accept it ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 千年の間、生きてきたが……このような贈り物を受け取るとは、思うても見なかった。「指輪」は、人間の親愛を示すもの……じゃが、「人を縛る」という意味もあると聞く。そなたはどうなのじゃ?お一な一殿♥……ふふっ♥わらわは、誰かに縛られたりはせぬ。虜にして縛るのは、わらわの方じゃ。……これからも、逃しはせぬぞ?「覚悟」は、できておるのじゃな?ふっふっふっ……♥

Nyotengu: I've been alive for a thousand years… But I never thought I'd get a gift like this. A ring is a symbol of human love. But I've also heard that it symbolizes the binding of two souls together. Which does this one symbolize? Boss ♥ …Heheh ♥ I'll never be bound to anyone. Humans are held captive by my charm, not the other way around… There's no escaping for you. Are you "mentally prepared" for it? Heheheheh ♥

Episode 6: Nyotengu-chan Wants to Hang Out! (女天狗ちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: I Just Have To Give It To You…? (渡せばよいのか…?)[]

First Version[]


Nyotengu Valentine Gift

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ちょ、ちょっと、よいか?これを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: Um, do you have a moment? This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Nyotengu extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ちょ、ちょっと、よいか?これを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: Um, do you have a moment? This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、そなた、わらわと二人きりで何をするつもりじゃ?♥ふふっ、遠慮はいらぬぞ?♥

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: Heheh… What do you intend to do with me, while we're all alone, hm? Heheh… Don't be bashful ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふふ、満足したか?♥

Nyotengu: Heheheh… Satisfied? ♥

Episode 8: A Perfect Beauty (完全なる美しさ)[]

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: おや、おーなー殿♪今年もわらわの「特別な日」、楽しんでおるぞ♪すっかり毎年の恒例じゃな♪そして……ふふっ、おーな一殿?今年も、期待してよいのじゃろう?さあ、もったいぶるでない♪その手に持っているもの、わらわに見せるのじゃ♥さて、今年はどんな水着が……

Nyotengu: Well hello, boss ♪ I've been enjoying my "special day" this year as well ♪ Such a well-established, annual custom ♪ Oh and… Heheh… Boss? I can expect a lot from you this year too, right? Well, don't keep me waiting. Show me what you've got in that hand of yours ♥ So what type of swimsuit is it this year?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これは……ずいぶんと、良白な水着じゃな……わらわへの「ぷれぜんと」としては珍しいのう。少しばかり驚きはしたが……ほう、これは……♪まこと美しい水着ではないか♪さて……言わずとも分かっておるぞ、おーなー殿♥はやく、わらわに着てほしいのであろう?♥ふふ……待っておれ、すぐに着替えてまいるぞ♥

Nyotengu: This is… It's such a pure white swimsuit… Quite a rare "gift" for me, I'd say. I'm just a bit shocked but… Wow, this is… A truly beautiful swimsuit you got me ♪ Okay… You don't even have to say it, boss ♥ You want me to slip it on right away, correct? Heheh… Just wait, I'll change into it at once ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……しかしこの水着、まこと美しいが、この白さ、まるで……花嫁衣裳じゃのう。ふむ……わらわが花嫁……のう。ふふ、天狗がニンゲンの花嫁とは、まるで戯言じゃ……

Nyotengu: This is truly a beautiful swimsuit, but… This whiteness, it feels like a bridal gown. Hmm… Am I a bride today? Heheh… What a silly thought, a tengu as a human's bride.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほれ……どうじゃ?おーなー殿♥……様子がおかしい?そ、そんなことはないぞ?わらわは、美しいかどうか聞いておるのじゃ…………ふっ、そうか ならばよい♪そうじゃ、着替えた時に気づいたが、この水着、白ツバキの飾りがあるのじゃな?真白な花……控えめにも見えるが、輝くような美しさもある、よい花じゃ♪む? 「白ツバキの花言葉を知っているか」じゃと?おーな一殿、「花言葉」とは、なんじゃ?天狗界では「花言葉」など聞かぬが……ふむ、花に特別な隠味を持たせるとは……人間は、面白きことを考えるものじゃな♪して、白ツバキの花言葉は一体なんなのじゃ?ほう!「完全なる美しさ」とな!ふふっ♪わらわにピッタリではないか♪初めは驚いたが、この水着、ますます気に入ったぞ♥む?写真を撮りたい、と?ふふっ、これもまた恒例じゃな♪かような美しい水着を捧げられて、断るわけがなかろう♥よろしく頼むそ、お一な一殿♥

(Camera Flash)

Nyotengu: Hm? What is it, boss? I'm acting strange? Don't be ridiculous. I'm simply asking if you think it's beautiful on me. Hmm… Is that so? Wellm that's what I wanted to hear ♪ Ah yes, when I changed into this swimsuit, I noticed it has decorative white camellias on it. These pure white flowers look so modest, yet… They shimmer with beauty… Very nice indeed ♪ Hm? Do I know what the white camellia represents in the "language of flowers?" Boss, what is this "language of flowers" you speak of? I've never heard of such a thing in the tengu realm. Ah, I never knew flowers could have a special meanings. [sic] Humans come up with the most interesting ideas ♪ So then, what is the meaning of the white camellia in the "language of flowers?" Ahh! "Perfect Beauty!" Heheh ♪ The perfect saying for me, is it not? I was surprised at first, but… I'm starting to like this swimsuit more every minute Hm? You want to take a photo? Heheh, another established custom of yours ♪ After offering me such a beautiful swimsuit as this, how could I say no? Go ahead, boss ♥

(Camera Flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: わらわの完全なる美しさ、うまくら写真に収められたかの?♪まるで、花嫁のよう……?そなた、戯言を申すでない。まったく…………まあしかし、今年の「特別な日」も、まこと楽しいものであった♪感謝するぞ♥じゃが、おぬし……また何か、わらわに渡したいものがあるのではないか?ふふっ、何をいておる?そなたのことじゃ。更なる「さぷらいず」を用意しているだろうと思うてな♪今年は、いかような趣向を凝らしてくれるのか……期待しておるぞ♥

Nyotengu: Did you skillfully capture my "perfect beauty" in that photo? I looked like a bride? Oh, don't be silly. Come now… Well, my "special day" was truly this fun this year too ♪ And for that, I am grateful to you ♥ Yet still… There is something else you wish to give me? Heheh, why are you so shocked? Because it's you. I had a feeling you had another surprise waiting for me ♪ You've got quite the elaborate plan this year. I'm expecting something amazing ♥

Episode 9: Supreme Loveliness (至上の愛らしさ)[]

To get this episode, the player must give her the Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 待っていたぞ、おーなー殿♥どうじゃ、わらわの姿は?月明かりの下で、艶やかに輝いておろう?ふふ……「完全なる美しさ」の花言葉。まさにわらわの為のものよの♪ほう?白ツバキにはもう一つ花言葉があるのか?では申してみよ?「至上の愛らしさ」……?ふむ……わらわは 「愛らしい」よりも、「美しい」の方が好みなのじゃが……なに?「宮ぶ姿が愛らしかった」じゃと……?まったく……先ほどから、おかしなことばかり……調子が狂うではないか…………ともあれ、白ツバキの「ぷれぜんと」、わらわにとっても、刺激的であったぞ♥それで……そなたが手に持っておるもの、わらわに渡したいものは、それであろう?

I've been waiting, boss ♥ What do you think of my appearance? Shimmering brightly under the moonlight… Heheh… The flower meaning of "perfect beauty" was practically made for me ♪ Oh? There's another meaning for the white camellia in the language of flowers? Let's hear it then. "Supreme loveliness?" Hmm… Instead of "lovely" I much prefer "beauty." What? You think my joyful expressions are lovely? Oh come now… You keep conjuring up such silliness… Enough to drive a girl wild… But I have to say, the white camellia "gift" you provided was very stimulating to me ♥ And now for that thing you've been holding in your hand… Is that what you wanted to give me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これは美しい……白ツバキの花束……「ぶーけ」と申すのか?うむ……♪遠慮なく頂くとしようぞ♥……そなたからの、贈り物じゃからな。

Nyotengu: Ahh… Such beauty. This bunch of white camellias, I believe you refer to this as a "bouquet?" Mmm ♪ I'll gladly receive it from you. It is a gift after all, correct?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 「特別な日」に贈られる「ぶーけ」……そなたの気持ち、言葉にせずともわかっておるぞ♥美しくも、愛らしい……ふふ♥わらわを、このように思うておるとは……では、わらわも、そなたへの想いを伝えようぞ♥おーなー殿……♥

Nyotengu: A "bouquet" for my "special day." No better way to express your feelings without words ♥ Beauty, and loveliness… Heheh ♪ So this is how you think of me… Then I shall express my feelings for you as well ♥ Boss ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 想いを花に託す、花言葉……か。千年も生きてきたが、即染みのない言葉じゃった。白ツバキは、何度となく目にしておったが……そなたと一緒じゃと、千年生きた世界も。また新しいものに見えるのう♪わらわは、それが何よりも楽しいのじゃ♪これからも、わらわに尽くし、楽しませよ♪そなたは、わらわの虜…………ん?今岡は、そなたを虜にするどころか、むしろ、わらわの方が……?き、きっとこの水着のせいじゃ。かような真白な水着……しかし、美しくも……愛らしい……か。ふふっ……悪い気はせぬがな♪……おーなー殿♥

Nyotengu: The "language of flowers" is a way to express our feelings through flowers. I've lived for a thousand years, but there was a phrase I was unfamiliar with. I'd seen white camellias a handful of times, yet… Being with you, I'm still seeing new things that I'd never seen in my thousand years ♪ And that is more fun to me than anything ♪ Please continue to keep me entertained ♪ And you'll continue to be my captive… …Hm? But tonight, it seems you're the one holding me captive with your charm… I-It must be the fault of this swimsuit. With its pure white color… So beautiful, yet also lovely…is it? Heheh… Not bad at all, boss ♥

Episode 10: With You (Nyotengu) (ウィズ・ユー(女天狗))[]

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 11: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Nyotengu) (黒炎のラビリンス(女天狗))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Nyotengu) (S・ショコラティエ(女天狗))[]

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 13: Forbidden Fruit (禁断の果実)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……おーなー殿♪今宵の宴……皆、楽しんでおるようじゃのう♪今日は、わらわの「特別な日」。そなたも、存分に楽しみ……わらわを祝うがよい♪……ほう、さっそく祝いたいと?ふふ、準備の良いことさすがおーな一殿じゃな♥では、場所を変えるとするかのう♪

Nyotengu: Oh, Boss… ♪ Everyone seems to be enjoying the festivities this evening ♪ Today is my "special day." You shall enjoy to the fullest, and celebrate with me ♪ Oh, you want to start celebrating right away? Heheh… I knew you'd be prepared for this, Boss ♥ Shall we go somewhere else? ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: さあ、心の準備はできておるぞ♪わらわへの「ぷれぜんと」、見せてみるがよい♥

Nyotengu: I'm so ready for this ♪ Now show me my gift ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これは……♥ふふ……♪この特別な日を祝うのに、ふさわしい水着じゃのう♥では、わらわの艶姿……そなたに、見せてやろうぞ♥

Nyotengu: Ah, this is… ♥ Heheh ♪ What a perfect swimsuit for celebrating my special day ♥ Now I shall share my alluring figure with you ♥

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、どうじゃ♪この艶やかな深紅……わらわによく似合っておろう?ほう…… 「りんご」の水着とな……?なるほどのう……この色、熟したりんごそのものじゃ♥美しく、甘く……よく熟れたりんご……そなたにとって、手を伸ばしたくなる 「禁断の果実」かのう♥ふふ……まこと、わらわに相応しい水着じゃ♥気に入ったぞ♪では、おーなー殿……♥この「特別な水着」への褒美じゃ。わらわの美しさ、存分に堪能するがよい♪

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Heheh ♪ What do you think? I look incredible in deep crimson, don't I? Ah… So it's an "Apple" swimsuit…? I see… This is the color of a ripened apple ♥ A beautiful apple… Fully-ripened, juicy, and sweet… A forbidden fruit that you can't help but to reach for ♥ Heheh… The perfect swimsuit for me ♥ I love it ♪ So Boss ♥ I can't let this "special swimsuit" go without reward. Take in my beauty…to your heart's content ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うむ……特別な日の宴に、特別な水着…… そなたの心遣い、わらわは満足じゃ♪……どうじゃ、そなたも満足か?……ふふ♪まだ、何かあるという顔じゃのう……わらわにはお見通しじゃ♥今宵の宴は、まだ終わらせぬぞ♪そなたが満足せぬ限り……な♥では、 「えすこーと」するがよい♪参ろうぞ、おーなー殿♥

Nyotengu: Hmm… A special swimsuit on my special day… I'm satisfied with your thoughtful actions ♪ How about you? Are you satisfied too? Heheh… ♪ You look as if you have something more to say. I can see right through you ♥ I won't let this party end ♪ Until you're fully satisfied ♥ So escort me somewhere ♪ Let's go, Boss ♥

Episode 14: Sweet Temptation (甘い誘惑)[]

To unlock this episode, the player must gift Nyotengu with the Spoon of Happiness after unlocking it in her Special Day matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ここが……?ふふ、このような場所に、二人きり……♥何を始めるつもりじゃ♪ほう……「二人だけの、特別なぱーてぃー」を……?わらわの特別な日を、そこまで祝うてくれるとは。……嬉しいのう♪では、二人きりの「特別な」宴を楽しもうぞ♥なに……?その前に、もう一つ見せたいものが?ふふ、よいぞ……何があるのか、楽しみじゃ♥

Nyotengu: Here? Heheh… Just the two of us in a place like this ♥ What are you trying to start? ♪ Ah… A special party for jus the two of us? I never imagined you'd go to such lengths to celebrate my special day. This makes me happy ♪ So let's enjoy this "special party" of two ♥ What? There's one more thing you'd like to show me first? Heheh, very well. I can't wait to see it ♥

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう……これは見な♪水着と同じ、「りんご」のけーきとは♥甘く酸っぱい、この香り……わらわの心も、とろけてしまいそうじゃ♥……しかし、このような立派なけーき、わらわ一人では食い切れぬのう…………そうじゃ♥ふふ♪そなた、近うよれ……♥ほれ、もっと、近う……♥

Nyotengu: Ahh… This is impressive ♪ An apple cake, just like the swimsuit ♥ It smells sweet and sour… You're melting my heart here, Boss ♥ But I'll never be able to finish a cake as magnificent as this on my own… That's right ♥ Heheh ♪ Come closer ♥ Come on…closer ♥

Scene 5

The following scene is subtitled

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 二人の特別ーきじゃ……この幸せを、そなたにも分けてやろうぞ♥ふふふ……♪ほれ、あーん♪……じゃ♥

Nyotengu: This is our special cake…for just the two of us. I'll share this happiness with you ♥ Heheheh ♪ Say "ahhh"… ♪ There ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、どうじゃ、わらわ手ずからの「あーん」は……♥……甘く、とろけるようであろう?ふふ、じゃが……けーきと違うて、わらわは「甘いだけ」ではないそ……?ともすれば、毒かもしれぬ「禁断の果実」じゃ……♥そなた……味見する勇気はあるか……?……ふふ♪では、二人の特別な時間を……楽しもうぞ♥のう……おーなー殿♥

Nyotengu: Heheh… How does it feel to be hand fed by me? ♥ It's sweet…and melts in your mouth, no? Heheh… But unlike the cake, I've got more than just a sweet side to me. You could call it "forbidden fruit," that could even be poisonous ♥ Are you brave enough to have a taste? Heheh ♪ Let's enjoy a special time here together…just the two of us ♥ Okay…? Boss ♥

Episode 15: A gust of wind in a riddle (Nyotengu) (なぞの突風(女天狗))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Velvet Time Rouge (Nyotengu) (ベルベットタイム・ルージュ(女天狗))[]

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 17: Thin Towel Wrap (Nyotengu) (うすかわたけのこ(女天狗))[]

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 18: Secret Foot Massage (Nyotengu) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(女天狗))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……そなた、まだ仕事などしておるのか?せっかくの、わらわと二人だけの時間……もっと楽しませよ♥

Nyotengu: Are you still working? Now that we’re alone, I expect you to entertain me ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu (OFF): ほ、「足裏まっさーじ」とな?よいぞ♪羽がいと、足が疲れるからのう……♥

Nyotengu (OFF): Ooh… A foot massage? Sounds nice ♪ Without my wings, my feet do get quite tired ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うふふっ♪良い眺めじゃ……わらわの美脚たっぷりと、気持ちよくするのじゃぞ♥

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Heheh ♪ What a nice view I have of you… Now make my beautiful legs feel amazing ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……ふふっ♪もう終わりか?ダメじゃ わらわが満足するまで、手を止めるでないぞ♥

Nyotengu: Heheh ♪ Done already? Oh no you’re not ♥ Keep those hands moving till I’m satisfied ♥

Episode 19: The Medicine of Love (Nyotengu) (愛の妙薬 (女天狗))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 20: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Nyotengu) (甘い香りに誘われて(女天狗))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu (OFF): ちょ、ちょっと、よいか?

Nyotengu (OFF): Um, do you have a moment?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: れを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Episode 21: Sunset at the Park (Nyotengu) (あかね色の公園で(女天狗))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Episode 22: White Prince (Nyotengu) (ホワイト・プリンス(女天狗))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Nyotengu acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 23: Goddess Night's Dream (Nyotengu) (女神の夜の夢(女天狗))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ……、わらわに会いとうなったのか?夜はまだ長い。さ、参られよ♡ふふっ、そなた、わらわと二人きりで何をするつもりじゃ?♡さあ、撮るが良い。

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: Hmmm... ......, did you miss me? The night is still long. Come, come, handsome, what are you going to do alone with me? Come on, take a picture, handsome.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: そなたは、もう満足か?♡わらわはまだ満足しておらぬ♡は、はやく撮らぬか……♡

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: are you satisfied yet? I'm not satisfied yet ♡Warawa is not satisfied yet ♡Why don't you take a picture quickly ......♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、わらわを満足させてみよ♡

Nyotengu: Hmmm, let's satisfy the straw ♡♡

Episode 24: Secret shower 1 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー1 (女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 25: Secret shower 2 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー2(女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 26: Secret shower 3 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー3(女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 27: Secret shower 4 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー4 (女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 28: Secret shower 5 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー5(女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 29: Secret shower 6 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー6(女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 30: Secret shower 7 (Nyotengu) (ひみつのシャワー7 (女天狗))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nyotengu.

Episode 31: A Special Date (特別なでと)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……おや、 おーな一般ではないか♪そろそろ来る頃だと、 待っておったぞ♡わらわの 「特別な日」 ちゃんと覚えておったようじゃのう♪どうじゃ、準備は滞りなく進んでおるか?わらわの 「特別な日」。 ちゃんと覚えておったようじゃのう♪ どうじゃ、準備は滞りなく進んでおるか?なに、まだ準備が終わっておらぬじゃと?……ふふっ♪ なるほどのう。……わらわを謀ろうなどとは、 千年早いわ♪その顔……何か企んでおる顔じゃな?ふふっ、わからいでか♪……そなたの顔は、いつも、よく見ておるでのう♡……どれ、 わらわに申してみよ♡ そなたの企み……いずれ、わらわの「特別な日」を祝うものであろう?ほれ、 もっと近う……♡その後ろに何を離しておるのか……見せてみよび♡

Nyotengu: Oh, it's you Boss ♪ I had a feeling you'd be coming soon ♡ So you remembered my "Special Day" ♪ Are preparations progressing smoothly? What…? Then you're still not ready? …Heheh ♪ I get it. I've been around too long for you to pull the wool over my eyes…tells me you're plotting something. Heheh, of course I know ♪ I always pay close attention to your face ♡ So out with it then ♡ Tell me what you're plotting… You'll eventually be celebrating my "Special Day," no? Come closer to me ♡ You're hiding something behind your back… Let me see it ♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これは……これが、そなたの 「企み」か?♪きらきらと、艶やかな水着じゃな♡着るのが楽しみじゃ……♪そなたが、 わらわの 「特別な日」 に選んだもの……似合わぬわけはないからのう♪……わらわの艶姿、見たいか? おーな一殿♥ふむ……そうじゃ……♪そなたの企みを、叶えてやる代わりに……今日はたっぷりと、わらわに付きおうてもらおうかのう♪つまり……『わらわと 「でーと」せよ♡』……と申しておるのじゃ♪……ふふっ♪そなたの、その驚いた顔……良い顔じゃ♪返事は聞くまでもないようじゃな♪では、約束の場所は……♡

Nyotengu: Ah ha… So this is the "plot" you had in store? ♪ A sparkling, glamorous swimsuit ♡ I look forward to wearing it ♪ Since you picked it out for my Special Day, I'm sure it will look good on me ♪ You want to see my alluring figure, Boss? ♡ Hmph… You know what? ♪ In exchange for going along with your plot… I insist you spend the entire day with me ♪ Basically ♪ I'm telling you to go on a date with me ♡ …Heheh ♪ I enjoy that look of surprise on your face ♪ I suppose I needn't wait for a response ♪ So I'll see you at the spot we decided on ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ♪今年の「特別な日」、楽しくなりそうじゃ……♡

Nyotengu: Heheh ♪ My "Special Day" is shaping up to be quite enjoyable this year ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……どうじゃ、見惚れたか♡……ふふっ♪ その顔……愛いのう♡わらわは、 それが見たかったのじゃ♪……「おりえんたる調」の香りがする? よくわからぬが……ふふ、この「甘く、 誘う香り」に気付いたか♪せっかくの、特別な日の 「でーと」 じゃ♪そなたを虜にするために、 「おめかし」したのでな♡この、わらわの美しさ……写真に残したい……とな?ふふっ、そう思うのは当然じゃな♡良いぞ、 好きにするがよい、 おーな一般♡

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Have you fallen for me? ♡ …Heheh What an adorable face ♡ That's what I wanted to see ♪ I smell of "oriental spices"? I'm not sure what that is… But it seems you noticed my sweet, enticing fragrance ♪ It's our big date on my special day, after all ♪ So I "dressed up" to make you my captive ♡ You want to capture my beauty… On camera…? Heheh, of course you do ♡ Very well, then… Do as you please, Boss ♡

(camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、 しかと記録したか?……「実物には劣る」……か。当然じゃ♪わらわの美しさは見目だけではないからのう♡胸の鼓動唇から漏れる吐息、 そして、 この香り……♡そなたは感じておるが、写し絵には残らぬからのう♪ふふ、その分、 いまからとくと味わうと良かろう♪……忘れられぬほどにな♡……では参ろうぞ、おーな一殿♪わらわとの「特別なでーと」、 じゃ♡

Nyotengu: Did you capture a record of my beauty? "It's inferior to the real thing"? Of course it is ♪ As my beauty is not limited to good looks ♡ My heartbeat, the breath escaping my lips, and this fragrance ♡ You never feel them here and now, but pictures will never capture them ♪ Heheh, so appreciate my beauty here and now ♪ So that you never forget ♡ …I think we should go now, Boss ♪ On our "Special Date" together ♡

Episode 32: Enduring Proof (消えない証)[]

To unlock this episode you need to get the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item from Nyotengu's birthday event and give it to her.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なかなか良い 「でーと」 じゃったぞ、おーな一設♡ふふっ♪ そなたも楽しんだようじゃな♡顔を見ればわかるぞ♪わらわも、 少しはしゃいでしもうたわ♡「可愛かった」……?こ、これ、いきなり何を言うか……まあ、間違うてはおらぬが…… 突然言われるゃと、のう……?……うふふっ♪互いに、この香りにあてられてしもうたか♡……なぜ、わらわから「でーと」に誘ったのか……じゃと?ふふっ♪ 少し、趣向を変えてみようと思うただけじゃ。いつも、そなたに祝って貰ってばかりじゃからのう。千年生きてきたわらわの 「特別な日」……いつも通りでは、 つまらぬであろう?今年、 今宵は……そなたとの「特別な日」 に、 しとうなったのじゃ♡……どうじゃ?忘れられぬ日となったか?わらわとの逢瀬……でーとは。ふふっ……ならばよい。わらわも、千年消えぬ日となったわ。証となるものは無くとも……な。なに、「証はある」 ……じゃと?

Nyotengu: Our date was quite satisfying, Boss ♡ Heheh ♪ It seems you enjoyed it as well ♡ I can see it in your face ♪ I must admit I was also a bit giddy ♡ You thought it was "cute"? J-Just coming at me with that so suddenly is… I mean, of course you're not mistaken, but… Such a sudden statement is… …Heheh ♪ It seems ths scent has influenced the both of us ♡ Why did I invite you on a date? Heheh ♪ I just wanted to change things up a bit. You've always been the one celebrating for me, after all. I've been alive for a thousand years, and celebrating my "Special Day" as usual sounded quite dull. This year, on this very evening… I wanted to make this a "Special Day" for the both of us ♡ So was it an unforgettable day for you? Our secret rendezvous date… Heheh… That's good. For me, this day will live on for a thousand more years. Although I have no tangible proof. What… Then you do have proof?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これは……先ほどの写真か?

Nyotengu: Isn't this the photo you just took?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu:……ふふっ、なるほどのう♪わらわの美しさを残すためだけ、 と思うておったが……そなたが撮っておったのは、わらわとの 「特別な」 「想い出であった、ということか♡ふふっ、ならば……♡

Nyotengu: Heheh, I get it now ♪ At first I thought you only took this to preserve my beauty. But now I know you took these photos to preserve the special memories we've made together ♡ Heheh, and if that's what you're thinking ♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no subtitles/dialogue box in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: こうすれば、 想い出に残るであろう?わらわの香りも……この唇の感触も……♡ふふっ♪決して忘れられぬ、「特別な日」としてな♡……では、参るとするか、 おーな一殿♡どこへ、じゃと?夜はまだ長い……まだ、「特別な日」は終わっておらんぞ♪今度は、そなたが 「でっと」 に誘ってくれるのではないのか?ふふっ、のう、おーな一般♡

Nyotengu: We can preserve memories like this as well… Including my alluring scent… And the touch of my lips ♡ Heheh ♪ For a "Special Day" to never be forgotten ♡ Shall we be off now, Boss? ♡ "Off to where?" The night is still young…And my "Special Day" still hasn't ended ♪ But this time, you invite me on a date. Heheh… Okay, Boss? ♡

Episode 33: Love Letter Maiden (Nyotengu) (恋文フトメ(女天狗))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: あーな一殿……ふふふ……近うよれ……♡

Nyotengu: Boss…heheheh… Come closer ♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: そなたに、これを♡ふふ、受け取るが良い。

Nyotengu: I've prepared this for you ♡ Heheh, I suggest you accept it.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: わらわとの思い出を残したいのじゃな?ふふっ、よいぞ♡

Nyotengu: Ah, so you'd like to preserve these memories with me? Heheh, very well ♡

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: そ、そなただけになら、 良いぞ?

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: F-For you alone I'll do this ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふふ……特別♡じゃ♡

Nyotengu: Heheh… It's a special occasion ♡ Okay? ♡

Episode 34: Victory Ceremony (Nyotengu) (勝利のセレモニー (女天狗))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 35: Share ♥ with Nyotengu (女天狗とシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 36: Thoughts of wanting to meet (逢いたい想い)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう……わらわを召喚したのは、 そなたか♪……おーな一般♡ふふ、何を驚いておる♪わらわと一緒にいたいと念じたのは、そなたであろう♡今宵は、年に一度の特別な日……その「想い」さえあれば、何が起きても不思議ではない♪うふふっ、隠さずともよい♪……わらわも、 同じ 「想い」じゃったからのう……♡……ほう、この水着はそなたが……?ふふ、わらわの美しさに見合ってあるだけでなく、……そなたの想いの力が込められておる……と?なるほどのう……確かに、何やら力がみなぎってくるようじゃ♪……どれ、 試してみるかのう♡ふふ、わらわに見惚れるのは仕方がないが…………そなたは気づかぬか?獣か……あやかしの類いか……いずれ、わらわの敵ではないが……おーな一般……♡わらわの近くから……離れるでないぞ♡

Nyotengu: How ...... it was you who summoned me? ♪ ...... Oh, general handsome, what a surprise ♪ ♪ It was you who wished to be with me ♪ ♪ Tonight, once a year, is a special day ♪ ...... ...♡......Who are you ...... in this swimsuit? Hmm, not only does it match my beauty, but it also contains the power of ...... your thoughts? I see.........It certainly does seem to have some kind of power.........Well, let's give it a try, handsome...I can't help but admire the straw... ......... you don't notice it? Are you a beast,...... or some kind of a myth,...... or are you an enemy of Strawberry,...... or are you a general...? ...♡ stay close to me ...... and don't leave me, handsome!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃ……たわいないのう。まだまだ、これからというところじゃったのに……じゃが……ふふ、この水着の力、なかなかのものじゃな。そなたの力と想い……たしかに受け取ったそ♡では、さっそく ……わらわとそなたの「契約」を……では、さっそく わらわとそなたの「契約」を……♡……さあ、いつでも良いぞ♡これ……何をしておる、 はやく 「契約の儀式」をせぬか。わらわの姿を、その目とそなたの心にしかと焼き付けるのじゃ♡

Nyotengu: What a ...... bummer. I was just getting started,...... but the power of this swimsuit is quite impressive,....... I have received your power and your thoughts ...... and I will immediately ...... make a "contract" between you and me ....... I've received your power and your thoughts, and I'm sure you've received my power and my thoughts, and I'm sure you've received my power and my thoughts, and I'm sure you've received my power and my thoughts, and I'm sure you've received my power and my thoughts. ...... I want you to see me in your eyes and in your heart, handsome.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player is required to take a picture unlike other photoshoot instances

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、 契約完了……じゃけ。……これで、 そなたはわらわから離れられぬぞ♡では、なんなりと、そなたの望みを言うがよいぞ♪……わらわの気分次第で、叶えてやろう♡……なに?「行きたい場所があるから、 ついて来て」……とな?……なんじゃ、そんなことで良いのか?そなた、欲がないのう…………まあよい、どこへなりとも案内せよ♪二人きりの旅……楽しもうではないか♡ おーな一殿♡

Nyotengu: Well, the deal is done. ...... ......Now you can't leave me, handsome, and you can tell me anything you want.........I'll make it happen, depending on how I feel! ♡......What? "I have a place I want to go, follow me." ......? ...... is that what you want?

Episode 37: A night for just the two of us (二人だけの夜)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Nyotengu's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うふふっ♡ すこしはやるようじゃが……今宵のわらわに挑むには、千年……いや、万年早いのう♪わらわとおーなー般の旅路……誰にも邪歯はさせぬ♡おーなー殿、 しかと見ておったであろうな?わらわの華麗な大立ち回り♡わらわの妖力と、 そなたの水着の力……二人の力をあわせれば、御茶の子さいさいじゃ♡……では、先を急ごうぞ、おーなー般♡わらわたちの旅は、まだ始まったばかりじゃ♪

Nyotengu: You seem to be doing a bit of work, but ...... you're a thousand ...... or even ten thousand years too early to challenge Warawa tonight.... I will not let anyone get the wrong end of the stick, handsome Ona-dono, I'm sure you've seen me do it, haven't you? My splendid feat of bravado ♡ my magical powers and your bathing suit ♡ ...... and the two of us together will be a match made in heaven ♡ ...... let's get on with it, Oh-na-han ♡ our journey has only just begun ♡ We've only just begun.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……「ここが目的地」とな?ふむ……何も見当たらぬが……

Nyotengu: ...... "This is the destination"? Hmmm ...... I don't see anything but ......

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう……なかなかのものじゃな♪わらわの美貌には敵わぬが……そなたが見たかったものとは、これか?なに、「違う」 ?では、なぜこのような場所にわらわを連れて来たのじゃ。「これを渡したくて」……?

Nyotengu: Well, ...... you're quite good... though not as good looking as I am. ...... Is this what you wanted to see? What, "no"? Then why did you bring me to this place? I wanted to give you this. ......?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、特別な日のぷれぜんと……か♪このような場所で、二人きり……そなた、 なかなかやるのう♡ほう…… 「美貌を保つおいる」とな……?美の化身たるわらわに、これを使ってほしい……と。ふふっ、面白そうではないか♡……では、参ろうか。そなた自身の手と目で……試してみるがよかろう♡

Nyotengu: Hmmm, a special day for a special occasion,......, just the two of you in a place like this,......, you're quite a handsome guy.... ... "You who preserves beauty. ......? I want you to use this on me, the incarnation of beauty. ...... Well, doesn't that sound interesting handsome ......, let's go. Try ...... it with your own hands and eyes, handsome.

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うふふっ♡ あの「おいる」 とやら……なかなかに、気持ちよかったぞ♡そなた……顔が真っ赤じゃ♡……わらわの艶姿を見て、照れておるのか?では……どうじゃ、今のわらわの美貌は♡そなたの手で、さらに磨きが掛けられたからのう♪……それにしても、 不思議な夜じゃ♪そなたのおかげで、 「特別な日」 に相応しい夜となったぞ♡この「召喚」とやらが、 いつまで続くのか分からぬが……なにわらわとそなたは、もう「契約」を交わしたのじゃ♡逢いとうなったら、 わらわを呼ぶがよい。……いつでも、 どこでも……な♡その時はまた、 二人だけ……共に「続き」を楽しもうぞ♡のう……おーな一般……♡

Nyotengu: ugh ♡ that "oiru" ...... was quite a nice feeling ♡ you ...... face is so red ♡ ...... Are you embarrassed to see my glamorous appearance? Well, ...... how about it, now that my beauty has been further polished by your hands ♡...... and it's a magical night, thanks to you, it's a night worthy of a "special occasion". I don't know how long this "summoning" will last, but ...... you and I have already made a "contract", so if you want to see me, you can call on me. If you want to see me, you may call on me. ......Whenever and wherever you want,...... we will enjoy the "continuation" together again,...... just the two of us. ....Oh, general ......♡♡

Episode 38: Secret Esthetic Time (Nyotengu) (ひみつのエステタイム (女天狗))[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Nyotengu's Linkane Passion birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Bitter♡Sweet (Nyotengu) (ビター♡スイート(女天狗))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほれ……もっと、近くへ……♡

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: Here ...... more, closer ......♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: そなたに、これを♡ふふ、受け取るが良い。

Nyotengu: I give you this, handsome man.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うふふっ、どうしてほしい?♡

Nyotengu: ugh, what do you want me to do? ♡♡♡♡

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふふ…自分に楽しもうぞ?

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: Hmmm... let's enjoy ourselves, shall we?

(Camera flash)


Episode 1: Kokoro's Birthday (こころの誕生日)[]


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene (코코로 2017 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あら、オーナーはん、こんばんはー。すぐお茶でもお入れします… …あら?そんな大きな包み抱えて、どないしはったんですか?… …あっ、ひょっとして… …?ふふつ、ウチはなーんも、知りません♪ … …なんやろなぁ。楽しみやなあ。ふふっ。

Kokoro: Oh, good evening, boss. Let me get you some tea… Oh? Why are you holding that huge package? …Oh, could it be…? Hehe, I had no idea at all ♪ …What could it be? I can't wait to find out. Hehe.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ!おおきなケーキ!ウチのお誕生日、憶えててくれはったんですね?嬉しいわぁ。さすが、オーナーはん。ほんま、おおきに♥バカンスに来て、お誕生日をお祝いしてもらえるだなんて、夢みたい♥それも、こんなおおきなケーキで、お母さん以外の人と。なんか不思議な感じ。でも… …こんなうれしいこと、独り占めしたら、あきまへんよね。ケーキも食べきれないし、みんなも呼んで、ぱーっとお祝いしましょか。そうだ♥その前に… …ふふつ。せっかくの誕生日だし… …ちょっとだけ、独り占めしてもええですか?もうちょっとだけ、こうやって、… …近くで眺めさせてくださいね。おーなーはん♥

Kokoro: Wow! What a huge cake! You remembered my birthday? I'm so happy. You sure know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you so much ♥ Coming here on vacation and having someone celebrate my birthday for me, it's like a dream ♥ To top it off, it's with someone other than my mom, and with such a huge cake. It feels somewhat strange. But… I mustn't keep this happiness all to myself. And we can't finish the cake by ourselves anyway. How about we round up the other girls for a party? Ah, that's right ♥ Before we do that… Hehe. It is my birthday, after all… I can have you all to myself, for just a bit longer, right? Just a little longer, like this, …let me gaze upon you from up close. Boss ♥

Episode 2: Because it's Saggitarius… (射手座だけに……)[]


DOAX VV Kokoro Birthday Scean (코코로 2018 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪今年も、ウチのお誕生日をお祝いしてもろうて、ほんま、おおきに♥それにしても、一年、あっという間やったなぁ……盆踊りで汗かいたり、悪役のマネしてみたり、みんなの「ヒミツ」を教えてもろたり……♥楽しかったなぁ♪ほんま、ええ思い出やわ♥オーナーはんのおかげで、楽しく過ごせました。これからも、よろしゅうお願いしほす♪ん?その大きな箱は……あっ♥

Kokoro: Boss ♪ Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday again this year ♥ That said, I can't believe how fast the year went by… Working up a sweat at the "bon" dance, playing the "villain," and learning everyone's secrets… ♥ What a fun year it was ♪ Nothing but great memories ♥ And it's all because of you, boss. I hope next year is just as great ♪ Hm? That big box you have is…oh ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: やっぱり、オーナーはんのお誕生日ケーキ♪今年も、貰えて嬉しいです。おおきに♥ふふっ♪大きくて二人では食べきれませんし、去年みたいに、みんなでー緒に食べて、ぱ〜っと騒ぎましょ♪

Kokoro: I knew that you'd get me a cake, boss ♪ Thanks again for remembering ♥ Heheh ♪ This is too big for the two of us. Let's share it with all the girls like last year, and have a wild time ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あー、楽しかった♪オーナーはん、今日はほんまにおおきに。こんな楽しいパーティーしてもらえるなんて、……気が早いですけど、来年が楽しみです♪……?もう一つ?なんやろ、この包み。ふふっ、パーティーの「おみや」かな?

Kokoro: Mmm… That was so fun ♪ I'm really grateful to you, boss. It's still kinda early… But I'm looking forward to having another amazing party next year ♪ …? One more thing? What's this package? A "souvenir" from the party?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ひゃっ、これ……かわいい水着……「いて座」デザインの水着……?ほな、これ、ウチのために?ええんですか?もう、さっきケーキもろたから油断してました……オーナーはんの、いけず♪でも、おおきに♥また、着させてもらいますね?ほな……おやすみです。オーナーはん♪

Kokoro: Wow… What a cute swimsuit… Designed after the Sagittarius constellation? And it's just for me… Is that okay? You caught me off guard with this, after that amazing cake. You big meanie ♪ But thank you ♥ I can't wait to wear it. Sweet dreams, boss ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: こんばんは♪

Kokoro: Good evening ♪

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: びっくりしました?いけずのお返しです♪なんて……我慢できすに、すぐ着たくなってしもて。かわいい水着で、オーナーはんにも見てもらいたいなあって。ちょっと……恥ずかしいですけど……どないです?似合うでますか?えっ?……お誕生日の記念撮影?ま、まあ……お礼やし……え、ええですよ?はい、どーぞ……

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Did I catch you off guard? It's payback for just then ♪ Just kidding… I couldn't wait any longer, so I slipped into it. And I wanted to show it off to you, since it's so cute. It's…a little embarrassing, but what do you think? Do I look okay? Eh? Photos to commemorate my birthday? W-Well… As a sign of gratitude… S-sure? Here you go…

(camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: は一、恥ずかしかった……でも、可愛い水着でお誕生日の写真……ええ記念になりました。お母さんにも送ろうかな♪……この水着で、オーナーはんの心も射抜けました?『いて座の水着』だけに……ふふっ♪……?聞こえなかったから、もう一回?オーナーはん、お笑いと恋の言葉は、聞き返したらあきまへん♪え?いまのはどっちか……?……ふふっ♪さあ?ほな、オーナーはん、今日はほんま、おおきにでした♥これからも、よろしゅうお願いします。

Kokoro: *Sigh* That was embarrassing… But taking birthday pics in a cute swimsuit… Is a great way to commemorate this. Maybe I'll send some to Mom ♪ Did I pierce your heart by wearing this swimsuit? It is "Sagittarius" the archer, after all. Heheh ♪ …? You didn't catch that so you want me to repeat it? Come on, boss. You know jokes and romantic lines should never be repeated ♪ Huh? Which one did I say? Heheh ♪ Who knows? I really appreciate what you did tonight ♥ Let's have another great year together.

Episode 3: Gessen Ninja Suit (Kokoro) (月因女学館(こころ))[]

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真ですか?わかりました。かわいく、撮らてくださいね。オーナーはん、誰も見てないからって、いけすせんといてくださいね?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kokoro: 後でウチにも、見せてくださいね?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: Pics? Of course. Just be sure to take cute ones, okay? I know nobody's watching, but still… Don't take anything nasty, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kokoro: Be sure to show them to me later.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kokoro: Oh, my God! I'm not tired yet! I still do it! ... No, i can't go anymore!

Episode 4: Lasting Memories (残したい思い出)[]


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene1 (코코로 2019 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪こんばんは♪毎年オーナーはんやみんなに誕生日祝ってもろうて……ふふっ♪ほんま、楽しいです♪あと、今年もケーキ、おおきにです。一人じゃ食べ切れない程、立派なもの頂いて…………?ケーキだけじゃなくて……もう一つ、プレゼント?

Kokoro: Good evening, boss ♪ I'm so happy that you and the girls take the time to celebrate my birthday every year ♪ It's really fun ♪ And thank you for another cake this year. It looks so good, but I can't finish it all by myself. …? More than just a cake? You have…another gift for me?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あっ!これ……オーナーはん♪この中身、当ててみてええですか?ひょっとして……ウチのための水着、ちがいますか?当たりですか?やったぁ♪ふふっ♪オーナーはんいつも頑張ってくれはるから。じつはウチ、ちょっと期待してたんです♥証生日は、一年に一度やから……ええもん調えて、週しいです。あ、あの、買って当たり前、言うのとは違いますよ?ウチ、去年の水着すごくうれしくて……それで、あの……ね?今年も、買えたらええなー、って……その……も、もう、オーナーはん……!黙ってないで、なんか言うてください…………えっ!?着替えて、見せてほしい……?ここでそんなこと言われたら……ウチ、断られへんです。もう、いけずやわぁ…………なんて、せっかくええもん買ったんですから、断ったりしたらバチがあたりますね。はい、ええですよ♪本当は、ウチも、早く着てみたかったんです♥

Kokoro: Wow! This is… Boss ♪ Can I guess what's inside? Could it be… A swimsuit just for me? Am I correct? Oh, I got it right? Yes ♪ Heheh ♪ Because you're always doing so much for me. I've actually come to expect a lot from you ♥ Birthdays only come by once a year… So I'm really happy to get something so nice. Oh… I didn't mean to take it for granted. I'm still really happy with the swimsuit that I got last year… So I just… I mean… If I were to get one this year as well… Boss… Come on…! Stop being so quiet and say something. Huh!? You want me to get changed, and see me wearing it? Hearing this on the spot…I can't refuse…you big meanie… After getting such a nice gift like this… Refusing to put it on would be bad manners. So I'll do it ♪ Honestly, I wanted to put it on anyway ♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはーん♪水着、着てみました♪……似合ってます?それに、この石……「ラピスラズリ」、ですか?吸い込まれそうな青色で……きれい……じゃあ、オーナーはん♥お写真、お願いします♪ふふっ♪たまには、ウチからお願いしてもええですよね♪この水着と、思い出、ちゃーんと残しておきたいですから。お願い、できますか?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Boss ♪ I slipped on the swimsuit ♪ Does it look good on me? Oh, and these stones are… "Lapis Lazuli?" What a beautiful shade of blue… Oh, how they draw me in… Okay boss ♥ Kindly take some photos, please ♪ Heheh ♪ It's fine for me to request for a shoot every now and then, right ♪ Because I want this swimsuit, and this memory to last. Would that be okay?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真を撮られるの、やっぱり、ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……でも、こうやって一つずつ、思い出が増えてくようで……嬉しいです。じゃあ、オーナーはん。今日はおおきにです♥また…………えっ?まだ、渡すものがある……?でも、あとで渡すから、もう少し待って欲しい……?……なんか、ようわからへんけど……でも、オーナーはんが言うなら……ウチ、待ってますから。

Kokoro: As expected, it is a little embarrassing to have my picture taken like this… But, making memories like this one at a time… Makes me happy. Anyway boss, thanks for making my day ♥ See you… Eh? You have something else to give me? But you would like me to wait for a little while? I'm…not sure what you're up to… But if you want me to wait, I'll wait.

Episode 5: Lapis Lazuli Sky (瑠環色の空)[]


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene2 (코코로 2019 생일 이벤트2)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Kokoro after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪お約束の時間ですよ?ふふっ♪後ろの手に持ってるもの……渡してください♪

Kokoro: Oh boss ♪ It's time. Heheh ♪ I see you holding something behind your back. Can I have it, please ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ひゃっ!?あ、あの、これ、指輪……!?その、ウチ、ビックリして……もうてなんていえばええんやろ……受け取ってくれるかって……?……ふふっ。オーナーはんの顔みたら、なんか分からへんけど……安心しました。おおきに、オーナーはん。受け取らせてもらいます。

Kokoro: Oh my gosh!? This is.. A-A ring…!? Erm, I'm…too shocked… To put it into words… Will I "accept it?" …Heheh. When I look into your eyes… I'm not really sure why…but you make me feel safe. Thank you, boss. I'll gladly accept.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 指輪も、綺麗な青色で……まるで、この島の夜空みたい…………あっ!もしかして……待ってて欲しかったのって、そのためですか?ふふっ♥オーナーはん、粋なことしはります。……ふふっ♥でも、指輪の色と比べると……まだちょっと暗すぎると思いません?だから……もう少し明るくなって……空が指輪の色と一緒になるまで……ね?うふふっ♪

Kokoro: This ring has a beautiful blue color too. Just like the starlit sky on this island. Ah…! Could this be the reason… You asked me to wait? Heheh ♥ Boss, you are so romantic. Heheh ♥ But the sky is still a little too dark to match the ring's color, isn't it? So, let's wait for a little daylight… Until the sky matches the color of this ring, alright? Hehehe ♪

Episode 6: Kokoro-chan Wants to Hang Out! (こころちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: My Feelings… (ウチの気持ち…)[]

First version[]


DOAXVV Kokoro Valentine Event

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♥ちょっとお話し、ええですか?あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Boss ♥ Do you have a minute? Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Kokoro extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♥ちょっとお話し、ええですか?あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Boss ♥ Do you have a minute? Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真ですか?わかりました。かわいく、撮らてくださいね。オーナーはん、誰も見てないからって、いけすせんといてくださいね?

(Camera Flash)

Kokoro: Pics? Of course. Just be sure to take cute ones, okay? I know nobody's watching, but still… Don't take anything nasty, okay?

(Camera Flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 後でウチにも、見せてくださいね?

Kokoro: Be sure to show them to me later.

Episode 8: Charm of Reaching Maturity (成熟した大人の魅力)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro (OFF): 〜♪

Kokoro: あ、オーナーはん。どうしたん?誕生日パーティーの準備ができたから迎えに?ふふっ、おおきに♪……♪……え?何だかそわそわしてる、ですか?誕生日って「ひとつオトナになる」ってことやないですか。そう考えると落ち着かなくて……ウチも、エレナさんやさゆりさんみたいな、素敵な大人の女性になれるといいなぁ……絶対になれる、って……もう、オーナーはんったら、ほんま子ええんやから。……え?そんなウチに?

Kokoro (OFF): ♪

Kokoro: Oh… What is it, boss? The party's about to start, and you came to get me for it? Heheh, thanks ♪ ♪ …Hm? Why do I look nervous? This birthday means I'm one step closer to becoming an adult. I can't stay calm thinking about that. I hope I'll turn out to be mature, refined woman like Ms. Helena and Sayuri. There's no doubt in your mind that I will? You know what a girl wants to hear, boss. Huh?… This is for me?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ、誕生日プレゼント!オーナーはん、おおきに♥ウチのために用意した水着?誕生花のカトレアをモチーフに……綺麗な色やけど、うーん……これ、ウチには少しオトナっぽ過ぎるような……えっ?誕生日パーティーに着て来てほしい?……もう、オーナーのいけず。そう言われたら断れるわけないやん……♥き、着替えてくるから、待っててくださいね?

Kokoro: Wow, a birthday present! Thank you, boss ♥ A swimsuit you made for me? With the motif of my birth flower, Cattleya? The colors are pretty, but… Hmm… I think it's a little too "mature" for me… Hm? You want me to wear it at the birthday party? Wow, boss… If you ask like that, how could I ever say no? I-I'll put it right on… Don't go away.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ちょっぴりセクシーやけど……ふふっ、まるでウチが花になったみたい♥やっぱり予想は当たってた……?オーナーはん、どういう意味です?カトレアの花言葉は「成熟した大人の魅力」……ひとつオトナになった今のウチになら、絶対に似合うと思ったから……?えっと、その……おおきに。……えへへ♥あ、でも、これ着てパーティーに行くんは、ちょっと恥ずかしいし、心の準備ができてからがええなぁ……そうだ、オーナーはん!今年も、その……写真、撮ってくれへん?さすがオーナーはん、カメラの準備、バッチリやね♪じゃあ……少しオトナになったウチを……どうぞ♥

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: It's actually kind of sexy… Heheh… I feel like I've become a flower ♥ Just as you predicted? What does that mean, boss? The floral saying for the Cattleya is "the charm of reaching maturity?" Now that I've "nearly blossomed into an adult," that's why you think it fits me so well? Umm… Well thanks. …Heheh ♥ But wearing this to the party…would be a little embarrassing. I'd rather wait until I'm mentally ready. I know, boss! How about taking a picture of me in this, like last year? I should've known you'd have your camera at the ready for this ♪ Okay… Go ahead and snap some pics of my "nearly full-grown adult" self ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ふふっ、楽しかった♪これも、ひとつオトナになったウチの思い出、やね♪じゃあ、オーナーはん、パーティーに行きましょか。フレゼントのお礼に、この島に来て成長したウチの舞い、披露します♪

Kokoro: Heheh, that was fun ♪ Perfect for preserving memories of my steps to adulthood ♪ So let's get to that party, boss. As a thank you for the gift, I'll do a dance for you, showing how much I've grown since coming to the island ♪

Episode 9: Full-Grown Kokoro (オトナノココロ)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kokoro her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、オーナーはん。パーティー、とても楽しかったです♪ウチの舞い、ちゃんと観てくれはりました?「とても魅惑的だった」 ……?ふふっ、 『カトレアみたいに』って言うんとちゃいます?ウチ、パーティー中に教えてもらったんです。カトレアのもう一つの花言葉は 『魅惑的』。花言葉でごまかさんと、正直言うてほしいです。……違う?そのままの感想を言っただけ?そ、そんな真っすぐ言われても……ウチ、困ります…………え?素敵な舞いを見せてもらったお礼に、もう一つ、誕生日プレゼント……?

Kokoro: Oh, boss. The party was so much fun ♪ Did you pay attention to my dancing? You thought it was really "enchanting?" Heheh. Don't you mean "like a Cattleya?" I learned about it at the party. One more word for the Cattleya is "enchanting." I want you to be honest with me instead of using the language of flowers to flatter me. You're not doing that? So…you were just expressing how you really felt about it? Speaking so bluntly like that… Is a little embarrassing for me. Huh? You've got another gift for me? For showing you my enchanting dance?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ、綺麗……じゃなくて「魅感的」やね、ふふっ♪これ、カトレアのブーケですよね?おおきに、オーナーはん♥じゃあ、その……いただきます。

Kokoro: Wow, it's beautiful. Or I should say it's so "enchanting." Heheh ♪ It's a bouquet of Cattleyas, right? Thank you so much, boss ♥ So of course…I'll accept it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 花言葉は「成熟した大人の魅力」……やったっけ?少しオトナになったウチのこと、オーナーはんに、もっと見てもらいたいから……オーナーはん、これからもよろしゅうに……♥

Kokoro: Cattleya in the language of flowers represents "the charm of reaching maturity," right? Now that I've matured a bit, I hope you pay attention to me a little more, boss. Let's keep enjoying our time together ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ふふっ、ちょっと照れくさいです♥オーナーはん、今日は、ほんまにありがとうこざいました。まだまだ未熟なウチやけど……来年は、もっとオトナに成長したウチで、オーナーはんのことを魅惑してあげます、なんて♪……え?今のウチも魅力的?も、もう!オーナーはんのいけず…………ふふっ♥

Kokoro: Heheh, I'm a little embarrassed ♥ Thanks so much for all you did, boss. Maybe I'm still a little immature, but… I'll do my best to keep you enchanted next year, when I've matured even more. What am I saying ♪ Hm? I'm already enchanting to you? Come on, boss! You meanie… …Heheh ♥

Episode 10: Thin Towel Wrap (Kokoro) (うすかわたけのこ(こころ))[]


DOAXVV こころエクストラエピソード『うすかわたけのこ』


DOAXVV SRR Thin Towel Wrap (Kokoro) Extra Episode

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 11: With You (Kokoro) (ウィズ・ユー(こころ))[]

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Kokoro) (S・ショコラティエ(こころ))[]

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 13: Some Things Never Change (変わらないもの)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Kokoro: こんばんは、オーナーはん♪毎年、こんなに大きなパーティーを開いてもろて、ありがとうございます♪ウチ、とっても楽しみにしてたんです♥「お誕生日が楽しみ」なんて言うたら、子供っぽいって笑われるかも……って思ってたけど……オーナーはんや、みんながこんなにお祝いしてくれるなら、笑われてもええかな♥……オーナーはん、どうしたんですか?ニコニコして…………やっぱり、ウチちょっと子供っぽかったやろか?……え、ちがう?……ウチに渡したいものが?

Kokoro: Good evening, Boss ♪ Thank you for throwing such a huge party for me every year ♪ I've really been looking forward to this ♥ Saying I look forward to my birthday is kind of childish, I know… So I thought maybe you'd laugh at me. But with you and the girls celebrating like this… I wouldn't even mind getting laughed at ♥ What's the matter, Boss? You're grinning… Is it because you thought I was being childish after all? No? You've got something to give me?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kokoro: わぁ、これ……お誕生日のプレゼントですか!?おおきに、オーナーはん♥ウチ、とっても嬉しいです♪ふふっ、ニコニコしてたんは、これを隠してたからですね?……もう、オーナーはんのいけず。あっ、そうや!ウチ、ちょっと用事思い出したわ……!すんません、オーナーはん。ちょっと失礼しますね……?ごきげんよろしゅう♥

Kokoro: Wow… Is this my birthday gift?! Thank you, Boss ♥ This makes me really happy ♪ Heheh… You were grinning because you were hiding this, weren't you? You big meanie. Oh yeah! I just remembered that I have to take care of something! Sorry, Boss… You'll have to excuse me now. Bye bye ♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English

Kokoro: じゃーん♥どうですか、オーナーはん♥この水着……ウチ、似合ってますか?やったぁ、大金星〜♪いけずなオーナーはんへのお返しです♥って、あかん!こんな素敵でドレスみたいな水着やのに。やっぱり、ウチ子供っぽかったやろか……「似合っているから、大丈夫」……?え、えと、おおきに……?嬉しいけど、ウチ、ちょっと恥ずかしい……えっと、この水着は……「みかん」やろか?ウチ、この色大好きなんです♥……え?「いつまでも変わらない、不老不死の果実」なんて言い伝えがあるんですか?ヘえ……!身近な果物やと思ってたけど、そんな言い伝えがあるんですねえ……♪他には「純粋」「愛らしさ」……なんやら、全部「ウチが子供っぽい」言われてる気が……うふふっ♪なんて、冗談です♪オーナーはんの気持ちは、ちゃんと伝わってますから♥じゃあ、今日のこの姿と、ウチの嬉しい気持ちを、オーナーはんの写真で「いつまでも」残してくださいね♥

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Tadah ♥ What do you think, Boss? ♥ Does this swimsuit…look good on me? Yay ♪ Kokoro for the win! I just had to give you a taste of your own medicine, Boss… You meanie ♥ What am I doing… This swimsuit is so elegant, like a dress… So maybe I don't deserve it with my childish attitude… I "look great, so don't worry about it"? Um, wow… Thank you… I'm glad you said that, but I'm a little embarrassed… This swimsuit is "orange," right? That's my favorite color ♥ …Hm? It's an "everlasting, unchanging fruit?" Is there some kind of legend behind it? Wow! I thought it was just a regular fruit, and I didn't know there was such an interesting legend about it ♪" It also represents "purity," and "sweetness?" I've got a feeling you're trying to say I'm childish… Heheh ♪ I'm just kidding with you ♪ I know what you're trying to say, Boss ♥ Now… Capture how I look today, and this happiness I'm feeling…so it's preserved forever in your photos ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Kokoro: ……はぁ、ちょっと緊張したけど、たのしかったぁ♪オーナーはん、今年もお誕生日、ほんま、おおきにでした♥ウチ、来年はもっと楽しみにしてしまいそうです♪……え?このあと、ですか?もっと驚かせてもらえるんやろか?ふふっ♪ほんま、オーナーはんは、いけずな人です♥じゃあ、オーナーはん♥ウチ、どこへなりと、お供させていただきます♪

Kokoro: Whew… I was a little nervous doing that… But it was fun ♪ Thank you for doing what you did on my birthday this year, Boss ♥ I think I'll be looking forward to next year even more ♪ Hm? After this? You've got another surprise for me? Heheh ♪ You really are a big meanie, aren't you ♥ Okay, Boss ♥ I'll go wherever you lead me to ♪

Episode 14: Some Things Change (変わりゆくもの)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kokoro her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kokoro: オーナーはん、ここですか?パーティーを抜けだして、オーナーはんと二人きり……ウチ、なんかドキドキしてきたかも……「二人だけの、特別なパーティー」……ですか?ウチを驚かせるために、こんなことまで……ちょっと、大けさなんじゃ…………え?驚くのはまだ早い……ですか?

Kokoro: Is this the place, Boss? Leaving the party and being alone with you, Boss… It's making my heart race… A "special two-person party"? You went this far just to surprise me? I think that's a bit much… Hm? This wasn't the surprise?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Kokoro: わぁ……すごい……!水着と同じ、みかんのケーキですね♪こんな立派なケーキ、ウチ初めて見たかも……! (smelling) 甘くて、爽やかな香り……♪ウチ、みかんの色も、香りも大好きなんです♥「いつまでも変わらない」思いを込めて……?もう、オーナーはん……ほんま……人を驚かせるのが上手なんやから…………じゃあ、オーナーはん♥……ちょっと、ええですか?もうちょっとだけ、こっちへ……♥

Kokoro: Wow… How beautiful! An orange cake, just like the swimsuit ♪ I don't think I've ever seen a cake this incredible! (smelling) It smells so sweet and refreshing ♪ I love both the color and the smell of oranges ♥ To express your feelings about "something that never changes"? Oh my gosh… You're really good at surprises. So Boss ♥ Do you mind? Come here… Just a little closer ♥

Scene 5

The following scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Kokoro: ウからも……オーナーはんへの思いを込めて♥はい、オーナーはん♪あーん……♥

Kokoro: Now it's my turn to express my feelings for you ♥ Here it comes, Boss ♪ Say "ahhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Kokoro: うふふっ♪……これで「おあいこ」ですね♥オーナーはんの「変わらない」思いが詰まった、「みかん」の水着とケーキ…………でも、ウチは……ちょっとずつでも、「変わっていけたらな」って思ってます。やっぱり、ウチはまだまだ子供っぽくて、つい、肝心なところで茶化したりしてしまうけど……いつか……正面から受け止められるように、なれたらええな、って……♥だから、オーナーはん♪来年も、またその先も、そのまた次の年も……これからも、ず一っとお祝い……期待してますえ♥

Kokoro: Heheh ♪ Now we're even ♥ Your "unchanging" feelings are so apparent in this orange swimsuit and cake. But little by little…I'm hoping I can make some changes. I'm still a bit childish… And I tend to kid around at the most important times. Someday… I hope I can take things head on ♥ So Boss ♪ For next year, and the year after that and beyond… I hope we can celebrate together for a long time to come ♥

Episode 15: A gust of wind in the riddle (kokoro) (なぞの突風(こころ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Secret Foot Massage (Kokoro) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(こころ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 今日も遅くまで、お疲れさまでした あとウチとニ人だけですから♪の一んびり、しましょ♥

Kokoro: Kudos for another long day of work ♪ We’re the only ones here ♪ What do you say we get some rest and relaxation? ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro (OFF): えっ?足裏マッサージ? 「破れが取れる」って……ほ、ほんまに……?

Kokoro (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? It’ll “rejuvenate” me? W-Will it really?

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……あの、これでええですか?この格好、恥ずかしいから……はやく……

(camera flash)

Kokoro: So…is this okay? I feel pretty awkward sitting like this…so get it going…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: もう……マッサージって、ほまですか?いけずしてるんやったら、許しまへよ……?

Kokoro: Oh my gosh… Are you sure this is just a massage? If you’re teasing me I won’t let you hear the end of it.

Episode 17: The Medicine of Love (Kokoro) (愛の妙薬 (こころ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Kokoro) (甘い香りに誘われて(こころ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro (OFF): オーナーはん♥ちょっとお話し、ええですか?

Kokoro (OFF): Boss ♥ Do you have a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Episode 20: Sunset at the Park (Kokoro) (あかね色の公園で(こころ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Episode 19: White Prince (Kokoro) (ホワイト・プリンス(こころ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Kokoro acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 21: Goddess Night's Dream (Kokoro) (女神の夜の夢(こころ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、オーナーはん、こんばんは。じゃあ、一緒に夜更かし、楽しみましよ。ウチの写真、撮るんですか?ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。はい、できました♡

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: Good evening, owner-san. Let's enjoy staying up late together. Are you going to take our picture? I'm a little embarrassed, but I'll get ...... ready. Yes, it's ready, handsome!

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、あの、もうちょっとだけ……あかん?二人だけの、秘密にしてくださいね?

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: Owner-han, can we go to ...... for a bit longer? Can we keep this between us, please?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: まだまだこれからですよ?

Kokoro: It's just the beginning, you know?

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー1 (こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー2(こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー3(こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー4 (こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー5(こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー6(こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Kokoro) (ひみつのシャワー7 (こころ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kokoro.

Episode 29: Something I Can Do (ウチにできること)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: もうそろそろ……やろか?「部屋で待ってて」 って、 オーナーはん、 言うてたけど……ウチのために、なんかえらい準備してくれてたみたいやし……ふふっ♪今年の誕生日も、 ほんま、 楽しみやなあ♡こんなに、良くしてくれるオーナーはんに、何かお返してきたらええんやけど……ウチに出来ること……かぁ……オーナーはん、 何したら喜んでくれるんやろ……「八極拳」……は、違うなぁ……あとは、 「お茶」とか、「舞妓」とか……うーん……

Kokoro: Maybe I should get started. The Boss told me to wait in the room, but… I think he put together something great for me… Heheh ♪ I'm really looking forward to my birthday again this year ♡ He's done so much for me… I wish there was some way I could repay him… Let's see… What would make the Boss really happy? Baji Quan? I guess not… Maybe tea… Or a geisha dance… Hmm…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あっ、オーナーはん!ふふっ♪ そろそろ来るかなって、 思ってました♡ちょっと考え事してたから、 全然待ってませんよ♪それに……ウチのために、何か準備してくれてたんですよね?♪

Kokoro: Oh, Boss! Heheh ♪ I had a feeling you'd come by soon ♡ I wasn't waiting long at all, just thinking about something ♪ And… You prepared something for me, didn't you ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ……!お誕生日プレゼントですよね♪華やかで、綺麗な水着やわぁ♡えっ!?綺麗なウチが見たくて、頑張った……?あ、あの、そんな風に言われると、ウチ、恥ずかしい…………でも、改めて伝えてもらえると、嬉しいです♡やっぱり、ウチにもなにかお返してきたらなぁ……あの、オーナーはん。ちょっと、お願いがあるんですけど……ウチと、 デート……してくれませんか?オーナーはんに、 見せたいものがあるんです♡良かったー♪ じゃあ、楽しみにしててくださいね♪

Kokoro: Wow…! This must be my birthday gift ♪ What a gorgeous swimsuit ♡ Huh?! You wanted to see me dolled up, and put a lot of effort into this? Wow… If you put it that way, I'm kind of embarrassed… But I'm happy you've expressed how you feel ♡ I wish there was some way I could repay you… Um, Boss? Could I ask you for a favor? Do you think we could…go on a date? I've got something I want to show you ♡ Yay ♪ You won't be disappointed ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 「綺麗なウチがみたい」……かぁ……いつもより綺晶なウチになれるように、頑張らな……♪

Kokoro: Wanted to see me "dolled up," huh… I'll do what I can to look even more beautiful for you ♪

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……オーナーはん♪ どうですか?「想像してたよりも、綺麗」……?ほんまですか?♪そう言ってもらえて嬉しいわぁ♡いつものお化粧と違うから、ちょっと不安やったんです。えっ?「石鹸みたいな、 いい香りがする」って……?ふふっ♪ じつは、 香水つけてみたんです♡今日の水着に合わせて、一生懸命選んだんですよ♪オーナーはんに気付いてもらえるなんて、頑張った甲斐があったわぁ♪……あっ!ウチ、 一人で盛り上がってしもた……ちょっと、はしたなかったやろか……いつもお祝いしてくれるオーナーはんに、 お返ししたくて……喜んでもらえたみたいやから、嬉しかったんです。この香水の匂い、 とっても深みがあって素敵やのに、ウチはまだまだ、 あかんなぁ……「優しくて温かい香りが、 とっても似合ってる」……?ふふっ、おおきに♪オーナーはんこそ、ほんま、しいんやから。……そうや♪ せっかくやから、ちょっと綺麗になったウチを、撮ってくれますか?♪

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: …Boss ♪ What do you think? More beautiful than you imagined? Really? ♪ I'm so happy you said that ♡ I did my makeup different than usual, so I was a little nervous. Hm? Something smells good, like soap? Heheh ♪ I actually put on some perfume ♡ I thought long and hard to choose one that would go with this swimsuit ♪ And it was worth the trouble since you noticed ♪ Oh my gosh, I'm getting a little too excited here… Sorry if that was too much… You always celebrate my birthday Boss, so I wanted to do something in return… And you seem happy, so I'm happy too. This perfume smells so amazing, with such depth to it… But I feel as if I'm still lacking something… Its gentle, warm scent fits me perfectly? Heheh, thank you ♪ You're the gentle one, Boss. A true gentleman. Oh yeah ♪ Since I'm all made up like this, think you could take some pics? ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……ふふっ、なんかとっても楽しいわぁ♡お化粧してお出かけするのって、 こんなに楽しいんですね♪こんなに楽しいお出かけ、 初めてかも♡じゃあ、行きましょか。 オーナーはん♡今日のウチ、 いっぱい楽しんでくださいね♡

Kokoro: …Heheh. I'm having so much fun right now ♡ I never realized how fun it can be to go out with makeup on ♪ This might be the most fun I've ever had going out ♡ Should we leave now, Boss? ♡ I want you to have a lot of fun with me today while I'm "dolled up" ♡

Episode 30: Deepening Charm (深まる魅力)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kokoro the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪えっと、デート……とっても楽しかったです♪ウチの知らん場所に連れて行ってもらったり……お部屋でゆっくりしたり……ふふっ♪あの……オーナーはんは……楽しんでもらえましたか?……「時間が経つほど、良さが分かった」 ですか?ウチも、時間が経つほどに 「ええ香りやなぁ」 って思います♪オーナーはんにも気に入ってもらえて、 嬉しいです♡……えっ?ウチにピッタリ……?「一緒にいるほど、魅力的になる」 って……も、もう!いきなり言われたら、 びっくりします……でも、ええ思い出になった。 かな♪香水も、オーナーはんの言葉も。……オーナーはん?どうしたん? 急に静かになって。

Kokoro: Boss ♪ Um… I had a lot of fun on our date ♪ Taking me to places I never knew about… Relaxing in the room with you… Heheh ♪ Um… Did you have a good time, Boss? You "liked it more and more as time passed"? I grew fonder of the scent as time passed too ♪ And I'm really glad you liked it as well ♡ Hm? It fits me "perfectly"? And I get more charming the more we're together? Boss! You caught me off guard with that… But I think this will be a great memory for me ♪ This perfume, as well as your kind words. …Boss? Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: これって……さっき撮ってくれはった写真ですよね?♪

Kokoro: This is… One of the pics you just took, right? ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……えっ?「大切な思い出を残したいから」……ですか?ふふっ♪ オーナーはんにとっても、大切な思い出になったなら、ウチ、 嬉しいです♡あの……オーナーはんのおかげで、 気づけたことがあるんです。ウチ、 舞妓として、お化粧には慣れてるつもりやったけど……お化粧も稽古のひとつやったし、あんまり、楽しいって思ったことはなかったんです。でも、 初めて誰かのため……オーナーはんのためにお化粧してみたら、楽しくて……♪褒めてもらえたのも、ほんまに嬉しかったんですよ?♪目の前がぱ一って明るくなって!……おおきに。こんな大事なことに気づけたのは、オーナーはんのおかげです。……来年ももっと綺麗になれるように、頑張らな。それで、オーナーはんにまた喜んでもらえるように……♪やから……

Kokoro: …Huh? Because you want to preserve this precious memory? Heheh ♪ I'm so happy you consider this a precious memory too, Boss ♡ Um… You've helped me realize something. As an apprentice geisha, I'm used to wearing makeup, but… Makeup was part of my training, and I never really enjoyed wearing it before. This is the first time I've done it for someone… When I put on the makeup for you, it was so fun ♪ And your compliments made me so happy ♪ It just brightened up my whole day! …Thank you. I would have never realized how fun this could be if it wasn't for you, Boss. I'll make an effort to be even more beautiful next year. And I hope I'm able to please you again ♪ So…

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There are no subtitles or dialogue box in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 今日のウチのこと、 ちゃんと覚えといてくださいね♡あ、あの……恥ずかしいから、 見るときは、 こっそりお願いしますね?……えっ?「部屋に飾る」 ……!?そ、それは!「冗談」って……もう、ほんま、いけずやわぁ……その…… 今はまだ恥ずかしいですけど……もっと綺麗になって、もっといい写真が撮れたら、 飾ってもええですよ?♪やから、それまでは……かんにんえ♪オーナーはん♡

Kokoro: Please remember me in this moment… Until my birthday comes around next year, okay? ♡ U-Um… But when you look at me, don't make it too obvious because I'll get embarrassed, okay? …Huh? You'll put it up in your room?! B-But that's…! Oh, you're kidding… You're such a big meanie… I'm still embarrassed right now, but… When I dress up even prettier, and you take a better pic, I don't mind if you put it up ♪ But not until then, okay? ♪ Boss ♡

Episode 31: Love Letter Maiden (Kokoro) (恋文フトメ(こころ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♡ちょっとお話し、 ええですか?

Kokoro: May I have a word with you, handsome owner?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、あの、これ……ウチの気持ちです。受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです……

Kokoro: Oh, um, this is ...... our feeling. I'd be happy if you could take it. ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはんと二人きり……なんだか、 恥ずかしいな……

Kokoro: alone with the owner ...... I'm kind of embarrassed ......

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: もう、いけずして……

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: I've already done so: ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 二人だけの、秘密にしてくださいね?

Kokoro: Just the two of us, please keep it a secret, okay?

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Kokoro) (勝利のセレモニー (こころ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Kokoro (こころとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: If you two are together... (二人一緒なら)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……あれ? ここは……?ウチ、 ホテルでお誕生日の準備をしてたはず……あ、オーナーはん!?突然何が起きたんです……?「召喚」……?うーん……なんのことか、ようわからへんけど……でもまぁ、ええかな……♪「いいの?」って、 そんな驚かんでも……ウチだって、ちょっとくらい不安はありますよ?でも、大丈夫!ウチ、 そんなにヤワな女とちゃいます♪お誕生日にオーナーはんと一緒にいられるなら……場所は関係ないですから♡それに、もし何かあったときは、二人で力を合わせれば大丈夫……ですよね? オーナーはん♡そういえば……ウチ、いつの間に着替えたんやろ……この水着も、オーナーはんが……?やっぱり♡ミニスカートも、 毛皮が付いてでモフモツで、とっても可愛いですもん♡それに、なんか力が湧いてくるような……不思議な水着ですね……「狩人をイメージした水着だから」……?「それで「弓矢」がついてるんですね♪かっこええわぁ♡んーでもせっかくだったら、 オーナーはんを守るより、オーナーはんに守ってもらった方がよかったな、なんて♪……!オーナーはん、隠れて!森の向こうに、なんか嫌な気配がします…………ウチが見てきますから、オーナーはんは、 ここで待っててくださいね?うふふっ♪ 心配いりまへん、ウチは強いですから♡それに、 今ならこの水着の力もありますから♡

Kokoro: ......? Is this ......? We were preparing for a birthday at the hotel...... Oh, owner! What happened all of a sudden......? "Summoning"......? I don't know what you're talking about,...... but it's okay,......... Don't be so surprised. ...... we're a little nervous, too, you know? But don't worry! If I can be with the owner on your birthday,...... it doesn't matter where you are. I'm sure you're right.... Speaking of the owner♡Oh, when did we change our clothes? ......When did we change this swimsuit too? I knew it. The mini-skirt is also very cute with fur and fluffy ♡♡♡And it's a mysterious swimsuit that seems to give you strength ....... ...... "It's a swimsuit with the image of a hunter. It's a swimsuit that's based on the image of a hunter. ......? Owner, hide! I'm going to go check it out,............, and you can wait here, won't you? I'm strong, and I have the power of this swimsuit now, too.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、もう大丈夫そうですよ。ウチが、みーんな追っ払いました♡

Kokoro: It looks like you're all right now, owner-san. We got rid of all of them ♡.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: なんかようわからん。 化け物? でしたけど……大丈夫です♪ この水着が守ってくれましたから♡この辺りはもう安全です♡これでようやっと、二人きりになれましたね♪「それじゃあ契約を」 ……?……なんか約束するんですか?それ、いつものオーナーはんのカメラみたいですけど…………まぁ、オーナーはんとだったら、どんな約束をしてもええかな♡はい、どうぞ♪

Kokoro: I don't know what's going on here. I'm not sure what it is, but ...... it's okay... this swimsuit has protected me ♡ this area is now safe ♡ finally we can be alone ♡ now we can be alone ♡ then let's make a contract. ......? ...... What are you promising me? It looks like the owner's camera as usual. ............ Well, I'm willing to make any kind of promise with the owner♡Yes, go ahead!

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: うふふっ、じゃあこれで契約完了、ですね♪じゃあ……これから、 どうしましょうか?「二人きりで、冒険を」……?「ある場所に、誕生日プレゼントを隠してあるから、一緒に取りに行こう」って……ウチへのお誕生日プレゼントを、ウチと取りに行くんですか?……ふふっ、なんだか変なの。でも、オーナーはんを守るなんて、なかなかできへんし……二人っきりの冒険も、楽しそうやね♪それじゃあ、一緒に行きましょう、 オーナーはん♡

Kokoro: Well, I guess we have a deal now.......what shall we do now? "We'll have an adventure, just the two of us." ......? Kokoro: "I have a birthday present hidden in a certain place, so let's go get it together."...... You're going to go get your birthday present for us with us? ......It's so strange. But it's not easy to protect the owner. ......An adventure with just the two of us sounds like let's go together, handsome owner!

Episode 35: anywhere (どこまでだって)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Kokoro's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ん……?なんか、甘い匂いが……あの木の上の方……そういえば……オーナーはん、お腹、空いてませんか?ふふっ♪ ウチが射落としますから、オーナーはんとウチとで、 半分こですね♪

Kokoro: hmm......? What's that sweet smell......Think about that tree top......Well, ......Owner, aren't you hungry? I'll shoot it off, so you and I can split it 50/50...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: この子、 ずっとついてきますね♪危ないところを助けたから、懐かれちゃったかな?うふふっ♪ この子が助かったのも、この水着とオーナーはんのおかげですね♡

Kokoro: This girl keeps following me around... I saved her from a dangerous situation, so I guess she got attached to me. I guess this little girl was saved thanks to her swimsuit and owner's food, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 危たなかったぁ……するいわぁ、後ろから襲ってくるなんて……弓矢は、近い間合いは苦手やけど、ウチには八極拳があります♪どんな問合いでも負けませんよ♪

Kokoro: that was a close one: ...... how sweet of them to come at you from behind: ...... I'm not good with a bow and arrow in close quarters, but we have the Hakkyoku-ken.................we can beat you in any kind of fight!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ふぅ……結構遠くまで来たなぁ……「疲れてないか」……ですか?確かに、結構な距離歩きましたけど……でも、これくらい平気です♪こんな大冒険の先にあるお誕生日プレゼントって、なんか、楽しみで♪……それに、オーナーはんと一緒ですから。このまま、ずーっと冒険していたいくらい♡えっ?「目的の場所までもうちょっと」……?じゃあ、二人きりの冒険も、もう終わっちゃうんですね……ちょっと、もったいないなぁ……

Kokoro: Whew,...... we've come a long way,...... "Aren't you tired?"......? Sure, we walked quite a distance,...... but I don't mind this much...I'm looking forward to seeing the birthday present at the end of such a great adventure,...... and I'm with the owner,...... I'd like to keep going on adventures like this for a long time. I'd love to keep going on adventures like this ♡ What? I'm just a little further to the destination. ......? Then our adventure together will be over already. ......It's a bit of a waste. ......

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ……きれい……!ここに、ウチに渡したいものがあるんですか……?

Kokoro: Wow ...... beautiful ......! Do you have something here that you want to give to us ......?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 疲れが取れて、綺麗になれるオイル……それを、身体に塗るんですか?「誕生日だから、 労わらせてほしい」 って…………もう、 それでウチと一緒にこんなところに?でも、そうやなぁ……エステは気持ちよさそうやし……ふふっ、ええですよ♪ちょっと緊張しちゃいますけど……それじゃあ、優しくお願いします♡ずかしいから、あんまり見んといてね……?

Kokoro: You're going to put that oil on your body to take away fatigue and make you beautiful......? Kokoro: I'm not sure what you mean by that, but it's my birthday and I want to work on my body. ............ So you and I are going to this place? But, yes,...... the beauty treatment seems to feel good,...... and yes,...... I'm a little nervous,...... but then, Please be gentle with me. I'm a bit shy, so don't look at me too much. ......?

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: んー!ええ気持ちやったなー♪あのオイル、 ほんと気持ちよかったです。とってもいい香りがして……すっごくリラックスできました。でも……リラックスしすぎたやろか……オーナーはんの前で……恥ずかしいわぁ…………どうですか?ウチ、オーナーはんのおかげで、 綺麗になれました?ふふっ、ほんまに? ありがとうございます♡……オーナーはんのおかげで、とっても楽しいお誕生日になりました♪……そろそろ、 島に帰る時間……ですか?このままこの世界で、 ずーっと二人っきりもええなぁ……なんて思うけど…… ふふっ、続きはまた♪もしまた、二人で冒険するときは……その時は、オーナーはんが、ウチのこと守ってくださいね?これからも、よろしゅうお願いします♡

Kokoro: Hmmm! That oil really felt good. It smelled so good and made me feel ...... so relaxed. But I guess I ...... was too relaxed ...... in front of the owner ...... I'm so embarrassed... How do you like .........? I, thanks to the owner, have become beautiful? Really? Thank you ♡...... owner made my birthday so much fun♪...... it's time to go back to the island...... I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stay in this world. I think it would be nice if we were alone in this world for a long time. ...... But I'm sure we'll continue our adventure together again... ......then, the owner will protect us, won't you? I'll be counting on you to continue to be a good friend.

Episode 36: Secret Esthetic Time (Kokoro)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Kokoro's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Bitter♡Sweet (Kokoro) (ビター♡スイート(こころ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、誰も見てないからって、いけずせんどいてくださいね?

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: Owner-han, please don't do anything just because no one is watching, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ウチの気持ち、伝わったら……ええんですけど。

Kokoro: If our feelings are conveyed, ...... would be great.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ウチ、 なんか物足りんなぁ……

Kokoro: we're kinda missing something: ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 二人だけの、秘密にしてくださいね?

(Camera flash)

Kokoro: Just the two of us, please keep it a secret, okay?

(Camera flash)


Episode 1: Hitomi's Birthday (ヒトミの誕生日)[]


DOAXVV ヒトミ誕生日

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ。オーナーさん、こんにちは。押尽!あの、今日の夜って空いてますか?ちょっと、部屋に来てほしくて……あっ、忙しかったらいいんです。お暇なら、で……あはっ、じゃあ、お待ちしてますね。あの、おなか空かせて、来てくださいね。

Hitomi: Oh, hey, boss. Hai-ya! Say, are you free tonight? I'd like you to come to my room... Oh, but if you're busy, that's OK. When you have the time... Oh, well, I'll be waiting, then. By the way, please come hungry.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: こんばんは。来てもらえてうれしいです!あの。今日、わたしの誕生日なんです。だから、みんなでパーティーを、と思って。腕によりをかけて準備したから、たくさん食べてくださいね。えっ、その前に……?なんてすか?わっ!ケーキ!?あの、頂いちやっていいんですか!?ありがとうございます!……うれしいなぁ……あの、オーナーさん。パーティーが終わった後、ちょっとだけ、お話しできませんか?えと……二人だけで。じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますね。みんな、お待ちかねですよ♪

Hitomi: Good evening. I'm so glad you came! Err... It's my birthday today, so I just thought that we could all enjoy a party together. I used all of my skills to prepare lots of food, so eat up. Huh? Before that...? What is it? Oh, a cake!? Is it really for me!? Thanks! ...I'm so happy... ...Umm, boss? Could I talk to you after the party? ...Just the two of us? Until then, then. Meanwhile, everyone is getting impatient♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、お待たせしましたお。片付けまで手伝ってもらっちゃつて……わたしの国では、誕生日はパーティーを開いて、みんなにお礼の気持ちを伝える日なんです。みんな、楽しんでくれたみたいで、よかった。こうやって、楽しい誕生日パーティーができたのは、オーナーさんのおかげだと思います。あと、ケーキ!……とっても嬉しかった。わたし、オーナーさんが来るまで、今日が誕生日だって、言ってませんから。……憶えていてくれなんですよね?……だから、オーナーさんには、きちんと伝えたくて。じゃあ……言いますね。いつも、見守ってくれてありがとうございほす。……これからも、よろしくお願いしほす。……ふふっ、あらためていうと、ちょっと、照れチすね。わたし、もっともっと強くなりますから、ずっと、見ていてくださいね!押忍!

Hitomi: Boss, sorry to keep you waiting. And you're even staying behind to help clean up. In my country, parties are held on birthdays to show your appreciation and gratitude to everyone. I'm glad that everyone seemed to be having a good time. It's thanks to you that I was able to have such a great birthday party. Oh, and the cake! I was so happy. Even though I didn't mention that it was my birthday before you arrived. You remembered the date, didn't you? So... I want to say it to you properly. OK, here goes. Thank you for always looking out for me. I hope you'll continue to do so too... Hehehe... When I say it all together like that, it's a little embarrassing. I'm going to get stronger and stronger, so please keep watching! Hai-ya!

Episode 2: Together forever (いつまでも一緒に)[]


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi's Birthday Special 2019


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene (2019 히토미 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 50 - Together Forever

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi (OFF): さん!に!いち!

Hitomi: いぇーい!みんなありがとう!これからも、よろしくお願いしまーすっ♪あ、オーナーさん!すみません、わたしのワガママで、「お誕生日のカウントダウン」なんて、させてもらっちゃって。おかげで、思い出に残る誕生日になりました!本当にありがとうございます!「誕生日はまだ始まったばかり」……?あはっ、そうですね♪オーナーさんも楽しんでくださいね!パーティーのお料理もたっぷり用意してますから♪

Hitomi (OFF): Three! Two! One!

Hitomi: Yay! Thanks so much, everybody! I hope our friendship lasts forever ♪ Oh, hi boss! Maybe I was a little selfish asking for a "birthday countdown." But that made it a birthday I'll never forget! Thank you so, so much! My birthday is just getting started? Haha, that's right ♪ Please enjoy yourself too, boss! There's plenty of food at the party ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わぁ!可愛いケーキですね♪これもらってもいいんですか?わーい!やったぁー!ふふっ♪とってもおいしそうです♪

Hitomi: Oh my gosh, what an adorable cake ♪ I can really have this? Wow! Hooray! Heheh ♪ It looks super delicious ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: え?さらに……って、まだあるんですか?ええ!?この水着も、わたしにですか!?こんな良いものもらっちゃって……オーナーさん、本当にありがとうございほす!じゃあ、ケーキの方、皆で食べられるように切り分けて……って……?あれ……?オーナーさんどうかしました?なんだか、ふらふら……

Hitomi (OFF): オーナーさん?オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Eh? There's…more? Ehh!? This swimsuit is for me as well!? Thank you sooo much, boss… For the awesome gifts! Oh, so you want me to cut it? So everyone can have a piece and…Huh…? Whoa… Are you feeling okay, boss? You look kind of dizzy…

Hitomi (OFF): Boss…? Boss!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ……ん。……オーナーさん、おはようございます…………もう朝ですか?

Hitomi: …Oh. Morning, boss… It's morning already?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ……じゃなくて!あ、あの、大丈夫ですか?よかったぁ……心配しました。え?なぜここに寝ていたのか?オーナーさん、パーティーの途中で寝ちゃってたから……お疲れなんだろうな、って思って。それで、片付けのあと、起きるまで待ってよう、って思ったんですけど……あはは……でめんなさい。え?迷惑だなんて、そんなことないです!わたしこそ、カウントダウンバーティーだなんて、無理言っちゃって…………せっかくのお誕生日ですから。一番おにお祝いしてもらいたくて……つい、ワガママ言っちゃいました。ごめんなさい!ええっ!?今から、水着を着で記念撮影、ですか!?一年の思い出だから……?それは、嬉しいですけど……うーん……じゃあ、ちょっとだけ、ですよ?

Hitomi: I mean… a-are you okay? Good… I was worried about you. Hm? Why are you sleeping here? Well, you passed out at the party. I thought you were exhausted, so… After tidying up, I planned to stay with you till you wake up. Haha… Sorry. Huh? It wasn't any trouble at all! I went too far asking for a countdown party. It was my birthday, after all. Most of all, I wanted you to celebrate with me. That was really selfish of me. I am so sorry! What!? You want me to put on a commemorative photo shoot right now!? For memories of this year? Well, I'm delighted, but… Hmm… Well, just a little, I guess.

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ!これ、すっこく軽くて、動きやすい♪それに、とっても可愛くて……大好きです!でも、こんな、カワイイ水着……わたしに似合ってるといいんだけど……あはは……えっ!?「かわいい」ですか?あはは、なんだか照れちゃいますね。こんな素敵なプレゼント、ありがとうございます!それじゃあ、オーナーさん。撮影、よろしくお願いしますね!

Camera flash

Hitomi: Haha! This is so light and easy to move around in! And so adorable… I love it! But wearing a swimsuit this adorable… I hope it… actually matches me. Haha… Really!? You think I'm cute in it? Haha, You're making me blush… Thank you for such an awesome present! Well, boss. What do you say we get this photo session started!

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: そう言えばこの水着ってふたご座をモチーフにしてるんですよね?オーナーさんはふたご座の神話をしってますか?双子の兄弟が、いつまでも一緒にいられるように、神様にお願いして、星座にしてもらったんだそうです。って、わたしも、人に聞いた話なんですけど……「誰かといっまでも一緒にいたい」って、素敵ですよね。え?オーナーさんもいつでもみんなのそばにいる、ですか?あはっ♪そうですね!……いつも一緒にいてくれてありがとうございます。改めてオーナーさん。ありがとうございました。カウントダウンに、素敵な水着で写真撮影に……あと、オーナーさんの看病……は、うまくできなかったけど……とっても特別な誕生日でした♪あっ!でも、オーナーさん?わたしがワガママ言っても、無理はダメですよ!?健康第一!元気が一番!ですから♪

Hitomi: Speaking of which, I noticed this swimsuit has a Gemini motif. Do you know of the Gemini Myth, boss? A pair of twins prayed to be together forever, so God fulfilled it and made them into a constellation. I just heard the story from someone else, but doesn't the idea of being with someone forever sound amazing? Hm? You'll always be with us all, boss? Haha ♪ That's right! Thanks for always being here with us. And thanks again, so much, for all you've done for me. A countdown party, a photo shoot in an awesome swimsuit, and the chance to take care of you… Not everything went planned, but it was a really special birthday ♪ Oh! But don't push yourself too hard, no matter how selfish I might get, okay!? The most important thing is your health, after all ♪

Episode 3: Crimson Squad Ninja Suit (Hitomi) (焔紅運隊(ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: はい。すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててくださいね。よし、じゃあ、気合い入れて……お、お願いいます。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Hitomi: ふふっ。なんだか、照れちゃいます、ね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: Okay. Hold on a sec while I get ready. Alright, I think I'm ready, so let's do it. Take good ones…okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Hitomi: Heheh. I'm kind of getting embarrassed.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 4: Before the party (パーティーの前に)[]


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene1 (히토미 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: いち、に、さん、し……よーし、もうー本!

Hitomi: One, two, three, four… And…one more!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふぅ、ちょっと休憩……

Hitomi: Whew… I need a break.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ、オーナーさん!どうしたんですか?そろそろパーティーだから声をかけに……?あはっ♪ありがとうございます!え、えっと、呼びに来てくれたことだけじゃなくて……オーナーさんがわたしの誕生日をちゃんと覚えてくれてて、今年もパーティー開いてもらえて……すごく嬉しいです!……本当は、わたしもパーティーの準備、手伝いたかったんですけど……あなたは主員なんだから、いつも通り外で修行してなさい!……って、レイファンに追い出されちゃって。あはは……え?パーティーの前に、ちょっと早い誕生日プレゼント……?

Hitomi: Oh, boss! What is it? You came to tell me that the party's about to start? Haha. ♪ Thank you! Oh…? That's not all that you came for? I'm so happy you remembered my birthday, and you're throwing me another party this year! Actually… I was hoping I could help set up for the party too, but… Leifang chased me away and said I should train outside like any other day, since I'm the guest of honor. Hahaha… Hm? An early birthday gift before the party?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わぁ、綺麗な水着!この緑色の宝石は……エメラルド、かな?古代エジプトでは「生命」のシンボル……?ヘぇ、そうなんですね!体力には自信がありますから、わたしにピッタリかも♪えっ、着てみてほしい、ですか?少し恥ずかしいけど……でも、せっかくだから見てもらいたいし……分かりました!待っててくださいね♪

Hitomi: Wow, what a beautiful swimsuit! Are these green jewels…emeralds? A symbol of "life" in ancient Egypt? Oh, that's interesting! I'm really confident in my physical fitness, so I think it's perfect for me. ♪ Oh, you want me to slip it on? I'm a little embarrassed… But I do want you to see me wearing it after all, so… I'll do it! Just give me a minute. ♪

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: どうですか?水着に負けてなければいいんですけど♪バッチリ?あはっ、ありがとうございます!オーナーさんのプレゼントで、修行の疲れも吹き飛んだかも♪え?エメラルドには「癒し」の効果もあるんですか?ふふっ♪じゃあ「生命」と合わせて、元気2倍ですね!そうだ……あの、オーナーさん。記念に、わたしと一緒に写真、撮ってくれませんか?まずは、わたしたけで?ふふっ、分かりました。じゃあ、ポーズは……こんな感じで♪

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: What do you think? I hope the swimsuit doesn't outshine me. Perfect? Haha, thank you so much! I was pretty exhausted from training, but I think your gift reinvigorated me ♪ Hm? So emeralds also have a "healing" effect? Heheh. ♪ So that combined with the "life" symbolism will give me twice as much energy! Oh right… Um, boss? Would you take a photo with me, to commemorate this day? First you just want a photo of me? Heheh, okay. So… Is this pose all right?

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ほら、次はオーナーさんも一緒に撮りますよ♪

Hitomi: Time to take one with the two of us, Boss. ♪

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あははっ、楽しかった!オーナーさん、この水着、すごく気に入っちゃいました♪エメラルド、本当に闘だなぁ……え?エメラルドは「女神ヴィーナスに捧げる石」だから、島の女神のわたしには、エメラルドの水着を……?そ、そんな、女神って……て、照れちゃいますよ……あはは……でも、本当にプレゼントありがとうございます!今夜のパーティーも、これ、着ていきますね♪え?パーティーのあとに、またふたりで話したい、ですか?じゃあ、パーティーの後ここで!楽しみにしてますね、オーナーさん♪

Hitomi: Hahaha. that was so fun! I really love this swimsuit. ♪ These emeralds are just so gorgeous… Huh? Emeralds are sacrificed to Venus, so you wanted to give me an emerald swimsuit because I'm a… Venus of the island? Wow, I wouldn't go that far, boss… You're embarrassing me… Hahaha… But thank you so much for this amazing gift! I'll wear it for the party tonight ♪ Hm? You want to talk with me again after the party? Just the two of us? Sure! Let's meet right at this spot after the party! I'm looking forward to it, boss ♪

Episode 5: Splendid Venus (立派なヴィーナス)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Hitomi after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene2 (히토미 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: エメラルド……「ヴィーナスに捧げる宝石」、かぁ……毎日欠かさず修行してるけど、わたし、立派な「ヴィーナス」になれてるのかなぁ?

Hitomi: So emeralds are sacrificed to Venus, huh… I train every single day, but I wonder if I'm even close to becoming a splendid Venus.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あ、オーナーさん、お待ちしてました♪パーティー、とても楽しかったです!お誕生日ケーキのトッピングも、すごく凝ってて、可愛かったなぁ…………「わたしの手作り料理も美味しかった」?あははっ、ありがとうございます♪やっぱり、お祝いされるだけじゃなくて、みんなに、それとオーナーさんに、ちゃんとお礼がしたくて。えーと、それで、「ふたりで話したい」ことっていうのは……えつ、もう一つ、わたしにとっておきのプレゼント……?

Hitomi: Oh, I've been waiting for you, Boss. ♪ The party was super fun tonight! And the toppings on my cake were so fancy and cute… …My homemade cooking was delicious too? Hahaha. Thank you. ♪ Instead of just me getting all the attention, I want to express my gratitude to you and the girls. Oh yeah, um… What is it you wanted to talk to me about, just the two of us? Oh, another special gift for me…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ゆ、指輪!?こんな素敵なもの、本当に貰ってもいいんですか?受け取って、ほしい……?じゃ、じゃあ……指にはめますね……

Hitomi: A r-ring!? Is it really okay for me to accept something as nice as this? You…want me to have it? O-Okay… I'll slip it on my finger.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 綺麗な色……エバーグリーン、色視せない、生命の緑かあ……エメラルドの石言葉は「希望」。ですよね?え?わたしの未来が、いつも「希望」に満ちているように……?……あはっ、そうですね♪わたし、女神様みたいになれるのかなって、考え過ぎてました。今まで通り、しっかり修行して…………ってそれだけじゃダメですよね♪他にもお料理とか、いろんなこと頑張って……元気で、立派な「ヴィーナス」になります!「自分も、ヴィーナスのためにすべてを捧げる」……って?!お、大げさ過ぎですよ、オーナーさんっ!でも、その気持ち、少し……ううん、とっても嬉しいです!これからも、ふたりで一緒に頑張りましょうね、オーナーさん!あははっ♪

Hitomi: What a pretty color. Evergreen, the unfading color, the green of life… Emerald is the gem of "hope" isn't it? Oh… You wish for my future to be full of hope…? Haha… Yeah♪ I guess I was thinking too much about whether I can truly be a Venus. If I just keep training like I have been… Of course, that wouldn't be nearly enough ♪ I'll have to improve my cooking, and so many other things… To be an energetic, super splendid Venus! For Venus, you would sacrifice everything…?! T-That's way too exaggerated, boss! But when you say things like that… It really makes me happy! Boss, let's continue to keep giving our best! Hahaha. ♪

Episode 6: Hitomi-chan Wants to Hang Out! (ヒトミちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Overflowing With Feelings… (気持ち、詰まってる…)[]

First version[]


DOAXVV DOAX VenusVacationを無課金プレイ23「ヒトミのヴィーナスバレンタイン完遂」

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと… …あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, Boss, do you have a minute? Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Hitomi extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと… …あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, Boss, do you have a minute? Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: はい。すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててくださいね。よし、じゃあ、気合い入れて……お、お願いいます。

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Okay. Hold on a sec while I get ready. Alright, I think I'm ready, so let's do it. Take good ones…okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ。なんだか、照れちゃいます、ね。

Hitomi: Heheh. I'm kind of getting embarrassed.

Episode 8: Unfamiliar Swimsuit (慣れない水着)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ、オーナーさん♪パーティー、楽しんでくれていますか?今日のメインディッシュは、腕によりをかけて作りました♪オーナーさんも食べてみてくださいね♥わたしの国では、お誕生日は感謝を伝える目なんです……って、たしか前にも一度言いましたね♪去年はレイファンに止められて、お料理作れなかったから、今年は、倍の気持ちをこめちゃいました!食べたら感想、聞かせてくださいね♪……美味しい?わあ♪良かった〜♪作ってきた甲斐がありました!ふふっ……♪えっ?料理のお礼?そんな、気を遭わなくても……ついて来て、って……オーナーさん、待ってくださいよ〜!

Hitomi: Oh, boss ♪ Are you enjoying the party? I put a lot of effort into the main dish tonight ♪ Be sure to try some ♥ In my country, a birthday is a time to express your gratitude… I think I mentioned it before ♪ Last year Leifang stopped me from cooking anything, so this year I put twice as much gratitude into my dish! Have some and let me know what you think ♪ …It's good? Yay ♪ What a relief ♪ It was worth making then! Heheh ♪ Hm? Pay me back for the cooking? That's not necessary… Come with you? …Boss, wait!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: もう……一体どうしちゃったんですか?……プレゼント?わたしに?……って、あ!もしかして、誕生日のプレゼント!?……そうですよね!ありがとうございます!

Hitomi: Wow… What's gotten into you? …A gift? For me? But…oh! Could it be a birthday gift? …I see! Thank you so much!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わあっ……とってもカワイイ水着……ええっ!?着てみてほしい!?あの……どうしてもですか?……こんなに可愛くて……その、お姫様みたいで……わたしに似合うかな……って……でも、オーナーさんが、わたしのために週んでくれたんですよね……じゃあ……ちょっとだけ、チャレンジしてみます!

Hitomi: Wow, what a cute swimsuit… Huh!? Put it on now!? I mean…do I have to? It's so cute, like a princess… I don't think it'll suit… me… But…you picked this out for me, right boss? So…I guess I can try it on…just for a bit!

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ♪白とオレンジの色がとっても可愛い……♪まるでお姫様になっちゃったみたい……♥あっ、いけない、ついはしゃいじゃって…………えっと、どうでしょう?水着は可愛いけど……あはは…………カーネーションをイメージした水着、なんですか?花言葉は「温かい心」……かあ。え……?わたしにぴったり?パーティーのお料理も、心がこもってたって……あはは、ちょっと……ずかしいですけど……でも、オーナーさんがそう言ってくれるなら……自信が持てます!あはっ♪素敵なパーティーに、ドレスみたいな水着……今日は本当に楽しい誕生回になりました!ありがとうございます!オーナーさん!今日は温かい心に包まれて……幸せいっぱいです♪え?今の笑顔を記念写真に……?はい、喜んで♪やっぱり。お姫様つぽくしたほうが……なんて、無理無理やっぱり、いつも通りで……

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Haha ♪ The orange-white coloring is adorable ♪ I feel like I've become a princess ♥ Oh my gosh… I shouldn't frolic about like this… Um… What do you think? The swimsuit is cute and all, but… Hahaha… It's patterned after carnations? A symbol of a "kind heart?" Huh…? Perfect for me?… Because I poured my heart into cooking for the party? Hahaha… This is a little embarrassing… But if you say so, boss… It gives me confidence! Haha ♪ First a wonderful party, and now a dress-like swimsuit… Today was really fun for me! Thank you so much, boss! I have so much to be happy for… As if I've been wrapped in kindness ♪ Hm? You want to commemorate my smile with a photo? I'd be glad to ♪ Should I pose like a princess… What am I saying… Scratch that… I'll just do it like usual…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: どうでしたオーナーさん?いい写真撮れました?あらためて写真なんて、恥ずかしいですけど……オーナーさんが喜んでくれるなら、わたしも嬉しいです♪それじゃあ、今日はこれで……え……?まだ誕生日は終わってないって、どういうことです?準備があるから、ここで待っていてほしい?う〜ん、なんか気になる言い方ですね……ふふっ、でもオーナーさんのことだから、きっと、素敵なことなんですよね♪じゃあ、待ちきれないから、少し走って…………あっ!でも、この水着で走るのはダメですよね。あはは……♥じゃあ、頑張って……大人しく待っていますね、オーナーさん♪

Hitomi: How was it, boss? Did you get a good one? Now that I think about it, taking photos is kind of embarrassing… But if it makes you happy, I'm happy to ♪ So I guess that's it for the day… Hm…? My birthday isn't over yet? What do you mean by that? You want me to wait here while you get something ready? Hmm… The way you worded that has me wondering. But I'm sure it's something amazing if it's something you planned, boss ♪ Hmm… I can get antsy waiting, so maybe I'll go for a little run… …Oh! But I can't run while wearing a swimsuit like this. Hahaha ♥ So… I'll just do my best to stay calm and wait here, boss ♪

Episode 9: A Devoted Heart (一途な心y)[]

To get this episode, you must give Hitomi her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、あの、お待ちしてました……え?何か様子がおかしいって?あはは、待っているのって、苦手だから……走って気を紛らすことも出来なくて、ちょっと不安で……「お姫様みたいに」って、難しいですね……「大丈夫、ちゃんと似合ってる」……?オーナーさんにそう言われると、自信が持てますね。え?どうしたんですか、オーナーさん?あっ、手に持ってるそれ……

Hitomi: Boss… I've been waiting for you… Hm? I don't look okay? Hahaha… I'm terrible at waiting, but… I wasn't able to go for a run to distract myself, so I was feeling a little uneasy. To be princess-like is really difficult… "Don't worry, it looks great on me…?" If you say so boss, it gives me confidence. Huh? What's up? Oh, what's that in your hand?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: これって……!えっ、えっ……!?花束……?わたしに……?あ……ありがとうございます……

Hitomi: This is…! Oh my…! A bouquet…? For me…? Th-Thank you so much for this…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わあ……!綺麗なカーネーション!嬉しいなあ……誕生日に、こんな素敵なお花をもらえるだなんて……なんだか夢みたい……♪

Hitomi: Wow…! What beautiful carnations! I'm so happy… Getting such a beautiful bouquet of flowers like this on my birthday… It feels like a dream ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ、オーナーさん、ありがとうございます♥お姫様みたいには、ちょっと難しいですけど……♪

Hitomi: Heheh… Thank you so much, boss ♥ But it's kind of hard for me to act like a princess ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: カーネーションの花言葉は、「温かい心」なんですよね?その言葉、本当かも。こうして持っているだけで、温かい気持ちになれるから……え、……他にも花言葉があるんですか?……『純粋な愛』!?ええっ!?あ、愛ってそんな……!えっと、その……なんて言ったらいいか……「どんなことにも、知粋で一途なわたしに、……とても似合ってる」?あ、あはっ♪そうですかね?ちょっと、ぴっくりしちゃったけど……でも……うん、とっても嬉しいです!オーナーさんの……純粋な愛、貰っちゃったみたいで。なーんて、あはは♪……うん、夜も遅いですから、そろそろ、ホテルに戻りましょうか。えっと、あの……オーナーさん。良かったらその……手を、繋いでもらえませんか?ええっと、こういう水着……やっぱり、あんまり着慣れてないから……はい……♪ありがとうこざいます♥ふふっ……♥

Hitomi: Carnations symbolize a kind heart, right? I think that might be true. I can feel kindness just holding them like this… Hm? There's another meaning, too? "Pure love!?" What!? B-But "love" is such a…! Um… I don't know what to say. It looks really good on me…? Because I'm pure and devoted in everything I do? Ha…haha ♪ Really? I'm surprised you would say that, but… …Uh-huh. I am really happy! It's as if…I'm a recipient of your pure love, boss. What am I saying… Hahaha ♪ Yeah… It's getting kind of late, so maybe we should head back to the hotel now. Um… Boss? If it's okay… Do you think we could…hold hands? Uh… I'm not really used to wearing a swimsuit like this, so… Here ♪ Thank you ♥ Heheh ♥

Episode 10: With You (Hitomi) (ウィズ・ユー(ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 11: Sparkling Blue (Hitomi) (スパークリングブルー(ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 澄んだ空気…気持ちいい…

Hitomi: The air here is so crisp and refreshing…

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Hitomi) (S・ショコラティエ(ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 13: Riddle Gusts (Hitomi) (なぞの突風(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Hitomi) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 遅くまで回り、お疲れ様でした!あの、ペース早す早すぎました?二人だと楽しくて……つい♪

Hitomi: Thank you for staying around late! Um, was it too fast? It's fun for us both. Bye. ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi (OFF): えっ、足裏マッサージ……?疲れが取れるんですか?じゃあ、よろしくお願いします!

Hitomi (OFF): Eh, foot massage...? Are you tired? Well, thank you!

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あの、これでいいですか……?あはは……ちよ、ちょっと恥ずかしいかな……

(camera flash)

Hitomi: Um, is this all right...? Oh, my Go. Chi, I'm a little embarrassed.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 次は、足をのばして……?た、大丈夫かな……汗、かいちゃってるかも……

Hitomi: Next time, stretch your legs...? I wonder if it's okay... Sweat, maybe it's crazy...

Episode 15: Thin Towel Wrap (Hitomi) (うすかわたけのこ(ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 16: The Medicine of Love (Hitomi) (愛の妙薬 (ヒトミ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Hitomi) (甘い香りに誘われて(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi (OFF): あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと… …

Hitomi (OFF): Okay, I'll be ready in a bit, so hold on.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Episode 18: Sunset at the Park (Hitomi) (あかね色の公園で(ヒトミ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Episode 19: White Prince (Hitomi) (ホワイト・プリンス(ヒトミ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Hitomi Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Hitomi acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 20: Healthy and Cute (健康的な可愛さ)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Hitomi: どうしたんです?急に呼び出してオーナーさん……パーティー、始まっちゃいますよ?え?始まる前にやっておきたいことがある?わかりました♪任せて下さい!わたしが、お手伝いすればいいんですね?すぐに終わらせちゃいますから♪……え、そういうことじゃない?でも、わたしにしてほしいことはある……?うーん、よくわかりませんけど……わたしに出来ることなら、何でも頑張りますから!

Hitomi: What is it, Boss? This is so sudden… And the party's about to start. Hm? There's something you wanted to do before it starts? Okay ♪ And I guess you need my help. Just let me handle it! I'll knock it out right away ♪ Oh, that's not it? But there is something you want me to do…? Hmm… I'm not sure what you mean, but if there's anything I can do, I'll do my best!

Scene 3
Japanese English

Hitomi: それじゃあこれを、って……ええっ?これって……プレゼント……?……誕生日おめでとう?はい、ありがとうございます♪とっても嬉しいです!……ちょっと、驚いちゃいましたけど♪でも、オーナーさんがパーティー前にやっておきたいこと、わかっちゃいました♪ふふっ、パーティーに行く前にお着替え、ですね♪じゃあ、バッチリ変身しちゃいます♪

Hitomi: What's this? Wow… A gift? Happy birthday? Thank you so much ♪ You've just made my day! I'll have to admit I was a little surprised though ♪ Now I know what you wanted to do before the party ♪ Heheh, you want me to slip into this before we get started, right? ♪ I'll wear it right away ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English

Hitomi: わあ……!鮮やかなグリーンが、とっても綺麗♪スラッとしていて、セクシーで……こういう水着、着てみたいと思ってたんです♪……バナナをイメージした?緑色ってことは、熟する前のバナナですね♪……でも、どうしてバナナなんですか?……わたしの誕生日の果実?そういうのがあるんですね!さすがオーナーさん♪バナナって、甘いだけじゃないんです♪料理にも使えるし、栄養満点で運動の補給食にもピッタリ!えっ、わたしみたい……?ふふっ、はい!元気が取り柄、ですから♪……え?健康的で可愛いくて……いつも、みんなを元気にしてくれるから、って……あ、あはは……オーナーさん、おだてるのが上手だから……でも、そう言ってもらえると、嬉しいな…………えっ?とっても似合ってるから、写真を撮りたい……?うぅ〜……この流れで恥ずかしいですけど……でも、わたしも……撮って欲しいから……オーナーさん。よろしくお願いします!

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Wow… This bright green is so pretty ♪ It's so slim and sexy… I've been wanting to wear a swimsuit like this ♪ It's modeled after a banana? And the fact that it's green, I guess it's not ripe yet, huh ♪ But why a banana? It's my birthday fruit? I didn't even know that was a thing! Thank you, Boss ♪ Bananas are so much more than just sweet ♪ They can be used in cooking, and it's the ideal nutritious snack when exercising. Just like me…? Heheh, sure! I offer a lot of energy after all ♪ Huh? Healthy and cute…? And always a burst of energy for everyone? Ah… Hahaha… You really know how to flatter a girl, Boss. But it makes me happy to hear you say that. Huh? It looks so good on me that you want to take pics? Well… It's kind of embarrassing in this situation… But…I'd like you to take some, too. So do your thing, Boss!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Hitomi: それじゃあ、この後はパーティーですね♪この水着をみんなに見てもらうの、楽しみだなぁ♡そうだ♪たしか、グリルも用意されてたはずだから……オーナーさんには、バナナの料理をご馳走します!この水着と……いつもお世話になってるお礼ですから。腕によりをかけて、作っちゃいます♪……え?パーティーの後……ですか?もちろん、時間は空いてますけど……わかりました♪パーティーのあと片付けとかなら、喜んで。えっ?そうじゃなくて……?二人だけで会いたい、って……え、ええっと……は、はい、オーナーさんとなら……喜んで♪あはっ、それじゃ、パーティーに行きましょうか。オーナーさん♡

Hitomi: After this, we've got a party to attend ♪ I can't wait for all the girls to see this new swimsuit ♡ Oh yeah ♪ I heard there'll be a grill at the party, so I'd like to treat you to some banana cuisine, Boss! As a way to thank you for this swimsuit, and for all that you've done for me. I'll do my best to make you an awesome dish ♪ Hm? After the party? Of course I'm free… Okay ♪ I'd be glad to help you tidy up when the party's over. Huh? That's not what you meant? You want to be alone with me? I… Um… S-Sure… If it's with you Boss, it'll be my pleasure ♪ Haha… Maybe we should be off to the party now, Boss ♡

Episode 21: Let's Run Together (一緒に走ろう)[]

To get this episode, you must give Hitomi her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Hitomi: あっ、こっちですよ〜!オーナーさん♪パーティー、とっても楽しかったですね♪この水着もいっぱい褒めてもらえて、嬉しかったです♪オーナーさんは……「食べ過ぎた」って……大丈夫ですか?バナナって、お肉にもお魚にも合うから、つい、作りすぎちゃって……あはは…………とっても美味しかった?……よかった♪バナナ料理は健康にもいいですから、また作りますね♪それで、その……二人だけで会いたい、って……はは、なんだか、ドキドキしますね……えっ?もう一つ、プレゼントって……

Hitomi: Oh hey! Over here, Boss ♪ Wasn't that party awesome? ♪ I'm so happy everyone showered me with compliments on this swimsuit ♪ Did you have fun, Boss…? You ate too much? Are you feeling okay? Banana goes so well with meat and fish, so… I guess I made too much… Hahaha… You thought it was delicious? That's a relief ♪ Banana cuisine is really healthy too, so I'll make it again ♪ Oh and…about what you said…About wanting to be alone with me…Hahaha… This is so exciting. Huh? You have another gift for me?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Hitomi: わぁ……!これ、誕生日のケーキですか!?とっても大きくて……それに、このケーキにもバナナがたくさん♪これ、全部わたしのために用意してくれたんですね……!嬉しいなぁ……


Hitomi: いい匂い……♪さっそく食べていいですか?じつは、パーティーは自分ではあまり食べられなくて……そうだ、オーナーさん、バナナって消化にもいいんですよ♪「食べ過ぎ」にも、ちょうどいいかも♡

Hitomi: Wow! Is this…a birthday cake?! It's enormous… And look at all the bananas on it ♪ You did all this for me, didn't you…! That makes me so happy…


Hitomi: It smells nice ♪ Can I dig right in? I wasn't able to eat much at the party, actually. Oh yeah, Boss. Bananas are great for digestion, too ♪ This might be just what you need if you ate too much ♡

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Hitomi: ふふっ、美味しそう♪じゃあ、オーナーさんも一緒に食べてくださいね♪はい、あーーーんっ♡

Hitomi: Heheh, it looks so delicious ♪ Let's enjoy this together, Boss ♪ Say "Ahhhh" ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Hitomi: あはっ♪お腹いっぱいって、幸せですね♡オーナーさんも、幸せ……?ふふっ、よかった♡はぁー…………はっ、いけないいけない!幸せすぎて、このまま眠っちゃいそう……!……眠っちゃっても大丈夫?ダメですよ、食べた分、しっかり運動しないと♪栄養たっぷりのバナナを、たくさん食べたんですから♡だから……オーナーさん……これからも……わたしと一緒に走ってくれると、嬉しいです♡よろしくお願いしますね。オーナーさん♡押冠っ♪

Hitomi: Haha ♪ I feel so full and happy ♡ Are you happy too, Boss…? Heheh, good ♡ *sigh* Oh my gosh, this is bad… I'm so content I'm about to fall asleep right here and now…! You don't mind if I sleep? No no no… I need to work off what I ate with some exercise ♪ I had so many nutritious bananas, you know ♡ So… Boss… I'd be honored if… You'd keep on running with me from now ♡ Let's keep this chemistry alive, Boss ♡ Hai-ya ♪

Episode 22: Goddess Night's Dream (Hitomi) (女神の夜の夢(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あ、夜更かしはダメですよ?でもホントは……一緒に居られてうれしいな。よし、じゃあ、気合い入れて……お、お願いします。はーい、撮っていいですよ!

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Oh, don't stay up too late, okay? But really, I'm glad we're ...... together. Okay, well, let's get into it ...... Oh, please. Yes, you can take the picture!

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ああん、せっかく楽しくなってきたのに。オーナーさん、もっと続けませんか?そ、そんなに見られたら……恥ずかしいよ。もう……

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Oh no, I was just starting to enjoy it. Hitomi: Oh, I was just starting to have fun. I'd be ...... embarrassed if you looked at me that much already. ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: やったー。ありがとうございました

Hitomi: Yay! Thank you so much!

Episode 23: Secret shower 1 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 24: Secret shower 2 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー2(ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 25: Secret shower 3 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー3(ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 26: Secret shower 4 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 27: Secret shower 5 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー5(ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 28: Secret shower 6 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー6(ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 29: Secret shower 7 (Hitomi) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ヒトミ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Hitomi.

Episode 30: Love Letter Maiden (Hitomi) (恋文フトメ(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、 オーナーさん、 ちょっと……

Hitomi: Um…Boss? Can we talk?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: つ、つまらないもの、だけど……気持ちは、詰まってるから。

Hitomi: I know this isn't much, but… Just wanted to let you know I care about you.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: い、いいですけど……ちょっと、待ってくださいね。

Hitomi: Th-That's fine. Give me a minute, okay?

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、あの……い、いいですよ?

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Um, Boss… You can start now.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ。 なんだか、 照れちゃいます、ね。

Hitomi: Heheh… This is kind of embarrassing.

Episode 31: Victory Ceremony (Hitomi) (勝利のセレモニー (ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 32: Birthday Goals (誕生日の目標)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: よしっ、今日のトレーニング終わりっと……♪しかも、新記録達成♪ 誕生日までの目標、達成ね!誕生日といえば……オーナーさん、今年もまた、お祝いしてくれるのかなぁ……♪……って、わたし、 お祝いして貰ってばっかりかも……?たまには、わたしからも……って考えることはあるけど…………うん。 ダメだよね、 わたしも勇気を出さなきゃ!……と言っても、まあ、 具体的な方法があるわけじゃないけど……とにかく、今年はトレーニングだけじゃなくて……オーナーさんとも 「新しい記録」が残せるように……!よーし……頑張るぞ〜!

Hitomi: Okay, I'm done with today's workout. .........and I set a new record...I made my goal for my birthday! Speaking of birthdays, I wonder if the owner of ...... will celebrate my birthday again this year. ......... ......... I always get congratulated! Maybe ......? Sometimes I think of ......, but sometimes I think of ............, too. I have to be brave, too! I don't have a concrete way to do it, but ...... anyway, this year, I'm not only training, but I'm also going to make a "new record" with ...... owner! I hope to make a "new record" with Mr.......! Okay, ...... I'll do my best!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ……きゃっ!?オーナーさん!?えっと、いつから……!?あの……いまの……聞こえちゃいました?えへへ…………聞こえてない? よ、 よかったぁ〜……あの、 それで……何かご用ですか?……「誕生日おめでとう」 ?はい♪ありがとうございますっ♪わたし、今日の誕生日はちょっと特別な日にしたくて……それで、今も考え事してたんです。 あはは…………え?「それじゃあ、まずはこれで」……?

Hitomi: ...... Kya! Owner! When did you start ......? Did you hear that ...... just now? Hehehehe ............ didn't you hear me? Oh, thank goodness! ...... Um, so ...... what can I do for you? ...... "Happy birthday"? Yes, thank you very much... I wanted to make today's birthday a little special...... and I was just thinking about it... ......... I've been thinking about it a lot. I'll start with this. ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん……これ……!わたしのために、 用意してくれてたんですね!「これを着て特別な気分に」 ……?はい♪こんな素敵な水着なら、 きっと……よーしっ!じゃあ、さっそく着替えてきます♪待っていてくださいね、 オーナーさん♡

Hitomi: Owner of ...... this ......! I can't believe you got this for me! "I feel special in this." ......? Yes, I'm sure you'll feel special in such a nice swimsuit. ...... Well, I'm going to go get changed now... Wait for me, handsome owner.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no diologue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あの……オーナーさん、 どう、ですか?よかったぁ♪ なんか、すごく豪華で、大人っぽくて……わたしに似合ってるか、 ちょっと不安だったんです。でも、この水着ならきっと……今日を「特別な一日」にできると思ったから。……えっ? わたしから、いい香りがする?ふふっ♪ 気づいてくれるなんて、 さすがオーナーさん♡この特別な水着に合うように、香水を選んでみたんです♪香水とか、 そんなに得意じゃないんですけ ど……今日は、オーナーさんに少しても……喜んでほしくて。「とっても神秘的で、 不思議な香り」……?あはは……わたしには、似合わないかもしれませんけど……この水着がとっても素敵だったから、 思い切って……神秘的で、セクシーな……大人の女性の香り。オーナーさんとの特別な一日を、……もっと、特別な一日にしたくて。……?どうしたんですか、 オーナーさん?……やっぱり、おかしかった……かな。……え?「嬉しくて、 思わず見惚れてた」……?あはっ♪ オーナーさんにそう言ってもらえると、なんだか自信が湧いてきて……うん……嬉しいです♡今のわたしを、 撮影したいって……はい、今日のわたしは、 オーナーさんのため……ですから♪……よろしくお願いします♪

Hitomi: Hey, ...... owner, how do you like it? I'm glad! It's so gorgeous and mature, and I was a little worried about whether ...... it would look good on me. I'm sure this swimsuit will make ...... today a "special day" for you. I'm sure this swimsuit will make today a "special day" for you. ...... What? I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a new one, but it's a good idea to have a new one. I'm so proud of the owner for noticing it... I chose a perfume to match this special swimsuit... I'm not that good with perfume... but ...... today, I wanted to make the owner a little happy... I'm not that good with perfume, but I wanted to make the owner happy. It's a very mysterious, mysterious fragrance. ......? I'm not sure if it would look good on me,...... but this swimsuit was so nice that I decided to go all out,...... and make it mysterious, A sexy ...... scent of a mature woman. I wanted to make my special day with the owner even more ...... special. ......? What's wrong, Mr. Owner? ......I knew there was something wrong ...... with you. ......? "I was so happy, I couldn't stop gawking."......? I'm so happy to hear that from the owner, it makes me feel more confident,...... and I'm so happy,...... that he wants to photograph me now.... ...Yes, today I'm ...... for the owner......... please take care of me...

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player has to directly take the picture unlike in prior photoshoot episodes

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ♪ どんな風に写ってるか、楽しみだなぁ♡あとで見せてくださいね?じゃあ……次はわたしから、勇気を出して……オーナーさんにお願いがあるんですけど……オーナーさん、もし良かったら……今夜は、わたしと一緒にお出かけしませんか?せっかく、こんな素敵な水着をもらったから、オーナーさんにも、一緒に誕生日を楽しんでほしくて。あはは……ちょっと、ダイタン……かな。でも、本当の気持ち、だから。……オーケー……ですか?あはっ♪ ありがとうございます♡じゃあ、行きましょうか、 オーナーさん♥

Hitomi: I can't wait to see what you look like in the pictures. Then ...... I'd like to make a request to the owner of ....... ...... owner, if you don't mind... ......Will you go out with me tonight? Since I got such a nice swimsuit, I wanted the owner to enjoy my birthday with me. Haha ...... a little bit, I guess I'm a bit of a ditan ....... But it's how I really feel. ......Okay......? Thank you so much ♡ Well then, let's go, Mr. Owner ♥

Episode 33: New Records (新しい記録)[]

To get this episode, you must give Hitomi the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わっ!? 気がついたら、もうこんな時間……!?最初は緊張して、 時間が進まない気がしてたけど……途中から楽しくて、あっという間……もうちょっと、一緒にいたいですけど……そろそろ、 戻らなきゃ……ですよね。あの……どうでしたか?この水着に見合うような、素敵な時間……過ごせましたか?……え?「デート中ずっと、とってもドキドキしてた」 ……?デート…… デートかぁ……あはは、ちょっと、照れちゃいますね……♡でも……オーナーさんが、 ドキドキしてくれたなら……勇気を出して、 よかったです♪……えっ?「『新しい記録』が残せた」?あっ!もう〜、オーナーさん!?わたしの独り言。 やっぱり聞いてたんですね!?うー、 恥ずかしい……けど……でも……それで、 こんな素敵なデートができたなら…………よかった……かな♡あはは♪えっ?「新しい記録」 って、 それはざっきー…………って、 これは?

Hitomi: Wow! I realized how late it was......! At first I was so nervous that I felt time was not moving forward,...... but then we started having fun and it was so fast,...... I wish I could stay with you a little longer, but.... ...I should get back to it......... right? How did you like the ......? Did you have a great time ...... that was worthy of this swimsuit? I'm not sure if you've had a good time ....... I was very nervous the whole date. ......? A date...... date? ...... haha, I'm a little, I'm a little embarrassed...... handsome, but... I'm glad I had the courage ...... to do it, if the owner was thrilled. "I was able to leave a 'new record'"? Oh...! Oh my God, Mr. Owner! My soliloquy. You heard me after all! Ugh, I'm embarrassed......but......but......If it made for such a great date... I'm ......... happy...... to have had such a great date with you! A "new record", that's Zakki ............, and what's this?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この写真……デート中のわたし……ですか?わぁ……わただし、こんな顔してたんだ……ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど……これが、 オーナーさんが見つけてくれた、「新しいわたしの記録」……なんですね♪自分じゃ気づけなかったけど……嬉しいな♪こんなキラキラした表情、できてたんだ♡ありがとうございます♪……とっても、嬉しいです♡……でも、またオーナーさんにプレゼント、 貰っちゃった。たまには、わたしからも……って思ってたんだけど…………そうだ♪で、でも、さすがにそれは……恥ずかしい、かも……ううん、思い切って、勇気を出して…………オーナーさんにだけ、もっと、 新しいわたし……お見せします♡

Hitomi: Is this picture of ...... me on a date......? Wow,...... I didn't know I had such a face,...... but it's a little embarrassing,...... but this is the "new record of me" that the owner found for me,....... I'm so glad that I could make such a sparkling face, even though I didn't realize it myself. Â ......I'm very happy to see you, ♡...... but the owner gave me a present again. I thought I would ...... give it to you once in a while, too,............ but, well, that's....... I'm embarrassed, maybe. ...... No, I'm going to take the plunge, and I'm going to be brave and ............ show more to the owner only, I'll show you the new me ......♡♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはは……ちょっと、カッコつけすぎ……かな?でも、今のこの気持ち……オーナーさんに、どうしても伝えて……忘れないでほしかったから。わたしの誕生日の、 新しい記録…………オーナーさんとの、新記録、 だから。そうだ。 次は、オーナーさんの新記録が見てみたいな♪フェスや、練習だけじゃなくて…………わたしのまだ知らない、 オーナーさんのこと。もっともっと、 教えて欲しいです。だから……これからも、よろしくお願いします、 オーナーさん♡

Hitomi: Haha...... maybe I'm being a little too cool......? But I really wanted to tell the ...... owner how I'm feeling right now ...... and I wanted him to remember me. It's my birthday, a new ............ record, a new record with the owner, so. So. Next time, I want to see the owner's new record...not only at festivals and practice, but also ............ about the owner, who I don't know yet. I want you to tell me more and more. So ...... please keep up the good work, handsome owner!

Episode 34: Velvet Time Rose (Hitomi) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ (ヒトミ))[]

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 35: Share ♥ with Hitomi (ヒトミとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 36: Bitter♡Sweet (Hitomi) (ビター♡スイート(ヒトミ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと……

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Um, the owner, can I have a word with you at ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: これ、受け取ってください、 オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Here, take this, owner!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: えっと、誰も…… 見てないよね?じゃあ、始めましょうか。

Hitomi: Um, no one is looking at ......, right? Well, let's get started, shall we?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ。 なんだか、照れちゃいます、ね。

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Hmmm. I'm kind of embarrassed, aren't I?

(Camera flash)

Episode 37: Hitomi's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Hitomi's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Hitomi's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Secret Esthetic Time (Hitomi)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Hitomi's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Momiji's Birthday (紅葉の誕生日)[]


DOAXVV 紅葉誕生日 momiji's birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん、こんにちは。はい? 一緒におでかけ… …ですか?… …お買い物のお手伝い?はい、いいですよ♪

Momiji: Oh, hello there boss. Hm? Go out together? To help with shopping? Sure, that sounds nice ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ、二人でお買い物って、なんだか珍しいですね♪ところで、何のお買い物ですか?お花……ですか?ふふっ、楽しみだな♪じゃあ、行きましょうか。

Momiji: Hehe, just the two of us shopping together… That doesn't happen much ♪ What are we shopping for, anyway? Flowers, you say…? Hehe. Sounds fun ♪ Let's go.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ、綺麗なお花がいっぱい♪オーナーさん、どんなお花をお探しですが?……わたしが好きなお花?えつと、じゃあ……これかな♪小さくて、真っ赤で、とっても可愛い♥……これを、買うんですか?

Momiji: Wow, so many beautiful choices ♪ What kind of flowers are you looking for? Hm? Which ones do I like? Well… Maybe these ♪ Small, bright red, and adorable ♥ You're…buying these?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、 この後は……お散歩してから、お手伝いのお礼に……夕食を?

Momiji: Boss, when we're done here… You want to take me to dinner after a walk, as thanks for my help?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ごちそうさまでした。ふふっ、おいしかった♪えっ?デザート… …?わっ、可愛いケーキ… …♥さっきと同じお花が添えてあって… …あの、これって… … わたしの… …お誕生日… … !?あっ!わ……忘れてた……!?あの、えっと……ありがとう…… もう……びっくりした……!

Momiji: Mmm… Heheh… That was delicious ♪ Hm? Dessert? Oh my gosh, what an adorable cake ♥ With those flowers we just bought. Wait a minute… Is this… For my birthday!? Oh my--! I totally forgot…! Um, I mean… Thank you… Wow…that really caught me off guard!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わたし里では「お姉さん」たから、お誕生日はいつもみんなでお祝いしてくれるんです。でも今日は、オーナーさんと一人きり。なんだか、ちょっと特別なお誕生日でした。オーナーさん、ありがとう♥お花を買って、お散歩して、お食事……ふふっ♪まるで、その…… ……デート、みたいでしたね……「そのとおり」って……!……もう!

Momiji: Back at my village, I'm considered everyone's "big sister," so we always celebrate birthdays in a large group. But today, it's just you and me. It feels like a special birthday to me. Thank you so much ♥ Shopping for flowers, a nice walk, and dinner… Hehe ♪ It's almost as if… We're on a date together. What do you mean "it is a date?" …Hey!

Episode 2: Mikagura Ninja Suit (Momiji) (巫神楽忍装束(紅葉))[]


DOAXVV SSR Kotokagaku Shinobu (Momiji) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Momiji: えっと……は、はい。じゃあ、準備しますね。ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど……しょうがない、かな……

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Momiji: あとで、見せてくださいね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

Momiji: Um… okay. Hold on while I get ready. This is a little embarrassing… But I guess it's unavoidable, so…

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Momiji: Show me when you're done, okay?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Momiji: Oh, my God! Terrible! I told you not to look at it! ... Embarrassing...

Episode 3: Let's Make Them Together (一緒に作ってくださいね?)[]


DOAXVV Momiji Birthday Scene (2019 모미지 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんにちは、オーナーさん。お誕生日のパーティー、ありがとうございます。あの、こめんなさい。わたし、お約束の時間より、早く来ちゃって……待ってるだけだと、落ち着かなくて。あの、わたしも準備のお手伝い、していいですか?……少しだけなら?よかったぁ……ありがとうございます♪じゃあ、少しだけ、お手伝いさせて頂きますね♪

Momiji: Good afternoon, boss. Thank you for organizing my birthday party. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm a little earlier than I'm supposed to be. I couldn't sit and wait any longer. Would it be alright if I helped out with the preparations? If it's just a little? Yes! Thank you so much ♪ I'll just help with a few minor things then ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji (OFF): えっと、これは……ここで、いいですか?じゃあ、次は……こっちをこうして……あっ、そうだ♪もっと、こうしたほうが……

Momiji: ……?オーナーさん、どうかしましたか?ひゃっ!?いけない「少しだけ」って……!や、やりすぎちゃった、かな……つい、身体が動いちゃって……ごめんなさい、オーナーさん。でも、一緒に準備をするのって、なんだか、あたたかくて、嬉しくて……楽しかったです♪じゃあ、みんなを呼んで、お誕生日パーティー、始めましょうか♪あっ、いけない……!「わたしの」お誕生日パーティ、でした……

Momiji (OFF): Um… Is this okay here? And what should I tend to next? This can go like this… Ah yes ♪ I think it would be better like this…

Momiji: …? What's the matter, boss? Oh my gosh! I'm doing too much when I said that I'd only help with some minor things… I was just on a roll and then… I'm sorry, boss. But being able to prepare with you was heartwarming, pleasant…and fun ♪ Anyway, how about we call for all the girls and get this party started ♪ Oh my gosh, I'm doing it again…! It's my birthday party and yet…

Scene 3

This scene has no dialogue

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ♪よかった、みんな楽しんでくれてるみたいで。それに……こんなにお祝いして買えるなんて♪えっ?お誕生日のプレゼント……!?

Momiji: Heheh. I'm glad to see everyone enjoying themselves and… For organising such a party for me ♪ Huh? A birthday present…!?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ♪とっても大きなケーキ!これなら、みんなで一緒に食べられますね♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……もうひとつ、プレゼントを?え……?これは、わたしだけに……?

Momiji: Wow ♪ What a huge cake! With a cake this big, we can all eat it together ♪ Thank you, boss ♪ Another present? Eh…? This…is only for me…?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……わぁ、新しい水着!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……えっ?パーティーのあとで、着て来て欲しい?……はい、わかりました。じゃあ、また、あとで……

Momiji: Wow, a new swimsuit!? Thank you so much, boss ♪ …Hm? You would like me to put it on after the party? Sure thing. Alright then…see you later…

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん?あの、まだ約束の時間じゃ……楽しみで、早く来ちゃった、って……ふふっ♪もう、オーナーさんったら……え?水着、以合っててよかった、って……?あっ、そうだった……!わたし……あ、あの、水着、似合ってますか?……ふふっ、よかった♥オーナーさん、素敵な水着、ありがとうございます。えっ?写真を撮りたい?里のみんなにも見せたらどうだろう、って……うーん、ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……せっかくだから……じゃあ、お願いしますね♪

Momiji: Boss? Erm, it's not time yet… Oh…you were too excited to wait? Heheh ♪ Oh, boss… Hm? You're happy the suit matches me? Oh yeah! I uh… Um… Do I look good wearing it? Heheh. That's a relief ♥ Boss… Thanks for the amazing swimsuit. Hm? You wanna take some photos? For me to show everyone back at my village? Ummm… It's a little embarrassing. But since we're here… Take some nice ones, okay ♪

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あの、ちゃんと、撮れてましたか……?……綺麗に撮れた?よかった♪里のみんな、喜んでくれるといいな♪……えっと……オーナーさん。その写真、わたしの分も、一枚頂けますか?大切な思い出だから……残しておきたくて。島のみんなとのパーティーや…………オーナーさんと、二人きりのお誕生日も。オーナーさん、これからも……大切な思い出、一緒に作ってくださいね。ふふっ……♪

Momiji: Um, were the photos well taken? You took some good ones? Great ♪ I hope everyone back at the village likes them ♪ Um… Boss? Can I have one of those photos for myself? This is a beautiful memory, and I never want to forget it. Partying with everyone on the island and… …Spending my birthday with you, just the two of us. Boss… I hope we'll keep making great memories together. Heheh ♪

Episode 4: Momiji-chan Wants to Hang Out! (紅葉ちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 5: Expression of Thanks (ありがとうの気持ち)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、今年も素敵なお誕生日パーティーを、ありがとうございます♪お仕事もお忙しいのに、パーティーもなんて……あの、準備大変だったんじゃ……えっ?わたしの喜ぶ顔が見れたから大文夫?もう、オーナーさんったら♪「今年はお手伝い禁止」って言われたから、じっとしていられなくて……心配していたんですよ?ふふっ♪でも、お手伝いを我優して良かった♪待っている間に、オーナーさんや他の女の子たちとのこといっぱい思い出せたから。みんなにたくさん「ありがとう」って言えました。だから、オーナーさんにも、もう一度。……ありがとうございます。えっ?オーナーさんからも……いつものお礼に、お誕生日のプレゼントを……?

Momiji: Boss, thank you so much for doing another amazing birthday party for me this year ♪ I know how busy you are with work, so I'm sure getting it all ready wasn't easy… Hm? Seeing a smile on my face makes everything worth it? Come on, boss ♪ You told me "no helping" this year, but it's hard to just sit around… I was getting worried, you know? Heheh ♪ But I'm glad I stopped myself from helping ♪ It gave me a chance to reflect on you and the other girls. And I was able to thank everyone. So I want to express my gratitude to you one more time. …Thank you so much. Hm? You have a birthday present for me… As a token of thanks for everything I do?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ……綺麗な水着……♪真っ青で、まるで夜空みたいですね。星空をイメージした、スターサファイアの青……?これをわたしにプレゼントしてくれるんですか?ふふっ……♪とってもしい……!ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……あの、少しだけ、待っていてもらえますか?すぐ、戻ってきますから……!

Momiji: Wow… What a pretty swimsuit ♪ Deep blue, like the night sky. Star sapphire blue, patterned after a starlit sky. And you're…giving this to me as a gift? Heheh ♪ This makes me so happy…! Thank you, boss ♪ Um… Would you mind waiting for just a bit? I promise I'll be right back…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あの……どうでしょう……似合ってるといいんですけど……ふふっ♪よかった♥とっても素敵な夜空の色だから、この星空の下で着て……オーナーさんに、見て欲しかったんです。こんなことで、お礼になるかどうかわからないですけど。わたしの、感謝の気持ちです♥えっと、それと、もうひとつ……お願いが。少し、恥ずかしいけど……写真を、撮って欲しくて……オーナーさんがくれた、素敵な夜の思い出に。同じことを考えてた、って……

Momiji (OFF): ふふっ♪よかった。じゃあ、お願いしますね♪

Momiji: So… What do you think? I hope it looks okay on me… Heheh ♪ That's good ♥ It's such a beautiful "night sky" color, and wearing it under the stars like this… Is something I wanted you to see, boss. I don't know if this counts as a "thank you," but… It's an expression of my gratitude ♥ Oh, and um… One more thing. This is a little embarrassing, but… I'm wondering if you could take some photos… To preserve my memory of this wonderful night you gave me. You were thinking the same thing?

Momiji (OFF): Heheh. I'm glad. …Go ahead and take them ♪

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: はあ、緊張したぁ……ふふっ♪おかしいですよね、自分でお願いしたのに。……え?オーナーさんからも、お願いが?少し、ここで待っていて欲しい……ですか?ふふっ♪わかりました。この水着、もうのし着ていたいと思ってたんです。じゃあ、またあとで。……お待ちしていますね♪

Momiji: *sigh* I was so nervous… Heheh ♪ I know it's weird since I'm the one who asked you to do it. …Hm? Now you have a favor to ask? You want me to just…wait here a little while? Heheh ♪ Of course. I was hoping I could wear this swimsuit a little longer. See you later then. …I'll be waiting ♪

Episode 6: Wish Upon a Star (早に願いを)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Momiji after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ……オーナーさん……!……星空を見ていたんです。オーナーさんに頂いたこの水着と同じで、とっても綺麗だったから……そうしたら、ちょうど流れ星が見えたんです♪もしかしたら良いことがあるかも……なんて♪えっ?じゃあ、さっそく良いことを……?あの、どういう意味ですか?

Momiji: Oh… Boss…! …I was just looking up at the starry sky. It's so pretty, just like this swimsuit you got me. Oh, and I saw a shooting star right when I thought that ♪ Maybe it means something good's about to happen… You never know ♪ Hm? You've got "something good for me already?" What do you mean by that?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁっ……綺麗……♪青い宝石……サファイアの指輪ですか?まるで、この水着と同じ、夜空みたい……えっと……あれ?もしかして、わたしへのプレゼント……ですか!?そ……そんな……!?こんな特別なもの、わたしなんかじゃ……感謝の気持ちだから、受け取って欲しい……?サファイアの石言葉は、誠実…………ふふっ♪わかりました。つけてみますね。

Momiji: Wow… It's beautiful ♪ A blue gemstone… This is a sapphire ring? Like the night sky, and just like this swimsuit. Um… Wait. Is this a…present for me!? B-But it's so…! Such a special gift… I don't know if I can… An expression of your gratitude, so you hope I'll accept it? Sapphire is a symbol of "sincerity…" …Heheh ♪ Okay, I'll slip it on then.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: とっても深い青……それに、星空みたいにキラキラした光が……オーナーさん、ありがとうございます。この感謝の気持ち……大切にしますね。あの、オーナーさん……よかったら、一緒に星空を郎めていきませんか?また流れ星が現えるかも。そうしたら……お願いしちゃおうかな。こうして一緒に来年も……オーナーさんと星空を郎められますように……って♪

Momiji: What a deep blue… And it sparkles like the starlit sky… Thank you so much, boss. I'll treasure this expression of gratitude from you. Um… Boss? If it's okay, could we look up at the stars together? Maybe we'll see another shooting star. And if we do… I'll make a wish. That we can gaze up at the stars like this again, next year ♪

Episode 7: I Don't Mean Anything Strange By It… (変な意味じゃなくて…)[]

First version[]


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Momiji Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんばんは。 あの… … 紅葉です ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Good evening. It's me, Momiji. Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Momiji extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんばんは。 あの… … 紅葉です ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Good evening. It's me, Momiji. Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: えっと……は、はい。じゃあ、準備しますね。ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど……しょうがない、かな……

(Camera flash)

Momiji: Um… okay. Hold on while I get ready. This is a little embarrassing… But I guess it's unavoidable, so…

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あとで、見せてくださいね。

Momiji: Show me when you're done, okay?

Episode 8: Thin Towel Wrap (Momiji) (うすかわたけのこ(紅葉))[]


DOAXVV 紅葉 うすかわたけのこ★4解放 エピソード

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 9: With You (Momiji) (ウィズ・ユー(紅葉))[]

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 10: Gratitude Flowers (忍謝の花)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん♪わたしのお誕生日パーティー、楽しんでくれていますか?ふふっ、よかった♪去年のお誕生日は 「お手伝い禁止」だったから、今年は、オーナーさんへの 「感謝」の気持ちを込めて……パーティーの準備、みんなも手伝ってくれて、とっても楽しかったんです♪あっ、お料理はもう食べてくれましたか?ヒトミちゃんやレイファンさんに教えてもらって、和、洋、中、取り揃えてみたんです♪お料理のあとは、デザートもありますから……えっ?その前に、少しお話を……?

Momiji: Oh, boss ♪ Are you enjoying my birthday party? Heheh. That's good ♪ Last year I was "forbidden from helping," so this year I wanted to fully express my gratitude to you by pitching in. I had so much fun working with everyone to prepare for the party ♪ Oh, did you already eat what I made? I learned about Japanese, Western, and Chinese food from Hitomi and Leifang, then tried making an assortment of dishes ♪ There's also dessert for you when you're done with the food… Hm? You want to talk to me about something first?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: この辺りなら、落ち着いてお話ができますね。じゃあ、改めて。オーナーさん、ありがとうこざいます。今年も、楽しくお誕生日を迎えられて、とっても嬉しいです♪えっ?「それはこちらの言うこと」……?えっと、これは……

Momiji: This is a nice place for us to chat in peace. So boss, I just wanted to thank you for all you've done. I'm so happy I could have a fun birthday again this year ♪ You should be the one thanking me? Oh…what's this?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ♪これ……お誕生日のプレゼントですか……?ステキな水着ですね♪真っ白で、キラキラしていて……えっ?着てみて欲しい……ですか?えっと……そうですね♪せっかくのプレゼントですから。オーナーさんや、みんなにも見て欲しい……かな♪

Momiji: Wow ♪ Is this… a birthday present? What a wonderful swimsuit ♪ It's so white and sparkly… Hm? You want me to…try it on? Well… Okay ♪ Since you went to the trouble to get this gift, I guess…I'll show you and all the girls ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Momiji: お待たせしました。あの……どうでしょうか?オーナーさん。似合って……ますか?よかったぁ♪とっても素敵で、まるでドレスみたいな水着だから……わたしに着こなせるか、ちょっと不安だったんです。この水着、お花がたくさんついていて……これは、ダリア……かな?わたしの誕生花……花言葉は……「感謝」なんですか?うふふっ♪じゃあ、今日にピッタリですね。みんなに感謝を伝えたいって思ってましたから…………え?オーナーさんからも、感謝の気持ちを……?いつも、助けられているからって……そ、そんなこと……わたし、じっとしているのが苦手なだけだから……でも……そう言ってくれると、嬉しいです。ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。え、記念写真……ですか?はい、喜んで♪よろしくお願いしますね。

(camera flash)

Momiji: Thanks for waiting. So…what do you think, boss? It looks…good on me? Yay ♪ It's such an amazing swimsuit, almost like a dress… So I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to pull it off. This has so many flowers on it… Are they dahlias? It's my birth flower…and it's a symbol of "gratitude?" Heheheh ♪ Then it's perfect for today. I was really hoping to express my gratitude to everyone. Hm? You feel grateful too, boss? Because I'm always helping you? N-Not at all… It's just that I'm not good at standing by and doing nothing… But it makes me happy to hear you say that. Thank you, boss. Oh, photos to commemorate the day? Of course, I'd be glad to ♪ Take some good ones.

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: じゃあ、オーナーさん、みんなのところに戻りましょうか♪こんなに素敵な水着、みんなにも見てもらいたいし……オーナーさんにも、水着のお礼、いっぱいさせてください♥えっ? 「じゃあ、お礼に一つたけ」 ……?はい、喜んで♪なんでも言ってください。パーティーの後で……二人で?……分かりました。じゃあ、楽しみにしていますね♪

Momiji: So, boss… Maybe we should get back to the others now ♪ I want to show everyone my amazing new swimsuit. And there's so many ways I want to pay you back for it ♥ Hm? You just want one thing in return? Of course ♪ Ask me anything. Just the two of us…after the party? Okay… I'll be looking forward to that ♪

Episode 11: Someone to Accept It (受け取ってくれる人)[]

To get this episode, you must give Momiji her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、お待たせしました。ごめんなさい、後片付けに時間が掛かっちゃって……あと、寝ちゃったカンナちゃんを部屋までおんぶしたり……ふふっ♪なんだか、里の子たちを思い出しちゃった。あの、それで、お話というのは……

Momiji: Sorry to keep you waiting, boss. It took awhile to pack up… Plus, I had to give Kanna a piggyback to her room because she fell asleep. Heheh ♪ Kind of reminds me of the kids back in my village. So what did you want to talk about?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁっ、これ、素敵……!ダリアの花束……あの、わたしに……ですか?じゃあ……♪花束だなんて、ドキドキするな……♥

Momiji: Oh my gosh, this is so nice…! A bouquet of dahlias… These are…for me? Oh my gosh ♪ A bouquet… I'm getting really excited ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: いい香り……♪とっても素敵なお誕生日……オーナーさん、ありがとうこざいます♪ダリアの花言葉は、感謝……わたし「ありがとう」って言葉が大好きなんです。大好きな言葉、今日はたくさん言えて、とっても嬉しい。

Momiji: They smell so nice ♪ What a wonderful birthday this has been. Thank you so much, boss ♪ So the dahlia is a symbol of "gratitude." There's something about the words "thank you" that I really love. And being able to say it so often today…makes me so happy.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……オーナーさん、ありがとう♥

Momiji: Thank you, boss ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……え?ダリアのもう一つの花言葉……ですか?「豊かな愛情」……?えっ、みんなのお世話をしたり、お手伝いをしたり……わたしにピッタリ……ですか?ふふっ♪なんだか、嬉しいです。でも……「愛情」は、それを受け取ってくれる人たちがいるから、豊かになるんですよ。里のみんなや、この島の女の子たち……それに……これからも、いっぱい……「愛情」、受け取ってくださいね。……オーナーさん♥

Momiji: Hm? The dahlia symbolizes one more thing? "Abundant love?" You think it…fits me perfectly…because I help and take care of everyone? Heheh ♪ I'm glad to hear that, but… Love can only be abundant when there are others to receive it. Everyone in my village… All the girls on this island… And… I hopr uou'll keep accepting the love that I give. Boss… ♥

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Momiji) (S・ショコラティエ(紅葉))[]

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 13: A gust of wind in the riddle (Momiji) (なぞの突風(紅業))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Momiji) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(紅葉))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: 今日も一日、お疲れまでした。もうこんな時間……二人だけになっちゃったね。

Momiji: Kudos on a hard day’s work. I can’t believe it’s so late already… It’s just the two of us now.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji (OFF): えっ?足裏マッサージ?疲れが取れるって……ゃあ、お願いしちゃおか……

Momiji (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? To “rejuvenate” me? Well, I don’t see why not…

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Momiji: こ、この格好、ちょっと恥ずかしいな……あんまり見ないで……ね?

(camera flash)

Momiji: I…feel a little awkward doing this… Don’t stare at me too much, okay?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: 次は……こ、こう?あ、あの……恥ずかしいから、早くしてね……?

Momiji: So…like this now? U-Um…this is embarrassing so…just get on with it, okay?

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Momiji) (愛の妙薬 (紅葉))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Momiji) (甘い香りに誘われて(紅葉))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji (OFF): ちょっと、待っててくださいね……

Momiji (OFF): Wait a little, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Episode 17: Sunset at the Park (Momiji) (あかね色の公園で(紅葉))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Momiji: ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Episode 18: White Prince (Momiji) (ホワイト・プリンス(紅葉))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Momiji acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation


Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Goddess Night's Dream (Momiji) (女神の夜の夢(紅葉))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん、こんばんは。ふふっ、来てくれると思ってた♪撮影……ですか?準備するから、ちょっと、待っててくださいね。あの、かわいく、撮ってくれると、嬉しいな……

(Camera flash)

Momiji: Oh, good evening, owner. phew, I knew you'd come................................Are you shooting ......? I'll be ready in a minute. Um, I'll be happy if you take a cute picture of me. ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: もう少しだけ、撮りませんか?ちょっと、楽しくなってきちゃった……あの、オーナーさん、誰にも見せないって、約束してくださいね?

(Camera flash)

Momiji: Why don't we take a few more shots? I'm having a bit of fun. ...... Um, owner, you have to promise not to show this to anyone, right?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、もっと、遊びますか?

Momiji: more, owner, do you want to play?

Episode 20: New Memories (新しい思い出)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Momiji: オーナーさん。今年もお誕生日をお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます。ふふっ、今年もみんなが準備を手伝ってくれて……パーティーの前から、とっても楽しくて♪ふふっ、こんなに贅沢でいいのかなぁ……「全部、誰かに準備してもらうほうが贅沢」……ですか?それは、そうかもしれませんけど……「みんなで協力して何かをする」って、楽しくて♪昔を思い出すというか……わたしが住んでいた里では、それが当たり前だったんです。山の奥の小さな里で、みんなが家族みたいで。だから、何をするにも一緒に力を合わせて……ふふっ、でも……この島も同じですね。みんな家族みたいで、力を合わせて♪……えっ?じゃあ、オーナーさんも協力しなきゃ、って……?

Momiji: Boss… Thanks so much for celebrating my birthday again this year. Heheh. And with everyone helping to prepare… It's been so fun, even before the party started ♪ Heheh, I don't feel like I deserve extravagance… Having someone "take care of everything" would have been more extravagant? Well, maybe so but… Working together with everyone to accomplish something is fun for me ♪ It reminds me of how things used to be… Back when I lived in the village, it was very common to work together. It was a small village deep in the mountains, and everyone was like family. So we'd all help, no matter what had to be done. Heheh. But… It's like that on this island, too. Everyone works together, just like family ♪ …Huh? You have to do your part, too?

Scene 3
Japanese English

Momiji: ひゃっ……?これ、お誕生日の水着ですか!?ありがとうございます♪……じつは、オーナーさんの水着、楽しみにしていたんです。……ふふっ♪でも本当に贅沢なことだから、言い出せなくて。……とっても綺麗な色で、肌触りも良くて♪あの、さっそく着てみてもいいですか?今度はわたしの番ですから。これを着て、パーティーを盛り上げないと♪

Momiji: Oh my gosh…! Is this a birthday swimsuit?! Thank you ♪ To tell you the truth, I was looking forward to getting this. Heheh ♪ But it's such a luxury, I couldn't bring myself to say anything. What beautiful colors, and so nice to the touch ♪ Would it be okay if I put it on now? This time it's my turn to contribute. I have to put this on and liven up the party ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English

Momiji: あの、オーナーさん、どうですか?ちゃんと似合ってると……いいんだけど……うふふっ、ありがとうございます♡とっても大人っぽくて、素敵な水着だから……ちょっとだけ、緊張しちゃった……♪この水着の飾りは……「葡萄」でしょうか?可愛くて綺麗……♪「葡萄」はわたしの誕生日の果実……?そういうのもあるんですね……知りませんでした。葡萄って、里山にはたくさんあったんです。里の子たちとみんなで取りに行って……実が小さくて、種も一杯で、酸っぱくて……でも、干しぶどうにすると、とっても美味しいんです♪オーナーさんにも、食べてもらいたいなぁ♪えっ?「いつか一緒に」……?そうですね。山の奥で、とっても大変な場所ですけど…………いつか、オーナーさんにも、見てほしいです。あっ、いけない、思い出話ばかりで……すみません、オーナーさん。えっ?「じゃあ、新しい思い出を」……?うふふ♪そうですね。じゃあ……撮影、おねがいしますね♡

(Camera flash)

Momiji: So…what do you think, Boss? I hope it looks okay on me… Heheh, thank you for saying that ♡ It's such a mature looking swimsuit, so… I feel a little nervous wearing it ♪ Are these decorative grapes on here? They're so cute and pretty ♪ The grape is my birthday fruit? I didn't realize that kind of thing existed. There were so many grapes growing in my village. All the kids would go out to pick them… They were so tiny, packed full of seeds, and sour too… But really tasty when we made them into raisins ♪ I wish you could try some too, Boss ♪ Huh? We can go together sometime? Yeah… Going deep in the mountains can get pretty harsh. But I'd like you to come see that with me sometime. Yikes, I need to stop talking about my memories all the time… Sorry about that, Boss. Huh? Make some new memories? Heheh ♪ Yeah… Go ahead and take some shots of me then ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Momiji: ふふっ♪オーナーさんと、この島での一番新しい思い出ですね。それじゃあ、そろそろみんなのところに戻りましょうか。この素敵な水着を、みんなにも見てもらわないと♪……え?「パーティーのあと」……ですか?「二人だけの思い出を」……?ふふっ……はい、喜んで。じゃあ、オーナーさん、お待ちしていますね♡

Momiji: Heheh ♪ This is my newest memory with you on the island, Boss. So yeah, maybe we should go back and join the others now. I've just got to show them this lovely swimsuit ♪ Hm? After the party? Make "a memory just for us"? Heheh… I'd love to do that. I'll be waiting for you, Boss ♡

Episode 21: A Memory Just for Us (二人だけの思い出)[]

To get this episode, you must give Momiji her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん。すみません、お片付けまで手伝ってもらって。おかげで、みんなにちゃんとお祝いのお礼が言えました♪あとは……オーナーさんに。きちんとお礼を言わないと。今年も、素敵なお誕生日をありがとうございます。こうやって、みんなでお祝いができて、本当にうれしいです♪わたしからも、感謝の気持ちを伝えることができるから……もちろん、オーナーさんにも。いつも、みんなや……わたしを見守ってくれて、ありがとうございます。新しく来た女の子たちも、みんな可愛くて仲良くて……ふふっ♪本当に、里にいるみたい。えっ?そんな、オーナーさんからも、お礼を……?わたしお礼を言われるようなことだなんて…………?こっちに……?

Momiji: Oh, Boss. Thank you so much for helping to clean up. It gave me a chance to properly thank all the girls for celebrating ♪ But now…I need to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so much for making my birthday so wonderful again this year. I'm so happy I was able to celebrate with everybody like this ♪ And I was able to express my gratitude for it. Of course, to you too, Boss. Thank you so much… For always looking after me…and all the girls. The new girls are so cute and friendly, too… Heheh ♪ It really is like my village. Hm? You want to thank me, too? But I never did anyting to deserve that. …? Follow you…?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Momiji: わぁっ……!?これって、ケーキ……ですよね?あははっ、すごーい♪こんな大きなお誕生日ケーキ、初めて見ました♪ひゃっ、ごめんなさい。わたし、はしゃいじゃって……えへへ……これ、水着と同じ「葡萄」のケーキなんですね。とっても美味しそう♪あっ、そうだ♪このケーキなら、オーナーさんも一緒に食べられますね……♡じゃあ……オーナーさん♪

Momiji: Wow…! This is…a cake! Hahaha, amazing ♪ I've never seen a birthday cake this huge before ♪ Oops… Sorry for acting so giddy… Hehehe… This cake has grape decorations…just like the swimsuit. It looks super delicious ♪ You know what? ♪ This is big enough for the both of us to enjoy ♡ So Boss ♪

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Momiji: いつも、お世話になっている感謝と……わたしからの気持ち……受け取ってください。はい、あ〜〜〜んっ♡

Momiji: To express my thanks for all the help you've given me… I want you to try some of this. Here… Open wide ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Momiji: 美味しいですか?よかった♡……こうしてると、本当に家族みたいですね♪オーナーさんと、わたしと、みんな…………この葡萄みたいに、一人ひとりが集まって、みんなで一つの……家族みたいで。そうだ、オーナーさん。このあと、もう少しお時間……いいですか?せっかく、こんな素敵な水着を貰ったから……もう少しだけ、お誕生日を続けたくて。じゃあ……お誕生日の、二人だけの思い出を。行きましょうか、オーナーさん♡

Momiji: Is it tasty? …Good ♡ It really feels like we're family doing all this together ♪ You and me, and everyone else… We're all bunched together like these grapes… Just like one big family. Oh yeah, Boss… Could we spend a little more time together after this? After getting this gorgeous swimsuit and everything… I was hoping we could celebrate my birthday a little longer. So yeah…about that memory for just the two of us… Let's go make it now, Boss ♡

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー1 (紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー2(紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー3(紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー4 (紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー5(紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー6(紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Momiji) (ひみつのシャワー7 (紅葉))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Momiji.

Episode 29: Love Letter Maiden (Momiji) (恋文フトメ(紅葉))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、 ちょっとだけ、 いいですか?

Momiji: Boss, do you have some time?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これ、わたしの気持ちです。迷惑じゃなかったら……いいんだけど……

Momiji: This is a token of my feelings. I hope I'm not bothering you or anything…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさんになら、撮ってもらっても、 いいかな。

Momiji: If it's with you, Boss… I think I can accept some shots.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Momiji: ちょっと、恥ずかしい……な……

(Camera flash)

Momiji: It's just…a little embarrassing…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ、喜んでもらえたら、嬉しいな。

Momiji: Heheh, I hope these can make you happy.

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Momiji) (勝利のセレモニー (紅葉))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Momiji (紅葉とシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: I'm going to go out on a limb and say ...... (思い切って……)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさんとの待ち合わせって……きっと、わたしの誕生日だから……だよね……♪ふふっ♪ 今年は、どんなお祝いをしてくれるのかな……何も言ってないのに、ちゃんと触えててくれて……でも……オーナーさんにばかり……いいのかな……わたしにも、なにかできること……うーん、今からでも、何か……でも、わたしにできることって……?

Momiji: I'm sure you're meeting up with the owner...... because it's my birthday......♪ Hmmm...I wonder what he's going to do for me this year. I wonder what kind of celebration she will give me this year......I didn't say anything, but she was very attentive to me......But I wonder if it's okay if I'm all about the ......owner. I wonder if ...... it's ok......I can do something too...... well, even now, something.... ...but is there anything I can do......?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん。あの、ごめんなさい。 お待たせしちゃって…………「気にしてない、 心配してた」……?すみません、 あの、 ちょっと……色々と、考え事……というか…………え? 「悩み事なら相談に」……?ち、違います……! その、準備が……い、いえ、なんでもなくって……あはは……それより、 オーナーさん。今日はわたしにどんなご用……ですか?

Momiji: Oh, owner. Um, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. ............ "I don't mind, I was worried." ......? I'm sorry, um, I'm just ...... thinking ...... about some things, or ............ what? "I'm here to help you with your problems." ......? No, no. ......! I'm just trying to get ready ...... No, no, no, it's nothing. ...... haha... ...... Anyway, Mr. Owner, what can I do for you today? What can I do for you today?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ、とっても綺麗……♪……この水着は、あの、 わたしのお誕生日の……?うふふっ♪ やっぱり、増えていてくれたんですね。ありがとうございます。嬉しいです♡こうして、声をかけてもらえるだけでも、 とっても嬉しいのに……こんな素敵なプレゼントまで♪「きっと似合うと思う」 ……ですか?ふふっ、はい。 オーナーさんにそう言われると、なんだか、早く着てみたくなってきちゃった♪

Momiji: wow, very beautiful ......... ...... is this bathing suit, uh, my birthday ......? I'm so glad to see that there are more of you out there. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. I'm very happy just to be approached by a handsome handsome man like you,...... and also to receive such a wonderful gift,...... "I'm sure it will look good on you,......? Hmmm, yes. I can't wait to try it on.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あの、どうでしょうか。オーナーさんの思った通りに、似合ってる……かな?……よかった♡とっても綺麗で、素敵な水着ですね♪ふわっと柔らかいのに、優しく包み込まれるような…………まるで、 オーナーさんみたいな……い、いえ……なんでもなくて……あはは……ひゃっ? あ、あの……何か……!?……え? わたしから、 何かいい香りが……?あ……ふふっ♪やっぱり、気づいてくれたんですね♡とっても素敵な水着を貰ったから……思い切って、香水を使ってみたんです。大人っぽくて ……ちょっと、刺激的な香り。……甘いだけじゃなくて、ことした強さのある……えっ? わたしにピッタリ……?そ、そんな、わたしは全然……えっと…………あの、オーナーさん。写真撮影……しませんか?素敵な水着だから、撮って欲しいんです。ふふっ♪よかった。じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますね♡

Momiji: Um, what do you think? Does it look as good on you as the owner thought it would ......? I'm glad ...... that it's a very beautiful, handsome, and lovely's soft and fluffy, yet gently enveloping. ............ like that. It's soft and fluffy, yet gently enveloping,...... like the owner,...... no,...... it's nothing,...... haha,...... hi? Huh? Oh, that ...... something ......! ...... what? Do I smell something good ......? I'm sure you noticed it after all. It's a mature ...... and slightly stimulating scent. It's not only sweet, but also has a certain strength. ...... What? Perfect for me......? Oh, no, I'm not at all...... well,............, the owner.... I'd like to have a photo shoot....... It's a nice swimsuit, so I'd like you to take a picture of me. I'm glad. Then, I'm looking forward to working with you.

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player is required to directly photograph to continue

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……ふふっ♪なんだか、こうやって写真を撮ってもらうの……嬉しいな♪あの……オーナーさん。思い切って……もうひとつ、お願いがあるんですが……このあと、わたしと……デート、 してくれませんか?……せっかくのお誕生日だから、一緒に楽しんで欲しいんです。……「断るわけがない」?ふふっ♪ もう、 オーナーさんったら…………でも、よかった♪ お化粧や、この香水も……「デートに誘おう」 って思うと、 準備に時間が掛かっちゃって。じつは、待ち合わせに遅れたのも……ふふっ♪じゃあ、改めて…………行きましょうか♪ オーナーさん……♡

Momiji: I'd like to make a bold ...... request. ......After this, will you have a ...... date with me? It's ...... your birthday, so I want you to have fun with me. How could I refuse? I'm so glad you're the owner of ............ but I'm also glad you're wearing makeup and this perfume. ...... When I think "I'm going to ask you out on a date," it takes me a long time to get ready. It took me a long time to get ready. I was late for the meeting,......, so let's go again,............... Owner! ......♡

Episode 35: More courage. (もっと勇気を)[]

To get this episode, you must give Momiji the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: 花火、とっても綺麗ですね……あの、オーナーさん……わたしとのデート……楽しんで、もらえたかな……?……はぁ、よかった♪ ちょっと不安だったんです。自分からデートに誘う、だなんて……どう思われるか……お化粧に、デートの時間や、 オーナーさんと行きたい場所……色々準備して……それでも不安で。でも、オーナーさんはいつも、 わたしに、声をかけてくれて……今日も、こんなに素敵な水着を貰って。それって、 とっても勇気がいることだと思うんです。だから……今日は、わたしから思い切って、って……♡ふふっ♪ 本当によかった。……え?「デートの記念に」……って……

Momiji: The fireworks are so beautiful ...... I hope you enjoyed your date ...... with me, the owner ...... ......? I was a little worried. I was worried about what people would think of me asking her out on a date,...... and I was worried about my makeup, the time of the date and where I wanted to go with the owner,...... and all the other things I had to do. I was still anxious about it. But the owner always calls out to me, and today I got such a nice swimsuit. ...... I think it takes a lot of courage to do that. So,...... today, I'm going to go out on a limb and say,...... ♡hugs,...... ♡hugs,...... I'm really glad. I'm really glad. ...... What? I'm so glad I took the plunge and said ...... "In honor of our date."......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これ……デート中の、わたしの写真……と、撮ってたんですか……?ちょ、ちょっと、 恥ずかしいな……自分から誘ったのに、こんなに楽しそうに……♡え……「楽しいのは、二人一緒だから」……?……そっか。……何も、迷うことは無かったんですね♪一緒にいるだけで、 こんなに楽しいんだから……ふふっ♪ 次からは、もっと勇気を出します♪……そうすれば、もっとたくさん、 楽しい時間が過ごせるから。……えっと、じゃあ……わたしからも……今日のデートの記念に……勇気を出して……♡

Momiji: This...... is a picture of me on a date...... and you were taking pictures......? Wait, that's a little embarrassing......I asked her out, but she looks so happy......♡e...... "We're having fun because we're having fun together." ......? I see,....... Â ...... so we can have a lot more fun together. ......Well, then,......I'd like to ......give you some courage too, a commemoration of today's date,...... I'll give you a handsome ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: 恥ずかしいけど……この写真 オーナーさんに持っててほしいな、って…………誰にも、見せないで下さいね ?……もうすぐ、花火も終わりかな……デートの時間も…………ううん……勇気を出して……!オーナーさん。……もう少しだけ、 一緒にいてもらっても……いいですか?ふふっ♪じゃあ……行こっか♡

Momiji: I'm embarrassed but ...... I want the owner to have this picture. ............ Please don't show it to anyone, okay? ......Will the fireworks be over soon? ......It's almost time to go on a date ............ ......I'm going to be brave and ......! Owner. Can I ...... stay with you just a little bit longer? Hmmm...let's go to ...... then♡!

Episode 36: Bitter♡Sweet (Momiji) (ビター♡スイート(紅葉))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ちょっと、恥ずかしい……な……

(Camera flash)

Momiji: a little, embarrassing ...... ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これ…どうぞ、気に入ってもらえると嬉しいな…

Momiji: here... please, I hope you like it...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: もうちょっとだけ、今日を楽しみましょうか。 ふふっ。

Momiji: Let's enjoy today just a little bit more, shall we? Hmmm.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ここなら、誰にも見られないかな……一人きり、だし……えっと、は、はじめましょ?

(Camera flash)

Momiji: I wonder if anyone can see me here: ...... I'm all alone. ...... Well, let's get started, shall we?

(Camera flash)

Episode 37: Momiji's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Momiji's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Momiji's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Secret Esthetic Time (Momiji)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Momiji's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Helena Douglas[]

Episode 1: Helena's Birthday (エレナの誕生日)[]


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene (엘레나 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 16 - Helena's Birthday

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん。ごめんなさい、少し休憩していたの。私の誕生日パーティー、楽しんでいただけているかしら?ふふっ、マリーが頑張らでくれたのだけれど、ちょっと大事にしてしまったかしら。ごめんなさい。そのパーティーの最中に何をしているのか… … ?をうな、のし休憩… … というだけでは、ダメかしら?… … ふふっ、イジワルな人。私から言わせるつもり?あなたと同じ、だと思うのだけれど。… …その手に持っているものは、何かしら?… …ふふっ。さ、こちらへ。あまり、待たせないでくださる?

Helena: Oh, it's you boss. Sorry, I was taking a little break. Are you enjoying my birthday party? Hehe. Marie went all out for this, but maybe she overdid it a little. Sorry. What am I doing here while the party's going on? Well, just taking a little break… Is this answer enough? Heheh… You're such a tease. Are you going to make me say it? I think we feel the same way. What are you holding? Hehe. Come over here. Don't keep me waiting.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ、素敵なケーキ♪ 盛大なパーティーももちろん嬉しいけれど… … 二人きりのお祝いも、良いものですわ。心や言葉まで、飾らなくてすみますもの。… … あめがとう、オーナーさん。とても、嬉しいですわ。ふふっ、あまりこうしていると。マリーを心配させてしまうわね。さ、戻りましょう、オーナーさん。このケーキは、一パーティーのあと… …ここで、また。ね?

Helena: My, what a wonderful cake ♪ Of course I'm happy to have such a grand party… But celebrating privately with you is great too. I can just be myself. …Thank you, boss. I'm really happy. Heheh…if we stay here much longer, Marie would start to worry. Let's return to the party, shall we? After the party, let's enjoy this cake here, together.

Episode 2: I want to show off ♥ (自慢したいわ♥)[]


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scean (엘레나 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: オーナーさん、楽しんで頂けているかしら?ふふっ♪今年はマリーだけじゃなくて、こころや、みさき、たまき、フィオナ……他のみんなも協力して、パーティーの準備をしてくれたの。こんなに賑やかで、温かな誕生日パーティー……とても、嬉しいですわ♪では、みんなに、感謝を伝えないと。……また、あとで。

Helena: Are you enjoying yourself, boss? Heheh ♪ This year in addition to Marie, we have Kokoro, Misaki, Tamaki, Fiona… And everyone else contributed to preparing this party for me. To have such a lively, heart-warming birthday party as this… Brings me great joy ♪ I'll have to tell everyone how grateful I am. I will see you later.

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: やっぱり、ここにいらしたのね。……お待たせ、してしまったかしら?「少し、休憩していただけ」……?ふふっ♪では……私も、ご一緒させていただくわ。……それで、オーナーさん?後ろに隠しているもの、見せてくださる?

Helena: I had a feeling you'd be here. Have you been waiting? Oh, just taking a short break? Heheh ♪ Well then… Don't mind if I join you. And boss…? Mind showing me what you're hiding behind your back?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ、可愛いケーキ♪「お誕生日のケーキが嬉しい」だなんて……みんなに聞かれたら、笑われるかしら?ふふっ♪こうして、二人きりでの誕生日パーティーも、……嬉しいですわ♥えっ、もう一つ……プレゼントが……?まあ、これは……うふふ……あなたらしい、ですわね。少し、お待ちいただけるかしら♪

Helena: Oh, what an adorable cake ♪ Would everyone laugh if they heard me saying how happy I am to receive this cake? Heheh ♪ Celebrating my birthday with just the two of us like this… Makes me delighted ♥ Oh? Another…gift? Well, this is… Heheh… Something that only you would do. Could you give me just a moment?

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Helena: いかがかしら?似合っていると良いのだけれど♪撮影を……?……ええ、構わなくてよ♪せっかくの誕生日ですもの♥

(camera flash)

Helena: What do you think? I hope it looks good on me ♪ A photo…? Of course I don't mind ♪ It is my birthday, after all ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Helena: 素敵な水着をありがとう。その写真は、今日の日の記念に……そろそろ、パーティーに戻りましょうか♪みんなが、探しているかもしれないわ。それに……ふふっ♪この水着、はやく自慢したいですわ♥では、オーナーさん、一緒に参りましょう♪

Helena: Thank you for the fabulous swimsuit. That photo, is to commemorate this day… It's about time to head back to the party ♪ The rest might be looking for us. Oh, and also… Heheh ♪ I want to quickly show off this swimsuit ♥ Now, then, boss, let us adjourn ♪

Episode 3: Hebijo Ninja Suit (Helena) (蛇女子学(エレナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: ええ、いいですわよ。ふふっ♪どんな写真になるのか、少し燥しみね。どんなポーズがよろしいのかしら?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Helena Douglas: どんな写真になっているのかしら。楽しみだわ。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena: Yes, but of course. Heheh ♪ I'm a bit excited as to how they'll turn out. What kind of posing would you prefer?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Helena: I'm quite curious as to how these photos will turn out.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 4: Fruitful Days (実りある日々)[]


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene1 (엘레나 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: こんばんは、オーナーさん。今年もこんなに素敵なパーティーをありがとう。ふふっ、隠しても無駄よ♪……マリーから全部間きましたわ。オーナーさんが、ほとんど準備してくれた、って。マリーは、少し物足りなさそうでしたけど。……あら?その手に持っているものは……うふふっ♪もっと、私を喜ばせてくださるのかしら?

Helena: Good evening, boss. Thank you for putting together another outstanding party for me this year. Heheh, don't try to pretend otherwise ♪ I heard everything from Marie. She told me you took care of most of the preparations. Seems like she wanted to be a little more involved too. Oh… What is that you're holding there? Heheh ♪ Perhaps something that would make me even more delighted?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: 素敵な水着……今年も、用意してくれたのね♪ありがとう。……とても、嬉しいですわ。ふふっ♪言わなくても、わかっていますわ。……私も、早く着てみたいのだから♪……では、少し、場所を移しましょうか。参りましょう、オーナーさん♥

Helena: What a gorgeous swimsuit…just like last year ♪ Thank you… I'm really delighted. Heheh ♪ I already know what's on your mind. …I would like to try it on right away as well♪ Well then… Shall we head elsewhere? Let's go, boss ♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♥いかがかしら?……ありがとう。私も、とても気に入ったわ♪この深い赤色は、誕生石のガーネットかしら?ガーネットの石言葉は、「実り」と「繁栄」……ふふっ、この島での生活が、こんなに豊かで、実りのあるものになるだなんて。オーナーさんのおかげ、ね。……まあ、それは……ふふっ、準備のいい人ね。もちろん、いいですわよ♪この特別な時間を、残してくださる?

(camera flash)

Helena: Heheh ♥ What do you think? …Thanks. I really like it, too ♪ This deep red is the colour of my birthstone, "garnet?" They say the garnet is a symbol of productivity and prosperity. Heheh, I never imagined how eventful my life would become on this island. And it's all because of you. Well… Heheh… You're always so prepared. Of course ♪ Kindly capture this special moment for me?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……ふふっ、またひとつ、ニ人の想い出が実ったわね♪あらためて、ありがとうオーナーさん。とても、楽しい誕生日でしたわ。でも、そろそろパーティーに戻らないと、マリーたちが心配するわ。……あら?その顔……まだ、何か隠している顔?……わかりましたわ。では、パーティーのあと。お待ちしていますわね。オーナーさん。

Helena: Heheh… Yet another memory just between the two of us ♪ Once again, thank you, boss. It's been a thoroughly enjoyable birthday. But we'd better get back to the party before Marie and the others start to worry. Oh? That expression… Are you still hiding something? I understand. After the party then. I'll be waiting, boss.

Episode 5: An Unchanging Feeling (変わらない気持ち)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Helena after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene1 (엘레나 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: お待ちしていましたわ、オーナーさん。もう、皆は部屋に戻りましたわ。今は、私たちニ人だけ……ふふっ、なんだか、不思議ね。パーティーはもう終わったのに、こんなに楽しみだなんて。さあ、もう隠しごとは無しですわよ。……その手に持ったもの、見せてくださる?

Helena: I've been waiting for you, boss. Everyone has already gone back to their rooms. It's just the two of us. Heheh… This feels somewhat strange. The party is already over, yet I'm still so excited. No more secrets. …Will you show me what's in your hands?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ……これは……ふふっ、随分と、大胆なプレゼントですわね。オーナーさんらしい……受け取って買えるか、ですって?ええ……もちろん。喜んで。では……オーナーさん、はめて、頂けるかしら♥

Helena: Okay, wow… Heheh, this is quite a bold present. As expected of you. Will I accept it? Uh-huh…of course. Gladly. Well… Would you put it on for me, boss?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: 私の誕生石、ガーネット……この水着とあわせて、準備してくださったのね。ガーネットの石言葉は、「実り」「繁栄」。そして、もう一つは……『一途で、変わらない……』……なんて、言葉にするのはいけませんわね♪この指輪、大切にしますわ。オーナーさん、……ありがとう。では、参りましょうか?……せっかくですもの。誕生日の残りの時間を、もう少し楽しみたいわ。さ、この手をとって……わたくしを、エスコートしてくださる?ふふっ♪

Helena: You prepared this swimsuit specially for me… To match my birthstone, garnet. Garnet is a symbol of productivity, prosperity, and one more thing… Unwavering commitment… …It's a little embarrassing to say those words ♪ I will treasure this ring. Thank you, boss. Now then, shall we? Let us enjoy the remaining hours of my birthday for a little while longer, while we can. Would you take my hand, and escort me? Heheh ♪

Episode 6: Will You Accept It? (受け取って頂ける?)[]

First version[]


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Helena Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あの、少しだけ、お話し、いいかしら?あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: Could you…Spare a moment to chat? I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Helena extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あの、少しだけ、お話し、いいかしら?あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: Could you…Spare a moment to chat? I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: ええ、いいですわよ。ふふっ♪どんな写真になるのか、少し燥しみね。どんなポーズがよろしいのかしら?

(Camera flash)

Helena: Yes, but of course. Heheh ♪ I'm a bit excited as to how they'll turn out. What kind of posing would you prefer?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: どんな写真になっているのかしら。楽しみだわ。

Helena: I'm quite curious as to how these photos will turn out.

Episode 7: Helena-chan Wants to Hang Out! (エレナちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas:

Helena Douglas:

Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas:

Helena Douglas:

Episode 8: A Candid Heart (飾らない心)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: ここにいたのね、オーナーさん。あなたを探していたの。今夜は、素敵な誕生日パーティーをありがとう♪……それを、伝えたくて。パーティー会場に節られていた花が、とても美しくて……あなたらしい、心遣いを感じましたわ。心のこもった花は、どんな高価なものよりも素敵なプレゼントですわね♪……あら?プレゼントは他にある……?ふふっ♪楽しみですわ♪

Helena: There you are, boss. I've been looking for you. Thanks for the amazing birthday party tonight ♪ …I just wanted to let you know I appreciated it. Those flowers at the venue were absolutely stunning. It was a thoughtful touch that reminded me of you. Flowers selected with such care are more valuable to me than the most expensive of gifts ♪ …Hm? Another gift? Heheh ♪ I can't wait ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ、綺麗な水着……まるで花のよう♪私の誕生花「シンビジウム」をイメージして……?パーティー会場にも節られていた花も、同じでしたわね。ふふっ♥素敵な演出ね 私のために、ありがとう、オーナーさん♪……さっそく着てみて欲しい?もちろんよ。私も、着るのが楽しみだわ♪

Helena: Well, what a pretty swimsuit. So flowery ♪ Patterned after my birth flower, the "cymbidium?" That's the same flower my party was decorated with, right? Heheh ♪ What a fabulous presentation ♥ Thanks for doing this for me, boss ♪ …You'd like me to try it on right away? Of course. I can't wait to slip it on ♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Helena: お待たせしました、オーナーさん。……いかがかしら♪なんだか、変わった形のドレス……シンプルだけど、とても華やかで……まるで、突国の花嫁のようね♪ふふっ♪「花嫁」なんて、私には似合わないかもしれないけれど。バカンスですもの♪雰囲気を楽しませて頂きますわ。あなたの隣で、ね♪写真を?……そうですわね。この特別な水着を着た記念に♪オーナーさん、撮影をお願いいたしますわ♪

(camera flash)

Helena: Thank you for waiting, boss… What do you think? It's like…a peculiar dress of sorts… Simple, yet flamboyant in its own way… As if I'm a bride in some foreign land ♪ Heheh ♪ Although the word "bride" may not be so fitting for someone like me. But I'm on vacation ♪ So it's time to enjoy the moment, right at your side ♪ Photos?…Right. To commemorate my wearing of this special swimsuit ♪ Take some spectacular ones, boss ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♪二人だけの記念、ですわね♪シンビジウムの花言葉は「飾らない心」。忙しく仕事をしている間は、厳しく心を飾っているのだけれど……あなたといる今は、飾っていないわ。……この綺麗な水着を纏っていても……ね♪……こんな気持ちになれたのは久しぶり。今日……この夜が終わらなければいいのに…………なんて、子供っぽいかしら。ふふっ♪……まだ終わりにはさせないから、少し待っていてほしい?……ふふっ、いいですわよ♪この特別な日を、もう少しだけ楽しませてくださる?あなたのことを信じて……待っていますわ。では、オーナーさん……またあとで。

Helena: Heheh ♪ To commemorate our time together, just the two of us ♪ So the cymbidium symbolizes a "candid heart…" I definitely hide my true feelings while I'm busy at work, but… Being here with you, I feel so uninhibited. Even while dressed in this beautiful swimsuit ♪ It's been so long since I felt this way. I wish…this night would never end… My goodness. I suppose that sounds a bit childish. Heheh ♪ You're not ready to wrap it up yet, so you want me to wait a bit? …Heheh. Of course I will ♪ Just so you'll bring me even more happiness on this special night, even if only a bit. I trust you will… So I'll be waiting. And I'll…see you later, boss.

Episode 9: One More Gift (もう一つのプレゼント)[]

To get this episode, you must give Helena her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: オーナーさん、お待ちしていましたわ。ふふっ、そんなに備てなくても、シンピジウムは、間単にれるような花ではなくてよ♪じゃあ、もうのしだけ……一緒にこの夜を楽しみましょうか。……私に渡したい物が?ふふっ♪そのための準備をしていたのね。何かしら?とても楽しみですわ♪

Helena: Boss, I've been waiting for you. Heheh, no need to be in such a panic. This cymbidium doesn't wilt so easily, as far as flowers go ♪ So let's continue to enjoy the night together, even if only for a bit longer. …You've got something for me? Heheh ♪ So that's what you were doing. I can't wait to find out what it is ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ……これはシンビジウムのブーケ……?可愛くて、優しい色……オーナーさんの「節らない心」を感じるわ。……もう一つの花言葉が、私に相応しい?「高貴な美人」……ふふっ……そう思って頂けて光栄よ♪ありがとう、オーナーさん。これは、あなたと私、二人にお似合いの花、ですわね♪

Helena: Well now…it's a bouquet of cymbidiums…? How adorable, and what gentle colors… I can feel your "candid heart" through them, boss. It symbolizes one other thing, that fits me well? "A high-class beauty…" Heheh… I'm honored that you think of me that way, boss ♪ Thank you so much. I feel that these flowers are an accurate representation of the both of us ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: シンビジウム……ありふれた。素朴な花だけれど……あなたから送られたこの花は、特別なもの。……大切にしますわね。

Helena: The cymbidium… Such a commonplace, simple flower, yet… Receiving them from you is so special to me. I'll be sure to cherish them.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: 「高貴な女性」それに「飾らない心」……ふたつとも、私に頂いた花言葉葉だけれど……あなたからは、もう一つの花言葉もプレゼントして貰ったわ。ふふっ♪知らなかったかしら?それとも、知っていてのこと……?もう一つの花言葉……それは「華やかな恋」。ふふっ♪バカンス中ですもの……もう少しだけ……二人で楽しみましょう♥ね、あなた♪

Helena: A "high-class beauty," and a "candid heart…" Are the two symbolic phrases you've given me, but… I also received one other floriographical phrase from you. Heheh ♪ Don't you know what it is? The last phrase is a "flowery affection." Heheh. I'm on vacation after all. So let's enjoy the moment, just a bit longer, just the two of us ♥ Okay, honey?

Episode 10: With You (Helena) (ウィズ・ユー(エレナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I think I'll change into it right away. Could you close your eyes for a bit?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it looks good on me.

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 11: Thin Towel Wrap (Helena) (うすかわたけのこ(エレナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I think I'll change into it right away. Could you close your eyes for a bit?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it looks good on me.

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Helena) (S・ショコラティエ(エレナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I think I'll change into it right away. Could you close your eyes for a bit?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it looks good on me.

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 13: Riddle Gust (Helena) (なぞの突風(エレナ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Helena) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(エレナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、あなた♪随分おれのようね。……もう、っているのは私たち二人だけですわよ♪

Helena: My goodness ♪ Looks like you’ve been working hard. We’re the only ones here now ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena (OFF): ……疲れが取れる、足裏マッサージ?うふふっ、面白そうね。では、お願いしようかしち?

Helena (OFF): A foot massage to rejuvenate me? Heheh… Sounds interesting. I think I’ll take you up on that.

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Helena: これで、よろしいかしら?ふふっ♪どんな「マッサージ」なのか、楽しみですわ♪

(camera flash)

Helena: Is this acceptable? Heheh ♪ I look forward to finding out what kind of “massage” you have in store for me ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……やっぱり、 「そういうこと」だったようね。元気そうで何よりですわ。……へンタイさん?

Helena: I had a feeling “that” was what you had in mind… I’m glad you seem to be in good spirits again…you little devil.

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Helena) (愛の妙薬 (エレナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: A Birthday to Look Forward to (楽しみな誕生日)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: あら、オーナーさん?ちょうど部屋を出るところでしたの。お迎えに来てくださったのかしら♪「楽しそう」?……ふふっ、そうね♪誕生日が楽しみだなんて、ちょっと子供っぽいかしら♪でも、毎年あなたが真心を込めて開いてくださるんですもの。……ですから、あなたのせいですわよ♥もちろん、今年も何か用意してくれているのでしょう?期待していますわ♪……さっそく期待に応える?まだ、パーティーは始まっていませんわよ?

Helena Douglas: Oh, hello Boss. I was just on my way out. Did you come to pick me up? I look happy? Heheh… Well, I am ♪ I suppose it's a bit childish for me to be so excited about my birthday ♪ But every year, you never fail to hold a fabulous party for me. So it's actually your fault I'm feeling this way ♥ I imagine you have something grand for me this year as well… So I'm expecting a lot ♪ You'll "meet those expectations right away"? You know the party hasn't started yet, right?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: まあ……水着のプレゼント……?ふふ、さすがはオーナーさんね。この色も、デザインも……とても素敵♪ふふっ♪もちろん、分かっていますわ。少しだけ、ここで待っていて?

Helena Douglas: Oh… A swimsuit as my gift? Heheh… Well done, Boss. The color and design…are just fabulous ♪ Heheh ♪ Of course I know what's next. Just wait a bit for me here, okay?

Scene 3
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: ……いかがかしら?あなたの期待に、応えられていたら良いのですけれど。ふふっ♪本当にいい色ね。とっても暖かくて、幸せな色…………まるで、甘酸っぱいラズベリーのような♪ふふっ♪今の私の気持ちに、ピッタリですわ♥では、りましよう。オーナーさん。はやく、皆に見せたいわ♪……さ、手を取って。もちろん、エスコートしてくださるのでしょう?

Helena Douglas: …So what do you think? I hope I've met your expectations. Heheh ♪ This color is really impressive. So warm and cheerful… Like a sweet and sour raspberry ♪ Heheh ♪ It matches my feelings at this very moment perfectly ♥ Shall we be off now, Boss? I want to show the other girls right away ♪ Take my hand… You do intend to escort me, right?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English

Helena Douglas: ふふっ♪とても楽しいパーティーでしたわ♪……ありがとう、オーナーさん。「いつもより、楽しそうだった」?ふふっ、少しはしゃぎ過ぎたかしら。でも、本当に楽しくて……嬉しかったの♪この、ラズペリーの水着を着ていると、とても甘酸っぱい、幸せな気持ちになれるから♪……あなたのおかげ、ですわ。あらためて……ありがとう、オーナーさん♥「その笑顔を写真に撮りたい」……?ふふっ♪少し恥ずかしいですけれど……ええ、あなたになら、喜んで♪この、宝物のような気持ちを、忘れないように。

(camera flash)

Helena Douglas: Heheh ♪ The party was thoroughly entertaining ♪ Thank you, Boss. I seem to be having more fun than usual? Heheh… Maybe I was a bit too excited. But it was truly enjoyable…you've made me happy ♪ Wearing this raspberry swimsuit makes me feel so bittersweet…and happy ♪ And it's all thanks to you. So once again, I express my gratitude, Boss ♥ You want to "capture my smile on camera"? ♪ Heheh ♪ It sounds a bit embarrassing… But yes, I'd be glad to do that for you ♪ So as to never forget this precious moment.

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: その写真は、ふたりだけの秘密に。このようなプライベートな顔は……恥ずかしいですもの♪でも、パーティーもそろそろおしまい…………楽しい時間は、あっという間でずわね。……え?これから、もう少しだけ一緒に?……ええ、喜んで。オーナーさん、手を。エスコート、お願いしますわね♪

Helena Douglas: Let's keep that photo a secret between the two of us. I'd be so embarrassed to show such an expression to anyone else ♪ I suppose the party will be over soon… Time goes by when you're enjoying yourself, doesn't it? Hm? Stay together just a bit longer? Of course, I'd be glad to. Give me your hand, Boss… I need you to escort me ♪

Episode 17: Raspberry Feelings (ラズベリーの気持ち)[]

To get this episode, you must give Helena Douglas her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: ふふっ、こうして二人で歩くだけでも、楽しいわ♪この、ラズベリーの水着のおかげかしら♥あら……突然立ち止まって……ここに、何か?「二人だけの特別なパーティー」を……?うふふっ、何か企んでると思うっていたけれど……♪……とても、嬉しいですわ♥「目を閉じて」ふふっ、どんなサプライズが用意されているのかしら♪

Helena Douglas: Heheh… Just walking together with you like this is so fun ♪ I wonder if it's because of this raspberry swimsuit ♥ Hm? Why are we stopping here? A "special party for the two of us"? Heheheh… I knew you had something up your sleeve ♪ This makes me so happy ♥ Close my eyes? Heheh… What kind of surprise do you have in store for me? ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: まあ……とても大きくて、綺麗なケーキ♪甘酸っぱい、とってもいい香り……このケーキも、水着と同じ、ラズベリーなのね♪ラズベリーの言葉は「愛情」……?オーナーさんの気持ちを込めて……うふふっ♪「お誕生日のケーキ」が、こんなに嬉しいだなんて。このケーキは、とっても美味しいに違いないわね。「愛情に勝る味はない」と言いますもの♪さ、ふたりだけの特別なパーティーを始めましょう♪……オーナーさん♥

Helena Douglas: My goodness… What a big, beautiful cake ♪ It smells sweet and sour, and so delicious… It's a raspberry cake, just like the swimsuit, isn't it ♪ The raspberry is a symbol of "love"? You put so much thought into this… Heheh ♪ I've never seen such a lovely birthday cake. I'm sure it tastes amazing. There's "nothing like the flavor of love" as they say ♪ Let's get our "two-person party" started then ♪ Boss… ♥

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Helena Douglas: 私の、ラズベリーのような気持ちを、あなたに…………さ、召し上がって♪あ〜ん……♥

Helena Douglas: Here, have a taste of my raspberry-like feelings ♪ Say "ahhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Helena Douglas: ……いかがかしら?私の気持ち……あなたにも伝わると良いのですけれど♪……なんて、ふふっ♪「楽しそうでよかった」……?……ええ。本当に、楽しいですわ。……あなたとこうしている時間は、とっても♪甘酸っぱくて、幸せなひととき…………まるで、このラズベリーのように。……さ、オーナーさん、夜はまだ長いわ♪……もう少しだけ……よろしくて♥この、かけがえのない時間を、二人で楽しみましょう♪

Helena Douglas: How is it? I hope my feelings were conveyed to you ♪ What am I saying, heheh ♪ You're glad I look like I'm having so much fun? Well, I really am. Spending time with you like this is remarkably enjoyable ♪ A bittersweet and happy moment… It's just like this raspberry. The night is still young, Boss ♪Stay with me…a bit longer, okay? Let's enjoy this priceless moment together, just the two of us ♪

Episode 18: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Helena) (甘い香りに誘われて(エレナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas (OFF): 少し、待っていてくださらない?

Helena Douglas (OFF): Can you wait a little?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Episode 19: Sunset at the Park (Helena) (あかね色の公園で(エレナ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Episode 20: Goddess Night's Dream (Helena) (女神の夜の夢(エレナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: こんばんは、オーナーさん。夜は長いですし、ゆっくりくつろぎましょう。ええ、いいですわよ。ふふっ、どんな写真になるのか、少し楽しみね。いつでもいいですわよ?

(Camera flash)

Helena: Good evening, Mr. Owner. It's a long night, let's relax. Yes, that's fine. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. Whenever you're ready, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ、なんだか物足りないわ。もう少し、楽しませてくださらない?もう、いけない人ね……特別、ですわよ?

(Camera flash)

Helena: Hmmm, I'm kind of missing something. Can't you entertain me a little more? You're already a bad person, ...... special, aren't you?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: もう少し、お付き合いくださらない?

Helena: Would you like to hang out with us a little longer?

Episode 21: Secret shower 1 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー1 (エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 22: Secret shower 2 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー2(エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 23: Secret shower 3 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー3(エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 24: Secret shower 4 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー4 (エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 25: Secret shower 5 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー5(エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 26: Secret shower 6 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー6(エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 27: Secret shower 7 (Helena) (ひみつのシャワー7 (エレナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Helena.

Episode 28: A Special Stage (特別なステージ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……あら、オーナーさん。 ごきげんよう♪「一人で何をしていたのか」 ……そうね……一人、贅沢な時間を楽しんでいた、と言ったところかしら♪「邪魔をしたか」……?うふふっ♪ごめんなさい、 誤解させてしまったようね♪「誰かを待つ」という、贅沢な時間……それを楽しんでいたのよ。……お待ちしていましたわ、 オーナーさん。誕生日のパーティ事ーに、 誘いに来てくれたのでしょう?「その前に」……?

Helena: …Oh. Good day, Boss ♪ What am I "doing here alone"? Well… Just indulging in some alone time, I suppose ♪ Are you "intruding"? Heheh ♪ I'm sorry, perhaps I phrased it wrong ♪ I've actually been waiting for someone… But enjoying myself in the meantime. The one I've been waiting for is you. Have you come to invite me to a birthday party? "Something else first"?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ♪これが、 今年の誕生日の水着?華やかなのに、洗練されていて、とても素敵だわ♪……まるで、ステージ衣装のようね。「その通り」 って……ふふっ♪今年のパーティーは、そういう趣向なのかしら?わかりましたわ。準備しますから、エスコート、お願いしますわね♪

Helena: Ah ♪ This must be this year's birthday swimsuit. It's glamorous, yet so refined… Quite lovely, really ♪ Almost looks like stage attire. "Exactly right"? Heheh ♪ Is that the theme for this year's party? Understood. I'll go get ready, and I expect you to be my escort ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

Unlike prior photoshoots, the player is required to take the picture directly

Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♪ステージがあるだなんて、 面白い趣向のパーティーね。おかげで、言葉だけじゃなくて、歌でも……皆に、お礼の気持ちを伝えることができたわ♪……もちろん、 あなたにも。私の気持ち、受け取って頂けたかしら?なら、よかったわ。久しぶりのステージで、少し緊張していたの。「ステージ慣れしているように見えた」……?そうね……今も昔も……「仕事」で壇上に上がることが多いから。でも、今日のステージは……いつもと違ってとても温かくて、 楽しいステージだったわ。改めて……ありがとう。この水着と……オーナーさんのおかげ、ね♡記念に、ステージで撮影を?ふふっ!もちろん、喜んで。よろしくお願いしますわ、 オーナーさん。

(Camera flash)

Helena: Heheh ♪ Having a stage is quite the interesting party theme. It allowed me to express my gratitude to everyone… Not only with words, but through a song as well ♪ That includes you too, Boss. Did I sufficiently get my feelings across? Well, I'm certainly glad. I was a bit nervous going up on stage, for the first time in awhile. I looked "really comfortable up there"? Well…I often go up on stage for "work." But the stage today was just… So warm and enjoyable, much different than usual. Once again…I'm grateful. It's all thanks to you and this swimsuit, Boss ♡ Photos to commemorate this moment, up on stage? Heheh ♪ Of course I'd be glad to. Take some fabulous shots.

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Helena: いかがかしら?この素敵な水着に見合っていたら、良かったのだけれど。ふふっ、ありがとう。でも……誕生日のステージは、もう終わり。今日はステージを降りて……これから、贅沢な時間を楽しむのも、悪くないでしょう?今度は「二人だけの」……ふふっ♪ じゃあ、参りましょう。ね、オーナーさん♡

Helena: How was that? I hope I did this wonderful swimsuit some justice. Heheh, thank you. But… It's time for my birthday stage to come to a close. I'll step down for the day… And perhaps indulge in some leisure time… Only this time…with the two of us together. Heheh ♪ Shall we go now? Boss ♡

Episode 29: Stepping Off Stage (ステージを降りて)[]

To get this episode, you must give Helena the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふ、 楽しかったわね、 オーナーさん♪パーティーを抜け出して、二人きりのデート……とっても贅沢な時間だったわ♡「どうして、 突然デートを」……?誕生日ですもの♪少しくらい、ワガママを言っても良いのではなくて?私にだって、壇上を降りて自由に振る舞いたいこともあるわ♪皆の前では、こんなはしゃいだ姿は見せられないもの……それに……ステージの上からでは……あなたへの、特別な想いは伝えられないでしょう?「感謝の気持ちはもう受け取った」……?とぼけるのがお上手ね……♪……感謝の気持ちだけで、満足かしら?例えば……今日の私、いつもと違うところがあるのに気付いていて?「香り」…… ?さすがね♪ちゃんと気づいてくれて、嬉しいわ♡この水着に合わせて選んだのだけれど、どうかしら?「刺激的だけど、 不思議と落ち着く」……?……そうね♪刺激的だけど、慣れるとリラックスできて……いつまでも隣に置いておきたくなる……レザーの香り。……気に入って頂けたかしら?ふふっ♪ 頑張って選んだ甲斐があったわ。香水には普段から気を使っているけど、誰かのために選ぶのは、 初めてだから。……誕生日の、 いい思い出になったわね♡

Helena: Heheh, that was quite enjoyable, Boss ♪ Leaving the party, and going out on a date with you… Quite the indulgent time, indeed ♡ "Why a date all of a sudden"? Because it's my birthday ♪ Can't a girl be slightly selfish on her big day? I like to step out of the limelight and spread my wings once in a while ♪ But I can't show my free spirit to the others… Besides… While I'm up on stage… I'm not able to express my special feelings for you. You already felt my "gratitude"? You're quite good at playing dumb, aren't you ♪ Is a feeling of gratitude…really sufficient? I mean… Did you happen to notice something different about me today? My "scent"? I knew you'd get it ♪ And I'm happy you noticed ♡ I chose a scent that would go well with this swimsuit, but what do you think? "Stimulating, yet oddly calming"? …Exactly ♪ So stimulating, yet relaxing once you've grown accustomed… This scent of leather is…something I'd like to keep by my side forever. Do you like it? Heheh ♪ Then it was worth the effort. I always choose my perfumes carefully, but this is the first time I've selected it for someone in particular. What a wonderful birthday memory ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら?この写真は……さっきの?

Helena: Oh… Is this the photo you just took?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♪ ステージから降りたばかりだというのに、あなたの前だと、 どうしても緩んでしまうわね♡こんな表情、皆には見せられないわ♪「かわいい」から、皆に見せたい?もう……困ったものね……♪じゃあ……

Helena: Heheh ♪ I'd just stepped down from the stage, but I can't help but relax in front of you ♡ I can't show this expression to anyone else ♪ It's so "cute" you want everyone to see it? What am I going to do with you ♪ I mean…

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Helena: こうしておけば、人には見せられないでしょ♪今日のことは、私たち二人だけの秘密。あなたの部屋の、 誰にも見られない場所に飾っておいて。あなたの側に、 いつまでも……ね♡じゃあ、 行きましょうか。二人だけの秘密のデートなら……もっともっと、 楽しまないと、損たわ♪ね、オーナーさん♡

Helena: You can't show anyone else now, can you? ♪ What we had today is a secret, just between the two of us. Put this somewhere in your room where no one can see it. But right by your side, forever ♡ Shall we get going now? If this is a secret date for the two of us… We better get as much fun as we can out of it ♪ Right, Boss? ♡

Episode 30: Love Letter Maiden (Helena) (恋文フトメ(エレナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: 少し、お時間を頂きたいのだけれど。

Helena: I would like to take a moment of your time.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: あなたには、これを……受け取って、頂けるかしら?

Helena: Would you be able to receive this at ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: もう、仕方がない人ね……

Helena: You're a person who has no choice now: ......

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Helena: あんまり見ないで……

(Camera flash)

Helena: Don't look too hard: ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: もう、いけない人ね特別、 ですわよ?

Helena: You're a bad person, specially, aren't you?

Episode 31: Victory Ceremony (Helena) (勝利のセレモニー (エレナ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 32: Share ♥ with Helena (エレナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 33: Bolder than usual. (いつもより大胆に)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: 見慣れない場所だけれど……ここは一体どこかしら?お茶をしていたら、 誰かに呼ばれた気がしたのだけれど……あら……オーナーさん。あなたが、私のことを呼んだの?では……ふふっ♪ これはあなたの仕業ね?この不思議な場所に、どうやって呼び出したのか、 それに……この、とても美しくて、軽やかで……踊りたくなるような水着についても、説明して頂けるかしら?

Helena: I'm not familiar with this place ...... where is this place? I was having tea and I thought I heard someone calling me. ......Oh, my God, ......Owner. Did you call me? Then ...... this is your doing, isn't it? Can you explain to me how you came to this strange place and ...... also explain to me about this very beautiful, light ...... and danceable swimsuit?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: 「異世界に召喚」 ……? よくわからない話だけれど……ふふっ♪ あなたが言うと、 そんなに不思議に思わないわね。誰も知らない場所に、あなたと二人きり……私にとって、素敵な誕生日プレゼントだわ♡この「踊り子」の水着も……とても素敵で、開放的な気分になれそう♪……さっそく、 私の踊りが見たい?ダンスだなんて、 社交の嗜み程度……とても、人に見せられるようなものではないのだけれど……ふふっ♪ ここには二人きり。 ですものね。いつもより少し、 大胆になってしまってもいいかしら♡……では、見ていて下さる? オーナーさん♪

Helena: "Summoned to Another World" ......? I don't really know what you're talking about, but ...... phew... it doesn't sound so strange when you say it. Just the two of us, alone with you in a place where no one knows us,...... a wonderful birthday present for me, and this handsome "dancer" swimsuit is also very ...... nice and liberating! Dancing is not something that I would ever show to anyone,...... but it is something that I would never show to anyone,....... I'm not sure I'd like to be here. I hope you don't mind if I get a little more daring than usual,......, so will you keep an eye on me? Owner...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……踊るところを見られるだなんて、私にしては珍しく緊張したけれど……ふふっ、楽しかったわ。「見惚れるくらい綺麗だった」……ありがとう、嬉しいわ♡さて……オーナーさん? 次は何をするつもりかしら。踊りを見たかっただけ、と言うわけでは無いのでしょう?……まずは、「契約」の撮影を?「二人の力を合わせるために」……ふふっ、なんだか面白そうね♪いいですわ♪ 準備はよろしくて? オーナーさん♡

Helena: ......I was unusually nervous to be seen dancing, but it was fun. ...... It was so beautiful that I couldn't help but admire it. ......Thank you, I'm so happy to see you, ♡Well, ......Owner? What are you going to do next? I'm sure you didn't just want to see me dance, did you? ...... first, you want to shoot a "contract"? To join our forces. ......It's kind of fun... I like it... Are you ready for it? Owner♡♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player has to click the camera to take a picture.

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……これで、契約が交わされたことになるのね?「二人の力を合わせて」、 何をするのかしら?……誕生日のプレゼントに、見せたいものが?そこまで、二人で 「冒険」を……ふふっ♪ それは楽しみね。知らない世界に二人きり、 それも冒険だなんて…………では、オーナーさん。その場所までエスコートしてくださるかしら…………「違う」?「二人で、 力を合わせて」 ……?ふふっ♪ そうね。私たちは、契約を交わしたパートナー、 だったわね♡では、ありましょうか。……あなた♡

Helena: ...... So now we have a contract, right? What are we going to do when we "join forces"? ...... something you want to show me for my birthday? We're going to have an "adventure" ...... together, just the two of us, in a world we don't know. Just the two of you, alone in a strange world, that's an adventure too. ............ So, will the owner escort you to the place? ...... ...... "No"? "Together, we'll join forces." ......? Hmmm...yes. We're contracted partners, aren't we, handsome? ...... you handsome

Episode 34: to a point where you don't even know. (知らないところまで)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Helena's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: オーナーさん、大丈夫?……少し疲れてきたのではなくて?無理せずに、ここで休憩にしましょうか。急ぐ旅でもないのだから。さあ、そこに座って。私の踊りで、あなたの疲れを癒やしてあげるわ♪

Helena: Hey owner, are you ok? ...... aren't you getting a little tired? Take it easy, let's take a break here. We are not in a hurry to travel. Come, sit down there. Let me soothe your fatigue with my dance.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: この水着で踊ると、 人を鼓舞したり、疲れを癒したり…… ふふっ、不思議なものね♪……「疲れていないか」?……ええ。楽しくて、 疲れを感じている暇がないわ♪見たことの無い風景、 生き物……それに、なによりも…………こうして、二人きりで 「冒険」ができるだなんて。……「そこまで楽しんでもらえるのは、意外」 ?あら、そんなことはないわ。「あちらの世界」 の私では、 経験できないことだから♪……仕事や、色々なしがらみがありますから。だから、この誕生日のプレゼントは、とても嬉しくて。……ありがとう、 オーナーさん。じゃあ……もう、休憩はよろしくて?ふふっ♪ そろそろ、 「冒険」を続けたいわ♡では、参りましょう。 オーナーさん。……力を合わせて♪

Helena: Dancing in this swimsuit can inspire people and relieve fatigue. ...... Hmmm, it's a strange thing... ...... "Are you tired?"? ...... Yes. I'm having so much fun, I don't have time to feel tired.... I can't believe we're going to have this adventure, just the two of us. ...... "I'm surprised that you enjoy it so much"? Oh, no, it's not surprising, because I can't experience that in the "other world "Â ...... because of my work and all my other commitments. That's why I'm so happy about this birthday present. Thank you, owner. ......Thank you, owner. ......Are you ready to take a break now? I'm ready to continue my adventure ♡ Let's get going, Mr. Owner. ......

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……目的の場所は、この辺りでよいのかしら?オーナーさん……?……マスク 「疲れていないか」?ふふっ♪ まだ、大丈夫ですわ♪

Helena (OFF): ……あら……?

Helena: ...... Is this the right place for the purpose? Owner: ......? ...... mask "Are you tired"? I'm still fine...

Helena (OFF): ......?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♪ ダメね……思った以上に疲れていたみたい…………「張り切り過ぎ」 ?……そうね。 「二人で力を合わせて」の冒険ですもの。もっと、あなたに頼ってもよろしくて……?

Helena: Hmmm... I'm no good. ...... I guess I was more tired than I thought. ............ "over-zealous"? ...... I guess so. It's a "two people working together" adventure. I could use a little more help from you. ......?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……「手を」? ふふっ、ありがとう。

Helena: ...... "hand"? Phew, thanks.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、これは……?……オイル? とても、 綺麗な色をしているわね♪……これが、目的の誕生日プレゼント ……疲れを癒すエステオイル……?旅の疲れだけではなくて、普段から頑張っている私を、癒やしたくて……?……ふふっ♪ こんな素敵な水着に、 楽しい冒険に……もう、十分プレゼントは頂いているけれど……ええ、頂くわ。 オーナーさんの、 気持ち……♡

Helena: oh, is this ......? ...... oil? It has a very beautiful color.........This is the purpose of my birthday present. ......This is the esthetic oil to heal the tiredness. ......? I wanted to heal not only the tiredness of the trip, but also me, who usually works hard. ......? I'm sure I've already received enough gifts for ...... such a nice swimsuit and fun adventures,...... but I'll take it,...... yes, I will. I'll take the owner's feelings......♡

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Helena: ありがとう、 オーナーさん。……エステ、 とてもいい気持ちだったわ♪疲れも、すっかり抱えたみたい。……これで、 まだまだ冒険が続けられそうね♪……「もうプレゼントは手に入れた」?「あら、まだ誕生日は終わっていないわ。……もう少しだけ、 いいでしょう?あなたと二人、何にも邪魔されないこの世界で……知らないところまで、行ってみたいの♡

Helena: Thank you, owner. ...... esthetic was a great feeling.............................I feel so tired. ...... Now I can continue my adventures. ...... "Already got my present"? Oh, my birthday's not over yet. ...... just a little bit more, okay? I want to go to places I don't know ...... in this world, just you and me, unencumbered, hands-on.

Episode 35: Secret Esthetic Time (Helena)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Helena's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 36: Bitter♡Sweet (Helena) (ビター♡スイート(エレナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: 二人きり、ですわね。ふふっ、あら、緊張しているのかしら?

(Camera flash)

Helena: It's just the two of us. Oh, my, are you nervous?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?

Helena: Sometimes it's good to start with me, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: もう少しだけ、 一緒にいて下さらない?

Helena: Would you stay with me just a little while longer?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ここなら、 誰にも見られませんわね。 さ、 楽しみましょう。

(Camera flash)

Helena: No one will see us here. Come on, let's have some fun.

(Camera flash)


Episode 1: Misaki's Birthday (みさきの誕生日)[]


DOAX VV Misaki Birthday Scean (미사키 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、おっはよー!ねえねえ、今日って、何月何日だっけ?ふふっ、そうだよねー。七月七日!じゃあ、今日は何の日か……知ってる?七夕……うん、確かに、そうだけどー……え?お仕事?買い物のお手伝い……?もう……

Misaki: Good morning, boss! Do you...know what day it is today? Heheh, yup! July 7th! And do you know what's special about it? That's right... It is Tanabata, but... Hm? Work? You need help shopping? Come on...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: そういえばさ、オーナー、さっきの話なんだけど……ほら、今日は何の日か、って話!七夕はもう聞いたから……だから一、ほら、もっとこう……お祝いというか、おめでとー的な……え?好きなもの頼んでいいの?じゃあ、わたし、タピオカミルクティー!クリームたっぷりと、マンゴー、トッピングで!

Misaki: Anyway, back to what I was saying... I asked you what day this is, remember!? Yes, you already said Tanabata... But couldn't you get a little more excited? Maybe a little more celebratory, or...congratulatory...? Hm? I can get anything I want? Okay, I'll get the tapioca milk tea! Loaded with cream and mango on top!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: はい、買い物終わり。……ねえ、オーナー。……ほんとはとぼけてるんでしょ?なに、って……もう!今日は、わたしの……!わたしの…………もう……え?準備できたから着替える、って……?

Misaki: I'm done shopping. Come on, boss. You're just playing around, right? What do I mean? Seriously!? Today is my–It's my... *Sigh* What? Everything's ready, and I have to get changed?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁっ!これ、ひょっとして……!?七タの……パーティー?冗談、って……! オーナー!やっぱり知ってて……もう!オーナーのイジワル!ごめん、って……フン……謝ったって、許さないんだから……ちゃんと……言ってよね……今日一日、ずっと、待ってたんだから………………よかった。一番に、お祝いしてほしかったんだ。へ、変な意味じゃなくて……!オーナーには、サポーターとしても、パートナーとしても……お世話になってるでしょ?……お互いに、だけど♪ じゃあ、パーティーに行こうよ!ケーキ、一緒に食べよ!

Misaki: Wow! Does this mean... A Stop kidding around! You knew, didn't you boss! Stop being such a meanie! You're sorry? Hmph, apologizing won't do any good. Just say the words, okay? I've been waiting all day for them. ... Thank you... I wanted to hear it from you first. I mean, don't read anything into that! You are my supporter and partner, after all. Right? ...So we should take care of each other ♪ Let's go to the party and scarf down some cake together!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): オーナー、見て。綺麗な天の川。わたし、星を見るの好きなんだ。

Misaki (OFF): Boss, look at how beautiful the Milky Way is. I love looking at the stars.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……今日は七夕、か。

Misaki: And today is Tanabata, the Star Festival...

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 来年もまた、こうやって、ふたりで、天の川見上げられればいいね。一年に一度くらい……

Misaki: I hope next year we can look up at the stars like this too, just the two of us. Once a year or so...

Episode 2: DOAFES 2018 Misaki (DOAFES2018 みさき)[]


DOAXVV 4K【】DOAFES 2018 Misaki みさき編


DOAXVV Extra Episode DOAFES2018 Misaki

Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー! DOAFES、楽しんでる?ふふっ、枕しも♪みんなも、すっごく盛り上がってるみたい。え?今着てる、これ?ふふっ♪ファーストアニバーサリーの、ドレスだよ!……えっと……どうかな?……♪ありがと。そう言ってくれると思ってた。でも……いつも同じ「似合うでる」だけだと、なんだか物足りないなー♪……!?す、「好き」とかどうとか、聞いてないから!……もう……ばか。……フェスが始まって一年かぁ。なんだか、あっという間だったなぁ。いろいろあうだし、困らぎれだことも……だくさん?……あらたけど。とっても、楽しかった。だから、ちゃんたと言うね。こほん。ありがとうございます。これからも、よろしくお願いします。これからも……ずらと、見ててよね?オーナー♪

Misaki: Owner! Doafes, are you having fun? I think everyone is really excited about the pillow! What? Are you wearing this now? It's the first anniversary dress! ...... Let's see...... What do you think? ...... ♪ Thanks. I thought you'd say that. But...... It is always the same "I look good" only, somehow not enough ♪...!? "I like" or not, because I do not hear! ...... I don't... Fool? ...... It was a year after the festival started. It was so fast. It's a lot of things to do and shortness. Milk? ...... . It was very fun. That's why I say it's Chan. Hon. Thank you for your kind. In the future, thank you. Keep doing...... I'm not looking for you. Owner ♪

Episode 3: Wish Upon a Star (呈にお願い)[]


DOAXVV Misaki Birthday Scene (2019 미사키 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 53 - Wish Upon A Star

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー!ここにいたんだ。パーティーの途中に抜け出して、なんで、こんなところに一人でいるの?もう……探したんだから……!「どうして」って……それは……ほ、ほら、お礼言わなきゃ、って。オーナー、今日は誕生日パーティーを開いてくれて、ありがとう。みんながお祝いしてくれて、とっても楽しくて……改めて、この島に来て良かったなー、って♪それで、あの……えっと…………え?「わかってる」って……

Misaki: Oh, boss! There you are. Why did you leave the party and come out here all by yourself? I've been looking all over for you. Why was I looking? Well… I just…wanted to say thank you, that's all. So thank you, boss…for putting this birthday party together for me and everything. Everyone's having such a great time. I'm really glad I decided to come to this island ♪ And one more thing… I, um… Huh? You already know?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、これ、お誕生日のケーキ……!?ふふっ、ありがと、オーナー!嬉しい♪……?でも、ケーキを準備してたなら、パーティーで渡してくれればよかったのに……「来ると思ったから、待ってた」……?もう、イジワルなんだから……え?あと、もう一つ、あるの……?

Misaki: Wow! Is that my…birthday cake!? Heheh, thanks, boss! I'm so happy ♪ Although…Since you've prepared a cake, why didn't you give it to me at the party? You knew I was coming, so you waited here for me? Ugh, you are such a meanie, boss. Hm? There's something else?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁっ!素敵な水着……!これ……もらっていいの?オーナー、ありがとう♥とっても嬉しい♪ふふっ♪

Misaki: Wow! What a gorgeous swimsuit! Can I really have this? Thank you, boss ♥ I'm on top of the world right now ♪ Heheh ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: え?プレゼントも渡したから、みんなのところに、戻るって?……もう、オーナー?それじゃ、わたし、プレゼント買いに来たみたいじゃない。「ちがうの?」って、まあ、それもあるけど……まだ、言ってもらってないでしょ?「お誕生日、おめでとう」……ふふっ、ありがとう、オーナー♥あ、そうだ!ね、オーナー……その……パーティーが終わったあと……ちょっとだけ、二人で、ビーチを散歩しない?ふふっ♪じゃあ、約束だからね?……ちゃんと来なかったら、イヤだよ?

Misaki: Hm? Now that I got my present, you want us to head back to the party? Wow boss… You make it sound like I came out here just to get my present. What do you mean "Isn't that so?" Well… That's true, but… You haven't…said the words yet. "Happy Birthday…" Heheh… Thanks, boss ♥ oh yeah! Um…boss? When…the party is over… Can we take a walk along the beach? Just the two of us? Heheh ♪ So it's a promise, right? I'll be mad if you don't show up.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): わっ!……オーナー。

Misaki (OFF): Boo!

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふふふっ。ビックリした?さっきのお返しだよ♪どう?この水着……?せっかくだから、着て来ちゃった♪キラキラしてて、すっこい崎麗だけど、ちょっと気後れしちゃうというか……え?「似合ってる」……?ふふっ♪恥ずかしいけど……ありがと。記念に、写真を撮りたい?それは、恥ずかしいってば!イジワルしないでよ、もう……え……?イジワルじゃなくて、本気のお願い?もう……しようがないなぁ…………じゃあ、わかった♪せっかく撮るんだから、可愛く撮ってね?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Heheheh. Did I scare you? Just getting back at you ♪ What do you think of this swimsuit? I decided to slip it on for our walk ♪ It's so shiny and pretty, but kind of has me feeling a little awkward… Really? You think it looks good on me? Heheh, that's embarrassing, but…thanks. You want to take some pictures, to commemorate this? That sounds so embarrassing! Stop being such a meanie… Oh? It's a sincere request and you're not just teasing me? Well, I guess it can't be helped… Well, you know what? If you're gonna take pics, let's make them cute.

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ところで、オーナー。わたしが、ここに呼び出した理由、わかる?今日がわたしの誕生日で……「七タ」だから?ふふっ、正解♪さすがオーナーだね!……オーナー。さっきわたしが来た時、ひょっとして、お星さまに、お願いごとしてた?……ねー、どんなお願いごとしてたの?教えてよ、オーナー♪恥ずかしい、って、そんなこと言わずにさー♪えっ?わたしの願いごと……?うーん、それじゃあ……わたしも、恥ずかしいから、ヒミツ。……でも、オーナーと、同じだといいな。なーんてね♪ふふっ♪じゃあ、今目はありがとう。もう、寝るね。おやすみ、オーナー♪

Misaki: By the way, boss. Do you know why I asked you to come here tonight? Because it's my birthday, and… Also the Star Festival? Heheh, you got it ♪ I knew you would, boss! Um… I was just wondering if you happened to wish upon a star when I came? What did you wish for, boss? Tell me ♪ There's nothing to be ashamed of ♪ Hm? What did I wish for? Well, it's um…pretty embarrassing. So I'm gonna keep it a secret. …But I hope we both wished for the same thing. Just kidding ♪ Heheh ♪ Thanks for all you did for me today. I'd better go get some sleep. Goodnight ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Misaki: お星さま……来年も、これからも……ずっと……ふふっ♪

Misaki: Star light, star bright… Keep this feeling I have tonight. Into next year, and beyond my sight… Heheh ♪

Episode 4: Mikagura Ninja Suit (Misaki) (巫神楽忍装束(みさき))[]


DOAXVV SSR Kotokagaku Shinobu (Misaki) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ここなら、二人だけだし……その、ちょっとくらいなら、いいかな……どうせなら、……かわいく、撮ってよね?

(If the player decides to snap a picture)

Misaki: と、撮った?なら、もういい?

(If the player decides to use the black fan)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: It's only the two of us here… So maybe just a few would…be okay. I expect you to take cute ones though.

(If the player decides to snap a picture)

Misaki: So you took them? Can we call it quits then?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Misaki: Oh!? Hey, don't look! This Hentai! I believed it. You're an idiot.

Episode 5: Sun Dress (太陽のドレス)[]


DOAXVV Misaki Birthday Scene1 (미사키 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: おはよう、オーナー。何してるの?「わたしの誕生日パーティーの準備 」……?そっか、色々と準備してくれてるんだね……ありがと!あ、笹の葉もあるんだ!「会場の外に、皆の短冊を飾る」って……?ふふっ、それ、楽しそう♪ねぇオーナー、わたしも短冊、自きたいなぁー。え?「ちゃんと用意してある」……?ってこんなにたくさん!?「誕生日だから、叶えて欲しいことをなんでも書け」って?ほんとに?……やったぁ!なに言いちゃおっかなぁ……欲しい水着とか、スイーツとか?ふふーん、あとで困っても知らないからね。覚悟しててよね、オーナー♪

Misaki: Good morning, boss. What are you doing? Setting up for my birthday party…? Wow, you're really going all out…thank you! Ah, You even have bamboo leaves! You'll decorate the outside of the hall, with notes written by everyone…? Hehe, sounds fun ♪ Boss…can I write a note too? Eh? "It's already prepared"…? This is quite a lot of paper! Since it's my birthday, you want me to write all my wishes on these? Really?… Yay! What should I wish for…? That swimsuit I want, maybe some sweets… Heheh… You wanted me to do this, so don't say I didn't warn you, boss ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、そろそろ会場に行こうよ。みんなもう待ってるよー?えっ?「その前に渡したいものがある」って……?ひょっとして……誕生日プレゼント?なんだろう、ちよっとドキドキするよ……

Misaki: Let's head over to the party now, boss. Everyone's waiting for us. Huh? There's something you want to give me first? Maybe…a birthday gift? I'm getting excited here… What could it be…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: すごい……こんな綺麗な水着……ねぇオーナー。これ、パーティーに着て行ってもいい?え?「むしろ今着て見せてほしい」……?そ、それは……は、恥ずかしいよ……「どうしても見たい」って……?もう……替着替えるから、絶対観いちゃだめだからね?

Misaki: Wow…What a beautiful swimsuit… Boss… Can I wear this to the party? Hm? 'Why don't you put this swimsuit on right now', you say? That… sounds really embarrassing… …But you really want to see it now? Fine… I'm gonna go slip into it. No peeking, okay?

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: どうかな、オーナー?「可愛い」って……えぇ!?そ、その、嬉しいけど……他には?「太陽みたいで、見ていて元気になれる」……?そ、そうかな……えへへ……でも、ちょっとわかるかも……ひまわりが咲いてて、真ん中に宝石が入ってて……太陽みたいに明るくて、ちょっと情熱的な感じ……それに、わたしの好きな色……覚えててくれたんだ……ありがとね、オーナー♪えっ?「記念に、撮影したい」……?……す、少しだけだよ?パーティーに遅れちゃうし。

(Camera flash)

Misaki: What do you think, boss? "Cute?" Really…!? I mean, I'm glad you think so, but… that's it? Looking at it "perks you up, like sunshine?" Really… Heheh… I think I get what you mean… With the blooming sunflowers, and these jewels in the middle… It's bright like the sun, giving off a passionate feeling. On top of all that… You remembered my favorite color… Thanks, boss ♪ Hm? Photos to commemorate the day? …Just a few, I guess. We're gonna be late for the party.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、やっぱりここにいたんだ。え? 「パーティーの方はもういいのか」って……?今はちょっと休憩中♪オーナーはなにしてたの?「みんなの短冊を見てた」って……?だめだよオーナー、勝手に覗いたりしちゃ……えっ? わたしのことが書いてある」って?なになに、「みさきが健康で過ごせますように」……ふふっ♪これ、お姉ちゃんかな。「こっちにもきかれてる」って?どれ?「みさきちゃんにイタズラしたい♥」って……たま師!?たま姉、絶対面白がってるし……そもそも願い事じゃないし……はぁ……こうみると、みんな自由に言いてるなぁ。欲しいものとか、やりたいこととか……下心とか。ねぇ、オーナーは何をお願いしたの?え?「まだ秘密」……?わたし?わたしは……じゃあ、わたしもまだ、秘密。それじゃ、パーティーが終わったら、ここで一緒に飾ろうよ!約束だよ?じゃあまたあとでね!

Misaki: Boss, I thought you might be here. Hm? Am I already done with the party? Just taking a little break for now. What are you doing here then, Boss? Looking at everyone's notes? You're not supposed to peek at those, boss… Eh? So they're writing about me? Let's take a looksie… "I wish health and happiness for Misaki…" Heheh, Big sis probably wrote that ♪ Another one about me? Which one? "I wanna prank Misaki ♥" That has to be Tamaki! She's just so hilarious… That's not even a wish to begin with. *Sigh* Everyone just freely put their thoughts on paper here… Things they want, things they'd like to do… and their intention. What did you wish for, boss? Hm? Still a secret? Me? Well, that's a secret too, for now. Let's hang our wishes out here too when the party's over! Promise…? See you later, then!

Episode 6: Just One Wish (ひとつの願い事)[]


DOAXVV Misaki Birthday Scene2 (미사키 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Misaki after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: おまたせ、オーナー!え?短冊を見に……?ちょ、ちょっとまって、その前に……こほん……今日は、わたしの誕生日パーティーを開いてくれてありがとう。みんなにお祝いして貰えたり、こご飯が美味しかったり……嬉しいこと、いっぱいあったけど……やっぱり一番は、オーナーに水着を貰ったことかな。あ、改まっていうと恥ずかしいかも……はい、というわけで……オーナーの短冊見たいな♪え?「師るから目を興って」って……?わかったけど、……変なことしないでよね?

Misaki: Thanks for waiting, boss! Hm? You came to see my notes? H-hold on a second… Before that… Ahem… Thank you, for preparing this birthday party for me today. Having all the girls here to celebrate, and all that delicious food, made me so happy, but… I think what made me the most happy was… Getting a swimsuit from you. Oops, I'm getting embarrassed again. Anyway… I wanna see what you've written on your note, boss ♪ Hm? Close my eyes and you'll put it up? Okay… Just don't do anything weird.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: えっ!?これを、わたしに?これって……指輪?……ほんとに、貰ってもいいの?なんか……へンな感じ……指輪なんて貰ったの……初めて、だし……そ、それじゃあ……はめてみるね!

Misaki: Huh!? A…ring? For me? Are you sure I can have this? This feels…kind of weird… It's the first time anyone's given me a ring. I guess…I'll try it on!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 綺麗な指輪……赤くて深い……これ、ルビーの宝石だよね?「石言葉は、深い愛情」……?そ、そんなこと、急に言われても……困るし……う、嬉しいけど……

Misaki: Such a pretty ring… This deep red stone…it's a ruby, isn't it? A symbol of "deep love…"? You…really caught me off guard with that… I mean, I'm happy about this, but…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……ねえ、オーナー。あの短冊、やっぱ多すぎない?「まだ言けてなかったのか」って……?うぅ……そうだけど。で、でも、1つだけなら言けたんだよ?え?「マンゴーバニラクレープが食べたい」じゃないかって?もう!……わたしそこまで食いしん坊じゃないよ……まあいいけど。わたしね……オーナーがこの島に来てから、すっごく幸せなんだ。サポーターとしてバイトして、パートナーとしてフェスに出て誕生日をお祝いして買って……それから……だからね、こんな素敵な日々が、ずっと続きますようにって。その……オーナーは結局、なんてお願いしたの……?えっ?そ、そうなんだ……えへへ、やっぱり、考えることは……一緒だね。じゃあ、これからもよろしくね、オーナー!

Misaki: Boss… Don't you think you gave me too many pieces of fancy paper to write wishes on? Well yeah, I haven't written anything yet. I mean, I was able to put one thing down… No! It wasn't my wish to eat Mango Vanilla Crepes… Sheesh! Do you really think I'm a glutton? … It's fine, but anyway… Since I came to this island, you've made me really, really happy. As your supporter, your partner, playing in festivals, celebrating my birthday… And… I mean, my wish is that my amazine time here goes on forever. So boss…what was your wish? Oh really…? Heheh, I guess we were thinking of the exact same thing then. Let's keep doing this together, boss!

Episode 7: Misaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! (みさきちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 8: Because It's So Embarrassing… (恥ずかしいんだから…)[]

First version[]


DOAXVV Misaki SSR Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Misaki: は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Misaki extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、みさきだけど… …ちょっと、いい?は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: Hey, it's me. Um…you got a minute? H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ここなら、二人だけだし……その、ちょっとくらいなら、いいかな……どうせなら、……かわいく、撮ってよね?

(Camera Flash)

Misaki: It's only the two of us here… So maybe just a few would…be okay. I expect you to take cute ones though.

(Camera Flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: と、撮ったの?なら、もういい?

Misaki: So you took them? Can we call it quits then?

Episode 9: Thin Towel Wrap (Misaki) (うすかわたけのこ(みさき))[]


DOAXVV - First Soft Aesthetic Extra Episode Misaki うすかわたけのこ (みさき)


DOAXVV みさき エピソード うすかわたけのこ 着崩れ


DOAXVV SSR Thin Towel Wrap (Misaki) Extra Episode (English)

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 10: With You (Misaki) (ウィズ・ユー(みさき))[]

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 11: Selfish Wish (欲張りなお願い)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、素敵なパーティー、ありがとう♪ふふっ、じつは楽しみにしてたんだ。どんなパーティーなんだろう、って♪えっ?今年も、七夕の短冊と笹を用意してくれたの?わたしの誕生日だから、忘れるわけない……って……えと、その……あ、ありがと……ねえ、オーナー。わたし、今から「お願い」をしに行きたい!だから、連れてって♪……ね?ほら、早くっ!

Misaki: Thanks for the great party, boss ♪ Heheh, I was actually looking forward to this, wondering what kind of party it would be ♪ Hm? You prepared Tanabata paper strips and bamboo grass again this year? You'd "never forget" because it's my birthday? Um, wow… Th-thank you… Hey, boss. I wanna go make my wish now. Take me there, okay? Let's hurry!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、大きくて綺麗な笹ね……これなら、お願いもたくさん叶いそう……♪えっ?何をお願いするのか、って……ひゃっ!?ちょ、ちょっと現いちゃダメっ…!だって……その、恥ずかしいし……オーナーに見られたら、意味がないし……えっ?「願い」をかなえてあげるって……ほ、ホントに……?

Misaki: Wow, what a big, beautiful bamboo grass decoration… I think this'll make a lot of wishes come true ♪ Huh? What am I gonna wish for? Hyah! Come on, no peeking! I mean, it's embarrassing… And there's no point in you looking anyway, boss. Huh? You'll make my wish come true…? R-Really?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、綺麗な水着……!……これ、お誕生日のプレゼント!?……って、わたしの「お願い」、「プレゼントが欲しい」じゃないよ?ふふっ♪まあ、いいけど♪ありがと、オーナー♥えっ?着て見せてほしいって……「お願い」だから?いいけど……は、恥ずかしいから、着替え終わるまで待っててね?

Misaki: Wow, what a beautiful swimsuit! Is this…my birthday present!? But my wish wasn't to get a gift. Heheh ♪ but I still like it ♪ Thanks, boss ♥ Hm? You want me to put it on so you can see me in it? That's your "wish?" I mean, sure… But it's embarrassing so wait here while I go change, okay?

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、綺麗……!ドレスみたいで……お花がいっぱいで……これ、ハイビスカス……?わたしの誕生花なんだ……ステキ……ご、ごめん……なんだか、すぎて言葉が出ないよ。でも、その……ありがとね、オーナー♥とっても嬉しい♪えっ、花言葉?わかんないけど……『繊細な美』って……わ、わたしにピッタリ?も、もう、突然そんなこと言われても……困るって……写真……?えと……ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……うん、そうだね♪こんな綺麗な水着だもん。オーナー。お願いします♥

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Wow, how pretty…! It's like a dress, with so many flowers… These are hibiscus… My birth flower… Amazing… S-Sorry… It's just so wonderful, I'm at a loss for words. But…thank you, boss ♥ You've made me really happy ♪ Oh, what this flower symbolizes? I'm not sure… "Delicate beauty?" It…fits me "perfectly?" C-Come on… You… Caught me off guard with that one. Photos? Um… I'm a little embarrassed, but why not? It's such a beautiful swimsuit, after all. Take some good ones, boss ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふふっ♪オーナー、ありがと!なんか、今年の誕生日はいい思い出になりそう♪それじゃ、そろそろパーティーに戻ろっか♪え?短冊のお願い……?結局なんだったのか、って…………どうしても、言わなきゃダメ?えっと、わたしのお願いは……オーナーと……み、みんなと、ずっと一緒にいられますように……って。去年と同じ……?う、うん。まあ、そんなとこ、かな。……今年は、もうちょっとだけ、欲張ったけど……えっ?ううん、何でもない。……ナイショ。それよりもオーナー。パーティーが終わったら、今年も一緒に星を見ようよ!……うん♪じゃあ、ここで待ってるから……ね!

Misaki: Heheh ♪ Thank you, boss! Something tells me this birthday will be one to remember ♪ Shall we get back to the party? Hm? My wish…? What did I write? …Do I have to say it? Well, I wished that…you and I… That all of us…could be together forever. "Same as last year?" Y-Yeah, I guess so. But I was a little more selfish this year. Just…never mind. It's a secret. Anyway, after the party let's go look at the stars together, just like last year. …Uh-huh ♪ I'll be waiting here…okay?

Episode 12: Together, By Your Side (隣で、一緒に)[]

To get this episode, you must give Misaki her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー、待ってたんだ♪……ほら、こっち♪天の川が綺麗だよ!一緒に見ようよ♪どうしたの?ボーッとして……あっ、この水着?あんまり素敵だから、着ていたくて♪見とれてた、って……も、もう……そういうのはいいから……えっ?ちょうどよかったって……この水着が?それって、どういう……

Misaki: Oh, boss. I've been waiting for you ♪ Right here ♪ The Milky Way is so pretty! Let's gaze up at it together ♪ What's wrong? Why are you spacing out like that? Oh, this swimsuit? It's so amazing I just wanted to keep wearing it ♪ You "can't take your eyes off me?" Y-You don't have to keep saying things like that… Huh? It's good that I was wearing this? What do you mean?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わっ、花束……?綺麗……!

Misaki: Wow, a bouquet? It's so pretty…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 花束のプレゼントなんて、なんだか、ドキドキしちゃうな……ねえ、オーナー、こんな素敵な水着に、花束も……わたし、ちゃんと似合ってる……かな?……うん、ありがと。お世辞かもだけど……そう言ってもらえて、ちょっと安心した、かな♪ありがとう、オーナー。大切にするね……♥

Misaki: Getting a bouquet as a gift…really gets my heart racing… Boss…? It's such a wonderful swimsuit and bouquet but… Do I look okay with them? Thank you. Maybe it's just flattery, but I feel relieved to hear you say that ♪ Thanks, boss. I'll cherish these ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ねえ、オーナー……?真っ白でドレスみたいな水着に、大きな花束……これって、まるで……えっと、その……七タの願い事、欲張ったつもりだったけど……もう叶っちゃった……かも。な、なんて……あはは…………そうだ、オーナー♪ちょっと、こっちに来て……!

Misaki (OFF): ほら、ここ。隣に並んで……

Misaki: Hey, boss…? This swimsuit's like a pure white dress, and along with this big bouquet… It's just like we're… I mean, um… I kind of got carried away with my Tanabata wish tonight, but I think it just came true. What am I saying? Hahaha… Yes, boss ♪ Come over here…!

Misaki (OFF): Right here. Right next to me.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: こうやって、一緒に、天の川見ようよ♥朝まで…………ずっと一緒に、ね♪ふふっ♥

Misaki: Let's look up at the Milky Way like this ♥ Until morning… Together forever ♪ Heheh ♥

Episode 13: Lonely? (寂しい?)[]


DOAXVV Extra Episode 寂しい? Lonely?

This episode aired during the second half of the White Day 2019 event, around the same time Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet was released.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あ、オーナー♪なに?呼んだ?え?しを見ろ……って?これ、バカンスの招待状!?しかも、……わたし宛!?!?バイトの慰労で、2週間のバカンス……!ホントに!?やったー!あっ、でも、その間オーナーはどうするの?なんとかする、って…………なんだか心配だなぁ。わたしが居なくても、大丈夫?仕事は?ご飯は?朝誰が起こすの?「大丈夫」って…………ホントに?えっ!?わたしは一人で大丈夫かって?わたしも平気だよ?……寂しくなんかないもん。……っていうと、ちょっと、ウソ、かも。だってさ、ずっと一緖だったし……もう、家族みたいなものだし……み、みんなが、だよ!?もう……オーナーのイヅワル。ばか。……ふふっ♪でも、せっかくだから……パーッと行っで、楽しんでくる!世話のやけるオーナーがいないのは、ちょっと物足りないのも、だけどね♪……ねえ、オーナー?ホントのところ、オーナーはどうなの?……寂しい、って、思ってくれる?あははっ、なーんてね♪じゃ、ちょっとだけ、行ってきまーす!

Misaki: Oh, owner # What? Called? What? Look... What? This is a vacation invitation!? On top of that...... Addressed to me!?!? It's a two week vacation with the allowance of bytes...! Really!? I did it! Oh, but what about the owner? I'm going to do something... I'm kind of worried. Are you okay without me? Work? What about the rice? Who wakes up in the morning? "Okay"............. Really? What!? Am I alone okay? I'm fine, too, right? ...... I'm not lonely. ...... I mean, a little lie, maybe. I mean, it was a join them... It's like family now. Try it, everyone!? No more... The owner of the Idwal. Fool? ...... Hmm, but with all the trouble... Go with the Patsu and have fun! There is not the owner who can take care of it, but it is a little unsatisfactory, too. Hey, the owner? Really, what about the owner? ...... Are you feeling lonely? Oh ha, I'm going to go for a little bit!

Episode 14: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Misaki) (黒炎のラビリンス(みさき))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Sweet Chocolatier (Misaki) (S・ショコラティエ(みさき))[]

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 16: A gust of wind in a riddle (Misaki) (なぞの突風(みさき))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Misaki) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(みさき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: もうこんな時間かぁ……二人だけになっちゃったね。今日は一日、お疲れさま♪お茶でも持ってこようか?

Misaki: I can’t believe it’s so late already… It’s just the two of us now. How about I bring you some tea since you worked really hard? ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): えっ?足裏マッサージ?「れが取れる」って……じゃあ……ちょっと……?

Misaki (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? To “rejuvenate” me? Well, just for a little I guess…

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あ、足の裏を見られるのって……思ったより……恥ずかしい、かも……

(camera flash)

Misaki: Um… When you look at the bottoms of my feet like that… It’s more embarrassing than I thought it would be…

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: も、もう……ホントにマッサージしてるの?嘘だったら、怒るからね?この……ヘンタイ……

Misaki: Hey… Are you really massaging me? If you’re lying to me I’ll be mad. You…perv…

Episode 18: The Medicine of Love (Misaki) (愛の妙薬 (みさき))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Misaki) (甘い香りに誘われて(みさき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててね。

Misaki (OFF): I'll be ready in just a minute, so just hold on.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Episode 20: Sunset at the Park (Misaki) (あかね色の公園で(みさき))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Episode 21: White Prince (Misaki) (ホワイト・プリンス(みさき))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Misaki acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 22: The Perfect Speech (完璧なスピーチ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Misaki: ね、ねえオーナー。パーティーの前に、ちょっとだけ……いい?はぁ……やっぱり緊張しちゃって……誕生日の挨拶の練習。ちょっと付き合ってほしいなって。ほ、ほら、オーナーの前なら、緊張しないし……ね?……「お誕生日おめでとう」?ちょ、ちょっと……!そんなの、不意打ちだって。急に言われたら、別の意味で緊張しちゃうよ……「挨拶に緊張しない、ピッタリの物がある」?なになに?それ、欲しいかも……!

Misaki: H-Hey, Boss. Could I see you for a bit before the party? *sigh* I'm really nervous, so… I was hoping you could help me practice my birthday speech. I mean… I don't feel nervous doing it in front of you, so… "Happy birthday"? Come on…! Don't catch me off guard like that. If you just suddenly come at me with it, I get nervous in a different way. You have "just what I need" so that I won't be nervous about the greeting? What is it? I might actually want that…!

Scene 2
Japanese English

Misaki: わぁ……♪これこれ……水着?ひょっとして、誕生日の!?あ……ありがとう、オーナー。わたしのこと。ちゃんと考えてくれてたんだ。「パートナーなんだから」って……それは、オーナーが忘れるわけないって思ってるけど……でも、 「当たり前」だなんて、思えないよ。え……?「これを着れば、緊張しない」って…………ふふっ♪ホントに?でも、オーナーが言うなら、なんかそんな気がしてきた♪わたし、頑張ってみる!すぐ着替えてくるから、待っててね、オーナー!

Misaki: Wow ♪ A swimsuit? Is it…for my birthday?! Th-Thanks, Boss. You were really thinking about me… "Because we're partners"? I knew you wouldn't forget… But I'll never take your efforts for granted. Huh…? If I put this on I won't be nervous? Heheh ♪ Really? Well, since that's something coming from you I think I can believe it ♪ I'll do my best! Hold on while I change right into this, Boss!

Scene 3
Japanese English

Misaki: わあっ♪可愛い〜♪……オーナー、どうかな?似合ってるといいんだけど…………ふふっ♪本当にありがとう!オレンジ色のスカートと、胸に葉っぱみたいな緑色……この水着なんだかパイナップルみたいだね♪パイナップルは、わたしの誕生日の果実……?やっぱり、そうだったんだ。パイナップルの水着って南国にぴったりで、イイ感じだね♪……パイナップルには、「完璧」って言葉がある?だからスピーチも「完璧 」になるはず?ふふっ♪それ、無理やりじゃない?……でも、ちょっと安心したかも♡この水着を着てると、オーナーが見てくれてるみたいだから……うんっ、わたし……今なら、なんだって出来そうな気がする!……えっ?写真を撮りたい……?うーん、ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……「何でも出来る」って言っちゃったし……じゃあ、オーナーも 「完璧」に、撮ってよね♡

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Wow ♪ It's sooo cute ♪ What do you think, Boss? I hope it looks good on me… …Heheh ♪ Thanks so much! With the orange skirt and green leaf patterns on my chest… This swimsuit kind of looks like a pineapple ♪ The pineapple is my birth fruit? I had a feeling that's what it was. A pineapple swimsuit is perfect for the South Pacific, I just love it ♪ The pineapple is a symbol of "perfection"? So my speech should "go perfectly"? Heheh ♪ That's [sic] sounds kind of forced. But…I think I feel a little better ♡ When I'm wearing this swimsuit, it feels like you'll be watching over me, Boss, so… Yeah… You know what? I feel like I can do anything now! Hm? You wanna take pics? Hmm… I'm a little embarrassed, but… I did say "I can do anything," so… Why not? Be sure to take some "pefect" pics, Boss ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Misaki: もうすぐパーティー始まるね……また、緊張してきたかも……え……パイナップルには、「大切な気持ち」って言葉もある?そっか……じゃあ、わたしの「大切な気持ち」、みんなに伝えてくる。……え?パーティーの後で、オーナーの「大切な気持ち」を伝えたいって……そ、そんなこと、急に言われても……でも……うん、わかった。じゃあ、パーティーのあと……楽しみにしてる♪まずは、わたしの番だね。頑張るから、ちゃんと見ててね、オーナー♡

Misaki: The party's about to start, isn't it… I think I'm getting butterflies again… Hm? The pineapple is also a symbol of "special feelings"? Oh… Then I'll do my best to express these "special feelings" of mine to everyone. …Huh? After the party, you have some "special feelings" to express to me, Boss? Th-That cam at me so fast… But, yeah…sure. I look forward to seeing you after the party ♪ First, it's my turn. I'll do my best so watch closely, Boss ♡

Episode 23: The Special Feelings of Two (二人の大切な気持ち)[]

To get this episode, you must give Misaki her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Misaki: ふう……これで、会場の片付けはおしまいっと♪あっ、オーナー。みんな、ホテルまで送ってくれた?じゃあ、本当にこれでパーティーおしまいだね♪はぁー……やっと落ち着いた。ふふっ、お仕事が終わって、オーナーと二人きりだと、なんか安心する♪あっ!別に変な意味じゃなくて……!緊張しなくていいって言うか……その…………も、もう!なんで黙ってるの?ヘンに緊張しちゃうじゃん……!うー……オーナーが誘ったんだからね?……あの、「大切な気持ち」って…………えっ?こっちに……?

Misaki: Whew… That takes care of the party venue…nice and clean ♪ Oh, Boss. Did you take everyone back to the hotel…? Then I guess the party is officially over now ♪ *sigh* I finally feel calm. Heheh, with my work done, and being alone with you…I feel so safe ♪ Oops! I didn't mean that in a weird way…! Just that I don't have to be nervous, or… Come on! Why aren't you saying anything? I'm getting weirdly nervous now…! Ugh… You invited me here, Boss. So um… What are those "special feelings you talked about? Huh? Here…?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Misaki: わぁっ!これ……誕生日ケーキ!?あはっ、パイナップルがいっぱいで……!わたしの誕生果……だったよね♪これが、オーナーの「大切な気持ち」?お仕事じゃない言葉を伝えたかったから、二人きりの特別なパーティーを……「いつも、そばにいてくれてありがとう」って……も、もう……オーナー……やること大げさなんだから…………でも、ありがと。オーナーの「大切な気持ち」……嬉しい。だから……わたしも。オーナーに「大切な気持ち」、伝えないとね。

Misaki: Wow! It's a…birthday cake?! Haha… Look at all the pineapples on it…! You said that it's by birth fruit, right? ♪ Is this how you express your "special feelings"? You wanted to express your feelings outside of work…? With a special two-person party? Thanks for always being by your side? Oh…come on, Boss… You're always so over-the-top. But…thank you. I'm happy to know your "special feelings" now, Boss. So…now it's my turn. To express my "special feelings" for you.

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Misaki: オーナー。だから、いつも見ていてくれてありがとう。これ……わたしの「大切な気持ち」。じゃあ……あーん……♡……ふふっ♡

Misaki: Boss… Thanks for always looking out for me… And…these are my "special feelings." Say "Ahhhhh" ♡ Heheh… ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Misaki: はぁ、恥ずかしかった……伝わったかな…………わたしの「大切な気持ち」。今は、これが精一杯だけど……えっ?「まだ足りない」って……!も、もう!ずるいよ、オーナーだって!とっても嬉しかったけど、もっと……その……じゃあ……さ、ケーキ、食べよ!一緒に、お互いの「大切な気持ち」を、ぜーんぶ♪これからも、ずっとそばにいられて……ずっと、見ていてもらえるように……ね。……そしたら……いつか必ず…………ね?オーナー♡

Misaki: *sigh* That was embarrassing… But I expressed them, didn't I… These "special feelings" of mine. That's the only way I can do it for now… Huh? "Still not enough"?! Wow, Boss! You're such a meanie! I was so happy, but asking for more… Here then…have some more cake! We'll express all of our "special feelings" together ♪ I hope to be by your side for a long time from now… And that you'll always be watching over me. And then…someday… …Right, Boss? ♡

Episode 24: Goddess Night's Dream (Misaki) (女神の夜の夢(みさき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー、ほら、はやくはやくっ、こんばんは、待ってたんだから!写真……撮るの?ううーん、あれ、結構恥ずかしいんだけど……これで……いいかな?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: oh, owner, come on, come on, come on, come on, good evening, we've been waiting for you! Are you going to take a picture ......? Ummm, that's pretty embarrassing... ...... can I take this one ......?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: えっと、もうちょっとだけ、続けない?恥ずかしいけど、ゆっくりお話できるし……ね?み、見てないで、早く撮ろうよ……?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Um, can we go on for a bit longer? It's embarrassing, but we can talk slowly. ......? Don't look at me, let's take a quick shot: ......?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ありがとうございまーす!

Misaki: Thank you!

Episode 25: Secret shower 1 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー1 (みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 26: Secret shower 2 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー2(みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 27: Secret shower 3 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー3(みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 28: Secret shower 4 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー4 (みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 29: Secret shower 5 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー5(みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 30: Secret shower 6 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー6(みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 31: Secret shower 7 (Misaki) (ひみつのシャワー7 (みさき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Misaki.

Episode 32: Love Letter Maiden (Misaki) (恋文フトメ(みさき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: えっと、 オーナー……さん。ちょっとだけ、 いいかな……

Misaki: Um…Boss? Could I have just a minute of your time?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: これ……どうしても、 渡したくて……

Misaki: I really want you to have this…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 写真……撮るの?ううーん、 あれ、結構恥ずかしいんだけど……

Misaki: Take photos? Hmm…it seems pretty embarrassing to me…

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ホントに、恥ずかしいんだから……

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Actually, really embarrassing but…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナーになら、いいかなって……

Misaki: Since it's you, I think it'll be okay…

Episode 33: Victory Ceremony (Misaki) (勝利のセレモニー (みさき))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 34: Share ♥ with Misaki (みさきとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 35: Birthday Selfishness (誕生日のわがまま)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー。 おはよー。遅いよ? そろそろ次のフェスの予定。 決めなきゃだよね?……え?「何でいるの」って……今日はバイトの日……だよね?「誕生日くらい休んだら」 って……いいでしょ……? 別にお仕事嫌いじゃないし……それに、一人でいても落ち着かないし……ここなら、オーナーと一緒にいられるから……とか…………あ、そうだ♪それじゃあ……オーナー♡誕生日のプレゼントに……一つだけ わがまま……言っていい?

Misaki: Ah, the owner. Good morning. It's late, okay? It's about time to make plans for the next festival. We have to decide, right? ...... Eh? Why are you here?"......Today is my part-time job,...... right? You should at least take a day off for your birthday."......It's fine,......? I don't hate my job,...... and I don't feel comfortable being alone,...... and here I can be with the owner,...... and so on. ............Oh, that's right... then, ......I'd like to give the owner a handsome birthday present...... Can I say one thing selfish ......?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ん〜っ! 波の音と潮風が気持ちいい〜♪「いつもと同じ」 って…… それはそうだけど……わたし、ここが好きだし♪ほら、「お仕事を抜け出して来てる」って思うと……ふふっ♪なんだか特別な感じ、 しない?(……それに……今日は、 オーナーも一緒だし♡)「なにか言った?」って……ううん。 な、なんでもないよ?あっ、せっかく海に来たんだし、 泳ぎたいなーって……あはは……「じゃあ、ここで見てる」 って……あの……見られながら、泳ぐのは……ちょっとめずかしいかも……それに、泳ぐならこのパーカーも脱がなきゃだし……えっ?じゃあ、 代わりの水着を……?

Misaki: Mmmm! The sound of the waves and the sea breeze feels so good...... "the same as usual" ...... that's true, but ...... I like it know, when I think "I'm here after work"...... ...... feel special, don't you? (......And ...... today, the owner is also with us ♡) "Did you say something?" I said ...... nothing. Oh, I came all the way to the beach, so I wanted to swim. ......Ahaha...... "Well, I'll just sit here and watch," he said. ...... ......It might be a little embarrassing to swim while being watched,......And if I swim, I'll have to take off this hoodie,...... ...... what? Then, I'll get you an alternative swimsuit ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁっ♡とっても素敵な水着……!でも……あの、これってひょっとして、誕生日の……?なんか、大きなカバン持ってるなって思ってたけど……あっ……オーナー、 もしかして……今日、わたしにお休みをくれようとしてたのって、オーナーも、わたしを誘ってくれるつもりだった。 とか……あはは……言ってくれればよかったのに……ごめんね、気が付かなくて…………でも、やっぱり同じこと考えてるんだね♪なんか、嬉しいな♡じゃあ、えっと……水着 着替えてくるから、ちょっとだけ、 持っててね。

Misaki: wow ♡ very nice swimsuit ......! But ......, is this by any chance a birthday ......? I was thinking that you had a big bag,...... but I was wondering if the owner of ...... might have been trying to invite me to take a day off today. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a big bag, but it's a good idea to have a big bag. I'm sorry, I didn't realize that... I'm glad you're thinking the same thing. ......... But I'm glad you're thinking the same thing... ♡Well, um,...... I'm going to go change into my swimsuit, so just hold on to it for me for a minute.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、お待たせ……あの……ど、どうかな……? 似合ってるといいんだけど……これ、思ったより、大人っぽくて……わたし、 だ 大丈夫……かな?「とっても綺麗」 って……!よ、よかったけど……もう、 恥ずかしいよ……え? わたしから、 いい香りがする……?うん。 ……気付いてくれるって思ってた。とっても素敵な水着だから、香水……使ってみたんだ。「マリンノート」って言う、海の香りがする香水。わたしが大好きな、このビーチと同じ……だから。これなら……デート中、 少しは緊張しなくなるかな、って。あはは……オーナーも、この香り気に入ってくれた?なら、よかった♡じゃあ、えと……デート……行こっか。えっ?「その前に」って…………もう。どうせ 「撮影したい」 でしょ?……オーナーの考えることくらい、分かってるんだから。でも、 いつものオーナーで、 リラックスできたかも♪じゃあ、 誕生日の撮影、しょっ♡

Misaki: Hey owner, sorry to keep you waiting...... that ......, how do you like it......? I hope it looks good on you. ...... I think it's more mature than I thought it would be. ...... I think I'll be fine. ......? I think it's very beautiful. ...... I'm glad, but ...... I'm so embarrassed. ...... What? I smell good. ......? Yes, I do. I knew you would notice. It's a very nice swimsuit, so I used a perfume ....... It's called "Marine Notes" and it smells like the ocean. It's the same ...... as the beach, which I love. I thought it would make me a little less nervous on my ...... date. I'm sure the ...... owner likes the scent, too? If so, I'm glad ♡ Well, let's go on a ...... date ......, shall we? What? Before that?" ............ already. I'm sure you'd like to take a picture, wouldn't you? I know what the ...... owner is thinking. But I think I could relax with the usual owner.

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player needs to directly photograph Misaki during this scene

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Misaki: え? デートの行き先……?わたしは……ごめん、何も考えてないかも……えと……生日くらい、お仕事じゃなくて、 オーナーと一緒にいられたら、 って…………ひゃっ!?は、恥ずかしいんだから、言わせないでよ……それで、オーナーは……?やっぱり、 わたしと一緒で……ふふっ♪ やっぱり♡じゃあ、二人の行きたいところ、 全部行っちゃおうよ♡せっかくのお休み……じゃないけど、 誕生日だし♪……じゃあ、行こ、オーナー♡

Misaki: What? Where are you going on your date ......? I'm ...... sorry, I didn't think anything of it. ...... and ...... I was just thinking that I wish I could be with the owner instead of working for a day or two. ............ huh? I'm so embarrassed, don't make me tell you. ...... And the owner is ......? I knew it... I knew it... I knew it... let's go to all the places we want to go, handsome handsome handsome... it's not a holiday...... but it's my birthday... ...... then, let's go, handsome owner!

Episode 36: The same feelings (同じ想い)[]

To get this episode, you must give Misaki the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ…… ほら見て♪花火、 すっごく綺麗……デートの最後が花火だなんて、 ラッキーだね、 オーナー♪……なんて……ホントは、オーナーが準備してくれてたんだよね?ふふっ♪ それくらい、 わかるよ♪オーナーのお仕事でも…… そうじゃなくても。いつもヴィーナスのこと、一番に考えてくれてるんだから♡だから、 今日は…… わたしの誕生日のわがままは……お仕事じゃないオーナーと、一日一緒にいたかったんだ♪ありがと、 オーナー。 素敵なプレゼントをくれて♡えっ? オーナーも一緒の気持ち……?それって……バイトじゃないわたしと、一緒にいたかったってこと?えっと……なんか、照れちゃうけど……うん。……そうだったらいいな、 って思ってた。……あーあ、楽しかったデートも、 もうおしまい、 かぁ……なんか、残念。いつも一緒だもんね。あっ、そういえば、 何か思い出になるもの…… ないかな。貝殻とか、 探してみよっか……えっ? ちょうどいいのがある……?

Misaki: Wow ...... look at the fireworks, they're so beautiful ...... you're so lucky to end your date with fireworks, owner... ...... ...... the owner really prepared it for you, didn't he? I can understand that much...even if it's the owner's job. ...... even if it's not. I'm not sure if it's the owner's job, but even if it isn't, he always thinks of Venus first♡That's why I ...... wanted to spend the whole day with the owner today, who wasn't working on my birthday, Thanks, owner. I'm not a professional, I just want to spend the whole day with the owner. The owner feels the same ......? Does that mean he wanted to spend the day with me, not ...... working? Well,...... I'm a little embarrassed,...... but yes. I was thinking that it would be nice if that was the case. ...... ......Ah, the fun date is over, huh? ......It's a shame. I'm sorry to hear that. Oh, by the way, I wonder if I can find something ...... to remember it by. I'll try to find some seashells or something. ...... Eh? I have just the thing......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: これって……今日のわたしの写真?そっか、 デートの時、撮ってくれてたんだ。ちょっと、 恥ずかしいけど……うん、なんか楽しそうで、 いい写真かも♪ありがと、 オーナー♡これなら、いい思い出になりそう♪え? オーナーも何か欲しい、って……えっと、どうしよう……うーん、 オーナーの思い出に残るような……オーナーが、喜びそうなこと…………あの、 オーナー……ちょっとだけ、むこう向いててくれる……?なんだっていいから、ちょっとだけ……ね?

Misaki: Is this ...... my picture today? I see, you took this picture of me on our date. It's a little embarrassing, but ...... it looks like you're having fun, and I think it's a good picture. The owner wants something too. ......Well, what should I do? ......Well, I think I should take something that will be memorable for the owner. ......I think the owner will be happy. I'm sure the owner will be happy............ to hear that. ...... can you turn around for a second? What do you want to do? Anything you want to do, just a little bit...... right?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあ、これ……あ、あんまり見ないで、ずかしいんだから……二人の思い出に……オーナーに、 持っててほしいな。「嬉しい」 って…… ふふっ♪よかった。……うん、そう思ってくれて、わたしも嬉しい♡じゃあ……これから、 どうしよっか?お仕事に戻ってもいいけど…… もう、こんな時間だし…………あ、その顔 ……オーナーが何考えてるか、わかったかも。ふふっ♪ どうせ、 わたしと一緒で……「こうなったら、とことん遊んじゃおう!」……でしょ?♪もー、 仕方がないなぁ……オーナーも、 わたしも♡考えることは同じ、なんだから。ほら、一緒に行こう、 オーナー♪まだまだ、誕生日は終わってないんだから♡

Misaki: Okay, I want the ...... owner to keep this ...... as a memory for the two of us, since it's so cute and you don't have to look at it too much! Misaki: Okay, well, here's one for you. I'm glad you're happy with it. ...... I'm glad you feel that way,...... and I'm glad you feel that way,...... so what are we going to do now? You can go back to work if you want,...... but it's already this late,............ I think I know what the owner is thinking. I'm sure you and I are going to have a great time ...... "Let's just play hard to get!" ......, right? I can't help it. ...... owner and I are both handsome and think the same thing. Come on, let's go together, owner... ♪ I'm not finished with my birthday yet, handsome.

Episode 37: Bitter♡Sweet (Misaki) (ビター♡スイート(みさき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、オーナー。 ちょっとだけ、いい?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Um, owner. Can I have a moment?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: これ、プレゼント……恥ずかしいけど。

Misaki: This is a gift ......, though embarrassing.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: もうちょっとだけ、 独り占めしたいな。イスオーナー……だめ?

Misaki: I'd like to have you all to myself for a little while longer. Chair owner: ...... no?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: お、オーナーのためなんだから…………ちゃんと、見ててよね?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Oh, it's for the owner, ............, so you'd better watch it, right?

(camera flash)

Episode 38: Misaki's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Misaki's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Misaki's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 40: Secret Esthetic Time (Misaki)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Misaki's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Luna's Birthday (ルナの誕生日)[]


DOAX VV Luna Birthday Scean (루나 생일 이벤트)


(Eng) Luna's Birthday Episode - Year 1 - Steam

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、こんにちは。どうかしましたか?誕生日パーティーに来てほしい?さて、どなたの……?わたし?あの、わたしの誕生日は明日ですが……オーナーさんはせっかちさんですね。おいしいケーキが用意されている……?では、行きます。なう。……明日でした。

Luna: Hello, boss. What's going on? You want me to come to a birthday party? Who's it for? Me? But my birthday is tomorrow. Aren't you being a little hasty? You've got a delicious cake waiting for me? Then I'll be there right away. Oh, so it is tomorrow…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: 今日は、パーティーありがとうございます。この格好、ですか?ふふ、ごちそうに失礼があってはいけませんから。では、お腹一杯食べます。ふふふ。どうぞ皆さまもご遠慮なく……

Luna: Thank you for doing this party today. This getup? Heheh, dressing up for the party is the least I could do. I'm going to eat till I'm stuffed. Heheh. And I expect all of you to do the same.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、ここにいたのですね。食べ疲れましたか?わたし?わたしは、食休みです。おなかを空かせて、リターンマッチ。……ところで……この、とでも美味しそうなケーキは……?オーナーさんからのプレゼント…………ごくり。

Luna: Oh, there you are boss. Did you eat too much? Me? I'm just taking a little break from the food. Once I'm hungry again, I'll be ready for a "return match." By the way… This cake looks delicious, but… Oh, it's a present from you? Guuulp…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: はぁ、おいしかった………… 「リターンマッチに行かないのか?」えと……もう、お腹いっぱい…………すこし、お話して、いい?誕生日パーティー、とても嬉しかった。こんな大勢の皆さんにお祝いしていただけるのは、初めてでしたので……でも、こうして、オーナーさんと二人でいるのも、とても嬉しいのです。美味しいお料理も、たくさんいただきましたが……オーナーさんのケーキを食べたら、もう、何も食べられなくなって。それが、なぜだかわからなくて。……不思議なのです。でも、少しだけ……こうして、オーナーさんと二人でいると……「思い出す」ような気がするのです。とても、大切なこと……だから、もう少し、一緒にいさせてくれませんか?ふふ。よかった。……なんだか、なつかしくて……でも、もっと、うれしい。ごちそうさまでした。

Luna: Ah, delicious… … Hm? The "return match?" Well… I'm pretty full now. Could I…have a little talk with you? I'm so happy you did this birthday party. This is the first time I've had so many people come together and celebrate for me. But it also makes me happy just being like this… The two of us without any distraction. I had a lot of incredible food today… But when I ate this cake from you, I felt so satisfied, I couldn't eat anything else. I'm not really sure why though… It's kind of mysterious. But if I can just… Be with you like this, a little longer… I feel like I'll remember something. Something really important. So would you be with me…just a little longer? Heheh. Thank you. Right now I feel so…nostalgic. But incredibly happy, too. Thanks for that amazing cake.

Episode 2: Mikagura Ninja Suit (Luna) (巫神楽忍装束(ルナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Luna: では、記録をお願いします。……ちゃーんと、撮ってね。こころの準備はできています。さあ、どうぞ。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Luna: ふふ。後で見せてください。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Very well, take visual records of me. And do it right. I'm mentally prepared now. So do your thing, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Luna: Heheh. Show them to me later.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Luna: Well... That...... Mr. Hentai.

Episode 3: A New Discovery. (新発見なのです)[]


DOAXVV Luna Birthday Scene (2019 루나 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、おはようございます。今日は、何かお話があるとか…………一緒に、フィールドワークに?ふむ、オーナーさんのご提案とは、お珍しい。この島を紹介するために、いいスポットを知りたい……ですか。なるほど、そういうことならお任せください。わたしのおすすめの場所に、一名様ご案内です。オーナーさんと……フィールドワーク……ふふふ。

Luna: Good morning, boss. You wanted to see me about something? Do some fieldwork together? Hmm, that's a rare request from you? You want to learn more about the island… To better introduce it to guests? I see, please leave this to me. Let me guide you to the places that I'd like to recommend. Fieldwork with the boss… Heheheh.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: こうして、オーナーさんとのフィールドワークは、久しぶりな気もします。……では、参りましようか。この辺りは、面白いものがいっぱいなのです。どこかに、まだ見ぬ遺跡も、きっと……

Luna: Seems like it's bene awhile since we did fieldwork together like this, boss… Shall we begin? This spot has a lot of interesting stuff. I'm sure there's some undiscovered ruins somewhere in this area…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: こちらも、わたしのおすすめスポットです。昔の人々の生活に、ここで思いを巡らすのです……

Luna: And I can especially recommend this spot. It's where I ponder about how the ancient natives once lived.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは……?ふむ、興味深い……

Luna: What's this…? How fascinating.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: はっ……!つい、夢中になってしまいました。わたしが楽しそうで、良かった?今日は、オーナーさんを案内するつもりでしたが……それはそうと……たくさん歩いたので、お腹がすきました……どこかから、おいしそうな甘い香りが……これは……

Luna: Ah…! I got a little carried away there. Oh, you're glad that I'm enjoying myself? I was supposed to be showing you around today. In any case… All this walking has me quite famished. There's a delicious, sweet smell… Coming from somewhere…

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: 誕生日の……ケーキ?億えていてくださったのですか……ふふ……うれしい。これは……スイートポテトのケーキ!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。ほう、もう一つプレゼントが……?

Luna: A birthday…cake? So you remembered… Heheh… I'm flattered. This is…a sweet potato cake!? Thank you so much, boss. Oh, there's another present…?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは、新しい水着……!わたしのための……ありがとうございます。……着てみてほしい?ふむ……それでは早速…………はっ!?あの、やっぱり……少しお待ちを……オーナーさんの前では……恥ずかしい、ので……

Luna: It's…a new swimsuit! Just for me? Thank you for taking the trouble. You want me to slip it on? Hmm… I'll get right to it. …Oh! Could you, umm…wait a little longer…It's kind of embarrassing…to change in front of you…

Scene 8

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、お待たせしました。カッコイイ水着で……つい、見惚れていました。てんびん座をモチーフとした水着?女神アストライアが持つ、善悪を量る天秤……あの、オーナーさん。わたし……カッコイイですか?ふふふ……うれしい♪オーナーさん、お願いが……写真を、撮ってほしいのです。思い出を、いつでも……いつまでも、見られるように。この星空の……星座のように。では……はい、ポーズ……

(camera flash)

Luna: Thanks for waiting, boss. It's such a cool swimsuit… I think I'm in love with it. A swimsuit patterned after the Libra sign? Scales of justice held by the goddess Astraea… Um, boss…? Do you think I look cool? Heheh… That makes me happy ♪ Boss… Could I ask you a favor? I'd like you to take some pictures of me. So that I'll have an everlasting memory of this… Till the end of time… Like the constellations, in the starry sky… Okay, time to pose…

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Luna: ありがとうございました、オーナーさん。オーナーさんにお祝いしてもらえるとは……わたしの誕生日……億えてくれていると思わなかったので……忘れるわけない?さすが……オーナーさん……二人きりのフィールドワークも、オーナーさんからのプレゼント……だったのですね。オーナーさんと一緒に過ごした時間、とっても長くて……オーナーさんのことなら、全て研究済み…………だと思っていました。でも、今日の誕生日は、とても楽しくて、今までの記録便更新……新発見なのです。ということは……オーナーさんと一緒にいれば、もっと?あの、オーナーさん。これからも、一緒に……いてください。オーナーさんと一緒なら、まだまだ、知らないことがいっぱい……それはとっても……うれしい……

Luna: Thank you so much, boss. I never imagined that you'd celebrate my birthday with me, boss… Or that you'd even remember it… You could never possibly forget? As expected of you, boss… And doing fieldwork together…just the two of us… That was another birthday gift from you, wasn't it. I've spent a lot of time with you boss… And I thought that… I had you completely figured out through my research… But today was so fun… That it has set new records… It's a new discovery. Which means… If I spend more time with you, maybe I can discover even more? Boss… I hope we can… Be together more often from now on. There's still so many things that I don't know about you. And that… Makes me glad…

Episode 4: Luna-chan Wants to Hang Out! (ルナちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 5: The Gem I Found (見つけた宝物)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: 今年の誕生日もありがとうございました。わたしのために、こんなに素敵なパーティーを開いてくれて。とっても大きくて美味しいケーキ……驚きました、あんな仕掛けがあるだなんて。ケーキにやきいもを丸ごと入れるとは、意外な発想。食べながら発掘もできる…2度美味しいケーキでした。あの……オーナーさん……良かったらこの後、一緒にフィールドワークをしませんか?今日は誕生日です。何か記念になる発見ができるような気がして……はい……では、よろしくお願いします。

Luna: Thank you for having my birthday party again this year. And what a grand party it was. What a huge and delicious cake, too… I'm shocked you put something like that together. To use whole roasted potatoes was really unexpected. Excavating them while eating made the cake twice as delicious. Um, boss… If it's okay with you, could we go do some fieldwork together after this? Since today's my birthday, I've got this feeling we'll discover something to commemorate it. Great. Let's do it as a team.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: いい月夜です。ルナ調査隊にはぴったりの調査日和ですね。……おや、これはこれは……?縞麗な貝殻ですね。知っていますか?オーナーさん。貝殻は長い年月をかけると宝石になるのです。ふふ。もしかしたらこの貝殻もいつの日か、誰かに大切にされるのかもしれません…………?オーナーさん、何か見つけたのですか?

Luna: What a pretty moon. The perfect weather for Luna's Expedition to carry out research. Oh my, what is this… What a pretty shell. Do you know about this, boss? If a seashell lasts throuhg the years, it becomes a gem. Heheh. Maybe this shell will be valuable to someone one of these days. …? Boss, did you find something?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: はて、これは……水着?……オーナーさんからのプレゼント、ですか?とても縞麗な水着……えと……ありがとうございます。この装飾は……オパール?わたしの誕生石……ふふ、これは興味深い。先ほどの貝殻が、もう宝石に変化したみたいです。さすが、オーナーさん。フィールドワークで素敵な宝物を頂きました♪……着てみてほしい?ふふ、見つけた宝物を身に付ける…………これも調査の一環ですね。

Luna: Oh… Is this a…swimsuit? A present from you? It's a pretty swimsuit. Um… Thank you very much. It's decorated with…opals? That's my birthstone. Heheh, this is quite fascinating. As if that shell we found was already turned into a gem. You know what a girl likes, boss. I've recovered some wonderful gems on my fieldwork. …You want me to wear it? Heheh, I'll be wearing the gems I discovered. …Yet another part of my research.

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Luna: ……あの、どうでしょうか。まるで、天使のような装節。とっても縞麗……水着なのに、あたたかくて、ふわふわして……何か不思議な感覚です。オパールは「天使の石」とも呼ばれますが、わたし自身が天使になろうとは……ふふ、似合ってますか?……嬉しいです♪あの、オーナーさん、調査の記録を……ではなくて……えと記念に撮影を……お願いします。

(camera flash)

Luna: So… What do you think? Adorned like an angel…? It looks very pretty…? For a swimsuit it's so soft and warm. It's quite a peculiar feeling. I knew opals were the "gem of angels," but I never thought I'd become an angel myself. Heheh… So it looks good on me? …I'm glad ♪ Um, boss… Let's make some research records, for… I mean, uh… Please take some photos…to commemorate my

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、これで誕生日の特別調査は終わりですね。とても楽しかった。……え?まだ、調査したいものがある?……わかりました。では、またのちほど。

Luna: Heheh… And that wraps up my special birthday research. It was really fun. …Hm? There's still something else you want to research? …Okay. We'll start up again in a bit.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、オーナーさんが何を調査したいのか。とても興味があります。

Luna: Heheh, I'm really curious about what you want to research, boss.

Episode 6: Research Results (調査の目的)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Luna after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: じー……ふむ、興味深い……

Luna: *stare* Hmm… Fascinating.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……あ、オーナーさん。お待ちしていました。調査の続きですね。何をしていたのか……ですか?砂浜を見ていました。音ここで自らしていた人々のことを考えたり……たとえば、何を食べていたのかと…………貝でしょうか。潮干狩りも楽しそうです。……ごくり。では、一緒に潮千狩り……ではなく、フィールドワークを始めましょう。オーナーさんが調査したいものとは……ふふ、興味があります。……おや?その手に持っているものは……え?これが調査したいもの……?

Luna: Oh, boss. Thanks for waiting. Let's get back to researching. What was I doing? Just looking at the sandy beach. Thinking about the people who lived here long ago… Wondering what they would eat, for example. …Maybe shellfish. Clam digging must've been fun. ..Gulp. So let's do some clam digging… I mean, let's begin our fieldwork now. I'm really curious about what you want to research, boss. …Hm? What's that in your hand? Oh? This is what you want to research?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……?この指輪は、オパール……オパールは幸福の石と呼ばれ、身に着けていると幸福が訪れると……オパールの石言葉は、他に何があるか……?希望、幸福、洞察力、予言や予知……はっ、この指輪を……わたしに?誕生日のプレゼント……あの……ありがとうございます。では、着けてみます。

Luna: …? This ring is made of opal… Opal is called "the stone of good fortune?" And I'll be blessed with good fortune if I wear it…? Is there something else that opal symbolizes? Hope, good fortune, insight, foreknowledge, and prophecy… Oh… This ring…is for me? A birthday gift… Um… Thank you very much. I'll try it on.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、色々な光が混ざりあって……まるで虹のようです。……とても綺麗……今の気持ち……ですか?とても暖かくて、ふわふわして……お腹がいっぱいになったような……そうですね、オパールの石言葉通り、とても幸せ……です。ん?オーナーさんが調査したかったものとは……わたし……?むう、それはちょっと、イジワル……です。ふふ♪

Luna: Heheh, so many different colors blended together. As if it's a rainbow. So pretty… How do I feel right now? Very warm and soft… As if my stomach is full and satisfied. That's right, just as the opal symbolizes. I feel very happy. Hm? The thing you wanted to research was… Me…? Okay, that's a little mean. Heheh ♪

Episode 7: I Want You To Accept It… I Think (貰ってほしい…たぶん)[]

First version[]


DOAXVV はじめてのVenusValentine エクストラエピソード(ルナ)

Japanese English translation

Luna: … …ルナですよ。ルナが来たのです。オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: It's Luna. Here to see you again. I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Later versions[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Luna extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: … …ルナですよ。ルナが来たのです。オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: It's Luna. Here to see you again. I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: では、記録をお願いします。……ちゃーんと、撮ってね。こころの準備はできています。さあ、どうぞ。

(Camera flash)

Luna: Very well, take visual records of me. And do it right. I'm mentally prepared now. So do your thing, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ。後で見せてください。

Luna: Heheh. Show them to me later.

Episode 8: Thin Towel Wrap (Luna) (うすかわたけのこ(ルナ))[]


DOAXVV ルナ エピソード うすかわたけのこ 着崩れ

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 9: With You (Luna) (ウィズ・ユー(ルナ))[]

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 10: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Luna) (黒炎のラビリンス(ルナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 11: The Perfect Birthday (完璧な誕生日)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、オーナーさんからフィールドワークに誘っていただけるとは……嬉しいです。それで、今日はどちらへ向かわれるのですか?特に目的地は無し……?ふふ、それはそれで面白そうです。では、参りましょうか。フィールドワークデート……なのです♪

Luna: Boss… The fact that you invited me out for some fieldwork…makes me happy. So where will we be headed today? Nowhere in particular? Heheh… That actually makes things interesting. Shall we be off then? It's a…fieldwork date ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……ふむ、日が落ちてきてしまいました。そろそろ帰るお時間……でしょうか。ちょっと残念。あと少し一緒に……?では、あちらの岩場まで。漂着物が多く、興味深いスポットなのです♪

Luna: Hmm…the sun is setting. I guess…it's time to head back soon. Which is a bit disappointing. A bit longer together? Then how about going over to that rocky area? It's quite fascinating with all the different articles washed ashore ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: すっかり暗くなりました……そろそろお腹も空いてきましたし、そろそろ…………?さらにもう1カ所、調査したいところが?ふふ、興味深い。では、参りましょうか。

Luna: It's really dark out now… And I've worked up quite the appetite, so… One more spot you'd like to investigate? Heheh. Fascinating. Let's be off then.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、これは……?わたしの誕生日パーティー……なるほど、この準備の時間の為に、フィールドワークに?いえ、フィールドワークにパーティー……両方楽しむことができて、とても良い誕生日だと。空腹は最高のスパイス……さらに、愛情まで加わると、どんなお味なのか。ふふ、さっそくケーキを頂きに行くのです……!

Luna: Boss, is this… My birthday party? I see…so the fieldwork was to make time for preparations. I mean, the fact that I'm able to enjoy both a day of fieldwork and a party…makes it quite the joyful birthday. Hunger is the best spice, as they say. And with a sprinkle of love, how must it taste? Heheh, I'll be helping myself to some cake now…!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、お腹もいっぱい……お芋のケーキはお腹もふくれて幸せなのです……オーナーさん、幸せな誕生日をありがとうございます。フィールドワークにパーティーにケーキ……これは完壁な誕生日なのです。……え?まだ、足りないものがある?それは……

Luna: Heheh… Now I'm full. Both my stomach and heart are satisfied from the sweet potato cake. Thank you so much for making my birthday a happy one, Boss. Fieldwork, a party, and cake… It's the perfect birthday. Hm? Something's still missing? What would that…

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは……水着、でしょうか。誕生日のプレゼント……?一緒にフィールドワークでも十分だったのですが…………でも、とてもしいです。ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。ふふ、誕生日パーティーという儀式に足りないもの……着飾った主役の登場なのです。

Luna: Is this…a swimsuit? My birthday present? A day of fieldwork was more than enough as a gift… But this makes me so happy. Thank you very much, Boss. The element missing at this birthday ritual, was the special guest herself, dressed to impress.

Scene 8

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Luna: じゃーん……似合っているでしょうか?忌悔なく、客観的意見をいただければと。良く似合っている……可愛い……ですか?ふふ、ありがとうございます。とても可愛い水着……大切にするのです。この水着は、コスモスがモチーフ……でしょうか?わたしの誕生花。オーナーさんの調査は抜かりがない。コスモスの話源は、その名の通り「宇宙」。小さな花ですが、生命力が強く広い地域に自生しています。わたしも、この花のように強く、世界の関々まで調査を……そして、いずれは宇宙に……?ふふ、それも悪くありません。その時は、オーナーさんも一緒に宇宙に……星空を……宇宙を背景に、記念撮影?ふむ、二人の第一歩として……よろしくお願いします。

(Camera flash)

Luna: Tadah. Does it suit me well? I want your frank, objective opinion. It suits me well…and I look cute in it? Heheh, thank you very much. It's a really cute swimsuit, and I'll cherish it. It seems this suit features a Cosmos motif, which is my birth flower. Your investigation was quite thorough. The name "cosmos" originates from the word "universe," as its name implies. It's small but has a strong life force and grows in many regions. You think I'm strong like this flower and would be able to investigate every corner of the world…? And sometimes perhaps…space? Heheh, that doesn't sound too bad. I'd like you to accompany me to space, Boss. You want to make a commemorative photo with the stars…outer space in the background? One small step…for the two of us.

(Camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Luna: ありがとうございました。今日は本当に楽しい誕生日でした。フィールドワークのつもりが、こんなことになるとは……ルナも歩けば……良いことがあるものですね。……え?フィールドワークはまだ終わってない?パーティーの後も、二人でフィールドワークを……?ふふ、深夜の調査ですか……とても楽しみです。誕生日に相応しい、特別なフィールドワークですね。では、後ほどここで。楽しみにしていますね、オーナーさん。

Luna: Thank you so much. Today was a really fun birthday for me. I solely intended to carry out fieldwork, and never imagined it would come to this. Every Luna has her day, as they say. Hm? We're still not done? You want us to do some fieldwork together after the party? Heheh… Late night fieldwork…sounds intriguing. Special fieldwork befitting of a birthday. So I'll meet you here in a bit. I'm looking forward to it, Boss.

Episode 12: Just the Two of Us (二人で一緒に)[]

To get this episode, you must give Luna her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、お待ちしておりました。さあ、フィールドワークの続きに……この水着……ですか?ふふ、つい嬉しくて。オーナーさんとのフィールドワークに相応しいかと。……え?フィールドワークの目的地は……ここでいい?

Luna: I've been waiting for you. Boss. Now to resume our fieldwork… This swimsuit? Heheh, I was so happy…and thought it would be appropriate for our fieldwork together. Hm? Our fieldwork location…is right here?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: わぁ……これは、コスモスの花束……?

Luna: Wow… This is…a bouquet of cosmos.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、小さな花が集まって、こんな綺麗な花束に…………まるで本当の「宇宙」の様です。ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。小さな調査も、いずれ大きな花となるように……

Luna: Heheh, such a beautiful arrangement of tiny flowers, bound together in a pretty bouquet…reminds me of the universe. Thank you so much, Boss. I hope our small investigation blossoms into something big one day.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: ところで、オーナーさん。今日のフィールドワークの目的……とは……わたしを、一日調査すること……?ふふ、それは興味深い。じつは、わたしも同じ……でしたので。オーナーさんとのフィールドワークは、なぜ楽しいのか……それを知りたかったのですが。よく、わかりませんでした。なぜか、いつも以上に……楽しんでしまって。……オーナーさんは、何かわかりましたか?……二人が一緒、だから?ふふ、興味深い説です。……検討に値するかと。では、これからも、フィールドワークをお願いします。二人で一緒に……

Luna: By the way, what was the goal of our fieldwork today? To spend a day…investigating me? Heheh… That sounds fascinating. Actually…I was thinking the same thing about you, so… I wanted to find out why it's so fun doing fieldwork with you, Boss. I really wasn't sure…why I had so much more fun than usual. Did you come to a conclusion, Boss? It's because we're together? Heheh… That's a fascinating theory, well worth pondering. I hope we can keep going out to perform fieldwork together like this, Boss… Just the two of us.

Episode 13: Sweet Chocolatier (Luna) (S・ショコラティエ(ルナ))[]

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 14: Riddle Gust (Luna) (なぞの突風(ルナ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Velvet Time Rose (Luna) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ(ルナ))[]

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 16: Secret Foot Massage (Luna) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ルナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: フィールドワーク……ではなく、外回りお疲れさまでした。……疲れた夜は、焼き等が食べたくなりまね。

Luna: Fieldwork. But not to the outside, thank you for your hard work. ...... On a tired night, I don't want to eat grilling.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna (OFF): ……む、破れが取れる足裏マッサージ、ですか?ふむ、民間療法とは興味深い。お腹膨れまんが。

Luna (OFF): ...... Is it a torn sole massage? Hmmm, folk remedies are interesting. Stomach swelling buns.

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Luna: ……準備できました。その……あんまり見られると……困るのですが……

(camera flash)

Luna: ...... Ready. that...... If you see so much... I'm in trouble, but...

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: くすぐったいですが……気持ちいい……です。あの、もう少しだけ、民間療法の研究を……続けませんか?

Luna: Tickled, but...... feeling good...... are. Well, just a little more research on folk remedies... Would you like to continue?

Episode 17: The Medicine of Love (Luna) (愛の妙薬 (ルナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 18: Chain of Beauties Stratagem (Luna) (美女連環の計(ルナ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Helena Douglas
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




Depending on whether the girls have all their outfits or not, it will either focus on one of the girls who still lack the outfits, or otherwise show a new clip

Japanese English translation
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Luna) (甘い香りに誘われて(ルナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna (OFF): しばらく、お待ちください。

Luna (OFF): Please wait for a while.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Episode 20: Sunset at the Park (Luna) (あかね色の公園で(ルナ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Episode 21: Goddess Night's Dream (Luna) (女神の夜の夢(ルナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: そろそろ、お夜食のお時間ですか?真夜中の焼き芋……蠱惑的(こわくてき)です……では、記録をお願いします。……ちゃーんと、撮ってね。では、いつでもどうぞ。

(Camera flash)

Luna: Is it time for your midnight snack? Midnight baked potatoes...... are fascinating......, so please record them. ...... and take a good picture. Please come back anytime.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: なかなか、楽しいひと時でした。もうちょっと、続けませんか?オーナーさんに、撮ってほしい……かも。

(Camera flash)

Luna: It was quite a fun time. Why don't we continue a little more? Maybe the owner would like you to take a picture of .......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: 継続を希望します。まだまだ、逃がしません。

Luna: I would like to continue. We are not going to let you get away with it yet.

Episode 22: Birthday Observation (誕生日の観察)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Luna: こんばんは、 オーナーさん。ふふ……今年もこの時がやってきましたね。そうです。わたしの誕生日……!フィールドワークには、 長期間の 「参与観察」が最適。誕生日は、それを続けた証……だから毎年楽しみなのです。…… ごくり。いえ、決してお腹が空いているわけでは……ありますが…………「早く調查に行了」?ふふ、 オーナーさんも待ちきれないようですね。では、さっそく……

Luna: Good evening, Boss. Heheh… Seems like it's that time of the year again. Correct. Today is my birthday…! Long-term participatory observation is ideal for fieldwork, and birthdays are proof of that continuity… I look forward to it every year. *gulp* Oh no, it doesn't mean I'm hungry or… Well, it does actually. Go out and research right away? Heheh, you can't wait either, Boss…? Then let us embark.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English

Luna: ほう……皆さんも、とても楽しまれているようですね。「生誕の日」を祝う儀式は各地にありますが……わたしの生誕を祝って貰えるのは……ちょっと不思議です。おや……あれは?山のように積まれた。 やきいも……!このような風習があったとは、 とても興味深く……ごくり…………行ってきていい?では、参与観察に行ってきます。ふふっ♪

Luna: Oh my… It looks like everyone else is having a lot of fun, too. Celebratory customs for birthdays exist in numerous regions. But having others celebrate my own birthday feels…a bit peculiar. Oh my…what is that? A large stack of…roasted sweet potatoes…! I never realized this custom existed… Quite fascinating. *gulp* Is it okay if I…go observe? Participatory observation…here I come. Heheh ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English

Luna: お腹も落ち着いて……いえ、調査も一段落したのですが……皆さんを見ると、 パーティーに合わせて着飾っている様子。参与観察としては、 周囲に習うべきでしたね……オーナーさんが、 準備してくれたのですか?

Luna: I'm satisfied, from a hunger standpoint… Or rather…my research has reached a temporary halt. I see that the other girls are dressed nicely for the party. I should have learned from my participatory observation. Did you prepare this, Boss?

Scene 5
Japanese English

Luna: とても綺麗な……これは、誕生日の水着……?ふふ、 さすがオーナーさん。これを着ていれば、調査がより捗ります。……さっそく着替えますので、お待ちいただけますか?

Luna: It's so pretty… A birthday suit, perhaps? Heheh, you've outdone yourself, Boss. If I wear this, my research should go more smoothly. I'd like to put it on right away, would you mind waiting?

Scene 6
Japanese English

Luna: あの……おかしくないでしょうか?オーナーさんの想定どおりなら良いのですが……似合ってますか?ふふ、 ありがとうございます。この水着は……なにかふわふわやトゲトゲが……?「栗」をイメージした……ほう、わたしの誕生日の果実……なるほど。栗は、はるか昔から食べられてきた果物……あの、痛そうなトゲトゲをかき分け、渋い皮を剥き……ふむ、人の食の歴史とは興味深いものです。しかも「栗」 は 「芋」 と、甘くてほくほくの甘露煮、とても相性がよいのです。ねっとりとしたきんとん…………は、失礼しました。あまりに興味深いテーマですので、 つい……「写真が撮りたい」……ですか?問題ありません。 素敵な水着ですので、是非。水着ではなく、わたしの写真を撮りたい……「興味深い」……から?えと……では、よろしくお願いします……

(camera flash)

Luna: So…it doesn't look odd to you, does it? If it's just as you envisioned, I'm satisfied. It looks good on me? Heheh, thank you for saying that. This swimsuit feels…soft, yet prickly to me. It's patterned after chestnuts? Oh, it's my birth fruit? I see… Chestnuts have been consumed by people since long ago. Peeling off the prickly husk, then the bitter skin… Hmm… The history of human food consumption is really quite fascinating. Moreover, chestnuts go over well with sweet potatoes. From the sweet and fluffy candied chestnuts, to the sticky-smooth chestnut paste… Oh my, pardon me. It's such a fascinating theme, I sort of lost my way. You'd like to take photos? No problem at all. It's such a nice swimsuit, I encourage it. Not the swimsuit…you want to take photos of. me? Because you find me "fascinating"? Um… Well, I hope you get some nice ones.

(camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English

Luna: あの……ありがとうございます。オーナーさんが喜んでくれるのなら……うれしい、かも。……では、パーティーに戻りましょうか。わたしの胃袋と知的好奇心は、 まだまだ満たされませんので。……え? パーティー後に二人きり……オーナーさんの興味も、まだ満たされていないから?えっと……わかりました。……わたしも、 楽しみにしていますので。ふふ、とても……興味深いです。

Luna: Yes um, thank you very much. If this is making you happy, I think I'm happy as well. Shall we return to the party now? My stomach and intellectual curiosity have yet to be satisfied. …Hm? Just the two of us…after the party? Because you are yet to be satisfied as well? Um… Very well, then. I'm also looking forward to it. Heheh, it sounds quite fascinating.

Episode 23: Our Interests (二人の興味)[]

To get this episode, you must give Luna her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Luna: すみません、オーナーさん。少し遅れてしまいました。パーティーのあと、 皆さんと話していたので。決して、残り物のデザートを楽しんでいたなどとは。今年も、いろいろな話を聞くことができました。とても楽しく、 興味深い時間でした。……ふふ♪え……?「楽しそうでよかった」?そう、でしょうか?でも、オーナーさんにそう見えるのなら……はい、楽しいです。興味深いだけではなく……不思議と。こうして、 オーナーさんといる時間も……なぜか、ふんわりした気持ちになります。……興味深い。はっ、いけません。オーナーさんの興味を満たすべく、ここへ来たのでした。オーナーさん、わたしはどうすれば……?こっちへ……?なんでしょう。

Luna: My apologies, Boss. I've come a bit late. I found myself talking with the others after the party. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to enjoy leftover dessert so much. I was able to absorb a wild variety of stories this year as well. What an enjoyable, fascinating time. …Heheh ♪ Hm…? You're glad I enjoyed myself? Oh…really? Well, if that's how I look to you… You'd be correct. I had fun, indeed. Not only was it fascinating, but mysterious as well. And spending time with you like this Boss… Makes me feel so…warm and fuzzy inside, as they say. …Fascinating. Oh, I mustn't get carried away. I came here to satisfy your interests, after all. What would you like me to do, Boss? Just follow you…? What could it be…

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Luna: おお……!?この、美しく巨大なケーキは……!わたしの、誕生日のケーキ……オーナーさんからの、お祝い……ですか?すみません、驚いてしまいました。このように大きなものは、初めてですので……あの、ありがとうございます。水着と同じ、栗のケーキ……とっても甘そう。……ごくり。……オーナーさんも、食べたそうですね?

Luna: Oh my… What a beautiful, enormous cake…! My birthday cake… A token of celebration…from you, Boss? I'm sorry, this was such a surprise. I've never seen one so big before… So um, thank you very much. Chestnuts, just like the swimsuit… And it looks so sweet. *gulp* You seem interested in consuming this as well, Boss.

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Luna: ちょっと、もったいないけど……オーナーさんになら……ふふ……では、あーん……

Luna: This is kind of a wasteful practice, but… Since it's for you Boss… Heheh… Say ahhhh…

Scene 6
Japanese English

Luna: ふふ、 美味しいですか?オーナーさんの反応を見るのは、 とても興味深い……はっ、オーナーさんの興味とは、わたしの反応を観察したかった……ということでしょうか。……ふむ、わたしにも、今の気持ちはよくわかりません。ただ、ふわふわして、ドキドキして、あたたかい……と。この島のことも、 ヴィーナスの皆さんのことも、とても興味深いですが……自分の心の変化や……オーナーさんのことは、もっと興味深い……かも。オーナーさんも同じ意見……ですか?では、これからも調査にご恊力ください。二んで、一緒に。ふふっ♪

Luna: Heheh, is it yummy? Your reaction is so fascinating to me, Boss. Oh…? And it's interesting for you to observe my reaction…is that it, Boss? Hmm… I can't fully comprehend this feeling I'm experiencing now. Just so soft, yet thrilling, and warm… Everything about this island, and all the Venuses here… Are incredibly fascinating to me, but… I think the way my heart is changing… And everything about you Boss…fascinates me even more. You share the same opinion? Well, I hope we'll be able to keep researching. Just the two of us, together. Heheh… ♪

Episode 24: Secret shower 1 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 25: Secret shower 2 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー2(ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 26: Secret shower 3 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー3(ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 27: Secret shower 4 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 28: Secret shower 5 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー5(ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 29: Secret shower 6 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー6(ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 30: Secret shower 7 (Luna) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ルナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Luna.

Episode 31: Love Letter Maiden (Luna) (恋文フトメ(ルナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: ちょっとだけ、いい……ですか?

Luna: Could I have…a minute of your time?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: これをお渡ししたくて。ど、どうぞ。

Luna: I'd like you give [sic] this to you, so… H-Here.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: では、お望みの通りに……

Luna: Certainly, as you wish…

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Luna: あんまり見られるのは……その、困る……ので……

(Camera flash)

Luna: I get a little uncomfortable with…too much staring, so…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは、トップシークレットです。……つまり、二人だけの。

Luna: Keep this top secret… Just between you and me.

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Luna) (勝利のセレモニー (ルナ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Luna (ルナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: Special Studies (特別な研究)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふむ……今日はわたしの誕生日……つまり、年に一度、 貴重なデータが取れる日でもあります。どうすればオーナーさんにも喜んでもらえるのか……もっと、研究しなければ。いつもお祝いしてもらうばかりではなく、オーナーさんと一緒に……楽しみたい。……そのためには、準備が必要です。まずは、これまでの記録を確認して……

Luna: Hmmm...... today is my birthday...... which means that once a year I can get some valuable data. I need to do more research on how to make the owners happy....... I want to enjoy ...... with the owners, not just have them celebrate all the time. To ...... that end, we need to be prepared. First, we need to check our previous records and ......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: はっ。オーナーさん?一体どうしてここに……え? わたしを探していた?誕生日のお祝い……ですか?えっと……ありがとうございます。これは、先を越されてしまいましたね。わたしも、声をかけようと思っていたところでした。少し考え事をしていたら、 遅くなってしまいましたが……ところで、オーナーさんが持っているそれはもしかして……

Luna: ha. Owner? What on earth are you doing here ......? Were you looking for me? Birthday wishes......? Thank you for ......, you beat me to it. I was just about to call out to you as well. I was thinking about it for a while, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. ...... By the way, could it be that the owner is holding ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: 水着のプレゼント……♪さすがオーナーさん。 嬉しいです。とても綺麗な水着ですね。……ひらひらが、たくさん。自分では、あまり着たことの無いような……む……わたしの新しい魅力を引き出したくて……?なるほど、 オーナーさんも研究熱心ですね。……わたしも、 いっそう頑張らなくては。つまり、この水着を着こなすことができれば、いつもよりもっと、喜んでもらえるかも……では、着替えと……少し準備をしますので、お待ちください。

Luna: Swimsuit gift: ...... ♪ As expected of the owner. I am so happy. It's a very beautiful swimsuit. ...... fluttering, a lot. I've never worn one of these myself,, but I wanted to bring out my new charm,......? I see, the owner is also very studious. I must ...... work even harder. I mean, if I can wear this swimsuit, I might be able to please you even more than usual. ......We're going to change and ...... prepare a little bit, so please wait.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Luna: その……どう、ですか?オーナーさんのご期待に応えられていると良いのですが……「想像以上仁似合っていて、綺聞」……?そこまで言われると、 ちょっと困る、けど……ふふっ、ありがとうございます。この水着……かわいくて、好きです。スカートのリボンも、かわいい。ふむ、わたしの好みも把握されているとは。オーナーさんは、わたしよりわたしに詳しいかもしれませんね。だから、わたしも……もっとオーナーさんのことを、研究したくて……オーナーさん……何か気が付きませんか?「お菓子のような、甘い香りがする」 ……?わかってもらえて、 良かった……♪この水着に合わせて、香水を選んでみたのです。いい香りには、人を魅力的に見せる効果があります。他にも記憶を刺激したりリラックス効果も……つまり、その……嬉しい……?「たくさん写画を撮りたいくらい」……?ふふっ……♪ オーナーさんが満足するまで、しっかり記録、お願いします。

Luna: how about that ......? I hope it meets the owner's expectations,...... "It suits Jin better than I imagined, Kiken."......? I'm a little troubled if you say that much,...... but thank you very much. I like this swimsuit,......, it's cute. The ribbon on the skirt is cute too. I'm not sure if I'd like to be a part of this. The owner may know more about me than I do. That's why I also want to ...... study the owner more. ...... owner...... don't you notice something? It smells sweet, like candy. ......? I'm glad you understand. ......♪ I chose a perfume to match this swimsuit. A good fragrance has the effect of making a person look attractive. It also stimulates memory and relaxes the mind,...... which means that,...... happy,......? "I want to take so many pictures of it."......? Hmmm......... ♪ Please record it well, until the owner is satisfied.

Translated with DeepL

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player is required to take the picture unlike other episodes

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……なるほど。 オーナーさんはこのようなポーズが……ふふ、 いいテータが取れました。それで、オーナーさん。このあとのご予定は……その……もう少し、 一緒にいたい。まだデータが足りない……ので。……ありがとうございます。では、行きましょう♪

Luna: ...... I see. The owner has this pose: ...... Hmmm, I got a good tater. So, Mr. Owner. What are your plans for the rest of the day? I'm still missing some data...... so. Thank you ....... Let's go.

Episode 35: Valuable data (貴重なデータ)[]

To get this episode, you must give Luna the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……不思議です。オーナーさんと見る花火は、いつもより綺麗に見えます。……「いいデータは取れたか」 ?はい。 オーナーさんの様々な反応を見ることができたので。素晴らしいデータが、ばっちり。記録だけでなく、記憶も完璧です。香りには、記憶と深いつながりがあるといいます。つまり、この香りを嗅げば、いつでも今日のことを……ふむ…………思い返してみると、結局、わたしばかり楽しんでいたような……データを集がめること……オーナーさんの反応を見ることが、目的になってしまっていた気がします。研究の目的は、オーナーさんにも喜んでもらうことだったのに。すみません、 わたしとしたことが……「見せたいものがある」……ですか?

Luna: ...... wonder. Fireworks seen with the owner always look more beautiful. ...... "Did you get good data?" ? Yes, I did. I was able to see the various reactions of the owners. Great data, exactly. Not only the record, but also the memory is perfect. Scent has a deep connection with memory. In other words, whenever I smell this scent, I can always think back to today's ...... hmmm ............ and see that I was the only one who enjoyed it after all! I think that the purpose of the research was to collect ...... data and to see the owner's reaction. The purpose of the research was to make the owners happy. I am sorry, but what I did was ...... "I have something to show you."......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは……わたしの写真……こんな表情をしていたとは……あの……そんなに見られると、びを…………え?楽しそうなわたしを見れて、嬉しい……?それは……わたしも同じ……です。オーナーさんが、 驚いたり、困ったり、喜んだりする姿は、とても興味深く……見ていると、 楽しくて、 嬉しい。……オーナーさんがわたしよりわたしに詳しい理由、なんだか、わかったような気がします。……では、最後にもう一つ、取ってみたいデータが、 あるのですが……今までの結果から考えた、オーナーさんに一番喜んでもらえそうなこと……

Luna: This is ...... a picture of me ...... I didn't know I had this look on my face ...... Um.... ...I'm surprised to see you looking at me like that............? I'm glad to see me looking so happy......? It's ...... the same ...... for me. It's interesting to see the owner surprised, confused, or happy,...... and it's fun and gratifying to watch. I think I understand why the ...... owner knows me better than I do. I have one last piece of data I'd like to get ...... from you.... ...

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: この写真はオーナーさんが持っていてください。そのほうが、わたしも嬉しい。とはいうものの……慣れないことなので、 少し恥ずかしくなってきました……ふむ……オーナーさんも、 照れてる……なるほど、 これは興味深い。ふふ♪とても貴重なデータが取れましたね。「十分なデータは取れた?」……ですか?む……データというものは、継続的に集めなければいけません。そのためには、オーナーさんの協力が必要で……それに……誕生日はまだ、終わっていないので……もう少し、二人きりで…… ふふっ♡

Luna: the owner should keep this picture. It makes me happy too. However,...... I'm not used to doing this, so I'm getting a little embarrassed,...... hmmm,...... even the owner is embarrassed! ......I see, this is interesting. I'm sure you got some very valuable data. Did you get enough data?" ......? The data must be collected on an ongoing basis. To do this, we need the cooperation of the owner,...... and since the ...... birthday is not over yet,...... we can have a little more time alone together. ...... Hmmm handsome!

Episode 36: Bitter♡Sweet (Luna) (ビター♡スイート(ルナ))[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Luna's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、待ってた…… 来てくれて、嬉しいです。

(Camera flash)

Luna: I'm so glad you came to ...... I've been waiting for you, owner.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、調査したレシピ通りなのです。ちゃんと最後に、愛も込めましたので……

Luna: Hmmm... it's exactly the recipe I researched. I made sure to put some love at the end as well. ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふむ、 オーナーさんの反応……ふふっ、興味深いです。

Luna: hmmm, interesting to see the owner's response ...... phew.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: その……オーナーさんになら、 もっと……いいですよ?

(Camera flash)

Luna: for that ...... owner, more ...... would be nice?

(Canera flash)

Episode 37: Luna's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Luna's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Luna's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Secret Esthetic Time (Luna)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Luna's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Tamaki's Birthday (たまきの誕生日)[]


DOAX VV Tamaki Birthday Scean (타마키 생일 이벤트)


(Eng) Tamaki's Birthday Episode - Year 1 - Steam

Scene 1
Japanese English

Tamaki: オーナーくん、いらっしゃい♥ …… さ、入って?

Tamaki: Welcome, boss ♥…Coming in?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tamaki: ほら、なにしてるの?…… 待ってたんだから♥「何を待ってたか」…… って?ふふっ♪言・わ・せ・な・い・で♥ほら、オーナーくんから♪女の子を待たせちゃダメでしょ?♥…… ねえ、今日は、何の日?……♥ ……あ・り・が・と♥

Tamaki: What are you doing? …I was waiting for you ♥ What was I waiting for…? Oh ♪ Don't make me say it out loud ♥ This is from the boss ♪ It wouldn't be right to make the girls wait, right? …Hey, what day is it today? ……Thank you ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tamaki: お礼は …… なにしてあげようか?

Tamaki: What should I give you…for a thank you?

Scene 4
Japanese English

Tamaki: ねえ、なんでもいいよ?♥ ……

Tamaki: Anything is fine? …

Scene 5
Japanese English

Tamaki (OFF): あっ、オーナーくん?ちょっと……!?逃げちゃつた……?

Tamaki: オーナーくん♪さっきはゴメンね?ふふっ、ちょっとイタズラが過ぎました。反省してます♥だから、さ、ちょっとお話しよ?ね?い・い・で・しょ?♥

Tamaki (OFF): Hey! Huh…!? Did you run away…?

Tamaki: Hey ♪ Sorry about before. I think I played around a little too much. I regret it ♥ So, can we talk for a bit? Okay? I know you want to ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Tamaki: 南の島で、お誕生日のパーティー……それも、たくさんの 『お友達」にお祝いしてもらえるだなんて♪ みんな、本当にいい子だちで…… ……ね、オーナーくん。わたしも、いいチ……かな?うふふっ♪ だとしたら、オーナーくんのおかげね♪

Tamaki: A birthday party on a tropical island… That way I can also have a lot of friends celebrate with me ♪ All the girls are really nice… …Hey. Do you think I'm…a good girl, too? Hehe ♪ It's all thanks to the boss ♪

Scene 7
Japanese English

Tamaki: 「いい子へのプレゼント」って……?……!……ありがと。嬉しい♥ ……じゃあ、お礼は…… ……目、閉じて?

Tamaki: "A gift for a good girl"…? …! …Thanks. It's wonderful ♥ … As a thank you… …Close your eyes.

Scene 8
Japanese English

Tamaki (OFF): ……素直に従っちゃつて。オーナーくんも、いいチだね♥

Tamaki: ふふっ♪ ごめんね。冗談。せっかく褒められだんたから、今日は、これ以上ダーメ♥また褒めてもらえるように、「いい子」 にしてないとね。……じゃあ、オーナーくん、みんなのところに戻ろうか♥パーティーが終わるまで、いい子でいるから、ご褒美に腕組んで?♥

Tamaki (OFF): …You're so obedient. You're good, too ♥

Tamaki: Oh ♪ Sorry. It was just a joke. You said so many good things about me I won't say any more today ♥ I have to be a "good girl" so you keep doing it. Now… Boss, let's get back to everyone ♥ I'll be a good girl until the end of the party, so will you link arms with me as a reward?

Episode 2: I'm nervous ♥ (緊張しちゃった♥)[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Tamaki extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ふふっ、だーれだ?……ね、ちょっと、いい?

Tamaki: オーナーくん、はい、これ♥……やっぱり、恥ずかしいね。本気だから……かな。受け取らでくれてよかった。ふふっ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった♥オーナーくんっ♥このまま朝まで一緒に……ふふっ、冗談♥また明日ね?

Tamaki (OFF): Heheh, guess who? …Hey, got a minute?

Tamaki: This is for you, boss ♥ It's kind of embarrassing, after all…Maybe because…its from the heart… Thank you for accepting it. Heheh, I got a little nervous there ♥ Boss ♥ Let's stay together like this until dawn. Heheh…Just kidding ♥ See you tomorrow.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん……二人っきりね♥さぁ、は・じ・め・ま・しょ♥ほら、好きにしていいよ?♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Boss… We're all alone ♥ Let's get it on now…okay? Come on, do whatever you desire ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 誰にも見せちゃダメよ……♥

Tamaki: But you can't show them to anyone else ♥

Episode 3: Hebijo Ninja Suit (Tamaki) (蛇女子学(たまき))[]

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん……二人っきりね♥さぁ、は・じ・め・ま・しょ♥ほら、好きにしていいよ?♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tamaki: 誰にも見せちゃダメよ……♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Boss… We're all alone ♥ Let's get it on now…okay? Come on, do whatever you desire ♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tamaki: But you can't show them to anyone else ♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tamaki: Oh, my God! This... It's tame. Right

Episode 4: Private Time (プライベートな時間)[]


DOAXVV Tamaki Birthday Scene (2019 타마키 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 55 - Private Time

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): えーと、ちょっとまって?え?

Tamaki: オーナーくん、お待たせ。お部屋、散らかっててごめんね?あはは……フェスの水着考えるのに資料漁ってたんだ……え?今日はお休みにして、デート!?

Tamaki (OFF): Eh? Errm, hold on a second.

Tamaki: Thanks for waiting, boss. Sorry my place is a mess. Hahaha… I was looking for new swimsuit materials for the festival… Eh? You want me to take the day off… To go for a date!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: こちそうさまでした♪ふふっ、マカロンに紅茶、美味しかったぁ♪わたしとしては……、 オーナーくんとのデートなら、シェリー酒系のカクテルとか……よかったんだけどなぁ♥え……?お酒は夜になってから?むー、お休みデートなんだから、少しくらい、いいでしょ?でも、オーナーくん。なんで急に、お仕事お休みでデートな?

Tamaki: That was nice ♪ Heheh, the macarons and tea were great ♪ If I were to choose… I would have preferred a nice sherry cocktail…on a date with you ♥ Hm…? Alcohol only when it gets dark? Come on, it's a date, a little cocktail won't hurt anyone. Anyway, boss. Why'd you suddenly decide we'd take some time off for a date?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……え?これって、「誕生日ケーキ」!?あ、あれ?今日って何回だっけ?あっちゃー……明日だと思ってた……はぁ、女の子失格ね……「働きすぎだ」って?うーん、確かに、今回は根を詰めすぎてたかも。じゃあ今日は、「お休みデート」改め「バースデーデート」♥オーナーくんに、いっぱい甘えちゃおうかな♥ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーくん♥それじゃあ……いっぱい遊ぶぞ〜!♪ん?「その前に」って……?

Tamaki: …Eh? A…birthday cake!? Wait a minute, what is today's date…? Oh dear… I could have sworn it was tomorrow. *sigh* I've failed as a woman… I'm overworking? Well, maybe I am pushing myself too hard this time. Well then, this is now a "birthday date" instead ♥ I wonder if you'll spoil me lots, boss ♥ Heheh ♪ Thank you, boss ♥ Now the real fun begins ♪ Hm? Before we begin…?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わぁ!これって……新しい水着?わぁ〜……すごくきれい……♥ありがとう、オーナーくん♪

Tamaki: Oh! A new…swimsuit? Wow… It's so beautiful ♥ Thank you, boss ♪

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ん〜♪ケーキも食べたし、一目たっぷり遊んだし!とってもいい誕生日ね♥それに……♪オーナーくんと、二人きりのデートも♥嬉しい♥……ん?これも、お仕事だから?ふふっ、その照れ方、オーナーくんらしいわね♪でも、全部わかってるんだから♥……ありがと♥それより……ねぇねぇ、オーナーくん♪どう?オーナーくんがくれたこの水着……「好き」?……うふふっ♪ありがと♥素直でよろしい♥オーナーくんが選んでくれたから、ってだけじゃなくて、この水着、本当に結麗で……わたしも「好き」よ♥ふふ♪ねぇ、オーナーくん♥記念に一枚、お願いしてもいいかな?……じゃあ、絢麗に撮ってね♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Mmm ♪ I got to eat cake, and had a great time with you today. What a great birthday ♥ Also ♪ A date with just the two of us ♥ Made me really happy ♥ Hm? Just doing your job? Heheh, that's so like you to get embarrassed ♪ But I already know everything… So thank you ♥ Thank you ♥ That aside… Hey, boss ♪ This swimsuit you got me. You…like it? Heheheh ♪ Thanks ♥ I like how straightforward you are ♥ I'm not saying this because you got it for me… But this swimsuit is really beautiful… And I like it too ♥ Heheh ♪ Hey boss ♥ how about a pic to commemorate this moment?Take a good one, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ♪ありがと♥二人の「バースデーデート」の想い出ね♥

Tamaki: Heheh ♪ Thank you ♥ Perfect to commemorate our birthday date ♥

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 今日は、いいお休みになったし、楽しかった♥……オーナーくんも、無理しちゃダメよ?「仕事が楽しいから、大丈夫」って……もう!そういうのが、一番危ないんだからね?……ふふっ♪お互い、たまに休んで……デートしましょ♥あ、でも……仕事の手は抜いちゃダメだからね♪働いてるオーナーくん、かっこいいんだから♥あ!オーナーくん、今照れたでしょ♪ふふ〜ん♪わたしの目はごまかせないわよ♥え……!?いてるわたしも崎麗だって……ちょ、ちょっと!いきなりそんなこと言われても……オーナーくん、その返しは卑怯ー!……うふふ♪でも、うれしいかな。ありがと♥ねぇ、オーナーくん♪もうしばらく、ここで一緒にいてくれない?……だめ!?もう、そこはうなづくところじゃないの?次に行くところを、決めてあるから?……みんなで、パーティーを導備しくれてるの?ふふっ♪さすが、オーナーくん、準備万端ね♪でも……もう少したけ、オーナーくんを独り占めしていたいな♥わたし、欲張りだから……もう一つだけブプレゼント♪ね?……いいでしょ?♥

Tamaki: I had a nice day off today, and it was super fun ♥ You too, don't push yourself too much okay? You're "fine because work is fun?"Hey! Overworking can be dangerous, you know? Heheh ♪ Let's both remember to take breaks, and go on a date again sometime ♥ Oh, but… That doesn't mean you can slack off ♪ You look cool when you're hard at work, boss ♥ Aha! I can see you blushing, boss ♪ Hahaa ♪ You can't fool these eyes of mine ♥ Huh…!? When I'm working…I'm beautiful too? H-hold on! That's not fair… Saying such things out of the blue! Heheheh ♪ But I'm happy you said it. Thanks ♥ Boss? Could you stay here with me, just for a little longer? …No!? You're supposed to agree in that situation! You have already decided on our next desTamakition? Everyone…is getting a party ready for me? Heheh ♪ You're always a step ahead of the game, boss ♪ But still… I'd like to spend a little more time with you boss, just the two of us ♥ You know how greedy I am ♪ So let me have this lest present ♥ Alright?

Episode 5: Tamaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! (たまきちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 6: Nice Smell (いい匂い)[]


DOAXVV Tamaki Birthday Scene1 (타마키 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……あ、オーナーくん♪そろそろ来てくれる頃かな、って思ってたわ♥ふふっ、せっかくの誕生日だもの♪特別扱い、してもらわないとね♥じゃあ、誕生日パーティーの会場まで、一緒にエスコート、よろしくね♥ふふっ、みんなには、プレゼント代わりに思う存分イタズラさせて貰っちゃおうかな〜♪……え?「何かいい匂いがする」って……?きっと、外から漂ってきた、パーティー会場の匂いじゃない?「部屋の中からの匂いみたい」って……ほら、早く行きましょ?みんな待ってるんだから♪……女の子を待たせちゃ、ダメよ♥

Tamaki: …Ah, it's you, boss ♪ I had a feeling you'd be showing up any minute ♥ Heheh, it is my birthday, after all ♪ So you'll be treating me extra special, right? Anyway…I expect you'll be escorting me to the party for my special day ♥ Heheh, maybe I'll just prank everyone till I'm satisfied, instead of getting presents ♪ …Hm? Something "smells good?" Must be coming from outside… A smell from the party hall, right? From "inside this room?" Let's get going, okay? Everyone must be waiting ♪ … It's never good to keep a girl waiting ♥

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あっ、オーナーくん、パーティー楽しんでる?わたし?もちろん♪みんなから、順にプレゼントをもらってる最中よ♥……え?「ちょうどよかった」って?

Tamaki: Oh, boss. Enjoying the party? Am I? Of course ♪ I'm right in the middle of getting my gifts ♥ …Hm? "What perfect timing," you say?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わっ、ステキな水着♪ありがとう、オーナーくん♥「ペリドット」の水着かぁ……さすがオーナーくんね♪わたしに似合う水着、わかってくれてる♥「似合うかどうか、すぐ確かめたい」って……ふふっ♪あせらないの。オーナーくんになら、なんでも着て見せてあげるから♥

Tamaki: Wow, such a fantastic swimsuit ♪ Thanks, boss ♥ A "peridot" swimsuit… You always nail it, boss ♪ You know this would look perfect on me ♥ You wanna see how it looks "right away?" Heheh ♪ No need to get all panicked. I'll wear it as many times as you want ♥

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: どう?オーナーくん……これ、好き?「似合ってる」?うん、ありがとう。オーナーくんの見立て通りね♥でも、ちょっと返事、違うんじゃない?……ほら、ちゃんと、質問に答えて♥……うふふっ♥うん、いい返事♥ね、オーナーくん。「ペリドット」の石言葉、知ってる?「信じる心」?ふふっ、他にもあるはずだけど……?例えば……『運命の押』とか♥……ふふっ♪照れちゃった?はい、じゃあ、写真撮りましょ♪オーナーくんの「したいこと」、わかってるんだから♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: What do you think, boss? You like it? "Looks good?…" Thanks. Just as you thought, boss ♥ That's not what I was looking for, though? Come on now, it's time for answers ♥ …Heheh ♥ That's what I wanted to hear ♥ Boss… Do you know what the "peridot" stone is a symbol of? "A symbol of faith?" Hehe, I think there's another meaning too though… Like…a "bond of destiny." ♥ …Heheh ♪ Now I'm embarrassed ♪ Let's take those pics now ♪ I know exactly what you want me to "do." ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: どう?綺麗に撮れた?じゃ、パーティーに戻る前に……ひとつ、いいかな?パーティーのあと、また、この場所で……ね?ふふっ、女の子を待たせちゃ、ダメよ♥

Tamaki: Well? Did they turn out nice? Before we go back to the party… Can I ask you a favor? Let's meet here again when the party's over…'kay? Heheh, never keep a girl waiting ♥

Episode 7: After-party for Two (二人だけの二次会)[]


DOAXVV Tamaki Birthday Scene2 (타마키 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Tamaki after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あっ、オーナーくん、来てくれたんだ♪ふふっ♪じゃあ、今度はわたしが……オーナーくんをエスコートしてあげる♥じゃ、行きましょ♪

Tamaki: Oh, there you are, boss ♪ Heheh ♪ This time I'll be your escort ♥ Shall we go?

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ♪驚いた?オーナーくんと「二人きり」の誕生日パーティー♪いつものお礼に、頑張って準備したんだ♥……どう?感動した?迎えに来てくれた時、お料理の匂い隠すの忘れちゃって。バレたりしないか心配だったんだけど……ああいう時は、知らないフリをするものよ?……デリカシーが大切なんだから♪……なんて♪ほら、早く席について♪えっ?「その前に」って……?

Tamaki: Heheh ♪ Are you surprised? A birthday party, with just the two of us ♪ I did my best to repay you for all you've done ♥ So…are you impressed? When you came to get me, I forgot to hide the smell of my cooking, and I was worried you might figure it out… You need to feign ignorance in a case like that. Sensitivity is an important trait, you know ♪ What am I saying… Have a seat ♪ Hm? "Before that?"

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: これ……指輪!?ペリドットの……もう、オーナーくん、困るな……これじゃ、わたしの方がサプライズじゃない…………ホントに貰っていいの?ふふっ♪じゃ、貰ってあげる♪ありがとう、オーナーくん♥嬉しい……!

Tamaki: This is…a ring!? A peridot ring… Wow, what am I gonna do with you, boss… Now I'm more surprised than you were… …Can I really have it? Heheh ♪ Then I'll take you up on this ♪ Thank you, boss ♥ This makes me really happy…!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 綺麗な指輪ね……月の光に輝いてる。この水着にも、夜のパーティーにもピッタリね♪もう一度間くけど……ね、オーナーくん。……「ペリドット」の石言葉、知ってる?『信頼』……『運命の辞』……それに…………これ以上は、まだ早いかな?ふふっ、今日はおいしいお酒が飲めそう♪オーナーくんと、二人だけの「二次会」なんだから♥えっ?……ペリリドットのもう一つの石言葉?『肝臓の時気に効く』って……飲みすぎに注意ってこと?あははっ♪さすが、オーナーくんね♪……最高のパートナーとして、これからも、わたしの面倒、見てよね♥ね……オーナーくん♥

Tamaki: What a pretty ring…shining in the moonlight. It goes so perfectly with this swimsuit and our party tonight ♪ I wanted to ask you again, boss… About what peridot symbolizes…. Do you know? "Faith…" "Bond of Destiny…" And… There's something else, but am I jumping the gun? Heheh, I should drink some delicious wine today ♪ It is our "after-party," right? Just you and me ♥ Hm? One other thing "peridot" does? "Fights liver ailments?" So…you're telling me not to drink too much? Hahaha ♪ You're always so clever, boss ♪ Keep looking after me, okay? …As your number one partner ♥ Boss ♥

Episode 8: With You (Tamaki) (ウィズ・ユー(たまき))[]


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Tamaki's live change episode.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Peek in!!Tamaki's live change episode.2

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Okay, I'll be changing. If you peek… Maybe I'll make you do a little something ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Heheh, do you like this? Hehe… Heheheh… What do you think, boss?

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 9: I Already Know ♥ (わかるんだから♥)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: やっほー、オーナーくん♪今日はとっても楽しいパーティーありがとう♥ふふーん♪パーティー、とっても楽しくて、ついはしゃいじやった♪え……酔ってないか、って?えっと、そうね…………ちょっと、酔っちゃったかも……ねえ、オーナーくん。どこか、静かなところ……連れてってくれないかな♥

Tamaki: Yoohoo, boss ♪ Thank you for the super fun party today ♥ Hehehhh ♪ It was so darn fun, you've got me dancing around here ♪ Hm? You think I'm drunk? Well, that's uh… Maybe I'm a little buzzed… Hey, boss. Think you could maybe…take me somewhere nice and quiet?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ、エスコートありがと♪……ここならニ人きりね、オーナーくん♥わたしに、何か用があるんでしょ?さ……なんでも言って♥

Tamaki: Heheh… Thanks for the escort ♪ We're all alone here, boss ♥ And I'm sure there's something you want to do, right? You can tell me anything ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: きゃっ、誕生日プレゼント?綺麗な青……素敵な水着ね♪さすがオーナーくん、わたしが喜ぶこと、よくわかってる♥ここで、すぐ見たい……でしょ?わたしも、オーナーくんが喜ぶこと、知ってるんだから♥ふふっ♪じゃ、着替えてあげる♪だから……少しだけ、待っててね♥

Tamaki: Oh…! A birthday present? What a pretty shade of blue…it's an awesome swimsuit ♪ You know exactly what makes me happy, boss ♥ You wanna see me in it, right here, right now…don't you? I know how to make you happy too, boss ♥ Heheh ♪ I'll slip into it for you ♪ So…wait just a minute, 'kay?

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: お待たせ、オーナーくん♥……どう?似合ってるかな?ふふっ♪よかった♥なんだか、少しだけ緊張しちゃった。どうして、って……オーナーくんが用意してくれた「特別な水着」だから♥まるでドレスみたいね♪花をモチーフに……これは、トルコキキョウ……かな?あっ、そっか!わたしの誕生花!?オーナーくん、さすがね。女の子はこういうのに弱いの♥えっ、わたしはどうなのか、って……ふふっ♪もちろん、とっても嬉しい。オーナーくんの「特別な気持ち」が、伝わってくるから♪ね、せっかくだから、撮影して欲しいな♪オーナーくん専属の「モデル」として、気合入れちゃう♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Thanks for waiting, boss ♥ What do you think…? Does it look good on me? Heheh ♪ Glad to hear that ♥ I kind of feel…a little nervous now. Why…? Well, I have this "special swimsuit" you got, just for me ♥ It reminds me of a dress ♪ With a flower motif… Is this a… Lisianthus? Oh really?! So it's my birth flower? You know exactly how to make a girl swoon ♥ What do I think? Heheh ♪ Of course I'm super happy, 'cause you shared your "special feelings" for me through this gift ♪ You know what… Since we're here like this, take some pics ♪ I'll be your own private model, boss ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……どう、綺麗に撮れたかな?よかった、オーナーくんに喜んでもらえたみたいで♪モデルとしても、パートナーとしても、嬉しい♥じゃ、パーティーに戻ろっか♪オーナーくんと二人、「お色直し」して戻ったら……うふふっ♪……え?パーティーのあとで、会いたい……?……わかった♪楽しみにしてる♥

Tamaki: So…did you get some nice ones? I'm so glad, you seem really happy about this ♪ And as your model and partner, that happiness rubs off on me ♥ Should we get back to the party now? Going back together with you after changing…heheh ♪ Hm…? You wanna see me again after the party…? You got it ♪ I am so into this ♥

Episode 10: Thin Towel Wrap (Tamaki) (うすかわたけのこ(たまき))[]

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Okay, I'll be changing. If you peek… Maybe I'll make you do a little something ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Heheh, do you like this? Hehe… Heheheh… What do you think, boss?

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 11: Look me in the Eyes and Say It ♥ (目を見て言って♥)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tamaki her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……オーナーくん♪こんな夜中に呼び出すなんて、ダイタンね♥ふふっ♪待ってたんだから。……さ、オトナの時間……楽しみましょ♥その前に、渡したい物がある……?

Tamaki: Boss ♪ It's so bold of you to ask for me this late at night ♥ Heheh ♪ I've been waiting, so let's enjoy some adult time together ♥ There's something you wanna give me first?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わぁ……綺麗……♥これ、トルコキキョウのブーケ……!?ふふっ、素敵ね♪何があるのか、覚悟してきたつもりだったけど……ふふっ♪オーナーくんには、かなわないかな♥

Tamaki: Wow, how beautful ♥ A bouquet of… Lisianthus!? Heheh, this is outstanding ♪ I came here expecting…something else to happen, but… Heheh ♪ You've exceeded my expectations, boss ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 花束を貰うのって、お仕事では何度かあったけど……ふふっ♪プライベートは、オーナーくんが初めてかも♥……まだ、ドキドキしてる♪だって、本当に嬉しいから……♥

Tamaki: I've received a few bouquets at work, but… Heheh ♪ This one from you might be the first I've ever gotten in my personal life ♥ My heart is still racing ♪ I mean, I am so happy right now ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: お誕生日の……オーナーくんとの初めての想い出……大切にするね♥

Tamaki: It's my first birthday memory with you, boss… I'll cherish it ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: え?トルコキキョウの花言葉……?うーん、そうねえ…………ふふっ♪じゃあ……わたしの目を見て、言ってみて♥ふふーん♪知らないと思った?デザイナーなんだから、そういうのは詳しいの♪ドレスみたいな水着に、生花のプーケ。……オーナーくんの気持ち、分かってるけど…………ね?言ってみて♥うふふ♪ありがと。……遠しい♥じゃあ、わたしからも。トルコキキョウの花言葉は…………「あなたを、想う」。これからも、よろしくね。……オーナーくん♥……じゃ、誕生日の二次会、二人で楽しみましょ♥今夜は、とことん飲むんだから♪え? 「酔うのはほどほどに」って……ふふっ♪お酒には酔ってないけど……オーナーくんには、酔っちゃったかな♥……責任、とってよね♥

Tamaki: Hm? What the Lisianthus symbolizes? Well, let's see… Heheh ♪ Okay…look me in the eyes and tell me ♥ Hehehhh ♪ Did you think I didn't know? As a designer I know all about this stuff ♪ A swimsuit that looks like a dress, and a bouquet of my birth flowers. I know how you feel but… Go ahead and say it, okay? Heheh ♪ Thank you… That makes me happy ♥ I'll say it too… The Lisianthus is a symbol of… "Thinking about you." Let's keep it going, boss. This thing we have ♥ Time to enjoy my afterparty, but just with the two of us ♥ I'm gonna drink the night away ♪ Hm? I shouldn't get too drunk? Heheh ♪ The thing is, I'm not drunk on alcohol, boss… I'm drunk on you ♥ So take responsibility, okay?

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Tamaki) (S・ショコラティエ(たまき))[]

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Okay, I'll be changing. If you peek… Maybe I'll make you do a little something ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Heheh, do you like this? Hehe… Heheheh… What do you think, boss?

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 13: Riddle Gust (Tamaki) (なぞの突風(たまき))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Tamaki) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(たまき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 今日も、遅くまでお疲れさま。ねぇ……二人きりになっちゃったね♥

Tamaki: Thank you for your hard work until late today. Shall we?...... You're alone. ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): え……足裏マッサージ?「れが取れる」って……ふーん♪じゃあ……♥

Tamaki (OFF): Eh...... Foot massage? I said, "I can get it." ♪ Well, then... ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……はい、どうぞ♪あなたのマッサージで……気持ちよくしてね♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: ...... Yes, please ♪ with your massage...... Make me feel good. ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: どう……♥「あなたの疲れ」は、取れたかな?うふっ 二人だけの時間……好きにしていいよ♥

Tamaki: How about... ♥ Did you get "your tiredness"? Oh, it's time for two people. You can do as you like. ♥

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Tamaki) (愛の妙薬 (たまき))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Tamaki) (甘い香りに誘われて(たまき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ふふっ、だーれだ?……ね、ちょっと、いい?

Tamaki (OFF): Hold on, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん、はい、これ♥……やっぱり、恥ずかしいね。本気だから……かな。受け取らでくれてよかった。ふふっ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった♥オーナーくんっ♥このまま朝まで一緒に……ふふっ、冗談♥また明日ね?

Tamaki: This is for you, boss ♥ It's kind of embarrassing, after all…Maybe because…its from the heart… Thank you for accepting it. Heheh, I got a little nervous there ♥ Boss ♥ Let's stay together like this until dawn. Heheh…Just kidding ♥ See you tomorrow.

Episode 17: Sunset at the Park (Tamaki) (あかね色の公園で(たまき))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん、はい、これ♥……やっぱり、恥ずかしいね。本気だから……かな。受け取らでくれてよかった。ふふっ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった♥オーナーくんっ♥このまま朝まで一緒に……ふふっ、冗談♥また明日ね?

Tamaki: This is for you, boss ♥ It's kind of embarrassing, after all…Maybe because…its from the heart… Thank you for accepting it. Heheh, I got a little nervous there ♥ Boss ♥ Let's stay together like this until dawn. Heheh…Just kidding ♥ See you tomorrow.

Episode 18: White Prince (Tamaki) (ホワイト・プリンス(たまき))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



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Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



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Japanese English translation




If Tamaki acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



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Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Goddess Night's Dream (Tamaki) (女神の夜の夢(たまき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: こんばんは、オーナーくん。遅いよ……わたし、待ってたんだから♡撮影会?ふふっ、もちろん。どんなポーズでも、してあげる♡ほら、好きにしていいよ?♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Good evening, owner. You're late. ...... I've been waiting for you ♡ Photo session? I'll do any pose you want, can do whatever you want, right? ♡♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わたし、まだ物足りないなぁ……オーナーくんも、そうでしょ?ね?ふふっ、プロの仕事、見せてあげる♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: I'm still not satisfied. ...... owner, aren't you? I'm not satisfied yet. I'll show you my professional work, handsome.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: うふっ……ねぇ、オーナーくん♡

Tamaki: ugh ...... Hey, handsome owner!

Episode 20: Kind-Hearted (気立ての良さ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Tamaki: はぁい、オーナーくん♪わたしの誕生日パーティー、楽しんでくれてる?それとも……わたしがずっと傍にいないと、楽しめない……かな?♡なんて……ふぅん♪そっか。ねえ、オーナーくん、食べ足りないんじゃない?あっちに、おいしそうなデザートがあるから、一緒に行こ♡ほらほら、は・や・く♡

Tamaki: Hey, Boss ♪ Are you enjoying my birthday party? Or maybe… You always need me by your side to have a good time? ♡ Just kidding… Heheh ♪ Oh… Boss, I don't think you've had enough to eat. The desserts over there look delicious…Let's go get some ♡ Come on, move it ♡

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tamaki: え……?おいしそうなデザート?ふふっ♪う・そ、よ♡だって、オーナーくん、わたしと二人きりになりたそうだったから♪どう?当たってたら、嬉しいんだけど。……よかった。わたし一人が、「その気」だったんじゃなくて♡さあ、オーナーくん……なにしよっか♡

Tamaki: Hm? The delicious desserts? Heheh ♪ I was lying about that ♡ I mean… It seems like you wanted to be alone with me ♪ Was I right? I'll be so happy if I was. …Yay. I wasn't the only one then ♡ So Boss… What should we do now? ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tamaki: えっ?これ……プレゼント?そっか。誕生日の水着。用意してくれてたんだ。さすが、オーナーくんね♪ありがと♡じゃあ、さっそくお礼に……オーナーくんを喜ばせてあげよっかな♪ちょっとだけ、待っててね♡

Tamaki: Huh? Is this…a gift? Oh… You got me a birthday swimsuit. As expected, you know what a girl wants, Boss ♪ Thanks ♡ And to express my gratitude… I'll do something to make you happy ♪ Hold on a minute, okay? ♡

Scene 4
Japanese English

Tamaki: うふっ、どう?オーナーくん♪可愛い色なのに、けっこうダイタンな水着ね♪オーナーくんは、こういうのが好きなんだ♡フルーツの 「桃」をイメージしたの?うん、とっても良く出来てると思うわ♪桃の色だけじゃなくて……柔らかな質感に、繊細で滑らかなライン、それに……ふふっ♪甘くて、女性的で、とってもセクシー♡……でしょ♪ふうん、 「桃」はわたしの誕生日の果物なんだ。「気立ての良さ」って言葉があるの?でも……うーん、気立てかぁ……ごめんね?わたし、そういうのは得意じゃないかも。……え?ぴったりだと思う?さっきもそうだったけど。気立てがよくて、理想の……?ちょ、ちょっと、それダメ……!わたし、そういうの照れちゃうから……はぁ、びっくりした……もう、突然なんだもの……でも……ふふっ、嬉しい。じゃあ、水着と、褒めてもらったお礼、しなきゃね♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: …Heheh, well Boss? ♪ It's such a cute color, yet so bold at the same time ♪ I didn't know you like this kind of thing, Boss ♡ The design is based on "peaches"…? Uh-huh, I think it turned out really well ♪ Not only the peachy color, but… The soft texture, its delicate, smooth lines, and… Heheh ♪ It's so sweet, feminine, and very sexy ♡ …Isn't it? ♪ Oh… So the "peach" is my birth fruit. And something to do with being "kind-hearted"? Hmm… Kind-hearted, huh… Yeah, sorry… That's not something I excel at… …Hm? It fits me perfectly? Just a bit ago, I was kind hearted, and the ideal…? H-Hey, stop that…! You're starting to embarrass me… *sigh* I didn't expect that so out of the blue. But… Heheh, I'm happy you said that. I better repay you for the swimsuit and the compliment ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Tamaki: どう、オーナーくん♪……満足した?もう少し、こうして二人でいたいけど……そろそろ、みんなのところに戻らないとね♡まだ満足してない……?もう、わがまま言わないの♪……なんて、じつはわたしもそうなんだけど♪え?パーティーのあと……?ふふっ♪ダイタンなお誘いね♡……もちろん、オーケーよ♪楽しみにしてる♡

Tamaki: What do you think, Boss? ♪ …Are you satisfied? I wish we could do this a little longer together, but… We should probably get back to the others soon ♡ Still not satisfied…? Don't be so selfish ♪ What am I saying, I'm just as bad ♪ Hm? After the party…? Heheh ♪ What a bold invitation ♡ Of course I'm okay with it ♪ I can't wait ♡

Episode 21: Who's Captive to Whom? (どっちがどっちの?)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tamaki her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tamaki: オーナーくん、おまたせ♡ごめん、みんなとお話してたら、少し遅れちゃった。じゃあ、お詫びに、オーナーくんの言うこと、なんでも一つ聞いてあげる♡……「本当になんでもいいか」って?ふふっ♪オーナーくんの、好きにしていいよ♡……え?目を閉じて……?なに?ちょっと楽しみね♪……さ、どこからでも、どうぞ♡

Tamaki: Thanks for waiting, Boss ♡ Sorry, I was talking with the girls so I'm a little late. And to make up for it… I'll do anything you tell me, but just once ♡ Do I really mean "anything"? Heheh ♪ Ask for whatever you want, Boss ♡ Hm? Close my eyes? Ooh…this is getting fun ♡ Anywhere you want is fine ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tamaki (OFF): え?目を開けていいの……?

Tamaki (OFF): I can open my eyes now…?

Scene 4
Japanese English

Tamaki: きゃぁっ!?……これ……わたしの誕生日ケーキ?とっても大きくて、綺麗で……素敵なサプライズプレゼントね♡ふふっ、さすがオーナーくん♪……惚れちゃいそう♡えっ……桃には「わたしはあなたの虜」って言う意味があるの?……それ、どっちが、どっちの虜……なのかしら。ふふっ、ねえ、オーナーくんは……どう♡わたしの虜……?

Tamaki: Kyah…! Is this…my birthday cake? It's so big and beautiful… What a nice surprise gift ♡ Heheh, this is so like you, Boss ♪ …I think I'm falling in love ♡ Hm…? The peach also symbolizes being captivated by someone? So…who is captivated by who? Heheh, what do you think, Boss? ♡ Are you my captive?

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Tamaki: もちろん、わたしはぁ……オーナーくん、食べてもいいよ♡あーん♡

Tamaki: And of course, I am… You should have some, Boss ♡ Say "ahhhh" ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Tamaki: ……なんて♪ちょっとふざけ過ぎかな♪あらためて、オーナーくん。お祝いしてくれて、ありがと♡とっても楽しかったし……本当に、嬉しい♡それじゃあ……この後は、どうしよっか?わたし、まだ物足りないなぁ……オーナーくんも、そうでしょ?ね?桃のように、とろけるようなあま〜い時間……♡これから一緒に過ごしましょ♪ね、オーナーくん♡

Tamaki: …Oh my gosh ♪ Am I getting a little too playful? ♪ But anyway, Boss… Thanks for celebrating with me ♡ That was really fun… You've got me so happy right now ♡ So…what's happening after this? I still haven't had enough… And neither have you, right? Let's have a sweet time together, as sweet as a peach ♡ Melting into each other's arms ♪ Sound good, Boss? ♡

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー1 (たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー2(たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー3(たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー4 (たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー5(たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー6(たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Tamaki) (ひみつのシャワー7 (たまき))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tamaki.

Episode 29: Love Letter Maiden (Tamaki) (恋文フトメ(たまき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ねえ、わたしだけど……入っても、いい?

Tamaki: Hey, it's me… Mind if I come in?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: これ、今、渡したくて……ね?

Tamaki: I wanted to give this to you now, so…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ちょっとずかしいけど……いいよ♡

Tamaki: Sounds a little embarrassing, but I'm game ♡

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくんになら、許せる……な♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: If it's for you, I'm alright with it ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 特別、 だからね?♡

Tamaki: Just this time ♡

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Tamaki) (勝利のセレモニー (たまき))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Tamaki (たまきとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: Cancel everything. (全部キャンセルして♥)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: そっか、 今日はわたしの誕生日……か。オーナーくん、今年はどんなお祝いしてくれるのかな♪うーん、朝までパーティーもいいけど……♡それじゃ、 付き合わせた感じになっちゃうか……それに、そういうのは普段からやっちゃってるし……あはは……迷惑かけっぱなしよね…………うん、じゃあ……きーめたっ♡

Tamaki: I see, so today is my birthday....... I wonder what kind of celebration the owner will give me this year...hmmm, a party till morning would be nice,...... but that would make me feel like I was forced to go out with him......... and I usually do that kind of thing......... I've been doing that kind of thing on a regular basis,...... haha,...... and it's always been a nuisance,............ yeah, Well then,...... I'm done handsome!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん♡ ……わたしに何か用?愛の告白なら、いつでも聞いてあげるけど♡ふふっ♪なに赤くなってるの?いまさら、 そんな間柄でもないでしょ♡……なんて♪……もちろん 「アレ」 の話よね?はい、いつでもいいわよ♡……どんな愛でも、わたしが受け取ってあげる♡

Tamaki: Owner-kun♡ ...... you want something from me? I'm always ready to hear your confession of love, but what are you blushing for? It's not like we're in that kind of relationship now ♡...... of course you're talking about "that thing", right? Yes, I'm ready anytime♡......I'll take any kind of love you want♡♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わぁ……♡これ、誕生日の水着ね♪お祝いしてくれてありがとう、 オーナーくん♪……オーナーくんの「愛」、 受け取ったわ♡それで……この水着。 すぐ着て欲しいんでしょ?……もちろん、 わかってる♡バッチリ着こなしてみせるから、 ちょっと待ってて♡それとも……着替えてるところも、見たい?ふふっ♪ なんて♡

Tamaki: Wow ...... ♡This is my birthday swimsuit ♡Thank you for celebrating me, owner......... I got your "love" ♡So... I got your "love", so.... You want me to wear it right away, don't you? ......Of course, I know, I'll make it look perfect, just wait a minute handsome or do you want to see me changing ......? Oh, you're such a handsome guy.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: うふふっ♪ 素敵な水着ね!こんなの着たら……テンション上がっちゃうわ♡でも、こんなクールな水着、 ちょっと意外だったかも♪オーナーくん、今日は「こういうわたし」 が見たいんだ♡……もちろん、たっぷり見せてあげる♡ほらほら、もっと近くで見ないと、勿体ないわよ♪……ん?果物の、 爽やかないい香りがする……?ふふーん♪ 気がついた?甘いけど、ちょっと刺激的なムードのある……カシスの香り。とっても素敵な水着だから、香水を合わせてみたくなったの♪デザイナーとしても、モデルとしても……あなたのヴィーナスとしても……ね♡じゃあ、オーナーくん!……撮影したいんでしょ?ふふっ♪ 今はあなただけの、 モデルになってあげる♡

Tamaki: Wow, that's a nice swimsuit! I'd be so excited ...... to wear such a handsome swimsuit, but this cool swimsuit might be a little unexpected... ♡Owner, I want to see "this kind of me" today♡...... of course, I'll show you plenty of it♡Here, here, you have to get a closer look, it's too good to be true♪ ...... Hmm? I can smell the fresh, delicious aroma of fruit. ......? Mmmmmm.......did you notice? It's a sweet but slightly pungent moody ...... blackcurrant scent. You want to ...... shoot, don't you? I'll be your very own handsome model for now.

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player has to directly interact to take a picture

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: うん、いい緊張感♡オーナーくんに見られてると思うと……ね♪それで、オーナーくん、このあとだけど……わたしの誕生日のお願い……聞いてくれる?ふふっ♪ 即答ね♡じゃあ……この後のお仕事も、予定も……ぜーんぶキャンセルして、わたしに付き合って……♡……いいでしょ?……ね♪オーナーくん♡

Tamaki: Yes, it's a good feeling of tension when I think that the handsome owner is watching me .......... Tamaki: Yeah, I'm really nervous when I think that the owner is watching me. I'll cancel my work and all my plans after this ...... and go out with you ....... You're a handsome man,......, aren't you? ...... right, handsome owner?

Episode 35: A birthday just for two (二人だけの誕生日)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tamaki the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……花火、綺麗ね……♪オーナーくん…… 花火とわたし、どっちが綺麗?ねぇ……言ってみて♡ほら……は・や・へ♡ひゃっ!?……そんな真剣な顔で言われたら……困るんだけど……もう、真面目に答えるの、 あなたらしいけど……ふふっ、ごめんね♪ でも、うれしい♡……で、どうだった?わたしとの、二人っきりのデート♪うふふっ♪ この水着と同じで、刺激的だったでしょ?……わたしも、 そう思ってたんだ♡オーナーくんとの、こういう「デートっぽいデート」 って、お仕事とか色々あって、なかなか出来ないでしょ?「仕事も予定も、どうにかするのに」 って……ふふっ♪ もう、やっぱり真面目に答えるんだから。……でも、 そういうところよ……♡……ありがと、 オーナーくん♡おかげで、素敵な誕生日だったわ♪……え?「渡したいもの」って、まだ何か……

Tamaki: ...... fireworks are beautiful,......♪ owner-kun,...... which is more beautiful, fireworks or me? Hey,...... say it♡Here,...... is a handsome handsome♡Hyah! If you say it with such a serious face,...... I'm in trouble,...... but it's just like you to answer seriously,...... but... I'm sorry...but I'm glad to hear that......... So how was it? I'm not sure if it's a good idea to be so serious.... ...... I was thinking the same thing, too... You don't get to have this kind of "date-like date" with the owner because of your work and other things, do you? I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work." ......  ......But that's just the way it is. ......Thanks, handsome owner, ......Thanks, handsome owner, it was a wonderful birthday!  ...... what? What do you mean, "something I want to give you"?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: これ……デート中のわたしの写真…… ?ふふっ♪ わたしったら、 こんな顔してたんだ♪……うん、どんなモデルしてる時より、いい顔してる♡……「いつもこうだったらいいのに」 って…………それはダーメ♡こんな顔……オーナーくんにしか見られたくないもの♡だから、 この写真は……わたしとオーナーくん、二人だけの秘密にしましょ♡

Tamaki: This is ...... a picture of me on a date......? I'm so handsome and I wish I could be like this all the time............. ......... that's a handsome face that only the owner wants to see♡...... so I took this picture ...... Let's keep it a secret between me and the owner♡♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……はい、誰にも見せないでね?♡……あははっ♪その顔……わたしも、オーナーくんの 「特別な顔」、見せてもらっちゃった♡うーん……たしかに「いつもそうだったら」 って思うけど……やっぱり……他の誰にも見られたくないし……見せたくないな♡だから、 また、 二人っきりで。……予定も、お仕事もぜーんぶキャンセルして……ね♡

Tamaki: ......Yes, don't let anyone see it, okay? I also got to see the owner's "special face"♡......♡Hahaha♪ I also got to see the owner's "special face"♡ Hmmm......It's true that "if it was always like that"♡ but I don't want anyone else to see it...... I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I don't want anyone else to see it,...... and I don't want to show it to anyone else,...... so it's just the two of us again. I'll cancel ...... all my plans and work, too,...... ♡♡

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ね……今日はまだ、終わりじゃないわよね?♡……もうちょっとだけ、 わがまま言ってもいい……?じゃあ……二人でお誕生日パーティー、 したいな♪……もちろん、 朝まで♡……嫌だなんて言わせないんだから♪付き合ってくれるわよね?……オーナーくん♡

Tamaki: Hey ...... today is not over yet, right? Can I be a little bit more selfish ......? Then ...... I want to have a birthday party with you. ...... Of course, I won't say no to you until the wee hours of the morning ♡...... You'll go with me, won't you? ...... owner♡

Episode 36: Bitter♡Sweet (Tamaki) (ビター♡スイート(たまき))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん……二人っきりね♡さぁ、はじ・め・ま・しょ♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Owner-kun...... Alone ♡ for two people, haji-me-ma-sho ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、これは……わたしから、プレゼント♡

Tamaki: Well, this is a handsome present from me at ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: もっと、見てほしいな。 わたしのこと♡

Tamaki: I want you to see more of me. I want you to see more of me ♡.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくんだけだから、ね♡

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: It's just the owner, you know ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.

(Camera flash)

Episode 37: Tamaki's Seventh Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Tamaki's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Tamaki's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 39: Secret Esthetic Time (Tamaki)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Tamaki's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Once In A While (たまにはいいでしょ)[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Leifang extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): ふふっ、来ちゃった♪

Leifang: あの、これ、受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……たまにはこういうのも、いいでしょ?オーナーさん♥ふふ……じゃあ、また明日ね♪

Leifang (OFF): Heheh. I'm here ♪

Leifang: Um, I hope you'll accept this gift from me… It's nice to do something like this once in a while, right? Boss ♥ Heheh… Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 写真を撮りたいの?別にいいけど……変なのはダメよ?さ、どこからでも、かかってらっしゃい♪

(Camera flash)

Leifang: You want to take pics? I guess that's fine, but no weird stuff. Take them from any angle you want ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 感謝しでよね?恥ずかしいんだから。

Leifang: Be thankful I'm doing this. It's pretty embarrassing…

Episode 2: Which one am I? (わたしはどっち?)[]


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene (2019 레이팡 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 28 - Which one am I?

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……ふう、ちょっと疲れちゃった。祝ってもらうのはうれしいけど、意外と気を遣うのよね……

Leifang: Whew… I'm getting a little tired. It's nice everyone's celebrating for me, but it is kind of overwhelming.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……って、オーナーさん!?い、いつからそこに……え?涼んでた、って……パーティーを抜け出して?ちょっと……、今日は私の誕生日でしょ?こんなところにいるなんて、どーゆーこと?ほら、しどろもどろにならないの!慌てなくてもいいわよ。顔、真っ赤じゃない、熱でもあるんじゃない?……大丈夫?

Leifang: …B-Boss!? How long have you been standing there? Oh, so you left the party… Just to get some fresh air? Excuse me… Today's my birthday. What are you doing out here when there's a party? Would you stop rambling? It's nothing to get panicked over. Oh my gosh, your face is beet red. Are you feeling okay?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……え?なによ、これ?これ、誕生日ケーキ!?もしかして、これを渡すために?じゃあ、さっき「涼んでた」って言ったのは…………もう、なに照れでるのよ。こっちまで、恥ずかしくなっちゃうじゃない…………ん?もう一つ?これは……わたしへの「特別な贈り物」……?

Leifang: Hm? What's this? My birthday cake!? Is that why you came out here? So you had more in mind than just "getting some fresh air." Why are you so embarrassed? It's starting to rub off on me… Hm? There's one more? A "special gift" for me?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ……素敵じゃない!これ、もらっていいの?嬉しい……

Leifang: Wow… This is awesome! Can I really have it? Thank you…

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……どう……かしら、オーナーさん?……見とれてないで、なにか言ってよ?わたしだって、恥ずかしいんだから ……!写真……?ふふっ♪早く、撮ってよ……♥

Camera flash

Leifang: What do you think, boss…? Stop staring at me and say something! I'm getting pretty embarrassed here…! Oh, a pic? Heheh ♪ Well, hurry up and take it ♥

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 牡牛座には 、二つの神話がある牡牛座にはね、二つの神話があるの。……知ってる?「娘に一目惚れした神様が、牡牛になってその娘を連れ去る話」と……「浮気がばれそうになった神様が、その娘を牡牛にしちゃう話」。……どっちも同じ神様なの。わたしって、牡牢に連れ去られるのかしら、……それとも牡牛にされちゃうのかしら?オーナーさん、浮気は、ダ・ス・よ?なーんでね♪そろそろ、みんなのいるパーティーに戻りましょ?……それとも、牡牛になって、わたしを連れ去っちゃう?ふふっ……♪

Leifang: Hey, there's two stories behind Taurus the Bull. Do you know them? The first one is about a god who falls in love with a girl, so he changes into a bull and carries her off. The other one says the god is about to get caught cheating, so he turns his lover into a bull. It's the same god is [sic] in both stories. Am I the type he'd turn into a mighty bull to take me away, or would he turn ME into the bull? Now now boss… No cheating on me, okay? Just kidding ♪ Shall we get back to that party? Or are you about to change into a mighty bull and carry me off far away? Heheh ♪

Episode 3: Hebijo Ninja Suit (Leifang) (蛇女子学(レイファン))[]

Japanese English translation

Leifang: 写真を撮りたいの?別にいいけど……変なのはダメよ?さ、どこからでも、かかってらっしゃい♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Leifang: 感謝しでよね?恥ずかしいんだから。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: You want to take pics? I guess that's fine, but no weird stuff. Take them from any angle you want ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Leifang: Be thankful I'm doing this. It's pretty embarrassing…

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 4: You know what I like ♪ (わかってるじゃない♪)[]


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene1 (레이팡 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): オーナーさん、入るわよ?

Leifang: なにかしら?パーティーの途中なのに、部屋に来てほしい……だなんて。具合でも悪いの?おかゆでも作ってあげましょうか?えっ?今は違う用があるから、また今度?ならいいけど……「用」ってなあに?ふふっ♪パーティー中のわたしを呼び出すだなんて、よほど、「大切な用事」なんでしょうね?えっ?大切なプレゼント?

Leifang (OFF): Boss, I'm coming in…

Leifang: What's wrong? Why did you want me to come to your room, in the middle of a party? Are you feeling under the weather? Should I make you some porridge? Hm? There's something more important at the moment? That's fine…what is it? Heheh ♪ Asking me to come here during the party, seems like it's something really important. Hm? An important gift?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ、素敵な水着!たしかに、これは「大切な用事」ね♪なかなかやるじゃない、オーナーさん♪ふーん、ダイヤモンドをモチーフにした水着なの?わたしがそれだけ綺麗……ってことかしら。ダイヤモンドの石言葉は「完壁」に「清浄無垢」……?ふふっ、オーナーさんもわかってるじゃない♪そうね。せっかくプレゼントしてもらったんだし……オーナーさんに、「完壁」なわたしを見せてあげるわ。ちょっと待ってなさい♪

Leifang: Wow… What an awesome swimsuit! This was definitely "important" ♪ You have great taste, boss ♪ Hmm… So it's a diamond-themed swimsuit. Are you saying that I'm as beautiful as diamonds? Diamonds are a symbol of "completion" and "purity?" Heheh… You sure know me well, boss ♪ Of course, now that you got me this gift… Let me show you the "complete" version of me. Hold on a minute ♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: はい、オーナーさん♪どうかしら?もう……見てるだけじゃなくて、何か、言ってくれてもいいんじゃない?えっ?見惚れてた?すごく似合ってるって……ふふっ、当然ね♪じゃあ、プレゼントのお礼に、写真を撮らせてあげようかしら♪カメラの準備くらい、してあるんでしょ?「ダイヤモンドみたいに」綺麗に撮ってよね♪

Camera flash

Leifang: Here, boss ♪ Like what you see? Come on… Instead of just staring at me like that, a few words would be nice. Hm? Too enamored for words? …It looks absolutely fitting? Heheh… Of course I do ♪ How about I'll let you snap a few pics of me in return ♪ You do have a camera ready, right? Make me "shine like a diamond" ♪

Camera flash

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ねえ、縞麗に撮れた?そう、よかった。ま、モデルがいいから、当然ね♪えっ?パーティーのあとで来てほしい場所がある?なによ、改まって……ふふっ♪素敵なプレゼントをもらったんだし、いいわよ。そのお願い、聞いてあげるわ。……でも、まずはこのドレスをみんなに見せなきゃね♪ありがと、いい「お色直し」になったわ。じゃあ、また後で会いましょ。あんまり女の子を待たせたらダメよ、オーナーさん?

Leifang: Did you get some nice shots? Glad to hear it. I am a great model, after all ♪ Eh? There's somewhere you want me to go after the party? What's this all about? Heheh ♪ I love this gift you got me, so why not. I'll grant you your wish. …But first, I wanna show everyone this dress ♪ Thanks for giving me something nice to change into. See you again later, then. Just remember not to keep a girl waiting, boss.

Episode 5: I can't leave you alone (放っておけない)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Leifang after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene2 (레이팡 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、オーナーさん?ふふっ、約束した時間より早く来るだなんて、感心ね。ま、わたしが相手なんだから、当然だけど♪どうしたの?なんだか、複雑な表情だけど……やっぱり、具合でも悪いの?……なんて、そういう雰囲気Uじゃなさそうね?じゃあ、何かしら?これも大事な用事?

Leifang: Oh… Boss. Heheh, I'm impressed you came earlier than expected. Of course, for a girl of my calibre [sic], I should expect no less. What's the matter? You looked troubled about something. Are you feeling sick? I guess not, because you don't seem unwell. But what is it that's so important?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: これ、指輪……?

Leifang: A…ring?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ、キラキラしていて綺麗……七色に輝いてる……これ……ダイヤモンドかしら?わたしの誕生石……でも、どうして突然指輪なんて…………ダイヤモンドの石言葉?さっき教えてくれた言葉以外にも、何かあるの?「永遠の紳」……?も、もうそういうこと、軽々しく言うもんじゃないの!オーナーさんが、冗談でそんなこと言わないのは、わかってるつもりだけど……えっと…………いいわ。今回は、特別に受け取ってあげる。「紳」にもいろいろあるんだし……オーナーさんとの今の関係、嫌いじゃないし、ね。それに、わたしが近くにいてあげないと、オーナーさんも困るでしょ?わたしも、なんだか放っておけないもの……だから……これからもよろしくね、オーナーさん♪

Leifang: Wow it's so pretty when it sparkles. I see rainbow colors twinkling inside… Is this…a diamond? My birthstone… But why a ring all of a sudden? The symbolism of diamonds? Other than what you mentioned earlier? "Eternal bond…?" H-Hey… That's not something you should be throwing around lightly! Although I know you're not the kind to make jokes about such a serious topic, boss… Um… …Fine, I'll accept it. Considering that this is a special occasion. There are many kinds of a "bonds" that people can have. And I don't dislike this relationship that you and I have at the moment. Besides, what would you do without me around? Right, boss? …I feel like I can't leave you alone either. So, I… I hope you'll continue treating me well, boss ♪

Episode 6: Leifang-chan Wants to Hang Out! (レイファンちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Thoughtful Consideration (気配り)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふふっ♪素敵なパーティーね!まあ、わたしのためなら、これくらい当然だけど……うふふっ、なんてね。嬉しいわ♪オーナーさん、ありがと♥そうね……頑張ってくれたオーナーさんに、何かご褒美をあけたいんだけど……何がいいかしら?あら?どうしたの?そわそわして…………なるほどね。オーナーさん、ちょっと話したいことがあるんだけど……「何?」って…………もう、ほら、付いてきたらわかるわよ♪

Leifang: Heheh ♪ What a great party! Of course, it's to be expected for someone like me… Heheh… What am I saying? You've made me so happy ♪ Thanks, boss ♥ You put so much effort into this for me, I'd like to pay you back somehow… But what should I do…? Hm? Why are you fidgeting around like that? …I see. Could I talk to you for a minute, boss? What do you mean, "what for?" Just come with me and you'll find out ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……ここなら大文夫でしょ?……まったく。「二人きりになりたい」って顔に書いてあるわよ?さあ、美人で、気配りもできて……「才色兼備」なこのわたしに、どんなご用件かしら♪えっ?これって……!

Leifang: …This place should be okay, right? …I can't believe this. You have "I wanna be alone with you" written all over your face. Well, I am exceptionally beautiful and considerate… What did you want to tell me, the "talented beauty?" Huh? This is…!?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: うふふっ、お誕生日のプレゼントね♪ありがとう、さすがオーナーさん♥気が利くわね 中身は……水着ね?それも、とっても素敵な色♪さっそく着てみようかしら?だって……「水着を着た姿が今すぐ見たい」って、顔に言いてあるんだもの♪オーナーさんのプレゼント、可葉に着こなしてあげるわ♥

Leifang: Heheh… A birthday present ♪ Thanks, boss ♪ You have great taste ♥ And inside we have…a swimsuit. What a beautiful color… Should I try it on? I mean… You have that "I wanna see you wearing it right away" look on your face, so ♪ …I'm looking pretty hot in this gift you got me, boss ♥

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: どう……?オーナーさん♪当然……以合ってるわよね♪だって、あなたが、わたしのために選んでくれたんでしょ?……なんて、本当に、素敵な水着ね♥「燃える情熱の」って感じかしら。わたしにピッタリだわ♪アルストロメリアをイメージしたの?ふーん……わたしの誕生花なのね。花言葉は……「幸い」?うふふっ♪オーナーさんが幸せなのは当然よね♥だって、わたしと毎日一緒だし。こうやって、ニ人きりで居られるんだから♪な、なによ、その顔は……わ、わかってるわよ。……もう。わたしも、少しくらい「幸せ」だって思ってるんだから。みんなと一緒に、パカンスで楽しく過ごしたり……ヴィーナスとして、お互い切礎磨したり…………だから、感謝してるわ。このプレゼントだけじゃなくて、ね。オーナーさん♪……え?もう一つの花言葉もピッタリ?な、なによそれ……「気配り」って……も、もう……そういうことは、人に言われると……選れるじゃない。こ、こら!こんな顔は、写真に撮らなくったっていいの!どうせ撮るなら……この水着を着た記念に、パッチリポーズ決めてあげるから♪ふふっ♪じゃ、お願いね♥

(camera flash)

Leifang: What do you think? Of course I look stunning in it ♪ After all, you chose it with me in mind, right? But seriously, it is an amazing swimsuit ♥ I guess I'd call it "passionate red…." Perfect for me ♪ It's patterned after the Alstroemeria flower? Hmm… That's my birth flower, isn't it… And it's a symbol of "happiness?" Heheh ♪ Of course, since I make you so happy, boss ♥ I mean, we're together every day, and I'm alone with you here, so ♪ What's that face supposed to mean? Okay, fine… Sheesh. I suppose I'm kind of happy, too. Enjoying my time here on vacation with everyone… Honing each other's skills as Venuses… …That's why I'm thankful. So it's not only for this gift, boss ♪ …Hm? The flower symbolizes one more thing that fits me perfectly? W-What is is…? [sic] "Thoughtful consideration?" Come on… Hearing someone say that to me is… kind of embarrassing. H-Hey! There's no need to take a pic of my face like this. Since you're gonna take pics, I might as well pose in a way that perfectly commemorates wearing this swimsuit ♪ Heheh ♪ Take some good ones ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ちゃんと綺麗に撮ってくれた?そうじゃなきゃ、イヤよ?だって、一生残る思い出なんだから……♪それじゃ、そろそろ戻りましょうか。……みんな、待たせちゃってるだろうし♪……って、どうしたのオーナーさん?まだ、何か言いたいことがある、って顔だけど……パーティーが終わったあと……?いいわ、全部言わなくたって。わたしは「気配り」ができる美女なんだから♪パーティーのあと、ここで、待っててあげる。……でも、あんまり待たせちゃイヤよ?

Leifang: Did you take some beauties? Of course that's what I want. Those pics are supposed to preserve this memory forever ♪ How about we go back soon? …Everyone's waiting for us ♪ …What's the matter, boss? You look like you still have something to tell me… After the party ends…? Sure, you don't have to say all that. I'm such a "thoughtfully considerate" beauty, after all ♪ I'll wait here for you after the party. …But you better not make me wait too long.

Episode 8: For Making Me Wait (待たされた分)[]

To get this episode, you must give Leifang her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): だーれだっ?

Leifang: うふふっ♪なーんて、もちろん、わたしだけど。待たされて退屈だったのよ?このくらいいいでしょ♪片付けが大変で……?ふふっ、いいわ、許してあげる♪……遅れた分、楽しませてくれれば、ね♥じゃあ、今から何をするのかしら?もったいぶらないで、早く教えてよ♪……あら?またプレゼント……?

Leifang (OFF): Guess who?

Leifang: Heheh ♪, Of course it's me. I was getting bord waiting here for you, so I just wanted a little fun ♪ You had a hard time cleaning up? Heheh… Fine, I forgive you ♪ …If you promise to pay me back with something fun ♥ What are we off to do now? And don't leave me hanging please ♪ …Oh? Another gift…?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: きゃっ……びっくりした……突然、ブーケだなんて予想して……なかったもの。もちろん、受け取るわよ♥綺麗なブーケ……これも誕生花のアルストロメリアなのね♪

Leifang: Kyah… You scared me… Flashing that bouquet at me all of a sudden… Just caught me off guard. Of course I'll accept it ♥ What a pretty bouquet… And full of my birth flower, Alstroemerias ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……ありがとう、オーナーさん♪とっても素敵なプレゼントだわ♥やっぱり、お花を貰うのは嬉しいものね♪それに、わたしにとっても似合ってると思うわ。誕生花の水着とブーケっていうのも、いい演出よね♥

Leifang: Thank you, boss ♪ It's an excellent gift ♥ Getting flowers really makes me happy ♪ And they really go well with me. A swimsuit and bouquet of my birth flower… What a nice arrangement ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: さすが、オーナーさん…………?あの一……ちょっと、質問なんだけど……この、ドレスみたいな水着に、ブーケ……これって、まるで……や、やっぱり、そういうこと……なのかしら?……な、なんであなたが照れてるのよ、もう!……嫌なわけないでしょ?ふふっ♪ちよっと驚いちゃっただけよ♪いつもお世話になってるんだから、今日くらいは、特別に付き合ってあげるわ♥ふふっ♪じゃあ、行きましょうか「どこに」って……もう、さっき言ったでしょ?わたしを待たせた分、楽しませて、って♪……逃げられると思ってたの?せっかくの誕生日、まだまだ、満足してないんだから♪今日はとことん、付き合ってもらうわよ?じゃあ……これから、もよろしくね♪オーナーさん♥

Leifang: You sure know your stuff, boss… …? Um… Could I ask you a question…? A dress like this, along with a bouquet… It's almost as if you… Y-Yes… Is that what you're doing here? Wh-Why are you getting so embarrassed? Come on! …Of course I'm not mad… Heheh ♪ Just a little surprised ♪ You're always taking such good care of me, I suppose I can hang out with you on this special occasion today ♥ Heheh ♪ So, So…should we be going now? What do you mean "where?" Didn't I just tell you? I asked you to pay me back with something fun for making me wait so long ♪ Did you think you could get away? It's my birthday, and I'm still not fully satisfied ♪ So we'll be hanging out all day together. Anyway ♪ I'll be counting on you, boss ♥

Episode 9: With You (Leifang) (ウィズ・ユー(レイファン))[]


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Leifang's live change episode.


Episode 10: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Leifang) (黒炎のラビリンス(レイファン))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 11: Sweet Chocolatier (Leifang) (S・ショコラティエ(レイファン))[]

Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃ、着替えるから 、ちょっと、あっち向いて欲しいんだけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: はい、お待たせ♪どうかしら?似合うでしょ?ふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: Well, I'm going to change, so please look elsewhere for a bit.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: Thanks for waiting ♪ What do you think? Looks good, right? Hehe ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 12: Riddle Gusts (Leifang) (なぞの突風(レイファン))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 13: Secret Foot Massage (Leifang) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(レイファン))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 今日は一日、お疲れさま♪わたしの外回りに付いて来られるなんて、なかかのものね♪

Leifang: Nice work today ♪ I’m impressed you were able to keep up with me visiting all those clients ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): え……?足裏マッサージ?疲れてないけど、せっかくだから、お願いしようかしら♪

Leifang (OFF): Hm…? A foot massage? I’m not that tired, but since you’re offering…let’s do it ♪

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: この格好……ちょっと恥ずかしいけど…………じゃ、よろしくね?

(camera flash)

Leifang: I feel a little awkward like this… But anyway, let’s get started.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: コラ……!マッサージ、やるなら真剣にやりなさい?わ、わたしの美脚に見惚れるのはわかるけど……ね。

Leifang: Hey…! Be serious, okay? Although…it’s understandable if you’re captivated by my beautiful legs.

Episode 14: The Medicine of Love (Leifang) (愛の妙薬 (レイファン))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Leifang) (甘い香りに誘われて(レイファン))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): ふふっ、来ちゃった♪

Leifang (OFF): Heheh. I'm here ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あの、これ、受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……たまにはこういうのも、いいでしょ?オーナーさん♥ふふ……じゃあ、また明日ね♪

Leifang: Um, I hope you'll accept this gift from me… It's nice to do something like this once in a while, right? Boss ♥ Heheh… Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Episode 16: Sunset at the Park (Leifang) (あかね色の公園で(レイファン))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: あの、これ、受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……たまにはこういうのも、いいでしょ?オーナーさん♥ふふ……じゃあ、また明日ね♪

Leifang: Um, I hope you'll accept this gift from me… It's nice to do something like this once in a while, right? Boss ♥ Heheh… Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Episode 17: Fruits of Labor (努力の結晶)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Leifang: オーナーさん、素敵なパーティーをありがとう♪今日はとっても楽しいわ♪でも、ちょっと疲れちゃったから休憩中なの。オーナーさんも、一緒にどう?パーティーの準備している時から、ずっと働きっぱなしでしょ?隠してても分かるわよ♪……今のうちに、やっておきたいことがある?まったく……わたしのためだからって、頑張り過ぎよ?まあ、そういうところ、嫌いじゃないけどね♪

Leifang: Thank you for throwing this great party, Boss ♪ I'm having so much fun today ♪ But I'm a little tired so I decided to take a break. Would you like to join me? You've been working non-stop since you started for the party, right? You're trying to hide it, but I can tell ♪ There's something you want to do while there's still time…? Wow… I think you've been working too hard for me. I mean, it's not that I don't like it though ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English

Leifang: これって……水着?パーティーの準備だけでも大変なのに。ふふっ♪わたしのお祝いをしたくて、仕方ないのね♪ちょっと変わってるけど……なかなか素敵なデザインね♥……メロンをイメージしたデザイン?でも、どうしてメロンなのかしら?誕生日の果実?ふーんなかなか面白い趣向じゃない♪メロンって、果物の中でも高級で上品なイメージがあるわ。わたしにピッタリね♪……それで、オーナーさん♪ここまでするってことは、今すぐ、わたしに着て欲しいのよね?……もちろんそのつもり?じゃあ見せてあげる♥まずは、オーナーさんだけに特別よ♪

Leifang: Is this…a swimsuit? To think you had your hands full with the party, and now this. Heheh ♪ You can't help going all out for me, can you ♪ It's a little odd, but I love the design ♥ It was patterned after a melon? …But why would you choose a melon? It's my birthday fruit? Hmm… What an interesting idea ♪ When it comes to fruit, the melon gives off a high-class, elegant impression. Exactly like me ♪ Oh, and Boss ♪ Since you went this far for me, I'm assuming you want me to slip it on right away, right? That was your "intention?" Then I'll show you how I look in it ♥ Specially just for you ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Leifang: ……どう?似合ってる?……ぱっちり?ふふっ、ありがと♪わかってたけどね♪だって、当然よね♪オーナーさんが、わたしのために用意してくれたんから♥ん?メロンには、わたしにピッタリのいわれがあるの?何かしら……「才色兼備」とか?……メロンは元はくない野菜で、それを何百年もかけて甘く改良していって、果物になった……?ふふっ、なるほどね♪天才なのに、目々の努力も忘れない……わたしにピッタリね♪ありがとう、オーナーさん♪この水着、とっても気に入ったわ♥それでぇ……オーナーさん♪せっかくだから、二人で写真援撮影、したいんじゃない?もちろん、OKよ♪お誕生日の記念と、オーナーさんへのお礼に……ね♥さ、どこからでも、かかってらっしゃい♪

(Camera flash)

Leifang: Well? Do I look nice? It looks perfect on me? Heheh, thanks ♪ But I already knew that ♪ I mean, of course it does ♪ You picked it out for me after all, Boss ♥ Hm? There's a reason the melon fits me so perfectly? Could it be…because I'm known as the "Talented Beauty?" The melon was originally a vegetable that wasn't sweet? Through hundreds of years of modification, it was sweetened and made into a fruit? Heheh, I get it now ♪ It's like…no matter how gifted, one must never forget to work hard daily… Perfect for me ♪ Thank you Boss ♪ I really like this swimsuit ♥ Oh yes… Boss ♪ Since we're alone like this, I imagine you wanna get some pics, huh? Of course I'm fine with it ♪ What a great way to commemorate my birthday, and also to thank you for the gift ♥ Come at me from any angle you want ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Leifang: ふふっ♪せっかくの記念写真なんだから、大切にしてね♥じゃあ、この水着をみんなに見せつけに行きましょ♪オーナーさん、特別に、腕くらいなら組んでもいいわよ♥……え?……パーティーが終わった後、ふたりきりで?……ふぅん……ストレートなお誘いね……どうしようかしら?……なんて♪そういうの嫌いじゃないわ♪オーナーさんになら、OKしてあげる♥じゃ、休憩はここまで。パーティーに戻りましょ♪……さ、腕、出して?

Leifang: Heheh ♪ These are commemorative pics, so I hope you cherish them ♥ Let's show this swimsuit to all the girls now ♪ I'll let you link arms with me on this special occasion, Boss ♥ Huh? Just the two of us when the party's over? Hmm… You don't beat around the bush, do you… I don't know what to say… Just kidding ♪ I like it when you're direct ♪ So of course I'm willing to come and see you, Boss ♥ I guess that'll do it for the break. Time to get back to the party ♪ …So give me that arm.

Episode 18: All To Ourselves (二人占めの時間)[]

To get this episode, you must give Leifang her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Leifang: ……オーナーさん♪……もう、遅かったじゃない?なかなか来ないから、約束をすっぽかされたと思ったわ。……なんて、ウソよ♪じつは、わたしが時間より早く来ちゃって……ふふっ、ちょっとだけ、はしゃいじゃってるわね♪わたしが、これだけ楽しみにしてるんだから、もちろん、素敵なサプライズをしてくれているのよね?……へぇ、自信満々の顔ね♪ふふっ、オーナーさんの自信、ちょっと信用してるのよね♪期待しているわよ♥

Leifang: …Boss ♪ Wow…you're so late. I thought maybe you stood me up or something… Just kidding ♪ I actually got here a little early, and… Heheh, I guess I was frolicking a little, too ♪ That's how much I've been looking forward to this, so I'm sure you've got an amazing surprise waiting for me, right? Wow, your face is beaming with confidence ♪ Heheh, and I kind of believe you can back it up ♪ I'm expecting this to be great, Boss ♥

Scene 3

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Leifang: ひゃっ、これ……誕生日ケーキ!?すごいじゃない♪


Leifang: ふふっ、いい香りね。上品な甘い香り♪わたしにピッタリだわ♥うふふっ♪今日はわたしが、この島の幸せを独り占めね♪

Leifang: Whoa… Is this a…birthday cake?! How incredible ♪


Leifang: Heheh, and it smells delicious. So sweet, and high-class… Just like me ♥ Heheh ♪ I've got all the happiness on the island to myself today ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English

Leifang: あっ、もちろん……オーナーさんも……今、わたしを独り占めしてるんだから「二人占め」ね♥じゃあ……せっかくだから、このケーキも……♥

Leifang: Oh, but of course… So do you, Boss… You've got dibs on me for today, so… We got each other all to ourselves ♥ And… Since we've got this cake in front of us… ♥

Scene 6

The following scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Leifang: オーナーさん♪こっちへいらっしゃい♥ほら、もっと近くに来ないと、できないでしょ?……はい、あ一ん♥

Leifang: Come on, Boss ♪ Get over here ♥ Hey, if you don't get closer we can't do it. Okay… Say "Ahhhh" ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English

Leifang: うふふっ♪わたしからの「あーん」が受けられるなんて、本当に幸せなことなんだから、ゆっくり味わいなさい♪……「とっても甘い」?……ねえ、オーナーさん。メロンは、とっても長い時間を掛けて甘くなったのよね?わたしも、オーナーさんと出違って、長い時間を掛けて……ひょっとして、甘くなってたり……えっ?もう十分に「甘い」関係……!?……もう、分かってないわね、オーナーさん。「メロン」を育てるのは、簡単なことじゃないのよ?一年なんて、あっという間。来年も、その次も……ずっとずっと。太極等の修行と同じように、日々の努力が必要なの。……オーナーさんに、ついて来れるかしら?……ふふっ♪いい返事じゃない♥じゃあ、これからも、一緒に高め合っていきましょう♪よろしくね、オーナーさん♥

Leifang: Heheh ♪ Getting this kind of treatment from me is truly a blessing, so savor every bit of it ♪ It's "extra sweet"? Boss… It took the melon a long time to sweeten, right? Well it's been awhile since we met, too… And maybe I've sweetened since then. Huh? Our relationship is already "sufficiently sweet"?! You just don't get it, do you, Boss… It's not so easy to grow a melon. The year went by so fast. But so will next year, and the year after that… But just like training in taijiquan, you have to work hard every day. Are you willing to come along with me, Boss? Heheh ♪ Now that's a good answer ♥ Let's keep building each other up as the days pass ♪ I'm counting on you, Boss ♥

Episode 19: Goddess Night's Dream (Leifang) (女神の夜の夢(レイファン))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あっ、オーナーさん。もう、遅いじゃない。待ってたんだから。撮影ね?わたしの美貌、しっかりと目に焼き付けなさい♪ふふっ、見惚れてるのかしら?

(Camera flash)

Leifang: Oh, Mr. Owner, you're already late. I've been waiting for you. You're filming, aren't you? You should see my beauty........

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: えー?もう終わり?もうちょっと楽しみましょうよ。見惚れちゃうのは……しょうがない……けどね……

(Camera flash)

Leifang: What? Are we done? Let's have some more fun. I can't help it if I'm fawning over ...... though ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、逃げるのかしら?

Leifang: Oh, is he running away?

Episode 20: Usukawa Takenoko (Leifang) (うすかわたけのこ(レイファン))[]

Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃ、着替えるから 、ちょっと、あっち向いて欲しいんだけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: はい、お待たせ♪どうかしら?似合うでしょ?ふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: Well, I'm going to change, so please look elsewhere for a bit.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: Thanks for waiting ♪ What do you think? Looks good, right? Hehe ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 21: Secret shower 1 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー1 (レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 22: Secret shower 2 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー2(レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 23: Secret shower 3 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー3(レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 24: Secret shower 4 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー4 (レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 25: Secret shower 5 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー5(レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 26: Secret shower 6 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー6(レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 27: Secret shower 7 (Leifang) (ひみつのシャワー7 (レイファン))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Leifang.

Episode 28: Love Letter Maiden (Leifang) (恋文フトメ(レイファン))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: オーナーさん、あの、いま、 大丈夫?

Leifang: Hey Boss, um… Could I see you now?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あの、これ、受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……

Leifang: Here…I hope you'll accept this…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 写真を撮りたいの?別にいいけど……変なのはダメよ?

Leifang: You wanna take pics? I'm fine with it, but nothing weird, okay?

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Leifang: は、早く撮ってほしいんだけど……

(Camera flash)

Leifang: H-Hurry up and take them…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 今日は、ちょっと気分がいいから、特別に……もの……

Leifang: I'm feeling good today, so for this special occasion, you can…

Episode 29: Gentle fragrance (優しい香り)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 今日は、わたしの誕生日……オーナーさん、 今年もお祝いに来てくれるのかしら。誕生日のパーティーに、バースデーケーキとか……オーナーさんには、 いつもお祝いして貰ってるから……そうだ♪ たまには、わたしの方から…………どんな顔をするのか、今から楽しみね♪

Leifang: Today is my birthday...... I wonder if the owner will come to celebrate again this year. I'm looking forward to ......... seeing what you look like...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はい、オーナーさん♡才色兼備の天才、レイファンが来てあげたわよ♪……びっくりした?その顔……「予想外」 ってカンジね。 ふふっ♪別にかまわないでしょ?待ってるだけなんて、わたしらしくないし♪……「誕生日おめでとう」ね♪ありがと。 お祝いしてもらえるって、 やっぱり嬉しいわ♡でも、せっかくのわたしの誕生日だもの。わたしばっかり嬉しくても、物足りないと思わない?だから……オーナーさん、今からわたしと、デートしましょ♡ふふっ、その顔 その顔が見たかったのよ♡……でも、 そんなに驚かなくても……えっ?そうじゃなくて……?

Leifang: Yes, Mr. Owner, the handsome and talented genius, Leifang is here for you. ...... Surprised? That face ...... is like "unexpected". I'm not sure what you mean by that. It's not like me to just wait. ...... "Happy Birthday"...thanks. I'm so happy to be wished a happy birthday, but it's my birthday after all. I'm not sure if it's enough if I'm the only one who's happy. So,...... owner, let's go on a date with me now,♡♡♡♡♡♡ I've always wanted to see that face,...... but you don't have to be so surprised... ...What? Not that... ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: きゃっ、 これ…… 誕生日の水着?とっても綺麗じゃない♪……って、もう。驚かせに来たつもりが、 結局こっちが驚いちゃった。でも、さっすがオーナーさんだわ♪忙しい中ちゃんと準備してくれて、ありがと♪……「当然のこと?もー……好つけちゃって♪じゃあ、さっそくこれを着て、 デートに行きましょ♡今日の夕方、ビーチに集合ね。……大丈夫♪オーナーさんには、最高のわたしを見せてあげるわ♡

Leifang: Wow, is this ...... your birthday swimsuit? It's so beautiful............oh my god. I thought I was here to surprise you, but I ended up surprising myself. I'm sure you'll be able to find a good deal of information about the company and its products and services. I'm going to wear this and go on a handsome date with you this evening at the beach. I'll show the owner the best of me ♡ ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9

Unlike prior photoshoots, the player has to directly take the photo.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: オーナーさん、 どうかしら?……自分では、結構似合ってると思うんだけど♪「とっても可愛い」……?うふふっ♪ ありがとう、 オーナーさん♪わたしの美しさもあるけど……あなたが、似合う水着を選んでくれたおかげ、ね♡どう? 見たいなら、 もっと近くで見てもいいわよ?確かめたいでしょ?自分で用意した水用なんだから♪……で、でも、ちょっと……そんなに真剣な目で見つめられると、 恥ずかしいわね…………「華やかな香りがする」 ?ふふっ、さすがオーナーさんね♪その通り♪この水着に合う香水を選んでみたの。華やかな水着だから、 花の香りがする香水。いいでしょ?わたしなりの味付けってところかしら♪わたしらしい 『優しい』 香りがする……?優しいのは認めるけど、それって、そんなに特別なことがしら……?ふふっ♪ まあ、悪い気はしないわね♪オーナーさんをデートに誘ったり、水着を着てあげたり……それに、これから写真撮影もさせてあげるんだから♪さ、どんな注文でも、今日は受け付けちゃうわよ♡

(Camera flash)

Leifang: What do you think, owner? ...... I think it looks pretty good on me... "very pretty"......? Thank you, owner... I'm beautiful, but it's also because you chose the right swimsuit for me ......, don't you think? You can take a closer look if you want. You want to make sure? I prepared it myself for the water. ...... but it's a little ...... embarrassing to be stared at with such serious eyes. ...... ...... "It smells gorgeous"? It's a glamorous swimsuit, so I chose a perfume that smells like flowers. Isn't that nice? I'll admit it's sweet, but is there anything so special about it ......? Well, I don't feel bad about asking the owner out on a date, or putting her in a bathing suit ...... and even letting her take some pictures with me... I'll take any order you want today, handsome.

Translated with DeepL

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Leifang: どう? ちゃんと撮れた?……ま、当然、綺園に撮れてると思うけど。わたしがモデルで、オーナーさんがカメラマンなんだもの♡じゃあ、いくわよ、オーナーさん♪わたしの誕生日だけど……今日はお互いに、どちらが楽しませることができるか、勝負しましょ♪……負けないんだから♪……覚悟してよね♡オーナーさん♪

Leifang: How's it coming? Did you get it right? ...... Well, of course, I think it looks great. I'm the model and you're the photographer, ♡Okay, let's go, Mr. Owner♪ It's my birthday, ...... let's see who can entertain each other today!  ......I won't lose. ......Be prepared handsome owner.Â

Episode 30: Come on, let's play, handsome. (さあ、勝負♡)[]

To get this episode, you must give Leifang the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はぁー……楽しかったわね♪それにしても、デートの最後に花火だなんて、やるわね♪ さすがオーナーさんだわ♡……あら?オーナーさん、眠そうだけど…… 大丈夫?ふふっ♪ 二人が考えたデートコースを全部回ったんだもの。疲れるのは、 当たり前よね♪でも、レディとデート中に眠そうだなんて、 ダメよ?わたしだから、 よかったものの……他の人なら、嫌われちゃうかも。なんてね♪遊体力も、日々の努力があってこそ、よ♪オーナーさんがその気なら、明日から、 いつでもトレーニングに付き合ってあげる♡なんて……ホントは、さすがのわたしも、 もうクタクタ♪楽しませる勝負は、引き分けってところかしら?……え?もう一つある?

Leifang: Huh... It was ♪ fun, but I'm going to do ♪ fireworks at the end of a date, I'm ♡ the owner... Well well? The owner looks sleepy, but... No problem? Hehe: ♪ I went through all the dating courses they had come up with. It's natural to be tired, but don't ♪ look sleepy while dating a lady, right? Because it's me, I'm glad I did... Other people might hate you. It's ♪ only with your physical strength and daily effort, and if the owner is so inclined, ♪ from tomorrow, I'll accompany ♡ you to training anytime ... Really, as expected, I wonder if the game to entertain me is ♪ a draw? ...... What? Is there another one?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら……? この写真……ふふっ♪デート中の写真ね?バッチリ、 いい感じに撮れてるじゃない♡やるわね、オーナーさん♪これも、日々の努力の成果……かしら?♡「毎日ずっと、見ていたから」……?なによ、 突然……びっくりするじゃない。でも……ふふっ♪楽しませる勝負は、 これでオーナーさんの勝ちかしら。……なんて♪勝負はまだ、終わってないわよね♡じゃあ、わたしからも、オーナーさんに♡

Leifang: Oh, ......? This picture is from ....... You're a handsome guy, Mr. Owner! I've been watching you every day. ......? What, you're suddenly ...... surprised. But ...... the owner has won the game of entertaining us. ......... the game isn't over yet, is it handsome?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はい、わたしからのプレゼント♡ふふっ♪ オーナーさん、顔が真っ赤よ?えっ? わたしも?そ、それは……わたしだって……恥ずかしいことくら…………でも、これでまた、 引き分けね♪……勝負はまた 「来年」 に持ち越しよ♡……それじゃ、 デートの最後は、どこかでゆっくり話しましょうか。……お互いもう、クタクタでしょ?だから、ね? 行きましょ、オーナーさん♡

Leifang: Yes, I have a present for you ♡♡♡♡♡ Owner, your face is all red, right? What? Me too? Well, that's ...... embarrassing ...... for me too ............ but here we are. I'm sure we'll draw again,...... and we'll have to wait until next year,...... so let's end our date somewhere and have a nice talk. ......We're both exhausted, aren't we? So, right? Let's go, handsome owner.

Episode 31: Victory Ceremony (Leifang) (勝利のセレモニー (レイファン))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 32: Share ♥ with Leifang (レイファンとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 33: Bitter♡Sweet(Leifang) (ビター♡スイート(レイファン))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 部屋に二人きりね。要なことしたら、ただじゃ済まないわよ?ふふっ♪

(Camera flash)

Leifang: We are alone in the room. If you do anything I don't like, you'll get away with it, okay? Hmmm...

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あの、 これ、 受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……

Leifang: Um, I hope you get this: ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: オーナーさん、わたしの美しさ、もっと、見たくない?

Leifang: Owner, don't you want to see more of my beauty?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 今日だけ、 と、 特別よ……しっかりと、その目に焼き付けなさい?

(Camera flash)

Leifang: Just for today, and for the special ......, you'd better get it in your eyes, okay?

(Camera flash)

Episode 34: Velvet Time Rose (Leifang) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ (レイファン))[]

Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃ、着替えるから 、ちょっと、あっち向いて欲しいんだけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: はい、お待たせ♪どうかしら?似合うでしょ?ふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: Well, I'm going to change, so please look elsewhere for a bit.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: Thanks for waiting ♪ What do you think? Looks good, right? Hehe ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 35: Leifang's Sixth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 36: Leifang's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Leifang's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Secret Esthetic Time (Leifang)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Leifang's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Memories of us (二人だけの思い出)[]


DOAXVV 4K【】Fiona's birthday extra episode"二人だけの思い出"


DOAXVV Fiona - Extra Episodes Memories of us

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、わたくしのお誕生日パーティー、楽しんで頂けていますか?ふふっ♪よかった……先日、エレナさわのパーティーをお手伝いさせて頂いて、みなさまと一緒に何かをすることがとても楽しくて♪ヒトミさんや紅葉さんにお料理を教えて頂いたり、マリーさんにお給仕の仕方を教えて頂いたり……教えて頂きました。こころさんには、日本舞踊を教えて頂きました。この後の出し物で、お見せしますね♪あと、エレナさんにもご協力いただいて、歌も……が、がんばりますので、お腰きくびください♪オーナー様から、プレゼント……?感謝の気持ちをお伝えするのは、わたくしの方です♥でも、あの……うれしい……です♥

Fiona: Boss… are you enjoying my birthday party this evening? Heheh ♪ That's a relief. The other day, I helped out with Helena's party, and it was so much fun working together with the others ♪ Hitomi and Momiji taught me how to cook, Marie taught me how to wait on others… Kokoro taught me traditional Japanese dance, and I'd like to show you what I've learned ♪ Oh, and with Helena's help, I'd like to perform a song for you, so please have a listen ♪ A present from you, boss…? I'm the one who should be expressing gratitude for all you've done ♥ But…I'm so happy ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ!お誕生日のケーキ……!ありがとうございよす♥……食べてしまうのは勿体ないですが、そういうわけにも参りませんから……えっと……オーナー様、一緒に食べてくださいますか?この喜びを、二人で、分かち合って……え?もう一つ……プレゼント?

Fiona: Oh, wow! A birthday cake…! Thank you so much ♥ It would be such a waste if I just ate it now… But of course, that's what cakes are for… Um… Boss, would you share this cake with me? I want to share my joy with you… Huh? Another…present?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……わぁ……!!あの、これ……着てみてもよろしいでしょうか!?

Fiona: …Wow… Um… Do you mind if I try this on?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 神秘的で、素敵な水着……♥あの、似合って、いますでしょうか?……女神……みたい!?そっ、そんな……!?確かに水着は神秘的ですが……ありがとうございます♪とっても、ですうれしい♥……あの、オーナー様、わたくし……い、パーティーいえ、なんでもなくて、その……に戻りましょう、オーナー様♥

Fiona: What a mystical, intriguing swimsuit ♥ Do you think it…looks good on me? Like a…goddess!? I wouldn't say that… But still…it is rather mystical… Thank you ♪ This really made my day ♥ Um… boss, I… N-no, never mind… Let's get back to the party, boss ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): あの……フィオナです。……起きていらっしゃいますか?

Fiona: オーナー様、わたくし……先ほどは言い出せなかったのですが、もうひとつだけ、プレゼソドが……欲しくて……オーナー様との、今日この日の、……二人だけの、思い出が欲しいのです!よろしい、ですが?

Fiona (OFF): Um… It's Fiona. Are you awake?

Fiona: Boss… I'm… I wasn't able to say it earlier… But…there was one other present I've been wanting… I'd like to make memories with you, boss. Just the two of us together, on this magical day! Would that be okay?

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ、あの、では……今日頂いたこの水着で、記念のお写真を……オーナー様に、撮って頂きたいのです。では、お願いします……!ポーズは、これで、よろしいですか?

(camera flash)

Fiona: Oh… Well then, uh… I'd like to wear this swimsuit you gave me today, and have you take some commemorative photos. So…let's get started! Is this pose all right?

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございました。とても……とても、いい思い出になります♥また来年も、その次も……ずっと、ずっと。思い出を増やしていきたいな……ふふっ♪……そして、いつか、もっと勇気をもって……ちゃんと言えるように……いっ、いえ、なんでもありません……!オーナーさま、今日は……いえ、これからも、よろしくお願いします♥

Fiona: Thank you for everything you've done. I'll never forget the wonderful memories we made today ♥ Next year too, as well as every year after that… I want to keep making memories like this… Heheh ♪ And then someday, I want to muster up enough courage, to say what's really up on my mind… Oh, it's nothing! Just forget you heard that…! I hope we continue to grow closer each and every day, boss ♥

Episode 2: A Token of My Love (わたくしの、愛を……)[]


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Fiona extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): あの……フィオナです。……起きていらっしゃいますか?

Fiona: オーナー様……チョコレートです。たくしの、愛を……受け取ってください♪はぁ……お、お渡しできました♪わたくしの……気持ちです。オーナー様♥では、おやすみなさい。また、明日……♪

Fiona (OFF): Um… It's Fiona. …Might you be awake?

Fiona: Some chocolates for you, boss. Please accept them…as a token of my love ♪ Whew… I, I did it ♪ Just an expression of…how I feel about you. Boss ♥ Well, good night. I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 写真の撮影ですが?わかりました♪わたるくし、頑張りますね!あの、リード……してくださいね?

(camera flash)

Fiona: Pictures? Sure, I'll do my best ♪ Um… Take the lead on this, okay?

(camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: だ、誰にも見せないでくださいね……?

Fiona: Don't, um, show these to anyone else.

Episode 3: Crimson Squad Ninja Suit (Fiona) (焔紅運隊(フィオナ))[]


DOAXVV SSR Gurin-tai Shinobu (Fiona) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Fiona: 写真の撮影ですが?わかりました♪わたるくし、頑張りますね!あの、リード……してくださいね?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Fiona: だ、誰にも見せないでくださいね……?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Pictures? Sure, I'll do my best ♪ Um… Take the lead on this, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Fiona: Don't, um, show these to anyone else.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Fiona: Whoa…! Boss! If it's for you, boss… I guess… N-no, I just can't do it!

Episode 4: Exciting Birthday ♥ (ドキドキの誕生日♥)[]


DOAXVV Fiona Birthday Scene1 (피오나 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あっ、オーナー様。今年も素敵なお誕生日パーティーを、ありがとうございます♥はい、お誕生日のケーキも、お祝いの言葉もたくさん頂いて……わたくし、お腹も胸もいっぱいです♪ふふっ♪……えっ、これから、二人だけで……ですか?あ、あの……!……では、少したけ……

Fiona: Oh, hi boss. Thank you for throwing me another amazing birthday party this year ♥ Uh-huh, that delicious cake, and all the kind words… Both my heart and tummy are filled ♪ Heheh ♪ Eh? Just the two of us… Now? U-Umm…! Just for a little I guess…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♪お誕生日パーティーをこっそり抜け出すだなんて……オーナー様、わたくし、とってもドキドキしています♥……でも、皆さまが心配されるといけませんから、少しの間だけ……ですね。ふふっ♪でも、突然どうされたのですか?

Fiona: Heheh ♪ Sneaking out from my own birthday party… Wow boss… My heart is pounding ♥ But…we don't want the others to get worried. So only for a little bit, okay? Heheh ♪ But, what's gotten to you all of a sudden?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: まあ!……プレゼントを!?とっても素敵な水着……!オーナー様、ありがとうございます!あの……すぐ、着替えてまいりますね♪

Fiona: Oh my gosh! A present? What a beautiful swimsuit…! Thank you so much, boss! Um… I'll slip it on right away ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: お待たせいたしました、オーナー様♥いかがでしょうか?似合って、いますか?……よかった♪この水着の色は、ウィステリアでしょうか?わたくしの大好きな色です♥そして、誕生石の『アメジスト』の色……オーナー様は、アメジストの石言葉をご存知ですか?わたくしのような……「美少女の化身」……!?そ、そんな、違います!そのお話ではなくて……その……はぁ、びっくりしました…………アメジストの石言葉は『愛の守護石』。「真実の愛を守りぬく石」と言われています。……この水着を着ていると、オーナー様に守られているようで……ふふっ♪ありがとうございます、オーナー様♥お写真……ですか?はい、もちろん、よろこんで♪では……

(camera flash)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting, boss ♥ What do you think? Does it…look okay on me? …Yay ♪ This swimsuit is wisteria purple, isn't it? That's my favorite color ♥ And it's also the color of my birthstone, amethyst… Boss, do you know what does amethyst symbolize? The "embodiment of a beautiful young woman…"? Like myself…? No no no! That has nothing to do with it… *Sigh* You caught me off guard with that… They call it the "Defender of Love," or the "Guardian Stone of True Love." When I'm wearing this swimsuit… I feel like I'm under your protection, boss…heheh ♪ Thank you so much for this, boss ♥ A photo? Of course. I'd be glad to ♪ So let's do it…

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございます、オーナー様♥今年のお誕生日も、大切な思い出ができました。でも、そろそろ皆さまのところに…………え?もうひとつ、思い出がある……のですか?パーティーが終わったあと……?は、はい……!あの……では、二人……だけで……!

Fiona: Thank you for everything today, boss ♥ You've made this birthday into yet another precious memory. But we better get back to the others… …Hm? You wanna make one more memory? After the party's over…? O-Okay…! Um… Just the two of us then…!

Episode 5: I've Achieved My Goal ♥ (目標ができました♥)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Fiona after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Fiona Birthday Scene2 (피오나 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……オーナー様?お待ちしておりました♪パーティーが終わってからも、ドキドキが止まらなくて……オーナー様にお会いしたくて、早く来てしまいました♥それで……あの……オーナー様……『もうひとつ、思い出』、というのは……えっ!?もうひとつ、プレゼントを……?

Fiona: …Boss? I've been waiting for you ♪ Even after the party, I couldn't contain my excitement. I just wanted to be with you so I came as soon as I could ♥ So anyway… Boss… That "one more memory" that you mentioned… Huh!? Another present…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ひゃっ!?オーナー様、こ、これは……!?

Fiona: Oh! Boss, this is…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 素敵な指輪……アメジストですね……オーナー様の、『愛の守護石』……わたくし、ずっと大切にいたします♥

Fiona: What a gorgeous ring. And it's amethyst… The "Defender of Love" from boss… I'll treasure it for the rest of my life ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、今日のお誕生日、本当にありがとうございました。とても大切な思い出ができました。それに、大きな目標も♪わたくし、いまはまだ……その、オーナー様に守って頂いてばかりで……だから、いつの日か、愛の力で、人を守れるように……そして……その、わたくしからも……ゆ、指輪を……わ、わたくし、愛の力でがんばります!……ふふっ♥

Fiona: I'm really grateful for everything you did for my birthday today. A precious memory was made. And now, a huge goal too ♪ Up to now, you've been watching over me the whole time. But someday… I'll do my best to protect someone, with the power of love… Then I can also give…that person…a ring… I-I'll do my best, with the power of love! …Heheh ♥

Episode 6: Fiona-chan Wants to Hang Out! (フィオナちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Shiromuku (白無垢)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、今年もお誕生日をお祝いしていただいて、ありがとうございます♥それで、その……お話したいことが…………でも、まだパーティーの最中ですから、また、あとでも……でも、せっかくニ人になれましたから……えっと、でも……え?手を……?はい……

Fiona (OFF): ひゃっ!?

Fiona: Boss, thank you so much for celebrating my birthday once again this year ♥ Oh and… Would it be all right to talk with you about something… I realize we're in the middle of the party now, so maybe later? It's just the two of us now though, so… Um… I mean… Hm? My hand…? All right…

Fiona (OFF): Hyahhh!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ、はぁ、び、びっくりしました……急に走り出すので……でも、ふふっ♪なんかドキドキして楽しいです♥夜の静かなプールサイドで、二人きり……それで、あの……えっ?渡したいもの……?なんでしょうか……

Fiona: *pant* *pant* You startled me, rushing forth so quickly like that… But still… Heheh ♪ Getting my blood pumping like this is actually kind of fun ♥ Just the two of us, on this peaceful evening by the pool… So anyway, um… Hm? Something to give me…? What could it be…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ……綺麗……これを、わたくしに……?パーティーだけでなく。こんなに素敵な水着を用意して頂いて……しいです♥どうお礼を申し上げたらよいのか……「水着を着て、写を撮らせてくれればいい」ですか?ふふっ♪はい、こちらこそ、お願いいたします♪それでは、わたくし着替えてきますね♥

Fiona: Wow… It's beautiful… Is this really for me? Not only did you throw me a party, but now you give me this fabulous swimsuit… This makes me so happy ♥ How can I ever thank you for this? Put on the swimsuit and let you take pics? Heheh ♪ Take some nice ones then ♪ I'll go get changed now ♥

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ……♥真っ白で素敵な水着ですね♪似合っていますか?ふふっ♪ありがとうこざいます♥そういえば、胸のお花は、フリージアですか?綺麗でかわいいお花ですね♪たしか、花言葉は 「純潔」、 「あどけなさ」……わたくしにピッタリ……?ふふっ、ありがとうこざいます♥それで、この水着ですが……日本の「着物 」……に似ていますね♥「白無垢をイメージした」……?「しろむく」って何ですか?日本で、花嫁が結婚式で着る衣装……そうですか♪……ひゃっ!?あ、あの、突然すぎて……わたくし、心の準備が……でも、えっと……オーナー様が望まれるのでしたら…………え?この一年頑張っていたから、特別な水着を……?……はぁ、びっくりしました……ふふっ♪……ありがとうございます。オーナー様♥でも、わたくしにはまだこの水着は……え?撮影……ですか?いけない……!忘れてました……はい……♪ではお願いいたします。

(Camera flash)

Fiona: Wow ♥ This swimsuit is pure white…and gorgeous ♪ Does it look good on me? Heheh ♪ Thank you so much ♥ Oh, and are these flowers on my chest freesias? They're so cute and pretty ♪ As I recall, Freesias are a symbol of "purity" and "innocence." A perfect match for me? Heheh, thank you ♥ Oh, and I'd say this swimsuit… resembles a Japanese "kimono," doesn't it? It's patterned after a "shiromuku" dress? What's that? What a Japanese bride dresses in during her wedding… I see ♪ …Hyah!? Th-This is all so…sudden… I don't know if I'm ready yet… But… If this is what you really want, boss… …A special swimsuit for working so hard this past year…? Whew, you really surprised me for a minute there… Heheh ♪ Thank you, boss ♥ But I still don't feel like this swimsuit is the right… Huh? Pictures? Oh my gosh…! I'd completely forgotten… Okay ♪ Please take some nice ones.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ふふっ♪楽しい時間でした。オーナー様、ありがとうございます♥もう少しここにいたいですけど、でも……そろそろ、パーティーに戻らないといけませんね…………え?パーティーの後にまた二人で……ですか?は、はい……! 分かりました!では、また後で……♪

Fiona: Heheh ♪ That was fun. Thank you so much, boss ♥ I'd like to spend a little more time here, but… I guess I better get back to the party… …Huh? Just the two of us again, after the party…? O-Okay! Sure! So um…I'll see you later ♪

Episode 8: Someday (いつの日か)[]

To get this episode, you must give Fiona her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様♥お待ちしていました。ふふっ、オーナー様とお会いしたくて、少し早くきてしまいました…………え?「純白の花嫁衣裳がすごく似合っている」……ですか?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます。オーナー様に褒めて頂いて、嬉しいです♥……でも、わたくしには、足りないところがたくさんあります。オーナー様に頼ってばかりで……支え合うような、立派な花嫁には、まだまだです。本物の花嫁になるためには、もっと頑張らないと……「そばにいるだけで、癒してくれて、支えてくれている」……ですか?オーナー様は……お優しいのですね♥

Fiona: I've been waiting for you, boss ♥ Heheh… I wanted to see you so much that I came a little early… …Hm? The pure white bride's dress looks really good on me? Heheh ♪ Thank you. It really feels good to get a compliment from you, boss ♥ But… I still need to grow in so many areas of my life… I've depended on you so much… But I still don't have what it takes to support you and be a good wife to you. To be a truly good wife, I'll need to put in a lot more effort… Just having me by your side, is really healing and supportive? Oh boss… You're so sweet ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ひゃっ!?オーナー様、これは……フリージアのブーケ……ですか?こんなに綺麗なブーケまで用意して頂いて……「花嫁にはブーケは付き物だから」って……ふふっ、オーナー様ったら……♪

Fiona: Hyahh!? Boss… This is… A bouquet of freesias? To think you would put together such a beautiful bouquet for me… A bride needs her bouquet…? Heheh… Oh boss ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: フリージアの花言葉は、「純潔」、「あどけなさ」……そして「憧れ」……大切にします……オーナー様から頂いた、この水着とお花と、お気持ちを……

Fiona: The freesia is a symbol of "purity," "innocence," and "admiration…" I'll treasure them… This swimsuit, these flowers, and this feeling you've given me…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あの……オーナー様、お伝えしたいことがあります。お誕生日のこの日に、もう一度、きちんとお伝えしたくて。この花嫁の水着とブーケに……そして、フリージアの花に……誓います。わたくし……「憧れ」のオーナー様の……本当の花嫁になれるように。まだまだ不束者ですが……もっともっと、頑張ります。これからも、よろしくお願いいたします♪オーナー様♥

Fiona: Um, boss… There's something I wanted to tell you. I want to tell you this today, on my birthday. I'd like to vow to you… Upon this bridal swimsuit, this bouquet, and the freesias… That… In order to be a true bride to you, boss… Who I admire so much… I'm still too inexperienced…and I need to work harder to overcome these insufficiencies ♪ So I ask that you encourage me while I strive for improvement ♥

Episode 9: Serenade (Fiona) (セレナーデ(フィオナ))[]


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona Serenade (Ver.Normal)フィオナ セレナーデ通常バージョン!


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona Serenade (Ver.Open Eyes)フィオナ セレナーデ覗き見しちゃったバージョン! (no-peek) (peek)

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Whoa…! Boss! If it's for you, boss… I guess… N-no, I just can't do it!

Episode 10: With You (Fiona) (ウィズ・ユー(フィオナ))[]

This episode only exists in the DMM version.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Whoa…! Boss! If it's for you, boss… I guess… N-no, I just can't do it!

Episode 11: Sparkling Blue (Fiona) (スパークリングブルー(フィオナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Fiona: ずっと、こうしていたいな……

Fiona: I wish I could do this forever…

Episode 12: Sweet Chocolatier (Fiona) (S・ショコラティエ(フィオナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Whoa…! Boss! If it's for you, boss… I guess… N-no, I just can't do it!

Episode 13: Riddle Gust (Fiona) (なぞの突風(フィオナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Secret Foot Massage (Fiona) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(フィオナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……「外回り」とは、大変なお仕事なのですね……すっと歩いていたので、足が疲れてしまって……

Fiona: Oh, "going around" is a lot of work... I was walking quickly, so my legs got tired.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): えっ?足の裏をマッサージ……ですか?疲れが取れる……では、よるしくお願いいたします♥

Fiona (OFF): Eh? Massage the soles of your feet. Is it? I'm tired. Well, thank you very much. ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ、あの……これで、よろしいでしょうか?わたくし、このようなことは……初めて、ですので……

(camera flash)

Fiona: Oh, that... Is this all right? I'm not doing anything like this... It's the first time, so......

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♪くすぐったいです……でも、気持ちよくて……♪あの、よろしければ……もう少しだけ、お願いいたします♥

Fiona: I want to pick it up... ♪ But it felt good. ♪ Um, if you don't mind... Just a little more, please. ♥

Episode 15: The Medicine of Love (Fiona) (愛の妙薬 (フィオナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 16: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Fiona) (甘い香りに誘われて(フィオナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): あの……フィオナです。……起きていらっしゃいますか?

Fiona (OFF): Um… It's Fiona. …Might you be awake?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様……チョコレートです。たくしの、愛を……受け取ってください♪はぁ……お、お渡しできました♪わたくしの……気持ちです。オーナー様♥では、おやすみなさい。また、明日……♪

Fiona: Some chocolates for you, boss. Please accept them…as a token of my love ♪ Whew… I, I did it ♪ Just an expression of…how I feel about you. Boss ♥ Well, good night. I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Episode 17: Sunset at the Park (Fiona) (あかね色の公園で(フィオナ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様……チョコレートです。たくしの、愛を……受け取ってください♪はぁ……お、お渡しできました♪わたくしの……気持ちです。オーナー様♥では、おやすみなさい。また、明日……♪

Fiona: Some chocolates for you, boss. Please accept them…as a token of my love ♪ Whew… I, I did it ♪ Just an expression of…how I feel about you. Boss ♥ Well, good night. I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Episode 18: Feelings to Convey (伝えたい気持ち)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Fiona: オーナー様、今年もお誕生日のパーティーを準備していただいて、ありがとうございます♥あの、オーナー様……パーティーの前にお伝えしたいことが……あの……その……せっかくのお誕生日ですから、わたくしの気持ちを、改めてお伝えしたいと思っていたのですが……すみません……こうしてオーナー様に見つめられると……緊張してしまって……しゅん…………え?オーナー様からも。パーティーの前に……?

Fiona: Thank you for putting together a birthday party for me again this year, Boss ♥ Um… There's something I wanted to tell you before the party… It's just… I uh… Now that it's my birthday and everything… I wanted to express my feelings to you. I'm sorry, Boss… When you stare at me like that I just get so nervous… *sniff* Hm? Something you'd like to do before the party as well?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Fiona: わあ……♥素敵な水着……まるで、ドレスみたいで……「お誕生日のプレゼント」……これを、わたくしに……?ありがとうございます!オーナー様の愛がこもったプレゼント、とっても嬉しいです♥あの、オーナー様……少しだけ、お時間を頂けますか?この水着、すぐ着てみたくて……♪では、着替えて参りますので、待っていてくださいね♥

Fiona: Wow ♥ What a lovely swimsuit… It looks like a dress. You're…giving this to me as a birthday gift? Thank you! It makes me so happy to get a gift so full of love from you ♥ So Boss… Could I have you wait for just a moment? I'd like to try on this swimsuit right away ♪ I'll go put it on now, so wait right here, okay? ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English

Fiona: わぁ……フワフワで、綺麗な水着ですね♥この節りは……ストロベリーでしょうか?とっても可愛いです♥ストロベリーは、わたくしの誕生果……なんですか?うふふっ、オーナー様は博識なのですね♪わたくし、ストロベリーは大好きです。温かいフォンダンショコラに添えると、ほろ苦いチョコレートに、甘酸っぱさが加わって……♥……うふふっ♥えっ?もうパーティーの時間……ですか!?いけない、わたくし、時間を忘れて……では、参りましよう、オーナーさま♥

Fiona: Wow… It's such a soft, beautiful swimsuit ♥ Are these strawberry decorations? They're absolutely adorable ♥ So strawberries are my birth fruit? Heheh. You're so well – informed, Boss ♪ Plus I love strawberries. When combining them with warm Chocolate Fondant, that bitter chocolate taste and the sweet flavor of the strawberry is so… ♥ …Heheh ♥ Hm? It's already time for the party!? Oh my gosh I completely lost track of time. Let's go, Boss ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English

Fiona: はぁ……とっても楽しいパーティーでした♥オーナー様、ありがとうございました。皆さまにも水着をほめて頂いて、嬉しかったです♪……え?「伝えたいこと」……?あっ……そ、そうでした……!あ、あの、オーナー様……?わたくし、お誕生日を迎えてひとつオトナになりましたので……ですから、思い切って……あの……お、お写真を……って、頂けませんか……?

(Camera flash)

Fiona: *sigh* The party was so fun ♥ Thank you so much, Boss. Getting compliments from everyone on my new swimsuit really made me happy ♪ Hm? Something I want to tell you? Oh…that's right! Um, Boss…? With this birthday, I've become an adult now, so… Without overthinking this or anything, I just… I'm wondering if you could take some photos of me.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Fiona: 楽しい時間は、あっという間ですね……今年のお誕生日も、もうすぐおしまい……なんですね。(はぁ……結局、オーナー様に大事なことをお伝えできないまま……)……えっ?な、なにか……!?パーティーのお片付けが終わったあと……二人きりで……?は、はいっ!あの、ぜひ……!よろしくおねがいします……!次こそは……わたくし、愛の力で……がんばります♥

Fiona: Time really does fly when you're having fun, doesn't it? My birthday is almost over for the year…already. (*sigh* I still wasn't able to tell the Boss, and this is so important…) Hm? Wh-What?! After cleaning up the party venue… Just the two of us? Y-Yes! I mean…absolutely! I'm looking forward to this…! This time I'll rely on the power of love and… ♥

Episode 19: With All My Love ♥ (愛をこめて♥)[]

To get this episode, you must give Fiona her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Fiona: あっ、オーナー様、お待ちしておりました♥いえ、オーナー様が遅れたのではなく、わたくしが待ちきれずに、早く来てしまいましたので温かいフォンダンショコラに添えると、ほろ苦いチョコレートに、甘酸っぱさが加わって……お気遣いありがとうございます♥おかげさまで、練習もたくさんできて……い、いえ、なんでもありません……!今年のお誕生日は終わったもの、と思っていましたので。また、オーナー様とお話しできて……とても嬉しいです♥それで……あの、わたくしに何かご用でしょうか?……え?オーナー様からも……伝えたいことが……?

Fiona: Oh, Boss. I've been waiting for you ♥ No, no… It's not that you're late or anything. I was just so excited that I came early. Thank you for a going [sic] to all the trouble ♥ It gave me some time to practice… No no! Never mind! I was thinking my birthday was all over for the year… But being able tot alk to you like this makes me so happy ♥ So…what is it you wanted to see me about? Hm? There's something you want to tell me, too?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Fiona: まあ……これは……!すごい……とっても、大きなケーキですね♪これを、わたくしに……?ストロベリーの言葉は、尊重と愛情……「愛」を意味する言葉が多い果物……なのですか?この水着も、ストロベリーです……つまり、オーナー様の伝えたいことは……

Fiona: Wow…! What a huge cake ♪ This is amazing. And it's…all for me? The strawberry is a symbol of love and respect? So there's a lot of words meaning "love" for this fruit… And the swimsuit has a strawberry theme, too… Which means, that thing you wanted to tell me is…

Scene 5
Japanese English

Fiona: あ、あの……オーナー様……!わたくしからも、オーナー様にお伝えしたいことがあるのです。この気持ちを……闘生日の今日、お伝えしたくて…………よろしい、ですか?

Fiona (OFF): ……では……♥

Fiona: U-Um, Boss…! There's something I want to tell you, too. I've been wanting to express my feelings to you…since today's my birthday… Is this…okay?

Fiona (OFF): Then say "ahh" ♥

Scene 6

The following scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Fiona: わたくしの……ストロベリーのような……愛を……オーナー様に……♥オーナーさま♥あーん……♥

Fiona: My strawberry-like love… From me to you, Boss ♥ Boss ♥ Say "ahhh"… ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English

Fiona: 甘くて、とても美味しい……ですか?ふふっ♪よかった♥誰かに「あ〜ん」をするのは、初めてでしたので……オーナー様の「愛」が詰まったストロベリーが、こんなにたくさん……とっても……美味しそうです♥あの、オーナー様……お願いがあるのですが…………その……お誕生日の記念に……オーナー様からも……その……よ、よろしいのですか?ありがとうございます♥あ、あの……では、お言葉に甘えて……し、失礼……します……

Fiona (OFF): あ、あ〜ん♥

Fiona: Is it sweet…and delicious? Heheh ♪ That's a relief ♥ It's the first time I ever asked anyone to say "ahh." I can feel your love through these strawberries, Boss. There's so many…and they look so delicious ♥ U-Um, Boss… I've got a favor to ask of you… To commemorate my birthday… I would be happy if you could, um… A-Are you sure? Thank you very much ♥ U-Um, very well… let me take you up on that…H-Here it goes…

Fiona (OFF): Ahhh ♥

Scene 8
Japanese English

Fiona: ちょっと、はしたなかった……かな……とっても……美味しいです……♥オーナー様、ストロベリーはまだたくさんあります♪この、 「二人だけの特別なパーティー」を……もう少しだけ………続けませんか?ふふっ♪では、次はわたくしの番です……♥オーナー様への感謝と、わたくしの愛を込めて……

Fiona (OFF): ……あ〜ん♥

Fiona: Pardon my bad manners… But it's sooo delicious ♥ There's still a lot of strawberries left, Boss ♪ Could we keep doing this "two-person party," just a little longer? Heheh ♪ Then it's my turn next ♥ Filled with gratitude…and love…

Fiona (OFF): Ahhhhhhh ♥

Episode 20: White Prince (Fiona) (ホワイト・プリンス(フィオナ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Fiona acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 21: Goddess Night's Dream (Fiona) (女神の夜の夢(フィオナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、今日はどんなことがありましたか?わたくしに、聞かせてくださいね?撮影……あの、肌ずかしいですけど……オーナー様となら、大丈夫です♪あの、撮影、お願いします♪

(Camera flash)

Fiona: Dear Owner, what happened to you today? I'd love to hear about it. I'm a bit uncomfortable in my skin, but with the ...... owner, I'm fine........

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様……わたくしのことを、もっと……知っていただきたくてダメ、ですか?あの……そんなに見つめられては……わたくし……

(Camera flash)

Fiona: Dear Owner,...... I'd like you to know more about ...... me, no? You know,...... you can't stare at me like that,...... I'm ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様とずっと一緒にいられて……とても、楽しかったです。

Fiona: It was very, very fun to be with the owner all the time at .......

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー1 (フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー2(フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー3(フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー4 (フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー5(フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー6(フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Fiona) (ひみつのシャワー7 (フィオナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Fiona.

Episode 29: Love Letter Maiden (Fiona) (恋文フトメ(フィオナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、 ちょっとよろしいですか?

Fiona: Boss, would you have a moment?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わたくしの気持ち、受け取ってください♪

Fiona: This is an expression of my feelings. I hope you'll accept it ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 撮影…… あの、 恥ずかしいですけど……オーナー様となら、大丈夫です♪

Fiona: Photo shoot? That sounds embarrassing, but… I know I'll be fine if it's with you, Boss ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike prior camera scenes needs to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様の、お好きに……その……

(camera flash)

Fiona: Um… Take whatever you'd like to, Boss…

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様?二人だけの……秘密ですよ?

Fiona: Boss… Keep this a secret between us, okay?

Episode 30: A Birthday Wish (誕生日の願い)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 今年は、どんなお誕生日になるのでしょう……♡

Fiona: I wonder what my birthday will be like this year ♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様が来て下さるのが、待ちしくて……♪うふふっ♪ ドキドキしてしまいます。今年も、素敵な思い出を、 オーナー様と……♡でも……いつも、オーナー様にお祝いしていただいてばかりで……たまには、わたくしからも……

Fiona: I can't wait for the Boss to arrive ♪ Heheh ♪ My heart is pounding. I hope we can make more beautiful memories together this year ♡ Except… The Boss is always celebrating my birthday for me… I should do something for him as well sometimes…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あっ……オーナー様、お待ちしておりました♡「お誕生日のお祝いに、遅れるわけには」……?……いえ、お待ちしていたのは、わたくしが勝手に♪オーナー様は、時間とおりですよ♡……あら? その大きな物は……ひょっとして……?

Fiona: Oh…Boss. I've been waiting for you ♡ You didn't mean to be late for my birthday celebration? No no…I arrived too early ♪ You came right on time, Boss ♡ Oh… That large package you're holding… Could that be…?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ……素敵な水着……♪わたくしに、 プレゼントを……?ありがとうございます♡「当たり前のこと」……?い……いえ、とんでもありません……!いつも、オーナー様にお祝いしていただいてばかりで…………え?「今年のお誕生日に、 してみたいこと」……ですか?そうですね……こんな素敵な水着で……オーナー様と二人……♪あっ……そうです♡あの、オーナー様?いただいたこの水着に、 さっそく着替えたいのですが……少し、準備の時間をいただきたくて……よろしければ、 あとで……その、二人だけで、 待ち合わせを♡では、その時間に……♪……お待ちしております、 オーナー様♡

Fiona: Wow…what a wonderful swimsuit ♪ A gift for me…? Thank you so much ♡ I deserve it…? N-No, no…that's not true…! You've always done so much to celebrate for me, Boss. …Hm? Something I'd like to try for my birthday this year? Let's see… How about wear this amazing swimsuit, and then you and I can… ♪ Ah yes ♡ So…Boss? I'd like to slip into this swimsuit you gave me right away, but… I'll need some time to get prepared. Do you think we could meet up a bit later, just the two of us? ♡ Then…I'll see you later ♪ I'll be waiting for you when the time comes, Boss ♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 10

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♪ オーナー様、とても大人っぽくて、 上品で……素敵な水着ですね♡いかがでしょうか・……♪……わたくしに、 似合っていると良いのですが。「とっても大人っぽくて、 似合ってる」……?よかったぁ……ありがとうございます♪オーナー様に選んでいただいた水着、 とっても嬉しいです♡……あの、オーナー様?水着の他には……何か、お気づきになりましたでしょうか?わたくしから、いい香りがする……?はい♪ 気付いていただけて、 嬉しいです♡じつは、この水着に合わせて、香水を選んでみたのです♪オーナー様に喜んでいただけて、よかった♪「誕生日の記念に、写真の撮影を」 ……?はい♪よろこんで♡では……お、思い切って、少しダイタンなポーズを……愛の力で、が、がんばります!

Fiona: Heheh ♪ Boss… What an amazing swimsuit…so mature and elegant ♡ What do you think? ♪ I hope it looks alright on me. It "suits me well" and "looks very mature"? What a relief… Thank you ♪ It makes me so happy to think you chose this for me ♡ And um, Boss? Did you notice something…besides the swimsuit? A pleasant scent coming from me? That's right ♪ I'm glad you noticed ♡ I actually chose a perfume to go with this swimsuit ♪ And it brings me joy to know that you're pleased with it ♪ "A photo shoot to commemorate" my birthday? Yes ♪ I'd be happy to ♡ So… I'll start out with a bold pose… Th-The power of love will give me the courage I need!

Scene 12

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to directly take a picture in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 13
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ、あの、オーナー様……どうでしたでしょうか……?「どう」って……その……ドキドキ……して、 いただけましたか……?わぁ♡よかった…… 作戦成功……です♪「何のこと」 って……ひゃっ? いえ、あの……この香水は、「パウダリーノート」 といって……その、人をドキドキさせる香り……なのだそうで……うふふっ♡オーナー様にドキドキしていただきたくて……♪……では、オーナー様、参りましょうか♡お誕生日のお願いに……今宵は、わたくしだけの、 オーナー様に……♡よろしくお願いいたします♡

Fiona: U-Um, Boss… How was it? What I mean by that is… Did it…give you a thrill? Oh good ♡ Then…mission accomplished ♪ What do I mean by that? Oh, um…! This perfume is called "Powdery Notes…" It's supposed to arouse a sense of thrill within people… Heheh ♡ So I was hoping to arouse that "sense of thrill" in you ♪ Shall we go, Boss? ♡ For my birthday wish… I'd like you all to myself tonight ♡ I hope you'll make it come true ♡

Episode 23: A Thrill for You (ドキドキをあなたに)[]

To get this episode, you must give Fiona the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……♡とっても素敵なデートでした♪この水着にピッタリの、 少し大人っぽいテートコース……隣には、オーナー様が一緒に♡ふふっ♪わたくし、ずーっとドキドキが止まりませんでした♡あっ、あの…… オーナー様?わたくしばかり、 楽しんでいませんでしたか?オーナー様も……その、ドキドキを、感じていただけていたなら良いのですが……うふふっ♪ よかったです♡きっと、この水着と、 香水のおかげですね♡……あの、 オーナー様、ありがとうございます。今日は、 とてもいいお誕生日のプレゼントをいただきました♪……え?もうひとつプレゼントが……?

Fiona: *sigh* ♡ What a marvelous date that was ♪ That "mature" date course was the perfect complement to this swimsuit… And with you by my side…Boss ♡ Heheh ♪ My heart was pounding with excitement the whole time ♡ Oh uh…Boss? Was I the only one having a good time? I was hoping… You'd be able to experinece that heart-pounding sense of thrill as well… Heheh ♪ I'm glad ♡ Thanks to this swimsuit and perfume, no doubt ♡ Um, thanks for everything, Boss. You gave me a fabulous birthday gift today ♪ …Hm? One more gift to give?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: これは……写真?先ほどのデートの……うふふっ♪わたくしったら、こんなにはしゃいで。少し……はしたなかったでしょうか?えっ?オーナー様がドキドキした瞬間を……写真に?ありがとう……ございます。……とっても、うれしいです♡……では、オーナー様にも、 お誕生日のお礼を。それに、もっと……ドキドキ、していただけますように…………愛をこめて♡

Fiona: Is this…a photo? Of the date we just had… Heheh ♪ Look how giddy I seem to be. Perhaps that was…a bit ill-mannered of me. Hm? You took this photo…to capture the very moment you felt a thrill? Thank you…for thinking of that. …I'm really happy you did it ♡ Now…I'd like to offer you something in return for celebrating my birthday… And further stoke that sense of thrill. …With all my love ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Fiona: これは、今日の日の……二人の想い出に。オーナー様が、 持っていて下さると……うれしいです。それで・・・ドキドキ。 していただけると、もっと♡パウダリーノートは、ドキドキして、 そのうちに……人をにしてしまう香り……なんだとか。……オーナー様、よろしければ……また、わたくしとデートをしていただけますか?だって、わたくしは、すっと……オーナー様の……うふふっ♡

Fiona: I'd appreciate it if you'd take this, Boss. As a memory of our time together on this day. And…I hope it makes your heart flutter, too ♡ The "Powdery Notes" fragrance is supposed to cause a thrill, and also captivate anyone who smells it. If it's okay with you, Boss… Do you think we could go out on another date sometime? Because I'd always… Like to be your… Heheh

Episode 24: Victory Ceremony (Fiona) (勝利のセレモニー (フィオナ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 31: Share ♥ with Fiona (フィオナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 32: Make a wish. (願いを叶えて)[]

Scene 1

This scene does not have any dialogue boxes or subtitles

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あら、ここは……? 突然目の前が真っ白になって…………それに、 誰かに呼ばれたような……あっ、オーナー様♡よかった。お誕生日のご挨拶に、 と思っていたところなのです♪「召喚」……?では、先程お呼びになられたのは、 オーナー様なのですか?うふふっ、嬉しいです♡ ……オーナー様も、わたくしに逢いたい、と思ってくれていたのですね♡ところで……ここは、どこなのでしょうか?お逢いしたいばかりに、道に迷ってしまったようで……「異世界」……ですか?ええと……わたくしには難しくて、 よくわかりませんが……うふふっ♪ オーナー様と二人きり……♡とっても素敵な世界だと思います♪では、この水着も、 オーナー様のお力なのでしょうか?絵物語に出てくるような……幻想的で、 綺麗な水着ですね♡お誕生日のプレゼント……?うふふっ、やっぱり♡ ありがとうございます♪オーナー様の愛がこもったプレゼント……大好きです……♡「召喚士」の水着……?精霊や、動物たちの力を借りられる……のですか?まあ♪その力、 とっても素敵だと思います♡さっそく、試してみますね♪

Fiona (OFF): ええと……こう、でしょうか? えいっ……♡

Fiona: Oh, is this ......? Suddenly I went blank ............ and it was as if someone had called me ...... Oh, thank goodness for the owner ♡. I was just thinking, to wish you a happy birthday...... "Summoning"......? So it was the owner who called you just now? I'm so happy to hear that the owner also wanted to meet me ♡ ...... By the way, ...... where am I? I'm so eager to meet you that I seem to have lost my way. ...... "Another world"......? I'm not sure how to describe it,...... but I think it's a very nice world,...... alone with the owner,...... uk. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's hard for me to understand it. It's like something out of a picture story,....... It's a fantastic and beautiful swimsuit. Ummm, I knew it ♡ Thank you so much ♡ I love ...... the gift of the owner's love ...... ♡ "Summoner" swimsuit ...... ? Can you borrow the power of spirits and animals ......? Well, I think that power is very nice... I'll try it right away...

Fiona (OFF): Uh, ...... like this? Yes. ......♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……まあ、 かわいい猫さんが♡あなたが、 わたくしを助けてくれるの? うふふっ♪見てください、 オーナー様♡とっても可愛いですよ♪白くてふわふわで…… お日様の香りがします♪「可愛い」……ですか?あっ……♡あの……わ、わたくしではなくて、猫さんが……

Fiona: ...... Well, my dear little cat, are you going to help me? Look at him, Mr. Owner...he's so cute...white and fluffy and ...... smells like the he "cute"......? Oh, ...... ♡ that ...... not me, but the cat ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……あら? 猫さんが……いなくなってしまいました。どうしてでしょう…………わたくしの願いを……叶えたから?まあ……♡うふふっ♪そうですね…… オーナー様♥……では、参りましょう♪ オーナー様と、 異世界で二人きり……ふふっ♪ 何をしましょうか♡……まずは、「契約」を?「この世界で一緒に過ごすには必要だから」……は、はい……オーナー様と、結ばれるのでしたら……わたくしでよろしければ……喜んで♡

Fiona: ...... oh my? The cat is gone from .........why is that? ............ I made a wish... I made my wish come true? ......What shall we do♡......First of all, we'll make a contract? If you want to spend time together in this world, you need to make a contract with the owner,......, yes,......, if you want to make a contract with the owner,......, if you want to make a contract with me,......, if you want to make a contract with me,....... ...... gladly handsome

Scene 6

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene. Also the player has to take a picture to advance.

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございます♪これで、この世界ではオーナー様と、 ずっと一緒……ですね♡では参……りましょうか。オーナー様となら……どちらへでもお供いたします♡……「お誕生日プレゼントを見つけに、冒険へ」 ?冒険……うふふっ♪本当に、 絵物語のような世界……なのですね♪

Fiona (OFF): それでは……えーいっ♡

Fiona: Thank you very you and the owner will be together forever in this world.........shall we go to ......? I'll go with you to any place with the owner♡...... "Go on an adventure to find a birthday present"......? really is a picture-story world.........

Fiona (OFF): Let's go to ......♡♡♡

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Fiona: まぁ♪こんどは、 大きなドラゴンさん♡あなたは、どんなお願いを叶えてくれるのでしょうか?……え?背中に?……では、参りましょう、 オーナー様♪よろしければ……手を取って頂けますか?♡

Fiona:, big handsome dragon...what request will you grant me? ...... What? On your back? ...... Well, here we are, Mr. Owner... if you don't mind, could you ...... take my hand? ♡♡

Episode 33: My favorite person (大好きな人)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Fiona's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……すみません。 オーナー様。ドラゴンさんへのお願いは、 とても疲れるみたいで…………ありがとう、 ドラゴンさん♪また、お願いしますね?

Fiona: haha ...... sorry. Owner. It seems that asking Mr. Dragon is very tiring. ............ Thank you, Mr. Dragon... ♪ I'll ask you again, won't I?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 目的の場所までは、 まだ遠そうです……はぁ、わたくしの力不足ですね…………え?「一緒に歩きたかったから」….…?うふふっ♪ オーナー様はお優しいのですね♡……ありがとうございます。あの……では、腕を組んでも……♡ふふっ♪……うれしい♡オーナー様と一緒なら、 まだまだ……大丈夫です♪

Fiona: It looks like we're still a long way from where we want to go: ...... Huh, I'm not sure I'm up to the task: ............ What? I wanted to walk with you. .... I'm sorry...? Ummm...the owner is very kind ♡...... thank you very much. In that ......, even if you cross your arms,......♡Huffing,...... I'm happy♡With the owner, I'm still.... ...I'll be fine... ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あら……? オーナー様、 何か聞こえませんか?何か、鳴き声のような…………ひゃっ? ええと、あれは……なんでしょう?絵物語に出てくる、 怪物さんのような……「なんとかする」 ……?オーナー様…… で、 でも、たないのでは……わたくしも……お手伝いします……!ええと……召喚……といっても、どなたに……

Fiona: Oh, ......? Owner, do you hear something? Something that sounds like a squeaky ............ hmm? Uh, that's ......, isn't it? Like the monster in the story ...... "I'll manage" ......? The owner ...... but I'll help you ...... if you don't ...... help me too...! ...! Let's see,...... summons,...... but who can we summon,......?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わたくしの、 「大好きな人」を……守って……!……えーいっ!

Fiona: Please protect my "favorite people" at ......! ......Yay!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): ん……あら……?オーナー……様……?

Fiona: すみません、わたくし気を失っていたのでしょうか……召喚をした時、目の前が真っ白になって……なんだか、懐かしい匂いが……い、いえ、そういうことではなくて……!怪物さんたちは……逃げていかれたのですか?さすが、 オーナー様ですね♡はぁ、わたくしは、お役に立てませんでした……せっかく、水着の力を頂いたのに……残念です……しゅん。……え? 「そんなこと無い」……?わたくしの召喚の力で、助かったのですか……?真っ白い、大きな犬さんが現れて……?ウィステリア……藤色の首輪をつけた……それは、ひょっとして…………ふふっ♪ はい、 きっと……守ってくれたのですね♡わたくしの……大好きな人を。

Fiona (OFF): n...... oh ......? The owner......, Mr.......?

Fiona: I'm sorry, I must have blacked out...... when I did the summoning, I went blank...... and I smelled something familiar... ...No, no, that's not what I mean....... Did the monsters escape ......? I'm sorry I couldn't be of any help to you,...... even though you gave me the power of your swimsuit,...... Shun. ...... Eh? No, that's not true. ......? Did my summoning power save you? ......? A big, bright white dog appeared and ......? Wisteria,...... with a wisteria collar,...... and it was a dog that was perhaps,............ Yes, I'm sure he was protecting ...... my handsome ...... loved one.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……これが、 お誕生日のプレゼント……?「疲れを癒すオイル」 ……ですか?「これを身体に塗れば、召喚の疲れも狙える」……ですか?す、少しずかしいですけど……でも…………はい♡オーナー様になら…… 大丈夫です♡

Fiona: ...... is this your birthday present ......? Is this "oil to relieve fatigue" ......? "Apply this to your body, and you'll be able to summon fatigue." ......? It's a little embarrassing,...... but if it's for the owner,............ yes,...... It's okay, handsome.

Scene 7

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……身体がぽかぽかして……暖かくて……ふふっ、これが愛の力……ですね♡……え?もう帰る時間……ですか?もう少しだけ、二人きり……この世界を楽しみたかったのですが……うふふっ♪ そうです♡じゃあ、次はわたくしが……オーナー様を 「召喚」 すれば……これからは……いつでも、 一人きりになれますね。オーナー様……♡

Fiona: Hah...... body is warm and ...... warm and ...... phew, this is the power of love.... ...isn't it♡...... Eh? Is it time to go home already......? I wanted to enjoy this world alone with you ...... for a little while longer. I can "summon" you ...... and from now on, you can be alone ...... anytime you want. Owner......♡

Episode 34: Secret Esthetic Time (Fiona)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Fiona's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 35: Bitter♡Sweet (Fiona) (ビター♡スイート(フィオナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♪オーナー様の愛の眼差し……嬉しいです♡

(Camera flash)

Fiona: woohoo...I'm so happy to see the owner's eyes of love ...... ♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様♡わたくしの愛……お召し上がりください……♡

Fiona: Owner ♡ my love ...... please eat ...... ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♡喜んで頂けましたか……?わたくしも……ドキドキしました♡

Fiona: I hope you are pleased with the ...... ♡♡♡? I was also thrilled with ......♡♡♡!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: どうぞ、ごゆっくり……♡……オーナー様と一緒の時間ですから♡

(Camera flash)

Fiona: please, take your time ...... ♡...... ♡...... because it's your time with the owner ♡......

(Camera flash)

Episode 36: Velvet Time Rose (Fiona) (ベルベットタイム・ローズ(フィオナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Whoa…! Boss! If it's for you, boss… I guess… N-no, I just can't do it!


Episode 1: Shut Up And Take Them (黙って受け取って)[]


Nagisa vday extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa (OFF): あの、なぎさ、です……ここ、開けなさいよ、バカねんこ……

Nagisa: あっ、あの、これ……受け、受け取って……だ、黙って受け取ってください!ばか!へ、ヘンな意味は無いですからね?誤解しないでください。オーナー……さん……あなたの罠く顔が見たかっただけです…………勘違い、しないでよ。はか。

Nagisa (OFF): Um, it's Nagisa… Open this door, you stupid dog.

Nagisa: I, um, just, t-take these… Ju-just shut up and take them, dummy! There's nothing special about this, okay? Don't take it the wrong way. Boss… I only wanted to see your surprised face. So don't get any wrong ideas, dummy.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 二人きりで撮影……?変なことをしたら、人を呼びますよ?……さっさと始めてください。……ヘソタイ。

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: A photo session with just the two of us? If you do anything weird I'll scream. So hurry up and get started, pervy.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: いつまで見てるのよ!……こ、こ、この、エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Stop looking me over like that! You…dirty dog!

Episode 2: Putting Work Aside (仕事をはなれて)[]


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさ Nagisa's birthday extra episode"仕事をはなれて"


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 49 - Putting Work Aside

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: あら、オーナーさん。……あなたもいたんですね。今日はわたしの誕生日、ですけど……別に、お祝いなんてしてもらわなくても……仕事も忙しそうなのに…………これも「仕事」?……はぁ。そういう人でしたね。では、仕事でのお祝い、ありがとうございます。食べるものを食べたら、本当のお仕事に戻ってくださいね。……バカわんこ。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: Oh, hi boss. I didn't realize you were here. Today is my birthday, but… There's no need to celebrate it… Besides, you seem so busy with work. Oh, this is also part of your "job?" *sigh* That's so typical of you. Thanks for celebrating as part of your "job" then. Just have a quick bite to eat and then get back to your real job, okay? Silly dog.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: ……オーナーさん?こんなところに一人で……仕事はどうしたんですか?仕事は終わり、今はプライベート?

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: Boss? What are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be working? Work's over, and now you're on private time?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これ……わたしの、誕生日ケーキ……?仕事は、終わったんじゃないんですか?……はぁ。仕方がないですね。今目くらいは……少しだけ、お休みしても。……ありがとうございます。それと……さっきは、ごめんなさい。少し、言いすぎました。え……?いっしょに食べてくれたら、許す?ふふっ、それくらいなら。なんなら、食べさせてあげましようか?わんこさん?……じょ、冗談です!本気にしないで……もう。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: This is…a birthday cake for me…? Aren't you already done with your "job?" *sigh* Oh well… I guess a little time off today won't hurt. Thank you… Oh, and sorry. I said a little too much earlier. Huh? You'll forgive me if we have a meal together. Heheh, if that's all it takes. Shall I spoon-feed you as well, doggy? I was…just kidding! Don't take everything so seriously.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これは……誕生日の、水着ですか?ありがとうございます。ふふっ、あとで着てみます。え?今……着て見せて欲しい、ですって……?調子に乗らないでください。このエロわんこ。仕事は終わったんじゃないんですか?ここからは仕事、ですって!?……はぁ。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: This is…a swimsuit for my birthday? Thank you. Heheh, I'll put it on later. Huh? You want to see it on me right now? Don't get carried away, you dirty dog. Weren't you done with your "job" for the day? Your work has just begun!? *sigh*

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: はい、着であけましたよ。これで満足ですか?……写真!?し、仕事でもお断りです!じゃあ、プライベートで……お願い!?……もう!好きにすればいいでしょう?このエロわんこ!

Camera Flash

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: There, I put it on for you. Satisfied? Pictures!? N-not a chance, even if it's for work! Take it as…a personal request!? Fine! Just do it, dirty dog!

Camera Flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これ、風になびくとキラキラ光って……ふふっ♪とても似合ってる、って……それは、お仕事ですか?プライベートですか?……ふふっ♪……どっちでもいいです。ありがとうございます、わんこさん。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: It's so sparkly in the wind… Heheh ♪ Oh, you think it looks nice on me? Is that part of your job? Or your personal opinion? Heheh ♪ It's fine either way. Thanks a lot, silly dog.

Episode 3: Gessen Ninja Suit (Nagisa) (月因女学館(なぎさ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 二人きりで撮影……?変なことをしたら、人を呼びますよ?……さっさと始めてください。……ヘソタイ。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nagisa: いつまで見てるのよ!……こ、こ、この、エロわんこ!

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: A photo session with just the two of us? If you do anything weird I'll scream. So hurry up and get started, pervy.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nagisa: Stop looking me over like that! You…dirty dog!

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 4: Unrivalled beauty (絶世の美女)[]


DOAXVV Nagisa Birthday Scene1 (나기사 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 姿が見えなくなったと思ったら、こんなところに……。……ー体何を企んでいるんですか?わたしはともかく、せっかくみさきが用意してくれたパーティーなんですから。オーナーさんには、楽しむ義務があるんです。……ほら、一緒に戻りますよ?わんこさん?……ふ、二人きりになりたかった?突然何を言うんですか、この回わんこ……!

Nagisa: When I noticed you were gone, this is the last place I expected to find you. What have you got up your sleeve…? In any case, Misaki put a lot of effort into this party for me, so… I'm obligated to make sure you have a good time. Come on, shall we go back now? Doggy? You…wanted to be alone with me? What are you getting at, dirty dog…!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 水着……?これをわたしに?一体どういうつもりですか……?プレゼントって……それは、その、見たらわかりますけど……だったら、みんなの前で渡してください。そうすれば……その……う、受け取るくらいなら、してあげますから。……ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど。……着て見せて欲しい?はぁ、まったく。……そういうことですか。このエロわんこ。まあ、いいですよ。見たところ、ヘンな水着じゃなさそうだし……それに……せっかく用意してもらったんですから。その、お礼に……少しくらいは。

Nagisa: A swimsuit…? For me? What are you trying to pull off this time? A gift… I mean, I can obviously tell that much. You could have just given it to me in front of the other girls. I mean…well… I-I'll accept it if that's what you want. This is a little…embarrassing though. You want to see me wearing it…? *Sigh* Unbelievable. Now it all makes sense, pervy dog. Fine, I'll put it on. It doesn't look sleazy or anything… Besides… Since you made the effort, so… This is just…little something in return.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はい、着てあげましたよ。……なかなか、悪くないと思います。なんだか、変わった水着ですね。とても豪華というか……異国の女王のような。……えっ、クレオパトラをイメージした?絶世の美女!?似合ってる、クレオパトラみたいって……はぁ……そんな口車には乗りませんよ。確かに、豪華で椅麗な水着ですけど。……なんでガッカリしてるんですか?もう……わたしが悪いみたいじゃないですか。わ、わかりました。女王っぽく……じゃあ……少しだけ……コホン。あなたが献上したこの水着、とても気に入りました。わたしのためを思ってしてくれたこと、……女王として、嬉しく思います。……礼をいいますよ。オーナーさん♪……これでいいですか?えっ?褒美!?写真を撮らせてほしい?はぁ……では、好きにするがよい。……この、エロわんこ♪

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: There, I've put it on. Actually it's not too bad at all. Kind of unusual, isn't it? Gorgeous… Like something worn by the queen of a faraway land. Eh… Patterned after Cleopatra? An unrivalled beauty!? I look good in it…? Like…Cleopatra? *Sigh* Spare me the flattery. It is quite a gorgeous swimsuit though… …Why are you disappointed? Wow… You're making it look like I'm at fault here. F-Fine… Like a queen, then… Just for a little bit… Ahem. I'm really fond of this swimsuit you got me. For thinking of me… As your queen, I'm delighted. You have my gratitude. Boss. ♪ …Is that good enough? Huh!? A reward!? You want to take some pics of me? *Sigh* Fine… Snap away then. You… Pervy dog ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はぁ……もう……恥ずかしいことさせるんだから……さあ、はやくパーティーに戻りますよ。みさきが心配していますから。……え?パーティーのあとで、また……?また、ヘンなこと考えてるんじゃないでしょうね?エロわんこ。……いいですよ。わたしも、この水着のお礼、まだ言ってませんから。じゃあ、また……あとで。わんこさん。

Nagisa: *Sigh* You're always putting me in these embarrassing situations… Let's hurry back to the party now. Misaki must be worried. …Hm? Again after the party? You're not thinking of anything weird, are you? Pervy dog. …All right. I haven't properly thanked you for this swimsuit yet, so… See you later, doggy.

Episode 5: Good Luck Clover (幸運のクローバー)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Nagisa after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Nagisa Birthday Scene2 (나기사 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 絶世の美女……

Nagisa: Unrivalled beauty…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 女王クレオパトラ……か。ふふっ♪ひゃあっ!?い、いつからそこに……?はぁ……と、とにかく、えっと……こ、この水着……気に入りました。クレオパトラ、っていうのは、正直ガラじゃありませんけど。この水着なら、普段言えないことでも……言えそう。だから……あの、ありがとうございます。……オーナーさん。さっきは、ちゃんと言えなかったから。……はい、こちらの用は済みました。オーナーさんの方は……どんな用ですか?

Nagisa: Queen Cleopatra huh… Heheh ♪ Kyahh!? How long have you been standing there…!? *Sigh* Anyway, uh… I…really like this swimsuit. Honestly, Cleopatra isn't exactly my style. But with this swimsuit, I feel like I can say things I couldn't normally say. So… Erm… Thank you. …Boss. I hadn't said a proper thank you. …So I've finished my piece. What is it you wanted, boss?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: え……これ、指輪……? ま、待ってください、わたし、こんな……こんなこと……突然……えっ!?誕生日のプレゼントに……誕生石を?はぁ……び、びっくりした……ま、まあそういう意味なら、貰っても……

Nagisa: Oh… This is a…ring? H-Hold on a minute… I… This is all so sudden… Huh!? My birthstone…as a birthday gift? *Phew* You surprised me there… If… If that's all it is, I'll accept it then…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ふふっ♪四葉のクローバーがかわいい……♪……あ、あなたにしては、いいアイデアだと思います。エメラルドは「幸運の石」……ですから。女王クレオパトラへの忠誠の証って……もう、そういう話は……少しは、真面目に言うことを聞いて下さい。せっかくの、誕生日なんですから…………じゃあ。エメラルドの石言葉通り、とても、「幸せ」な、素敵な誕生日でした。お祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます。な……なんですか、ニヤニヤして……エメラルドのもう一つの石言葉?……「愛」?え?ええっ!?もう!結局、わたしをからかって……!「真面目」だ、って……!?こ……この、エロわんこ!!

Nagisa: Heheh ♪ What a cute four-leaf clover… ♪ Actually a pretty clever idea coming from you. Because… The emerald is the stone of happiness and good luck. A symbol of your loyalty to Queen Cleopatra? Don't be silly… Would you take my words seriously for once, maybe? It is my birthday after all… …Let's see. Just as the emerald symbolizes, today was truly a "lucky" and amazing birthday. Thank you for celebrating it. Wh-What are you grinning about? The emerald symbolizes one other thing…? "Love…?" H-Huh!? Ugh! Still joking around with me…!? You're…being serious!? Y-You…pervy dog!

Episode 6: Nagisa-chan Wants to Hang Out! (なぎさちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Up to No Good? (良からぬこと?)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 見当たらないと思ったら……こんなところで何してるんですか?みんながせっかく開いてくれたパーティーなんですから。……ほら、戻りますよ、バカわんこ。別に、あなたにお祝いして欲しいだなんて、思いませんけど……

Nagisa: So that's why I couldn't find you… What are you doing in a place like this? Everyone threw a nice party for me, so… I'm going back over there now, silly dog. It's not like I want you to celebrate my "special day" or anything like that…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ……?なんですか、これは……?……プレゼント?わたしに!?な、何を企んでいるんですか?二人きりで、プレゼントだなんて……これは……水着……?はぁ。……どうせ、いやらしい水着なんでしょ?お見通しですよ、このエロわんこ……あれ……?でも、この水着はそうでも…………………いくらあなたでも、言い過ぎました。その……ごめんなさい、疑ってしまって。え……すぐ、着て見せてほしい……?そんなこと……もう、そんな目で見ないでください!……わかりました。さっきのお詫びと……プレゼントのお礼、ですから。

Nagisa: …? What is this…? …A gift? For me!? Are you plotting something devious? A gift…while we're alone… It's a…swimsuit…? *sigh* I'm sure it's a real nasty one, too… You're so predictable, you dirty dog… Huh… This swimsuit is actually kind of… Even though I know your motives, I guess I went too far this time… I'm…sorry…for doubting you. Hm…? You want to see me in it right away…? But why would… Wow, would you please stop looking at me like that!? …All right, then. As part of my apology…and to express my appreciation for this gift.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: わぁ……この水着、綺麗……その……似合って、ますか……?「気品」に溢れている?ふふっ♪そんなに褒めたって、何も出ませんよ?……え?カーネーションの花言葉?そ、そうですよね。わたしが着ても、「気品」なんて……そんな……「とても綺麗」 ……?水着が……じゃなくて……い、言い直さなくてもいいですから……!え、えと、その……一応、お礼は言っておきます。ありがとう……ございます。もう、なにジロジロ見てるんですか?あなたが用意した水着なんだから、そんなに見なくても……え?せっかくだから写真を撮っておきたい?はぁ……何を言うかと思えば……最初からそれが目的だったんじゃないですか?でも、まあ…………いいですよ、たまには。……撮るからには、しっかり撮ってくださいね。ヘンな妄想して、ニヤニヤしないように。だって……せっかくの、誕生日の水着……ですから。

(camera flash)

Nagisa: Wow… This is a beautiful swimsuit. It…looks good on me…? Overflowing with "elegance?" Heheh ♪ Flattery will get you nowhere. …Hm? It's what the carnation flower symbolizes? Oh…right. But calling me "elegant" while wearing this is just… I mean… "Really pretty?" You mean the swimsuit…? No…? Y-You don't have to clarify… Really! U-Um… I think I owe you a bit of gratitude, so… Thank you…so much. Why are you looking me up and down like that? You already knew what this swimsuit looks like, there's no need to stare… Huh? Since I'm wearing it you want to take pics? *sigh* Talk about out of the blue… This was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it? But well, why not? I don't mind once in a while… But if you're gonna take pics, you better take good ones. And don't get wrapped up in some perverted delusion. I mean… This is my birthday suit, after all.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ちゃんと撮れましたか?……あとで、確認させてもらいますから。それじゃ、戻りますよ、バカわんこ。せっかくのパーティーなんですから、あなたも楽しんで……え?パーティーのあと……?別に予定はありませんけど……ふ、ふたりきりで会いたいって……!やっぱり何か良からぬことを企んでるんじゃ……いえ、でも……最初から疑ってかかるのは、良くないかも……仕方がありません。少しだけなら、付き合ってあげます。遅れたりしないで下さいよ、バ力わんこ。あなたから言いだしたんですから。なんて、言わなくても……どうせ、走ってくるんですから。……わんこみたいに。

Nagisa: Did you get some good pics? I'll look them over later to make sure. Anyway, I'm going back to the party, silly dog. You might as well go enjoy it, too. Hm? After the party? I don't have anything planned… Y-You want to be alone with me…!? I knew you were up to no good… But still… Maybe I was a little hasty to doubt you the first time, so… I suppose I can hang out with you, if it's just for a bit. But you better not be late, silly dog. You're the one who wanted this. What am I saying… I'm sure you'll come running. …Just like a dog.

Episode 8: Black Rubber (Nagisa) (ラバー・ブラック(なぎさ))[]


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見してしまったVer.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさ エクストラ生着替え 速攻覗き見!ver.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見しないVer

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: じゃあ、着替えますけど……覗いたら、ただじゃ済まないんだから……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: はい、着てあげまじだよ。……せめて、感想ぐらい聞かせなさいよね。バカ。

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: 閉じないなら、替えはお預け。当たり前です!……このエロわんこ!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Okay… Let me get changed… But if you peek I swear you'll pay for it…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: Okay, I've got it on now. At least let me hear what you think. Dummy.

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: If it does not close, replace it. Obviously! ...... This erotic dog!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 9: One-Night Performance (一夜の演技)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nagisa her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ふんふ〜ん♪

Nagisa: Hehehhh ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: きゃあっ!?き、来ているなら、声ぐらいかけてください……!……もう。……水着を気に入って貰えたみたいで、嬉しい!?べ、別に……そういうわけじゃ……嬉しそうに見えたかも、しれないですけど……そ、そんなことより……!今度は何をするんですか?もうすぐ、誕生日は終わりですけど……え……?もう一つ、渡したい物が?こ、今度こそ何か企んでるんじゃ……ないですよね?

Nagisa: Kyahhh!!! I wish you'd say something instead of creeping up on me like that…! Wow. You're happy that I love the swimsuit? I-I wouldn't say… I mean… I may have looked happy at first, but… Anyway…! What are you planning this time? My birthday's going to be over soon… Hm…? Something else you want to give me? So this time I'm sure you've got something up you…no you don't, do you…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: これ……ブーケ!?え……ええと……あ、ありがとう……ございます。……こんな、素敵なプレゼントが貰えるだなんて……思いませんでした……ま、まあ……あなたにしては……合格です。ありがとうございます♪

Nagisa: It's a…bouquet!? U-Um… Th-thank you…so much for this. …I had no idea I'd be getting such a…nice gift as this… So for someone like you…I'll say you passed. Thank you ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 綺麗な紫のカーネーション……花言葉の通り、とっても気品がありますね。わたしにぴったり……?そんなこと、ありませんけど……でも、あなたがそう思うなら……わたしも、精一杯演じてみます。

Nagisa: What beautiful purple carnations… Just as the flower symbolizes, so full of elegance, right? They go perfect with me? Oh…now they don't, come on… But if you insist, I'll do my best to play the part.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: それにしても……こんなドレスみたいな水着にブーケなんて。……まるで花嫁みたいですね。……そうだとしたら、って?どういう意味ですか?……冗談はやめてください。……でも今日一日……いえ、今夜ぐらいは…………演じてあげてもいいですよ。あなたが、今考えている……わたしを。ただし、あくまでも演技ですから。そこを忘れないように……!いいですね?……わんこさん♥

Nagisa: Wait a minute… A swimsuit like this, looking like a dress… Along with this bouquet, kind of seems… Like something a bride would wear. "What if it was?" What is that supposed to mean? Enough with the jokes please. But just for today… Or tonightm rather… …I don't see anything wrong with playing the part. As this "character" you're thinking of at the moment. But it's nothing more than an act. Don't forget that! Okay then?… Doggy ♥

Episode 10: Toasty Apron (Nagisa) (ほやほやエプロン(なぎさ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: じゃあ、着替えますけど……覗いたら、ただじゃ済まないんだから……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: はい、着てあげまじだよ。……せめて、感想ぐらい聞かせなさいよね。バカ。

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: 閉じないなら、替えはお預け。当たり前です!……このエロわんこ!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Well, I'll change clothes, but... If you peek, I'm not sorry...

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: Yes, I'll wear it. ...... At least, let me hear your impressions. Stupid.

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: If it does not close, replace it. Obviously! ...... This erotic dog!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 11: Sweet Chocolatier (Nagisa) (S・ショコラティエ(なぎさ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: じゃあ、着替えますけど……覗いたら、ただじゃ済まないんだから……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: はい、着てあげまじだよ。……せめて、感想ぐらい聞かせなさいよね。バカ。

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: 閉じないなら、替えはお預け。当たり前です!……このエロわんこ!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Well, I'll change clothes, but... If you peek, I'm not sorry...

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: Yes, I'll wear it. ...... At least, let me hear your impressions. Stupid.

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: If it does not close, replace it. Obviously! ...... This erotic dog!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 14: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Nagisa) (黒炎のラビリンス(なぎさ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Sparkling Blue (Nagisa) (スパークリングブルー(なぎさ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: フェスも、お仕事も……今は全部忘れていいよね……

Nagisa: This is my time to forget about the festival, about work, everything…

Episode 16: A gust of wind (Nagisa) (なぞの突風(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Nagisa) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はぁ、もうこんな時間かぁ。二人きりになつちゃいましたね……今日も一日外回ので、もう足がぱんぱん……

Nagisa: *sigh* Look at the time… I guess it’s just the two of us now. Going out to see clients all day has my feet aching…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa (OFF): ……え?足裏マッサージ?「れが取れる」って、そうわれても……

Nagisa (OFF): Hm? A foot massage? It’ll “rejuvenate” me? Not so sure about that…

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あんまり、ジロジロ見ないでください。もう……マッサージ、するんじゃないんですか?

(camera flash)

Nagisa: Stop looking me over like that. Aren’t you supposed to be doing a massage?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ……どうせ、触りたいだけなんでしょ?ほんとヘンタイ……この、エロわんこ……!

Nagisa: You just want an excuse to touch me, don’t you… I swear, you’re such a perv… You dirty dog…!

Episode 18: The Medicine of Love (Nagisa) (愛の妙薬 (なぎさ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 19: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Nagisa) (甘い香りに誘われて(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa (OFF): あの、なぎさ、です……ここ、開けなさいよ、バカねんこ……

Nagisa (OFF): J-Just wait a minute. Um…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あっ、あの、これ……受け、受け取って……だ、黙って受け取ってください!ばか!へ、ヘンな意味は無いですからね?誤解しないでください。オーナー……さん……あなたの罠く顔が見たかっただけです…………勘違い、しないでよ。はか。

Nagisa: I, um, just, t-take these… Ju-just shut up and take them, dummy! There's nothing special about this, okay? Don't take it the wrong way. Boss… I only wanted to see your surprised face. So don't get any wrong ideas, dummy.

Episode 20: Sunset at the Park (Nagisa) (あかね色の公園で(なぎさ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あっ、あの、これ……受け、受け取って……だ、黙って受け取ってください!ばか!へ、ヘンな意味は無いですからね?誤解しないでください。オーナー……さん……あなたの罠く顔が見たかっただけです…………勘違い、しないでよ。はか。

Nagisa: I, um, just, t-take these… Ju-just shut up and take them, dummy! There's nothing special about this, okay? Don't take it the wrong way. Boss… I only wanted to see your surprised face. So don't get any wrong ideas, dummy.

Episode 21: White Prince (Nagisa) (ホワイト・プリンス(なぎさ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Nagisa acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 22: Spoiled Surprise (サプライズ失敗)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Nagisa: ……みんなパーティー中なのに、こんな隅っこで、コソコソ何してるんですか?「バレてたのか」って……あなたが何をしようとしているかなんて、ぜーんぶ、お見通しです。また、わたしにサプライズでも仕掛けようと思ってるんでしょうけどそうはいきませんから!……そもそも、サブライズなんかしないで、素直にやればいいんです。……誕生日くらい。かっこ付けなくていいんですよ、バカわんこ。……「それじゃあ」って、そんな突然……?

Nagisa: Why are you acting so suspicious in the corner here while everyone's at the party? What do you mean I "caught" you? Of course I ad you completely figured out from the start. I'm sure you thought you could surprise me again this year, but it won't work this time! You should just do it in a straightforward manner instead of sneaking around trying to surprise me. At least for my birthday… You don't have to try and be cool for me, you silly dog. If I say so? What's this all of a sudden…?

Scene 3
Japanese English

Nagisa: これ、誕生日の水着……?……やっぱり、今年も準備してくれてたんですね。とっても綺麗……それに、セクシーで……こういう雰囲気、わたしに似合うのかな。……「似合うように選んできた」?……どうだか。あなたの見る目なんて、信用できませんから。「なら、着て見せて」って……はぁ、やっぱり。……そう言って、覗くつもりなんでしょ?……この、エロわんこ!いくら誕生日だからって、そう簡単に、あなたの思い通りにはいきませんから。な、なによ、その哀しそうな目…………わかりました。変な水着じゃなさそうだし、すぐに着替えてきますから。もし、本当に覗いたら……誕生日だからって、ただじゃおきませんからね!?

Nagisa: It's my birthday swimsuit…? Then…you had one made for me this year, too… It's very pretty… And sexy… But I'm not sure if this is a good look for me. You chose it exactly because I'd look good in it? I don't know… I can never trust your judgment. "Try it on then?" *sigh* Your plan is to peep on me while I'm changing, isn't it… You dirty dog…! Birthday or not… Don't just assume I'll do whatever you say. Wh-What's this… Now I get the puppy dog eyes? …Fine. There's nothing too suspicious about this swimsuit, so I'll put it on now. And if I catch you peeking, birthday or not… I swear you will feel my wrath!

Scene 4
Japanese English

Nagisa: あの……お待たせしました…………なんだか、本当に綺麗で、大人っぽい水着ですね。あなたらしくない、と言うか……「似合っていてよかった」って……ふふっ……なんですか、それ。さっき「似合うように選んだ」って、言ったばかりでしょ?……でも、本当に素敵……スラッとしたラインと色で……なんだか、パナナみたい。……え?「本当にバナナをイメージしてる」……?どうしてバナナなんですか?わたしの「誕生日の果実」?ヘぇ……そういうのがあるんですね。さすが……じゃなくて……ちょっとだけ感心しました。……それで、何か忘れてるんじゃないですか?……どうせ「写真を撮りたい」って思ってるんでしょ?それくらい、わかってるんですから。こんな素敵な水着で、いやらしい写真なんて撮ったら、許しませんよ?……この、エロわんこ!

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: Um… Thanks for waiting. This swimsuit is actually really pretty, and gives off an air of maturity. Not something I would've expected from you… You're relieved it looks so good on me? Heheh… What are you talking about? Didn't you just tell me you chose it because you knew it would look good on me? Anyway, it really is a nice one. Such slender lines, and this color… It reminds me of a banana. Huh? You actually had a banana in mind for this? But why…? Because it's my "birthday fruit"? Wow… I never knew that was even a thing. You really know how to… I mean, I'm actually kind of impressed for once. Just a little. And hey, aren't you forgetting something? Isn't this when you to ask me [sic] to pose for some pics? I've got your routine down by now. Don't even think about taking distasteful shots of this wonderful swimsuit. I'll never let you hear the end of it, you dirty dog!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Nagisa: じゃあ、そろそろみんなのところに戻りますよ。あなたと二人でパーティーを抜け出した。……だなんて思われたら、みんなが心配しますから。「もう少し二人でいたい」って……わ、わがまま言わないでください。ほら、早く行きますよ?「じゃあパーティーが終わった後で」って……はぁ……わかりました。わたしからも、言いたいことがありますから。じゃあ、今夜また。遅れたりしたら、待ちませんからね?バカわんこ。

Nagisa: How about we get back to the others now. If everyone thinks you and I left the party alone, they'll start to worry. "Just a little more time alone" with me? S-Stop being so selfish… I'm going back now. "After the party then?" *sigh* Okay, fine. I've got something to say to you anyway. So I'll see you tonight. But if you're late, don't expect me to wait around, silly dog.

Episode 23: I Know All About You (わかってるんですから)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nagisa her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Nagisa: オーナーさん?はぁ……ずいぶん、待たせてくれましたね?「片付けが大変だった」って……分かってます、そんなこと。……だから、待っててあげたんじゃないですか。そ、それに、言ったでしょ?……わたしからも、あなたに言いたいことがある、って。「じゃあ、そっちから」って……呼んだのはあなたなんですから、あなたから、先に言えばいいでしょ?バカわんこ。こっちにだって、心の準備があるんですから。……「じゃあ、こっちへ」?どこへ連れて行くつもり……

Nagisa: Boss? *sigh* I've been waiting for awhile here. "There was a lot to clean up?" I know that… Which is the only reason I waited so long, of course. A-And remember… There's something I've been wanting to tell you. You want me to go first? You're the one who asked me here, so you go first, silly dog. Besides, I need to psych myself up to say it. Over there? Where are you taking me?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Nagisa: ……わぁ!……とっても大きなケーキ!これ、わたしの誕生日のために……?「今度はサプライズ成功」って…………驚いて当たり前です。一人のために、こんな大きなケーキだなんて、パカなこと……「『バカわんこ 』だから」って…………そうでしたね。ふふっ、ほんと、バカでしょうがないオーナーさんなんだから。でも……嬉しいです。いい匂い……ふふっ、水着と同じバナナのケーキ、なんですね♪「さっそく食べて」って……こんな大きなケーキ、一人で食べられるわけないでしょ?……責任、取ってもらいますからね、バカわんこ。

Nagisa: Wow! This cake is humungous! You mean it's…for my birthday? The surprise was a "success" this year? Well of course I was surprised… A cake this enormous for one person… What a silly thing to do… "That's why you're known as 'silly dog'?" That's right, isn't it… Heheh… What else should I expect from a Boss as silly as you? But… This makes me happy. It smells delicious. Heheh… So it's a banana cake just like the swimsuit, isn't it ♪ Help myself? I hope you're not thinking one girl could handle a cake this big by herself. You need to take some responsibility here, silly dog.

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Nagisa: あの……いざとなると……は、恥ずかしいんだから、あまり見ないで……じゃあ……あ〜ん……♥

Nagisa: Um… I'm kind of embarrassed to be doing this, but… Here goes nothing… Say "Ahhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Nagisa: はぁ、恥ずかしかった……あ……あんまり調子に乗らないで下さいね?誕生日だから特別に、なんですから。……でも、これで落ち着いて、誕生日を楽しめますね。パーティーとか、サプライズとかも……嫌いじゃないですけど。……え?「今度はそっちの番」……?……やっぱり、憶えてたんですね。なところだけ記憶力いいんですから……じゃあ、言いますけど……あの、誕生日のお祝い、ありがとうございます。水着も、ケーキも。……とっても嬉しかった。……それだけです。ちゃんと言わないと、伝わりませんから。「言わなくてもわかる」って……もう、話間いてました?そういうところです、バカわんこ。……わたしだって……わかってるんですから。……な、何でもありません。イヤらしい妄想でも聞こえたんでしょ。とにかく……今日は誕生日ですから。特別に、もう少しだけ……一緒にいてあげます。この……エロわんこ♪

Nagisa: *sigh* That was pretty embarrassing. D-Don't expect this from me all the time, all right? It's just a special exception for my birthday. But…now I can calm down and enjoy myself. I don't exactly dislike parties or surprises, though. Hm? Now it's my turn? So you remembered… How come your memory only works for weird things? Anyway, I'll tell you now. Uhm… Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday. This swimsuit and cake…really made me happy. There, I said it. Otherwise you would've never known. You can tell how I feel from my expression? Wow, were you even listening to me? That's the thing with you, silly dog. Well, I know all about you, too… Never mind…it's nothing. I'm sure it sounded different than it was supposed to in your sick mind. Anyway… Today's my birthday, so with that exception in mind, I'll stay with you a little longer… You dirty dog, you ♪

Episode 22: Goddess Night's Dream (Nagisa) (女神の夜の夢(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: やっぱり、わんこは夜行性なんですね。……少しだけなら、遊んであげます。 写真撮影……?ヘンな写真だったら、許さないんですから…………好きにしなさいよ。もう。

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: I knew it, doggies are nocturnal. I'll play with them if only for a little ....... Photography ......? If it's a weird photo, I won't allow it. ............ Do what you want.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 勝手にやめないでください。……ほら、続き。早くしてください。こ、こんな格好……!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: Please don't stop on your own. ...... Look, continue. Please hurry up. This is such an outfit ......! Hentai! Erotic doggie!

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 満足しましたか?ヘンタイ。

Nagisa: Satisfied? Hentai.

Episode 23: Secret shower 1 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー1 (なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 24: Secret shower 2 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー2(なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 25: Secret shower 3 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー3(なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 26: Secret shower 4 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー4 (なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 27: Secret shower 5 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー5(なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 28: Secret shower 6 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー6(なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 29: Secret shower 7 (Nagisa) (ひみつのシャワー7 (なぎさ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nagisa.

Episode 30: Love Letter Maiden (Nagisa) (恋文フトメ(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あの、今……ちょっといいですか?

Nagisa: Um, hey…you got a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はいこれ。 さっさと受け取りなさい?…… 聴ずかしいんですから……

Nagisa: Here, take it quick… From me to you… This is so embarrassing…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: わたしの写真を撮りたい……?い、いいですけど。……ヘンタイ。

Nagisa: You wanna take pics of me…? I-I mean, sure. …Pervert.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: いつまで見てるのよ!……こ、この、エロわんこ!

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: How long do you plan on staring at me? …You dirty dog!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あなたの驚く顔が見たかっただけです…………勘違い、しないでよ。 ばか。

Nagisa: I just wanted to see your shocked expression… Don't read anything else into it, dummy.

Episode 31: Sometimes, I'm not even... (たまには、わたしだって…)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はぁ、どうせ、またお祝いに来るつもりなんでしょ……毎年毎年、 飽きもせずに……バカわん……たまには、わたしだって……

Nagisa: Hah, you're going to come back to celebrate anyway ...... every year, year after year, without getting tired of it ...... stupid wang ...... once in a while, I'm a ......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: きゃっ……!?バカわんこ!?こ、これは、その…… 通りかかっただけ……じゃなくて……と、とにかく、 部屋に入れなさいよ……!……ずかしいんですから……もう。

Nagisa: Kya ......! Stupid dog! This is that ...... just passing by, not ...... and, anyway, put him in a room...! ...! I'm ...... embarrassed!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はぁ……タイミングがいいのか悪いのか……バカわんこ…………「誕生日おめでとう」 ?えっ? あっ、ありがとうございます…………って、もう……タイミングが選悪すぎます。……ほんと、 デリカシーのない……「そのために来たのかと」って……だ、だから……たまたま通りかかっただけで…………「部屋の前でずっと立ってた」?あれは……ちょ、ちょっと考え事をしてたから……とにかく……!誕生日のお祝いをしてもらいに来たとか、そういうのじゃありませんから!ほ、本当ですよ……?だいたい、あなたにお祝いされたって…… 嬉しくなんか…………え? 「じゃあ、これで喜んでほしい」 ……?

Nagisa: Huh ...... good timing or bad ...... stupid dog ......... ... "Happy birthday"? What? Oh, thank you ............ is already ...... too bad timing to choose. ...... really, you have no delicacy ...... "I thought that's why I came here."...... So.... ...I just happened to be passing by and ............ "stood in front of the room the whole time"? That was ...... a little bit, I was just thinking about something, so ...... anyway! I didn't come here to wish you a happy birthday or anything like that! I didn't come here to wish you a happy birthday or anything like that! I'm not happy ...... to be congratulated by you. ............? "Well, I want you to be happy with this." ......?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: わぁ……これ、 誕生日のプレゼント……ですか?この水着、 とっても綺麗で……はっ……!? えと、 その…………相変わらず、 こういうのだけは上手いんですから……「何が」って……プレゼントとか……タイミングとか……誕生日に、こんな素敵な水着を買って、……嬉しくないわけ無いじゃないですか。その……ありがとう、ございます。……「最初から素直に喜べばいいのに」!?はぁ!?ほんっと、 デリカシーが無いんですね!この、バカわんこ!わたしだって、今日くらい……その……もう……!あなただって、水着が見たいだけでしょ?お望み通り着替えてきてあげます。 この…… エロわんこ。

Nagisa: Wow ...... is this your birthday present ......? This swimsuit is so beautiful and ...... what? Well, you know,............ as always, you're good at this kind of thing,...... "what"...,...... or timing,...... or buying such a nice swimsuit for my birthday,...... why wouldn't I be happy? I'm sure you'll be very happy. Thank you for that,....... ...... "Why didn't you just be happy from the beginning? What? You really have no delicacy, do you? You stupid dog! Even I, for one, would like to see ...... that ...... today! You just want to see my bathing suit, don't you? I'll go change as you wish. You ...... erotic doggy.

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 着てみましたけど……ど、どうですか?「とても、 似合ってる」 ……?当たり前でしょ……あなたが選んだ水着なんだから。……へ、変な意味に取らないでください。でも……悪くないと思います。……本当に。……え?な、なんです?わたしから、いい香りがする……?……そういうところは、すぐ気がつくんですね。……本当に、犬みたい。香水をつけてきたんです。せっかくですから……この水着に合うようなのを選んで。そんな犬みたいに嗅がなくても……近くに寄れば、もっと……分かると思いますけど。それに……香りだけでいいんですか?へ、ヘンな意味じゃなくて……!その、写真とか……いつも、 細るじゃないですか。ただし、ちゃんと撮ってくださいね?嫌らしい写真だったら、 お断りです。 ……エロわんこ。

Nagisa: I tried it on ......, what do you think? It looks great on you. ......? Of course ...... you chose this swimsuit. Please don't take ...... this the wrong way. But I think ...... it's not bad. ......Really. ......What? What, what is it? Do you smell good ...... from me? ......You notice that kind of thing right away, don't you? ......Really, you're like a dog. I've been wearing perfume. Since I'm here, I chose one that would go well with ...... this swimsuit. You don't have to sniff like a dog like that,...... though if you get closer,...... you'll be able to tell more,....... Besides,......, is the scent alone enough? No, I don't mean to be weird,......! You know, you always take ...... pictures and thin them out, don't you? But please take good pictures, okay? If it's a disgusting picture, we won't accept it. ...... Erotic doggie.

Scene 11

There is no dialogue in this scene, also, unlike prior photoshoot sequences, this requires player input

Scene 12
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ……どうですか?まあ……あなたが、満足したならいいですけど。それで……この後は、どうするんですか?「…… 何か?」 じゃありません。 この後の予定です。こんな綺麗な水着を着て、香水までつけて……その……もう……!このあと、暇ですか、 って聞いてるんです!この、バカわんこ!……じゃあ、わたしが付き合ってあげます。……誕生日、 ですし。そんなに喜ばなくても……はぁ……本当に、 犬みたいですね…………ふふっ♪じゃあ、 お散歩に行きますよ。……エロわんこ♡

Nagisa: ...... How do you like it? Well, ...... I hope you're happy with it. So ...... what are you going to do after this? I mean, "...... anything?" No, it's not. It's what I'm going to do after this. You're wearing such a beautiful swimsuit, and you're even wearing perfume ...... that ...... already! I'm asking if you're free after this! You stupid dog! I'll go out with you. ...... It's ...... my birthday. You don't have to be so happy,......, you really are like a dog,............. I'm going for a walk, then. ...... handsome doggy!

Episode 32: Because of you. (あなたのせいで)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nagisa the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ふぅ♪もうこんな時間。……一日があっという間ね。それにしても……はぁ…… この時間になっても、元気いっぱいなんですね。ほんと……バカわんこ。……「デートが楽しかったから」!?デートだなんて……ち、ちが……違います。そんなつもりじゃ……「とても楽しそうにしてた」って……何を楽しもうと、 わたしの好きにしていいでしょ。わたしの誕生日なんですから……それに、あなたが楽しませようとしてたんだから…………あなたのせいでしょ。部屋を出る時は何も言ってなかったのに、ちゃっかりパーティーの準備や、ケーキまで用意して。それに、わたしが行きたい場所を全部下調べして、わたしのわがままにも、 犬みたいに全部付き合って……最後は、この花火……こんなこと、 頼んでません。……なんでわたしの為にこんなことまで……こんなの……楽しくないわけないじゃない。……ひゃっ!?ち、違います。あなたとのデートだから楽しかったんじゃなくて……その……えっ?「楽しんでた証拠がある」 ……?

Nagisa: Whew! ...... the day goes by so fast, doesn't it? But still,...... haha,...... you're still full of energy even at this hour. He really is a ...... stupid dog. ...... "Because I had a good date"! You can't call it a date,...... but it's not. I didn't mean it that way,...... "She looked like she was having a lot of fun,......I don't care what she's having fun with, she can do what she wants with me. It's my birthday,...... and you were trying to have fun,............ so it's your fault. You didn't say anything when you left the room, and yet you were the one who prepared the party and the cake. I didn't ask you to do this. ...... I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it fun for you and your family. ...... ......Hyah! No, it's not. It's not because it was a date with you that it was fun,...... but because of that,...... what? I have proof that I had fun."......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: う……この写真……さっきの、 デート中のわたし……?これ、いつの間に撮ったんですか!?もう…… 油断も隙もない…………「とっても楽しそうにしてる」 ?そう、ですね……実際、 楽しかった……ですし。「みんなに見せたい」 ……!?だっ、ダメです!こんな顔、みさきに見られたら……!それに……せっかくの、誕生日の想い出。 なんですから。……二人だけの、秘密にしませんか?……だから、こうして……

Nagisa: U...... this picture...... of me on a date just now......? When did you take this picture? You can't be too careful ...... anymore. ............ "You look like you're having a lot of fun"? Yes,......, in fact, I was having fun,....... I want to show it to everyone. ......? Oh, no, no, no! If Misaki sees me like this,......! Besides,...... it's a memory of my birthday. I'm not sure how much I want to show it to everyone. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it a secret between the two of you. ......That's why I'm going to ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ……なんですか、 その視線は…………「バッチリ目に焼き付けた」 ?そうですか。 じゃあ、忘れてください。その代わりに、 この写真は……あなたに、渡しておきますので。……ふふっ♪か こうしておけば、あなたも、注開に人に見せたりできないでしょ?さあ、安心したところで……そろそろ行きますよ?じつはまだ、 行きたいところがあるんです。ここまで来たんだから、付き合って貰えますか?……じゃあ、付いてきなさい。……エロわんこ♡

Nagisa: ...... is that the gaze that ............ "burned into your eyes perfectly"? I see. Then forget it. Instead, I'll give this photo to ...... you. You can't show it to anyone else, can you? Now that you're relieved, ...... we should get going, right? I still have some places I want to go. I've come this far, so will you accompany me? ......Then, follow me. ...... handsome erotic doggie

Episode 33: Victory Ceremony (Nagisa) (勝利のセレモニー (なぎさ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 34: Share ♥ with Nagisa (なぎさとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 35: Bitter♡Sweet (Nagisa) (ビター♡スイート(なぎさ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ここなら、 誰も見ていないから……何を考えているんですか!? ヘンタイ!

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: Here, since no one is watching: ...... What are you thinking! Hentai!

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: へ、ヘンな意味は無いですからね?誤解しないでください。

Nagisa: Heh, it doesn't mean anything weird, okay? Please don't misunderstand me.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: な、なんですか……?……たまにはいいでしょ?バカ。

Nagisa: Hey, what's this ......? ...... sometimes, right? Idiot.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: どうせ、こういうのが見たいんでしょ?特別なんだから……このエロわんこ。

(camera flash)

Nagisa: This is what you want to see anyway, right? It's so special. ...... this erotic doggie.

(camera flash)

Episode 36: Nagisa's Sixth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Nagisa's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Nagisa's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 38: Secret Esthetic Time (Nagisa)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Nagisa's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Just Like Humans (ニンゲンみたいじゃ)[]


DOAXVV Kanna special day Scene (2019 칸나 스페셜데이 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オマエー!「ワシを楽しませる」と言うから、来てやったそ♪ここにおったか♪ん?「今日は何の日」じゃと……?ははーん、「クイズ」じゃな♪うーん……わざわざワシを呼んだぐらいだから……オニの日?いや、裏をかいて、ニンゲンの日!え、違う?……ああ、ワシの「特別な日」のことか。天狗に聞いたんじゃな?あのおしゃべりめ。……反応が薄い、じゃと?まあぁ、ニンゲンは特別な日に「祝い」などと言って、ケーキを食べたりするそうじゃが……「オニ」のワシには、そんなものいらんのじゃ!ほ、本当じゃぞ?……?実は……ケーキがあるじゃと!?むー……本来なら、受けサ取らんのじゃが……よ、用意してしまったのなら仕方がない!「貢ぎ物」として、ワシが食ってやろう!

Kanna: Heeey! There you are ♪ I heard you wanted to "make me happy," so here I am ♪ Hm? "What day is it?" Wait a minute, is this some kind of quiz? Hmm… Well, since you made the effort to get me over here, maybe "Ogre Day?" Or on the other hand, maybe "Human Day?" Oh, it's not? Ohh… It's my "special day?" That Tengu told you, didn't she. That big mouth. What do you mean I "don't seem surprised?" Well, I heard humans have a special day where they eat cake and stuff like that… But an ogre like me don't need such things! It's fine! Hm? You've…got a cake for me!? Well… Usually I wouldn't accept it, but… Since you went to all the trouble, I guess I don't have a choice! I'll eat it as an "offering!"

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: わぁ……!おーっきなケーキじゃあ……♥そういえば……ニンゲンの特別な日は、祝いのプレゼントも……な、何でもないぞ!?美味そうなケーキをもらえて、ワシは満足しとるのじゃ!……なっ!?プレゼントもある、じゃと!?しかも……「ワシのために」用意した水着!?ほうほう、「おとめ座」をモチーフにした水着……?ふふーん、ワシはセクシー乙女じゃからな♪あの……本当に、ワシがもらってもいいんじゃな?では、待っていろ!すぐ着替えてくるからな!ワシのおらぬ間に、ケーキに手をつけるでないぞ?オマエと一緒に食うんじゃからの!

Kanna: Wow…! This cake is HUUUGE ♥ Oh yeah… I heard when humans celebrate their special day, there are also presents… N-Nevermind! I'm fully satisfied with this yummy-looking cake! Really, you have a present, too!? You mean…you got a swimsuit…just for me!? Wow… A Virgo-themed swimsuit. Heheh… 'Cuz I'm a sexy maiden like Virgo ♪ Can I…really have this? Alright, gimme a second to slip it on! And don't you dare touch that cake while I'm gone! We'll eat it together!

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ!ワシのような 「乙女」にはぴったりじゃろ♪「子供みたいで可愛い」……?ちがうー!そういう意味で言ったのではない!「最高にキュートな乙女」……じゃと?まったく、素直にそう言えばよいものを。ふふっ、では……次は「アレ」じゃな?知っておるぞ。ニンゲンは、特別な日に記念写真を撮るんじゃろ?ここまで、ワシの特別な日を祝ったのじゃ♪最後まで楽しませてもらうからの♪ほれ♪乙女らしく、可愛く撮るんじゃぞ?

(Camera flash)

Kanna: What do you think? A perfect fit for a maiden like me, right ♪ Like a "cute little girl?" No no no! That's not what I meant! The "cutest Virgo ever?" You should have said that from the start. Heheh… So I guess "that" is coming up next, huh? I know, I know. Humans take commemorative photos on their special day. Now that we've come this far on my special day ♪ Let me enjoy it till the very end ♪ Come on ♪ Make it a cute pic, real maiden-like.

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ちゃんと可愛く場れたか?まぁ、ワシはどう撮っても可愛いじゃろうがな♪ふふ、そうじゃろう?ほれ、シャッターチャンスは常にあるのじゃ。もっと撮れ♪せっかくの記念写真が、一枚だけでいいのか?まだまだいっぱい場るそ!

Kanna: Did you take cute ones like I said? Well, any pic of me will be cute anyways ♪ Heheh… Right? I'm always photogenic. So take more photos ♪ As a commemoration, just one is enough? Come one, take a bunch more!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: もう疲れたじゃと?なに?……まったく、ニンゲンは軟弱じゃのう。しょうがない、撮影はひと休みするか。じゃが、今日は楽しかったそ!ニンゲンの特別な日も、良いものじゃな♪こんな楽しい特別な日……初めてじゃ。全部、オマエのおかけじゃな♥……え?来年も一緒に祝おう……じゃと?毎年、祝ってくれるのか……ふふっ♪「来年のことを言えばオニが笑う」?……ふふっ、そうじゃな。来年も、再来年も、ワシを笑わせてくれ。……約束じゃから、な?……よーし、撮影の続きじゃ!次はセクシーポーズを、たっくさん場らせてやるからの♪

Kanna: What? You're getting tired? Seriously, humans are wussies. Oh well… Let's take a break. But I had a lot of fun today! The humans' special day is a real nice thing ♪ This is the first time I've had so much fun on such a day. And it's all thanks to you ♥ Huh? Celebrate it next year, too? We'll celebrate it every year? Heheh ♪ You're "thinking too far ahead?" Heheh… You gotta make me smile next year, and the year after that, too. It's a promise, right? Alright! Let's get back to that photo shoot! I'll give you a ton of sexy poses now ♪

Episode 2: I am a Girl After All… (ワシだって女子じゃから…)[]


DOAXVV Kanna Valentine event(발렌타인 칸나 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): あの……起きておるか?オマエに、ちよっと用があるのじゃ……

Kanna: えっと……これ、受け取って欲しいのじゃ……ワ、ワシだって、……女子じゃからの?ふふーん♪どうじゃ?ワシに惚れたか?オマエー目も遊んでくれな♪……約束じゃから、の♪

Kanna (OFF): Um… You awake? I've gotta talk to you about something.

Kanna: I uh…want you to take this… I-I…I am a girl, after all. Heheeeh ♪ Well? Are you in love with me now? You little devil ♥ Play with me tomorrow too ♪ That's a promise, okay ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 撮影か?仕方がないの♪つきおうでやるぞ♪セクシーなワッとニ人きり……嬉しいか?

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Photo shoot? Guess I don't have a choice ♪ I'll play along ♪ Take some sexy pics ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ちゃんと、オマエの部屋に飾るのじゃぞ?

Kanna: I expect you to plaster these all over your room.

Episode 3: Kanna-chan Wants to Hang Out! (カンナちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 4: Special Festival (特別な祭り)[]


DOAXVV Kanna Birthday Scene1 (칸나 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふふ♪ワシの特別な日じゃ!ほれ、オマエー!もっと盛り上がってゆくぞ!

Kanna: Heheh ♪ This is my special day! Come on, boss! Make it more exciting!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: おお、大きなケーキじゃ!……安心せい♪オマエにも分けてやるからの♪皆で一緒に食うのじゃ!

Kanna: Ooh, what a huge cake! …Don't worry ♪ I'll share, so we can all eat together!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ひゃあ、こんな大きなりんご始まであるのか!さすがは特別な日じゃのう!でも、口に入らんぞ……?

Kanna: Woo! Even such a big candied apple! That's what I call a special day! But it can't fit in my mouth…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……ん?もうお開きの時間か。なんじゃ、つまらぬのう……って、いかんのじゃ。きちんと礼を言わんとの。オマエ、今日はワシのために祭りを開いてくれて、ありがとうなのじゃ。すごく、楽しかったぞ!なんじゃ、その何か企んでおるような顔は……もしかして、まだ……何かあるのか?ん?何じゃ、その布は…………もしかして、水着か?ふふーん、ワシへの貢き物じゃな?祭りの日には、晴れ着がつきものじゃからの♪

Kanna: …Hm? It's ending already? Sheesh, how boring… I mean… What am I saying? I need to thank you properly. Thanks so much for arranging a festival for me. It was super fun! That look on your face seems like you're plotting something. Could it be… there's something else? Hm? What's that cloth for? Could it be …a swimsuit? Hehehhh, a tribute for me right? Gotta wear your best clothes at festivals after all ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふっ……♪いい色合いと柄じゃ♪まるでワシのために選んだような水着じゃな。……なんじゃ?その物欲しそうな目は?なんての♪オマエの考えなど、言わんでもわかっておる♪ふふーん♪よかろう!セクシー女子の晴れ着姿、オマエにませてやる♪

Kanna: Heheh ♪ Nice color and design ♪ Almost as if it was chosen for me. …What? You look like you want something from me. Of course ♪ I know what you want even if you don't say it ♪ Hehehhh ♪ Fine then! Feast your eyes on this sexy girl in her very best outfit ♪

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ♪どうじゃ♪似合っておろう?……まるで夕焼けのような見な色じゃ♪さすがオマエじやの♪ワシの好きな色をようわかっておる!ワシの晴れ着姿、しっかり目に焼き付けるのじゃぞ!何?目に焼き付けるだけでは足りない……写真を撮って家遠に残したい……とな?……お、大げさじゃのう♪オマエの頼みなら、いつでも着てやる……じゃのうて、……ま、まあそれくらいよかろう。今年の「特別な日」の記念じゃからの♪

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Well? Well? Fits me perfectly, right? This beautiful red reminds me of a sunset ♪ You knew just what to get, my favorite color ♪ Now that you've got me here in my best outfit, burn it into your memory! What? So burning it into your memory isn't enoug? You want to make it last forever through a photo? Y-you're exaggerating ♪ But if you want, I'll wear it anytime… Forget I said that… Well, it's okay. Just to commemorate this year's "special day" ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 終わったか?もう十分なのか?……そうか、ならよいが。あっ、いや別に……これでワシの「特別な日」が終わってしまうのが……い、いやなんでもない!なんでもないぞ!とにかく、その……楽しかったのじゃ!その写真は、肌身離さず持っておくのじゃぞ?ワシとの思い出の「特別な1枚」じゃからな♪……なんじゃ?まだそわそわしておるではないか。オマエ、まだ何か隠しておるのか?……あとで用がある?なんじゃ、今ではダメなのか?……ふむ、まあよい。ワシはちょっと、夜風にあたってくるとするかの♪

Kanna: Done? Sure that's enough? …Okay, that's great then. No no, it's nothing… I mean, the thought of my "special day" coming to an end, is just… Never mind! Forget I said that! Anyway, I had a lot of fun today! Carry that photo with you always, okay? It's a "special photo" of your memory with me after all ♪ …Hey? Why are you fidgeting around like that? Are you still hiding something? …You wanna see me about something later? Now's not a good time? …Hmph, fine with me. I'll go out and enjoy the night breeze then ♪

Episode 5: Earnest Feelings (一途な想い)[]


DOAXVV Kanna Birthday Scene2 (칸나 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Kanna after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふぅ……それにしても、今日は楽しかったのう。花火が上がって、ご恥走があって、あいつがおって。じゃが……ほんとは、まだまだ遊び足りないのじゃ……

Kanna: Whew… Today really was a lot of fun. Fireworks and an amazing meal, with him… But… I still wanna play some more…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……ん?お、オマエ!来ておるなら、はやく言わんか!……ワシの元気がない?べ、別にそんなことはないぞ?アレじゃ、祭りのあとを風流じゃとおもっての?ちょっと、センチな美女を演じておっただけじゃ……そ、そういうオマエこそ、一人になって寂しかったのじゃろ?なにか、言いたそうな顔をしておるぞ?どうしたのじゃ?急にそわそわしよって。その手に持っておるものは一体……?何?またワシにプレゼントじゃと?今度は何を企んでおるのじゃ……?

Kanna: …Hm? It's you! Say something before you sneak up on me like that! …I look gloomy to you? O-Of course I'm not. I was just acting like a refined woman would after a festival. You know, like a sentimental beauty… B-But you must have been lonely all by yourself, right? …And you look like you wanna say something. Why are you fidgeting all of a sudden? And what's that in your hand…? What? Another present for me? What do you have up your sleeve this time…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……ん?なんじゃ?この石が入った小さな輪っかは……?ああ、分かったぞ!指輪じゃな!?ワシとてニンゲンの文化は知っておる!確か大切な相手に渡す物とかなんとか……そういう特別な意味があるらしいとな!ん?大切な……相手……?ワシ……?そ、そうか……?ワシが大切なのか?し、仕方のないヤツじゃのう……♪特別な日に、特別な相手か……♪ふふっ、良いプレゼントじゃな♪もちろん、有り難く受け取らせて貰うぞ♪ワシにとっても、オマエは特別なニンゲンじゃからな♪

Kanna: …Hm? What's this? A small circle with a stone in it? Ah, I know! It's a ring! I'm very aware of human culture! I heard it has a special meaning… Like you give it to someone who's very precious to you… Hm? Precious… Me? R-Really… So I'm precious to you? Y-You're really something, aren't you ♪ A special partner on a special day ♪ Heheh, what a nice present ♪ Of course, I'll accept it with thanks ♪ You're a special person to me too, after all ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ほう、これはなんとも……キラキラして、見事な宝石なのじゃ♪「さふあいあ」……?『一途な想い』という言い伝えがある石じゃと?ふふ!ワシは一途なセクシー女子じゃからな!オマエはよく分かっておる♪!?……お、オマエに一途と言うわけでは……え、えと、「島をワシのものにする」ことに一途なだけで……もー!と、とにかくじゃ……!……祭りの続きじゃ♪これからオマエの部屋にゆくぞ!何?もう何もプレゼントは無いから、今年の祭りは終わりじゃと?何を言うておる♪これからが本番じゃ♪オマエと朝まで二人で……お菓子にコーラにゲーム……まだまだ、いーっぱい「プレゼント」を貰うのじゃ♪

Kanna: Wow, look at it shine… What a beautiful gemstone ♪ "Sapphire?" So it's the stone of "earnest feelings" according to a legend? Heheh! And I'm an earnestly sexy girl! You sure know your stuff ♪ !? Th-That doesn't mean I feel earnestly towards you… Just that, I'm earnest in my goal of making this island my own… Come on! …Anyway! Let's get back to the festival ♪ Next up is your room! What? You don't have any more presents, so this year's festival is over? What are you talking about? We're just getting started ♪ Just the two of us till morning… Snacks, sodas, and video games… I still have looots of "presents" to get to ♪

Episode 6: Toasty Apron (Kanna) (ほやほやエプロン(カンナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 着替えてやるぞ♪楽しみにしておれ

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: 見たいのか?ふふっ♪仕方がないの どうじゃ?どうじゃ!……だめか?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: I'm gonna get changed ♪ I bet'cha can't wait ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: Wanna see what I've got? Heheh ♪ Oh well. How's that? You like that!? No good…?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: Heheh ♪ Hmph. Hey! I'm not ready yet! Ugh… Look the other way!

Episode 7: Lightning Speed (Kanna) (疾風迅雷(カンナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 着替えてやるぞ♪楽しみにしておれ

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: 見たいのか?ふふっ♪仕方がないの どうじゃ?どうじゃ!……だめか?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: I'm gonna get changed ♪ I bet'cha can't wait ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: Wanna see what I've got? Heheh ♪ Oh well. How's that? You like that!? No good…?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: Heheh ♪ Hmph. Hey! I'm not ready yet! Ugh… Look the other way!

Episode 8: Festive Essentials (祭りに必要なもの)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふっぷーん♪盛大な花火、お菓子盛大な花火あるにコーラに。おっ……りんご飴もあるではないか♪

Kanna: Hehehhhh ♪ Huge fireworks, sweets, cola, and oh…! Candied apples to boot ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: うむうむ♪ワシの「特別な日」に相応しいパーティーじゃのう♪

Kanna: Mm-hm ♪ This party really suits my "special day" ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: おつぎは……お待ちかねのケーキじゃな♪あははっ♪

Kanna: And next up…is the cake I've been waiting for ♪ Hahaha ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: あははっ♪楽しいのう……これが全部ワシのものか……こんなに楽しくて……楽しくても……あれ……えと……

Kanna: Hahaha ♪ This is so fun. Everything here is mine…all mine. But no matter how fun it gets… Huh? Ummm…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ひゃぁ……!?な、なんじゃ !?……なんじゃ、オマエか……はぁ。え?特別な目なのに、楽しくないように見える?……ち、ちがうぞ?そ、そうじゃ、ちょっと休憩をしておったのじゃ。そろそろ、オマエがワシに貢物を持って来る頃じゃと思っての。……オマエも、ワシを探しておったのじゃろ?ふふん、アタリじゃな♪ほれ、その後ろに隠しておるもの……一体なんじゃ?もったいぶらずに、早く見せるのじゃ♪

Kanna: Kyah! Wh-Who's there?! Oh, it's you… *sigh* Hm? I don't look like I'm having fun on my special day? Th-That's not true… Uh-huh, I was just taking a little break. I was thinking it's about time you brought me a special gift, for my special day. You were looking for me, right? Heheh… I knew it ♪ So, what in the world are you hiding behind your back there? Show me at once ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ほう?これは……水着か!ふふーん、オマエも好きじゃのう♥ワシのセクシーな姿が見たいと……そういうわけじゃな?よかろう♪今日は 「特別な日」じゃからの♪オマエだけに「特別なワシ」を見せてやるとするかの♪覚悟はよいか?副目して待つのじゃ♪

Kanna: Oh… So this is…a swimsuit! Hehehhh. You like it too, huh? ♥ You want to see my sexy figure in this thing…right? Fine then ♪ Today is my special day, after all ♪ So I'll just have to give you an exclusive look at my special figure ♪ I hope you're ready for this… I'm sure you'll be waiting intensely ♪

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ……♪このワシのセクシーさ、目に焼き付けるがよい!あ、あの……ど、どうじゃ……?ワシ、似合っておるか?こんなヒラヒラがいっぱいで綺麗な水着……なんだか落ち着かんのじゃが……よく似合ってて見砲れたじゃと……み、見惚れたじゃと……?う……んもう、オマエは純情じゃからなー♥そうか、ワシのセクシーさに見れてしもうたかー♪……うむうむ!では、も一っと褒めてもよいぞ!オマエに衰められると、とてもいい気分になれるのじゃ♪……それにしても、綺麗な水着じゃ♪これは、花か?おっきくて、綺麗な花じゃの……♪ほう、ワシの特別な日に縁のある花で、名は「ダリア」とな?うむ、まるで花火みたいで、ワシにピッタリの花じゃな♥……なに?記念撮影がしたいじゃと?ふふーん♪よかろう、気が済むまで撮るがよい!

(camera flash)

Kanna: Well? Get a good long look, and sear my sexiness into your eyes! Um… What do you think? Do I…look good in this? This swimsuit is so frilly and pretty… It's got me kind of antsy… I "look great in it…?" And you're "captivated?" Well… That's a testament to your innocence, isn't it ♥ I see my sexy aura has you captivated ♪ Uh-huh… Shower me with some more compliments then! Hearing that kind of stuff from you makes me feel so good ♪ This swimsuit is pretty ♪ And these flowers…are so big and beautiful ♪ Oh, these flowers have a connection to me? They're called "dahlias?" They're perfect for me because they remind me of fireworks ♥ What? You wanna take some pics to commemorate this? Hehehhh ♪ Fine with me… Take as many as you like!

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふむ、ワシは満足じゃ……♪……オマエも、もう満足したか?うむ、では皆のところに戻るとするか。主役がおらんのでは、せっかくの祭りも盛り上がらんからの♪……なんじゃ?まだ何かあるのか?パーティーが終わったあと……ここで?それはよいが…………ふふっ♪そうか、二次会というやつじゃな?よいぞ、朝まででも付きおうてやるぞ♪

Kanna: Uh-huh, I'm satisfied with that ♪ Are you satisfied, too? Okay, let's go back to where the others are at, I'm the star of the show, so I better go liven up my special festival ♪ What? You've got something else? Meet here…after the party? …I'm fine with that. Heheh ♪ I get it, some kind of afterparty, right? Sounds good to me… I'll stay with you till morning.

Episode 9: Unfading Fireworks (消えない花火)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kanna her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふむ……花火も終わってしもうたの……花火もパーティーも……楽しい時間はあっという間じゃ……

Kanna: Ahh… The fireworks are all done. Those fireworks, and now my party… Time goes by so fast when I'm enjoying myself.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ひゃぁ……!? な、なんじゃ!?もー!またオマエかー!ワシを何度もおどろかせおってー!「また寂しそうな顔を」……?……ちょ、ちょっと、祭りの余韻に浸っておっただけじゃ。ワシは風情がわかるオニじゃからの?だいたい、オマエが来るのが遅いのじゃ……さ、寂しくはないが……ちょっと不安に…………?なんじゃ、その手に持っておるものは……

Kanna: Kyahhh!!! Wh-What the…?! Sheesh! So it's you! Would you stop freaking me out all the time?! I look lonely again? I'm just…still thinking about how fun the festival was. I'm quite the refined ogre, after all. And besides, you showed up late. I'm not lonely, just a little uneasy… What is that in your hand anyway?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: こ、これ……この花束……ワシに?こ、こういうのを貰うのは慣れておらんのじゃ……えと……ありがとなのじゃ……

Kanna: A…bouquet? For me? I-I'm…not used to getting things like this. Um… Thank you…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: わぁ……綺麗じゃの……おっきくて、まあるくて、いろんな色で……本当に、「花火」のようじゃ♪……そうか。この花火は、消えてなくなったりせんのじゃな……

Kanna: Wow, how pretty. So big…and round…and colorful. They look just like the fireworks♪ Oh… But these fireworks won't fade away.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふっ♪やっぱりオマエは、ワシのことをわかっておるの♥

Kanna: Heheh ♪ You really do know what I like ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ん?……待てよ?ヒラヒラがいっばいの、白くて綺麗な水着に、花束じゃと?もしやオマエ、ワシのことを……?[pause]い、いや……!ではないが……だ、ダメ……!……でもないのじゃが……た、タンマじゃ!不意打ちとは怯じゃ……大体、ワシは言うたはずじゃ。「この島とオマエを、ワシのものにする」と……!だから、今回のはなーし!ワシが、ワシからオマエを……その……えと……「よく分からないけど、待ってる」……じゃと!?あーんもう!とにかく、楽しい二次会を早く始めるのじゃー!

Kanna: Hm? Wait a second. Such a pretty, frilly white swimsuit, and now this bouquet… Are you saying you want me to be your… Oh my gosh… N-No…! I mean… not "no," but… Never…! Not "never," either… T-Time out! You're such a meanie to surprise me like this… I've said this time and again… I'm gonna make you and this island…all mine! But this time you won't get… I'm gonna get you to be my… I mean… Um… You don't know what I'm saying, but you'll wait for me? Come on! L-Let's just enjoy the afterparty now!

Episode 10: Sweet Chocolatier (Kanna) (S・ショコラティエ(カンナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 着替えてやるぞ♪楽しみにしておれ

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: 見たいのか?ふふっ♪仕方がないの どうじゃ?どうじゃ!……だめか?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: I'm gonna get changed ♪ I bet'cha can't wait ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: Wanna see what I've got? Heheh ♪ Oh well. How's that? You like that!? No good…?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: Heheh ♪ Hmph. Hey! I'm not ready yet! Ugh… Look the other way!

Episode 11: Riddle Gusts (Kanna) (なぞの突風(カンナ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 12: Secret Foot Massage (Kanna) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(カンナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: もー!オマエ、今日も仕事ばっかりではないか!ワシ、もう疲れた!早く帰って、遊ぶのじゃー♪

Kanna: Moh! Omae, isn't it just work today! I'm tired! You're going home early and you're going to play.♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): ……なんじゃ?足裏マッサージ?ほほう、ワシの疲れを癒すと良い心がけじゃの♪

Kanna (OFF): ...... What the is it? Foot massage? Oh, it's a good thing to heal my tiredness. ♪

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ ワシのセクシーな美脚は♥ほれ、見惚れておらんと、早く始めんか♪ほれほれー♥

(camera flash)

Kanna: Why don't you love my sexy legs ♥ and admire them, so let's ♪♥ start early.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: あ、あの……も、もうよかろ?くすぐったいし……えと……恥ずかしくなってきたのじゃ……

Kanna: Oh, that... Well, you want to be okay? Tickle... Uh...... I'm getting ashamed.

Episode 13: The Medicine of Love (Kanna) (愛の妙薬 (カンナ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Kanna) (甘い香りに誘われて(カンナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): あの……起きておるか?オマエに、ちよっと用があるのじゃ……

Kanna (OFF): Hold on a sec ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: えっと……これ、受け取って欲しいのじゃ……ワ、ワシだって、……女子じゃからの?ふふーん♪どうじゃ?ワシに惚れたか?オマエー目も遊んでくれな♪……約束じゃから、の♪

Kanna: I uh…want you to take this… I-I…I am a girl, after all. Heheeeh ♪ Well? Are you in love with me now? You little devil ♥ Play with me tomorrow too ♪ That's a promise, okay ♪

Episode 15: Sunset at the Park (Kanna) (あかね色の公園で(カンナ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: えっと……これ、受け取って欲しいのじゃ……ワ、ワシだって、……女子じゃからの?ふふーん♪どうじゃ?ワシに惚れたか?オマエー目も遊んでくれな♪……約束じゃから、の♪

Kanna: I uh…want you to take this… I-I…I am a girl, after all. Heheeeh ♪ Well? Are you in love with me now? You little devil ♥ Play with me tomorrow too ♪ That's a promise, okay ♪

Episode 16: Crimson Squad Ninja Suit (Kanna) (焔紅運隊(カンナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 撮影か?仕方がないの♪つきおうでやるぞ♪セクシーなワッとニ人きり……嬉しいか?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kanna: ちゃんと、オマエの部屋に飾るのじゃぞ?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: Photo shoot? Guess I don't have a choice ♪ I'll play along ♪ Take some sexy pics ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kanna: I expect you to plaster these all over your room.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kanna: Heheh ♪ Hmph. Hey! I'm not ready yet! Ugh… Look the other way!

Episode 17: Goddess Night's Dream (Kanna) (女神の夜の夢(カンナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 今日も、遅くまでご苦労じゃな。ワシが遊んでやるから、元気出せ?の?さあ、何して遊ぶのじゃ♪……やっぱり撮影?むー。セクシーに撮るのじゃぞ♪

(Camera flash)

Kanna: You've been working late again today, haven't you? I'll play with you. Kanna: I'll play with you. What are you going to do? Kanna: I'll play with you. I'm going to take a sexy picture of you.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オマエ、本当はもっと撮りたいのじゃろ?ふふっ♪仕方がないのう♪ふっふーん♪セクシー女子のホンキ、見るがよいぞ♪

(Camera flash)

Kanna: You really want more shots, don't you?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 撮るのはよいが、礼はしてもらわんとの♪

Kanna: You can take the picture, but you'll have to thank me.

Episode 18: Special Day Surprise (特別な日のサプライズ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Kanna: おーい、オマエー♪トワシが来てやったぞー!……ん?何か用かじゃと?ふふーん、じゃからぁ……♪ワシが来てやったと言うておるのじゃ♡ほれ、ワシに何か用があるのではないか?どんな用事でも、ワシはいつでも準備できておるぞ♪……え?今はない?えと……ホントになにもないのか?例えば、何か「特別な」こととか……忙しいから、ちょっと待ってて……?……ははーん、さては照れておるのじゃな?仕方がないのう、待っててやるから、いつでも言うが良い♪

Kanna: Heya, Boss ♪ I have arrived! Hm? Did I want something? Hehehhh, I mean ♪ Just wanted to let you know I arrived ♡ Actually, I think you wanted ME for something, right? I'm ready for anything you've got for me ♪ …Hm? "Nothing at the moment"? Um… Are you sure about that? Like, maybe something "special" is happening… You're busy and you want me to wait a minute? Hahahhh… You look embarrassed about something. Oh well, guess I'll have to "wait" then… Just say the word ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kanna: のう、オマエー……まだ、思い出さんのか?「何が 」って……じゃから、ワシの……む—……

Kanna: Wow, Boss… You still don't remember? What do you mean "remember what"? Come on, today is my… Grrr…

Scene 3
Japanese English

Kanna: すー、すー……オマエー……忘れてしもうたのか……

Kanna: *yawn* Zzzz… Zzzz… Did…you…actually forget…?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5
Japanese English

Kanna: んー?なんじゃ、騒がしいのう……んにゃぁ!?なんじゃここは……!ワシ、どうしてしもうたのじゃ!?……「サプライズ成功」?寝てたから背負ってきたじゃと……わ、ワシは驚いてなどおらんぞ?照れ屋さんのオマエを見かねて、待ってただけで……その、つまり……忘れられたのかとか、思っておらんし……んもー!そんなこと、どうでもよいではないか!とにかく、ワシの「特別な日」を祝いたいのじゃろ?ほれ、皆でパーツと祝うのじゃ♪の、オマエー♪

Kanna: Hmm… What's all that noise…? Kyahhh!!! Where am I?! Wh-What's going on here?! You "pulled off the surprise"…? Carried me here when I fell asleep? I-I wasn't surprised. I was just waiting because I couldn't stand watching you act so sheepish. So basically… I never thought you'd actually forgot about my Special Day… Come on! Why does that even matter?! Anyway, you wanna celebrate my Special Day, right? Come on, let's get wild with everybody ♪ You too, Boss ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English

Kanna: オマエー、見つけたぞ♪なんでこんなところにあるのじゃ?向こうで皆と楽しまんか♪ほれ、リンゴ飴もあるぞ!……ん?ワシに渡したい物があるじゃと?さては、ワシと二人きりになれるチャンスを狙っておったな?オマエはやっぱり照れ屋さんじゃのう♪

Kanna: There you are, Boss ♪ What are you doing here? Let's go have fun with the girls over there ♪ They even have candied apples! …Hm? Something you'd like to give me? Okay, I get it… This is your chance to be alone with me, right? You really are a shy guy, aren't you ♪

Scene 7
Japanese English

Kanna: ひゃぁ♪キラキラした水着じゃのう……♪ワシの特別な日の水着というわけじゃな?ふふーん♪ワンに着てほしいのか?セクシー女子のワシに、着てほしいんじゃろ?……仕方がないのう♪特別な日じゃからの♪ちょっと待っておるのじゃそ♡

Kanna: Wow ♪ It's a sparkly swimsuit ♪ Is this supposed to be my Special Day swimsuit? Hehehhh ♪ Want me to put this on? You wanna see it on this sexy bod of mine, don't you. I guess I don't have any choice ♪ It is my Special Day, after all ♪ Hold on a minute while I slip it on ♡

Scene 8
Japanese English

Kanna: ……あ、あのー、オマエ?ど、どうじゃ……?キレイなのはわかるんじゃが……その、ワシにはちょっと、大人っぽすぎやせんかのう……似合っておるか!?なら、良かったのじゃ♪オマエのくれた、特別な水着じゃから……ふふーん♪キレイじゃのう♪セクシー女子のワシに、似合わぬ水着は無いのじゃ♡この水着は……ブドウの飾りがついておるのか?ほう?ブドウには「人間愛」という言葉があるのか。ワシにピッタリ……じゃと?ワシ、そんなにニンゲンが好きというわけでは…………たとえ好きになったとしても……みんな忘れて、いつか居なくなるからの…………?ならば、忘れぬように写真を撮ろうじゃと?ほほう、上手く考えおったな♪じゃあ、オトナセクシーなワシをしっかり撮影するのじゃ♡

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Um, so hey… Wh-What do you think? I know it's real pretty and all… But isn't it a little too…mature for me? It actually looks good?! Well, that's nice to know ♪ Since it's a special swimsuit from you… Hehehhh ♪ Sure is pretty ♪ A sexy girl like me looks good in everything though ♡ This swimsuit has grape decorations on it? Oh… So grapes are a symbol of "human love"? And it's perfect for me? It's not like I love humans that much or anything… Even if I did like any… They always forget about me, and eventually go away… …? You wanna take some pics so we never forget about this? Hey, that's a great idea ♪ Take a bunch of pics of me looking sexy and mature ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English

Kanna: ふふーん♪どうじゃ?これでオマエは、ワシのことを忘れられなくなったじゃろ?さて、皆のところへ戻って、もうひと暴れ……じゃのうて……オトナセクシーなワシを、天狗や皆に見せつけてやらんとの♪パーティーももうすぐ終わりじゃしの?……なに?パーティーはまだ終わらんじゃと?……夜中に、プールサイドで続きを?ほう♪それは楽しみじゃのう。よいぞ♪今日のワシはオトナじゃからの。夜遅くなっても平気なのじゃ♪では、約束じゃからの♪オマエー♡

Kanna: Hehehhh ♪ How was that? Now you'll never forget about me, right? Let's get back to the girls and have a wild time. I want the tengu and the rest of them to get a good look at how sexy and mature I am ♪ The party's gonna be over soon. What? It's far from over? We'll keep it going at the poolside tonight? Oh ♪ That sounds fun. Sure ♪ I'm feeling extra mature today, so… I'm totally fine with staying up late ♪ Then it's a promise ♪ Right, Boss? ♡

Episode 19: Human Love Ain't Bad (人間愛も悪くない)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kanna her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her Special Day matches.

Scene 1
Japanese English

Kanna: むー……少し早く来すぎたかの……これでは、ワシが待ちきれずに来た子供みたいではないか……はぁ、やはり一度戻って……

Kanna: Ugh… I came a little too early… Now he'll think I'm some kinda impatient child… *sigh* Guess I'll go back first…

Scene 2
Japanese English

Kanna: ひゃぁう……!?お、オマエ!来ておったのか!?待たせたかじゃと?い、いや、ワシもいま来たところじゃし……そ、そんなことより、他に誰もおらんではないか。パーティーの続きではないのか?「二人きりの、特別なパーティー」じゃと……?ほ、ほう?セクシーなワシと、こんな深夜に二人きりになりたいと……ふふん、オマエ、なかなかやるのう……♡では、ワシとオマエ、二人きりで祝うのじゃ♪

Kanna: Kyah…! B-Boss… You're already here?! Was I waiting long? N-No no… I just got here, too… But… I don't see anyone else around. I thought you said we'd continue the party here. A "special party for just the two of us"? Oh… So I'm so sexy that you wanted to be alone with me this late at night? Hehehhh… I like how you think ♡ So let's celebrate, just the two of us ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Kanna: ふわぁ……!?な、なんじゃ、この大きなケーキは……!あの、これ……ひょっとして……ワシの?あははっ、ワシ、こんな大きなケーキは初めて見たぞ!さすがオマエじゃの♡じゃが……これ、大きすぎはせんか?オニのワシでもこれは……食べ切れんこともないが…………ははーん♪なるほど、そういうことか……みなまで言うでない♪オマエの考えることなど、ワシには全部わかるのじゃ♡

Kanna: Whoa…! What is this huge cake for? Could this maybe be…for my…Ha ha ha, I've never seen a cake this big before! You really know how to do this ♡ But… Isn't it kind of…too big? Even an ogre like me can't finish this off. Hahahhh ♪ I get it now… You don't have to say a word ♪ I already know what you're thinking ♡

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Kanna: まったく、オマエは世話が焼けるのう♪ほれ、もっと近くに寄らんか♡ほれ、あーんじゃ♡まだまだ、たくさんあるからの♪

Kanna: You're such a troublemaker, aren't you ♪ Come a little closer ♡ Good, now say "ahhhhhh" ♡ There's still a lot of cake left ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English

Kanna: んもう、そんなにワシに愛でて欲しいとはのう♡……ワシも罪なオニじゃな♪さて……パーティーもやったし、プレゼントも貰ったし、レゼント大きなケーキで腹もいっぱいじゃ♪……また、来年じゃ♪そのまた来年も、その次も……ふふっ、期待しておるからの♪ふむ……「人間愛」の水着か。ニンゲンのことが好きかどうかは良くわからんが……島の皆や……オマエと一緒にいるのは……悪くない。……ん?……眠くなどないぞ。ワシは、今日はオトナじゃから……オマエと一緒に……まだまだ、遊ぶのじゃ……の一、オマエー……♡

Kanna (OFF): (すー、すー)

Kanna: Wow, you crave so much affection from me ♡ But I can be a pretty nasty ogre sometimes ♪ Well… We did the party, I got my gift… And my belly's full of cake ♪ I'd say my Special Day is done for the year ♪ But I'm expecting a lot for next year… And the year after that, and the year after that, heheh ♪ Hmm…a swimsuit symbolizing "human love." I don't know if I love humans all that much… But being on this island with you and all the girls…ain't half bad. …Hm? I'm not sleepy. I'm extra mature today, remember? I wanna keep playing with you… Come on, Boss ♡

Kanna (OFF): Zzzz… Zzzz…

Episode 20: Secret shower 1 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー1 (カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 21: Secret shower 2 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー2(カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 22: Secret shower 3 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー3(カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 23: Secret shower 4 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー4 (カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 24: Secret shower 5 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー5(カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 25: Secret shower 6 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー6(カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 26: Secret shower 7 (Kanna) (ひみつのシャワー7 (カンナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Kanna.

Episode 27: Love Letter Maiden (Kanna) (恋文フトメ(カンナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: えっと、ちょっと……よいか?

Kanna: Um, can I just say something about ......?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: これ、オマエに渡したくて……は、はやく受け取るのじゃ……

Kanna: I wanted to give this to you, ......, so you can receive it quickly: ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: セクシーなワンと二人きり……嬉しいか?

Kanna: Are you happy to be alone with your sexy wang ......?

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Kanna: あの……ワン、恥ずかしいんじゃが……

(Camera flash)

Kanna: that ...... one, I'm embarrassed ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: と、特別じゃからな!?ワシと……オマエじゃから……

Kanna: and special! Because it's me and ...... you ......

Episode 28: Victory Ceremony (Kanna) (勝利のセレモニー (カンナ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 29: Share ♥ with Kanna (カンナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 30: Special dress-up (特別なおめかし)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: はぁ……今日はワシの 「特別な日」 じゃと言うのに……ひょっとして、忘れておるのか……?いやいや、忘れるはずがない……たぶん……そうじゃ、きっとワシをからかっておるのじゃ!ワンを焦らして、 楽しんでおるのじゃな……?ふふーん、そうとわかれば、これは根比べじゃ……!……じゃが、しかし…… やっぱり……

Kanna: Hey, ...... today is my "special day"...... have you forgotten ...... that it's my "special day"? No, no, no, I wouldn't forget ......, I'm sure he's just messing with me! You're having fun with me, aren't you? ...... Hmmm....if you figure that out, it's a game of showdowns. ...... ...... but, however,...... it's still ......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……なんじゃ? ワシは忙しいんじゃが…………ひゃっ!? オマエー!?い、いきなり話しかけるな、びっくりするではないか……!……ていうか、今の……見てた?な、なんでもないぞ? それより、 一体なんの用じゃ。ワシはヒマをしておって、 オマエを待っていたわけでは…………なに? ワンに会いに来た?準備に時間がかかってすまない……?ほう……♪それはつまり、アレじゃな?もうー、 そんなことなら、早く言えばいいのにー♡ほれほれ、 なにか言いたいことがあるんじゃろ?まったくもう、 しょうがないのー♪「おめでとう」か……♪うむ♪ オマエから、それが聞きたかったのじゃ♡それにー、 その手に持ってるそれ!それは……

Kanna: ...... what? I'm busy. ............ What? Oh, my God! Don't talk to me out of the blue, you'll surprise me. ...... I mean, did you see ...... just now? Nothing...nothing... I'm not waiting for you. ............ What? You came to see Wang? Sorry it took so long to get ready ......? Oh, ...... that's what that is, isn't it? I'm sorry it took me so long to get ready. I've got no choice... "Congratulations" or ......... that's what I wanted to hear from you, handsome, and that thing you're holding in your hand! That's ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ほほう♪ プレゼントも用意しておるとは、 さすがじゃの♪しかもこれは……ふふーん、やはり水着か♡もう、しょうがないの一♪ワシの、このセクシーボディをどうしても見たいと…………そういうわけじゃな?やってやらんこともないが……ちゃーんと、気持ちを口にして貰わんとの一?「どうしても見たい」?そうか♪ そこまで言うのなら…………?わ、分かった、 分かったから……!そんなに見つめるな…… い、今着替えてくから、の?

Kanna: Oh, you've got a present for me too, as expected... and it's a ...... swimsuit... I can't help it... I just can't help it... I just can't resist seeing this sexy body of mine... .........That's why, isn't it? I'll give it a try, but you'll have to be very careful about how you feel about ...... me. "I really want to see it"? Well, if you insist that much,............? I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. ...... Don't stare at me like that. ...... I'll go change now, okay?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふーん♪ どうじゃ? 似合っておるか?……ワシ、キレイ系の水着もイケとるじゃろ♡ワシの 「特別な日」という祭りにピッタリ……じゃの♪さすがオマエが選んだ水着じゃ♡うむうむ♪ もっと褒めるが良い♪なんなら、ほれ、 もっと近づいて見ても良いのじゃそ……?♡……?んじゃ。 さっきから黙って……ワシ、なんかおかしい……?ひゃあっ!? ち、近くで見ても良いとは言うたが……あの、 そのー……ワシ、まだ心の準備が…………なに? いい匂い……?えと……う、うむ、 気づいたか……ワシはセクシー女子じゃからの♪水着に合わせて、 ちゃんと香水を使っておるのじゃ……♡どうじゃ? ワシらしく、刺激的で情熱的な香りじゃろ♪オマエとのデー……い、いや、その……そ、 そうじゃ、 写真じゃ。着替えたんじゃから、ワシのセクシーショットを撮影せんか?ふふーん♪ では、始めるぞ!シビれてしまわんように、気をつけるんじゃぞ♡

Kanna: Hmmm... what do you think? Do I look good? ...... I look good in a beautiful swimsuit too, don't you think? ...... that's perfect for my "special occasion" festivities. ...... you're the one who chose the swimsuit, you're the one who chose it, you're the one who chose it, you're the one who chose it, you're the one who chose it, you're the one who chose it, you're the one who chose it, Now, can I get a closer look at you, ......? ......? What? You've been quiet for a while now,...... and you're not ...... acting right? What? I said you can look closer,...... but, well,...... I'm not ready for it,......... What is it? Smells good......? Well,...... you noticed,...... I'm a sexy girl,...... so I use perfume to match my swimsuit,...... handsome! How's that? I'm sure it's a stimulating and passionate scent, just like me. Now that you're dressed, why don't you take a sexy shot of me? Okay, let's get to it! Be careful not to get squeamish, handsome.

Scene 10

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player is required to take a photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ? イイ感じに撮れたか?もっともっと、いっぱい撮ってもいいのじゃぞ♡

Kanna: What do you think? Did you get a good shot? You can take many, many more handsome pictures.

Scene 12
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 楽しく撮影しておったら、 もうこんな時間か……次は何じゃ?「特別な日」は、まだ終わりじゃないじゃろ?なにか考えがあるのなら、 それで良いのじゃが……あの……もし、オマエが何も考えておらんのなら……わ、ワシが特別に……デート。 してやっても良い……ぞ?ほら、イマドキの女子は受け身じゃいかんからの?ワシから誘ってやろうと……つまり、その……オマエと、 お祭りデート……したい……のじゃ。そのために、こうやって 「おめかし」 もしたし…………ダメか?……ふふっ♪よし、 では、行くのじゃ!デートなんじゃし、手を繋いで……の♡

Kanna: I've been having so much fun filming, it's almost time to go to ...... What's next? Kanna: I was having fun filming and it's already late. What's next? If you have something in mind, that's fine, but if you don't have anything in mind,...... I'd be happy to give you a special ...... date. I can give you a special ...... date. You see, today's girls are not passive, right? I'm going to ask you out ...... and I mean that ...... you and I want to have a festive ...... date.... I want to ask you out. I'd like to get "dressed up" like this ............ for that purpose, no? ...... Okay, then, let's go! Since it's a date, hold hands and ...... handsome!

Episode 31: To the usual two. (いつもの二人に)[]

To get this episode, you must give Kanna the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: おおー!たーまやー♪ふふっ♪花火はいつ見ても良いのう♪花火が終われば……夏の終わり、祭りも終わり…………じゃが、 ここは常夏の島じゃし、 祭りも、 それに……オマエとのデートも、 まだ終わっておらんからの♪あははっ♪ 次は、かーきゃー♪ じゃ♪……何?やっと、いつものワシらしくなったじゃと?「今日は一日中、ご飯を食べるときも、一緒に歩くときも、 ちょっと上品だった」……?オマエ、 デリカシーがないのう……それじゃ、 ワンが普段は下品みたいではないか……?だって、 今日の水着はキレイ系じゃろ?オマエのためにも、 それに合わせてやったのじゃ♪それにほら、ニンゲンはデートのとき、女子が突然見せる、 「ギャップ」が好きなんじゃろ?♡ふふーん♪ ワンはニンゲンに詳しいのじゃ♪オマエのことは、特に……の♡……え? なんじゃ……写真…… ?

Kanna: Oh, wow! But this is an island of everlasting summer, and the festival and ...... my date with you is not over time, kakya......... what? Finally, I'm back to my usual self, aren't I? "I've been a little classy all day, eating and walking with you." ......? You have no delicacy,....... Then doesn't that make Wan look vulgar in general,......? I mean, isn't that a beautiful swimsuit you're wearing today? I've got to match it for you...and you know how we all love the sudden "gap" that a girl shows on a date, don't we? I know a lot about ningen, especially about you, ...... ♡...... ♡...... what? What's with the ...... photo ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: これは、デート中のワンか……?な、なんじゃ、ワシに断りもなく……しかも、上品でレディなワンじゃなくて、楽しそうに油断しきっとるワシを撮りおって…………え?……こういうワシも好き……じゃから……?え、えと……あの、オマエもいつもと違って、その……あれじゃ、「ギャップ萌え?」 を狙っておるのじゃろ……?……もー、 そんな真剣な目はナシー!ワシはそういうの苦手じゃし……その……な?うー、オマエがそのつもりなら……ワシだって、 オマエに渡すものがあるのじゃ……考えてたデートプランには無いものじゃが…… 特別じゃからの?

Kanna: Is this a date ......? What, you didn't even tell me ......, and instead of the classy, lady-like one, you took a picture of me looking happy and carefree ......... What? ...... because I like this kind of ...... too ......? Well, you are also different from usual ......, you know, you are trying to get a "gap moe" ......, right? You're trying to get a "gap moi", aren't you,......? ...... Don't look at me so seriously! I'm not good at that kind of thing. ...... that ......? Well, if that's your intention,...... I have something for you too,...... that's not on the date plan I had in mind... ... because it's special?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……はい。 これは今日のお返しじゃ……♪上品レディなワシとの、特別なデートの思い出に……の♡……どうじゃ? あの……嬉しい?……「部屋に飾っておく」?う、嬉しいのじゃが……じゃが ……わぁー! やっぱり、こういうのは性に合わん……!もう、 止めじゃ……ここからは、いつもの二人! よいな!?大体……お互い、 言わんでもわかっとるじゃろ。……の?ふふーん、では……これからもう一回デートするのじゃ♪上品すぎて、 何を負ったかも覚えておらんからの……!さあ、まずは「りんご飴」じゃ♡それと、あれにこれに……あははっ♪ オマエと一緒なら、やりたいことは、たくさんあるのじゃ♪

Kanna: ...... Yes. This is for today's ...... ♪ How about a handsome ...... to remember your special date with a classy lady ......? Are you happy with the ......? Do you want to ...... "hang it in your room"? I'm happy,...... but,...... wow! I'm not really into this kind of thing after all. ...... I'm going to stop now. ...... From here on, it's the usual two of us! All right? We both know what we're ...... about, don't we? ......? Hmmm, well, we're going to go on another ...... date, because I'm too classy to remember what I owe ......! Now, for starters, we're going to have a handsome "candy apple", and this, and that ...... hahaha♪ There are so many things I'd love to do with you!

Episode 32: Bitter♡Sweet (Kanna) (ビター♡スイート(カンナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: セクシーなワシと二人きり……嬉しいか?

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Are you happy to be alone with a sexy eagle ......?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: う、受け取るがよいっ! 断るなぞ、許さんからな? な!?

Kanna: Take it! Don't refuse, I won't forgive you. Kanna: Don't refuse, it's from Mr. Hsu?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: なんじゃ? 寂しいのか?……仕方がないのう♪

Kanna: What is it? You miss me? ...... I don't have a choice...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: と、特別じゃからな!?ワシと……オマエじゃから……

(camera flash)

Kanna: and special! Because it's me and ...... you ......

(camera flash)

Episode 33: Kanna's Sixth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 34: Kanna's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Kanna's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 35: Secret Esthetic Time (Kanna)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Kanna's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: A Step Closer to My Dream (夢への一歩)[]


DOAXVV Extra episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: うふふ♪オーナーさん、どうですか?わたしのカジノです!え?何回も見てる?もう!オーナーさんノリが悪いです!この島にディーラーとして、働きに来たはずが、募集してないどころか、新しいカジノなんかなくて……建てるための資金もなくて……仕方なく、資金稼ぎから始めて……そして……遂に完成したカジノですよ!もっと喜んでください!それは……オーナーさんにも手伝ってもらいましたけど……少し……かなり……ほとんど、全部……で、でも、もう「わたしのカジノ」です!オーナーさんが、そう言ったんですからね!?よーし!それじゃあ、記念すべきー日目、オープンしちゃいましょうか!ん?その前に、なんですか?

Monica: Heheh ♪ What do you think, boss? It's my casino! Hm? You've already seen it plenty of times? At least act like you're interested! I came to this island to be a casino dealer, but not only was no one hiring, there wasn't even a new casino… I didn't have any money to build one… So I started working to earn the money… And now look! The casino is complete! Show some enthusiasm for me! I mean…you did help me out with it, boss… A little…a lot… Mostly… Well…you did all of it… But still, it is "my casino!" You said it yourself, remember!? So the time has come! To commemorate this wonderful day as my first day of business! Hm? Something else first?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: これって……、新しい水着ですか?可愛いバニーガールですね。うふふ♪ありがとうございます。でも……前のでもよかった気がしますけど?どうして、新しい水着を?

Luna: 記念すべき日ですから、お客さんの記憶に残るようにしたいのです。インパクトは大事ですから。記憶に残れば、リピーターも見込めます。さらに噂になれば、新規のお客さんも、呼び込めるのです。

Monica: なるほど……ただ、オーナーさんが見たかったわけじゃないんですね。って!?ルナちゃんいつの間に?

Luna: ウサギと言えばわたしなのです。と、言うことで、オーナーさんに頼まれて助っ人に来ました。

Monica: そ、そうなんですね!?いつの間にかいてぴっくりしました。それじゃあ、今日はよろしくお願いします。一緒に頑張りましょう!

Luna: ラジャー。ふふふ、丸裸にしてやるのです……ウサギだけに。

Monica: なんだか、ディーラーを固違いしているような……

Luna: では、まだ開店まで時間があるので、ルールを復習してきます。

Monica: ええ!?ルナちゃんだいじょ……行っちゃいました……大丈夫なんでしょうか?

Monica: This is…a new swimsuit. What a cute bunny girl costume! Heheh ♪ Thank you. But… Why would you give me a new swimsuit? The previous one seemed pretty good to me.

Luna: Since today is the grand opening, you will want to leave a good impression on the guests. First impressions are important… And if the impression is good, you'll get repeat customers. Plus, they'll draw in new customers through word of mouth.

Monica: I think I get it now… So basically, you didn't get this skimpy thing just to see me wearing it. Wait- How long have you been standing there, Luna!?

Luna: If it's a bunny you need, I'm your girl. So the boss wanted me to come help you.

Monica: Y-Yes, that's great!? You startled me showing up just like that. Anyway, let's get this thing started. We'll make it work together!

Luna: Roger. Heheh, I'll win the shirts off their backs. Just like the Hare of Inaba.

Monica: Um… I think you're confused about what a dealer does…

Luna: Well, we still have time before the opening. I'll go look over the rules.

Monica: Huh!? Luna, are you sure you- She's gone… Is she gonna be okay?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ん?ルナちゃんなら大丈夫ですか?……そうですね。オーナーさんがそう言うなら、信じます。確かに、オーナーさんより、勝負強そうですね。わたしよりも、ポーカーフェイスが上手だし……よ〜っし!それじゃあ、気合入れていきましょう!目指すはナンバパーワンカジノです!カジノはここしかない、って?もう!オーナーさん、ノリが悪いです!こういうのは気持ちが、大切なんです!それに島の外も含めて、ナンバーワンを目指すんです!ふふふ♪わたし頑張ります。

Monica: Hm? You think she'll be fine? …Yeah. If you say so, boss… I'll trust you. She definitely seems like a better player than you. And her poker face is a lot more convincing than mine… All right! Let's get pumped! My goal is to make this the number one casino! This is the only casino around…? Boss, would you stop being such a wet blanket!? I need you to get excited for me! Besides, by "number one" I'm including casinos not on this island too! Heheh ♪ I'll do my best.

Episode 2: One Step Forward (一歩前進)[]


DOAXVV Extra episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: それではカードオープンです。ツーペアとフルハウス……ですので、そちらのお客様の勝利です。

Monica: Let's get started, shall we? Two pair and a full house… The guest over there is the winner.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ありがとうございました。また、来てくださいね。ふぅ……お客様を楽しませるって、なかなか難しいです……あ!オーナーさん。お疲れ様です。調子はどうか、ですか?絶好調です!と、言いたいところなのですが……い、いえ!問題とか、そういうのではないのですけど……その理想と現実で、差が出ている、というか……お客さんを笑顔にしたいんですけど、どうもうまくいってないような……どうしてでしょう……あ!今、笑いましたね!もう!人が真剣に悩んでいるんですよ!え?ルナちゃんを参考に?

Monica: Than you for dropping by. Please come again. Phew… Keeping customers entertained is harder than I thought… Oh! Boss… Nice to see you. "How is it going?" Great! …At least, I wish it was… No no! There's no issues or anything wrong… It's just that, today was sort of a reality check for me I guess… I wanted to make the guests smile, but… It didn't always work out as I thought it should. Why though…? Hey! Did you just laugh? I'm being serious here, boss! Hm? You want me to see how Luna does it?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ヒットでお願いします。ふむ……では、ラストにー枚お願いします。……ふふふ♪完壁なのです。ロイヤルストレートフラッシュですこの勝負、こちそうさまなのです。え?これはブラックジャック……追うのですか?むむむ……失敗なのです…………でも、失敗は成功の母。もうひと勝負、おかわりです。

Luna: Hit me, please. Hm… I'll take my last card, please. …Heheheh ♪ Perfect. A royal straight flush. Good game, good game. Oh? So then…that's not how Blackjack is played? Ooh… I've failed… But failure breeds success as they say. I'm ready for another round.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: うう……さすがに短時間で覚えるのは、難しかったようですね。無理を言ってしまいました……え?今見るところはそこじゃない?お客さんの表情ですか?……なんだかみんな……楽しそうです。わたしとゲームをしていた、お客さんよりも……でも、なんで?失敗を笑ってる風じゃなさそうですし。わたしが緊張しているから?わたしを見たお客さんも緊張してしまっている?そうか……自分では気づきませんでした……確かに初めてで、緊張していたかもしれません……ますは、カジノを楽しんでみる……ですか?確かに、ルナちゃんは楽しそうです。一緒に遊びたい……よし!それじゃあ、お客さんを楽しませるために、わたしも楽しんでみます♪

Monica: Ugh… I guess it's not easy to learn all the rules in such a short amount of time. I asked too much of her… Hm? That's not what you wanted me to notice? Look at the customers' faces? Everyone seems like…they're enjoying themselves. More than the ones I was playing with… But why? It doesn't seem like they're smiling at her failures. Because I'm too tense? And that tension rubs off on the customers? Wpw… I didn't realize that. But being my first time, maybe I was pretty tense… I need to enjoy the casino before anything else? Luna definitely looks like she's having fun. I wanna play together with her… Okay! To get my customers to enjoy themselves, I'll try to enjoy my time here, too ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふぅ……楽しかったですが……かなり疲れました。

Monica: ルナちゃん、お疲れ様です。ふふ♪最後の方は、とっても様になってましたよ♪

Luna: でも、あまり勝てませんでした。次こそは……ぐぬぬ。

Monica: ルナちゃん、今日はありがとうございます。今日、ルナちゃんのおかげで、お客さんが楽しめてました。それに、ルナちゃんのおかげで、わたしも夢に、一歩近づけた気がします。

Luna: わたしは、カジノを楽しんだだけなのですが……でも、お役に立てていたならなによりです。ふふ。

Monica: あ、あの……ルナちゃん、オーナーさん。お二人にご相談なんですが……

Luna: ん?なんでしょう?

Monica: 明日のためにも、少し練習しておきたくて……お付き合いお願いできませんか?

Luna: わたしはかまいません。ルールのおさらいをしたかったので、ちょうどいいです。

Monica: オーナーさん、ルナちゃん、ありがとうございます♪それじゃあ、オーナーさん♪ディナーをかけて勝負です♪

Luna: おお!そればナイスアイディア。ちょうどお腹がすいてきたところなのです。

Monica: オーナーさんを丸裸にしてあげます。ウサギだけに!ふふふ♪

Luna: Whew… That was fun. But I'm exhausted.

Monica: Great work today, Luna. Heheh ♪ You looked like the real deal towards the end ♪

Luna: But I didn't win very much. I'll do better next time… *sniff*

Monica: I appreciate all you did today, Luna. Thanks to you, the customers had a good time. And also thanks to you, I feel like I've come one step closer to making my dream come true.

Luna: I was just enjoying the casino. But I'm glad you think I was useful today. Heheh.

Monica: Um… Luna, boss… I need to talk to you two about something…

Luna: Hm? What is it?

Monica: I wanted to practice a little for tomorrow… Would you mind joining me?

Luna: I don't mind. In fact, it's the perfect opportunity for me to learn the rules.

Monica:♪ Thank you both so much ♪ Let's play a round, boss ♪ Winner gets dinner ♪

Luna: Ooh! That's a brilliant idea. I was just getting hungry too.

Monica: I'm gonna win the shirt off your back. And more, until you're completely naked. Just like the Hare of Inaba! Heheh ♪

Episode 3: End of Year Showdown (年の終わりの大勝負)[]


DOAXVV Monica Birthday Scene1 (모니카 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんばんは、オーナーさん!探してたんですよ♪一年の締めくくりに今年最後の勝負なんて、どうですか?えっ?ちょうどわたしを呼びに行くところだった?ふふっ、奇遇ですね♪それじゃあ、今年最後の真剣勝負、お願いします!

Monica: Good evening, boss! I've been looking for you ♪ How about playing one last card game to close out the year? Really? So you were just about to come and look for me? Heheh, what a coincidence ♪ Let's do it, then. One final showdown to end the year!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: この勝負、わたしの勝ちですね!これで、今年は私の勝ち越しですね!おかげで気持ちよく新年を迎える事が出来そう♪えっ?来年こそは勝ち越してみせる?来年も……ふふっ♪そう簡単には負けないんですから♪あっ、もうすぐ、その来年!12時ですよ♪

Monica: Looks like I win this time! Which puts me ahead for the year, I can move onto the next year on a high note ♪ Hm? You'll beat me in the next year? And the year after too… Heheh ♪ I'm not gonna let you win that easily ♪ Oh my gosh, it's almost midnight! And…there it is ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん♪えっ?渡したいものがあるって?もしかして、日本のお年玉……とか?もう!わたしは子供じゃないんですから……

Monica: Happy New Year, boss. Let's have another great year together ♪ Huh? There's something you'd like to give me? Would that be the Japanese "New Year's money" they give to kids? Hey, I'm not a kid anymore…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: えっ、ケーキですか?あっ!わたしのお誕生日!わ、忘れてました……じゃあ、もしかして……さっき、わたしを呼びに行こうとしていたのは、この為に?……あ、ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪えへへ、びっくりしちゃいました♪年越しで、テンションが上がっちゃってて、いつも忘れちゃうんですよね……オーナーさんは、ちゃんと覚えてくれていたんですね……ケーキまで用意してくれて。えっ?ケーキだけじゃない?

Monica: Oh…a cake? Oh my gosh, today is my birthday! I-I completely forgot… Could this have been…why you were looking for me? Wow…thank you so much, boss ♪ Heheh, this totally caught me off guard ♪ I always forget about my birthday… Because of all the excitement from celebrating the new year. But you remembered it for me, boss… And even prepared this cake for me. Huh? There's more than just a cake?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: わぁ!これって新しい水着ですか!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪ふふっ、オーナーさんの考えはお見通しですよ♪ちょっと待っててくださいね♪

Monica: Oh wow! Is this…a new swimsuit!? Thank you so much, boss ♪ Heheh, I know what you're thinking ♪ Just hold on a minute ♪

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Monica: どうですか♥決まってますか?えへへ、よかった♪えっ?記念に写真を撮りたい、ですか?もちろん、いいですよ♪勝ち越し記念もかねて♪

(camera flash)

Monica: What do you think ♥ Does it look good? Heheh, I'm glad you think so ♪ Hm? You wanna take pics as commemoration? Of course ♪ To my victory from last year ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんなに崎麗な水着まで……ありがとうございました。オーナーさん。え?これから、年始めの勝負……?……気分を変えて、外で勝負がしたい?もちろん、受けて立ちます!ディーラーは勝負から逃げませんから♪ふふっ。場所を変えても、わたしの勝ちですよ♪それじゃあ、行きましょう、オーナーさん♪

Monica: What a beautiful swimsuit… I can't thank you enough, boss. Hm? A showdown to start the year off? And you wanna have it outside this time? Of course I'll take you up on that! A dealer never runs from challenge ♪ Heheh. It doesn't matter where we play, I'm still gonna win ♪ So let's get to it, boss ♪

Episode 4: A Fair Game (勝負はフェアに)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Monica after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Monica Birthday Scene2 (모니카 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ここで勝負を?いいですよ。ふふっなんだか、静かな夜……一年の最初の勝負には、ピッタリですね♪さぁ、勝負を始めましょう!……?オーナーさん、後ろに何か隠してませんか?もう、真面目なふりをしてもダメです。イカサマは無しですよ?

Monica: You wanna have it here? That's fine. Heheh, what a peaceful night… Just perfect for our first showdown of the year♪ Let's get it started! Boss…? Are you hiding something behind your back? Stop pretending to be innocent. Remember, no cheating.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: えっ!?こ、これ、指輪……?受け取ってほしい、って……だって、勝負するって話じゃ……えっ?受け取ってもらえないのかって?そ、そんな事ありません!あ、あの、じゃあ……

Monica: Huh!? T-This is…a ring!? And…you want me to have it? I thought we were about to have a showdown… Huh? Won't I take it? N-No, I'm not saying I won't take it! I-I'm just… Um…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんな……その、大切な贈り物、初めてだから嬉しくて……あ、ありがとうございます……

Monica: I've never…gotten anything so precious before… I'm just so happy… Th-Thank you so much…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: ところで、オーナーさん。ここに来た理由って、たしか、勝負の続き、でしたよね?えっ?指輪を受け取ってもらえるかどうか、自分の中で「勝負」してた?もう、サプライズでプレゼントだなんて……そんな勝負、フェアじゃありません。だいたい、もし受け取らなかったら、どうするつもりだったんですか?……なんて、冗談です♪こんな大切な贈り物、受け取らないわけないじゃないですか。オーナーさんの顔を見たら……「真剣勝負」だって、わかるから。じゃあ、ここからの勝負はフェアに、始めましょうか♪わたしからの勝負、受けてください、オーナーさん♪今年も、これからも、よろしくお願いします。

Monica: By the way, boss. The reason we came here… Was to challenge me to another showdown, right? Hm? You've been struggling with a challenge from within… If I'll accept the ring or not? You caught me off guard with that present… So it won't be a fair match. Besides, what would you do if I didn't accept it? …I'm just kidding ♪ I wouldn't dream of rejecting a gift as precious as this. ♪ The look on your face… I know just how serious you are about this. Let's start our match fair and square ♪ Please accept my challenge, boss ♪ Let's have another great year together.

Episode 5: An Unconditional Gift (勝負抜きでのプレゼント)[]


DOAXVV Monica Valentine event(발렌타인 모니카 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): モニカです。少し、用があって……あの……いいですか?

Monica: オーナーさん、これ……受け取ってください。わたしの気持ち、全部……賭けます!勝負抜きでのプレゼントなんて……減多にないんですから。……ふふっ♪オーナーさん明日もよろしくお願いします♪おやすみなさい。

Monica (OFF): It's Monica. I just wanted to see you about something. Is…this a good time?

Monica: Boss… Please take this. All my emotions… I'm betting it all! It's not often you get a gift…without earning it through a showdown. Heheh ♪ Boss ♥ I hope we can have another great day tomorrow ♪ Goodnight.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: 二人きり、オーナーさんと真剣勝負ですね。……もちろん、写真のですよ♪プレイスユアベット♪さあ、始めましょうか♪

(Camera flash)

Monica: It's just you and me, in for a showdown. At a photo shoot, of course ♪ Place your bets ♪ And let's get started ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: こういうのが好き……か。次の勝負の、参考にしますね♪

Monica: Is this what you're into? I'll keep that in mind for our next showdown ♪

Episode 6: Monica-chan Wants to Hang Out! (モニカちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Just a Normal Girl (普造の女の子)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: 新年あけましておめでとうございます、オーナーさん!今年もよろしくお願いしますね♪新しい一年……どんな勝負があるのか、今から楽しみです♪えっ……?プレゼントがある?あの、それって、ひょっとして……お年玉とか、じゃなくて……わたしの、お誕生日?うふふっ♪憶えていてくれたんですね♪とっても嬉しいです♥

Monica: Happy new year, boss! Let's spend another outstanding year together, okay? A brand new year…I can't wait to find out what kind of matches are in store for me ♪ Hm…? You have a gift? I mean, could that be like, New Year's cash or… Never mind. My birthday? Heheheh ♪ So you remembered ♪ You don't realize how happy that makes me ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: わあ♥綺麗な水着……!本当に貰っていいんですか?ありがとうございます!オーナーさん!わたし、元旦がお誕生日だから、いつも自分からは言い出しにくくて……みんなが楽しく新年をお祝いしているのに、自分が主役、みたいなのって、気が引けちゃうというか。……え?意外?ディーラーはみんなを盛り上げるお仕事ですから♪わたしだって、それくらいの分別はあるんですよ?でも、オーナーさんは一番に、わたしをお祝いしてくれて。……ありがとうございます♪じゃあ、この水着に着替えてきますね。貰ってばかりじゃいけませんから、わたしからオーナーさんへの、お礼です♪

Monica: Wow ♥ What a beautiful swimsuit…! Are you sure I can have this? Thank you so much, boss! I always feel awkward telling people my birthday is on New Year's day… Everyone has so much fun celebrating the new year, so I feel kind of bad if I'm the center of attention. …Hm? That surprises you? As a casino dealer it's my job to get people excited ♪ I have enough common sense not to mention my birthday to ruin the moment. But you wanted to celebrate my birthday first and foremost, boss. …Thank you for doing that ♪ Hold on while I go slip into this swimsuit. I feel bad just getting things from you all the time, so this is to pay you back ♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Monica: お待たせしました、オーナーさん!ふふっ♪……どうですか?なんて……答えを聞くまでもありませんね♪オーナーさんの考えてること……お見通しです♥この水着、お花がいっぱいでとっても素敵ですね。ショールや節りもとっても豪華で……なんだか、ウエディングドレス、みた……い……?……え、えと、そうじゃなくて。……そのくらい、綺麗だって言いたくて……!……ポーカーフェイス、ポーカーフェイス……はぁ…………あの、オーナーさん、ありがとうございます。この水着、とっても気に入りました。シンビジウム……ふーん……わたしの誕生花がモチーフなんですか。花言葉は『節らない心』……?素敵ですけど、ディーラー向きの言葉じゃありませんね♪え……今はプライベートだから、普通の女の子……?えっと……たしかに、今はプライベートですけど……ー本取られちやったかな…………じゃあ、一本取られたお返しに……オーナーさん、写真、のませんか?新年と、お誕生日と今日の思い出に、お願いします♥

(Camera flash)

Monica: Sorry to keep you waiting, boss! Heheh ♪ …What do you think? Hahah… You don't even have to answer ♪ I can totally tell what you're thinking, boss ♥ This swimsuit is so gorgeous with all the flowers on it. Plus the shawl and decorations are amazing. It's almost like…a wedding dress…? I mean um… That's not what I meant. It's just as pretty as a wedding dress, that's all…! Poker face…poker face… *sigh* So um… Thanks a bunch, boss. I really love this swimsuit. Cymbidiums… Hmm… Is my birth flower the motif for this? In the language of flowers it means "candid heart?" That's beautiful, but not very fitting for a dealer ♪ Oh… So now that I'm off the clock, I'm just a normal girl? Well… It's true that I'm not working at the moment, but… Okay, I guess you got me. And to reward you for getting me this time… Hpw about taking some pics, boss? Take them for the New Year, for my birthday, and to preserve memories of the day, please ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ、あとで見せてくださいね♪今年最初の「勝負」の思い出……ですから。どうしました?オーナーさん?……あとで、もうひと勝負?……ふふっ、もちろん受けて立ちます。さっきは一本取られましたけど、次は負けませんから♪じゃあ、お待ちしていますね、オーナーさん♪

Monica: Heheh… Be sure to show me later, okay? They're memories of my first "match" of the year, after all. What's the matter, boss? Another match later? Heheh… Of course I accept. You beat me this time, but it won't happen again ♪ I'll be waiting for you, boss ♪

Episode 8: A High Class Lady (高青な女性)[]

To get this episode, you must give Monica her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん、お待ちしてました♪どんな勝負にしましょうか?カードでもダイスでもいいですよ♪さっきは一本とられちゃいましたけど、今度はそう簡単には負けません♪オーナーさんが何を考えているのか、バッチリ読み切ってみせますから♪さあ、では勝負を始めましょうか……

Monica: I've been waiting, boss ♪ What kind of match should we play, cards or dice? I'm fine with either ♪ You got the best of me just a bit ago, but it's not gonna be easy this time ♪ I can totally read your thoughts ♪ So let's get started, shall we?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……って、ええっ!?え……ええと、これは……もう一つの……プレゼントですか?お花のプレゼントシンプルな攻めは時として、とても……効果的……です。

Monica: …What!? Um… Is this… Yet another gift? Flowers… Sometimes a simple offense…can be very effective…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ど、どうしよう……お花を貰うだなんて……な、慣れてなくて……その……花束……ブーケ……ありがとうございます……

Monica: What do I do… I'm not used to getting flowers from anyone… This um…bouquet of flowers is really…Thanks so much…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ、いい香りです……♪

Monica: Heheh… They smell nice ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Monica: お誕生日に、お花のプレゼントって……やっぱり嬉しいです。わたしも「普通の女の子」ですから♪シンビジウムには『高貴な美人』……って言葉もあるんですね。この水着に、このブーケ。本当にきれいで、上品で。「高員な美人」にピッタリ、ですけど……わたしには、まだ……「以合っている」ですか?ふふ、ありがとうございます。でもそれは言い過ぎです。高員な女性……そうなれればいいなあ、とは思いますけど♪……え?いつも、ディーラーとしてより高みを目指してる……その姿が、高貴で……美しい……?ふふっ……今日のオーナーさんには勝てませんね♪でも、わたしはまだまだですから。……だから、この花が相応しい女性に……いつかきっと。だから…………もちろん、なれる方に賭けてくれますよね?オーナーさん♥

Monica: Getting flowers for a birthday gift…actually makes me happy. Im just a "normal girl" myself, after all ♪ Cymbidiums are also a symbol of a "high-class beauty?" With this swimsuit, and this bouquet, I feel really elegant and pretty. I guess it's just right for a "high-class beauty." But I'm still not there… I look nice with this? Heheh… Thank you. But you're being too nice. A high-class beauty…is something I'd really like to be. …Hm? As a dealer, I'm always aiming high… And that's "high-class beauty" to you? Heheh… I guess I can't beat you today, boss ♪ But I'm still not there yet…. Someday, I'll be a girl fitting of these flowers… And… Of course, you'll bet on my success, right boss?

Episode 9: Queen of Spades (Monica) (スペード・クイーン(モニカ))[]


【DOAXVV】 モニカ スペード・クイーン 【DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation】


DOAXVV 4K Peek in!!Monica's live change episode.

Japanese English translation

Monica: 着替えますから、待っててください

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: うん、これなら……えへへあ♪ふふっ♪決まってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: ふふっ…♪ひゃっ!?ル、ルール違反です!

Monica: I'm going to get changed, give me a moment ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: Hmm… Okay. Eheheh Oh ♪ Heheh ♪ So that settles it, right?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: Heheh ♪ Kyah!!! T-that's against the rules!

Episode 10: Sparkling Blue (Monica) (スパークリングブルー(モニカ))[]

Japanese English translation

Monica: あはは……♪とっても気持ちいい……♪

Monica: Ahaha… ♪ This feels so great ♪

Episode 11: This Year's Resolution (今年の抱負)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Monica: オーナーさん!あけましておめでとうございます。今年のパーティーも、賑やかですね♪みんな、わたしのお誕生日もお祝いしてくれて、とっても嬉しいです♪あっ!オーナーさんは「新年の抱負」、決めましたか?わたしも、さっきみんなと話しているときに間かれたんです。みんな、目標がはっきりしてて……まるで、未来が見えているみたいに。え?わたしの抱負ですか?わたしはもちろん、カジノをもっと盛り上げて、今まで以上にお客さまに楽しんでもらうこと、です。……でも、みんなに自信を持って伝えられなくて……その、本当にわたしにできるのかな、って……えっ? 「ちょうどよかった」 ……ですか?

Monica: Boss! Happy New Year! The party's getting pretty wild again this year, huh? ♪ I'm so happy everyone's here celebrating my birthday, too ♪ Oh yeah! Have you decided on a New Year's resolution? The other girls were just asking me about that. Everyone's goals are so clear cut… It's almost like they can see into the future. Hm? My resolution? Well, of course that would be to liven up the casino, so more people can enjoy their time there. But…I didn't have enough confidence to tell the girls, since I'm not really sure if I could actually pull it off… Hm? "Perfect timing"?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Monica: わぁ……♥お誕生日のプレゼント、今年も用意してくれたんですね♪ラズベリーがモチーフなんですか?素敵な色……それに、キラキラしてて着るのが楽しみです♥でも、どうしてこれが「ちょうどよかった」んですか?ラズベリーの意味は、「先見の明」……?わたしには先を見通す力があるから、自信を持ってほしい……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん……♥そう言ってもらえて、嬉しいです。……そうですよね。わたしはみんなを楽しませるディーラー。自信を持って、堂々としなくちゃ。この水着、着てみてもいいですか?今まで以上に、先を見通せるようになっちゃうかもしれません♪

Monica: Wow ♥ You got me a birthday gift this year, too? ♪ With a raspberry motif? What a pretty color…and it's so sparkly I can't wait to wear it ♥ But why did you say this was "perfect timing"? The raspberry is a symbol of "foresight"? You think I'm more than capable of seeing what's ahead, so I should be more confident? Thanks a lot for saying that, Boss ♥ It makes me happy to hear. Oh yeah… I'm a casino dealer who makes sure everyone has a good time. So I need to show more confidence and just be bold. Is it alright if I try on this swimsuit? It might actually give me more foresight than before ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Monica: とっても可愛くて、なんだかスイーツになったみたい♪それでいて、ドレスみたいに上品で……素敵です♥今日みたいなパーティーにもピッタリだし、カジノで着たら……きっと、オーナーさんの視線を……オーナーさん、さっきからずっと見てますけど……ふふっ♪オーナーさんが何を考えているのか、この水着のおかげで、何でも見通せる気がしてきました ……そうですね、次は……記念撮影ですね?ふふっ♪……なんて♪そんなに見惚れてたら、誰だってお見通しです♥

Monica: It's so adorable, like I've turned into a sweet or something ♪ Plus it feels like a dress…so high-class and attractive ♥ Perfect for my party today, and if I wear it at the casino…the Boss's eyes will be drawn in my direction…Boss, you've been staring at me for a while now… Heheh ♪ Thanks to this swimsuit, I feel like I can see what you're thinking, and maybe even foresee other things, too ♪ Let's see…Next up is the commemorative photo, right? Heheh ♪ Kidding ♪ With the way you're looking at me, anyone could've guessed that♥

Scene 4

There is no dialogue for this scene. Also, the player has to directly take the picture unlike most photoshoot episodes

Scene 5
Japanese English

Monica: ありがとうございます♪この水着を貰った今なら、みんなにも、自信を持って新年の抱負を言えそうです♪

Monica: Thank you ♪ Now that you gave me this swimsuit, I think I'm confident enough to tell everyone my New Year's resolution ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English

Monica: じゃあ、そろそろ戻らないと……ですよね。お正月ですから、オーナーさんも忙しいと思いますし………………オーナーさん、まだ言いたいこと、あるんじゃないですか?この水着のおかけで、お、お見通しなんですから……!えっ?「この後二人になれるか」って……あの、顔に出ちゃってましたか……?もう少し一緒にいたい、って思ったのがバレちゃうくらい……「最初から誘うつもりだった」……?そんな!ズル……くはないですけど……まさか、自分から言っちゃうなんて……もう…………ふふっ。でも、同じことを考えてたなんて、嬉しいかも。パーティーのあと、二人きり……「誘うつもりだった」ってことは、何か用意してくれているんですね?ふふっ♪「先見の明」でお見通しですから ……期待しても……いいんですよね♥

Monica: Maybe we should get back to the party soon…Since it's New Year's, I'm sure you have a lot on your plate. …Boss… I feel like you want to say something else. This swimsuit has given me the foresight to predict that. Hm? Can we be "alone after this"? Oh… Did it show on my face? I guess you caught me wishing we could be together for a little longer… You were planning to invite me from the start? Hey! That's so sneaky of you… I mean it's not really, but… To hear it from you was just kind of…surprising. Heheh. But the fact that we were thinking the same thing kind of makes me happy. Just the two of us, after the party… The fact that you "planned to invite" me means you have something for me, right? Heheh ♪ This "foresight" of mine means I can read you ♪ So…I can expect something great, can't I ♥

Episode 12: Our Serious Showdown (二人だけの真剣勝負)[]

To get this episode, you must give Monica her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Monica: ……あっ、オーナーさん!お待ちしてました♪何を準備してくれたのか、楽しみで……約束の時間より、早く来ちゃいました♪うーん、オーナーさんの自信からして、わたしの予想は……えっ?「この後二人になれるか」って……!?も、もちろん、分かってましたよ?びっくりしたのは、予想通り……というか……また、心を見抜かれたのかと……それに、オーナーさん……今日は、いつにも増して、真剣な顔だったから。ふふっ、ありがとうございます。二人だけの、特別な……真剣勝負。お受けします♥

Monica: Oh, Boss! I've been waiting for you ♪ I was looking forward to whatever it is you prepared for me, so I came earlier than we planned ♪ Hmm… Judging by your confidence, my prediction is that… H-Huh? A party with just the two of us?! O-Of course that's what I predicted. I just acted surprise because…I was amazed by how you knew what I wanted. And by the way, Boss… You seem a lot more serious today than usual. Hehe, thank you. A special…serious showdown, with just the two of us. I accept ♥

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Monica: わぁっ!大きなケーキ……♪これ……わたしのお誕生日のケーキ……ですか?ラズペリーの、甘酸っぱいいい香り……♪爽やかで、とっても美味しそうです♥新年のお祝いじゃなくて、「わたしたけ」のために……こんな素敵なパーティーを開いてくれるだなんて。ふふっ♪予想通り……じゃなくて、予想以上です。さすが、オーナーさん……ですね♥わたしとの……「真刻勝負」だから?そ、そんな真剣な顔して……言われても……じゃ、じゃあ……オーナーさん。わたしが次にすること……予想できますか?わたしも……真剣勝負……です♥

Monica: Wow! What a huge cake ♪ Is this…my birthday cake? It smells so nice, like sweet and sour raspberries ♪ It looks so fresh and delicious ♥ It's not to celebrate the new year, but just for me? The fact that you would have such a wonderful party for me like this is just… Heheh ♪ Not as I predicted, but it's actually…Beyond expectations. Well played, Boss ♥ Because it's a "serious showdown" with me? Wh-When you say that with such a serious face, I… T-Then… Can you predict what I'm going to do next? I'm…also up for a serious showdown ♥

Scene 5

This scene is given in subtitles

Japanese English

Monica: オーナーさんが階けてくれた、真剣勝負…………コール、します。……あーん♥

Monica: You placed a bet on me…with this "serious showdown," so I call. Say "ahh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Monica: ……どうですか?予想、当たり……ましたか?「嬉しかった」って……そ、そういう話じゃなくて……もう……じゃ……じゃあ、この勝負は引き分けで……また、来年……ですね♪オーナーさん、フォールドは降しませんよ?来年も、その先も続く……二人だけの、特別な 「勝負」 ……なんですから♥

Monica: Well, how was it? Just as you predicted? You're "really happy"? That's not what I meant… Come on. We'll just call this showdown a tie then. Let's do it again next year, okay? ♪ Boss, I won't let you fold. I want us to continue this into the future… So next year we can have another special "showdown" with just us ♥

Episode 13: Sweet Chocolatier (Monica) (S・ショコラティエ(モニカ))[]

Japanese English translation

Monica: 着替えますから、待っててください

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: うん、これなら……えへへあ♪ふふっ♪決まってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: ふふっ…♪ひゃっ!?ル、ルール違反です!

Monica: I'm going to get changed, give me a moment ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: Hmm… Okay. Eheheh Oh ♪ Heheh ♪ So that settles it, right?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: Heheh ♪ Kyah!!! T-that's against the rules!

Episode 14: Riddle Gust (Monica) (なぞの突風(モニカ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 15: Secret Foot Massage (Monica) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(モニカ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: 今日もお仕事、お疲れさまでした♪ふふっ♪今日の売り上げは、わたしの勝ち……ですね♥

Monica: You worked so hard today ♪ Heheh ♪ But it looks like I won in terms of sales this time… Doesn’t it ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): 「負けた方は、勝った方の言うことを聞く」……ふふっ♪負の約束、忘れたとは言わせませんよ♥

Monica (OFF): Remember…the loser has to obey the winner. Heheh ♪ Don’t tell me you forgot about our deal for the showdown ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Monica: 約束通り「足裏マッサージ」………お願いしますね♥見惚れてないで、もっと手を動かしてください♪

(camera flash)

Monica: As promised…I want a “foot massage” ♥ Stop obsessing and get those hands moving ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: つ次は足をのばして……?いいですけど……ちょ、ちょっと恥ずかしくなってきたかも……

Monica: Now you want me to…stretch out my legs? Okay… But this is…a little embarrassing…

Episode 16: The Medicine of Love (Monica) (愛の妙薬 (モニカ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Monica) (甘い香りに誘われて(モニカ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): モニカです。少し、用があって……あの……いいですか?

Monica (OFF): I'm about to get changed, so wait a minute ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん、これ……受け取ってください。わたしの気持ち、全部……賭けます!勝負抜きでのプレゼントなんて……減多にないんですから。……ふふっ♪オーナーさん明日もよろしくお願いします♪おやすみなさい。

Monica: Boss… Please take this. All my emotions… I'm betting it all! It's not often you get a gift…without earning it through a showdown. Heheh ♪ Boss ♥ I hope we can have another great day tomorrow ♪ Goodnight.

Episode 18: Sunset at the Park (Monica) (あかね色の公園で(モニカ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん、これ……受け取ってください。わたしの気持ち、全部……賭けます!勝負抜きでのプレゼントなんて……減多にないんですから。……ふふっ♪オーナーさん明日もよろしくお願いします♪おやすみなさい。

Monica: Boss… Please take this. All my emotions… I'm betting it all! It's not often you get a gift…without earning it through a showdown. Heheh ♪ Boss ♥ I hope we can have another great day tomorrow ♪ Goodnight.

Episode 19: White Prince (Monica) (ホワイト・プリンス(モニカ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Monica acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 20: Hebijo Ninja Suit (Monica) (蛇女子学(モニカ))[]

Japanese English translation

Monica: 二人きり、オーナーさんと真剣勝負ですね。……もちろん、写真のですよ♪プレイスユアベット♪さあ、始めましょうか♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Monica: こういうのが好き……か。次の勝負の、参考にしますね♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Monica: ふふっ…♪ひゃっ!?ル、ルール違反です!

Monica: It's just you and me, in for a showdown. At a photo shoot, of course ♪ Place your bets ♪ And let's get started ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Monica: Is this what you're into? I'll keep that in mind for our next showdown ♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Monica: Heheh ♪ Kyah!!! T-that's against the rules!

Episode 21: Goddess Night's Dream (Monica) (女神の夜の夢(モニカ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: もうー、オーナーさん、遅いです……ずっと待ってたんですよ?ほら、勝負!しましょ♪二人きり、オーナーさんと真剣勝負ですね。……もちろん、写真のですよ♪プレイスユアベット♪さあ、始めましょうか♪

(Camera flash)

Monica: Already - you're late, owner! ...... I've been waiting for you for a long time! Come on, let's play! Let's play... just the two of us... a serious game with the owner. ...... of course, it's a picture... ♪ Place your bets... ♪ Let's get started...

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: まだ勝負は終わっていませんよ?……わたしの、レイズ……です♡時には、大胆に……!でも、これは……うーん……

(Camera flash)

Monica: The game is not over yet, okay? ...... my, it's a raise ...... ♡ sometimes you have to be bold ......! But this is ...... hmmm......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ、またのご来店を♪

Monica: Phew, I hope to see you again...

Episode 22: Secret shower 1 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー1 (モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 23: Secret shower 2 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー2(モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 24: Secret shower 3 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー3(モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 25: Secret shower 4 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー4 (モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 26: Secret shower 5 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー5(モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 27: Secret shower 6 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー6(モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 28: Secret shower 7 (Monica) (ひみつのシャワー7 (モニカ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Monica.

Episode 29: A Cool Me (カッコいいわたし)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: うーん……年末最後のお仕事も終わり♪あとは……ふふっ♪今年は、どんな誕生日になるのかなぁ♪やっぱり、年の初めの真剣勝負♡とか……でも……新年早々カッコ悪いとこ見せちゃうかも……最近はオーナーさんに負け続きだし……たまには、 ディーラーとしてビシっと決めて……カッコよく大勝利!……とか。 えへへ…………それにして?も、 オーナーさん遅いなぁ……お仕事、忙しいんでしょうか……あっ……♡はーい、 すぐ出まーす♪

Monica: Whew… That wraps up my end-of-the-year work ♪ All that's left now is… Heheh ♪ I wonder what kind of birthday it'll be this year ♪ Maybe my first serious showdown of the year ♡ Or something… Except…I've been losing to the Boss a lot lately. Would I end up showing him an uncool side of me from the start of the year…? Every now and then a dealer's gotta show what she's made of… With a BIG win, and looking good while doing it… Heheh. Anyway, the boss is late… I wonder if he's busy with work… Oh ♡ I'll be right there ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……やっぱり!こんばんは、オーナーさん♪えへへ……今日はもう、 来ないのかなって思ってました♪ふふっ。いいですよ♪……来てくれただけで、 嬉しいですから♡あっ……♪その、後ろに持ってるもの、なんですか?「日付が変わったら渡す」……?じゃあ、 オーナーさん、時計、見てください?ほら、日付が変わるまであと3、2、1……

Monica: I knew it! Good evening, Boss ♪ Heheh… I was thinking you might now show up today ♪ Heheh, it's fine ♪ Just the fact that you came makes me happy ♡ Oh ♪ What might that be…behind your back? You'll give it to me "when the date changes"? Well then, Boss, please take a look at the clock. The date changes in 3, 2, 1…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: わぁっ……!やっぱり、 お誕生日の水着ですか♪ありがとうございます。 オーナーさん!これ……すっごくカッコいい……!……ふふっ♪ これなら……♡ねえ、 オーナーさん♡……このあとって……予定、 ありますか?せっかくもらったこの水着……オーナーさんに、一番に見てほしくて…………やったぁ♪じゃあ、ちょっと準備しますから……「いつもの場所」 で、 待っててくださいね♪

Monica: Wow…! Just as I thought, a birthday swimsuit ♪ Thank you, Boss! This…is so cool looking…! …Heheh ♪ Just what I needed ♡ Hey Boss ♡ Do you have…any plans after this? Since you got me this swimsuit and everything, I want you to be the first to see me in it… Yay ♪ Gimme some time to get ready… Please wait for me at the "usual spot," okay? ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ。 この水着なら……♪いつもよりカッコよく!真剣勝負、キメちゃいます♡

Monica: Heheh. With this swimsuit on ♪ I;ll look even cooler than usual, and I'll win my serious showdown ♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Monica: おまたせしました、 オーナーさん。……ふふっ。 どうですか?「カッコよくて、刺激的」……?ふふっ♪ その反応、狙い通りです♡この水着に合わせて、 いつもとメイクを変えて……それに……ほら、もっと近くて……どうですか?♡「スパイシーで大人っぽい香り」……?うふふっ、あたり♪香水も、変えてみたんですか♪オーナーさんがくれた水着が、 とってもカッコよかったから。負けないくらい、 カッコいいわたしを見せたいって♡えっ? この水着で……「カジノというステージで輝く」 わたしが見たくて……?じゃあ……じっくり、見てくださいね♪今日は、カジノもわたしも、 オーナーさんに貸し切りです♡静かなカジノで二人きり……オーナーさん、 何かしたいこと……あるんじゃないですか?ふふっ♪ お見通しです♡……とびっきりカッコよく、 撮ってくださいね♡

(Camera flash)

Monica: Thanks for waiting, Boss. …Heheh. What do you think? "Very cool and stimulating"? Heheh ♪ That's just the reaction I wanted ♡ I changed my makeup to match this swimsuit, and… Come a little closer… What do you think? ♡ A "mature, spicy smell"? Heheh, you got it ♪ I put on some new perfume ♪ Since you got me such a cool swimsuit, I wanted to live up to it ♡ Hm? You wanna see me "shining bright at the casino" wearing this swimsuit? Okay…take a good long look ♪ This casino and I are reserved especially for you today, Boss ♡ Just the two of us in this quiet casino… Isn't there something you're itching to do, Boss? Heheh ♪ I can read you like a book ♡ Take some extra cool pics then ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Monica: こうして、 二人だけでカジノにいると、色々思い出します。オープンした時のこととか、二人きりで勝負したこととか…………ふふっ♪このまま二人きり、朝まで……真剣勝負!……でも、いいですけど……今日はせっかくのお休みですし、……二人で、 もっと特別な日にしませんか?二人だけのデート♡思いっきり楽しみましょう、 オーナーさん♪

Monica: The two of us alone in this casino brings back memories. Like when it first opened, or when we had our two-person showdown… Heheh ♪ A serious showdown to the break of dawn, between the two of us! That sounds good, but… Since today's our day off…why don't we do something more special? Just the two of us on a date ♡ Let's enjoy this to the fullest, Boss ♪

Episode 30: The Trump Cards (切り札と奥の手)[]

To get this episode, you must give Monica the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: わぁ、花火……ふふっ♪ お正月で、島中お祝いムードですね♪えっ?お正月だけじゃなくて、 わたしのお祝いの花火……?……もう。 相変わらず、キザなんですから…………ふふっ。でも、嬉しいです。お正月はきっと、誰にとっても特別な日ですけど……オーナーさんと、二人きりのデートに……花火♪わたしにとっては、もっともっと特別な日になりました♡こんなに素敵な、一年のスタートを切れたんですから、今年はもっと、 ディーラーとして頑張らないと♪オーナーさんも、たくさん勝負しに来てくれなきゃ、ダメですよ?ふふっ♪オーナーさんとの真剣勝負。 楽しみにしてるんですから♡今年こそ、 わたしが勝ってみせますよ♪えっ? オーナーさんには、「切り札」 があるから……?

Monica: Oh my gosh, look at the fireworks… Heheh ♪ This whole island's giving off a festive vibe for the new year ♪ Huh> The fireworks aren't just for the new year, but to celebrate for me, too? Oh Boss… You're such the hopeless romantic as always… …Heheh. But it makes me happy. New Year's Day is a special day for everyone. But being on a date with you…and watching fireworks ♪ Makes it even more special for me ♡ With such a good start to the new year, I wanna do even better as a dealer this year ♪ And you better challenge me to plenty of showdowns, Boss. Heheh ♪ I'll be looking forward to some serious ones with you ♡ Except this year, I'll be winning ♪ Hm? You've got a "trump card"?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: この写真、 さっきの……!

Monica: Isn't this the pic you just…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: 「勝負のお守りとして『勝利の女神』の写真を」 って……も、 もう、こんなカードを隠してるだなんて、 イカサマです!……やっぱり、キザなんですから…………でも、ちょっと、嬉しいかも。オーナーさんにも、 そう想ってもらえるなんて……♪じゃあ……この 「切り札」、 わたしの 「奥の手」 で返してみせます♡

Monica: A picture of the "Goddess of Victory" for "good luck"? Wow, hiding a card like this up your sleeve is…no different than cheating! Just what I'd expect from a hopeless romantic… But I think…I'm actually kind of happy about it. That you think of me like this ♪ Anyway… One good trump card deserves another ♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Monica: これで、この写真を見るたびに、ドキドキしませんか?わたしとの勝負で 「ポーカーフェイス」 なんて、……させないんですから♡じゃあ、オーナーさん、カジノに戻りましょうか♪なんだか……「真剣勝負」 したくなってきちゃいました♡今年も、よろしくお願いしますね?……オーナーさん♡

Monica: Now will you get excited every time you look at this pic? I won't allow you to give me a "poker face" at any of our showdowns ♡ Maybe we should get back to the casino now ♪ I've got this sudden urge for a serious showdown ♡ I hope we can grow even closer this year… Boss ♡

Episode 31: Love Letter Maiden (Monica) (恋文フトメ(モニカ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: あの、 少しだけ、 いいですか……?

Monica: Hey, um… Got a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: あの、これ……どうしても、渡したくて……

Monica: So yeah… I've been wanting to give this to you…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: ここで、撮影……ですか。二人きりで……? ふふっ、イイですよ♪

Monica: A photo shoot…here? With just you and me…? Heheh, sure ♪

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Monica: み、見てないで撮ってください……

(Camera flash)

Monica: S-Stop staring and take the pics please…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……わたしの、本気の勝負、 受けてくれますか?

Monica: …Will you accept my invitation to a serious showdown?

Episode 32: Victory Ceremony (Monica) (勝利のセレモニー (モニカ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 33: Share ♥ with Monica (モニカとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 34: Fascinating Ca (魅了するカ)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……あれ? ここは……?なんだかオーナーさんの声が聞こえて、 突然真っ白に……あっ、オーナーさん。 こんばんは…………じゃなくって! あの、 これってどういう……

Monica: ...... Huh? Is this ......? I heard the owner's voice, and all of a sudden it went blank. ...... Oh, owner. Good evening, not ............! I mean, what kind of ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 「召喚」……「異世界」……?うーん、わかったような、わからないような……でも……ふふっ、 要するに……♪「オーナーさんと、二人きりのお誕生日」 ってことですよね♡じゃあ、この素敵な水着も、 お誕生日の?エキゾチックな雰囲気で、 とってもセクシーですね♡それになんだか、身体が軽くて…………思わず踊りたくなっちゃいそうです♪……え?「さっそく踊って欲しい」 って……もう、わたしは 「ダンサー」 じゃなくて 「ディーラー」……

Monica: "summons"...... "other world"......? Well, I don't know if I understand ......, but ......, in short, ...... ♪ "It's just you and me, the owner, on your birthday. So this lovely swimsuit is also for your birthday? It's very sexy with an exotic atmosphere, and it makes me feel so light ............ and dance unintentionally! ......? I'm not a "dancer" anymore, I'm a "dealer"......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ええっ!?な、なんですかあれ……!?ゲームとかで見るモンスターみたいな……「とにかく踊って」 って……な、なんだかわかりませんけど……えーいっ!

Monica: What? What is that thing......? It looks like a monster from a game or something...... "Just dance"...... I don't know what it is, but ......Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: はぁ……な、なんとか逃げられました……モンスターたちが わたしのダンスに見惚れている隙に……この水着の…… 「踊り子」の力? そんなこと…………でも、 さっきのモンスターは本物っぽかったし…………ひゃっ!? な、なんですか!?「思わず魅了された」 って……オーナーさんまで魅了されて、 どうするんですか?……でも、 本気だったら……ちょっと嬉しい……ですけど♡……そうだ、この力をカジノで使えば……♪もうオーナーさんには、絶対に負けませんね♡……え、イカサマ……?……そう言われれば……道具を使ってるから……?「そういう話は、 落ち着いてから」って……それはそうですけど……どうすればいいんですか?とりあえず「契約」を……?それって、 いつものカメラですけど……ひょっとして……まだ、わたしの踊りに魅了されてるんですか?「あんまりに綺麗だから」って…………も、もう!ウソばっかり……その目、完全に正気じゃないですか。わかりました。 でも 「契約」 したあとで……ちゃんと、説明してくださいね?

Monica: Huh......, I managed to escape...... while the monsters were admiring my dancing...... in this swimsuit! ...... The power of the "dancer"? I don't think so,............ but the monsters looked real,............ What is it? What is it? What are you going to do if even the ...... owner is fascinated by it? If he was serious,......, I'd be happy,......, but I'm a handsome man,......, If you use this power in the casino,......♪ you will never lose to the owner again,♡......What, cheating,......? If you say so,......, it's because I'm using ...... tools? He said, "We'll talk about that when you calm down."...... That's true, but what do you want me to do about it......? Just "sign a contract" for now......? That's the camera I always use. ...... Are you still fascinated by my dancing by any chance? You said, "You're so beautiful!"............ You're full of lies. ......Your eyes are completely insane. I understand. But after you "sign" the contract,......, please explain it to me properly, okay?

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also the player has to press the camera button to take a picture to advance.

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Monica: せっかくの誕生日だから、二人きりで回険をしたくて?それで、特別な水着に 「召喚」 まで……?なんだか、 まだ少し信じられないですけど……その目は真剣勝負の時と同じ、 ウソじゃなさそうだし…………いいですよ♪オーナーさんの真剣な目に、 ペットします♡今日は「勝負」と違って、 二人で協力ですね♪……なんだか、 ドキドキします♡じゃあ、「異世界で、 二人きりの冒険」……ゲームスタートです♡

Monica: Since it's your birthday, you wanted to have a private getaway? So you even "summoned" me in your special swimsuit......? I still can't quite believe it, but ...... your eyes are just as serious as they are when you're playing, and you don't seem to be lying ............ I'm petting the owner's serious eyes ♡ Unlike the "game" today, we're going to cooperate with each other ♡ I'm kind of nervous ♡ Then, "Adventure in a different world, just the two of us ♡ ...... game Let's get started, handsome.

Episode 35: Dance of "Healing" (「癒し」の踊り)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Monica's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ♪ この水着の……「踊り子」の力の使い方にも、少し慣れてきました♪相手を魅了するだけじゃなくて、やる気を無くさせたり、 逆に怒らせたり……わたしに向いているかもしれませんね♪「駆け引き」や「心理戦」なら、 元々得意ですから♡これからは、オーナーさんを範援したり、疲れを癒やしたりもできそうですよ♪……え? 冒険の目的地はここ?「宝物のプレゼントも手に入ったから」って……そんなぁ。 せっかく面白くなってきたのに…………残念です。……そうだ♪ オーナーさん、 疲れていませんか?わたしがオーナーさんに、 「癒し」の踊りを披露します♪ほんのお礼です♪わたしが踊ってる間、モンスターの相手は、 全部オーナーさんにお任せでしたから♪……じゃあ、心を楽にして、見ていてくださいね♡

Monica: Hmmm... I'm getting used to using the ...... "dancer" power of this swimsuit... I can not only charm them, but also demotivate them, or even make them angry... ...... I may be suited for this. I'm good at bargaining and psychological warfare, so from now on I'll be able to support the owner and relieve her fatigue. ...... What? The destination of the adventure is here? I've got a treasured present in my hand,....... It's a shame,............, because it was just getting interesting. ...... Yes, the owner is tired, isn't he? I will perform a "healing" dance for you... just as a small token of my appreciation... for while I was dancing, you were left to deal with all the monsters... ......Well then, please put your mind at ease and watch, handsome.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……あの、オーナーさん、 どうですか?もう……今のは 「魅了」の踊りじゃありませんよ?オーナーさんのウソなんて、 全部お見通しなんですから。ちゃんと疲れが取れたみたいですね。そんなウソがつけるくらいなら、 大丈夫です♪でも……今度はわたしが、少し疲れちゃったかも……「自分の疲れを癒す踊り」なんて、あるわけないか……え……?お礼に、オーナーさんがわたしをすって……

Monica: ...... Well, Mr. Owner, what do you think? It's not a ...... "fascination" dance anymore, is it? I know all your lies. You look like you're feeling better. If you can lie like that, I'm fine...but ...... now I'm a little tired too...there is no such thing as a "dance to relieve oneself" ...what ......? In return, the owner rubbed me......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 「疲れを癒すエステ」……これが、 プレゼントなんですか?このオイルを全身に塗れば……?えっと、あの……それって……ウソ……じゃなさそうですね……ええと、ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……じゃあ、お願いします……二人で協力しての冒険、 ですから……♡

Monica: "Esthetics for Tiredness" ...... is this the gift that keeps on giving? If you apply this oil all over your body......? Well, um, that...... doesn't sound like ...... a lie...... um, It's a little embarrassing,...... but, please,...... we'll have to work together on this adventure, so please,...... handsome!

Scene 4

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: はぁ、とっても気持ちよかったです……♪身体がポカポカして……疲れがとれたみたい。それに、お肌もしっとりして綺麗になったみたいです♡…… 「魅了」の効果も アップしてるかも♪……ふふっ♪今度は、 オーナーさんも危ないかもしれませんね♡「大丈夫」 って……じゃあ……「真剣勝負」 しますか?オーナーさんが、 わたしの 「魅了」に耐えれるか……♡もし、わたしが勝ったら……もう少しだけ、二人で冒険……したいです♪……どうなっても、 知りませんからね♡

Monica: Wow, it felt so good ......♪ My body feels so warm and ...... tired. And my skin looks more beautiful and moisturized ♡...... "fascination" effect might be improved ♡...... heh heh heh heh heh, the owner might be in danger this time ♡ "It's okay". ...... So ...... you want to have a "serious game"? Let's see if the owner can withstand my charm......♡If I win,...... I'd like to have a little more adventure...... between the two of us! I don't care what happens to ...... you, handsome.

Episode 36: Secret Esthetic Time (Monica)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Monica's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 37: Bitter♡Sweet(Monica) (ビター♡スイート(モニカ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん♪ 今日は何の日か、増えてますか?

(Camera flash)

Monica: Mr. Owner  what day is it today and are there more of them?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: 勝抜きでのプレゼントなんて……滅多にないんですから。……ふふっ♪

Monica: It's not every day that I get a gift from ...... without a win. ...... phew!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: もうひと勝負、お付き合いくださいね♪

Monica: Please stay with us for one more game................

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: とっておきの……「奥の手」。 ……見てくれますか?

(camera flash)

Monica: and a special ...... "back of the house". Would you look at ......?

(camera flash)


Episode 1: Accept My Chocolate (わたしのチョコを)[]


DOAXVV Sayuri Valentine event(발렌타인 사유리 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): あの、夜遅くにごめんなさい。ちょっとだけ……いい、ですか?

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん……「わたし」のチョコ、受け取ってくれますか……?オーナーちゃんが喜んでくれたら、お姉ちゃん、とっても嬉しい♪オーナーちゃん……じゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい

Sayuri (OFF): Sorry to bother you so late at night. Do you…have a minute?

Sayuri: Boss…? Big sis'… "My" chocolates, would you accept them? If you're delighted… Big sis will be very happy as well ♪ Boss…♥ Well, see you tomorrow. And have a pleasant night ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 撮影をしたいんですか?はい♪お姉ちゃんでよければ、よろこんで少し恥ずかしいですけど……はい

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: You want to do a photo shoot? Sure ♪ If you're okay with me, I'd be glad to ♥ It's a little embarrassing, but…here ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ、あとで見せてくださいね♪

Sayuri: Heheh, show them to me later, okay?

Episode 2: Spoiled by an Angel (天使に甘えたい)[]


DOAXVV Sayuri Birthday Scene1 (사유리 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 今日のパーティー……みんな楽しんでくれているかしら……?お料理、少し健康に気を使い過ぎたかも……自分のパーティーなんだから、そんなに心配しなくてもいい、ですか?ふふっ、お姉ちゃんのクセみたいなものだから♥オーナーちゃんの好きなものも、たくさん作ったから、お腹いっぱい食べてね?……えっ、これをお姉ちゃんに……?日頃の感謝をこめた……プレゼント?

Sayuri: I hope everyone's enjoying the party today…? Maybe I was a little too health conscious with the food… Oh… Since it's my own party, I don't have to worry so much about it…? Heheh… I guess it's just a habit for Big Sis ♥ I made a lot of your favorite foods, little boss. So do eat your fill, okay? …Hm? This is for me…? A gift to express your daily gratitude?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: わぁ……!透き通ったきれいな水着……ありがとうございます、オーナーちゃん♥パーティーだけじゃなくて、こんなに素敵な水まで♪ふふっ♪お返しに、特別なデザートを作りましょうか♥……えっ?それもいいけど、お返しなら、着たところを見せて欲しい、ですか?ふふっ、もちろんです♪お姉ちゃん、一肌脱いじゃいます♥

Sayuri: Wow…! What a beautiful, translucent swimsuit… Thank you so much, little boss ♥ First the party, and now this amazing swimsuit ♪ Heheh ♪ I'll make you a special dessert in return ♥ …Hm? That sounds nice but…you would rather I slip on the swimsuit for you? Heheh, of course I will ♪ Whatever makes my little boss happy ♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ええと……どうかしら?オーナーちゃん?まるで天使みたい……!?そ、そんな風に言われると、お姉ちゃん照れちゃいます……思わず甘えたくなる……って……ふふっ♪いいですよ、オーナーちゃん♥お姉ちゃんで良ければ……ふふっ、いい子いい子♥それは、カメラ……?記念撮影をしてくれるんですか?もちろん、いいですよ♥じゃあ、えっと……綺麗に、撮ってくださいね、オーナーちゃん♪

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Oh…what's the matter? …Little boss? I look like an…angel!? Y-You're making me embarrassed, saying things like that… So you…want me to pamper you? Heheh ♪ Of course, little boss ♥ If you're fine with Big Sis… Heheh… That's a good boy ♥ Oh, you brought a camera? For a commemorative photo shoot? Of course I don't mind ♥ Well… Make sure I look pretty, little boss ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪オーナーちゃんとの思い出が増えて、お姉ちゃんうれしいです♥オーナーちゃんと一緒の写真も……撮りたいな♪

Sayuri: Heheh ♪ Big Sis is glad to be making more memories with you ♥ I'd like a pic with…both of us in it too, little boss ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あら……?オーナーちゃん?どうしたんですか?そわそわして?……あとで、用が……?……いいですよ。オーナーちゃん……♥オーナーちゃんは、いつも宵っ張りだから、お姉ちゃんがホットミルクを持っていってあげますね♥だから……えっと……また、あとで。ね、オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Hm…? What's wrong Little boss? Why do you seem so restless? Something to ask me later? …Sure thing, little boss ♥ You're always staying up so late, little boss. Big Sis will make you some hot milk ♥ So, uh… I'll see you later, okay? Little boss ♥

Episode 3: Big Sister's Way of Healing (お姉ちゃんの想し)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Sayuri after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Sayuri Birthday Scene2 (사유리 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): ……オーナーちゃん♪

Sayuri: ふふっ♪やっぱり、オーナーちゃんは宵っ張りですね。はい、お姉ちゃんのホットミルクです♥慌てず、ゆっくり飲んでね。

Sayuri (OFF): …Little boss ♪

Sayuri: Heheh ♪ I knew you'd still be up this late. Here you go… Some nice, hot milk from Big Sis ♥ Drink it down nice and slow.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪……落ち着きましたか?それじゃあ、今日はちょっとだけ、お姉ちゃんも一緒に夜更かしちゃおうかな♪

Sayuri: Heheh ♪…Did that calm your spirits? Maybe Big Sis will stay up with you tonight. Just for a little bit ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今目は本当にありがとう。パーティーも、水着も……とっても嬉しかったです♥こんなに幸せなのは、オーナーちゃんのおかげですね♥……オーナーちゃん?……えっ、もう一つ渡したい物があった?どうしても、今日中に……大丈夫、落ち着いて……お姉ちゃん、ここにいますから♥

Sayuri: Thanks for everything today, Little boss. The party, and the swimsuit, made me so happy ♥ I'm full of joy, all because of you ♥ so happy. …Little boss? Hm? There's one more thing you wanted to give me? And it has to be today…? Just relax… Big Sis is right here ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: えっ!?オーナーちゃん、これって……!?あの……つけてみても、いいですか……?

Sayuri: Huh!? Little boss, this…! Um…is it okay if I put it on?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 海のように言くて、透き通った石……これは、アクアマリン……ですよね?石言葉は、健康、癒し……わたしに、ピッタリの言葉だから……?ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん。お姉ちゃんのこと、考えて選んくれたんですね♥じゃあ、お姉ちゃん、これからも、オーナーちゃんや、みんなのために頑張りますね♪みんなや……オーナーちゃんのお世話をすることは、お姉ちゃんにとっての「癒し」……だから。え?累張して疲れたから、癒されたいって……ふふっ♪そう言ってもらえて、嬉しいですけど、……夜更かしは、健康に良くないですよ♥だから……今日は、オーナーちゃんが眠れるまで、お姉ちゃんが、そばにいてあげますね♥

Sayuri: This translucent stone is as blue as the sea… It is aquamarine…isn't it? It symbolizes health and healing… That's why it fits me perfectly…? Heheh ♪ Thanks, Little boss. You sure put a lot of thought into this, didn't you ♥ Well, I'll be sure to continue giving it my all, for you and the other girls ♪ Taking care of you all is "therapeutic" for me as well… Eh? You're tired from your nervousness, so you want some healing? Heheh ♪ I'm glad you want my help… Staying up late like this isn't good for your health. So… Big Sis will stay by you until you fall asleep tonight ♥

Episode 4: Sayuri-chan Wants to Hang Out! (さゆりちゃんは遊びたい!)[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 5: No More Lying ♪ (ウソはいけません♪)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今日は本当にありがとうございます。お誕生日パーティー、とっても嬉しいです♥ふふっ♪オーナーちゃんやみんなに。お礼を考えないと♪何がいいかしら……あら……?オーナーちゃん、どうしたの?気分が悪い……って、たいへん……!静かなところへ?じゃあ、お姉ちゃんの肩につかまってね?

Sayuri: Thank you so much for doing a birthday party for me today, Little boss. This really makes me happy ♥ Heheh ♪ I need to think of some way to pay you and the girls back for this ♪ What should I do… Hm…? What's the matter, Little boss? You're not feeling well…? Oh my gosh…! Somewhere quiet? Just put your arm over my shoulder, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……オーナーちゃん、大丈夫ですか?……え?嘘?二人きりになりたかった、って……もう、オーナーちゃん!?嘘つきはダメですよ?お姉ちゃん、心配だったんですから……どうしても、二人で話がしたかった……ですか?……もう♪でも、みんなが心配しますから、少しだけ……ですよ?それじゃあ、どんなお話をしましょうか♪あら、それは……?

Sayuri: …Are you okay, Little boss? …Hm? Just a lie…? Because you wanted to be alone with me? Oh wow, Little boss! Lying is bad, you know? You had Big Sis so worried… You…really wanted me to yourself so we can talk? …Come on ♪ Everyone is worried about you, so… just for a little bit, okay? So what did you want to talk about? Oh, is that a…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: わあ……!真っ白で、とっても綺麗な水着……!これ……お誕生日のプレゼント!?わたしが……貰ってもいいんですか?うふふっ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーちゃん♥お姉ちゃん、とっても嬉しいです♪でも……プレゼントを渡すなら、嘘をつかなくても、みんなの前で渡してくれれば……えっ、大切なものだから、二人きりで渡したかった……それに、記念の水着姿をすぐ見てみたかったから?ふふっ、オーナーちゃんったら♪お姉ちゃん……もっと、嬉しくなっちゃいます♥じゃあ、お姉ちゃんすぐに着替えてきますから、ここで待っててくださいね?

Sayuri: Wow…! What a beautiful swimsuit… It's pure white…! This is…my birthday present!? You mean…I can actually have it? Heheheh ♪ Thank you so much, Little boss ♥ You've made Big Sis a very happy girl ♪ But…if you wanted to give me a gift you didn't have to lie about it. Wouldn't it have been better to give it to me in front of the others? It's so impotant [sic] that you wanted us to be alone? And you really wanted to see me in this swimsuit to commemorate the occasion? Heheh… You're really something, Little boss ♪ Big Sis is even more happy now that you said that ♥ So… I'll go slip it on right away. Just wait right here, okay?

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの、オーナーちゃん。……お姉ちゃん、似合っていますか?お花みたいで可愛い、って……うふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん♥とっても、嬉しいです。真っ白で、まるでチューリップのドレスみたいですね♪……お姉ちゃんの誕生花が、チューリップだから?花言葉は 「思いやり」、「優しさ」……ふふっ、素敵な言葉ですね。わたしにピッタリ……?そう思ってくれているなら、嬉しいです♥……いつも、そうありたい、って思ってますから。それに、もう一つの花言葉は……「愛情」?もう、オーナーちゃんったら……うふふっ♪ありがとうございます。お姉ちゃんも、同じように……思っていますよ♥……オーナーちゃん、お願いしてもいいですか?この素敵な水着と、とっても嬉しい今の気持ちを、写真で撮って欲しいんです。ふふっ♪それじゃあ……♥

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Um… Little boss? Does it…look okay on me? As cute as a flower? Heheh ♪ Thanks, Little boss ♥ You've made me really happy. It's so white…like a dress of tulips, isn't it? … It's because my birth flower is a tulip? Which symbolizes "kindness" and gentleness?" Heheh. What lovely words those are. …And they fit me perfectly? I'm happy you feel that way ♥ I hope I can be like that all the time… And one more word the flower symbolizes… Is "affection?" Oh Little boss… Heheh ♪ Thank you. I feel the same way…about you ♥ Could I ask you a favor? I'm wondering if you could…capture this joy I'm feeling while wearing this wonderful swimsuit, with some photos. Heheh ♪ Okay then ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今日は本当にありがとうございます。おかげで、とっても素敵なお誕生日になりました♪ふふっ♪そろそろパーティーに戻らないと、みんながオーナーちゃんを心配していますね。……あら?どうしたんですか?なんだか、ボーッとしてるみたい……えっ、また気分が……?あの、オーナーちゃん大丈夫……だから……パーティーのあともう一度……二人きりになりたい……?も、もう、オーナーちゃん?お姉ちゃんを困らせて……嘘はいけません!……でも、その…………はい、いいですよ♪パーティーのあと、二人で……この場所で♪

Sayuri: Thanks so much for all you've done today, Little boss. You've made it a birthday to remember ♪ Heheh ♪ We better get back to the party so the girls don't worry too much about you. …Hm? What's wrong? Seems like you're…spacing out. Oh… Not feeling well again? Little boss…? Everything okay? So…you want me to yourself again…after the party? I mean…come on, Little boss… Big Sis is getting frustrated… No more lying! …But, I mean… Sure… Let's do it ♪ Just the two of us after the party…right here ♪

Episode 6: To Stay by Your Side… (ずっと瞬に…)[]

To get this episode, you must give Sayuri her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……ひゃっ!?オーナーちゃん?もう、こっそり近づいたりして……お姉ちゃん、びっくりしちゃいました。オーナーちゃんを待っている間、ずっと、ドキドキしていましたから……ふふっ♪大文夫、もう平気です♥……ドキドキは、止まらないですけど。じゃあ……二人でゆっくり、お話ししましょうか♥……え?その前に、渡すものが……?

Sayuri: Hyah! Little boss? Don't sneak up on Big Sis like that… You startled me. Because my heart's been pounding here while I was waiting for you. Heheh ♪ Don't worry, I'm fine now ♥ But my heart's still racing. So anyway… Let's have a nice leisurely chat together, shall we? …Hm? You have something to give me first?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: まあ…とってもかわいいブーケ♥うふふっ♪誕生花のチューリップがいっぱいですね♥花言葉は、「思いやり」「優しさ」、そして……「愛情」……♥オーナーちゃんは、わたしにピッタリって、言ってくれましたけど…………オーナーちゃんにも、ピッタリのお花ですね♥

Sayuri: Oh… What an adorable bouquet ♥ Heheheh ♪ And packed with my birth flower…the tulip ♥ Which symbolizes "kindness," "gentleness," and "affection" ♥ You said it fits me perfectly, but… I think it also fits you to a tee, Little boss ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今日は本当に素敵な誕生日、ありがとうございます。……お姉ちゃん……とっても、幸せです♥

Sayuri: Thank you for making this birthday so wonderful for me. You've made Big Sis…a very happy girl ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……どうしたの?オーナーちゃん?今日のこの水着とブーケ、どう思う、って……とっても素敵だと思いますよ♥真っ白なドレスみたいで、それに、ブーケまで♪まるで、お嬢さんになったみたいで…………ひゃっ!?あ、あの……その……これって……ご、こめんなさい、気が付かなくて……え……?今日は特別な日だから、これを着て、ずっと一緒にいてほしい……?……わかりました。じゃあ、今日一日は……お姉ちゃんじゃなくて……うふふっ♪

Sayuri: …What's the matter, Little boss? What do I think of the swimsuit…and the bouquet? I think they're absolutely wonderful ♥ It's like a pure white dress, and I even get this bouquet with it ♪ As if I'm your bride or something… …Hyah!!! I mean… What I meant to say was… S-Sorry… I didn't realize… Hm…? Today's a special day, so you just want me to wear this…and stay by your side…? …Okay. So for today…I guess I'm not your Big Sis… Heheh ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 本当にありがとう。……わたし、今、とっても幸せです♥この島に来て、オーナーちゃんに出会って、毎日がとっても楽しくて……こうして、お生日にお祝いをしてもらって。こんなに素敵な、ドレスみたいな水着とブーケを貰って……本当に、夢みたい。……特別なお誕生日になりました。……ずっと、こんな風にオーナーちゃんの隣にいられたら…………なんて♪わたしは、オーナーちゃんのお姉ちゃんですから♪「両方でもいい」って……もう……うふふっ♪じゃあ、今日一日……不束者ですが、お姉ちゃんをよろしくお願いします。……オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Thanks a lot. I'm so happy right now ♥ Since coming to this island and meeting you… Every day has been so fun for me… And now having this birthday celebration, getting this wonderful swimsuit that looks like a dress, and even this bouquet… It just feels like a dream… This has been such a special birthday for me. …If I could be by your side like this for days to come, Little boss… …What am I saying? I'm your Big Sis, so… I can "be both?" Oh come on… Heheheh ♪ Well, for today… I may be inexperienced, but please be good to your Big Sis from here on out. …Little boss ♥

Episode 7: Cure Angel (Sayuri) (キュア・エンジェル(さゆり))[]

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 良い子にして、待っててね?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Sayuri: ふぅ……よし♪うふふっ……♪待たせてこめんねオーナーちゃん♪お姉ちゃん、似合ってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Sayuri: きゃっ!?……こら♥見ちゃだめですよ♥オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Be a good boy and wait patiently, okay?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Sayuri: Whew… Okay ♪ Heheh ♪ Sorry I took so long. Little boss ♪ Does Big Sis look good in this?

(if the player peeks)

Sayuri: Kyah!? …Hey ♥ No peeking ♥ Little boss ♥

Episode 8: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Sayuri) (黒炎のラビリンス(さゆり))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 9: A gust of wind in a riddle (Sayuri) (なぞの突風(さゆり))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 10: Secret Foot Massage (Sayuri) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(さゆり))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あらあら♪今日も遅くまで、お疲れさまです♥お姉ちゃんにでることがあったら、何でも言ってね?

Sayuri: Oh, ♪ if you ever go out to your ♥ sister until late today, can you tell me anything?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): 「足裏マッサージがしたい」……?うふふっ♪お姉らゃんを心配してくれるだなんて、優しいんですね♥

Sayuri (OFF): "I want to do a foot massage"...? It's ♪ kind of you to worry about your sister, aren't you? ♥

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ちょっと、恥すかしいですけど……じゃあ、マッサージ……お願いしますね♥

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Hey, I'm ashamed, but...... Then, massage... Please, please. ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うふふっ♪とってもお上手です♪だから……もう少しだけ、お願いしてもいいですか?

Sayuri: I'm ♪ ♪ very good at it. May I ask you a little more?

Episode 11: The Medicine of Love (Sayuri) (愛の妙薬 (さゆり))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 12: Chain of Beauties Stratagem (Sayuri) (美女連環の計(さゆり))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Helena Douglas
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




Depending on whether the girls have all their outfits or not, it will either focus on one of the girls who still lack the outfits, or otherwise show a new clip

Japanese English translation
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 13: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Sayuri) (甘い香りに誘われて(さゆり))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): うふふっ、待っててくださいね♥

Sayuri (OFF): Oh, wait, please. ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん……「わたし」のチョコ、受け取ってくれますか……?オーナーちゃんが喜んでくれたら、お姉ちゃん、とっても嬉しい♪オーナーちゃん……じゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい

Sayuri: Boss…? Big sis'… "My" chocolates, would you accept them? If you're delighted… Big sis will be very happy as well ♪ Boss…♥ Well, see you tomorrow. And have a pleasant night ♥

Episode 14: Sunset at the Park (Sayuri) (あかね色の公園で(さゆり))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. However, the lines are voiced versions of their lines from their Extra Valentine's Day episodes, more specifically the scene when gifting boxes to the Owner.

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん……「わたし」のチョコ、受け取ってくれますか……?オーナーちゃんが喜んでくれたら、お姉ちゃん、とっても嬉しい♪オーナーちゃん……じゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい

Sayuri: Boss…? Big sis'… "My" chocolates, would you accept them? If you're delighted… Big sis will be very happy as well ♪ Boss…♥ Well, see you tomorrow. And have a pleasant night ♥

Episode 15: Mikagura Ninja Suit (Sayuri) (巫神楽忍装束(さゆり))[]

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 撮影をしたいんですか?はい♪お姉ちゃんでよければ、よろこんで少し恥ずかしいですけど……はい

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Sayuri: ふふっ、あとで見せてくださいね♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Sayuri: きゃっ!?……こら♥見ちゃだめですよ♥オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: You want to do a photo shoot? Sure ♪ If you're okay with me, I'd be glad to ♥ It's a little embarrassing, but…here ♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Sayuri: Heheh, show them to me later, okay?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Sayuri: Kyah!? …Hey ♥ No peeking ♥ Little boss ♥

Episode 16: Nutritious fruit (栄養たっぷりの果実)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Sayuri: あら?オーナーちゃん、こんなところで一人で……もうすぐ、パーティーが始まる時間ですよ?「パーティーの準備が忙しくて」……じゃあ、お姉ちゃんのために……?あらあら、大丈夫ですか?何か、お手伝いできること……そうだ♥お姉ちゃんが、背中を擦ってあげますから、ゆっくり深呼吸しましょうか♥

Sayuri: Oh, Little Boss… What are you doing here all alone? The party's about to start. You've been busy getting ready for the party? So you're doing it for me? Are you sure you're all right? I wish I could help… I know ♥ I'll give you a back rub, so take some deep breaths, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Sayuri: はい、すってー……はいて一……すってー……はいてー……

Sayuri: Alright, breathe in…breathe out…Breathe in…breathe out…

Scene 3
Japanese English

Sayuri: ……どうですか?少しは楽になりましたか?よかった♥じゃあ、一緒にパーティーに……え?パーティーの前に、渡したい物が……?

Sayuri: So… Did that calm your nerves a bit? Good ♥ Then let's go to the party together. Hm? Something you want to give me before the party?

Scene 4
Japanese English

Sayuri: わぁ……♥とっても綺麗……これを、お姉ちゃんに……?お誕生日のプレゼントに、特別な水着を……うふふっ、ありがとうこざいます、オーナーちゃん♥……これを着て、パーティーに出て欲しい?じゃあ、オーナーちゃんが疲れていたのは、パーティーに間に合うように。走ってきてくれたから……なんですね?ありがとうオーナーちゃん♥じゃあ、すぐ着て来ますから、待っていてくださいね♥

Sayuri: Wow… ♥ How beautiful… Is this really for me? A special swimsuit for my birthday? Heheh… Thank you so much, Little Boss ♥ You want me to wear this at the party…? Aww… So the reason you're so tired is because you ran all the way over here to give me this in time for the party. That's so sweet, Little Boss ♥ I'll put it on right away, just give me a minute ♥

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English

Sayuri: うふふっ、とっても素敵な水着ですね♥どうですか、オーナーちゃん?……お姉ちゃん、似合っていますか?うふふっ、よかった♥とっても大人っぽくて、ドレスみたいな水着ですね♪それに、なんだか……うふふっ、果物みたいで美味しそう♥マンゴーをイメージした水着……わたしの「誕生果」なんですか?さすが、オーナーちゃん♪色んなことを知っているんですね♥マンゴーって、栄養たっぷりで、健康にいい果物なんです♪この水着も、着ているだけで元気がでそう♥それに、とっても甘いのにカ回リーが低くて、ダイエットにもよくて、お姉ちゃんも最近よく……え、ええと……うふふっ♪お誕生日のために、少しだけ……頑張ってたんです♥あ、あの……オーナーちゃん。お姉ちゃん……今日、大丈夫……ですか……?えっ、「大丈夫どころか、完壁」……?「写真撮らせて」って……うふふっ♪はい、わかりました オーナーちゃんが言うなら、きっと大丈夫……ですね♥

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: Heheh… What an awesome swimsuit ♥ What do you think, Little Boss? Does it look good on Big Sis? Heheh, I'm glad you think so ♥ It's so mature, and looks just like a dress ♪ And it looks scrumptious, heheh… Like a fruit or something ♥ It was designed with a mango theme? And that's my birth fruit? Wow, Little Boss ♪ You're really knowledgeable ♥ Mangoes are healthy and nutritious fruits ♪ Just wearing this swimsuit makes me feel energized ♥ And they're surprisingly low in calories despite being so sweet. Great for dieting, which recently…I've been uh… U-Umm, yeah… Heheh ♪ I lost some weight for my birthday ♥ So, Little Boss… Do I look…alright today? Hm? Not just alright, but perfect? And you want to take some pics? Heheh ♪ Sure ♥ If that's what you want, I'm…sure it's fine ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English

Sayuri: ありがとうございます、オーナーちゃん♥おかげで、素敵なお誕生日になりそう♪……え?オーナーちゃんは、パーティーの準備をもうひと頑張り?あの……お姉ちゃんのために、無理はしないでくださいね?お姉ちゃん、オーナーちゃんがいてくれるだけで……マンゴーの水着のおかげで、元気になったから大文夫?もう、オーナーちゃんったら……じゃあ、パーティーのお片付けは、お姉ちゃんにもお手伝いさせてくださいね♪……え?お片付けのあとに、二人で……?はい……♪お姉ちゃんも、オーナーちゃんにお礼を言いたいですから♥じゃあ、オーナーちゃん♥パーティーも、そのあとも……楽しみにしていますね♥

Sayuri: Thanks so much, Little Boss ♥ I've got a feeling this'll be a really fun birthday thanks to you ♪ Huh? You've got more to do for the party? Um… Don't overdo it because of me, okay? Just being with you makes me happy, Little Boss… Seeing me in a mango swimsuit "energized" you, so you're feeling just fine? Aww… At least let me help you clean up after the party, okay? ♪ Hm…? Just the two of us after cleaning up? Sure ♪ That'll be a god chance for me to thank you ♥ Well, Little Boss ♥ I'm looking forward to the party, and whatever we're doing afterwards, too ♥

Episode 17: The Two of Us Together (二人で一緒に)[]

To get this episode, you must give Sayuri her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Sayuri: あっ、オーナーちゃん♥とっても楽しいパーティーでした♪オーナーちゃんが頑張ってくれたおかげ、ですね♥はい、いいこ、いいこ……♥あ、あら……いけない……!そ、そうじゃなくて……パーティーのあとで、オーナーちゃんに、ちゃんとお礼を言いたかったんです。オーナーちゃん、今日はお誕生日をお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます。あと、もう一つ……お姉ちゃんを、いつもお姉ちゃんでいさせてくれて、ありがとう……オーナーちゃん♥うふふっ、それが伝えたくて。ちゃんと言えて、よかった♥オーナーちゃんからも、お姉ちゃんに伝えたいことが……?まあ、何かしら……

Sayuri: Oh… Hi, Little Boss ♥ That was such a fun party ♪ It went so well thanks to all your hard work ♥ Good boyyyy… Such a good Little Boss ♥ Oh my gosh…! That came out wrong… I wanted to thank you properly after the party. Little Boss… Thank you so much for celebrating my birthday today. And…one more thing. Thank you for letting me act as your "older sister" all the time ♥ Heheh… I've been waiting to tell you that, so… It's a relief to get it off my chest ♥ There's something you need to tell me, too? Now I'm curious…

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Sayuri: ……まぁ!大きなケーキ……!これを、お姉ちゃんに……?パーティー中は忙しくて、ちゃんとお祝いできなかったから……?それに…… 「いつも、お姉ちゃんでいてくれて、ありがとう」って……うふふっ♪オーナーちゃんは、本当に優しいんですね♥

Sayuri: Wow! What a huge cake! It's…really all for me? To make up for being so busy during the party, and that we weren't able to properly celebrate? And you want to thank me for always being there for you like a big sister? Heheh ♪ You're so kind, Little Boss ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English

Sayuri: ……ふたりとも同じことを考えてたなんて。お姉ちゃん、うれしいです。……じゃあ、オーナーちゃん、このケーキは、二人で一緒に食べましょうか♥じゃあ、お姉ちゃんのところに来て、お口を開けて……うふふっ♪

Sayuri: I can't believe we were thinking the same thing… That makes me so happy. So, Little Boss… How about we eat this cake together? Come over here and open wide… Heheh ♪

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん♪お姉ちゃが、食べさせてあげますね♥はい、あ〜んして……♥

Sayuri: Don't be shy ♪ Big Sis wants to feed you some cake ♥ Say "ahhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Sayuri: ……オーナーちゃん、美味しい?よかった♥お姉ちゃんも、とっても美味しかったです♪こうやって、二人で大きなケーキをシェアできるなんて……お姉ちゃん、幸せです♥……え?オーナーちゃんも、幸せ……?うふふっ♪オーナーちゃんが幸せなら、お姉ちゃん、もっと幸せです♪……オーナーちゃん。今日は素敵な誕生日、ありがとうございます♥オーナーちゃんがくれた。この水着やケーキの、マンゴーみたいに……二人一緒に、甘くて、健康で……幸せな毎日でいられますように♪お姉ちゃん、明日からもがんばりますね♪

Sayuri: Is it tasty, Little Boss? Yay ♥ I couldn't agree more, it's so delicious ♪ I'm so happy we're able to share this huge cake together ♥ Huh? You're happy, too? Heheh ♪ When you're happy, it makes me even happier ♪ Thank you for making my birthday so wonderful, Little Boss ♥ Just like this mango-themed swimsuit and cake you gave me… I hope we can live a sweet life together, healthy and full of energy ♪ I'll be sure to give you my very best effort tomorrow onwards, too ♪

Episode 18: Goddess Night's Dream (Sayuri) (女神の夜の夢(さゆり))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪オーナーちゃん♪今日はお姉ちゃんと、どんなことをしましょうか?撮影をしたいんですか?はい♪お姉ちゃんでよければ、よろこんで♡いっぱい撮ってくださいね♡

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: Hmmm...owner-chan...what can I do for you and your sister today? Do you want to have a photo shoot? Yes♪ If it's okay with my sister, I'd be happy to take a lot of pictures♡♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、お姉ちゃんのこと、もっと見たくない?♡見つめられたら、お姉ちゃん恥ずかしいな♡

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: Owner-chan, don't you want to see more of your sister? If you stare at me ♡♡♡♡, I'm ashamed of you, sis♡♡♡♡♡♡.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: お姉ちゃんと、もっと遊ぼ♪ね♡

Sayuri: Let's play more with my sister ♡♡♡♡!

Episode 19: Secret shower 1 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー1 (さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 20: Secret shower 2 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー2(さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 21: Secret shower 3 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー3(さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 22: Secret shower 4 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー4 (さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 23: Secret shower 5 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー5(さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 24: Secret shower 6 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー6(さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 25: Secret shower 7 (Sayuri) (ひみつのシャワー7 (さゆり))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Sayuri.

Episode 26: Love Letter Maiden (Sayuri) (恋文フトメ(さゆり))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん♪ ちょっと、いいですか?

Sayuri: Hey Little Boss ♪ Got a second?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい♡どうしても、渡したくて……うふふっ♪

Sayuri: Here ♡♡ I really wanted to give you this… Heheh ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 撮影をしたいんですか?はい♪ お姉ちゃんでよければ、よろこんで♡

Sayuri: You'd like to take photos? Sure ♪ If Big Sis is good enough, I'd be glad to ♡

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 見つめられたら、 お姉ちゃん聴ずかしいな♡

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: I get embarrassed when you stare at me ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃんだけに、特別、 ですからね♡

Sayuri: This is a special shoot, just for you, Little Boss ♡

Episode 27: A gift for Sayuri (お姉ちゃんへのプレゼント)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 今日は、わたしのお誕生日ね……♡今年はオーナーちゃんと、どんなことをしましょうか♪きっと、 オーナーちゃんはお祝いしてくれるけど……いつもお世話になってばかりだし……お姉ちゃんとして、わたしからも……んー……

Sayuri: Today is my birthday ♡ I wonder what I'll be doing with the Little Boss this year ♪ I know he'll be celebrating it, but… He's always doing so much for me, and… I think I should do something for him, too… Hmm…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あっ、オーナーちゃん。 おはようございます♡今、ちょうどオーナーちゃんのことを考えてたんです♪……「お誕生日、おめでとう」?うふふっ♪ はい、ありがとうございます♡オーナーちゃんにお祝いしてもらって……お姉ちゃん、 とっても幸せです♡……でも、いつもお祝いして買ってばかりで……お姉ちゃんからも、何がしてあげられないかなって…………えっ?「じゃあ、これを」 ……?

Sayuri: Oh, good morning, Little Boss ♡ I was just thinking about you ♪ …"Happy birthday"? Heheh ♪ Yeah, thank you ♡ Just the fact that you're celebrating with me… Makes me so happy ♡ But you always celebrate for me, and… I was wondering if there's something I could do for you in return… …Hm? "Take this"?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: これは……お誕生日のプレゼント……?まあ……とっても素敵な水着ですね♪ありがとうございます。 オーナーちゃん♡これなら……うふふっ♪お姉ちゃんがしてあげられること……わかっちゃいました♡オーナーちゃん、少しだけ待っていてくださいね♡すぐ、着替えてきますから♪

Sayuri: Is this…my birthday gift? Wow…it's quite the nice swimsuit, isn't it ♪ Thank you, Little Boss ♡ And now that I got it… Heheh ♪ I know exactly what I can do for you ♡ Just give me a few minutes, Little Boss ♡ I'll go slip it on right away ♪

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: とっても綺麗……♪さすが、 オーナーちゃんが選んでくれた水着ですね♡どうですか、 オーナーちゃん?……お姉ちゃん、 似合っていますか?えっ、 「もっと近くで見たい」……ですか?ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……はい、いいですよ♡オーナーちゃんの好きなように、見てくださいね♪……ん? 「お姉ちゃんから、 不思議な香りがする」 ?うふふっ♪ 気がついてくれて、嬉しいです♡オーナーちゃんの水着がとっても素敵だったから、それに合わせて、 香水を選んでみたんですか♪とっても爽やかで、上品だけど……ちょっと不思備で、忘れられない香り……なんですよ♡ふふっ♪……オーナーちゃんが、 気に入ってくれるといいなって♡えっ? 「忘れないように、写真を撮りたい」?はい、わかりました♡じゃあ、オーナーちゃんの好きなポーズを……

Sayuri: It's so pretty ♪ You're really good at choosing swimsuits after all, Little Boss ♡ What do you think…? Does it look good on me? Hm? You…want a "closer look"? I'm kind of embarrassed, but…why not? ♡ Look as long as you like, Little Boss ♪ …Hm? A mysterious scent coming from me? Heheh ♪ I'm glad you noticed ♡ You got me such a nice swimsuit, so I picked out a perfume to go with it ♪ A scent so fresh and elegant, yet a bit mysterious and simply unforgettable ♡ Heheh ♪ I was hoping you'd like it, Little Boss ♡ Huh? You "want to take a photo so we never forget"? Okay, sure ♡ The pose you'd like to see…

Scene 10

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also the player has to take the picture unlike most instances

Japanese English translation



Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: いいお写真、撮れましたか?それで……オーナーちゃんに、 お願いがあるんです。お誕生日のプレゼント、 もうひとつ……欲しい物があって。お姉ちゃんのわがまま、 聞いてくれますか?じゃあ、思い切って……お誕生日のプレゼントに……オーナーちゃんを、一日中、 ずっとお世話させてください♡いいですか……?……よかった♡じゃあ、二人一緒にお散歩して、ご飯を食べさせてあげて……お昼寝して、それから……うふふっ♪ やりたいことがたくさんあるんです♡今日一日、お姉ちゃんが、疲れを癒やしてあげますね♡……オーナーちゃん♡

Sayuri: Did you get a good shot? So now…I've got a favor to ask you. There's one more thing I'd like as a birthday gift. Would you hear out my selfish request? Okay then… As a birthday gift to me… I ask that you let me pamper you all day ♡ Would that be all right? …Great ♡ First we'll take a walk together, then I'll feed you, and tuck you in for a nap, and then… Heheh ♪ There's so much I want to do ♡ I'll arrange the entire day to heal you of any fatigue ♡ …My Little Boss ♡

Episode 28: Sayuri's Good Luck Charm (お姉ちゃんのおまじない)[]

To get this episode, you must give Sayuri the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 今日は、いっぱい遊びましたね♡お散歩したり、 お食事したり、お昼寝もして、あと…………オーナーちゃん、 楽しんでもらえましたか?ふふっ♪お姉ちゃんも、 楽しくて一日があっという間でした♪一日中ずーっとオーナーちゃんと一緒で……まるで…………「デートみたいだった」?うふふっ♪ お姉ちゃんも、 デートしているみたいで……少し、はしゃぎすぎちゃいましたね♡オーナーちゃんは、疲れていませんか?……あらあら、少し眠そうですね♪じゃあ、お姉ちゃんが膝枕をしてあげましょうか……♡……え?寝てしまう前に、渡したいものが……?

Sayuri: We did so much today, didn't we? ♡ We went on a walk, ate a nice meal, took a nap, and… …Did you enjoy it, Little Boss? Heheh ♪ I enjoyed it too, and time just flew by ♪ Spending the whole day with you… It's almost as if we're… …"Going on a date"? Heheh ♪ It's been like a date for me too… I think it made me a little too giddy ♡ Are you getting tired, Little Boss? Oh my gosh, you do look a bit sleepy ♪ Would you like to lay your head on my lap? …Hm? Something to give me before you doze off?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: これは……お姉ちゃんの写真……?ふふっ♪ とっても楽しそう♪きっと、オーナーちゃんと一緒だったから、かな。でも、どうしてこれを……?「どんなお世話よりも、『笑顔』にやされたから」 ……?オーナーちゃん、 それは、 お姉ちゃんも同じです……♪オーナーちゃんの笑顔で、お姉ちゃんも、 今日一日いっぱい癒してもらったから……♡じゃあ、そのお礼と……オーナーちゃんが、ぐっすりお休みできますように……お姉ちゃんが、 おまじないをしてあげますね♡

Sayuri: This is…a photo of me? Heheh ♪ Looks like I'm having so much fun ♪ I guess…it must be because we're together. But…why'd you take this? Because my smile heals you "more than any amount of pampering could ever…"? Oh Little Boss… I feel the same way ♪ The smile on your face gave me so much strength throughout the day ♡ And to show my appreciation… So that you can sleep soundly… I'll give you a good luck charm ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……はい♪少しずかしいけど……これを、 オーナーちゃんに♡お姉ちゃんは、いつも……オーナーちゃんのそばにいますからね♡えっ?いまのキスで、目が覚めちゃった……?ふふっ♪ じゃあ、 もう少しだけ……二人で、デートを楽しんじゃいましょうか♪ね、 オーナーちゃん♡

Sayuri: …Here ♪ It's a little embarrassing, but…I'd like you to have this ♡ Now… I can always be by your side ♡ Huh? That kiss woke you up…? Heheh ♪ Let's extend our date a little longer then ♪ Sound good, Little Boss? ♡

Episode 29: Victory Ceremony (Sayuri) (勝利のセレモニー (さゆり))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 30: Share ♥ with Sayuri (さゆりとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 31: Bitter♡Sweet (Sayuri) (ビター♡スイート(さゆり))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 見つめられたら、お姉ちゃん恥ずかしいな♡

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: If you stare at me, I'll be embarrassed, sis ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの……オーナーちゃん、お姉ちゃんの……チョコ、受け取ってくれるかな……

Sayuri: I wonder if that ...... owner will accept my sister's ...... chocolates ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: お姉ちゃん……もっと、 頑張ろうかな♡

Sayuri: Sis ...... more, I'll try harder ♡♡♡

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃんだけに、 特別、 ですからね♡

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Only for the owner, you are special ♡♡♡♡♡.

(camera flash)

Episode 32: A little longer together ♡ (少しでも長く、一緒に♡)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あら? ここは……夢……かしら?いつの間にか、 寝ちゃったみたいですね。ふふっ、今日が楽しみで、昨日はあまり眠れなかったから……あっ、オーナーちゃん!こんなにはっきり見えるなんて、まるで現実みたい♪オーナーちゃんのこと、 ずっと考えてたから……かな?♡でも、そろそろ起きないと…………えっ? 「夢じゃない」……?「異世界に召喚した」 って……ええっと…… 難しいことはよくわからないけど、本物のオーナーちゃん……なんですね?じゃあ、さっきのも聞こえて……もう……お姉ちゃん、恥ずかしいな……「誕生日は、二人きりで過ごしたかった」……?はい、それはお姉ちゃんも同じ……です♡あっ、もしかして……この水着も、お誕生日のプレゼントですか?♪ちょっと大胆だけど、夜空みたいに綺麗で……♪素敵なプレゼント、ありがとうございます♡「占星術師」の水着……?お姉ちゃん、占ってもらうのは好きですけど、自分で占ったことはなくて……え?この水着に、「特別な力」 があるんですか?それなら、お姉ちゃんとオーナーちゃんのこと、占ってみますね♪

Sayuri: Oh? Is this ...... dream ......? I think I fell asleep before I knew it. I couldn't sleep much last night because I was looking forward to today. ...... Oh, Owner! I can see you so clearly, it's like you're real... I've been thinking about you all day. ......? But I have to wake up soon. ............ What? It's not a dream. ......? I've been summoned to a different world. ...... Well,...... I don't know how difficult it is, but you're the real Owner,......? Then you heard what I just said,...... already,...... sister, I'm embarrassed,...... "I wanted to spend my birthday alone with you." ......? Yes, it's the same ...... for your sister, too♡Oh, perhaps ...... this swimsuit is also a birthday present?  It's a little bold, but it's as beautiful as the night sky,......  Thank you for the wonderful gift, ♡ "Astrologer" swimsuit,......? Sis, I like to have my fortune told, but I've never done it myself. ...... What? This swimsuit has "special powers"? I'll tell your sister and the owner's fortune then.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……まぁ♪なんだかぼんやりと見えてきました♪あたたかくて……優しくて……うーん……はっきりとは見えないですけど、ほんの少しだけ、 未来が分かるみたいです。今感じたのは……これからわたしたちに、なにか良いことがあるってことですよね♡「契約して、 一緒に探しに行こう」 ……ですか?ふふっ、冒険みたいで楽しそう♪もちろん、お姉ちゃんにお世話させてください♡

Sayuri: ...... well... I can see somewhat vaguely... warm and ...... kind and ...... hmmm I can't see ...... clearly, but I can see a little bit of the future. I just felt ...... that something good is in store for us in the future ♡ "Sign a contract and let's go looking for it together. I'm sure it will be fun and adventurous......................of course, let my sister take care of you handsome!

Scene 4

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to press the camera button to take a picture

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの……出発する前に、少しだけ手伝ってもらえませんか?オーナーちゃんには、いろんな植物を集めてきて欲しいんです。ここは見たことない植物ばかりですけど……わたしの知っている薬に似たもので、簡単なお薬なら、作れるかもしれないと思って♪もしオーナーちゃんに何かあったら、 大変ですから。少しでも長く、一緒に冒険できるように……ね?♡ふふっ、 それじゃあ行きましょうか♪オーナーちゃん♡

Sayuri: Um, ...... before we leave, can you help me a little? I want the owner-chan to collect a variety of plants for me. I've never seen these plants here before, but I thought I might be able to make some simple medicines that are similar to the medicines that I know. I hope we can have adventures together for as long as possible,......? Let's go then, handsome ♡♡♡ Owner-chan!

Episode 33: A future to be decided by the two of us (二人で決める未来)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Sayuri's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ、 オーナーちゃんのおかげで、 冒険も順調ですね♪何度か占ってみましたけど、少しずつ近づいてるみたいです。簡単なお薬とお水も用意できましたから。もし、お怪我しちゃったら、お姉ちゃんに言ってくださいね。オーナーちゃんは、 少し頑張りすぎちゃうから……お姉ちゃん、いつも心配なんですよ?今日みたいに二人きりのときは、もっとお世話させてくれたら、嬉しいな♡「お腹がすいた」 ……ですか?うふふっ、 それじゃあ少し休憩しましょうか♡食べられそうなものがないか、近くを探してみますね♪

Sayuri: Well, thanks to your owner, the adventure is going well... I've read up on you a few times, and it looks like you're getting closer and closer. I've prepared some simple medicine and water for you. If you get hurt, please tell your sister. Owner-chan always worries about her because she tries a little too hard...... sister, you know? When it's just the two of us, like today, I'd be happy to let you take care of me more ♡ "I'm hungry" ......? Ummm, then let's take a little break ♡ I'll look around the neighborhood to see if there's anything we can eat ♡.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うーん……あれは、食べられるのかしら……?……あら? なにか音がしたような……あら?ひゃっ!?

Sayuri: hmmm ...... I wonder if that one is edible ......? ...... Oh? I thought I heard a noise: ...... Oh? Huh?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: お、オーナーちゃん!草むらから見たことない動物が……!果物を取ろうとしたら、 怒らせちゃったみたいなんです。取らずに離れてみたけど、 追いかけられちゃって……「戦うしかない」 って…… それはダメです!あの子は悪くないですから。見た目は、ちょっと怖いですけど……それに、オーナーちゃんになにがあったら、わたし…………あっ、そうだ! わたしが占星術と占ってみます。なにか、 方法が見つかるかもしれません。

Sayuri: Oh, owner! I saw an animal I've never seen before from the grass at ......! I tried to get some fruit from it, but it seemed to have offended it. I tried to move away from it, but it chased me and said ...... "We have to fight." ...... You can't do that! It's not her fault. I'm not sure what I'd do if something happened to the owner,............, but I'm sure he'd be happy to help! I'll try astrology and fortune-telling. Maybe I can find a way.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……あら?この子とは別におとなしい子が……もしかして……怪我、してるのかも……?オーナーちゃん。……お姉ちゃんのこと、 信じてくれますか?……ふふっ、ありがとう♡でも、どうやったら、手当したいってわかってくれるでしょうか……

Sayuri: ...... Oh my? Maybe there is another quiet girl who is ...... injured ...... apart from this girl? Owner. ...... Do you believe me about your sister? ......Hmmm, thank you handsome, but how can I make you understand that I want to treat you? ......

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うふふっ、良かった♡あの子もすっかり元気になったみたいでしたね♪オーナーちゃん、 改めてありがとうございます♡オーナーちゃんが「薬を見せれば」 って、言ってくれたから。おかげで、あの子もすぐに分かってくれました♪じゃあそろそろ、 冒険に戻りましょうか♪お礼にもらった果物で、お腹もいっぱいになりましたから。あら……?果物の他にも、まだなにかあるみたいです。

Sayuri: I'm so glad to hear that the handsome little girl is feeling better... Thank you once again, Owner-chan, for telling me to show her the medicine. Thanks to you, she understood immediately. Oh, ......? There seems to be more than just fruit.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 「エステオイル」 ……ですか?今度はわたしのことも癒やしたい、って……ふふっ、 オーナーちゃんは優しいですね♪それじゃあ、ちょっとだけ甘えちゃおうかな……♡

Sayuri: "Esthetic oil" ......? She said she wants to heal me too this time. ......Well, the owner is very kind.............................then I'll spoil her a little. ......♡

Scene 7

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あたたかくて……優しくて……とっても気持ちよかったです♡……あっ!最初に占ったとき見えたのは、これだったんですね♪探してたものが見つかったなら……オーナーちゃんとの冒険もここまでですね。「これからどうなるか、 また占ってほしい」……?……ううん。 「今度は「どうなるか」を占うんじゃなくて……「どうしたいか」 を、二人で決めたいな。だから……もう少しだけ、お姉ちゃんと一緒にいてくれませんか?♡

Sayuri: It was warm and ...... kind and ...... very pleasant♡...... Oh! I'm sure this is what you saw when you first read my fortune...If you found what you were looking for, then your adventure with the ...... owner has come to an end. I'd like you to read my fortune again to see what will happen. ......? ...... No, I don't. I want to decide together what I want to do,...... instead of telling you what will happen this time. So,...... will you stay with my sister just a little longer? ♡♡

Episode 34: Secret Esthetic Time (Sayuri)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Sayuri's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: The Day they Celebrate for Me (お祝いしてもらえる日)[]


DOAXVV Patty Birthday Scene1 (파티 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: あ、いたいた!オーナーさん、はろはろー♪……♪楽しそう……?だって今日は、1年1回のパティの「特別な日」だから♪……どんな風に特別?えっと……パティの島だと、みんなが 「お祝いに」って、いろんなお宝をパティにくれて……お散歩用のポーチとか、貝殻で作ったネックレスとか!その……もしかして、オーナーさんも、パティにお祝いしてくれたり……?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……うう、オーナーさん、「なんにもない」匂い…………あれ?でも、なんでお祝いするんだろう?うーん……?え?他に「特別な日」にしてもらえること?んーと……そうだ!特別な 「ごちそう」もあったよ!お一っきなハンバーガー、作ってもらえるんだ♪ハンバーガーみたいに丸くて、あ、あと、もう一つ。と一っても甘くて、えっと名前は…………ケーキ!うん、そんな名前だった気がする!オーナーさん、すごい!よく分かったね。……ん? 「大慌て」の匂い?オーナーさん、どうしたの?誕生日……って、なに?自分が生まれた日のこと…ヘぇ……♪……あれ?パティって、いつ生まれたんだっけ?え?大急ぎでパーティーの準備するから待って?

Patty: Oh, there you are! Hello hellooo, boss ♪ ……♪ I look like I'm having fun…? That's because today's my once-a-year "special day." ♪ How is it special? Well… On my island, everyone celebrates it, and they give my [sic] a bunch of treasures… Like a walking pouch, or a necklace made of shells… Boss… Are you planning to celebrate it too…? Maybe by giving me something?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: Hmm… You smell pretty "plain" right now, boss… Hm? Why do people celebrate this day for me? Well… Hm? Do people do other stuff on my "special day?" Let's see… Oh yeah! I'd also get a special meal! They'd make me this huge hamburger ♪ Oh and one more thing… There was this round, sweet thing, shaped like a hamburger… What was it called… …Cake! Yup, pretty sure that's what they called it! I'm really impressed you knew that, boss. …Hm? You smell like "panic" boss… What's the matter? What's a… "birthday?" Celebrating the day you were born… Hmm… ♪ …Wait. I'm not sure when I was born, though? Hm? You want me to wait right here… while you rush to set up for a party?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: あ、行っちゃった……オーナーさん、あんなに慌てて、どうしたんだろ……?

Patty: Hey… He's gone. Boss? Why are you in such a panic?

Episode 2: Everyone's Treasure (みんなのお宝)[]


DOAXVV Patty Birthday Scene2 (파티 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Patty after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Patty: あっ、オーナーさん!うん!パティの誕生日パーティー、すごく楽しかった!えっと、「誕生日」はみんなにお祝いしてもらえる日で……だから、パティの「特別な日」は、パティの「誕生日」!だよね、オーナーさん?あ、そうだ♪オーナーさんがプレゼントしてくれた水着……どう?パティ、おしゃれ?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……オーナーさん、「嬉しい」の匂い!パティも、とってもに嬉しい♪あはっ♪この水着、太陽みたいにキラキラしてて、どんどん元気が測いてくる気がする!ねぇ、オーナーさん、誕生日は「記念写真」も撮るんでしょ?……うん!パティ、オーナーさんに、写真いっぱい撮ってほしい♪じゃあ、いっくよー!

(Camera flash)

Patty: Oh, hey boss! Yup! My birthday was super fun! So…this "birthday" is a day that everyone celebrates for me… And my "special day" is actually…my "birthday!" Right, boss? Oh yeah ♪ The swimsuit you got me for a gift… What do you think? Do I look fashionable?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: I smell that you're "happy," boss! I'm super happy, too ♪ Hahah ♪ This swimsuit is so shiny like the sun. Wearing it makes me feel like I have a huge flow of energy! So boss… We need to take some "commemorative photos" for my birthday, don't we? …Yup! I want you to take a ton of pics of me ♪ Let's get started!

(Camera Flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ、面白かったー♪……え?もう一つ、とっておきの「お宝」をパティに?

Patty: Ahaha, that was so fun ♪ …Hm? One more, extra special treasure for me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: わぁ、ほんとだ……♪「とってもキラキラ」なお宝……♥オーナーさん、ほんとに、本当にありがとう!……あ、でも、うーん。……えっとね、どうして誕生日だと、お祝いしてもらえるんだろう、って思ったんだ。こんなにたくさんのお宝、本当に、パティがもらってもいいのかなって…………パティが 「みんなのお宝」だから?生まれてきてくれてありがとう、の気持ちをお宝に込めて、パティに……

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……ほんとだ。とても優しくて、オーナーさんの匂い、甘くて……パティ、この匂い、好き……♥……あれ?なんか胸がドキドキする……これも、この水着のせい……?……そっか!オーナーさん、パティ分かったよ!この島に来て、知らないことばかりのパティに、オーナーさんは、いろんなことを教えてくれた……オシャレのことや、誕生日のこと。他にもいっぱい……だから……オーナーさんは、パティの一番大事な「お宝」だよ♪これからも、パティにいろんなこと教えてね、オーナーさん♪あははっ♪

Patty: Wow, for real… ♪ This is such a "sparkly" treasure…♥ Thank you so much, boss! Oh, but… Hmm… I was just wondering… Why do people celebrate their birthdays? I mean, I'm just wondering if it's really okay for me to have all these treasures. It's because I'm "everyone's treasure…"? So a feeling is put into all these treasures… "Thank you so much for being born, Patty…" It felt like someone was saying this to me.

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: …Really. You smell so nice and sweet right now, boss… I love this smell…♥ …Huh? I feel my heart beating faster. Is it because of this swimsuit? …I know! I think I figured it out, boss! When I came to this island and didn't know much about the outside world… You taught me so much, boss… About fashion, about birthdays… And there's so much more… So… You're my most valuable "treasure," boss ♪ I hope you'll keep teaching me more about life ♪ Ahaha ♪

Episode 3: A New Beauty (新しい美)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん!誕生日のパーティー、ありがとう!みんなにお祝いして貰えて、パティとっても嬉しいよ♪……え?「特別なお」がある?なになに!?パティ、知りたい!……パーティー会場とは別の場所に隠してあるの?うん、わかった!じゃあ早く行こう!パティ、ワクワクするよ〜♪

Patty: Boss! Thanks so much for the birthday party! Having everyone celebrate with me made me so happy ♪ Hm? A "special treasure?" What is it? I'm really curious now! Hidden somewhere away from the party venue? Got it! Let's get right over there! I'm getting so excited ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: ねえねえ、オーナーさん♪「特別なお宝」って何?……渡したい物?それって、もしかして 「誕生日プレゼント」!?うわあ……!早く見せて!どんなプレゼントなのか、パティとっても気になる♪……「当ててみて」って……うーんなんだろ?食べ物かな一?

(Patty Smells Owner)

Patty: 匂いは……しない。……音も聞こえないし……?気になってソワソワするー!オーナーさん、早く早く!

Patty: Oh, boss ♪ What's a "special treasure" anyway? Something you wanna give me? Could it be…a birthday present!? Wow! Hurry up and show me! I'm super curious what the present could be ♪ You want me to guess? I mean…hmm…some food maybe?

(Patty Smells Owner)

Patty: It smells like…nothing. And I can't hear any noise… I'm getting so antsy here. Hurry, boss!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: わあ……!すごーい!真っ白な水着……♪こんなキレイな水着、パティ見たことないよ!ありがとう、オーナーさん!ねえねえ、着てみていい?……オーナーさんも、パティに着て欲しいの?「パティに絶対似合うはずだから」 ……?うんつ、とっても楽しみ♪オーナーさんも、楽しみにしててね!

Patty: Wow…it's amazing! A pure white swimsuit ♪ I've never seen a swimsuit this beautiful! Thank you, boss! Hey…is it okay if I try it on? You wanted me to try it on anyway? Because it should "match me perfectly?" Okay, I can't wait ♪ You get me excited too!

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、見て見て♪この水着、パティにぴったりだよ!……パティ、オシャレかな?あはっ、よかった。パティもそう思ってたんだ♪ねえ、オーナーさん、この水着、お花がいっぱいついてるんだね!ハイビスカスってお花なんだ♪とってもキレイで、パティ嬉しい♥誕生花……花言葉は「新しい美」?うーん、それってどういうことな?新しい……オシャレ?……「これからもオシャレを頑張って」って意味なの?そうなんだ♪じゃあ、パティも、この水着みたいに、キレイになれるように頑張るね!違う……?パティがこの水着を着ているから、キレイ……?そ、そうなんだ……えへへ……ありがと♪撮影?うん、いいよ オシャレなパティを……えっと、キレイに撮ってね♥

(Camera flash)

Patty: Take a look, boss ♪ This swimsuit fits me perfectly! Do I look…fashionable? Haha, yay. I thought so, too ♪ Hey, boss. There's so many flowers on this swimsuit! So they're called "hibiscus?" They're so pretty, it really makes me happy ♥ This flower symbolizes "a new beauty?" Hmm… What does that mean exactly? A new…fashion? So you want me to put more into being fashionable from now on? I get it ♪ From now on I'll work hard to be as beautiful as this swimsuit! No? The swimsuit's beautiful…because I'm wearing it? Oh okay… Heheh…thank you ♪ Pictures? Of course ♪ Take some nice ones of the new,"fashionable" Patty ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: 誕生日はやっぱり楽しいね、オーナーさん♪……ずーっと誕生日だったらいいのになぁ……♪でも、もうすぐおしまい……次はまた来年なんだね。え?パーティーに戻る?そうだね、みんなにも、水着見てもらいたいな♪……ねえ、オーナーさん。パティ、お願いがあるんだけど……パーティーの後で。もう一回ここでお話ししていい?どうして、って……うーん、パティにもよくわかんなくて。でも、ね、おねがい!オーナーさん!あはっ♪よかった!じゃあ、パーティーの後、ここで待ってるね、オーナーさん♪

Patty: Birthdays are so fun, boss ♪ I wish it was my birthday would go on forever ♪ But it's almost over… I'll have another one next year, right? Hm? Go back to the party? Yeah… I want everyone to see this swimsuit ♪ Hey, boss… I was wondering if I could ask you to do something… Could we talk here again after the party? "Why?" I mean…I'm not really sure, but… Anyway, please do it for me, boss! Haha ♪ Yay! So I'll be waiting right here for you after the party ♪

Episode 4: The Smell of Excitement (「ドキドキ」の匂い)[]

To get this episode, you must give Patty her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん!こっちだよー!なんだか、じっとしてられなくて♪パティ、ちょっと早く来ちゃった!それでね、オーナーさん…………え?その前に、もうひとつ渡したい物……?パティに!?な、なに?パティ、なんだかドキドキする……!

Patty: Boss! Over here! I was getting so antsy, so I came out here early ♪ Oh, and boss… …Hm? First you've got one more thing to give me? Really!? Wh-What is it? My heart's thumping…!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: わあ……すっこい!キレイな花束だ……♥

Patty: Wow! What a beautiful bouquet ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: この水着と同じ……えっと、「ハイビスカス」だね♪ありがとう、オーナーさん!たくさんのお花……パティのステキな宝物……♥

Patty: Just like on the swimsuit… The "hibiscus," right? Thank you, boss! All these flowers are really a treasure to me ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん!ぜったい、ぜーったい、大切にするね♥

Patty: I promise to take good care of them, boss ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: ふふっ……いい匂い♪え?ハイビスカスに匂いはない?ううん。とってもいい匂いだよ♪オーナーさんからの、「おめでとう」の匂い……♪あと、パティの嬉しい匂いも♥……え?ハイビスカスの花言葉、他にもあるの?……「新しい恋」?う〜ん……パティ「恋」ってよく分からないなぁ……「恋の匂い」って、知らないし……そうだ……オーナーさん。パティに教えて♪「恋」って、どんなの?「今の匂い」って……

(Patty smells owner)

Patty: オーナーさん、「ドキドキ」の匂い……?……そっか、これが♪「恋の包い」なんだ パティ、分かったよ!写真を撮ったあと、パティ、とっても 「ドキドキ」して……オーナーさんと、もっとお話ししたい、って思ったんだ♪オーナーさんも同じだったんだね♥パティ、嬉しい♥ねぇ、オーナーさん、パティ、もっともっと、色んな事知りたいな!オシャレのことも、恋のことも♥これからもパティに、い一っぱい教えてね♪

Patty: Heheh… They smell good ♪ Hm? Hibiscus don't have a scent? Hmm… But they smell so nice ♪ I smell "congratulations" from you ♪ And I smell my own happiness ♥ Hm? The hibiscus symbolizes something else? "A new love?" Hmm… I'm not really sure what love is… So I don't know what it smells like… Oh yeah… Tell me, boss ♪ What is love? It's what I smell right now?

(Patty smells owner)

Patty: The smell of "excitement?" So that's what love smells like ♪ I think I get it now! After you took the pics, I was so excited, and I wanted to talk to you more ♪ So you feel the same way? That makes me so happy ♥ Hey, boss… I wanna learn about so many things! Like fashion, and love ♥ Teach me about all kinds of things, okay?

Episode 5: Shiny Perfume (Patty) (シャイニー・パフューム(パティ))[]

Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ♪お着替え楽しみ♪待っててね、オーナーさん♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Patty: ふふっ♪じゃーん♪パティ、大変身♪

(if the player peeks)

Patty: こうなって……へぇ……♪あれ?どうしたの?「嬉しい」匂い?

Patty: Ahaha ♪ I love changing clothes ♪ Hold on, boss ♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Patty: Heheh ♪ Tadahhh ♪ It's the new me ♪

(if the player peeks)

Patty: Like this… Wow ♪ Huh? What happened? A "happy" smell?

Episode 6: Riddle Gust (Patty) (なぞの突風(パティ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 7: Secret Foot Massage (Patty) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(パティ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: あはっ、今日もお仕事疲れたけど、楽しかった♪ねえねえ、これから二人で、何しよっか?

Patty: Oh, I'm tired of working today, but it was ♪ fun, what are you two of us doing?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty (OFF): 「あしうらまっさーじ」?とっても気持ちいい……?あはっ♪なんだか楽しそう!

Patty (OFF): "Ashiura Masaji"? It feels so good...? Oh, it ♪ looks like some fun!

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Patty: このポーズであってる?じゃあ、パティをいっぱいマッサージしてね♪

(camera flash)

Patty: Is this a pose? Then, massage a lot of patties. ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ!くすぐったいけど、パティ、これ好き♪ねえねえ……もっと、マッサージして?

Patty: Oh, my God! I want to tickle it, Patty, I don't like ♪ this... More, massage?

Episode 8: The Medicine of Love (Patty) (愛の妙薬 (パティ))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Scene 1

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation



Episode 9: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Patty) (甘い香りに誘われて(パティ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty (OFF): オーナーさん、待っててね♪

Patty (OFF): Owner, wait. ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: パティの気持ち、いーっぱい詰め込んだから……オーナーさん、受け取ってくれますか?♥オーナーさん、プレゼント、どうだった?音楽で言うと……ハッピーな曲?♪オーナーさん……♥気に入ってくれると嬉しいな♪またね♪

Patty: Patty's feelings, I packed it up... Will you pick it up, owner? ♥ How was the present, owner? In music... Happy song? ♪ The owner... ♥ I'd be happy if you liked it ♪ again. ♪

Episode 10: Sunset at the Park (Patty) (あかね色の公園で(パティ))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation

Patty: パティの気持ち、いーっぱい詰め込んだから……オーナーさん、受け取ってくれますか?♥オーナーさん、プレゼント、どうだった?音楽で言うと……ハッピーな曲?♪オーナーさん……♥気に入ってくれると嬉しいな♪またね♪

Patty: Patty's feelings, I packed it up... Will you pick it up, owner? ♥ How was the present, owner? In music... Happy song? ♪ The owner... ♥ I'd be happy if you liked it ♪ again. ♪

Episode 11: Hebijo Ninja Suit (Patty) (蛇女子学(パティ))[]

Japanese English translation

Patty: ……オーナーさん、「楽しみ」な匂い?パティも、撮影会、すっごく楽しみだよ♪オシャレに撮ってね♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Patty: パティの写真、宝物にしてね♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Patty: あれ?どうしたの?「嬉しい」匂い?

Patty: Boss… You smell like "fun." I'm looking forward to the photo shoots, too ♪ Take some stylish shots, okay? ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Patty: Treat those pics of me like your treasure, okay? ♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Patty: Huh? What happened? A "happy" smell?

Episode 12: Goddess Night's Dream (Patty) (女神の夜の夢(パティ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、はろはろー!今日のパティも、ぱっちりオシャレでしょ? ……オーナーさん「楽しみ」な匂い?パティも、撮影会、すっごく楽しみだよ♪はい、パティだよ♪

(Camera flash)

Patty: Hello, owner! Patty is looking very stylish today, isn't she? ...... owner: "I'm looking forward to it"? I'm really looking forward to the photo session too!

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、もっと撮ろっ!パティ、どんなポーズでもするから♪パティとオーナーさんの「宝物」にしようね……♪♡

(Camera flash)

Patty: Owner, take more shots! Patty, I'll do any pose you want...let's make it a "treasure" for Patty and the owner. ...... ♪ ♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、もっと遊ぼーよー!

Patty: Come on owner, let's play some more!

Episode 13: A Little Mature (ちょっとオトナな)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Patty: ふんふ〜ん♪あっ!オーナーさん♪今日はパティの誕生日パーティー、ありがとう♪パーティー会場ぜーんぶ、楽しそうな匂いと、とっても美味しそうな匂いでいっぱいだね♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: あはっ♪オーナーさんからも、楽しそうな匂いがして、パティとっても幸せ♪こんなに楽しいパーティーなら、きっと、毎日やっても飽きないよね♪……え、毎日は無理だけど、今から、パティをもっと幸せにしてくれるの?ちょっとだけ、パーティーを抜け出して……あははっ♪なんだか、ワクワクの匂いだね!

Patty: Hehehhh ♪ Oh, Boss ♪ Thank you for throwing my birthday party today ♪ The whole party place was full of fun smells, and super delicious smells ♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: Haha ♪ I can smell a fun scent coming from you too, Boss. And that makes me so happy ♪ If we could have parties this fun everyday, I'd never get tired of them ♪ Hm? We can't do it everyday, but you're gonna start trying to make me even more happy? You want us to step away from the party for a bit… Hahaha ♪ I smell excitement in the air!

Scene 3
Japanese English

Patty: オーナーさんと、二人きりでお散歩……あはっ♪パティ、もう幸せかも♪え……パティに渡したいもの?それって、もしかして……♪

Patty: Just the two of us on a walk? Haha ♪ I'm already happy just thinking about it ♪ Huh? You have something to give me? Could that be… ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English

Patty: わぁ♪これ、誕生日のプレゼント?パティ、とっても嬉しい♪とってもキラキラな水着……♡これって、誕生日のオシャレ、ってことだよね♪これを着たら、パティどうなるんだろう?とってもワクワクで、ドキドキする……♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……あれ?オーナーさんも、ドキドキの匂い……着替えたパティを見るのが楽しみで……?うん、じゃあパティ、着替えてくるね!オーナーさんを、もっとドキドキの匂いにしてあげる♪

Patty: Wow ♪ Is this my birthday present? I am so happy right now ♪ What a shiny swimsuit ♡ This is what they call "birthday fashionable," right? ♪ What do you think I'll look like wearing this? I'm so excited to slip it on, but also nervous ♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: Hey… You smell excited too, Boss… You can't wait to see me change into this? Then I'll go put it on right now! To make you smell even more excited ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English

Patty: はい♪どう?ちょっとオトナな、オシャレ・パティだよ♡オーナーさん……♪よかった♪オーナーさん、とってもドキドキの匂い♡……パティと一緒だね♪オーナーさんにドキドキしてもらえるか……パティ、着替えてる時もずっとドキドキだったんだ♡とってもキラキラでオシャレな水着を、ありがとう、オーナーさん♡この水着、ピンク色のあみあみがとってもオシャレ♪それに、なんだか美味しそうな匂いもする♪へぇ、ピンク色のパイナップルの水着なんだ……「誕生日の果実 」って、オーナーさん物知りだね♪パティ、あまーいパイナップルのジュースが大好きなんだ♪キラキラでオシャレな、パイナップルの水着♡オーナーさん♪パティ、とってもとっても幸せだよ♪……え?誕生日の記念に、パティの写真、撮ってくれるの?やったー♪じゃあ、とびきりオシャレなパティ、見せてあげるね♡

(Camera flash)

Patty: There ♪ Kind of a mature fashion choice for me ♡ What do you think, Boss? ♪ Yay ♪ I can smell the excitement all around you, Boss ♡ I'm feeling it too ♪ I was super excited the whole time I was changing into this, wondering whether or not you'd be excited as well ♡ Thank you for getting me such a sparkly, fashionable swimsuit, Boss ♡ The pink knitted parts look especially fashionable ♪ And the whole thing smells so delicious ♪ Oh wow, it's designed after a pink pineapple? And that's my birth fruit…? You really know a lot of stuff, Boss ♪ I love sweet pineapple juice so much ♪ So it's a shiny, fashionable, pineapple swimsuit ♡ Boss ♪ You've made me soooo happy ♪ Hm? You wanna take some pics to commemorate my birthday? Yay ♪ I'm about to show you a super fashionable version of Patty ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English

Patty: あはっ、オシャレなパティの写真、楽しみ♪オーナーさん、後で見せてね♡じゃあ、つぎはみんなにも見てもらいたいな♪パーティーはまだまだ、これからだもんね!……ん?オーナーさん、どうしたの?パーティーのあと、二人きりで……パティを、もっとドキドキさせてくれるの?うん♪じゃあ、パティ、オーナーさんを待ってるね♪一緒にドキドキしょうね。オーナーさん♡

Patty: Haha, I can't wait to see the pics ♪ Show them to me later, Boss ♡ Okay, now I want all the other girls to see ♪ The party's just getting started, right? Hm? What's the matter, Boss? Just the two of us after the party? You wanna get me even more excited? Okay ♪ I'll be waiting for you, Boss ♪ We'll get super excited together ♡

Episode 14: Super Sweet Smell (あま〜い匂い)[]

To get this episode, you must give Patty her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Patty: あっ、オーナーさーん!こっちこっち!パティはここだよー♪……え?パティから、パイナップルの匂いがする?あはっ♪パーティーでいっぱい食べたからかな?それとも、オーナーさんがくれた水着のせい?それとも……あま〜い、パティのドキドキの匂いかも♪ドキドキの匂い……オーナーさんも、同じだね♡……パティがいつもより大人っぽくて、オシャレだから?えへへ……オーナーさんがくれた水着に負けないように、頑張って、オシャレな髪型にしてみたんだ♪パティ、もうドキドキしちゃってるけど……オーナーさん、もっとドキドキさせてくれるんだよね?ふふっ♪……パティ、楽しみ♪

Patty: Oh, Boss! Here I am! Right over here ♪ Huh? I smell like pineapple? Haha ♪ Maybe it's because I ate so much of it at the party. Or maybe it's this swimsuit you gave me. Or…maybe you just smell my excitement ♪ That sweet smell of excitement… I smell it on you too, Boss ♡ Because I'm looking more mature and fashionable than usual? Heheh… To match with this swimsuit you gave me, I did my best to style my hair nicely ♪ I'm already feeling so excited, but… You'll get me even more excited, right Boss? Heheh ♪ I can't wait ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Patty: わっ、とっても大きなケーキ……!すごーい♪パイナップルがいっぱい……これ、パティの誕生日ケーキ……!?

(Patty smells cake)

Patty: あはっ、あま〜い匂いで、とっても美味しそう♪パティ、早く食べたいなぁ♡えへへ……いまのは、ちょっとオシャレじゃなかったかも……?えっ?パティの嬉しい顔が見れて、オーナーさんも嬉しい?ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーさん♡……パティ、いまとってもドキドキしてる♪だから……オーナーさんにも、もっとドキドキしてほしいな♡

Patty: Wow, what a giant cake! This is amazing ♪ And look at all the pineapples… Is this my birthday cake?!

(Patty smells cake)

Patty: Haha, it smells so sweet and delicious ♪ I wanna sink my teeth into it now ♡ Heheh… Maybe that wasn't very fashionable of me… Huh? seeing my face light up makes you happy, too? Heheh ♪ Thanks, Boss ♡I am super excited right now ♪ So… I wanna do something to get you more excited too, Boss ♡

Scene 5

The following dialogue is subtitled

Japanese English

Patty: パティのドキドキ、オーナーさんにもあげるね♡はい、オーナーさん!あ〜んっ♥

Patty: I'll give you some of my excitement ♡ Here, Boss ♪ Say "Ahhhh" ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Patty: ふふっ、オーナーさんのドキドキの匂い。ケーキみたいに。もっとあま〜い匂いになったかも♪パティのも……オーナーさんも、今ならパティのドキドキの匂い……分かるかな?

Patty: Heheh, the excitement I can smell from you… Just got a little sweeter I think…like this cake ♪ Oh… Can you smell the excitement coming from me too, Boss?

Scene 7
Japanese English

Patty: オーナーさん、今日はお祝いしてくれてありがとう♪とっても大切な、お宝の一日になったよ♡でも、終わっちゃうのはもったいないなぁ……せっかくオシャレしたから、オーナーさんに、もっと見て欲しいなって。そうだ……!オーナーさん、今からパティとお散歩しよう♪キラキラなお星さまの下で、もっとキラキラな、お宝の一日にしょうね♡

Patty: Thanks for celebrating my special day, Boss ♪ It's a day I'll treasure forever ♡ But I feel like it's such a waste to end it now… Since I'm looking so fashionable right now… I'm wondering if you can admire me some more. I know…! How about we go on a walk together? ♪ Under the twinkling stars… Let's make the day into an even more shiny treasure ♡

Episode 15: Secret shower 1 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー1 (パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 16: Secret shower 2 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー2(パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 17: Secret shower 3 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー3(パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 18: Secret shower 4 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー4 (パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 19: Secret shower 5 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー5(パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 20: Secret shower 6 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー6(パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 21: Secret shower 7 (Patty) (ひみつのシャワー7 (パティ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Patty.

Episode 22: Love Letter Maiden (Patty) (恋文フトメ(パティ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさーん、今…… いい?♡

Patty: Boss, can I…talk to you now? ♡♡♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: パティの気持ち、いーっぱい詰め込んだから……オーナーさん、受け取ってくれますか?♡

Patty: I've put my heart and soul into this, so… Would you please accept it, Boss? ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん♪ひみつの「パティ」、見てみたい……?♡

Patty: Oh Boss ♪ You want to see my secret side? ♡

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Patty: ずっと見られてると、くすぐったいよぅ……♡

(Camera flash)

Patty: It tickles when you stare at me so long ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、 「嬉しい」 匂い……パティも嬉しい!

Patty: You smell so happy… And I'm happy, too!

Episode 23: Victory Ceremony (Patty) (勝利のセレモニー (パティ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 24: Share ♥ with Patty (パティとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 25: agreeable odour (トクベツな匂い)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: ……〜♪今日はパティの誕生日……♪まだかなー、まだかなー?あっ、この匂いは……♡オーナーさーん!パティはこっちだよー♪

Patty: ......~♪ Today is Patty's birthday ......♪♪ Still wondering if she's ready yet? Oh, that smell is ......♡Owner! Patty is over here!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: やっぱり、オーナーさんだった♪ 匂いでわかったよ♡……え? 約束の時間より早い?えへへ……今日はパティの誕生日だから、オーナーさんがキラキラのお宝。 持って来てくれるって思って♡パティ、 待ちきれなくて、 早く来ちゃった♪だから……オーナーさん、 その手に持ってるもの、なあに?あははっ♪オーナーさんのワクワクの匂い、 パティと同じだね♡

Patty: I knew it was the owner... I could smell him ♡ ...... What? Earlier than the appointed time? Hehehe......It's Patty's birthday today, so I thought the owner would bring me a sparkling treasure♡Patty, I couldn't wait to see you, so I came early♪ So...... owner, what is that in your hand? What is that in your hand? You smell just like Patty, don't you, handsome?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: わぁっ! やっぱり、キラキラのお宝だー♪オーナーさん、ありがと♡それも、とってもオシャレな水着……パティ、 早く着てみたいな♡

(Patty smells)

Patty: それに…………パティ、オーナーさんが考えてること、 わかるよ♡

Patty: Wow! I knew it was a sparkling treasure...thanks to the owner...and a very stylish swimsuit ...... Patty: I can't wait to try it on ♡♡♡ (Patty smells)

(Patty smells)

Patty: And ............ Patty, I know what you're thinking ♡♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、お待たせ♡……どう? オシャレなパティ……ドキドキの匂い?……うん、ありがとう♪……オーナーさんのドキドキの匂い、嬉しいな♡じゃあ、 オーナーさんは、パティの匂い……わかる?ふふっ♪パティからいい匂いがする?これはねー、パティの「トクベツな匂い」だよ♡……パティの気持ち、 オーナーさんに伝えたくて。水着に合わせて、トクベツな香水をつけてみたんだ♪……届いた?パティの今の気持ち♡えへへっ♪ 届いてたら、嬉しいな♪えっ……オシャレなパティの写真が撮りたいの?もちろん、オッケーだよ♪パティ、とびっきりオシャレなポーズ、 してみるね♡

(Camera flash)

Patty: Hey, owners, how's the handsome ♡......? Stylish Patty: ...... smells exciting? ......Yes, thank you.........I'm so happy to smell the owner's excitement♡Well, do you know what Patty smells like......? Hmmm... do you smell Patty? This is Patty's "tokubetsu smell"♡......I wanted to tell the owner how I feel about Patty. I put on a special perfume to match my swimsuit............. did you get it? I'd be happy if you got it...♡hehehehe♪♪ You want to take some stylish pictures of Patti? Of course you can... ♥Patty, I'm going to try to make a very stylish pose ♡.

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

(Patty smells)

Patty: ……あれ?オーナーさん……ねえ、オーナーさん、 今のオーナーさんの気持ちって……パティと、 もっと一緒にいたい……?「なんで分かったの」って……それは、パティも、 そう思ってたから……♪……これがオーナーさんの 「トクベツな匂い」なんだね♡じゃあ、オーナーさん」パティとデートしよっ♡……もっとドキドキで、 トクベツな誕生日にしたいから♪

(Patty smells)

Patty: ...... Huh? The owner of the company...... says, "I want to spend more time with Patty. ......? How did you know?"...... because that's what Patty thought too.......♪ ......This is the owner's "special smell". I want to make your birthday even more exciting and special.

Episode 26: going on a date with someone you really like (トクベツなデート)[]

To get this episode, you must give Patty the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: わぁ 空に浮かぶキラキラ…… とっても綺麗♪パティ、 花火も大好き♡とってもトクベツなデート♪ 楽しかったね、 オーナーさん♡美味しいものもいっぱい食べたし、キラキラなものもいっぱい見れたし……それに、オーナーさんとずっと一緒で、オーナーさんのいろんな匂い、感じられたから♪えっ…… オーナーさんろ?「匂いはパティほど分からないけど、デート中のパティの気持ちがわかる気がした」……?ひゃっ?じゃあ、 デート中にパティの思ってたこと、……全部わかっちゃったの?「そんな気がしただけ」……?はぁ……じゃあ……パティがオーナーさんのこと、どう思ってたとかは……?えっ?「それは、匂いじゃなくてもわかった」って……

Patty: Wow, the sparkles in the sky...... are so beautiful... Patty, I love fireworks too♡ A very special date... We had a lot of fun, didn't we, Mr. Owner♡ We ate a lot of delicious food and saw a lot of sparkling things... ...... And I was with the owner all the time, and I could smell all the different smells of the owner......... owner? I couldn't smell as much as Patty, but I felt like I could understand how Patty felt on our date."......? Huh? So you understood everything Patty was thinking ...... during the date? "I just had a feeling."......? Huh? So you knew how Patty felt about the owner of ......? What? You said, "I didn't have to smell it to know that."......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: これって……オーナーさんが撮ってくれた写真?わぁ……パティ、 とっても楽しくて幸せそう♪えへへ…… これじゃ、 とっても嬉しくて……大好きな匂いが、写真から伝わってきそうだね……♡……あっ、オーナーさんも……?

(Patty smells)

Patty: ふふっ♪ やっぱり、 パティと同じだね♡じゃあ……

Patty: Is this a picture taken by the ...... owner? Wow...... Patty, you look so happy and joyful...hehehe...... This makes me so happy and I can feel the smell of ...... love from the picture! Yes,...... handsome,...... Oh, is the owner ...... too?

(Patty smells)

Patty: I knew it, just like you, Patty... ♡......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: はい、 オーナーさん♪パティのトクベツな匂い……この写真にいっぱい閉じ込めたよ♡オーナーさんに、 ずーっと感じていて欲しいから♡

(Patty smells)

Patty: あっ、オーナーさん、嬉しい匂い♪……パティも嬉しいな♡じゃあ、もっともーっと……嬉しくて、幸せで……トクベツなデート、 しょうよ♡行こう、オーナーさん♡あははっ……♪とってもとっても……いい匂い……♡

Patty: Yes, the owner... Patty's delicious smells ...... are all trapped in this picture... I want the owner to feel it all the time ♡♡ (Patty smells)

(Patty smells)

Patty: oh, Mr. Owner, you make me so happy... ...... Patty is happy too ♡ Well, I'll be happy and happy all the time ......

Episode 27: Bitter♡Sweet (Patty) (ビター♡スイート(パティ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、どう?パティ、オトナに見える? ♪

(Camera flash)

Patty: How do you like it, owner? Patty, do I look like a geek? Patty: Yeah, I do

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: パティの気持ち、 いーっぱい詰め込んだから……オーナーさん、 受け取ってくれますか?♡

Patty: I put a lot of Patty's feelings into ...... Owner, will you take it? ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん♪ひみつの 「パティ」、見てみたい……?♡

Patty: Owner  Secret "Patty", would you like to see ......? ♡♡♡

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: 今なら、パティも知らない 「パティ」、オーナーさんに見せられるかも……♡

(camera flash)

Patty: Now maybe you can show the owner "Patty", who Patty doesn't even know: ......♡

(camera flash)

Episode 28: Patty's Fifth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 29: Patty's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Patty's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 30: Secret Esthetic Time (Patty)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Patty's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Like an Angel (天使のような)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: あっ、オーナーさん。こ、こんにちは……落ち着かない様子?実は……パーティーの準備を手伝おうとしたら、主役はおとなしくしてなさい、って……誕生日パーティーなんて家族以外としたことなかったから……う、嬉しくて……オーナーさん。ど、どうしましょう……見ているだけでは落ち着かないです…………「この風景を絵に描いてみたらいい」……?それはいいですね。初めての誕生日パーティーの思い出にもなりそうです……じゃ、じゃあさっそく……

Tsukushi: O-Oh!… Hi boss. I look restless? Well actually… I wanted to help out with the party, but they told me the guest of honor should sit back and wait… I've only had birthday parties with my family, so… I-I'm really happy about this… Boss, what should I do? I can't stay calm just watching the others handle everything… I should draw a scene of what's happening? That's a good idea. As a memory of my first birthday party… So… I guess I'll get right on it…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: ふふ〜ん……♪

Tsukushi: Hehehhh ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: えへへっ……♪

Tsukushi: Eheheh ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: あっ、オーナーさん。どうしたんですか?「パーティーは楽しんでいるか」って……?もちろんです♪みんなから、たくさんお祝いして貰えたし、おいしいケーキもたくさん食べました……こんな陽キャっぽいイベントに、陰キャのわたしが出たら千からびてしまうんじゃないかと思いましたけど。こんなに楽しい誕生日は、初めてです……♪えっ、オーナーさんからもプレゼントがある……?な、なんだろう?

Tsukushi: Boss…? What happened? Am I enjoying the party? Of course ♪ Everyone went all out to celebrate. And I got to eat so much delicious cake. I thought a gloomy girl like me might ruin such a flashy party, but… I've never had this much fun on my birthday before ♪ Hm? A present…from you, boss…? Wh-What could it be?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: わぁ……なんだかすごく綺麗な水着……あ、ありがとうございます。オパールがモチーフ……宝石の!?い、いいんですか?そんな高価なもの……えっ、「着て見せてほしい」……?わ、わたしに似合うかな……で、でも……せっかくですし……わ、わかりました……「キューピッドストーンの名の通り可愛くなれる」……?うぅ……ハードル上げないでください……

Tsukushi: Whoa… What a beautiful swimsuit… Thank you so much. With an opal motif? The jewel!? A-Are you sure it's okay? These are so valuable… You want me to put it on? I wonder if I'll look good in it… W-Well… You got it for me and everything, so… O-Okay… I'll look "as cute as the Cupid Stone implies?" Ugh… Don't get your hopes up…

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: おぉ……本当に天使みたいで可愛い……虹色に輝いています。綺麗……で、でも、こんなに可愛い水着……わたしにはあまり似合ってないですよね…………本当にかわいい……?あ、ありがとうございます……えっ、写真を撮らせてほしい?そうですね……漫画の資料にもなりますし…………え、ちがう?「今日の思い出に残しておきたいから」……?もう……そんなの断れないじゃないですか……

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: Oh how cute… It's so angelic… The shimmering rainbow colors are so pretty… B-But a swimsuit this cute… I just can't do it justice… …I really look cute? T-Thank you… Hm? You want to take a picture? Yeah… It would be good manga material… That's not what you mean? You want to preserve the memories of today? Wow… How can I say "no" to that?

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: ど、どうですか……ちゃんと撮れましたか……?他にも渡したいものがあるから、あとで、ピーチに来てほしい……?わ、わかりました……素敵なパーティーと素敵な水着で心臓がバクバクで……少し落ち着いて、お礼がしたいって思っていましたから。じゃあ、ま、またあとで。待ってます……

Tsukushi: W-Well? Did you take some good ones? There's something else you want to give me, so we should meet later at the beach? O-Okay… My heart is pounding after getting such a wonderful party and swimsuit. I want to calm down a little and express my thanks. So… I'll see you later, okay? I'll be waiting…

Episode 2: Rainbow Gemstone (虹の原石)[]

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Tsukushi after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オ、オーナーさん……今日は……あ、ありがとうございました……みんなにたくさんお祝いして貰えて、緊張したけど、今までで一番の誕生日でした……わたし、この島に来てよかったです……でも、あんなに輝いている女神ちゃんばかりだと、やっぱり場違いに感じちゃうな…………そんなことない?でも、わたしなんかが主役なんて、やっぱり緊張しちゃいますよ……「今は緊張してないのか」……?き、緊張してますけど……ちょっと違くて……もう、言わせないでください……それで、他に渡したいものってなんですか?もうこんな綺麗な水着をもらってしまったのに……今日は嬉しいことばかりだから、これ以上は……なんだか後が怖いです……えっ、目を閉じてほしい?わ、わかりました……

Tsukushi: Oh… Boss… Thanks for all you did today… Everyone was so nice to celebrate for me… I was nervous, but this was the best birthday I've ever had… I'm so happy I came to this island. But with all the shimmering venuses here… I think I feel out of place… That's not true? But, having the lead role really made me so nervous… Am I nervous now? Well, sure I'm nervous, but… It's kind of different. Don't make me say any more, okay? Anyway, what was it you wanted to give me? I mean, you already gave me this beautiful swimsuit… I've been nothing but happy all day, so anything else is actually kind of scary… Hm? Close my eyes? O-Okay…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: えっ!?こ、これって……指輪!?こんな、高価で素敵で……それに、特別なもの……あの……ほ、本当に……わたしでいいんですか?じゃ、じゃあ……ふふっ♥

Tsukumoshi: Huh!? This is…a ring! This is so valuable, and…just so special… Um…Are you sure I can have it? Well…okay. Heheh ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: わぁ……オパールの素敵な指輪……ほ、本当に……わたしなんかがもらっちゃっていいのかな……嬉しいですけど、こういうのは他の女神ちゃんたちみたいにキラキラ輝いいる人たちだから似合うんですよ……えっ、「絵を描いているわたしは十分輝いている」……?わ、わたしが輝いているなんて……そ、そんなこと……ないです……で、でもう、嬉しいです!だから……オーナーさん。あ、ありがとうございます♪……オパールには芸術性を高める力があるんですよね。さっき調べてみました……オーナーさんの素敵な贈り物のおかげで、次の漫画、すごくいい作品が描けそうな気がします…………そうしたら、わたしもみんなみたいに少しは輝けるかな……?これからもよろしくおねがいしますね。オーナーさん。

Tsukumoshi: Wow… What a beautiful opal ring… Are you sure…it's really okay for me to have this? I mean, I'm so happy but, something like this would look better on the other sparkly venuses… Hm? I sparkle a lot when I'm drawing? Just the thought of me sparkling… I-I really don't think that's true… B-But it makes me so happy to hear! So… Boss. Thank you so much ♪ Opal has the ability to increase one's artistic ability, right? I just looked it up. Boss… Thanks to these incredible gifts you got me, I think my next manga is gonna be really special. And then maybe… I'll be able to shine… just a little… Like all the venuses on this island. I'm looking forward to spending more time here, boss.

Episode 3: Black Flame Labyrinth (Tsukushi) (黒炎のラビリンス(つくし))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 4: Like a Heroine (ヒロインみたい)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: えへへ……わたしのためにこんな素敵なパーティー……漫画の主人公にでもなった気分……♪はぁ、こんなに幸せでいいのかなぁ……陰キャのわたしが、パーティーの主役だなんて……う……そう考えると……緊張で胸が苦しい…………あ、オーナーさん!ちょ、ちょっとだけ、一緒にいてくださいぃ……!

Tsukushi: Heheh… I can't believe such an amazing party was put together for me… It feels like I'm the heroine of a manga ♪ *sigh* Is it okay for me to feel this happy? A shy girl like me…the center of attention at a party… Oh my gosh… The more I think about it, the more the stress makes my chest tighten up… Oh, boss…! Please stay here with me, just for a little bit!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: はぁ……少しは慣れたと思ってましたけど……こういうの、やっぱり緊張しちゃって…………はい、もう大丈夫です♪オーナーさんと一緒にいると、落ち着くんです。安心……っていうか……あっ!あの、変な意味じゃなくて……信頼してる、というか……えと……うう……結局ドキドキしてきちゃいました……あれ?これは……なんですか?

Tsukushi: *sigh* I thought I was starting to get used to this, but… I'm still so nervous… Okay… I'm fine now ♪ I feel so calm when I'm with you, boss. I just get this…peace of mind…Ah! I didn't mean anything weird by that… It's just that I trust you… I mean… Ugh… Now my heart is pounding again… Huh? What's this?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こ、これ、水着……ですか!?それも、すっごく可愛いカンジの……うわぁ……白くてフリフリで……なんだか、お花みたいですね♪……え?「着て見せて」って……そ、そそ、そうですよね……!これ、お誕生日のプレゼント……ですよね!?あっ、ありがとうございます!で、でもわたしなんかに似合うのかな……だ、だけど……オーナーさんを信頼してますから……!

Tsukushi: I-Is this a…swimsuit?! It's super cute… Wow… So white and frilly… Almost like a flower ♪ Hm? You want to see me wear it? O-Oh, I guess you w-would! It is a birthday present, after all…right? Th-Thank you so much. I'm not sure if I'll look good in it… B-But… I trust you, boss…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: はわわ……なんだか、少女漫画のお姫様みたい……あ、あの、オーナーさん。着てみましたけど…その……だ、大丈夫……かな……あ、ありがとうございます……褒められると、嬉しいです……お世辞でも……お、お世辞じゃない!?そ、それは……すみません……!え、えへへ……そんなに一生懸命言ってくれると、嬉しいな……♪この水着、お花がいっぱいついてて、素敵です♥これは……えと、「コスモス」ですか?誕生花?花言葉は「乙女の真心」……わたしにピッタリ、って……わわ、わたしには、ちょっと、大げさっていうか……「乙女」も「真心」も、その、わたしなんかじゃ…………え?本当はすごく「乙女」な感覚を持ってて、漫画にいつも「真心」を込めてて……ひ、ひええ……わ、わかりました……わかりましたから!

Tsukushi: Oh my gosh… I feel like a princess in a girls' manga… U-Um… Boss? I put it on, but… Do I…look okay? Thank you so much… Hearing your compliment makes me happy… Even if it's flattery… "That wasn't flattery?!" Oh… Sorry…! Heheheh… I'm glad to hear you say it with such passion like that ♪ This swimsuit is so pretty with all the flowers on it ♥ Are these…cosmos? My birth flower? Symbolizing the "sincerity of a sweet young girl…" And you think it fits me perfectly? W-Well… I think that's an exaggeration… I don't know if "sweet young girl" and "sincerity" would really apply to me… Hm? I have the heart of a "sweet young girl," and I'm always "sincere" when it comes to manga…? R-Really…? Okay, okay… That's enough!

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: はぁ……びっくりした……あ、あの……恥ずかしいけど通しいです……♥……そ、そうだ!あのっ、その……オーナーさん、写真……撮ってもらえますか!?今日は、資料じゃなくて……ちゃんとした、記念写真……で。お願いします!

(camera flash)

Tsukushi: *sigh* What a shock that was… I mean…it's embarrassing…but I'm happy ♥ Oh yeah… Um… Boss… Could you take some pics of me? And not for material this time… Just to commemorate the day… Please!

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: はぁ、緊張した……えと……ありがとうございました。わたしにはもったいないぐらい、楽しい誕生日で……え?パーティーの後、空いてるかって……えと、もちろん眼ですけど……その……ここで待ち合わせですか……?は……はい……わかりました……よ、よろしくお願いします……い……勢いで領いちゃったけど……これって、その……え……え?

Tsukushi: Whew… I'm so nervous… Um… Thank you very much. It was such a fun birthday, much more than I deserved… Hm? Am I free after the party? Sure I am, but… You want to meet me here? O-Okay, sure… I'll see you then. I accepted his invitation without thinking… Could this be…?

Episode 5: Developing Like a Girls' Manga?! (少女漫画的展開!?)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tsukushi her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: あっ。お、オーナーさん!あ、あの……?こ、これから一体どんなイペントが?やっぱりその……少女漫画みたいなロマンチックとか…………え?他にも渡したい物がある?え、えと……よかった……ちょっとホッとしたような、残念なような……あっ!いえっ!こちらの話です!えへへ……妄想なんてしてませんから……!それで、その……渡したい物とは一体……?

Tsukushi: Oh, b-boss! Um… What kind of event is going to start? Would it be like…something out of a girls' manga? Hm? Something else you want to give me? Um… That's a relief… But I'm also a little disappointed… Oh, wait! I mean… Never mind! Heheh… I wasn't dreaming about anything in particular… So…what is it you wanted to give me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: は、花束……!?や、やっぱり少女漫画みたいな……乙女展開……!?あわわ、心臓がバクバク……止まらない……い、いえ、そのあの……不束者ですけど、頂きますっ!

Tsukushi: A bouquet?! So it's true… What a romantic development, like…something out of a girls' manga…! Oh my gosh… My heart won't stop pounding… Oh, never mind… I'm not very experienced in this kind of thing, but…I gladly accept!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: ……わぁ……コスモスの花束、可愛くて……綺麗……なんだか、見てるとちょっと、落ち着いてきたかも……オーナーさんと一緒にいる時みたいで……ふふっ♪コスモスって、とっても小さくて可愛いですけど、すっごく強い花なんだって、ネットに言いてありました。わたしも、もっとしっかりした強い人になりたいな……♪そうしたら、勇気を出して……ふふっ♥

Tsukushi: Wow… A bouquet of cosmos… They're so cute, and just so beautiful… Looking at these calms me down. Just like when I'm with you, boss… Heheh ♪ I read online that even though cosmos are such cute little flowers, they're actually quite strong. I'd like to be strong like that someday, too ♪ And be able to show some courage… Heheh ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん、素敵なお誕生日をありがとうございました。……じつは、オーナーさんから貰った水着を着た時、ぱっと、頭に浮かんだんです。なんだか、漫画の主人公になったみたいで…………自分をモデルに、漫画を描きたいな……なんて。もも、もちろんわたしなんかが主人公なんて、おこがましい……ですけど。今日のお誕生日は、それだけ楽しくって……漫画のストーリーは、まだできてないですけど……その……エンテディングは、決まってる、というか……こういう、ドレスみたいな水着を着て、花束を持って……なんて……わ、わたしのことじゃなくて……!漫画の主人公が……ですけど。が、頑張って描きあげますから、できたら……その……見てくれますか?ふふっ♪じゃあ、よろしくお願いします、オーナーさん♪

Tsukushi: Thank you for making this a wonderful birthday, boss. You know, as soon as I got the swimsuit from you, this thought came into my mind. I felt like I was the heroine of a manga… And I wanted to use myself as a model to draw manga… I…know how silly it is of me to think of myself as the heroine. But my birthday was so fun that…I couldn't help it. I haven't come up with a story for the manga yet, but…I feel as if the ending has already been written… Wearing this dress-like swimsuit, and holding this bouquet, makes me feel… I mean, not me but…! This is about the heroine of the manga. I'll do my best to come up with something good. So, would you read it when it's done? Heheh ♪ I sure hope so, boss ♪

Episode 6: Cinderella Heart (Tsukushi) (シンデレラハート(つくし))[]

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: わ、わたしなんかが着て、いいのかな……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tsukushi: うぅ……じ、自信ないのに……もう……こ、こうですか?

(If the player peeks)

Tsukushi: うーん、どうかなた、たまにはこういうのも……ふふっ♪んひゃっ!?い、今のは、そのっ!?……うぅ……

Tsukushi: Is it actually okay for me to wear this…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tsukushi: Ugh… I don't feel confident in this… Come on… L-Like this?

(If the player peeks)

Tsukushi: Hmm… I don't know… T-This is fine every now and then… Heheh ♪ Kyah!? J-Just now, what was that!? …Ugh…

Episode 7: a gust of wind in a riddle (Tsukushi) (なぞの突風(つくし))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 8: Secret Foot Massage (Tsukushi) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(つくし))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: うぅ、もうこんな時間……夜のほうがるとはいえ……この時間まで作業するのは、ちょっと予定外……

Tsukushi: Well, this is the time... Even though night is more... It's a little unscheduled to work until this time......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi (OFF): はぇっ?あ、足裏マッサージ……してくれるんですか?嬉しいけど……く、くすぐったくないかな……

Tsukushi (OFF): Yes? Oh, foot massage. Will you give it to me? I'm glad... I don't think it tickles...

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: あ、あんまり、見ないでください……し、視線が……くすぐったい、です……

(camera flash)

Tsukushi: Oh, don't look too much...... And the line of sight... Tickle it.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こ、このシチュエーションは、漫画のネタに……く、くすぐったいけど……もうちょっとだけ……その……

Tsukushi: This situation is a comic story... I want to tickle it, but...... Just a little more... that......

Episode 9: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Tsukushi) (甘い香りに誘われて(つくし))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi (OFF): わ、わたしなんかが着て、いいのかな……

Tsukushi (OFF): I-I wonder if I'm worthy of wearing this…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こ、こ、これ……!は、バレンタインの……!わわ、わたしの、きもち……です……!え、えへへ……喜んでもらえると、嬉しいです……えっと、あの……二人っきりだなんて、ドキドキしちゃいました……じゃ、じゃあ、おやすみなさい♪

Tsukushi: Th-These are for V-Valentine's Day…! J-Just to show you how I feel…! Heheh… I hope you like them. I um… Being all alone with you was…kind of having my heart racing… S-So have a good night, okay? ♪

Episode 10: Sunset at the Park (Tsukushi) (あかね色の公園で(つくし))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こ、こ、これ……!は、バレンタインの……!わわ、わたしの、きもち……です……!え、えへへ……喜んでもらえると、嬉しいです……えっと、あの……二人っきりだなんて、ドキドキしちゃいました……じゃ、じゃあ、おやすみなさい♪

Tsukushi: This, this...! That's Valentine's Day...! Wow, my momochi. are......! Eh I'm glad you're happy... Well, that... I was thrilled that we were alone. Well, good night, then. ♪

Episode 11: Hanzō Ninja Suit (Tsukushi) (半蔵学院(つくし))[]

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: わ、わたしがモデルなんて……ほ、ホントに大丈夫、ですか?うまく、できてるかな……

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tsukushi: わたしなんかでも、いい写真になったなら……嬉しいです♪

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tsukushi: んひゃっ!?い、今のは、そのっ!?……うぅ……

Tsukushi: M-Me as a model… Are you sure? L-Let me know before you start!

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tsukushi: Were you able to take good photos…?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tsukushi: Kyah!? J-Just now, what was that!? …Ugh…

Episode 12: Goddess Night's Dream (Tsukushi) (女神の夜の夢(つくし))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん、こんな時間までお仕事ですか……?じゃ、じゃあ、わたしも隣で原稿を……えへへ……わ、わたしがモデルなんて……ほ、品サントにホントに大丈夫、ですか?か、カメラ目線……は、恥ずかしい……

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: Are you working until this late, Mr. Owner......? I'll be working on a manuscript next to you,......hehehehe,......Wow, I can't believe I'm a model,......Ho, are you sure you're okay with the quality of the product? I'm embarrassed to look at the camera......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん、その……わ、わたしの考えたシチュで、撮ってもらっても……うっ……み、見てないで、早く撮ってー!

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: Owner, even if you take a picture of me in that ...... situation I thought of, ...... don't even look at me, just take the picture! Take a picture quickly!

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん、もうちょっと……続けませんか?

Tsukushi: Owner, why don't you continue ...... a bit longer?

Episode 13: Dressed to the Nines (精一杯のおしゃれ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Tsukushi: ええと……急に呼び出しって、わたし、何かいけないことしちゃったんでしょうか……?……そうじゃない?でも……ひえっ……? 「誕生日」!?お……覚えててくれたんですか?あ、あの、覚えててもらって、 とっても……えへへ、嬉しいです……♪で、でも! お祝いとかそういうのは……本当に、その、 大丈夫ですから……お気持ちだけで、 とっても嬉しいです。それだけで、わたし……えっ……?栗は好きか……?って、 あの、 イガイガの薬……ですか?甘栗とか、モンプランとか、美味しいですよね♪あの、それが一体……なんでしょう?栗は、わたしの誕生日の果実……なんですか?そうなんですね♪わたし、知りませんでした。……でも、それが……?

Tsukushi: Um… I heard you wanted to see me right away… Did I do something wrong? No…? But… Kyah…! My "birthday"?! Th-Then…you remembered? The fact that you remembered that… Heheh, makes me happy ♪ B-But… You don't have to worry about celebrating or anything like that… It's the thought that counts to me. That would be more than enough to-- Huh…? Do I like chestnuts? You mean those spikey things? Sweet chestnuts and Mont Blancs are delicious ♪ But why would you ask those? Oh, the chestnut is my birth fruit? I see ♪ I wasn't aware of that. …But why?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tsukushi: ええっ?……これって、 プレゼント……?じゃあ、流れ的に中身は……じゃありませんね……これは、水着……?わぁ、とっても綺麗で、 豪華な感じ……は、 本当に貰っていいんですか……?あ、ありがとうございます♪う、嬉しいな…… えへへ……♡……さっそく着替えて、 ビーチに?や、やっぱりそういう流れ……ですよね。い、嫌とかじゃなくて、実張するというか、その……陰キャが夜のビーチで……その、デートみたいな………い、いや……そんなんじゃ、ダメですよね。今日で、 またひとつ大人になったんですから……き、気合を入れて……が、 頑張ります……!

Tsukushi: Huh? Is this a gift…? Since we've been talking about chestnuts, I'm guessing this must be…oh, something else. A swimsuit? Wow, it's so pretty. A really gorgeous one… A-Are you sure I can have this? Thank you so much ♪ Th-This really makes my day… Heheh ♡ Slip into it right away, and we'll go to the beach? I-I had a feeling that's where this was headed. I-I'm not against it, it's just…I guess I'm nervous maybe…? A shy girl like me sees a night at the beach as kind of…a date. N-No… I guess shouldn't think like that. I've reached a new stage of adulthood today, after all. I'll just muster up some courage, and go with the flow…!

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tsukushi: あ、あの、 オーナーさん。 お待たせしました……髪型……?や、 やっぱり、変ですか!?そ、そうですよね、い、陰キャが頑張りすぎというか……とっても素敵な水着だったから、あの……わ、わたしも、 その……ちょっとは、 頑張ろうって…………え?似合ってて…… か、 カワイイ?あ、あう……え、えへへ……♡オーナーさんに、 褒めてもらえると……嬉しい、 です♡ところで、なんだか賑やかですけど……これは……?

Tsukushi: Um, B-Boss? Sorry to keep you waiting… My hair? Oh my gosh, does it look weird?! Maybe I was trying a little too hard. It's such an amazing swimsuit that I just… Thought I'd put a little extra effort into this. …Huh? It looks cute on me? O-Oh… Heheh ♡ It's nice getting a compliment from you ♡ By the way, everyone seems extra busy today… Is this…?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5
Japanese English

Tsukushi: えっ……!?ええ……っ!?女神ちゃんたちが、みんな……?ど、どうして……あの、もしかしてこれ、わたしの……誕生日パーティー?……ですか?わたしを驚かせるために……?わ、わ……わぁ……♪あ、ありがとうございますっ!こ、こんな贅沢……いいのかな……うへへ……♡……え?写真……ですか?とってもいい笑顔だったから……う、うう……ゆるんだ顔じゃなかったかな……は、恥ずかしいですけど……じゃあ……お、お願いします、 オーナーさん♪

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: Huh?! Whoa…! Wh-Why are all the Venuses… Could this be for…my birthday party? Some sort of surprise party? Wh-Wh-Whoa ♪ Thank you so much! I'm not sure if I deserve anything this extravagant… Heheh ♡ …Hm? Some pics? Because you love my smile right now? U-Ugh… My face wasn't contorted all weird, was it? I-I'm sort of embarrassed, but… Alright… Please go ahead and take some, Boss ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English

Tsukushi: えへへ、こんなキレイな水着で、みんなでパーティーして……なんだか、夢の中にいるみたいです……えっ、パーティーのあと……ですか?は、はい、もちろん空いてますよ……?二次会とか、 陰キャにはハードル高すぎて……二人だけで……?わかりました。 じゃあ、あとで……

Tsukushi: Heheh… First this beautiful swimsuit, and now everybody doing a party for me… This whole thing feels like a dream. Hm? After the party? Of course I'm free… But an after-party would be too much for this shy girl to handle. Just the two of us? Okay… Then I'll see you later.

Scene 7
Japanese English

Tsukushi: パーティーの夜に二人きりって……これって……ひょっとして……??

Tsukushi: Just the two of us on the night of the party… Could this be what I think it is…?

Episode 14: Extreme Luxury (精一杯の贅沢)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tsukushi her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tsukushi: うへへ、今日は人生最高の日かも……女神ちゃんたちに、よしよししてもらって……このあとは、 オーナーさんと二人きり……思い切って、 おめかしして来てよかったぁ。

Tsukushi: Heheh… This could very well be the best day of my life. Getting pats on the head from the Venuses… And then some alone time with the Boss after this… I'm glad I was brave enough to dress up fancy.

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tsukushi: わたしなんかが、こんな幸せでいいのかな……「大丈夫」って……ひゃぁぁぁっ!?オーナーさん、 もう来てたんですか!?今の独り言は……あの、その……「パーティーは楽しかったか」って……ええ、それはもう……みんなから、「おめでとう」って言って貰えて……オーナーさんからも、こんな素敵な水着を貰って……なんだか、お姫さまになったみたいで……それに……それに、精一杯のおめかしして、オーナーさんと二人きりで……こうして……あ、あの、ありがとうございました。とっても素敵な、夢みたいな誕生日になりました。じゃあ……お礼もちゃんと言えたから、 わたしはこれで……ええぇ、 「まだ」 ですか……?そう言われましても……もう、これ以上の贅沢しちゃうと、わたしが、 わたしじゃなくなっちゃいそうで…………えっ? 心配しなくていいから、こっちにって……お、オーナーさん、一体何を……

Tsukushi: Is it really okay for me to be this happy? "Totally fine…"? Kyahhhhhhhhhhh!!! Boss, when did you get here?! I was just mumbling to myself, about uh… I mean… Did I like the party? Oh yeah, that goes without saying. All the girls wished me a happy birthday… And I got this fantastic swimsuit from you. I feel like a princess or something… And… I dressed up as nice as I could, so that you and I could be alone, and… Just…thank you so much for everything. This birthday was so incredible, like something in a dream. There… Now that I've properly expressed my gratitude, I think I'll be… Huh? "Not yet"? Well, I'm not sure if I should stay… If I experienced more extravagance… I might not be myself anymore. Hm? Don't worry about it, and just follow you? Boss, what on earth could you be--

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5
Japanese English

Tsukushi: え……!?な、なんですか、 これ……この大きなケーキ……ひょっとして……栗のケーキ、 やっぱり、わたしの誕生日の……ほ、本当に、こんなケーキっちゃっても……栗の言葉は、『贅沢』 だから、好きにしていい……?な、なんだかよく分からないですけど……オーナーさんがそう言うなら……美味しそうだし……あ、あの、じゃあ一つお願いしても……いい、ですか?……やってみたいことがあるんです。漫画みたいで、 恥ずかしいですけど……一人の誕生日じゃ……出来ないことだから……

Tsukushi: Huh…? Wh-What in the world is this… This enormous cake… Could this be my… It's a chestnut cake… So it really is for my birthday… Are you sure I can have a cake of this magnitude? The chestnut is a symbol of "extravagance," so I can do what I like with it? I-I'm not sure if I completely understand, but… If you insist, Boss… And it looks so scrumptious… So…would it be okay if I make a wish? There's something I'd like to try. I'm so shy that this is like something from a manga, but… I can't do this when alone, so…

Scene 6

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Tsukushi: あ、あの、オーナーさん……これ、わたしの、精一杯のお礼……です。あ、あ……あ~ん……♡

Tsukushi: U-Um, Boss… Think of this as a heartfelt expression of my gratitude. Say… "Ahhhhh" ♡

Scene 7
Japanese English

Tsukushi: はぁ……い、今の妄想じゃなくて……現実に、起きたことなんですよね……えへへ……妄想でも、夢でも……できないようなこと、 しちゃった……♡ひぇっ、 他にやりたいこと……ですか!?もう、これ以上は、わたしの心臓が……あ、でも…………じゃあ、もう一つだけ……このまま、 もう少し……お話しして貰っても、いいですか?わたしの……精一杯の贅沢……です。……えへへ♡じゃあ、よろしくお願いします。 オーナーさん♡

Tsukushi: *sigh* Th-That wasn't a fantasy, was it… It just happened in real life… Heheh… I just did something I couldn't even do in a fantasy or a dream ♡ Huh?! Something else I'd like to do?! I don't think my heart can handle much more… Oh but… There is one more thing. Do you think we could stay here and talk, just a little bit longer? This is like my…extreme luxury. …Heheh ♡ I hope we can keep this going, Boss ♡

Episode 15: Secret shower 1 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー1 (つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 16: Secret shower 2 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー2(つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 17: Secret shower 3 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー3(つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 18: Secret shower 4 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー4 (つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 19: Secret shower 5 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー5(つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 20: Secret shower 6 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー6(つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 21: Secret shower 7 (Tsukushi) (ひみつのシャワー7 (つくし))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tsukushi.

Episode 22: Love Letter Maiden (Tsukushi) (恋文フトメ(つくし))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: お、 オーナーさん!い、 今……いいですか?

Tsukushi: Oh, Boss! C-Can I talk to you now?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん……こ、これ、受け取って……くれますか?

Tsukushi: Um… D-Do you think you could…accept this from me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: しゃ、 写真……あ、あんまり蜜なの、撮らないでくださいね……?

Tsukushi: Pics? S-Sure, just…don't take anything weird, okay?

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: は、恥ずかしいから……早く、撮ってください……!

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: Th-This is embarrassing, so please take them quickly…!

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: その、 もう少し、ここで……い、 一緒に……

Tsukushi: I um… You think we could…stay here together…a bit longer?

Episode 23: Victory Ceremony (Tsukushi) (勝利のセレモニー (つくし))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 24: Share ♥ with Tsukushi (つくしとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 25: Romantic Birthday (ロマンチックな誕生日)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: うわぁ……いいなぁ、この漫画のデートシーン……誕生日に、女の子からデートに誘うだなんて……もし、わたしが描くとしたら、 もっとロマンチックに……うへへ……あ、でも……それだとちょっとずかしいかも……わたしだったら、こんな感じ……?そんな妄想しても、 陰キャなわたしがデートに誘うとか……さすがに舞い上がりすぎ……だよね……

Tsukushi: Wow,...... I like the dating scene in this manga. ......If I were to draw a girl asking me out on a date on my birthday, I'd make it more romantic, If I were to draw it, I'd make it more romantic...... hehehe...... but that might be a little too cozy...... If it were me, I'd draw something like this......? Even if I fantasized about it, I'd still be too much of a gloomy person to ask her out on a date,......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: ひゃあっ!? オーナーさん!?い、いつからそこにいたんですか!?漫画に夢中だったから?す……すみません、集中……というか、妄想しちゃってて……それで……わたしに何かご用ですか?

Tsukushi: What? The owner! How long have you been there? Because you were obsessed with comic books? I'm sorry, I was concentrating ...... or rather, paranoid ...... and then I ...... Can I help you?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: み、 水着のプレゼント……ですか?少し大人になった……わたしに……!?そ、そのセリフは、さっき妄想した……じゃ、じゃあ続きは「これを着て、特別な夜を」的な…………え?「似合うと思うから、着て欲しい」?あ……あはは、……そうですよね。……これは漫画や妄想じゃなくて、リアルですから。オーナーさんが、 わたしのために……うう……そう思ったら、かえってドキドキ……う、うれしいな……♡え、えと、じゃあすぐ着替えてきますね♪少し大人になったわたしを……待っていてください!

Tsukushi: Mi, is it a swimsuit gift ......? I've grown up a little ...... and I'm getting a ......! I was thinking about that line earlier when I was fantasizing about ...... then I'll continue with the "wear this for a special night"............ What? I think you'll look good in it, so I want you to wear it"? Ah...... haha, ...... right. ...... This is not a cartoon or fantasy, it's real. I'm just so thrilled that the owner would do something like that for me,...... ugh,...... ugh,...... I'm so happy.... I'm going to go change right away.......♡Eh, um, I'm going to go change right away......♡Wait for me to become a little bit more mature ......!

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: わあぁ……♪すごい……すごいですよ、オーナーさん!こんな素敵な水着……妄想もできませんでした……♡ディテールも凝ってて、 綺麗で、 可愛くて……わたしみたいなのには、勿体ないというか……その……え……?「ずっと、似合うと思ってた」 から……?ほ、本当ですか?こういうの、着てはみたかったけど……自分じゃ似合わないかな、って…………バッチリ、 イメージ以上!?え、えへへ……♡ど、 どうしょう、そんなに言われると、 ニヤけちゃう……♪そ、それに、あんまり誉められると、あとの展開が…………そのオチを考えちゃうと言うか……ひぇっ、な、なんですか、 突然?か、壁が無いのに壁ドン……!?そういう急展開は…………え? わたしから、いい匂いがするから……?え、ええと、実は水着にあわせて、 香水を使ってみたんです……少し大人になったから……みたいな……あはは、香水なんて似合わないってわかってますけど…………少しでも、 オーナーさんに喜んで欲しくて。……え?とっても魅力的だから……写真を撮りたい……あ、は、はいっ! よろしくお願いします……♪

Tsukushi: wow......... wow......... wow, you're amazing, owner! I couldn't even fantasize...... about such a beautiful swimsuit,...... handsome, elaborate details, beautiful, and pretty,...... for someone like me, It's too good for someone like me,...... that,......? I always thought it would look good on me. Really? I've always wanted to wear something like this, but I thought it wouldn't look good on me,..................... perfect, even better than I imagined! I'm not sure what to do,......, but I can't help but smile when you say that,......, and if you praise me too much, I'm not sure what will happen next.... And if you praise me too much, I'm going to be able to develop the rest of the story. ......... I'm going to think about that end of the story. ...... What, all of a sudden? What is it, suddenly? That kind of sudden development is not ............ what? Because I smell good......? Well, I actually used perfume to go with my swimsuit,...... because I've grown up a little,...... like a perfume,...... haha! I know it doesn't suit me,............ but I wanted to make the owner happy, even if just a little. ......What? It's very attractive,......I want to take a picture of it,......Ah, ha, yes! I look forward to working with you. ......♪

Scene 10

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to directly interact with the camera to take a picture

Japanese English translation



Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: ……プレゼントの水着に着替えて、二人で写真を……これって、やっぱりあの妄想の展開通り……でも……きっとリアルではもう終わりで……そんなの……あ、あのっ、オーナーさん……!ちょ、ちょっと、いいですか?あ、あのう、もしよかったら……なんですけど……もうちょっとだけ、 その……お、オーナーさんと一緒に、 デート……したいです……!え、ええっ!?い、いいんですか……!?あ、ありがとうございます……!じゃあ、あの、 その……一緒に……あ、あと……あの漫画と同じように……手、繋いじゃったりしても……なんて…… えへへ……♡

Tsukushi: ......We changed into the present swimsuit and took a picture of the two of us together......This is, after all, just as that fantasy unfolded......But ......I'm sure that in real life, it's already over,......I don't think so,......Oh, um, Mr. Owner...! Hey, hey, hey...! Hey, can I talk to you for a second? Uh, I'd like to go on a ...... date with the owner, if you don't mind,...... just a little bit more. I'd like to ...... have a date with the owner. ...... What, what? Are you sure you want to ......? Oh, thank you ......! Well, we could, you know, ...... together ...... and, like in the manga, we could also ...... hold hands. I'd be happy to hold hands with you if you'd like. ......

Episode 26: It's not a dream. (夢じゃない)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tsukushi the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: うわぁ…… デートの終わりに花火なんて……ロマンチック過ぎて……えへへ……♪「もうちょっとだけ」のつもりだったのに、 ずっと一緒で……まるで漫画で憧れた、あのデートみたい……でも、 これは……リアルデート……なんですよね。ほ、ほんとに、 わたしなんかでよかった……のかな……「一緒に過ごせて、楽しかった」……?も、もちろん、わたしも……です。え、ええと……うぅー……漫画なら、もっとロマンチックなセリフが思いつくのに……「例えば」……?ええと……夜空にきらめくこの花火みたいに、あなたとの思い出で、 わたしの胸もいっぱいです…………とか?……ひえっ!? い、 今のは 「例えば」 ですから……!そんなリア充セリフ…… わたしには……!で、でも……似合わないのは分かってますけど……気持ちだけは……ホント、 です…………え? オーナーさんも同じ……?えへへ……うれしいな……♡まだ、 漫画やアニメみたいな、 空想の中にいるみたい……♪……え?「そんなことない」……?

Tsukushi: Wow,...... fireworks at the end of a date is too romantic,...... ehehe... ...I thought we were only going to be together for a little bit longer, but we were together the whole time. ...... It's just like that date you've always dreamed of in comic books. ...... But this is... But this is... a real date....... I'm not sure if it's really a good thing that I'm ...... "It was fun to spend time with you. Of course, I'm ...... too. I'm sure you can come up with a more romantic line in a comic ......, but ...... "For example..."? ...? Let's see,...... like these fireworks twinkling in the night sky, my heart is full of memories of you,............? ...... What? That was "for example," so ......! That's the kind of rear-loaded line ...... that I'm not ...... comfortable with! I know it doesn't suit me,...... but it's just a feeling,...... really,......... I know it doesn't suit ......... me, but I just feel ......... really, really good about it... .........? The owner is the same ......? Hehehe......I'm so happy......♡I still feel like I'm in a fantasy, like in a cartoon or anime...... Â ......? "No, it's not like that."......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: はわっ!?こ、この写真は……? デート中の?わあ……わたし、デート中は全然気にしないで楽しんでたんですね。夢じゃ……ないんだ……♪ ふふっ♪妄想したり、憧れるだけじゃなくて……思い切って、オーナーさんを誘ったから、リアルに出来たんですね。さっそく、 忘れないうちに、この思い出を漫画に…………じゃ、なくて……それじゃ、いつもと同じ。また、漫画の中だけの、夢になっちゃうかも…………だから、漫画のデートには無いような……わたしと、 オーナーさんの、特別な思い出を……♡

Tsukushi: What? Is this photo from ......? On a date? Wow ...... I, you didn't care at all during the date, you were just having fun. It wasn't a dream..................phew...I didn't just fantasize about it or yearn for it......... I took the plunge and asked the owner out, so it was real. You did it. Soon, before I forget, I'll put this memory in a comic ............, not ....... Then it's the same as always. It might be just another dream in a comic book. ............ So, I'd like to create a special memory for me and the owner that is not in a comic book date. ...... I want to make a special memory with the owner ......♡.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん……これ、 受け取ってもらえますか……?わたしとオーナーさんの、リアルデートの……思い出に♡え、えへへ……さすがにちょっとダイタン過ぎというか、キザというか……か、考えたら、とんでもないことをしてる気もするけど……で、でも、 逆に落ち着いたというか……えへへ……あ、あのオーナーさん……このあとって……お時間、 大丈夫ですか?せっかくのチャンスだから……もうちょっと……じゃなくて、もっと一緒に…………わたしと、デートしてくれませんか?ふふっ♪

Tsukushi: Owner, ...... can you accept this......? It's a handsome and handsome memory of a real date between me and the owner,......, eh, eh heh heh,......... It's a little too easy, or too cheeky... I'm not sure if I'm being a bit too straightforward or a bit too flippant,......, but when I think about it, I feel like I'm doing something outrageous,......, but on the other hand, I feel more relaxed,......, hehehe... ...Oh, Mr. Owner,......, are you sure you have time for ...... after this? It's a great chance for us to get to know each other better,............ I'd like to have a date with you. Hmmm...

Episode 27: Bitter♡Sweet (Tsukushi) (ビター♡スイート(つくし))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こんなポーズするなんて、ヘンな気分……

(Camera flash)

Tsukushi: I feel weird posing like this: ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: こ、こ、これ……!ば、 バレンタインの……!わわ、わたしの、 きもち……です……!

Tsukushi: Hey, this is ......! I'm so happy to see your Valentine's Day ......! Wow, my feelings are ....... ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: えと、あの……か、感想! 今度、教えてくれると……

Tsukushi: Um, um, ...... or feedback! Next time, you could tell me about it: ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tsukushi: オーナーさん、その……わ、わたしの考えたシチュで、撮ってもらっても……

(camera flash)

Tsukushi: owner, you can have your ...... taken in the situation I have in mind: ......

(camera flash)

Episode 28: Tsukushi's Fifth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 29: Tsukushi's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Tsukushi's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 30: Secret Esthetic Time (Tsukushi)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Tsukushi's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Symbol of Love (愛の象徴)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ♪オーナーさま。今日は素敵な誕生日パーティーを開いてくれて、ありがとう♥「楽しんでるか」……?ええ♪たくさんの花に囲まれた会場で、クチナシのような気分よ♪……まあ、自分のことみたいに浮かれてる子もいるけどね。どうりでボンボンショコラが多すぎると思ったのよ。……あっ、そうだ♪ねえ、ハニー?わたしと一緒に、パーティーを抜け出してくださらない?ほら、今ならニ人きりよ♪早く決めないと、気づかれちゃうわ♥……ふふっ、よかった じゃあ、行きましょ♥

Lobelia: Heheh ♪ Thanks so much for the wonderful birthday party today, boss ♥ Am I having fun…? Uh-huh ♪ Being surrounded by so many flowers at this venue, I feel like a Gardenia ♪ Well, there's another girl here, as happy as if it were her own birthday. Not surprising, I mean there's too many bonbons on the table. …Oh yeah ♪ Think you could step away from party [sic] with me, honey? We can be alone together ♪ But if we don't hurry, the others will notice ♥ Heheh, yay ♪ Then let's get going ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: さて……このあたりで、いいかしら。何の用かって?……わたし、オーナーさまに伝えたいことがあって。……ねぇ、オーナーさま?今日は、誕生日パーティーを開いてくれて、ありがとう♪わたし……本当に嬉しく思っているわ♪……あら?どうしたの、きょとんとして……改めて、きちんとお礼を伝えようと思ったのだけど……あっ、もしかして……ナデシコのように、もっと大胆なこと、期待しちゃったのかしら……♥ふふっ♪そんなに焦って、ハニーったら可愛い♥「でも、ちょうどよかった」……?あっ……オーナーさま、それって……!

Lobelia: Let's see… This should be a good spot. "For what?" There's something I'd like to express to you. Boss… Thank you for throwing me a birthday party today ♪ You've…made me really happy ♪ Huh? What's with the blank stare? I just wanted to express my thanks for all you've done. Were you maybe…expecting something more bold, like the Dianthus flower? Heheh ♪ You look so cute when you're anxious, honey ♥ This is the "perfect chance" for you though? Oh, boss… Could that be…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: わぁ……!素敵な水着……♪これ、わたしへのプレゼントなのね……?ねえ、オーナーさま?着替えてきても、いいかしら?こんな綺麗な水着、すぐに着なきゃ、もったいないわ♪……ふふっ、ゃあすぐに戻るから♪「はじめて」の感想は、オーナーさまから頂くわね♥

Lobelia: Wow, what a wonderful swimsuit ♪ This must be your gift to me, right? It would be to such a shame not to put on a swimsuit as pretty as this right away ♪ Heheh… I'll be right back ♪ You'll be the first person I get feedback from ♥

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: どう、オーナーさま?似合っているかしら?♥……うふふっ、ありがとう わたし、すごく嬉しいわ……♪わたしの誕生花……それも青色のバラがモチーフの水着……さすが、わたしの「愛人」ね♥この水着、とても素敵な贈り物だわ……♪知っているかしら?青いバラは、神話やおとぎ話では「愛や神秘の象徴」として描かれるものなのよ。でも花言葉は……ふふっ、いえ、なんでもないわ♪ねえ、オーナーさま。写真を撮ってくださらない?……この気持ち、ちゃんと形に残しておきたいの♪……ええ♪よろしくね、ハニー♥

(camera flash)

Lobelia: What do you think, boss? Does it look okay on me? Heheh… Thank you ♪ I'm so happy right now ♪ A swimsuit patterned after my birth flower, the blue rose. I wouldn't expect anything less from my "lover" ♥ This swimsuit is such a thoughtful gift ♪ Did you know the blue rose is a symbol of love and mystery in myths and fairytales? But the symbolic words for this flower are… Heheh, never mind ♪ Would you take some pics of me, boss? I want to preserve the feeling of this moment ♪ …Uh-huh ♪ Take some good ones, honey ♥

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ♪誕生日にふさわしい。華やかな写真は撮れたかしら?名残借しいけど、さて、そろそろ戻らないとね。あんまりみんなを待たせたら、怪しまれちゃうものね♥ん?どうしたの、オーナーさま?ふふっ♥寂しいのは分かるけど、これ以上は…………えっ? 「あとで渡したいものがある」……?な、何かしら……急にそんなこと言われて、ニゲラのように困った気分だわ……でも……いいわ♪じゃあ、またあとで会いましょ。……あっ、そうだわ。水着のお返し、ってほどじゃないけど……わたしからも、伝えたいことがあるの♪だから、その時に……ね♥

Lobelia: Heheh ♪ Were you able to get some flowery shots, just right for my birthday? Well, we'd better get back to the party. I'm kind of reluctant to go, but if we don't the other girls will get suspicious ♥ Hm? What's the matter, boss? Heheh ♥ I know you want us to be alone a little longer, but any more than that would be… Hm? You've got something else to give me? What could it be? Hearing about this so suddenly makes me feel awkward, like the Nigella flower. But I'll gladly accept ♪ Let's meet again later. Oh yes, to pay you back for the swimsuit, I mean it wouldn't be that much, but… There's something I want to tell you ♪ But I'll save it for next time…okay?

Episode 2: A Dream I Want Fulfilled (かなえたい夢)[]

To get this episode, you must give Lobelia her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ♪待ってたわ、ハニー♥愛人を待たせて、ムスカリのような気分にさせるなんて、罪な人なんだから……そんなハニーに、一つ花言葉を教えてあげる。さっき言っていたでしょう?伝えたいことがあるって。バラの花言葉は 「愛」……というのは知っているわよね。でも、これは「赤い」バラの花言葉なの。そして、青いバラの花言葉は……「不可能」「存在しないもの」。もちろん水着のプレゼントは嬉しかったけど、こんな花言葉だから、わたしたちの愛をかなえることは……えっ? 「もう一つの花言業を込めて」って……

Lobelia: Heheh ♪ I've been waiting, honey ♥ Making your lover wait like that, makes me feel like the Muscari flower. You're such a playboy. And because of that, I want to teach you some floriography, honey. Remember what I said earlier? Something I wanted to tell you… In floriography, the rose represents "love," as you know. But that's only for red roses. Blue roses represent "impossibility" and "something that doesn't exist." Of course, I'm happy to get the swimsuit from you. But receiving flowers like these…would mean that the chances of our love blossoming are…Hm? There's another meaning?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: 青いバラの、ブーケ……!綺麗……♪オーナーさま、知っていたのね?青いバラには、もう一つの花言葉がある、って……不可能を可能にする……「夢、かなう」って。……わたしのためなら、どんな無茶な夢でも叶えるつもり……!?オーナーさま……ありがたく頂くわ。そのブーケも、言葉も……♪

Lobelia: A bouquet of blue roses…! How beautiful ♪ You already knew, didn't you boss… There's another meaning for the blue rose… Making the impossible, possible… Making "dreams come true." You intend to make this true for me, no matter how farfetched it seems… !? Wow boss… I feel so thankful. For these flowers, and your words ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ……本当は、花言葉で少し、イジワルしちゃおうって、思ってたのだけど。ふふっ、残念なんかじゃないわ♪むしろ……素敵な言葉を選んで贈ってくれたこと……それが、何よりも嬉しいの……♥

Actually, I was thinking of using the negative meanings to rile you up at first. Heheh, but I'm not disappointed ♪ Just the opposite. Your wonderful choice of words has made me happier than anything else ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ねえ、オーナーさま?一つ気になったのだけど……オーナーさまの「夢」って、何かしら?……だ、だって、気になるでしょ?ドレスのような水着とブーケの贈り物って……まるで…………え?わたしの夢を叶えることが、オーナーさまの夢……?……ふふっ♪今日は、素敵な葉をたくさん貰っちゃったわね……♪ん?わたしの夢?それはね……ふふっ♪一つ……いえ、半分くらいは今日叶っちゃったけど……かなえてほしい夢、まだまだたくさんあるわ♪このブーケの、バラの数くらいにね♥ふふっ♪何を驚いてるの、オーナーさま?「不可能」なんて無い、って言ったじゃない♪この青いバラのブーケを渡した責任……果たしてくれるまで、ずっと一緒よ♪わたしの夢……かなえ続けてね♪ハニー♥

Lobelia: But, boss… There's one thing I'm curious about… What exactly is your "dream?" I mean, come on. How could I not be curious? Getting this swimsuit that looks like a dress, and this bouquet… It's almost as if… Huh? Your dream is to make my dreams come true? …Heheh ♪ You've said so many nice things to me today ♪ Hm? What are my dreams? Well… Heheh ♪ They were already… I mean, half of them already came true today… There's still so many I hope would come true ♪ As many as there are flowers in this bouquet ♥ Heheh ♪ What are you surprised about, boss? Didn't you say "nothing's impossible?" I'll stay with you until you fulfil your responsibility of giving me this bouquet of blue roses ♪ And keep making my dreams come true ♪ Honey ♥

Episode 3: Labyrinth of Black Flame (Lobelia) (黒炎のラビリンス(ロベリア))[]

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 4: Riddle Gust (Lobelia) (なぞの突風(ロベリア))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 5: Secret Foot Massage (Lobelia) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ロベリア))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふぅ……やっと終わったわね。元気のないお花みたいに、もう足がク夕ク夕だわ……

Lobelia: Phew... It's finally over. Like a flower without energy, my feet are already kuyaku evening...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia (OFF): ……ね♥今はオフィスに、ふたりっきよ♥だ・か・ら……♪

Lobelia (OFF): ...... Now ♥ in the office, we're two good ♥ people. ♪

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ、こんな感じかしら♪じゃ、いっぱい気持ちよくしてね、ハニー♥

(camera flash)

Lobelia: Well, I wonder if it's ♪ like this, feel a lot, honey♥.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ♪メランポジウムみたいに、元気になっちゃった♪でも、ハニーもまだまだ物足りないわよね?ふふっ♥

Lobelia: Like plum ♪ melamodium, you're ♪ getting well, honey is still not enough, is it? Fufu ♥

Episode 6: Blue Elfin (Lobelia) (ブルーエルフィン(ロベリア))[]

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: 「愛人」でも、覗きはダメよ?♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Lobelia: ふふっ♪気になる?♥お待たせ、ハニー♥似合ってるかしら?♥ふふっ♥

(if the player peeks)

Lobelia: これで……♪ふふっ……♪きゃっ!お、お父様に言いつけるわよ!

Lobelia: No peeking, even if we are lovers ♥

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Lobelia: Heheh ♪ Are you curious? Thanks for waiting, Honey ♥ Does it look okay on me? Heheh ♥

(if the player peeks)

Lobelia: There ♪ Heheh ♪ Kyah! I-I'm telling Father about this!

Episode 7: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Lobelia) (甘い香りに誘われて(ロべりア))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia (OFF): ちょっと待っててね、ハニー♥

Lobelia (OFF): Wait just a minute, honey ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: はい、ハニー♥チョコ、大事に食べてね♪だってそれ……本命だから♥エーデルワイスみたいに、オーナーさまの大切な思い出になったらしいわ♪オーナーさま……じゃあ……また明日。おやすみなさい、ふふっ♪

Lobelia: Here, honey ♥ Savor these chocolate ♪ They're a gift from the heart after all, not because I felt obligated ♥ I hope these make a wonderful memory for you, Boss. Like the edelweiss flower ♪ Boss… Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, heheh ♪

Episode 7: Sunset at the Park (Lobelia) (あかね色の公園で(ロベリア))[]

There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes. She's the only one to not require the event SSR to get the episode, instead being bought in her Venus shop if the player has her.

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: はい、ハニー♥チョコ、大事に食べてね♪だってそれ……本命だから♥エーデルワイスみたいに、オーナーさまの大切な思い出になったらしいわ♪オーナーさま……じゃあ……また明日。おやすみなさい、ふふっ♪

Lobelia: Yes, honey♥ chocolate, you have ♪ to eat it carefully... It seems to have become an important memory of the owner like Edelweiss because it ♥ is ♪ a favorite owner . . . Well then...... See you tomorrow. Good night, fufu. ♪

Episode 8: White Prince (Lobelia) (ホワイト・プリンス(ロベリア))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Lobelia acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 9: Gessen Ninja Suit (Lobelia) (月因女学館(ロベリア))[]

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ、緊張しないで♪わたしがリードしてあげるから♪ねぇ、ハニー♪こういうのは……好き?♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Lobelia: 綺麗に撮ってくれてありがと、ハニー♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Lobelia: これで……♪ふふっ……♪きゃっ!お、お父様に言いつけるわよ!

Lobelia: Photo shoot with the two of us? Heheh ♪ Isn't this exciting, boss? ♪ Take some nice photos, heheheh ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Lobelia: Let's keep this our little secret, Honey ♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Lobelia: There ♪ Heheh ♪ Kyah! I-I'm telling Father about this!

Episode 10: Flower of Your Liking (自分好みの花)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Lobelia: こっちよ、オーナーさま♪ふふっ、今日は本当に素晴らしいパーティーね♪これだけの物を準備するなんて、さすがだわ♪でも……ね、ハニー♡みんなとのパーティーもいいけど……「愛人」としては……わたし、少し物足りないわ♡えっ……?そう言うと思って、準備してる?

Lobelia: Over here, Boss ♪ Heheh, this has been such a wonderful party ♪ I'm impressed at how much preparation you put into it ♪ But you know what, honey? ♡ Having a party with all the girls is great and all, but… As your "lover," I feel as if something is missing ♡ Huh…? You had a feeling I'd say that, so you prepared for it?

Scene 3
Japanese English

Lobelia: わあ……素敵な水着ね……♪ふふっ……ちゃんと用意してくれてるって、信じていたわ♪オーナーさまの用意した水着で、わたしをお花みたいに飾り付けたい、ってことでしょ?つまりぃ……わたしを、オーナーさま好みにしたい。ってことよね♡ふふっ、わたしを自分好みに変えたいだなんて……「愛人」として、とっても嬉しいわ♡お望み通り、この水着でパーティーに出てあげる♪それじゃあ、そろそろ着替えてくるわね♪オーナーさまを、ドキッとさせちゃうから♡

Lobelia: Wow what a gorgeous swimsuit ♪ Heheh… I just knew you'd come through ♪ Since you picked out this swimsuit, I imagine you want me decorated in it like a flower, don't you? Which basically means… You want me to dress to your very liking ♡ Heheh, just the thought of you wanting to change me to your liking is so attractive to me as your lover ♡ So just as you wish, I'll wear this swimsuit at the party ♪ Pardon me a moment while I go change into it ♪ I'm about to surprise you, Boss ♡

Scene 4
Japanese English

Lobelia: わぁ……とっても可愛い水着ね♪この飾りは、「さくらんぼ」かしら♡……さくらんぼには、「恋人」って意味があるから?ふふっ、そうね♪さすがオーナーさま♪『小さな恋人』……いつ聞いても素敵な言葉ね。うふふっ、見た目の可愛さだけじゃなくて、花言葉まで添えてくれるだなんて……プレゼントありがとう、ハニー♡でも……本当に「小さな恋人」でいいの?わたしはハニーと、もっとトクベツな関係になりたいのに♡ねえ、ホウセンカみたいに、「燃えるような愛」のほうが……いいと思わない?……なんて♪せっかくのお誕生日に、イジワルは良くないわね♡お詫びに、オーナーさまが「今してほしいこと」、してあげるわ♪さあ、どうぞ♪ハニー好みになったわたしを、好きに撮影していいわよ♡

(camera flash)

Lobelia: Ooh…what an adorable swimsuit ♪ And these accessories look like…cherries, right? ♡ Because cherries are a symbol for lovers? Heheh, so they are ♪ Well played, Boss ♪ Your "little sweetheart…"? I like the sound of that. Heheh, not only is it adorable, but you even paired it with this floral lanuage for me… Thank you for the gift, honey ♡ But… Am I really just your "little sweetheart"? I was hoping our relationship would develop into something more special ♡ A "burning love" like the balsam flower would suit us much better, no? What am I saying? ♪ My birthday is really no time to tease you ♡ So to apologize, I'll do whatever you want me to do at this very moment ♪ Go right ahead, honey ♪ Take photos of me now that I'm the object of your affection ♡

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English

Lobelia: はぁ、そろそろパーティーに戻る時間ね……「残念そうだ」って……そういうわけじゃないけど……パーティーは楽しいし、お祝いしてくれるのも嬉しいけど、……ハニーと一緒にいられる時間も大事でしょ?じゃあ……パーティーが終わった後、もう一度?ふふっ、ダイタンなお誘いね♡みんなが寝静まったあと、二人きり……だなんて。なんて……冗談よくもちろん、喜んで!楽しい時間を期待しているわ♪ガッカリさせちゃ、イヤよ?ハニー♡

Lobelia: *sigh* It's about time we get back to the party, I suppose… I look disappointed? No no, not at all… The party's been so fun, and I'm happy to celebrate, but… I feel like my time together with you is more important, too, honey. Oh…we can meet again after the party, then? Heheh, what a bold invitation ♡ Just the two of us while everyone's fast asleep…my goodness. Oh…I'm just kidding ♡ Of course I'd be glad to ♪ I'm expecting a wonderful time ♪ You better not disappoint me, honey ♡

Episode 11: A Sincere Heart (真実の心)[]

To get this episode, you must give Lobelia her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Lobelia: オーナーさま、こっちよ♪もう、レディを待たせるなんてひどいわ。わたしは、ヤマブキみたいに待ち焦がれていたのに…………ふふっ、なんて。謝らなくていいわ♪ちゃんと来てくれたんだもの。それに、会えない時間が愛を育むこともあるのよ?……お花みたいにね♡えっ……わたしとは、いつも一緒にいたい?もぅ……オーナーさまったら……♡愛人を喜ばせるのが上手ね♪じゃあ、始めましょうか♪クレオメみたいな、秘密のひととき……二人だけの、特別なパーティーを♡

Lobelia: Over here, Boss ♪ The nerve of you to keep a lady waiting like this. I've been waiting anxiously like a Japanese rose… Heheh, I'm just kidding. There's no need to apologize ♪ You're here for me and that's all that matters. Besides, absence makes the heart grow fonder… Just like with flowers ♡ Hm? You want to be with me always? Oh, Boss ♡ You're so good at making me happy ♪ Shall we get started now? ♪ It's be [sic] our secret time together, just like spider flowers… A special party for just the two of us ♡

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Lobelia: わあ……!とっても大きなケーキ……!水着と同じ、さくらんぼがいっぱいね♪言葉の通り「小さな恋人」みたいでカワイイわ♡

(Lobelia does a curtsy)

Lobelia: 可愛い水着に、こんなに大きなケーキまで。特別な誕生日を、ありがとうオーナーさま♡……じゃあ、わたしからのお礼の時間ね♡ねえ、オーナーさま。もう少し、近くへ来てくれないかしら?……さくらんぼには、こんな言葉もあるのよ?

Lobelia: Wow…! What an enormous cake! And covered in cherries just like the swimsuit ♪ It's just like an adorable "little sweetheart" ♡

(Lobelia does a curtsy)

Lobelia: A cute swimsuit, and now this huge cake… Thank you so much for making my birthday special, Boss ♡ Now, it's time for me to express my gratitude ♡ So, Boss… Could you come in a little closer? Cherries are also a symbol of something else…

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Lobelia: さくらんぼみたいに……「あなたに、真実の心を捧げる」わ……♡召し上がれ、ハニー……♡

Lobelia: I wish to dedicate my sincere heart to you, just like a cherry ♡ Take a bite, honey ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Lobelia: ふふっ、ちょっと刺激が強かったかしら?オーナーさま。さくらんぼみたいに真っ赤より♪……えっ、わたしも?ふふっ、そうね。……わたしも少し、ドキドキしちゃった♪そうだ♪じゃあ……オーナーさま、手を出して♪ふふっ、恥ずかしがらなくてもいいんだから♪今なら、誰にも見られないわ♪二人きり、さくらんぼみたいに寄り添って、真夜中のデートを楽しみましょ♡ね、ハニー♡

Lobelia: Heheh, was that a bit too stimulating? Your red is as red as a cherry, Boss ♪ Hm? Mine is, too? Heheh, I guess it is. I can feel my heart beating a little fast ♪ Oh yeah ♪ So Boss… Show me your hands ♪ Heheh, there's no reason to be embarrassed ♪ No one can see us now ♪ Let's snuggle up together like a couple of cherries, and enjoy our late-night date together ♡ Okay, honey? ♡

Episode 13: Goddess Night's Dream (Lobelia) (女神の夜の夢(ロベリア))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ、オーナーさま、お疲れのようね。じゃあ、今日は特別に、わたしがもてなしてあげる♪二人っきりで撮影?ふふっ♪ドキドキするわね、オーナーさま♪撮り逃しちゃダメよ?♡

(Camera flash)

Lobelia: look tired, owner. Well, I'll make a special treat for you today... a photo shoot with just the two of us? I'm so excited, owner.......don't miss it! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: オーナーさまとのバラ色の時間……その、もう少しだけ続いたらいいな、って……好きなだけ見てね、ハニー♡

(Camera flash)

Lobelia: rosy time with the owner...... that, I hope it lasts just a little bit longer...... look as long as you like, honey♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ねぇ、もう少し一緒に遊びましょ?ハニー♡

Lobelia: Hey, can we play together some more? Honey handsome.

Episode 14: Secret shower 1 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 15: Secret shower 2 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー2(ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 16: Secret shower 3 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー3(ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 17: Secret shower 4 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 18: Secret shower 5 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー5(ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 19: Secret shower 6 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー6(ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 20: Secret shower 7 (Lobelia) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ロベリア))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Lobelia.

Episode 21: Love Letter Maiden (Lobelia) (恋文フトメ(ロベリア))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: オーナーさま♪ ちょっと……いいかしら♡

Lobelia: Boss ♪ Could I have a moment with you? ♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: はい♡ハニーに、とっておきのプレゼント、あ・げ・る♡

Lobelia: Here ♡ A special gift from me to you, Honey ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: 二人っきりで撮影? ふふっ♪ドキドキするわね、 オーナーさま♪

Lobelia: A photo shoot with the two of us? Heheh ♪ I'm so thrilled, Boss ♪

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: そんなに見つめて……わたしはお花じゃないのよ?

(Camera flash)

Lobelia: You're looking me over as if I'm a flower or something.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: わたしとハニーだけのヒミツ、ね?♡

Lobelia: Keep this between us, okay Honey? ♡

Episode 22: Victory Ceremony (Lobelia) (勝利のセレモニー (ロベリア))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 23: Share ♥ with Lobelia (ティナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 24: The Language of Bergamot (ベルガモットの花言葉)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: うふふっ♪ 今年の誕生日は、 何をして楽しもうかしら♪フィーちゃんを誘って、二人でパーティーもいいけど……そうね……ふふっ♪やっぱり オーナーさまと秘密のデートも悪くないわね♡だいたいオーナーさまったら、 最近お仕事が忙しくて、わたしとあんまり遊んでくれないんだもの……「愛人」として、 たまには 「息抜き」 をさせてあげないと♪……ね♡

Lobelia: What should we do for my birthday this year? I think a secret date with the owner isn't a bad idea ♡ But the owner has been so busy with work lately that she doesn't play with me much ...... as a "mistress" I have to let her have a "break" once in a while. Â ...... ♡♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: あら、オーナーさま。 来てくれたのね♡カキツバタのように、ずーっと待ち焦がれていたわ♪「時間通りだけど」 って……もう、オーナーさまったら鈍感ね……せっかくの誕生日だもの。「ハニーとの特別な一日」を期待するでしょ?♡ふふっ♪ だからぁ…………今日一日、 ハニーはわたしだけのものよ?アイビーのように離れないんだから♡

Lobelia: Oh, my dear owner! I've been waiting for you like a handsome oyakizubata... "You're right on time..." ...... You're so insensitive, Mr. Owner. ...... It's your birthday, you expect a special day with your honey. I'm sure you're expecting a special day with your honey, right? I'll never leave you like Ivy did, you know. I'm not going to leave you like Ivy did.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: きゃっ♡これ、 プレゼント?ふふっ♪ どんな水着?オーナーさまのことだから、ハレンチな水着かしら♪ペンタスのように、お願いしてくれたら、……どんな水着でも、着てあげるけど♡うふっ♪ じゃあ、待っててね、ハニー♡

Lobelia: Oh, my God, is this a gift? What kind of swimsuit? Lobelia: I'm not sure... but if you ask me like Pentus did, I'll wear ...... any kind of swimsuit you want.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation

Lobelia: わぁ……素敵な水着ね♡プルメリアのように上品なのに、バラのように情熱的で……ふふっ、まるで、オーナーさまからの愛情そのものね♪……なんて ありがとう、オーナーさま♡……あら?どうしたの、ハニー?そんなに熱い視線を送られると、 ドキドキしちゃうわ♡わたしから、いい匂いがする……?まぁ♪気づいてくれて、嬉しい♡この水着にあわせて、香水を選んでみたの。ベルガモットの香り。……知ってる?ベルガモットの花言葉はぁ…………火のような恋、 よ♡誕生日は今日一日だけ……♡火のような情熱に、身を任せてみるのも……いいと思わない?じゃあ、この一瞬を……ハニーの目と心に焼き付けてね♡

Lobelia: wow ...... what a lovely swimsuit ♡ classy like a plumeria but passionate like a rose ...... phew, just like the love from the owner! Â ...... what a thank you, owner♡...... Oh, what's the matter, honey? What's the matter, honey? I'm so nervous when you look at me so passionately♡Do I smell good ......? I'm so glad you noticed, I picked out a perfume to go with this swimsuit. Bergamot scent. Do you know ......? Bergamot is a flower in the language of flowers. ............ love like fire ♡♡ It's only my birthday today ...... ♡ Let yourself be carried away by the passion like fire ♡♡... Don't you think it's good to ......? Then, burn this moment into the eyes and heart of ...... your handsome honey.

Scene 9
Japanese English translation



Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene, also the player has to directly take a picture in this scene

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: オーナーさまったら、真剣な表情でどこを見ていたのかしらん♪みーんな、 気づいてるんだから♡……なんて♪さぁ、じゃあ行きましょう、オーナーさま♡「どこに行くの」って……もう、わたしの誕生日は、まだ終わっていないわよ?言ったでしょ?「……今日一日、 ハニーはわたしだけのもの」って。「愛人」 を放っておいて、お仕事に戻るなんて許さないんだから♪お仕事を忘れちゃうくらい、ドキドキさせてあげる♡

Lobelia: Where have you been looking with such a serious expression on your face, Mr. Owner? birthday is not over yet, right? I told you, didn't I? I said, "......, for the rest of the day, honey is mine and mine alone." I will not allow you to go back to work and leave your " mistress" alone... I will make you so excited that you will forget about your work.

Episode 25: Unconcealed feelings (隠しきれない想い)[]

To get this episode, you must give Lobelia the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ♪ 今日は一日、 とっても楽しかったわ♡オーナーさまも楽しんでもらえたみたいで、よかった♪だって、オーナーさまの、 わたしを見つめる視線……ずーっと感じていたもの♡それに、繋いだ手から伝わるドキドキも……ね♡でも、 あれくらいでドキドキしているようじゃ 困るわね♪わたしの 「愛人」として、 もう少し慣れてもらわないと♡だから、 今日みたいな特別な日だけじゃなくて……普段からずーっと わたしが側にいてあげようかしらね?えっ? ドキドキしていたのは、わたしも同じ……?「手を繋いでいたから、わかる」って……?それは……えっと……

Lobelia: Hmmm... I'm glad you had a good time today, too, my handsome owner... because I could feel your eyes on me ...... the whole time, and I could feel the thrill of your hands on me ....... I also felt the thrill ...... from the way she held my hand, but I don't want her to be thrilled by that... she needs to get used to being my mistress... not just on special occasions like today... but on regular occasions as well... I'll be by your side all the time. What? I was nervous too ......? "I can tell because we were holding hands." ......? That's ...... umm ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ……これは、 写真?オーナーさまったら、デート中に撮ってくれていたの?「とても楽しそうな顔だったから」って……はぁ。……そうね、 オーナーさまの言う通り。だって、しょうがないじゃない?オーナーさまを一日独り占めして、 誕生日デートだなんて。アザレアのように嬉しくて……べゴニアのように幸せで……ドラセナのように……隠しきれないわ。「隠さなくていいのに」って……もう、本心を口にしたら、 つまらないでしょ?相手が何を想っているか、 探り合い、 感じ合う……からかってみたり、 ちょっぴり不安だったり……そういうデートのほうが、 花言葉みたいで、素敵じゃない♡だから、 口に出さずに…… たとえば、こうして……♡

Lobelia: ...... Is this a photo? Did the owner take this picture of you on our date? She said, "You looked like you were having a great time."...... ...... Well, the owner is right. I mean, what could I do? I had the owner all to myself for a day, and it was my birthday date. I'm happy as an azalea,...... happy as a begonia,...... happy as a dracaena,...... and I can't hide it. You don't have to hide it."......Wouldn't it be boring if I told you what I really think of you? You can find out what the other person is thinking and feel each other's feelings,...... tease each other, or feel a little insecure,...... such a date is more like the language of flowers, isn't it handsome, so don't say it out loud. ...... For example, you can do it like this:......♡♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: はい、ハニー♡ この写真を受け取って……♪わたしが何を想っているか……お仕事中も、この写真を見て……ずーっと、考えてね♡それと……お仕事がどんなに忙しくても、たまには、 今日みたいに二人きりでデートしましょ♪どんな元気なお花も、栄養を買わないと萎れてしまうわ。オーナーさまにも、息抜きは必要よ♪それに……たまには、 わたしにも栄養をもらわないと……ね♡ホウセンカのようなわたしの愛も、元気がなくなって、萎れてしまうかも……?だから……これからもいっぱい、 わたしに愛を注いでね♪ ハニー♡

Lobelia: Yes, honey ♡ Please take this picture ...... and think about what I am thinking ...... while you are working ...... Lobelia: Yes, honey ♡ and ...... no matter how busy you are at work, sometimes, just the two of you should have a date like we did today... ♪ Even the most vibrant flowers will wilt if you don't buy nourishment. Even the owner needs to relax...and ...... sometimes I need to be nourished too......... my love, like a handsome bouquet, may lose its vitality and shrivel up. ......? So ...... continue to give me lots and lots of love.......honey♡♡

Episode 26: Bitter♡Sweet (Lobelia) (ビター♡スイート(ロべリア))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: ふふっ、緊張しないで♪わたしがリードしてあげるから♪

(Camera flash)

Lobelia: Don't be nervous... I'll take the lead...

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: わたしの愛をこめたプレゼント、受け取ってちょうだい♪ハニー♡

Lobelia: Please accept my gift of love, honey ♡♡♡♡!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: まだ物足りないわ……オーナーさまもそうでしょ? ふふっ♪

Lobelia: I still don't have enough ...... owners don't you? Hmmm...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Lobelia: 二人の新しいヒミツ、 作りましょ♪ね、 ハニー♡

(camera flash)

Lobelia: Let's make a new secret for you and me, honey handsome.

(camera flash)

Episode 27: Lobelia's Fourth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 28: Lobelia's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Lobelia's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 29: Secret Esthetic Time (Lobelia)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Lobelia's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Surprise (サプライズ)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: 朝の空気、気持ちいいな…………散歩とか、したいかも。ん?あれは……オーナー?

Nanami: The morning air feels so nice… Maybe I'll take a walk or something. Hm? Is that the Boss?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: おはよう、オーナー。どこ行くの?手に持ってる箱、なに?重そうだね、わたしも手伝おうか。ダメ?どうしたの、そんな慌てて。今は忙しいから、あとで……タ方にプールサイドに行けばいいの……?……わかった、けど。じゃ、あとでね。

Nanami: Good morning, Boss. Where are you going? What's in that box you're holding? It looks heavy… You want some help? No? Why are you so flustered? You're busy right now, so… You wanna meet up at the poolside this evening? Sure, I guess… I'll see you later, then.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nanami: ほんとは今日……って、なんか言いそびれちゃった……

Nanami: You know, today is my… Guess I missed my chance to tell him…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、来たよ。今度は何のお仕事?これを……着るの?まあ、いい……けど。

Nanami: I'm here, Boss. What kind of job do you have for me? You want me to…wear this? Well…sure, I guess.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nanami: わぁ……綺麗な水着だねなんか、豪華というか……特別な水着なの?……え?「主役なんだからこのくらい」……?主役って……?なんの?「しまった」って……なに憶ててるの……?あ……もしかして……わたしの誕生日?なるほど、みんなと計画して、サプライズパーティーにするつもりだったんだ……ふふ、パレちゃったね。朝の荷物はそれだったんだ。えと、こめんその……がっかりしないでよ。大丈夫だよ。ちゃんとみんなの前では驚くから。でも……しい。じつは、ちょっと楽しみにしてたんだ……

Nanami: Wow, what a pretty swimsuit. It looks so elegant… Is this a special swimsuit. Huh…? "Something the leading lady should wear"…? What do you mean by "leading lady"? "Oh shoot"? What are you so confused about? Ah… Could this be…for my birthday, maybe? Oh, I get it… So you got together with the other girls to plan a surprise party… Heheh, guess I caught you… So that's what you were carrying this morning. Yeah…sorry about that. Don't be disappointed, okay? It's fine, I'll act really surprised in front of the other girls. This makes me happy though… I was kind of looking forward to it, actually…

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nanami: パーティー楽しかった。ありがと、オーナー。この水着って、花がモチーフになっているんだね。アルストロメリア……花言葉は「未来への管れ」……?うーん。わたしの未来への憧れ……か。そんなの、まだわかんないな。とりあえず、ヴィーナスとしてがんばる、とか?「じゃあ、ヴィーナスの誕生日記念に、撮影したい」?別にいいけど……どんなポーズがいいのかな?ニッコリ笑うとか、苦手なんだけど……「意識しなくていい」って……いや、そんな大きな一眼持って言わないでよ。ふふっ、じゃあ……

(camera flash)

Nanami: The party was really fun. Thanks, Boss. This swimsuit has a flower motif, doesn't it… The Alstroemeria…? And it symbolizes "aspirations for the future"…? Hmm. What are my aspirations for the future…? I'm still not sure about that. For now…just do my best as a Venus, maybe? You want to "commemorate this Venus's birthday with some pics"? That sounds fine, I guess. But with what kind of poses? Smiling is not my strong point… Just "pose without thinking"? Easier said than done when you're pointing those huge lens at me. Heheh… Let's do it.

(camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Nanami: ……いい写真、撮れた?よかった。ねぇ……オーナーは今まで、この島でいろいろな写真を撮ってきたんだよね?じゃあさ誕生日プレゼントに、写真の撮り方……教えてくれる?え?パーティーの片付けの後なら……?うん、じゃあ、待ってる。

Nanami: Did you get some good pics? Nice. Hey, Boss… You've taken all sorts of pics on this island since you first came, right? So…as a birthday gift to me…could you maybe show me how to take pics? Hm? After you clean up the party venue…? Okay, I'll be waiting.

Episode 2: The Lost Venus (迷える女神)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nanami her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: あ、オーナー、……待ってた。改めて、今日はパーティーありがと。嬉しかった。それにしても……情論するの、大変だったでしょ?みんなにも、お礼いわなくちゃ。え?「みんなも、楽しみにしていたから大丈夫」?うーん、それならいいんだけど。こういうのって、あんまり慣れていないから……オーナーもみんなも、やっぱりすごいんだね。「何が」……って?今のこの気持ち……あたたかくて、嬉しくて。……わたしも、他のみんなにこんな風にできるのかな?きっとできるって……そう、かな?

Nanami: Oh, Boss… I've been waiting. Thanks again for the party today. I'm really happy you did that for me. It must've been such a hassle tog et everything ready. I need to thank all the girls, too. Hm? "Everyone else was looking forward to it too, so no thanks is necessary"? Hmm… I hope you're right. I'm just not used to this sort of thing. You and the girls are just so awesome, Boss. What do I mean? I just feel so much warmth…and happiness right now. Do you think I'll be able to make the others feel like this, too? You're sure of it? I don't know…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: えっ、これ……ブーケ!?アルストロメリアの花言葉は……「未来への憧れ」……だっけ?……わたしに、ひったり?ふふっ、どう「ぴったり」なのか、わかんないけど……こんな綺麗な花束が似合うのなら、嬉しいな。

Nanami: Oh my gosh…a bouquet?! Alstroemerias… Did you say they symbolize "aspirations for the future"? They fit me perfectly? Heheh… I'm not sure if I'd say "perfectly," but if you think flowers as pretty as these go well with me, that makes me happy.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nanami: これってさ……なんか、その……結婚式、みたいじゃない?そういう「未来」もあるのかな……

Nanami: You know what? This feels a lot like…a wedding or something, doesn't it? I wonder if that's something in my future as well.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nanami: あ、ううん……なんでもない。「誰だって大人になるまでは、未来がわからないもの」?うん……そうだね……

Nanami: I mean… Never mind. "Nobody knows what their future holds until they've become an adult"? Yeah…that's true.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー……わたしにも、見つかるかな。未来とか、憧れって。「これから探せばいい」?そっか……そうだね。ちょっと勇気が湧いてきたみたい。優しいんだね、オーナー。あのさ……その、これからも……私の未来の憧れ……見つかるかどうかわかんないけど、オーナーに、一緒に探して欲しい。……いい、かな?ふふっ♪

Nanami: You think I'll find out what mine holds, Boss? The future, and my aspirations… I can "start looking for them now"? Hmm, yeah… I feel like I just gained a bit of confidence. You're so kind, Boss. Hey, um… From this point on… I'm not sure if I'll find anything to aspire for in the future, but I want you to find it with me, Boss. Are you okay with that? Heheh ♪

Episode 3: Sparkling Blue (Nanami) (スパークリングブルー(ななみ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nanami: ずっと、こうしてたいな……

Nanami: I wanna do this forever…

Episode 4: Thin Towel Wrap (Nanami) (うすかわたけのこ(ななみ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nanami: 着替え?別に、いいけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nanami: うん、悪くないかも……あ、オーナーあり……これ……かな?

(if the player peeks)

Nanami: こんな感で……ひゃっ!?何?え、オーナー!?み、見ないで……!

Nanami: Change into it? Sure, I guess.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nanami: Not bad… Oh, boss Will this work…?

(if the player peeks)

Nanami: Kinda like this… Hyah! What are you--!? Oh, boss? Don't look at me…!

Episode 5: A gust of wind in a riddle (Nanami) (なぞの突風(ななみ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 6: Secret Foot Massage (Nanami) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ななみ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami: こんなくまで、残業お疲れさま。わたし……?疲れたけど……一緒だったから、楽しかった、かな。

Nanami: Thank you for your overtime until you get this. I......? I'm tired, but...... It was fun because we were together.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami (OFF): え、足裏マッサージ……?どうしても、って……えと……じゃあ、ちょっとだけ……?

Nanami (OFF): Eh, foot massage...? By all means, what... Uh...... Well, just a little...?

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Nanami: ねえ、この格好……なんか、ヘンじゃない?「動かないで」って……まあ、いいけど……

(camera flash)

Nanami: Hey, this looks... Isn't that weird? Don't move. Well, that's fine, but......

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nanami: あ、あの、もう、これ以上はいいがら……!気持ちよかったけど……くすぐったいし、恥ずかしくて……

Nanami: Oh, no more...! It felt good, but...... I'm tickled, I'm ashamed.

Episode 7: Midnight Light (Nanami) (ミッドナイトライト(ななみ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nanami: 着替え?別に、いいけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nanami: うん、悪くないかも……あ、オーナーあり……これ……かな?

(if the player peeks)

Nanami: こんな感で……ひゃっ!?何?え、オーナー!?み、見ないで……!

Nanami: Change into it? Sure, I guess.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nanami: Not bad… Oh, boss Will this work…?

(if the player peeks)

Nanami: Kinda like this… Hyah! What are you--!? Oh, boss? Don't look at me…!

Episode 8: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Nanami) (甘い香りに誘われて(ななみ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami (OFF): じゃあ、ちょっと待ってて。

Nanami (OFF): Then…give me a moment alone please.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、これ、バレンタイン……受け取って……欲しいんだけど……あとで、想間かせて欲しいな。だって……気になるし……あの、オーナー……じゃあ……また、明日。おやすなさい。

Nanami: Boss, I'd like you…to have these for Valentine's Day…Let me know what you think later. I mean, I'm pretty curious… Um, Boss… So…I'll see you tomorrow then. Good night.

Episode 9: White Prince (Nanami) (ホワイト・プリンス(ななみ))[]

The various dialogues depends on who acts as the partner on the main menu:

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Marie Rose
Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation




If Nanami acts as the menu girl, she will be the White Prince instead of the Princess

Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Japanese English translation



Episode 10: Gessen Ninja Suit (Nanami) (月因女学館(ななみ))[]

Japanese English translation

Nanami: 二人きりの撮影って、ちょっと緊張する、かも。嫌じゃなくて。むしろ、その逆……というか。どんな写真になるか、楽しみだな。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nanami: よかった?なら、嬉しいな。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Nanami: こんな感で……ひゃっ!?何?え、オーナー!?み、見ないで……!

Nanami: I see we're using this room today… Since it's just the two of us, it'll be easy to focus. Do you think you'll be able to take nice photos?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nanami: I hope they turn out well.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Nanami: Kinda like this… Hyah! What are you--!? Oh, boss? Don't look at me…!

Episode 11: Something Special (特別な何か)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Nanami: 凄いね……誕生日だからって、わたしのために、ここまでしてくれたんだ……あっ、オーナー。ごめんね。「まだだ」って聞いたけど、気になって下見にきちゃった。「喜んでくれた?」って……うん、ちょっと、びっくりした……かな。なんか、上手く言葉に出来なくて……ふふっ、ちょっと照れちゃう……かも。……えっ?パーティーの前に、渡しておきたい物があるの……?

Nanami: Wow… He really went all out for my birthday. Oh, Boss… Sorry… I know you said it's not ready yet, but I couldn't help taking a peak. [sic] Am I happy…? Yeah. And a little surprised, I guess… I can't really put it into words… Heheh, I think I'm a little embarrassed. Huh? Something you want to give me before the party?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Nanami: わぁ……これ、水着だよね?大人っぽくて、すごくセクシーなデザイン……プレゼント、ってこと……で、いいの?こんなすごいの……貰っちゃって。なんか、こういうのって、綺麗なモデルさんが着るような物じゃないのかな……わたしが着ても変じゃないといいけど……でも……ひとつ大人になったわたしに、大人っぽい水着……か。これを着こなせれば大人……?ふふっ、なんだか乗せられちゃってる気もするけど……今日は誕生日だもん。せっかくだから、楽しまなくちゃ……だよね♪じゃあ、さっそく着替えてみるね。ちょっとだけ待ってて、オーナー。

Nanami: Wow… This is a swimsuit, isn't it… What a sexy design, and it's so mature. You mean…it's a gift for me? Are you sure it's okay for me to receive something this nice? This is like…something a beautiful model would wear or something. I hope it doesn't look strange on someone like me. But now that I'm an adult… I guess a mature swimsuit might work… I'll look mature if I wear it? Heheh, I feel like you're smooth talking me into this… Today is my birthday, after all. So I might as well live it up, right? ♪ I'll put it on right away. Hold on a minute, Boss.

Scene 3
Japanese English

Nanami: あはは、やっぱりちょっと……照れる……かも。緑色で、あみあみのデザインで……なんだか、「メロン」みたいだね。……やっぱり、メロンをモチーフにしてるんだ。どうしてメロン?わたしに何か関係あったっけ?誕生日の果物……?ヘえ、そんなのがあるんだ……オーナー、物知りだね♪わたしの誕生果は……メロンかぁ。メロンって、なんか 「特別感」あるよね。大きいし、綺麗だし……ちょっと、値段も高いし。「特別な自分」……「特別なわたし」……ねえ、オーナー。ちょっと、わたしの写真、撮って欲しいんだけど。この、「特別なおもいで」を残してほしくて。メロンみたいな……特別に甘くて、嬉しい、今を。……ありがとうオーナー。それじゃあ、よろしくね。

(camera flash)

Nanami: Hahaha… Just as I thought, I think I'm a little embarrassed. This green coloring, and the netting pattern… Kind of reminds me of melons. So you did have it designed with a melon theme, but why melons? Are they connected to me somehow? My birthday fruit…? Wow… I never knew that even existed… You're so knowledgeable, Boss ♪ So melons are my birthday fruit, huh… Melons seems kind of special to me. Big, beautiful, and… a little expensive. "I'm a special girl…?" Hey, Boss? I'm wondering if you could take some pics of me. I want to preserve this special memory. This moment…is so sweet and makes me happy like a melon. Thank you, Boss… Then, let's get started.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Nanami: ふふっ、この水着……なんか、自信出てきたかも。「特別」かぁ……わたしもいつか、「特別な何か」になれるのかな。例えば……オーナーにとっての……特別、とか。あっ……へ、変な意味じゃないよ?で、でも、冗談とかでもなくて……ヴィーナスとか、パートナーとか……ほら、色々あるじゃん。とにかく、そういう気持ちってこと。あ……そろそろ、みんなが来る頃かも。「特別なわたし」を、早くみんなにも見て欲しいな♪……え?パーティーのあと、もっと特別な時間を……?ふふっ♪そんな面白そうなこと、断れるわけないよね。もちろん、オッケーだよ。楽しみにしてる。じゃ、あとで。待ってるから、オーナー♪

Nanami: Heheh… I think I feel more confident in this swimsuit. Special, huh… I wonder if I can be something special someday… Like… A special girl to you, Boss. Oh… I don't mean anything weird by that. B-But…I wasn't joking either. There's the Venus role, and the Partner role… So…I just want to be special in these various roles of mine. Oh my gosh… I think the girls will start showing up soon. I want all of them to see this "special" version of me ♪ Huh? A more special time after the party? Heheh ♪ How could I say no to such an interesting proposition? Of course I'll meet you, and I'm looking forward to it. So…see you later, Boss. I'll be waiting ♪

Episode 12: A Special Time (特別な時間)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nanami her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Nanami: ……あっ、オーナー。待ってたよ、こっちこっち。この水着、みんなに褒めて貰ったんだ。「大人っぽくて綺麗だ」って♪オーナーのおかげだね。……ありがと♪パーティーも本当に凄かったし……ちょっと疲れちゃうぐらい、楽しかった♪大人っぽい水着で、子供みたいにはしゃいでた?ふふっ、オーナーだってはしゃいでたでしょ。……ちょっと、嬉しかった、けど。それで……ここからは、「もっと特別な時間」……なんだよね?えと……何しようか?一緒にいるだけで……もう十分に 「特別」だけど。……「じゃあ、もっともっと特別にする」って……それ、どういうこと?

Nanami: Oh, Boss… I was waiting for you… Over here. Everyone complimented me on this swimsuit. On how mature and pretty it looks ♪ And it's all because of you, Boss. Thanks ♪ The party was amazing… It was so much fun that I'm a little tired now ♪ I was frolicking around in this mature swimsuit like a child? Heheh, you were frolicking too, Boss. Which made me kind of happy… So… Now we move onto that "special time" you mentioned, right? Um… What should we do? Just being with you like this feels plenty "special" to me. "Even more special than this?" What could you be talking about?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Nanami: わあ……!すごい……このケーキ、わたしに……!?ふふっ、すごいな。やっぱりケーキって、テンション上がっちゃうね♪こんな大きなケーキ、初めて見たかも……本物……だよね?

Nanami: Wow! This amazing cake…is for me?! Heheh, how awesome. There's nothing like a cake to turn up the excitement ♪ I don't think I've ever seen a cake this big before… It's real, right?

Scene 5
Japanese English

Nanami: 「疑うなら、全部食べてみて」って……ふふっ、こんなに食べきれるわけないでしょ?だって、こういうのって…………その、結婚式とかで、出てくるものだし……つ、つまり、ひとりで食べる物じゃない、ってこと。……オーナーも……そのつもりでしょ?「ふたりだけの特別なパーティー」なんだから。じゃあ……ほら、もっとこっち来て……♥

Nanami: If I doubt it. I should eat the whole thing? Heheh… There's no way I could eat something this huge. I mean… This is something you might find at a wedding or something. B-basically, I meant to say that…no one could eat this alone. Which is what you planned all along, right? It is a "special two-person party," after all ♥ So… Come a little closer♥

Scene 6

The following scene is given in subtitles

Japanese English

Nanami: こ、こういうの、やったことなくて……結構、緊張する……かも。はい、オーナー。あーん♥

Nanami: I've never done this before, so I think…I'm feeling pretty nervous. Here, Boss. Say "Ahhh" ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English

Nanami: ……美味しいね、オーナー。メロンの、爽やかで優しい……うん。ふたりだけの、特別な味……だね。ケーキの味だけじゃなくて……えと、一緒にいる、この特別な時間の味……かな。ふふっ、最高に賛沢だと思う。今日はありがとう、オーナー。こんな、特別で資沢な時間、忘れないと思う。え?今までも、これからもずっと……?……そうだね。この島に来て、今までも、これからも。全部が、特別で賛沢で……忘れられない時間かも。この先も、ずっと。……一緒に味わいたいな。ね、オーナー♪

Nanami: Delicious, right? Like a mild, refreshing melon. Uh-huh, our own special flavor. And I don't just mean the cake… Also the "flavor" of this special time we're spending together. Heheh… I feel so lucky. Thank you for today, Boss. I don't think I'll ever forget this special moment that we spent together. Huh? For as long as we live? Uh-huh… Since I came to this island, for as long as we both shall live. Everything is so special and memorable. I don't think I'll ever be able to forget. And our time together from this day forward… I want to enjoy the flavor of life with you, Boss ♪

Episode 13: Goddess Night's Dream (Nanami) (女神の夜の夢(ななみ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、今日はどうしょうか。……なんでもいいよ、オーナーとだし。写真、撮るの?いいけど、あとでわたしにも撮らせてね。オーナー、準備出来たよ。

(Camera flash)

Nanami: Owner, what can I do for you today? ...... anything is fine, it's with the owner. Do you want to take pictures? Nanami: Sure, but please let me take one later. Nanami: Owner, I'm ready.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: あの……もっと、続けてほしくて。……いい、かな。オーナーにだけ……なら、まあ……いい……けど……

(Camera flash)

Nanami: I wanted that ...... to be more, to continue. I think ...... is good. If it's only ...... for the owner, well, it's ...... good ...... but ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、もう少し楽しもうよ。ね?

Nanami: Owner, let's have a little more fun. Right?

Episode 14: Secret shower 1 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 15: Secret shower 2 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー2(ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 16: Secret shower 3 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー3(ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 17: Secret shower 4 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 18: Secret shower 5 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー5(ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 19: Secret shower 6 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー6(ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 20: Secret shower 7 (Nanami) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ななみ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Nanami.

Episode 21: Love Letter Maiden (Nanami) (恋文フトメ(ななみ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、 ちょっと用があるんだけど……いい?

Nanami: Boss, I need to ask you about something, but… Is now a good time?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、これ、 バレンタイン……受け取って……欲しいんだけど……

Nanami: This is…for Valentine's Day… I hope you'll accept it…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: 撮られるのはまだ慣れないけど…………頑張る、よ?

Nanami: I'm still not used to getting my picture taken, but…I'll do my best.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Nanami: なんか、恥ずかしいよ、これ……

(Camera flash)

Nanami: This is pretty embarrassing…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナーにだけ……なら、まあ……いい……けど……

Nanami: If it's just with you, Boss… I guess… I'm okay with it…

Episode 22: A Special Day (特別な一日)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami: ねえ、オーナー……ちょっといい?「お誕生日おめでとう」…………うん、ありがとう。ごめん、突然来ちゃって……「今から行こうと思ってた」 って……?あはは……そうだとは、思ってたんだけど……その、待ちきれなくて……でさ、 誕生日だし……せっかくだから、何か一緒に食べたいなって。「何か食べたい物があるのか」 って……別に、 特にないけど……わたしが決めたら、 いつも同じ感じになっちゃうし……その、どうせなら、 一緒に……さ。いいでしょ?……え?「そういうことなら」……?

Nanami: Hey, can I have a word with the owner ......? Happy Birthday."............ Yeah, thanks. I'm sorry, I came on such short notice. ...... "I was just about to go." ......? I thought I was going to go to ......, but I couldn't wait to see you ......, and it's your birthday, so.... I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have a party with you. I asked her if she wanted something to eat,...... and she said, "Nothing in particular,...... but if I decide, it will always be the same,...... so.., I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to a restaurant together. ...... It would be nice, wouldn't it? ......What? If that's the case,......?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: これ……誕生日の水着?なんか、 とってもカワイイ感じだけど……そっか、これを着て、一緒に行こうってこと?ふふっ♪ それ……なんか、いいね♪ふふっ♪ デートみたいで……楽しみ。え……?何か変なこと言った?その、誕生日だし……オーナーとなら、 デートしたって、 いいでしょ?せっかくだから、何か特別なことしょうよ。それなら、オーナーも一緒に楽しめるし。じゃあ、着替えてくるから、 待ってて♪

Nanami: Is this ...... your birthday swimsuit? It looks really cute. ...... I want me to wear this and go with you? It's ......'s like a date......... looking forward to it. What ......? Did I say something funny? I mean, it's your birthday and you're going on a date with the ...... owner, right? I'm sure you'll be able to find something special to do. Then the owner can have fun with you. Okay, I'm going to go change. Wait for me.

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、お待たせ。あの、どう……かな?似合ってるといいんだけど。こういうカワイイ系のって、 自分じゃあまり選ばないから……それに、 けっこうダイタンっていうか…………「良く似合ってる」?うん、ありがと。なんか、 いいよね。……自分の知らない自分、みたいな。……え?「香水も似合ってる」 って……ふふっ……やっぱり、気づいてくれた。誕生日だし、ちょっと特別なの選んだんだ♪爽やかな感じで、この水着にも合ってるでしょ?せっかくのデートだし……さ。……出かける前に、記念撮影?うん、お願い。……「今」のわたし、 残しておいて。

Nanami: Hey owner, sorry to keep you waiting. Um, how about ......? I hope it looks good on you. I don't often choose cute things like this for myself. ...... and it's not very easy. ............ "It looks good on you"? I'm sorry, I didn't know that. Thanks. It's kind of nice, isn't it? ......It's like a self you don't know. ......? I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea. The most important thing to remember is that you can't just go out and buy a new one. It's a date, and it's ...... time to go out. ...... before we go out for a photo? Yes, please. ...... Please leave me as I am right now.

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player has to take the picture directly in gameplay.

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Nanami: じゃあ、行こうよ♪ふふっ、どこに行くのか、 楽しみだな。「行きたいところ」 ……?んー、 特にないっていうか……いや、何も考えてないわけじゃなくて…………オーナーとなら、 どこでも。だからさ、 誕生日らしいところ、 行こうよ。特別な一日になるような……「ハードル上げ過ぎ」……?ふふっ♪……大丈夫だよ、オーナーと一緒なら。じゃあ、今日はよろしくね、 オーナー♡

Nanami: Well, let's go.... Where do you want to go ......? Well, I don't have a specific place in mind. ...... No, it's not that I don't have anything in mind, it's just that I'd go anywhere with the owner. ............ So, you know, let's go somewhere special for my birthday. Let's go somewhere that will be a special day. ...... "Setting the bar too high"......? I'll be fine with ...... the owner. Well, good luck today, handsome owner.

Episode 23: A New Discovery (新しい発見)[]

To get this episode, you must give Nanami the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、 デート楽しかったね。色んな場所見れたし、ご飯も美味しかったし……それに、オーナーともたくさん話せたしね。え……?「『特別』 ってほどには、できなかった」って……ううん、そんなことないよ。こんな素敵な水着を着て、 それに合う香水を選んで……「どんな反応するだろう」 ってワクワクして。今日しか撮れない写真も、 いっぱい撮れたし。「特別な誕生日」 に、 なったと思う。だから……ありがと、オーナー。「今日しか撮れない写真なら、これも」……?

Nanami: Owner, I had a great time on our date. We saw a lot of places and had a great dinner. ...... And I got to talk a lot with the owner. What ......? Nanami: I've heard that "it wasn't as 'special' as it could have been." ...... No, it wasn't. I just wore such a nice swimsuit and picked out a nice perfume to match. I was excited to wear such a nice swimsuit and choose a perfume to go with it,...... and I wondered what the reaction would be. I was excited to see how they would react. I took a lot of pictures that I could only take today. I think it turned out to be a "special birthday. So thanks to ......, owner. If you want to take a picture that can only be taken today, you can take this one too. ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: この写真……デート中のわたし……?へぇ…… わたし、こんな表情してたんだ……なんか、恥ずかしいな……けど……ふふっ♪ なんか、いいね。楽しそうで、 爽やかな感じ。やっぱり、 「特別」 だったんだな。……オーナーとのデート。ありがと、 オーナー。わたしの知らないわたし、見つけてくれて。……そうだ。オーナーにも、 なんかお礼しないと……だよね。

Nanami: This picture is ...... me on a date......? Wow,...... I had this expression on my face,...... I'm embarrassed,...... but.... I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I like it. You look happy and fresh. I guess it was "special" after all. ...... date with the owner. Thanks, owner. You found me, whom I didn't know. ......Yes, that's right. I should thank the owner too. ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nanami: えと……ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど…………これで、 オーナーにとっても、特別な写真になったらいいな、って。「大切にする」って……そう真剣に言われると、 照れるけど…………うん。そうしてくれると、嬉しい。じゃあ、行こうよ、オーナー。「どこに」 って……まだ、 誕生日は終わってないよ。それに、今度はわたしが、わたししか知らないオーナー、見つけたいから。だから、デートの続き…… いいでしょ?ね、オーナー♡

Nanami: Well, ...... it's a little embarrassing, but ............ I hope it will be a special photo for the owner. I'm embarrassed to be told so seriously ...... that I'll treasure it, but ............ I'm glad you did. I'd be happy if you did. Then, let's go, owner. Where?"...... The birthday isn't over yet. And this time I want to find the owner that only I know. So, let's continue our date ......, okay? Hey, handsome owner.

Episode 24: Victory Ceremony (Nanami) (勝利のセレモニー (ななみ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 25: Share ♥ with Nanami (ななみとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 26: Bitter♡Sweet (Nanami) (ビター♡スイート(ななみ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nanami: あの……オーナー、 いま、いいかな?

(Camera flash)

Nanami: I'm the owner of ....... Is this a good time?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nanami: オーナー、 これ、バレンタイン……受け取って……欲しいんだけど……

Nanami: owner, I received this valentine ...... and I want ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nanami: ねえオーナー……もっと、特別な想い出、 残して欲しくて。

Nanami: Hey owner ......, I wanted to leave you with more special memories.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nanami: ちょっと、緊張……する、かも。

(camera flash)

Nanami: I'm a little nervous ......, maybe.

(camera flash)

Episode 27: More in this world (この世界でもっと)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to take a picture to advance

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation



Episode 28: Just by being near me. (そばにいるだけで)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Nanami's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation



Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation



Episode 29: Secret Esthetic Time (Nanami)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Nanami's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Amused Expression (楽しそうな顔)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: あの……オーナー。パーティーの途中ですが、どうしましたか?「楽しんでいるようでよかった」ですか?はい。島のみなさんに盛大に祝っていただいて……その、ちゃんと楽しめているのかは、あまり自信がありませんが……「楽しそうな顔をしているから、大丈夫」……なるほど。ありがとうございます。……ところで、オーナー?先ほどから、何を隠しているのですか?

Elise: Um, boss… Why did you leave in the middle of the party? You're glad I seem to be having fun? Well… Everyone on the island is celebrating in such a grand way… But I'm not sure if I'm "having fun" the right way. I look like I'm having fun, so it's fine…? I see, thank you. By the way, boss… What have you been hiding there?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: これは……?誕生日プレゼント……?もちろん、嬉しいのですが。少し、驚いてしまって…………中を見てもよろしいですか?水着……でしょうか。誕生日の特別な水着だから……今、着てほしい……?……分かりました。着替えてきますので、お待ちください。

Elise: So this is…a birthday gift? Of course I'm happy. I'm just a little surprised… Would it be okay if I see what's inside? So it's a…swimsuit? It's a special birthday swimsuit, so you want me to wear it now? Very well. I'll go put it on, so please wait a while.

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Elise: ……オーナー。あまりこういう水着は着慣れエリーゼいのですが……この白くて綺麗な花は……ダリアですね。その……似合っている、かしら……?「ダリアのように優離で、似合ってる」……ふふっ、ありがとうこざいます。……記念撮影をしたたい、ですか?「年に一度の特別な日だから」……そういうものなのでしょうか…………ですが、そうですね。素敵なプレゼントをいただきましたし……「ギブ・アンド・テイク」です。では、お願いいたします。

(camera flash)

Elise: Boss… I'm not really used to wearing this kind of swimsuit. These pretty white flowers are dahlias, aren't they? Do you think they…look good on me? I share a "sense of elegance" with the dahlias, so they suit me? Heheh, thank you for saying that. Oh… You want to take some commemorative photos? Because my special day only comes once a year? Is that really your reasoning behind this? Anyway, I think you're right. And you did give me this terrific gift, so… We'll call it "give and take." Go ahead and take those pics.

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……その、オーナー。誕生日のパーティーに、このような水着まで……こんなに良くしていただいて、本当によろしいのでしょうか?いえ、嫌などではなく……ただ……あまりに想定外で、嬉しくて…………オーナー、ニヤニヤしすぎです。……コホン。みなさんを待たせているので、そろそろ戻らないと…………パーティーが終わったあと、ですか?はい。予定はありませんが。もう少し、二人で「ミーティング」を……?分かりました。……くれぐれも遅れないように。いいですね?ふふっ。

Elise: Um, boss? You threw this grand birthday party for me, and got me this amazing swimsuit… Are you sure it's okay that you're doing all this for me? I mean, it's not that I don't like it. It's just… You've completely exceeded my expectations, and I'm overjoyed. Boss, you're grinning way too much. Ahem… We've kept everyone waiting for awhile now, so maybe we should get back. After the party? I don't have any plans to speak of… You'd like to resume our "meeting at that time, just the two of us? Very well, then… Just make an honest effort to be on time, okay? Heheh.

Episode 2: First-Time Feeling (初めての気持ち)[]

To get this episode, you must give Elise her Bouquet of Vows after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: お待ちしていました、オーナー。時間ぴったりですね。良い心がけです。……今日は、ありがとうございました。私の「楽しい」という気持ちは、みなさんに伝わったでしょうか……?みんなにも、貴方にも伝わっていた……?……よかった。……それで、私になにかご用でしょうか?もう一つ渡したいものがある?

Elise: I've been waiting for you, boss. You're right on time, which shows me your sensible side. Thank you for all you've done today. Do you think the others were convinced that I was "having fun?" Everyone was convinced, including you? What a relief. So…did you want me here to do something? You have one more thing to give me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: ダリアの花束……綺麗……でも……こんなに頂いてばかりでよいのでしょうか?「私の喜ぶ顔と、ギブ・アンド・テイク」で……?……貴方らしい答えですね♪

Elise: A bouquet of dahlias… How pretty. But… Are you sure it's okay for me to receive so much from you? Seeing the joy on my face and our "give and take" agreement is enough? That's such a typical answer for you ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……誕生日をこんなに嬉しいと思ったのは、初めて、かもしれません……

Elise: I think this is the first time I've…ever been so happy about a birthday.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……ありがとう、オーナー。貴方との初めての誕生日……大切にします。

Elise: Thank you, boss. I'll cherish this day since it's the first birthday I've spent with you.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Elise: 花なんて……私には似合わないと思っていました。でも、この花を見ていると。……不思議と、そうは思えなくて。ダリアの花言葉は…… 「優雅」。花言葉も、私には似合わないのに……なぜかしら?えっ?色によっても、花言葉が?白いダリアの花言葉は、「感謝」、貴方からの「感謝の気持ち」を込めて……?それで、分かりました。私の気持ちも、貴方と同じですから。……オーナー、いつもありがとうございます。貴方は、私に「楽しむ」ことを教えてくれるから……ですが、今の気持ちは 「楽しい」よりもっと…………「幸せ」?……オーナー。これからも、私に教えてくれますか?そして、「幸せ」な気持ちを 「楽しむ」ことを……きっと、貴方となら……これからも、よろしくお願いします。ふふっ♪

Elise: I never thought flowers really suited me. But when looking at these flowers, I feel strangely different from usual… The dahlia is a symbol of "elegance," but that doesn't fit me well either… I wonder why? Hm? The color of the flower can change its symbolic meaning? White dahlias are a symbol of "gratitude?" And you have an intense feeling of gratitude for me? Now that makes sense, because I feel the same way about you. Thank you so much for all that you do, boss. You've taught me how to have fun. But what I'm feeling now isn't a sense of fun. Rather, it's… "Happiness?" Would you continue to teach me about these things, boss? About having fun, and this feeling of happiness… You're the best one to do it. I hope we can keep this going between us. Heheh ♪

Episode 3: Riddle Gusts (Elise) (なぞの突風(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene. In addition, you need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Scene 3

Note: There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in these episodes.

Japanese English translation



Episode 4: Secret Foot Massage (Elise) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise: 遅くまで残業、お疲れ様です。必要なこととはいえ、これ以上は体によくないでしよう。

Elise: Well done today, you worked a lot of overtime. Necessary or not, your body won’t be able to take much more.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise (OFF): 足裏マッサージを?、そうですね確かにれていますから。では、お言葉にえて。お願いします。

Elise (OFF): A foot massage? Well, I’m pretty tired, so I’ll take you up on that.

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Elise: あの……できれば、手短にお願いします。好意は嬉しいのですが……この格好は、少し恥ずかしくて……

(camera flash)

Elise: Um… Please make it quick if possible. I appreciate the sentiment, but it’s a bit embarrassing sitting like this.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Elise: 足をのばしたほうが効果的……?こう、でしょうか?あの……み、見てないで、マッサージをお願いします……

Elise: It’ll work better if I stretch my legs out? So…like this? Keep your eyes to yourself and just do the massage, please…

Episode 5: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Elise) (甘い香りに誘われて(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise (OFF): んっ……と……少し、お待ち下さい。

Elise (OFF): Um… Could you wait just a little…?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: その、私の気持ちです…………受け取って、頂けませんか?プレゼント、喜んで頂けると嬉しいです。あの……それは、その……プライベートなものですから。では、また明日。

Elise: These are an extension of my feelings, and I hope that you'll accept them. I hope you like my gift. Um… That's private so… I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

Episode 6: Rotwein (Elise) (ロートヴァイン(エリーゼ))[]

Japanese English translation

Elise: では、着替えますが……現きは、禁止ですからね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Elise: もら少し、待ちなさい。んっ……と……現き込みすぎですよ。で、この水着。どうでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Elise: なるほど、こういう水着……きゃあっ!?……契約違反ですよ、オーナー。

Elise: Well, I'll get changed into it, but… All peeking is prohibited.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Elise: Just wait a bit longer… There… That's enough peeking. So, this swimsuit. What do you think?

(if the player peeks)

Elise: I see, this kind of swimsuit... Oh, my God!? ...... It's a breach of contract, owner.

Episode 7: Mikagura Ninja Suit (Elise) (巫神楽忍装束(エリーゼ))[]

Japanese English translation

Elise: 私がモデル?上手く出来るか、分かりませんが……とにかく、やってみます。では、撮影よろしくお願いします。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Elise: 満足のいく成果でした。またお願いしますね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Elise: なるほど、こういう水着……きゃあっ!?……契約違反ですよ、オーナー。

Elise: I'm a model? I don't know if it's going to work, but...... Anyway, I'll try. Well, thank you for taking a picture.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Elise: It was a satisfying achievement. I'd like to see you again.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Elise: I see, this kind of swimsuit... Oh, my God!? ...... It's a breach of contract, owner.

Episode 8: Goddess Night's Dream (Elise) (女神の夜の夢(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise: こんな時間まで……熱心なのはいいことですが、効率的とは思えません。体を休めてください。私がモデル?上手く出来るか、分かりませんが……とにかく、やってみます。貴方の要望に応えられていますか?

(Camera flash)

Elise: It's nice that you are ...... enthusiastic until this late, but I don't think it's efficient. Please rest your body. Am I a model? I don't know if I can do it well, but I'll try anyway: ...... Am I meeting your needs?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー。ここからは……私との、特別契約……ですよ。早めにお願いします。……恥ずかしいですから……

(Camera flash)

Elise: Owner. From here on ...... with me, it's a special contract ....... Please do so as soon as possible. It's ...... embarrassing. ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: ふふ、続きはどうしますか?判断はお任せします。オーナー。

Elise: Hmmm, how would you like to continue? I'll leave it to you to decide. Owner.

Episode 9: How to Enjoy a Party (パーティーの楽しみ方)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English

Elise: ……オーナー、少しよろしいですか?……私はヴィーナスでもありますが、あくまで「指導役」です。誕生日に、こんな大袈裟なパーティーは必要ないと…………オーナーだけではなく、ヴィーナスのみなさんからも、私をお祝いしたいと……?それでは……断るわけにもいきませんね……でしたら、今日は指導役ではなくヴィーナスとして、このパーティーを楽しみたいと思います。……と言っても、自分の誕生日パーティーなど、慣れエリーゼいものですから。どう楽しめばいいのか……無理にはしゃいでみるのも、嘘をついているみたいですし……仕事のパーティーでの振る舞いとも、きっと違いますよね。……え?オーナーに、いい考えが……?

Elise: Boss, do you have a minute? I know I'm a Venus but…my main role is still a life coach. I don't think a party this extravagant is necessary for my birthday… You and all the Venuses…Wanted to celebrate my special day with me? Well, I can't refuse something like that, can I… If you put it that way, I'd be honored to enjoy this party with everyone, not as a life coach, but as a Venus today. It's just that…I'm not used to having things like birthday parties for myself, so… What should I do to enjoy it? Forcing myself to act excited would by lying, and… I know I'm supposed to act different than when I'm at work parties, right? Hm? You have a good idea, Boss?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Elise: これは、水着……ですか?私の誕生日の……?あの……ありがとうございます。そ……そうですね。これを着て、形から入るの…………そうじゃなくて、誕生日のプレゼントを貰って、素直に喜ぶ……ですか?「例えば、楽しそうに着て見せてくれるとか」……?なるほど……そうですね、さすがオーナーです。……ロが上手いんですから。では、このプレゼント……ふふっ……さっそく、着てみますね♪

Elise: Is this…a swimsuit? For my birthday? Oh… Thank you. Y-Yeah, okay. I can put this on to look the part, I guess. You mean… I should accept this birthday gift…and feel genuinely happy? "Have fun putting it on, for example" and showing you how I look in it? I think I get it… Well done, Boss. You've got a way with words. So yeah… Heheh… I'll slip on this gift right away ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English

Elise: とても綺麗な水着ですね。この華やかなパーティーに、ぴったりだと思います。ええ、とても気に入りました。ありがとうございます、オーナー。「葡萄」をイメージした水着……ですか?何か意味があるのでしょうか。私の「誕生果 」だから……葡萄には、『親切』という意味があるのですか?私は、自分が親切だとは思いませんが……「いつも親切に指導をしてくれているから」……?そうでしょうか。仕事に真剣に取り組んではいますが、時には、貴方に辛く当たることもあるでしょう?「親切とは、相手の身になって、その人の為を想ってすること」……?そういう意味では……そうですね。……それが指導役の仕事だと、思っていますから。「ありがとう」……いえ。こちらこそ……ありがとうございます。 ……ふふ、今日は貴方に教えられてばかりですね。「ついでにもう一つ、誕生日の楽しみ方を教える」?ええ、是非。教えていただけますか?この水着で、記念撮影を……ふふっ、いいですよ。では、よろしくお願いします。

(camera flash)

Elise: What a pretty swimsuit. I think it's perfect for this glamorous party. Uh-huh, I really like it. Thank you so much, Boss. So this swimsuit was designed based on "grapes"? Is there some sort of meaning behind it? Because it's my birth fruit? And grapes are a symbol of "kindness"? I don't think of myself as a kind person… Because I'm "coaching you with a kind heart"? I don't know about that… I do take my work seriously, but… There must be times where I come across as too harsh with you. "Kindness is seeing things from another's perspective, and keeping their well-being in mind"? Well, from that angle…I can agree with you. I just think that's a coach's job. "Thank you…"? No no, I should be thanking you. Heheh, I feel like I've been learning from you all day. You want to teach me one other way to enjoy my birthday? Of course… I'd be glad to hear it. Some photos of me in this swimsuit, to commemorate the day? Heheh, that sounds fine. Take some nice ones, okay?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English

Elise: そろそろ、パーティーに戻らないといけませんね。主賓と、主催者がいないのは、問題ですから。それに、パーティーの楽しみ方も、少しわかりましたから。みなさんにも、お祝いのお礼を言わなければ。……え?あとでもう一つ、伝えたいことがある……ですか?わかりました。では、後ほど。貴方の追加指導、楽しみにしていますね。

Elise: We better get back to the party soon. What are they gonna do without the host and guest of honor? And I've got an idea of how to enjoy this party now. I need to thank all the girls for celebrating with me. …Hm? One more thing you want to tell me later? Okay sure, in a little bit. I'm looking forward to your additional coaching.

Episode 10: Feelings of Trust (信頼の気持ち)[]

To get this episode, you must give Elise her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English

Elise: オーナー、こちらです。どうしたのですか?そんなに急いで。時間に遅れそうだったから……?パーティーの片付けをされていたのでしょう?遅刻しても、理由があれば責めたりはしません。ふふっ……でも、少し嬉しいです。時間を守るために、一生懸命な貴方の姿が。指導役としても……一人のヴィーナスとしても。それで、オーナー。今度は、何を教えていただけるのでしょうか……?え?……こちらに、ですか?

Elise: Over here, Boss. Why are you in such a hurry? You're running late? I guess you were put in charge of cleaning up after the party? I won't blame you for being late if you've got a reason. Heheh… But it kind of makes me happy. Seeing you put so much effort into being on time. As a life coach… And as one of the Venuses. And Boss… What were you planning to teach me this time? Huh? …Over here?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English

Elise: このケーキは、一体……!?私の……誕生日ケーキ……ですか?お祝いの気持ちは嬉しいですが……これは、さすがに大袈裟かと。……え?伝えたかったのは、オーナーの気持ち……ですか?葡萄には『信頼』という意味がある……つまり、このケーキの大きさは、オーナーから私への……ふふっ、貴方らしい……ですね。では……私からも、貴方への「信頼」を示さなければ。オーナー。もう少しだけ近くに……来てもらえますか?

Elise: What in the world is this cake…?! My…birthday cake? I appreciate your celebratory spirit and all, but… This is just too extravagant. …Hm? You wanted to express your feelings to me? Grapes are also a symbol of "trust"? So basically…the size of this cake represents how much you trust me? Heheh… That's so typical of you…isn't it. Well…now I have to express how much I trust you… Boss… Think you could come in a little closer?

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English

Elise: ……ギブアンドテイク……ですから♪あ……あ〜ん……♡

Elise: Give-and-take is what it's all about, after all ♪ Say "Ahhhhh" ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English

Elise: ふふ、こんな誕生日は、初めてです。皆さんや、オーナーから……こんなに祝福されて。……え?そうですね。気づいエリーゼかっただけ、なのかも。……オーナー。今日は色々教えていただき、ありがとうございます。親切……そして、信頼。素敵なプレゼントでした。……え、まだ、指導は終わってない?誕生日を最後まで楽しんで……「時間を無駄にしないように」……?ふふっ♪そうですね。では……次の指導を。よろしくお願いします♪オーナー♡

Elise: Heheh, I've never had a birthday like this before. You and all the girls celebrating together like this… …Huh? Oh yeah, maybe I just hadn't noticed. …Boss? Thank you for teaching me about so much today. Kindness, and trust. What a wonderful gift. Hm? The coaching isn't over yet? Enjoy my birthday to the fullest… "Without letting any time go to waste"? Heheh ♪ You're right. So…let's get onto the next bit of coaching ♪ Boss ♡

Episode 11: Secret shower 1 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー1 (エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 12: Secret shower 2 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー2(エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 13: Secret shower 3 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー3(エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 14: Secret shower 4 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー4 (エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 15: Secret shower 5 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー5(エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 16: Secret shower 6 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー6(エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 17: Secret shower 7 (Elise) (ひみつのシャワー7 (エリーゼ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Elise.

Episode 18: Love Letter Maiden (Elise) (恋文フトメ(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー、 その少しお時間、 宜しいでしょうか?

Elise: Boss, um… Do you have a moment?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー、これを……どうしても、 今、渡したくて……

Elise: I'd really like you to have this now…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: 私がモデル?上手く出来るか、分かりませんが……とにかく、やってみます。

Elise: Me…model? I'm not sure if I can do it well, but…I'll give it a shot.

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Elise: 早めにお願いします。……ずかしい、 ですから……

(Camera flash)

Elise: I hope you can wrap this up quickly. I find it quite embarrassing…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……その写真は、内容にしてください。

Elise: Please keep these photos secret.

Episode 19: Victory Ceremony (Elise) (勝利のセレモニー (エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 20: Share ♥ with Elise (エリーゼとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 21: Top Priority Projects (最優先の案件)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……オーナー?やはり、課題の進捗がよろしくないようですね。お休みの申請が出ていましたが……残念ですが、 本日はこの課題に集中を。もちろん私も、指導役として全力でサポートします。……では、よろしくお願いします。……そんな残念そうな顔はしないで。貴方のためを思って……のことなのです。

Elise: ...... owner? I see that you are still not making good progress on your assignment. You have requested a day off. ......I'm sorry to hear that, but you need to focus on this assignment today. Of course, I will do my best to support you as your instructor. I look forward to working with you at ....... ......Don't look so disappointed. It is ...... for your sake.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー、 進捗はどうですか?コーヒーを淹れましたので、 少し休憩を…………「全部終わった」 ? あの量の課題を全て……ですか?そんな、まさか…………ぱい。 もちろんチェックさせていただきます。少々お待ちください。

Elise: How's it going, owner? I just made you a cup of coffee and I'd like to take a break. ............ "All done"? You've done all ...... that amount of work? Oh no, no way. ............ Of course I will check it out. Please wait a moment.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: 確かに……全て、終わっていますね。内容も、いい加減に終わらせたものでは無さそうです。……オーナー、 よく頑張りましたね。申請の通り、午後はお休みいただいても構いませんよ。……しかしなぜこんなに急いで?今日のお休みは、 それほど重要な案件なのでしょうか?「どんなことよりも優先される。 とても日更な案件」……ですか? いったい何のこと……

Elise: Surely all of ...... is done. The content does not seem to be finished in a good way. Well done, ...... owner, you've done a great job. As per your request, you may take the afternoon off. ...... but why such a rush? Is today's vacation really that important? It takes precedence over anything else. It's a very important matter."......? What on earth are you talking about? ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Elise: これは……水着?私への、 誕生日プレゼント……!?そういえば…… 申し訳ありません、 忘れていました。まさかそのために、こんなに頑張…………ありがとうございます。 オーナー。とても……とても、嬉しいです、私も、貴方の想いに応えなければいけませんね。では、さっそくこの水着を着てきますので…………私も、午後はお休みを……?ふふっ♪ もちろんです。ここからは、お互いにプライベート……で。

Elise: Is this a ...... swimsuit? For me, a birthday present ......! Oh, by the way, ...... sorry, I forgot. No way I worked so hard for that ............ Thank you. Owner. I'm very ...... happy, I have to respond to your wishes. Now, I'm going to put on this swimsuit right away,............ and I'm also going to take the afternoon off,......? Hmmm...of course. From here on, we will be private ...... with each other.

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Elise: これは……とても綺麗な水着ですね♪デザインにも工夫が凝らされていて……いいと思います。「評価が聞きたいのではなくて」……?……そ、そうですね。では……あの……似合っているでしょうか?貴方には、どう見えているのか……気になります。……「思ってた以上に似合っていて、 綺麗だ」…………ふふっ♪ありがとうございます。 はい……とても、 嬉しいです♪

(Owner edges closer)

Elise: ひゃっ? お、オーナー?急に近づいてきて……何を?……私から、いい香りがするから……?刺激的で、不思議な……ええ……この水着に合うように香水を使いました。独特なハーブの香りがする……らしいのですが。私も、 香水には慣れていないので……貴方の好みに合っていれば、良いのですが。「いい匂いで、思わず惹きつけられた」 ……ですか。それであれば、よかったです♪では、オーナー……記念撮影をしませんか?私も……撮って欲しいので……ふふっ♪

Elise: This is ...... a very beautiful swimsuit...I think it is ...... nice and well designed. I'm not asking for an evaluation. ......? ......Yes, you're right. So, does ...... that ...... suit you? I'm curious about how it looks...... on you. ...... "It suits you better than I thought it would, and you look beautiful."............ Yes,...... I am very, very happy...

(Owner edges closer)

Elise: huh? Oh, owner? Suddenly you come closer...... what? ...... because I smell so good......? It's exciting and strange......Yes...... I used perfume to match this swimsuit. I heard it has a unique herbal scent ....... I'm not used to perfume either, so I hope ...... it's to your liking. It smells so good, I couldn't help but be drawn to it. ......? I'm glad that's the case. I also ...... want you to take a ...... picture of me, so ...... phew!

Scene 11

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player needs to directly take a picture during this time

Scene 12
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー。それで……このあとなのですが……よければ、もう少しお付き合いいただけないでしょうか。このような、素敵な水着をもらったお礼もできれば……と。それに……私も、その……もっと、誕生日を楽しみたくて。……ふふっ♪ 喜んでくれるんですね。では……行きましょうか、 オーナー。二人で……デートに♡

Elise: Owner. So ...... after this, I was wondering if you could ...... stay with me a little bit longer if you don't mind. I would like to thank ...... you if I could for such a nice swimsuit. And ...... I also wanted to enjoy that ...... more and enjoy my birthday. ......'ll be pleased. So let's ...... go, owner. The two of us are going on a handsome ...... date.

Episode 22: Making someone happy (誰かを喜ばせること)[]

To get this episode, you must give Elise the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: 今日は……とても充実した一日でした。午後からのお休みでしたが、貴方と二人……貴方は、 どうでしたでしょうか。その……私との、デートは。……「誘ってくれて、 嬉しかった」?ふふっ♪ では、よかったです♪このようなことには、慣れていないので。誘いに応じてくれて、私も……嬉しかった。……それにしても、 この花火……とても美しいですね♪まるで、私の誕生日をお祝いしてくれているようで。……一体、誰が用意してくれたのでしょうね?そういえば、 つい先日 「急用がある」 と……課題をおろそかにして、休暇を取った人がいたような……ふふっ♪ やはり、貴方だったのですね。……責めるつもりはありません。誰かを喜ばせることは、 オーナーとして正しいことですから。私も、その気持ちが……とても嬉しかったです。……大っぴらには褒められませんが。……ふふっ♪しかし、今日は少し気を緩めすぎましたね。明日からは、より厳しくしないと……え……? 私も、気を緩めていた……?

Elise: Today was a ...... very productive day. I had the afternoon off, and you and I ...... had a good time. That ...... date with me? ...... "I'm glad you asked me out"? Well, I'm glad... I'm not used to this kind of thing. I was also ...... happy that you took me up on the offer. ......But then again, these fireworks ......are so's like they are celebrating my birthday. I wonder who prepared them ......? I'm sure you'll be able to find a good deal of information about the company and its products and services. I don't blame ...... you. I don't blame you, it's the right thing to do as an owner to make someone happy. I was also very happy ...... to hear that. I can't praise ...... it openly, though. ......Hmmm...but I think I was a little too relaxed today. Tomorrow, I'll have to be tougher......e......? I also loosened up......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: ……これはデート中の写真……?ふふっ♪ 確かに、私も気を緩めていたようですね。……貴方と二人のデートが、よほど楽しかったのか…………可愛い!?……そのようにからかうのは……やめてください。慣れていないのですから……い、いえ、 決して嬉しくないわけでは…………もう。……ふふっ♪ 貴方は、 本当に……誰かを喜ばせることばかり、 考えているのですね。私も、貴方のように誰かを……いえ、貴方を喜ばせてあげたいのですが……あの、 少しだけ、向こうを向いていていただけないでしょうか。少し……恥ずかしい……ので。

Elise: ...... Is this a picture of you on a date ......? I guess you and I had so much fun on our date with ...... you ............ cute! Please don't ...... tease me like that. I'm not used to it,...... and no, it doesn't mean I'm not happy,............. You are really ...... all about pleasing ...... someone, aren't you? I would like to please someone like you,...... but I would like you to look away,...... just for a moment. I'm a little ...... embarrassed ...... so.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Elise: ど、どうでしょうか……このようなもので、喜んでいただけるかどうか…………「大切にする」?……よかった♡貴方に混んでもらえて……♪……では……プライベートの誕生日も、 デートも。ここで終了ですね。……少しだけ、名残惜しいですが。……え? 今日はまだ終わっていない……?……いえ。 明日は、 また新しい課題がありますから。私のではなく、貴方の課題ですよ。ふふっ♪ そう、 困った顔をしないでください。私も、より一層しっかり指導します。 毎日……一緒に。二人で早く課題を終えれば……また……こんなふうに、 デートができますから♪

Elise: How about ...... whether you would be pleased with something like this ............ "cherish"? I'm ...... glad to have you in the mix♡............... and I'll be happy to ...... take care of your ...... private Birthdays, dates. I guess we're done here. ......I'm a little bit sad to leave. ......What? Today is not over yet......? ......No. Tomorrow, I have a new assignment. Your assignment, not mine. Well, don't look so distressed. I will teach you even better. Every day ...... together. If we both finish our assignments quickly,...... we can have another date like this,......

Episode 23: Bitter♡Sweet (Elise) (ビター♡スイート(エリーゼ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Elise: オーナー、その……少しお時間、宜しいでしょうか?

(Camera flash)

Elise: Owner, that ......, can I have a moment of your time?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Elise: 業務時間外に……すみません。これを、 貴方に渡したくて。

Elise: I'm sorry to ...... after hours. I just wanted to give this to you.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Elise: 喜こんで頂ければ幸いです。

Elise: I hope you are pleased.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Elise: 守秘義務を守って頂けるのなら……もう少しだけ……許可、 します。

(camera flash)

Elise: I will allow ...... a little more ...... if you can maintain confidentiality.

(camera flash)

Episode 24: Velvet Time Pearl (Elise) (ベルベットタイム・パール(エリーゼ))[]

Japanese English translation

Elise: では、着替えますが……現きは、禁止ですからね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Elise: もら少し、待ちなさい。んっ……と……現き込みすぎですよ。で、この水着。どうでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Elise: なるほど、こういう水着……きゃあっ!?……契約違反ですよ、オーナー。

Elise: Well, I'll get changed into it, but… All peeking is prohibited.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Elise: Just wait a bit longer… There… That's enough peeking. So, this swimsuit. What do you think?

(if the player peeks)

Elise: I see, this kind of swimsuit... Oh, my God!? ...... It's a breach of contract, owner.

Episode 25: Elise's Fourth Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 26: Elise's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Elise's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 27: Secret Esthetic Time (Elise)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Elise's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: A Single Spoon (一本のスプーン)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 〜♪

Koharu: ~ ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: ふふっ♪本日は、いつもより結麗にお掃除できた気がします♪……あら?これは……

Koharu: Heheh ♪ I think I cleaned up even better than usual today ♪ Hm? What's this…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま、失礼いたします。その、先ほど落とし物を拾って……とても綺麗な「スプーン」なのですが……落とし主を探しましたが、どなたのものでもないようで……まあ、オーナーさまのものだったのですね。見つけられて良かったです♪え?渡したいものがある……ですか?

Koharu: Excuse me, Boss. I picked up something, just a bit ago… It's a beautiful spoon… I've been searching for the one who dropped it, but to no avail. So…it belongs to you then, Boss? I'm so glad I was able to find it ♪ Hm? Something you'd like to give me?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: この箱は……とし物を届けてくれたお礼に 「みかん」を……?はい、みかんは好きです。毎年冬になると、お母さまと一緒に、こたつでみかんを食べるんです♪……え?「じゃあ、ビーチで待ってる」?かしこまりました……?

Koharu: This box contains…"tangerines"? In return for bringing back your lost item? Yes, I like tangerines very much. Every winter, mother and I sit under the warm kotatsu and eat tangerines ♪ Hm…? You'll be waiting for me at the beach…? Very well, then…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Koharu: お、お待たせいたしました……みかんはみかんでも、「みかんの水着」だったのですね。増びやかで、それでいて、やわらかく包み込まれるようで……みかんの実には「美しさ」と 「優しさ」という意味があるのですか?はい、この水着にぴったりで……こはるも見合うように、もっと頑張らないといけませんね。……あの、オーナーさま。素敵な水着の贈り物に、豪華なパーティー会場……これって、もしかして……わぁ、やっぱり……!ありがとうございます、オーナーさま。こはるのお誕生日を、こんなに祝っていただけるなんて……お誕生日を億えていて下さっただけでも、未熟者のこはるにはの体ないくらいなのに……「大切なヴィーナスだから」……!はぅぅ……え? 「何か、お誕生日にしたいことは?」……ですか?では、その……オーナーさまに、一つお願いがあるのですが……こはるの写真を撮っていただけますでしょうか?小説みたいに……この幸せなひとときを、形に残したいんです。

Koharu: S-Sorry to keep you waiting… So it was actually a tangerine-themed swimsuit… It's so gorgeous, yet feels gentle on my skin… The tangerine is a symbol of "beauty" and "gentleness"? Then…I'll have to do my best to act just as this swimsuit symbolizes. Um, Boss… This wonderful swimsuit gift, and gorgeous party venue… Could this perhaps mean…? Yay! I knew it! Thank you so much, Boss. I never imagined you'd do so much to celebrate my birthday like this. Just the fact that you even remembered my birthday… I feel like I don't deserve so much attention, being a novice and all. Because I'm an "invaluable Venus?" *sigh* Hm? Something I'd like to do on my birthday? Well… I do have one favor to ask you, Boss… I was wondering if you could take some photos of me? I want to capture this moment in time, this moment of happiness I'm experiencing, as if I'm in a novel.

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Koharu: はい♪では、よろしくお願いいたします。

(Camera flash)

Koharu: Okay ♪ Take some nice ones, Boss.

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 写真撮影、ありがとうございました。実家に送ったら、お母さまも喜んくれると思います♪えっ!オーナーさまも、こはるの写真がほしいのですか!?そ、その……のし恥ずかしいですが、オーナーさまになら……♪

Koharu: Thanks so much for taking those photos for me. I'm sure mother will be happy when I send these to my parents' place ♪ Huh?! You…want a photo of me, too?! I'm a little embarrassed, but… If it's for you, Boss… ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 皆さまをお待たせしてはいけませんので、こはるたちも、そろそろ参りましょうか。……写真をもらったお礼?そんな……そもそも、こはるが写真を撮ってほしいとお願いしたのに……パーティーが終わったあとに..…か、かしこまりました……

Koharu: We shouldn't keep everyone waiting, so maybe we should get to the party now. Something in return for letting you take photos? But…I'm the one who asked you to take them. After the party? Very well, then.

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 落とし物を拾っただけなのに、いつの間に。素敵な贈り物がたくさん……こはるは幸せ者ですね。……あれ?似たような話を、どこかで……?

Koharu: All I did was pick up a lost item, and suddenly I get all these fabulous gifts… I'm so happy right now. Wait a minute… This story sounds familiar somehow…

Episode 2: The Ultimate Return Gift (とっておきの「お返し」)[]

To get this episode, you must give Koharu her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま。その、お待たせしてしまったでしょうか?どうしても、パーティーの後片付けをお手伝いしたくて……「むしろ、いつもありがとう」……?そ、そんな、感謝されるほどのことでは……それで、あの……「写真をもらったお礼」というのは……?

Koharu: Boss, you've been waiting for me, haven't you…? I just wanted to help the other girls clean up after the party, so… You're "always so thankful for that"? I mean…it's really nothing to be so appreciative of… But anyway…What was it you wanted to do…in return for those photos?

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: わぁ、おおきい……!飾り付けも、とても素敵で……お誕生日ケーキ……?で、では、こはるが本当にいただいても……?ふふっ♪見ているだけで、頭っべたが着ちちゃいそうです……♥

Koharu: Wow, it's so big! And the decorations are really fabulous. A birthday cake? Is it…really okay for me to have this? Heheh ♪ It looks incredibly delicious ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Koharu: スプーンを……?あ、ありがとうございます、オーナーさま。では、失礼して……あれ?このスプーン、どこかで…………あっ!一本の藁がみかんに、みかんが上質な反物に……果てには、立派なお屋敷の主人に……一本のスプーンから始まった今日の出来事は、まるで、おときぎ話の 『わらしべ長者』みたいで……すべては、本が好きなこはるのために、オーナーさまがご用意してくださったことだったのですね?オーナーさま。こはる、本当に嬉しくて……言葉にできないくらいで……だから、その……こはるも、この特別な「スプーン」で、立派なお屋敷の主人……ではなく、女将として……

Koharu: A spoon? Th-Thank you, Boss. So…time for a bite… Wait, this spoon looks familiar… Oh, I know! From a single piece of straw, to tangerines, to a rich silk cloth… To becoming the owner of a fabulous mansion… The events of the day all started with a single spoon… It's just like "The Tale of the Straw Millionaire." You put this together for me, didn't you Boss… Because you know how much I love books. Boss… You've made me so happy, I can't put it into words… So I vow to use this special spoon, and as the owner of a fabulous mansion, I mean… As a hostess…

Scene 6

The following scene is given in subtitles

Japanese English translation

Koharu: とっておきの「お返し」を、あなたさまに。オーナーさま♥あーん……♥

Koharu: Give you the ultimate return gift to express my gratitude. Boss ♥ Say "ahhh…" ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Koharu: だ、大胆だったでしょうか……まるで、小説みたいで……でも……なんだか、胸がぼかぽか温かいです……♥あの、オーナーさま。本日は、素敵なおもてなしをありがとうこざいました。こはるも、これからもオーナーさまをおもてなしして……「いつか、一緒にこたつでみかんを食べたい」……?い、一緒にというのはつまり……えと、その……な、なんでもごぎいません!……えへへ♥

Koharu: W-Was that too bold of me? Just like in a novel… But I feel so warm and toasty inside now ♥ Thank you so much for the wonderful hospitality today, Boss. I promise to continue providing you with the best hospitality that I can. You want to "eat tangerines" with me "under the kotatsu sometime"? By together, are you saying that maybe… N-Never mind! …Eheheh ♥

Episode 3: Dreamy State of Mind (Koharu) (恋夢ごこち(こはる))[]

Japanese English translation

Koharu: 着替えてまいります♪少しお待ちください。

(if the player doesn't peek)

Koharu: ふふっ、素敵な装いです♪あっおたせいたしました。それでは参りましょう。オーナーさま♪

(if the player peeks)

Koharu: これで良いのでしょうか……ひゃっ!?オーナーさま!?その、いけません……

Koharu: I'll go slip it on ♪ Wait just a moment please.

(if the player doesn't peek)

Koharu: Heheh. What a nice outfit ♪ Oh, thank you for waiting. Let's go then, shall we boss?

(if the player peeks)

Koharu: Is this alright? Kyah! Boss?! You can't do this…

Episode 4: Goddess Night's Dream (Koharu) (女神の夜の夢(こはる))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 本日もお仕事お疲れさまでした、オーナーさま。こはるがたっぷり、おもてなしいたしますね♡えっ?こはるの写真を……ですか?すぐ支度いたします……!ごゆっくり、お撮りください♪

(Camera flash)

Koharu: Thank you for your hard work today, owner. Koharu will entertain you very much ♡ Eh? You want to ...... for a picture of Koharu? We'll be ready for you soon. ......! Please take your time and take a picture.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: こはる、とても楽しくて……♪もう少しだけ、続けていただけませんか?恋愛小説の二人のように……オーナーさまになら、こはるは……

(Camera flash)

Koharu: Koharu, I'm having so much fun ......♪ Can we continue for a little while longer? If you are like the two people in the romance novel ...... owner, Koharu will ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま。続けられますか?

Koharu: Dear Owner. Can you continue?

Episode 5: Usukawa Takenoko (Koharu) (うすかわたけのこ(こはる))[]

Japanese English translation

Koharu: 着替えてまいります♪少しお待ちください。

(if the player doesn't peek)

Koharu: ふふっ、素敵な装いです♪あっおたせいたしました。それでは参りましょう。オーナーさま♪

(if the player peeks)

Koharu: これで良いのでしょうか……ひゃっ!?オーナーさま!?その、いけません……

Koharu: I'll go slip it on ♪ Wait just a moment please.

(if the player doesn't peek)

Koharu: Heheh. What a nice outfit ♪ Oh, thank you for waiting. Let's go then, shall we boss?

(if the player peeks)

Koharu: Is this alright? Kyah! Boss?! You can't do this…

Episode 6: Secret shower 1 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー1 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 7: Secret shower 2 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー2(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 8: Secret shower 3 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー3(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 9: Secret shower 4 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー4 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 10: Secret shower 5 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー5(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 11: Secret shower 6 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー6(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 12: Secret shower 7 (Koharu) (ひみつのシャワー7 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Koharu.

Episode 13: Unexpected Holiday (突然のお休み)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: う〜ん……なんだか、落ち着きません。「誕生日くらいお仕事は休んで」と、オーナーさまは言われましたが……突然のお休み、 何をしたらいいか……読みかけの恋愛小説を読んでみましょうか。

Koharu: Oh my gosh… I can't relax. I know the Boss told me I should take a day off on my own birthday and everything, but… I don't know what to do with this unexpected holiday. Maybe I'll dive back into that romance novel I was reading.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: これ……物語のヒロインが、誕生日の想い出に、恋人をデートに誘って……?こはるも、そんな風にオーナーさまを使えたら……小説のように、一緒に温泉旅行とか……ふふっ♡

Koharu: Hmm…the heroine in this novel…asks her lover on a date to make memories on her birthday…? What if I ask the Boss on a date like she did… Maybe a trip to the hot spring, just like in the novel… Heheh ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: きゃああっ!!お、オーナーさまっ!!?「どうしたの」 って、な、何でもないです……す、少しだけ考え事をしてい……オーナーさまこそ、 何かお忘れ物でしょうか?てっきり、 お仕事に戻られたのかと……「こはるに渡したいものがあって」……?

Koharu: Kyahhh!!! B-Boss?! "What happened"? I-It's nothing really… I was just kind of…thinking… Did you forget something? I thought you must've gone back to work, but… Something you want to give me?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: わぁ……素敵な水着……これを、 こはるの誕生日に?わたしのことを考えて……?そんな……オーナーさまのお気持ち、とっても嬉しいです♪ありがとうございます、 オーナーさま!「誕生日でお休みなんだから、何かしたいことはないか」……って?し、したいこと……えっと……で、では……!もし、よろしければ……なんですが……誕生日の想い出に……こはると二人で、 デートしてもらえませんか……?……本当ですか?ありがとうございます!そ、それでは、少しだけ準備をさせていただきますので……待ち合わせ場所は……

Koharu: Oh wow, what a wonderful swimsuit… F-For my birthday? Then you were thinking about me…? That's just… I'm so happy you feel that way ♪ Thank you, Boss! "Since I've got my birthday off, is there something I want to do?" Want to do… Let's see… Well…! If you don't mind… I'd like to make some birthday memories, so… Do you think we could maybe…go on a date? …Really? Thank you! Give me a minute to get ready, okay… Then we can meet at…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Koharu: わたしなんかが。 物語のヒロインのようなことを……少し、おこがましいでしょうか……で、でも物語には書いてありました。「おめかしすれば、人は変われる」って……!

Koharu: Look at me, doing what the heroine of the story would do… Am I being a little silly? I mean, that's what it said in the book. "Dressing up fancy can change a person"!

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 10

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Koharu: お、お待たせいたしました。 オーナーさま。ど、どうでしょうか……?「想像以上に、似合っていてかわいい」……?そんな風に言ってもらえるなんて……おめかし、頑張って良かったです♡実家の仕事では、あまりお化粧はしませんでしたので……でも、 今日は思い切って……香水も、初めて使ってみたんですけど……あの、どうでしょうか……?石鹸のような香りが、 わたしらしくて……暖かみがあって、 色っぽさも感じる……?本当ですか?褒めてもらえて、 こはるは嬉しいです♪ えへへっ♡こはるの写真を撮りたい」 ……ですか?少しずかしいですけど……はい、お願いしますオーナーさま♡

Koharu: Thanks for being so patient, Boss. S-So…what do you think? More adorable than you imagined? When you put it like that… I'm glad I put effort into dressing up ♡ I didn't put on much makeup when working at my parents' place… But I decided to go all out today… This is the first time I've ever tried on perfume, so… What do you think? The "soapy scent" really fits me well? And I give off a "warm, sexy vibe…"? Really? I appreciate those compliments ♪ Heheh ♡ Oh, you want to take some photos of me? That sounds a little embarrassing, but… Okay, take some nice ones, Boss ♡

Scene 12

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene, also the player unlike most camera sequences has to prompt to take the picture

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 13
Japanese English translation

Koharu: はぁー、 デートの写真……こはる……緊張してしまいました……えっ?「デートで行きたいところ」 ですか?えと、こはるは修業中の身ですので……あまり、遊びのことは知らなくて……でも、オーナーさまとなら、どこへでもお付き合いさせていただきます♡オーナーさまと一緒なら……こはるは、 どこだって楽しいですから♡

Koharu: *sigh* Those date pics…made me so nervous. Hm? Where do I want to go for our date? Well…I've been in training for so long that…I don't really know of any fun places. But since I'm with you, Boss… I'll gladly go anywhere ♡ If I'm with you, Boss… Any place would be fun for me ♡

Episode 14: Muster Up the Courage (勇気を出して)[]

To get this episode, you must give Koharu the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: ……本当に、あの小説そのままのような一日でした……まさかオーナーさまと一緒に温泉に行くなんて……♡でも、本当に良いお湯でした。とっても気持ちよくて、お肌もすべすべです♪女将修業の一環にもなりましたし、お仕事以外で久しぶりに温泉に入れて嬉しかったです!……こうしてお休みを過ごすのも、楽しいものですね。ありがとうございます。 オーナーさま♡どうしてお礼を言うのか……?ふふっ。こはるにお休みをくれたのは、 オーナーさまですので♪それに、 デートコースもこはるに合わせていただいて、たくさんリードして貰えて……えへへ……勇気を出して、オーナーさまをデートにお誘いして良かったです♡こはるは……今日のことを、ずっと憶えていたいです……今日のデートのことを思い出せば……これから、もっともっと修業を頑張れそうで……え……?「これで、 いつでも思い出せる」 ……?

Koharu: Today was exactly like the novel… I never imagined I'd end up at a hot spring with you, Boss ♡ And the hot springs were so nice… It made my skin so nice and smooth, too ♪ I'd say it qualifies as part of my hostess training. And it was so exciting to experience a hot spring outside of work in a long while. Spending a day off like this can actually be really fun. Thank you, Boss ♡ Why would I thank you…? Heheh. You're the reason I was able to take this day off in the first place ♪ And you even put together a whole itinerary for me. You really know how to take charge… Heheh… I'm so glad I was able to muster up the courage to ask you out, Boss ♡ I hope… I'll remember this day for the rest of my life. Whenever I remember our date today… It should help me to put even more effort into my training. Hm…? This will help me remember anytime?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: これは、先ほど温泉で撮って頂いた写真……?はうぅ、修業中の身なのに、こんなに楽しそうに……

Koharu: One of the pics you just took at the hot spring…? Wow… Look how much fun I'm having, even when I'm still in training…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: ……え?「かわいかったから」……?か、かわいいだなんてそんな…………でも、オーナーさまに写真を撮って頂けて、こはるは嬉しいです。実家の旅館では、わたしがお客様の写真を撮ることが多くて……いつも、少し憧れていたので…………だから、ありがとうございます。オーナーさま♡オーナーさまも、今日のことを忘れたくない……ですか?えと……えと……では、恋愛小説で読んだあのシーンみたいに……こはる、がんばりますので ……!

Koharu: …Hm? Because I was "adorable" I-I don't know if I'd say that… But that fact that you took this pic of me… Makes me so happy, Boss. I've taken so many photos of guests at my parents inn… And I've always been full of admiration… So thank you so much… Boss ♡ You never want to forget this day either? Oh wow… Um… Just like that scene I read about in the romance novel… I'll keep doing my best…!

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 改めて……素敵な想い出を、ありがとうございました、 オーナーさま♡ほ、本のヒロインなら……ここで……でも、今のこはるにこれ以上は……はうぅ……今のこはるには、これ以上は難しいですけど……こはるは……これからも頑張りますので……だからまたいつか、デートにお誘いしてもいいですか……?オーナーさま♡

Koharu: So once again… Thank you so much for helping me create these wonderful memories, Boss ♡ At this point…the heroine in the book would… But… I just can't take that step…as I am now. *sigh* It's hard for me to go much further than this now, but… I promise I'll do all I can to make it work… So… Would it be okay if I ask you on a date again sometime? Boss ♡

Episode 15: Love Letter Maiden (Koharu) (恋文フトメ(こはる))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま、その、よろしいでしょうか?

Koharu: Could I have a moment of your time, Boss?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま…… これ……どうしても、お渡ししたくて……

Koharu: I…would really like you to have this…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 二人きりでの撮影……おうちデートみたで……き、緊張してきました……

Koharu: A photo shoot with just the two of us…? Like a stay-at-home date… I-I'm a bit nervous…

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Koharu: そんなに……見つめられると……

(Camera flash)

Koharu: If you keep staring like that, it kind of makes me…

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Koharu: このような甘えた姿……お見せするのはオーナーさまだけ、 ですから……♡

Koharu: I don't want anyone other than you to see my vulnerable side, Boss ♡

Episode 16: Victory Ceremony (Koharu) (勝利のセレモニー (こはる))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 17: Share ♥ with Koharu (こはるとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 18: Secret Foot Massage (Koharu) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(こはる))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: 遅くまで外回り、 お疲れ様でした♪こはるが、すぐに冷たいお茶をご用意しますね♪

Koharu: Thank you for working late on your rounds...Koharu will have some cold tea for you soon...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu (OFF): えっ、 足裏マッサージ……ですか? お疲れなのに、そんな…………「どうしても」? で、 ではお言葉に甘えて……

Koharu (OFF): What, a foot massage ......? You're tired, and you ............ "insist" on it? So, I'll take your word for it: ......

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Koharu: これで……よろしいでしょうが?その……このポーズは少し、恥ずかしくて……はぅぅ……

(camera flash)

Koharu: Is this ...... okay with you? That ...... this pose is a bit, embarrassing ...... ahhh ......

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: えと……まるで、恋愛小説のワンシーンのようで……♡あの……もう少しだけ、甘えても……いいですか?♡

Koharu: Um,...... it's like a scene from a romance novel,...... and that,...... handsome, can I spoil you just a little bit more.... I'm sorry....... ♡♡♡

Episode 19: Accompany you wherever you go. (どこまでもお供を)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: はぅぅ……ここは一体……?あ、オーナーさま! いらっしゃったんですね!よかったです、 こはるは気づいたらここに……森の中で、 誰も見当たらなくて……でも、オーナーさまがいらっしゃって安心しました♪「誕生日をお祝いしたかったから、 召喚した」……?あの、召喚とは……それに、ここはどこでしょう?

Koharu: Huh ...... what the hell is this place ......? Oh, Mr. Owner! You're here! Thank goodness, Koharu found herself here ...... in the woods and couldn't find anyone ......, but it's a relief to know that the owner is here... "I summoned you because I wanted to celebrate your birthday." ......? Well, what is a summons ...... and where am I?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: なんだか、本当に小説の中のお話みたいですね……でも、嬉しいです……♡こはるも、 誕生日はご一緒に……と、 思っておりましたので♡想いが通じ合って、別の世界でお逢いできるだなんて……この間読んだ恋愛小説のお話そっくり……♡「この世界で二人きりの時間を過ごそう」……?はい、よろしくお願いいたします。 オーナーさま♡……そういえば、この水着はオーナーさまが?ふふっ、やっぱりそうだったんですね♪色が可愛くて、とってもオシャレなので、きっとそうかなと……♡「狩人をモチーフにした。 特別な水着」?確かに、とっても身軽で……不思議な力があるのでしょうか?「狩人」のことはよくわかりませんが、これなら、 着たままお洗濯やお掃除もできちゃいそうです♪それでは、この後はどうしましょうか?オーナーさまと一緒なら、どのような過ごし方でも…………オーナーさま? どうされましたか?あ、あれは……化け物……!?はうぅ……逃げましょう、 オーナーさまっ!

Koharu: It really sounds like a story in a novel,...... but I'm glad......♡Koharu also wanted to share her birthday with you,....... Koharu: I've been thinking that we could meet in another world, so it's like a story from a romance novel I read the other day......♡"Let's spend some time alone together in this world." ......? Yes, I'm looking forward to working with you. Owner♡......Oh, by the way, is this swimsuit by the owner? Hmmm, I knew it was...the colors are lovely and very stylish, so I'm sure it must be. ......♡"It's based on the motif of a hunter. A special swimsuit"? Surely, it is very light and ...... mysterious power? I don't know what a "hunter" is, but it looks like you can do laundry and cleaning while wearing it. I'm sure you can spend any time you want with the owner. ............ owner? What's wrong? Oh, that's ...... a monster......! Hah...... let's run away, Mr. Owner!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: ふぅ……なんとか逃げ切れたでしょうか?あれは何でしょう……物語に出てきた化け物のような…………はい、 こはるは平気です。 ……不思議ですが、この水着を着てると、 なんだか夜目が利くんです。それで、こんな暗い森でも転ばすに……これが、「狩人」の水着の力……なんでしょうか?「もう安全そうだから、 そろそろ契約を」……?……えと、「契約」というと……?女将として、オーナーさまのお側で働く契約……ですか?「そうじゃなくて、もっと特別なもの」……?こはるには、よくわかりませんが……オーナーさまとでしたら、 どのような契約でも♡オーナーさまにお写真を撮っていただけばいいのですね、こはる、がんばります♪

Koharu: Phew...... did you manage to escape? What is that thing,...... that looks like a monster from a story,............ Yes, Koharu is fine. ......It's strange, but when I wear this swimsuit, my eyesight is somehow clearer at night. The first thing that comes to mind is that the swimsuit is a very powerful tool for the "hunter" to roll around in the dark forest,....... "It looks safe now, so it's time to make a deal."......? ...... and when I say "contract," I mean ......? A contract to work at the owner's side as a landlady? No, it's something more special. ......? I'm not sure, but if it's with the owner,......, I'm sure you can get the owner to take your picture, no matter what kind of contract you have, Koharu, I'll do my best!

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player needs to actually press the photograph button to advance

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Koharu: これで契約完了、 ですね♡あらためて、よろしくお願いいたします、 オーナーさま♪それで……こはるは、 何をすればよろしいのでしょうか?「誕生日を、 ある場所で一緒に過ごしたい」……ですか?はぅぅ……そんな風に言ってもらえるなんて、こはるは幸せものです……♡うふふっ、では向かいましょうか♪こはるは、どこへでもお供いたします。 オーナーさま♡

Koharu: So the deal is done... ♡ Thank you again, Mr. Owner ♪ So ...... what do you want me to do, Koharu? "I want to spend my birthday with you at a certain place." ......? I'm not sure what you mean by that, but I'm sure it's something you'd like to hear. Owner ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Episode 20: Much more than a novel. (小説よりもずっと)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Koharu's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: はぅぅ……どうしましょう、オーナーさま……気づかないうちに、化け物たちに囲まれているだなんて……こはるは 狩人としても半人前……なのでしょうか……えっ?「きっとなにか方法がある」 って……?……そうですね、 こんなときこそ、女将としての気持ちを、忘れないようにしないと……こはる、化け物さんたちをおもてなししてきます……!

Koharu: Hah...... what should I do, Mr. Owner? ...... I can't believe I'm surrounded by these monsters without realizing it...... Koharu Is Koharu even half a hunter......? There must be a way to do it." ......? I'm sure there's a way. ......Well, it's times like this when you have to remember how it feels to be a landlady. ......Koharu, I'm going to go entertain the monsters...! I'm going to go entertain the monsters...!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: ふぅ…… なんとかなりました……化け物さんのお相手は初めてでしたので、不安でしたけど、相手を敬い、 大切に想う気持ちが通じたみたいで……みなさん、 ご満足いただけたようで♪何事もなく、帰っていただけました♡それでは、旅を続けましょう、 オーナーさま♡

Koharu: Phew,...... I managed to do it,...... I was worried because it was my first time dealing with a monster, but it seems that my respect and care for them got through to them.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: それにしても、静かな夜ですね……「怖くないか」って……?はい、オーナーさまと一緒ですから……♡そ、それに、ドキドキしてしまって、 それどころでは……オーナーさま、どうされました?「ここが目的地」……?

Koharu: Still, it's a quiet night. ...... "Aren't you scared?"......? Yes, because I'm with the owner...... handsome, and I'm so nervous, I can't even think about it...... owner, what's going on? "This is where we're going."......?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Koharu: わぁ……綺麗な場所……こんな場所で、 お誕生日を一緒に過ごせるだなんて……こはるは、 幸せ者です……♡「プレゼントも用意してある」……?そんな……オーナーさまと、こんな素敵な冒険をできただけでも……「疲れが取れて、 もっと綺麗になれるオイル」 ……ですか?そ、そんな、 こはるには少々もったいないような……「もったいなくなんかない」……あ、あの……そう言っていただけるのでしたら……オーナーさまに、甘えさせていただきますわ……♡

Koharu: Wow...... beautiful place...... to be able to spend your birthday together in such a place...... Koharu is a lucky person! ......♡"I have a present for you too"......? Just being able to have such a wonderful adventure with the ...... owner of such a ...... "oil that will help you get rid of fatigue and become more beautiful" ......? It seems a little wasteful for Koharu,...... "It's not wasteful at all,...... Oh, well,...... if you can say so. If you say so,...... I'll be very flattered by the owner,...... ♡♡

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Koharu: はぁ……♡とっても心地よかったです……♡お肌もツルツルになって……まるで、 とびっきり良い温泉に入ったみたいです♪「とっても綺麗だ」 って……えへへ♡ありがとうございます、 オーナーさま♡まさか、 オーナーさまとこんな形で誕生日をお祝いするなんて、思ってもみませんでした。二人きりで冒険して、 時にはお互い助け合って……恋愛小説みたいなのに、 小説よりもずっとドキドキして……♡ありがとうございます。 オーナーさま♡こんな素敵な誕生日を過ごせて、 こはるは本当に幸せ者です♡もし、また今日みたいに二人きりで過ごすことがあったら……そのときも、甘えてもいいですか、 オーナーさま……♡

Koharu: Wow,......♡I felt so comfortable,......♡and my skin felt so smooth,......♡it was like I took a very nice hot spring bath. I never thought I would be celebrating my birthday with the owner like this. We had adventures just the two of us, sometimes helping each other out,...... and even though it was like a romance novel, it was much more exciting than a novel,......♡Thank you. Thank you, Owner♡I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful birthday, Koharu♡If we ever spend time alone together again like we did today,...... can I spoil you then too, Owner.... ...♡♡♡

Episode 21: Secret Esthetic Time (Koharu)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Koharu's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 22: Bitter♡Sweet (Koharu) (ビター♡スイート(こはる))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま、その、 よろしいでしょうか?

(Camera flash)

Koharu: May I ask, Mr. Owner, if I may?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Koharu: オーナーさま……これ……どうしても、 お渡ししたくて……

Koharu: Mr. Owner ...... I really wanted to give you this ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Koharu: あの、 オーナーさま……もう少しお時間、よろしいでしょうか……?

Koharu: Um, Mr. Owner, may I have a few more minutes of your time ......?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Koharu: こはる……が、頑張りますので……っ!

(camera flash)

Koharu: Koharu ...... will do her best. ......

(camera flash)

Tina Armstrong[]

Episode ?: Drawn in by the Sweet Scent (Tina) (甘い香りに誘われて(ティナ))[]

This episode is exclusive to the Singapore Steam version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina (OFF): スターの着替え……覗いちゃダメよ?

Tina (OFF): Time for this star to hit the dressing room… No peeking ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナー、最高のパートナーに、これをあげる!ずっと、 頼りにしてきわよふふっ、少し照れるわね。 こういうの♪お、オーナー……渡せてよかったわじゃ、おやすみなさい♪

Tina: Boss, I'll give you this for being an amazing partner! I'll always be counting on you ♥ Heheh, this is actually a bit embarrassing ♪ B-Boss… I'm glad I managed to give this to you ♥ Well then, good night ♪

Episode 1: Katsuragi Ninnin (Tina) (葛城・忍転身(ティナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Tina: 写真?もちろんいいわよ!トップモデルに任せなさい♪タイミング、見逃しちゃだめよ?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tina: ふふっ、上手いわね♪さすがオーナー♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tina: ええっ、嘘!?ダメって言ったじゃない、もう!

Tina: photograph? Of course it's fine! Leave it ♪ to the top model When, don't miss it?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tina: It's good, isn't it ♪♥?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tina: Are you kidding me!? I told you I wasn't okay with this!

Episode 2: Private Show (ブライベートショウ)[]

There is no dialogue for this scene

Episode 3: Queen of Burlesque (Tina) (バーレスククイーン(ティナ))[]

Japanese English translation

Tina: スターの着替え……覗いちゃダメよ?

(if the player doesn't peek)

Tina: ……どう?じっくり見せてあげる……トクベツよふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Tina: うーん……悪くないわね……ええっ、嘘!?ダメって言ったじゃない、もう!

Tina: Time for this star to hit the dressing room… No peeking

(if the player doesn't peek)

Tina: …Well? Take a nice, long look… This is special Heheh ♪

(if the player peeks)

Tina: Hmm… Not too shabby… Are you kidding me!? I told you I wasn't okay with this!

Episode 4: Goddess's Night Dream (Tina) (女神の夜の夢(ティナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナー。今日は眠らせないわ♪ナイトパーティー、盛り上げていくわよ!写真?もちろんいいわよ!トップモデルに任せなさい♪ほら、早く始めましょ♡

(Camera flash)

Tina: Owner. I won't let you sleep today... Night Party, we're going to have a blast! Pictures? Of course you can! Let the top models take care of you... ♪ Come on, let's get started, handsome... ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: もう少し一緒に、楽しみましょ♪エスコート、お願いね♡

(Camera flash)

Tina: Let's have a little more together, let's ♪ have fun, escort, please ♡.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: 逃げたりしないわよね?

Tina: You wouldn't run away, would you?

Episode 5: Secret shower 1 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 6: Secret shower 2 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー2(ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 7: Secret shower 3 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー3(ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 8: Secret shower 4 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 9: Secret shower 5 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー5(ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 10: Secret shower 6 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー6(ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 11: Secret shower 7 (Tina) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ティナ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Tina.

Episode 12: Private Tina (プライベートのティナ)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: ふーん、珍しいわね、オーナーが遅刻だなんて。私の誕生日をお祝いしたい、って言ってたのに。オーナー兼、マネージャーとして、一生懸命なのは認めるけど……最近、一人で仕事を抱え込み過ぎ。ピンチの時は、タッグパートナーに頼るべきだわ。ふふっ♪ ここは、私の出番ね!

Tina: Hmm… Now this is rare, the Boss is hardly ever late. He told me he wanted to celebrate my birthday today. As my Boss and Manager, I admit he's working very hard to put it all out there, but… It seems like he's been taking on too much work by himself lately. He oughta rely on his tag team partner when he's in a pinch. Heheh ♪ And that's where I come in!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: あら、オーナー♪待ってたわ。パーティー前に、 何の用?お祝いなら、パーティーを開いてくれるだけで充分なのに。え?パーティーの前に、これを……?

Tina: Oh, there you are Boss ♪ I've been waiting. What did you want to do before the party? Just having a party for me is more than enough. Huh? Before the party… This…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: ワオ!これ、今年の誕生日の水着?とっても素敵だわ!キュートで上品な仕立てなのに、私のセクシーさも隠さない、パーフェクトな水着ね♡日本のバスローブみたいで、肌触りも最高だし……なんだか、パーティーでもリラックスできそう♪「リラックス」 ……ね。……ふふっ♪……ところで、オーナー。今夜の予定はどうなってるの?「誕生日の夜だから、仕事は入れてないはず」……?ノー、私の予定じゃなくて、 あなたの予定よ。ちょっと、付き合ってほしいの。……仕事じゃなくて……ふふっ♪スターとしてじゃなくて、 ティナとしてのお願いよ♪つまり……「私と、デートしてほしい」 ってこと♡ふふっ♪ 新るなんて、許さないんだから。じゃあ、パーティーが終わったら……待ってるわ♡

Tina: Wow! Is this my birthday swimsuit for this year? It's fabulous! Such an adorable, yet elegant design… And it doesn't hide my appeal… How perfect ♡ It's like a Japanese bathrobe and feels great on the skin. I should be able to relax at the party in this baby ♪ Ah, what a way to relax… Heheh ♪ By the way, Boss. What's the plan for tonight? There shouldn't be any work for me to do since it's my "birthday night"? No no, not for me, I'm talking about your plans. I'd like you to spend some time with me. And not work…heheh ♪ Not as a big star, but just as Tina ♪ What I'm trying to say is…go out on a date with me ♡ Heheh ♪ I won't take no for an answer. So…I'll be waiting for you after the party ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Tina: おまたせ♡オーナー。どう?あなたがくれた水着、 合わせてみたんだけど。「最高に似合ってる」?ふふっ、素敵な言葉だけど、 それじゃダメね……「仕事」 じゃなくて、 「あなたの言葉」で、感想を聞かせて?「とても、 綺麗だ」……?ふふっ♪言葉は少ないけど……その素直で不器用なところ、あなたらしいわね♡……ありがと。とっても嬉しいわ。これも、私の素直な言葉♪「いつもと違う、爽やかで優しい香りがする」って……さすがね。今日はあなたのために、 香水を選んだの。リラックスできるし、この水着にもピッタリでしょ♪いつものスター・ティナとは違う、プライベートのティナの香りよ♪じゃあ、記念の写真を撮りましょ。あなたの水着と、 私のメイクアップ、 最強タックの合作。

(Camera flash)

Tina: Thanks for waiting, Boss ♡ …Well? I tried to coordinate with the swimsuit you gave me. Absolutely stunning? Heheh, those are some nice sugary words, but that won't do. I want your own personal feedback, not a professional statement. "Very…pretty…"? Heheh ♪ Not the most creative feedback in the world, but…that clumsy, honest wording is what I like about you ♡ …Thanks for saying it. You've made me happy, and that's the honest truth ♪ A different refreshing and gentle scent? Very perceptive. I chose this perfume just for you. It'll help us relax, and goes perfectly with this swimsuit, right? ♪ Unlike the Star Tina you're used to, this is Tina's personal scent ♪ How about taking some commemorative pics now? Your swimsuit with my makeup, makes it the perfect tag team collaboration.

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Tina: じゃ、行きましょ、 オーナー♪楽しい夜の始まりよ♡「SNS映えするスポットは調べて来た」…… ?ありがと♡さすが、敏腕マネージャーね♪……でも、 今夜は 「それ」は必要ないわ♡だって、今夜のデートは……ティナプロデュースの、あなただけのための、「スペシャルライブ」 なんだから♡

Tina: Let's get going, Boss ♪ The night has just begun, and it's time for some fun ♡ You found a place for me to take pics for social media? Thanks ♡ You really are a competent manager ♪ But I won't be needing that today ♡ I mean, for our date tonight… I'll be a doing a "special live" scene for you and only you ♡

Episode 13: For Your Eyes Only (あなただけのもの)[]

To get this episode, you must give Tina the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: 二人だけのお忍びデート、 楽しかったわ♪オーナー♡普段は見られない、あなたのリラックスした姿を見たら、なんだか私もリラックスできたみたい♪……「なぜ、 突然デートに誘ったのか」?ふふっ♪ ……それ、 理由が必要なこと?なんて♪……最近、 あなたが重要なことを忘れてるようだったから。ヴィーナスに、 SNSに、 スターとしての活動まで。あなたには、ずいぶん助けられてるけど……私たちの関係は、そんな一方的なものじゃないでしょ♪お互い、上や先のことばかり見てる、 似た者同士。……頼れるタッグパートナーが、 傍にいるってこと。あなたのリラックスした顔、写真に撮っておけばよかったかしら。素敵な誕生日の、いい記念になるのに♡えっ?私の「いい写真」なら……?

Tina: I really enjoyed our secret, incognito date together ♪ Boss ♡ Seeing you relax like that is such a rarity, it made me relax as well ♪ Why did I ask you out on a date all of a sudden? Heheh ♪ Do we really need a reason? Just kidding ♪ …I did it because I feel like you've been forgetting what's important lately. My activities as a Venus, on social media, and as a star… You've helped out immensely, but… Our relationship isn't that one-sided, is it? ♪ We're so alike, always aiming high and thinking about the future. Two dependable tag team partners that are always there for each other. I should've snapped a pic of you with that relaxed expression. What a nice birthday memory that would've been ♡ Hm? A "nice pic" of me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: これ、今日撮った写真ね?

Tina: You took this today, didn't you…?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: 確かに、いい写真だわ♪どんな雑誌にも、SNSにも載ってない、「私」が写ってる……「SNSで公開したら、 バズるかも」……?ふふっ♪そうね。ティナの、普段は見せないプライベートな姿だもの。……でも、 それはダメ。これは……「今日の私」は、あなただけのものだから。……だから、 この写真もあなただけのもの。私から、「あなたへ」 の証明を入れてあげる……♡

Tina: It certainly is a nice pic ♪ A version of me you'll never find in a magazine or on social media… "Might go viral if we post it on social media"? Heheh ♪ It just might. It's Private Tina after all, the one you never see online. …But you can't do that. The Tina you see today belongs only to you. So this photo is for your eyes only. From me to you, with my stamp of approval ♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tina: ……サインペンは持ってないから、 これで許してね♡誰にも見せちゃ、ダメよ♪それじゃ、行きましょうか、 オーナー?デートの続きよ♡「もう充分休んだ」って……誰が、休むって言ったの?私の誕生日は、まだ終わっていないわ♪充分休んだなら、 まだまだイケるでしょ♡ここからが本当のデートよ。「休む暇」なんて、あげないわ♡タッグパートナーなんだから……覚悟を決めて、 私についてきなさい、オーナー♡

Tina: Sorry I don't have a pen to sign it for you, but please accept this instead ♡ Don't you dare show it to anyone ♪ Maybe we should get going now, Boss. Onto the next part of our date ♡ You've already had "plenty of rest"? Who said anything about resting? My birthday hasn't ended yet ♪ If you're rested up, you should be ready for a wild time The real date starts now. And I won't give you a second to rest ♡ You're my tag team partner after all… So brace yourself and follow me, Boss ♡

Episode 14: Love Letter Maiden (Tina) (恋文フトメ(ティナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナー、ちょっと話があるんだけど……

Tina: Boss, I need to talk to you about something…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: これ、あなたに渡したくて。受け取ってくれると、嬉しいわ♡

Tina: I wanted to let you have this… I'd be happy if you accept ♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: ねえ、私と二人きりよ? 少し、 ドキドキしない?♡

Tina: Hey, we're all alone here. Does that give you a little thrill? ♡

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Tina: 見てもいいけど、撮影も忘れないでね♡

(Camera flash)

Tina: I don't mind if you stare, just don't forget to snap the pics ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナーにだけ、特別よ?♡

Tina: This is a special shoot, just for you ♡

Episode 15: Victory Ceremony (Tina) (勝利のセレモニー (ティナ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 16: Share ♥ with Tina (ティナとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Tina) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ティナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: ハーイ♪ 今日は一日、お疲れさま!こんな遅くまで待ってるなんて、さすがタッグパートナーね♪

Tina: Hi...! You're a great tag team partner to be waiting for me this late...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina (OFF): ……足裏マッサージ?あなた、気が利くわね。ふふっ♪サンキュー、お願いするわ♡

Tina (OFF): ...... foot massage? You are so witty. Hmmm...thank you, please ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Tina: これで、いいかしら♡ふふっ♪ もしかして、緊張してる?

(camera flash)

Tina: I hope this is okay, handsome.

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: ……ねぇ、手が止まってるわよ?私のセクシーさに、 ノックアウトされた?♡

Tina: ...... Hey, are you holding back? Did my sexiness knock you out? ♡♡♡

Episode 18: Your Exclusive Seat (あなただけの特等席)[]

This episode is currently exclusive to the Singapore Steam version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: ハーイ、オーナー♪私の誕生日パーティー、 準備してくれてるの?「スーパースターにふさわしいパーティーにしてみせる」 ?うふふっ、凄い力の入れようじゃない♪期待してるわ、マネージャー♡じゃあ、私もパーティーが盛り上がるように、ビシッと決めて来なくちゃ♪えっ?「それも用意してある」……って?

Tina: Hey, Boss ♪ Are you setting up for my birthday party? A "party fit for a superstar"? Heheh. Sounds like you're putting a lot into this ♪ So I'm expecting a lot out of it, Manager ♥ BUt I've gotta make sure to dress the part, to make sure this party gets exciting ♪ Hm? You've already taken of that, too?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: これって、 誕生日の水着?ふふっ、素敵な水着じゃない♡これを着てパーティーに登場したら、きっと盛り上がるわ!さすが、 オーナー兼、破腕マネージャー。仕事が行き届いてるわね♪「スターに似合うステージと、コーデの準備はできたから、マネージャーの仕事はここまで……」?ふふっ♪ じゃあ、ここからはスターの仕事ね♪もちろん、わかってるわ♡すぐ着替えてくるから、待ってて♪マネージャーには、特別にバックステージで見せてあげる♡

Tina: Is this…my birthday swimsuit? Heheh. I like the looks of it ♥ I'm sure to turn heads if I show up in this baby! That's the Boss and Manager I know. You know how to get the job done ♪ Now that you've "prepared a stage fit for a star and the matching outfit," your "job as manager is complete"? Heheh ♪ And it's on me to take it from here, in my job as the "star" ♪ Of course I know this ♥ Hold on while I go slip into this baby ♪ As my manager, you've got special backstage viewing privileges ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: この水着。 とっても情熱的な色ね!眩しいくらいのオレンジが、 とっても素敵だわ♪スター・ティナの溢れるパッションにピッタリね♡見る人みんなを元気にできそう♪……どう、敏腕マネージャーとしての感想は?あなたの考え通り、着こなせているかしら?……とっても愛らしい?ふふっ♪ キュートってこと?……ふーん、「愛らしい」 はオレンジの言葉なの?そうね♡私もこの水着、愛らしくて、キュートだと思うわ♪……えっ、違う? 水着じゃなくて…… 私が愛らしい?……ありがと♡……で、どういうところが? 詳しく聞きたいわ♡「オレンジの言葉通り、とっても純粋で、まっすぐで、まぶしいくらいにキュートで……らしい」…………うふふっ♪ねえ、その言葉……ずっと前から考えてたんじゃない?……なんて♪……ありがと、 オーナー。でも、 それを言うなら、 あなたも同じよ♡純粋で、まっすぐで……とってもキュートだわ♪じゃあ、素敵な言葉のお礼に、個人撮影なんてどうかしら!ふふっ♪スター・ティナの、 あなただけの為のステージよ♡

(Camera flash)

Tina: What a passionate color! This radiant orange is to die for ♪ A perfect expression of Star Tina's overflowing passion ♥ It's sure to give anyone who looks at it a shot of excitement, too ♪ What are your thoughts, as my highly-competent manager? Do I wear it as well as you imaged I would? "Quite endearing"? Heheh ♪ Does that mean its cute? Hmm… So "endearing" is a symbolic word for the color orange? Yeah ♥ I think it's quite cute and endearing myself ♪ Hm? It's not the swimsuit, but it's me who's endearing? …Well, thanks ♥ But…can I get some specifics? Just as the color orange symbolizes, I'm very pure, straightforward, and radiantly cute…which is summed up as endearing? …Heheh ♪ You've had that word in mind for a long time now, haven't you? Just kidding ♪ Thanks, Boss. But you know what, you're just the same ♥ Pure, straightforward, and very cute ♪ So to thank you for thinking up that fabulous word for me, how about I let you enjoy a personal photoshoot? Heheh ♪ On Star Tina's exclusive stage for you ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: ……それじゃあ、次はパーティータイムね!みんなが、 わたしたちを待ってるわ♪盛り上がっていくわよ♪ オーナー♡……あら、どうしたの?まだ何か、気になることでもある?パーティーが終わった後……?「二人きり、プライベートで」 ……ふふっ♪ステージの反省会ってわけじゃなさそうね?……わかったわ♪ 予定空けておくから、遅れないでね?オーナー♡

Tina: We've got party time up next, don't we? Everyone is waiting for us ♪ I beter go liven things up ♪ Boss ♥ Whoa there… Is something still on your mind? After the party? "Just the two of us, in private?" Heheh ♪ Not an evaluation of my stage performance or anything like that, right? You've got it ♪ I'll pencil you in, so don't be late, Boss ♥

Episode 19: Private Party (プライベートパーティー)[]

To unlock this episode, you must give Tina her Spoon of Happiness item after winning it in her birthday matches; this episode is currently excluive to the Singapore Steam version

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: ……オーナー、 待たせちゃったかしら?ふふっ♪ みんなが、なかなか詳してくれなくて。スターとして、 期待は裏切れないもの♪マネージャーは待つのも仕事……?うふふっ♪ でも今は、 スターでもマネージャーでもなくて、お互いプライベート……でしょ?二人きりで、ゆっくり過ごす時間なんて、こうやって作らないと、なかなかできないものね♡このまま星を見上げて、ずっと話していてもいいけど……ただ、 ゆっくりするためだけに、私を呼び出したわけじゃ、ないんでしょ?♪ふふっ♪ どんなサプライズも、受けて立つわよ♡

Tina: You've been waiting long? Heheh ♪ The girls wouldn't let me go, and I'd never betray their expectations, being the star that I am ♪ "It's a manager's job to wait"? Heheh ♪ But we're not in a star-manager relationship at the moment. Just a nice, private meeting, right? If we don't set aside a nice time like this, for just the two of us… We'd never be able to do it, would we ♥ It would be lovely if we could just look up at the stars and chat like this for a while… But you didn't bring me here just to relax, now, did you? Heheh ♪ Whatever surprises you've got in store, I'll take you up on it ♥

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: ワオ! これ、ひょっとして誕生日のケーキ!?「驚いた?」って…… 当たり前じゃない♪ファンのみんなからも、誕生日には色んなプレゼントをもらったけど……ふふっ♪ こんなに心躍るプレゼントなんて♡スケールが大きくて、あなたと私にピッタリだわ♪爽やかなオレンジの香り……とっても美味しそう♪それじゃあ、自べましょう♡……当然、タックパートナーのあなたも一緒にね?

Tina: Wow! Could this be…my birthday cake?! Am I "surprised"? …Of course I am ♪ I've gotten all sorts of birthday gifts from my fans, but… Heheh ♪ I gotta say…this one really "takes the cake" ♥ It's massive, and fits you and me just perfectly ♪ The orange scent is so refreshing… It smells delicious ♪ What do you say we dig in ♥ Being tag team partners and all, we've gotta eat it together.

Scene 6

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English translation

Tina: ふふっ♪ スターの本気、 見せてあげるわ♡オーナーにだけ、 特別よ?♡ あ〜ん♡

Tina: Heheh ♪ Let me show you some star power ♥ Specially for you, Boss ♥ Say "ahhhh" ♥

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tina: 今日はありがとう、オーナー。盛大なパーティーもいいけど、こうやって、 身近な人と過ごすのも……素敵ね。でも……ちょっと面白いわね。あなたが、 もう 「身近な人」 になってるなんて♪……同じ身近でも、 パパとは全然違うけど。 ふふっ♪じゃあ、行きましょうか、 オーナー♪「どこに」 って……そうか……一緒に、世界の頂点……とか。……どう?うふふっ♪……まずはその第一歩に、その辺を、お散歩しましょ♡……オーナー♡

Tina: Thanks for all you did today, Boss. That big old party was something else… But sometimes it's nice to get intimate like this, too. Isn't that funny though? That fact that I'm already so close to you like this? But it's a different "close" than how me and Daddy are. Heheh ♪ What do you say we get going now, Boss? ♪ "Where?" Well… How about to the top of the world? Sound like a plan? Heheh ♪ Maybe a little stroll around here would be a good first step ♥ …Boss ♥

Episode 20: Miracle Caused by "Kizuna" (bonds) (「絆」 が起こしたミラクル)[]

Scene 1

This scene does not have dialogue boxes or subtitles

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: ここは……?たしか、誕生日の準備をしてたはずだけど……あら? そこにいるのは……オーナーじゃない♪一体、何が起きたのかしら?あっ!これってもしかして……誕生日のサプライズ?♡まるでイリュージョンね! どうやったの? ♪「召喚した」 って……イリュージョンとは違うってことかしら……?

Tina: Is this ......? I thought I was getting ready for a birthday ....... I think that's the owner of .........what the heck happened to him? Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not sure! Could this be ...... a birthday surprise? You are a handsome illusionist! How did you do that? Â "Summoned" is not the same as ...... illusions,......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: 「絆」とか「縁」 とか、それに 「召喚」……?うーん、 説明されても、分からないものは分からないわ……ま、要するにこれは、「私たちの「絆」が起こしたミラクルってことでいいわよね♡「驚かないのか」……?「別の世界に二人きり」 っていうのは少し驚いたけど……でもそれって、 サイコーに楽しそうじゃない!それに……私たち最強タッグなら、どんな世界でも、向かうところ敵なしよ♪そういえば、この水着…… いつの間に着替えたのかしら?いつもより力が湧いてくるような……えっ?「誕生日プレゼント」……?「想いの力を込めた」 って……ワオ! やっぱり、この水着がそうなのね!不思議なパワーを感じるもの♪それに、動きやすいのに、 ちゃんとセクシーさもあって……ふふっ、さすがオーナー♪ ありがとう♡へえ、ハンターがモチーフ? 飛び道具は、フェアじゃないから、 使ったことないけど…………オーナー、 少し下がっててもらえる?……そこに誰かいるわね?出てきなさい? この私からは逃げられないわよ?……って、モンスター? ワオ、 エキサイティングな相手ね!任せてオーナー、 あなたのことは私が守るから♪ふふっ、心配しないで。 私は「スーパースター」よ♪どんな武器でも使いこなしてみせるわ♪

Tina: "bond" or "karma" and "summoning" ......? Well, I don't understand what I don't understand even if you explain it to me. ...... Well, in short, this is the miracle of our "bond", isn't it a handsome "aren't you surprised" ......? I'm a little surprised that it's just the two of us in another world,...... but that sounds like a lot of fun! And ...... we're the strongest tag team in the world, no matter what world we're in....... I feel more powerful than usual. ...... What? "Birthday present." ......? I've been thinking about it for a while now! I knew this swimsuit was the one! I can feel the mysterious power of this swimsuit...and it's easy to move around in, but it's sexy too. ...... Hmmm, that's the owner...thanks ♡Hey, hunter as a motif? I've never used a flying gadget because it's not fair. ............ Owner, would you mind stepping back a bit? ...... is there someone in there? Come on out. You can't escape me, can you? ...... is a monster? Wow, that's an exciting opponent! I'll take care of you, owner. I'm a superstar... and I can use any weapon at my disposal.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: イエーッス!ノッてる私は、止められないわよ?♪オーナー! 私の活躍、見てた?♡この水着があれば、楽勝ね♪この調子で、この世界でもナンバーワンを目指そうかしら♪え?私と「契約」 したい …… ?ふふっ、私のハンターとしての才能を見込んで、 ってこと?♪個人契約は、基本断ってるんだけど…………なんて♪オーナーは特別……たもの♡もちろん、 オーケーよ♡そのカメラに写ればいいのね♪ほら、シャッターチャンス逃しちゃだめよ……?♡

Tina: Yessss! You can't stop me when I'm in the mood, can you? Â Owner! Did you see what I did? I'm going to be number one in the world with this handsome swimsuit....... Do you want to make a "contract" with me ......? You mean you think I'm a good hunter? I refuse to sign personal contracts, but ............ I'm a handsome handsome owner with a special ...... offer, so of course I'll do it. You know, you can't miss the shutterbugs. ......? ♡♡♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player is required to directly take the picture in this scene.

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tina: ふふっ、契約完了ね。あらためて、パートナーとしてよろしくね♡それで、オーナー。ちょっと、提案があるんだけど……この世界を、もう少し冒険してみない?ほら、 今日は私の誕生日でしょ?いつもみたいに、 パーティーで盛り上がるのもいいけど……せっかく二人きりになれたんだもの。もう少し、この時間を楽しみたくって♡……あなたも、そのために召喚してくれたんでしょ?♡うふふっ、そうこなくちゃ!それでこそ、 私のパートナーよ♪それじゃ、一緒に行きましょ♪ オーナー♡

Tina: Well, we have a deal. I'm glad to have you as a partner again, my handsome owner. I have a suggestion for you: ...... Why don't we explore this world a little more? You know, it's my birthday, right? It would be nice to have a party like we usually do, but now that we're alone together,...... I'd like to enjoy this time with you a little more. I wanted to enjoy this time a little more ♡...... you summoned me for that, too, didn't you? I'm not sure what to do with the money, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a way! That's why you're my partner... now let's go together ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Owner.

Episode 21: ♪ You don't overdo it ♪ (過さないんだから♪)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Tina's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: やっぱり、冒険にはモンスターがつきもの、ってことね……♪いいわ、 相手になってあげる♡

Tina: I guess it's true, every adventure has a monster. ...... ♪ Okay, I'll be your handsome companion ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: なかなか手強いわね……ふふっ、それならこれはどう? ♪プロレスで鍛えたパワーで、弓を限界まで引き絞れば……

Tina: That's a tough one. ...... How about this one then?  If you pull the bow to the limit with the power you've developed in wrestling, ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: ひゃっ!オーマイガー!力の入れすぎで、弓を壊しちゃうなんて……ごめんなさい、 オーナー……!せっかくもらったのに…………って、 攻撃が……!

Tina: Whew! Oh my god! I'm so ...... sorry that you broke your bow by putting too much force on it, owner ......! I'm sorry you had to go to so much trouble to get it, ............, but your attack was ......!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナー、 大丈夫! ?私が油断したばっかりに……「軽い擦り傷だから」 って、でも……!えっ? 弓も傷も大丈夫だから、私らしくやればいい……?ふふっ……♪ あなたも、 なかなかタフね。さすが、私のパートナーだわ♪……そうよね。オーナーも頑張ってくれてるのに、こんなところで、くよくよしていられないわ♪だって私は「スーパースター」 で……オーナーの「パートナー」だもの♪

Tina: Owner, I'm fine! I just let my guard down and said, "It's just a minor abrasion. I just let my guard down and ...... said, "It's just a minor scrape," but ......! What? I'm fine with the bow and the scratch, so just be me ......? You're pretty tough, too. That's my partner. ...... I know. I can't be so down in the dumps when the owner is working so hard, because I'm a "superstar" and ...... his "partner. "Â

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tina: イエーイ!やったあ!私たち、やったのよ、オーナー♪……あらためて、 ありがとう♡あなたのおかげで、助かったわ。はぁ、安心したら、 一気に疲れた気がするわね…………えっ?「ぴったりのプレゼントがある」 って……?癒やしの効果があるオイル……?「これを見て」 って……あっ!さっきの傷がもう……!「いつも助けて貰ってるからお返ししたい」……?ふふっ♪ パートナーだもの。助け合うのは当然よ♪私も、オーナーにはたくさん助けて貰ってるわ。今日だって、 あなたがいなかったらどうなってたか……だから、気をつかわないで……って、 言いたいところだけど……今日くらいは……少し、甘えちゃおうかしら♡二人きりのプライベートな時間、 もう少し楽しみたいわ……♡

Tina: Yay! We did it! We did it, owner......... Thank you again, you've been a hands-on help. I feel so relieved and tired all at once. ............ What? I have the perfect gift for you." ......? Healing oils......? Look at this." ...... The scar you just got is already ......! "You've always helped me, so I want to repay you." ......? We're partners. I've had a lot of help from the owner. I don't know what I would have done without you today,...... so I'd say don't worry about it,...... but I'm sure you'll be able to help me out a little,...... today. I'd like to pamper you a little bit,...... at least for today,......, but I'd like to enjoy a little more private time alone with you,...... handsome.

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tina: はぁ……♡気持ちよかった♪こんなに体が軽くなるなんて……♪きっと、あのオイルの力だけじゃなくて、オーナーに塗ってもらったからね♡……ふふっ♪ ボーっとしてどうしたの、オーナー?私のセクシーボディに、見惚れちゃったかしら?♡「今日は一緒にいられて良かった」……?ええ……私もよ♡ でも……「今日」だけじゃなくて、 明日もその次の日も。それに……どんな世界でも。私たちは一緒よ♡うふふっ、オーナーにだけ、「契約」 を許す意味……分かるでしょ?♡だから、これからもよろしくね♪ オーナー♡

Tina: Hah......♡It felt so good...I can't believe how much lighter I feel.........I'm sure it's not just the power of that oil...the owner applied it to me! ♡...... hmmm... What's wrong with you in a daze, owner? Did you just fall in love with my sexy body? ♡ "It was nice to be with you today."......? Yes,...... I am too, ♡ but not only ...... "today", but tomorrow and the day after that. And ...... whatever the world. We're in this together ♡ ugh, only the owner knows what it means to allow a "contract"......, right?

Episode 22: Secret Esthetic Time (Tina) ()[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Tina's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Episode 23: Bitter♡Sweet (Tina) (ビター♡スイート(ティナ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tina: ねえ、私と二人きりよ?少し、ドキドキしない?♡

(Camera flash)

Tina: Hey, just you and me, huh? Aren't you a little nervous? ♡♡♡♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tina: これ、あなたに渡したくて。 受け取ってくれると、 嬉しいわ♡

Tina: I wanted to give this to you. I'd be happy to receive it, handsome.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tina: オーナーにだけ、特別よ?♡

Tina: Only for the owner, special, okay? ♡♡♡

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tina: これは二人だけのヒミツ♡プライベートだから、見せちゃダメよ?♡

(camera flash)

Tina: This is our secret♡Private, so don't show it to me, okay? ♡♡♡

(camera flash)


Episode 1: Happy Trouble (嬉しいトラブル)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: オーナー、お仕事お疲れさま。調子はどう?「元気」って……それくらい、あんたの顔を見ればわかるわ。そうじゃなくて、仕事の進捗は…………え、もう片付いたの?ふーん……じゃあ、わたしの手伝いは要らないのね。まあ、早く終わるに越したことはないわ。今日の午後はゆっくりできるんでしょ?じゃあ、さ……もしよかったら、この後わたしの…………ううん。やっぱりなんでもないわ。わたしは部屋に帰るから。また何か依頼があれば、いつでも呼んでちょうだい。あんたとは、ビジネスパートナーなんだから。次も特別価格で、引き受けてあげる♪

Amy: I see you're working hard, Boss. How's it going? You "feel great"…? I can tell from your expression. I mean…I was actually asking about work. Oh, you're already done? Hmm… I guess you don't need my help then. There's nothing like getting done early, right? Now you can relax all afternoon. So…maybe later we can… I mean, this is my… Actually…just forget I said anything. I'm going back to my room. If you've got any tasks for me, feel free to let me know. We are business partners, after all. I'll give you a special price next time, too ♪

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: オーナー?こんな時間にどうしたのよ。今日の仕事はもう終わったはずじゃ…………え、トラブル?手を貸してくれないか」って……一応、プライベートの時間だったんだけど。まあいいわ、ちょうど退屈してたし、付き合ってあげる♪

Amy: Boss? What are you doing here at a time like this? Shouldn't you be off work by now? Oh, some trouble? You want me to "lend a hand"? I'm off the clock right now, but…sure. I was just starting to get bored, so I'll go along with you ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Amy: ねえ、こんなところに連れてきて、一体なんの仕事をさせるつもりなのよ。え?「その話は嘘」って……どういうこと?

Amy: Hey, why would you bring me to a place like this? What kind of work are you planning to give me here? Huh? What do you mean you were "bending the truth"?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Amy: わぁ♪素敵な水着ね……!これを……わたしに?でも、いきなりどうして……「誕生日プレゼント」って……えっ?あんた。知ってたの……!?たしかに、フェスのプロフィールには書いたけど、あれは、あくまで形式的なものっていうか…………覚えてないと、思ってたから。「パートナーの記念日を、忘れるはずない」……?……み、見ないで……!泣いてなんか、ないんだから……うぅ……顔を洗って……じゃなくて、着替えてくるわ!

Amy: Wow ♪ What a gorgeous swimsuit…! This is…for me? But why do this all of a sudden? A "birthday gift"? Then…you knew all along?! I did include the date in my fest profile, but… I thought it was just a formality. I didn't think you'd actually remember. You'd never forget your partner's birthday? … C-Could you look away… I'm…not crying… *sniff* I need to rinse my face…er, go change into this!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Amy: お待たせ、オーナー。着てみたけど……感想聞かせてくれない?「可愛くて、見惚れちゃいそう」……?ば、バカ!もっと他に言いようがあるでしょ。もう……勘違いさせないでよね!ま、可愛いデザインなのは同意するけど。この飾りって、さくらんぼよね……誕生日の果実……?へえ、そんなのもあるのね。勉強になるわ。ねえ、あんたにお願いがあるんだけど。……写真、撮ってくれない?ほら、せっかくだから記念に、ね。その代わり……特別に、あんたの好きに撮らせてあげるから。

(Camera flash)

Amy: Thanks for waiting, Boss. I put it on, so…can I get some feedback? "So adorable" that you "might just fall for me"? S-Stop that! There must be a better way to put it. Just…don't give me the wrong idea! I agree the design is really cute. These accessories are cherries, aren't they… My birthday fruit? Wow, that's actually a thing? I just learned something new. Anyway, could I ask you a favor…? I'm wondering if you could take some pics of me. I mean, as a way to commemorate the day. As a special thank you, I'll pose any way you want me to.

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Amy: 「こんなカワイイ笑顔、初めて見た」って……こ、これは……たまたま気が向いただけっていうか!誰かと一緒に過ごす誕生日が……嬉しくて……な、なによ、そのしたり顔……もしかして、まだなにか隠してるわけ?え?「この後、みんなでお祝いパーティーをする」って……えぇ!?そ、そんなの聞いてないわよ!主役だっていわれても、どうすればいいかわからないし……も、もう……!責任とって、ちゃんとエスコートしなさいよね!

Amy: You've "never seen such a cute smile"? W-Well… I was just feeling it today, that's all! I'm so happy I'm…able to spend my birthday with someone… Wh-Why do you look so smug? Are you still hiding something? Huh? So…we're having a party with all the girls after this? Really?! I didn't hear anything about that! I don't know how to act as the "guest of honor"… Wow… I expect you to man up and be my escort then!

Episode 2: The Responsibilities of Happiness (幸せの責任)[]

To get this episode, you must give Amy her Spoon of Happiness after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: あ、オーナー!こんなところにいたのね。パーティー、楽しかったわ♪みんなとお話しできたし、お祝いして貰えて……ふふっ、こんなこと初めてだったから、驚いたわ。えっ、「実は、最後にもう一つサプライズが」……?「目を瞑ってて」って……な、なにをする気!?べつに、ダメじゃないけど……ヘンなことはしないでよね!

Amy: Oh, Boss! There you are. The party was really fun ♪ I was able to talk to everyone and celebrate. Heheh, no one's ever done that for me, so it was definitely a nice surprise. Hm? You have one last surprise for me? Close my eyes? What do you mean?! I'm…not refusing or anything…Just don't do anything weird!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: ……もう、いいの?

(Cake is shown)

Amy: Can I open them yet…?

(Cake is shown)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Amy: これって……誕生日ケーキ!?わぁ♪さくらんぼがたくさん乗ってて、美味しそう♡だけど……ちょっと、大きすぎるような……「甘いもの好きだったよね」って……いくら好きでも限度ってものがあるわよ。そ、そうだ……!あんたが用意したんだから、責任とって、ちゃんと手伝いなさいよ……

Amy: You got me…a birthday cake?! Wow ♪ So many cherries on it too, it looks delicious ♡ But might be a little on the big side… Well, yeah… I said I like sweets, but… A girl has her limits, you know. I-I've got an idea! Since you prepared this for me… I expect you to help me with it.

Scene 5

This scene is subtitled

Japanese English translation

Amy: だから、これは……特別サービスよ。はい、あーん♡

Amy: So allow me to provide this special service. Say "ahhh" ♡

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Amy: ふぅ、美味しかったわ♪あんたも、満足できたみたいね。え、「わたしに食べさせて貰えたから」……?そ、それは……忘れなさいよ……!あれは一時の気の迷いっていうか、いきなりサプライズでお祝いされたから……幸せ過ぎて、ヘンになっちゃったの!全部、あんたのせいなんだからね!まったく……明日から、どんな顔してあんたと仕事すればいいのよ。あんたは気にしなくても、わたしは意識しちゃうの!と、とにかく……!これからも、わたしたちはビジネスパートナーなんだから。契約破棄なんてしたら、承知しないわよ♪

Amy: Whew… That was so delicious ♪ You look pretty satisfied, too. Because I fed it to you? J-Just forget that ever happened…! I was just…caught up in the moment or something. Since you surprised me out of the blue like that. I was so drunk on happiness, things got a little weird. It's really all your fault now that I think about it! Wow… How am I supposed to work with you after this? Maybe you won't care, but it'll be on my mind! A-Anyway…! We're still business partners, so… I won't allow you to breach our contract, okay? ♪

Episode 3: Goddess Night's Dream (Amy) (女神の夜の夢(エイミー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: ちょっとオーナー、遅いわよ。……ずっと待ってたんだから。写真撮影……?まあ、仕事なら……しょうがないけど。はい、要望通りできたわよ。

(Camera flash)

Amy: Hey owner, you're late. I've been waiting all day for ....... Photography ......? Well, if it's for a job, ...... I can't help it. Yes, it's done as you requested.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: ねえ……!もう少しだけ、一緒に…………一緒に仕事……しない?もう……報酬は弾んでもらうんだから……

(Camera flash)

Amy: Hey ......! Why don't we ............ work together ...... for a little while longer? We're already ...... getting paid to play ......

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: 特別サービスよ……!

Amy: Special service at ......!

Episode 4: Maiden Code (Amy) (メイデン・コード(エイミー))[]

Japanese English translation

Amy: こ、今回だけよ!今回だけなんだから……

(if the player doesn't peek)

Amy: これで、大丈夫よね……?ねえ……見世物じゃないんだけど。感想、聞かせてよ……

(if the player peeks)

Amy: これなら……ひゃっ!?な、なに覗いてんのよ!あっち行ってってば、もう……!

Amy: J-Just this once! This is the only time I'm doing this…

(if the player doesn't peek)

Amy: This should do it, right? Hey… I didn't mean to show off or anything. Let me hear your feedback…

(if the player doesn't peeks)

Amy: This should be okay… Kyah! S-Stop peeping at me! Just get out of here already! Ugh!

Episode 5: Secret shower 1 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー1 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 6: Secret shower 2 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー2(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 7: Secret shower 3 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー3(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 8: Secret shower 4 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー4 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 9: Secret shower 5 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー5(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 10: Secret shower 6 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー6(エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 11: Secret shower 7 (Amy) (ひみつのシャワー7 (エイミー))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Amy.

Episode 12: Love Letter Maiden (Amy) (恋文フトメ(エイミー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: オ、オーナー…… わたしだけど……ちょっと、いい?

Amy: O, the owner ...... I'm ...... can I talk to you for a minute?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: ……今日だけは、特別よ。と、特別なんだから……もう……

Amy: ...... just for today, it's special. And it's special because ...... already ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: 写真撮影……? まあ、仕事なら……しょうがないけど。

Amy: Photography ......? Well, if it's a job, I can't help .......

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Amy: はやく始めなさいよ。あんたが相手だと……恥ずかしいんだから。

(Camera flash)

Amy: Get on with it. It's ...... embarrassing with you on the other side.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Amy: バカね。 仕事だから、 じゃなくて……あんただからよ。ほんとに……特別なんだから。

Amy: You idiot. Not because it's your job, but because it's ...... you. You really are ...... special.

Episode 13: Victory Ceremony (Amy) (勝利のセレモニー (エイミー))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 14: Special Off Days (特別なオフの日)[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: 今日は、わたしの誕生日……よね。こういう時って、 自分から行くものなのかしら……でも、仕事仲間の誕生日なんで……毎年いちいち祝ってられないわよね。あいつも、あれで結構忙しいんだし……だいたい、 今日はオフじゃない。きっと、あいつもどっか遊びに行って…………ひゃっ!?ま、まさか……

Amy: Today is my birthday....... I don't know if I should be the one to go to these things...... but it's my work colleague's birthday and I can't celebrate it every year. He's pretty busy as well,......, and today is his day off. I'm sure he's going to go somewhere and have fun,............. I don't think so. ......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: オーナー? やっぱり…………じゃなくって、何か用?今日はオフ……よね?「用があって」って……ああ 仕事の話?い、いいわよ。 ちょうど暇してたし……

Amy: Owner? I thought you were going to ............. What do you want? You're off ...... today, right? You said, "I have something to do." ...... Oh, you mean work? No, that's fine. I was just having some free time. ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: ……え?これ……?えっ!?これって……水着……?あの、 誕生日の……?あ、えと……ありがと……とっても嬉しいわ……「嬉しそうに見えない」 って……あ、あんたが急すぎるから、びっくりしただけよ……!とにかく、その、ありがと。本当に……とっても嬉しいわ。ふふっ♪……え? 着替えないのかって?せっかくだし、着てみようかしら。あ、あんたの為じゃないけど。そ、そうね。じゃあ、ちょっと待っててね。

Amy: ...... What? This is ......? What? Is this ...... swimsuit ......? Um, birthday ......? Oh, um ...... thanks ...... I'm so happy ...... "You don't look happy"... ...Oh, I'm just surprised because you're so sudden. ...... Anyway, well, thanks. I'm really ...... very happy. I'm so glad. ......? You don't want to change? I might as well try it on. Oh, it's not for you. Okay, I'll see you in a minute.

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Amy: わぁ……♪これ、 素敵じゃない♪綺麗なだけじゃなくて、刺激的というか……わたしに、 似合ってればいいんだけど…………どう、かな?……に、似合ってる?そう……!じゃあ、よかったわ。せっかくの誕生日プレゼントだもの。わたしが着こなせてないと、悪いものね。……ありがとう、オーナー。え? わたしから、いい香りがする……?ふふっ……気がついた?この水着に合うような香水、選んでみたんだけど……ネットで調べてみたんだけど、結局よく分からなくて。どこを見ても、同じようなことばかり書いてあるし。だから……思い切って、 自分で選んでみたの。どうせよく分からないんだし、 好きなので……いいでしょ?「さっそく撮影したい」 って……あんた、ヒトの話聞いてた?仕事の時もいつも言ってるけど……もう。……まあいいわ。 気に入ってくれてるみたいだし。誕生日くらい……特別なんだから。

(Camera flash)

Amy: wow......... this is lovely... not only beautiful, but exciting... ...... I hope it looks good on me... ...... ...... how do you think it looks on me? Does it suit ...... you? Yes,......! Well, then, I'm glad. It's my birthday present, and I'd feel bad if I didn't look good in it. Thanks ......, owner. What? Do I smell good ......? Did you notice that ......? I tried to pick out a perfume that would go with this swimsuit,......, but I couldn't figure it out. So I decided to take the plunge and choose one myself at ....... I didn't really know what I was looking for anyway, so I just went with my favorite ....... I'd like to start shooting now." ......Did you even listen to what he said? You're always saying that at work,...... too. ...... Well, that's okay. It seems she likes it. It's at least ...... special on your birthday.

(Camera flash)

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Amy: 今日は、ありがとう、お祝いしてくれて、ホントに嬉しいわ。ところで、あんた今日はオフじゃなかったの?こんなところに来て……その、 よかった?「水着の準備頑張ったから、早くて欲しかった」?……はぁ、まったく。 オフなら、 オフらしく遊べばいいのに。あんたもわたしも、休むのは下手なんだから…………もし、遊ぶ相手がいないなら、わたしが……デートくらい、してあげても……いいけど。い、 嫌ならいいのよ?あんたも休みたいだろうし。でも、プレゼントのお礼も、しないとだし…………え? 「元からそのつもりだった」!?えっと、 それじゃあ、あの…………ふふっ♪ なによそれ。じゃあ、早く行きましょ。「そのつもり」だったなら、 予定はちゃんと立ててあるのよね?せっかくのオフだし……時間が勿体ないわ♪

Amy: Thank you so much for the celebration, it's so nice of you to join us today. By the way, I thought you were off today. You didn't come here to ...... and say, "I wanted this to be quick because I worked so hard getting my swimsuit ready"? "I worked hard to get my swimsuit ready and I wanted it to be quick"? ...... Oh, really. If you're off, why don't you just play like you're off? You and I both suck at taking time off,............ so if you don't have anyone to play with, I can at least give you a ...... date. It's ...... fine. No, it's okay if you don't want to. I'm sure you want to take some time off too. But I also have to thank you for the gift. ............ What? I was going to do that from the very beginning. Well, then, I'll just go to ............ and see what that's all about. I'm not sure what you mean by that. If that was the plan, then you've made plans, right? We're off. ...... time's a-wastin'...

Episode 15: A smile from the heart (心からの笑顔)[]

To get this episode, you must give Amy the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: はぁ〜……なんだか、久々に 「遊んだ」って感じがするわ……♪疲れたけど、 楽しかった♪……あんたも、たまにはいい息抜きになったんじゃない?え……?「楽しいデートだった」……?なら、よかったわ。お互い忙しくて……その、デートとかできないものね。……でも、 こうやって楽しむのも、オーナーとしての仕事に、 必要なことだと思うわ。だから……あんたさえよければ、これからも……あくまでも、たまには、たまにはよ?それに、 楽しむばかりじゃなくて、ちゃんと仕事として……「心から楽しむのも、 仕事として大事」 ……?まあ、確かにそうだけど…………なに? この写真……

Amy: Wow,...... I feel like I haven't "played" in a long time....... ♪ I'm tired, but I had fun....... ♪ It's good for you to get a break once in a while....... ♪ I'm tired, but I had fun......... I'm sure you could use a break from it all. What ......? "It was a fun date." ......? Well, I'm glad. We're both so busy that we don't have time for ......, you know, dates and such. ...... but I think having fun like this is a necessary part of my job as owner, so ...... if you don't mind, I'd like to keep it that way... ...but only once in a while, once in a while, okay? And it's not just about having fun, it's also about having fun as part of your job. ...... "It's important to have fun as part of your job. ......? Well, yes, that's true, but ............ what? This picture......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: この写真……わたし!?それも、すごく楽しそう…………恥ずかしいけど……たしかに、あんたの言う通り……こういう時って、心から楽しんだほうが、いいわよね。ふふっ♪ 自分の写真に言うのも何だけど…………うん、すごくいい写真だわ。「もっとこういう顔を見せて欲しい」 ……?それは改めて言われると、恥ずかしいけど…………あんた次第……よ?……そうだ、誕生日プレゼントと、このデートのお礼……なにかしなきゃ……よね。「構わない」って……そうは行かないわよ。こういうことは、キチンとしないと。「仕事だから」じゃなくって……あくまでも、わたしの気持ちとして、よ。……オーナーに、 わたしからも何かしてあげたいから。あの……ちょっとだけ、 待っててくれる?むこう向いてくれると……ありがたいんだけど……

Amy: This picture: ...... me! It looks like a lot of fun too............ I know it's embarrassing...... but you're right...'s better to have a good time at times like this, right? I don't know what to say about my own photos, but ............ yeah, they're really good. I want you to show me more of this kind of face. ......? That's embarrassing to be told again, but ............ it's up to you ......? ......Yes, I should do something ...... to thank you for the birthday present and this date. Saying "no problem" ...... doesn't work that way. You have to do these things right. It's not "it's my job," ...... it's just how I feel. I want to do something for ...... the owner. Can you ...... wait just a little bit? I'd appreciate it if you'd turn ...... around. ......

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Amy: は、はい……誕生日のお礼と……今日の記念に。……あ、あんまり見るんじゃないわよ、恥ずかしいんだから……じゃあ、今日のデートは終わり……だけど…………ねえオーナー。 このあと予定ある?「明日も仕事だし」 って……もう、そんなのわたしが何とかするわよ……!それに、次のオフの予定も立てなきゃ……じゃない?ブランニング無しで本番なんて、失敗プロジェクトの典型よ?だから、このあと……少し静かなところで……二人で……どう?ふふっ♪ じゃあ、行きましょ、オーナー♡

Amy: Ha, yes...... thank you for your birthday and ...... in honor of today. ...... Oh, don't look too much, it's embarrassing. ...... Well, that's the end of today's date. ...... ............ hey owner. Do you have plans after this? I'll take care of that for you,......! Besides, we need to make plans for the next time off. ...... Going into production without blanning is the epitome of a failed project, isn't it? So how about we ...... go somewhere a little quieter ...... afterwards, just the two of us? Let's go, handsome owner!

Episode 16: Share ♥ with Amy (エイミーとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 17: Secret Foot Massage (Amy) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(エイミー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: はぁ、 オーバーワークわ…… あんたもお疲れ様。外回りなんて慣れてないし、パートナーがいて助かったわ。

Amy: Wow, I'm overworked. ...... Thanks for all your hard work, too. I'm not used to being on the road and it's nice to have a partner.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy (OFF): えっ、足裏マッサージ……?「パートナーだから」って……べ、別にそういう意味で言ったわけじゃ……!

Amy (OFF): What, a foot massage......? I didn't mean "because we're partners." ...... I didn't mean it that way. ......

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Amy: ねえ……本当に……するの?は、恥ずかしいんだから、早く済ませてよ……!

(camera flash)

Amy: Hey ...... are you really going to ......? is embarrassing, so get it over with. ......

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Amy: その……確かに、ちょっと気持ちよかったし……あ、あんたのこと、信じてるから。 ……好きにしていいわよ?

Amy: That ...... sure felt kinda good, and ...... oh, I trust you, you know. You can ...... do whatever you want, okay?

Episode 18: Bitter♡Sweet (Amy) (ビター♡スイート(エイミー))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Amy: ちょっとオーナー、 遅いわよ。 ……ずっと待ってたんだから。

(Camera flash)

Amy: Hey owner, you're late. I've been waiting for .......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Amy: これ、プレゼント……受け取ってもらえる?

Amy: Can you accept this as a gift ......?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Amy: こ、 今回だけよ! 今回だけなんだから……!

Amy: This is the only time! It's just this one time. ......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Amy: わ、わたしがしたいから、してあげるんだから。……勘違いしないでよね ?

(camera flash)

Amy: I'm going to do it because I want to. ...... Don't get me wrong.

(camera flash)

Episode 19: Amy's Third Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 20: Amy's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Amy's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 21: Secret Esthetic Time (Amy)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Amy's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: X.Y.Z (Shandy) (エックス・ワイ・ズィー(シャンディ))[]

Japanese English translation

Shandy: ここで着替えますけど…… ふふっ 見ないでくださいね?

(if the player doesn't peek)

Shandy: ……こういうの、ね。ふふっ……もっと、近くで見ないんですか?ふふっ♪ふしだらな人。

(if the player peeks)

Shandy: ん……きゃっ……?覗きですか……?いい趣味、してますね♪

Shandy: I'm gonna change here, but… Look the other way, okay?

(if the player doesn't peek)

Shandy: This type, huh… Heheh… Aren't you gonna come get a closer look? Heheh ♪ You naughty boy.

(if the player peeks)

Shandy: Hm… Kyah…! Are you peeking? You've got an interesting hobby ♪

Episode 2: Secret shower 1 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー1 (シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 3: Secret shower 2 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー2(シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 4: Secret shower 3 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー3(シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 5: Secret shower 4 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー4 (シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 6: Secret shower 5 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー5(シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 7: Secret shower 6 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー6(シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 8: Secret shower 7 (Shandy) (ひみつのシャワー7 (シャンディ))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Shandy.

Episode 9: Love Letter Maiden (Shandy) (恋文フトメ(シャンディ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Shandy: オーナーさん……少し……いいですか?

Shandy: Boss… Can I see you about something?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy: これを……何も言わずに、受け取ってくださいね?

Shandy: I don't want to hear a word…just take this.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: 撮影……ですか? 欲張り、 なんですね……いつもふしだらな目で見てるのに♪

Shandy: A photo shoot? Aren't we greedy today… You're always looking at me with such naughty eyes ♪

Scene 4

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Shandy: これで、ご注文通りですか?

(Camera flash)

Shandy: Is this what you ordered?

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ねぇ……ご感想は?

Shandy: How about some feedback?

Episode 11: The Surprise (サプライズ)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy: はぁ、今日も退屈……ね。ま、もう慣れたけど……

Shandy: *sigh* Another day of boredom… I'm used to it though.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: あら……オーナーさん?いらっしゃいませ……今日は随分と遅いんですね。「いつもの」でいいですか?

Shandy: Oh…Boss? Nice to see you… Later than normal today, huh? Will the usual do?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……どうぞ。こんな遅くまでお仕事ですか?……まあ、私も同じ、ですけど♪「どうしても今日中に会いたかった」……?ふふっ、そんなこと言って……♪本当は、 お仕事を抜け出す口実じゃないんですか?

Shandy: …Enjoy. You're working this late at night…? I suppose I am too, but still ♪ You "really wanted to see me today"? Heheh, what a thing to say ♪ Are you sure it's not just an excuse to get out of work?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Shandy: これは……新しい水着 ですか?……とても綺麗な水着ですね。悪くないと思います。それで、この水着がどうかしましたか……?……え?「誕生日のプレゼント」…………うふふっ♪いえ、ごめんなさい。本当に、忘れていたんです。だって…………お客様からのお祝いは、お断りしていますから。……全部。……ふふっ、なんて♪サプライズプレゼントの、 お返しです。オーナーさんは、ただの 「お客様」 ではありませんから♪では、改めて…… オーナーさん。誕生日のプレゼント、ありがとうございます。ふふ♪着替えてきますから、 少し待っていてくださいね。

Shandy: Oh, is this…a new swimsuit? It's quite pretty actually. Not bad at all. So what's it for? …Hm? A "birthday gift"? …Heheh ♪ Sorry, it's just… I actually forgot about that. I mean… You realize I don't accept favors from customers, don't you…? No exceptions. …Heheh, I'm kidding ♪ Just returning the favor for my surprise gift. You're no ordinary "customer" after all, Boss ♪ So let me start over… Thank you for bringing me a birthday gift. Heheh ♪ Give me a minute to go slip it on.

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 10

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 11
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……お待たせしました、 オーナーさん。ふふ、素敵な水着ですね。せっかくですから……隣、いいですか?ふふっ……では、失礼します。

Shandy: …Sorry I kept you waiting, Boss. Heheh, it's an amazing swimsuit. Think I can sit next to you since we're here like this? Heheh… Then, excuse me.

Scene 12
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……どうしたんですか?急に黙り込んで。「とても神秘的だから、つい」……?ふふっ♪ この神秘的な水着に合わせて……じつは......私からも、一つプレゼントがあるんです。「香り」……?もう気づくだなんて、 さすが、 オーナーさん……♪……ふしだらなだけじゃ、ないんですね♪……でも、気に入ってくれたみたいでよかったです。撮影を……?頑張って夜遅くに来てくれたかと思ったら、 やっぱり……ふふ、慌てなくてもいいんですよ。誰も、ダメだなんて、言っていませんから。

Shandy: …What's the matter? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden? It "looks so mystical" on me that you were speechless…? Heheh ♪ To go along with this "mystical" swimsuit… I've actually got a gift for you as well. "Fragrance…"? I can't believe you noticed already, Boss ♪ …Apparently you're capable of more than just naughty thoughts ♪ …And I'm glad it seems to be to your liking. A photo shoot…? So that's why you made such an effort to come here at this time… Heheh, no need to panic. I never said no, did I?

Scene 13

This scene unlike other photoshoots requires the player to directly take the picture

Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……オーナーさんのお好きに、 どうぞ♡

(Camera flash)

Shandy: …Do whatever you like, Boss ♡

(Camera flash)

Scene 14
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……あら?お仕事に戻られるんですか?「そろそろ、 閉店時間だから」って……確かに、店はもうおしまいですけど…………夜はまだ これからですよ?私を退屈させる気ですか?ふふっ、 嬉しそう。……わかりやすい人。そうですね…… 今夜は特別に……私が、 オーナーさんを楽しませてあげましょうか?……ねえ、あなた♡

Shandy: …Oh? You're going back to work? "Because it's time to close for the night"? Well, we're actually already closed, but… …The night is still young. Do you want me to get bored again? Heheh, look at the happiness in your eyes. You're so easy to read. Well… As something special for tonight… Maybe I'll entertain you… Sound like a plan, dear? ♡

Episode 11: Two Mysterious Individuals (ミステリアスな二人)[]

To get this episode, you must give Shandy the Captivating Lipstick & Commemorative Photo item after winning it in her birthday matches.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy: オーナーさん、 楽しかったですか?ふふっ、私も、オーナーさんを誘ってよかった。本当に楽しそうで……あなたの反応を見ているだけで、 退屈しませんから♡「ミステリアスな美人とデートできたから」……?ふぅん♪ 「ミステリアスな美人」 ……ね。私からすると……オーナーさんのほうが、よほどミステリアスですけど♪一緒にいるだけで、 退屈を紛らせてくれる……本当に、不思議な人……♡オーナーさんのおかげで、久しぶりに、 楽しい誕生日になりました……♪オーナーさん、素敵な誕生日をありがとうございます。……?「もう一つ、渡したいものが」……?

Shandy: Did you have fun, Boss? Heheh, I'm glad I invited you too. You looked like you were having so much fun… Just watching your reactions was enough to stave off the boredom ♡ Because you "scored a date with a mysterious beauty"…? Ahh ♪ I'm a "mysterious beauty" now? From my perspective… You're much more mysterious than I ♪ Just being with you causes the boredom to vanish… Truly a mysterious individual ♡ And thanks to you, I enjoyed my birthday for the first time in ages ♪ Thank you for making this a wonderful birthday. …? One more thing to give me?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: これは、今日のデートの写真……?ふふっ、いつの間に撮ったんですか?「とても楽しそうだったから、 つい」……?ふぅん……♪「つい」で写真を撮るだなんて。本当に不思議で……ふしだらな人、ですね。ふふっ、じゃあ……私も少しだけ、 「ふしだら」 になってみようかしら?♡

Shandy: Is this a pic from our date today? Heheh, when did you manage to take that? You "just happened to take it" when I looked like I was having fun? Hmm ♪ Anyone who "just happens" to take a picture… Is really mysterious…and naughty, in my book. Heheh, you know what… Maybe I'll try something "naughty" now ♡

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……これは、「楽しい誕生日」の思い出に♡……オーナーさんが持っていてください。「記念写真」だなんて、私のお店には似合わないですから♪ミステリアスな二人だけの、「秘密」……です。うふふっ♪ 真っ赤になって。もう少しだけ、楽しませてあげたくなりますね♪「明日も仕事が」……?ふぅん……じゃあ、これからは……あなたの困る顔を見て……朝まで楽しみましょうか♡……いいですよね?……オーナーさん♪

Shandy: I want you to take this, Boss… As a memory of my fun birthday ♡ A "commemorative photo" wouldn't fit the vibe of my bar ♪ It'll be a "secret" between two mysterious individuals. Heheh ♪ You're bright red. That makes me want to entertain you a little more ♪ You have "work tomorrow"? *sigh* Then…maybe I'll enjoy watching your troubled face till morning instead ♡ You're okay with that, right Boss? ♪

Episode 12: Victory Ceremony (Shandy) (勝利のセレモニー (シャンディ))[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also, the player must directly take the photograph in this scene

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Episode 13: Share ♥ with Shandy (シャンディとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 14: Velvet Time Lilac (Shandy) (ベルベットタイム・ライラック (シャンディ))[]

Japanese English translation

Shandy: ここで着替えますけど…… ふふっ 見ないでくださいね?

(if the player doesn't peek)

Shandy: ……こういうの、ね。ふふっ……もっと、近くで見ないんですか?ふふっ♪ふしだらな人。

(if the player peeks)

Shandy: ん……きゃっ……?覗きですか……?いい趣味、してますね♪

Shandy: I'm going to change my clothes here... Heh heh don't look at it, do you?

(if the player doesn't peek)

Shandy: ...... these things, you know. Hmmm ...... more, don't you look closer? slut.

(if the player peeks)

Shandy: Hmm... Huh...? Is it a peep...? It's a good hobby, isn't it ♪?

Episode 15: Secret Foot Massage (Shandy) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(シャンディ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Shandy: はぁ…… 立ち仕事には慣れているつもりでしたけど……昼間に、しかも外回りなんて。 少し、疲れましたね……

Shandy: Huh,...... I thought I was used to being on my feet,...... but in the middle of the day, and out in the field. It was a little tiring. ......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy (OFF): 足裏マッサージ……?「疲れが取れる」って……ふふっ♪……退屈しのぎには、良さそうですね♡

Shandy (OFF): Foot massage......? "It's a great way to get rid of tiredness."...... phew......... sounds like a good way to get rid of boredom ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Shandy: ふぅん……マッサージされるのは私なのに……どうして、あなたが嬉しそうなんですか?♪

(camera flash)

Shandy: Hmmm ...... why do you look so happy when I'm the one getting massaged ......? ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: なかなか、刺激的なマッサージでしたけど……ふふっ……見つめすぎ、ですよ♡

Shandy: It was quite a stimulating massage, but ...... too much staring, ♡♡♡♡!

Episode 16: Bitter♡Sweet (Shandy) (ビター♡スイート(シャンディ))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Shandy: こんばんは。……待ってましたよ。

(Camera flash)

Shandy: good evening. I've been waiting for .......

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy: これを……何も言わずに、受け取ってくださいね!

Shandy: please take this to ...... without saying anything!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ふふ…… 「おかわり」が必要ですか?いいですよ。オーダー通りに♪

Shandy: hmmm ...... Need a "refill"? No, thank you. Just as ordered.Â

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: 二人きり……ですね。 ……じゃあ、お好きにどうぞ♪

(camera flash)

Shandy: it's just the two of us ....... ...... Then you're on your own... ♪

(camera flash)

Episode 17: How to enjoy the adventure (冒険の楽しみ方)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shandy: あら……? ここは……さっきまで、お店にいたはずだけど……よくわからないけど、 不思議なこともあるものね。……うふふっ、こういうことは……きっと……

Shandy: Oh ......? This is ...... where I was supposed to be at the store a while ago. ...... I don't know, but stranger things happen. I'm sure ...... ugh, these things are ...... surely ......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……やっぱり。あなたの仕業だと思っていましたよ、 オーナーさん。……「誕生日を、私と二人きりで過ごしたかった」?ふぅん……ずいぶんと、勝手な人……なんですね♪あなたが来るのを、お店でずっと待っていたのに……♡だいたい、 ここはどこなんですか?空気の香りもいつもと違って、 知らない場所のようですけど。「異世界」…… ?ふぅん……それは、面白そうですね。「不安じゃないのか」 って……うふふっ♪あなたが一緒なら、不安に思う必要はないんじゃないんですか?……知らないことがたくさんあるのは、 楽しみですから♪素敵な誕生日プレゼントだと思います♡じゃあ……このダイタンな水着も、 誕生日プレゼントなんですか?「占星術師」の水着……「特別な力があるから」?ふぅん……占星術って、露出が多い方がよく当たるんですね♪……それとも 「特別な力」を出すのに必要なんですか?本当かどうか……ふふっ♪オーナーさんを占ってみたら、わかるかもしれませんね。

Shandy: ...... I knew it. I knew it was you, owner. ...... "You wanted to spend your birthday alone with me"? are a very selfish person............I've been waiting for you to come to the store......... handsome...where am I? I'm not sure what you mean. The air smells different, like a place I don't know. "Another world"......? Hmmm......... that sounds interesting. I'm not anxious?"......Well, if you're with me, I don't have to be anxious, don't I? ......I'm looking forward to learning about all the things I don't know...I think it's a great birthday present♡Then ...... is this dainty swimsuit a birthday present too? The "astrologer" swimsuit...... "because it has special powers"? Hmmm......... astrology is more accurate when it's exposed......... or is it necessary for "special powers" to be exerted?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ふぅん……「特別な力」……本当みたいですね♪占いなんて柄じゃないですけど……「わかる」気がします。……「何を占ったのか」?ふふっ……秘密です♡……わからないほうが、面白いじゃないですか♪それより、 せっかくの二人きりの時間を楽しまないんですか?……私をこの異世界に連れて来て……どうするつもりなんです♡……まずは「契約」を?この世界で、一緒に冒険をするために……?ふふっ♪ 面白いですね。私と「契約」……いいですけど…………「契約解除」するのは、大変かもしれませんよ?♡

Shandy: hmmm ...... "special power"...... seems to be true...I'm not a fortune teller...but I think I ...... "get it". ...... "What did you divine"? I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about the newest and most exciting things about the newest and most exciting products and services. You brought me to this other world,...... and what are you going to do with me,......♡...... first you want to make a "contract"? To have an adventure together in this world......? Hmmm...that's interesting. You can "contract"...... with me, but it might be hard to "break the contract"............? ♡♡♡

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also the player must press the camera button to take a picture

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Shandy: 一緒に冒険……何か、目的のようなものはあるんですか?……私への誕生日プレゼントを探しに?ふふっ、異世界に、水着に……随分と手が込んでるんですね♪じゃあ、どの道を行けばいいのか……私の占星術で、オーナーさんを弾けばいいんですね?ふふっ♪ じゃあ……

Shandy: do you have any kind of adventure ...... together, any kind of purpose? ...... to find a birthday present for me? Hmmm, in another world, in a bathing suit......It's very which way should I go......I should play the owner with my astrology Hmmm...............................Well, then,......

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……わかりました。では……こちらの道が、私のオススメです。……そんなに簡単に信じていいんですか?「私が意地悪をしているかもしれませんよ?「それも、冒険の楽しみ」……?ふぅん……ふふっ、私も、 楽しみが増えました♪じゃあ、行きましょうか。私は占いと道案内をしますから……何があっても、守ってくださいね? オーナーさん♡

Shandy: ...... I understand. Then ...... this is the way I recommend. ...... Can you trust me so easily? You know I could be mean to you, right? 'That's part of the fun of adventure.'......? Hmmm......Hmmm, I, too, have more to look forward to♪ Well, let's go, shall we? I'll tell your fortune and show you the way,...... so no matter what happens, please protect me, okay? Owner♡♡

Episode 18: No matter how dangerous the road. (どんな危ない道でも)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Shandy's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Shandy: ……オーナーさん、どうしたんですか?とても、お疲れのようですけど。え?「本当に、占いで導かれた安全な道なのか」 ?……うふふっ♪「安全な道を占って」なんて、頼まれた覚えはありませんよ?「じゃあ、何を占ったのか」?さぁ……♪「安全な冒険」なんて、 面白くないでしょう?……大丈夫ですよ、 オーナーさんと一緒なら♡どんな危ない道でも……なんとかしてくれますよね?でも……では、 少しだけ休憩しましょうか。ちょうど、近くに水場もあるようですし……このフルーツは ……うん、 使えそうね。ノンアルだから、風味は少し強めに……ふふ、 楽しみね♡

Shandy: ...... owner, what's wrong? You look very, very tired. What? Are you sure it's a safe path guided by fortune-telling? I don't remember being asked to "divine a safe path". Then, what did you divine? Come on, ...... ♪ "safe adventure" is no fun, is it? It's ...... okay, you and the owner can handle ...... any kind of dangerous road, right? But at ......, let's take a short break. There seems to be a watering hole nearby,...... and this fruit looks like it could be of use,....... It's non-alcoholic, so the flavor should be a little stronger.......

Scene 2

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shandy: さぁ、オーナーさん、どうぞ♪ フルーツカクテルです。疲れが取れる……かどうかは運次第……♡大丈夫です。 私も一緒に飲みますから♪ほら……乾杯♡

Shandy: here you go, owner.......................fruit cocktail. It's okay if you're tired ...... or not, it's just a matter of luck ......♡. I'll drink it with you... ♪ Here ...... cheers handsome

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: 「元気になった気がする」 ? よかったですね♪じゃあ……次の占いの導きをお教えします。……こちらのですね♪さあ、行きましょう、 オーナーさん♡

Shandy: "I feel better" ? ...... this one... ♪ Here we go, Mr. Hands-on Owner.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Shandy: 「モンスターの群れがいる」 って……でも、占いでは確かにこちらの道……ですから。……本気で頑張らないと、今度は危ないかも♪「じゃあ、本気で」 ?……どうするんですか?あら? 私の手を握って……ひゃっ!?

Shandy: "There are a bunch of monsters out there" ...... but fortune-telling certainly has it this way ....... ......If you don't really try hard, you might be in danger this time... "So, seriously"? What are you going to do ......? Oh? Hold my hand and ...... hyah!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Shandy: うふふっ♪ あはははっ♪ああ、楽しかった…………久しぶりに、 「本気で」 走った気がしますか♪オーナーさんも、お疲れ様でした。ここが、占いの目的地……プレゼント、探しましょうか♪

Shandy: woohoo... hahahaha... ah, that was fun ............... don't you feel like you haven't had a "real" run in a while... and thanks to the owner, too. This is the destination of the fortune-telling ...... present, let's look for it...

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Shandy: これがプレゼント……疲れを癒やすエステオイル ?「ヴィーナスだけじゃなく、バーテンダーとして大変そうだから」……?……この島に来てからは、大変だ、なんて思ったことはありませんけど……ふふっ♪ ありがとうございます。ちょうど、今、とても疲れていて……オーナーさん♪ エステ、 お願いしても……?♡

Shandy: this is the gift ...... esthetic oil to relieve fatigue ? Not only Venus, but it looks like a lot of work being a bartender. ...... ? ......I've never thought that it's hard since I came to this island......... phew... Thank you very much. Just now, I'm very tired,...... owner,...... may I ask you for a beauty treatment,......? ♡♡♡

Scene 8

There is no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Shandy: んー、 とてもいい気分です♪ふふっ、たまになら、お店のあとにお願いしょうかしら?……占いなんて、信じていなかったのだけど……この水着の力は、本当……でしたね♡……え?「結局、何を占ったのか」 ……ですか?それは……「刺激的で、私を本気にさせてくれる」……です。さて……この先はまだ、占っていないんですけど……その方が、 もっと 「刺激的な」冒険ができる気がして♪ふふっ♪じゃあ……これから、どうしますか? オーナーさん♡

Shandy: Hmmm, I feel so good.......................................maybe after the store sometime? I didn't believe in ...... fortune-telling, but the power of this swimsuit was really ...... powerful! ♡......What? What did you end up fortune-telling ......? It's ...... "exciting, and it makes me really ....... Well,...... I haven't divined what I'm going to do with it yet,...... but I feel like it would be a more "exciting" adventure,...... hmmm.....................well,...... What will you do now? Hands-on owner.

Episode 19: Secret Esthetic Time (Shandy)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Shandy's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation




Episode 1: Secret shower 1 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー1 (ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 2: Secret shower 2 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー2(ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 3: Secret shower 3 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー3(ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 4: Secret shower 4 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー4 (ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 5: Secret shower 5 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー5(ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 6: Secret shower 6 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー6(ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 7: Secret shower 7 (Yukino) (ひみつのシャワー7 (ゆきの))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Yukino.

Episode 8: Neon Night Panther (Yukino) (ネオンナイトパンサー (ゆきの))[]

Japanese English translation

Yukino: んじゃ、着替えてくるねー♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Yukino: ん……と……うん、良き!あっ、オーナー!はい、 くっついてート ♪ぴーすっ♪にひひっ♥じゃ、 遊び行こ♥

(if the player peeks)

Yukino: ……きゃっ!い、 今はダメ……だし……

Yukino: I'll go get changed now ♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Yukino: Hmm…yeah… All right! Oh, Boss! Come closer ♪ Peeeace ♪ Heehee ♥ Let's go have fun ♥

(if the player peeks)

Yukino: …Kyah! N-Now's not a good time…

Episode 9: Share ♥ with Yukino (ゆきのとシェア♥)[]

Note: There are no subtitles or dialogue boxes in this episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 10: Secret Foot Massage (Yukino) (ヒミツの足裏マッサージ(ゆきの))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Yukino: おつ〜♪こんな時間まで残業とか、真面目じゃん?もしかして、あたしと一緒に帰りたかったとか? にひひっ♡

Yukino: Otsu~...working overtime until this serious, isn't it? Maybe you wanted to go home with me? Hee hee hee♡♡♡♡♡

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Yukino (OFF): えっ、足裏マッサージ?「疲れが取れる」って……ふーん♪じゃあ、お願いしちゃってもいーかな♡

Yukino (OFF): What, a foot massage? You said, "It helps me get tired." ...... Hmmm...well, may I ask you for it♡♡♡?

Scene 3

You need to directly take a picture unlike most other photoshoot instances.

Japanese English translation

Yukino: はい、こんな感じでおけ〜?……って、 もー、ひょっとして照れてんのな?♡

(camera flash)

Yukino: Okay, is this how it's going to be? ...... is, are you embarrassed by any chance? ♡♡♡

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Yukino: ね、ねえ……もうだいぶ楽になったっていうか……そんなガン見されると、 恥ずいんですけど……

Yukino: You know,...... it's a lot easier now,...... it's embarrassing when people stare at me like that,......

Episode 11: Glued to the dance (踊りに釘付け)[]

Scene 1

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Yukino: あれ、なにここ……森の中?あたし、 さっきまでホテルにいたはずなのに……って、オーナーじゃん!あたし、気づいたらここにいたんだけど、 これって……

Yukino: Hey, what's this place ...... in the woods? I was supposed to be in a hotel, but ...... says it's the owner! I just realized I'm here.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Yukino: ふーん……異世界とか、召喚とか、なんだか、よくわかんないけど……よーするに、 オーナーがあたしの誕生日をお祝いしたくて、あたしのことを呼んでくれたってことでしょ?あはっ、マジ嬉しい♪あたしも、 オーナーのこと誘おうと思ってたんだよね♡しかも、 今ここにあたしとオーナーしかいないって……なんかドキドキしない? あははっ♪っていうか、 さっきから気になってたんだけど……この水着、 めっちゃイケてない!?色とか柄がめっちゃかわいいし、飾りも、風で揺れたりすると、すっごいキレイで……めっちゃあたしの 「好き」なカンジ!なんか、 体を動かしたくなっちゃう♡「踊り子をイメージした、特別な水着」……?だからこんなオシャレなんだね♪ さっすが、 オーナー!せっかくこんなかわいい水着着てるから、この後は、遊びにでも…………ちょっと待ってオーナー!今なんか聞こえなかった……?きゃあっ!な、なにあれ! 怪物!?ど、どうしようオーナー!?「水着の力を使えばなんとかなる」?なに言ってるのオーナー!?そんなこと言われてもあたし、 わかんないってばー!

Yukino: hmmm ...... I don't know about other worlds or summoning or whatever, but ...... I guess the owner wanted to celebrate my birthday and called me, right? I'm really happy! I'm really happy... I've been thinking of inviting the owner too, and now that it's just me and the owner here,......, it's kind of exciting, isn't it? I mean, I've been thinking about it for a while now,......, but this swimsuit is so hot! The colors and patterns are so cute, and the decorations are so beautiful when they sway in the wind,......, just the way I like them! It makes me want to move my body♡"A special swimsuit inspired by the image of a dancer" ......? That's why it's so fashionable! I'm wearing such a cute swimsuit, so after this, we can go out and have fun. ............ Wait a minute, Owner! Didn't you hear something just now......? What is that? What is that? Monster! What should I do, Owner? "I can do something if I use the power of my swimsuit"? What are you talking about, Owner! I don't even know what you're talking about!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Yukino: ふぅ……なんとかなったっぽい……?マジで危なかったし……なんか、気がついたら体が勝手に踊ってたっていうか……そしたら、 怪物があたしの踊りに釘付けになっててさー。にひひっ♡水着の力で、 あたしのこと好きになっちゃったとか?♪オーナーも見てたっしょ♪どうだった? あたしの踊り♡あはっ、ありがと♡ それじゃあ……オーナーのために、 もう一度目の前で踊ってあげよっか?「また怪物が現れたら」って……んー……そーいうことじゃなくてー……えっ?「その時のために契約したい」 ……?えと、そのカメラで撮ってもらえばいいの?オーナーとなら、 もち、 いーよ♡盛れてる写真、よろ〜♪

Yukino: Phew......... I think I managed it.........? It was really close......... I just found myself dancing on my own......... and then the monster was glued to my dancing... I'm sure the owner saw it too. The owner was watching you too... how was it? I'll dance for you one more time in front of ...... for the owner. When you said, "If the monster shows up again," ...... I didn't mean that... ...... What? "I want to sign up for that time." ......? Well, do you want me to use that camera? If it's with the owner, of course... I don't mind, just give me a good picture of you in all your glory...

Scene 5

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene. Also the player needs to manually take the picture

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Yukino: にひひっ、い感じじゃない?♪この水着なら、どこでも映えそうだよねー♡じゃあ、この後はどーしよっか?「一緒に行きたい、 好きなところがある」 ……?それいーじゃん! 行ってみよーよ♪オーナーが好きなとこ、 あたしももっと知りたいし♪誕生日に、 オーナーと二人きりで冒険とか、なんかもっとテンションあがってきたかも♪あはっ、それじゃあ行こう、オーナー♡

Yukino: I think this swimsuit would look great anywhere...what should we do after this? "I have a favorite place I want to go with you." ......? That's a good idea! I'd like to know more about the owner's favorite places too... I think I'm getting more excited about the idea of a birthday adventure alone with the owner... haha, let's go then, owner♡.

Episode 12: Just the two of us (二人だけの 「好き」)[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Yukino's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Yukino: にひひっ、 オーナー、 カッコいーとこあるじゃん♪あたしのこと、守ってくれるなんて♡ありがと♡ マジ助かったし♪……んー、でもさー。せっかく、 あたしの踊りに特別な力があるのに、怪物にしか使わないって、 もったいなくない?……ねー。この「あたしに釘付けにしちゃう」 カ……オーナーにも効くのかな?♡あはっ、遠慮しなくてもいーし♪「見たい」 って顔に出てるよ?んじゃ、ちょっとやってみるから、後で感想教えてね♪

Yukino: Hee hee, the owner has a cool side...thanks for protecting me ♡♡♡ I really appreciate your help... ...... But...but... I've got a special power in my dance, but I think it's a waste to use it only for monsters, don't you? ...... I wonder if this "I'm glued to you" will also work on the ...... owner? I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get a good look at it. I'll give it a try and let you know what I think later.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Yukino: どーよ♪……にひひっ、ドキドキした?♡えっ?「目的地までもう少しだから、早く行こう」って……なに〜、照れ隠し? やっぱりオーナーにも効果あるんだ♪面白いから、 もーちょっと続けてみよっかな〜♡あははっ、ウソウソ!オーナーの 「好き」な場所、あたしも早く見たいし、行こう♪

Yukino: How's it going♪ ...... hihihi, are you thrilled? What? I'm almost to the destination, so let's go quickly. ......What are you trying to hide your embarrassment? I'm sure it works on the owner's funny...I might keep doing it for a while,! I can't wait to see the owner's "favorite" place, so let's go there!

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Yukino: わぁー♡めっちゃ綺麗……!ここが、オーナーの 「好き」な場所……やっぱり、あたしの思った通りだったなー。……うん。あたしも好き、 だよ♡……え?渡したいものがある……?

Yukino: Wow, it's so beautiful ......! This is the owner's "favorite" place......I knew it was just as I thought! I like it too, ♡...... I like it too, ♡......? I have something for you. ......?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Yukino: これは……エステオイル……?「いつも頑張ってるから、 今日は労わりたくて」って……あたしのために、 こんなこと考えてくれてたんだ?オーナー、 ありがと♡でもさ、なんかちょっと……エロくない?あははっ、冗談だよ♪そういうつもりじゃないのは、分かってるって♪それじゃ、たっぷり癒してもらおっかな〜。よろ〜、 オーナー♪

Yukino: Is this ...... esthetic oil ......? She said, "I always work hard, so I wanted to work hard today." ...... She thought of this for me? Owner, thank you handsome, but it's a little ...... erotic, isn't it? I'm just kidding...I know you didn't mean it that way...I'm going to let you heal me a lot then. Hello, Owner...

Scene 6

There is no dialogue box or subtitles in this scene

Japanese English translation



Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Yukino: はぁ〜♪ 気持ちよかったー♡身体も気分もリフレッシュして、 マジ最高って感じ♪思ったよりも本格的で、ちょっと恥ずかったけど…………えっ、「すごく綺麗だ」って……う、嬉しいけど、今はダメっていうか……!もー……ほんと、オーナー、そーいうとこだし…………ふふっ。でも、今日はホントに楽しかったよか♪島に来て初めての誕生日だったし、気がついたら、 知らない世界にいたし……ホントは、 ちょっとだけ不安だったんだけど……オーナーが一緒にいてくれて、よかった♡二人なら、どんなところでもマジ 「好き」 になれそうだし♪また来年も、 二人だけの「好き」、 増やせたらいいな。にひひっ、 期待してるね? オーナー♡

Yukino: Ha~♪ It felt so good, it refreshed my body and my mood, it felt really great♪ It was more authentic than I expected, it was a little embarrassing, but ............ said, "You look so beautiful"! I'm so happy,......, but I'm not sure I can do it right now,......! I'm really happy, but not right now......... But today was really was my first birthday on the island, and I found myself in a strange world. ......I was really a little nervous, but I'm glad the owner was with me. ...... I'm glad the owner was with me ♡ I think we can really "like" any place together ♡ I hope we can have more "likes" next year, just the two of us. I hope we can have more of our own "likes" next year. Owner♡♡

Episode 14: Bitter♡Sweet(Yukino) (ビター♡スイート(ゆきの))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Yukino: 二人きりって、 いーよね♡ここなら、誰にも邪魔されないし♪

(Camera flash)

Yukino: It's nice to be alone with someone, isn't it?

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Yukino: ハッピーバレンタイン、オーナー♪受け取ってね? あたしの 「好き」……♡

Yukino: Happy Valentine's Day, owner! My "like" ......♡

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Yukino: ここからは……SNSアップNGの時間だよ♪

Yukino: Here's the ...... social networking up ng time... ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shandy: あたしの、一番「好き」……オーナーにだけなら、見せたけてもいーよ♡

(camera flash)

Shandy: I can only show my most "favorite" ...... owner ♡♡♡♡

(camera flash)


Episode 1: Secret shower 1 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー1 (しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the POW-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 2: Secret shower 2 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー2(しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 3: Secret shower 3 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー3(しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the STM-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 4: Secret shower 4 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー4 (しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the APL-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 5: Secret shower 5 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー5(しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR POW-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 6: Secret shower 6 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー6(しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR TEC-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 7: Secret shower 7 (Shizuku) (ひみつのシャワー7 (しずく))[]

There is no dialogue in this scene. The scene is based on the SSR STM-based gacha shower scenes for Shizuku.

Episode 8: Ice Flower Water Moon (Shizuku) (氷華水月 (しずく))[]

Japanese English translation

Shizuku: ん……着替えるから、待ってて。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Shizuku: 喜んで、くれるかな……え……?……そんなに、 見たいの?ん…………オーナーの、狐たらし♡

(if the player peeks)

Shizuku: ん……?ひゃんっ……あうぅ…………オーナーのケダモノ。

Shizuku: n...... I'll change my clothes, wait for me.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Shizuku: Would you be willing to ...... ......? Do you really want to see ...... so badly? Hmmm... ............ the owner's a handsome foxy handsome man.

(if the player peeks)

Shizuku: hmm......? Hyah...... ahh............ owner's animal.

Episode 9: Bitter ♡ Sweet (Shizuku) (ビター♡スイート(しずく))[]

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Shizuku: 二人きりだと、緊張する……けど、 オーナーとなら……楽しみ。

(Camera flash)

Shizuku: I get nervous ...... when it's just the two of us, but I look forward to ...... with the owner.

(Camera flash)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Shizuku: これ…… バレンタインのプレゼント。気持ちが伝わったら……嬉しい。

Shizuku: This ...... is a Valentine's Day gift. I'll be ...... happy if my feelings are conveyed.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Shizuku: オーナーの好きにして、いいよ?

Shizuku: do what you want with the owner, okay?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Shizuku: オーナーが喜ぶ顔、 もっと見たいから……♡

(camera flash)

Shizuku: I want to see the owner's happy face more often. ......♡

(camera flash)

Episode 10: Shizuku's First Birthday[]

Japanese English translation



Episode 11: Shizuku's lotion episode[]

To get this episode, the player needs to collect Shizuku's Miko's Oil item from her birthday matches

Japanese English translation



Episode 12: Secret Esthetic Time (Shizuku)[]

To unlock this episode, the player needs to get Shizuku's Linkane birthday outfit. There are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2

The player can take as many pictures as they'd like or back out of the camera mode, similar to gravure scenes.

Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation


