Dead or Alive Wiki
Line 17,619: Line 17,619:
Kasumi (OFF): オーナーさん、いらっしゃいますか?
Kasumi (OFF):
Kokoro (OFF):
Kokoro (OFF): 入りますよ?
Kokoro: あっ、オーナーはん。ウチらを探してるって聞いたんですけど……
Kasumi: 次のフェスのお仕事……ですか?
Kokoro: えっ、ウチらにピッタリのフェス……?
Kasumi: それって、どういうフェスなんでしょ?わたしにできることなら。
Kokoro: まずは、この水着を着て欲しい?
Kasumi: 水着を着たらわかる……?は、はい、いいですけど……
Kokoro: ふふっ♪どんな水着なんやろ?楽しみやわぁ♪
Kasumi (OFF):
Kasumi (OFF): Is there an owner?
Kokoro (OFF):
Kokoro (OFF): You'll get in, right?
Kokoro: Oh, owner-han. I heard you're looking for us.
Kasumi: Next festival job... Is it?
Kokoro: Eh, the perfect festival for us...?
Kasumi: What kind of festival is that? If I can.
Kokoro: First of all, do you want me to wear this swimsuit?
Kasumi: You know if you wear a swimsuit... Yes, that's fine, but......
Kororo: What kind of swimsuit is ♪ fufufu? I'm looking forward to it♪
;Scene 2
;Scene 2
Line 17,661: Line 17,661:
Kasumi: これって……イチゴの水着?とっても可愛くて……
Kokoro: わぁ、かわいらしいなぁ……♪でも、ちょっと、かわいらしすぎません?
Kasumi: わたしは、こういうの嫌いじゃないな♪こころさんも、かわいいと思います♪
Kokoro: えっ……?ふふっ♪おおきに、かすみさん♥
Kasumi: イチゴの水着と言うことは、オーナーさん、今度のフェスは……
Kasumi: What's this? Strawberry swimsuit? It's so cute.
Kokoro: Wow, that's cute. Even if it's ♪, isn't it a little too cute?
Kasumi: I don't hate this kind of thing♪ I think Kokoro-san is cute, too♪
Kokoro: Eh...? Fufu ♪ Okami-san, Kasumi-san♥
Kasumi: The strawberry swimsuit is the owner, the next festival...
;Scene 3
;Scene 3
Line 17,687: Line 17,687:
Kokoro: 「イチゴスイーツのフェス」かぁ。確かに、女の子はみんなスイーツ大好きやから♪
Kasumi: わたし、イチゴが好きだから、少し楽しみです♪
Kokoro: ……え?それだけじゃない?
Kasumi: 他にも何かあるんですか?
Kokoro: えっ!?フェスが上手く行ったら、イチゴスイーツのビュッフェ!?
Kasumi: あの、それってつまり…
Kokoro: イチゴスイーツ、食べ放題…!ええね♪
Kasumi: こころさん、フェス、頑張りましょう♪
Kokoro: ええよ♪頑張らんとね♪
Kasumi: オーナーさん、フェスが上手く行くように、応援お願いしますね!
Kokoro: ふふっ♪じゃあ、気合入れていくえー♪
Kokoro: Strawberry Sweets Festival. Sure, all the girls love sweets♪
Kasumi: I like strawberries, so I'm looking forward to it a little bit♪
Kokoro: ...... What? That's all there is to it, isn'
Kasumi: Is there anything else?
Kokoro: Eh!? If the festival goes well, strawberry sweets buffet! ?
Kasumi: Well, that's...
Kokoro: Strawberry sweets, all-you-can-eat...! Yes, you know♪
Kasumi: Kokoro-san, Fest, let's do our best♪
Koro: Yes♪ I have to do my best♪
Kasumi: Owner, please support us so that the festival goes well!
Kokoro: Fufufu ♪, then I'm going to put my mind into it♪
====Episode 2: Let's go for the other. (おかわりに行こう)====
====Episode 2: Let's go for the other. (おかわりに行こう)====
;Scene 1
;Scene 1

Revision as of 19:54, 8 July 2020

Below is a list of transcripts from various episodes in Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation.

Main Episodes

With the exception of episodes 1-2, which merely require starting up the game, the episodes require being promoted to a specific rank by clearing main matches (episode 3 requires clearing F rank, episode 4 requires clearing E rank, episode 5 requires clearing D rank, episode 6 requires clearing C rank, episode 7 requires clearing B rank, episode 8 requires clearing A rank, and episode 9 requires clearing S rank).



Main Episodes

Episode 1: Opening (オープニング)

Note, there are no dialogue boxes or subtitles in this episode in the Japanese version, although the English version does include subtitles

Japanese English translation

???: 親愛なる私たちの新しいオーナー様、ヴィーナス諸島へようこそ。島に着くと、ニキビーチの桟橋に来てください。スタッフの一人がオーナーとしての責任を説明し、ビーナス・フェスティバルの情報を紹介します。お待ちしております。


??? [Misaki]: (humming) おっと、オハイオ州はありません。遅くなって...祭りの始まりになるだろう…… [turns around] 何。お前は誰だ?……オーナーさん?ああ!ヴィーナス諸島へようこそ!

Misaki: 私はみさきです、あなたを支えるのは私が担当します。お会いできてうれしいです、所有者!

???: To the new Owner Welcome to the Venus Islands. Upon your arrival, please proceed to the pier on Nikki Beach. Your personal staff will appraise you of your duties as well as the details of the Venus Festival. We eagerly await your arrival.


??? [Misaki]: -♪ Oh, gosh... He's late... the Festival's about to begin... [turns around] Eh? W-Who are you? Umm... Are you... the... Owner? Ah, um... well...... W-welcome to the Venus Islands......

Misaki: I am your personal assistant, Misaki… Pleased to meet you! Owner! ......Phew.

Episode 2: Welcome! (ようこそ!)

Japanese English translation

Misaki: びっくりしたぁ。 もう、 来てるなら声くらいかけてやね。 …… でも、 やかった、 お人よそうな人で♥ ふふっ。 あらためて、 わたしは 『みさき』。 よろしく! あなたのサポート役、 か世話孫みたいなもの、 かな。 この島先だから輩、 何でも聞いて。 って、 まあ、 バイトなんだけど。 ふふっ。 じゃあ、 早速か仕事、 はじめよっか? ……え? 仕事の内容、 何も聞いてないの? あー、 もう、 いい加減なんだから、 あのグラサン…… しょうがない、 わたしが説明しあげる。

Misaki (OFF): もうすぐここ『ヴィーナス諸島』で『ヴィーナスフェス』つていう超~大きなフェスが開催されるの!

Misaki: オーナーのお仕事は、 参加する女の子たさを『ヴィーナス』として、 思いっきり輝かせてあげること! そして,巨万の富を手た入れこの何もない島をー大リゾートた育てるの……! と、 …… もあ、 ざっくりそんな感じ……かな? 詳しいことは後で説明するとして…… まずは『ヴィーナスフェス』たエントリーする女の子……あなたのパートナーを選びましょ。 はい、 これ。 この島た招待されている、 女の子たちのプロフィール。 参考たしてね。 え? 選んだらどうするか、 って? もう、 決まってるでしょ? …… オーナーは、 ナンパとか、 得意? ふふっ、 なんて。 …… でも、 マジメな話。 『ヴィーナス』がいないと始まらないもんね。 さて! オーナーも来てくれたことがし、美しさと強さの祭典『ヴィーナスフェス』、 開幕ね! 一緒た頑張りましょ♥ ね、 オーナー! じゃ、 いってらっしゃい!

Misaki: Yikes, you scared me! Don't sneak up on me like that. But I guess you seem nice enough. Anyway, I'm Misaki. It's nice to meet you! I'm here to offer support, as a helper I guess. I've been on this island awhile, so you can ask me pretty much anything. Even though I just work part time. Hehe. Anyway, let's get right to work. Hm? No one told you how to do the job? Wow... the boss never gets it right, walking around with those sunglasses on... I'll just have to show you the ropes.

Misaki (OFF): We're about to have a huge event called the "Venus Festival" here on the Venus Islands!

Misaki: And your job as the boss is to make all the girls in this Festival shine like Venus! Then amass unimaginable wealth to turn this boring island into the ultimate resort! Or at least... That's it in a nutshell, I guess. I'll fill you in on the rest later... First off, you'll have to choose one of the girls playing in the Venus Festival to be your partner. Here. This is a list of the girls invited to the island. Hm? You don't know what to do after choosing one? Isn't it obvious? I thought picking up girls was your speciality. Hehe. But seriously, you have to partner with a "Venus" to get things started. Now that you're here, we'll start the ultimate event of beauty and strength,the Venus Festival! Let's do our best to make this a hit, okay? See you later!

Episode 3: Why're You On This Island? (なんでこの島に?)

Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、 ランクアップおめでとう! まずは初心者オーナー卒業、ってオンジ? …… ところでオーナーは、 なんでこの島た来たの? どうせ騙された口じゃないの?かわいい女の子がいっぱいの,夢のような仕事だって。 まあ、 かわいい女の子がいっぱい,ってのは間違ってないし,騙されたわけじゃないのか…… ほら、マリーちゃんとか♥ きう、 ちっちゃくて、 綺麗で,か人形さんみたい♥かわいいよねー。 ……ねぇ、オーナーはどん人が好み? かすみさんみたいな、ちょっと儚げで、綺麗た人? それとも、 紅葉さんみたいな,優しく大人な人かな。 こころさんも清楚な感じがしていいよね。 …… オーナー、 この島た来れてラツキーだったね。 わたしも、 フェスに出るみんたいに…… ん? あ、 あはは …… な、 何でもないよ。 さ、 オーナー。 フェスはまだ,始まったばかりなんだから。 かわいい女の子たちのためにも、 これからもっと、 頑張ってよね!

Misaki: Congratulations on your new rank! I guess you're a step up from rookie boss now, hm? ... ... By the way, what made you come to this island? Did smeone con you into it? Telling you of a dream job packed with cute girls? Well, there are a lot of cute girls here, so it wasn't a complete con job. I mean, look at Marie. So sweet and dainty, like a little doll. What a cutie she is, huh? What kind of girl is your type anyway? Someone delicate and beautiful like Kasumi? Or more of a kind, mature oman like Momiji? And then Kokoro is always nicely dressed. You're actually quite lucky to end up on this island. When I look at the Festival girls, I wish I could... Hm? Ah... Hahaha... It's nothing. Well, the Festival's only just begun. Keep doing whatever you can to keep these cute girls happy!

Episode 4: Morning Girls-Only Workout (朝の女子会)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 押忍!

Misaki: か、 押忍!よろしお願いします!

Hitomi: じゃあ、 最初は軽くランニング。 ついてきて!

Misaki: は、 はい!

Hitomi: Hai-yah!

Misaki: Hai-yah! Right back at you!

Hitomi: I'll start off with a light jog. Follow me, okay?

Misaki: Sure!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あ、 みさきちゃん、 ヒトミちゃん。 おはよう!

Misaki: あれ、 紅葉さん? おはようございます。

Momiji: 今日は、 みさきちゃんも朝練ー練なんだ。

Misaki: けい。 みんなの成功を見てたら 、 わたしも、 じっとしていられなくて。 あと、 みんなとも、 もっと、 仲良くなるためたも、 頑張らないと!

Momiji: みさきちゃん……えらいね。 よかったら、 わたしも協力、 させてね?

Hitomi: じゃあ、 紅葉さんも一緒に、 朝練やりましょう! そのあと、 よかつたら朝ごはんも!

Momiji: ええ。 よろしくね。 ヒトミちゃん、 みさきちゃん。

Momiji: Misaki! Hitomi! Good morning!

Misaki: Momiji? Good morning.

Momiji: So you're up early to train this morning too, Misaki.

Misaki: Uh-huh. After seeing how active everyone is, I had to join in. I have to do what I can to get closer to everyone here!

Momiji: That's great, Misaki. I'd like to join you, if that's okay.

Hitomi: Sure, Momiji. Now we can all do early morning training together. And breakfast if you can!

Momiji: Sure. Sounds great girls!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: じゃあ、 体もほぐれてきたし、 次 は腹筋、 背筋、 腕立て伏せ、 各500回か。

Misaki: はいっ! …… え? 500回?

Momiji: はーい。 …… まあ、 最初だし、 それくがちょうどいいかな。

Misaki: ええつ?! 紅葉ちん? 無理無理! 無理だよ!<

Hitomi: 大丈夫! うちの道場のみんなも平気だから。 やってみたら、 意外といけるもんだよ!

Momiji: 最初なんだし、能力を見る ためたも、 やれるだけ、 やってみよう?

Misaki: (あ、 あれ……? この人たち…… ひゃっとして、 すごく… 体育会系?)

Hitomi: さあ!

Momiji: ぱんばろ?

Misaki: (この笑顔……やるしかない……)

Hitomi: Now that we're loosened up, we've got push-ups, sit-ups, and back-bends. 500 each.

Misaki: You got it! Wait... 500?

Momiji: Sounds good. Since this is my first day, that should be just right.

Misaki: What!?! Momiji! That's way too many!

Hitomi: It'll be fine! Everyone in my dojo can do it. Just try, and you'll find it's actually not so bad!

Momiji: It's just the first day. Let's do what we can to find out how far we can go.

Misaki: (Wait... Are these people... a bunch of exercise fanatics?

Hitomi: Okay!

Momiji: Let's do it.

Misaki: (I'll just have to grin and bear it...)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: よーし! 500!

Momiji: すごい! がんばったね! みさきちゃん!

Misaki: あはは…… (ヒトミさん、 毎日これ……やってるの……?)

Hitomi: じゃあ、 ー休みしたら、 次はランニンバかな。 この島一周くらいなら、 いけるよね。

Momiji: うーん、 ビーチバレーは足腰とバランス…… 岩場を渡って、 崖を登って、 木の上を……

Misaki: あはは…… (いはない、 なんか火ついちゃってる……?) あ、 あの、 朝のバイト、 思い出しちゃって……今日はもう、 朝ごはんにしませんか?

Hitomi: そっか…… じゃあ、 朝ごはん、 準備するね。

Momiji: わぁ、 ヒトミちゃんの手作り、 楽しいだなぁ。

Hitomi: 今日は朝からガッツリで! 昨日残り物お肉使,一晩寝かせた手ごねハンバーグのロコモコを作ります。

Momiji: じゃあ、 料理、 わたしも手伝うね。 作り置きで悪いんだけど、 お漬物とお煮物、 持つてこようかな。

Misaki: え、 えつと…… (じゃ、 女子力、 すごい……!) た、 楽しみだなぁ…… ほんと …… 楽しみ …… (明日は …… ほのかっちと朝練…… しようかな……)

Hitomi: That's it! 500!

Momiji: Wow! Great job, Misaki!

Misaki: Hahaha... (Hitomi does this... every day...?)

Hitomi: Let's take a little break and move on to running. Maybe a lap around the island. Sound good?

Momiji: Hmm, beach volleyball requires leg strength and balance, so we'll cross over the rocks, climb the cliff, then

Misaki: Hahaha... (This is bad. She's really fired up now.) You know, I just remembered I have a job this morning. How about we do breakfast today instead?

Hitomi: Oh... All right, I'll cook up some breakfast.

Momiji: Ooh, I can't wait to try your homemade cooking.

Hitomi: A big breakfast is important! I'll use the leftover meat from last night, we can form some patties to make loco mocos.

Momiji: I'll help you make them. Plus I've got some Japanese pickles and boiled goodies I can bring.

Misaki: Um... (Girl power in full effect!) I can't wait. I really can't wait. (Maybe tomorrow I'll train with Honoka.)

Episode 5: Island Guardian Deity? (島の守り神)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: よしっ、 お掃除終わり一!

Misaki (OFF): それにしても…… この像、 悪趣味…… というか、 似てるよね……

Ayane (OFF): あら、 お掃除? バイトは大変ね。

Misaki: あっ、 あやねっち。 ヤツホー。

Ayane: ちょっと! その呼び方 …… !

Misaki: はぁ、 ままいいわ。

Ayane: ……ほんと、 趣味の悪い像ね。 あの男にそっくり。

Misaki: あやねっちもそう思う? でも、 これ、 昔からある神様の像なんだって。

Ayane: 神様? この金ぴかが? 昔から、 って …… どう見たってアイツでしょ?

Misaki: ヴィーナスフェスは、 元々はその神様へ捧げるお祭りだったんだって。

Ayane: ふん,そんな語,嘘に決まってるわ。 からかわれたのよ。 ビーチバレーを捧げるお祭りって、ー体どんな神様なのよ…… それに、 こんなのが昔からいたら、 まるで宇宙人じゃない。 まあ、 あいつが宇宙人でも、 わたしは驚かないけどね……

Misaki: 宇宙人か……そういう説も…… あはは、 おもしろいね、 あやねっち。

Nyotengu (OFF): 誰じゃ?騒がしいのう。 眠りの邪魔をするでない。

Misaki:ひゃっ!? しゃ、 しゃべった!? 神様? 宇宙人?

Ayane: まったく、 バカね…… まら、 早く出てらっしゃい。

Misaki: There! All done cleaning!

Misaki (OFF): You know, this statue is kind of creepy. Kind of like him...

Ayane (OFF): Cleaning, huh? Sounds like a tough job.

Misaki: Ayane Girl? Woohoo.

Ayane: Hold on! What did you just call me?

Misaki: *Sigh* I guess it's all right.

Ayane: That really is a vulgar statue. Looks exactly like him.

Misaki: You think so too, Ayane Girl? But he told me it's the Island God from ancient times.

Ayane: Island God? This blingy gold statue? Tell me you don't believe it's from ancient times.

Misaki: They say the original Venus Festival was dedicated to the Island God.

Ayane: Hmph. That's obviously a lie. He's just toying with you. What kind of god has a beach volleyball festival dedicated to it? And if this thing's been around since ancient times, it's probably from aliens. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was an alien himself.

Misaki: Aliens... I guess that's one theory... Hahaha... You're funny, Ayane Girl.

Nyotengu (OFF): Who's making all that noise? How dare you disturb my slumber.

Misaki: Oh my gosh! It spoke! Is that the god? Or an alien?

Ayane: You are so dense... Come on out.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃなんじゃ?騒がしいのう。

Misaki: なんだ、 女天狗か……

Ayane: もう。 紛らわしいのよ…… びっくりしたじゃない。

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、 二人して間の抜けた顔をしおって。 まあ、 間の抜けた顔はいつものことか?

Ayane: 間の抜けた顔はみさきだけでしょ。 二人た見えるだなんて、 まだ寝ぼけてるんじゃない?

Misaki: あやねっち、 ひどーい!

Ayane: まあいいわ。 ちょうど探してたのよ。 あんたも。

Nyotengu: ほう、 わらわた何用じゃ?

Ayane: ほら、 みさき、 あんたも。 バイトが終わったなな、 行くわよ。 ランクアップのお祝い、 するんでしょ? みんな待つてるんだから、 早くしなさい。

Misaki: あ、 そういえぼ…… ごめん、 準備もう終わっちょった?

Nyotengu: オーナー殿を祝う宴か。 わらわがおらねば始まらぬのう。

Misaki: わざわざ迎えに来てくれたんだ! あやねっち、 やさしーい!

Ayane: いい加減にしないと……!

Misaki: あはは……ごめんごめん。 じゃ、 行こう。 女天狗も。 オーナー、 待ちくたびれてるかも。

Nyotengu: これ、 急かすでない。 今わらわは羽がいのじゃ。

Ayane: はぁ…… なんでわたしが……

Ayane (OFF): それにしもての像…… ふふっ、 軽薄をうな神様ね ……

Misaki: あやねっち、 置いてっちゃうよ?

Ayane: はいはい。 …… まったく、 おめでたいわ。

Nyotengu: What's with all the commotion?

Misaki: Oh, it's Nyotengu...

Ayane: What are you doing back there? You could've caused a heart attack.

Nyotengu: Why do you both look so foolish? Your normal expressions, perhaps?

Ayane: Misaki's the only one looking foolish. You must be half asleep and seeing double.

Misaki: Ayane Girl! How could you?!

Ayane: Anyway, I was looking for you.

Nyotengu: Oh? What is it you want?

Ayane: And you too, Misaki. If you're done with the job let's go. We've got a ranking party today. Hurry up, 'cause everyone's waiting.

Misaki: Oh, that's right... Sorry... Is everything ready?

Nyotengu: A party for the boss, hm? He won't start it without me.

Misaki: So you actually came to invite me? You're so sweet, Ayane Girl.

Ayane: Would you shut up...!

Misaki: Hahaha... Sorry. Well, we better get going. The boss is probably tired of waiting.

Nyotengu: Don't rush me. I no longer have wings.

Ayane: *Sigh* Why me...?

Ayane (OFF): And what's up with this statue? Hehe. Seems like such a womanizing "god."

Misaki: Hurry up, Ayane Girl.

Ayane: Yeah, yeah. She's so blissfully ignorant.

Episode 6: Secret Strategy Meeting (ひみつの作戦会議)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: んー……

Honoka: うーん ……

Misaki: Um...

Honoka: Hmm...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: どないしたの?二人とも難しい顔…… なんか、 悩み事?

Misaki: あ、 こころさん! おはようございます!

Honoka: こころさん、 おはようございまーす!

Kokoro: はい、 おはよーさん♥

Misaki: まだ少し先の 話 なんですけど……オーナーへのお祝いを考えてて。

Kokoro: お祝い? ランクアップの?

Misaki: それもありますけど、 もっと大きな…… 今のランクからもうーつ上の……

Kokoro: ふーん…… ようわからへんけど…… オーナーさんへの『大きなお祝』を考えてるんやね。 二人ともえらいなぁ。 面白そうやし、ウチも混げてもらおっかな♥じゃあ、まずお 話聞かせてね。 ほのかちゃんは、どんなの考えたん?

Honoka: わたしは,みんなでおいしいものが食べたいなーつて。

Kokoro: みさきちゃんは?

Misaki: やっぱり、 普通たプレゼントよりは,みんなでお祝いしたいなって。 でも、 『パーテイー』っていうのも,ちょっと,気取ってて……

Kokoro: ふふっ、 そうやねえ。 ウチも、 パーテイーとか苦手なタイプかなあ。 お祭りみたいに,みんなで,楽しくお祝いしたいなぁ……

Honoka: 商店街のお祭り、 楽しいんですよー。 わたし,いつも夜店楽しみで。 ついつい食べ過ぎちゃうんです。

Kokoro: ふふっ、 お祭りおぁ。 京のお祭りも,雅でええよー。 宵山にお囃子に花傘……、 ふふっ、 オーナーはんと行きたいなぁ。

Misaki: もう、ほのかっちも、 こころさんも、 お祭りは無理だよ。

Kokoro: 二人と話すと楽しいわぁ。 でも、 『無理』って言うんは、 早いんとちゃうかなあ? 『みんな』 でお祝いするんでしょ?

Honoka: そうだよ、 みさきちゃん。 みんなで、 考えてみようよ。

Misaki: みんなで、 か…… よーし、 じゃあ、 みんなた声かけてみるね。

Kokoro: あ、 でも、 みさきちゃん、 ーつだけ。 オーナーさんには……

Honoka: ナイショ……だよ?

Misaki: ふふっ、 そうだね。

Kokoro: Why do you guys look so puzzled? Something wrong?

Misaki: Oh, Kokoro! Good morning!

Honoka: Morning, Kokoro!

Kokoro: Good morning, girls.

Misaki: We're thinking of something down the road a bit. A celebration for the boss.

Kokoro: Congratulations? For ranking up?

Misaki: Well, there's that. But something bigger. For going above the rank he's at now.

Kokoro: Hmm... Not sure I get it. So you're planning this big celebration for the boss. And I admire you guys for it. Sounds fun enough for me to join in. First fill me in on the details. What do you have in mind, Honoka?

Honoka: I want everyone to get together for some awesome food.

Kokoro: What about you, Misaki?

Misaki: Instead of just doing presents, I think we should all celebrate together. But a party seems so... cliché.

Kokoro: Totally. I'm not that big on parties myself. How about something like a festival so everyone can have an awesome time?

Honoka: Shopping center festivals are super fun. I always love the food stands at night. But I end up eating too much.

Kokoro: Hehe. A festival sounds nice. Kyoto's festivals are always so refined. The Folding Screen Festival, traditional music, Flower Umbrella Parade... I'd love to go with the boss.

Misaki: I don't know, you guys. A festival sounds way out of reach.

Kokoro: It's fun to talk with you guys. But isn't it a little early to say it's out of reach? We want everyone to participate, right?

Honoka: That's right, Misaki. Let's figure out something for everyone.

Misaki: Everyone, huh... Okay then. Let's ask them all about it.

Kokoro: But don't forget one thing, Misaki. When it comes to the boss...

Honoka: Our lips stay sealed.

Misaki: Hehe. Of course.

Episode 7: The Two of Us (二人の関係)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: それでね…… あ、 あれは…… おーい! あやねっちー!

Misaki: And then... Oh, look... Hey! Ayane Girl!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: もう! その呼び方やめなさいっていつも言ってるでしょ?

Misaki: じゃあ、 わたしのことも 『みさきっち』でいいよ?

Ayane: そういことじゃなくて…… もう、 いいわ。 で、何の用?

Misaki: いま、 かすみさんに今日の運勢を占ってもらってるんだ。

Kasumi: おはよう、 あやねちゃん。

Misaki: あやねっちも占ってもらいなよ。

Ayane: 占いねぇ。 当たるものなのかしら。 ま、 職つぶしにはちょうどいいわ試しに占ってちょうだい。

Kasumi: ふふっ、 みさきちゃんと、 仰良いんだね。

Ayane: くだらないこと言ってないで、 ほら、 はやくしなさい?

Misaki: ね、 二人って、 姉妹なんでしょ? ー緒にバカンスなんて、 いいな。

Ayane: そんないいものじゃないわよ。 ねえ?

Kasumi: あやねちゃん……

Ayane: ……今はバカンス中だったわね。 で、 早くしてくれないかしら?

Kasumi: …… うん。 ありがとう。

Ayane: Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that? How many times do I have to ask?

Misaki: Well, I don't mind if you call me "Misaki Girl."

Ayane: It doesn't work that way. Ugh... Anyway, what do you want?

Misaki: Kasumi just told me my fortune for the day.

Kasumi: Good morning, Ayane.

Misaki: Get your fortune too, Ayane Girl.

Ayane: Fortune telling, huh? I wonder if it works. Sounds like a good way to kill the time anyway. How about a sample reading?

Kasumi: Hehe. It seems you get along well with Misaki.

Ayane: Stop with the silliness and cut to the chase please.

Misaki: You two are sisters, right? Must be nice being on vacation together.

Ayane: It's not as nice as you think. Right?

Kasumi: Ayane...

Ayane: Oh, right, we're on vacation now... Could you hurry up, please?

Kasumi: Mm-hm. Thank you.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ねえ、 かすみさん、 あやねっちの運勢、 でう?

Kasumi: えっと……うーん…… お友達とお買い物をすると、 いいことがあるみい。 ラッキーアイテムは …… 星のアクセサリ?

Misaki: えーっ! やった、 ラッキー!

Ayane: なんであんたが喜んでるのよ?

Misaki: だって、 お友達と買い物で、 わたしの大好きな星デザインのアクセサリ…… これって、 あやねっちがわたしに買ってくれるって、 ことだよねー。

Ayane: なっ!? ちょっと! かすみ!? まさか、 あなたたち、 グルなんじゃないでしゃうね?

Kasumi: グルじゃないけど…………占いを信じるか信じないかは、 あやねちゃん次第……かな。 お友達にプレゼントって、 素敵なこだと思うな。

Ayane: ……はぁ。 あなたのそういうところ…… もう …… 仕行がないわね。 どうせ暇だったんだし、 いいわ。 買い物くらい、 つきあうわよ。 プレゼントまでは、 信じないけど。

Misaki: ふふっ、 やったー! あやねっち、 期待してる!

Kasumi: ふふっ、 いってらっしゃい。

Ayane: なによ? 逃げる気? あなたも来るのよ。

Kasumi: えっ!? でも …… いいの?

Ayane: 占いの責任、 とってもらうわ。 せめて、 甘いものくらい、 春りなさいよね!

Kasumi: ふふっ、 うん。

Misaki: じゃあ、 みんなで買い物、 行う!

Misaki: Hey, Kasumi. What's Ayane's fortune?

Kasumi: Hmm... Well... It seems she'll have good fortune when shopping with a friend. Her lucky item is a star accessory.

Misaki: Really?! Yes, that sounds so lucky!

Ayane: Why are you so excited about it?

Misaki: Because she said shopping with a friend... And I love star accessory designs... I'm pretty sure it means you'll buy one for me, Ayane Girl.

Ayane: What?! Kasumi, come on now! Wait a minute... Are you two setting me up?

Kasumi: Of course not, but... Whether you believe the fortune or not, is really up to you, Ayane. Buying a gift for a friend, is really a wonderful thing.

Ayane: *Sigh* That's so typical of you to say that. Whatever. I'm bored anyway, so let's do it. I'll go shopping with you. But I don't believe the whole gift thing.

Misaki: Hehe. Yay! I'm counting on you, Ayane Girl!

Kasumi: Hehe. Have fun you two.

Ayane: Are you trying to slink off somewhere? You're coming too.

Kasumi: What!? But, that's really not...

Ayane: Take responsibility for your fortune telling. Or at least treat me to something sweet!

Kasumi: Hehe. Okay.

Misaki: Great. Let's all go shopping!

Episode 8: We're Comrades, Right? (仲間でしょ?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……それは楽しそうね♪

Misaki: それで、 こころさんが、 エレナさん相談してみらって ……

Helena: 話しはわかったわ。 …… あら?

Helena: That sounds fun!

Misaki: Then Kokoro suggested I talk with you about it.

Helena: I think I get it now. ...Huh?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: エレナ様、 お飲み物をお持ちしました。

Helena: あら、 ありがとう、 マリー。

Misaki: あ、 マリーちゃん、 おっはよー。

Marie Rose: ごまげんよう、 みさき様。

Misaki: ご、 ごきげんよう……?

Helena: ふふっ、 マリー、 今はバカンス中よ普段通りになさい。

Marie Rose: でも、 エレナ様の前で……

Helena: あなにがその調子だと、 みさきも困るわ。 お願い。

Marie Rose: はい、 わかりました。 さきも、 いらっしゃい。 ふふっ、 驚いちゃいました?

Misaki: マリーちゃん、 仕事だとあんな感じなんだ。 しっかりしてるー。

Marie Rose: マリー、 エレナ様のけーバントですから。 公私の区別はつけないと。

Misaki: 公私の区別 …… えらいなぁ……

Marie Rose: もう。 子ども扱いしないでください!

Helena: 二人とも、 仲がいいのね。 それで、 みさき、 話の続きだけれで…… 面白そうね。 私も賛成よ。 その話。 乗ったわ。

Marie Rose: 何? 面白い話? エレナ様、 マリーにも教えてください!

Misaki: マリーちゃん、 公私の区別 ……

Helena: 仕方がないわね。 今話すわ。 少し落ち着きなさい。 マリー。

Marie Rose: Lady Helena, I have a beverage for you.

Helena: Why thank you, Marie.

Misaki: Good morning, Marie.

Marie Rose: Salutations, Lady Misaki.

Misaki: Salutations?

Helena: Hehe. Marie, we're on vacation now. Just be yourself.

Marie Rose: But while in your presence, Lady Helena...

Helena: That attitude is making Misaki uncomfortable. Please stop.

Marie Rose: Very well, My Lady. Hi Misaki. Hehe. Did I surprise you?

Misaki: Wow, Marie. So that's how you act at work. Very professional.

Marie Rose: I am lady Helena's servant, after all. I must separate public and private matters.

Misaki: Public and private... Great job.

Marie Rose: Stop treating me like a child!

Helena: You two get along so well. Let's get back to our talk, Misaki. It sounds interesting. And I agree, so count me in.

Marie Rose: What's interesting? Lady Helena, I must know.

Misaki: Remember Marie, public and private matters...

Helena: Oh I'll tell you, Marie. Just calm down a little first.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁっ、 楽しそう!

Misaki: でしょ? ほのかっちと考えたんだ。 でも、 エレナさんが協力してくれて、 よかったー。

Marie Rose: みさき、 よかったね。 エレナ様、 やさしいごしょ?

Misaki: エレナさんって、 大きな会社の偉い人…… なんですよね?

Helena: 偉いというわけではないけれど、 責任者、 ではあるかしら。 それがどうかして?

Misaki: 綺麗でやさしくて、 大き会社トップ …… なんだか、 理想の女性なぁ……って。

Marie Rose: エレナ様はすごいんです! いつも落ち着いていて、 やさしくて、 ちょっと、 厳しくて……

Misaki: こころさんも同じこと言ってた 『憧れだなー』 って。

Helena: もう、 こころまで。 気軽に相談してくれればいいのよ。 だって、 私たちは『仲間』でしょ? 同じオーナーの、 パートナーとして。 私は、 そう思っているのだけれど?

Misaki: あはっ、 そうですね!

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、 喜んでくれるといいなぁ。

Marie Rose: Wow, that sounds fun!

Misaki: Right? I thought it up with Honoka. But I'm so glad we've got Helena on board too.

Marie Rose: That's great, Misaki. Isn't Lady Helena generous?

Misaki: Um, could I ask you something, Helena? You're a top executive for a big company, right?

Helena: I wouldn't say at the top, but I am a supervisor. Why do you ask?

Misaki: You're pretty, you're nice, and so high up in a big company. Like the ideal woman.

Marie Rose: Lady Helena is simply amazing! She's always so calm, and full of kindness, but she can also be strict...

Misaki: Kokoro was saying the same thing. How much she admires you.

Helena: Even Kokoro said that? You girls can talk with me any time. We're friends after all, right? Working as partners for the same boss. At least, that's how I think of us.

Misaki: Haha! Of course!

Marie Rose: I hope the boss will be pleased.

Episode 9: Even Tomorrow... (明日からも……)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、 こっちこっち、 もう始まってるよ!

Marie Rose: マリーが案内してきたんだから、 オーナーさんは、 マリーと花火を見るんです。 ね、 オーナーさん?

Honoka: ほら、 オーナーさん、 ここからなら、 よくみえますよー!

Marie Rose: あっ! マリーが案内するんだから!

Honoka: すごーい! 商店街の花火よりおっきいなー!

Marie Rose: マリー、 オーナーさんと一緒に花火が見られて、 嬉しいな。

Honoka: ね、 マリーちゃん、 あっちかち見ようよ! あと、 夜店が出てるから、 一緒に行こう!

Marie Rose: あっもう! ほのか! マリーはオーナーさんとお話……

Honoka: でもでも、 マリーちゃんさっき、 「わたあめがカワイイから食べてみたい」 って……

Misaki: マリーちゃん、 かわいいー。

Marie Rose: こ、 子ども扱いしないでください! マリー、 異国のスイーツに興味があるだけです! マリーは、 オーナーさん一緒に……

Honoka: そっか…… じゃあ、 わたし、 マリーちゃんのわたあめ、 買ってきげようかな。 マリーちゃん、 わたあめだけでいい? たこ焼きや、 りんご飴も、 一緒食べよう。

Misaki: ああ、 じゃあ、 わたしも行こうかな。 オーナーの分も買ってくるから、 待ってて。

Marie Rose: …… えっ。 もう! そじゃ、 マリーが子供みたいじゃないですか! …… はぁ、 仕方がないですね。 オーナーさん、 マリー、 ちょっと、 行ってきますね。 マリーは大人だから、ここは、 みさきに譲ります。

Misaki: ふふっ、 はいはい。 好きなもの、 買って、 楽しんできたら?

Marie Rose: 待つててくださいね、 オーナーさん♥ あと、 食べ物のお金はぜーんぶ、 みさきのお給料から引いておいてくださいね♥

Misaki: ええっ!?

Marie Rose: じゃあねー!

Misaki: Over here, boss. It's already started!

Marie Rose: Since I brought you here, you have to watch the fireworks with me. Right?

Honoka: Hey there. This is the perfect spot to watch from!

Marie Rose: Hey! I'm showing him around!

Honoka: Wow! This is bigger than fireworks at the shopping center!

Marie Rose: I'm so glad I can watch the fireowrks with you!

Honoka: Hey Marie. Let's watch from over there! And we can go check out the food stands!

Marie Rose: Come on, Honoka! I was talking with him...

Honoka: But Marie, you were just saying the cotton candy is cute enough to eat.

Misaki: You look adorable, Marie.

Marie Rose: Don't treat me like a child! I just like sweets from other countries, okay! But I want to stay with the boss...

Honoka: I see. Well, I can buy some cotton candy for you. Is that all you want, Marie? We can have takoyaki and candy apples too.

Misaki: Yeah, I think I'll go with you guys. And I'll buy something for you too, boss.

Marie Rose: But... Come on. That makes me seem like a child! Oh whatever... I'll be right back, boss. I'm a full grown woman, so you can stay with the boss, Misaki.

Misaki: Hehe. Okay. Go have fun and buy what you want.

Marie Rose: I'll be back soon, boss. And make sure you take all the food out of Misaki's salary, kay?

Misaki: What!?

Marie Rose: See ya!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふう。 マリーちゃんにはかなわないなぁ…… まあ、 かわいいから、 いいか。 ね、 オーナー? え? みんな、 かわいいって…………もう! そういう話はいいから! …… そうだ、 みんなが帰ってくる前に、 言っておかないとね。

Misaki: *Sigh* Can you believe that girl? Oh well, she's so cute I can't stay mad at her. Right? Huh? All the girls are cute? Would you stop?! … Oh yeah, before they come back... I need to tell you something...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: まだまだ、 終わりじゃないはど……おめでとう。 ……あと、 ありがとう。 ……ほら、 一緒に花火、 見よ? 明日からも、? 頑張らなきゃ。 ね。

Misaki: This thing's not over yet, but... Congratulations. And thank you. Let's watch the fireworks together, kay? Tomorrow it's back to work again.

Character episodes

To unlock the episodes, the player has to first unlock at least one SSR outfit that acts as a character's exclusive, then after that, the player has to level the girl up to unlock more of her episodes, with levels 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, and 80 unlocking episodes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, respectively. Watching the episodes first time around supplies the player with +30 EXP for the Owner Level.

Patty Episodes

Episode 1: It's a ♪ (はろはろー♪)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: あれー?ここにもいない……パティの大事な「宝物」……

Patty: That's it. I'm not even here. Patty's precious treasure.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: んしょ……んっと……ふぅ……えー……んー……もー……どこいっちゃったんだろう…………ん?誰……?お一な一、さん……?……うん!「良いヒト」の匂い!あのね、パティ、ラジオを探してるの!落ちないように、ここにちゃんと付けてたんけど……あ一っ!それ、パティのラジオ!見つけてくれたの!?……うん、聞こえる!オーナーさん、ありがとう!

Patty: Oh, my Good. I don't know. Phew...... Huh...... Let's see...... Well, i'm s... I wonder where he's gone. Yee-ye Who......? One of you, Mr. ...... yes! The smell of "good human" You know, Patty, I'm looking for a radio! I put it on here so that it wouldn't fall off. Oh, my God! That's Patty's radio! Did you find me?! ...... Yes, I can hear you! Thank you, owner!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: 見つかって本当に良かったぁ……大事な大事な、パティのラジオ……♥あっ、そういえば、挨拶まだだったね♪はろはろー♪パティは、「パティ」だよ♪……ここで何してたか?お散歩だよ!面白いものを見つけるのが楽しくて、よくするんだ♪いつもより遠くまでお散歩したら、新しい宝物見つかるかな一って思って♪パティのおうち?すぐ近くの島だよ♪ここから見えるかな〜?……そうだ、オーナーさん!ラジオのお礼に、パティ、オーナーさんの言うこと、何でもするよ!うん、何でも!ふぇす……?パティ、フェスなら知ってるよ!ラジオで聞いたんだー。楽しそうな音、いっぱい間こえた!そのフェスに、パティも……?……うん!パティ、フェス出る!ラジオのお礼だけじゃないよ?フェス出てみたたかったし、それに……オーナーさん、「良いヒト」の匂いがするから♪……あははっ♪今のオーナーさんは「嬉しい」の匂いがする!よろしくね、オーナーさん♪

Patty: I'm really glad i found it. Important and important, Patty's radio...... ♥, come to think of it, it was still a greeting♪ ♪ Patty was "Patty"♪ What were you doing here? It's a walk! It's fun to find something interesting, and i'm going to do it well♪ i thought if I took a walk farther than usual, i'd find a new treasure♪ patty's house. It's an island just around the corner♪ can you see it from here? ...... That's right, owner! Thank you for the radio, Patty, i'll do whatever the owner says! Yes, anything! Oh, my God. Patty, I know if it's a festival! I heard it on the radio. There was a lot of fun sounds! Patty also ...... yes! Patty, get out of the festival! It's not just a radio thank you, is it? I wanted to go out to the festival, and it was...... Owner, it smells like a good human being, so ♪... Ah-yes♪ the current owner smells "happy" Nice to meet you, owner♪

Episode 2: The girl on the next island (隣の島の女の子)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、はろはろー♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……あれ?この「美味しい」匂い……ハンバーガーの匂いだ!……え?ご飯より先にお仕事?パティの自己紹介がいるの?わ、分かった!パティ頑張る!えっと、じゃあ名前から……パティの名前は「パティ」だよ♪……楽しそうな名前?あははっ、ありがとう♪パティ、楽しいこと大好き!フェスも、すごく楽しみ!遠くまでお散歩しにきて良かった〜うん、そうだよ!島からは、船に乗って来たんだ♪お天気が良かったら、泳いで渡れるかも!今度やってみようかな〜ええと、次は……すりーさいず?胸とお腹とお尻の大きさ?んー……ふくらんでる、ふくらんでない、ふくらんでる?ちゃんと測って?う〜、難しいよぅ……じゃあ、オーナーさんが、パティのスリーサイズ測って?ちゃんと、じっとしてるから♪……ダメ?測り方は教えるから、パティー人で、更衣室で?うー、分かった……急いで測ってくるから、待っててね!

Patty: Owner, you're ♪

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ...... That? This "delicious" smell...... It smells like hamburgers! ...... What? Work before rice? Patty's here to introduce herself. Oh, okay! Patty, good luck! Well, then, from the name... Patty's name is Patty♪. A name that looks fun? Oh yes, thank you♪ Patty, love to have fun! I'm really looking forward to the festival. It's good to be able to take a walk far away. From the island, i've been on a boat♪ if the weather is nice, I might be able to swim across! I think I'll try it next time. You want to wear it? The size of the chest, stomach and ass? Let's see...... Swell, not puffy, puffy? Measure it properly. Well, it's hard. Well, the owner measured patty's three size? I'm just sitting still, so i'm ♪. Bad? I'll teach you how to measure it, patties, in the changing room. Um, okay. I'll measure it in a hurry, so wait!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: ふぅ、大変だった。パティ、何言ったか忘れちゃったよ……あっ、好きなもの、まだ言ってない!パティが好きなのは、パティの島でしょ?あとはラジオにお散歩……それとハンバーガー!ハンバーガー……そういえば、パティ、お腹が空いてたの忘れてたよ…………えっ、お仕事のご褒美に、美味しいハンバーガーご馳走してくれるの!?やったぁ!パティ楽しみ♪

Patty: Oh, it was hard. Patty, I forgot what i said. Oh, I haven't said anything I like yet! Patty likes patty's island, right? I'll take a walk on the radio. And a hamburger! Burger...... Come to think of it, Patty, I forgot I was hungry. Oh, you're going to give me a delicious hamburger treat for your job!? I did it. Patty Fun♪

Episode 3: Girly? (女の子っぽい?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: フェス用の水着……?オーナーさんが用意したもの……?うん!パティ、着てみたい!

Patty: Bathing suit for the festival What the owner prepared yes! Patty, I want to wear it!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: じゃじゃーん♪んー……パティには、ちょっとピチピチ?もっとプカプカしてる方が好きかも。

Patty: I'm ♪. Patty, hey pictipi? Maybe you prefer to be more pucapka.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: うん!こっちの方がラクチン♪パティ、この水着でフェス出る!……ん?他の水着も着てほしい?いいよ!いろんな水着着れるの楽しい!

Patty: Yes! This is Lactin♪ Patty, and this swimsuit is going to be a festival. ...... Yee-ye Do you want me to wear another bathing suit? Okay! It's fun to wear a variety of swimsuits!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: あはっ♪この水着、ヒラヒラしてて楽しいー♪……すごく「女の子」っぽくて良い?パティ、「ぽい」じゃなくて、ちゃんと女の子だよ?……そういう意味じゃない?可愛くオシャレしたり、スイーツッを食べたり?うーん……、甘い物は好きだけど、パティ、オシャレはよくわかんないな……でも、パティじゃない「パティ」になるみたいで、面白いかも♪そうだ!オーナーさん、次に着る水着、パティが選んでもいい?女の子っぽい水着、もっとたくさん着てみたいんだ♪いいの!?じゃあ、ちょっと待っててね♪

Patty: Oh♪ this swimsuit, it's fun to be ♪... You're really like a girl. Patty, it's not "poi", it's a girl, isn't it? ...... That's not what i mean. You can dress up cutely, or eat sweets. Well, I like sweets, but Patty, I don't know how to dress up. But it's not Patty, it's going to be "Patty", and it's going to be interesting♪! The owner, can I choose the next swimsuit, Patty? I want to wear a girly swimsuit, more ♪!? Well, wait a minute♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: どう?パティ、オシャレ?♪……コメントに困る?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ……でも、オーナーさんの匂いは、「嬉しい」って言ってるよ?……ダメ?「嬉しい格好」と「オシャレな格好」はちょっと違う?ヘぇ……オシャレって大変なんだね。パティ、もっとオシャレのこと知りたいな…………オーナーさんが教えてくれるの!?やったぁ!それじゃ、次の水着持ってくるね!あ、あと、その次と、次の水着もまとめて持ってこよっと!……あれ? 「困った」匂い?

Patty: How's it going? Patty, are you dressed up? ♪...... I'm having trouble commenting.

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: ...... But the owner's smell says he's happy. ...... Bad? "Happy dress" and "stylish dress" are a little different. Heh... It's hard to be fashionable. Patty, I want to know more about fashion. The owner will tell you!? I did it. Well then, I'll bring you the next swimsuit! Oh, and then bring the next and the next swimsuit together! ...... That? "Troubled" smell?

Episode 4: radio and one (ラジオと一)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、はろはろー♪遊びに来たよー♪んー、オーナーさん、気分どんより?「夜更かしして、身体が重い」……?あははっ♪ラジオを聴いてて寝れなかった時のパティと一緒だ!オーナーさん、そういう時はね……

Patty: Owner, i came to play ♪ ♪, owner, i'm not feeling good? "Stay up late and my body is heavy". She's with Patty when she's listening to ♪ radio and can't sleep! Owner, that's the time.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: 楽しい曲を聴くのが一番♪あははっ♪これ、パティの大好きな曲!……どう、オーナーさん?元気出た?あはっ、良かった♪えっ、元気出たから、パティに島を案内する……?やったぁ!パティ、いつでも準備おっけーだよ!

Patty: It's best to listen to fun songs♪ this is patty's favorite song ♪! ...... How's it going, owner? I'm fine. Oh, it's good♪ eh, i'm fine, so I'll show Patty the island. I did it. Patty, you're always ready!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty (OFF): ん〜、いい眺め〜♪

Patty: 鳥やお魚は、みんな元気だし、海やお花は「優しい」匂いがするし……

Patty (OFF): Hmm, good view~♪

Patty: Birds and fish are all fine, and the sea and flowers smell "gentle".

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: うん!パティ、この島大好き!……「パティの島のことも聞きたい」?いいよ♪えーと……パティの島も、この島と同じ、ヴィーナス諸島の内の一つだよ♪すごく小さな島だけど、自然たっぷりの、すごく元気な島!……テレビ?ないない♪いんたーねっと?もないよ。島の外のことを知りたかったら、ラジオを聴くしかなくて……だから、これはパティの宝物なんだ♪あ、でも、それなら……オーナーさんもラジオと一緒だね♪パティの知らないこと、いっぱい教えてくれるから♥そうだ!今日の夜はラジオじゃなくて、オーナーさんのお話、聞きたいな♪明日のフェス、寝坊しないって約束したら……?が、頑張る……

Patty: Yes! Patty, I love this island! I'd like to hear about Patty's Island. It's ok♪ uh... Patty's Island is one of the same islands in the Venus Islands♪ it's a very small island, but it's a very lively island full of nature! ...... Tv? What's ♪ you?t you? There is no. If you want to know about the outside of the island, you have to listen to the radio. So this is Patty's treasure♪ but... The owner is with the radio♪ she's going to tell you a lot about what Patty doesn't know, so she's ♥! I don't want to talk to the owner this evening, but the owner's story♪ if I promise not to oversleep at tomorrow's festival. But i'll do my best.

Episode 5: Yes, Patty♪ (はい、パティ♪)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、お待たせー!……ん?この格好?フェス用の写真撮る、って言われたから、パティ、頑張ってオシャレしてきたんだ♪どう?決まってる?

(Patty Smells Owner)

Patty: ……お、オーナーさん!?なんでそんなに「残念」そうな匂いなの!?これじゃダメ……?う〜、オシャレ難しい……お着替えしてくる……

Patty: Owner, keep me waiting! ...... Yee-ye This dress I was told to take a picture for the festival, patty, i've been fashioned ♪. Are you sure?

(Patty Smells Owner)

Patty: ...... Oh, the owner!? Why does it smell so "regrettable"!? This is not good. Well, it's so hard to look at. I'm going to change my clothes.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: 写真なら、パティも何回か撮ってもらったことあるよ♪でも、いつも失敗しちゃうんだー。パティ、じっとしてるの苦手だから…………えっ、良い方法がある?「撮られる前に、自分の名前を言う」……?分かった!やってみる!

Patty: If it's a photo, Patty has taken it a few times♪ she always fails. Patty, I'm not good at staying still. Eh, there's a good way? "Say your name before it is taken". Found! I'll try.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: いっくよー♪はい、パティ♪

(camera flash)

Patty: Well♪ yes, Patty♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: うまく撮れてるといいな〜♪オーナーさん、パティにしてほしいポーズある?

Patty: I hope you're shooting well, ♪ owner, do you have a pose that You want Patty to do?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: ……こんな感じ?はい、パティ♪

(camera flash)

Patty: ...... Like this? Yes, Patty♪

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: ……ん?なんで謝るの?……オーナーさん、さっきょり「嬉しい」包いになったのに。ま、いっか♪ほら、オーナーさん、もっと撮って ……えっ、あと一枚で終わり?せっかくノってきたのに…………パティが撮ってほしいポーズ?うーん、なんだろ……そうだ!「オシャレ」なポーズはどうかな?オーナーさん、教えて!

Patty: ...... Yee-ye Why are you apologizing? ...... The owner just got a "happy" package. Well, ♪, owner, take more. Oh, the end with one more I've been with great pains, but...... The pose that Patty wants to take? Well, i don't know what it is. I got it! How about a "stylish" pose? Tell me, owner!

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Patty: じゃあ、いくよ♪はい、パティ♪

(camera flash)

Patty: Well, i'll go♪ yes, Patty♪

(camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ、楽しかったー♪オーナーさん、教えてくれて、ありがとう!えっ?良い写真が撮れたお礼に、今から、一緒にショッピング!?うん!行く行く!パティに似合いそうな、オシャレな服、オーナーさんに選んほしいな一♪えへへ……♪

Patty: Oh, it was fun - ♪ owner, thank you for telling me! What? Thank you for taking a good picture, from now on, shopping together!? yes! Go go! I want you to choose the stylish clothes that look good on Patty, ♪ owner. ♪

Episode 6: Romantic (ろまんちっく)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: ん〜、今回も良い天気♪こういう日は……やっぱり楽しい曲!えーと、ボタンをポチっと…………?……あ、あれ?何も間こえない……おーい、ラジオさーん?……ら、ラジオさーーーーーん!?

Patty: Well, this is good weather♪ this day... It's a fun song! Well, i'm going to pop the button. ...... Oh, that one. There's nothing in between. Hey, radio? ...... Oh, radio!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: っていうことがあって……ラジオが無いと、パティ……オーナーさんが、直してくれるの……?……分かった!終わるまで、パティ、ここで待ってる♪パティの宝物をよろしくね、オーナーさん!

Patty: That's what I mean. Without the radio, Patty... The owner will fix it for me. ...... Found! Until it's over, Patty, i'll be waiting here♪ patty's treasure, owner!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: ……好きなラジオ番組?いろんな「島」のことを紹介してくれる番組とか!すっこくお散歩行きたくなる♪あ!あと、楽しい曲が流れる番組なら、何でも好きだよ!『次は今月のヒットナンバー、トロピカルでピカピカなこの曲!いってみよー♪』……えへへ、ラジオDJさんの物真似…………じょ、上手!?パティも……ラジオDJになれる!?そ、そうかな……パティ、考えたこともなかったよ……でも、ちょっと嬉しいかも……♥そうだ!オーナーさんは、どんな曲聴くの?「ろまんちっく」な曲?えーと……?あ、こういう曲なら知ってるよ!うーん、でもパティ、「ロマンチック」って、よく分からなくて……歌詞も難しいし。いまいちノれないというか……でも……音楽は大好きEし、いろんな曲を好きになりたいな……♪……ってあれ!?ラジオ、元に戻ってる!オーナーさん、ありがとう!……え?パティが大事にしてるものは、オーナーさんにとっても大事……?これからも、壊れたら直してあげる……?オーナーさん……♥……あれ?この曲……ふふっ♪パティ、今こういう気分かも♪不思議だけど……いい気持ち♪

Patty: ...... Favorite radio show? Programs that introduce various islands I want to go for a walk ♪! And i like anything if it's a program with fun songs! "Next is this hit number of the month, this song that is tropical and shiny I'm going to say♪ To ehe, the radio DJ's imitation............ Yo, good!? Patty, too. I can be a radio DJ!? Well, i guess so. Patty, I never thought about it. But I might be a little happy. It's ♥! What kind of songs does the owner listen to? "Romanchikuku" song Well......? Oh, I know a song like this! Well, but Patty, I don't really understand "romantic". The lyrics are also difficult. It's not like i'm not going to be able to do that. But...... I love music and I want to love a lot of different songs. ♪...... What is that!? The radio's back! Thank you, owner! ...... What? What Patty cares about is also important to the owner. From now on, i'll fix it if it breaks. The owner... ♥...... That? This song...... It♪ sorry, patty, i wonder if i'm feeling like this right now♪ but...... It feels good♪

Episode 7: To be fashionable (オシャレになるために)

Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、はろはるー♪ねえねえ!今日のパティ、どう?「似合ってるよ」……?

(smells Owner)

Patty: ……う〜、「あまり心こもってない」旬い……今回は自信あったのに……パティ、オシャレのセンスないのかな…………人の感想なんて気にせず、パティが良いと思うオシャレをすれば良い?そうかもしれないけど……でも……オーナーさんも「良い」って思ってくれた方が、もっと楽しくオシャレできると思うんだ!どうすれば、オシャレになれるんだろう……オーナーさん、何かヒントない?……ヒントになるか分からないけど?「恋をするとキレイになる」……ヘぇ、そんな言葉があるんだ♪キレイになるってことは……オシャレも上手になるってことなのかな?だったら、パティ、今すぐ恋してみたい!……あ、でもパティ、恋ってしたことないし、どうやったらできるかも分かんないや……オーナーさんは、恋の仕方、分かる?「それはパティの考えること」って……オーナーさん、ずるーい!うーん……そうだ!恋人同士が二人でお出かけすることを、「でーと」って言うんだよね?前にラジオで聞いたよ。つまり……デートをすれば、恋が分かるのかも♪……決めた!オーナーさん、明日、パティとデートしよ!……え?そういうのは、ちゃんと相手を選ばないと?んー…………うん!やっぱり、デートはオーナーさんと行きたいな♪なんで、って言われると難しいけど……パティ、オーナーさんの匂い、好きだから♪オーナーさんは、デートしたくない……?……したい?やったぁ!じゃあ、デートの約束もしたことだし、お散歩いこ!あははっ♪オーナーさんとデート、楽しみ♪

Patty: Owner, don't ♪! How's today's Patty? "It looks good on you".

smells Owner

Patty: ...... I'm not really really into it. I was confident this time. Patty, i wonder if you don't have a sense of fashion. I don't care what people think, but i think patty is good. Maybe it's so, but...... But...... I think that the owner can make it more fun and stylish if you think it's good. How can I be fashionable...... Owner, do you have any hints? ...... I don't know if it's going to be a hint, is it When you fall in love, you become beautiful. Heh, there are those words♪ it's going to be beautiful...... I wonder if it means that you can be good at fashion, too. Then, Patty, I want to fall in love right now! ...... Oh, but Patty, I've never been in love, and I don't know how to do it. Does the owner know how to fall in love? That's what Patty thinks. The owner is cunning! Well let's see...... I got it! You say "no" that lovers go out with each other, right? I heard it on the radio before. What you mean...... If you go on a date, you might know ♪ love. Decided! Owner, i'm going out with Patty tomorrow! ...... What? That's what you have to do if you don't choose the other person properly. Let's see............ yes! After all, i want to go on a date with the owner♪ it's hard to tell me. Patty, i like the smell of the owner♪ so the owner doesn't want to date. ...... Want? I did it. Well, i promised you a date, and you want a walk! I'm looking♪ forward to dating the owner ♪

Episode 8: Different songs, same smell (違う曲、同じ匂い)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: デート、デート♪オーナーさんとデート、楽しみだなぁ♪……って、あれ?デートって何すればいいんだっけ?ラジオで言ってたこと、思い出さなきゃ……えーと……レストランで美味しいご飯食べて……浜辺をお散歩しながら、きれいなお星様を探して……一緒に楽しい曲を流すのも良いかも……♪

Patty: I'm looking forward ♪ dating, dating owners, ♪... What is that? What should I do with a date? I have to remember what i said on the radio. Well...... We had a delicious meal at the restaurant. While strolling along the beach, looking for a beautiful star...... Maybe it's a good way to play a fun song together. ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: ……うーん……?この曲、ちょっと違う……?

Patty: ...... Well let's see......? This song is a little different.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: うんっ!やっぱり、こっちの曲のほうが合ってる♪……あれ?何かいつもよりドキドキする……オーナーさん……今度こそ、パティのオシャレ、褒めてくれるかな……♪

Patty: Yes! After all, this song is more suitable♪ ...... That? Something more exciting than usual...... The owner... This time, Patty's stylish, i wonder if you'll praise me...... ♪

Scene 4

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: あっ、オーナーさん!えと……今日のパティ、どかな……?ほんと!?オシャレ!?やったぁ♪きゃっ!いたた…………えへへ…………あれ?オーナーさんの匂い……これって……♥ふふっ、今のパティも、同じ「匂い」なのかな……♥……ううん、何でもないよ♪ほら、行こ!オーナーさん♪

Patty: Oh, owner! Uh...... Today's Patty, do you have a good time. Really!? Fashionable!? Oh, ♪! It was. Hehehe...... That? The owner's smell. Does this mean...... ♥, patty is the same "smell" today. ♥...... No, it's nothing♪ you know, go! Owner♪

Episode 9: I'm always on the road... (いつもと道う…)

Japanese English translation



Episode 10: My favorite smell. (大好きな匂い)

Japanese English translation



Episode 11: Patty's "Patty." (パティは「パティ」)

Japanese English translation



Sayuri Episodes

Episode 1: Job hunting (就職活動)


DOAXVV Sayuri Character Episodes1(사유리 1Lv. 케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): あの、すみませーん……

Sayuri (OFF): Well, Sumimasu...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの……わたし「さゆり」と言います。この島のオーナーさんとお約束があって……えっ?あなたが、オーナー……さん?

Sayuri (OFF): ひゃぁ!?あ、あの……?だ、大丈夫ですか……?どうしましょう……

Sayuri: That...... I say "Sayuri". I had an appointment with the owner of this island. What? You are the owner... Mr?

Sayuri (OFF): Oh, my God!? Oh excuse me but......? Is it all right...? What shall we do......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: よいしょ……よい……しょ……

Sayuri (OFF): えっと……たしか、ここに……

Sayuri: あとは……頭をやして……それから、もっとお水も……ん……と……はぁ……あっ♪が付ましたか?……よかったぁ♥大丈夫ですか?軽い熱中症みたいで……あ、ダメです……まだ寝てないと……え……?うーん。でも……じゃお……わたしの言うこと、ちゃんと間けすか?うふっ♪じゃお、起こしてあげますね♥はい、「ぎゅっ」てして♪

Sayuri: Good... Good...... Well...

Sayuri (OFF): Uh... I'm not likely to be here.

Sayuri: The rest... I'm not... And more water... Well... And...... Sigh...... Oh♪ got it? ...... Good♥, is it all right? It's like a mild heat stroke. Oh, no. I have to sleep yet. What......? Well let's see. But...... Jao...... Can you make sure I'm right? ♪ I'♥ ll wake you up, i'll wake you up, yes, "squeeze" and ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの、本当に大丈夫ですか?柔らかくて、冷たくて、気持ちが良かった……?うふふっ、わたし、体温低めだから、丁度良かった……かな♪じゃあ、あらためまして……わたし「さゆり」と言います。この島で、看護師のアルバイトを募集していると聞いてきました。船が遅れてしまって、お待たせしてしまったみたいで。……もしかして、それで熱中症に……?こめんなさい……真面目な方なんですね。でも、無理はダメですよ?……心配しちゃやうでしょ?……?あの、何か……?え?「ヴィーナス」として、わたしもフェスに出て欲しい?んー……ふふっ♪お仕事に一生感命なんですね……はい、いいですよ♥その代わり…………コホン今は、お部屋に戻ってお休みしましょう?これから、「さゆり」お姉ちゃんのよ言うこと、く聞いてくださいね?わかりましたか?……オーナーちゃん♥うふふっ♪

Sayuri: Are you sure you're okay? It was soft, cold, and comfortable. Ufufu, I'm low in body temperature, so it was just right. Kana-♪ no-i, again... I say "Sayuri". I heard that you are looking for a part-time job as a nurse on this island. The ship was late and I kept you waiting. ...... Maybe that's why you're going to have heat stroke...? Komen. You're a serious person. But you can't overdo it, can you? ...... You're worried, aren't you? ......? What's that...? What? Do you want me to go to the festival as "Venus"? Let's see...... It'♪ s a life-threatening job. Yes, that's fine♥ instead............ Kohong, let's go back to your room and rest now? From now on, please listen to what "Sayuri" sister says? Do you understand? ...... Owner♥-chan Ufufu♪

Episode 2: About me (自己紹介)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Sayuri LV5"自己紹介"Self-introduction

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 自己紹介、ですか?はい、いいですよ♥名前は、「さゆり」といいます♪お仕事は、看護師をしていました。島に来た理由は、……就職活動、です。前のお仕事先で、その、お暇を出されてしまって……思者さんの入院期間が長くなって困る……とか……?そんなに失敗はしてないと思うんですけど、わたし、のんびりしてるから……それで、こちらの募集を見て、アルバイトの臨時看護師なら、と思って♥まさか、自分がフェスに出ることになるだなんて、思ってもみませんでしたけど。うふふ♪スリーサイズ、ですか?えっと、確か去年の検診だと……バスト98ウエスト59ヒップ92ですが……今年はまだ計ってないから…………ウエスト、大丈夫かな……きゃっ?え、えっと、なんでもありませんよ?……えっと、他に何か……好きな食べ物は、「豆乳プリン」です♪冷たくって、健康的で、モチモチプルプルで、色んなフルーツのソースをかけて……そうだ♪こんど、オーナーちゃんにも作ってあげますね♪お姉ちゃんのプリン、とっても美味しいんですから♥……?あっ!?ごめんなさい。わたし!? 前のお仕事のクセで、つい……ちゃんと、「オーナーさん」って呼ばないと、いけませんよね?気にしなくていい……?ふふっ♪オーナーさんて、お個しいんですね。あの、質問は、もう終わりですか?じゃあ、あの、オーナーちゃ……さん?あとで、わたしの部屋に来てくれませんか?お姉ちゃん……じゃなくて、わたしが作った「豆乳プリン」、ご馳走します♥本当に、ぷるんぷるんなんですから♪ふふっ♪

Sayuri: Self-introduction, is it? Yes, it's ok♥ name is "Sayuri" ♪ I was a nurse. The reason why I came to the island is、...... that Job hunting, is. At my previous job, I was given time to spare. I'm having trouble staying in the hospital for a long time. And such??????? I don't think I've made that much mistakes, but I'm relaxing. So, looking at the recruitment here, If it is a temporary nurse of the part-time job, I thought that♥ i would go to the festival, but I did not think that I would go out to the festival. Ufufu ♪ three sizes, ? Well, I'm sure it was last year's checkup. Bust 98 Waist 59 Hip 92 but...... I haven't measured it yet this year, so... Waist, I wonder if it's okay... What's that? Well, uh, it's nothing, is it? ...... Well, something else... My favorite food is soy milk♪ pudding. ♪ I'll make it for the owner ♪my sister's pudding is very delicious, so♥...? Oh!? I am sorry. I!? It's a habit of my previous job. You have to call me "owner", right? You don't have to worry about it...? The owner of the fufu♪-san is very nice. Well, is the question over? Well, that's the owner. Mr? Will you come to my room later? My sister...... It's not that I made soy milk pudding, and I'm♪♪ going♥ to treat you.

Episode 3: What you chose (選んでくれたもの)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Sayuri LV10"選んでくれたもの"you choose

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: フェス用の水着……ですか?フェスに出るなんて思ってなくて……これしか、持ってきてないんです。それに、「フェス用」って言われても、どんな水着を着ればいいのか……うーん……あっ、そうだ♪あの、オーナー……さん、水着、選んでくれませんか?わたし、どういうのが良いか、わからなくて。だから、オーナーさんの好きな水着がいいなって♪じゃあ、お願いしますね♪うふふっ♪どんな水着なのか、ドキドキしちゃいます♥

Sayuri: Fest swimsuit...... Is it? I didn't think I'd go to the festival. This is the only one I've brought. And even if they say "for festivals", what kind of swimsuit should I wear? Well let's see...... Oh, yes, that'♪ s the owner... Would you choose a swimsuit for me? I don't know what's good. So, i'm excited to see what kind of swimsuit the owner's favorite swimsuit ♪, ♪♪ please♥!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい、着てみました♪とっても、素敵な水着ですね。どうですか?オーナー……さん?ふふっ♪似合ってますか?よかった♪オーナーさんは、こういう水着が好きなんですね♥じゃあ、フェスの水着は、これで…………え?ほかにも着てほしい水着がある……ですか?ええ、いいですよ♪なんでも、着てあげます♥

Sayuri: Yes, I tried wearing it,♪ so it's a nice swimsuit. How is it? Owner...... Mr? Does it look good on you?♪ The owner ♪ good, you like this kind of swimsuit♥ then the swimsuit of the festival is this...... What? There are other swimsuits that I want you to wear. Is it? Yes, it's ok,♪ I'll wear anything♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの、オーナーさん……この水着……ちょっと、大胆過ぎないですか?でも、フェスに出るならこれくらい……必要なんでしょうか……?……え?フェスとは関係ない……?……?こめんなさい、って……?あっ、も、もう!こらー!オーナーちゃん!?

Sayuri: Well, the owner... This swimsuit... Hey, isn't it too bold? But if you're going to a festival, this is about it. Do I need it...? ...... What? It has nothing to do with the festival. ......? What do you mean? Oh, well, no more! Oh, my God! Owner!?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 最後に、もう一着……?わたしが、好きな水着が知りたい……?うーん……じゃあ……?

Sayuri: Finally, one more... I want to know my favorite swimsuit. Well let's see...... Well then......?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: これなんて……どうかしら?わたし、あまり派手なのは苦手だから……うふふっ、似合ってますか?良かった♥えっ、この水着でフェスに?好きなものを着るのが一番、?だから……?でも、お姉ちゃん……わたしは、やっぱり、オーナーさんが選んだ水着がいいな。だって、オーナーさんは、そっちの方が……好き、なんでしょう?うふふっ♪

Sayuri: This is... What do you think? I'm not good at being too flashy. Huh, does it look good on you? Good ♥ eh, to the festival in this swimsuit? It's best to wear what you like? So......? But, my sister... I'd like the swimsuit that the owner chose. I mean, the owner is better off that way. Like, what is it? Ufufu-♪ an

Episode 4: The one that the energy is able to be (精のつくものを)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あっ♪オーナーさん、こんにちは♪……?おはようございます……?いま起きたばかり……なんですか?うふふっ♪もうお昼ですよ?お寝坊さんですね♪あっ、この水着……ですか?ふふっ♪素敵な水着だから、できるだけ着ていたいなー、って……一人のお散歩には、ちょっと派手かも、って思ったんですけど……うふふっ♪着てきた甲斐がありました♪この水着、オーナーさんが、「好き」って言ってくれた水着ですから♥ね?……オーナーちゃん♥……なーんて♥この前、お姉ちゃんにイタズラしたお返しです♪あっ、そうだ♪オーナーさん、今日のお夕飯、ごー緒しませんか?お疲れみたいですから、お姉ちゃんが何か精のつくもの、作ってあけます♥

Sayuri: Oh♪, my owner, hello♪. Good morning......? I just got up. What is it? It's already lunch ♪, huh, huh? You're a sleeper♪ oh, this swimsuit... Is it? ♪ It's a nice swimsuit, so I want to wear it as much as possible. I thought it might be a little flashy for one person's walk. ♪ It was worth wearing ♪ this swimsuit, because it is a swimsuit that the owner said "I like" ♥? ...... The owner ♥... Well♥ the other day, it's a good♪ return to your sister, ♪ owner, today's dinner, why don't you have a good time? I seem to be tired, so I can make something that my sister has to do with her energy♥.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい、今日のお夕飯は、レバニラ妙めと、アボカドのサラダ、それに、社嘱ご飯です♪精のつくものばかりですから、たくさん食べて、元気になってくださいね♪ひゃっ……!?そ、そんな慌てて食べなくても……もっと、ゆっくりよく噛んで……え?今日一日何も食べてなくて……食べたら、すぐにまたお仕事……?そんな……もう、オーナーちゃん!そんな生活は、ダメです……!看護師として……お姉ちゃんとして、許しません……!これから、オーナーちゃんのことは、お姉ちゃんが、しっかりお世話させてもらいます!……いいですね♪……うふふっ♪

Sayuri: Yes, today's dinner is a revanilla, avocado salad, and a company-commissioned♪ rice, so♪ please eat a lot and get well. Well, even if you don't eat in such a hurry...... Chew more slowly and well. What? I didn't eat anything today. As soon as you eat, you work again...? That kind of...... Already, the owner! Such a life is not good......! As a nurse... As an older sister, I won't forgive you... From now on, about the owner, the older sister, I will take good care of! ...... ♪ Sounds good. Ufufu-♪ an

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: じゃあ、まずは、ご飯をゆっくりよく噛んで、残さず食べましょうね♪そのあとは、ちゃんと食休みして……お仕事は、そのあと少しだけ……いいですか?はい、いいお返事ですね、オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Well, first, chew the rice slowly and well, and eat it without leavingit♪ after that, take a good rest. After that, your job is just a little... May I? Yes, that's a good answer, owner♥-

Episode 5: It's special. (特別ですよ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: フェス用のお写真?水着でお写真って、少し恥ずかしいですけど……オーナーちゃんのお願いですから。いいですよ♥じゃあ、よろしくお願いします♪最初のポーズは……えっと、どうしましょう?

Sayuri: Photos for festivals? I'm a little embarrassed to take a picture in a swimsuit, but. It's the owner's request. It's ok♥ then, thank you♪ first pose is... Well, what do you want me to do?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うふふっ♪こうですか?

(camera flash)

Sayuri: じゃあ、次のポーズ、お願いしますね♪

Sayuri: Hu♪fu-so?

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Then, the next pose, please♪.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい♪これでいいですか?

(camera flash)

Sayuri: あの、オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん、おかしくないですか?ふふっ♪……オーナーちゃんは、お上手ですね♪……でも、お姉ちゃん、嬉しい♪え?最後に……お願い……?

Sayuri: Yes♪, can I do this?

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Well, owner... Isn't that funny, sister? Fufu-♪ fu-oh... The owner is very good, isn♪. But, sister,♪ are you happy? At last...... Please...?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あの、……こう?少し恥ずかしいですけど、オーナーちゃんのお願いだから……

(camera flash)

Sayuri: えっ?また、お願い……?……もう1つだけ?もう……ふふっ、しょうがないですね♪

Sayuri: That 、...... This way? It's a little embarrassing, but it's the owner's request.

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Eh? Again, please...? ...... Just one more thing? I already... Hmmm, I can't help it♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 恥ずかしいですけど…………はい、どうぞ♥オーナーちゃんのお願いだから……特別ですよ?うふふっ♪

(camera flash)

Sayuri: It's embarrassing, but...... Yes, please, please, please♥, because it's a request of the owner. It's special, isn't it? Ufufu-♪ an

(camera flash)

Episode 6: This is my sister. (お姉ちゃんです)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、もう朝ですよー?

Sayuri (OFF): Owner♥-chan

Sayuri: Owner, it's already morning, isn't it?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい、おはようございます♥今日もいいお天気ですよ♪……はい?ええ、オーナーちゃんを起こしに来たんです。どうして、って……もう、まだ寝ぼけてるんですか?この前、約束したでしょ?お姉ちゃんに、オーナーちゃんのお世話をさせて、って♥これからは、毎日起こしてあけますから、オーナーちゃんは、安心して寝ていてくださいね♪はい♥じゃあ、お着替えしましょうね♪……え?自分でする?……ふふっ♪お姉ちゃん、お仕事で慣れてるから、照れなくてもいいのに♪じゃあ、朝ご飯の準備はできていますから、早く来てくださいね♥お姉ちゃん、待ってますから♥

Sayuri: Yes, good morning♥ it'♪ s nice weather today. Yes? Yes, I came to wake up the owner. Why, i don't know. Are you still asleep? You promised me the other day, didn't you? Let your sister take care of the owner♥ from now on, I'll wake you up every day, so♥♪ the owner-chan, please sleep with peace of mind, so let'♪ s change your clothes. What? Do you do it yourself? ...... ♪, i'm used to working, so I don't have to be shy,♪ but I'm ready for breakfast, so♥ please come early, I'll be waiting for you♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、お仕事の調子はどうですか?はい、お弁当。オーナーちゃんの好きなもの、いっぱい入れておきましたよ♪食べたら、お昼真の時間ですからね♪眠くない、って……もう……じゃあ、お姉ちゃんと、お話ししましょうか♪

Sayuri: Owner, how are you doing at work? Yes, lunch. I put a lot of things that the owner likes,♪ and when I ate it, it was a real time for lunch, so I ♪'t sleepy. I already... Well, shall I talk to your sister♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: おかえりなさい、オーナーちゃん♥すぐ、お夕飯の準備をしますね♪あ、それとも、先にお風呂にしますか?ふふっ♪お姉ちゃんが、崎麗にしてあげますからね♪お風呂は、自分で入るんですか……?じゃあ、お姉ちゃんは、その間にご飯の準備しておきますね♥うふふっ♪

Sayuri: Welcome back, the owner ♥ ready for dinner soon♪ or would you like to take a bath first? ♪, my sister will♪ take a bath by herself. Well then, my sister will prepare the rice in the meantime♪♥

Episode 7: My Sister Who Works Hard (頑張るお姉ちゃん)

Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): せーの……えいっ……はっ……やあっ!……ひゃっ!?

Sayuri: いたた……はぁ…………きゃっ、オーナーちゃん!?何をしているのか、って…………えっと、その、バレーポールの練習を……お姉ちゃん、もともとのんびりしてて、運動とか、あまり得意じゃないから。ちょっとでも練習して、頑張らなきゃ、って♪あ、もう朝ご飯の時間?いけない、すぐ準備しますね♪……え?練習を、手伝ってくれるの……?でも、オーナーちゃん、今日は、大切なお仕事があるって……これもお仕事だから……たまには……頼って欲しい…………ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん。お姉ちゃん、とっても、嬉しいです♥でも、オーナーちゃんの朝ご飯が先です。オーナーちゃんのお世話は、お姉ちゃんのお仕事ですから。それに……お姉ちゃんも、もうお腹ペコペコなの♪うふふっ♪

Sayuri (OFF): Seno...... Ei... Ha... Oh, my God! ...... Oh, my God!?

Sayuri: You're here. Sigh............ Kya, owner!? What are you doing? Well, that, the practice of the ballet pole...... My sister was relaxed, and she's not very good at exercise. I have to practice a little bit and work hard, ♪, is it time for breakfast? Don't, I'll prepare♪ it soon. What? Can you help me practice? But, owner, I have an important job today. This is also my job, so... Once in a while... I want you to rely on me...... Thank you♪, the owner. My sister, I'♥ m very happy, but the owner's breakfast comes first. The owner takes care of her because it's her job. It...... My sister is already hungry, so i'♪ m ♪

Episode 8: No work (お仕事は禁止)


DOAX VenusVacation さゆり LV60エピソード

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい、オーナーちゃん、おはようございます♪今日は日曜日だから、お休みの日ですよ♥さあ、起きて、お顔を洗いましょうね。もう少し……?しょうがないですね♪じゃあ、あと5分だけ、待っててあげます♪

Sayuri: Yes, owner, good morning♪ It's Sunday, so it's a day off♥ let's get up and wash your face. A little more...? I can't help it♪ i'll wait for just five minutes♪.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今日は、何をして遊びましょうか♪うーん、せっかくのお休みだから、何か気分が変わることを…………あ、その前に、ひとつだけ、お約束です。オーナーちゃん?今日は、お仕事のお話は禁止ですよ?お仕事に真面目なのは、オーナーちゃんのいいところだけど……休むことも、大切なお仕事ですから♪だから、今日はのんびり、れを癒しましょ?……ね?じゃあ、オーナーちゃんは、今日一日、何がしたいですか?え……?ええっ?お姉ちゃんと……デート!?えっと……ええ、いいですよ。……ふふっ♪

Sayuri: Owner, what should I do to♪ play today? Oh, before that, i promise only one thing. The owner? You don't want to talk about your work today, do you? It's good for the owner to be serious about his work, but... Be♪cause it is an important work to take a rest, let's relax and heal today. ...... Right? So, what do you want to do today? What......? What? With my sister... Dating!? Let's see...... Yes, it's ok. ...... ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪これ、素敵ね♪あの、オーナーちゃん、お姉ちゃん、似合ってますか?うふふっ♪

Sayuri: ♪ this is nice♪ that owner, does your sister look good on you? Ufufu-♪ an

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: わぁ♪とっても大きい……こんなの、食べきれるかしら?あ、あの、オーナーちゃんも、一緒に食べてくれますか?ふふっ♪じゃあ、あーんしてあげますね♥

Sayuri (OFF): はい、あーん♥

Sayuri: Wow♪ very big...... Can you finish eating this? Oh, well, can the owner eat with you? ♪ Well, I'll give you a good time♥

Sayuri (OFF): Yes, uh♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あー、……楽しかった♪オーナーちゃんとの……デート♥……その、こめんなさい……せっかくのお休みなのに、お姉ちゃんぱっかり楽しんじゃったみたいで…………それが、オーナーちゃんのしたかったこと?……オーナーちゃんは、優しいんですね♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん♥え?夜は、お姉ちゃんのご飯が食べたい?ふふっ♪じゃあ、お姉ちゃん、お料理頑張っちゃいますね!

Sayuri: Oh,、...... my God. It was fun with the owner of the♪ company. ♥ dating... That, kohen... Even though it's a great holiday, my sister seems to have enjoyed it. Is that what the owner wanted to do? ...... The owner is kind,♪ thank you, ♥ owner? Do you want to eat your sister's rice at night? ♪, then, your sister, I'm going to do my best to cook!

Episode 9: Hot milk (ホットミルク)


DOAX VenusVacation さゆり Lv70エピソード

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……オーナーちゃん♥ふふっ♪こんな遅くまで、おですか?ふふっ♪頑張の屋さですね♥はい、これは、お姉ちゃんからのご美。ミルクを飲むと、よく眠れるの♥忙しいのはわかるけど……あんまり無理しちゃダメですよ?お姉ちゃん、心配なんですから。さあ、それを飲んだら、もう寝ましょ♥今日はもう、お休みの時間ですよ。ほら……はやく飲んで♪

Sayuri: ...... ♥ owner, ♪, until such a late-night, huh? It's a ♪ good luck, isn♥'t it? When I drink milk, I know I can sleep well♥ I know I'm busy, but. Don't overdo it, do you? I'm worried about you, sister. Now, after drinking it, let♥'s go to bed now. Look...... Drink fast♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ちゃんとお布団かけて、寝ましょうね。じゃあ、おやすみなさい♪……ふふっ♪

Sayuri: Let's put on a futon and go to bed. Well, then, goodnight♪... ♪

Episode 10: The reason for your sister (お姉ちゃんの理由)

Japanese English translation



Episode 11: I like your sister. (お姉ちゃんがいいな)

Japanese English translation



Monica Episodes

Episode 1: Which do you want to do? (どちらにしますか?)


DOAXVV Monica Character Episodes1 (모니카 1Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

??? (Monica): あっ、見つけました!

??? (Monica): Oh, I found it!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんにちは!あなたが、この島のオーナーさんですか?わたしは、モニカ。ディーラーです。……まだ、見習いですけど。この島に、新しくカジノができると聞いたんですが……わたしを、ディーラーとして雇って頂けませんか?まだ……募集していない?ふーん…………そうだ♪

Monica: Hello! Are you the owner of this island? I'm Monica. I'm a dealer. ...... I'm still an apprentice. I heard that there is a new casino on this island. Would you hire me as a dealer? Not yet...... Not recruiting? I see............ That's right♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: では、オーナーさん?わたしと「勝負」、しませんか?ハートのエースを引いたら、あたの勝ち、簡単勝負です。さあ、オーナーさん、どっちに……ふーん……♪ふふっ♪さあ、オーナーさん?こっちと、こっち!……どちらにしますか?……うふふっ♪

Monica: So, the owner? Would you like to "fight" with me? If you pull the ace of the heart, it is an easy game to win. Come on, owner, which one... I see...... ♪♪ come on, owner? Over here, this way! ...... Which do you want to do? ......♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: わたしの勝ちです!ふふっ♪こんな手に引っかかるだなんて…………噂通り、色仕掛けに弱いんですね。もうちょっとしっかりしてもらわないと……わたしの雇い主になるんですから♪……ふふっ♪先ほどの勝負、わたしが勝ちましたから。わたしを、この島のカジノで届ってもらいます。もちろん、正式なディーラーとして。勝負の結果は絶対、です♪……できない?どうして!?カジノがまだ……無い?資金がまだ足りなくて、カジノ設立は、これから頑張る……?そんなぁ……どうする、って……うーん……はぁ、仕方がないですね……わたしが、ヴィーナスフェスに出て、カジノが早くできるように、手伝います!オーナーさんは、それを手伝ってください。もちろん、フェスの働き分は頂きます。ついでに……オーナーさんを、将来のわたしのパートナーとして、鍛えてあげます♪あ……、仕事上のパートナー、ですよ?勝負の結果は、絶対♪オーナーさん、逃がしませんから、ね!

Monica: I'm winning! I can't believe ♪ caught in such a hand. As rumored, I'm weak in color gimmick. I have to be a little more firm. I'm going to be my employer, so i'm going to ♪. I won ♪ game. I'll have you arrive at the casino on this island. Of course, as a formal dealer. The result of the match is absolutely ♪...... Not? Why!? The casino is still... No? We don't have enough money yet, so we're going to do our best to set up a casino. That's... What are you going to do? Well let's see...... Well, there's no other way. I'll help you get to The Venus Festival and make the casino faster! The owner, please help it. Of course, i'll give you the work of the festival. Incidentally... I'll train you as my future partner, ♪, my work partner. The result of the match, the owner ♪ absolutely, i will not let go, you know!

Episode 2: About Me (自己紹介)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV5"自己紹介"Self-introduction


DOAXVV Monica Character Episodes2 (모니카 5Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Japanese English translation

Monica: 自己紹介、ですか?フェス用のプロフィール作成……?わかりました。そういうことなら、喜んで 名前はモニカ。職業はディーラー……見習い、です。正式に雇われたことは、まだ……ないので……好きなものは、パパナッシュ。サクサクの食感と、爽やかな甘さで……いくつでも食べちゃいそうで……怖いです。え?嫌いな食べ物……?えっと……特にない、かな?あとは……スリーサイズですか?上から、バスト86、ウェスト55、ヒップ88です。って、今の、お仕事に関係あります?……ほんとかな……まあ、いいですけど。ディーラーを目指している……理由?小さいときからの憧れなんです。だって……カッコいいじゃないですか!華麗なカードさばき、そして、ここそという時の真剣なまなざし……真剣勝負の世界に生きてる、って感じ……!自分も、ああいうふうになりたいなって。だから、わたし絶対、ディーラーになるんです!あっ、もちろんフェスも頑張りますよ?ディーラーは信用が一番ですから。それに、「わたしの」カジノの為にも♪オーナーさん、約束、忘れないでくださいね!

Monica: Can You Introduce Yourself? Create a profile for the festival I understood. If that's the case, i'd be happy to have a name for my name, Monica. The profession is a dealer...... Is an apprentice. I've never been officially hired. Because there is no...... My favorite thing is Papa Nash. With crispy texture and refreshing sweetness...... I'm going to eat as many as I want. Scary. What? I don't like food. Let's see...... Nothing special, huh? The rest...... Three sizes? From the top, bust 86, waist 55, hip 88. What do you mean, do you have anything to do with your work? ...... Is it true? Well, that's fine. I'm aiming to be a dealer. Reason? It's been my dream since I was little. After all...... It's cool, isn't it? A brilliant card and a serious look at the moment... I feel like I'm living in a world of serious competition. I want to be like that. That's why I'm definitely going to be a dealer! Oh, of course I'll do my best for the festival, too. The dealer has the best credit. And don't forget the promise, the owner ♪ for my casino!

Episode 3: Take it seriously. (真面目に答えて)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV10"真面目に答えて" answer seriously


DOAXVV Monica Character Episodes3 (모니카 10Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: フェス用に、水着が必要なんですか?確かに、わたし今これしか持ってないし……フェスに、ショーアップは必要ですよね。もちろん、カジノにも……!お客様が楽しめるカジノにしないと♪オーナーさん、水着選び、手伝ってください!

Monica: Do you need a bathing suit for the festival? Sure, I only have this now. You need a show-up for a festival, don't you? Of course, the casino If you don't make it into a casino where you can enjoy ♪ owner, choose a bathing suit and help!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふーん、いろんな水着があるんですね。どれがいいかな……

Monica: Well, there are a lot of swimsuits. Which one is better?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: あの、これとか、どうですか?結構派手だし、目立つと思うんですけど♪え?派手すぎる?これだと、わたし自身が目立たない……?ふーん……なるほど。じゃあ……

Monica: How about this? It's pretty flashy, and I think it stands out♪ Too flashy? In this way, I myself can't stand out. I see...... I see. Well then......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……これならどうですか?結構ダイタンだし、受けると思うんですけど♪もう!照れないで下さい……!お仕事の話、なんですよ?と、とにかく、この水着、どうなんですか?……え?「目のやり場に困るからダメ」?ふふっ♪そうですね、じゃあ……

Monica: ...... How about this? It's quite a daitan, and I think i'll receive it♪ Don't be shy. You're talking about your job, aren't you? And anyway, what about this swimsuit? ...... What? "It's not good because it's a problem with the place of eyes"? I'm ♪, well...

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: これなら、どうですか♪「カワイイ」?ですよね、この水着とっても可愛くて、気に入りました♪え?わたしが、カワイイ?……?……何バカなこと言ってるんですか?これも仕事なんですから。まじめに答えてください。……もう。

Monica: How about this♪ "kawaii"? You know, this swimsuit is so cute, i like it♪ Am I cute? ......? ...... What are you talking about? This is also my job. Please answer seriously. ...... Not anymore.

Episode 4: I'll train you. (鍛えてあげます)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV20"鍛えてあげます”I will train you.

Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん、少し、付き合ってほしいんですけど……カジノができがるまで、毎日わたしと、カードで勝負して欲しいんです。フェスだけだと、本職の方の腕が鈍りそうで。なんで相手がオーナーさんなのか、って?それはもちろん、面白いから……じゃなくて……!こういうのは、本気じゃないとダメなんです。勝ち負け、ハッキリしないと。でも、他の女の子と本気で……というのもアレだから。だから、オーナーさんが丁度いいんです♪それに……ほら、この水着、どうですか?買ってもらったから、さっそく着てみました。勝負とは、関係ないですけど。……ね?どうですか?ほら……そういうところ、ですよ?このままカジノができたら、島のオーナーが一番の「カモ」ですよ?そんなことにならないように、わたしが、オーナーさんを鍛えてあげます♪だから、よろしくお願いします♪お互い、頑張りましょう!ね?

Monica: Owner, I'd like you to go out with me a little bit. I want you to play cards with me every day until the casino is ready. If it is only a festival, the arm of the professional seems to be dull. I wonder why the other party is the owner. It's interesting, of course. Not......! This is something you have to be serious about. Win or lose, we have to be clear. But I'm serious with the other girls. Because it is that. That's why the owner is just right♪ Look, how about this swimsuit? I bought it, so I put it on right away. It has nothing to do with the game. ...... Right? How is it? Look...... That's the way it is, isn't it? If you can keep the casino, the owner of the island is the best duck. I'm going to train the owner so that's ♪, so please ♪ each other, let's do our best. Right?

Episode 5: Just like me. (わたしらしい)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV30"わたしらしい”Like me

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: 写真を撮りたい……ですか?オーナーさんとなら……いいですよ?いですよ?パートナー、ですし……え?フェス用の写真?お、お仕事なら、もちろん協力します。カジノの夢の為に、わたしも頑張らないと!な、何ボーっとしてるんですか?ほら、撮影に行きますよ!

Monica: I want to take a picture. Is it? If you're with the owner... That's ok? No, no, no, no, no, no Partner, i'm... What? Pictures for the festival? If it's your job, of course I'll cooperate. I have to do my best for the casino dream! What are you doing with Bo? Look, i'm going to shoot!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: 本当はカジノで撮影できれば……ふふっ♪まあ、今はここで♪さあ、オーナーさん、撮影始めましょ♪

Monica: If you could really shoot at the casino... Well, now♪ ♪ here, owner, let's start shooting♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 最初は、こんな感じでどうですか?

(Camera flash)

Monica: じゃあ、もう少しアピールして……はい、どうぞ♪

(camera flash)

Monica: うーん……わたしはもう少し、大人っぽい感じにしたいんだけど……オーナーさん、こういうの、どう思いますか?意見を聞いてるんですけど……ま、それだけ魅力的ってことですよね♪

(camera flash)

Monica: How's it going at first?

(Camera flash)

Monica: Well, let's appeal a little more. Yes, please♪

(camera flash)

Monica: Well... I want to feel a little more mature. Owner, what do you think of this? I'm listening to your opinion. Well, that's so attractive, isn't it♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……もう一枚?今のじゃダメでしたか?もっと、わたしらしいポーズがいい?そう言われても……じゃあ、どういうのが「わたしらしい」んですか?

Monica: ...... One more? Wasn't that right now? Do you want a more pose that's just like me? Even if it is said so......So what kind of "it's me"?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: これ?なんだか、普通っぽいですけど……まあ、オーナーさんが言うなら。

(camera flash)

Monica: Is this it? It's kind of normal, but…… Well, if the owner says.

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Monica: あの、オーナーさん、……わたし、どうですか?……かわいい?……ふふっ♪

Monica: Well, the owner、...... How about me? ...... Cute? ……Fufu♪

Episode 6: It's still a long way from (まだまだですね)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV40”まだまだですね”Not good enough.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: じゃ、今日もわたしの勝ちですね!え?悔しいから再戦?残念、本気の勝負ですから、1日1回です!?え……?わたしが勝ったら、ディナーの後に……「スペシャルデザート」をご走してくれるんですか?ふふっ♪じゃあ、本気のホンキ、出しちゃいますよ?「今度こそ勝つ」?確かに、最近は少し勝てるようになりましたよね。でも、まだまだです♪わたしも成長してるんですから。オーナーさんのクセや弱点も、ずいぶんわかりました。……だいたい、素直すぎるんです。嘘が下手だし、すぐに顔に出ちゃうし……まあ、そこが信用できるというか、いいところでもあるんですけど…………じ、じゃなくって!わ、わたしに勝とうだなんて、まだまだってことです!「スペシャルデザート」、必ず頂きますからね♪……なに笑ってるんですか?もう、調子狂うなぁ……ほら、さっさと始めますよ?

Monica: Well, i'm winning today too! What? Rematch because it's frustrating? Unfortunately, it's a serious game, so it's once a day!? What......? If I win, will you run "Special Dessert" after dinner? If ♪, i'm going to put it out, honki of the seriousness. "I'm going to win this time" Sure, we've been able to win a little bit lately. But there's still a long way ♪ I'm growing up. I understood the owner's habit and weaknesses very much. ...... Roughly, it is too obedient. I'm not good at lying, and i'll be able to see you right away. Well, it's a good thing that you can trust it, but...... Well, it's not! Wow, there's still a long way to go to win over me! I'll have a special dessert ♪. What are you laughing at? I'm out of shape. Hey, let's get started, right?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: あー、美味しかったぁ♪オーナーさん、スペシャルデザート、ごちそうさまでした今日はまた派手に負けちゃいましたね?これじゃ、デザートだけじゃ足りないなぁ♪「勝負に集中できなかった」?勝負なんだから、心を乱されたが方が悪いんです♪わたし「奥の手」に引っかかるだなんて、ホント、スキだらけで……素直なんだから…………そうだ♪次の休日に、買い物に付き合ってください。大負けの分、たっぷり、春ってもらいますから♪

Monica: Oh, it was delicious♪ the owner, the special dessert, the feast, but today was a big loss again, wasn't it? This is not enough for dessert ♪ "I couldn't concentrate on the game" It's a game, so i'm upset, but it's worse♪ I'm stuck in the back hand, it's really full of skis. I'm honest. Yes♪ go shopping on the next holiday. I'll have plenty of big losses, spring♪

Episode 7: A wonderful place. (ステキな場所)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV50"ステキな場所"a wonderful place

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん♪今日は何の日か、億えてますか?……で、デート?違います!……勘違いしないでください。負け分、きっちり春ってもらいますから、ね!え?予定?そうですね……カフェでお昼を食べてから、買い物に。欲しいものリストはちゃんとまとめてあるんです♪夕方は特に決めてないですが、夜は、ディナーのコースで、どうですか?……夜は、予定がある?……お仕事ですか?なら、仕方がありませんね……じゃあ、その分早く出掛けましょ♪

Monica: ♪ owner, what day are you doing today? ...... So, dating? That's not it! ...... Don't get me wrong. I'll have the losers, the exact spring, you know! What? Plan? Let's see...... We had lunch at the café and went shopping. I have a list of things I want♪ i don't particularly decide on the evening, but how about a dinner course in the evening? ...... Do you have any plans for the night? ...... Do you work? Then, there is no other way. Well, let's go out early♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ほら、これなんかどうですか?結構かわいいし、好きなんじゃないですか?誰が、って……オーナーさん……が?ほ、ほら、せっかく買ってもらうんだから、オーナーさんも好きなのがいいじゃないですか?それに、最近は……わたしも、こういうのがいいのかな、って……あの、似合ってますか?……ふふっ、じゃあ、これにします!

Monica: Hey, how about this? It's pretty cute, isn't it? Who... The owner... But? Oh, you know, i'm going to have you buy it, so it's good that the owner likes it, too, isn't it? And recently... I wonder if it's good for me, too. You look good on me. ......Well, then, i'll do this!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ♪午後のお茶まで、ごちそうさまです♪え?コーヒー?あの自分で……えと……じゃあ、砂糖は……よ、よっつ……ミルクたっぷり目で……おねがいします。あの、ニガいのとか、カラいの、ダメで……ディーラーなんだから、そういう、大人っぽいの?慣れないとダメ、だとは思うんですけど……そんなことない?でも……うーん……じゃあ、それ、オーナーさんにあげます!わたし、メープルキャラメルラテ、ホイップ追加で……!

Monica: ♪ ♪'s a feast until afternoon tea? Coffee? On his own... Uh...... Well, then, sugar... Hey, hey... With plenty of milk eyes...... Please. You know, it's, it's kara, it's no good. I'm a dealer, so i'm like an adult. I think you have to get used to it. That's not true? But...... Well let's see...... Well, i'll give it to the owner! I added maple caramel latte and whipped.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: 今日はありがとうございました!オーナーさんは、これからお仕事……ですよね?あの……今日は楽しかったです。じゃあ……え……、一緒に?だって、お仕事じゃ……

Monica: Thank you very much for your time today. The owner is going to work... That's true? Excuse me...... I had a good time today. Well then...... Eh, together? Because it's not a job.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: わぁ……!

Monica: Wow.

Scene 6

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Monica: オーナーさん、これ……カジノ、ついにできたんですね!?まだ、完成じゃないけど、近いうちに?とっても楽しみ……です!

Monica: Owner, this... The casino is finally done!? It's not finished yet, but it's coming soon? I'm really looking forward to it. Is!

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Monica: なぜ、ディーラーになりたいのか?前にも言いましたけど、カッコいいから!……というのもあるんですけど、本当は……昔、パパにカジノに連れて行ってもらったんです。すごく綺麗で、華やかで……、みんな楽しそうで……そこで、たくさんのチップを抱えた人に言われたんです。「カジノは誰もが夢を手にできる場所んだぜ」……って。サングラス越しだったけど、本当に輝くような笑顔だったなぁ。その言葉と笑顔が、忘れられなくて。そんなステキな場所があるなら……、ううん。そんなステキな場所を、自分で作ってみたい、って。子供っぽくて、恥ずかしい理由だから、あんまり人には言わないんですけど。オーナーさんなら、笑ったりしないって、思ってました。目標が見えて来たんだから……わたし、もっと、頑張らないと!

Monica: Why do you want to be a dealer? As I said before, it's cool! ...... Because, there is, but the truth is... My dad used to take me to the casino. It's so beautiful, it's gorgeous, and everyone seems to be having fun. That's where i was told by someone who had a lot of chips. A casino is a place where everyone can have a dream. What. It was over sunglasses, but it was a really shining smile. The words and the smile are not forgotten. If there is such a wonderful place, no. I want to make such a wonderful place by myself. I don't tell people much because it's childish and embarrassing. I thought that the owner would not laugh. Now that I've seen my goal... I have to work harder!

Episode 8: Anxiety and Determination (不安と決意)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV60"不安と決意"Anxiety and Determination-0

Japanese English translation

Monica: え!?カジノのオープンの日が決まった……?……そうですか。「嬉しくないのか」って……それは、嬉しいですけど…………オーナーさん、お願いがあります。わたしと、真剣勝負してくれませんか?それで、わたしが勝ったら正式にディーラーにしてください。オーナーさんとは毎日勝負してますけど、……最近は、その、本気じゃないというか……た、楽しいから……勝負に徹し切れないんです。だから……たとえば……お互いに、大切なものを賭けて、真剣勝負、お願いします。わたしは何を賭けるのか?大切なもの……うーん……じゃ、じゃあ……わたしの「服」を賭けてオーナーさんが勝ったら、その……脱ぐ、とか?どうせ、負けないですから……お、オーナーさんは何を賭けるんですか?……え?このカジノを全部、って……?ディーラーとして届うだけじゃなくて、カジノを好きにしていい……?ほ、本当?今更、取り消しは無しですよ?でも、わたしの「服」とじゃ……わたし、カジノに見合うものなんて……「それでいい」って……真剣勝負……本気で、勝ちに行きます!……後悔しても知りませんからね?……じゃあ、3本勝負で。わたしは負けるたびに、1枚脱きます。……大勝負ですし、いいですね?決まり、ですね。ふふっ♪真剣勝負……楽しみです!絶対に、負けませんから♪

Monica, eh!? The date of the opening of the casino has been decided. ...... Is that right? "Aren't you happy?" I'm glad to hear that, but...... Owner, i'd like to ask you a favor. Will you play with me seriously? So, if I win, officially become a dealer. I play with the owner every day、...... These days, i mean, it's not serious. Because it's fun. I can't make it through to the game. So...... For example...... We bet each other something important, and we ask for a serious fight. What do I bet? The important thing. Well let's see...... Well, then... If the owner wins by betting on my clothes, that's... Take it off, or? Anyway, i'm not going to lose. What does the owner bet? ...... What? All this casino, what do you mean? It's not just about reaching out as a dealer, it's also about liking casinos. Oh, really? There is no cancellation now. But with my clothes... I'm not sure if it's good for the casino. A serious game...... Seriously, i'm going to win! ...... You don't know if you regret it, do you? ...... Well then, in the three-pronged game. Every time I lose, I take off one. ...... It's a big game, isn't it? It's decided, isn't it? A serious game ♪. I'm looking forward to it. I'll never lose♪

Episode 9: Fold (フォールド)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Monica LV70"フォールド"「FOLD」

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……フォールド。わたしの、負け。……でも、まだ1勝1敗。次が最後の勝負!でも、その前に……脱きます、ね。

Monica: ...... Fold. My loss. ...... But we're still losing. The next is the last game! But before that... I'll take it off.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ……見たいのなら……ご自由に。じゃあ、これが最後の勝負……

Monica: ...... If you want to see it... Feel free to do so. Well, this is the last game.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 勝負の結果は、絶対……覚悟はいいですね?……フォールド?降りるんですか?じゃあ、わたしの勝ち、ですね!やったぁ!ふふふっ……!?あの……勝ってるのに……どうして……?

Monica: The result of the game is absolutely... Are you ready? ...... Fold? Are you going to get off? Well, then, I'm winning! Oh, my God! Hefu-fu-yi!? Excuse me...... You're winning. Why......?

Episode 10: The owner's true intention (オーナーの真意)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】monicaLV75"オーナーの真意”The owner's true intention”

Japanese English translation

Monica: ……どうしてですか。真剣勝負、って言ったじゃないですか。あの勝負、オーナーさんの勝ちでした。なのに、どうして……勝ち逃げなんて、許さないんですから。え?意味が違う?とにかく、オーナーさんの勝ちなんだから……約束、守ります。勝負の結果は、絶対ですから。どういうこと、って……だ、だから、その、服を…………や、やっぱり、ダメですっ!なんだか、急に恥ずかしくなって……どうして……って……今までは、そんなふうに思ってなかったから……何をって、だから、オーナーさんのことを?ひゃっ!?ち、違うんです、そういう意味じゃなくて!と、とにかく、ダメなものはダメなんです!その代わり、他のことなら、なんでも……なんでも、言ってください。わたしの負けなんですから。え?カジノを頼む、って……どうしてですか?わたし、勝負に負けたのに……わたしと勝負するのが、楽しいから、ずっと一緒に、楽しませてほしい、って……それって……い、いえ、イヤじゃないです!よろこんで、お引き受け……します。負けたら言うことを聞く……真剣勝負の、約束ですから。ずっと……一緒に。ふふっ♪

Monica: ...... Why? You said it was a serious game, didn't you? That game was won by the owner. But why... I won't allow you to win and run away. What? Does that mean anything? Anyway, the owner wins. Promise, I'll keep it. The result of the game is absolute. What do you mean... That's why, that, the clothes...... Well, after all, it's no good! Somehow, I suddenly became embarrassed. Why...... What...... Until now, I didn't think that way, so... What are you doing, so you're talking about the owner? Oh, my God!? It's different, that's not what I mean! Anyway, what is not good is useless! Instead, if it's anything else, it's... Please say anything. It's my defeat. What? I'm going to ask for a casino. Why? I lost the game, but... It's fun to play with me, so I want you to be with me forever. About that...... No, no, I don't like it! I'm glad to hear that. I will. If I lose, I'll listen to what You're saying. It's a promise of a serious game. For a long time...... Together. ♪

Episode 11: That's what I (そういうところ)

Japanese English translation



Kanna Episodes

Episode 1: To Mine (ワシのモノに)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes1 (칸나 1Lv.케릭터 에피소드)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】New face カンナ "Little devil Kanna"

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: これ。そこの。どこを見ておるか。こっちじゃ、こっち!オマ工、この島のスシを知らぬか?……?おーなー……?ふむ、つまり、オマエがこの島の……?ふうーん♪よし♪きーめた♪オマエを、今日からワシのモノにする♪善は急げじゃ……まあ、ゆっくり話を聞くがよい♪どうこいしょっと。ふふっ♪なかなかの座り心地じゃの♪気に入ったぞ♥

Kanna: this. There. Where are you looking? Over here, over here! OMA, do you not know sushi on this island? ......? Oh, my...? Hmm, so you are on this island...? ♪ Well, ♪ I'll make you ♪ you, from today ♪ goodness is fast...... Well, it's good to hear the story slowly. I like the feeling of sitting comfortably ♪

Scene 2

The following scenes were added at a later point

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ?ワシの尻は、座られ心地もよいであろ?ワシは「カンナ」。オマエたちニンゲンのいう「オニ」じゃ♪今日から、オマエも、この島も、ワシのモノにするぞ?よいな?……お願いを聞いてくれたら?ふむ……つまり、勝負じゃな?ふふ♪オマエ、ニンゲンにしては肝が座っておる。よい♪言うてみよ?

Kanna: How about that? Is the eagle's butt comfortable to sit on? The eagle is "Kanna". Omae and Ningen's "Oni♪" will make Omae and this island an eagle from today, right? Is that all right? ...... Why don't you ask me a favor? Hm...... In other words, it's a game, isn't it? ♪, my liver is sitting down for The Ohae and Ningen. Good ♪ say it?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……強さと美しさのさいてん、今いーなす、ふえす……?ふふーん♪その祭りで一番になれば良いのじゃな?強さと美しさ……まるでワシの為の祭りではないか♪よかろう♪その願い、かなえてやる!ふふっ♪フェスで一番になったら、この島とオマエは、ワシのものじゃからな♪

Kanna: ...... The strength and beauty of the sae, now, I'm going to do it, I'm going to have to... Hmmm♪ i hope it's the best at the festival? Strength and beauty...... It's like a festival for eagles♪♪ or i'll make that wish come true! When it comes to ♪ festival, this island and Omae are eagles♪.

Episode 2: Self introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes2 (칸나 5Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……自己紹介?ふむ、フェスの資料に、の……ワシのような美女は、多少ミステリアスな方が受けるとおもうのじゃが……え?自分だけに教えてほしい?オマエ、ワシのことがそんなに気になるのか?な、なら仕方がないの…………みんなには、ナイショじゃ?

Kanna:...... Introduce yourself? Hmm, in the FES material,...... I think that a beautiful woman like Eagle receives some mysterious one...... What? Do you want me to tell you? Are you so concerned about the eagle? Well, then there's no way…… To all of you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ワシの名はカンナ♥仕事は……ない。……ニートではないぞ!?オニは働かんでもよいのじゃ!趣味は、週び全般♪最近はゲームにはまっておる。ふふふー、ワシは強いぞー?遊ぶ時間は無限にあるからの♪好きなものは、そうじゃな…………そなたのような、ニンゲンの魂じゃ♥へ……?そういうのはいい?な、なんじゃその態度は!オマエ、ワシをバカにしておるなー!?……なに?好きなものを……食べさせてくれるのか!?じゃあ、「わだあめ」がよいぞ!あと、「たこやき」と「りんご飴」と……えーと……え?一つだけ?なんじゃ、オマエ、意外とケチじゃの……では、「りんご飴」じゃ!大きくて、真っ赤なりんごが丸ごと入ってるやつ!ふふっ♪楽しみじゃの♪ほら、早く食べに行くぞ!はやくー!

Kanna: The eagle's name is Kanna...... Missing. ...... It's not neat!? Wolf may not work! I have been addicted to games in general for a week. Heh, I'm strong. Because the time to play is infinite, the favorite one is not so. To the souls of humans like you, ♥...? Is that what you want? What is that attitude? You're a fool of the eagle!? ...... What? What you like...... Are you going to feed me? Then, the "Watame" is good! And "Takoyaki" and "Apple Candy"... Well...... What? Just one? Well, you, unexpectedly stingy...... Then, it is "Apple candy"! A big, red apple with a whole! I'm going to go eat it. Hurry!

Episode 3: I want an eagle too! (ワシも欲しい!)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes3 (칸나 10Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: のう、オマエ……噂に聞いたのじゃが、「フェス用の水着」というのは……要らんのか?え?……これでいい?むー……!こら一!話が違うではないか!みんなは、水着を買ってもらったと聞いたぞ!?なー、ワシもー!新しい水着が欲しいー!買ってー!ワシもー!ワシにも買ってー!

Kanna: Lie, you...... I heard the rumor, "Swimsuit for the festival" is that...... Do you need it? What? ...... Is that all right? Yikes...! Hey, one! The story is not different! I heard you guys bought a swimsuit!? -Oh, my! I want a new swimsuit! Buy it! My Eagle! Buy it for me!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: そうかー、ワシの水着を買いたいか!まあ、そこまで言うなら仕方がないの♪ふふふ♪どの水着にするかの♪ワシの美しさで、オマエを演にしてやるぞ?覚悟して、待っておれ?

Kanna: You want to buy an eagle swimsuit? Well, there is no way to say so ♪ hehehe ♪ in which swimsuit ♪ I'm going to give you the beauty of the eagle? I'm ready, wait.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふっ、どうじゃ♥「オトナ」なワシにピッタリである?え……?違う、そうじゃない?ふむ、そうか!分かったぞ♪オマエ、なかなか欲張りさんじゃのう?

Kanna: Heh, how is it good for a "adult" Eagle? What......? No, it's not? Hmm, okay! All right, you're pretty greedy, aren't you?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: こ、これでどうじゃ?このセクシーさ!ちと刺激が強すぎかの♥……?なんじゃ!その薄いリアクションはー!ワシが、がんばって……は、恥ずかしい水着を着てやったというのに!……え?オマエが選ぶ……?ま、まさか……これでは、まだ足りぬと……!? ワシをどうする気じゃ……お、オマエは……オニか!?

Kanna: How about this? This is sexy! Bee stimulation is too strong ♥......? ! That thin reaction! The eagle, good luck...... To say that you've done wearing an embarrassing swimsuit! ...... What? You choose...? Well, no way... It's still not enough...!? What do you want me to do with the eagle? You, you...... Wolf!?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: あの、これ……こんな、ヒラヒラしたのでよいのか?もっとこう、布の少ない、セクシーなやつのほうがよくない?……まあ、オマエが良いというなら……変わったシュミをしとるの。ん?カワイイ?ふふーん、そうかー♪カワイイかー♪ワシはセクシーもカワイイも両方イケるからの♪さすがはオマエ。よくぞワシの魅カに気付いたの?ふふっ♪この水着、気に入ったぞ♪

Kanna: Um, this...... Is this a good thing? More like this, the sexy guy with the little cloth is not better? ...... Well, if you're good...... It's a strange taste to take. Not Cute? Oh, I'm so cute!!!!!! Admired did you notice the charm of the eagle? I like this swimsuit!

Episode 4: Friendship (友情)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes4 (칸나 20Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……ん?ワソかこの島に来た理由を知りたい?……そんな昔のことは忘れた。それに、オマエにはなかろ?ワンは未来に生きるオーなのじゃ♪え?じゃあ、これからどうするのか?ふむ、そうじゃな……まずは、フェスで一番になって、オマエと、この島をワシのモノにするのじゃ♪……そのあと?えーと、じゃから、オマエとこの島はワシのものになるのじゃ…………それから?それから……えーと……うーん……もー!そんな先のことはわからぬ!いつまでも、ふたり仲良く暮らしました、めでたしめでたし!……で良いではないか!……そんなのオニっぽくない?もー!うるさーい!お、オニにだって友情はあるのじゃー!このー、ワシを怒らせおって……!オマエなんか一!……えっ?ごめんなさい?仲直り……?わ、分かれば良いのじゃ。……ま、まあ、そうじゃな……りんご飴を食わせてくれるなら……許してやらんでもないぞ♪あと、コーラも忘れるでないぞ?ワシとオマエ、ふたり分な♪

Kanna:...... Not Do you want to know why you came to this island, Waso? ...... I forgot that old time. And what is it to you? One is to live in the future. Oh. So what are we going to do now? Well, that's... First of all, it becomes the best in the festival, and you and this island are made a thing of Eagle ♪. After that? Well, then, you and this island will be the one of eagle. Then? Then...... Well...... Well let's see...... Too! I do not know such a destination! We lived happily ever after, comes happy comes happy! ...... Not good at! ...... Isn't that wolf? Too! Noisy! There is friendship in the wolf! This is a mad eagle... You are the one! ...... What? I am sorry Reconciled......? Well, I just need to know. ...... Oh, well, that's... If you let me eat the apple candy... I'm not going to forgive you, but I'm not forgetting Coke. The eagle and you, two minutes ♪

Episode 5: Good luck! (がんばった!)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes5 (칸나 30Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ワシの写真を撮りたいじゃと?……ワシは思い出とか、そういう湿っぽいのは、好かん。写真なぞ持っておっても腹もふくれんし、……見ても、寂しいだけじゃ。それに、ほら、あれじゃ「個人情報」とか……えと、「身バレ」とか?そういう、面倒な話もごめんじゃしの。……フェスに必要?むー、そう言われても…………え?ウソ?ホントは、オマエが撮りたいだけ?手元にいつも置いておきたい……じゃと?……しかたがないのー♪オマエのわがままにも困ったものじゃ♪そこまで言うのなら…………ちょっとだけ、しゃぞ?それに「お礼」も、たっぷり期待しておるからの♪

Kanna: You want to take a picture of an eagle? ...... I do not like memories or such damp. The stomach swells even if it has the photograph mystery 、...... Even if it sees, it is lonely. And, hey, that's "personal information" or... Uh, "Body Bale"? I'm sorry about that kind of trouble. ...... Need for a festival? Wow, even if you say so...... What? Lie? Do you really want to take it? I want to keep it at hand always...... Then what? ...... There is no other reason for you to be embarrassed by your selfishness... Just a little bit, okay? And "Thank you" also, because you expect plenty of ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……うふーん♥……何をしておる、早く撮らんか?せっかくワシがポーズをしてあるのに……ほら……いくぞ?……うふーん♥

(Camera flash)

Kanna: じゃあ、次はもっとセクシーにゆくぞ♪ふふっ、どうじゃ?ワシの……超セクシーポーズ♥……もー!早く撮らぬか!このポーズ、恥ずかしいし……結構疲れるのじゃ!

(Camera flash)

Kanna: ふ、ふふーん♪どうであっに?ワシのセクシーさに悩殺されたであろ♪なに?次はオマエがポーズを指定する?あのセクシーさでは、まだ物足りぬというのか?ワシ、結構頑張ったんじゃが……うう、ま、まあよい!言うてみよ!

Kanna:...... Wow... What are you doing now? The eagle is posing with great pains...... Look...... Let's go. ...... WOW ♥

(Camera flash)

Kanna: So, next time I'm going to be more sexy. The eagle... Super sexy pose ♥...... Too! Take It quick! This pose is embarrassing... It's pretty tiring!

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Heh, hmm? I was bombshell by the sexiness of the Eagle ♪ what? Next time you specify a pose? Isn't that sexy enough yet? I'm pretty good at it, but... Wow, oh well! Tell me!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……ほんとにこれで良いのか?なんか普通じゃが……まあ、オマエがよいというのじゃから、それでよいんじゃろ♪では、いくぞー?♪ピースっ♥

(Camera flash)

Kanna: ふふん♪これで、オマエもワシも、仕事は終わりじゃな?では、一緒に遊びに行くのじゃ♪

Kanna:...... Is this really good? Something normal... Well, since you are good, it is good in it ♪♪ Piece ♥

(Camera flash)

Kanna: This is the end of your work. Well then, we're going to play together!

Episode 6: Boring (たいくつ)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes6 (칸나 40Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: なー、オマエー、おはよー!ワシは遊びに行くぞー♪いってらっしゃい……?何を言うておる。オマエも来るのじゃ♪仕事が忙しい……?……オマエ、仕事が好きなのか?そうではない……?おかしな奴じゃのう……なー、なー、遊ぼうー?ほらほら、外はよい天気じゃぞー?……天気はいつものこと?それは、そうじゃが……もー、ワシはヒマなのじゃー!相手をせぬかー!もー!……他の人と遊べ?今日は、マリーもほのかもみさきも、みんな忙しそうなのじゃ……だからー……ほらほら、ワッと遊ばぬか♥きっと面白いぞー♪楽しいぞー♪…………無視するなー!もー!

Kanna: Hey, Omae, you! The eagle is going to play. What are you saying? You're too busy to come to work. ...... Do you like to work? Not that......? It's a funny guy... Hey, let's play? Look, it's good weather outside. ...... Is the weather always the same? That's the way it is... Well, the eagle is idle. Do not let the other party! Too! ...... Play with other people? Today, Marie, Honoka and Misaki are all busy. So... You see, you don't play with JAG ♥ I'm sure it's fun ♪ Don't ignore me! Too!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……なー、まだー?もー、ワシ待ちくたびれたぞー?それに、おなかもすいたー!ごーはーんー!あーそーびー!あーん、もー!たーいーくーつーじゃー!!!

Kanna:...... No, not yet. Well, I'm tired of waiting for the eagle? And I'm hungry! Oh, no! Oh, my goodness! Oh, no! I'm not so!!!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: すー……すー……

Kanna: Ow...... Oh, my...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ……?なんじゃ?……ごはん?ん……!連れてけ……♪

Kanna:......? ? ...... Rice? ...! Take him...♪

Episode 7: Fun Day (楽しい一日)


DOAXVV Kanna Character Episodes7 (칸나 50Lv.케릭터 에피소드)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: おーい、……オ・マ・エ♥ふふーん、今も遊びに来てやっろたぞ♪……えー?また仕事かー?もー、オマエ、それはかりではないか!こうして、ワシのような、セクシー女子が誘っておるというのに。の?どうじゃ♥むー……!もー!今日は仕事禁止に!オマエは!今日一日!ワンと遊ぶのー!

Kanna: Hey 、...... Oh MA et ♥ hmm, I've come to play now...... Huh? Do you work again? Well, you, is not it? Thus, the sexy girl like Eagle invites it. Of How about a ♥...! Too! Today's job ban! You! Day Today! I play with one!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: うー、ワシ、この緑色は嫌いじゃ……これは、オマエにやる。代わりに、ハンバーグをいただくぞ?ワシは肉食系女子じゃからの♪オマエは野菜が足りておらんのじゃ。もっと、えっと……ビタミン?を取らんとの?好き嫌いすると、大きくなれない……?子供扱いするなー!フツはいいの!オニじゃから一!

Kanna: Wow, eagle, I hate this green...... I'll do this to you. I'll get you a hamburger instead. The eagle is a carnivorous girl ♪ you are not enough vegetables. More, uh... Vitamin? Take? If you dislike it, you will not grow up...? Don't treat me like a child! The Hutu is good! Wolf so one!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 本当に一緒に泳がんのか?こんなセクシーな女子と泳げるチャンスなのに?ふふーん、さては……♥オマエ、島のヌシのくせにく、泳げんのじゃろ?恥ずかしがらんでもよい♪このワシが、手取り、足取り、腰取り……♪じっくり教えてやるでの♪遠慮はいらん♪ワシから、離れるでないぞ?の♥

Kanna: Do you really have a cancer? What a chance to swim with such a sexy girl? Hmm, well... ♥ You, in spite of the island of Nousi, you could not swim? You may be embarrassed deserted ♪ this eagle, take home, gait, waist...... ♪ I'm going to tell you, ♪ don't be shy ♪ don't leave me Of ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ん?もう帰る?むー、ちょっと遊び足りんが……まあ、もう夕方じゃしの♪……そ、そうじゃ!オマエ、あれを……カメラ、持っておらんか?せっかくじゃから、この夕日をバックに、ワシのセクシー写真を撮らんか?それで、つのでに……その……オマエの、……写真も……撮りたい。……むうう……ええい……!ワシも、くオマエの写真が欲しいのじゃー!ふ、不公平ではないか!ワシだけ撮られてばかりで……!じゃから……その…………ダメか?……え?いっしょに……?ふふっ♪仕方がないのー♪オマエがどうしてもというなら……の♪

Kanna: No? You're leaving? Oh, I'm a little short of play... Well, it's already evening. That's it! You, that... Do you have a camera? Why don't you take a sexy picture of an eagle with this sunset back? So, in one...... That...... Your 、...... Pictures... I want to take. ...... Ugh...... Yes... yeah...! I want your photos too! Ugh, not unfair! Only the eagle was taken......! So... That............ No? ...... What? Together...? I have no choice but to tell you why...♪

Episode 8: After the festival (祭りの後で)


DOAX VenusVacation カンナ Lv60エピソード

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: わぁ……!この花火、全部ワシのものか?ふふっ♪……ワシがんばったからの♪このままフェスで一番になって……一番になったら……祭りは、終わってしまうのか……

Kanna: Wow...! Is this fireworks all the Eagles? Ugh ♪... I tried to be the first ♪ in the festival...... When you get to the top... The festival is over...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 花火……終わってしもうたの……いやじゃ……いやじゃ、いやじゃ……!祭りが終わると、皆居なくなる……ニンゲンないつも、先に居なくなるのじゃ……オニは置いて行かれて、最後は一人ぼっちじゃ……オーナー……オマエは、いなくならぬよな……?な……?………うん。ぜったい、ぜったいだぞ?約束、じゃからな……?

Kanna: Fireworks...... The end of the song...... No, No... No, no, no, No... When the festival is over, everyone is gone...... There's always a time to be away. Wolf's gone, and the last one's left alone...... Owner...... You're not going to be gone. What...? ......... yes. Absolutely. I promise... what?

Episode 9: Because it's a secret (ナイショじゃからな)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: なんじゃ、こんな朝早く……ん.....?祭りの……約束……?……!?わー!思い出させるなー!ワシとしたことが……恥ずかしい姿を見せてしもうた…………話を聞かせろ?まあよいが……みんなには、ナイショじゃからな?

Kanna: What' this early in the morning... What's that?' The festival... Promise......? ......!? Wow! Don't remind me! What I did with an eagle... I was trying to show a shameful figure. Let me tell you a story, will you? Well, that's fine, but... To everyone, it's not good?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ワシは昔、ある山奥の祠に封じられての。そこで、一人で眠っておったのじゃ。何十年か、何百年経ったか……その山にニンゲンが住み着いての。ワシの司の前で、何を思うたか、祭りをするようになったのじゃ。オニも寂しかろう、とな……いつしか、ワシも、その日は外で皆と遊ぶようになった。こっそりニンゲンの子供に紛れての。オニごっこ、かくれんぽ、影踏みオニ……ワシは、オニじゃから、必ずオニの役じゃ♪毎年、それが楽しみでの♪じゃが……いつの間にか、山から人が減っての。みんな、居なくなってしもうた。オニ役の……オニのワシだけ置いて……探しても探しても、誰もおらん。オニは残されて、一人ぼっちじゃ。人里に降りてからも……いつも……いつもそうじゃった。……?さ、寂しいとか、そういうのではない……ワシはオニじゃからな。平気じゃ……!ワシは、オマエがおればよいのじゃ。……!?ち、ちがう!変な意味ではないぞ!?あーん、もー!

Kanna: Eagles used to be sealed in a shrine deep in the mountains. So you slept alone. Decades or hundreds of years have passed. Ningen settled in the mountain. What did you think in front of the eagle's tsukasa, you came to celebrate. Oni will miss it, too. At some point, I started to play outside on that day. Secretly confused by Ningen's children. Onigokko, Kakurenpo, Shadow Tread Oni...... I'm sure it's the role of Oni, ♪ every year, it's fun ♪. Before I know it, there are fewer people from the mountains. They're all gone. Oni role...... Just put the oni eagle...... Whether you look for it or not, no one will. Oni is left behind and left alone. Even after i got down to the human village...... Always...... That's always the case. ......? Well, it's not like I'm lonely or anything like that. I'm not an oni. I don't mind. I wish I had a omae. ......!? No, no! It doesn't mean an unusual thing!? Oh, my God!

Episode 10: I don't like it, but... (イヤではないが……)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): たーまやー!

Kanna (OFF): Tamaya!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふーん、今日のワシも大活躍じゃったの♪……あれからワシは考えたのじゃ。ワシがヴィーナスフェスで一番になれば、この島とオマエは、ワシのもの!……じゃろ?ふっふっふーん♪ワシがこの島のヌシになった暁には……!この島でずーっと祭りを続けるのじゃ♪もちろん、オマエも一緒にな。だから……ワシ、もっともっとがんばるのじゃ!オマエとの祭り……このフェスを、終わらせたりせぬためにも……の♪それなら、がんばらなくてもいい……じゃと?まさ……かイヤ……なのか?ワシとの祭りは……楽しくないか?……ちがう?ワシが一番にならずとも、フェスは終わらぬ?それが、オマエの「仕事」だから?……?むー!よくわからぬ!説明せーい!

Kanna: Hmm, today's eagle was also a big success ♪... I've been thinking about it since then. If the eagle becomes the best in Venus Fes, this island and omae belong to the eagle! ...... Then? Fufu♪fun, the eagle became the nushi of this island.... We're going to have a festival on this island♪ of course, omae. So...... I'm going to do more and harder! Festival with Omae............ In order not to end this festival...... If that's the case, you don't have to do your best.♪ What do you want me to do? Masa... I don't like it. Is that it? The festival with the eagle... Isn't it fun? ...... Wrong? Even if the eagle is not the best, the festival doesn't end? Is that because Omae's "work"? ......? Moh! I don't know! Explain it!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: つまり?オマエは、フェスを続けるのが仕事で……ワシが一番であろうとなかろうと、フェスはどんどん開かれて、終わらぬ……と?……それに?一番にならなくても、もう、オマエはワシの……もの?ん……?なっ……!と、突然何を言うか!?イヤ?イヤではないが……そ、その、心の準備というものがじゃな……うー……、だ、だからー……もー!とにかく、ワシはフェスを頑張るのじゃー!それでいいじゃろー!?うわーん……!

Kanna: I mean? Omae's job is to continue the festival. Whether I was the best or not, the festival was held fast and it didn't end. And? ...... It? Even if it doesn't become the first, Omae is already an eagle's... The one? What...? What's going on?! And, suddenly what to say!? Hate? I don't like it, but... Well, that's the preparation of the mind. Well, that's why... Mo! Anyway, I'm going to do my best at the festival! That's fine!? Wow...!

Episode 11: Until that day (その日まで)

Japanese English translation



Nagisa/Mstery Venus Episodes

Episode 1: I'm taking her back (返してもらいます)


DOAXVV 4K【EngSub】みさきの姉なぎさが登場!Misaki's older sister Nagisa appeared!


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 01 - I'm taking her back

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: みさき……

Misaki: おねえちゃん……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: うん、元気そうね♪ー人でバイトだなんて、心堀してたんだから♪

Misaki: もう……わたし、子供じゃないよ?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: あ、わたしがあげたシュシュ、まだ使ってくれてるんだ♪

Misaki: それは……いいじゃん、わたしのなんだから……あっ、オーナー……!?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……オーナー?あなたが……?この……「工口わんこ」……!妹は……返してもらいます!

(Nagisa/Mystery Venus walks over to the Owner and pulls him towards her face via his neck in apparent anger)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Misaki…

Misaki: Is that…you sis?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Uh-huh. You look great ♪ I was worried about you working alone here.

Misaki: Come on. I'm not a kid anymore.

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: I see you're still using that scrunchie I gave you.

Misaki: So what… I mean, it's mine now, so… Oh, boss!?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus:...... "Boss?" So…you're the dirty dog. I'm getting my sister back from you!

(Nagisa/Mystery Venus walks over to the Owner and pulls him towards her face via his neck in apparent anger)

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの……!おねえちゃん……?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……みさき、ちょっと先に行ってて。わにし、この「オーナーさん」と話があるから♥

Misaki: えっと……じゃ、じゃあ……

Misaki: Sis… You don't really have to…

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Misaki, you go on ahead, okay? I wanna have a little talk with your "boss" here ♥

Misaki: Well… Okay, I guess…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……みさきって、とてもいい子なんです。あの子、すぐ人を信じらやって……たとえば、あなたのような…………ヘンタイオーナーでも!なによ、あのイヤらしい水着……先ほども言いましたが、みさきは返してもらいます!いいですね!?……名前?わたしの?そんなことを聞いて、どうするつもりです?……!?「かわいいからフェスに出てほしい」って……?……何を考えているんです!わにしの話、聞いていなかったんですか?まったく、バカにもほどがあります……!わたしにまでそんな甘言を……!「真剣だ」って…………はあ……もう。……「なぎさ」です。……わたしの名前!……いいわ。あなたにも、言いたいことはあるでしょうし…………その 「フェス」に出場して、心ず、あなたの本性を暴きます!そして、みさきを返してもらいますから!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Misaki's a really good kid. She trusts people without thinking. And a perverted "boss" like you is a perfect example of that! What's the deal with that skimpy swimsuit… Like I said before, I'm getting Misaki back from you. Are we clear on that? My name? Why on earth should I tell you that? ……!? Hm? Because I'm "cute" and you want me in your festival? What are you thinking!? Did you even hear a word I was saying!? You must be delusional! Using those cheap pickup lines on me…! Oh, you're "sincere," are you? … *sigh* Whatever. It's Nagisa. My name, that is. You know what, fine. You've got some explaining to do… So I'll join this "festival" of yours… To expose what kind of person you really are! Then I'll get Misaki back from you!

Episode 2: You're the one I hate (嫌いなのはあなた)


Nagisa Level 5


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚Episode Nagisa LV5 嫌いなのはあなた (The one dislike is you.)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 02 - You're the one I hate

Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: 自己紹介……?わたしのことは、憶えてもらわなくてもいいです。みさきを連れて、すぐ帰りますから。フェスの登録用資料……?決まりなら……仕方がないですね。名前は「なぎさ」。みさきの姉です。仕事は、劇団員をしています。このフェスも、表現の勉強だと思えば……まあ。スリーサイズは……秘密です。好きな食べ物は、スフレパンケーキ。嫌いな食べ物は、ピーマン。嫌いな人はあなた。……これで満足ですか?スリーサイズ……本当に、フェスに必要なんですね……?……バスト79、ウエスト54、……ヒップ……87。……!?人のお尻を……イヤらしい目で見ないでください!……この……エロわんこ!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Introduce myself? You don't need to know anything about me. I'm taking Misaki back, and we're getting out of here. Festival registration? Well, if it's required, I'll do it. My name is Nagisa. I'm Misaki's older sister. And I work in a theater troupe. This festival is a good chance to study expressions. My three sizes are… none of your business. My favorite food would be souffle pancakes. While my least favorite is bell peppers. My least favorite person would be…you. Satisfied? Again with the "three sizes?" If it's really necessary for the festival… … Bust 79, waist 54, and hips…87. …!? Don't look at my butt like that! You…dirty dog!

Episode 3: Okay expert, you choose! (選んでみなさいよ)


Nagisa Level 10


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Episode Nagisa LV10 選んでみなさいよ(Try to choose)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 03 - Okay expert, you choose!

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……水着ですか?すぐ帰るつもりだったから、今はこれしか……フェスに必要?……ヘンタイ。どうせ、その……いやらしい、水着なんでしょう?「自分で好きなのを選んでいい」って…………仕方がないですね……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Swimsuit? I'm planning on going home right away, so this is all I've got. I need one for the festival? You pervert… I suppose you want me to wear that nasty swimsuit. Really? So I get to choose… Well if you insist…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……では、これにします。「その水着が好きか」ですって?……あなたのようなヘンタイに、身体を見せたくないだけです。「女の子が輝かないと、ダメ」……?フェスが盛り上がらないと、他のみんなにも迷惑が……?それは……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: I'll take this one. What do you mean "am I sure?" I don't want a pervert like you oogling my body, that's why. "A woman is meant to shine…" Seriously? So if the festival doesn't get exciting enough, everyone else is let down? Well…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: はい。こういう可愛いのがいいんでしょ?「自ので似合っていると思うか」……ですって!?あなたなんかに、わたしのことが……「君よりわかる」って……また旬から出まかせを……なら、あなたが選んでみなさいよ!……あっ!?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: How about this… This cute one should do the trick, right? Do I "really think it looks good on me"!? You actually think you know… More about me than I do? What a reckless thing to say. Okay expert, you choose! Oh my…!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: くっ……やっぱり、こういうこと……このエロわんこ……!「とても似合ってる」って……!似合ってなんか無いわよ!このバカ!ヘンタイ!……大っ嫌い!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Hmph… Exactly what I'd expect from a dirty dog like you…! You think I look "incredible," do you… Don't be ridiculous! You stupid… Pervert! I hate you so much!

Episode 4: Not happy in the slightest (嬉しくなんか)


Nagisa Level 20


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Episode Nagisa LV20 嬉しくなんか(Something like Glad)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 04 - Not happy in the slightest

Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: 普段着ている水着……?それは、フェスに必要なことですか?個人的な、趣味?……この、ヘンタイオーナー。勘違いしないでくださいね。プライベートの話をするような関係ではありません。「じゃあフェスに必要」って……はぁ……ヘンタイだけじゃなくて、バカで図々しい人なんでしたね……ヘンタイのあなたとは違います。それに、わたしの身体は、人に見せるようなものじゃありません。「綺麗なのに、もったいない」……?あなたという人は……嫌いな人に褒められても、嬉しくなんかありません…………このヘンタイ。バカわんこ。

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: A swimsuit I normally wear? Do you need to know that for the festival? Just to know "my personal tastes?" You big fat pervert. Don't get any crazy ideas. My personal information is off limits to you. So now you do "need to know for the festival?" *sigh* Now I know you're shameless and stupid, in addition to being a pervert. But I'm not perverted like you. My body is not meant to be eye candy. Oh, I'm "pretty" and you think it's "a waste?" I swear, people like you are so… Compliments from people I hate don't make me happy in the slightest. You perverted…stupid dog, you.

Episode 5: That's enough! (いいから!)


Nagisa Level 30


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Episode Nagisa LV30 いいから!(Just do it!)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 05 - That's enough!

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: フェス用の写真?……「フェス」と言えば、なんでもすると思うてるんですか?はぁ……ポーズはわたしが決めます。あなたに決めさせたら…………ヘンタイ。

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Pics for the festival? You think I'll do anything if you mention this "festival?" *sigh* I'll pose how I want. If I let you decide… It won't end well, pervert.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: じゃあ、はい。……撮らないんですか?

(Camera flash)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: つぎは、これでいいですか?…………は、はやく撮りなさいよ!

(Camera flash)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……いやらしい目つき……!次は……あなたが?……フェスに必要、なんですね?……ホントに?じゃあ……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Okay, let's start Aren't you gonna take any?

(Camera flash)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Is this okay for the next one? …… Hurry up and take some shots!

Camera flash)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Stop ogling me like that! You'll…pick the next one? We need it for the festival, right? Really? Okay…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: これが、フェスに必要なもの?ほら、はやく撮りなさいよ!フェスに必要なんでしょう!?き…… 「綺麗だ」って…………そういうのはいいですから!早くって言ってるでしょう!?このヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: This is what we need for the festival? Hurry up and take the pics! We need these for the festival, don't we!? So…I look "pretty?" I don't really care! Hurry up and get this done! You perverted, dirty dog!

Episode 6: Photo check (写真のチェック)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚 Episode Nagisa LV40 写真のチェック(Check photos)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 06 - Photo check

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: この前撮った写真、見ました。残念ながら……悪くない……と思います。それで……その……あなたの持っている、みさきの写真を、……チェックさせてください。もし、いやらしい写真があったら……許しませんからね。ヘンタイ!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: I saw the pics you took the other day. I hate to say this… But they're not half bad. So maybe… I can have a look at the pics you took of Misaki. If you made her look vulgar you'll be sorry you ever met me, pervy!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

(The picture shown is of Misaki's Blue-Water Swimsuit bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: この写頁……がわいく撮れていますね。ま、まあ、あなたみたいな人でも、みさき……モデリがいいから、当然です。

(The picture shown is of Misaki's Blue-Water Swimsuit bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: These pics…are actually pretty cute. I mean, Misaki's got that look anyway. So even a lowlife like you could take these.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

(The picture shown is of Misaki's second Asari bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……!?この写真は……没収します!この……ヘンタイオーナー!

(The picture shown is of Misaki's second Asari bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: …!? I'm confiscating these pics! You perverted "boss," you!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: もう隠して無いでしょうね……?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: You're not hiding any, are you?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

(The picture shown is of Misaki's school uniform bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: わっ、これ……!?こんな顔……、 見たことない……あの子、こんな表情、するんだ……すごい……かわいい……はぁ……

(The picture shown is of Misaki's school uniform bromide)

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Wow… Now this is… I've never seen her face quite like this. Her expression is…really something. Oh my gosh… So adorable… *sigh*

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……!?こほん。この、エロわんとこ!これから、みさきの写真は必ずわたしに見せるように!あなたみたいなヘンタイの撮った写真、そのまま世に出せるものですか。へんな写真があったら、全部没収です。……いいですね!?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: …!? Ahem. You dirty dog! From now on, promise me you'll show me every pic you take of Misaki! I can't let any pics taken by a perv like you get out in the open. If you've got even one shady pic, I'm confiscating every one of them. Are we clear on that!?

Episode 7: Act like a pillar (柱のくせに)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚 Episode Nagisa LV50 柱のくせに(Even though the pillars)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Nagisa) - 07 - Act like a pillar

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: 『あの、わたし、本当は……』『本当は、あなたのことが……』……はぁ

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: "Actually, to tell you the truth, I…" "I'm trying to say that I…" *sigh*

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: あの……そこに立たれてると……気が散ります。ヒマなんですね……じゃあ、こつらにこっちに来てください。

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: You know… I can't concentrate with you standing there. I take it you're bored? Come over here then.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: いいですか?ここに立って、動かないで。 『あの、わたし、本当は……』……?動かないでと言いましたよね?それくらいのこともできないだなんて……対話劇なんですから、相手がいないと練習にならないんです。……普段フェスに付き合ってあげてるんですから、少しぐらい、わたしにも付き合ってください。では、続けます。『あの、わたし、本当は……』『本当は、あなたのことが……』『す……好き……』え……!?な、何、本気にしているのよ!?あなたはただの練習台!「柱」みたいなものなんですから!もう……!……この、バカ!ヘンタイわんこ!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Ready? Just stand there and don't move. "Actually, to tell you the truth, I…" …? Didn't I tell you not to move? Can't you do anything right? This is a dialog play, so I need someone else here to practice. I've been going to festivals with you, so you can do this for me, can't you? Okay, let's continue. "Actually, to tell you the truth, I…" "I'm trying to say that I…" "Like you a lot." What!? Are you taking me seriously!? You're just my practice dummy! Like a "pillar" that just stands there! Ugh! You are such a stupid perv!

Episode 8: Punishment (お仕置き )


DOAXVV 4K【The bug】なぎさのバグったシーンは着衣したままお風呂


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚 Episode Nagisa LV60 お仕置き (Punished)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa is in the bathtub and lathers her legs

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ふふっ♪

The Owner approaches to close the slightly ajar door

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: さて……♪

Nagisa suddenly rises from the tub

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: よっ……

Nagisa notices the Owner

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……は?

Nagisa realizes she exposed her nude body to the Owner before ducking down in fury and throwing stuff at the Owner

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……! このバカ!スケベ!ヘンタイ!今すぐ出ていけーっ!うう……もう、お嫁いけない……

Nagisa is in the bathtub and lathers her legs

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Fufluoride ♪

The Owner approaches to close the slightly ajar door

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Well......♪

Nagisa suddenly rises from the tub

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: By……

Nagisa notices the Owner

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ......Is

Nagisa realizes she exposed her nude body to the Owner before ducking down in fury and throwing stuff at the Owner

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ......! This idiot! Lewd! Hen Thailand! Get out now! Wow... I'm not a bride anymore...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: で……とういうお仕置きをしてあげまましょか。この……エロわんこ!「誤解」ですって……?誤解も何も……あなたは、わたしの……は、はだかを……一生かけて償わせてやるんだから……この……ヘンタイオーナー……! え……?「責任は取る」?な、何を勘違いしているの!「一生 」って……そ、 そういう意味じゃありません!あなたなんか……あなたなんか……嫌いなんだから……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: In...... Do you want me to give you a punishment? This...... Erotic Dog! It's a misunderstanding. No misunderstanding, nothing... You are my... The naked...... I'm going to let you pay for my whole life. This...... Hen Thailand owner......! What......? "Take responsibility"? What are you misunderstanding? A lifetime... That's not what I meant! You... You... I don't like it...

Episode 9: Repair (償って)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚 Episode Nagisa LV70 償って(compensate)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: あの……ちょっと……この前の約束、ちゃんと憶えていますか?……!お、お風呂のことはイイから!全部忘れなさい!今すぐ!……その後のことです!このバカわんこ!もうもう忘れたんですか!……「責任を取る」って言いましたよね。だから、今日一日、わたしの言うことを何でも聞きなさい?断るなんて、許さないんですから。

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: That...... A little...... Do you remember your last promise? ......! The bath is good! Forget it all! Right now! ...... Then that's it! This stupid dog! Thick Did you forget! You said, "take responsibility." So, listen to me all day today, what do I say? I'm not allowed to refuse.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: うーん、これにしようかな……似合っていますか?でも、さっきのも捨てがたくて…………って、ちょっと!あなだに聞いてません!もう。ヘンタイ!もう、バカわんこ……どっちがいいか、わからなくなったじゃないですか。えっ、両方買うって……いいんですか?やった!……あ…………と、当然です!両方買ってもらいます!いいですね!?

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Well, let's try this... Do you look handsome? But it was too hard to throw away. Hey! Oh, I didn't ask! Another Hen Thailand! Now, stupid dog... I don't know which is better. Well, I'm going to buy both... Do you mind? Did! ...... Oh............ And, of course! have both bought! This is good!?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: わぁっ、これ美味しそう!チョコたっぷりで……砂糖もたっぷり……あ、こっちもいいな……でも、フルーヅも……糖分が……うーん……迷らな……両方?うーん……だ、ダメッ!人が真剣に悩んでるんだから、いい加減なことを言わないでください!両方だなんて……カ口リーが……それでなくても、最近…………見ないで。デリカシーのない……あなたは気にしなくても、わたしが気にするんです!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Wow, this looks delicious! With lots of chocolate... Plenty of sugar... Oh, this is good... But the Fluzu... The sugar... Well let's see...... I'm not a stray... Both? Well let's see...... , Doumessage! Because people are seriously troubled, please do not say a sloppy thing! Both of them... The K-mouth Lee... Even if it is not, recently...... Without. Without delicacy...... Even if you don't mind, I care!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: あ、それ、わたしが食べたかった……え……?半份こ……?そうね……二人でシェアすれば……! ……!? 喰ペきせてもらわなくていいです……!もう……

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Oh, that, I wanted to eat... What......? Half a thing...? That's right...... If we share them together......! ......!? You don't have to get them...! No more...

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: はあ、じゃあ、今回はここまで。続きは、また。……?このくらいで許されると思ったんですか?これからも……いつでも、何度でも、わたしの言うことを圖かせるんですから。……覚悟してください。

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: Oh, well, so far this time. Continue, also. ......? Did you think you'd be allowed to do this? Keep doing...... Whenever, many times, I can do what I say. ...... Be prepared.

Episode 10: How long have you been there? (いつからそこに)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚Episode Nagisa LV75 いつからそこに(How long have you been there)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa (OFF)/Mystery Venus (OFF): 『あの、わたし、本当は……』『本当は、あなたのこと……』『好き……』

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: なわけ、ないでしょう……はぁ……なによ、わんこのくせに。「責任」なんて取れるわけないじゃない……許さないんですから。……絶対に……ひぇっ……!?

Nagisa (OFF)/Mystery Venus (OFF): "That, I, really......" "The truth is, you……" "like......"

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: No, you wouldn't...... Sigh...... What, it's your dog. You can't take responsibility... I will not forgive you. ...... Absolutely…… Oh, my...!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: い、いつからそこに居たんですか!?そ、そんなことより、また勝手に……!……ノックはした?う、うるさい!言い訳なんて聞きません!もう!……こんな顔見ないでよ!今は……今は出てってー!

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: How long have you been there? That, more than that, without permission......! ...... Did you knock? Shut Up! I don't hear any excuses! Another ...... Don't look at this face! Now…… I'm leaving now!

Episode 11: Unawares (いつのまにか)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】渚 Episode Nagisa LV80 いつのまにか(imperceptibly)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa/Mystery Venus: ……あの。ちょっと、いいですか?話しがあるんですけど。……みさきを連れて帰る話です。あなたの仕事、見せて貰いました。……ヘンタイ。イヤらしい水着を着せたり、イヤらしい写真を撮ったり……本当に、みさきを連れて帰ろうと思っていました。けど……あなたは、あなたなりに真剣だったし……女の子たちが、心から楽しんでいるのもわかりました。みさきも……あと……いつの間にか……と、とにかく……もう少しだけ、わたしも島に残ります。勘違いしないでくださいね!あなたのこと、信用したわけじゃないんですから。でも、少しだけ……ほんの少しだけ……見直したっていうか……だから……今まで、冷たくして……ごめんなさい。……!?冷たいわたしも、かわいい、って……ホントにヘンタイなかだから……では……こほん。恥を知りなさい!仮にも……わたしの……わにしの、オーナーなんですから!ふふっ♪……バカわんこ♪

Nagisa/Mystery Venus:...... Excuse me. Hey, can I? I need to talk to you. ...... It is a story to bring Misaki and to return. I've got your job shown. ...... Hen Thailand. You can wear a swimsuit that you don't like, or take a picture that you hate. I really wanted to bring Misaki back. But...... You were serious about your own... It was understood that the girls were enjoying heartily. Misaki too... The rest...... Imperceptibly?????? And, anyway...... I will remain on the island just a little more. Please do not misunderstand! I don't trust you. But just a little... Just a little...... I was just reviewing... So...... Until now, cold and...... I am sorry. ......!? My cold, too, is cute. It's really Thailand hen... And now...... This book. Shame on you! Even if... My... I'm the owner! Ugh ♪... Stupid dog ♪

Fiona Episodes

Episode 1: I've Always Admired You (お慕いしてました)


DOAXVV 4K 大人気リラで再登場のフィオナ!「やわらかエンジン2.0」搭載CERO-D


DOAXVV お嬢様フィオナが島にやって来た!SSRからLady Fiona came to the island!!


DOAXVV Fiona - Charactor Episodes 1 Steam Version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 青い空、眩しい太陽……ふふっ、素敵♪ ここが「あのお方」の島なのね。あっ……はっはっはっはっ……あっ、あのっ!……オーナー様!やっとお逢いできました!

Fiona: Clear blue skies and the bright sun… Heheh. I love this ♪ This island belongs to "him", doesn't it… Oh… Huff, huff… Um… Boss! I'm so glad to finally meet you!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様!わたくし……!オーナー様のこと、ずっと、ずっとお慕いしでおりました。 この日が来るのを、何度もお星さまにお祈りしていたのですよ?え……?「近い」……、ですか? ……きゃっ!?わたくしったら、はしたないことを……

Fiona: Boss! I um… I've admired you for so long. I can't remember how many times I've wished upon a star for this day to come? Hm…? I'm getting to close…? Oh dear! Where are my manners…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……失礼…… いたしました。 ……では、あらためまして、ご挨拶を♪ わたくし、 「フィオナ」と申します。ふふっ、ついに、ついに来たのですね、ヴィーナス諸島……わたくし、こちらへは、その……「修業」の為に参りました。ヴィーナスフェス……強さと美しさの祭典。オーナー様と共に、フェスに出場して……その……立派な、花嫁に…なるために……とっ、とにかく……不束者ですが、よろしくお願いします。えっと、オーナー……様♥

Fiona: *sigh* I'm…so terribly sorry for that. Let me start over with a proper introduction. My name is Fiona. Heheh… I'm finally here. Finally made it to the Venus Islands. Actually, I… The reason I came was… To take part in some training. For the festival of strength and beauty. The Venus Festival. I want to go to festivals with you. So I can…train myself to be the perfect bride. Anyway… I don't have much experience, but I hope you'll be good to me. Boss ♥

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】フィオナLV5 自己紹介


DOAXVV Fiona - Charactor Episodes 2 Steam Version

Japanese English translation

Fiona: 自己紹介……、ですか?はい、よろこんで♪わたくし、「フィオナ 」と申します。趣味は、ダンスを少々…… あの、へ、下手ですけど…… 好きな食べ物は、フォンダンショコラです。嫌いなのは……ニンジンが…… 子供っぽい、とよく言われてしまいます…… あと、お友達のジョンが大好きです。とっても大きくて、やさしくて……あっ、あの、犬の名前です。それから、それから……え……ここに来た理由……?その、以前にも申しましたが……立派な、は、花嫁に……なるために……それに……オーナー様に、お会いしたくて。憶えがない……ですか?ふふっ、わたくしは、オーナー様のことをよく知っています♪憧れていましたから。一目見た時から、ずっと。だから、わたくしのことも、もっともっと、知ってほしくて!あの、よろしくお願いしますね。

Fiona: Introduce myself? I'd be glad to ♪ My name is Fiona. My hobby is dancing, even though I'm… Not exactly the best at it. My favorite food is chocolate fondant. And my least favorite food is…carrots. People say that's rather childish of me… And I love my dearest John. He's so big and so gentle… Oh, that's my dog's name. And then, and then… And then after that... Hm? My reason for coming? I think I mentioned this already… But I came to train to be…the perfect bride. Also… I wanted to meet you so much, boss. You don't remember seeing me before? Heheh. I know a lot about you though, boss. I've admired you for a long time. Since the first time I set eyes on you. So I'm hoping you'll get to know more and more about me as the days pass! It's really nice to meet you.

Episode 3: Do as I Like (自分の好きに)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】フィオナLV10 自分の好きに


DOAXVV Fiona - Charactor Episodes 3 Steam Version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: フェスで使う水着……ですか?わたくし、今これしか持っていないのです。おでかけの準備は、いつも「爺や」が……えっ?オーナー様と一緒に……?はっ、はい、是非♪

Fiona: A swimsuit for the festival? This is all I have at the moment. My butler always packs for me when I go out. Hm? Together with you? I mean, I'd love to ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁっ!素敵な水着がいっぱいですね!オーナー様に選んでいただけるだなんて、嬉しいです♥自分で選ぶ……の、ですか?は、はい、が、がんばります!

Fiona: Wow! Look at all these gorgeous swimsuits! I'm so happy you've decided to choose one for me, boss ♥ Oh, you want me to choose? O-Okay, I'll try to pick a nice one!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あの、これは……どうでしょうか?ちょ、ちょっと派手でしょうか……

Fiona: So…what do you think of this one? Maybe a little too showy…?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: えっと、こちら は……どうですか?チ供っぽすぎる……かな……えっと……その、わたくし……こういうものを自分で選んだことがなくて。いつも、メイドや爺やに任せっきりでしたので。「わたくしが好きなもの」……ですか?えっと……そうだ♪では……

Fiona: Um…What about this? Too childish, perhaps…? Well… It's just that… I've never had to pick out anything like this before. I always had the maid or butler do it for me. Something that I like? Let's see… Okay ♪ How about…

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: これは……どうでしょうか?似合って、いますか?か、かわいい……ですか!?は、はい、ありがとうございます!オーナー様♥

Fiona: What do you think of this? Does it look okay on me? Oh, you think it's…cute!? Yes. Thank you so much, boss! ♥

Episode 4: Do As You Like (あなたの好きに)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】フィオナ LV20 あなたの好きに


DOAXVV Fiona - Charactor Episodes 4 Steam Version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あの、オーナー様?オーナー様は、どのような水着がお好きなのですか?あの、この前はわたくしに、「自分が好きなものを」と……ですから、今度はオーナー様の好きなものを教えていただきたくで……えっ!?こ、これ……ですか?えと……が、がんばります!

Fiona: Uh, boss…? What kind of swimsuit do you like? You asked me to choose what I like the other day, but… Now I want to know what you like. What!? Th-This!? Okay… I'll try it!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あの、こ、これで、よろしいでしょうか……?うう、や、やっぱりダメですっ!は、恥ずかしくて……

Fiona: So… How does this look…? Oh no… I knew it'd be like this! This is so embarrassing…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 「本当に着ると思わなかった」……?そ、そんなオーナー様のイジワルッ!

Fiona: You didn't think I'd "actually wear it?" Ooh… You're such a big meanie, boss!

Episode 5: Photo Shoot (写真撮影)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】フィオナLV30 写真撮影


DOAXVV Fiona - Charactor Episodes 5 Steam Version

Scene 1
Japanese English translation


Fiona: Oh, hello boss ♪ Some photos? Of course, I'd be honored to do that ♥ Hm? By photos, you mean for festival work? I was hoping they'd be of the two of us…together. Posing? I'm not really sure what to do. Could you give me some ideas? Okay, I'll…do my best!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: これで、よろしいですか?

(camera flash)

Fiona: つぎは、こうですね?うふふっ♪楽しくなってきました♪

(camera flash)

Fiona: あ、あの、これはちょっと、恥ずかしいです……でも、チャレンジ……ですね!

(camera flash)

Fiona: 最後の一枚……あの、オーナー様?自分でポーズをとってみて、よろしいでしょうか?はい!では、がんばります♪あの、見ていてくださいね?オーナー槿……は、はずかしい、ですけど……オーナー様に、見て頂けるのなら……オーナー様……そんなに見つめられては……は、はやく撮ってください……も、もう、ダメですっ……!ふう……あの、撮られましたか……?見惚れて、撮れなかった……?も、もう!……オーナー様のイジワル……

Fiona: Does this look alright?

(camera flash)

Fiona: And how about this for the next one? Heheh, this is starting to get fun ♪

(camera flash)

Fiona: Uh… this is a little embarrassing. But I'll take on the challenge!

(camera flash)

Fiona: Boss, for the last photo… Is it all right if I do my own pose? Okay, I'll do the best I can ♪ Watch me, okay? Boss… This is embarrassing, but… If you'll be watching me… Wow, I didn't think you'd be staring that much. Hurry up and take the pics, okay? T-That's…I, I can't do this anymore! Whew… Did you take some good ones? You were too "fascinated" with me, so you didn't take any pictures…? Oh my gosh… You big, big meanie…

Episode 6: Please (おねがい)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】フィオナLV40 おねがい


DOAXVV Fiona - Character Episodes 6 Steam Edition

Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、明日はお休み、ですよね?では、お願いがあります♪あの、わたくしと、その……で、デート……!デートを、していただけませんか?……はあ、言えました……!……ずっと憧れていたのです。オーナー様と、二人で、デートを……お仕事ではなく、プライベートで、いろいろなところにいったり、お話したり……そうだ、お写真も……!あの、よろしいでしょうか?……よかった……♥では、よろしくお願いしますね。ふふっ、とても楽しみです♪えっ?オーナー様も、楽しみ……?……うふふっ♪

Fiona: Tomorrow is your day off, right boss? Well, I've got a favor to ask, then ♪ Would you be able to… You know…! Go on a date with me? Whew… I said it. I've admired you for so long. And going on a date with you would just be… Not for work, but in private. Going places together, chatting… Oh yeah, taking photos too…! So, would you be okay with that? … Yes ♥ I appreciate this boss. Heheh. I'm really looking forward to it ♪ Hm? You are too, boss…? … Heheh ♪

Episode 7: Date Invitation (デートのお誘い)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】 フィオナLV50 デートのお誘い


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Fiona) - 07 - Date Invitation

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、今日の……その「デート」……よろしくお願いします。……え?違う?……そうですね!……では。あの、今日は……一緒に、楽しみましょうね?オーナー様♥

Fiona: Boss… Um, I'm looking forward to that "date." Hm? Wasn't that right? …Silly me! So then… Let's just…enjoy the day together, okay? Boss ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、あっちへ行うてみましょう。そうだ……!オーナー様、あの……手をつないでも……よろしいですか?

Fiona: Boss, let's go take a look over there. Oh yeah…! Boss… Would you mind if I held your hand?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ、願い事が、また一つ叶いました♪

Fiona: Heheh… Another one of my wishes has come true ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様!あれは何という鳥ですか?……?海にネコさんがいるのですか?鳥にしかみえません?

Fiona: Boss look! What kind of bird is that? …? A "sea cat?" But it looks like a bird to me.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ……!これ、美味しい♥今、紅葉さんに、お料理を習ってるのです♪知らない食材がいっぱいですけど、二人であれこれ工夫して作るのが楽しくて♥食べたい……ですか?あの、まだ……「修業」中ですので……

Fiona: Wow…! This is so delicious ♥ Momiji is teaching me how to cook ♪ There's a lot of ingredients I've never heard of, but I love coming up with creative dishes with her ♥ Would you…like to try some? Keep in mind, I'm still in training, so…

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 風が気持ちいい……この島は、一日でこんなに変化するのですね。お城にいては、わからないことばかり……オーナー様……わたくし、ずっと憧れていたのです。初めて、ヴィーナスフェスを見た時……元気に跳ね回る女の子たちが、とてもキラキラ輝いていて……そして、女の子たちを見守る、同じくらいキラキラした、その瞳に……わたくしも、その中に入りたい……キラキラした視線……そして、いつの日か……ま、まだ、修行中ですけど……いつの日か、きっと……

Fiona: What a nice breeze… Things can change so much in a day on this island. I'm always in the castle, so there's so much I don't know about the outside world. Boss… I've always had so much admiration from you. When I first saw the Venus Festival… All the girls frolicking around, glistening in the sun… And that twinkle in your eye, while you're watching the girls run and play… It made me wish that…I could be part of it all. And someday, maybe even… I'm still training, but… Someday I know we'll be…

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 今日はありがとうございました♪オーナー様とずつと一緒にいられて……とても、楽しかったです。あの……よ、よろしければ、また、デート、してくださいますか?……よかった♪では、おやすみなさいませ。オーナー様♥

Fiona: Thank you for a lovely day. It was so much fun spending this much time with you, boss. If you don't mind… Do you think we could… Go on another date together? Great ♪ Well, goodnight boss ♥

Episode 8: After The Date (デートのあとは)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona LV60 デートの後は (after the date)

Japanese English translation

Fiona: こんにちは、オーナー様♥先日はありがとうございました。初めてのデート……とっても、楽しかったです♪本やお話で聞いて、憧れていたのです♪お話の通り、いえ、もっと素晴らしい体験でした♥「何のお話か」ですか……?わたくしのお城に、古くから伝わるお話です。とっても素敵なお話で……ずっと、ずっと、憧れていたのです。初めてのデートのあと……二人は何度もデートを重ね、そして……あることをして、愛を誓うのです。ふふっ、わたくし、もっと頑張ります♪そして、オーナー様と……うふふっ♪

Fiona: hello, owner ♥ Thank you for the other day. First time dating...... I was very happy to hear it in the book and the story, ♪ I was longing to talk, no, It was a more wonderful experience ♥ "what is the story?"...? It is a story transmitted from old to my castle. Very nice story...... I've been longing for a long time. After the first date...... They've dated many times, and... There is a thing and it is a vow of Love. I will try harder, and with the owner... Tofu ♪

Episode 9: Dance (ダンス)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona LV70 ダンス(Dance)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あの、オーナー様……お願いがあるのですが……わたくしと、踊って下さいませんか!?わたくし、がんばって……リード、いたしますので……

Fiona: Well, owner... I have a request... Would you dance with me? I am trying hard... Reed, so we'll...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、よろしくお願いいたします きゃっ…!あ……あの……ん……ひゃっ……!あら、あの、や、やっぱりまだ……こ、心の準備が……もう少し、お時間をいただければは……えうと、が、がんばりますので……

Fiona: CAD, thank you...! Oh... Excuse me...... No... Oh, my...! Oh, well, I still... The mind is ready...... A little more, please give me your time…… I will do my best, but......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: がんばらなくて、いい?あの、それでは……わたくしでは……だめ、ですか?わたくしの、ペースで……?ダンスと同じ……ふふっ。さすが、オーナー様、ですね。では……わたくし、もっともっと……上手になって、きっと……きっと……それまで、もう少しだけ、お待ちくださいますか?……では、タンスの続きは、また。よろしくお願いします、オーナー様

Fiona: Ganbaranai, okay? Well, then... I don't... No, no? At my pace...? Same with Dance...... Ugh. Truly, owner, it is. And now...... I'm more and more... Well, I'm sure... Surely...... Until then, can you wait a little more? ...... Then, the continuation of the wardrobe is also. Thank you, owner

Episode 10: For Next Time (次は、続きを)


DOAXVV 4K【Engsub】Episode Fiona LV75 次は、続きを(Next, continue.)

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、オーナー様、今日はこれで失礼しますね。このうと……ですか?あの……ダンスの練習を……この前は、その……お恥ずかしい姿をお見せしてしまいましたので……なぜ、ダンスにこだわるのか?……たくしの大好きな、古いお話に……ひそかに想い合う二人が、ダンスで心を通わすシーンがあるのです。引っ込み思案の女の子が、勇気をだして、想い人を誘って。わたくしは、ダンスは大好きですが、その、どうしても、上手く踊れなくて……だから、少しでも頑張って、早く、オーナー様と……次こそは、失敗しないように!……?この前みたいな失敗なら、いつでも……?……ひゃっ……!?……次は、その……アクシデントにも、対応できるように……?あっ、いえっ、そういう意味ではなく…………もう……オーナー様のイジワル……

Fiona: Well, owner, excuse me for today. This is... Is it? Excuse me...... Practice dancing...... Before this, that...... Because I showed you embarrassing appearance...... Why do you insist on dancing? ...... Takushi love, to an old story...... There is a scene in which two people very eloquent medium the mind by the dance secretly. The girl of the shy is put out courage, and invites the person who wishes. I love to dance, but I can't really dance well. So, try to do even a little, early, with the owner...... Next time, don't fail! ......? If it's a failure like last time... ...... Oh, my... ...... Next is that... To be able to respond to accidents...? Oh, no, not in that sense...... I don't... Bullying of the owner......

Episode 11: Do You Remember? (憶えていますか?)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Episode Fiona LV80 憶えていますか?(Do you remember?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、こんばんは♪……えっと…………お願いが、あるのです。だから……少し、お散歩をしませんか?

Fiona: Owner, Good Evening ♪...... Let's see............ There is a request. So...... Why don't we take a walk?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): オーナー様、憶えていますか?あの時、わたくしに、言ってくださった言葉。

Fiona (OFF): Do you remember the owner? At that time, the word that I said to me.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: がんばらなくてもいい。わたくしのペースで。ダンスと同じだ……と。……お忘れですか?うふふっ、オーナー様らしいですね。……それで、考えたのです。あの「お話」の女の子は……想い人を誘って、心を通わせて……「そのあと」は、どうしたのでしょう。「幸せに暮らしました」と書かれている、その日々のお話。……「すっと一緒」なのだろうな、と、思ったのです。二人が、同じペースで、一緒に…………だと、いいな、って。だから……オーナー様……わたくしと、踊って下さいませんか?ま、また……失敗、するかもしれませんけど……そうしたら、その次は、もっと、練習して、また……なんどでも、お誘いしますから……わたくしと……一緒に……踊って下さいますか?……!よかった……では、これからも……よろしくお願いします、オーナー様♥

Fiona: You don't have to Ganbaranai. At my pace. Same as Dance...... And. ...... Did you forget? Tofu, it seems to be the owner. ...... So I thought. The girl in the story...... What did you do after "after that" to invite the person who thought, and to communicate with the mind? The story of the day that is written, "I lived happily". ... and I thought, "It's going to be together". Two people, but at the same pace, together...... Well, that's good. So...... Owner... Will you dance with me? Well, again... I might fail, but... Then, the next is to practice more, and...... Hectic, we'll invite you...... I... Together...... Will you dance? ......! Good...... So, in the future...... Thank you, owner ♥

Leifang Episodes

Episode 1: Thanks for waiting! (待たせたわね!)


DOAXVV 【Eng sub】レイファンが来たー!!SSR opening Leifang in coming!


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 01 - Thanks for waiting!

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふふっ、いよいよだわ♪そんにしても……誰もいないのかしら……

Leifang: Heheh, It's almost time ♪ Isn't anybody here?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ねえ、ちょっと、いいかしら?あなた、この島のオーナーって知らない?えっ!?……まさか、あなたが……?

Leifang: Excuse me. Would you happen to know the owner of this island? What!? Seriously…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふーん、あなにがこの島のオーナーさん…………なかなかいい度胸じゃない。おかげで、日に焼けちゃつたわ。見つけてとっちめてやろうと思ってたけど……ま、その度胸に免じて、許してあ。到着時間は伝えてあったはずよ?ちゃんと出迎えくらいしなさいよね。……え?到着予定は……「明日」……?そ……そうだったかしら?まあ、いいわ。細かいことは気にしないで。あらためて。じゃ、あらためて。あなたがこの島のオーナーさんね?わたしは 「レイファン」。しばらく、この島を満喫させてもらうわね♪よろしくね、オーナーさん♪……え?ヴィーナスフェスの……パートナー?ふーん、そういうのがあるんだ……じゃあ、ついでに、それもお願いしちゃおうかしら♪バカンスも、フェスも、楽しませてよね♪オーナーさん♪

Leifang: Hmm… So you're the owner, then. Well, you've got some nerve. I got sunburned thanks to you. I was about to give you a piece of my mind, but I like your confidence, so I'll let it slide. I made my arrival time perfectly clear. The least you could do was come pick me up. Hm? So I was scheduled to arrive…tomorrow? Well… I don't know about that. Anyway, no need to get caught up in the trivial details. Let's start over, shall we? So you own this island? My name's Leifang. I'll be enjoying myself here for a while. So it's nice to meet you ♪ Hm? Your partner for the Venus Festival? Hmm… So they've got festivals here. I just might take you up on that ♪ Make this a time for me to remember, okay?

Episode 2: Self-introduction (自己紹介)


DOAX VV Leifang Character Episodes2 (레이팡 5Lv.케릭터 에피소드)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 02 - Self-Introduction

Japanese English translation

Leifang: え、自己紹介?フエスの登録に必要?ふーん、意外と面倒なのね。ま、いいわ。教えてあげる♪名前は「レイファン」。太極拳最強の使い手よ どんな大男が相手でも、負けないんだから。生まれも育ちも名門で、さらにこの美貌!ふふっ♪「才色兼備」って、まさにわたしのことよね♪この島に来た理由?もちろん、バカンスよ 思いっきり遊んじゃうんだから。フェスは、その「ついで」って感じね。ふふっ、大丈夫よ♪わたしにかかれば、ヴィーナスフェスなんて「遊び」みたいなもの♪ちゃんと、やることはやるんだから。オーナーさんは、大船に乗った気持ちでいてくれればいいの♪な、なによ、その目は……せっかく南の島に来たんだから、バカンスくらい楽しんでもいいじゃない。オーナーさんは、わたしが退屈しないように、バカンスのほうを盛り上げてくれればいいのよ♪じゃあ、よろしくね、オーナーさん♪

Leifang: A self-introduction? To register for the festival? I didn't realize this would be such a hassle. Anyway, why not ♪ My name is Leifang. A master of taiji quan martial arts ♪ I can hold my own against any man. I come from a prestigious family. And I'm hot too! Heheh ♪ The perfect combination of brains and beauty ♪ What made me come to this island? I wanted a vacation, of course. And I know how to have a good time. This "festival" thing is just an afterthought. Hehe. Don't worry ♪ The Venus Festival is just a game to me. But I'll do what I'm supposed to do. Just sit back and let me handle it, boss ♪ Why are you looking at me like that? I'm here in the South Pacific, so I have a right to enjoy my vacation. I expect you to keep me entertained on this vacation so I don't get bored ♪ I'm glad we met like this ♪

Episode 3: Not bad, huh? (悪くないわね)


DOAX VV Leifang Character Episodes3 (레이팡 10Lv.케릭터 에피소드)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 03 - Not bad, huh?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら。オーナーさん、おはよ♪ずいぶん遅いお目覚めみたいね。もう……寝ぼけた顔して……顔でも洗って来たらどう?お話しはそれから、ね?

Leifang: Oh, boss. Morning ♪ You slept in late today. Go splash some water on your face to snap out of that zombie fog. Then I might chat with you.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 顔、洗ってきたわね?すっきりしたでしょ。……で、何の用かしら?フェス用の水着?ふーん、そういうものが必要なのね。いいわ。どうせ暇だし、付き合ってあげる。行きましょ、オーナーさん♪水着選び、手伝わせてあげる。

Leifang: So you washed your face, huh? Much better. Now what did you want? A swimsuit for the festival? Hmm… Didn't realize I needed one. Why not… I am kind of bored, after all. So, let's go, boss ♪ I'll help you pick out my swimsuit.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふふっ。こういうのは、どう?結構目立つと思うんだけど。ちょっと、大人っぽすぎる?ふーん、そういうものなのね……

Leifang: What do you think of this? It really stands out from the rest. A little too mature? Hmm… I think I agree.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃあ、これは?……今度は、幼すぎる?なによ、文句が多いわね……

Leifang: What about this? Now it's too childish? You complain about everything.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: これは……ちょっと、大胆すぎるわよね。ひゃあ!な、何見てるのよ!

Leifang: And this… Is a little too bold, I guess. Hey! What are you looking at!?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Leifang: もう……じゃあ、あなたが選びなさいよ。その代わり、変なの選んだら、ただじゃ置かないわよ?

Leifang: Whatever. You pick it out. But if you pick something weird, I'll make you regret it.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふーん……これ……?たしかに、悪くはないわな。どう?似合っているでしょ?かわいい?ふふっ、素直な感想、ありがと♪オーナーさんのセンスも、悪くないわね。まあ、わたしが着るんだから、何を着ても似合うのは当たり前だけど♪ありがと。オーナーさん♪

Leifang: Hmm… You know… This isn't too bad. Well? I look good in it, right? Cute? Hehe. I appreciate the honesty ♪ Your sense isn't too bad either. I'll be wearing this, but honestly I look good no matter what I wear ♪ Thank you, boss ♪

Episode 4: Let's eat together (一緒に食べましょ)


DOAX VV Leifang Character Episodes4 (레이팡 20Lv.케릭터 에피소드)


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 04 - Let's eat together

Japanese English translation

Leifang: おはよう、オーナーさん。ふふっ、今日は顔くらしいは洗ってきたようね。じゃ、行きましょ♪どこ……って、朝ご飯よ?まさか、普段は食べてないんじゃないでしょうね?まったく……しょうがないわね。ちゃんと朝ご飯食べないと、カが出ないでしょ。ほら、来なさい。オーナーさんにぴったりの朝ご飯、選んであげる。それに、ご飯は誰かと食べたほうが美味しいのよ。その相手がわたしみたいな美女だなんて……ふふっ、ラッキーじゃない。感謝しなさいよね♪

Leifang: Good morning, boss. Heheh. I see you washed your face this morning. Let's get going ♪ Where? To breakfast of course. Don't tell me you typically go without breakfast. That's pretty bad. How can you get through the day without a good breakfast? Come on. I'll choose the perfect breakfast for you. And it tastes even better when you eat with someone else. Especially a beautiful girl like me. Heheh. You really lucked out. So I expect some gratitude ♪

Episode 5: An athletic picture (健康的な写真)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)LV30 健康的な写真a picture of healthy


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 05 - An athletic picture

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: おはよ、オーナーさん♪ふふっ、時間過りね。感心♪感心♪今日もお仕事かしら?じゃ、話は朝ご飯の後で。ご飯は楽しく食べないとねー♪

Leifang: Good morning, boss ♪ Heheh. Right on time. I'm impressed. Off to work again? Well, we can chat after breakfast. Eating should really be an enjoyable experience ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: フェス用の写真?そっか。そういうのも必要なのね。ふふっ、いいわ。そういうことなら、わたしに任せて!健康的からセクシーまで、バッチリ決めてあげるから♪……あっ!えっと、その……撮影は、お昼前でいいかしら?今、おなか一杯食べちゃつたから、水着の撮影は……その……ね?わかるでしょ?今はだめなのよ。鈍いわね、もう……!

Leifang: A picture for the festival? Another requirement, huh? Heheh. That's fine. I'm your girl for the job! I'll give you everything from athletic to sexy ♪ Oh wait…! Umm… Can we do this a little later? I just ate a full meal, so… Swimsuit pics might not be… You get it, right? Now's a bad time. Wow, you are dense…!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はい、お待たせ。じゃ、ポーズの指定、お願いね。

Leifang: Okay, I'm ready. Just tell me how to pose.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: こうかな?

(camera flash)

Leifang: つぎは、これでいいかしら?

(camera flash)

Leifang: ふふっ、見惚れちゃ、ダメよ?

Leifang: Like this, maybe?

(camera flash)

Leifang: How about this for the next one?

(camera flash)

Leifang: Hehe… Don't fall in love.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ね、こういうの、どうかしら?

(camera flash)

Leifang: ふふっ、ありがと♪

Leifang: Hey, what do you think of this?

(camera flash)

Leifang: Heheh. Thank you ♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……じゃあ、最後ね。せっかくだから、オーナーさんの意見も聞いてあげるわ。ちょっと、動きのあるのも欲しい?しょうがないわね……ちょっと離れてなさい?いくわよー!

Leifang: Okay, last one. I wanna hear some feedback from you. You want motion shots, too? Okay, I guess… Stand back.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): せーのっはぁーっ!あっとっとっ……きゃーっ!

Leifang: ぷはっ…!えっ!?きゃああっ!!

Leifang (OFF): Hai-YAH! Hyah! Wh-whoa! Kyah!

Leifang: *Gasp* Huh!? Kyah!

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はあ、ひどい目にあった……もう、足元危ないなら注意してよね……って、まさか、撮ってないでしょうね!?撮ってたら許さないんだから!ふん!

Leifang: *sigh* That was terrible. Why didn't you tell me it's so slippery? You didn't get any of that, did you!? If you did I'll never forgive you! Hmph!

Episode 6: Hard-working Genius (努力の天才)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)LV40 努力の天才 A genius of hard work


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 06 - Hard-working Genius

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ん?

Leifang: Hm?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、オーナーさん。珍しいわね。今日は一段と早いじゃない?ちょっと、そこで待ってて。終わらせちゃうから。

Leifang: Well hey, this is rare. You're up early today. Hold on a minute, okay? I'm just about to finish.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: こら!どこ見てるのかしら?まったく、油断も隙も無い。朝から熱心……って、当り前よ。天才は、こういう普段からの努力も怠らないの。自分の生き方に手を抜くようじゃ、二流ね。意外と真面目なんだ、って?なには、それじゃ、わたしが普段はふざけてるみたいじゃない。わたしは「楽しんでる」だけよ。それは、ちょっと「藻しみすぎる」ことはあるけど……ま、それも、かわいいものでしょ?ね、オーナーさん♪

Leifang: Hey! What are you looking at? I can't let my guard down for a second. Of course I do this every morning. Geniuses have to make an effort, too. Keeping up a body like this takes work. You're surprised I'm this serious? You make it sound like I usually just goof around. I'm just enjoying my life, okay? Sometimes I go a little too far in my enjoyment, but… That's another cute feature of mine. Right, boss?

Episode 7: Compensation (埋め合わせ)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)LV50 埋め合わせ make it up


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 07 - Compensation

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: こんにちは、オーナーさん。いま、ちょっといいかしら?…………わたしに、何か言いたいでとは?……そ。朝の鍛錬、見に来なかったじゃない。最近いつも見に来てるから、今日も来るものだと思ってたのに。ま、「忘れてた」とか「寝坊した」ってだけなら……そうね……埋め合わせ、させてあげるわ♪午後は付き合いなさい?

Leifang: Hey there, boss. Do you have a minute? … Is there something you'd like to tell me? Uh-huh. You didn't come to see me train this morning. You've been coming every day lately, so I expected to see you there. If you just forgot, or maybe slept in too late… Wait… I know how you'll make it up for it ♪ Spend some time with me this afternoon.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ね、これ、似合うかしら?ふふっ、相変わらず素直な感想ね。もう少し、捻くれた方が可愛げがあるわよ?でも、ありがと♪で、あっちに飲茶の屋台見つけたの。な、お手並み拝見と行かない?杏仁豆腐があればいいんだけど♪

Leifang: Hey, do you think this suits me? Hehe. You're always nice with your feedback. Being a little more cheeky might be fun. But thanks all the same ♪ Anyway, I found a Chinese snack stand over there. Let's go see if they're any good. I hope they have annin tofu

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: うーん、楽しかった♪どう?楽しかった?オーナーさん♪そ、よかった。ちょっと疲れた顔してたから。たまには、気晴らしもしないとね♪人生、楽しまなきゃ大損よ?ありがとう……って……ふふっ、ホント、素直な人ね。こっちこそ、付き合ってくれてありがと。じゃ、この後は一緒に夜ご飯な!ほら、前に言ったでしょ?ご飯は、誰かと食べた方が美味しいの。今朝は、お互い一人だったでしょ?その埋め合わせなんだから、最後までしっかり付き合いなさい♪

Leifang: Ahh, that was fun ♪ Did you have a nice time, boss? Glad to hear it. You looked a little tired. So it's important to have some fun every now and then. If you can't enjoy life you're really missing out. Thank you? Heheh. You're too nice. The pleasure is all mine. We should have dinner together after this. Remember what I said before? Eating with someone makes it so much more delicious. We both had breakfast alone, right? So to compensate, let's hang out together the rest of the day ♪

Episode 8: I can't enjoy this. (わたしが楽しめない)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)LV60 私が楽しめないI can not enjoy


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Leifang) - 08 - I can't enjoy this

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、こんばんはオーナーさん。こんな遅くまでお仕事?ふふっ、ご苦労様。まあ、いつも、わたしと楽しくバカンスしてるんだから……たまには真面目に働くのも、悪くないんじゃない?……えっ?毎日?毎日このよ時間までお仕事して……それで、毎朝あの時間に?……オーナーさん、お仕事は中止。ちょっと、休憩しましょ。

Leifang: Oh good evening, boss. You're working pretty late tonight. Heheh. I'm impressed. Since you're always having fun with me… I suppose a little hard work every once in a while doesn't hurt. Huh? Every day? You work this late every day, then get up that early the next morning? … Boss, I forbid you from working. Let's take a little break.

Scene 2

No dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: まったく、もう……熱心なのはいいけど、無理は禁物よ?毎朝会ってるのに気が付かなかったわたしも、わるいんだけど……食事もそうだけど、睡眠も大切なんだから。ちゃんと食べて、寝て、遊んで……でないと、バカンスも楽しめないでしょ。え?わたしやみんなに楽しんでもらうため……?はあ……オーナーさんが、無理してるって思うと、わたしも楽しめないじゃない?こら、意外そうな顔しないでよ……これでも心配してるんだから。好きでやってるなら止めはしないけど、無理はしないように、ね。オーナーさんがもし倒れたりしたら………………そうね、その時は、わたしが面倒見てあげようかしら♪パ、パートナーとして、……ね。

Leifang: You are some piece of work. I mean, it's good to have passion, but I refuse to let you overwork yourself. I'm partly to blame for this, since you see me every morning but I never noticed you're exhausted. Nutrition is important, but so is sleep. Without ample food, sleep, and fun this vacation won't be worth it. Huh? You're doing this so me and everyone else can have fun? *sigh* How can I have fun if I know you're slaving away at work all day? Hey, don't look surprised. This has really got me worried. I won't stop you if you enjoy working, but just don't overdo it, okay? I mean, if you were to collapse… … Yeah, I would probably end up taking care of you if that happened ♪ I mean, as your "partner" of course.

Episode 9: Mmm… (あーん)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)LV70 あ~ん Open your mouth honey!

Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): オーナーさん、どうしたの?……風邪?熱があるって……大丈夫?仕方ないわね……今日は無理せず、ゆっくり寝てていいわよ。 オーナーさん……オーナーさん……

Leifang: 熱、ちょっとは下がった?じゃあ、何が食べて、体のつけないとね わたし手作りの本格中華……ってわけにはいかないけど、まあ、お粥くらいなら、ね。さ、食べさせてあげる。ふー、ふー……はい、あーん……どう?おいしいでしょ?わたしょ自慢の、 四川風激辛粥。温まるわよ?ふー、ふー……ほら、どんどん食べなさい?きゃっ……あつっ……!ひゃあっ……あああーーーっ……ひゃっ!?わぁっ…… この一っ!はぁ一っ!はっ!たぁーっ!……はっ!?いっけない、またやっちゃった……あ、あの、ご、ごめんね?大丈夫……?

Leifang (OFF): ひゃっ!?

Leifang: わぁっ…… この一っ!はぁ一っ!

Leifang (OFF): はっ!たぁーっ!……はっ!?

Leifang: いっけない、またやっちゃった……あ、あの、ご、ごめんね?大丈夫……?

Leifang (OFF): What's wrong, Mr. Owner? ...... Cold? He said he had a fever. No problem? I have no choice. Don't overdo it today, you can sleep slowly. Mr. owner... Mr. owner...

Leifang: Is the heat down a bit? then, What do you eat, I do not wear the body ♪ I handmade authentic chinese...... I'm Not going to, well, if it's porridge. Let me eat it. hmm... yes, uh...... How? yummy, huh? The Sichuan-style spicy porridge of my boast. You're warming up? hmm... hey, Eat fast? oh, my... oh, my God. oh, my... oh, um...

Leifang (OFF): oh, no!

Leifang: wow... This one! Come on!

Leifang (OFF): Repellent hey! ......ha!?

Leifang: I didn't say it again. oh, you know, sorry? No problem......?

Episode 10: Of course it's delicious (美味しいに決まってる)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】レイファン(Leifang)EP LV75 美味しいに決まってる No doubt this is going to be delicious.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: オーナーさん、おはよ 。体調は……今日はよさそうね。まさか本当に倒れるとはね……もう無理はしないように。倒れちゃったら、結局長引くんだから。みんなに迷惑、かけちゃダメよ?え?風邪は一目で、残りは打儂……?……もう、そのことは謝ったでしょ?悪かったわよ。お互い、事故みたいなもんじゃない。ま、そこまで言い返す元気があるなら、もう、朝は作らなくてもいいかしら?わたしの手料理が食べられなくなるなんて、残念ね。もう少し寝ていた方がいいんじゃない?え?普段味見はしないのかって?どうして?わたしが作るんだもの。美味しいに決まってるでしょ?

Leifang: You're the owner. my physical condition... It looks good today. No way... it really falls. Don't overdo it. When it falls, it is prolonged after all. You're not bothering anyone, do you? What? Commanded cold is at a glance, the rest is hitting......? ...... You already apologized for that, didn't you? I'm sorry. It's not like an accident. Well, if you have the energy to say it back, do you have to make it in the morning? It's a pity that I won't be able to eat my cooking. Maybe you should sleep a little longer. What? Don't you usually taste it? Why? I make it. It's delicious, isn't it?

Episode 11: Let's have some fun ♪ (楽しみましょ♪)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Leifang Episode LV80 楽しみましょ♪(Let's enjoy♪)

Japanese English translation

Leifang: んー、今日も一日、充実してたわ。夜ご飯も美味しかったし、明日も明日も朝から頑張れそう♪ふふっ、バカンスのつもりで来たのに、結局、フェスで活躍しちゃってるわね♪毎朝の鍛錬も、一人より気合が入るし、ご飯も美味しいし……ふふっ、わたし、このバカンスでかなりパワーアップしだと思らわ♪……誰かさんのおかげ、かしらね?……身体も心もリフレッツユできたし、パワーアップもできた……そろそろバカンスも終わりかなー……って、考えたりもしたけど…………もう少しだけ、ここにいてあげるわ。あなたのこと、ほっとけないでしょ?この島のことも、みんなのことも。わたしがいなくなったら、困るじゃない?……困らない、とか、言わないでよね。……こっちが困っちゃうじゃない……だから、みんなや……オーナーをおが、わたしを必要としてくれている限りは、いであげる。あと……わたし自身が、必要と思う限りは。だから……これからもよろしくね、オーナーさん。一緒にバカンス、楽しみましょ♪ね?

Leifang: Well, I had a full day today. The evening meal was delicious, and it seemed to be good luck from the morning tomorrow and tomorrow, even though I came by the intention of the vacation, after all, I'm going to play an active part in the festival! Hmm, I think it's pretty powerful on this vacation. Thanks to someone, I wonder? ...... The body and the mind were able to reflect, and the power-up was able. I wonder if the vacation is over soon...... I thought about it, but...... I'll be here just a little longer. You don't Tbk, do you? This island and everyone. When I'm gone, you're in trouble? ...... Don't bother, don't say it. ...... This is not a problem... So, guys or...... As long as the owner needs me, I'll give it to you. The rest...... As long as I think I need it myself. So...... Thank you, owner. Let's enjoy our vacation together!

Tamaki Episodes

Episode 1: How cute ♥ (カワイイわね♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE05


(Eng) Tamaki Opening Episode - How cute

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、これ… … うう… …

Tamaki: いいわ… …、うん。 そうね… …そう、もうちょっと… …

Misaki: こ、こう… …?

Tamaki: そう… …それ!いいね!最高♥

Tamaki (OFF): ふふっ いいわよー♪ キミ、みさきちゃん、だっけ?かわいいわね!

Misaki: あの… … うーん… …

Tamaki: わたし、あなたのこと気にスラちっやった。だから、もうちょっとだけね?

Misaki: え?あ、あの… …

Tamaki: とりあえず、その上に着てるの、脱いじゃおっか?

Misaki: オーナー!

Tamaki: はぁ… … …うふっ♥ … …ふーん、あなたが… … わたしは「たまき」。よろしく、オーナーくん♥

Misaki: Um, could you… Mmm…

Tamaki: That's nice… Mm-hm… Yeah… Just a little more…

Misaki: L-Like this…?

Tamaki: Yes… Just like that! This is amaaazing ♥

Tamaki (OFF): Heheh. This feels sooo good ♪ Aren't you Misaki? You're such a cutie!

Misaki: Um… Hmm…

Tamaki: I think I'm falling for you. So just a little longer…okay?

Misaki: Huh? U-Umm…

Tamaki: Anyway, why don't we get that top off of you?

Misaki: Boss!

Tamaki: *Sigh* Heheh ♥ So, you're the boss, hm? I'm Tamaki. Nice to meet you ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ここ、いい島ね。思ってたよりも楽しめそう♪あっ、みさきちゃん。お手伝いありがと♥オーナーくんとはわたしが話すから。また、あとでね?♥

Tamaki: What a nice island. This could be more fun than I thought ♪ Hey, Misaki. Thanks for the help ♥ I have to talk to the boss about something. See ya later ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: さで……と、改めて……の方がいいわよね?わたしは「たまき」。オーナーくん、あなたにお願いがあるの。単刀直入に言うわ。わたしをパートナーにしてくれない?ふふふっ♥「なんで?」って顔してるわね♪わたし、デザイン系の仕事してるんだけど、このフェス、ちょっと気になってたの。で、視察に来たんだけど……ついでだから、参加しちゃおうと思って♥と、のうことで、どう?……んー、そうね、お互いお仕事だもの。あなたにも、メリットが 無いとね?どう?わたし、デザイナーになる前はモデルだったの。この過り、体は鍛えてるから、あなたのお仕事に「いろいろ」役立つと思うな。ほら、どう?ちょっとは、自信あるんだけどなー。……はーい、そこまで♥ふふっ、決まりみたいね?よろしく♥オーナーくん。

Tamaki: Let's see… Maybe we should start over, huh? My name is Tamaki. And…could I ask you a favor? I won't beat around the bush here. Will you be my partner? Heheheh ♥ Why do you look so puzzled? I work in costume design, but this festival has me a little curious. I just came to watch at first… But since I'm here, I thought I might join in ♥ What do you think? Hmm… That's true, we're both working. So there has to be something in it for you too. How about this… Before I got into design, I was a model. As you can see, I'm in great shape. So I'll be quite useful to you in all sorts of ways. See? What do you think? I'm feeling pretty confident actually. All right…that's enough ♥ Heheh, seems like you've decided. I won't disappoint you, boss ♥

Episode 2: Self intro time ♥ (自己紹介♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE04


(Eng) Tamaki LV5 Episode - Self intro time

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ん?自己紹介?そういえはく、ちゃんとはまだだっけ? まあ、そんな珍しい物じゃないけど♥名前は「たまき」。元モデルで、今はデザイナーやってます♥水着は、モデルもデザイナーも両方経験あるから、なんでも聞いてね?このフェス、面白そうだったから、実際に感じてみたくなって来てみたの。最近忙しくて、羽も伸ばしたかったし、あと……まあ、ちょっと、いろいろね。そんなことより、さ。オーナーくんの話、聞かせて♪わたし、あなたに興味があるの♥たとえばぁ……♪……ね、どの子が一番なの?うふふ、慌てなくても、時間はたっぷりあるか♪じっくり、聞き出してあげる♥

Tamaki: Hm? Introduce myself? I guess I never introduced myself properly. There's not really much to say ♥ My name is Tamaki. Former model, current designer ♥ I have experience modeling and designing swimsuits, so ask me anything about it. This festival seemed pretty interesting to me, so I came to get a taste for myself. Life's been so hectic lately, so I had to get away from it all, and sort of spread my wings, you know? Anyway, that's enough about me. Tell me about yourself, boss ♪ I'm interested in you ♥ I mean, like… Who's your favorite girl? Heheh, take your time, we have a lot of it ♪ I'll get it out of you eventually ♥

Episode 3: I'll wear anything for you ♥ (なんでも着てあげる♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE03


(Eng) Tamaki LV10 Episode - I'll wear anything for you

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふわぁ、あ、オーナーくん、おはよう。あー、もうこんな時間……?昨日、ちょっとはしゃぎすぎちゃった……ごめんなさい、起こしに来てくれんの?……って、何か約束してたっけ?ふふっ♪約束無しに、レディの部屋に入るからには……うふふ、覚悟できてる?え?お仕事?フェス用の水着……かぁ……着の身着のままで出てきたから、フェスに出るなら、たしかに必要ね。じゃ、早速行きましょ♪オーナーくんが、選んでくれるのよね?ふふっ、好きなの、なんでも着てあげる♥

Tamaki: *Yawn* Oh, good morning, boss. Yikes, I can't believe it's so late in the day… I partied a little too hard last night. Did you come to wake me up? Hm? Were we supposed to do something? Heheh ♪ Then why would you come to a woman's room like this? Heheh, don't you know I'm after one thing? Oh, you're here for work? A swimsuit for the festival, huh… Well, I came here with the clothes on my back, so I definitely need something for the festival. Let's go see what they have ♪ You pick it out for me, okay? Heheh… I'll wear whatever you like ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): 着替え完了。オーナーくん、心の準備は?

Tamaki: じゃーん♥オーナーくん、こういうのが好きなんだ?ふーん……なるほど。……ね?ちょっと、遠慮してる?本当はどういうのが好き?なんでも着てあげるから、言ってみて?

Tamaki (OFF): I've got it on. Are you ready for this, boss?

Tamaki: Ta-dah ♥ So this is what you like, huh? Interesting. Are you being a little shy? What is it you really like? I'll wear anything you want, so don't be bashful.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ほう、こう来たか……じゃ、見ぜてあげるね?

Tamaki: はい、どーぞ♥ふふっ、やっぱり、こういうのが好きなんだ。遠慮なんかいらないのに。次からは、「好きなの」を言ってね?でないと、わからなくなっちゃう。あ、もちろん、わたしも遠慮しないから、ね♥

Tamaki (OFF): Wow, this is pretty bold. But I'll wear it for you.

Tamaki: Okay, take a look ♥ Heheh, so this is what you like. No need to be shy. Next time, be blunt about what you like. Otherwise, I'll never know. I won't hold anything back either ♥

Episode 4: Just say it ♥ (言ってみて?♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE02


(Eng) Tamaki LV20 Episode - Just say it

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あ、オーナーくん。なに?暇なの?♪じゃ、ちょっとお話しよ。うなわたしも暇してたんだー♪ね、この水着、どう?「似合ってる」って?じゃあ、質問、変えるね。ねえ?これ、「好き」?ん……?ふふっ、どうして照れるの?自分で選んだ水着なのに。ね?言ってみて?うん。ふふっ♥オーナーくんの「好き」、いただきました。みんなに自慢しちゃおらかな?なんて、冗談♪でも、大切なことだから。……言ってくれてよかった♪ありがと♥

Tamaki: Oh, hi boss. Hm? Just killing some time? Let's chat a little, then. I was kind of bored myself ♪ What do you think of this swimsuit? Okay, so it "looks good" on me… But let me rephrase the question. Do you "like" it on me? Hm…? Heheh… Why are you turning red? You chose this swimsuit, after all. So let's hear it. Good. Heheh ♥ I finally got you to say you "like" something about me. Maybe I'll brag to everyone about it. Just kidding ♪ But it was important for me to hear. So I'm happy ♪ Thanks ♥

Episode 5: Do you like this? ♥ (こういうの、好き?♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE01


(Eng) Tamaki LV30 Episode - Do you like this?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あ、オーナーくん、おはよー……すぐ支度するね。今日はなんのお仕事?フェス用の写真撮影か。ふふっ、モデルなら、任せておいて♪オーナーくんが好きなポーズ、なんでもしてあげる♥

Tamaki: Oh, hi boss… I'll be ready in a second. What kind of work do you have for me today? A photo session for the festival? Heheh, if you need a model, I'm your girl ♪ I'll do any pose you want ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、始めましょ。オーナーくん、準備できてる?

Tamaki: So let's get started. Are you ready, boss?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: はい。ポーズ♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: どうぞ♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こう?♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: うん、なかなかいいんじゃない?でも、もっと積極的になってほしいなぁ……じゃあ、今度はわたしの番♪どんどんポーズしていくから、好きに撮ってね。

Tamaki: Time to pose ♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Take some shots ♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Hehe, like this?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Yeah, that's pretty good. But be a little more assertive. I'll show you how it's done ♪ Time for some crazy posting, so take a lot of shots.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: はい♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: これはどうかな?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: うふふ、どんどんいくよ?

Tamaki: See?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: How about this?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Heheh, I'll do a lot more.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ねえ、こういうの?好き?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: それとも、こっちの方がいい♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: んー、じゃあ、最後。ちょっと準備するから、目、閉じてで?

Tamaki: So how about this? Do you like it?

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Or is it better?♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Now for the last one. Close your eyes while I get ready, okay?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ふふふっ、はい、もういいよ♥

Tamaki: ……どうかな?♥ふふっ、ありがとう。嬉しい♥ほら、はやく撮って。ね?♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: うふふっ♥

Tamaki (OFF): Heheh, okay, you can open them ♥

Tamaki: What do you think? Heheh, thank you. That makes me happy ♥ Hurry up and start shooting ♥

(camera flash)

Tamaki: Heheh♥

Episode 6: I'll tell you ♥ (教えてあげる♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE06


(Eng) Tamaki LV40 Episode - I'll tell you

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん、フェス用の写真、どれを使うか、もう決めた?ふーん、まだ悩んでるの?プロとしてアドバイス……?うーん……水着の時と同じ♥オーナーくんの「好きかが知りたいなぁ♥うーん……じゃあ、ちょっとだけ、一緒に見ようか♪どうせなら、わたしの写真じゃなくて、他の女の子の写真が見たいなぁ♥ほらほら、自分の写真だと、わたしの意見が強くなっちゃつから。ね、いいでしょー?見せて見せて♥

Tamaki: Have you decided which pictures to use for the festival? Hmm, still can't decide, huh? My professional advice? Well… Just like with the swimsuit, I wanna know what you like ♥ Hmm… Let's have a look together ♪ I don't wanna see any pics of me. Show me the other girls ♥ When it comes to my own pics, I get pretty opinionated. Come on, show me, show me ♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: まずは……みさきちゃん♥ふふっ、さすが近くで見てるだけあるね。ふーん、オーナーくんの前だとこんな顔するんだ♪カワイイー!わたしもこんな顔させてみたい♥

Tamaki: First we have…Misaki ♥ Heheh, I can tell you've been watching her closely. Hmm, so this is how she looks in front of you ♪ How cute! I wanna get her to make that face, too ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 次は、ほのかちゃん♥これは……あらためて見ても、すごい。そうそう、形の変化や、濡らしたり……質感、大事。柔らかでしっとりして……触り心地、想像しちゃう♥

Tamaki: Next we have Honoka ♥ Now that I look at her carefully, wow. The change in shape, that wet look, and texture. That soft, moist look I can almost touch ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: こっちは、マリーちゃん?おおー、オーナーぐん分かってる!なめらかな肌……胸からおなか、 腰へのこの、絶妙なラインがたまらないのよね……♥

Tamaki: And now for Marie. Wow, you know how to take shots of her! That smooth skin…and those curves, from chest, to stomach, to hips… Super hot ♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あー、楽しかった!堪能しちゃった♥え?アドバイス……?もう、オーナーくんは、こわかってると思うけどな♪オーナーくんの「好き」、いっぱい伝わってきたよ♥え?わからない?そっか……じゃあ……分かるまで、教えてあげる♥これから、なにか食べにいこ?

Tamaki: Mmm, that was fun! I'm satisfied ♥ Hm? Advice? I think you know by now, boss ♪ This little session gave me a good idea of what you like ♥ Hm? You don't you know what I'm talking about? Okay… Well… I'll just have to clear it up for you ♥ How about we go grab a bite to eat?

Episode 7: About to drop my guard ♥ (油断しちゃいそう♥)


DOAXVV Tamaki CE07


(Eng) Tamaki LV50 Episode - About to drop my guard

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん、お仕事終わった?わたしも今帰りなんだ一♥じゃあ……さ、一緒にディナーとか、どう?ふふっ、じゃ、行こっか♪……ほら、腕、出して?じゃ、エスコ一トよろしくね?

Tamaki: All done for the day, boss? I'm heading home, too ♥ Think we can grab some dinner together? Great, let's go ♪ Hey, give me your arm. Be my escort, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ごちそうさまでした♥一日遊んで、美味しいごはん食べて……ん一、バカンス、って感じ!あ、ごめん。オーけーくんま、今日もお仕事か…………ね、「これ」も、お仕事?なんて、ちょっと意地悪な質問かな♥じゃあ……お仕事、楽しい?……そう、よかった♪今日は何してたか?ふふっ、もうバカンス満喫よ♥ね、知ってる?こころちゃんって、恥ずかししがるとまっ白なお肌がきれいなさくら色になるの♥かわいかったなぁ……ルナちゃんはさすが学者さんね。好奇心が強くて、なんでも試してみたがるの。もう、積極的で、わたしのほうが困っちゃった♥……ふふっ。みんなほんと可愛くて、のびのびしてて……わたしも、あんなふうになりたいな……って思っちゃった。え?もう、のびのびしでる、って?ふふっ。……オーナーくんといると、なんか安心するの。だから、みんな、あんな風になれるのかな…………わたしも、油断しちゃいそう♥さて、今日はここまでにしとこうかな。これ以上は酔っちゃいそう♪じゃあ、おやすみなさい。オーナーくん♥

Tamaki: That was delicious ♥ Topping off my day with an amazing meal… Now this is how a vacation should be! Oh, I'm sorry. You've got work today, boss? Is this considered work, too? I guess that's sort of a mean thing to ask ♥ So…are you enjoying your "work"? That's good ♪ Hm? What did I do today? Heheh, just indulging in my vacation ♥ Hey, you know what? When Kokoro gets embarrassed, her lily white skin turns a nice pink hue ♥ It was so cute to witness… And Luna's a scholar. She's really curious and will try anything. That girl's aggressive, even I was embarrassed ♥ Heheh. Everyone is so cute and relaxed here. Sometimes I wish…that I could be more like that. Hm? I'm already like that? Heheh… Well, I do feel really relaxed when I'm around you. Maybe you're the reason everyone is so relaxed around here… I might let my guard down ♥ I guess that's all for today. Any more and I might get drunk ♪ Good night, boss ♥

Episode 8: Be responsible ♥ (貢任眼ってよね♥)


DOAXVV 【Eng Sub】EPISODE TAMAKI LV60 (たまき)責任と取ってよね♡


(Eng) Tamaki LV60 Episode - Be responsible

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: んー……っよっ……ん……はぁ……ひゃっ、お、オーナーくん?びっくりしたぁ……なあに、こんなところで……わたしは……その、自主んしというか……ちょっと、ね、最近緩みすぎかな、って。精神的にも……肉体的にも…………主に……肉体の方か……わたし油断すると、すぐ体に出ちゃって……はぁ。こ、こら、あんまりジロジロ見ない……!……恥ずかしいでしょ?いつもと同じ、って、違うの!わたしにだって、乙女心はあるんだから……一応。 ……もう!見られたからには……オーナーくん、ほら、一緒に走ろ?こうなったのはオーナーくんのせいでもあるんだし……それに、オーナーくんのためでもあるんだから……♥責任、取ってよね♥

Tamaki: Urrrgh… Ruh… Rrrngh… Sigh… Oh! Is that you, boss? You scared me. What are you doing here? I'm just doing a little…self-training. I've been letting myself go a little too much lately. Physically and mentally…but… Especially…physically… When I get a little too lazy… You can see it in my figure… *Sigh* H-Hey, don't stare at me like that…! This is embarrassing. You think I look the same as always? No way! I am a woman, you know… And now that you've seen me like this… What do you say we go for a run? It's really your fault this happened, after all… In a way, I'm doing it for you ♥ So admit you're responsible ♥

Episode 9: I'm waiting ♥ (待ってるからね♥)


DOAXVV 【Eng sub】get violently drunk TAMAKI LV70 たまき まってるからね♡(waiting for you♡)


(Eng) Tamaki LV70 Episode - I'm waiting

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): あ、オーナーくん?うふふっ、わ・た・しー♥ そう♪酔っぱらってるの♪じゃあ、待ってるから♪ね?

Tamaki (OFF): Oh, hey boss. Guess what ♥ Yup, I'm sooo drunk ♪ And I've been waiting for youuuu ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ん……オーナーくん……?もう、遅かったじない……ふわぁ……んー?寝るならベッドに?ん、抱っこ♥……

Tamaki (OFF): んー、らくちんらくちん……

Tamaki: Boss…? *Sigh* You're late… Yawn… Hm? I should get in bed? Mmm… Carry me ♥

Tamaki (OFF): Mmm… This is nice…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ……ありがとー。ふふっ……すきありーっ!……ね、もうちょっとだけ、ここにいて?なんで……って……待ってたんだから……少しくらい、いいでしょ?

Tamaki: Hehe… Thank you. Hehe… Gotchaaa! Hey…could you stay a little while longer? What do you mean, "why?" I was waiting for you. Just a little longer, okay?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふぅ……ふふっその困り顔見たら、安心しちゃった。おやすみなさい……寝るまで……そばにいてね。

Tamaki: *Sigh* Heheh. That troubled look on your face relaxes me. Goodnight… Stay with me till I fall asleep, okay?

Scene 5

Note, this has a dialogue box

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あっ、おはよう。オーナーくん。疲れた顔……どうしたの?寝不足?あっ……あの……昨旧……わたし、何か……した……?えっと、その……わ、忘れて……?くれなくても……いいんだけど……そうだ、お詫びに、ご馳走する!……ほら、そんな困った顔しない。今日も、待ってるから、ね?ふふっ♥

Tamaki: Oh, good morning, boss. You look tired. Not enough sleep last night? Oh… Um… Did I do something… Yesterday…? You know, just forget it ever h– Actually… I don't mind if you remember… I'd like to apologize by treating you to dinner! Don't give me that look. I'll be waiting for you. Heheh ♥

Episode 10 What a waste, right? ♥ (もったいないでしょ♥)


DOAXVV【Eng Sub】TAMAKI LV75 勿体ないでしょ?たまき♡It's a waste?

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: おはよう、オーナーくん♥この前は、ごめんね?ちょっと、油断しちゃつた……♪わたし、酔っちゃうと、ダメなの。自分ではよく覚えてないんだけど、その、なんていうか……え……?かわいかった……って……こ、こら、からかわないでよ、もう!あっ、「誰にでも」ってわけじゃないからね!?ちゃんと相手を選んでる、みたい……だから……その、誤解、しないで?また見たい……って?もう…!だーめ。わたしだけ覚えてないなんて……不公平だし……もったいないでしょ?だから、次は……その、酔っちゃつ前に……ね?

Tamaki: Good morning, Mr. Owner. I was a bit off guard... ♪ when I'm drunk, It's not Good. I don't remember myself well, but I don't know. What......? Cute...... What...... oh, come on, don't make fun of me! oh, It's not "anyone"!? I want to choose a partner properly. So...... that, misunderstanding, Don't you? Want to see again...... What? No more...! That's it. I just don't remember...... It's Unfair. Is it a waste? so, next...... Before that, drunk one...... Right?

Episode 11 I won't tell you yet… ♥ (まだ言わない、ね♥)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】TAMAKI LV80 まだ言わない、ね♡ (I won't tell you yet♡)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あ、オーナーくん。ちょっとね、考え事……かな。あっ、なによ、その顔……わたしでも、そういうことくらいあるんクだから。……ちょっとだけ、聞いてくれるかな。大丈夫。今日は酔ってないから♪ね。だから、少しだけ。

Tamaki: Oh, owner. Hey, thinking...... I wonder. Oh, my face... Even I have such a thing. ...... Can you listen to me a little bit? No problem. I'm not drunk today.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ここ、本当にいい島ね。すっかり気に入っちゃった。

Tamaki: 景色もいいし、ごはんもおいしいし、かわいい女の子もいっぱいだし……それに……オーナーくんもいるし。……オーナーくんはさ……この島や、お仕事や、みんなのこと、好き? ……ふふっ。迷い無しね。うん、良かった。その一言が、聞きたかったの。わたしはさ、前にいたところで、それがよくわからなくなっちゃって。だから、自分がもう一度、そういう気持ちになれるのか、確かめにきたの。うん、ここに来てよかったし……あなたに会えてよかった。ね、オーナーくん。……わたしのこと、好き?……ふふっ、ありがと♥わたしは、オーナーくんのこと…………うふふっ。まだ、言わない♥わがまま言って、からかって、困らせて、怒らせて、呆れられて……ときどき、甘えて……♥もう少しだけ、このままがいいな。だから、まだ、言わない。ね?うふふっ、じゃあ、これからもよろしくね?オーナーくん♥

Tamaki (OFF): So just a little bit. This is a really nice island. I like it completely.

Tamaki: The scenery is good, the rice is delicious, and there are a lot of pretty girls, too. It...... The owner is also there. ...... The owner is... Do you like this island, your work or everyone else? ...... Ugh. No hesitation. Yes, good. I wanted to hear that one word. I've been there before and I'm not sure how to do it. Therefore, I came to confirm whether I became such feelings again. Yes, I'm glad I came here...... It was nice to meet you. Hey, owner. ...... Do you like me? ...... Ugh, thanks ♥ I'm the owner of the...... Tofu. I'm not telling you, I'm not saying it's selfish, teasing, harassing, making me angry and amazed. Sometimes, I'm a spoiled... ♥ Just a little bit more like this. So, not yet, say. Right? Tofu, then, what do you say? Owner-kun ♥

Luna Episodes

Episode 1: The Food I Want To Eat (食べたいもの)




(Eng) Luna Opening Episode - The Food I Want To Eat

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: … … … … ? あの… … わたしに、何が… … この格好、ですが?これは、その… … ごらんのとおりです… … お腹がすいて… … へ… … ? 食べたいものですか… … ?や… … やきいも… …

Luna: … …? Um… May I help you…? My situation here? Well… As you can see… I was hungry, and… Hm? What am I craving? Roasted… Sweet potato…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふう。……おいしかった。……ところで、あなたは…… この島の、オーナーさん……?オーナーさんは、何の御用でここに?その、行き倒れを助ける以外 で……ですが……ヴィーナスフェス…… ?なるほど。それは好都合ですね…… ……いえ、こちらの話。わかりました。わたしでよろしければ。協力させてください。わたし、ですか?わたしは、ルナ。学者なのです。世界を旅してるので、運動もそこそこはいけますよ?では、よろしくお願いします。オーナーさん。……ごくり。そろそろ、続き、食べてもいいですか?

Luna: Whew. That was quite good. By the way, you were saying… You own this island? What are you doing here? Other than helping those passed out on the beach, that is… The Venus Festival? I see… That sounds convenient. For me, that is. All right. If you think I'm good enough, I'd be glad to help. Some things about me? Well, my name is Luna. I'm a scholar. I'm traveling the world, you know, so I'm in pretty good shape. It was nice meeting you, sir. …gulp. May I continue eating?

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)




(Eng) Luna LV5 Episode - Self-Introduction

Japanese English translation

Luna: 自己紹介…… ですか?わたしは「ルナ」。世界を旅する……していた学者なのです。しばらく、この島でお世話になります。三食おやつ付きで……ふふ。これは調査がはかどる。ご安心ください。フェスもやります。ところで、オーナーさん、一つお願いが……あの、おやつは、やきいもで……よろしくお願いします。

Luna: Some things about me? I'm Luna, a scholar traveling the world. Or I was, anyway. I'll be spending some time on this island, with all meals included please. And snacks. Hehe. This will speed up my investigation. But don't worry, I'll do the Festival too. Oh, and by the way, could you do me a favor? By snacks, I mean roasted sweet potatoes. It was nice meeting you, sir.

Episode 3: This Is Cute (これは、かわいい)




(Eng) Luna LV10 Episode - This Is Cute

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、おはようでさいます。先ほど朝ごはんをいただきました。ここはいい島ですね。ご飯がおいしい……しあわせ…………ところで、何かご用ですか?フェス用の水着……つまり「お祭りの衣装」ですか。それは興味深い。どのようなものがあるのか、楽しみです。

Luna: Good morning, sir. I just had some breakfast. This is a nice island. The food is good…And I feel great. Did you want something? A swimsuit for the festival… So basically, a "festive costume"? It sounds fascinating. I look forward to seeing what's available.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna (OFF): はい……準備、いいですよ。

Luna: これは、かわいい……パワーを感じます……

Luna (OFF): There…I'm ready.

Luna: This is cute. I feel powerful.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは、カッコイイ……技権カがアップしました。

Luna: This one's appealing. It improves my technique.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: これ、は……?布面積が、少ない……です。注目度は高そうですが……すこし、困る……

Luna: And what is this…? Coverage is…quite miniscule. Seems it would draw a high level of attention, which may complicate matters.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふむ、どれも興味深いです……とくに、最後のは……ごくり……オーナーさん、お気に召したのはありましたか?ん?これを、着てみるのですか?

Luna: Yet all of them are quite appealing. Especially the last one. Gulp. Do any of them suit your tastes, sir? Hm? You'd like me to try this one on?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: 着てみました。……どうでしょうか?かわいい……ふむ……なるほど…………かわいい、ですか?それは、よかったです。……ふふ。

Luna: Well, I put it on. What do you think? Cute… Hmm…I see. Is it cute? I'm glad you feel that way. Hehe.

Episode 4: Outfit's Meaning (衣装の意味)




(Eng) Luna LV20 Episode - Outfit's Meaning

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、こんにちは。この水着、ですか?お祭りの衣装には様々な意図が込められます。地位や階位を表したり、他のモノに見立てたり、気勢を高めたり、属性や植能を付与したり……つまり……オーナーさん、この衣装、どうですが?

Luna: Hello, sir. This swimsuit? I've considered various factors for my festive costume. How well it indicates position and rank, recognition, motivational contribution, and functionality. In other words… How do you feel about this costume, sir?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふむふむ、なるほど……このお祭りのことが少しわかりました。あと、オーナーさんのことも。ふむ……興味深い。調べがいがありそうです。お祭り……フェスも、オーナーさんも。

Luna: Hmm…I see. I feel I've learned a bit about this festival. And about you as well. Hmm…quite fascinating. This seems worth investigating. The Festival, and you as well, sir.

Episode 5: Secret Weapon Pose (とっておきのポーズ)




(Eng) Luna LV30 Episode - Secret Weapon Pose

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ、もうすぐお昼ですね。今日は何をしただきましょうか。ん?オーナーさん、何か……?フェス用の写真を撮影する、ですね。あの、それはご飯の後でも……仕事の後のほうが、ご飯はおいしい?……ふむ、なるほど。さあ、オーナーさん、参りましょう。 お早く……さあ。

Luna: Hehe. It'll be time for lunch soon. What shall I consume today? Hm? Did you want something, sir? A photo shoot for the Festival? Perhaps after lunch. Really? So it tastes better after work, does it? Interesting. Let's get this started, sir. Quickly.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、準備はよろしいですか?では……はい、どうぞ。……?あの、撮らないのですか?

(Camera flash)

Luna: Are you ready? Well then… Do as you like. …? Aren't you going to take any photos?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……もうと、撮りますか?では、次は……

Luna: You want to take more? Well, for the next one…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: こういうので、どうですか。ふふ……このようなこともあろうかと、害物を読んでおいたのです。

(Camera flash)

Luna: Will this suffice? Hehe… I had a feeling we'd have to do something like this, so I looked in a magazine for research.

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: 次は……もっと、かわいいの……ですか?……それは……困る……物書にはそのようなものはありませんでした……ぶじ……仕方がありません。とっておきのポーズをお見せします。では…………じゃーん。ウサギ。なのです。ぴょん、ぴょん……ウサギは、かわいい。かわいい、ウサギ。

(Camera flash)

Luna: For the next one… You'd like something cuter? Well…that may pose a challenge. Nothing like that was covered in the magazine. I suppose I have no choice then. I've been saving this particular pose. Well then… Ta-dah. I'm a rabbit. Boing. Boing. Rabbits are cute. I'm a cute rabbit.

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふふ。……かわいい。

Luna: Hehehe. Very cute.

Episode 6: Goal Of The Investigation (調査の目的)




(Eng) Luna LV40 Episode - Goal Of The Investigation

Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、写真、ありがとうございました。記録は調査の基本……オーナーさんのご協力に感謝です。次は、一緒にフィールドワークに行きましょう。……この島は興味深いです。え?調べるものなんてない?そんなことはありません。わたしが研究するものは、どこにでもあるもの。でも、ここにしかないもの。たとえ、それが目に見えなくても、わたしと、オーナーさんがいれば見える、かも。……それに、わたしが調べたいのは、島やフェスだけではないのです。楽しみです。ふふふ。

Luna: Thank you for the photos, sir. Such records are at the core of an investigation. And I appreciate your cooperation as such. Next I'd like you to participate in some fieldwork with me. This island is fascinating. Hm? Nothing to investigate? I beg to differ, sir. The things I research are found everywhere. But are also unique to this place. For example, if you can't see it with the naked eye, we may be able to see it if we work together. Besides, my research is not limited to this island and Festivals. I'm looking forward to it. Hehehe.

Episode 7: Invitation to a Date (デートのお誘い)




(Eng) Luna LV50 Episode - Invitation To A Date

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、おはようございます。ふふ。お暇そうですね。計算通りです……今日は調査にご協力をお願いします。さあ、行きましょう。今日はお休み?デートなら、いい?……なるほど。では、デート、ということで。さあ、お早く。フィールトワーク……デートの時間が無くなってしまいます。さあ、すぐ。なう。

Luna: Good morning, sir. Hehehe. You seem rather bored. Just as I expected. Please join me in today's investigation. This is your day off, isn't it? How about as a date then? I see. Then we'll refer to it as a date. Quickly, then. The time for our fieldwork…our date, that is, is ticking away. Come on. Quickly. Now.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna (OFF): ほう、これが……神様……?

Luna (OFF): Ah, so this is…the Island God?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは……ふむ……聞いていた通りです……

Luna: Hmm…Just as I've heard…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: では、オーナーさん、参りましょう。次のデートスポットは、こちらです。

Luna: Let's get moving, sir. This is our next date spot.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……見つけたのです。……ただの、ジャングル?ふふふ。ちがいます。ほら、あそこ。ここは、かつてのお祭り……フェスが行われていた場所なのです。……たぶん。

Luna: I found it. Just a jungle? Hehe. You're mistaken. Look over there. This is where the original ceremony, or festival rather, was once held. Probably.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: 人々はこの湖で身を清め、神への祈りを捧げたのですよ。……たぶん。ふふ。では、さっそく……

Luna (OFF): よいしょ……ふう……ん……しょ……えっと…… これを……こう……ふう

Luna: ふふふ……オーナーさんも、一緒にどうですか?

Luna: The people would cleanse themselves in this lake, and offer prayers to the Island God. Probably. Hehe. Let's carry on.

Luna (OFF): Heave…ho…Whew…urng…hmm… Let's see…I'll put this…here…

Luna: Heheheh… Would you mind lending a hand?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Luna: 昔の人がどういう気持ちでお祭りをしていたか、わかる気がしますよ。……たぶん。

Luna: I think I have an idea of how the people of ancient times held their festivals. Perhaps.

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Luna: 楽しかった。いいフィールドワー……デートでしたね。オーナーさん。また一つ理解が深まりました。……たぶん。オーナーさんは、どうでしよう。わたしへの理解が深まりましたか?それは、ざんねん。せっかくのデートだったのに。仕方がありませんね。この続きは、また、次回……こう、ご期待……です。

Luna: That was fun. Very productive fieldwor- Or rather, a lovely date. I feel as if I've deepened my understanding. Probably… But what about you, sir? Have you deepened your understanding of me? I'm sorry to hear that. I thought it was a fruitful date. Well, I guess that's how it goes. We can continue where we left off next time. I'm counting on you.

Episode 8: Observation Target (観察対象)




(Eng) Luna LV60 Episode - Observation Target

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: さあ、オーナーさん、デートしましょう。……この間の続きです。さあ、お早く。今日は、忙しい……?それは、残念。では、わたしは一人でデート……フィールドワークするとしまるしょう。

Luna: Let's go on a date, sir. As a continuation of last time. Quickly now. Oh, you're busy today? So sorry to hear that. I suppose I'll go on a date alone. To carry out my fieldwork.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: ……じ一。ふむ…………ん一?何を、しているのか?対象を……観察しているのです。ふふ。興味深い。聞き取り調査ができればなおよいのですが。……休憩、ですか?では、わたしも。一緒におやつ休憩、しませんか?

Luna: Ah hah… Hmm… Hm…? What am I doing? Just observing the target of the investigation. Hehe. Quite fascinating. It would be even better if I could listen in. A break? Very well, I'll join you. Shall we take a snack break?

Episode 9: Halfsies? (はんぶんこ?)


DOAXVV ルナ LV70 エピソード 「はんぶんこ?」


(Eng) Luna LV70 Episode - Halfsies?

Japanese English translation

Luna (OFF): オーナーさん……オーナーさん……

Luna: おはようござい未す。このような場所で寝ていては、体に悪いです。起きてください。お疲れのようでずね ……えっと ……なら、これ、一緒に…………ごくり。……これ。やきいもが好きな理由……ですが?ふむ……昔々あるところに、 女の子とおじいさんが暮らしていました。(そこは、でもさ寒くて貧しい国でした。)失礼……女の子は、おじぃさんの作るやきいもが大好きでした。あだにかくて、甘くて、おなかがいっぱいになる。……それに、もうひとつ。女の子が、やきいもを大好きになった理由…………オーナーさん。やきいも、おいしいですか?ふふ。それはよかったです。やきいもを半分にすると、女の子も、おじいさんも、 みんな、笑顔になる。それが、 く大好き……なのです。……めでたし、めでたし。

Luna (OFF): ……ちょっと、もったいないけど。

Luna (OFF): Oh… Oh…[1]

Luna: Good morning. Sleeping in a place like this could be detrimental to the body. Wake up, sir. You seem rather fatigued. Um… Then have some with me. Gulp. Here. Why do I like roasted sweet potatoes? Hmm… Long ago, there was a young girl and her grandfather. (In a very cold, poverty-stricken country.) Sorry… The old man made roasted sweet potatoes that the girl loved to eat. They were warm, sweet, and satisfying. And there was one more thing. One more reason the girl came to love roasted sweet potatoes… Do you like the roasted sweet potato, sir? Hehe. I'm glad to hear that. Sharing the potato puts a smile on everyone's face. That is what she loved the most. And they lived happily ever after.

Luna (OFF): Even though a whole one would be nice.

Episode 10: Want I Want to Know (知りたいこと)


DOAXVV ルナ LV75 エピソード 「知りたいこと」

Japanese English translation

Luna: わたしの専門、ですか?本来は、文化人類学やら、民俗学と言われているものですが……何でもいいのです。知らないものを、知りたいだけ、です。だから、正解もどうでもいいのです。「たぶん」……で十分なのです。今知りたいこと……?ふむ……オーナーさんはみんなを笑顔にする。……あたたかい気持ちになります。なぜでしょう?まるで、やきいものよう。……ごくり。冗談です。……甘くはなさそうですし。……はあ。お話したら、おなかがすきました。……胸はいっぱいなのに。

Luna: Is this my specialty? It is originally called cultural anthropology and folklore, but...... Anything is fine. I just want to know what I don't know. Therefore, the correct answer is not good. "Maybe"...... That's enough. Want to know now......? Hm...... The owner makes everyone smile. ...... I feel warm. I wonder why? As if it were a yakiimo. ...... Mel Swallowed hard Just kidding. ...... It is not likely to be sweet. ...... What. When I told you, I was hungry. ...... I have a lot of breasts.

Episode 11: Investigation Basics (調査の基本)


DOAXVV ルナ LV80 エピソード 「調査の基本」

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、ですか。

Luna: Is it the owner?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: 少し、考え事をしていました。この島に伝わるお祭り……その機能の一つについて。あと、わたし自身への疑問について。それはとても興味深いのですが、これ以上深入りしてよいのか、と。まあ、もう手遅れかもしれませんが…………いえ、気にしないでください。ところで、オーナーさん。おなか……すいていませんか。実は、わたしはもうぺこぺこなのです。……待っていたので。……その、一緒に食べたい……と。同じものを食するのは、調査の基本……ですので……だめ……ですか?よかった。ふふっ。

Luna: I was thinking a little bit. This is the Island Festival...... About one of its features. And about my own doubts. It's very interesting, but I wonder if I should be involved any more. Well, it may be too late, but...... No, don't bother. By the way, the owner. Tummy?????? Are you hungry? To tell the truth, I am already a starving. ...... Because I was waiting. ...... That, want to eat together...... And. The basis of the survey is to eat the same thing...... So... No good...... Is it? Good. Heh heh.

Misaki Episodes

Episode 1: Are You Leaving? (ゎた しでいぃの?)


DOA XTREME VENUS VACATION Character's Episodes Misaki 1


(Eng) Misaki Opening Episode - You Sure You Want Me?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ばーぃ、すで準備しますから、ちょっと待ってて……ん?って!何でもう入ってきてるの!?ばか!ヘンタイ!出てって一っ!

Misaki: I'm getting dressed. Can you hang on a second? Hm? Hey! Why would you barge in like that?! You filthy pervert! Get out!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: もう……。 で、何の用ですが?忙しいんだから、手早くお願いします。えっ!?わたしが……パートナー??そっ、そんな話聞いてないよ!わたしはサポーターとして……その、だから……ヴィーナスフェスに……わたしが……?……出ても、いいの?本当に……?やったぁ!あっ、でも、じゃあ、サポートは…………兼任……だよね、やっぱり。ま、いっか!じゃあ、これからはパートナーとして、わたしのサポート、お願いします!わたし、頑張るから、見ててね?オーナー!

Misaki: What do you want, anyway? I'm busy, so make it quick. What?! Me? As your partner? I never heard about that. I'm already a supporter. Wait... you mean, for the Venus Festival? So then... I can actually... play? Seriously? Awesome! But then... I guess... I can also work as a supporter. You know what, let's do it! I'm glad you'll be there to support me as a partner! I won't let you down, okay? Just watch me in action!

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOA XTREME VENUS VACATION Character's Episodes Misaki 2 Self-introduction (ENGLISH SUBS)


(Eng) Misaki LV5 Episode - Self-introduction

Japanese English translation

Misaki: えっ?自己紹介?今頃?まあ、いいけど......えつと、名前は「みさき」。学生。この島には、バイトで。ヴィーナスフェス、面白そうだったし。サポーター受かったときは、嬉しかったな。まさか、出場できるとは、思ってなかったけど。パパとママは反対してたけど、思い切って来てみてよかった。あっ、えっと、ちゃんと許可は取ったよ?趣味は-、ダイビングと、天体観測あと、マンガとか読むの好き、カな。えっと……それくらい?あ、そうだ、大事なこと忘れてた!好きな食べ物は、マンゴーバニラクレープ!ぁとタピオカミルクティー!憶えておいてね?じゃ、これからよろしくね、オーナー!

Misaki: Introduce myself? At this point? Sure, I guess... My name's Misaki, and I'm a student. I'm on this island for work. And the Venus Festival sounds fun. I was so happy to get appointed as a supporter, but I never dreamed I'd get to play. My mom and dad were totally against me coming here. Sue glad I stuck to my guns. Oh, don't worry. I got their permission eventually. Things I like to do would be diving, and stargazing. And reading manga, I guess. That's pretty much it. Oh wait, I forgot something important! My favorite foods is mango vanilla crepes and tapioca milk tea! Don't forget, 'kay? It'll be a pleasure working with you!

Episode 3: Do I Have To Show You? (見せなきゃダメ?)


【DOAXVV】 みさき3 見せなきゃダメ? 【エピソード】


(Eng) Misaki LV10 Episode - Do I Have To Show You?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、おはよう、オーナー!ちょうど起こしに行こうと思ってたんだ。えっ、フェス用の水着……?……これでいいでしょ?わたし、気に入ってるし……出られると思ってなかったから、他の持ってないし……バイトしてるくらいだから、お金だって…………えっ、買ってくれるの?やったぁ!あっ、でも…、ということは……あの、やっぱり、遠慮します!えっ、肩わないとダメ……?うう……

Misaki: Oh, Good morning. I was just on my way to wake you up! A swimsuit for the fesival? Isn't this one good enough? I love it myself. I never thought I'd be playing, so I don't have anything else to wear. Besides, I only work part-time, so money is kinda… Really? You'll buy it for me? Yes! Ooh, but that would mean... You know, I think I'll pass... Wait... Then I don't have a choice? Well...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): あの、見ますか?ですよね……じゃ、じゃあ……

Misaki: ど、どうかな……見えない?……もう……こ、これでどう?ぽ、ポーズ?もうー……こんな……感じ?うー……ダメダメっ!もう無理一つ!

Misaki (OFF): Would you like to see it? Of course you would... So...

Misaki: What do you think? You can't see enough? Fine... How's this? A pose? Come on, really? You mean... like this? Umm... No, I'm done. I can't do this!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……どう……だった?……似合ってた?そ、そう?よ、よかった…………うん♪

Misaki: So... what did you think? Does it look nice on me? Really? What a relief. Hehe.

Episode 4: That's Not a Compliment (お世辞じゃないの?)


【DOAXVV】 みさき4 お世辞じゃないの? 【エピソード】


(Eng) Misaki LV20 Episode - That's Not A Compliment

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あ、オーナー。この前は、水着……ありがと、ね。ひ、人に真面目に水着を見られるって、慣れてなくて……ちょっと、びっくりしちゃった。し、信じてないわけじゃないけど……ほんとに、似合ってた、かな?お世辞とか、じゃなくて……そう。……なら、よかった。オーナー、人がよさそうだから、ちょっと、心配だったんだ。何か言いたいことがあったら、遠慮なく、ハッキリ言ってね。わたし、頑張るから。お、オーナーのために、じゃないよ?わたしのため。 ……でもなくて、二人の……ため?それも……ちょっと……と、とにかく、一緒に頑張ろう、ね?

Misaki: Oh, hey there. Just wanted to thank you for the swimsuit. I never had anyone looking me over so closely in a swimsuit, so I was kind of surprised. It's not that I don't trust you. Did it really look nice? I mean, what's your honest opinion? Really? Well I'm glad to hear it. You seem so nice, so I was a little worried you wouldn't be truthful. If you ever wanna say anything, just be straight with me, okay? I'm gonna do my best. Not for you, I mean. It's for me. Or I guess, for both of us? Not really sure how that... Anyway, let's both do our best, 'kay?

Episode 5: I Need A Part-time Job (バイトもしなきゃ)


【DOAXVV】 みさき5 バイトもしなきゃ 【エピソード】


(Eng) Misaki LV30 Episode - I Need A Part-time Job

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー。今日は何をするの?さっき、かすみさんに占ってもらったら、わたし、今日は良い運勢なんだって♪えっ?撮影?フェス用の写真……必要だもんね。まあ、占いを信じて……うん、やってみる。……亮てて。

Misaki: Oh, hi. What are you up to today? Kasumi just told me my fortune, and said something amazing would happen today. Hm? Pictures? You need one for the Festival, huh? Okay, if I trust in my fortune… I guess I should do it.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあ、いくよー?ちゃんと、撮ってね。せーの、ぶいっ!

(camera flash)

Misaki: えっ、もっと?

Misaki: Well, here goes nothing. Take a good one, okay? One, two… Victory!

(camera flash)

Misaki: Huh? Another one?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 次は……こ、これでいい?

(camera flash)

Misaki: えっ、も、もっと?

Misaki: What about something like this?

(camera flash)

Misaki: Again?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: は、はい、これでいい?

(camera flash)

Misaki: まだやるの?もう……

Misaki: Okay… Maybe this?

(camera flash)

Misaki: Seriously? Another one?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、これ……うう……

Misaki: Maybe if I.... *sigh*

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ダメっ!やっぱり無理だよー!

Misaki: No! I've done enough!

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Misaki: おつかれさまー……あの、ポーズ、上手くできてたかな。か、かわいかった……って……わ、笑ってるじゃない!真面目に答えてよ!もう!……でも、……ありがと。

Misaki: Good job today. I hope my poses were good enough. Really? So they were cute? Why are you laughing?! Give me a serious answer for once! Anyway… Thank you.

Episode 6: I Have A Bad Feeling... (なんかやだ!)


DEAD OR ALIVE Venus Vacation みさき なんかやだ!


(Eng) Misaki LV40 Episode - I Have A Bad Feeling...

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あ、オーナー。なあに?元気ない、って?そう!もう、聞いてよー!フェスの写真、見たぞって……パパも、ママも、弟も……お姉ちゃんまで……もう一、最悪……あ、こめん。写真が悪いとかじゃなくて、その……みんな喜んでたし、応援してくれてるみたいなんだけど……なんか、なんかやなのー!……ねえ、オーナー……慰めに、どらか連れてって……?

Misaki: Oh hey. Well yeah. I'm pretty down. Guess what happened? They saw my Festival pics. Mom and dad, my little brother. Even my younger sister...[2] And it really sucks. Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean the pictures are bad. Everyone actually loved them. And they showed a lot of encouragement. But for some reason... I can't stand it! … Anyway... Could you take me somewhere to cheer me up?

Episode 7: Don't Laugh, OK? (笑わないでよ?)


DOAX VV Misaki Character Episodes7 (미사키 50Lv.케릭터 에피소드)


(Eng) Misaki LV50 Episode - Don't Laugh, OK?

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー。おかえり。なに… …って、お風呂の掃除。サポーターのバイトもやらなきゃ、でしょ?水着?当たり前でしょ。掃除なんだから。なに期待してるのよ。ヘンタイ。さ、邪魔だから出てって… …ひゃっ!

Misaki: Oh, welcome back. What do you mean? I'm scrubbing the bath tub. I still have to work as a supporter, right? Swimsuit? Of course not when I'm cleaning. What did you expect, perv? You're kind of in the way, so would you just… Kyah!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ご、ごめん… … へ… … …? だから邪魔だって。ばかー!

Misaki: Sorry… Hm? Woah! I told you you're in the way! Dum dum!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: えつ、お詫び?そんなつもり… … … …おごり?じゃあ、次の休み、一緒にどっか行こうよ!ふふーん、何おごってもらおうかなー。… …ふふっ。

Misaki: Make it up to me? I don't think that's really… You're treat, huh? Deal. We'll go somewhere on our next day off. Hmm… What should I have you buy me… Hehe.

Episode 8: Anything Goes (なんでもいいし)


DOAXVV Misaki CE08

Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、今度のお休み、どこに連れて行ってくれるの?映画とかも悪くないけど、やっぱり、定番はソョッピングかなぁ。あと、ネイルやエステ……は、あやねっちに頼めばいいか。バイトとフェスで、あんまり遊べてないから、二人で遊ぶだけでもいいけど……どうせなら、普段やらないことがいいな。ダイビングとか、夜に星を眺めるとか……あとは、甘いもの食べてー、夜景を見ながらディナー……?なーんて、高望みしすぎ?ま、期待しないで、楽しみにしてる。オーナーとなら、なんでもいいし.ふふっ。

Misaki: The owner, the next day off, where will you take me? The movie is not bad, but after all, the staple is Solping. also, the nails and beauty... Why don't you ask? It is good to play with two people because it is not so much play in the byte and the Festival. anyway, It is good that it does not usually do. Diving or watching stars at Night. then, eat something sweet, dinner while watching the night view...? no, It's too Pitches. well, Don't expect it, I'm looking forward to it. If you're the owner, you can do anything.

Episode 9: What About Me? (わたしはどうなの?)


DOAXVV みさき LV70 エピソード 「わたしはどうなの?」

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー。前の約束、憶えてる?えー?忘れたとは言わせないよ?どっか行こうよー。で、何かおごって?

Misaki: oh, the Owner. Do you remember the previous appointment? Huh? I'm Not saying you forgot. Let's go somewhere. so, you're Buying something?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……結局いつもの場所じゃん。まあ、いいけど。この島、他に行くところないしー。もっとフェス頑張ってよね……って、わたしもか。あーあ。

Misaki: ...... It is the usual place after All. well, Good. I'm not going to this island. Good luck with the festival more...... I also? Oh

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ねえ、知ってる?新しいスイーツのお店が出来た島があるんだって。で、そこの、タピオカミルクティーが絶品なんだって!あー、うちの島にも新しいお店欲しいよー。オーナー買ってー。お店買ってよー。タピオカミルクティー飲みたーい。

Misaki: hey, Do you know? There's an island with a new sweets shop. And I heard that the tapioca milk tea is excellent! oh, I want a new shop on our Island. I bought the Owner. Buy a Shop. I drank tapioca milk tea.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、あれ、ほのかっちじゃない?おーい、ほのかっちー!!……行っちゃった……聞こえなかったのかな?

Misaki: oh, is that faint? hey, faint!! ...... I went... Didn't you hear that?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……ほのかっちはスタイルが良くていいなー。マリーちゃんも可愛いし、エレナさんは大人だし……こころさんはおしとやかだし、ヒトミさんは健康的だし……かすみさんは、儚けだし、あやねっちはツンデレだし……紅藁さんは大人っぽくて俺しいし、女天狗は……エロいし。うーん、「わたし」はなんなのかなぁー。あっ、笑わないでよ!

Misaki: ...... I hope the style is good and faint. Marie-chan is also pretty, and Helena is an adult... Kokoro is ladylike, and Hitomi is Healthy. kasumi-san, Tohobougetsusho projection probably, Aya is a tsundere...... Mr. Red Straw is an adult and I am, and the woman tengu...... Erotic Stone. hmm, I wonder what it is. oh, Don't laugh!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 今日は、いっぱい話せて楽しかった。話してたのはほとんどわたしだけど……まあ、また、誘っ……たのもわたしだけど……また、どっか連れてってくれたら、うれしいな。じゃ、また明日。フェス、頑張ろうね!オーナー!

Misaki: I was happy to talk a lot today. I was talking to almost all of you. well, also invited...... I was also...... also, If you take me somewhere, I'm Happy. well, TOMORROW. It's a festival! Owner!

Episode 10: I, Also... (わたしだって)


DOAX VenusVacation みさきlv75女の子エピソード

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー、お願いがあるんだけど……今度のお休みのことなんだけど、その、起こしに来てほしいんだ……前の日の夜、ほのかつちと一緒に勉強する約束しちゃったんだ。あはは……、実は、二人とも宿題できてなくて。せっかくオーナーと遊びに行くのに、朝寝坊で、遅れるのやだし……ね?お願い。えー?お礼?もう。バイトになに期待してるの?それに、パトナーでしょ。ちゃんと面倒見てよね?「その日はオーナー業務はお休み」って?もう、……わたしだって…………いつも、感謝はしてるんだから……え?「聞こえない」?もう!……寝ぼけてたりしたら、お礼くらい、言うかも……ね。

Misaki: Oh, I have an owner, please... It's the next day off, but I want you to come and wake me up. I promised to study with Tsuchinoko faint the night before. Oh, well, actually, we both couldn't do our homework. It is sleep to go to play with the owner with great pains, and it is late. Right? Please Huh? Thank? Another What do you expect from a byte? And it's the toner. Take care of it, right? The owner's business is off on that day. No More 、...... I mean... I always appreciate it. What? "Inaudible"? Another ...... If I asleep, I might say thank you. Right.

Episode 11: Look Carefully, OK? (ちゃんと見ててよね)


DOAX VenusVacation みさきlv80女の子エピソード

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー!すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててね。

Misaki: Oh, the owner! I'll be ready soon, so wait a minute.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……オーナー、わたし、ちょっとだけ、感謝してるんです。わたし、ほんとはすっごく照れ屋で、恥ずかしがり屋で……でも、それがまた恥ずかしくて、いつも、見栄ばらか張って……そんな自分を変えたくて、フェスに応募…………できなかっだおだ。だからせめて、サポートのアルバイトで、フェスに出てる人たちに近づきたくて。それがまさか、フェスに出られるなんて……それがまさか、フェスに出られるなんて……最初は、恥ずかしいって思ったけど、最近は、みんなと競うことや……オーナーに応援されるのが楽しくて。でも……やっぱり、見られるのは恥ずかしいです。特に……オーナーには。って、こら!何覗いてるの!?もうー……。……バカ。

Misaki: ...... The owner, I'm just a little thankful. I am really very shy and shy...... But it's also embarrassing, always ostentatious. I wanted to change myself, I applied for a festival...... I couldn't. So at least I wanted to get close to the people at the festival. It's no way to be able to go to a festival...... It's no way to be able to go to a festival...... At first I thought I was ashamed, but recently, I've been competing with everyone. I enjoyed being cheered by the owner. But...... After all, it is shameful to be seen. Especially...... to the owner. What the! What are you peeping at? Oh, no... ......Stupid.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 次やったら、許さないんだから……ふふっ……じゃ、いとっか。これからも、わたしのこと、ちゃんと見ててよね。オーナー!

Misaki: If you do it next, you won't forgive me. Ugh... Then, it is. In the future, please look at me neatly. Owner!

Helena Douglas Episodes

Episode 1: Pleasure (楽しみ)


DOAXVV Helena CE01


(Eng) Helena Opening Episode - Pleasure

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふ。気持のいい暑さ……なかなかいい島ね。ヴィーナスフェスへの招待状……また、何か企んでいるようだけれど。ふふ、その企み、ゆっくり楽しまぜていただこうかしら。

Helena: Hehe. What a perfect day. This island is so beautiful. An invitation to the Venus Festival… There must be a plan behind the scenes, no? Hehe. Let me enjoy the surprise for a bit.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: 私に、何かご用かしら?あなたは……この島のオーナーさん?私に、何か?あら、私をヴィーナスフェスに?普段なら、お断りするところだけれど……ふふ、そのフェスには、少し興味があるの。お引き受けしますわ。せっかくだもの、フェス、楽しみましょう。ね、オーナーさん?

Helena: Did you want something? So you're… The owner of this island? What did you want with me? Oh, I'm invited to the Venus Festival? Normally I'd say no… But I'm a little curious about it, so I'd be glad to accept. Since I'm here, we might as well enjoy the Festival together. Sound good?

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV Helena CE02


(Eng) Helena LV5 Episode - Self-Introduction

Japanese English translation

Helena: 自己紹介?そういえば、まだだったわね。私は「エレナ・ダグラス」。今はプライベートですから、「お仕事」の話はよしましょう?好きなものは……そうですわね、よく冷えたブラマンジェ、かしら。スリーサイズ?ふふっ。それは「フェスに必要な情報」なのかしら?それとも、あなた個人の?まあ、いいね。それより……あなたのお話も、聞かせていただけないかしら?私個人としねで、いろいろと、お伺いしたい。……ね、オーナーさん?

Helena: An introduction? Well I guess I forgot. My name is Helena Douglas. I'm here to get away from work. Can we move onto another topic? Favorite food... Chilled blancmange is an amazing dessert. My measurements? Hehe. I presume you need that information for the Festivals, no? Or for your private use? Well, it's fine either way. But first… Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? I'm dying to ask you a lot of things.

Episode 3: Anticipation (期待)


DOAXVV Helena CE03


(Eng) Helena LV10 Episode - Anticipation

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: オーナーさん。ごきげんよう。少し、お付き合い願えないかしら。新しい水着をどうしようかと、考えていたのですけれど……フェスにも関係があることですから、あなたの意見を聞かせてくださらない?では、お願いするわね。

Helena: Salutations. Would you be willing to accompany me? I was wondering what I should get for a new swimsuit… I'll be wearing it at the Festival, so I'd like to hear your opinion. I hope you don't mind.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena (OFF): オーナーさん、よろしくて?

Helena: どうかしら?ううん……でも、フェスに出るには、凡庸ね。

Helena (OFF): Are you ready?

Helena: How does it look? Hmm… Perhaps a bit too plain for the Festival, no?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: 悪くはないけれど……これも、普通といったところかしら。そうね……、バートナーですもの、あなたにも、選んでいただこうかしら。私に似合う水着、期待しているわ。ふふっ。

Helena: This isn't bad either… But seems a bit on the ordinary side. Well, since we're partners… Maybe you should choose for me. I expect you to choose something that makes me look outstanding. Hehe.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、これは……なかなかね。どう?ふふふっ♪この水着、気に入ったわ。さすがオーナーさんね。これからもずっと、お願いしようかしら?ふふっ。

Helena: You know, this isn't too bad. What do you think? Hehehe. I really like this swimsuit. I knew you'd get it right. Maybe I'll ask you to choose from now on. Hehe.

Episode 4: Stylist (スタイリスト)


DOAXVV Helena CE04


(Eng) Helena LV20 Episode - Stylist

Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん。あなたに選んでいただいた水着、なかなかよろしくてよ。たまには男性の意見を取り入れるのも、良いものですわね。私や、専属のスタイリストばかりでは、やはり似たものばかりになりがちですから。ふふ、意見あなたは忌憚なくしてくださるから、助かるわ。私に、いろいろな新しい経験をさせてくれそう。これからも、お願いしますわね。

Helena: Ah, bonjour. The swimsuit you chose for me is quite impressive. Sometimes it's wise to ask a man for his opinion on these things. When I choose or ask a stylist to do it, everything I wear tends to be so similar. Hehe. Hearing your frank opinion on these matters is quite helpful. I feel like you can open up a world of new experiences for me. Hopefully I can keep counting on you.

Episode 5: You're Good, Aren't You? (お上手ね)


DOAXVV Helena CE05


(Eng) Helena LV30 Episode - You're Good, Aren't You?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん、ごきげんよう。私の写真を?普段、プライベートでの写真は許していないのだけれど……フェスに必要なら、仕方がありませんわね。ポーズでもしたほうが、よろしくて?

Helena: Salutations. My photo? Normally, I wouldn't agree to a private photo. But if it's for the Festival, how can I refuse? Would a pose be more appropriate?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: これで、よろしいかしら?

(camera flash)

Helena: How does this look?

(camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: このほうがよくて?

(camera flash)

Helena: あら、ありがとう。何か、ポーズの萎望はあるかしら?

Helena: Or is this better?

(camera flash)

Helena: Why thank you. Is there a certain pose you prefer?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふ、あなた、人を乗せるのがおと手ね。でも、このポーズは、どうかしら……?

(camera flash)

Helena: Hehe. You know how to get a girl involved. But, how would this pose be?

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ、今日は楽しかったわ。思い出を形に残すだなんて、私には必要ないことだと思っていたけれど……楽しい思い出なら、悪くありませんわね。また、お願いしてよろしいかしら?

Helena: Hehe. Today was quite enjoyable for me. I never thought it necessary to keep a record of memories… But if the memories are pleasant, it's fine with me. Might I ask for your help again?

Episode 6: Fun Photo (楽しい写真)


DOAXVV Helena CE06


(Eng) Helena LV40 Episode - Fun Photo

Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん。この間は、写真、ありがとう。あの写真、部屋に飾らせて頂いたわ。最後に一枚だけ、あなたと一緒に写った写真……マリーが妬いて、大変でしたのよ?楽しい写真、もっと増やしたいですわね。

Helena: Well hello again. Thank you for taking those photos the other day. I've displayed that one photo in my room… The last photo we took together… Marie was quite jealous though. I'd like to take more photos with you. It's quite enjoyable for me.

Episode 7: A Reliable Person (頼りになる人)


DOAXVV Helena CE07


(Eng) Helena LV50 Episode - A Reliable Person

Japanese English translation

Helena: 〜♪ふふっ♪オーナーさん、私に何がで用かしら?今日はオフだと簡いていたのだけれど。プライべートな用件でしたら、いいですわよ?あら、意外そうな顔。私にだって、プライベートの時間があってもよいでしょう?それに……た未には解放的になってみにくなるものよ……持に、頼りになる方の前では、ね。ふふっさ、背中、塗ってくださる?

Helena: Hehe! Did you want to see me for something? Actually, I thought I was off today. If it's not work related, I'm perfectly fine with it. My goodness, you look surprised. I should be entitled to some time away from work, no? Besides… Sometimes I just want to let it all hang out and be free… Especially in front of someone I trust. Hehe. Could you lotion up my back?

Episode 8: A Time For Extravagance (贅沢な時間)


DOAXVV - Helena - Character Episode 8

Japanese English translation

Helena: こんにちは、オーナーさん。ちょっと、ご一緒してよろしいかしら?……といっても、特に用は無いのだけれど。いつも、気を張っていなければいけない、そんな仕事をしているせいかしら。こんな、何でもない時間を、そばにいる誰かと過ごす……それが、たまらなく贅沢なの。だから、もうすこしだけ。私の贅沢に付き合ってくださる?ふふっ。

Helena: Hello. Can we spend a little time together? I mean… I don't have any particular reason. I always have to be so formal, perhaps because of the line of work I'm in. I just want to wile away times like this with someone at my side… It a luxury that I crave. So, would you afford me that luxury, just a bit longer, at least? Hehe.

Episode 9: Bodyguard (ボディガード)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、こんばんは、オーナーさん。ふふっ、ちょっとした、微歩よ。ちょうどよかったわ。ボディーガード、お願いできるかしら?

Helena: Oh, good evening, owner. Phew, a little bit of a step. It was just right. Bodyguard, can i ask you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena (OFF): ふふっ。なんだか、懐かしいわ。

Helena: こんなにリラックスした気分は、いつ以来かしら。バカンスは何度も経験しているけれど、なんだか、今回は特別ね。プライベートな私を、心から楽しんでる。誰のおかげかしらね。オーナーさん?こら。もう、ふざけた人ね。ふふっ。

Helena (OFF): Fufu. I miss it.

Helena: I wonder when I've been feeling so relaxed. I've experienced vacations many times, but somehow, this time it's special. I really enjoy my private life. I wonder who it is because of whom. The owner? Here. You're a fool. Phew.

Episode 10: Future Relationship (これからの関係)

Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん。ちょっと、考え事をしていたの。……これからのこと。いつまでも、このまま……というわけにも行かないでしょう?……あなたにも、考えておいてほしいわ。……なにも、難しく考える必要はないの。その答えが同じなら、良いのだけれど。じゃあ、おやすみなさい。

Helena: Oh, the owner. I was just thinking. ......From now on. Forever, as it is...... You're not going to do that, are you? ......I want you to think about it, too. ......You don't have to think hard. If the answer is the same, it's fine. Well, good night.

Episode 11: Become Mine (私のものに)

Japanese English translation

Helena: この島でのバカンス……もう、どれくらいになるのかしら。あなた、とてもいいオーナーね……気に入ったわ。……私のものにしてしまおうかしら?……どう?なんて……ふふっ……あなたとは、ビジネスよりも、今のままの関係の方が良さそう……ね、オーナーさん♥

Helena: Vacation on this island...... I wonder how long it will be. You're a very good owner. I like it. ...... I'll make it mine. ...... How? Oh, my God. Heh... It seems that the relationship you have now is better than business. Hey, owner♥

Momiji Episodes

Episode 1: This Is Also Training (これも修行)


DOAXVV Momiji CE01

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ヴィーナスフェス……修行の成果を試すため 、この大会に出場するように……か……どんな大会なんだろう……ヴィーナス …… 美の女神……?うーん……このあたりのはずだけど……

Momiji: Venus Festival… Maybe I should join in… To see if my training paid off. But what kind of event is it exactly? Venus? Like the goddess of beauty? I guess they'll do it in this area.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、こんにちは。あの、あなたは……この島の、オーナーさん?わたしに何か、で用ですが?ティーナスフェス……ちならとよかった。わたし、その大会に出場したいんです。あの、ヴィーナスフェスって、どんな……えっ、強さと……美しさの祭典?わたしが?えっと、そんな、困ったな……うーん、でも……これも修行……なのかなぁ…………まあ、いっか。せっかくだから、新しい経験、させてもらおうかな♪ふふっ。 じゃあ、よろしくお願いします。 オーナーさん。

Momiji: Oh, hello. I don't think we've met. Wow, so you own this island? Did you want to see me about something? The Venus Festival… What great timing. I was thinking about joining in. But, what's it all about anyway? A festival of strength and beauty? With someone like me? Um… I'm not sure if that sounds like my thing… Hmm… But in a way… I guess it's a form of training. Yeah, I'll give it a try. I'd like to experience something new now that I'm here. Hehe. It was nice meeting you.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV Momiji CE02

Japanese English translation

Momiji: 自己紹介、ですか?名前は、「紅葉」です。ちょっと、緊張するな……お仕事は、巫女をしています。趣味は、編み物と、あと、読書かな。好きな食べ物は和菓子……ようかんとか、かな。山育ちだから、南の島のバカンスって、何をしたらいいのか、よくわからなくって……いろいろ、教えてくださいね。オーナーさん。

Momiji: An introduction? My name is Momiji. And… I'm kind of nervous… I work as a shrine maiden. My hobbies would be knitting, and reading I guess. My favorite foods are Japanese sweets, like yokan and things like that. I was raised in the mountains, so I'm not sure what to do on an island vacation like this. I hope you can show me how to enjoy it.

Episode 3: Be In Good Spirits? (はしゃいじゃって)


DOAXVV Momiji CE03

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん。おはようございます。……えっ、フェス用の水着?ごめんなさい、わたし、知らなくて…… そういうの、持ってないんです。買ってもらえるって……うーん。なんだか、悪いなぁ……でも、フェスに必要なものだし……せっかくだから……甘えちゃおうかな♪

Momiji: Good morning. Hm? A swimsuit for the Festival? Sorry, I'm not up to speed on what's hot. I don't even have anything like that. You'd actually buy it for me? Well, I'd feel a little guilty… But I do need one for the Festival. So yeah, maybe I'll take you up on that.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁっ、素敵な水着がいっぱい!ふふっ、目移りしちゃう♪どれがいいかなぁ〜♪

Momiji: Wow, there's so many to choose from! Hehe. It's kind of overwhelming. Where should I even start?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これは……ちょっと、かわいすぎかな……

Momiji: Is this one… A little too cutesy?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こっちは……うーん、派手すぎ……

Momiji: This one is… Definitely too flashy for me.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これ、わたしは好きだけど……多分、地味、だよね……

Momiji: I like this one myself… But I suppose it's too plain.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: これは……きゃっ!……やっぱり、見ないでっ!

Momiji: And this is… Hey! I'd rather you didn't look!

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……ごめんなさい、わたし、ついはしゃいじゃって……こういうの、慣れてなくて。あの、オーナーさん、退んでくれませんか?

Momiji: Sorry… I guess I got a little too excited. I'm just not cut out for this kind of thing. You think you could choose for me?

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁっ、これ、素敵だな……オーナーさん、えっと、似合ってるかな?うふふ、よかった。

Momiji: Ooh, now this one is nice. Do you think it… looks okay on me? Hehe. Great.

Episode 4: Don't Forget Your Training (修行も忘れず)


DOAXVV Momiji CE04

Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん。素敵な水着、ありがとうございます。ちょっと、恥ずかしかったけど、選んでもらって良かった。誰かに水着を見てもらう、なんて、考えたことなかったから……この水着で、いろんな新しい経験、したいな。あっ、もちろん、修行も忘れずに。よろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん。

Momiji: Oh, hello. Thank you for the beautiful swimsuit. That was a little embarrassing, but I'm glad you picked it out for me. I never imagined I'd have someone staring at me in swimsuits like this. I'd like to experience all sorts of new things in this suit. And that includes training of course. Thank you for doing this for me.

Episode 5: A Photo For Home (里への写真)


DOAXVV Momiji CE05

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん。島の写真を撮ろうと思って……里のみんなにも、見てほしいなぁって。えっ?そっか……わたしが写っていた方が、里のみんなも喜んでくれるかな。……じゃあ、お願いするね。

Momiji: Hello. I wanted to take some pics of this island for everyone in my village to see. Huh? You really think they'd be more excited if I was in the pics too? Well, can you take a few then?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation


(camera flash)

Momiji: ふふっ♪なんだか、楽しい。じゃあ、ポーズ♪

(camera flash)

Momiji: はい、どうそ♪

(camera flash)

Momiji: でうぃらの、どうかな?

(camera flash)

Momiji: もう一枚……あの、オーナーさん、ポーズ、教えてもらえませんか?

Momiji: I don't know, is this okay? You want me to pose? Well, okay… Something like this, maybe?

(camera flash)

Momiji: Hehe. This is actually kind of fun. Tah-dah!

(camera flash)

Momiji: Here you go!

(camera flash)

Momiji: How would this look?

(camera flash)

Momiji: One more? I don't know… Could you think up a pose?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: えっと、こう……??

(camera flash)

Momiji: あ、あの、これ……??

(camera flash)

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん、笑ってる!……もう!こら。あんまりふざけちゃ、ダメな?ふふっ♪

Momiji: So then, like this…?

(camera flash)

Momiji: Um, maybe… this?

(camera flash)

Momiji: Hey, why are you laughing? Would you stop goofing around? Hehe.

Episode 6: News From Home (里からの便り)


DOAXVV Momiji CE06

Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、里のみんなから、お手紙が届いたんです。この前撮って頂いた写真、里の子たち、とっても喜んでくれて。いつか、この島に来たいって。その時は、オーナーさんのこと、みんなに紹介しますね。フェス頑張ったら、みんなを招待、できるかな?あっ、そうだ。写真のお礼、しなきゃね。オーナーさん、何かいいか、考えておいてくださいね。

Momiji: Hey, I got a letter from my village. They really loved those pics you took of me the other day. They want to come visit the island sometime. And if they do, I hope you'll introduce them to everyone. You think I could invite them if I do well in the Festival? Oh yeah, I wanted to do something to thank you for taking those pics. Think about what you might like, okay?

Episode 7: Lap Pillow (ひざまくら)


DOAXVV Momiji CE07

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ブランコなんて久しぶり。懐かしいなぁ。なんだか、子供の頃に戻っらたみたい。今度、里にも作ってあげようかな。ふふっ。あっ!あぶなーいっ!

Momiji: I haven't been on a swing in years. What memories… It's like when I went back to my childhood. Maybe I'll put one up in my village. Hehe. Oh no! Look out!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん、気が付いた?ふぅ、よかったぁ……すみません、わたし、気がすかなくて…でも、よかった、大丈夫そうであ、その、あ、重かった……でしょ?あっ、まだ、起きないで。オーナーさんには、いつもお世話になってばかりで……わたしもすっかり甘えちゃって……だから、もう少しだけ……もう少しだけ、こうしていたいな……

Momiji: Oh my gosh, are you coming to? Whew, what a relief. I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there… Thank God you seem okay. I guess I was… heavy, wasn't I? Wait, don't try to get up yet. You've taken such good care of me… And I've really been enjoying it. So I wish… We could be together, just a little longer.

Episode 8: Two People (二人のほうが)


Momiji lvl60 Dialog

Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、この島うて、いろんな場所があるんですね。同じ風景も、お天気や時間でどんどん変化して……いろんなものの色が、すごく濃くて、鮮やかで……それで……あの……見つけたものとか、感じたこととか、誰かと、お話ししたくて。……お散歩って、一人より、二人一縉のほうが、楽しいんですね。あの、オーナーさん、一緒にお散歩、行きませんか?

Momiji: There are many places in the owner's island. The same scenery changes rapidly in the weather and time. The colors of various things are so dense and vivid...... And...... Excuse me...... I wanted to talk to someone about what I found, what I felt, or who I was. ...... It is more fun to take a walk than one Jinyun. Do you want to go for a walk with the owner?

Episode 9: First… (はじめての……)


DOAX VenusVacation - Momiji Lv. 70 Scene

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんにちは、オーナーさん。今日は何しようか?ええっ!?あの、デート……ですか?えっと……困ったな……じゃあ、一緒にお出かけ……なら……

Momiji: Hello, Mr. Owner. What shall we do today? What!? Um, dating... Is it? Let's see...... I'm in trouble... Then we go out together...... If......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ、楽しかった。お花もお魚も、綺麗でかわいくて。本で見るのとは、やっぱり違うね。……あの、わたしなんかで、とかったのかな?わたし、あんまりこういうの、したことなくて。その、二人で、お出かけ……とか。ふふっ……オーナーさんに楽しんでもらえたなる、よかった♪わたしも楽しかった。なんだか、明日からまた頑張れそう。オーナーさん、今日はありがとう。あの……また、誘ってね。ふふっ。

Momiji: Heh, it was fun. Flowers and fish are beautiful and cute. It's still different from what I see in books. ...... I wonder if it was me or something? I have not done such a thing too much. The two of us, going out...... Or? Ugh... I was happy that the owner enjoyed it. Somehow, it seems to be hard again from tomorrow. Thank you, owner, today. That...... Invite me again. Heh heh.

Episode 10: Diet (ダイエット)


DOAX VenusVacation - Momiji Lv. 75 Scene

Japanese English translation

Momiji: きゃっ、オーナーさん……あの、夜遅くにごめんなさい。……あの、うるさかったですか?何をしているのか……ですか? あの、ちょっと……運動を……その、ダイエット、しようかと……や、やっぱり、重かった、……ですよね?わ、わかってるんです!わたし、もともと体が大きいし……この島に来て、すっかり甘えちゃって……が、がんばりますから。えっと、今度は重く……席いように……?キアツ、そういうことじゃなくて……あーん、もう……!

Momiji: Hey, owner... Sorry, late at night. ...... Was it noisy? What are you doing...... Is it? Well, just... Exercise... Do you want to try the diet? And, after all, it was heavy 、...... That's true? Oh, I know! I was originally a big body... I came to this island and I was completely spoiled. But I will do my best. Oh, this time it's heavy... Do you have a seat...? It's not like that. Oh, no more...

Episode 11: Resting Is Also Training (休むのも修行)


DOAX VenusVacation - Momiji Lv. 80 Scene

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、ごめんなさい。起こしちゃった……かな。こんな遅くまでお仕事ですか?もう、あんまり無理しちゃ、ダメよ?ちょっと休憩して、お話ししょっか。

Momiji: Oh, I'm sorry. I woke you up. I wonder. Do you work until late? Don't overdo it anymore, can you? Take a break and talk to him.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わたし、よく言われるんだ。「休むのも修行のうちだ」って。

Momiji: I'm often told. It's out of practice to rest.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: 無理しちゃいけないって。

Momiji: Don't overdo it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、いつも頑張ってるから、たまには……わたしに、ちょっとぐらい、甘えてほしいなぁ…………えっ?あっ!?ち、違います!頼って!頼ってほしい。って……ああん、もう……えっと……ふふっ。「休むのも修行のうち」……かぁ。明日はお休みだし、どこか、お出かけでもしよっか?ゆっくり休んで、また、一緒にフェス、頑張ろう?ね?

Momiji: The owner is always working hard, so once in a while... I want you to spoil me for a moment. What? Oh, my God! No, it's not! Relying! I want you to rely on it. What...... Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Let's see...... Phew. Resting is also out of practice. I'm singing. I'm going to have a day off tomorrow, and i'll go out somewhere. Let's take a good rest and do our best together. Right?

Hitomi Episodes

Episode 1: Sounds Interesting! (面白そう!)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE01

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ヴィーナスフェス……強さと美しさの祭典……かぁ。招待されて、つい来ちゃつだけど……「美しさ 」かぁ……どんなことするのかな……ひょっとして、あんなことやこんなこと?うーん……?って考えててもしょうがない!久しぶりの大会、思いっきり楽しむぞー!

Hitomi: So the Venus Festival… is a contest of strength and beauty. It's so cool I was invited... But how do I win the "beauty" part? Maybe some tweaks here and there. Hmm… I guess I shouldn't overthink this. Just gotta do my best and have fun!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: それはそうとして……どこへ行けばいいのかな……あっ、こんにちは。 えっと、あなたは……?この島の、オーナーさん……?あの、大会 があるって聞いたんですけど……ヴィーナスフェス!そう、それそれ!えっ ?パートナー?ふーん、そういうルールなんだ……あはっ、なんだか面白そう!よーし!ー緒に優勝、目指しましょう!よろしくお願いします。オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Except... I don't even know where to go. Oh, hey. I don't think we've met. Wow, you own this island? I heard a contest was being held here. Exactly! The Venus Festival! Oh… Partners? So that's the rule this time, huh? Haha, sounds interesting! All righty then! Let's blow this thing up together! So glad I met you like this.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE02

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 自己紹介……そういえば、きちんとしてなかったなぁ……じゃあ、改めまして!わたし、「ヒトミ」っていいます。父が空手の道場をやっていて、普段は、そこの師範をやってます。まあ、師範といっても、まだまだ修行中の身なんですけど。で、この島で大きな大会があるって聞いて挑戦しに来たんです。考えてた大会とは、ちょっと、違ったけど、面白そうだし、どうせやるなら、思いっきり!よろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん!押忍!

Hitomi: An introduction? Guess I got so excited I forgot. So let's take a few steps back. My name is Hitomi. My dad runs a karate dojo where I teach martial arts. I mean, even though I teach there, I'm still in training myself. Anyway, I heard of a huge competition happening on this isleand, and I had to come. Even though it's a little different from what I had in mind, it's [sic] sounds fun and I'm still game! So let's do our best and get to the top! Hai-yah!

Episode 3: Challenge! (チャレンジ!)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE03

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ、オーナーさん、おはようございます!フェス用の水着……ですか?……あー、ごめんなさい、そういうの、凖備してなくて……えっ、好きなの選んでいいんですか?あはっ、どうせなら、いろんな水着に挑戦してみたいなぁ。

Hitomi: Oh, good morning! My swimsuit for the festival? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I totally forgot to bring one. Really? I can choose whichever one I like? Haha… Well, there are so many I see myself competing in…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: まずは、これ……は、普通、な感じかなぁ……

Hitomi: Take this, for example… Maybe a little too plain?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: これは……あはは、似合わないですね。

Hitomi: Then there's this one… Hahah… Not my best look.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: これは……ちょっと……これじこれじゃ働けないよ……うーん、意外とむずかしいなぁ……あの、オーナーさん、選んでもらえませんか?わたし、こういうの苦手で……

Hitomi: And this one is nice, but… pretty hard to move around in. Hmm… This is harder than I thought. Do you think… Maybe you can choose for me? I really suck at this sort of thing.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ、これ、いいなぁ!動きやすいし、わたしにぴったり!それに、オーナーさんが選んでくれたって思うと、気合も入るわ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Oh my gosh, this one is awesome! Easy to move in, and looks great on me! Plus knowing you picked it out for me, gives me a huge confidence boost! Thank you so much for doing this!

Episode 4: Secret of the Fighting Spirit (気合いの秘密)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE04

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あ、オーナーさん。この前は、水着選んでいただいて、ありがとうございました!毎朝、あの水着でトレーニングしてるんですよ。とっても動きやすくて、ついつい、着ちゃうんですよね。それに、オーナーさんに選んでもらった水者だから、いつもより気合が入るんです。誰かに水着を選んでもらう、って初めてだったんだけど……いろいろな水着に挑戦できて、楽しかったあー。また、一緒に行きましょうね。オーナーさん。

Hitomi: Oh, hey there. Thanks for picking out my swimsuit the other day! I train in that suit every morning. It's so flexible and easy to move in, I always end up wearing it. Plus the fact that you chose it for me gives me an extra boost of energy. It's the first time I've ever had someone pick out a swimsuit for me. But is [sic] was super fun trying out so many options. Let's go out again sometime, okay?

Episode 5: Have Fun! (楽しくね!)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE05

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: こんにちは、オーナーさん。フェス用の写真ですか?ふふっ、楽しそう!じゃあ、気合い入れていきます!あ、気合いは入れない方がいい……のかな……あはは。

Hitomi: Hello. Pictures for the Festival? Hehe. Sounds fun! I'll get psyched up for this! Or maybe it's better just to stay relaxed? Hahaha.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: じゃ、行きまーす。勝利の、ぶいっ!

(camera flash)

Hitomi: Okay, let's do this! To victory!

(camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 押忍!

(camera flash)

Hitomi: Hai-YAH!

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: がおっ!

(camera flash)

Hitomi: Growl!

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ、なんだか、楽しくなってきちゃった!オーすーさん、ちゃーんと、撮ってくださいね?ちゃーんと……って、あっ、どこ見てるんですか?もう!

Hitomi: This is starting to get fun! Be sure to take these pictures tastefully, okay? Tastefully of course meaning-- Hey…! What are you looking at? Seriously?!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あー、楽しかったぁ。使う写真、決まったら見せてくださいね。フェス、頑張りましょう!

Hitomi: Wow, that was actually super fun! Show me the pics that you decide to use. Let's go all out at the Festival!

Episode 6: In Order Not To Lose (負けないように)


DOAXVV Hitomi CE06

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、この前は、写真ありがとうございました。あんなふうに写真撮ってもらうのって。初めてだったから、不安だったんだけど……自分でも笑っちゃうくらい、楽しそうで、いい写真ばっかり。相手がオーナーさんでよかったぁ。あの写真、フェスの選手紹介とかに使うんですよね?写真に負けないように、気合入れないと!見ててくださいね、オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Hey, thanks for taking all those pics the other day. It's the first time I've ever been part of a shoot like that, so I was a little uneasy at first… But it really made me smile, and all the pics turned out great. I'm so glad you're my partner. You're gonna use these pics for my athlete intro at the Festival, right? I better get psyched up to look as good as those pics! Check this out!

Episode 7: I Wish You Had Seen It (見ていてくれたら)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi 50 lvl episode

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あれ?オーナーさん、おはようこざいます!ちょうどよかった!ちょっとだけ、手伝ってもらえませんか?

Hitomi: Huh? Good morning! What perfect timing! Can you help me out a little?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: じゃあ、足を押さえててくださいね。お願いします!いち、に、さん、し、ご……

Hitomi: Just hold my legs, okay? This won't take long. One, two, three, four, five…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 495、496、497、498、499、500……!ふぅ ーーー!

Hitomi: 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500…! Whew!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ありがとうございました。じゃあ、わたし、走ってきますね。あああ、待っててくれなくてもいいですよ?でも、見ていてくれたら、気合い入るかも。なんて、うふふっ。じゃ、行ってきまーす!

Hitomi: Thank you so much. I'm going for a jog now. Oh, you don't have to wait for me. But if you watch, I might get extra pumped. What am I saying? Hehe. Be right back!

Episode 8: I Must Show My Gratitude (お礼をしなきゃ)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi level 60 episode


DOAXVV (English) - Character Episodes (Hitomi) - 08 - I Must Show My Gratitude

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: お疲れさまでした、オーナーさん。結局あれから、朝練のお手伝い、恒例になっちゃってますね。わたしは、気合も入るし、助かってるからいいんですけど……オーナーさん、忙しいんですから、朝早くから、無理はしないでくださいね。あ、そうだ、お礼に今度、お昼ごはん、一緒にどうですか?ふふっ、楽しみだなぁ!あ、オーナーさんも、楽しみにしていてくださいね?

Hitomi: Thanks again, boss. Since that first day, you've been helping me train almost every morning. That's really motivated me to get better and practice harder… But if you're busy, don't wear yourself out working with me every morning, okay? Oh yeah. How about I take you to lunch as a thank you? Hehe. I can't wait! I hope you're looking forward to it, too!

Episode 9: For the Sake of... Someone (誰かのために)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi level 70 episode

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: こんにちは、オーナーさん。今日はオーナーさんの為にわたしがお弁当を作ってきました。いうもにしるうだから、ちゃんと食べてもらいたくて。ねたし、こう見えても、料理は得意なんです!ふふふーん……じゃーん!ううーん、おいしそうー。じゃあ……オーナーさん、あーん…… ふふっ、おいしいですか?よかったー。誰かに食べでもらえるって思うと、作るのも楽しいんです。フェスは修行も……お料理も……誰かの為に、って思えば……だから…… えっと……は、はい、 次。 次、つぎ。あーん……

Hitomi: hello, Mr. Owner. I made a bento for the owner Today. I want you to eat it properly because I know it. Even if it looks like this, he decided is good at cooking! heh... No! well, It looks delicious. Well then...... Mr. Owner, uh... ugh, Is it delicious? It was Good. When I think that someone can eat it, it is also fun to Make. The festival is also training...... and the food... For someone, If you think...... So...... Let's see...... The following, Yes. Next. uh...

Episode 10: Being Together (一緒にいること)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi level 75 episode

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、今日のお弁当、どうでしたか?あっ、スキキライしちゃ、だめですよ?いつも、ちゃんとバランス考えて、作ってるんだから…………あはっ。なんだか、不思議ですね。朝のトレーニングと、お昼ごはん……毎日、ってわけじゃないけど……こんなに誰かと一緒にいるなんて。師匠と弟子、って関係でもないし、トレーナーと選手……とも違うし。でも、一緒にいてくれることで、毎日がすごく充実してる気がする。なんだか、よくわからないけど……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。

Hitomi: Mr. Owner, how was your bento today? oh, Skikirai, no? I always think of balance, and I'm making...... oh, Ha. somehow, It is Strange. Morning Training and lunch...... Not every day, but...... To be with someone like This. It's not the relationship between a mentor and a disciple, and a trainer and a player... Also Different. But by being with me, I feel that every day is very fulfilling. I'm Not sure, but... Thank you, Mr. Owner.

Episode 11: Partners (パートナー)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi level 80 episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あー、今日も楽しかったぁ。南の島で、こんな充実した修行ができるだなんて、オーナーさんのおかげですね。フェス、絶対に負けないんだから。オーナーさん、ありがとう。

Hitomi: oh, It was fun today. I owe it to the owner to be able to do such a fulfilling training on the southern Island. It's a festival, I never lose. Thank you, Mr. Owner.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはは、改めて言うと、ちょっと恥ずかしいな……でも、本当ですよ?今、わたしが頑張れるのは……オーナーさんが見ていてくれるから。だから…………オーナーさん、これからも、よろしくお願いします。押忍。

Hitomi: oh, once again, it's kind of embarrassing... But is it true? Now that I'm can work hard...... The owner is looking at the Shop. So............ Mr. Owner, in the future, thank You. Shinobu.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ、おはようございほす。今日はもっと頑張るから、見ていてくださいね。オーナーさん♪

Hitomi: oh, Good Morning Refreshment. I'll try harder today, so please watch it. The owner's!

Kokoro Episodes


【DOAXVV】 こころ1 どこへ行けば 【エピソード】

Episode 1: No Matter Where You Go (どこへ行けば)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 綺麗な海、大きな空……こんな素敵な島で、みんなで集まって、お祭りかあ。ふふっ、バカンスにお祭り、楽しみやわぁ。よーし、ウチも頑張らな!八極拳も、お稽古も頑張れるように、今は思いっきり、楽じまなる。

Kokoro (OFF): ……でも……どこにいけばええんやろ……

Kokoro: This water's so beautiful. And the sky goes on forever… What a perfect island, and everyone's going to that festival. Hehe. I'm so looking forward to this. I'll put my heart and soul into it! I can just have crazy fun here, to refresh my mind for baji quan and dance practice.

Kokoro (OFF): But where am I supposed go?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: はい?あっ、こんにちはー。えっと、どなたですか?オーナー……はん?ヴィーナスフェス……ああ、それです!ウチ、その 「ヴィーナスフェス」に行こー、思て……よかったあー。右も左もわからなくて、困ってたんです。よろしゅうお願いします。オーナーはん♥……ところで…………ヴィーナスフェスって、どんなお祭りですか?ふふっ♥

Kokoro: Oh, hello. I don't think we've met. You're the owner? The Venus Festival… Yes, that's the one! I was just thinking of going there. But I don't have a clue about this place. What perfect timing to meet you like this. Oh, and by the way... What kind of festival is it? Hehe.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


【DOAXVV】 こころ2 自己紹介 【エピソード】

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: え?自己紹介……ですか?あらためて、言う感じで、ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……じゃあ。ウチ、「こころ」っていいます。えっと、舜妓しながら、八極拳の修業中です。この島に来たのは……ぱぁーっと遊びたいなー、って思って。ちょっと、稽古と修業に疲れてたんかなぁ……そこに、ヴィーナスフェスの招待状が届いたんです。ふふっ、ええタイミングやわー、おもて。あっ、フェスは真面目にやりますから、心配 、いりませんよ?こんな感じで、ええですか?じゃあ、よろしゅう、お頼み申します。オーナーはん♥

Kokoro: Hm? An introduction? Oh my gosh, this is kind of embarrassing. I can't believe I haven't told you my name yet. I'm Kokoro. Um, I'm an apprentice geisha, and I'm training in baji quan martial arts. I guess I came to this island… Just to relax and have fun. I was a little burnt out from all my training. But then I got an invitation to the Venus Festival. Hehe. The timing couldn't have been better. You've got nothing to worry about. I intend to do my best at the Festival. Is that good enough for an intro? Anyway, it was nice meeting you like this.

Episode 3: Does It Look Good On Me? (似合うかな?)


【DOAXVV】 こころ3 似合うかな? 【エピソード】

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、おはようごさいます。ご機嫌よろしゅう♥フェスの水着……ですか?ウチ、そういうの知らんと来たから……えっ、買ってくれるんですか?うれしいわぁ。ほな、よろしゅうに。

Kokoro: Hello again. How are you doing this morning? Swimsuit for the festival? That's why I came, I'm just not sure. Hm? You'd really buy it for me? That's so awesome. Thank you.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro (OFF): あの……着てきましたけど……やっぱり見せないと、ダメですよね……?

Kokoro: ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……はい。……あの……どうですか?オーナー……はん?……んー?似合うてますか?はぁー、よかった。オーナーはんがええ、いうんだったら、間違いないですよね?ふふっ♪

Kokoro (OFF): Well… I put it on. But I guess you need to see it.

Kokoro: I'm a little embarrassed, but… Here it is. What do you think… Boss? Hm? It really looks good on me? What a relief. If you think it looks good, then it must be the one. Hehe.

Episode 4: Say It Again, Please? (また、言うてね?)


【DOAXVV】 こころ4 また、言うてね? 【エピソード】

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あ、オーナーはん。こないだは、水着ありがとうございました。「似合う」言うてくれて、嬉しかったなぁ。これから、新しい水着着たら、一番にオーナーはんに見てもらいますね。その時は、……オーナーはん……また、「似合う」って、言うてくださいね♥ふふっ。

Kokoro: Oh, hey. Thanks again for buying the swimsuit for me. And I'm so happy you think it looks great on me. From now on, whenever I wear a new swimsuit, you'll be the first to see it. And when that happens... Make sure you say it looks great on me again. Hehe...

Episode 5: It's Cute, If I Say So Myself (かわいい、言うても)


【DOAXVV】 こころ5 かわいい、言うても 【エピソード】

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、おはようさん♥今日もええお天気ですねー。えっ、写真撮影ですが?ふーん、フェスに必要、なんですねえ。ほな、準備してきます。ちょっと、待っててねー♥

Kokoro: Good morning. Another perfect day, isn't it? A photo shoot? Well… If you need it for the Festival. Let me get ready. I won't be long.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: はい、ほな、いきますよー?はい、ポーズ♥

(camera flash)

Kokoro: ポーズ♥

(camera flash)

Kokoro: こんなん、どうですか?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: えーと、次は……オーナーはん、リクエスト、ありますか?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: こう……ですか?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: もっと、うしろ……?

Kokoro: Okay, I'm all set. Here's a good pose.

(camera flash)

Kokoro: And then this.

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Or how about this?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: And maybe… Hmm… Do you have any requests?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: So then… like this?

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Should I back up, like…?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro (OFF): きゃっー!

Kokoro: ぷはっ…!きゃっ!恥ずかしい……

Kokoro (OFF): Oops!

Kokoro: Oh my gosh! Hey! That's embarrassing…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ……オーナーはん!もう、調子に乗ったらあきまへんよ?ウチも、怒るときは怒ります。……「かわいい」言うてもダメです。 ……ふっ……ふふっ♪

Kokoro: What are you doing?! You're getting a little too frisky. I can get mad when I'm triggered, you know. And don't say I'm cute when I'm angry. Heh… Hehe!

Episode 6: Prepare Yourself, Okay? (覚悟しといてね?)


DOAXVV Kokoro CE06

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、こんにちはー。この敵の写真、見せてもらいました。よう撮れてて、嬉しかったわー。ちょっと、気になる写真もあったけど、まあ……しゃーないかな……写真、お母さんにも送ろうかなー、って思うんですけど……お母さん厳しい人やから、オーナーはリん、覚悟しといてくださいね?あ、そうだ。写真のお礼に、今度、ー緒に泳ぎに行きましょ?ね。

Kokoro: hello, Owner. A picture of this enemy was Shown. I was so happy that I was able to shoot. There were some photos I was curious about, but... I wonder if...... I'd like to send a picture to my mother. Please be prepared for the owner, because it is hard to be a mother. Oh I got it. Thanks for the pictures, let's go swimming together next Time. Right.

Episode 7: Sunscreen (日焼け止め)


DOAX VenusVacation Kokoro LV50Unlock日焼け止めシーン

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: こんにちは、オーナーはん……オーナー……はん?ふふっ、寝てはるんですか?ほな、ウチもちょっとゆっくりしよかな。よいしょっと。えつと、日焼け止め……日焼け止め……あれ……?うーん……あっ…………寝てはり……ますよね?ちょっと、お借りはしますね……ぉーなーはん、もうち寝といでね……よーいしょ……っ〜♪……ん?……きゃっ!起きてはったんですか!?オーナーはんのいじわる!えっち!……もう!いけず……

Kokoro: Hey there. Hm? Hehe. Are you asleep? Maybe I'll join you. There. Hmm… Where'd I put my sunscreen? Huh…? Hmm… Oh. You are… sleeping, right? I'll just borrow a little. Just stay in dreamland a little longer. Here we go… ~♪ Hm…? Hey! Were you awake this whole time?! Ooh! You filthy little perv! Don't be so mean!

Episode 8: The Enjoyable Part (楽しんだ分)


DOAX VenusVacation KokoroLV60 Unlock 楽しんだ分

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、ちょっと、相談があるんですけど……ウチ、もうちょっと、頑張ろうって思って……あっ、今までフェスを頑張ってなかった、って意味とちゃいますよ?この前の写真見てたら、よう笑ってて……ウチ、楽しんでるなぁって。ウチがこの島に来た理由、覚えてはります?稽古や修業に疲れて、ぱぁーっと遊びたくなった、って。でも、オーナーはんに、こんなにお世話になって、楽しませてもろて……このままでええんかなー、って思ったんです。オーナーはん、ウチ、フェスの合間に、稽古と修行、はじめてええですか?麵も、八極拳も、ビーチバレーも。ぜーんぶ、頑張らな。

Kokoro: owner, I have a little consultation. I'm going to try to do my little bit more. oh, I mean you didn't try the festival until now, right? When I saw the last picture, I Laughed. I'm having a nice day. Do you remember why we came to this island? When I was tired of training and training, I wanted to play. but, to the owner, so much care, Morote to entertain...... I thought it was a yes. Is it the first time for me to practice and practice between owners, my, and fes? noodles, eight polar fists, and even beach Volleyball. Do your very hard.

Episode 9 Training Field Trip (稽古の見学)



Scene 1

No dialogue

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あっ、オーナーはん。 こんにちはー。えっ? 見学、ですか?ええですけど……減るもんやなし……見て楽しいもんやろか……?ほな、いきますえー。

Kokoro: oh, Owner. Hi. What? Is this a tour? yes, but... I'm Not Decreasing. Fun to watch and nightclub......? yes, Let's Go.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん……?もう、静かに見てる、思たら……また、寝たふりかと思いました。お疲れやのに無理して…………よう眠れました?ふふっ、でも……なんか、ええ汗かけました。オーナーはんがおると、落ち着く、っていうか……あの、これからも…………て、あかん!どこ見でるんですか!もう!

Kokoro: owner...? I'm already looking quietly, i think... also, I thought that I pretended to Sleep. I'm tired, but I can't...... How did you sleep? ugh, but...... yes, I was sweating. If the owner is there, it settles down. well, from now on...... ! Where are you looking at? Another

Episode 10 Look Again, Please? (わかったかな?)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Kokoro EPISODELV75 また、見てね?(Please look at again?)

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん、朝の稽古、お疲れ様でした。やっぱり、オーナーはんに見ててもらうと、気合入るわぁ。緊張する、っていうんとは、ちょっと違うてて……なんかこう、安心する、みたいな。オーナーはん、なーんも言わんと見ててくれるから、かなぁ。お母さんもお師匠さんも、ちょっと間違えたらすぐ……ふふっ。こんどは、舞の稽古もみてもらおうかな。

Kokoro: owner, training in the morning, I was tired. After all, if you look at the owner-chan, i'll Yell. To be nervous is a little different...... I'm Kind of Relieved. The owner, I do not even look at me like, i wonder. As soon as the mother and the teacher made a mistake... Ugh. This is the lesson of Mai

Episode 11 Do You Understand? (また、見てね?)


DOAXVV 【Eng sub】最終回EPISODE Ending Kokoro LV80 わかったかな?

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん。じつは、ウチ、ずーっと考えてたんです。

Kokoro (OFF): フェスも、八極拳も、お稽古も……なんで頑張らなあかんのやろなー、って。みんなは、なんで頑張ってるんやろなー、って。

Kokoro: ウチはいつも勢いばっかりで、ようわからへんかったんです。でも、オーナーはんと一緒に頑張ってみて、ちょっとだけ、分かった気がします。誰かのために……自分とちがう「誰かのため」って思うから、みんな、頑張れるんかなぁ……ふふっ 像そうなこと言うてますけど、ほんまは、ようわかってないんです。だから……もうちょっと、頑張ってみようかなー。あの……これからも、よろしゅうおねがいします。オーナーはん♥

Kokoro: Owner-han. actually, I was thinking about it.

Kokoro (OFF): The festival, the eighth pole fist, the training...... Why do I have to do my hard-to-do? I wonder why everyone is working hard.

Kokoro: I always wanted to know how to do it. but, I try hard with the owner, and I feel that I understand a little. For someone...... Because I think "for someone" different from me, everyone can work hard...... I have to say it's a honma, but I don't know how to do it. So...... A little more, i'll try Hard. Excuse me...... In the future, please. Owner-chan ♥

Nyotengu Episodes

Episode 1: Intriguing Signs (麛白そうな気配)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE01


(Eng) Nyotengu Opening Episode - Intriguing Signs

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、この島か。なにやら、面白そうな気配がするではないか。ほう、人間の「はかんす」か……うん?何じゃ?

Nyotengu: Hehe. Interesting. This island exudes a playful feeling. So this is the human "vacation." Hm? What is it?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: わらわに声をかけておるのか?そなた、何者じゃ。名を申せ。ほう、「おーなー」と申すのか……わらわは女天狗。わらわを恐れぬとは……ふふっ。くるしゅうない。そなたの話、特別に聞いてやろうぞ?「びーなすふぇす」……?ほう、人間たちの心を虜にできる祭り、とな?ふふ、面白そうな話じゃな……行くそ。ついて参れ。

Nyotengu: Was that addressed to me? What do they call you? I see, so you own this island, then. My name is Nyotengu. I'm amused that you're not frightened of me. Hehe. So you've earned my full attention. "Venus Festival"? A festival that captivates the human mind? It sounds quite interesting really. Come follow me.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ん……?ひゃっ!なんじゃなんじゃ、わらわの羽が…………ふむ、この島には、何か不思議なカがあるようじゃな……びーなすふぇす……か。ふふ、「ばかんす」を楽し末ぜてくれそうじゃな……♥

Nyotengu: Hm? Dear heavens! What has happened to my wings? Hmm... This island seems to exude a mysterious power of some kind. The Venus Festival, is it? Hehe. I have a feeling this "vacation" will be full of excitement.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE02


(Eng) Nyotengu LV5 Episode - Self-Introduction

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 自己紹介、とな?わらわはわらわじゃ。そなは、見てわからぬのか?ま、しかたがないのう。わらわは、「女天狗」。人間の「ばかんす」を楽しむにめに。天狗界より遊びに参った。精一杯、もてなすがよい。ん?好きな食べ物……か?わらわは「まんじゅう」が好きでのう。そなた、覚えておくがよいぞ?すりー……さいず……?それは、どのようなものじゃ?……!?そのようなものを知って、どうするのじゃ……わらわは今、そなにの前におるではないか。

Nyotengu: A self introduction? I am who I am. Can't you tell by looking at me? Fine, fine. My name is Nyotengu. I came down from the tengu realm to experience a human "vacation." And you'll show me how to fully enjoy it. Hm? My favorite food? I enjoy eating "manju" Japanese confections. Make a mental note of that. My "measurements"? What is that exactly? …?! Why would you need knowledge of that? I'm right in front of you, aren't I?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……その目で見て、確かめるが良かろう?

Nyotengu: Can't you tell just by looking me over?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: その覚悟があればな……ふふふ。

Nyotengu: If you're brave enough to do so… Hehehe.

Episode 3: Come Closer (近うよれ)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE03


(Eng) Nyotengu LV10 Episode - Come Closer

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふわぁ……オーナー殿か……なんじゃ?朝早くから……ほう、「ふぇす」の水着を……のら。それは、ここでまどろみのひと時を過ごすより、重要なことなのか?なに?買つてくれるのか……?わらわの艶姿、そんなに見たいのか?……しかたがないのう。

Nyotengu: Well hello there. Why are you up so early? Ah, a swimsuit for the "festival"? Is it more important than taking a relaxing nap in this spot? What? You'll purchase it for me? If you're that desperate to see my alluring figure, then I suppose it is unavoidable.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu (OFF): ふふふ……そう急かすでない……

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?似合うておるか?ふふっ、当然じゃ ……何を遠慮しておる。もっと近う寄るがいい。

Nyotengu (OFF): Hehehe… Don't rush me…

Nyotengu: Well, does it look good on me? Hehe. Of course it does. Why are you shying away? Come closer.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほれ……もっと、近くへ……♥ふふふ……♥

Nyotengu: Come on now. Closer… Hehehe…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、もう終わりか?つきらぬのう。うふふふふ……♥

Nyotengu: Through already? How boring. Hehehehe…

Episode 4: Alluring Figure (艶姿)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE04


(Eng) Nyotengu LV20 Episode - Alluring Figure

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんしや、オーナー殿か。わらわに何か?……ふふ、さてはそなたわらわの艶姿が恋しくなったのであろう?人間には、少し刺激が強ずぎたかのう。仕方があるまい。しばらく、傍におるがよい。わらわが、帰ってよい、と言うまで、な。ふふふ……。

Nyotengu: Oh, it's you. Do you need something? Hehe… Perhaps you've become infatuated with my alluring figure? I tend to overstimulate the human senses. It can't be helped I suppose. Come closer to me. Until I say you can go. Understood? Hehehe…

Episode 5: Photo Shoot (写真撮影)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE05


(Eng) Nyotengu LV30 Episode - Photo Shoot

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: うん……オーナー殿か。今日、「ふぇす」は無いのであろう?わらわは昼寝中じゃ……写真……?このままでよいのか?ふむ……まあ、好きにするよい……

Nyotengu: Oh, hello. There is no "festival" today, is there? I'm in the middle of a nap. Photos? Am I okay like this? Hmph… Do as you like then…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ……♥

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: うーん……♥

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: ふう……♥

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: んんー……♥

Nyotengu: Hehe…

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Hmm…

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Whoo…

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Mmm…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、そなたが傍におると、なにやら安心して眠れるのう……ふふ、良い気分じゃ。ちと、外に出かけるとしよう。わらわは羽が無うては飛べぬのじゃ……背負うて、運んでくれぬか?ふふ、おねがいじゃ……♥

Nyotengu: Hehe… I feel so at ease when you're by my side. Allowing me to sleep in comfort. Hehe… I'm feeling good. Let's go out together. I can't fly without my wings. Might you carry me on your back? Hehe… Please?

Episode 6: Change of Plans (趣向を変えて)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE06


(Eng) Nyotengu LV40 Episode - Change Of Plans

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: オーナー殿、お迎えご苦労じゃな。ふふふ、今日はどのような場所に連れて行ってくれるのか、楽しみじゃのう。さあ、何をしておる?背負われてばかりではつまらんからのう。今日は、趣向を変えようぞ?「お姫様抱っこ」というのがあるのであろう?わらわはなんでも知っておるのじゃ。ほれ、早くせぬか……♥

Nyotengu: Thank you for coming for me. Hehehe. I can't wait to see where you're taking me today. What are you doing? Riding on your back all the time gets boring. Let's do something else for a change. "Sweep me off my feet" like a princess. Are you surprised I know so much about human culture? Anyway, be quick about it.

Episode 7: Soft Ice Cream (そふとくりーむ)


DOAXVV Nyotengu CE07


(Eng) Nyotengu LV50 Episode - Soft Ice Cream

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、オーナー澱。今日は休みか?なら、わらわが「でーと」をしてやろうぞ?

Nyotengu: What is it? Are you off today? If so, how about we go on a "date"?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: んー?いい気持ちじゃ。ようやく目が覚めてきたのう……

Nyotengu: Mmm… I feel great. And I'm finally awake.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: のう、オーナー殿、あれ、アレはなんじゃ?

Nyotengu: What is that you're holding?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 「そふとくりーむ」?冷たくて、甘いのか?まんじゅうと、どちらが美味いのか…………食べてみたいのう……ふぇ?の買ってくれるのか?

Nyotengu: An "ice cream cone"? It's cold and sweet, is it? I wonder if it's better than a manju. I'd like to try one. Really? You'll buy it for me?

Scene 5

Note: The following scenes are done via subtitles.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これが「そふとくりーむ」か……では……いただくぞ……はむ……ん……ふむ……なかなか美味じゃのう……ああっ、なんじゃ、溶けてしまうぞ? まるで雪の様じゃ……ん、んむ……ふふっ……

Nyotengu: So this is what you call an "ice cream cone." Let's see how it tastes. Gulp… Hmm… Mm-hm… It's actually quite tasty. Why look, it's starting to melt. Just like snow… Mmm… Hehe…

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふう、もう無くなってしもうた……のう、オーナー殿…… ふふ…… お代わり、じゃ♥

Nyotengu: Whew, it's already gone. So I'd like you to… Hehe… get me another one.

Episode 8: First Experience (初体験)


(Eng) Nyotengu LV60 Episode - First Experience

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu:「そふとくりーむ」、また食べたいのう……人間には、まんじゅうの他にも、美味いものがたくさんあるのじゃな。な、なんじゃと?「まんじゅう」に「くりーむ」を入れたものまであるのか !?そなたは、まだまだいろいろなことを知っていそうじゃな。次は、どんな初体験をさせてもらえるのか……楽しみじゃな……♥

Nyotengu: I'd like to have another "ice cream cone". It seems humans have many delicious things to enjoy other than manju. What? There's even a "manju" with "cream" inside?! It seems I can still learn many things from you. What other experiences can you show me? I'm excited just thinking about it.

Episode 9: Massage (まっさーじ)


Venus Vacation Nyotengu lvl70 scene

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: のう、おーな一殿……人間には「まっさーし」というものがあるそうじゃな?わらわの羽がもどるように、そなた、「まっさーじ」をしてくれぬか?

Nyotengu: Oh, a Lord...... There is a thing called "Waiting" for man. As for the feather of the straw, will you do "wait"?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう……こういうものか……うふ……なかなかよいぞ……ううん……ふふ……はぁ……

Nyotengu: Aha...... This is what... Tofu...... It's pretty good... No...... Hehehe...... Sigh......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: はぁ〜……♥なかなか良かったぞ?肩が軽い……♥今にも羽が生えてきそうじゃ…………生えては来ぬが……ふふ、まあ、良いか。この島には、やはり不思議なカがあるのかもしれんのう。身も心も、すっかりとろけてしもうたぞ……おーなー殿♥

Nyotengu: Oh... ♥ It was pretty good, huh? The shoulder is light...... ♥ The wings are about to grow now...... It doesn't come when it grows. Well, good. There may be strange mosquitoes on this island. The body and the mind were completely melts. Oh, my lord.

Episode 10: Like I'm Becoming a Slave (虜になりそう)


Venus Vacation Nyotengu lvl75 scene

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: はぁ〜……♥今日も、そなたの「まっきーじ」、良かったぞ♥「ふぇす」で人間を虜にするはずが、わらわが「まっさーじ」の虜になりそうじゃ。もし、これで羽が戻ったら、そなたに、礼をせねばならぬのう。「まっさーじ」に負けぬよう、天狗界で一番気持ちの良い礼を……な♥楽しみじゃのう♥

Nyotengu: Oh... ♥ Today, thy "straw", I'm good ♥ "heh" is supposed to be captivated by the human, the "Wait" is likely to become a prisoner of the "waiting." If the feather returns, you must thank him. To be defeated at the "Waiting", the most pleasant gratitude in the Tengu world...... ♥ The Fun ♥

Episode 11: Until You're a Slave to Love (虜にするまで)


Venus Vacation Nyotengu lvl80 scene

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふふ……人間のバカンスは楽しいのう。羽はまだ戻らぬが……まあ、それもよいか。もうしばらく、この島で「ない羽」を伸ばすとしよう。「ふぇす」に勝利して、人間たちの心を虜にするまで……な。そうすれば……その……そなたも、虜に……なるのじゃな?ふふふ……その日まで……ともに「ばかんす」を楽しく過ごそうで?おーなー殿♥

Nyotengu: Hehehe...... A man's vacation is a pleasant lie. The feather has not returned yet...... Well, is that even good? Let's try to extend "no feather" on this island for a while longer. Until you win the "Fuu", and to captivate the hearts of human beings...... A If so...... That...... You, too, captivated...... . Hehehe...... Until that day...... Do you have fun with "stupid" together? Oh, my Lord ♥

Ayane Episodes

Episode 1: You'll Entertain Me, Right? (楽しませてよね)


【DOAXVV】 あやね1 楽しませてよね 【エピソード】


(Eng) Ayane Opening Episode - You'll Entertain Me, Right?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……わたしに何か用?ふーん、この島のオーナーさん……まったく、この島と来たら、暑いだけで何もないんだから……ねえ……うしろ、結んでくれない?……ふふ、冗談よ。

Ayane: ... Did you want something? Oh, you own this island, don't you? Honestly, it's been so hot here with nothing to do since I came... Hey... Would you tie my top? Hehe. I'm kidding.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: で、オーナーさんが、わたしに何の用?ふーん、ヴィーナスフェス……島のお祭りね。いいわ、仕事のついでに、 付き合ってあげる。わたしの仕事……そうね、この島の調査、みたいなものかしら。さ、行きましょ。せっかくだから、楽しませてよね?

Ayane: What did you want, anyway? The Venus Festival, huh? All right, I'll join you on my way to work. My job? You could say I investigate this island. Let's get going. Make it fun for me, okay?

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


【DOAXVV】 あやね2 自己紹介 【エピソード】


(Eng) Ayane LV5 Episode - Self-introduction

Japanese English translation

Ayane: 自己紹介?誘っておいて、今さら何よ。ま、いいけどね。肝心なところは、教えてあげないけど。名前は、「あやね」。仕事はヒミツ。「島の何を調査してるのか?」そんなこと言ったかしら?じゃあ、それもヒミツね。趣味はエステ。好きな食べ物は、マロンクラッセ、かな。憶えておいて。嫌いなことは……そうね、あれこれ聞かれること、かしら。じゃ、よろしくね、オーナーさん。

Ayane: My name? Now you ask, after inviting me? I suppose I should tell you what's important. My name is Ayane. My job is a secret. What am I investigating? Well, that's a secret too. I enjoy getting beauty treatments. And my favorite food would be "marron glace" confections I suppose. Keep that in mind. My dislikes? Being interrogated like this maybe. Anyway, it was nice meeting you.

Episode 3: Carrying Baggage (荷物持ち)


【DOAXVV】 あやね3 荷物持ち 【エピソード】


(Eng) Ayane LV10 Episode - Carrying Baggage

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、オーナーさん。今旧はフェス、お休みよね?ふーん、暇そうね……なら、ちょっと付き合ってくれない?なにっで、ショッピングよ。オーナーでしょ?荷物くらい持ってよね。

Ayane: Well hello again. No festival today, right? You seem pretty bored. Wanna come with me? To go shopping, of course. You can carry my things.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はい、ご苦労様。荷物はそこに置いて。お礼は何がいいかしら……うーん……そうだ。ちょっと、そこで待ってて。

Ayane: Good job. Just put my things there. How should I thank you for this... Hmm... I know. Wait there a second.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ、フェス用の水着、どうかしら。けっこう可愛いと思うんだけど。せっかく買ってくれたんだもの、見せておかなきゃね。

Ayane: Hehe. You like the festival swimsuit? I think it's pretty cute myself. Since you bought it for me, the least I could do is show it off.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: 今日は楽しめたわ。よかったら、また、一緒にお買い物しましょ。荷物が多い時は、ね。

Ayane: I had fun today. We should go shopping again sometime. When I have a lot to carry.

Episode 4: Please Look? (見てなさい?)


【DOAXVV】 あやね4 見てなさい? 【エピソード】


(Eng) Ayane LV20 Episode - Please Look?

Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、オーナーさん。荷物持ちなら、今日は要らないわよ?いま必要なのは……そうね、泳ぐ間の荷物番、かしら。あら、こんなところにちょうどいい人が♥じゃ、よろしくお願いするわね。荷物と、わたし。しっかり見てなさい。

Ayane: oh, Mr. Owner. If you have luggage, you don't need it today? What I need now is... well, I wonder if it's the luggage between the Swim. oh, I'm Just a nice person in a place like ♥, thank You. Luggage and Me. Take a firm Look.

Episode 5: Unexpected Incident (ハプニング)


【DOAXVV】 あやね5 ハプニング 【エピソード】


(Eng) Ayane LV30 Episode - Unexpected Incident

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、オーナーさん……なに?ふーん、フェス用の写真ねぇ……ま、別にいいけど……

Ayane: Oh hi. What is it? Oh, a photo for the Festival, hm… I guess it's alright.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はい、準備できたわよ。さ、どんなポーズがいいの?ま、お世話になってるんだし、フェースに必要なら仕方がないわね。

Ayane: Okay, I'm ready to rock. How should I pose for you? Well, you've been good to me. And since it's for the Festival, I'll do it.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はい、これでいい?

(camera flash)

Ayane: な、なによそのにやけた顔……は、早く撮りなさいよ!

(cameral flash)

Ayane: あなた、ふざけてるんじゃないでしょうね……って、キャッ!

Ayane: Does this look okay?

(camera flash)

Ayane: Why are you grinning like that? Hurry up and take the shot!

(camera flash)

Ayane: Are you messing with me? Why are you-- Hey!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: もう!なんでこうなるのよ!ちょっと!撮ってないでしょうね?撮ってたらただじゃおかないわよ?まったくもう……にゃけでないで、ちょっと手伝いなさいよ!ほら、後ろ、結んでよ!もう……は、はやくしてよ。ふんっ。

Ayane: Oh my gosh. How'd that happen? You didn't take a picture of that, right? If you did, I'll make sure you regret it! Ugh… Wipe that grin off your face and do it right! Tie it back on! …Would you hurry up. Hmph.

Episode 6: Fruit Of My Labor (努力の賜物)




(Eng) Ayane LV40 Episode - Fruit Of My Labor

Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、写真、見せてもらったわ。ふふっ、なかなかよく撮れてるじゃない。努力の賜物、ってところかしら。え?あなにの、じゃないわよ。わたしの趣味の話。ここは日差しが強いから、お肌の手入れは、完璧にしておかないとね。この島、何もないから大変なのよ?本当なら、エステでも用意して欲しいところだけれど。……そうね。仕方がないわ。あなたも、少しは協力しなさい。ふふっ。

Ayane: I saw the picture you took. Hehe. It looks pretty sexy. I guess the effort paid off. Hm? Not your effort. I'm talking about myself. The sun is so strong here, I work hard to make sure my skin stays perfect. It's not easy living on this godforsaken island. What I'd love is if you'd set up a beauty treatment for me. Yeah, I guess I don't have a choice. Maybe you can do a little more for me. Hehe.

Episode 7: Can We Be Exclusive (専属にならない?)




(Eng) Ayane LV50 Episode - Can We Be Exclusive?

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、こんばんは。ちょっと、お願いがあるんだけど……聞いてくれるかしら。わたしがいいって言うまで、目を閉じてなさい。ヘンな事したら承知しないんだから……

Ayane (OFF): はい、いいわよ。……じゃ、お願いね。

Ayane: Hey there. I was wondering if you'd do me a favor. Close your eyes until I say you can open them. And don't try anything funny.

Ayane (OFF): Okay, open. Let's get started, I guess.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ほんと、何もない島よね……わたしがいるんだから、エステくらい備えなさいよ。う……ん、なかなか上手いじゃない。ふふっ、あなた、オーナーなんかより、エステティシャンの方が向いてるんじゃない?これから毎日お願いしようかしら。ちょ、ちょっと!どこ触ってるのよ!

Ayane: This island has nothing to offer. The least you can do is give me a beauty treatment. Mmmm… You're pretty good at this. You might have a brighter future as a beautician. Maybe I'll have you do this every day. Hey! Watch where you put those hands!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まったくもう……ま、今回だけは許してあげるわ。腕前はなかなかだったから、ヘンな事しないなら、また…………冗談よ。にやけてないで、仕事に戻ったら?じゃ、また「あした」ね。

Ayane: You're unbelievable… But I guess I'll allow it this once… You've really got a knack for this. If you don't try anything creepy, maybe we can… Just kidding. Stop grinning and get back to work. I'll see you tomorrow.

Episode 8: You Worry Too Much (心配性よね)


DOAXVV あやね LV60 エピソード 「心配性よね」

Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、オーナーさん。今日はエステはお休みよ?なんで、冗談よ。何の用かしら?他の女の子と?フェスのお仕事は、きちんとやってるつもりだけど。ふふっ、わかってるわよ。わたしだって、バカンス、楽しく過ごしたいもの。心配いらないわ。仲良くやってるわよ。それなりに、ね。みさきになんか、変なあだ名つけられて困ってるんだから。ふふっ、あなた、心配性ね。誰かさんそっくり。でも、そうね……もう少し、歩み寄ってみてもいいかしらね。じゃあ、ね。

Ayane: Hey there. I don't need your "handy" work today. I'm just joking. What do you want? With the other girls? I thought I was doing a pretty good job at the Festivals. Hehe. I know, I know. I want to get some enjoyment out of my vacation. Don't worry. We're getting along okay. As well as we can I guess. Misaki gave me this weird nickname, and I'm a little bothered by it. Hehe. You worry too much. Exactly like someone else I know. But yeah… I guess I can try a little harder to get along. See ya later.

Episode 9: Secret Investigation (隠密調査)


DOAXVV あやね LV70 エピソード 「隠密調査」

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まったく、相変わらずね……気になって来てみれば……こんな島に来てまで何クウジウジしてるのよ。素直に楽しんじゃえばいいのに。誰……!?

Ayane: At all, the same as ever...... If you come to mind...... What are you doing in this island? I wish I could enjoy it obediently. Who......!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……オーナーさん?なに?覗き?いい趣味しでるわね……わたし?わたしは……その……し、仕事よ。なにが……って、もう!なんだっていいでしょ。ちょっと付き合いなさい。

Ayane:...... Mr. Owner? What? Peeping? It's a good hobby... I? I... That...... and work. What...... Oh, no! It is good. Just hang out.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): いい夜ね……ー人でいるのがもったいないわ。

Ayane: ……もう少し素直になったら、ー緒に過ご してくれる人くらい…………ふふっ、どうしてかしら。オーナーさんにだと、素直に話しちゃらわ。

Ayane (OFF): Good night…… It's a waste to be a person.

Ayane:...... If you become a little more obedient, the person who spends it together.......... Hmm, I wonder why. I'm going to talk to the owner honestly.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: だいたい、隙がありすぎるのよ。そんな呆けでると、こっちまで油断しちゃフじゃない。でも、ちょっと助かったわ。ふふっ。じゃ、おやすみなさい。

Ayane: It's too much of a gap. If you are so tired of that, you're not on your guard. But it was a bit of a relief. Heh heh. Good night, then.

Episode 10: Can I Rely On You? (頼りにさせて?)


DOAXVV あやね LV75 エピソード 「頼りにさせて?」

Japanese English translation

Ayane: はぁーあ、今日もお疲れ様でした。さて、この後はどうするの?食事?それとも……エステ、お願いできるかしら?名エステティシャンさん。なんてね。気を付けないとね……最近、気を緩めすぎかしら?本業がおろそかにならなければいいけど。わたしの仕事?はぁ……あなたの仕事のことよ。オーナーさん。シアンとしなさい。わたしのパートナーなんだから。ちょっとは、頼りにさせてよね。ふふっ。

Ayane: Oh, I was tired today. So, what are we going to do after this? Meal? Or...... Este, can you please? Esthetician's name. . You have to be careful... Are you feeling too relaxed lately? I hope I don't neglect my core business. My job? Sigh...... It's about your job. The owner. Do with Cyan. It's my partner. Hey, let me count on you. Heh heh.

Episode 11: Obedient Bow (素直なお礼)


DOAXVV あやね LV80 エピソード 「素直なお礼」

Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん……悪かったわね、呼び出したりして……

Ayane (OFF): ここでの暮らし、結構楽しかったわ。何も言わないわたしに、ずっとよくしてくれて。

Ayane: でも、そろそろ……これ以上、言わないわけにはいかないものね。ん?わたしがここに来た理由……?仕事……って?まさか、信じて……まったく、お人よしもすぎるわよ?ま、そこがあなたらしいか。ふふっ。でも、ハズレ。わたしが言いたかったこと……じゃあ、言うわ…………ありがと。何呆けた顔してるの?ふふっ、わたしが言いたかったことは、それだけ。じゃ、明日からもまたよろしくね。オーナーさん。

Ayane: Owner... I'm sorry, I called you.

Ayane (OFF): I had a lot of fun living here. You've been doing a lot better for me since you said nothing.

Ayane: But it's about time... I can't help saying more. What's up? The reason why I came here...? Work...... What? No way, believe me. You're too nice, aren't you? Well, that's what you're like. Huh. But, hazle. What I wanted to say... Then I'll tell you...... Thank you. What's your face? Huh, that's all I wanted to say. Well, I'll see you again from tomorrow. The owner.

Marie Rose Episodes

Episode 1: Proof of Adulthood (大人の証明)


DOA XTREME VENUS VACATION Character's Episodes Marie Rose 1


DOAXVV Character episodes Marie Rose 1 Proof Of Adulthood (English)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ……!エレナ様ったら。マリーのこと子供扱いして。この島にいる間、は遊んでいなさいって……マリーはエレナ様のサーバントなんだから、バカソスの間もお世話をするのがお仕事なのに。もう!こうなったら……マリー一人で、大人のバカンス、楽しんじゃうんだから!

Marie Rose: Lady Helena's still treating me like a child. Telling me to have fun playing on this island... I am her servant, after all, so I have to look after her even while we're on vacation. You know what... I'll just enjoy this vacation alone, like any adult would!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ……はぁ……

Marie Rose: *Sigh*

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 一人だと……退屈だな…………

Marie Rose (OFF): ……誰?

Marie Rose: Being alone... is boring though.

Marie Rose (OFF): … Who's there?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの、こんにちは。この島の……オーナーさん?あの……、マリ一に何の御用ですか?ヴィーナスフェス……?そんなお祭りやってるんだ。ヴィ一ナス……かぁ……うーん……そうだ!マリー、決めました!そのフェスで一番になって。マリ一が大人だって。エレナ様に証明するんだから!オーナーさん、マリーのお手伝い、お願いしますね。

Marie Rose: Oh, hello. Oh, you own this island? Did you... want something? Venus Festival? So they're doing that here... Venus, huh... Hmm... Yes! I've got a perfect idea! I'll get the top prize at this festival, and prove to Lady Helena I'm an adult once and for all! I hope you can help me with this.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


【DOAXVV】 マリー・ローズ2 自己紹介 【エピソード】


DOAXVV Character episodes Marie Rose 2 Self-Introduction (English)

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 自己紹介、ですか?ふふっ、いいですよ?名前は、マリー・ローズっていいます。「マリー」って呼んでくださいね?DO A TEC総帥、エレナ・ダグラス様。エレナ様のサーバントです。エレナ様は、お美しくて、優しくて、仕事もできて……すごいんですよ!マリー、大きくなったら、エレナ様みたいになりたいなぁ…………え?エレナ様じゃなくて、マリーのお話が聞きたい、ですが?マリーは、エレナ様おつきのサーバント……なのに、エレナ様ったら、マリーは遊んでいなさいって……マリー、お掃除も、お洗濯も、お料理も、ボディガードも、何でもできるんだから。だから、オーナーさん!マリーのこと、小さいからって、子ども扱いしないでくださいね?

Marie Rose: Introduction? Hehe. Sure. My name is Marie Rose. Just call me Marie, okay? I'm Lady Helena's servant. That's Helena Douglas of DOATEC She's so beautiful, and kind, and hard-working, and amazing in every way! I want to be just like her someday. Huh? You want to hear about me instead of Lady Helena? I'm Lady Helena's private servant... But she told me to just go out and play. I can clean, do laundry, cook, work as a bodyguard, you name it, I can do it. But I ask one thing of you... I may be small, but please don't treat me like a child.

Episode 3: Becoming Swimsuit (お似合いの水着)


【DOAXVV】 マリー・ローズ3 お似合いの水着 【エピソード】


DOAXVV Character episodes Marie Rose 3 Becoming Swimsuit (English)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん、こんにちは。えっ、マリーに水着買ってくれるんですか?じゃあ、マリーが好きなの、選んでいいですか?ふふっ、じゃあ、試着するから、見ていてくださいね。

Marie Rose: Oh, hello. Hm? You'd really buy one for me? But, can I choose the one I like? Hehe. I'll try some on then. Tell me what you think, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ほら、こんなのはどうですか?

Marie Rose: What do you think of this one?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: これは……どうかなぁ……

Marie Rose: I dunno. What about this?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、これ可愛い!マリー、これがいいなぁ…

Marie Rose: Oh my gosh, this one is so cute! I think I want it...

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: うーん、でも、少しチ供っぽいかも……どうしようかな……え?そんなに似合ってますか?うーん、オーナーさんが言うなら……しかたないですね。マリー的には、子供っぽいと思いほすけど、これに決めます!ふふっ、ありがとう、オーナーさん。

Marie Rose: Maybe it's too childish, though. I dunno… Hm? It looked that good? Well... If you say so. I'm not gonna argue. I personally think it's a little childish... But I'll take it! Hehe. Thank you.

Episode 4: Shared Secret (二人のヒミツ)


【DOAXVV】 マリー・ローズ4 二人のヒミツ 【エピソード】


DOAXVV Character episodes Marie Rose 4 Shared Secret (English)

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん、この前は水着、ありがとうございました!マリー、あれすっごく気に入ってるんです!フェスだけじゃなくて、普段から着ていたいなー。ねえ、オーナーさん。あの水着のこと、もう少しだけ、オーナーさんとマリーの秘密にしておいてくださいね。エレナ様には、マリーから自慢するんだから!約束ですよ?ね?

Marie Rose: Oh hi. I just wanted to thank you again for that awesome swimsuit! I really love it! You don't even know. It's like, I want to wear it all the time, not just at the Festival. Oh yeah… I'm wondering if you could keep that swimsuit a secret for now, just between us. I want to show it off to Lady Helena myself! Promise me, 'kay?

Episode 5: Vaunted Vacation (バカンス自慢)


【DOAXVV】 マリー・ローズ5 バカンス自慢 【エピソード】


DOAXVV Character episodes Marie Rose 5 Vaunted Vacation (English)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん!今、ちょっといいですか?お願いがあるんですけど……マリーの写真撮ってほしいんです。エレナ様に、マリーがバカンスを楽しんでるところ、見てもらうんです!あっ、そうだ、オーナーさんも、写真のポーズ、考えてくださいね。

Marie Rose: Oh hi! Do you have a second? I was wondering… if you could take some pictures of me. I want to show Lady Helena how much I'm enjoying this vacation! Oh, and think up some good poses for me, 'kay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: はい、チーズ!

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: どう、ですか?

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: ふーん、こんなのが……いいんだ……

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: このポーズ、マリーに似合ってますか?

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: ……オーナーさん……これ、ちょっと……

Marie Rose: Cheese!

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: How's this?

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: Hmm… This is a good one.

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: Is this a good pose for me?

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: Um, excuse me…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: もう!オーナーさん、マリーで遊んでませんか?エレナ様に見せる写真なんだから、可愛く撮ってくれないと困るんですけど……まあいいです。もし変な写真だったら、エレナ様に怒られるのはオーナーさんですからね?

Marie Rose: Hey! Are you just playing with me?! I'm gonna show these pics to Lady Helena, so they have to be cute. I mean… whatever. If they turn out weird, she can get mad at you about it.

Episode 6: Taking The Joke Too Far (ふざけすぎです)




(Eng) Marie Rose LV40 Episode - Taking The Joke Too Far

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん、聞いて聞いて!写真、エレナ様に見てもらったんです!エレナ様に、いい写真だって、褒めてもらいました!……でも……オーナーさんの写真、ふざけたのが多すぎます。マリー、選ぶのにすっごく苦労したんだから!お詫びに、今度、二人で遊びに連れて行ってくださいね?ふふっ。

Marie Rose: Hey! You'll never believe this! I showed those pics to Lady Helena! And she complimented me! She actually likes them! But… I think you were messing around too much when you took them. So it was super hard to choose any for her to see! To make up for it, I want you to take me out somewhere fun. Hehe…

Episode 7: Look Carefully! (ちゃんと見ててよね!)




(Eng) Marie Rose LV50 Episode - Look Carefully!

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、暇そうですね。マリー、ちょっと泳いで来ようかなー。…………………………むー。オーナーさん、マリー、泳いできますから、ちゃんと見ててくださいね!

Marie Rose: Hey, you look a little bored. I was thinking of going for a swim. … Hmm. I'm going out for a swim, so make sure you keep an eye on me!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): ……(キャハハツ)……(あははははっ)……(よいしょよいしょ)……(キャーッ!)

Marie Rose (OFF): …(Kyahaha!) …(Hahahaha!) …(One and two and…) …(Oh my gosh!)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: み、水着が……あっ、オーナーさん!み見ないでください!あっ、でも、水着……えっと……う……もう!水着取ってください!でも、見ちゃダメ!

Marie Rose: My suit… Please don't look! Oh, but my uh… The swimsuit just… Ugh… Just get it for me, please! And don't look!

Episode 8: Servant Basics (サーバントの基本 )


DOAX VenusVacation Marie LV60 Unlock サーバントの基本

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、今度のお休みは、マリーが遊びに連れて行ってあげますね。この前のお詫び、させてあげます。何の話か、って……もう!オーナーさんが、ちゃんと見てくれてなかったから、マリー、ひどい目にあったんです、マリーは平気でしたけど、小さい子だったら、溺れてましたよ?だから、今度のお休みはマリーがオーナーさんを見ててあげる!サーバントの基本、教えてあげるんだから。楽しみにしててくださいね♥

Marie Rose: Mr. owner, I'LL take you to the next vacation, marie. I'll let you apologize before This. What are you talking about? Another The owner didn't see me, so Marie had a bad day, Marie was fine, but if she was a little girl, she drowned? so, Marie is going to see the owner this time off! I'll tell you the basics of a Servant. Please look forward to it ♥

Episode 9: Peace of Mind (安心)


DOAXVV 【Eng sub】MarieRose EPISODE LV70 安心

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん、こんにちは。今日はお休みですよね。なら、マリーとお出かけしませんか?今日は一日、マリーがオーナーさんの面倒を見てあげます。あっ、でも、マリーはエレナ様だけのサーバントなんだから、今日は「特別」ですよ?

Marie Rose: hey, owner, Hello. You're off today, aren't you? Why don't you go out with marie? Marie will take care of the owner one day today. yes, But Marie is a servant only to Helena, so it's special today.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、楽しかったね。プリンセスバーケルセもおいしかったし、マリー、おなか一杯。ふふっ、なんだか、疲れて……ふぁ……眠く……

Marie Rose: It was fun, Mr. Owner. The Princess Bar Kell was also delicious and Marie is full of her tummy. ugh, I'm tired... well... Sleepy......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: はっ……いけない、マリー、寝ちゃってました……オーナーさん……ずっと、待っててくれたんだ。なんだか、安心……するな。ねえ、オーナーさん……また、一緒に遊びに来ようね。

Marie Rose: ha... no, marie, I was sleeping... Mr. owner... I've been waiting for YOU. somehow, Rest assured...... Don't do That. hey, Mr. owner... also, let's come to play Together.

Episode 10: Just A Little Bit More (もうちょっとだけ)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】MarieRose EPISODE LV75 もうちょっとだけ(Just a little more)

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさんだ!オーナーさん、こんにちは♥ふふっ……何の用……って…………もう!オーナーさんは黙っててください。マリーには、マリーの用があるんです。えっと、だから、その……もうちょっとだけ、ここにいてくださいね?マリーも、もうちょっとだけ、ここにいたいんです。……ふふっ。

Marie Rose: oh, It's the owner! The owner, Hi ♥... What do you... What............ Another Mr. Owner, please keep quiet. Marie has a need for marie. um, so, that... Just a little more, please stay here, okay? Marie wants to be here a little more. ...... Ugh.

Episode 11: It's Bedtime Already (もう寝る時間)


DOAXVV【Eng sub】最終回MarieRose Ending LV80!!もう寝る時間

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あ、オーナーさん。マリー、なんだか今旧は眠れなくて。少しだけ、一緒にいてもらってもいいですか?

Marie Rose: oh, the Owner. marie, I can't sleep old now. Can I have a little more with you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): ふふ。なんだか、不思議だな。マリー、オーナーさんと会う前まで「大人だから、一人でも大丈夫」って思ってたんです。でも……違ったみたい。

Marie Rose: 今は、人でいるのが寂しくて……でもでも、それが嫌だったり、悔しかったりしないんだ。マリー、ちょっとだけ、大人になったのかな……

Marie Rose (OFF): Hehehe. It's kind of Strange. marie, before I met the owner, i thought, "i'm an adult and I'm okay." But…… It seems to be different.

Marie Rose:Now I miss being a person...... But I don't like it or frustrating. marie, just a little adult......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ。じゃあ、マリー、もう寝ますね。オーナーさんのおかげで、寂しくなくなっちゃいました。それに、子供はもう寝る時間、ですよね?おやすみなさい。また、明日。

Marie Rose (OFF): 寝坊したら、叩き起こしに行きますね。マリーは最高サーバントなんですから。

Marie Rose: Ugh. well, marie, I'm going to Bed. Thanks to the owner, I lost my loneliness. and it's time for the kids to go to bed now, right? Good night. Also TOMORROW.

Marie Rose (OFF): When I overslept, I go to cause a beating. Marie is the best servant.


Episode 1: Lucky Girl (ラッキーガール)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか1 ラッキーガール 【エピソード】


(Eng) Honoka Opening Episode - Lucky Girl

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うーん!いい天気!また福引で旅行券が当たっちゃうだなんて、ほんとるにラッのキーだなー。今度も思いっきり遊ぶぞーっ!こんなに楽しくていいのかな〜 ってあつわわわわわ… …ひゃっ!

(Splash SFX)

Honoka (OFF):ひゃっ!

Honoka: Ahh! It's so nice out. I still can't believe how lucky I was to win the vacation prize again. I'll just have to enjoy it to the fullest! I almost feel guilty having this much fun. La dee da dee da da daaa… Kyah!

(Splash SFX)

Honoka (OFF): Unrecorded

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): すみません!あの、その… …水着… …とつてくださーい!

Honoka: うう、あの、ちょっとだけ、むこう向いててもらえませんか?

Honoka (OFF): Um... Excuse me... Sir...? Could you get my swimsuit for me?

Honoka: Sorry… Could you like… Look the over way for a second?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): んしょ… …ふう、もう、いいですよ。

Honoka: ありがとうございました。あの、あなたは… … この島のオーナーさん?あの、何か、お礼を… … え?お手伝いですか?ヴィーナスフェス… …お祭りですが?任せてください!わたし、屋台の店番とか、得意なんです!これでも、町内会のお祭りでは頼りにされてるんですよ?じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん。

Honoka (OFF): Okay… There. You can look now.

Honoka: Thank you so much. Could I ask your name? Oh, you own the island? I feel like I should repay you somehow. Hm? You need some help? At the Venus Festival? Then I'm your girl! I have experience working at food stands! I've also helped out at local festivals back home. I look forward to working with you, boss.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか2 自己紹介 【エピソード】


(Eng) Honoka LV5 Episode - Self-introduction

Japanese English translation

Honoka: 自己紹介ですが?はい、じゃあ、始めますね?わたし、「ほのか」って言います。商店街の福引を引いにら、バカンスの招待券が当たっちゃつたんですよ。お駄賃の上にバカンスまで!おばあちゃんのお使いしてよかったぁ。お使いすると、いつもいいことあるんですよ?この前もコロッケおほけして貰ったし……え?わたしのこと?えっと、つーんと……プロレスが好き……とか?よくテレビで見ながら、真似してるんです。わたし、モノマネが得意ですから!じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん。

Honoka: Oh, an introduction? Of course. My name is Honoka. I drew a ticket at my local shopping center, and won this vacation prize. Running errands for Grammy really paid off! Sure glad I helped her with groceries. Something good always happens when you help people. I even won an extra order of fries the other day. Some of my interests? Um... I like pro wrestling and stuff like that. I watched it on TV a lot and act out the scenes. I'm super good at imitations! It was really a pleasure meeting you.

Episode 3: New Swimsuit (新しい水着)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか3 新しい水着 【エピソード】


(Eng) Honoka LV10 Episode - New Swimsuit

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん、おはよう。ございますお出かけですか?じゃあ、一緒に行きましょう!

Honoka: Ah, good morning. Are you going out? I'd like to go out with you if that's okay.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ、わたし水着買わないと……ちょっと、あの……きつくて……えっ、買ってもらえるんですか?そんな、なんだか悪いですよ……で、でも、おばあちゃんにもらったお小遣いだと……うーん……うーん、じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて……水着、選んできますから、見てくださいね。

Honoka: Oh, I have to buy a swimsuit. This one is… kinda tight… Hm? You want to buy it for me? I kinda feel guilty accepting that. But the money I got from Grammy isn't really… Hmm… You know, I think I'll take you up on that. Let me take a second to pick one out.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: お、お待たせしました。ふふっ、どうですか?似合ってますか?水着のお礼に、フェス、頑張ります!

Honoka: Thanks for waiting. Hehe. What do you think? Does it suit me? I'll work extra hard at the Festival to pay you back!

Episode 4: Next Time I'll Get It Right (今度はバッチリ)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか4 今度はバッチリ 【エピソード】


(Eng) Honoka LV20 Episode - Next Time I'll Get It Right

Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、水着、ありがとうございました。おしゃれで、かわいくて、わたしにぴったりで……お気に入りです!わたし、いつも水着選び大変なんです。なかなか、その、合うサイズが……すぐ外れちゃったり……食べすぎかなぁ……うう……でも、今度の水着はバッチリです!おばあちゃんにも見せてあげたいなー。

Honoka: Thank you for getting me this swimsuit. It's cute and fashionable, and fits me perfectly... I love it! I always have a hard time choosing swimsuits. I never seem to get the size right... They just break and fall right off. Maybe I'm eating too much... But this one is absolutely perfect! I wanna show Grammy.

Episode 5: A Photo for Grandma (おばあちゃんへの写真)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか5 おばあちゃんへの写真 【エピソード】


(Eng) Honoka LV30 Episode - A Photo for Grandma

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、オーナーさん、お願いがあるんですけど……写真、撮ってもらえませんか?この前帰った時、おばあちゃん、写真を見てとっても喜んでくれたんですよ。だから、今回はもっともっと撮りたいんです!じゃあ、お願いしますね。かっこいいポーズがいいなぁ……あ、変な写真は、無しですよ?

Honoka: Oh, hi again. Can I ask you a favor? Could you take some pictures of me? When I went home the other day, Grammy was so excited to see the pictures. So I wanna get way more this time! Oh, thank you. I wanna do some cool poses… Oh, and nothing weird, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えと、こう……かな?

(camera flash)

Honoka: ばっちりですね!

(camera flash)

Honoka: これでどうてすか?

(camera flash)

Honoka: あの……変じゃないですか?

Honoka: Maybe… like this?

(camera flash)

Honoka: Perfect!

(camera flash)

Honoka: How about this?

(camera flash)

Honoka: Is this a little too…weird?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ありがとうございました。オーナーさんに撮ってもらったって、ちゃんと伝えておきますね。おばあちゃん、喜ぶぞー!

Honoka: Thank you so much. I'll be sure to tell Grammy you took the pictures for me. She'll be so happy to see these!

Episode 6: Good For You (よかったね)


【DOAXVV】 ほのか 6 よかったね


(Eng) Honoka LV40 Episode - Good For You

Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、おばぁちゃんからお手紙が届いたんです!オーナーさんに撮ってもらった写真、ちょっと恥ずかしいのもあったけど……せっかく撮ってもらったんだから、ぜーんぶ、送っちゃったんです。おばあちゃん、喜んでくれたみたい。「水着似合ってる」って。嬉しいなぁ。でもでも、オーナーさんのこと詳しく教えて、とか……いつか、おばあちゃんのところに連れてくるようにって、書いてあって……おばあちゃん、オーナーさんのこと、気に入っちやったのかなぁ……よかったね、オーナーさん♥

Honoka: I received a letter from the owner, a grandmother! The owner took a picture of me, and I was a little embarrassed... Because it was taken with great pains, it did, and it sent it. My grandma seems to be pleased. It looks like a swimsuit. I'm So Happy. but, tell me more about the owner, or... It was written to bring her to Grandma someday...... Grandma and owner, I wonder if you liked...... It's good, Owner.

Episode 7: A Precious Friend (大切なお友達)


DOA VenusVacation Honoka50アンロック 大切なお友達


(Eng) Honoka LV50 Episode - A Precious Friend

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): はーい。

Honoka: あっオーナーさん。いらっしゃーい。

Honoka (OFF): Coming…

Honoka: Oh, hello.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: 豪華なホテルですよねー。わたし、こういうのに憧れてたんだー!あっ、オーナーさんに、わたしのお友達、紹介しますね。

Honoka: Isn't this hotel gorgeous? I always dreamed of staying at a place like this! Oh yeah, let me introduce my friend.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: この子、「モーモちゃん」っで言うんです。えへへ、可愛いでしょ?わたし、どこに行くにも、この子と一緒なんですよ?おばあちゃんがいないときは、こうやって、ぎゅーって抱いて寝るんです。人だとちょっと寂しいけど……モーモちゃんがいれば平気です。

Honoka: This is Momo. Hehe… Isn't she cute? I take her with me wherever I go. And when I'm living away from Grammy, I always snuggle with Momo when I sleep. I'm a little lonely by myself, but I'm fine as long as Momo's here.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: 今日はオーナーさんとゆっくりお話しできて、楽しかったです。オーナーさんと一緒だと、なんだか、モーモちゃんと一緒みたいで安心……あっ、あの、変な意味じゃないですよ?えへへ、あの、じゃあ、おやすみなさい。オーナーさん。

Honoka: It was really fun chatting with you today. I feel safe when we're together, kind of like when I'm with Momo… Oh… I didn't mean that in a weird way. Hehe. Anyway, have a good night, okay?

Episode 8: The Happiest Thing (一番喜ぶこと)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Honoka level 60 episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うーん……

Honoka: Well let's see……

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、オーナーさん。こんにちはー。何を悩んでるか、ですか?うーん、ほんとはナイショにしておきたいんだけけど……オーナーさんに、何かお礼がしたいなぁ、って。いつもお世話になってますから。うーん……何がいいかなぁ……あっ、そうだ!おばあちゃんが、ー番喜ぶことにしようかなぁ!えっ?何かって?その時まで、ナイショだよ。

Honoka: oh, the Owner. Hi. What's troubling you? well, I really just want to be a secret, but...... I want to thank the owner for Something. I'm Always indebted to You. Well let's see...... What would you like...... oh, yes! I wonder if Grandma will be happy! What? what? Until then, It's a secret.

Episode 9: An Honest Relationship (裸の付き合い)



Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、入ってもいいですかー?えへへ、お邪魔しまーす。いつものお礼に、お背中流させてください。あっ、たっち見ちゃ、ダメですよ?

Honoka: Can I come in, Mr. Owner? I'm interrupting. Please let me flow back to the usual reward. Oh, look, it's not good.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ、いつもは、おばあちゃんと一緒にお風呂入ってるんですよ?オーオーさんにはお世話になってますし、もう、家族みたいなものですよね。ああっ、変な意味じゃないですよ!?ふふっ、じゃ、おしまーい。じゃあ、わたし先にあがりますね。よいしょ……きゃっ!あいたたた……お、お尻打ろちゃいました……えへへへ……

Honoka: Well, you always have a bath with your grandma? Oh, I owe it to you, and it's like a family. Oh, it's not a strange meaning!? Ugh, Oshima. Then, I rising ahead. Good. Come on! I love you. You, I was hitting the butt…… to the......

Episode 10 I Have To Decide (自分で決めなきゃ)

Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、オーナーさん、こんばんは……元気がない……ですが。えへへ、ちょっと、考え事してました。おばあちゃんからお手紙が来たんだ。「元気にしていますか」って。「元気だよ、楽しいよ」って、お返事はしたんだけど……でも、心配……だよね?でも、フェスもまだ途中だし、それに、オーナーさんのパートナーも……わたし、どうすればいいのかなぁ…………あっ、オーナーさんに聞いちゃダメだよね、自分で決めなきゃ。ご、ごめんなさい。あの、心配いりませんから。わたし、もう、決めてるんだ。だから… もう、ちょっとだけ、待っててくださいね?

Honoka: Oh, the owner, good evening...... Have no energy...... . Yes, I was thinking a little bit. A letter came from my grandma. Are you doing well? "I'm fine, it's fun," but I replied to you... But I'm worried... That's true? But the festival is still on the way and the owner's partner... What should I do?...... Oh, don't ask the owner, you have to decide for yourself. Please, I'm sorry. You don't have to worry about that. I've already decided. So... Just wait a little longer, okay?

Episode 11: Don't Tell Anyone, OK? (みんなにはナイショだよ?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっオーナーさん。おばあちゃんにお願いしたんだ。もうちょっとだけ、ここにいてもいい?って。だって、まだまだ遊び足りないから。

Honoka (OFF): わたし、ここがすごく楽しくて……

Honoka: あの、その、まだ、離れたくなくて……だから、これからも、よろしくお願いしますね。えへへ。

Honoka: It's the owner. I asked my grandma. Can I just stay here a little longer? What. Because it is still not enough play.

Honoka (OFF): I'm so happy to be here...

Honoka: Well, I still don't want to leave. So, from now on, thank you. to the UH.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あのね、オーナーさん。じつは、おばあちゃんにも、言ってないことがあるんだ。それはね……ふふっ、オーナーさんなら、分かりますよね?あ、あの、えっと、みんなには……ぜったい、ナイショだよ?

Honoka: That's the owner. To tell you the truth, I have not told my grandma. That is...... Hmm, you know the owner, right? Oh, um, um, everybody... No, it's a secret.


Episode 1: Divination Location (占 ぃの場所 )


DOAXVV - Kasumi Character Episode 1 占 ぃの場所

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 青い空、綺麗な海。ここが、占いで示された場所……この島に一体何があるというの……?今のわたしに必要なもの……何なのかな……

Kasumi (OFF): 誰?

Kasumi: A blue sky, and a beautiful sea. This is the place my fortune spoke of. But what could be on this island for me? What is it that I really need now?

Kasumi (OFF): Who's there?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの……あなたは……?この島のオーナーさん?あの、わたしに、何か御用ですが?ヴィーナスフェス……?わたし、そういうことには……でも、これが……そうなのかな…………うんあの、やっぱり ……わたしで、よければ。よろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん。

Kasumi: Oh... Then you're... The one who runs this island? Did you have something to tell me? Venus Festival? That doesn't sound like something I would... I mean... You know what... Yeah. That is, if you'll have me. I think I'd like to go with you.

Episode 2: Self-Introduction (自己紹介)


DOAXVV - Kasumi Character Episode 2 自己紹介

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、自己紹介、ですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいな……えつと、名前は「かすみ」って言います。仕事は……秘密です……。 ごめんなさい……趣味?趣味は……占い、かな。島に来た理由……?占いで示されたから……この島に、わたしに必要なものがある、って。お、おかしい、ですよね。好きな食べ物……?うーん……。 秘密……です。……あの、もう、いいですか?じゃあ、よろしくお願いします。オーナーさん。

Kasumi: Introduce yourself? Well, I'm kind of embarrassed... My name is Kasumi. But I can't tell you what I do for work. Sorry. Interests? Fortune telling, I guess. Why did I come to this island? Well, it was revealed in my fortune. It said there was something on this island I need. I know it's weird, right? My favorite food? Um... I'd rather not say. Can we... end with that? Anyway, I'll see you later.

Episode 3: I'm So Embarrassed (恥すかしぃ)


DOAXVV - Kasumi Character Episode 3 恥すかしぃ

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。え?一緒にお買い物……ですか?は、はい。じゃあ……

Kasumi: Oh, hi again. Shopping? You mean together? Sure... I guess.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、すみません、いっぱい買ってもらっちゃって……楽し……かった?はい。わたしも、楽しかった……かな。えっ?フェスの水着の確認、ですか?でも……う一ん……しょうがないな……じゃあ、着替えてきますね。

Kasumi: Wow, you bought me so much today. Thanks for that... Did I... have fun? Uh-huh. I had fun too, I guess. Oh, you wanna see me in the Festival swimsuit? Well... I suppose you should see it. I'll go change into it.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの……これでいいですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……あ、あんまり見ないで……本当に、恥ずかしい……あの……だ、だめっ!

Kasumi: Does this look okay? I'm a little embarrassed. Don't look too long, okay? I'm really embarrassed now. Hey... Stop that!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ごっー、ごめんなさい……あの、水着、どうでしたか?わたしも、この水着、可愛いと思います。この水着で、フェス、頑張りますね。

Kasumi: Oh no, I'm sorry. What did you think of the swimsuit? I think it's pretty cute too. I'll play hard in this swimsuit at the Festival.

Episode 4: I've Got To Clean (片づけなきや)


DOAXVV - Kasumi Character Episode 4 片づけなきや

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。水着、ありがとうございました。いろいろ買っていただいて……少し、部屋も落ち着いた……かな。えっ、どんな部屋になったか、見たい……ですが……?えっと、その、ま、まだ、片付いてなくて……ごめんなさい、また、今度。すぐ、片づけますから。あの、じゃあ、失礼しますね。

Kasumi: Oh, hey there. Thanks a lot for the swimsuit. You bought me so much... I feel like my room's starting to shape up. Oh, you want to see what my room looks like... Now? Well, I uh... I mean, it's still kind of a mess. Maybe some other time, okay? I'll be sure to tidy it up. Well, I better get going now, so...

Episode 5: This Is Normal...? (普通って… …)


DOAXVV - Kasumi Character Episode 5 普通って・・・・・・

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん、こんにちは。あの、いいお天気……ですね。えっ、フェスに使う写真、ですか?えっと……その……じゃあ、ちょっと……準備、しますね。

Kasumi: hey, owner, Hello. well, Nice weather... Right. eh, the photo you use for the festival? Let's see...... That...... well, then, just... I'll be Ready.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: こんな感じで……いいのかな……あの、どう、でしょう……こういうの、慣れてなくて。どんな顔をすれば……普通に……ですか?うーん……

Kasumi: This way...... I wonder if it's okay...... well, How about that? I'm not used to this kind of thing. What kind of face do you have? Normally...... Is it? Well let's see......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、ごめんなさい。普通に笑うのって、難しくて。どうすれば、いいのかな……え?好きな……食べ物ですか?えっと……苺の……ミルフィーユ……こ、子供っぽいですよね……ふふっ。

(camera flash)

Kasumi: えっ、今の……撮ったんですか?……もう……

Kasumi: I'm Sorry. It was difficult to laugh normally. How can I do that? What? like...... food? Let's see...... of strawberries...... Mille...... This is childish, isn't it? Ugh.

(camera flash)

Kasumi: eh, now...... Did you take it? …… I don't...

Episode 6: Something Cherished (大切なもの)


DOAXVV Kasumi CE06

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。写真、ありがとうございました。恥ずかしかったですけど、撮ってもらえて、よかったかなってで。あの、最後の……笑っている、わたしの写真。大切にしたいな、って思いました。えっ?また撮ろうって?……そうですね。今度は、オーナーさんや、みんなと一緒に。ふふっ。

Kasumi: Oh, hi there. Thanks for taking those pictures. It was embarrassing, but I think it's good that you took them. About that last one... The picture of me smiling. I think I'd like to hold onto that. What? You wanna take more? Yeah, sure. But this time with you and everyone else in them. Hehe.

Episode 7: Morning Walk (朝の散歩)


DOAXVV Kasumi CE07

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、おはようございます。オーナーさんもお散歩ですか?え?一緖に……?えっと……じゃあ……

Kasumi: Good Morning. You're on a walk too, Together? Well, why not.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……あの……オーナーさこん、わにし、こんな時にどんな話をしたらいいか……えっ、きゃっ!

Kasumi: … This is kind of awkward, but… I'm not sure what to talk about. Ahhh!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: はぁ、はぁ……大きな波でしたね……オーナーさん、大丈夫ですか?あの、オーナーさん…………ふふっ、あはははっ。オーナーさんの顔、ふふっ、なんだか、面白くて。そおなに驚かなくても…………え?きゃっ!あ、あっち向いててください……

Kasumi: Hah… Hah… That wave was huge. Are you okay? Uh, hello? Hehe… Hahaha! That face you made was hilarious. Hehe… It wasn't that shocking. Huh? Ahh! Can you look the other way?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ご、ごめんなさい……でも……ふふっ。あの、 オーナーさん、まに、ここで……お散歩、しませんか?

Kasumi: Sorry… But I… Hehe. Would you go on a walk here again, with me?

Episode 8: A Busy Day Off (忙しい休日)


DOAXVV - Kasumi - Character Episode 8

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、こんにちは。えっ?今から、一緒に食事……ですか?えっと……あの。ごめんなさい。今日、お昼はみさきちゃんと約束しちゃってて……そのあとは……マリーちゃんが占いを教えてって。本当に、ごめんなさい。あの、誘っていただいて、ありがとうございます。また、今度……で。ふふっ。

Kasumi: Hello. Huh? Go eat together? Like right now? Well, I'm sorry but I can't. I promised I'd have lunch with Misaki today. Then after that… Marie asked me to teach her fortune telling. I'm really sorry about this. But I'm happy you invited me. Maybe some other time. Hehe.

Episode 9: Shared Feelings (同じ気持ちに)


DOAXVV かすみ LV70 エピソード 「同じ気持ちに」

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。今、お帰りですが?ちょっと、夕陽を見ていて……わたし、この時間が好きなんです。空も海も……わたしも、同じに染まって、 境目があいまいになって……あの……少しだけ、一緒にいてもらっていいですか?

Kasumi: Oh, the owner. Are you home now? Hey, watching the sunset...... I like this time. The sky and the sea... I am dyed to the same, and the boundary becomes ambiguous. Excuse me...... Can I have a little with you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 夕陽が好きなのは、もう一つ理由があるんです。みんなが、同じものを見てる……なんだか、それが懐かしい気がして……

Kasumi: There is another reason why I like the sunset. Everyone's looking at the same thing... Somehow, it feels nostalgic......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: すみません、すっかり暗くなっちゃって。っと、ちょでも、嬉しかったです。オーナーさんと、同じものを見られたから……かな。じゃあ、また。おやすみなさい。

Kasumi: Sorry, it's getting dark. I was very happy. I was able to see the same thing with the owner. I wonder. See you later. Good night.

Episode 10: Tomorrow's Fortune (明日の運勢)

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん。占い、ですか?ええ、いいですけど……あの、何を占いますか?……なんでもいい、ですか?ふふっ。じゃあ……明日の運勢を。……あ、明日の運勢、良いみたいです。ふふっ、よかった。……ずっと、こんな、いい日が続きますように。

Kasumi: Oh, the owner. Divination, is it? Yeah, I'm fine. What are you telling me? ...... What do you want? Heh heh. Well then...... Tomorrow's fortune. ...... Oh, the fortune of tomorrow, it seems to be good. Heh, good. ...... I hope that such a good day continues forever.

Episode 11: The Divination's Meaning (占いの意味)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、オーナーさん……ちょっと、お話ししませんか?

Kasumi: Well, the owner... Hey, why don't we talk to you?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、オーナーさん……わたし、ずっと考えてたんです。わたしがこの島に来た理由。あの占いの意味って、なんったんだろうって。この島に来て、オーナーさんと過ごして……一緒に笑ったり、うたり、それがとても、優かしくて、あの……だから……これからも、よろしくお願いします。ふふっ。

Kasumi: Well, the owner... I've been thinking. The reason why I came to this island. I wonder what that fortune-telling meant. I came to this island and spent time with the owner. We laughed together, and it was very, very kind, and that... So...... In the future, thank you. Phew.

Character Gravures

To complete gravures, you need to finish each of the 10 picture slots in matches, with most of the picture slots XP being gained in main matches while smaller amounts being given in event matches. Each episode supplies +30 EXP for the Owner Level


Gravure 1

Japanese English translation

Patty: んー♪ぽかぽかしてて気持ちいいー♪

Patty: Well♪ it feels good to be a little bit supbeat♪

Gravure 2

Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ!きゃっ……もっとバシャバシャしよっと♪

Patty: Ah- Oh! Oh, my God. More Bashabasha ♪

Gravure 3

Japanese English translation

Patty: あはっ、冷たーい!気持ちいいーっ!

Patty: Oh, it's cold! It feels good.

Gravure 4

Japanese English translation

Patty: あはっ、「面白い」匂い!何だるう?

Patty: Oh, that smells like "funny"! What the hell is that?

Gravure 5

Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ♪パティ、止まらないよ〜♪

Patty: Oh, ♪ Patty, i'm not going to stop ♪

Gravure 6

Japanese English translation

Patty: 今にピッタリな曲はぁ……とっても楽しい曲かな♪

Patty: The song that's perfect for now... It's a very fun song♪

Gravure 7

Japanese English translation

Patty: ん〜♪甘くていい匂いで……美味しい〜!

Patty: It's sweet and ♪ smells good. It's delicious!

Gravure 8

Japanese English translation

Patty: ラジオかけて、のんびりしたいなぁ〜♪

Patty: I want to play the radio and relax♪

Gravure 9

Japanese English translation

Patty: 気持ちいい〜♪パティ、これ好き……

Patty: It feels good ♪ Patty, I like this...

Gravure 10

Japanese English translation

Patty: 風も海もお日様も……みーんなとってもいい匂い♪

Patty: The wind, the sea, the sun... It smells very nice♪


Gravure 1

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 今日は、の一んびり、過ごしましょうか♥

Sayuri: Shall we♥ spend today?

Gravure 2

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: お日様がまぶしいですね……♥

Sayuri: The sun is dazzling. ♥

Gravure 3

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 南の島でバカンスだなんて……夢みたい……ふふっ♪

Sayuri: It's a vacation on the southern island. It's like a dream. ♪

Gravure 4

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: きゃっ、冷たいっ♪体を慣らして……はぁ、気持ちいい♪

Sayuri: Kya, i've got tenacity ♪ cold... Oh, it's pleasant♪.

Gravure 5

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あははっ♪なんだか、子供のころに戻ったみたい♪

Sayuri: Ahaha♪, it looks like I'm back to my childhood♪.

Gravure 6

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪最高の想い出ですね♥

Sayuri: It's the best memory of the fufu-♪ fu♥-

Gravure 7

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 疲れを意して、また、頑張らないと♪

Sayuri: I'm tired, and I have to work hard again♪.

Gravure 8

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪まだまだ、い一っぱい、楽しまなきゃ♥

Sayuri: Fufu♪ still a little, one thing, I have to enjoy it♥

Gravure 9

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ずーっと、こうしていたいな……♥

Sayuri: I've always wanted to do this. ♥

Gravure 10

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: このまま、ずーっと……ふふっ♪

Sayuri: As it is, all the time... ♪


Gravure 1

Japanese English translation

Monica: こういう日が続くのも……悪くないのかも……

Monica: It's a day like this that's going to continue. Maybe it's not bad.

Gravure 2

Japanese English translation

Monica: あははっ♪これ、結構スリルあるかも♪

Monica: Oh♪ this might be quite a thrill♪

Gravure 3

Japanese English translation

Monica: なんだか今日は、いいことが起こりそう……ふふっ♪

(Monica lies down before doing leg exercises)

Monica: いっち……に……さん……し……

Monica: Something good is going to happen today. Fufu♪

(Monica lies down before doing leg exercises)

Monica: I'm singing. To ...... Mr...... And......

Gravure 4

Japanese English translation

Monica: 休むことも、勝つためには必要なんです♪

Monica: You need to rest and win♪

Gravure 5

Japanese English translation

Monica: あははっ、砂が気持ちいいっ♪

Monica: Oh, the sand feels good♪

Gravure 6

Japanese English translation

Monica: あはっ♪つめたーいっ♪あははっ♪

Monica: ♪-a-♪-a-h-e-h-e-h-e-♪ h-e-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-

Gravure 7

Japanese English translation

Monica: はぁ……時間がゆっくり流れてく……

Monica: Ha-ha-ha. Time is flowing slowly.

Gravure 8

Japanese English translation

Monica: あはは……♪とっても気持ちいい…♪

Monica: Oh, my God. ♪ feels so good... ♪

Gravure 9

Japanese English translation

Monica: 綺麗な星空♪幸運の星は、どれかな……♪

Monica: Which star is lucky ♪ beautiful starry sky? ♪

Gravure 10

Japanese English translation

Monica: 綺麗な夕日……ずっと見ていたいな……

Monica: Beautiful sunset... I've been wanting to watch it.


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel1 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Yay! It's a thousand years, and now is the best!

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel2 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


How about it? The eagle is also quite good!

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel3 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


This island is already mine!

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel4 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Not What is it?

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel5 (칸나 그라비아)-0

Japanese English translation


Was there a place like this? ♪ hmm ♪

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel6 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I just want to relax

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel7 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


-Ha! It is cold, but it is good feelings ♪

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel8 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Oh, that's high! It's a good feeling!

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel9 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I want to be like this all the time.

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Kanna Gravure Panel10 (칸나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The sunset is also true!


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel1 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Oh ha, the sand is hot... Oh, ha!

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel2 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Fluffy…… I feel sunk…… Good night……

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel3 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Hmm, there's a place like this, too!

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel4 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


A leisurely day...... If I were the usual, I would be impossible.

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel5 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Oh, my... Oh, ha!

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel6 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The festival and the place... Now you can forget everything......

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel6 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


It's like a southern island paradise …… Right…… Ugh.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel8 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Next, Misaki and two…… Ugh.

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel9 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


This view...... I'd like to see Misaki with...

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Nagisa Gravure Panel10 (나기사 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The sunset is beautiful…… It's kind of overwhelming...


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel1 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Wow... That is...… What is it......?

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel2 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I'm having fun now!

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel3 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Let's relax a little.

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel4 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I always want to be more creative......

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel5 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The sun is dazzling......! Very good feeling ♪

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel6 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The outside of the castle was so broad...

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel7 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I heard the sound of the waves. It's a lovely lullaby...

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel8 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I always want to be like this.

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel9 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


♪ tofu...... It feels so good......

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Fiona Gravure Panel10 (피오나 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


To the star, the love of two people......


Gravure 1


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel1 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation

はしゃいじ砧っても 、いいわよね?

Kinuta Glee, it's okay, right?

Gravure 2


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel2 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Ah, swing swing!

Gravure 3


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel3 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Now, why don't we swim?

Gravure 4


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel4 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


The heart is going to be completely white.

Gravure 5


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel5 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


It's a funny form.

Gravure 6


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel6 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Today is also a holiday day ♪

Gravure 7


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel7 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


This is the only hot day.

Gravure 8


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel8 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation

言葉にならない。 ……この気持ち。

It is not a word. ……This feeling.

Gravure 9


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel9 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


Let's take a little rest.

Gravure 10


DOAX VV Leifang Gravure Panel10 (레이팡 그라비아)

Japanese English translation


I feel refreshed!


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Tamaki GP01

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: がんばるちゃうんだから♥

Tamaki: I did my best, so…

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Tamaki GP02

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ、っ来てよかっだ♪

Tamaki: Heheh, so glad I came!

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Tamaki GP03

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……ずっと、こうしていたい……♪

Tamaki: I want this to last forever…

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Tamaki GP04

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: はぁ、のんびり…… いい感じね♪

Tamaki: Sigh… How relaxing… I'm in heaven ♪

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Tamaki GP05

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ、今目もきれいな青空ねー♪

Tamaki: Heheh, another beautiful blue sky today ♪

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Tamaki GP06

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 仕事のことなんてぜーんぶ、忘れちゃった♥

Tamaki: I've completely forgotten about work and all my troubles ♥

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Tamaki GP07

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: いい思い出に…… なんて、今を楽しまないとね♥

Tamaki: Here's to good memories… I wanna enjoy this moment in time ♥

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Tamaki GP08

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 日々のトレーニングが、美しい体を作るの♥

Tamaki: Daily exercise does a body good ♥

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Tamaki GP09

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: んー、気持ちいい♥さいっこう♥

Tamaki: Mmm… This feels so good ♥ I'm in heaven ♥

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Tamaki GP10

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ずっとこのままで……

Tamaki: I want to freeze this moment in time…


Gravure 1



Japanese English translation

Luna: 贅沢すぎて、夢のようです。

Luna: Such a luxury, almost too good to be true.

Gravure 2



Japanese English translation

Luna: 夕日がきれい……美しいものには、物語ができるのです。

Luna: What a beautiful sunset… Beautiful things lead to beautiful stories.

Gravure 3



Japanese English translation

Luna: こんな…とても良いものです。

Luna: These are...very good.

Gravure 4



Japanese English translation

Luna: はぁ。いつまで見ていても飽きません。

Luna: *Sigh* I'll never get tired of gazing at it.

Gravure 5



Japanese English translation

Luna: 誰も見ていないうちに……

Luna: As long as no one's looking…

Gravure 6



Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふふ、ブランコ、楽しいな……

Luna: Hehehe…I love the swing.

Gravure 7



Japanese English translation

Luna: たまには、のんびり……

Luna: Sometimes it's good to just take it easy.

Gravure 8



Japanese English translation

Luna: はあ、りふれっしゅ……

Luna: *Sigh* How refreshing…

Gravure 9



Japanese English translation

Luna: はぁ、砂がふかふか……気持ちかいです……

Luna: *Sigh* The sand is so soft…

Gravure 10



Japanese English translation

Luna: 興味深いものだらけなのです。

Luna: So many fascinating things to observe.


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Misaki GP01

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ひやっ!冷たいっ!あはははっ♪

Misaki: Yikes! That's freezing! Hahaha!

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Misaki GP02

Japanese English translation

Misaki: 今がずーっと続けばいいのになぁ。

Misaki: I wish this would never end.

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Misaki GP03

Japanese English translation

Misaki: うわぁー、すごい色……!

Misaki: Wow, look at that color!

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Misaki GP04

Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、流れ星!きれーい!

Misaki: Wow, a shooting star! How beautiful!

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Misaki GP05

Japanese English translation

Misaki: 波の音……なんだか、落ち着くな……

Misaki: The waves are so soothing.

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Misaki GP06

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふふっ、気持ちいいなぁ。

Misaki: Hehe. This feels great.

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Misaki GP07

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふふっ、一人だけっで、贅沢だよね。

Misaki: Heh, there is only one person, it is a luxury.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Misaki GP08

Japanese English translation

Misaki: へ一、 こんな場所もあったんだ?

Misaki: There was a place like this?

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Misaki GP09

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ちょうど、恥ずかしいけど……

Misaki: It's just embarrassing, but...

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Misaki GP10

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ううーん、気持ちいーっ!

Misaki: Well, I feel!

Helena Douglas

Gravure 1


DOAXVV Helena GP01

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: ふふ…、このまま、寝てしまいそう…

Helena Douglas: Hehe… I could just fall asleep…

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Helena GP02

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: 静かね…

Helena Douglas: It's so quiet…

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Helena GP03

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: 癒されるわ…、とらでも…

Helena Douglas: This is so refreshing…

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Helena GP04

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: 青い空…吸い込まれそうだわ。

Helena Douglas: The blue sky seems to go on forever.

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Helena GP05

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: 日差しが強くなってきだわ。

Helena Douglas: The sun's gotten stronger.

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Helena GP06

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: なんて、美しい…

Helena Douglas: How gorgeous…

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Helena GP07

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: ちょっと、歩きすぎたかしら。

Helena Douglas: I think I've been on my feet for too long.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Helena GP08

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: なんだか、大胆になってしまいそう…

Helena Douglas: I feel so empowered when I'm here…

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Helena GP09

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: また、焼けてしまうわね…

Helena Douglas: I'm going to get another sunburn.

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Helena GP10

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: 至福のひとときだわ…

Helena Douglas: This is the ultimate bliss…


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Momiji GP01

Japanese English translation

Momiji: のんびり本を読むのもいいね。

Momiji: Reading a book sounds nice.

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Momiji GP02

Japanese English translation

Momiji: 空も海も…なんて綺麗なんだろう…

Momiji: The sky and the ocean are absolutely stunning…

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Momiji GP03

Japanese English translation

Momiji: 修行しに来た…はずなんだけど… はあー気持ちいい〜!

Momiji: I'm supposed to be here for training, but… This is so nice!

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Momiji GP04

Japanese English translation

Momiji: 思いっきり楽しんじゃおぅかな♪

Momiji: I might as well enjoy my time here!

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Momiji GP05

Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんなにのんびりしちゃって… いいのかなぁ…

Momiji: Should I really be taking a vacation like this? I'm not so sure…

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Momiji GP06

Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ〜、気持ちいい〜♪ このまま、ずっと…

Momiji: This feels so good! I don't want it to end…

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Momiji GP07

Japanese English translation

Momiji: 遊ぶときにも、準備体操はしっかりね。

Momiji: I better warm up before I start playing.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Momiji GP08

Japanese English translation

Momiji: この時間…大切にしたいな…

Momiji: I should make the most of my time here…

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Momiji GP09

Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ、誰もみてないよね?

Momiji: Nobody's looking, right?

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Momiji GP10

Japanese English translation

Momiji: バカンスしてても、体は動かさないとね。

Momiji: I still need to work out, even during my vacation.


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Hitomi GP01

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 懐かしいなぁ〜

Hitomi: I miss you!

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Hitomi GP02

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ!たっのしーいー♪

Hitomi: Oh, ha! It's just a while!

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Hitomi GP03

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: うわぁ、透き通ってる!

Hitomi: It's clear!

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Hitomi GP04

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この島に来てよかった…

Hitomi: I'm glad you came to this island...

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Hitomi GP05

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: これも日課ね。

Hitomi: This is a daily routine.

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Hitomi GP06

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: なかなか上手くなってきたかも…

Hitomi: Maybe it's getting pretty good.

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Hitomi GP07

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あーん、もう最ッ高!

Hitomi: Oh, it's already high!

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Hitomi GP08

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: よーし、いっくぞー♪

Hitomi: Okay, let's go!

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Hitomi GP09

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: なんか、シアワセ絶頂ってカンジ…

Hitomi: Somehow, happiness climax is...

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Hitomi GP10

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 済んだ空気…気持ちいい…

Hitomi: The air that's done. It feels good...


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Kokoro GP01

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: どうしてだろう、切なくなっちゃうな…

Kokoro: Why would I sad...

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Kokoro GP02

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: うーん、まいにち楽しすぎ♪

Kokoro: Hmm, everyday too much fun ♪

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Kokoro GP03

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: なんか、絵葉書みたいな景色やな…

Kokoro: It's like postcard scenery...

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Kokoro GP04

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: さすが、赤道直下♪

Kokoro: Truly, right under the equator ♪

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Kokoro GP05

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: へー、こんなのまであるんだ♪

Kokoro: Oh, it's just like this!

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Kokoro GP06

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 忘れないようにしなくっちゃ。

Kokoro: I have to make sure not to forget.

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Kokoro GP07

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 足の裏、焼けちゃいそう…

Kokoro: I'm going to burn the soles of my feet.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Kokoro GP08

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ずらと、ずらと、こうしていたいな…

Kokoro: I want to be with them.

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Kokoro GP09

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: こんなにサボってて、ええんかな?…ええよね♪

Kokoro: I'm skipping this, eh? …Yes.

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Kokoro GP10

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: お星さま…お願い…

Kokoro: Star... Please...


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP01

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、これでよいか?

Nyotengu: How's this?

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP02

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 羽を伸ばすとしよう。 羽は無いが…

Nyotengu: I might as well enjoy this place. Even if I don't have my wings…

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP03

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 南国の陽射し… 心地よいものじゃな…

Nyotengu: The sun is so bright here… It feels nice…

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP04

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これらすべて、わらわの物じゃ!

Nyotengu: This is all mine!

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP05

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 人間は今までこんな楽しいことを… 許せぬっ♥

Nyotengu: Humans always get to have so much fun… How dare they!

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP06

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 人間の世界、なんと素晴らしいことか。

Nyotengu: The human world is such a wonderful place.

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP07

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ははは、冷たいのう…いい気持ちじゃ。

Nyotengu: Hahaha! It's really cold. That feels nice.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP08

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 空がら見下ろすより、この方がよいな…

Nyotengu: This is better than looking down from the sky…

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP09

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 天狗界にもこの島があればよいのにな…

Nyotengu: I wish there was an island like this in the tengu world…

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Nyotengu GP10

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、羽が無いのも一興…か。

Nyotengu: It's kind of fun not having wings.


Gravure 1



Japanese English translation

Ayane: なんだか…、夢みたいね…

Ayane: It's like a dream...

Gravure 2



Japanese English translation

Ayane: ちょっら赴んでみようかしら?

Ayane: Let's strive.

Gravure 3



Japanese English translation

Ayane: きゃっ、冷たい…うふふっ

Ayane: It's cold. Tofu

Gravure 4



Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふーん、こんなところもあるんだ…

Ayane: Hmm, there's a place like this...

Gravure 5



Japanese English translation

Ayane: こういうのも悪くないわね…

Ayane: This is not so bad...

Gravure 6



Japanese English translation

Ayane: もう、こんな時間か…

Ayane: Now, this time...

Gravure 7



Japanese English translation

Ayane: もう少しだけ、ここにいさせて…

Ayane: Let me stay here just a little more...

Gravure 8



Japanese English translation

Ayane: 誰もいない海…私だけのものね。

Ayane: No one, no sea... It's just me.

Gravure 9



Japanese English translation

Ayane: ずっと、ここにいてもいいかしら…

Ayane: Can I stay here all the time?

Gravure 10



Japanese English translation

Ayane: 毎日のケアが大切なのよね。

Ayane: Everyday care is important.

Marie Rose

Gravure 1



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: せっかくのバカンスだから、楽しまなきゃねっ!

Marie Rose: I'm on a vacation! Better make the most of it!

Gravure 2



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ぜーんぶ、マリーのもの!

Marie Rose: This is ALL mine!

Gravure 3



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ゆーらゆーら…やっぱりブランコはいいなー。

Marie Rose: Swings are so relaxing.

Gravure 4



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 楽しまなきゃ、もったいないです!

Marie Rose: I don't want to waste a single moment!

Gravure 5



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふふっ!マリーだけの海ですっ!

Marie Rose: This is MY ocean!

Gravure 6



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: よ〜し、ピカピカにしちゃお〜!

Marie Rose: I'll make it nice and clean!

Gravure 7



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: きゃはっ、これ、すきなんだよね〜!

Marie Rose: I love these things!

Gravure 8



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: んー、最高ー!気持ちいいー!

Marie Rose: Amazing! This feels so nice!

Gravure 9



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ずると…こうしていたいです…

Marie Rose: I wish I could stay here forever...

Gravure 10



Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: んん…いい風です…

Marie Rose: Such a nice breeze.


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Honoka GP01

Japanese English translation


Hehe... I haven't been on a swing in forever.

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Honoka GP02

Japanese English translation


Ahh...It feels so nice here I could just fall asleep.

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Honoka GP03

Japanese English translation


I wonder if I can do this...

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Honoka GP04

Honoka does not say her line until after she jumps into the pool midway through the gravure.

Japanese English translation


It's cold and refreshing.

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Honoka GP05

Japanese English translation


Okay, let's get things cleaned up!

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Honoka GP06

Japanese English translation


I wonder if I can do this...

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Honoka GP07

Japanese English translation


The sand feels so warm under my feet.

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Honoka GP08

Japanese English translation


This is what life's all about.

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Honoka GP09

Japanese English translation


Wow, the sea and sky are a deep crimson.

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Honoka GP10

Japanese English translation


What is this supposed to be?


Gravure 1


DOAXVV Kasumi GP01

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: いい思い出に、なりそうね…

Kasumi: I'll always remember my time here...

Gravure 2


DOAXVV Kasumi GP02

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ふふっ…懐かしいなぁ…

Kasumi: This brings back memories...

Gravure 3


DOAXVV Kasumi GP03

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: いい眺め…

Kasumi: Such a beautiful view...

Gravure 4


DOAXVV Kasumi GP04

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 波の音が聞こえる…

Kasumi: I can hear the sound of the waves...

Gravure 5


DOAXVV Kasumi GP05

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 来て良かったな…ほんとに…

Kasumi: I'm really glad I came here.

Gravure 6


DOAXVV Kasumi GP06

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、願い事しないと…

Kasumi: I better make a wish!

Gravure 7


DOAXVV Kasumi GP07

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 全部、キラキラしてる…

Kasumi: Everything looks so shiny...

Gravure 8


DOAXVV Kasumi GP08

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: このまま、ずっと…

Kasumi: If only I could stay longer...

Gravure 9


DOAXVV Kasumi GP09

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ふう、気持ちいい。

Kasumi: This feels good.

Gravure 10


DOAXVV Kasumi GP10

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 青い空、吸い込まれそう…

Kasumi: The sky's so blue. I feel like drifting away…

Event Episodes

Year One

Main article: Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation/Transcripts/Year One

Year Two

Main article: Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation/Transcripts/Year Two

Year Three

Main article: Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation/Transcripts/Year Three

The Goddess's Feast 2nd Anniversary


DOAXVV All event episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event (first half)

Episode 1: Otohime's Swimsuit (乙姫の水着)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、お呼びですか?

Ayane: 記念パーティーの準備で忙しいんだから、用があるなら早くしてほしいんだけど。

Kasumi: ふふっ♪そんなに慌てなくても大丈夫だよ、きっと♪

Ayane: もう、オーナーさんと同じで気ね。だいたい、まだ水着の準備もできてないじゃない。

Kasumi: だから、その水着ができたんじゃないかな。

Ayane: な、なによ、知ってたの?

Kasumi: ううん、でも、オーナーさんの嬉しそうな顔を見て、そんな感じがしたから。

Ayane: ふーん。ニヤけてるのはいつもと同じにみえるけど……

Kasumi: もう、あやねちやん

Ayane: ま、いいわ。できてるなら早く出しなさい?ヘンなのじゃなければ、着てあげるから♪

Kasumi: The owner, would you call me?

Ayane: I'm busy preparing for the commemorative party, so If you have anything to do with it, I'd like you to do it quickly.

Kasumi: ♪ you don't have to panic so much,♪ I'm sure

Ayane: I don't care if you're the same as the owner. In general, I'm not ready for my swimsuit yet.

Kasumi: That's why I guess I've got that swimsuit.

Ayane: What, what, did you know that?

Kasumi: No, but when I saw the owner's happy face, it felt like that.

Ayane: Hmm. It looks the same as usual to be grinning, but.

Kasumi: No more Ayanechiyan

Ayane: Well, that's fine. If you can do it, get it out early? If it's not strange, I'll wear it♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わあ、素敵です。今回は、和国のデザインなんですね♪

Ayane: ふふっ♪竜宮城「乙姫」ってところかしら?悪くないわね。気に入ったわ♪

Kasumi: あやねちゃん、とっても似合ってる♪

Ayane: まあ、当然ね♪かすみも……まあ、悪くないんじゃない?

Kasumi: ふふっ、ありがとう。今年はお揃いだね♪

Ayane: な、なによ……わたしは、別にー緒じゃなくても構わないけど。

Kasumi: じゃあ、一緒でも「悪くない」よね?

Ayane: ……もう、好きに思えばいいでしょ。

Kasumi: あやねちゃんも、ルナちゃんみたいに素直に話してくれると嬉しいんだけどなぁ……

Ayane: 素直な妹が欲しいなら、フィオナと、ついでにカンナもあげるから、好きになさい?

Kasumi: ふふっ♪本当に妹が増えたみたいで、嬉しいかな♪

Ayane: はいはい、相変わらずお気楽ね……

Kasumi: あやねちゃんも、二人のお姉さん役、頑張ってるもんね。

Ayane: はあ、バカ言ってなさい。ヘンに懐かれてるこっちの身にもなってみなさいよ。

Kasumi: うふふっ♪

Ayane: な、なによ……オーナーさんも、ニヤニヤ見てないで……あら?

Kasumi: オーナーさん、なんだか、顔が少し赤いような……大丈夫ですか?

Ayane: 水着の準備で忙しかったって……はぁ……仕方が無いわね、少し休んでなさい。水着は、わたしたちがみんなに届けてあげるわ。その方が、みんなも安心だろうし♪

Kasumi: もう……あやねちゃん。でも、オーナーさん。あやねちゃんの言う通り、少し休んでいてください。

Ayane: パーティーの時間には起こしてあげるわよ。……やさしく、とは限らないけどね♪

Kasumi: うふふっ♪

Ayane: ちょっと、何笑ってるのよ!

Kasumi: さあ♪……じゃ、オーナーさん、またあとで。

Kasumi: Wow, that's lovely. This time, it is a design of the Japanese country♪

Ayane: What's ♪ "Otohime" in The Long-♪ Castle? Not bad. I like it♪.

Kasumi: Ayane-chan, you look great♪!

Ayane: Well,♪ of course, Kasumi... Well, isn't it bad?

Kasumi: Huh, thank you. This year is a match♪!

Ayane: What the...? I don't care if it's not a secret.

Kasumi: Well, it's not bad for you, right?

Ayane: ...... You just have to think like it.

Kasumi: I'd be happy if Ayane-chan would talk to me like Luna-

Ayane: If you want an honest sister, I'll give you Fiona and Kanna, so do you want to do it?

Kasumi:♪ Huh, I'm♪ really happy that my younger sister has increased.

Ayane: Yes, it's as easy as ever.

Kasumi: Ayane-chan is also working the role of two older sisters.

Ayane: Oh, you're stupid. Try to be in love with Hen.

Kasumi: Ufufu-♪ an

Ayane: What the...? The owner, don't look at the grin, too. Well well?

Kasumi: The owner, somehow, the face seems to be a little red. Are you ok?

Ayane: She was busy preparing her swimsuit. Sigh...... I can't help it, take a little rest. We'll deliver the swimsuit to everyone. It would be safer for everyone to♪ do that.

Kasumi: I'm already... Ayane-chan. But the owner. Ayane-chan's right, please take a little rest.

Ayane: I'll wake you up at the party time. ...... It's not always kind, though♪

Kasumi: Ufufu-♪ an

Ayane: Hey, what are you laughing at?

Kasumi: Come♪ on... Well, the owner, i'll see you later.

Episode 2: I don't even have a picture. (絵にもかけない)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): ……オーナー様♪

Kokoro (OFF): ……オーナーはん♪

Helena Douglas (OFF): ……オーナーさん♪

Fiona: ……オーナー様、お目覚めになりましたか?あの、先ほどからほんやりされているようですが、大丈夫でしょうか?もし、お疲れでしたら、あの、わたくしのおに……♥

Kokoro: ふふっ、オーナーはん、おはようさん♪お疲れなんはわかりますけど、パーティーは、まだ始まったばかりですよ?

Helena Douglas: さ、オーナーさん、一緒に楽しみましょう♪せっかくの記念パーティー、夢心地では勿体ないわ♪

Fiona: ……?あ、あの、オーナー様、何か……?……えっ?竜宮城……乙姫様かと思った?あの、それはどういう……

Kokoro: 竜宮城の乙姫いうたら、日本の童話のお姫様です。ふふっ、それだけ崎圏って、言うてくれてるんですよ。

Helena Douglas: ふふっ♪ルナが好きそうな話ね。海底のお城に招かれるお話、だったかしら?「乙姫」は、 「絵に猫けないほどに、美しいお姫様」だとか。

Fiona: まあ、そうなのですか?あの、オーナー様……わたくし、嬉しいです♥

Kokoro: ふふっ、ほんま素敵な水着ですね♪ウチもエレナさんも、感謝してしてます♥

Fiona: 「竜宮城の乙短様」とは、どういうお話なのでしょう?わたくし、気になります♪

Helena Douglas: そうね、私より、こころの方が詳しいのではなくて?

Kokoro: ふふっ♪乙姫様が出てくるのは「浦島太郎」というお話で、亀を助けた浦島太郎が、お礼に竜宮城に招かれるんです。そこでは、タイやヒラメ……えーと、絢麗な魚が舞い踊り、美しい乙姫様が、もてなしてくれるんですよ♪

Fiona: まあ♥では、今日のパーティーにピッタリですね♪日頃のお礼に、わたくし達がオーナー様を……♥

Helena Douglas: そうね。オーナーさんは、記念日のパーティーですもの。楽しんでいただかないとね♪

Fiona: わたくし、エレナさんと歌を練習しているんです。よろしければ、それをお聞かせして……

Kokoro: ふふっ♪楽しみやわぁ♥ウチも、マリーちゃんと「金魚」の踊りを練習したんです♪タイやヒラメとはちゃいますけど、みんなで踊りましょ♥

Fiona: わぁ、楽しみです♥

Helena Douglas: ……二人とも、とても仲が良くて、楽しそう。……オーナーさんのおかげ、ですわね♪えっ?私も楽しそう……?ふふっ♪ええ、その通りですわ♪では、オーナーさん、私たち、3人の乙姫と一緒に、パーティーを楽しみましょう♪

Fiona (OFF): ......Owner-sama♪

Kokoro (OFF): ......Owner-han♪

Helena Douglas (OFF): ......Owner-san♪

Fiona: ...... The owner, have you woken up? Well, it seems to have been really done from a while ago, is it all right? If you're tired, you're my one. ♥

Kokoro: Huh, the owner, good morning♪ I know you're tired, but the party has just started, hasn't it?

Helena Douglas: Well, owner, let'♪ s have fun together at a commemorative party, it's a shame to dream♪

Fiona: ......? Oh, my owner, what...? ...... What? Ryugu Castle...... Did you think it was Otohime? Well, what's that...

Kokoro: Otohime of Ryugu Castle is the princess of Japanese fairy tales. Huh, that's the only area in the Saki area.

Helena Douglas: It's a story that seems to like Luna ♪. Was it a story to be invited to the castle on the seabed? "Otohime" is "a beautiful princess so that she can't get a cat in a picture."

Fiona: Well, is that so? Well, owner... I'm glad♥

Kokoro: Huh, it♪'s a really nice swimsuit, and I'm grateful to both My mother and Elena♥.

Fiona: What is the story of "Ryugujo no Oto-sama"? I'm curious♪

Helena Douglas: Well, you don't know Kokoro more than I do?

Kokoro: The story of "Urashima Taro" is the story of Princess Fu♪futo Oto, and Taro Urashima, who helped the turtle, is invited to Ryugu Castle to thank him. There, Thailand and flounder... Well, beautiful fish dance and dance, and the beautiful Princess Oto is entertaining ♪

Fiona:♥ Well, it♪'s perfect for today's party. ♥

Helena Douglas: That's right. The owner is at an anniversary party. I hope you're having fun♪

Fiona: I'm practicing singing with Elena. If you don't mind, let me know about it.

Kokoro: I ♥ fun ♪, and I also practiced dancing "goldfish" with Marie♪ I'm going to be a thai and flounder, but let's all dance ♥

Fiona: Wow, I'm looking forward to it♥.

Helena Douglas: ...... They are both very close and seem to be having fun. ...... Thanks to the owner, you're s♪orry? I seem to be having fun, too. ♪, that's right, let'♪ s enjoy the party with the owner, us, and three Otohime♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様♥いかがでしたか?

Kokoro: オーナーはん、ウチらのお礼の気持ち、伝わりましたか?

Helena Douglas: ふふっ、どうかしら?

Kokoro: ……あれ?オーナーはん、どないしたんですか?なんだか、目がとろーんと……

Fiona: オーナー様!?あの、お顔も真っ赤です……

Helena Douglas: うふふっ♪少し、のほせてしまったのではなくて?休んだ方がいいかもしれないわね♪

Fiona: How was the owner ♥?

Kokoro: Did you feel the gratitude of the owner, ours?

Helena Douglas: Huh, what do you think?

Kokoro: ...... That? The owner, did you do it? Somehow, my eyes are thick.

Fiona: Owner!? Well, your face is red, too.

Helena Douglas: You're not a little bit ♪, have you? Maybe you should take a rest♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ではあの、わたくしのおを……

Kokoro: ふふっ♪オーナーはん、またあとで、ね♪

Fiona: Well, that, my name...

Kokoro: ♪ owner, i'll see♪ you later.

Episode 3: Where is this place? (ここはどこ)


DOAXVV All event episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event (second half)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): ……ちょっと、オーナーさん?

Nagisa (OFF): ……オーナー、さん……

Kanna (OFF): ……おーい、オマエー!

Leifang (OFF): カンナ!オーナーさんの上から降りなさい!

Kanna (OFF): 嫌じゃー!コイツだってワシに乗ってもらえて満足しているに違いないのじゃ!

Kanna: お!?オマエー!やっと目覚めたか?宴席で寝るとは、情けないやつじゃの♪さあ、目が覚めたからには、ワシらと遊ぶのじゃ!逃がしはせぬぞ♪観念するのじゃ♪

Leifang (OFF): ...... Hey, the owner?

Nagisa (OFF): ...... Owner, Mr. ...

Kanna (OFF): ...... Hey, Omae!

Leifang (OFF): Kanna! Get off the owner!

Kanna (OFF): I don't like it! He must be happy to be on an eagle!

Kanna: Oh!? Omae! Have you finally woken up? Sleeping at a banquet is a pitiful one, ♪' wake up, so you play with the eagles! Don't let ♪ escape ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: あの、大丈夫ですか?……心配はしてないですけど、一応。

Leifang: こら、カンナ!「乙姫」姿なんだから、少しは大人しくしなさい?

Kanna: 乙姫?ワシはオニじゃぞ?「浦島太郎」ではなく、「桃太郎」のほうじゃ。ワシはセクシーなオニじゃから、桃太郎とも仲良くなって、幸せに暮らすのじゃ♪

Leifang: 桃太郎ってそんなお話しだったかしら?

Nagisa: 追いますけど……まあ、子供の言うことですから。

Kanna: コラ!なぎさ!子供扱いするなー!何度言うたら分かるのじゃ、ワシはオニなの!

Nagisa: あっ……!ご、ごめんね、カンナちゃん。分かってても、つい……

Leifang: うふふっ♪ほら、カンナ?大人扱いされたければ、それなりの態度を見せなさい?

Kanna: むー……ワシは堅苦しいのは嫌いなのじゃ……

Leifang: なぎさも、カンナの相手でごまかしてないで、言うべきことは、ちゃんと言わないとダメよ?

Nagisa: え……は、はい。あの、ごめんなさい。レイファンさんって、思ったより……真面目な人なんですね。

Leifang: ちょ、ちょっと、それ、どういう意味よ!?

Kanna: レイファンは、いつも怒るから怖いのじゃ…………なぎさも、時々怖いけどな♪

Leifang: ……カンナ!

Nagisa: わ、わたしも!?

Nagisa: Are you all right? ...... I'm not worried, but for now.

Leifang: Here, Kanna! You're in "Otohime", so be a little quiet?

Kanna: Otohime? I'm not an oni, is it? It's not "Urashima Taro" but "Momotaro". Since I'm a sexy oni, I'm going to get along well with Momotaro and live happily♪

Leifang: Is Momotaro that kind of story?

Nagisa: I'm following you, but... Well, that's what the kids say.

Kanna: Kola! Nagisa! Don't treat me like a child! How many times do I have to tell you, I'm on i!

Nagisa: Oh...! I'm sorry, Kanna-chan. Even if i know it, it's just...

Leifang: ♪, Kanna? If you want to be treated like an adult, show your attitude?

Kanna: Mu...... I don't like being stiff.

Leifang: Don't cheat on Kanna's opponent, you have to say what you have to say properly, don't you?

Nagisa: Eh...... That's yes. Well, I'm sorry. Ray fan is more than I thought. He's a serious person.

Leifang: Hey, hey, what do you mean!?

Kanna: Ray fans are always angry, so They're scared. It's scary sometimes,♪ too.

Leifang: ...... Kanna!

Nagisa: Wow, me too!?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オマエー!助けてくれー!レイファンとなぎさが、ワシをいじめるのじゃー!

Leifang: カンナ!またスペシャルマッサージをして欲しいの?かばうなら、オーナーさんも同じ目に……

Nagisa: わ、わたしは別にいじめてません……!もう、ニヤニヤして……この、エロわんこ!

Kanna: あははっ♪怖いのじゃー♪ん?どうしたオマエ、何を笑っておるんじゃ?

Leifang: え?「竜宮城」じゃなくて……

Nagisa: 「鬼が島」に来たのかと思った……?

Leifang: ……オーナーさん?

Nagisa: ……それは一体、どういう意味ですか?

Kanna: えっ……、ええっ? ワ、ワシは何も……

Kanna: Omae! Help me! Leifang and Nagisa are teasing eagles!

Leifang: Kanna! Do you want me to have another special massage? If you're going to cover it up, the owner will see the same thing.

Nagisa: Wow, I'm not bullying you anymore...! I'm already grinning. This, erotic dog!

Kanna: Aren'♪ t ♪ afraid of ahaha? What's the matter, Omae, what are you laughing at?

Leifang: Eh? It's not "Ryugucastle"......

Nagisa: I thought the demons came to the island.

Leifang: ...... The owner?

Nagisa: ...... What the hell does that mean?

Kanna: Eh... Wow, the eagle is nothing.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ほ、本気で怖かったのじゃ……オマエ、大丈夫か……生きておるか?

Leifang: ちょっとお説しただけでしよ?

Nagisa: カンナちゃんが嘘をつくのが悪いんです。オーナーさんは、まあ、ついでと言うか……

Leifang: はあ、まあいいわ。ドタバタはここまでにしましょ♪オーナーさん、わたしたち、あなたに言いたいことがあるの。聞いてくれる?

Kanna: まずは、ワシからじゃ♪ワシ、こんな楽しいパーティーは初めてじゃ♪これからも、毎年、みんな一緒に祝おうな!約束じゃぞ?……あと、ありがとうな♪オ・マ・エ♥

Leifang: じゃあ、次はわたしね。わたしは、2回目の記念日だけど、新しい仲間やライバルが増えて、楽しかったわ♪ま、改めて言うことでもないと思うけど、ありがとう、オーナーさん。謝謝♪

Nagisa: わ、わたしは、別に、その…………感謝なんてしてませんから。あなたが、みさきや他の子に変なことをしないか…………ずっと、見張ってますからね。エロわんこ。

Leifang: ふふっ、素直じゃないわね♪

Kanna: ……ん?……オマエ?

Nagisa: どうしたんですか?オーナーさん……

Kanna: 気を失っておる……レイファンとなぎさが、そんなに怖かったのか……

Leifang: そんなわけないでしょ!……きっと準備で疲れてたのよ。そっとしておきましょ。

Nagisa: ……そうですね。……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。

Kanna: また、あとでの。オマエ♪

Kanna: You know, I was really scared. Omae, are you all right? Are you alive?

Leifang: Just a little explanation, right?

Nagisa: Kanna-chan is bad at telling lies. The owner, well, i'll say by the way...

Leifang: Well, that's fine. I'm going to make it this far♪ the owner, we have something to say to you. Can you listen to me?

Kanna: First of all, it'♪ s the first time we've had such a fun party from eagles♪ let's celebrate together every year! Is that a promise? ...... And thank you♪ O Ma E♥

Leifang: Well, I'll be next. It's my second anniversary, but it was fun ♪ new friends and rivals, and I don't think it's something to say again, thank you, the owner. Xie Xi♪e

Nagisa: Wow, I'm not... I'm not grateful. Don't you do anything strange to Misaki or any other child? I've been watching you. Erotic dog.

Leifang: Huh, you're not honest♪

Kanna: ...... What's up? ...... Omae?

Nagisa: What's going on? The owner...

Kanna: I'm losing my mind. Was Leifang and Nagisa so scared?

Leifang: That's not true! ...... I'm sure I was tired from the preparation. Let's leave it alone.

Nagisa: ...... Let's see. ...... Thank you, owner.

Kanna: See you later. Omae ♪

Episode 4: DOAFES2019 (DOAFES2019)

This episode was part of an in-character voice acting session between Ai Nonaka and Saori Ōnishi at DOAFES 2019.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): オーナーくん♥

Honoka (OFF): おーなーさーん♥

Tamaki: ほら、せっかくのパーティーなんだから、ぼーっとしないの♪

Honoka: そうです♪今日は、オーナーさんのためのパーティーなんですから!

Tamaki: ははーん、さては……わたしの、この「乙姫」姿に見惚れちゃった?♥そ・れ・とも……♥

Tamaki (OFF): ほのかちゃんの方に、見惚れちゃったのかな?

Honoka: ひぇっ!?わ、わたしですか!?えっと、あの……その……は、はずかしいです……

Tamaki: うん、わかる!オーナーくんの気持ち、わかるわ!わたしなんか、見てるだけじゃなくて……つい……

Honoka: ひゃっ!?た、たまきさん……!そんなことより、わたし、オーナーさんに……

Tamaki: あははっ♪ごめん、そうだったわね。ね……オーナーくん、ほのかちゃんから、オーナーくんに伝えたいことがあるんだって♪だから、ね?……間いてあげて?

Tamaki OFF: Owner-kun ♥

Honoka (OFF): Oh, my ♥

Tamaki: Look, it's a great party, so don't you feel dazed♪

Honoka: That'♪ s right, today is a party for the owner!

Tamaki: Well, well, well. Did you fall in love with my "Otohime" figure? ♥, Re, and Tomo... ♥

Tamaki OFF: I wonder if I fell in love with Hoka-chan?

Honoka: Oh!? Wow, is it me!? Uh, uh... That...... It's embarrassing......

Tamaki: Yes, I know! I understand the owner's feelings! I'm not just looking at it, but... Unintentionally......

Honoka: Oh!? Oh, Tamaki-san...! Rather than that, I, to the owner...

Tamaki: Oh♪, sorry, that was it. Right...... The owner-kun, from Honoka-chan, there♪'s something I want to tell the owner-kun, right? ...... Why don't you make a while?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……じゃあ、自いますね。オーナーさん、わたし、いつも可愛い水着や、崎麗な服を着せてもらって……みんなと楽しく遊んだり、お話ししたり、ご飯を食べたり、競い合ったり……そんな毎日がとってもとっても楽しくてジ……♪だから、オーナーさんに伝えたかったんです。わたし……あの……だ、大好きです!

Honoka: ...... Well then, I'll be myself. The owner, I was always dressed in cute swimsuits and beautiful clothes. Have fun playing with everyone, talking, eating, competing... It's so much fun every day. I wanted to tell the owner because it's ♪. I...... Excuse me...... I love it!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ひゃぁ♥ほのかちゃん、ダイタン♥

Honoka: えっ!?ひゃっ!?あわわ、あの、そういう意味じゃなくって……!わ、わたし、この島や、みんなのことが、大好きです、って意味で……ううー、ちゃんと言いたかったのに、失敗しちゃいました……

Tamaki: 大丈夫よ♥オーナーくんには、感謝の気持ち、ちゃんと伝わってるわ♪……そうね。ほのかちゃんの言う通り。わたしも、ちゃんと言わないとね。いつもおちゃらけてばっがだけど、たまには、真画目に……ね?

Tamaki: Hey, Oh, I'm♥ a dait♥in,

Honoka: Eh!? Oh, my God!? Wow, that's not what I meant....! Wow, I love this island and everyone else. Well, I wanted to say it properly, but I failed.

Tamaki: It's okay♥ to thank the owner, I'm sure you'♪ ll be able to get through it. That's right. Honoka-chan's right. I have to say it properly, too. It's always funny, but once in a while, it's a true picture. Right?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん、わたし、ここに来て、本当に良かったって思ってる。フェスはとっても楽しいし、ご飯もお酒もおいしいし、女の子たちは、みんなとってもかわいいし……!それに、オーナーくんもいるしね♪……ねぇ、オーナーくん。オーナーくんは、この島や、ここにいるみんなのこと、好き?……ふふっ♪わたしも………「大好き」よ♥……ありがと♥

Tamaki: Owner, I'm really glad you came here. The festival is very fun, the rice and the sake are delicious, and the girls are all very cute. Besides, there's an owner, ♪... Hey, owner. Does the owner like this island and everyone here? ...... Fufu♪-oh, too.........I love you♥. Thank you very much♥.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……さ、真面目な話はここまで♪パーティーはまだまだこれからよ♪

Honoka: あはっ、そうですね♪よーし、まだまだ、いっぱい遊ぶぞー♪

Tamaki: ふふっ♪さ、みんなも、一緒に……

Unison: 楽しみましょう♪

Tamaki: ...... Well, the serious story is here♪ party♪ is still to come

Honoka: Ahaha, that's right, ♪, I'm still playing a lot♪!

Tamaki:♪ Fufusa, everyone, together...

Unison: Let's have fun♪!

Episode 5: In a dream? (夢の中?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): ……オーナー?ねえ、聞いてるの!?オーナー!

Misaki: さっきから話しかけてるのに、ほんやりして…………え?乙姫様みたい……!?あの、えっと……あ、ありがと♥そんなに衰められると、なんだか照れるな…………で、何ほんやりしてたの?ひょっとして、今までの想い出に浸ってた、とか?……夢みたい?まるで、竜宮城にいるみたいだ、って……ふふっ♪そうだね。「月日の経つのも夢のうち〜♪」……っていうけど、……本当に夢みたい。オーナーが来てくれた。あの日から……もう、そんなに経つんだね。

Misaki (OFF): かすみさん、あやねっち、こころさん、エレナさん、ヒトミさん、マリーちゃん、ほのかっち、紅葉さん、女天狗……ルナぴょん、たま節、レイファンさん、フィオちゃん、なぎさお姉ちゃん、カンナちゃん、それに、モニカさん。

Misaki: あと、わたしがいて、オーナーがいて……とっても楽しい……夢?……夢じゃないよ。わたしも、一緒に見てたんだから。ずっと。……みんなも、一緒に。だから……オーナー、本当に、ありがとう!……これからも、よろしくお願いします!去年も言ったけど……これからも……ずっと、見ててよね?わたしも、……見ていたいから。

Misaki (OFF): ...... Owner? Hey, are you listening!? Owner!

Misaki: I've been talking to you for a while now, but... What? It's like Otohime....? Uh, uh... Oh, thank you♥ if it's so dimly dimed, I can't be shy. So, what were you doing? By any chance, you were immersed in the memories of the past, or? ...... Is it like a dream? It's like being in Ryugu Jo. That's a♪ good thing. "The passage of time is also a ♪ of dreams"...... It's called、...... It's really like a dream. The owner came. From that day on... It's been so long.

Misaki (OFF): Kasumi-san, Ayane-cchi, Kokoro-san, Helena-san, Hitomi-san, Marie-chan, Honoka-cchi, Momiji-san, Nyotengu...... Luna-Pyon, Tama-nee, Leifang-san, Fiona-chan, Nagisa-oneechan, Kanna-chan, and Monica-san.

Misaki: And I'm here, and i have an owner. It's so much fun. Dream? ...... It's not a dream. I was watching with you. For a long time. ...... Everyone, together. So...... Thank you, owner! ...... From now on, thank you! I said last year, but... Keep doing...... You've been watching me, haven't I? Me too...... Because I want to see it.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、パーティー、もう始まるよ!?わたし、みんなに頼まれて、オーナーを呼びに来たんだから。……えっ!?夢だったのか、って……?あははっ♪何言ってるの!ほら、一緒に行こう!みんな、待ってるよ♪

Misaki: Oh, the party is about to start!? I was asked by everyone to call the owner. ...... What!? Was it a dream? What♪ are you talking about? Come on, let's go together! Everybody' waiting for♪

Rival Festival - Otona Wars

Episode 1: Small fire species (小さな火種)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふわぁ……むにゃむにゃ……

Kanna: Fluffy...... Mumble......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: もう!カンナさん、こんなところで追ちゃダメですよ!

Kanna: ん?おお……いやー、日差しが気持ちょくて寝転がっていたら、つい、ウトウトしてしまってのう。

Marie Rose: くすっ、カンナさんってば……小さい子みたいなこと言ってますね。

Kanna: なんじゃとっ?ワシは小さくなんかないぞ!見てみい、セクシーで魅惑的な美女じゃぞ!

Marie Rose: あれ?その水着って……?

Kanna: ん、なんじゃ、これか?ふっふっふ……これはオーナーがワシにくれた新作水着じゃ!どうじゃ、似合っとるじゃろう♪うっふーん♪

Marie Rose: えっ、オーナーさんが?いいなぁ、フリフリで、リボンもお酒落で可愛くて……マリーもその水着、欲しいな……

Kanna: ふふーん♪ダメじゃダメじゃ。よいかー?こういう水着はワシのような、セクシーなオトナの女にこそ似合うんじゃ!

Marie Rose: そんなことありません!マリーだって、小さくなんかないんですから!

Kanna: ふふん♪そうやって背伸びするところが、まだまだお子様なんじゃ♪

Marie Rose: むー……!ちょっとここで待っててください!今からマリーも、オトナな水着を着てみせますから!

Marie Rose: No more! Kanna-san, don't chase me in a place like this!

Kanna: What? Wow...... Well, if the sun was lying down feelings, I'd end up uating.

Marie Rose: Kusu, Kanna-san... You say it's like a little girl.

Kanna: What's going on? I'm not small! Look, sexy and enchanting beauty!

Marie Rose: Is that it? What's that swimsuit?

Kanna: What, what is this? Huh-fu...... This is a new swimsuit that the owner gave me to my eagle! Well, it♪♪ looks good on you.

Marie Rose: Eh, the owner? It's nice, it's frilly, and the ribbon is cute with out of alcohol. Marie wants that swimsuit too.

Kanna: Hmm, ♪ no. Is that all right? Such a swimsuit looks good on a sexy woman like an eagle!

Marie Rose: That's not true! Even Marie isn't small!

Kanna:♪ I'm still a child in the place where I grow taller like that♪!

Marie Rose: Mu......! Hey wait here! From now on, Marie will also wear a swimsuit that is too big!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: あれっ、おーい……むう、起き抜けに「小さい」などと言われて、ムッとしたから、仕返しのつもりだったが……ちょっとイジワルしすぎたかのう……?

Kanna: Oh, my God. Well, I was told that I was "small" when I got up, and I was upset, so I was going to get back on my back, but... I wonder if it's a little too bad...?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): オーナーさーん!

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん♪マリー、オーナーさんにお願いがあるんです。えっと、実は……カンナさんが着ていたような、素敵な水着が欲しくて探してるんですけど……でも、なかなかいいのが選べなくて……だから、一緒に水着を選んでくれませんか?えっ?カンナさんにあげたのと、同じ水着がもう一着あるんですか?やったあ!マリー、あの水着欲しかったんです♪お願いします、オーナーさん。その水着、マリーにも下さい!

Marie Rose (OFF): Owner!

Marie Rose: Oh, I'd like to ask♪ the owner Marie and the owner. Well, actually... I'm looking for a nice swimsuit like Kanna-san was wearing. But I can't choose a good one. So, could you choose a swimsuit with me? What? Do you have another swimsuit that You gave to Kanna-san? Oh, my God! Marie, I wanted that swimsuit♪ please, owner. Give it to Marie in that swimsuit too!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: えへへ、どうですかオーナーさん♪マリー、オトナっぽいですか?かわいい?似合ってる?ふふふ、やったあ!じゃあ、今からカンナさんと勝負しに行きますから、オーナーさんは審判になってくださいね え?なんの勝負かって……?えっと……どっちがセクシーでオトナっほいか……勝負?マリー、絶対に負けませんから♪

Marie Rose: How is the owner♪ Marie, Otona-like? Cute? Does it look good on you? Huh, I did it! Well, I'm going to play with Kanna-san now, so please be a referee, please. What kind of game...? Let's see...... Which one is sexy and otona-ho- Game? Marie, I'll never lose♪

Episode 2: Otona Wars (オトナウォーズ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 血の目険、咲かせてあげる♪

Marie Rose: Bloody eyes, I'll make you bloom♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オニのカ、見せてやるぞ♪……って、勢いあまってやってみたが、これからここで何をするのじゃ?

Marie Rose: そうですね……どっちがオトナの魅力にあふれているかの勝負……

Kanna: ならオニごっこはどうじゃ?

Marie Rose: えー、そんな子供っぽいことで……?

Kanna: なら……かくれんぼ!かくれんぼでどうじゃ!

Marie Rose: あんまり変わってないです!

Kanna: うーん、ほかにニンゲンとする遊びは……

Marie Rose: あっ、それならお裁縫で勝負しましょう♪針と糸を上手に使うのってオトナですよね♪

Kanna: えー、ワシはそんな細かいことは嫌いじゃ。針は、刺さると痛いじゃろ……?

Marie Rose: それは扱うのが下手なだけなんじゃ……それなら、お洗濯の上手さで競うのはどうです?綺麗に洗ってたたむ手際の良さで勝負です!

Kanna: えー!?桃とか流れてきたらどうするのじゃ!ワシはオニじゃぞ?それより、両方ともマリーの得意なことではないか。ずるいぞー!マリーはオニかー!

Marie Rose: それを言うなら、カンナさんだって!鬼ごっことか、かくれんぼとか、得意じゃないですか!

Kanna: ぬ一、ま、まあのう……

Marie Rose: そもそも、全然関係せっかくお揃いの可愛い水着なのに、ないことで勝負をしても……

Kanna: よっし、それなら審判役のオーナーに勝負の仕方も決めてもらうのはどうじゃ?

Marie Rose: そうですね、そうしましょう♪オーナーさん、どうするのがいいと思いますか?

Kanna: Oni's Ka, I♪'ll show you... Well, I tried to do it with a lot of momentum, but what are we going to do here from now on?

Marie Rose: That's right. The game of which is full of the charm of Otona.

Kanna: So why don't you play oni?

Marie Rose: Well, is that childish...?

Kanna: If... Hide and seek! How about hide and seek!

Marie Rose: It hasn't changed much!

Kanna: Well, there's another way to play with Ningen.

Marie Rose: Oh, then, let'♪♪ s play with sewing.

Kanna: Well, I don't like that detail. The needle hurts when it stings, doesn't it?

Marie Rose: It's just that I'm not good at dealing with it. Then, how about competing for the good washing? It is a game with good hand to wash cleanly and hang!

Kanna: Eh!? What do you do when peaches flow? I'm not an oni, is it? More than that, isn't it something That Marie is good at? It's sly! Marie is oni!

Marie Rose: If you say that, it's Kanna!! You're not good at tag or hide-and-seek!

Kanna: Nuichi, well, well...

Marie Rose: In the first place, even though it's a cute swimsuit that's all in a relationship, even if you play with something that you don't have...

Kanna: Well, why don't you ask the referee's owner to decide how to play?

Marie Rose: Well, let♪'s do that, owner, what do you think you should do?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: んっ?大人っぽいポーズで撮影じゃと?ふっふっふ……そんなことなら朝飯前じゃ!

Marie Rose: うーん。確かに間違ってはないですけど……

Kanna: なにしろオーナーはワシの魅力にメロメロじゃ♪この勝負、もらったのう♪

Marie Rose: ふっふーん♪どうでしょうね?そんなの始まってみなきゃわかりませんよ?

Kanna: What? You're shooting in an adult-like pose? Huh-fu...... If that's the case, it's a good day to go!

Marie Rose: Hmm. It's certainly not wrong, but.

Kanna: Anyway, the owner was attracted to the charm of the eagle,♪ and this game was given to♪ me.

Marie Rose: How'♪ s it going? You don't know if that's the start?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ほら、どうですか!

Marie Rose: Hey, how's it going?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: うっふ〜ん♥

Kanna: ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: こ、こういうのも……ちょっと……恥ずかしいですけど……

Marie Rose: This is also... A little...... It's embarrassing, but...

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふーん♪見惚れておるのか?

Kanna:♪ You're looking at me?

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、どうでしたか?

Kanna: ワシにちゃーんと悩殺されたか?ん?

Marie Rose: え、ふたりとも可愛かった?

Kanna: むぅ……甲乙つけがたいと?

Marie Rose: もう!ちゃんと見てたんですか?どっちの方がオトナっぽかったですか?

Kanna: あんなに頑張ってポーズを決めたんじゃぞ?ちゃんとワシをべた裏めせんか!

Marie Rose: マリーは……淑女らしさがあった?

Kanna: ワシは……妖さがあった、と?

Marie Rose: それで二人ともオトナっぽかったって言うんですか?

Kanna: オマエー、テキトーなことを言って煙に巻こうとしておらんか?

Marie Rose: あっ、逃げた!カンナさん、追いかけましょう!

Kanna: オマエー、待てー!カミナリ落とすぞー!

Marie Rose: How was the owner?

Kanna: Did you get killed by an eagle? What's up?

Marie Rose: Well, were you both cute?

Kanna: Mu-tei...... You want to take advantage of it?

Marie Rose: No more! Did you see it properly? Which one was more like an adult?

Kanna: You worked so hard to set up a pose, didn't you? Do you want to back up the eagle properly!

Marie Rose: Marie...... Was there a shrine maiden?

Kanna: The eagle...... There was a yousity, you said?

Marie Rose: So you both said you were like an adult?

Kanna: Omae, are you trying to say something tekito and wrap it in smoke?

Marie Rose: Oh, i'm running away! Kanna-san, let's go after her!

Kanna: Omae, wait! I'm going to drop the caminari!

Sayuri sister and i!


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'With Sayuri' (first half) event

Episode 1: My sister and sister (お姉ちゃんと妹)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): オーナーさん?ちょっといいかしら?

Ayane: 歓迎会の準備も任せっきりで、何ダラタラしてるのかしら?って……あら?

Sayuri: はじめまして、ですよね。わたし、「さゆり」って言います。

Ayane: あら、あなたが?ふーん……わたしは「あやね」よ。よろしくね。

Sayuri: あなたが「あやね」ちゃん……ふふっ♪オーナーちゃんから聞いてた通り、かわいいですね♪

Ayane: か、かわいいって……オーナーさんったら、一体何を吹き込んだわけ?

Sayuri: あ、わたし、看師なんです。だからみんなのこと、色々間いておかなくちゃって……聞き出したみたいで、ごめんね、あやねちゃん。

Ayane: 別にあなたが動るの要はないけど……って、用があるのはあなたじゃなくて……オーナーさん、どこにいるのかしら?

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、お仕事でお疲れみたいだったから、隣のお部屋で、少しお昼寝しているの。

Ayane: お昼?気なものねぇ。

Sayuri: うーん、もう少しだけ、かせておいてあげたいから……ねえ、あやねちゃん、オーナーちゃんが起きるまで、一緒にお話ししませんか?わたし、色々間きたいな。

Ayane: えっ!?ま、まあ……いいけど……なんだか、調子が狂うわね……

Ayane (OFF): Owner? Can I have a word?

Ayane: I'm just ready for the welcome party, and I wonder what's going on? What...... Well well?

Sayuri: Nice to meet you, isn't it? I say "Sayuri".

Ayane: Oh, you? I see...... I'm Ayane. Nice to meet you.

Sayuri: You're Ayane-chan...... ♪'m cute as I heard from the owner♪.

Ayane: Or is it cute? What the hell did the owner blow in?

Sayuri: Oh, I'm a nurse. That's why I have to keep everything in place. I'm sorry, Ayane-chan.

Ayane: There's no point in making your move, but... It's not you who have anything to do with it. I wonder where the owner is.

Sayuri: The owner seemed tired from work, so he's taking a little nap in the next room.

Ayane: Lunch? That's a good thing.

Sayuri: Well, I'd like to give it to you a little more. Hey, Ayane-chan, why don't we talk with you until the owner wakes up? I want to make a lot of time.

Ayane: Eh!? Well, well...... But it's okay, but... Somehow, I'm out of tune.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふーん、看護師の仕事を探して、この島に?あなたも、なかなか大変なのね……

Sayuri: ふふっ♪でも、この島に来てよかった。海はきれいだし、ポカポカして気持ちがいいし……あやねちゃんみたいな、かわいくて優しい子にも出会えたから♪

Ayane: ……『個しい』?どうかしら。わたしは、そんなに甘くないわよ?

Sayuri: あら?でも……オーナーちゃんが、みんなの面倒をよく見てくれてるって。

Ayane: それは……ルナやフィオナ……あと、カンナも……『勝手に』なついてるだけよ。

Sayuri: ふふっ♪みんな、あやねちゃんの優しさに気づいて、なついてくれてるんじゃないかしら。それに、今だってこうして、わたしに付き合って、一緒にお話してくれてるんだもの。あやねちゃんは、優しい子ですよ♪

Ayane: ふん、……わたしは迷惑してるんだけど。……ま、あなたに言ってもしょうがないわね。

Sayuri: ふふっ♪本当に、かわいくて優しい人なんですね♪

Ayane: はぁ、もういいわ。さっきから調子が狂うというか……あなたといると、どうも気が緩んじゃって。わたしも、ちょっと疲れてるのかしら。

Sayuri: あら。じゃあ、あやねちゃんも、少しお休みしますか?

Ayane: 悪いけど、少しの間休ませてもらうわ……

Sayuri: ふふっ♪わかりました。じゃあ、さゆりお姉ちゃんが起こしてあげますからね♥

Ayane: Hmm, looking for a nurse job on this island? You're having a hard time, too.

Sayuri:♪ I'm glad I came to this island. The sea is beautiful, and it feels good. I♪ was able to meet a cute and gentle girl like Ayane-chan.

Ayane: ...... 'sashi'? I don't know. I'm not that sweet, am I?

Sayuri: Oh, my God. But...... The owner takes good care of everyone.

Ayane: That's...... Luna and Fiona... And Kanna is just getting along with her.

Sayuri: Huh♪ everyone noticed Ayane-chan's kindness and was kind to me. And he's still going out with me and talking to me like this. Ayane-chan is a kind child♪.

Ayane: H、 I'm bothering you. ...... Well, I can't help telling you.

Sayuri: Huh♪, really, she's a cute and gentle person♪

Ayane: Well, that's enough. I'm not going to be in a bad mood for a while. When I'm with you, I feel relaxed. I wonder if I'm a little tired, too.

Sayuri: Oh, my God. So, would you like to take a rest, Ayane-chan?

Ayane: I'm sorry, but I'll let you rest for a little while.

Sayuri:♪ I understand. Then, Sayuri's sister will wake you up♥.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): もう、何パカ言ってるのよ……おねえ……ちゃん……

Sayuri: ……ふふっ♪気持ちよさそう。あっ!わたし、あやねちゃんの前でも、つい、お姉ちゃんって…………そう言えば、あやねちゃんの「お姉ちゃん」の話、聞こうと思ってたけど……今はゆっくり休ませてあけないとね。おやすみ、あやねちゃん♪

Ayane (OFF): What are you talking about already? Hey... Chan...

Sayuri: ...... It looks ♪ pleasant. Oh, my God! Even in front of Ayane-chan, my sister... Now that I think about it, I was going to listen to Ayane-chan's story about her sister. I have to take a good rest now. Good night, Ayane-chan♪

Episode 2: Sister-to-sister (お姉ちゃん同士)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane (OFF): ん……わたし……そうか、オーナーさんを迎えに来て……

??? (OFF): あ、目が覚めた?

Ayane: ……さゆり?こめんなさい、迷惑をかけたわね……

Kasumi: おはよう、あやねちゃん。

Ayane: か、かすみ!?なんであなたがここにいるのよ……!?

Sayuri: あら、あやわちゃん、起きたんですね♪おはようございます。よく眠れましたか?

Ayane: さゆり!?なんで、かすみがいるのよ!どういうことか、ちゃんと説明しなさい!

Ayane (OFF): N... I...... Well, I'm here to pick up the owner.

??? (OFF): Oh, did you wake up?

Ayane: ...... Sayuri? Come on, you've caused me a lot of trouble.

Kasumi: Good morning, Ayane-chan.

Ayane: Do you, Kasumi!? Why are you here?

Sayuri: Oh, Ayawa-chan,♪ you've woken up. Did you sleep well?

Ayane: Sayuri!? Why is Kasumi here? Explain what this means!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あやねちゃんに何か掛けるものを探してたら、ちょうど、かすみちゃんが来てくれたの。だから、あやねちゃんが起きるまで、って、お話してたんです。お姉ちゃんのお話、聞きたくて♪

Kasumi: とっても気持ちよさそうに寝ていたから、邪魔しちゃいけない、とは思ったんだけど……

Ayane: もう……どうして起こさないのよ!?まさか……寝ている間に、変な話していないでしょうね?

Kasumi: えっと、普通の世間話……だと思うけど。この島のこととか、わたしたちや、みんなのこととか。

Ayane: 世間話……ねぇ……

Kasumi: あ。あと、今までのフェスの話をしたかな。夏の「肝試し」とかこの間の「姉妹喧嘩」の話とか。

Ayane: なによそれ、十分変なことじゃない!

Kasumi: えっ!?そうかな?なんだか「お姉ちゃんどうしだから」って……

Sayuri: うふふっ♪「喧嘩するほど仲が良い」って、本当なんですね♪

Ayane: ……さゆりまで!?あなたたち、いつのまに意気投合してるのよ!?

Sayuri: うふふっ♪お姉ちゃん、ニ人が仲良さそうで、嬉しいです♪

Kasumi: そういえば、さゆりさんは、ご自分のことを「お姉ちゃん」って言うんですね。

Sayuri: あっ!?こ、こめんなさい!その、お仕事をしていた時のクセで……なんだか、「お姉ちゃん」って言うと、頑張れるっていうか……ふふっ、おかしいかな♪

Kasumi: いいえ。さゆりさんは、優しくて………なんだか、本当に「お姉ちゃん」みたいです。ね?あやねちゃん♪

Ayane: お姉ちゃん……ね。ま、かすみとおなじくらい、ふわふわした人だとは思うわ。

Sayuri: ふふっ♪ありがとう、二人とも。

Ayane: ちょっと!わたしは衰めたつもりじゃ……

Sayuri: えっ……そうなんですか?

Ayane: ……ああ、もう!はいはい、優しいわよ。

Kasumi: あやねちゃん、わたしは?

Ayane: もう、調子に乗らないの!……ほんと、二人とも、困った姉ね……

Sayuri: When I was looking for something to hang on to Ayane-chan, Kasumi-chan just came. That's why I was talking about it until Ayane-chan got up. I want to hear your sister's story♪.

Kasumi: I was sleeping so comfortably that I thought I shouldn't disturb you.

Ayane: I'm already...... Why don't you wake me up!? Surely?????? You're not talking strangely while you're sleeping, are you?

Kasumi: Well, it's a normal story. I think so. This island, us, everyone.

Ayane: Small talk...... Shall we?......

Kasumi: Oh. Also, I guess I talked about the festival so far. It's like a summer "liver test" or a "sister fight" the other day.

Ayane: Oh, it's not weird enough!

Kasumi: Eh!? I wonder if that's right? It's kind of like, "Because my sister is with each other."

Sayuri:♪ It's♪ true that "we're so close to fighting"

Ayane: ...... To Sayuri!? You guys are on it before you know it!?

Sayuri: Ufufu♪ sister, Ni people seem to be good friends, I'm♪ glad

Kasumi: Come to think of it, Sayuri-san says "nee-chan" about herself.

Sayuri: Oh!? Come on, come on! That, in the habit of working... Somehow, when I say "nee-chan", I can do my best. Huh, i wonder if♪ it's funny.

Kasumi: No. Sayuri-san is kind. Somehow, it's really like "neechan". Right? Ayane-chan♪

Ayane: Sister... Right. Well, I think he's as fluffy as Kasumi.

Sayuri: Thank you ♪, both of you.

Ayane: Hey! I'm not going to have declined.

Sayuri: Eh...... Is that right?

Ayane: ...... Oh, no more! Yes, yes, it's kind.

Kasumi: Ayane-chan, what am I?

Ayane: I'm not getting on with it anymore! ...... Really, they're both troubled sisters.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あら、オーナーちゃん♥お目覚めですか?

Ayane: オーナーさん、いつまで寝てるのよ。まったく、おかけでひどい目にあったじゃない……飲迎会の準備、終わってるわよ?ほら、あなた達も早く準備しなさい、「お姉ちゃん」なんだから。

Kasumi: そういえば、わたしもオーナーさんとあっ!あやねちゃんのこと、探しに来たんだっけ。

Sayuri: ……「飲迎会」ですか?じゃあ、わたしもお手伝いしますね♪

Ayane: さゆり、今日はあなたが主役よ?

Kasumi: もうみんな、準備して待ってますよ。

Sayuri: まあ……嬉しい♪それじゃあ、あやねちゃん、かすみちゃん、オーナーちゃんも……一緒に行きましょうか、うふふっ♪

Sayuri: Oh, are you waking up ♥ the owner?

Ayane: The owner, how long are you sleeping? I've had a terrible time with my scares. Are you ready for the dinner? Look, you guys get ready early, too, because you're an older sister.

Kasumi: Come to think of it, I'm also with the owner! I'm here to look for Ayane-chan.

Sayuri: ...... "Drinking Party"? Well then, I'll help you too♪

Ayane: Sayuri, you're the main character today?

Kasumi: Everyone is ready and waiting.

Sayuri: Well...... I'm happy♪ then Ayane-chan, Kasumi-chan, and the owner-chan... Shall we go together♪?

Episode 3: Oni vs. Sister (鬼vsお姉ちゃん)


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'With Sayuri' (second half) event

Japanese English translation

Kanna: ほほう、オマエが 「さゆり」か。

Sayuri: ……?えっと、あなたは……?

Kanna: ワシはこの島のヌシ……になる予定のカンナじゃ!こっちは手下のルナじゃ。

Luna: ルナです。「一日につき焼き芋一つ」の契約で、本日は手下をしています。以後お見知りおきを。

Sayuri: ふふっ♪二人とも、小さくて元気も良くて、可愛いですね♥

Kanna: なっ!?可愛いのは確かじゃかが、小さいは余計じゃ!この大胆不敵さ……あやねを「眠らせた」という噂は本当じゃったか。

Sayuri: 眠らせた……?あ、今日のお昼の事ね♪あやねちゃんの寝頭、可愛かったわ。うふふっ♥

Kanna: あやねを「かわいい」じゃと……?オマエ、何者なのじゃ。一体どんなチカラを……

Luna: ふむ、わたしも興味深いです。さゆりさんには、角は生えていないのに……

Luna (OFF): どこにそんなチカラを隠して……じー……

Sayuri: えっと……ニ人とも、仲良くしてくださいね?それと、欧迎パーティーはとても嬉しいけど、もう夜も遅いですから、そろそろ寝ましょうね♥

Kanna: わ、ワシらを眠らせてやるじゃと……?こ、こやつ……手下にしようと思って声をかけたのじゃが、ううむ、まさかこれほどのッワモノとは……

Luna: ボス、わたしに名案が。

Kanna: ボス?まあよい、行けルナ!

Kanna: Oh, omae is Sayuri?

Sayuri: ......? Uh, are you...?

Kanna: The eagle is on this island. It is Kanna who is going to be! This is Luna of the lower hand.

Luna: Luna. I'm undercontracting "one baked potato per day" and I'm doing it today. I'll be here to know you from now on.

Sayuri: Fufu♪ both of them are small, energetic, and cute♥.

Kanna: What!? I'm sure it's cute, but small is none of it! This fearlessness...... Is the rumor that Ayane "put him to sleep" true?

Sayuri: I fell asleep...? Oh, it's lunch today♪ Ayane-chan's sleeping head was cute. Ufufu♥

Kanna: Ayane is "cute"...... Omae, who are you? What kind of chikara...

Luna: Hmm, I'm also interested. Sayuri-san doesn't have any horns.

Luna (OFF): Where do you hide such a power... Ji...

Sayuri: Uh... Please get along well with the ni people, right? Also, I'm very happy about the European party, but it's already late at night, so let's go to bed soon♥

Kanna: Well, why don't we put us to sleep? Hey, hey... I was going to make it a hand, so I called out to him, but, ue, I don't know what's this much of a thing.

Luna: Boss, I have a good idea.

Kanna: Boss? Well, go Luna!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: あの、さゆりさんは料理がお得意と同いました。手料理が食べたいです。作れますか?

Sayuri: お等で料理ですか?うーん……そうだ!焼き芋プリンなんてどうかしら♪とろーりとプルンプルンで美味しいですよ♥

Luna: とろーり……プルンプルン……ごくり。決めました。わたしはこれより、カンナさんではなく、さゆりさんの手下になります。

Sayuri: 手下……妹みたいなものかしら♪うふふっ、お姉ちゃん嬉しいわ♥

Luna: さゆり、お姉ちゃん……ふふ。

Kanna: んなっ!?この早さでルナを陥落させたじゃと!?ぐぬぬ……オニのワシが負けるなど……

Sayuri: オニ……そういえば、オーナーちゃんから聞いたわ。島には、可愛いオニさんがいるって♪うーん……頭に付いてる角の節りがそうなのかしら?ふふっ、触ってもいい?♪

Kanna: 飾りではない!これは本物の……んにゃっ!

Sayuri: うふふ、いい子いい子♥

Kanna: にゃ、にゃははっ♪あ、あまり触るな、くすぐったいぞ♪

Sayuri: あら、これ本物……?ふふっ、可愛い角ねぇ♥

Kanna: だからそうと言って……ふ、ふにゃあ……!や、やめろお〜だからそうと言って。ふ、ふにゃぁ……!や、やめろぉ〜……ま、参った……こ、降じゃぁ!

Luna: Well, Sayuri was just like her cooking. I want to eat homemade food. Can you make it?

Sayuri: Are you cooking for the place? Well let's see...... I got it! How about baked potato pudding♪ it's delicious with thick and prune♥

Luna: Torori...... Prunpurun...... It's very good. Decided. I am not Kanna-san, but Sayuri-san's behalf.

Sayuri: Downhand...... I wonder if♪ it's like my sister, I'm so happy to have an older sister♥.

Luna: Sayuri, sister... Hehehe.

Kanna: What!?' I thought I had Luna fall in this early! ? Uunu...... Oni's eagle loses, etc.

Sayuri: Oni...... Come to think of it, I heard it from the owner. There is a cute oni-san on the island♪ hmm. I wonder if it's the corner that's on your head? Huh, can I touch it? ♪

Kanna: Not a decoration! This is a real... Nanya!

Sayuri: Ufufu, good girl, good♥ girl

Kanna: Nya, nyahaha♪, don't touch me too much, tickle♪

Sayuri: Oh, this is real...? Huh, it's a pretty corner♥

Kanna: So say so...... Huh, hunya...! No, don't do it, so say so. Huh, my god... No, don't. Well, I'm smits. Hey, let's get down!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ。これでカンナさんも、さゆりお姉ちゃんの手下、もとい妹ですね。

Sayuri: まぁまぁ!♥じゃあ、ルナちゃんとカンナちゃんには、お姉ちゃんが、焼き手プリンをご馳走しますね♪

Luna: ばんざーい。よかったですね、カンナさん。

Kanna: ふぅ……まったく、「オネエチャン」とは、魔性のごとき恐ろしい存在じゃの……

Luna: Fufu. With this, Kanna-san is also the underdog of Sayuri-neechan, and the original sister.

Sayuri: Well! Then, Luna and Kanna-chan, my sister will treat you to a baked pudding♪! ♥

Luna: Banzai. That's good, Kanna-san.

Kanna: Futo...... At all, "Oneechan" is a terrible existence like magic.

Episode 4: My Sister's Handle (お姉ちゃんのお仕手)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: えーっと、次は……あれを運んで……

Sayuri: ふふっ、これは、あそこに置けばいいですか?

Misaki: えっ?あ、さゆりさん!?

Sayuri: はい、さゆりです♥わたしにも、お手伝いさせてください♪

Misaki: えっと……じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて……

Sayuri: うふふっ、お姉ちゃん、頑張っちゃいます♥

Misaki: Well, next time... Carry that...

Sayuri: Huh, should I put this over there?

Misaki: What? Oh, Sayuri-san!?

Sayuri: Yes, sayuri♥ let me help you♪

Misaki: Uh... Well then, I'm not satisfied with your words.

Sayuri: Ufufu, my sister, I'm doing my best♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 手伝ってくれて、ありがとうございました♪あ、自己紹介まだでしたね。アルバイトで、オーナーのサポーターをしてる、「みさき」です。

Sayuri: はい、オーナーちゃんから聞いてます♥サポーターって、大変そうなお仕事なのに、偉いですね♪

Misaki: あはは♪そう言ってもらえると嬉しいです♪……といっても、仕事でミスしちゃうことも、まだまだあるんですけど……えへへ。でも、オーナーは頼りないし、わたしが頑張らないと!

Sayuri: ふふっ♥元気なのは良いことだけど、適度にのんびりするのも、大切ですよ♪みさきちゃんが頑張りすぎて体調を崩しちゃうと、オーナーちゃんも……わたしも、悲しいです。だから……たまにはゆっくり、ね?

Misaki: は、はい……うーん、でも「のんびり」ってどうすれば……

Sayuri: じゃあ、わたしの部屋に遊びに来ませんか?美味しいホットミルクを、ご馳走しますよ♪

Misaki: さゆりさんと一緒にお茶会……確かに、のんびりできそうかも♪そういえば、あやねっちも、「油断してちゃった」って言ってたし……カンナちゃんも、なんか「さゆりは凄いそ!」って……どんなことがあったのか、間いてみたいな♪

Sayuri: うふふっ♥みさきちゃんも、他の女の子たちも、お姉ちゃん、いつでも飲迎です♥……あっ、また自分のこと、「お姉ちゃん」って言っちゃった……

Misaki: あははっ、別に「お姉ちゃん」でも良いと思うな♪わたし、「なぎさ」ってお姉ちゃんがいるんですけど……さゆりさんには、思わず甘えちゃうというか……どんな時も、優しくしてくれるみたいな。そんな、「みんなのお姉ちゃん」って感じかなって♪えへへ……♪

Sayuri: みんなの、お姉ちゃん……

Misaki: あっ、そろそろお仕事の続きしないと。オーナー、まだ寝けてるみたいだったし……

Sayuri: ふふっ、じゃあ、また今度ですね♥

Misaki: はい、楽しみにしてます♪えっと……さゆり、お姉ちゃん………なんて♥ふふっ♪

Misaki: Thank♪ you for helping me, you've only introduced yourself. It is "Misaki" who is a part-time job and is a supporter of the owner.

Sayuri: Yes, I heard from the owner♥ supporters are very hard work, but it's great♪.

Misaki: Ahaha, ♪ i hope you'll say that♪. However, there are still many things that I make mistakes at work. Ehehe. But the owner is unreliable and I have to do my best!

Sayuri: It's good to be healthy ♥, but it's also important to relax moderately♪ If Misaki-chan works too hard and gets sick, the owner is also... I'm sad, too. So...... Take your time once in a while, right?

Misaki: Yes...... Well, but how do You "relax"......

Sayuri: Then why don't you come to my room? I'll treat you to delicious hot milk♪.

Misaki: Tea party with Sayuri-san... Sure, i think it's possible to take it easy♪ ayanechi also said, "I've let my guard down." Kanna-chan also said, "Sayuri is amazing!" What's that? I'd like to make room for what happened♪

Sayuri: Ufufu♥misaki-chan and other girls are always drinking and drinking ♥ sister. Oh, I said "nee-chan" again about myself.

Misaki: Ahaha, I don't think it's OK to be an "older sister" ♪ I have an older sister who says "Nagisa"... Sayuri-san, I'm going to indulge inout thinking... She seems to be kind to me at any time. That's what I feel like, "Everyone's sister", and I'm going to ♪. ♪

Sayuri: Everyone's sister...

Misaki: Oh, it's time to continue your work. The owner seemed to be still sleeping.

Sayuri: Huh, well, I'll see you next time♥.

Misaki: Yes, I♪'m looking forward to it. Sayuri, sister......... What ♥♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あ、オーナーちゃん♪今日は、楽しいパーティー、ありがとうございました。みんな、可愛くて良い子ばかりで……あの、オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん、ずっと心配だったんです。この島で、ちゃやんと看圏師のお仕事をやっていけるのか。そのうえ、「ヴィーナス」だなんて……でも今日、いろんな女の子たちとお話しして……「お姉ちゃん」って言ってもらえて♥それで、思ったんです。「みんなのお姉ちゃん」としてなら、看護師もヴィーナスも、やっていけるんじゃないかって。……オーナーちゃん、どう思いますか?……ありがとう、オーナーちゃん♥お姉ちゃん、これから頑張ってみますね♪これからも、お姉ちゃんをよろしくお願いしますね♪オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Oh, owner♪ thank you for having a fun party today. They're all cute and good kids. Hey, the owner... I've always been worried about you, sister. Is it possible to do the work of the nurse in this island? What's more, "Venus"...... But today, I talked to a lot of girls and they♥ said "nee-chan", so I thought. As "Everyone's Sister", I think nurses and Venus can do it. ...... What do you think, owner? ...... Thank you, owner-chan♥'s sister, I'll try my best from now on♪, from now on, thank♪ you to the older sister ♥

White Christmas - Snowy Island


DOAXVV All event epsiodes of White christmas snowy island event

Episode 1: Sister Santa (お姉ちゃんサンタ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はい♪カンナさん、僕わりました。とってもお似合いですよ♪

Fiona: Yes♪, Kanna,' I'm here. It looks great on you♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: うむ♪フィオナ、感謝するぞ!フィオナもなかなか似合っておるぞ!

Kanna:♪ I'm grateful, Fiona! Fiona looks pretty good too!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございます♪ツリーの妖精をモチーフにした水着。ふふっ♪本当に素敵な水着ですね♪

Fiona: Thank you for the swimsuit with the motif of the fairy of the♪ tree. It's a really nice♪ swimsuit ♪.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: クリスマスの準備も終わって、あとは、サンタさんをお迎えするだけですね♪

Kanna: サンタさん?ふふーん、さては、フィオナは知らんのか?

Fiona: はい?知らない、とは、何をでしょう?

Kanna: 「サンタ」というヤツは、本当はおらんのじゃワシはオトナじゃから知っておるがの♪

Fiona: いえ、サンタさんは、いらっしゃいますよ♪毎年、ちゃんとプレゼントを配ってくださいます。

Kanna: おらんのじゃ!その証拠に、ワシはサンタからプレゼントを買ったことが無いのじゃ。

Fiona: でも、わたくしは、「良い子にしていればクリスマスの日にプレゼントを届けてくれる」と……

Kanna: 「良い子」には!?サンタは、良い子のところにしか来んのか?だから、ワシのところには来なかったのか……ワシは、イタズラばかりしておったからの……

Fiona: でも、カンナさんも、フェスをとっても頑張っていましたから、今年はきっと来てくださいますよ!

Kanna: そ、そうか!?な、なら、よいのじゃが……そうじゃ!せっかくだから、サンタとやらが来たら捕まえてみようかの。

Fiona: だ、だめですよ!カンナさん!サンタさんは、お忙しいのですから……じいやからも、何度も言われました。そういうことをすると、サンタさんは来ないと……

Kanna: むむむ……フィオナは、サンタがどんなヤツか、気にならんのか?

Fiona: そ、それは確かに……気になりますが……

Fiona: After christmas preparations, all we have to do is welcome Santa Claus♪!

Kanna: Santa? Hmm, well, fiona doesn't know?

Fiona: Yes? I don't know, what is it?

Kanna: "Santa" is not really a thing, but I know that the eagle is an adult♪

Fiona: No, Santa is♪ here to give me presents every year.

Kanna: Oh, my God! To prove it, I've never bought a present from Santa.

Fiona: But I said, "If you're a good girl, you'll deliver a present on Christmas Day."

Kanna: For a "good boy"!? Does Santa only come to a good boy? So didn't you come to the eagle? Because the eagle did nothing but mess with it......

Fiona: But Kanna-san was working very hard at the festival, so I'm sure she'll come this year!

Kanna: Oh, yes!? Well, then it's good, but... That's right! So, if Santa and Yara come, I'll try to catch him.

Fiona: No, no! Mr. Kanna! Santa is busy. I was told many times. When you do that, Santa has to come.

Kanna: Mmumu...... Fiona doesn't care what Santa is like?

Fiona: Well, that's for sure...... I'm curious, but...

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あら?どなた様ですか……

Kanna: ……赤い帽子に……赤い服……それに白い髭……?

Fiona: さ、サンタさん!?

Kanna (OFF): ま、まてー!フィオナー緒に追うのじゃ!

Fiona (OFF): え?あ、はい!

Fiona: Oh, my God. Who is it?

Kanna: ...... In a red hat... Red clothes... And a white beard...?

Fiona: Well, Santa!?

Kanna (OFF): Well, Mate! I'm going after the Fionner!

Fiona (OFF): Eh? Oh yes!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: で、二人が探し回っているから、プレゼントを置けなくて困っていると……はぁ。

Sayuri: うふふっ、サンタさんも大変ですね♪それで、どうするんですか?オーナーちゃん?

Nagisa: 「二人が寝るまで待つ」って、寝ている女の子の部屋に忍び込むつもりですか?……このエロわんこ。

Sayuri: うふふっ♪それじゃあ、わたしとなぎさちゃんで、オーナーちゃんのお手伝いをしましょうか♪

Nagisa: えっ!?えっと……わたしとさゆりさんが、二人にプレゼントを届けるってことですか?

Sayuri: サンタさんの格好をして、プレゼントをそっと置いてくるの♪なぎさちゃんも、一緒にどうですか?

Nagisa: ま、まあ、そういうことなら……お手伝いします。……オーナーさんに行かせるわけにはいかないですから。

Sayuri: ふふふ♪じゃあ、オーナーちゃん♥サンタ役は「お姉ちゃんたち」に、お任せしてくださいね♪

Nagisa: わ、わたしはみさきの姉ですからね!?わ、笑わないでください、この、ヘンタイわんこ!

Nagisa: So, they're looking around, so I'm having trouble putting a present on it. Sigh.

Sayuri: Huh, Santa's hard, ♪ so what are you going to do? The owner?

Nagisa: Are you going to sneak into the sleeping girl's room by saying, "Wait until they sleep"? ...... This erotic dog.

Sayuri♪: Well, let's help the owner with me and Nagisa-chan♪

Nagisa: Eh!? Let's see...... Does that mean that Sayuri and I deliver presents to both of them?

Sayuri: How about Nagisa-chan, who looks like Santa and puts her presents quietly ♪?

Nagisa: Well, if that's the case... I'll help you. ...... I can't let the owner go.

Sayuri: ♪ So, please leave the role of Santa ♥ the owner to "sisters"♪

Nagisa: Wow, I'm Misaki's sister!? Wow, don't laugh, this, Hentai dog!

Episode 2: A present for a good child (良い子へのプレゼント)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: そ〜っと……お邪魔しますね。

Sayuri: That's it. I'm sorry to bother you.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ん……サンタさま……

Fiona: N... Santa Claus...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふふ。フィオナちゃん、かわいい寝顔……夜更かしせずにえらいですね。じゃあ、良い子には、プレゼントをあげましょうね♪えーっと……どれかしら?

Fiona (OFF): ……んん?

Sayuri: ……ひゃ!?

Fiona: ……おーなーさまが……くつしたのなかに……ふふふ……サンタさま……ありがとうございます……

Sayuri: オーナーちゃんの夢を見ているのかしら?うふふっ♪いいこいいこ♪プレゼントをそ〜っと……ふふふ フィオナちゃん、メリークリスマス♪

Sayuri: Fufufu. Fiona-chan, a cute sleeping face... It's great not to stay up late. Then, let'♪ s give a present to a good girl. I wonder which one?

Fiona (OFF): ...... Hmm?

Sayuri: ...... Oh, my God!?

Fiona: ...... Oh, my God. In the middle of the... Hehehe...... Santa Claus... Thank you.

Sayuri: Are you dreaming of the owner? ♪'s a good little boy♪ i'm going to give you a present. Fufu Fiona-chan, Merry♪ Christmas

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: わたしの方は、これでおしまい♪……なぎさちゃんは、大丈夫かしら?

Sayuri: I'm done with this♪ Is Nagisa-chan all right?

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ……はぁ、よかった。よくてるみたい。はあ、こうやって見ると……普通の子供よね……ツノ……ったら起きるかな……?ちょっとだけなら……って、ダメダメ!今はサンタ役なんだから!

Kanna (OFF): ……んお?

Nagisa: ……!?

Kanna: ……オマエー……ワシの方が天知より……せくしーで……よかろ……?

Nagisa: はぁ、寝言か……ふふっ♪夢にまでられるだなんて、良かったわね、わんこさん♪

Nagisa: ...... Oh, that's good. It seems to be good. Oh, when I look at it like this...... You're a normal kid. Horns...... I wonder if I'll wake up...? If it's just a little... No, no! I'm in the role of Santa now!

Kanna (OFF): ...... Noh?

Nagisa: ...?

Kanna: ...... Omae... Eagles are better than Heavenly Knowledge. It's a serve. All right...?

Nagisa: Hey, you're talking in your sleep. It was good to be able to make ♪ a dream,♪ dog-

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: さてと……プレゼントも置いたし、お仕事は終わり。さゆりさんと一度合流して……

Kanna: ん……?だれじゃ?

Nagisa: ひゃっ!?ま、まずい!か、隠れるところは……

Kanna (OFF): む……これは……プレゼント!?プレゼントがあると言うことは……!?

Nagisa (OFF): あ〜……もう……走って逃げるしかない……

Nagisa: Well... I put a present, and the work is finished. I joined Sayuri-san once.

Kanna: What...? Who's that?

Nagisa: Oh!? Well, it's bad! Or, where to hide...

Kanna (OFF): Mu...... This is...... Present!? To say that there is a present ......!?

Nagisa (OFF): Oh...... I already... I have no choice but to run and run away.

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kanna: も、もしやサンタか!ま、待てー!逃げるなー!

Kanna: Well, if it's Santa! Well, wait! Don't run!

Episode 3: Another Santa (もう一人のサンタ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: さゆりさん、お疲れ様でした。

Sayuri: ありがとう♪なぎさちゃんも、お疲れ様です♪あらあら?

Nagisa: Sayuri-san, thank you very much.

Sayuri: Thank you♪, Nagisa-chan,♪ thank you very much.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 本当にサンタさんから、プレゼントを頂いたのです。

Kanna: オマエー!信じておらんだろうー!

Fiona: I really got a present from Santa Claus.

Kanna: Omae! I'm sure you'll believe me!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ん?あれはカンナちゃんとフィオナちゃん?

Sayuri: それとオーナーちゃんね。どうしたのかしら?

Nagisa: Is that Kanna-chan and Fiona-chan?

Sayuri: And the owner. What's the matter with you?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あらあら?二人ともどうしたの?

Nagisa: オーナーさんも、何かあったんですか?

Kanna: ぬ!?さゆりとなぎさか。うむ!実はな!

Fiona: わたくしたちのお部屋に、サンタさんが来られたのです!

Sayuri: あ、あら?

Nagisa: ほ、ホントに?

Fiona: 寝ていたので、しっかりと覚えていないのですが……包まれるような、しい感じ……きっとサンタさんです。

Kanna: ワシはこの目で見たぞ!うむ。あれはサンタで間違いない。

Nagisa: そ、そう言えば、二人とも。プレゼントはあったの?

Fiona: はい♪とってもかわいいプレゼントをいただきました♪

Kanna: ふっふっふ♪ワシもいいものをもらったぞ!

Sayuri: うふふ♪二人とも、良い子にしてたから、サンタさんが来てくれてたんですね♪

Kanna: そうじゃ!みさきたちにも自慢せねばの♪行くぞ!フィオナ!

Sayuri: Oh, my God. What happened to both of you?

Nagisa: What happened to the owner?

Kanna: Nu!? Sayuri and Nagisa. Well! Actually!

Fiona: Santa Claus came to our room!

Sayuri: Oh, my God.

Nagisa: Are you sure?

Fiona: I was sleeping, so I don't remember it well. It's like being wrapped up. I'm sure it's Santa Claus.

Kanna: I saw the eagle with my eyes! Well. I'm sure that's Santa.

Nagisa: Well, come to think of it, both of you. Did you have a present?

Fiona: Yes♪ I got a very cute present♪!

Kanna:♪ I got a good one!

Sayuri: Ufufu♪fu, we were both good kids, so Santa came♪

Kanna: That's right! We have to brag to Misaki-us, ♪ we're going! Fiona!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ!待ってください。カンナさん。そんなに走られると危ないですよ。

Fiona: Oh! Hold on. Kanna-san. It's dangerous to run so much.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ、あんなにはしゃいで♪よかったですね、オーナーちゃん♪

Nagisa: はぁ、それにしても、危なかった……二人とも、純枠で助かりました。

Sayuri: Huh, i'm glad you ♪ so much, owner♪

Nagisa: Well, it was dangerous. Both of them were saved by a net frame.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: え……なんですか?オーナーさん?そのプレゼントは……

Sayuri: まあ♪これ、お姉ちゃんたちに?ありがとう、オーナーちゃん♥

Nagisa: 「いい子にしてたから」って……?もうそんな年じゃありません。

Sayuri: うふふっ♪オーナーちゃんも、なぎさちゃんも、照れ屋さんね♪

Nagisa: べ、別に照れてるわけじゃ……

Sayuri: じゃあ、あの一言、みんなで言いましょうか。せっかくのクリスマスですもの♪

Nagisa: ……あっ。

Sayuri: じゃ、いい?せえの♪

Sayuri & Nagisa: メリークリスマス♥

Nagisa: Eh...... What is it? The owner? The present is...

Sayuri:♪ Well, to your sisters? Thank you, the owner♥

Nagisa: "I was a good girl" ...? I'm not that old anymore.

Sayuri: Ufufu♪-chan and Nagisa-chan are shy♪ shops.

Nagisa: Well, I'm not really shy.

Sayuri: Well, let's all say that word. It's Christmas♪

Nagisa: ...... Oh, my God.

Sayuri: Then, okay? ♪ of The ♪

Sayuri & Nagisa: Merry♥ Christmas

New Year with the Owner


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'New year with the owner' event

Episode 1: Pounding Health Checkup (ドキドキ健康診断)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あ、オーナーくん、こんにちは♪ふふっ、この振袖?お正月に向けて着付けしてみたんだけど、せっかくだから「一番に」オーナーくんに見て欲しくて♥着物美人……?もうっ、照れるじゃない♥さゆりさんにも、あ、そうだ。ぴったりな水着を「着付け」してきたの♪

Tamaki: Oh, owner,♪ hello, this furisode? I tried to dress for the New Year, but I want the owner to see "first" because it's a ♥ kimono beauty...? Well, it's not ♥, but it's also so. I've been "dressing" the perfect swimsuit♪.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: た、たまきさん!?やっぱりこの水着、少し恥ずかしいんだけど……お、オーナーちゃん!?えっと……この格好は……

Sayuri: Tamaki-san!? I'm a little embarrassed about this swimsuit after all. Oh, owner!? Let's see...... This outfit......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ、以合ってるでしょ?さゆりさんらしく、「看題師」をイメージしてみたの。

Sayuri: その……看護師の服にしては……お肌が見えすぎてると思うけど……オーナーちゃんも似合うって言ってくれるなら……

Tamaki: あ♪ねえ、さゆりさん。せっかくだから、他の女の子たちも呼んで「健康診断」しない?オーナーくんも、さゆりさんに診てもらいたいよね♥

Sayuri: えっと……はい、お姉ちゃんで良ければ♥

Tamaki: じゃあ、決まりね。わたしも、簡単な検診なら手伝おっかなー。身体測定とか、触診とか♪うふふっ♥

Tamaki: Huh, that's right, isn't it? Like Sayuri-san, I tried to imagine "a nurse".

Sayuri: That...... For nurse's clothes... I think you can see your skin too much, but. If the owner says it looks good on you,...

Tamaki♪: Hey, Sayuri-san. So why don't you call the other girls and "health checkup"? The owner also wants Sayuri to see you♥

Sayuri: Uh... Yes,♥ if it's okay with your sister,

Tamaki: Well, it's decided. I'd like to help you with a simple check-up, too. I ♥ ♪ body measurement or palpation.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: たまきさん、お手伝い、ありがとうございました。

Tamaki: ふふっ、とっても楽しかった♪役得♪役得♪こういうお手伝いならいつでも大歓迎♥

Sayuri: ……もう、イタズラは程々にしてくださいね?えっと……じゃあ、さっそく、二人の健康診断の結果を発表します。まず、たまきさんだけど……うーん、もう少し健康に気を遣わないとダメかな?お酒を控えるだけで、良くなると思うんだけど……

Tamaki: えー、せっかくのお正月なのにー。わたし、さゆりお姉ちゃんと一緒にお酒飲みたいなー♥

Sayuri: もう……たまきさんったら、甘えん坊さんなんだから……じゃあ、豆乳のカクテルはどう?アルコールを分解しやすくて、ヘルシーなんですよ。

Tamaki: あ、それ美味しそう!じゃあ、さっそく、今日の夜、さゆりさんの部屋に集合ね♪

Sayuri: ふふっ、いつでもどうぞ。次にオーナーちゃんだけど……これは……うーん、どうしましょう…………え、覚信はできてるから、ひと思いに言ってほしい?じゃ、じゃあ……残念だけど、オーナーちゃんは……運動不足、です。

Tamaki: やっぱりね。オーナーくん、最近お仕事忙しいから。たまには、わたしたちとお外で選んでくれないとダメよ♥ほら、そんなにしょげないの♪

Sayuri: じゃあ、オーナーちゃんはこれから、お姉ちゃんと一緒に来てくださいね♪名付けて、「オーナーちゃん健康大作戦」です♥

Sayuri: Tamaki-san, thank you for helping.

Tamaki: Huh, you'♪♪♪ re always welcome to help me like this♥

Sayuri: ...... I'd like to make a good time. Let's see...... Well, I'll announce the results of their medical examination. First of all, it's a mess, but... Well, do I have to pay a little more attention to my health? I think it will get better just to refrain from drinking.

Tamaki: Well, it's new Year's. I want to drink with My Sister Sayuri♥.

Sayuri: I'm already...... Tamaki-san is a sweet boy, so... So, how about a cocktail of soy milk? It's easy to break down alcohol and healthy.

Tamaki: Oh, it looks delicious! Well then, we'll meet in Sayuri's room this evening♪!

Sayuri: Huh, you always have to. Next, i'm the owner, but... This is...... Well, what shall we do............ Well, I've got a sense of mind, so i want you to say it to me? Well, then... I'm afraid the owner is... Lack of exercise, is.

Tamaki: After all. The owner, I've been busy with work lately. Once in a while, you♥ have to choose outside with us♪.

Sayuri: Then, please come with your sister from now on♪ name it is "Owner's Health Strategy♥

Episode 2: Operation Sparta Health (スパルタ健康大作戦)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、オーナーさん。ほら、見て、この振袖。たまきに教えてもらって自分で着付けしたの。ふふ♪ありがとう。さゆりから間いたわよ。健康診断の結果が悪かったんですって?大丈夫?

Sayuri: オーナーちゃんの健康大作戦を手伝ってもらうのは、レイファンちゃんです♥ふふっ、太極等は健康に良いってよく聞きますし、レイファンちゃんは適役ですね♪

Leifang: ふふっ、わたしの「健康法」はスパルタよ。じゃあ……そうね。局慣らしに、まずはあの崖を登ってもらおうかしら?なに、その不安そうな顔。……ふふっ、大丈夫、できるわよ♪こんな「着物美人」が応援してるんだから、登れないわけないでしょ。そ・れ・に……ケガをしても、立派な看のがいるから、安心なさい♪

Sayuri: け、けがはダメよ?無理だと思ったら、やらなくていいんですよ?……え?頑張ってみる?ふふっ、オーナーちゃんは強いですね。えらいえらい♥じゃあ、お姉ちゃんも応援してるからね♪がんばれ、がんばれ♪

Leifang: Oh, owner. Look, look, this furisode. I was taught occasionally and i dressed it myself. Thank you ♪. I've been there since Sayuri. Did the results of your health checkup be bad? No problem?

Sayuri: It is Leifang-chan to help the owner's health strategy♪♥

Leifang: Huh, my "health law" is Sparta. Well then...... That's right. Let's get used to the bureau first, let's get up that cliff, right? What, that anxious face. ...... Hmmm, it's okay, you can do it♪ you can't climb it because such a "kimono beauty" is rooting for you. So, re... Even if you get injured, you have a good care, so don't worry♪.

Sayuri: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no If you think you can't do it, don't you have to do it? ...... What? Do you want to try it? Huh, the owner is strong. Well♥ I'm rooting for your sister, too,♪ so do your best, do your best♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃーん、がんばってー!

Leifang: ほら、シャキッとしなさーい!死ぬ気で登るのよー!

Sayuri: 無理しないで一。ダメだと思ったら、お姉ちゃん頑張って受け止めるからねー?

Sayuri: Owner, good luck!

Leifang: Look, it's crisp! I'm going to climb it with the will to die!

Sayuri: Don't overdo it. If you think it's no good, you'll do your best to catch it, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん……

Leifang: …………じゃ、さゆり、ここはいいから、上に行きなさい?

Sayuri: えっ、でも……

Leifang: わたしはこの格好だから、後はあなたに任せるわ。そんな心配そうな顔で見上げてても、応援にならないし。上で待っていてあげなさい?大丈夫、オーナーさんが落ちてきたら、わたしが受け止めるわよ♪

Sayuri: ……レイファンちゃん、ありがとう♥お姉ちゃん、行ってきます!

Sayuri: Owner...

Leifang: ............ Well, Sayuri, this is a good place, so go up?

Sayuri: Eh, but......

Leifang: I'm dressed like this, so I'll leave the rest to you. Even if you look up with such a worried face, it won't cheer you up. Wait for him above? It's okay, I'll take it when the owner falls down♪.

Sayuri: ......Leifang-chan, thank you♥, sister, I'm going!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ……オーナーちゃん、頑張ってー!

Sayuri: ...... Owner, good luck!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うふふっ、オーナーちゃん、頑張りましたね♪お姉ちゃんも、すごく嬉しいです♥……え?なんでここに?その……どうしても、オーナーちゃんが心配で……お姉ちゃんも登ってきちゃいました、うふふっ♪頑張るオーナーちゃん、カッコよかったですよ♥……え?健康診断の結果を聞いて?このままじゃいけない、って思って頑張った?それに、みんなに負けないように、自分も頑張るところを見せたかった……?……うふっ、ふふふっ♪オーナーちゃんは、本当に頑張り国さんですね。大丈夫ですよ。みんな、オーナーちゃんの頑張ってるところ、ちゃんと見てますから♥じゃあ、今日の運動はコレくらいにしましょうか。お姉ちゃんが、精のつくご飯、作ってあげます♪あ、でも、食べ過ぎはダメですよ?うふふっ♥

Sayuri: Ufufu, owner, you♪ did your best, too, I'm very happy with your sister♥. What? Why are you here? That...... I'm worried about the owner. My sister also climbed up♪, the owner who works hard,♥ was cool. What? Listen to the results of your medical checkup? Did you try to keep it this way? And I wanted to show myself that I don't lose to everyone. ...... Huh, fufufu♪-chan is really hard working country. It's okay. Everyone is doing their best, so I'm looking at it ♥ then, let's do this exercise today. My sister cooks the rice with the energy, ♪, but you can't eat too much, can you? Ufufu♥

Episode 3: Hirajo Sisters (平女姉妹)


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'New year with the owner' (second half)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん!あけましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。

Nagisa: あけまして……おめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いします。

Marie Rose: ふふっ、今年はマリーと、なぎささんと、さゆりさんの三人が処女さんなんですよ♪

Nagisa: ……え?新しく用意した女水着、二人とも似合っていて良かった?確かに……わんこにしては、上品で可愛い水着だと思いますけど……

Marie Rose: キラキラの千早が、とってもかわいいです♪マリー、去年はお手伝いできなかったから、今年は匹女さんしてみたかったんです!

Nagisa: ふふっ、マリーちゃんのおかけで、とても助かってるんですよ。

Marie Rose: なぎささんや、さゆりさんみたいな、しっかりしたお師さんたちのおかけです♪

Nagisa: さゆりさんに比べたら、至らない姉かもしれないけど…………女のお仕事での話です!あなたのお姉ちゃんじゃありません。

Marie Rose: そうだ、そろそろ戻らないと。さゆりさんが、待ってますよ♪

Marie Rose: Owner! Happy New Year. Thank you again this year.

Nagisa: It's good to see you. Congratulations. Thank you again this year.

Marie Rose: Huh, this year, Marie, Nagisa- and Sayuri are virgins♪

Nagisa: ...... What? Was it good that both of you looked good in the newly prepared female swimsuit? Certainly...... I think it's a classy and cute swimsuit for a dog, but.

Marie Rose: Chihaya sparkly is so cute♪ Marie, I couldn't help you last year, so I wanted to be a little girl this year!

Nagisa: Huh, Marie's call is very helpful.

Marie Rose: It is a place of a firm teacher like Nagisa-san and Sayuri-san♪

Nagisa: Compared to Sayuri-san, she may not be able to reach her sister, but... It is a story in the work of the woman! It's not your sister.

Marie Rose: Yes, I have to get back soon. Sayuri-san is waiting for you♪!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あ、オーナーちゃん♥あけましておめでとうございます。

Marie Rose: さゆりさん、お仕事お疲れ様です。

Sayuri: うふふっ、マリーちゃん、ありがとう。えっと、今、御守りを配るお仕手事をしてるの。オーナーちゃんも、おひとつどうですか? お姉ちゃんのオススメは……「無病息災」です♪オーナーちゃんが健康じゃないと、お姉ちゃんも、他のみんなも、困っちゃいますから。ね?なぎさちゃん。

Nagisa: えっ!?……ま、まあ、オーナーさんがしっかりしてくれないと、その、みさきも困りますし……な、なんですか、その顔は……あなた向けに「禁欲」の御守りがあればいいのに。

Sayuri: ふふっ。じゃあ、なぎさちゃんもマリーちゃんも、御守りを一つどうぞ。

Marie Rose: え、いいんですか!?やったー!じゃあ、マリーは「商売繁盛」の御守りにします!エレナ様のお仕事が、上手くいきますように♪

Nagisa: えっと、わたしはこ……れで。……あ、あなたにはナイショです!もう、ヘンタイわんこ!

Sayuri: ふふっ、二人とも匹女さんのお仕事頑張ってるから、御守りもきっと効くはずです♪……え?みんな頑張ったから、みんなで息抜き?

Marie Rose: あれ?オーナーさん、その手に持ってるもの、何ですか?

Nagisa: 「すごろく」……?

Marie Rose: 日本のボードゲームですか!?わぁ、楽しそうです!

Sayuri: じゃあ、お部屋に戻って、みんなでのんびり、スゴロクしましょうか。……あら、オーナーちゃんの作ったスゴロクなの?お姉ちゃん楽しみ♪

Nagisa: オーナーさんが?……なんだか、イヤな予感がするけど……

Sayuri: Oh, congratulations ♥ the owner.

Marie Rose: Sayuri-san, thank you for your work.

Sayuri: Ufufu, Marie, thank you. Well, I'm doing the trick to hand ingress the charm now. How about the owner, too? My sister's recommendation is ......... "disease-free health♪" because if the owner is not healthy, the older sister and everyone else will be in trouble. Right? Nagisa-chan.

Nagisa: Eh!? ...... Well, well, if the owner doesn't do it well, misaki will be in trouble, too. What is it, its face...... I wish I had a "abstinence" amulet for you.

Sayuri: Huh. Then, Nagisa-chan and Marie-chan, please have one of the charms.

Marie Rose: Well, is that okay!? I did it! Then, Marie makes it a charm of "business prosperity"! I hope Helena-sama's work will work well♪.

Nagisa: Well, I'm here. In. ...... Oh, it's nice to you! Hentai wanko!

Sayuri: Huh, we're both working hard, so I'm sure the charm will work ♪... What? Everyone did their best, so we all took a breather?

Marie Rose: Is that it? Owner, what do you have in your hand?

Nagisa: "Sugoroku"......?

Marie Rose: Is it a Japanese board game!? Wow, it seems to be fun!

Sayuri: Well, why don't we go back to your room and relax together? ...... Oh, is it the owner's made sugoroku? My sister is looking forward to it♪

Nagisa: What about the owner? ...... Somehow, I have a bad feeling, but.

Episode 4: Sister Sugoroku (お姉ちゃんスゴロク)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ、じゃあスゴロクの開始ですね!マリーから行きます!まずはサイコ口を振って……「4」の目が出たから、ここに駒を……あれ?何か言いてあります。えーと……『このマスに止まった人は、次の自分の番まで「お姉ちゃん」と呼ばれる』……?

Sayuri: あらあら、可愛いお姉ちゃんが出来ちゃいました♥ね、なぎさちゃやん?

Nagisa: ふふっ、よろしくね、マリーお姉ちゃん♪

Marie Rose: ……お、オーナーさんまで、マリーのこと「お姉ちゃん」って……!もうっ、なんかくすぐったいです……♥

Nagisa: えっと……次はわたしの番ですね。止まる可能性があるのは…………ん?『このマスに止まった人は、匹女以外のコスプレをする』って……やっぱり、そういう魂胆でしたか、このエロわんこ!今年は、そうはいきませんから。とにかく、このマスだけは止まらないようにしないと……

Sayuri: 願掛けしてみるのはどうですか?今日は、わたしもなぎさちゃんも、匹女ですから♪

Nagisa: そうですね。まあ、やらないよりは……どうか、「3」の目は出ませんように……「6」の目……や、やった! あれ、このマスにも何か……『このマスに止まった人は、ゴールするまで、オーナーのことを『オーナーちゃん」と呼ぶ 』……?これ、どういうことですか、オーナーさん?……え?ルールはちゃんと守って?くっ……どういうことですか、オーナー……ちゃん。

Marie Rose: ふふっ、お姉ちゃんが増えましたね、オーナーさん♪

Sayuri: あらあら♥じゃあ、次はお姉ちゃんの番ね。えいっ♪えっと、「3」の目だから……あ、これ、さっきなぎさちゃんが言ってた。コスプレのマスね♪うーん、でもお着替えが…………隣の部屋に置いてある?じゃあ、お姉ちゃん着替えてきますね。

Marie Rose: Huh, then, it's the start of Sgorok! I'm coming from Marie! First of all, I waved my mouth and saw the eyes of "4", so I put the pieces here. That? There's something saying. Well, "The person who stopped at this trout is called "Nee-chan" until the next one's turn....

Sayuri: Oh, my cute sister was able to do♥ it.

Nagisa: Huh, nice to meet you, Marie♪

Marie Rose: ...... Oh, even the owner, "neechan" about Marie ...! It's kind of tickling. ♥

Nagisa: Uh... It's my turn next, isn't it? There's a possibility that it's going to stop. What's up? The person who stopped in this trout does cosplay other than the woman. After all, was it such a soul bile, this erotic dog! That's not going to be the case this year. Anyway, I have to make sure that this trout doesn't stop.

Sayuri: Why don't you ask for it? Today, I and Nagisa-chan are very many girls♪

Nagisa: That's right. Well, rather than not doing it...... Please don't let the eyes of "3" come out. Hey, I did it! Well, something about this trout, "The person who stopped at this trout, until the goal, the owner is called "owner-chan". What does this mean, owner? ...... What? Do you follow the rules? Ku... What do you mean, the owner...... Chan.

Marie Rose: Huh, you've got more older sisters, owner♪.

Sayuri: Oh, ♥ then, it's your sister's turn. Yes♪ uh, because it's the third eye. Oh, nagisa-chan said this a while ago. It'♪ s a cosplay mass, um, but I'm changing my clothes... Is it in the next room? Then, I'll change my sister's clothes.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: お待たせしましたー……けど、あら?これ、この間のと同じ……?……よく似合ってたから、もう一度着て欲しいと思ってた?ふふっ、オーナーちゃんったら、しょうがないですね♥

Sayuri: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. But, oh, oh? This is the same as the other time...? ...... It looked good on you, so you wanted me to wear it again? Huh, if you're the owner, you can't help it♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: というか、このスゴロクって……

Marie Rose: さゆりさんに関係する内容が多いような……

Nagisa: そういうこと……?まったく、回りくどいんだから……バカわんこ。

Marie Rose: ……でも、遊んでいて、さゆりさんのこと、いっぱい知れました!

Nagisa: そうね。オーナーさんにしては、いい考えかも……な、何見てるんですか。ほら、オーナー。ちゃんの番です。早くしてください。

Nagisa: Or rather, this sugoroku...

Marie Rose: There seems to be a lot of content related to Sayuri-san.

Nagisa: That's what...?? It's totally round and round. Idiot.

Marie Rose: ...... But I was playing and I knew a lot about Sayuri-san!

Nagisa: That's right. For the owner, it might be a good idea. What are you looking at? You know, the owner. It's chan's turn. Please do it quickly.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: えっと……『マスに止まった人は……』

Sayuri: 『他の人たちに頭を「よしよし」してもらう 』……あらあら♥

Nagisa: 寝めたと思ったら……やっぱり……この、ヘンタイわんこ……!ちゃん……

Marie Rose: Uh...the person who stopped at the trout......

Sayuri: "Get other people to "good" their heads.... Oh, my♥ God.

Nagisa: When I thought I was sleeping... As expected...... This hentai dog...! Chan...

Episode 5: Home safety (家内安全)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): オーナーちゃん、入りますね。

Sayuri: はい、匹女のお仕事が終わったので、オーナーちゃんのお夕飯を作りにきました♪オーナーちゃんのおかげで、今日はとっても楽しかったから……そのお礼です♥えっと、おせちとお雑意はあるから、あとは……すき焼きとか、どうかしら。オーナーちゃんは、のんびりしていてくださいね。……あ、この匹女水着ですか?その……女さんのお仕事、楽しかったから、もう少しだけ着ていたくて……あっ、そういえば、自分の分の御守り、もらうの忘れちゃった…………え?御守り、わたしの分?

Sayuri (OFF): Owner, you're coming in.

Sayuri: Yes, I came to make the owner's dinner because I finished the work of the girl♪ thanks to the owner, so it was so much fun today. Thank♥ you for that, i'm sechi and miscellaneous, so the rest is... I don't know if it's sukiyaki or something. Please take it easy with the owner. ...... Oh, is this a girl's swimsuit? That...... I enjoyed the woman's work, so I just wanted to wear it a little more. Oh, come to think of it, I forgot to take my own charm. What? Acharm, for me?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 「家内安全」……?オーナーと島のみんなは、家族みたいなものだから……?ふふっ、わたしも、もう「家族」なんですね。じゃあ、お姉ちやんも、オーナーちゃんやみんなのこと……「家族」の安全を、いつもお祈りしています。あ、そろそろおタ飯の支度しなくちゃ……と、その前に改めまして。あけましておめでとうございます。今年から、お姉ちゃんもよろしくね、オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: "Home Safety"......? The owner and everyone on the island are like family. Huh, I'm already a family. Then, my sister Chiyan always prays for the safety of her family. Oh, it's time to get ready for the rice. And, it was changed before that. Happy New Year. From this year, my sister also thank you, the owner ♥

Rival Festival - Nyotengu and I


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Nyotengu and Me' event

Episode 1: With Nyotengu… (女天狗と…)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: おはよー!オーナー!

Nyotengu: ん?みさきではないか。そなたも、おーな一殿に呼ばれておったのか?

Misaki: あれ?女天狗も?

Nyotengu: おーな一殿が、わらわにお願いがあるそうじゃ。

Misaki: ということは、今度は女天狗とお仕事?

Nyotengu: ほう、今回はわらわとみさきの「らいばるふえす」……?つまり、「県し合い」ということじゃな。

Misaki: えっ!?「果し合い」?大丈夫かなあ……

Nyotengu: ふふ、面白そうじゃの。そなたも楽しもうではないか。

Misaki: うーん、そうだね。真剣勝負も面白いかも♪よーし!負けないよ、女天狗!

Nyotengu: じゃが「果し合い」なら、勝者への衰美がほしくなるのう……

Misaki: うっ、嫌な予感が……

Nyotengu: そうじゃ!負けた方が1日、「手下」になるというのはどうじゃ?

Misaki: えー!手下!?

Nyotengu: 最近、カンナが「手下」を手に入れたと自慢しておったからのう。

Misaki: う、女天狗の手下に…………でも、女天狗を手下にするのは面白いかも♪ふふっ、しょうがないなー。負けないんだから!

Nyotengu: 果し合いと言うからには、条件を揃えねばならんのう……そうじゃ、お描いの水着で挑もうではないか。

Misaki: いいけど……オーナー、何かある?え?今あるのはこれくらい?

Misaki: Oh, my God! Owner!

Nyotengu: What? Isn't it Misaki? Have you been called to the Lord'

Misaki: Is that it? And Nyotengu?

Nyotengu: I'm smitten, but I'm asking you to do it.

Misaki: So, this time you work with Nyotengu?

Nyotengu: Well, this time Warawa and Misaki's "Raibaru Fuesu"......? In other words, it's called "prefectural ity.".

Misaki: Eh!? "The end of each other"? I wonder if it's all right.

Nyotengu: Huh, it looks interesting. Let's have fun.

Misaki: Well, that's right. It might be interesting♪ to play a serious game! I'm not going to lose, Nyotengu!

Nyotengu: If it's a potato, you want to be a winner.

Misaki: Oh, I have a bad feeling.

Nyotengu: That's right! How about losing one day when you become a "hand" ?

Misaki: Eh! Minions!?

Nyotengu: I recently boasted that Kanna had gota his hands. Well, under the feet of a female tengu...

Misaki: ...... However, it might be interesting to make Nyotengu underhand,♪ but I can't help it. I'm not going to lose!

Nyotengu: We have to align the conditions to say that we're going to have to do it. Well, why don't you try it in your swimsuit?

Misaki: But... Owner, do you have anything? What? Is that all you have now?

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わわっ……すっこい水着……

Nyotengu: さあ、はやくみさきも着替えてくるがよい。

Misaki: で、でも……わたしこういうのは……恥ずかしい……それに、こんなオトナな感じは女天狗にはかなわないよ……

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、わらわと同じものは着れぬと?

Misaki: そういうのじゃなくて……わかったよ、もう……

Misaki: Wow...... A sly swimsuit.

Nyotengu: Come on, you should change your clothes early.

Misaki: But... I'm like this... Embarrassing...... And such an adult feeling is no match for a female tengu.

Nyotengu: What, you can't wear the same thing as Warawa?

Misaki: That's not what... All right, i'm already...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: うぅ、やっぱりめ恥ずかしい……すけすけだし……

Nyotengu: ふむ!これで準備院了じゃの!それでは、参るぞ!

Misaki: もう、こうなったら負けないんだから!

Misaki: Well, I'm ashamed after all. Sukesukedashi......

Nyotengu: Hmm! This is the preparation hospital! Then, it will come!

Misaki: I'm not going to lose if it's going to happen!

Episode 2: The relationship between the two of us (ふたりの関係)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: わらわの勝ちじゃの♥

Misaki: はぁ、負けちゃったぁ……

Nyotengu: 借しかったが、まだまだじゃのう。

Misaki: だって、やっぱりこの格好恥ずかしいし…集中できないよ……

Nyotengu: それでは約束通り、みさきには、わらわの手下になってもらおうかの♥

Misaki: うぅ……手下ってなにするんだろ……女天狗の手下ってことは……女天狗さん……?それとも女天狗様がいい?

Nyotengu: ふむ、みさきにそう呼ばれるのは、なにやら気持ち悪いのう……

Misaki: もう、どうすれぱいいかわかんないよー。手下にするって言ったの、女天狗でしょ?うーん……じゃあ、やっぱり「女天狗」のままで!それで、いいよね?

Nyotengu: ふふっ、そうじゃな。好きにするがよい。思えば、そなたは初めからそう呼んでおったではないか。

Misaki: だって、女天って「女天狗さん」じゃなくて、なんか「女天狗♪」ってカンジだし……?

Nyotengu: ふふ、みさきらしいのう♪そなたのそういうところ、わらわは好きじゃぞ♥

Misaki: えっ!?な、なに?急に言われると、な、なんか、照れるよ……

Nyotengu: そなたは、相手が誰であろうと、同じじゃな。「手下」だとしても、ヘりくだるような殊勝な者ではあるまい♪

Misaki: えっと……女天狗、それ、褒めてるの?……まあいいけど。

Nyotengu: では、せっかくのお箱いの水着じゃ。おーな一殿、準備は出来ておろうな?

Misaki: えっ!?この格好で、写真編るの!?や、やだよ……恥ずかしい……

Nyotengu: ふふっ、ならば「手下」に命じるとするかのう♪みさきよ、わらわと共に、せくしーぽーずをせよ。

Misaki: えっ!?

Nyotengu: さあ、呼び方はともかく、「手下」への命令は絶対じゃ♥わらわも遠慮はせぬぞ?

Misaki: もう……女天狗!ず、ずるい!

Nyotengu: Warawa'♥ s Win

Misaki: Oh, I lost.

Nyotengu: I borrowed it, but I still don't know.

Misaki: Because I'm ashamed of this after all. I can't concentrate.

Nyotengu: So, as promised, Misaki will ask you to become a straw ♥

Misaki: Utsubo...... What are you going to do with your sgo? The unders of Nyotengu... Nyotengu-san...? Or do you want Nyotengu?

Nyotengu: Hmm, it's disgusting to be called so by Misaki.

Misaki: I don't know how to pass anymore. I said I'd take care of it, you're Nyotengu, aren't you? Well let's see...... Then, after all, it remains "Nyotengu"! So, that's okay, right?

Nyotengu: Huh, that's right. Do as you like. If you think about it, you've been calling me that from the beginning.

Misaki: Because, it's not "Nyotengu-san" but "Nyotengu♪" is a kanji.

Nyotengu: Huh, I don♪'t like that kind of place like Misaki's, warawa♥

Misaki: Eh!? What, what? When I'm suddenly told, I can't be shy.

Nyotengu: You're not the same no matter who you're dealing with. Even if it is "a hand", it is not a person who is a good person who is hesitant♪.

Misaki: Uh... Nyotengu, are you praising it? ...... Well, that's fine.

Nyotengu: Well, it's a boxy swimsuit. Oh, my Lord, you're ready, aren't you?

Misaki: Eh!? In this outfit, I'm going to knit a photo! ? Oh, my God. Embarrassing......

Nyotengu: If you're going to order your "hand", ♪ Misaki, and with Warawa, do the sespopozu.

Misaki: Eh!?

Nyotengu: Now, regardless of how to call it, the order to "hand" is absolutely not ♥ don't hesitate, can you?

Misaki: I'm already... Nyotengu! It's not, it's sly!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: はい、ぽーず、じゃ♥

Misaki: はい、ポーズ……もう……

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: Yes, Pozu, Ja♥e

Misaki: Yes, Pose...... I already...

(camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、わらわは満足じゃ♪

Misaki: もう、次は負けないんだから……

Nyotengu: では、これで手打ちにしてやるかのう。みさき、「らいばる」も「手下」も終わりじゃ♪……そういえば、カンナが言うておったのう。「らいばる」は戦いを終えると、なんと言うたか……?

Misaki: ふふっ♪「友達」でしょ?ね?女天狗♪

Nyotengu: Huh, Warawa is not satisfied♪

Misaki: I'm not going to lose next time.

Nyotengu: Well, let's do it by hand. Misaki, "Raibaru" and "Hand" are the end of ♪. Come to think of it, Kanna said. What did "Raibaru" say when the battle is over?

Misaki: ♪"friend," huh, right? Right? Nyotengu ♪

I'm Nonaha - About Light


DOAXVV All event episodes of I'm Nonaha -About light- event

Episode 1: Follow the mysterious light! (謎の光を追え!)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えっと、確か、この辺りに……

???: --------------

Honoka: ……?いま何か言いました?ごめんなさい、よく聞こえなくて……あの、あなたは……?暗くてよく見えないけど、ひよっとして……

Honoka (OFF): ひゃっ、ま、まぶしいです!あっ、ま、待ってくださーい!

Honoka: Well, I'm sure there's a place around here.

???: --------------

Honoka: ......? Have you said anything now? I'm sorry, I can't hear you well. Well, are you...? It's dark and I can't see well, but...

Honoka (OFF): Oh, my God, it's dazzling! Oh, well, wait!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ということがあったんです。あれは、何だったのかなぁ……

Luna: ふむ、ジャングルで不思議な人影……よくわからない言葉……それにしても、そんな時間になぜジャングルに?

Honoka: んー。海岸をお散歩してたら、流れ星を見つけて。それが、ジャングルの方へす一っと……?

Luna: ふむ……謎の光、未確認飛行物体……つまり……その人影は、宇宙人、という可能性が。

Honoka: えっ!?宇宙人さん?

Luna: いえ、でも宇宙人のほとんどは、目撃者の見間違いです。おそらく、ほのかさんも誰かを宇宙人と間違えたのでは……

Honoka: そうかなぁ……もし宇宙人さんなら、お友達になりたかったなぁ。

Luna: ふふ……ほのかさんらしいです。もしお会いできれば、わたしも色々とお話を聞きたいものです。

Honoka: 宇宙人さんなら、やっぱり目からピームとか出せるかな?わたしにも教えてくれないかな一♪

Luna: 断言はできませんが……いくら宇宙人とは言え、そこまでは……

Honoka: あっ、そうだ!それと、その光の場所に、これがあったんだー♪

Luna: これは……水着、でしょうか?なにかピカピカの、不思議な素材です。

Honoka: ちょうど2組あるから、ルナちゃん、着てみようよ!

Honoka: There was a thing. I wonder what that was.

Luna: Hmm, a mysterious figure in the jungle... I don't understand the words. Still, why in the jungle at such a time?

Honoka: Hmm. When I was taking a walk along the beach, I found a shooting star. That's what makes me want to go to the jungle.

Luna: Hm... Mysterious light, unidentified flying object...... What you mean...... The figure could be alien.

Honoka: Eh!? Aliens?

Luna: No, but most of the aliens are witnesses' mistakes. Perhaps, Mr. Honoka might have mistaken someone for an alien.

Honoka: I wonder if that's right. If I were an alien, I would have wanted to be a friend.

Luna: Fufu...... It seems to be Ahonoka-san. If I could meet you, I would like to hear from you.

Honoka: If you're an alien, can you still get a peam out of your eyes? Can you tell me one♪ thing?

Luna: I can't say for sure, but... No matter how much aliens are there, it's not that far.

Honoka: Oh, that's right! And there was this in the place of the light♪

Luna: This is... Swimsuit, is it? It is a mysterious material of something shiny.

Honoka: There are just two pairs, Luna-chan, let's wear it!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ、ピッタリだぁ!なんだか、ピカピカで楽しい水着だね♪

Luna: 肌に吸い付くような、不思議な着心地です。それに、この機械は……ふむ、興味深い。

Honoka: ねぇねぇ!やっぱりこれって、宇宙人さんがくれたのかな。

Luna: 深夜にジャングルを俳何していたオーナーさんを見間違えた可能性も捨てきれませんが……

Honoka: うーん……そうだ!これを着て、昨日の場所に行けば……宇宙人さんと、仲良くなれるのかな!

Luna: これが宇宙人の水着なら、あるいは……?

Honoka: よーし、じゃあ、わたし行ってみるね!

Luna: ふむ。一人では危ないですし……ふふ、わたしも少し気になってきました。

Honoka: それじゃあ、ルナちゃんも一緒に!宇宙人さんを探しにレッツゴー!

Luna: おー!

Honoka: Wow, that's perfect! It's kind of a shiny and fun swimsuit♪

Luna: It's a strange fit that sticks to your skin. Besides, this machine...... Hmm, interesting.

Honoka: Hey! After all, I wonder if the alien gave it to me.

Luna: I can't give up the possibility that I mistook the owner who was writing in the jungle at midnight.

Honoka: Hmm... I got it! If you put this on and go to yesterday's place... I wonder if I can get along with the aliens!

Luna: If this is an alien's swimsuit, or...?

Honoka: All right, then I'll go!

Luna: Hmm. It's dangerous to be alone, and... Huh, I'm starting to worry a little.

Honoka: Well, then, Luna-chan is with you! Let's Go to Find Aliens!

Luna: Oh!

Episode 2: Shadows lurking in the jungle! (密林に潜む影!)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: 宇宙人と言えば、ある土地には、古代宇宙飛行士のために猫かれたと言われる「地上絵」があります。地面から見るとただの線にしか見えないものが、上空からみると、巨大な絵になっているのです。

Honoka: ヘえー。そんなのがあるんだ!

Luna: 他にも色々な説があるのですが……古代宇宙飛行士説は、回マンを感じます。ふふ。

Honoka: うふふ♪そうだね!さすがルナちゃんは物知りだなぁ♪あ、この辺りです!昨日、宇宙人さんを見かけたのは……!よ〜っし!宇宙人さ〜ん!いたら返事してくださ〜い!

Luna: ほのかさん、声を出したら逃げられて……おや?

Honoka: ん?どうしたの?

Luna: 誰かが、あちらから近付いてきます…………あの影は……

Honoka: ほ、本物の宇宙人さん!?ちょ、ちょっと緊張してきたかも……よ、よ〜っし!え〜っと……ワタシノナハ、ホノカ、ジュウハッサイ、デス。

Luna: When it comes to aliens, there is a "ground painting" on a land that is said to have been a cat for ancient astronauts. What can be seen from the ground is a huge picture from the sky.

Honoka: Hey. That's what it is!

Luna: There are many other theories. The ancient astronaut theory feels the times Man. Hehehe.

Honoka:♪ That's so good! As expected Luna-chan is a know-♪ how, it's around here! I saw an alien yesterday. Oh, my God! Aliens! Please reply if there is!

Luna: Honoka-san, if you speak out, you'll run away. Oh?

Honoka: What? What's wrong?

Luna: Someone is coming up from there. That shadow...

Honoka: Hey, real alien!? I might have been a little nervous. Oh, my God! Uh... Watashinonach, Honoka, Juu Hassai, Death.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: え!?オーナーさん?

Honoka: Eh!? The owner?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふむ、やはりオーナーさんでしたか。

Honoka: うーん、やっぱり見間違いだったのかなぁ……ちょっと残念だけど……でも、オーナーさんで、ホッとしました♪

Luna: ふむ、水着はどうか……ですか?やはり、オーナーさんからだったのですね。

Honoka: えへへ♪とっても可愛くて素敵です♪ピッカピカで、着ているだけでとっても楽しくなります♪

Luna: 胸のモニターは、どういう仕組みなのでしょう。とても興味深い……

Honoka: ……意思疎通に必要な機械だから、ですか?

Luna: 確かに、感情に合わせて動くようですね。これでは、隠し事は出来ません。

Honoka: ふーん、不思議だなぁ……

Luna: それより、オーナーさんはこんな時間に、ジャングルで何をしていたのですか?

Honoka: わたしたちと、同じ?宇宙人さんを探していたんですか?

Luna: ほう……?

Honoka: あははっ♪じゃあ、3人で一緒に探しましょう♪

Luna: Hmm, was it the owner?

Honoka: Well, I guess it was a mistake after all. I'm a little sorry, but... But I was relieved to be the owner♪

Luna: Hmm, what about your swimsuit? Is it? After all, it was from the owner.

Honoka: Ehehe♪he is very cute and♪♪ lovely.

Luna: How does the breast monitor work? Very interesting......

Honoka: ...... Is it because it is a machine necessary for communication?

Luna: Sure, it seems to work with emotion. With this, you can't hide it.

Honoka: Hmm, it's strange.

Luna: What was the owner doing in the jungle at this time?

Honoka: Same with us? Were you looking for an alien?

Luna: What...?

Honoka: Ahaha♪ then, let's look for it together♪!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: うーん、結局見つからなかったね……オーナーさんとは途中ではぐれちゃったし……

Luna: 夜のジャングルです。しかたがありません。……それより、お腹が空きました……これは、人騒がせなオーナーさんに、焼き芋をごちそうしてもらわないといけません。ごくり。

Honoka: Well, I couldn't find it after all. I was lost on the way with the owner.

Luna: It's the jungle of the night. There is no other way. ...... More than that, I'm hungry. This is because you have to treat the baked potato to the noisy owner. It's very good.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ、オーナーさん♪もう、どこに行ってたんですか?

Luna: さあ、朝ごはんに焼き等を食べに行くのです。

Honoka: ……おはよう?えっと……おはようございます。

Luna: 今起きてきたところ……ですか?昨夜は遅くまでみさきさんとお仕事を……?ふむ……

Honoka: え〜っと……ルナちゃん。これっていったい?

Luna: ふむ……やはり、あれは見間違いで……本当はオーナーさんではなかったのかもしれません。

Honoka: つまり、あれは本物の……!?

Luna: ふむ……これは……興味深い……

Honoka: よ〜っし!それじゃあ、もう一度、宇宙人さんを探しにレッツゴー!

Honoka: Oh, where have you been ♪ the owner?

Luna: Come on, we're going to have a grill for breakfast.

Honoka: ...... Mornin? Let's see...... Good morning.

Luna: Where's it happening now... Is it? Last night, I worked with Misaki until late. Hm......

Honoka: Uh... Luna-chan. What the hell is this?

Luna: Hm... After all, it was a mistake. Maybe he wasn't really the owner.

Honoka: I mean, that's real...!?

Luna: Hm... This is...... Interesting......

Honoka: Well! Well then, once again, let's go to find the alien!

Private Lesson- I Can't Sleep Tonight


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Private lesson I can't sleep tonight' event

Episode 1: It is prohibited to look away. (よそ見は禁止)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、お勉強、進んでいますか?

Monica: オーナーさん、どうかしました?どれどれ……?……って。全然進んでないじゃないですか!

Momiji: わっ、ほんと……まだ、5ページ目ですか?あの……「資格試験」は……来週、でしたよね?

Monica: 「仕事の後に勉強するから眠くなる」…って。上級リゾート運営者資格、本当に取る気があるんですか?

Momiji: まあまあ、モニカちゃん、オーナーさんが大変だったのは本当だから……今からでも、頑張れば大文夫!わたしも、できるだけお手伝いしますから。

Monica: もぅ、紅葉さんは甘いんですから……それじゃあ、わたしも勉強、手伝います。合格の報酬は、「カジノの拡張」でお願いしますね♥

Momiji: ふふっ♪じゃあ、3人でお勉強会ですね。……え?これを着てくれたら、真面目に勉強できる?

Monica: まあ、集中するには「演出」も大事ですから……ヘンな水着じゃなさそうですし、仕方ないですね。

Momiji: えっ、えっと……ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど、オーナーさんの勉強がはかどるなら……

Momiji: Owner, are you studying and are you on your way?

Monica: Mr. Owner, what's wrong? Which one...? ...... What. You're not going at all!

Momiji: Wow, really...... Is it still the fifth page? Well, the "qualification exam" is... It was next week, wasn't it?

Monica: "I get sleepy because I study after work"... What. Are you really willing to take the senior resort operator qualification?

Momiji: Well, Monica-chan, it's true that the owner was in a lot of trouble. Even now, if you do your best, you'll be able to do your best! I'll help you as much as I can.

Monica: Moe, Momiji-san is sweet. Then, I will study and help. Please pay for the entrance examination by "Expanding the Casino♥

Momiji♪: Well, then, it's a study session for the three of us. ...... What? If you wear this, can you study seriously?

Monica: Well, "directing" is also important to concentrate. It doesn't seem to be a strange swimsuit, so I can't help it.

Momiji: Eh, uh... It's a little embarrassing, but if the owner's studies are going to progress...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ♪これが「教師」の水着ですか?

Momiji: ♪ this is the "teacher" swimsuit?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: なんだか気が引き締まります♪

Monica: I feel a little tense♪.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: それじゃあ、問題集6ページから。答え……わかりますか?オーナーさん?

Monica: わからない……?じゃあ、ちょっと見せてくださいね。えっと、ここは……こうやって…………ん?オーナーさん、何よそ見してるんですか?ちゃんと集中してください。勉強も勝負も同じです!わたしにはお見通しなんですから。

Momiji: まあまあ、モニカちゃん。オーナーさんも、悪気があったわけじゃ……でも、オーナーさん、モニカちゃんの言う過り、ちゃんと集中しないと。修業の成果は出ませんよ?

Monica: じゃあ、勉強を続けますよ。次は7ページの問題ですね。

Momiji: この問題はわたしが見てあげますから、一緒に頑張ろう?ね?

Momiji: Well, then, from page 6 of the Problemcollection. Answer...... Do you understand? The owner?

Monica: I don't know...? Well, then, please show me a little bit. Well, this is... This way............ What's up? What are you looking at, owner? Please concentrate properly. Study ing and the game is the same! It's a prospect for me.

Momiji: Well, Monica. The owner also had no offense. But the owner, Monica-chan says too much, I have to concentrate properly. You don't get the results of your training, do you?

Monica: Well, I'll keep studying. Next is a problem of page 7.

Momiji: I'll look at this problem, so why don't we work hard together? Right?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: うーん……これは、こっちを照して……?……あの、オーナーさん?またよそ見を……何か、気になることがありますか?

Monica: 目は覚めたけど……刺激が強すぎて集中できない?

Momiji: えっ!?この水着、何か……へンかな……?

Monica: ……さては、何か仕組んでいますね?わたしにはお見通しです!

Momiji: と、とにかく、勉強はしないと……オーナーさん、これからよそ見は禁止です。明日の朝までに、100ページまで。いいですね?

Monica: ……紅葉先生の言う通りです。よそ見もイカサマも、見逃しませんよ♪

Momiji: Um... This is, turning this over...? ...... Uh, owner? I'm going to look away again. Do you have any concerns?

Monica: I woke up, but... The stimulation is too strong to concentrate?

Momiji: Eh!? This swimsuit is something... Heng...?

Monica: ...... Well, there's something going on, isn't it? I have a good prospect!

Momiji: Anyway, I have to study. The owner, it is prohibited to look away from now on. Up to 100 pages by tomorrow morning. This is good?

Monica: ...... You are right, Mr. Momiji. I won'♪ t miss the other side of the eye or the squid.

Episode 2: Motivation is important. (やる気が大切)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: おはようこざいます、オーナーさん。お勉強のお手伝いに来ました。

Tamaki: 紅葉ちゃんとモニカちゃんの特別授業♪わたしも、受けてみたかったなぁ♥

Kasumi: ……オーナーさん?少し顔色が……大丈夫ですか?

Tamaki: かなり疲れているみたいね。まあ、結局朝まで勉強だもの、無理もないか。

(owner blinks)

Kasumi: ……あれっ?オーナーさん?

Tamaki: あらら、完全に眠っちゃったか……

Kasumi: やっぱり、疲れが溜まっていたのかな………でも、試験は来週だし……

Tamaki: ふふっ♪いいこと思いついちゃった♥

Kasumi: たまきさん?

Tamaki: わたしたちは、いまは「数師」だもの。オーナーくんを起こしてあげましょ。

Kasumi: わたしが、ですか?じゃあ、えっと……オーナーさん、起きてください。あの……お勉強の時間ですよ?ダメですね……起きてくれません……

Tamaki: ふふっ♪かすみちゃん、それじゃダメ♥そんな普過なやり方じゃ、オーナーくんは起きないわよ。いまのオーナーくんには「やる気」が必要なの♥わたしたちで、オーナーくんを「やる気」にしてあげましょ♪

Kasumi: ……「やる気」ですか?でも、どうすれば……

Tamaki: ふふっ、たまき先生がおしえてあげるわ♪

Kasumi: Good morning, owner. I'm here to help you with your studies.

Tamaki: I also wanted to take a special♪ class for Momiji and Monica♥.

Kasumi: ...... The owner? I have a little complexion. Are you ok?

Tamaki: You look pretty tired. Well, after all, it is study until morning, is not it unreasonable?

(owner blinks)

Kasumi: ...... What's that? The owner?

Tamaki: Oh, I've completely fallan asleep.

Kasumi: After all, I wonder if I was tired......... But the exam is next week.

Tamaki: I ♪'♥ ve come up with a good idea

Kasumi: Tamaki-san?

Tamaki: We are now "number masters" and we are" Let's wake up the owner.

Kasumi: Am I? Well, well, uh... Please get up, owner. Excuse me...... It's time to study, right? No good right...... You won't wake me up.

Tamaki: Kasumi♪ Fufufufu, that's not good♥ the owner won't wake up in such a fuso-un way. The current owner needs "motivation" ♥ we, let's make the owner"motivated♪.

Kasumi: ......"Motivation"? But what do I do......

Tamaki: Huh, Tamaki-sensei will teach you♪!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 例えばこう、耳元で……起きて……♪オーナーくん♥

Kasumi: た、たまきさん!?

Tamaki: ほら、かすみちゃんも一緒に♪

Kasumi: えっ……!わたしも……ですか!?

Tamaki: じゃあ、ちょっと耳貸して……?

Kasumi: ……!?

Tamaki: さ、いいから、はやくはやく♪

Kasumi: ……わ、わかりました。オーナーさんのため、ですから……はぁ……

Tamaki: For example, in your ear...... Happening...... ♪ The owner-kun-kun♥

Kasumi: Tamaki-san!?

Tamaki: Look, Kasumi-chan ♪ with you.

Kasumi: Eh...! Me too...... Is it!?

Tamaki: Then, just give me an ear...?

Kasumi: ...?

Tamaki: Okay, come on, come on, come♪ on, come on, come on, come on.

Kasumi: ...... Wow, I understand. For the owner, so...... Sigh......

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、あの、オーナーさん…………起きてください…♥お勉強頑張ったら……あとで、先生がご褒美をあげますから……?

Tamaki: うふっ♪いいわ、その調子の♥……だから、オーナーくん♥もうちょっとだけ……頑張りましょ?♥

Kasumi: えっと……起きないと……先生が、お……お仕置きを……?ひゃっ!?オーナーさん、動いた!?

Tamaki: ふふっ♪やっぱりたふりだったのね。

Kasumi: オーナーさん、もしかして、ずっと起きて……?たまきさんも、気づいてたんですか!?

Tamaki: ふふっ、ざ〜ねん♪もう少し、「かすみ先生」の授業、受けたかったなぁ♥

Kasumi: た、……たまきさん!

Tamaki: うふふっ♪

Kasumi: Oh, that's the owner... Wake up... ♥ If you study hard... Later, the teacher will give you a reward.

Tamaki: That's right ♪, that's♥ how it is. That's why the owner-kun♥-kun-kun is just a little more... Let's do our best, don't we? ♥

Kasumi: Uh... If I don't wake up... The teacher, ... You're in a good position...? Oh, my God!? The owner, it moved!?

Tamaki: You pretended to be a♪ bit of a fused person.

Kasumi: The owner, maybe you've been awake...? Was Tamaki aware of it, too?

Tamaki: Huh, I wanted♪ to take a little more "Kasumi Sensei" class♥.

Kasumi: 、...... Tamaki-san!

Tamaki: Ufufu♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: 合格おめでとうございます、オーナーさん。

Tamaki: じゃあ、今夜はパーッとお祝いしなきゃ♥

Kasumi: はい♪紅葉さんたちも呼んで、一緒に。

(owner blinks)

Kasumi: あれ……?オーナーさん!?大丈夫ですか!

Tamaki: あらら、今度は本当にてるみたいね……まあ、ゆっくり眠らせてあげましょ♪じゃあ、これは、先生からのご褒美……♥オーナーくん、おやすみ♥

Kasumi: ……おやすみなさい、オーナーさん。ふふっ♪

Kasumi: Congratulations on your passing, owner.

Tamaki: Then we'll have to celebrate tonight♥

Kasumi: Yes♪, we also called the autumn leaves and we went together.

(owner blinks)

Kasumi: Is that...?? Owner!? Are you ok!

Tamaki: Oh, it looks like you're really doing this time. Well, let's let him sleep slowly♪ then this is a reward from the teacher. ♥ The owner, good night♥.

Kasumi: ...... Good night, owner. ♪

Atelier Ryza: The Queen of Darkness and the Secret Hideaway


DOAXVV All event episodes of First alchemy Atelier Ryza collaboration event

Episode 1: the business of getting tired (疲れを取る業)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: 疲れが取れなくて困っている……ですか?ふむ……じつは、最近読だ本の中に疲れを取る「伝統的な効薬」の作り方がありますが……教えて欲しい?それは構いませんが、この作り方は、簡単そうに見えて「素質」が無いと作れない、とも言かれており……一歩間違えると……ふむ、どうなるのでしょう?それは……興味深い。オーナーさん、くれぐれも気軽に試さないように。……いいですか?わたしは調べものがあるので席を外しますが、絶対に試してはダメですよ……オーナーさん。

Luna: I'm having trouble getting tired. Is it? Hm...... In fact, there is a way to make "traditional medicine" to take tiredness in the book that I read recently. Do you want me to tell you? I don't mind that, but it's said that this way of making it looks easy and can't be made without "the nature". If you make a mistake... Well, what's going to happen? That is...... Interesting. Owner, please don't feel free to try it. ...... May I? I'm going to leave my seat because I have some research, but you should never try it. The owner.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー♪わたしにお願いがあるって……いったい何?えっ?ルナぴょんに教えてもらった薬を作りたい?疲れを取る「伝統的な効薬」……?わたし薬なんて作った事ないよ?そんなに簡単に出来るものなのかな……

Misaki:♪ The owner asked me for a favor. What the hell? What? Do you want to make the medicine that Luna-Pyon taught you? "Traditional medicine" to get rid of fatigue......? I've never made any medicine, have I? I wonder if it's something that can be done so easily.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、おはようございます。

Misaki: あっ、フィオちゃん、おはよー!

Fiona: ルナさんから、オーナー様がお疲れだと聞いて、何かできることがあればと思ったのですが……うふふっ♪みさきさんも、同じ考えだったのでしょうか♥

Misaki: ち、違うよ、じつは……

Fiona: Good morning, owner.

Misaki: Oh, Fio-chan!

Fiona: I heard from Luna that the owner was tired, and I thought there was something I could do. ♥ Was it the same idea as Misaki-san U♪fufu?

Misaki: No, no, actually...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: まあ、オーナー様の為にお薬を?では、わたくしにもお手伝いさせてください!

Misaki: うん……でも、わたしはそんなことしたことないし、フィオちゃんも……

Fiona: わたくしと、みさきさんの愛の力があれば、きっと大丈夫です♥

Misaki: えっ!?そ、そんなこと……ま、まあ、でもたしかに面白そうだし……フィオちゃんといっしょなら、いっか♪

Fiona: Well, did you take medicine for the owner? Then, let me help you!

Misaki: Yeah...... But I've never done that, and Fio-chan...

Fiona: If I have the power of Misaki-san's love, I'm sure i'll be fine♥

Misaki: Eh!? Well, that's... Well, well, but it certainly looks interesting. If you're with Fio-chan, I'll♪ be fine.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わあ、これ可愛い♪それに、軽くて動きやすくて、いいカンジ♪

Fiona: ふふっ♪そうですね♥つわたくし、とても気に入りました♥オーナー様、この水着は……?

Misaki: ルナぴょんから貰った本に載ってた?ふーん、まあ、かわいいからいいけど……

Fiona: ふふっ、新しいことへのチャレンジ、なんだか、楽しそうですね♥

Misaki: この本に言いてある通りに作ればいいんだね?じゃあ、早速材料を探しに行こうか。

Fiona: はい♪わたくしたち、オーナー様への愛の力で頑張のます♥

Misaki: だ、だからわたしはそんなんじゃなくて……

Fiona: うふふっ♪

Misaki: Wow, this is cute♪ and it's light, easy to move, and a good kanji♪

Fiona:♥♪ I like it very much, ♥owner, this swimsuit...?

Misaki: Was it in the book Luna Pyon? Hmmm, well, it's cute, but...

Fiona: Huh, the challenge of new things, it seems to be fun♥

Misaki: You just have to make it exactly as this book says, right? Well, let's go find the ingredients right away.

Fiona:♪ Yes, I'll do my best with the power of love for the owner♥

Misaki: That's why I'm not like that.

Fiona: Ufufu-♪ an

Episode 2: He's like an alchemist. (錬金術士みたい)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: フィオちゃん、こっちは見つけたよー!

Fiona: では、あと、もう少しですね!えっと、次の材料は……「うに」です♪

Misaki: ……うに?じゃあ、海に行けばいいかな?

Fiona: いえ、本には 『山で探る』と言いてあります。ある木になってるとか……

Misaki: うーん……じゃあ、手分けして探してみよっか!

Misaki: Fio-chan, I found this!

Fiona: Well, there's a little more! Well, the next ingredient is "Uni♪

Misaki: ...... What's up? Then why don't we go to the beach?

Fiona: No, the book says, "Explore in the mountains." It's supposed to be a tree.

Misaki: Hmm... Well then, why don't you just take a hand and look for it!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: みさきさん、見つけました♪

Misaki: えっ、本当に?

Fiona: はい、この木を叩いて……みさきさん、危ないですから、下がってください!

Fiona (OFF): せーの、えーい!

Fiona: Misaki-san, did you find it♪

Misaki: Eh, really?

Fiona: Yes, i hit this tree. Misaki-san, it's dangerous, so please go down!

Fiona (OFF): Seno, well!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: これが……「うに」?

Fiona: 木になってて、丸くてトゲトゲ……本に言かれている特徴どおりです。きっとこれです♥

Misaki: それって「うに」じゃないような。うーん……ま、いっか……とにかく、これで材料はったね♪

Fiona: はい♪では、お葉を作りに参りましょう♥

Misaki: Is this......"Uni"?

Fiona: It's a tree, it's round and it's a thorny. It is as characteristicas as said in the book. I'm sure this is it♥.

Misaki: That's not "uni". Well let's see...... Well, I don't know. Anyway, this is♪ the material.

Fiona: Yes, let♪'s come to make leaves♥.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わあ♥これでお薬を作るんですか?

Fiona: ♥ Are you going to make medicine with this?

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナーからは、これを使えって……本当に、大丈夫かな……

Fiona: でも、本に言いてある通りですし……きっと、大丈夫です♪

Misaki: そうだね。悩んでても仕方がないし、始めよっか♪えーっと、こんな感じ……かな?

Fiona: ふふっ♪みさきさん、お城(うち)の本で読んだ、錬金術士みたいです♪

Misaki: えへへ、そうかな?じゃあ、次はフィオちゃんもやってみる?

Fiona: わぁ、よろしいのですか!?では、わたくしも、がんばります♥ふふっ、オーナー様の元気が出ますように♪

Misaki: あははっ、フィオちゃんも、なたか雰囲気ある♪本当に錬金術せみたい♪

Fiona: ふふっ、ありがとうこざいます♥あの、みさきさん、これで「完成」でしょうか……?

Misaki: うーん、なんだかすこい色と臭いなんだけど……漢方とか、そういうカンジ?大文夫かな?

Fiona: 本のレシピ通りですし、良薬は口に苦し、と言いますから、きっと……

Misaki: The owner told me to use this. I wonder if it's all right.

Fiona: But that's what the book says. I'm sure you'll be fine♪.

Misaki: That's right. It's no use worrying about it, and it's kind of like this at♪ the beginning. I wonder?

Fiona: Misaki ♪, I read in the book of the castle, i♪'m like an alchemist

Misaki: Ehehe, is that right? So, do you want to try Fio next?

Fiona: Wow, are you sure!? Then, I will do my best, too♪♥

Misaki: Ahaha, Fio-chan also♪ has♪ a nice atmosphere.

Fiona: Thank you, ♥, Misaki-san, is this "complete"...?

Misaki: Well, it smells a little color and smell. Chinese medicine or something like that? Is it A big Fumio?

Fiona: It's just like the recipe in the book, and it's said that good medicine is a pain in the mouth, so I'm sure...

Episode 3: What is the effect of the work? (業の効果は?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、はい、これ頼まれた薬。本の通りに作ってみたんだけど……

Fiona: はい、オーナー様♥わたくし達、ニ人の愛情を込めました♥

Misaki: わ、わたしは愛情だなんて、そんなんじゃ……と、とにかく、この薬でいいの?……お腹壊したりしないでね?あっ、そんなに急に飲んで……大文夫!?

Fiona: あの、オーナー様、お味はどうですか?

(owner blinks)

Misaki: だ、大丈夫?なんだか……目がトロンと……

Fiona: あの、オーナー様、一度横になられては……

(owner blinks)

Misaki (OFF): やっぱり、なにか問題あったのかな……さゆりさん、呼んだ方がいい?

Fiona (OFF): あの、みさきさん……オーナー様の様子が。なんだか、気持ちょく眠られているみたいです。

Misaki: ……たしかに、なんだか気持ちよさそう。大丈夫そう……かな。

Fiona: びっくりしましたけど、これが、あの薬の効果……なのでしょうか?

Misaki: うーん、「疲れを取る」とは違うけど……気持ちよく眠ってるみたいだし……このままゆっくり休めば、元気になるんじゃないかな?

Fiona: ふふっ♪そうですね。いつもお忙しそうですから。……オーナー様、おやすみなさいませ♥

Misaki: おやすみ、オーナー♪

Misaki: Owner, yes, this is the medicine i asked for. I tried to make it according to the book.

Fiona: Yes, the owner♥ i,, with♥ the love of the Ni people

Misaki: Oh, that's what love I'm supposed to be. And, anyway, is this medicine all right? ...... Don't get hungry, do you? Oh, drink so suddenly. Daibuno!?

Fiona: Well, owner, how does it taste?

(owner blinks)

Misaki: It's okay. Somehow?????? My eyes are Tron.

Fiona: Well, owner, once you're lying down...

(owner blinks)

Misaki (OFF): After all, I wonder if there was something wrong... Sayuri-san, should I call you?

Fiona (OFF): Well, Misaki-san... The owner's appearance. Somehow, it seems to be sleeping comfortably.

Misaki: ...... Certainly, it seems to be pleasant somehow. It's okay. I wonder.

Fiona: I was surprised, but this is the effect of that medicine. Is it?

Misaki: Well, it's not like "take off your fatigue", but... It's like she's sleeping comfortably. Wouldn't it be better if you took a good rest like this?

Fiona: That's ♪. You always seem to be busy. ...... Owner, please do a good night♥.

Misaki: Good night, owner♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、こんばんは。疲れを取るのに良い方法が見つかりました。……ふむ、お休み中でしたか。この、枕元の本は……ふむ、やはり薬を作ってしまったのですね。ふむ、失敗したときの副作用は、強い入眠効果……と。ふふ……これは、興味深い。

Luna: Good evening, owner. Found a good way to get tired. ...... Hmm, were you off? This bedside book... Hmmm, you've made medicine after all. The side effect of failure, well, a strong sleep effect...... And. Hehehe...... It's interesting.

Kizuna fesu - Oni is also throwing beans


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Oni is also throwing beans' event

Episode 1: Oni's Special Training (オニの特訓)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 節分は嫌いじゃ……ワシらオニを寒空の下に追い出すのじゃから。……節分は恐ろしい……ぶつけられる豆はあたるとヒリヒリピリピリするしの……

Kanna: I don't like Setsubun. I'm going to kick the eagles out under the cold sky. ...... Setsubun is horrible. When the beans are hit, they are tingling.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): ……じゃが!

Kanna: この島に節分はない!豆を投けげられもせんし!おいしいお菓子もあるし!南の島、最高じゃ!こらー!オマエー!仕事ばかりしてないで。ワシにかまわんか!

Kanna (OFF): ...... Jaja!

Kanna: There's no Setsubun on this island! I can throw beans! There are also delicious sweets! The southern island is the best! Oh, my God! Omae! Don't do your job all the time. Don't you care about the eagle!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: オーナーさん、準備できたわよ。ふふふ♪縁起がよさそうな水着ね♪

Leifang: The owner is ready. Fufufu♪ a swimsuit that looks good♪ luck

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: 縁起は良さそうだけど、ちょっと子供っぽいわね。まあ、『節分』らしくはあるけど……

Leifang: 『節分』って確かオニを払う日よね?春節みたいなものかしら?爆竹いる?

Kanna: んぎゃー!『節分』じゃと一!?

Ayane: カンナ……あんた何やってんの?

Ayane: It looks good luck, but it's a little childish. Well, it's like Setsubun, but.

Leifang: "Setsubun" is definitely the day to pay the oni, right? Is it like the Spring Festival? Do you have firecrackers?

Kanna: Ningya! "Setsubun" And Ichi!?

Ayane: Kanna...... What are you doing?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: いい水着なんじゃが……節分……ほ、ほんとうにするのか?

Leifang: カンナ、さっきからどうしたの?らしくないわね。

Ayane: あなた、もしかしてだけど……

Kanna: It's a nice swimsuit, but... Setsubun...... Hey, are you sure?

Leifang: Kanna, what's going on? It doesn't sound like that.

Ayane: You, maybe, but...

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: 節分が嫌い、ね。それで不白れてるわけね。まったく子供なんだから。逆にあなたが主役の日じゃない。もう少し楽しみなさいよ。

Kanna: あやねにはわからんのじゃ!裏空の下に追い出されるオニの気持ちが!

Ayane: まぁ、そうね……わたしどちらかと言えば豆まく側だし。

Kanna: ぐぬぬぬ。おのれ、ニンゲン!この恨み晴らさでおくべきか。……まぁ、よい……ワシ、今日はここで漫画でも読んでるから……

Leifang: 何言ってるの!?いい!カンナ!あなたが楽しめないのに、わたしたちが楽しめると思ってるの?

Kanna: !?じゃ、じゃが……節分は豆をぶつけてオニを追い出す日じゃし……

Leifang: 豆をぶつけて追い出す日ね……う〜ん……そもそもオニが一方的に投げられるのがいけないのよね……そうだ!良いことを思いついちゃった♪ねぇ、あやね。オーナーさんもちょっと?

Ayane: I don't like Setsubun. That's why you're so white. He's a very kid. On the other hand, it's not the day you're the main character. Have a little more fun.

Kanna: I don't know what you're talking about! Oni's feeling of being kicked out under the back sky!

Ayane: Well, yes... If anything, I'm on the bean-singing side.

Kanna: A no-no-nu. Oh, Ningen! Should I get rid of this grudge? ...... Well, good... I'm reading a comic book here today.

Leifang: What are you talking about!? Good! Kanna! You think we can enjoy it when you can't enjoy it?

Kanna: !? Well, then, it's a potato. Setsubun is a day when you hit the beans and kick out Oni.

Leifang: The day you hit the beans and kick them out... Well... In the first place, it's not good for Oni to be thrown unilaterally. I got it! I've come up with a good thing♪ you know. The owner is a little too?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふ〜ん。カンナも楽しめて、いいじゃない♪オーナーさんも成でいいかしら?

Leifang: 決まりね!それじゃあ、善は急げね。カンナ!節分だからって、うじうじしてないで、オニなら仁王立ちで、迎え撃つぐらいの気概を見せなさい♪

Kanna: ひゃ、ひゃい!

Ayane: うふふ♪豆まきに動じないオニがいたら、それは困る気もするけど、たまにはいてもいんじゃない。

Kanna: う〜ん……でも、豆を当てられるのは痛いしの〜……で、でも……ワシも皆と一緒に……

Leifang: その気持ちがあれば大文夫よ!三人でカンナが豆まきを楽しめるように鍛えてあげるわ!

Kanna: な、なんじゃと!?ほ、ほんとうか!ワシも楽しめるように!?

Leifang: それじゃあ、カンナ!あやね!オーナーさん!特訓に行くわよ!

Ayane: ふふん♪手は緩めないからね。ちゃんとついてきなさい♪

Kanna: ……っ!ワシも腹をくくったぞ!今年はワシも楽しむからな!

Ayane: Hmm. Canna can also enjoy, and it's not good♪ i wonder if the owner can make it?

Leifang: It's decided! Then, good ness is hurry. Kanna! Just because it's Setsubun, don't be shy, and if you're Oni, show yourself the spirit to greet him♪

Kanna: Oh, my God!

Ayane♪: If there's an oni that doesn't move onu-so, I'm afraid it's a problem, but sometimes it's not.

Kanna: Well... But it hurts to be able to apply beans. So, but... I'm with everyone.

Leifang: If you have that feeling, you're a great writer! I'll train kanna to enjoy bean-throwing with the three of us!

Kanna: What the hell!? Oh, really! So that I can enjoy it!?

Leifang: Then canna! Oh, my God! The owner! I'm going to special training!

Ayane:♪ I can't relax. Follow me properly♪

Kanna: ...... tsu! I've got my stomach! I'm going to enjoy the eagle this year too!

Episode 2: Only the number of years (歳の数だけ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: それじゃあ、特訓を始めるわよ!いいわね、カンナ、あやね、オーナーさん!お互いに豆をぶつけ合う、豆まき合戦!カンナはこの特訓で打たれ強く、そして楽しさを知るのよ!

Kanna: おおー!ワシも豆をまく側に!?なんだか楽しくなってきたの!

Ayane: それじゃあ、わたしとオーナーさんの人間チーム。カンナとレイファンのオニチーム。

Leifang: 別にいいけど、なんでわたしがオニなのよ。

Kanna: レイファンはオニみたいに怖いからではないのか?

Leifang: こらー!誰がオニですって!

Kanna: うぎゃー!

Ayane: ほらほら、仲間割れしてないで。ちゃっちゃと始めるわよ。

Leifang: Then we're going to start training! That's good, Kanna, Ayane, the owner! Fight beans against each other! Kanna is strong and has fun with this special training!

Kanna: Oh! On the side where the eagle also sows the beans!? It's getting fun!

Ayane: Then, me and the owner's human team. Oni team of Kanna and Leifan.

Leifang: That's fine, but why am I an oni?

Kanna: Isn't it because Ray fan is as scary as Oni?

Leifang: Hey! Who's on it!

Kanna: Ugya!

Ayane: Look, don't break up with your friends. I'm going to start.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: それ!あやねは外!ワシは内!

Ayane: ふふん♪あまいわよ!

(Ayane does a spike as Kanna freezes up)

Ayane: オニは外!

Kanna: うぎゃ!?

Kanna: That!! Ayane is outside! Eagle inside!

Ayane: I♪'m so smit!

(Ayane does a spike as Kanna freezes up)

Ayane: Oni is outside!

Kanna: Ugly!?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あ!ご、ごめんなさい……特訓とはいえ、強すぎたわね……

Kanna: う、う〜……な、なんじゃ……いまの豆は……お、おそろしや……

Leifang: カンナ!あれ以上の豆は、そうないわ!だから、頑張って受け切るのよ!今年こそ楽しむためにも!

Kanna: そ、そうじゃな。いつもなら泣いて逃けるところじゃが……ワシも節分を楽しまねばな!豆まきなんそに負けてたまるものか!ぬおー!ぼっちこーいなのじゃ!

Ayane: Oh! I'm sorry. Even though it was a special training, it was too strong.

Kanna: U, u... What, what? Now the beans... Oh, my Goroiya...

Leifang: Canna! No more beans than that! That's why I'm going to do my best! To enjoy this year!

Kanna: Well, that's right. I'd always cry and get away with it. I have to enjoy Setsubun, too! I wonder if it's something that i'm going to lose to the bean-throwing Nanso! Nuoh! I'm so smit!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はあー。もう、負けちゃったじゃない。オーナーさんもちゃんと豆をまきなさいよね。

Leifang: ふふふ♪カンけ!やったわね!わたしたちオニチームの勝ちよ!

Kanna: ぬははは!ぶい!あやねに豆を当てることもできたしの!

Ayane: まったく……それでカンナ。今年の節分は楽しめそう?まさか特訓だってこと忘れてないわよね?

Kanna: うむ!ちゃんと覚えておるぞ!豆をまかれるのにもちゃんと慣れたぞ!その……三人とも、ありがとうな!おかけでワシも今年は楽しめそうじゃ!

Leifang: ふふふ♪みんなで楽しめたほうがいいわけだし、お礼を言われることじゃないわ。

Ayane: 部屋でウジウジしているオニは、外に追い出せたしね。それじゃあ、行きましょうか。そろそろ、みんなが集まってる頃合いでしょうし。

Kanna: うむ!……あ!そうじゃ!

Leifang: ん?どうかしたの?

Kanna: 豆がまだ余っておるから、皆で食おうではないか。節分では、来年まで幸せに過ごせるよう、豆を食べると聞いたぞ?来年も、一緒に節分を迎えられるようにの。それでまた。一緒に豆をまくのじゃ!

Leifang: ふふふ♪ありがとう。そうね。またやりましょう♪

Ayane: ……カンナにしては良いこと言うわね……でも、いいのかしら?

Kanna: ん?なにがじゃ?

Ayane: 歳の数に1個足して食べるのよ。けど、カンナが食べるとなると……

Leifang: 確か……1014歳だったかしら?ということは、1個足して1015個?

Kanna: 1015個!?そ、そんなに食べられるわけなかろう!ぐぬぬぬ……はオニに厳しい日なのじゃ……

Ayane: Oh. You've lost. The owner should also sove the beans properly, don't you?

Leifang: Fufufu♪Ksuke! You did it! Let us win the Oni team!

Kanna: Nuhahaha! Bui! I could have put beans on Ayane!

Ayane: Not at all...... That's kanna. Do you seem to enjoy this year's Setsubun? You haven't forgotten that it's a special training, have you?

Kanna: Umu! I remember it! I'm used to being made of beans! That...... Thank you, all three of you! I'm going to enjoy the eagle this year!

Leifang:♪ It's better to have fun with everyone, and it's not something you can thank them for.

Ayane: Oni, who's wooing in his room, was able to get him out. Well then, shall we go? It's about time everyone got together.

Kanna: Umu! ...... Oh, my God! That's right!

Leifang: What? What's wrong?

Kanna: We're still left with beans, so why don't we all eat it together? In Setsubun, I heard you eat beans so that you can stay happy until next year. We will be able to have Setsubun together next year. See you later. Why don't we sow the beans together?

Leifang: Thank you for your♪ time. That's right. Let's do it again♪.

Ayane: ...... It's a good thing for Kanna. But is that okay?

Kanna: What? What's going on?

Ayane: You eat one more than one age. But when it comes to Kanna eating...

Leifang: I'm sure... I wonder if he was 1014 years old? So, 1015 pieces plus one?

Kanna: 1015!? Well, I can't eat that much! The Nuunu...... It's a tough day for Oni.

Venus Valentine with Love

Episode 1: Chocolate Café (チョコレートカフェ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: お邪魔します、マリーちゃん、ふふっ♪

Marie Rose: こんにちは、モニカさん。えっと……何か楽しいことあったんですか?

Monica: 楽しいことがあるのは、これからですよ♪ほら、もうすぐバレンタインじゃないですか。チョコを賭けて、オーナーさんと真剣勝負!考えるだけでワクワクします♪

Marie Rose: バレンタインですか……マリー、今年はどうしようかな?

Monica: そうだ!バレンタインといえば、来る途中に、オーナーさんとばったり会って、新しい水着を買ったんです。バレンタインをイメージした水着みたいです。みんなに着てみてほしいって。マリーちゃんの分も、ちゃんと預かってきましたよ♪

Marie Rose: バレンタインの水着!?マリー、早く着てみたいです!

Monica: I'm sorry to bother you, Marie-chan, ♪

Marie Rose: Hello, Monica. Let's see...... Did you have any fun?

Monica: There's more fun going ♪ see, Valentine's Day soon, isn't it? Bet the chocolate, serious lying with the owner! I'm excited just to thinkabout♪

Marie Rose: Valentine's Day...... Marie, what are we going to do this year?

Monica: That's right! Speaking of Valentine's Day, on my way, I ran into the owner and bought a new swimsuit. It's like a swimsuit inspired by Valentine's Day. I want everyone to wear it. Marie-chan's share was also taken care of properly♪.

Marie Rose: Valentine's Swimsuit!? Marie, I want to wear it soon!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: これは、お菓子屋さん、風?これ、かわいいですね♪

Monica: パティシエとウェイトレス、どっちでも似合いそうな水着です♪……あ、良いこと思いつきました!マリーちゃん、チョコレートカフェ、やってみませんか?

Marie Rose: チョコレートカフェ!?美味し……楽しそうです!

Monica: ふふっ、決まりですね♪せっかくですから、みんなも呼んで楽しみましょう!パティシエとウェイトレス、う一ん、どっちにしましょう……?

Marie Rose: マリー、サーバントですから、ウェイトレスも、きっとできます!ウェイトレスのお仕事覚えたら、もっとエレナ様のお役に立てるかな……♪

Monica: マリーちゃん、いいなぁ。わたしも何かカフェに活かせる特技が……

Marie Rose: あ、マリー分かりました!モニカさん、パティシエはどうですか?ディーラーさんって手先が器用だし、料理が上手そうなモニカさんに向いてると思います!

Monica: パ、パティシエ!?え、えーと……そ、そうですね!パティシエに挑戦して、美味しいチョコ、絶対作ってみせます!

Marie Rose: ふふっ、チョコ楽しみにしてますね♪

Monica: こ、こほん……では、カジノの仕事は少しお休みして……期間限定チョコレートカフェ、オープンです♪

Marie Rose: Is this a candy shop, wind? This is cute,♪ isn't it?

Monica: A patissier and a waitress are swimsuits that look good♪ on either. Oh, I came up with a good idea! Marie-chan, why don't you do a chocolate cafe?

Marie Rose: Chocolate Cafe!? It's delicious. It seems to be fun!

Monica: Huh, it's a rule♪ so let's all call and have fun! Patissier or waitress, what shall i do...?

Marie Rose: Marie, i'm a servant, so I'm sure the waitress can do it too! If I learned the work of a waitress, I wonder if I can be more of a help to Elena- ♪

Monica: Marie-chan, that's good. I also have some special skills that I can make use of in cafes.

Marie Rose: Oh, Marie, I understand! Monica, how about a patissier? I think the dealer is good at the tricky hands and is suitable for Monica, who seems to be a good cook!

Monica: Pa, Patissier!? Well, uh... Oh, that's right! Challenge the patissier and make delicious chocolate!

Marie Rose: Huh, I'm looking forward to chocolate♪

Monica: Kohon...... Then, i took a little time off from working in the casino. A limited-time chocolate cafe is open♪

Episode 2: What is important for cooking (料理に大切なもの)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ、ようやくキッチンの準備が整いました♪ヒトミさん、一緒にお願いしますね。

Hitomi: よろしくね、モニカちゃん!じゃあ、まずは「生チョコ」を作ってみよう♪

Monica: はい!任せてください!

Monica: Huh, the kitchen is finally ready♪ Hitomi-san, please join us.

Hitomi: Nice to meet you, Monica! Well,♪ first of all, let's make "raw chocolate"

Monica: Yes! Leave it to me!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 材料は、普通の板チョコと生クリームに、あと、ココアパウダーが少し♪はい、準備オッケー!

Monica: 生クリーム……?えっと……生クリームの中にチョコを入れて……混ぜる、のかな……?……ううん、悩んでちゃダメダメ。手作りチョコも、真剣勝負と同じ……イチかバチか、勝負です!

Hitomi: わわ、ストップ、ストーーーツップ!!!料理で「イチかバチかは」ダメだよー!

Hitomi: The ingredients are regular chocolate and cream, and cocoa powder is♪ a little bit blue, ready OK!

Monica: Cream...?? Let's see...... Put the chocolate in the cream. Mix it, I wonder...? ...... No, don't worry about it. Handmade chocolates are the same as serious competition. It's a game, whether it's a bee or a bee!

Hitomi: Wow, Stop, !!! It's not good to cook "Ichi or Bee"!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: うーん、何回やってもうまくいかない……ヒトミさんのは、とってもなめらかな生チョコなのに、わたしのは、粉っぽくてぱさぱさした「何か」……

Hitomi: あの一、もしかしてモニカちゃんって……料理苦手?

Monica: じつは、その……はい……でもバレンタインですし、気合いでなんとか!……って思ったんですけど、バースト、大失敗です……

Hitomi: あはっ、わたしも普段は「気合い」って言うけど、料理に大切なのは「レシピに忠実に」「愛情をこめて」だよ♪ほら、モニカちゃん、元気出して!わたしと一緒に、もう一回作ってみようよ♪

Monica: 「レシピに忠実に」そして……「愛情をこめて」!わかりました、もう一回頑張ってみます!

Monica: Well, no matter how many times I try it, it doesn't work. Hitomi-san's is a very smooth raw chocolate, but my "something" is powdery and crisp.

Hitomi: That one, maybe Monica-chan... Not good at cooking?

Monica: Actually, the... Yes...... But it's Valentine's Day, and I've managed to do it! ...... I thought, burst, it's a big failure......

Hitomi: Aha, I usually say "spirit", but the important things about cooking are "faithful to the recipe" and "with love"♪ . Let's make it again with me♪

Monica: "Faithful to the recipe" and......with love! Okay, I'll try my best again!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: チョコを作るときの基本手順は「刻む」「溶かす」「テンパリング」「固める」の4つ!特に、テンパリング……固める前の温度調整は、チョコのロ当たりや見た目に大きく影響するから、丁寧にね♪

Monica: は、はい!「愛情をこめて」丁寧に……!

Hitomi: うんうん!……あはっ、いい調子♪生チョコはこれくらいでよし、と。モニカちゃんは、どんなチョコを作りたいの?

Monica: えっと、できればトランプ柄の板チョコを……

Hitomi: あはっ、それいいね!オシャレでモニカちゃんらしくて、とってもカワイイ!じゃあ、わたしは……せっかくのパレンタインだから、やっぱり、大好きな「ザッハトルテ」を作ろうかな♪

Monica: ふふっ♪ヒトミさん「気合い」入ってますね。

Hitomi: モニカちゃん、「気合い」じゃなくて「愛情」!……だよ♪あはっ♪でも、モニカちゃんには負けられないかな♪

Monica: 「真剣勝負」なら、わたしも負けていられません!……ふふっ♪

Hitomi: The basic steps for making chocolate are "engraved", "melting", "tempering", and "hardening"! In particular, tempering...... The temperature control before solidifying has a big influence on the chocolate's hit and appearance, so♪ please carefully

Monica: Yes! "With love" politely......!

Hitomi: yes! ...... Ah, good condition♪ Kiryu chocolate is good at this much. What kind of chocolate does Monica want to make?

Monica: Well, if possible, I'd like to have a card-patterned chocolate.

Hitomi: Ah, that's good! It looks like Monica-chan in fashion, and it's so cute! Well, then, I... Because it is Valentine's day, After all, I think I'll make my favorite "Zachtorte♪

Monica: Mr. Hitomi Fufu♪fu", "I'm so excited" is in it.

Hitomi: Monica, "love" instead of "spirit"! ...... But♪ ♪ i wonder if I can't lose to Monica-chaneven♪

Monica: If it's a serious game, I can't lose too! ...... ♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: で……

Monica: できたー!……といっても、少し不格好ですけど。

Hitomi: 大丈夫!モニ力ちゃんのこめた「愛情」、チョコからしっかり伝わってくるよ!

Monica: ヒトミさんのも、すごく美味しそうです!……あ、あの、ヒトミさん?お互い、もう1つずつ作りませんか?

Hitomi: あはっ、「友チョコ」だね!1つと言わずにいっぱい作って、みんなにも配ろうよ♪

Monica: はい!……ふふっ、こんな甘くて美味しいイベント、初めてです♥

Hitomi: In......

Monica: I'm done! ...... However, it is a little clunky.

Hitomi: It's okay! "Love" that Moni Riki-chan put, I can feel firmly from the chocolate!

Monica: Hitomi-san's looks very delicious! ...... Oh, man, Hitomi- Why don't we make another one for each other?

Hitomi: Aha, it's "Friend Chocolate"! Let's make a lot without saying one, and give it out to everyone♪.

Monica: Yes! ...... Huh, this is the first sweet and delicious event♥

Episode 3: Thank you for eating. (ありがたく食べよ)


DOAXVV Kanna Valentine event(발렌타인 칸나 에피소드1)

Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): おーい、ワシが来てやったぞ♪扉を開けんか♪

Kanna: オマエにワシからチョコレートをやる!ありがたく食べるがよい♪どうじゃ?どうじゃ?うれしいか?じゃあの一♪明日も遊ぼうな♪

Kanna (OFF): Hey, I♪♪'ve got an eagle coming.

Kanna: I'm going to give you chocolate from eagle to Omae! How about ♪ good to eat thankfully? How's it going? Are you happy? Let's play tomorrow ♪ one of♪ them!

Episode 4: Thank you for the game (勝負のお礼)


DOAXVV Monica Valentine event(발렌타인 모니카 에피소드1)

Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): あの、少しだけ、いいですか……?

Monica: はい、オーナーさん、チョコレートです♪ふふっ、何倍になるか楽しみにしてますねいつも勝負に付き合ってくれてるから……そのお礼です♪じゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい。

Monica (OFF): Hey, just a little bit, okay...?

Monica: Yes, owner, it'♪ s chocolate, I'm looking forward to how many times I'm going to be in the game. Thank you for that♪. Good night.

Episode 5: I'm glad you did your best. (頑張って良かった)


DOAXVV Sayuri Valentine event(발렌타인 사유리 에피소드1)

Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん、お部屋に入れてくれませんか?

Sayuri: はい、オーナーちゃん、お姉ちゃんから、バレンタインのチョコレートですふふっ♪気に入ってくれましたか?お姉ちゃん、頑張ってよかったじゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい

Sayuri (OFF): Owner-chan...... Sister, will you let me in your room?

Sayuri: Yes, the owner, from your sister, did you like valentine's chocolate ♪? I'm glad you're doing your best, sister, and i'll see you tomorrow. Good night

Episode 6: It's delicious. (おいしくなーれ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: なぎささん、よろしくお願いします。マリーと一緒に、ウェイトレスのお仕事、頑張りましょうね♪

Nagisa: よろしくね、マリーちゃん。えっと、まずは接官の練習からかな?

Marie Rose: はい♪じゃあ、お客様にお料理を出す練習をしてみましょう!

Nagisa: 料理を出す……えっと、こんな感じ?

Marie Rose: Nagisa-san, thank you. Let's do our best with Marie ♪

Nagisa: Nice to meet you, Marie. Well, first of all, is it from the practice of the officer?

Marie Rose: Yes♪ let's practice serving our customers!

Nagisa: Serve food... Uh, like this?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: お待たせしました、チョコレートパフェです。ごゆっくりどうぞ。

Marie Rose: さすが、なぎささん、お上手です♪あ、そういえばルナさんが……日本には、ウェイトレスが「おまじない」を唱えるカフェがある、って。お料理を出す時に、両手でハートマークを作って……なぎささん、知ってますか?

Nagisa: おまじない……ハートマーク……といえば、やっぱりアレなのかな……うーん、でも……

Marie Rose: なぎささん、もし知っているなら、マリーにも教えてほしいです!

Nagisa: それはちょっと、はずかしい、かな……

Marie Rose: お願いします!

Nagisa: えっと……じゃ、じゃあ、1回だけ、ね?

Nagisa: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, chocolate parfait. Please take your time.

Marie Rose: As expected, Nagisa-san, you're good♪ oh, luna-san... In Japan, there is a coffee shop where waitresses chant "Magic". When I served the food, I made a heart mark with both hands. Nagisa-san, do you know?

Nagisa: I'm smits... Heart...... Speaking of, I wonder if it's all right after all. Well, but...

Marie Rose: Nagisa-san, if you know, I want you to tell marie too!

Nagisa: That's a bit embarrassing, I wonder...

Marie Rose: Please!

Nagisa: Uh... Well, then, just once, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 『はい、ご主人様♥チョコレートパフェ、お持ちしました♪』『これから、もーっと美味しくなる「おまじない」かけますね♪』『おいしくなーれ♪ぶい、ぶい♥』

Nagisa: "Yes, I brought your husband♥'s chocolate parfait♪", "I'm going to make you "magic" that will be delicious♪ "Delicious ♪Bui, Bui ♥"

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: !!!

Nagisa: こ、これ以上は恥ずかしくて無理……

Marie Rose: なぎささんの「おまじない」、とっても可愛かったです!まるで、お料理に「愛情をこめて」いるみたいで……そっか、ウェイトレスに大切なのは、お客様への「愛情をこめた」おもてなし……なぎささん!もう一回お願いできますか?今度はマリーも一緒にやりたいです!

Nagisa: ま、また!?

Marie Rose: !!!

Nagisa: This is too embarrassing to do.

Marie Rose: Nagisa-san's "Omagic" was so cute! It's like you're "loving" in your cooking. So, what's important for waitresses is the "loving" hospitality to the customers. Nagisa-san! Can I have another one? This time, Marie wants to do it with her!

Nagisa: Well, again!?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie&Nagisa (OFF): せーのっ!

Marie&Nagisa: おいしくなーれ♪ぶい、ぶい♥

Marie & Nagisa (OFF): Seno!

Marie & Nagisa:♥♪ Delicious

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ば、バカわんこ!?なんでここに……

Marie Rose: みんなが楽しそうだったから様子を見に来た、ですか?

Nagisa: 今の……見てないでしょうね?なんのこと?な、ならいいです……ほ、ほら、このカフェはまだ準備中です。わたしもまだ、心の準備が……

Marie Rose: ふふっ、オーナーさん♪マリーたちの、「愛情をこめた」おもてなし、待っていてくださいね♪

Nagisa: Ba, you idiot!? Why are you here?

Marie Rose: Did you come to see how it was because everyone seemed to be having fun?

Nagisa: Now... You haven't seen it, have you? What are you talking about? Well, that's fine. Look, look, this cafe is still in preparation. I'm still ready for my heart.

Marie Rose: Huh♪, owner Marie's "loving" hospitality, please wait♪!

Episode 7: With Love (愛備をこめて)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ、いい匂い〜♪

Monica: キッチンから見えてましたよ、マリーちゃん。頑張ってるみたいですね♪

Marie Rose: はい!なぎささんに「可愛いカフェ」のこと教えてもらって……ウェイトレスのお仕事、とっても楽しいです♪

Monica: ふふっ、わたしもショコラティエのお仕事、すごく充実してます♪あ、そうだ!休憩がてら、チョコ、つまみ食いしていきませんか?

Marie Rose: Wow, it smells good♪

Monica: I could see it from the kitchen, Marie. You seem to be doing your best♪

Marie Rose: Yes! Nagisa-san taught me about "cute cafes". Waitress work is very fun♪

Monica: Huh, I'm also a chocolatier, very fulfilling♪ yes! Why don't you take a break, eat chocolate, and snacks?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ん〜、甘くて美味しいです……♥

Monica: まだまだ半人前ですけど……料理にこめた「愛情」は、誰にも負けませんから♪

Marie Rose: 愛情、ですか?

Monica: はい、ヒトミさんに教えてもらいました。料理に大切なのは、レシピに忠実、それと「愛情をこめて」です♪

Marie Rose: あっ、それ!ウェイトレスも同じです!「愛情をこめた」おもてなし……それが、お客様に美味しくお料理を食べてもらう秘訣です♪……あの、モニカさん!マリーも、一緒にチョコ作っていいですか?お返しに、お料理が美味しくなる「おまじない」、あとで教えますから♪

Monica: おまじない?ふふっ、すごく面白そう!はい♪一緒に「愛情」をこめて、チョコ作りましょう!

Marie Rose: It's sweet and delicious. ♥

Monica: I'm still half a man, but... The love you put in cooking is second to none♪

Marie Rose: Love, is that it?

Monica: Yes, Hitomi taught me. The important thing in cooking is to be faithful to the recipe and with love♪

Marie Rose: Oh, that! The waitress is the same! "Loving" hospitality...... That's the secret to getting our customers to eat delicious food♪. Hey, Monica! May Marie make chocolate with me? In return, I'll tell you later that the food will be delicious♪.

Monica: Are you serious? Huh, it looks so interesting! Yes♪ let's make chocolate with "love" together!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: うーん……もっと攻めてもいいかも……そうだ!隠し味にイチゴジャムを……♪

Marie Rose: も、モニカさん!?入れずぎですよー!

Monica: Um... Maybe we can attack more. I got it! Strawberry jam to the hidden taste...... ♪

Marie Rose: Well, Monica!? I can't put it in!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: できました!マリー特製チョコ、完成です!

Monica: わぁ、マリーちゃん上手!わたしも負けていられません!でも、うーん……

Marie Rose: どうしたんですか、モニカさん?

Monica: せっかく「愛情をこめて」作ったチョコレート……やっぱり、わたしたち以外の誰かにも食べて欲しいな……

Marie Rose: じゃあ、他のみなさんも呼びましょう!なぎささんと、ヒトミさんにも、お礼を兼ねて♪あっ、それと、もう一人……

Monica: ふふっ、オーナーさん、ですよね?じゃあ、二人で呼びに行きましょうか♪

Marie Rose: はい♪

Marie Rose: Ready! Marie's special chocolate is complete!

Monica: Wow, Marie is good! I can't lose too! But, um...

Marie Rose: What's going on, Monica?

Monica: The chocolate I made with all my heart. After all, I want someone other than us to eat.

Marie Rose: Well, let's call everyone else! Nagisa-san and Hitomi-san also thanked me ♪, and another person.

Monica: Huh, owner, right? Then shall we go and call ♪

Marie Rose: Yes♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: チョコレートカフェにようこそ、オーナーさん♪

Marie Rose: わたしたちの手作りチョコ、愛情をこめて、オーナーさんにお届けします♥

Monica: Welcome to The Chocolate Cafe,♪ Owner

Marie Rose: Our handmade chocolates, lovingly delivered to the owner♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Marie&Monica (OFF): せーのっ♪

Marie&Monica: おいしくなーれ♪ぶい、ぶい♥

Marie & Monica (OFF): ♪

Marie & Monica: Delicious ♪Bui, Bui♥

Nostalgic Snack Selection W

Episode 1: I'm interested. (興味があります)


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Nostalgic snack selection W' event

Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふふ♪オーナーさん♥勝負のお時間ですよ♪今日は何で負します?ポーカー?プラックジャック?なんならスピードでも……仕事で忙しいから今日は無理って……もう!お仕事も大事ですけど、勝負も大事です!そんなに写真並べて……女の子たちの写真を眺めて、何をしてるんですか?そんなてて隠さなくても……まさか、人に見せられないような写真が……!?え?ブライベートな思い出も入っているから恥ずかしい?ふふふ♪オーナーさんのプライベート……それはそれで興味がありますね♪あ、そうだ!オーナーさん♪わたしがフェスでどれだけ勝てるかで、勝負しませんか?オーナーさん♪フェスでわたしが勝ったら、その写真、全部見せてください♥たまには趣向を変えて、こういった勝負も悪くないと思うんです♪もちろん、真剣勝負です!フェアに、わたしも何か賭けますから♪え?そんなに人のプライベートに興味があるのか、……ですか?ち、ちがいます!ええっと……プライベートが分かれば、もっと思考を読みやすくなるかなって……もう!勘違いしないでください!それで、わたしが負けたらですけど……オーナーさんの好きな水着とポーズで、写真を撮ってもいいですよ♪ま、どうせ負けませんけど♪どんな水着とポーズでもいいのか?え?ま、まあ別にいいですけど……きゅ、急にやる気出しましたね……まぁ、どんな写真でもいいですけど、節度は守ってくださいね。……嫌ならやめてあける、ですか?もう!わたしが勝負から逃げるわけないじゃないですか!それじゃあ、お互い賭けるものも決まったことですし……真剣勝負お願いします♪

Monica: It'♪ s time♪ for the owner ♥ the game. Poker? Pluck Jack? If it's speed... I'm busy with work, so I can't do it today. No more! Your job is important, but the game is also important! So many pictures side by side...... What are you doing when you look at the pictures of the girls? Even if you don't hide it like that... No way, there are pictures that people can't show......? What? Are you ashamed because you have blyblememories in it? Fufufu ♪ owner's private... That's what interests me,♪ yes! Owner♪ why don't you win by how much I can win at the festival? If I win at the owner♪'s festival, please show me all the photos♪♥. Fair, I'll bet something, too, so ♪? Are you so interested in people's private 、...... Is it? No, no! Uh let's see...... If I know my private life, I'll be able to read more thoughts. No more! Don't get me wrong! So, if I lose, but... You can take a picture with the owner's favorite swimsuit and pose, ♪,♪ but I don't lose anyway, but what kind of swimsuit and pose do you want? What? Well, that's fine, but... You've suddenly started to get motivated. Well, any photo is fine, but please observe moderation. ...... If you don't like it, you can stop it, do you? No more! I'm not going to run away from the game! Then, it was decided that we would bet on each other. Seriously, please♪.

White Day: Prince of Hakuba


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Prince of the white horse' event

Episode 1: Prince of the White Horse (白馬の王子様)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: みさき、ちょっといい?

Misaki: ん?お姉ちゃん?どうしたの?

Nagisa: 実は、今度のフェスで、女天狗さんと「お芝居」を披露することになって……

Misaki: お姉ちゃんと女天狗が?なんか楽しそう♪

Nagisa: それで、お芝尾の内容なんだけど……

Nagisa: Miyaki, can I talk to you for a second?

Misaki: Hmm? My sister? What's wrong?

Nagisa: In fact, at the upcoming festival, i'm going to perform a "play" with yotengu.

Misaki: Your sister and Nyotengu It looks like it's going to be fun♪

Nagisa: So, it's the contents of the shibao...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: え、『白馬の王子様』役と『お嬢様』役に分かれて……お姉ちゃんは『白馬の王子様』!?

Nagisa: そ、そんなかなくても……確かに……わたしも似合わないと思うけど……

Misaki: そんなことないよ!お姉ちゃんカッコいいし!それに、『お嬢様』役が女天狗っていうのも……なんか、すごそうだね?

Nagisa: まぁ、配役はオーナーさんからの指定だから……でね、引き受けた以上、役作りはしっかりしなくちゃ、って思って……みさきは『白馬の王子様』って聞くと、どんなイメージ?

Misaki: うーん……『王子様』っていうくらいだから……馬に乗ってて、お城に住んでる、とか?あとはカッコよくて、優しくて……

Nagisa: ふふっ、なんだか「おとぎ話」みたい。

Misaki: だ、だって『白馬の王子様』なんて実際見たことないし……そういうお姉ちゃんはどんなイメージなの?

Nagisa: わ、わたし?そうね……もっと普通の人で……誠実で、いつも見守ってくれてて……頼りになって……

Misaki: うんうん。なるほど……みんなを見守ってて、願りになる……?身近な人で言うと、うーん、たとえば……オーナー?

Nagisa: なっ?!エロわんこが、わ、わたしの……

Misaki: ……って、そんな訳ないか。あはは ……でも、ちゃんと見ててくれるけど……

Nagisa: み、みさき!もういいから!

Misaki: E, divided into roles of "The Prince of Hakuba" and "Young Lady". Your sister is the Prince of Hakuba!?

Nagisa: Well, that's not going to be the way it is. Certainly...... I don't think I look good either.

Misaki: That's not true. Your sister is cool! And the role of 'Young Lady' is Nyotengu. Somehow, it looks amazing, isn't it?

Nagisa: Well, the cast is designated by the owner. Well, now that I've taken on it, I've got to make a lot of roles. When you hear that Misaki is the Prince of Hakuba, what kind of image is it?

Misaki: Well, it's called "Prince". You're riding a horse, you live in a castle, you know? The rest is cool, it's kind, it's so...

Nagisa: Phew, it's kind of like a fairy tale.

Misaki: I've never actually seen the Prince of Hakuba. What kind of image does such a elder sister have?

Nagisa: Wow, me? That's right...... A more normal person. He's sincere, he's always watching over me. I'm counting on you.

Misaki: Yes yes. I see...... Watching over everyone, it's a wish. In a familiar person, um, for example...... Owner?

Nagisa: What?! Elo-wanko, wow, i...

Misaki: ...... I mean, isn't that the way? Ah, it's... But he'll take a good look at it, but......

Nagisa: Mi, Misaki That's enough!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 大体『白馬の王子様』のイメージは固まったけど……うーん、大丈夫かな……

Misaki: 女天狗と、お意居の練習しないの?


Misaki: ……あ!じゃあ、わたしとお定居の練習してみる?

Nagisa: あっ、そうね!確かに、形から入れば何か国めるかも……ちょっと待ってて。オーナーさんが、今回のフェス用に、「特別な水着」を用意したって言ってたから……

Nagisa: The image of the Prince of Hakuba has been solidified, but...... Well, i guess it's okay.

Misaki: Why don't you practice with the female tengu?

Nagisa: That's... I'm busy right now, so it's not convenient.

Misaki: ...... Oh, my God. Well, why don't you practice staying with me?

Nagisa: Oh, yes! Sure, if we go from shape, we might be in some kind of country. Wait a minute. The owner said he had prepared a special swimsuit for the festival.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: お姉ちゃん、まだかなぁ。

Nagisa: お待たせしました、マドモアゼル。

Misaki: お、お姉ちゃん!?

Nagisa: さぁ、手をとって。わたしと一曲、踊りましょう。

Misaki: ふぇ!?ふふっ♪え、えと……はい……♪お姉ちゃん、すこい……もう「役」になりきってる……わ、わたしも『お嬢様』役、頑張らなきゃ!

Misaki: I wonder if it's still there, sister.

Nagisa: I'm sorry to keep you waiting, Mademoiselle.

Misaki: Oh, sister!?

Nagisa: Now, take your hand. Let's dance with me.

Misaki: Huh!? ♪, uh... Yes...... ♪ sister, i'm so sat. I'm already in the role. Wow, I've got to do my best as a "young lady" too.

Episode 2: Two Plays (ふたりのお芝居)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: オーナーさん?本番前に何の用ですか?お芝居が始まるまであと少し……そんなにヒマじゃ……えっ、女天狗さんが見当たらない?探したけど、どこにもいないって……じゃあ、お定居は……代役を、連れてきた……?

Nagisa: Owner? What do you need before production? It's only a little until the play starts. It's so much of a hit. Oh, I can't find Nyotengu. I looked for her, but she's nowhere to be found. Well, then, the settlement is... I brought a substitute.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: お姉ちゃんっ!

Nagisa: み、みさき!?

Misaki: わ、わたし、お姉ちゃんとお意居の練習したから…………やることは覚えているよ!その、みんなの前でちゃんとできるかは……あまり自信ないけど……

Nagisa: ……大文夫よ、みさき。お姉ちゃんが……いえ、『白馬の王子様』が、『お嬢様』をちゃんとリードします!

Misaki: ……うん!このステージ、ニ人で絶対に成功させようね、王子様!

Misaki: Your sister!

Nagisa: Mi, Misaki!?

Misaki: Wow, I practiced with my sister. I remember what i'm doing! I don't know if I can do it right in front of everyone. I'm not very sure, but......

Nagisa: ...... Daibuno, Misaki. Your sister... No, "The Prince of Hakuba" will lead the "Young Lady" properly.

Misaki: ...... yes! Let's make this stage, ni, make it a success, prince!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: こんにちは、マドモアゼル。探しました。

Misaki: ごきげんよう♪わたしも、あなたのことをお待ちしていました。

Nagisa: さぁ、手をとって。わたしと一曲、踊りましょう。

Misaki: ……はい、喜んで♥

Nagisa: Hi, Mademoiselle. Looked.

Misaki: Good evening♪ I've been waiting for you, too.

Nagisa: Now, take your hand. Let's dance with me.

Misaki: ...... Yes, gladly♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: うぅ、恥ずかしかった……わたし、ちゃんとお芝居できたかなぁ……

Nagisa: ふふ♪みさき、とっても上手で可愛かった。

Misaki: も、もうお姉ちゃんってば……『王子様』役、抜けきってない……

Nagisa: ふふっ、今日はありがとう。わたしの大切な……『お嬢様』♪

Misaki: Oh, I was embarrassed. I wonder if I was able to do a good play.

Nagisa: ♪ was very good and cute.

Misaki: Well, if you're a sister anymore, you're not missing out on the role of the prince.

Nagisa: Fufu, thank you for today. My precious daughter♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……大成功みたいじゃな。お芝居も、『オーナー設の作戦』も、のう?「二人に『すべしゃる 』なホワイトデーの贈り物を」……よく分からぬが面白いと思い、協力したが…………ふふっ♪姉妹の仲睦まじい姿は、まこと良いものよのう♪

Nyotengu: ...... It looks like a great success. Both the play and the owner's strategy "Give them a 'smooth' White Day gift. I thought it was interesting though I did not understand well, and cooperated, but...... The ♪ sister's friendly appearance is really good♪

Owner-chan ♪ Hanami

Episode 1: Cherry blossom viewing with everyone (みんなでお花見)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: うふふ♪じゃあ、お料理始めましょうか。

Honoka: わたしも、お手伝い頑張ります!

Sayuri: ほのかちゃんは、お料理が好きなの?

Honoka: はい!おばあちゃんのお手伝い、よくしてました♪……味見が専門でしたけど、えへへ。でも、今目はみんなやオーナーさんのために、味見以外も挑戦します!

Sayuri: ほのかちゃん、偉いです。じゃあ、お姉ちゃんと一緒に頑張りましょう♥

Honoka: それにしても、急でびっくりしちゃいました。

Sayuri: ふふっ、そうね。オーナーちゃんったら、急に「お花見をしよう!」て言い出して……

Honoka: 花見といえば……たまきさんが島に来たときも、「お花見パーティー」をしたんですよ♪マリーちゃんとお揃いの「お花の水着」を、たまきさんが用意してくれて……

Sayuri: あらあら、かわいいお花がいっぱいで楽しそう♪それじゃあ、今回は「お料理」でお花を彩れるように、お姉ちゃんも気合いを入れないと。

Honoka: 二人で頑張りましょう!

Sayuri: Well, let's start cooking ♪.

Honoka: I'll do my best to help you, too.

Sayuri: Do you like to cook?

Honoka: Yes! I used to help my grandma♪. I was specialized in tasting, but i went to ehe. But now my eyes are all about everyone and the owners, and I'm trying something other than tasting!

Sayuri: Honoka-chan, it's great. Well, let's do our best with your sister♥

Honoka: I was surprised at the sudden.

Sayuri: Phew, yes. When the owner suddenly says, "Let's see the cherry blossoms. I'm going to say...

Honoka: Speaking of cherry blossom viewing...... When Tamaki-san came to the island, we had a cherry blossom viewing party♪ and Tamaki-san prepared a matching "flower swimsuit" with Marie.

Sayuri: Oh, it seems to be full of cute flowers, ♪ so that this time you can color the flowers with "cooking", so that your sister will also have to put her spirits in.

Honoka: Let's do our best together.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あっ!それ、「やきいも」ですか?

Sayuri: はい♪ルナちゃん、やきいも大好きでしょう?

Honoka: あっ、こっちは、りんご飴!

Sayuri: ふふっ、これはカンナちゃんの分♪

Honoka: わぁ……さゆりさん、みんなの好きな食べ物、知ってるんですね!

Honoka: Oh! Is it "yaimomo"?

Sayuri: Yes♪ Luna, you love yay, don't you?

Honoka: Oh, this is apple candy!

Sayuri: Phew, this is Kanna's ♪

Honoka: Wow... Sayuri-san, you know everyone's favorite food!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あっ、オーナーちゃん!

Honoka: わたしたちの様子を見に来てくれたんですか?ありがとうございます♪

Sayuri: お料理もうすぐできるから、あとちょっとだけ、待っててね?

Honoka: 楽しみにしていてくださいね、オーナーさん♪

Sayuri: Oh, owner!

Honoka: Did you come and see us? Thank you♪

Sayuri: You'll be ready to cook soon, so wait a minute more, okay?

Honoka: Please look forward to it, owner♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: お待たせしました、オーナーさん!みんなの分のお料理、出来ましたよ♪

Sayuri: じゃあ、お姉ちゃんたちは着替えてくるから……えっ、このままお花見に?確かに………もうみんなも揃ってるみたいだし……

Honoka: わたしは大丈夫ですよ。給食のお当番さんみたいで楽しそうです♪

Sayuri: じゃあ、お言葉に甘えて……みんなで「お花見」に出発です、ふふっ♪

Honoka: I'm sorry to keep you waiting, owner! I've finished cooking for everyone♪

Sayuri: Well, my sisters are going to change their clothes. Eh, i'm going to see the cherry blossoms as it is. Certainly......... It looks like we've got everyone together now.

Honoka: I'm fine. It seems to be happy like the duty of the school lunch♪

Sayuri: Well, let's take care of your words. We're all leaving for "Hanami", ♪

Episode 2: My Sister's Happiness (お姉ちゃんの幸せ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪みんな、お料理おいしく食べてくれて、よかった♪

Honoka: あの……

Sayuri: ん?どうしたの、ほのかちゃん?

Honoka: さゆりさんって、みんなのこと、よく見てるなーって。みんなのお姉ちゃんみたい、って思いました♪

Sayuri: ふふっ、そう言ってもらえると嬉しいです♥……あ、向こうで何かあったみたい。ほのかちゃん、オーナーちゃん、ちょっと待っててね。

Sayuri: I'm glad everyone ♪ eat delicious food♪

Honoka: That......

Sayuri: What? What's the matter, Honoka-chan?

Honoka: Sayuri-san, you're looking at everyone. I thought it was like everyone's sister♪

Sayuri: Fufu, I'm glad you said that♥ Oh, it looks like something happened over there. Honoka-chan, owner, wait a minute.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ほのかちゃん、お待たせ……あら?たまきさんの介抱に?ふふっ、あとでお礼を言わないと。……え?みんなのお世話をするのは大変じゃないか、ですか?ふふっ、そんなことありませんよ。みんなの元気な笑顔を見るのが、お姉ちゃんの幸せです♥もちろん、オーナーちゃんも、ですよ♥……あっ、そうだ♥せっかくのお花見だから、桜もちを作ってみたの。オーナーちゃん、食べてみる?えっ?食べさせてほしい?ふふっ♪もう、甘えん坊さんなんだから……じゃあ、オーナーちゃん、目を閉じてくれる?

(eyes close)

Sayuri (OFF): はい、あーん……

(eyes open)

Sayuri: もちもちして美味しい?よかった♥えっ、やっぱり『花より団子』?うふふ、じゃあ……食いしん坊のオーナーちゃんに、もう一つ……

(camera pans to Honoka as she starts speaking)

Honoka: さ、さゆりさん、オーナーさん?!お……オーナーさんだけ食べてるなんて、ズルいです!わたしも桜もち、ほしいです!

Sayuri: 大丈夫よ、まだまだあるから、たくさん食べてね♥

Honoka: ありがとうございます♥えへへ、美味しい……♪

Sayuri: Honoka-chan, keep me waiting. Well well? To Tamaki-san's care? Phew, I have to say thank you later. ...... What? Isn't it hard to take care of everyone? Phew, that's not the case. It is happy of the elder sister to see everyone's cheerful smile♥ not to mention the owner, ♥...... Oh, yes♥ i tried to make a cherry blossom sprout because it's a great cherry blossom viewing. Owner, would you like to try? What? You want me to eat it? He's ♪ spoiled. Then, owner, can you close your eyes?

(eyes close)

Sayuri (OFF): Yes, uh...

(eyes open)

Sayuri: Is it delicious and rich? It was good♥ eh, after all 'dumplings than flowers'? Ugh, then... One more thing to the owner of the gluttoboy.

(camera pans to Honoka as she starts speaking)

Honoka: Sayuri-san, owner?! Oh, my Good. It's very slow to eat only the owner! I also want cherry blossoms!

Sayuri: It's okay, there's still a lot to eat♥

Honoka: Thank you ♥ to the end, delicious... ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: お花見、楽しかったですね♪

Sayuri: はい♪桜がなくても、こんなにお花見の気分を味わえるなんて……え?桜の「花びら」なら用意できる?

Honoka: ほ、本当ですか!?わたし見てみたいです♪

Sayuri: でも、どうやって……

Honoka: The cherry blossom viewing was fun♪

Sayuri: Yes♪ even if you don't have cherry blossoms, you can feel like you're seeing a cherry blossom viewing. What? Cherry blossom petals can be prepared.

Honoka: Oh, is that true?! I'd love to see it♪

Sayuri: But how...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: きゃっ!?

Honoka: きゃっ!?なに!?……って、あれ?さゆりさんの類っぺた……

Honoka (OFF): 桜の花びらが付いてます!

Sayuri (OFF): ふふっ、ほのかちゃんの類っぺたにも♪

Honoka: わ、わたしにも!?わあ……

Sayuri: ふふっ、オーナーちゃんのおかけで、今年も「桜」を見ることができました♪あ、でも……あんまり女の子を震かせちゃ、めっ、ですからね♥

Sayuri: Ya!?

Honoka: Oh! What!? ...... What is that? Sayuri-san's like-for-be.

Honoka (OFF): Cherry blossom petals are on it!

Sayuri (OFF): Fufu, honoka-chan's like-for-like ♪

Honoka: Wow, me too!? Wow......

Sayuri: Fufu, i was able to see the cherry blossoms again this year with the owner's call♪ but... I'm shaking the girl too much, and that's what i'm talking about♥

Mizugi Gear Venus


DOAXVV All event episodes of Mizuki gear venus event

Episode 1: Actress (アクトレス)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、おはようございます。みさきちゃんから聞いたんですけど、今日は、フェスのお仕事……ですか?あれ?でも、みさきちゃんは……?

Kasumi: Good morning, owner. I heard from Misaki-chan that today she is working at the festival. Is it? That? But, Misaki-chan

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……オーナー!ちょっといい!?

Kasumi: あっ、みさきちゃん、おはよう♪

Misaki: えっ!?あっ、かすみさん。おはようございます!

Kasumi: あの、なんだか慌ててたみたいだけど……

Misaki: あっ、そうだ!オーナー!?なんか、とっても大きな荷物が届いてるんだけサど……?もう、また通販で変なもの買ったんじゃないの?超でっかいプラモデルとか……!

Kasumi: え?「するどい」って……じゃあ、本当に大きなプラモデルを買ったんですか?

Misaki: そうじゃなくて、仕事の道具?……あれが?

Misaki: ...... Owner! A little bit better!?

Kasumi: Oh, Misaki, good morning♪

Misaki: Eh!? Oh, Kasumi-san. Good morning!

Kasumi: Well, i was kind of panicking.

Misaki: Oh, yes! Owner!? Somehow, i'm receiving a very big package. I already bought something strange by mail order again. Super big plastic model or something

Kasumi: Eh? What do you think? So you really bought a big plastic model?

Misaki: No, it's a work tool. ...... That?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふーん。じゃあ、そのオーナーのお友達の、「隊長」……って人が頼んできたお仕事なんだ。

Kasumi: それで、わたしたちが呼ばれたんですね。

Misaki: 仕事道具ってことは、あの大きな荷物が「水着」?でも「するどい」って……うーん……その「隊長」って人、オーナーのお友達なんだよね。一応確認するけど、恥ずかしい合好……じゃないよね?

Kasumi: 恥ずかしくはないけど……ちょっと……?

Misaki: 「特殊な趣味」かも?、それって、どういう……

Misaki: Hmm. Well, the owner's friend, Captain. It's the job that people have asked for.

Kasumi: So we called you.

Misaki: The thing about work tools is that big luggage is a bathing suit. But what do you think? Well let's see...... The captain is a friend of the owner. I'll check it once, but i'm embarrassed. It's not, is it?

Kasumi: I'm not ashamed, but...... A little......?

Misaki: It may be a special hobby. Well, what is it?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、着替えてきました。ふふっ♪なんだか、かっこいい水着ですね。

Misaki: どう?オーナー、似合ってる?って、これ、どこかで……たしか「アクトレス」の……?

Kasumi: 「アクトレス」……?

Misaki: あ、そうか。かすみさんはあまりテレビとか見ないから……こういう格好で戦う、女の子たちのことです。まあ、ヒーローもの……みたいな感じ?

Misaki (OFF): かすみさんのは、たしか、叢雲工業の「吾妻楓」ちゃんのモデルで……

Misaki: わたしのは、成子坂製作所の「兼志谷シタラ」ちゃん!……だったかな?

Kasumi: ふふっ♪みさきちゃん、詳しいんだね。

Misaki: 最近、テレビでよく見かけるんです♪でも、オーナー?どうしてアクトレスの水着なの?お友達……「隊長」さんの依頼って言ってたけど。

Kasumi: アクトレスの女の子たちの、「隊長」さんをしてるんですか?なんだか、オーナーさんと、少し似てますね♪

Misaki: ……うーん、アクトレスの水着でフェス?なんだかよくわからないけど……そういえば、「特殊な趣味」って?これ、すごくカワイイし、かすみさんのも、似合っててカッコいいと思うけど……

Kasumi: うふふ。ありがとう。

Misaki: え?それが、あの「大きな荷物」の中身?「特殊な趣味」って……まさか……!

Kasumi: Well, I've changed my clothes. It's ♪ cool swimsuit.

Misaki: How's it going? Owner, does it look good on you? I'm telling you, this is somewhere. I'm sure it's "Actress".

Kasumi: "Actress"?

Misaki: Oh, that's right. Kasumi doesn't watch much TV or anything. It's about the girls who fight in this way. Well, the hero stuff...... It's like that.

Misaki (OFF): Kasumi-san is a model of "Azuma Kaede" of Shoyun Kogyo.

Misaki: My "Kaneshiya Sitara" of Narusaka Seisakusho ...... I wonder if it was

Kasumi:♪'s familiar, Miyaki-chan.

Misaki: I see it a lot on TV these days♪ even the owner? Why are you wearing an actless swimsuit? My friend said it was the captain's request.

Kasumi: Are you the captain of the actors girls? Somehow, it looks a little like the owner♪

Misaki: ...... Hmm, fess in an actless swimsuit? I don't know what it is, but...... Come to think of it, what is a special hobby? This is very cute, and Kasumi-san looks good and i think it's cool.

Kasumi: Hmmfu. Thank you.

Misaki: Eh? Is that what's in that big package? What is a special hobby? Surely??????!

Episode 2: Special Hobbies (特殊な趣味)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふーん、これが「バーチャルハンガー」?ま、よくわからないけど、面白いわね。で、その「ギア」っていうのは、どういうものなの?みさきからは「武器」みたいなもの、って聞いたけど。そんなもの、本当にフェスに必要なの?……?体に合わせるから、動かないで?はぁ。まあいいけどね……もう。……気のせいかしら?カメラ越しに、「妙な」視線を感じるんだけど。ほら、さっさとなさい?フェスの準備、あとがつかえてるんだから!

Ayane: Hmm, is this a virtual hanger? Well, I'm not sure, but it's interesting. So, what kind of gear is that? I heard from Misaki that it's like a weapon. Is that really necessary for the festival? ......? Don't move because it fits your body. Sigh. Well, that's fine. Not anymore. ...... Is it your imagination? I feel a strange look through the camera. Come on, now, man. I'm getting ready for the festival, i'm getting the rest!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: これが…… 「ギア」……?たしかに「特殊な趣味」って感じね……さすが、オーナーさんの友達ってところかしら?でも……

(camera flash)

Ayane: ふふっ♪これ、気に入ったわ♪動きの邪魔にはならないし、フェスも問題なさそうね。って、まだ意りないの……?オーナーさん、「覗き」はいい加減にしないと……

(camera flash)

Ayane: このギアの性能、自分の身体で知ることになるわよ?

Ayane: This is... "Gear"? It's like a special hobby. I wonder if the owner's friend is a place. But......

(camera flash)

Ayane: I like this♪, but i like it♪ it doesn't get in the way of movement, and it doesn't seem to be a problem. I mean, I don't think so yet. The owner says that "peeping" has to be slow.

(camera flash)

Ayane: You'll know the performance of this gear with your own body, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ほう、これが……これは大変興味深い。「ギア」は知っていましたが、こうやって、身に着けるのは初めてです。ふむ、これがこうなって……

(camera flash)

Luna: ふふ、これはかっこいい……?オーナーさん、この「ギア」のカッコよさ……見惚れるのはわかりますが……

(camera flash)

Luna: その、見られるの……少し、困る……

Luna: Well, this is... This is very interesting. I knew about gear, but this is the first time I've worn it. Well, this is how it is.

(camera flash)

Luna: Heh, this is cool. Owner, the coolness of this "gear" ...... I know you're in love with it, but......

(camera flash)

Luna: That's what you see... A little trouble...…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あら、ルナ。あなたも結構カッコいいじゃない?わたしのほうが、大きくて強そうだけど♪

Luna: それはちがいます、あやねさん。わたしのギアは、小回りとバランスを考えた、近接戦闘用のギア。

Luna (OFF): あやねさんのギアは、大型化し航続距離と高出カにカスタマイズされたギア。それそれ特徴がちがうのです。

Ayane: あ、あらそう?すいぶん詳しいわね……とにかく、このギアで暴れるわよ♪覚悟しなさい。ルナ!

Luna: ……この白とをペースとしたカラーリングは、紛れもない主人公機……ふふ、かっこいい……

Ayane: あのねぇ……人の話を聞きなさい?あなたも「特殊な趣味」の人なんじゃない?

Ayane: Oh, Luna. You're pretty cool, aren't you? I seem to be bigger and stronger♪

Luna: That's different, Ayane. My gear is for melee combat, with a small turn and balance.

Luna (OFF): Ayane's gear is customized for larger range and high-rise. It and the feature are different.

Ayane: Oh, oh, my God? I'm very familiar with it. Anyway, you're going to be ramped up in this gear♪ be prepared. Luna!

Luna: ...... This white and paced coloring is an unmistakable hero machine. Heh, that's cool.

Ayane: That's... Listen to people. Aren't you a special hobbyist?

Episode 3: Shooter (シューティングゲーム)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オマエー!ワシの活躍、ちゃんと見ておったか?ふふん、この「ギア」、似合っておるか?ふふーん♪ワシ、大きいじゃろ!ふふふ……まさにオニに金棒じゃ!空も飛べるし、あの偉そうな天胸にも負けぬぞ♪……え?「れぷりか」だから、力は弱いし、空もちょっとしか飛べない?ええー……!?

Kanna: Omae! Have you seen my success? Hmm, does this "gear" look good on you? Hmm, ♪ eagle, big! Hehehe...... It's just a gold stick on oni! You can fly in the sky, and you can't lose to that great chest♪...... What? Because it is "Repuri", power is weak, and the sky can fly only a little? Yes, it's a good thing!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさーん♪フェス、見ていてくれましたか?この「ギア」、とってもカッコイイですね!わたし、こういうの大好きなんです♪お空をバーって飛んで、ミサイルやピームをどばばばばーっ!って……!……えっ!?できないんですか!?残念です……

Honoka: Owner ♪, did you see the festival? This "gear" is very cool! I love this♪ flying in the sky, flying missiles and pees! What......! ...... What!? Can't you do that?! I'm sorry.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: もー!こんなにデカくてカッコイイのにー!なんかこう、ド派手なことはできんのか!?ばーんって!の?ほのかもそう思うじゃろる!?

Honoka: カンナちゃんの言う通りです!せっかくのギアなんだし、何かありませんか?どかーんって!

Kanna: どぼーん!ちゅどーん!

Honoka: ぎゅいーん!ずどどどーっ!

Kanna: ……なに?ー応、弾は出るから……?

Honoka: 「ショットギア」の試し撃ちでよければ……?いいんですか!?よかったね、カンナちゃん!

Kanna: うむ!さすがはオマエじゃの♪ほれ、行くぞ!はやくはやくー♪

Kanna: Momo! It's so big and cool! Can't you do something flashy like this?! I'm so sorry! Of? I think so!

Honoka: Kanna's right! What's your gear, or something? Do not do it!

Kanna: Dobo-n Chudo-n

Honoka- Dodding!

Kanna: ...... What? - Well, the bullet will come out.

Honoka: If you don't mind shooting "shot gear", Are you sure?! That's good, Kanna!

Kanna: Well! I'm going to ♪ you! Quickly, it's ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふむ、あの箱を撃てばよいのじゃな?

Kanna: Well, why don't you shoot that box?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ふふっ♪なんだか、シューティングゲームみたいだね!

Kanna: ほのか、ワシと勝負じゃ♪ほのかとは、いつもゲームでいい勝負じゃからの♪

Honoka: よーし、負けないぞ♪ー同じ時間で、たくさん箱を壊した方の勝ちだね!

Kanna: ふふーん♪ワシも負けぬぞ!シューティングはワシの得意分野じゃからの♪

Honoka: It's kind ♪ like a shooter!

Kanna: I'm not ♪ with the eagles, it's always a good game♪

Honoka: Well, you're not going to lose♪ - you've broken a lot of boxes at the same time!

Kanna: Hmm, i♪'m not going to lose any of the eagles. Shooting is my specialty♪

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふん♪狙い撃つのじゃ♪

Kanna: Don't aim at ♪♪

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへヘー♪楽しかったね、カンナちゃん!

Kanna: むー!ほのかは勝ったから良いが、ワシは負けてばかりじゃから、つまらんのじゃー!

Honoka: うーん、じゃあ、もう一回遊ぶ?

Kanna: オマエー!まっている箱じゃなくて、もっとこう、動き回る敵を撃つゲームは無いのか?迫りくる弾幕の合間を縫うように避けて、撃つ!そういうカッコイイのが良いのじゃ!ずばーんって!

Honoka: それ、おもしろそうだねカンナちゃん!大きな敵に近づいて、近くから、ばばばぼーって!

Kanna: しゅばぼーっ!ずぱーーん!

Honoka: だだだだだーっ!がががががーっ!

Honoka: Oh, ♪ had fun, Kanna!

Kanna: Muse! It's good because i won, but i've just lost, so it's boring!

Honoka: Well, then, do you want to play again?

Kanna: Omae! Isn't there a game where you shoot enemies who move around more like this, not boxes? Avoid sewing between the looming barrages and shoot! That's what's cool! It's all right!

Honoka: That sounds interesting, Kanna! Get close to the big enemy, get close to you!

Kanna: Shubabo! Supa-ya-hsien

Honoka: That's it! A sagot!

Episode 4: Venus's Passing (ヴィーナスの通性)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん!どうでした?マリーの活躍、見てくれましたか♪今回のフェスは、この「ギア」のおかけで、マリーとっても大活躍できたんです!

Kasumi: オーナーさん、フェスお疲れ様でした。今回のフェス、とっても楽しかったです。なんだか、身体が軽くて、力が湧いてくるみたいで。しマリーちゃんの言う通り、この「ギア」のおかげかも♪えっ?さっそく「隊長」さんに映像を送ったら、とっても喜んでた?

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪隊長さんも、マリーの活躍を見てくれたんですね♪

Kasumi: 喜んでくれていたならいいんですけど……今回は、どうして「アクトレス」の倍好だったんですか?

Marie Rose: 「アクトレス」のイメージアップ戦略……?戦うだけじゃなくて、楽しい場のイメージをって……

Kasumi: ……アクトレス、って大変なお仕事なんですね。

Marie Rose: オーナーさん!隊長さんに伝えてください。アクトレスの女の子たちと、ヴィーナス諸島に来てください、って♪

Kasumi: ふふっ♪そうだね。いつか、みんな一緒に遊べるといいね。

Marie Rose: Oh, owner! How was it? Marie's success, and you saw it♪ this festival was a very big success with this "gear" piece.

Kasumi: The owner, thank you for your hard work at the festival. This festival was very fun. Somehow, my body is light and my strength seems to spring. As Shimari-chan says, this "gear" is ♪ thanks to you. I was very happy when I sent the video to the captain at once.

Marie Rose: Captain ♪, you also watched Marie's success♪

Kasumi: I hope you're happy. Why was it twice as good as "Actress" this time?

Marie Rose: "Actress" Image Improvement Strategy It's not just about fighting, it's about having an image of a fun place.

Kasumi: ...... Actress, it's a lot of work.

Marie Rose: Owner! Please tell the captain. Come to the Venus Islands with the actors♪

Kasumi: It's ♪. I hope we can all play together someday.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの、オーナーさん、フェスが終わっちゃったから……この「ギア」。返さないとダメですか?マリー、もうちよっとだけこのギアで遊んでいたいな。

Kasumi: このギアを付けてるととっても身体が軽くて……わたしも、もう少しだけ……いいですか?

Marie Rose: えっ!?このギア、好きにしていいんですか?

Kasumi: フェスのお礼に、って……

Marie Rose: やったぁ♪じゃあ、かすみさん、行きましよう♪

Kasumi: ……うん、じゃあ、オーナーさん、またあとで!

Marie Rose: Well, owner, the festival is over. This gear. Do I have to give it back? Marie, I just want to play with this gear.

Kasumi: With this gear on, my body is very light. I'm just a little more... May I?

Marie Rose: Eh!? Can I like this gear?

Kasumi: To thank you for the festival, i...?

Marie Rose: Well♪ let's go, Kasumi♪

Kasumi: ...... Yes, then, owner, see you later!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー♪フェスお疲れさま!えっ?身体の調子はどうか、って?別になんとも……?ちょっと疲れたけどあの「ギア」を付けてると、力がみなきって来るって言うか……なんだか、不思議な感じなんだ♪みんなも、そう言ってたよ?「成功」?……何の話?「エミッション」?「適性試験」??その「障長」さんと関係があるの?まさか、ヘンなことを企んで…………なーんて♪ふふっ♪むすかしい話しはよくわからないけど、隊長さんは、オーナーのお友達でしょ?なら、きっと大丈夫♪どうせ、例の「特殊な趣味」とか、そういう話にきまってるんだから。まあ、それはそれでちょっと困るけど……みんなまだまだ遊びたいって言ってるし、わたしも、行ってくる。じゃ、隊長さんによろしくね、オーナー♪

Misaki: Oh, the owner ♪ festival! What? How's your body? I don't know what to say. I'm a little tired, but if you put on that gear, you're going to have all your strength. It's kind of weird♪ everyone said that, right? "Success" ...... What are you talking about? "Emission" Aptitude Test?? Does it have anything to do with the "disability chief"? No way, i'm trying to do something weird. I don't know what♪ ♪'s a good story, but the captain is a friend of the owner, isn't he? Then, it is decided to such a story as "Special hobby" of the example anyway ♪ it is surely all right. Well, that's a bit of a problem, but...... Everyone says they still want to play, and I'm going. Then, say hello to the captain, owner♪

Rival Festival - Youth Crawl


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Youth crawl' event

Episode 1: Competitive showdown! (競泳対決!)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、お待たせー。フィオちゃんも呼んできたよ♪

Fiona: オーナー様、お待たせいたしました♪

Misaki: Owner, keep you waiting. Fio called me, too♪

Fiona: Owner, we've kept you waiting♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 今回は、わたしとフィオちゃんが、フェスのリーダー?

Fiona: はい♪わたくし、精一杯がんばります♪それでオーナー様、今回のフェスでは一体どのようなことを?

Misaki: えーっと、今回はライバルフェスだから……わたしとフィオちゃんとで、何か競争する感じ?

Fiona: ふふっ、二人で対決、ですね♪正々堂々、がんぱりましょう♪

Misaki: よーし、負けないよ♪で、オーナー、わたしたちは何をすればいいの?それが、今回の水着?なんだか競泳水着っぽいけど……

Fiona: それでは、今回のライバルフェエスは『水泳』で競争でしょうか?

Misaki: ふふーん、水泳なら、わたし得意だよ♪よくダイビングやってるし、泳ぐのも好きだから♪

Fiona: わたくしは、みさきさんほど上手に泳げるか、わかりませんが、愛の力で精一杯、がんばります!

Misaki: それじゃあオーナー、水着ちょうだい♪すぐに着替えてくるから♪

Misaki: This time, me and Fio are the leaders of the festival.

Fiona: Yes♪ I'll do my best♪ so, the owner, what are you doing at this festival?

Misaki: Well, this time it's a rival festival. Do you feel like you're competing with me and Fio?

Fiona: Phew, let's face it ♪, fair and square♪

Misaki: All right, don't lose♪, owner, what should we do? Is that the swimsuit of this time? It's kind of like a swimming suit, but......

Fiona: So, will this rival Fees compete in swimming?

Misaki: Well, if you're good at swimming, I'm good at ♪ i like diving and swimming♪

Fiona: I don't know if I can swim as well as Miaki-san, but I'll do my best with the power of love!

Misaki: Then the owner, give me a bathing suit♪ i'll change my clothes right away♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 着替えたけど……あ、あの…………これ、ちょっと……

Fiona: あの……少し小さいような……体にぴったり貼りついて……

Misaki: 競泳水着だから。ぴっちりしてるのはわかるけど……ちょっと、ぴっちりしすぎじゃない?

Fiona: でも、島体がギュッと締め付けられていてなんだか、いつもより動きやすそうです♪

Misaki: そう言われると……まあ、ダイピングスーツもそうだけど……

Fiona: ふふっ♪いつもより上手に泳げるかもしれませんね♪

Misaki: ……うん、そうかも♪じゃあフィオちゃん、水泳対決、がんばろっか!

Fiona: はい♪一緒にフェスを盛り上げましょう♪

Misaki: オーナー、わたしたちの活躍、ちゃんと見ててよね♪

Fiona: 見ていてくださいね、オーナー様♪

Misaki: I changed my clothes, but...... Oh excuse me but............ This is a little...

Fiona: That...... Seems a little small...... It sticks to the body perfectly.

Misaki: It's a swimming suit. I know it's tight, but...... Hey, isn't it too tight?

Fiona: But the island body is tightly tightened and it seems to be easier to move than usual♪

Misaki: That's what they say. Well, the die-in suit is also so......

Fiona: ♪ may be able to swim better than usual♪

Misaki: ...... Yes, that's ♪, fio-chan, swimming showdown, good luck!

Fiona: Yes♪ let's liven up the festival together♪

Misaki: The owner, we're watching our activities♪

Fiona: Please take a look, owner♪

Episode 2: The Secret of Swimming Swimwear? (競泳水着の秘密?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: まずは準備体操から……

Fiona: いっち、に、さん、し……

Misaki: First of all, from the preparation gymnastics......

Fiona: Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, the better.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: うーん、いい天気♪泳ぐのにピッタリだね♪

Fiona: ええ、気持ちよさそうですね♪こ、ろく、しち、はち……

Misaki: Well, it's perfect for swimming ♪ nice weather♪

Fiona: Yes, it feels good♪, it's a good thing, it's a scare, it's a scare, it's a good idea.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: フィオちゃん、準備はいい?

Fiona: はいっ、いつでも大文夫です♪

Misaki: それじゃあ、いくよっ♪

Fiona: よーい、どんっ♪

Misaki: Fio, are you ready?

Fiona: Well, i'm always a big writer♪

Misaki: Then i'll go♪

Fiona: Okay, don'♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あははっ、やーりい!わたしの勝ちっ!

Fiona: 残念です、負けてしまいました……しゅん……

Misaki: フィオちゃんも速いじゃん!ほとんど一緒にゴールしたよね?

Fiona: は、はい……!なんだか、いつもよりも上手にできた気が……

Misaki: わたしも、スイスイ泳げて気持ちよかった♪

Fiona: これもきっと、この水着のおかけ……

Misaki: あっ、あれっ!?ちょ、ちょっとオーナー!こ、この水着どうなってるの!?すっこい透けてるんだけど……!?

Fiona: あ、あの、これも泳ぎやすさのため……なのでしょようか?は、恥ずかしいです……

Misaki: と、とにかく、ちょっと、見ないでー!なんとかしてよ!

Fiona: えっ?乾かしていただけるのですか?

Misaki: 「うちわがあるから」って……とにかく、早く……あれ?ちょつとストップ!その「黒いうちわ 」って、なんだか見覚えが……!

(Top straps pop off)

Misaki: わぁっ!

(Top straps pop off)

Fiona: きゃあ!ひゃっ!?お、オーナー様 ?あ、あの、むこうを向いていただけないでしょうか?

Misaki: もー!なんでこうなるの一!?

Fiona: は、恥ずかしいです……

Misaki: 「間違えた」って、オーナーのバカー!ヘンタイー!そんなに見ないでー!

Misaki: Ah- Oh, ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya I won!

Fiona: I'm sorry, I lost... I'm son of a long way.

Misaki: Fio is fast, too. We almost scored together, didn't we?

Fiona: Yes...! Somehow, I feel like I was able to do better than usual.

Misaki: I also felt good to swim in Switzerland♪

Fiona: I'm sure this swimsuit will be a place to wear.

Misaki: Oh, that!? Hey, little owner! What's going on with this swimsuit?! It's so transparent, but...!?

Fiona: Oh, well, this is also easier to swim. What is it? That's embarrassing......

Misaki: And, anyway, hey, don't look! Do something about it!

Fiona: Eh? Can you dry it?

Misaki: "I have a fan." Anyway, as soon as possible...... That? Stop a little! The black fan is kind of familiar.

(Top straps pop off)

Misaki: Wow!

(Top straps pop off)

Fiona: Oh! Oh, my God! Oh, the owner? Oh, uh, could you turn to the other side?

Misaki: Ma-ye Why is this one!?

Fiona: That's embarrassing......

Misaki: "I made a mistake" is the owner's baker! Hentai Don't look at me so much!

It's a ♪ patty♪


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Here is Patty' event

Episode 1: Stamp Rally (すたんぷらりー)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、はろはるー♪今日はどこにお散歩行く?特別なお散歩……?「ヴィーナス諸島すたんぷらりー」…………「すたんぷらりー」って、なに?お散歩しながら「お宝」を集めるイべント!?楽しそう!パティ、やってみたい!うん!オーナーさんが呼んだ女の子と、一緒にお散歩すればいいんだね、分かった!あははっ、どんな人だるー?仲良くなれるといいなー♪

Patty: Owner, where are you going for a walk today ♪? A special walk What is "Venus Islands Supanpuri"? Ibernt to collect "treasure" while taking a walk!? It's fun! Patty, I want to try! yes! You can take a walk with the girl the owner called, okay? What kind of person is he? I hope we can get along♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ここで待ち合わせ、ってオーナーはんに言われたけど……

Patty: あなたがオーナーさんの言ってた人!?

Kokoro: ひゃあっ!?……って、もしかしてあなたが……?

Patty: あはっ、やっぱり合ってた!そういう「匂い」したんだ〜♪

Kokoro: に、匂い……?

(Patty sniffs Kokoro)

Patty: ……うん!良いひとの匂い!

Kokoro: 良いひと……?えっと……お、おおきに……?

Patty: あっ、自己紹介がまだだったね。パティは、パティだよ 今日はよろしくね!

Kokoro: ウチは、「こころ」って言います。どうぞ、よろしゅうに♪

Patty: じゃあ、こころちゃん!はやく「お宝」探し、行こ!

Kokoro: はい♪パティちゃんは、まだ島に慣れてないから、ウチが、しっかり道案内しますえ♪

Patty: うん!一緒にいっぱい「お宝」集めようね!じゃあ、れっつごー!

Kokoro: The owner told me to meet you here.

Patty: Who did you say the owner said!?

Kokoro: Oh, my God! ...... I mean, maybe you are...?

Patty: Oh, it was good! That kind of "smell" ♪

Kokoro: The smell...?

(Patty sniffs Kokoro)

Patty: ...... yes! The smell of a good person!

Kokoro: Good people Let's see...... Oh, every other...?

Patty: Oh, you're still introducing yourself. Patty, it's Patty. Nice to meet you today.

Kokoro: I call it kokoro. Please, ♪

Patty: Well, Kokoro-chan! Hurry up to find "treasure", go!

Kokoro: Yes♪ Patty isn't used to the island yet, so i'll show you the way ♪

Patty: Yes! Let's collect a lot of "treasure" together! All right, let's go!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 良い人の匂い……?ウチ、今朝お風呂入ったばかりやけど……うーん……

Kokoro: The smell of a good person I just took a bath this morning. Well let's see......

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: うーん、ここにも宝物の「スタンプ」あらへんなぁ……「木を目印に」って用紙に書いてあるけど、ここ木はっかりやし……もう、オーナーはん、いけずやわぁ。パティちゃんは、何か気付いたことある?

Patty: んー、ヘンな回いはしないけど……あはっ♪あっちの方から、楽しそうな音が聞こえる!こころちゃん、行ってみよ!

Kokoro: えっ?あっ、パティちゃん待って!

Kokoro: Well, here's a treasure of "stamp" i'm not a big thing, but it's written on the paper that says "mark the tree", but here the tree is a big deal. I can't go to the owner anymore. Has Patty noticed anything?

Patty: Well, I don't do weird things, but... I can hear the sound that seems to be pleasant from that side of the ♪. Kokoro- chan, go!

Kokoro: Eh? Oh, patty, wait!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: あれ?これって……

Kokoro: スタンプ!こんなところに……それと、隣に置いてあるのは……音楽プレイヤー?ここから音楽が流れたんやねぇ。

Patty: これ、パティが大好きな曲なんだ〜♪ラジオで流れると、すごく嬉しくなっちゃう!

Kokoro: ふふっ♪パティちゃんがスタンプを見つけられるように……オーナーはん、特なことするわぁ。

Patty: こころちゃんは音楽、好き?パティ、音楽だ一い好きなんだ♪

Kokoro: ウチ?の仕事もあるけど……音楽は、聞くのも、演奏するのも、踊るのも、好きやわぁ♪じゃあ、パティちゃん。一緒に「お宝」のスタンプ、押そっか?

Patty: That's it. Does this mean......

Kokoro: Stamp! In this kind of place...... And what's next to it... Music player? There's music playing from here.

Patty: This is patty's favorite song, ♪ when i play it on the radio, i'm really happy!

Kokoro: ♪ patty can find the stamp... The owner is doing something special.

Patty: Does Kokoro like music? Patty, I like music♪

Kokoro: Uchi? I have a job, but...... I like listening to music, playing, dancing♪ and patty. Stamp of "treasure" together, push

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: やったぁ!1つ目の「お宝」ゲットだね♪

Kokoro: ふふっ、パティちゃんを案内するつもりが、ウチが案内されてしもた。パティちゃん、絶好調やね♪

Patty: うんっ!良い風吹いてるみたい♪

Kokoro: ぱ、パティちゃん!?

Patty: I did it! Get the first treasure♪

Kokoro: I'm going to show patty, but she's been ushered around. Patty, you're in great shape♪

Patty: Yes! Looks like it's blowing in a good wind♪

Kokoro: Pa, Patty!?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あの……そういうんは、オーナーはんの前では、したらあきまへんよ?

Patty: そうなの?なんで?

Kokoro: えっ!?それは、その……うーん……ウチの気にし過きなんやろか……?

Kokoro: That... In front of the owner, i'm not going to be able to do that.

Patty: Is that so? Why?

Kokoro: Eh!? It's that...... Well let's see...... I don't care too much about myself.

Episode 2: The smell of "seriousness" (「本気」の匂い)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: お宝、またまたゲットだね、こころちゃん!

Kokoro: ほんま、パティちゃんはスタンプ見つけるの早いなぁ。ウチとは大違いやわ。

Patty: あははっ、パティ「お宝探し」大好き♪この近くにも、お宝落ちてないかな〜……あれ?あそこに誰かいるよ?

Patty: Treasure, get it again, Kokoro-chan!

Kokoro: Well, Patty's early in finding stamps. It's very different from me.

Patty: Aha, Patty loves "treasure hunting" ♪ i wonder if it's too much for you to fall in this vicinity. That? Is there someone over there?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ふふっ♪第4のスタンプ地点にようこそ!

Kokoro: あれ、モニカちゃん。どうしてここに?モニカちゃんも、ウチとパティちゃんと一緒に来るん?

Monica: いいえ、その逆です♪わたしはこのスタンプの「ガーディアン」……もしスタンプをゲットしたいのなら……わたしと、トランプで勝負です!

Patty: 時負は楽しそうだけど……トランプ、ってなに?

Kokoro: 大文夫、ウチに任せて。バティちゃんは隣で見て、ルール覚えてな♪

Patty: うん、分かった!

Monica: Welcome to the fourth stamp point ♪.

Kokoro: That,Monica. Why are you here? Monica is coming with my and Patty?

Monica: No, it's the other way around♪ I'm the Guardian of this stamp. If you want to get a stamp...... It's a game with me and playing cards!

Patty: Sometimes it's fun, but... Trump, what is it?

Kokoro: Daibuno, leave it to us. Bati-chan looked next to me and remembered the rules♪

Patty: Yes, i understand!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: うーん、全然勝てへん……モニカちゃん、ほんま強いなぁ。

Monica: ふふっ、伊達に「ディーラー」やってませんから♪さ、この勝負、どうしますか?

(Patty smells Monica)

Patty: ……ねぇねぇ、こころちゃん。パティ、この勝負、勝てると思うんだけど……

Kokoro: え……?う、うん。じゃあ、パティちゃんを信じて……!

Kokoro: Well, you can't win at all. Monica, i'm really strong.

Monica: Fufu, i'm not a "dealer" to Date, so i'♪, what are you going to do about this game?

(Patty smells Monica)

Patty: ...... Hey, Kokoro-chan. Patty, I think we can win this game.

Kokoro, e-e- yes. Well, trust Patty....

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: だ、大金星や……パティちゃん、なんで分かったの?

Patty: うーん……何となく?

Monica: ま、まあ、「ビギナーズラック」ということも……きっと……気を取り直して…………ふふっ、今回のわたしの手札は強いですよ!

Kokoro: そんなぁ……せっかく、ウチらに「流れ」が来たと思ったのに……

(Patty smells Monica)

Patty: ……パティ、この勝負も勝てると思うなぁ。出しちゃえ、えーいっ!

Monica: えっ!?ちょ、ちょっと待って……

Kokoro: It's a big venus. Patty, how did you know?

Patty: Hmm... Somehow?

Monica: Well, there's also the "Beginner's Rack". Surely...... I'm going to take my mind back. Phew, my hand is strong this time!

Kokoro: That's... I thought we had a "flow" with all the trouble.

(Patty smells Monica)

Patty: ...... Patty, I think we can win this game. Get it out, eh!

Monica: Oh!? Hey, wait a minute.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あれ?またウチらの勝ち……!?

Patty: あははっ、ルール覚えたら楽しくなってきた!もっとやろ!

Kokoro: That' s it. We win again!?!?

Patty: Oh, i've had a lot of fun when I learn the rules! Do more!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Monica: ま、参りました……

Kokoro: あの、パティちゃん?なんでカード出す前に、モニカちゃんの匂いを喚ぐの?

Patty: んー……モニカちゃんが、ドキドキしてるかどうか、分かるから?

Kokoro: それって……「匂い」で、その人の気持ちや考えが分かるってこと?

Patty: うん!モニカちゃんが「本気」かどうか、パティにはバレバレだったよ♪

Monica: ええ!?そ、そんなのイカサマですー!

Kokoro: まあ、ウチらには似できんことやけど……イカサマとは、ちょっと違うんちゃうかな……?

Monica: 確かに……うん、負けは負けですね!はい、約束通り、スタンプをどうぞ♪

Monica: Well, i'm here.

Kokoro: Uh, Patty? Why do you smell Monica before you play the card?

Patty: Well... Do you know if Monica is excited?

Kokoro: It's a "smell", and you can understand the person's feelings and thoughts.

Patty: Yes! Whether Monica was serious or not, Patty was a valet♪

Monica: Yes!? Oh, that's crazy!

Kokoro: Well, we can't look like that, but... I wonder if it's a little different from the squid.

Monica: I'm sure... Yes, losing is a loss! Yes, as promised, please stamp♪

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: やったね、パティちゃん!

Patty: ありがとう!トランプも、すっこく楽しかった!また一緒に遊ぼうね♪

Monica: もちろん、カジノでいつでも待ってます ……そうだカジノのテープルに香水をつけて、「匂い」が分からないようにすれば……

Kokoro: モニカちゃんも、ほんま熱心やなぁ……

Patty: えへへ……♪

Kokoro: ん?パティちゃん、どうしたん?

Patty: えっと、新しい「おともだち」が、もう2人もできて、嬉しいなって……

Kokoro: ウチも、パティちゃんと「おともだち」になれて、すごく嬉しい♪

Monica: ふふっ、わたしもです♪

Kokoro: ……もしかして、それが、オーナーはんが用意した、本当の 「お宝」なんやろか?ふふっ♪

Kokoro: You did it, Patty!

Patty: Thank you! Playing cards was a little fun, too! Let's play together again♪

Monica: Of course, I'll always be waiting at the casino. That's right, if you put perfume on the casino tapel and don't know the smell...

Kokoro: Monica is really enthusiastic, too.

Patty: Oh, my Good. ♪

Kokoro: Hmm? Patty, what's going on?

Patty: Well, I'm so happy to have two more new friends.

Kokoro: I'm very happy to be a friend of patty's♪

Monica: Phew, me too♪

Kokoro: ... Maybe that's the real "treasure" prepared by the owner. Fluffy♪

Episode 3: Special Treasure (特別な「お宝」)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: スタンプ、いっぱい集まったね、こころちゃん!

Kokoro: そうやねぇ。残る「スタンプ」も、あと一個……ここまで大変やったなぁ……スタンプと引き換えに、「やきいも」を要求されたり……すぐに見つけてきたパティちゃんも、すごかったけど……

Patty: ヒトミさんのお料理クイズも美味し……楽しかったね♪初めて食べたお料理、いっぱいあったなー。でも、お昼もいっぱい歩いたから、またお腹空いてきちゃった……

Patty: A lot of stamps, Kokoro-chan!

Kokoro: That's right. One more "stamp" that remains...... I've done so hard. In exchange for stamps, you may be asked to do "yamomo". Patty, who found her right away, was amazing, but......

Patty: Hitomi's cooking quiz is also delicious. It was fun♪ there were a lot of dishes i ate for the first time. But I walked a lot for lunch, so I was hungry again.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena (OFF): ふふっ、私もすっかり待ちくたびれたわ。

Kokoro: え、エレナさん!?

Patty: わわっ、「手強そう」な匂い……でも、パティも負けないよ!

Helena: ふふっ♪ずいぶんと強気のようね。なら私も、本気で相手させていただくわ。

Kokoro: えっ?エレナさんとパティちゃんが本気の勝負?ウチ、どっち援したらええんやろ?

Helena: ふふっ、本気の勝負だなんて、冗談よ、こころ。私は、すべてのスタンプを集めたあなたたちのために、「特別なお宝」を用意して、待っていただけ。

Patty: えっ、もっとすごいお宝があるの!?

Kokoro: 全部揃えたら、何か貰えるんやろか♪よかったね、パティちゃん。

Helena: そういうことよ。さ、最後のスタンプを押して、私についてきなさい。オーナーさんも、向こうで待っているわ。

Patty: オーナーさんも!?うう、なんかドキドキしてきた……

Helena ( OFF ): Huh, I'm so tired of waiting too.

Kokoro: Oh, Helena!?

Patty: Wow, it smells like "tough" ... But Patty won't lose either!

Helena: You seem pretty bullish ♪. Then I'm going to take it seriously.

Kokoro: Eh? Elena and Patty are serious. Which one do you want?

Helena: Well, it's a joke that it's a serious game, Kokoro. I just prepared a special treasure for you who collected all the stamps and waited.

Patty: Oh, there's more treasure!?

Kokoro: It's good to get something when you♪'ve got it all, patty.

Helena: That's right. Now, press the last stamp and follow me. The owner is waiting over there.

Patty: The owner! Well, I've been pounding.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

(Patty smells)

Patty: ふわぁ……美味しそうな匂い……♥それに、こーんな大きなハンバーガー……パティ、生まれて初めて見たよ……♥

Helena: ふふっ、良かったわね、オーナーさん。一流の食材で作った、最高級のハンバーガー……オーナーさんのオーダー通りよ。

Kokoro: あの、これ、ウチも食べていいん?ほとんどパティちゃんの活躍やったのに……

Helena: 遠底することないわ。これは、あなたたち二人の努力の結果。冷めないうちに、どうぞ召し上がれ♪

Kokoro: じゃ、じゃあ……♥

Patty: いただきまーす!

(Patty smells)

Patty: Wow... It smells delicious. ♥, and a big hamburger. Patty, I saw it for the first time in my life. ♥

Helena: Oh, that's good, owner. The finest hamburger made from first-class ingredients. It's on the owner's order.

Kokoro: Well, can I eat this too? I almost did patty's success.

Helena: It's not going to be far away. This is the result of your efforts. Before it gets cold, have it ♪

Kokoro: Well, then... ♥

Patty: Thank you!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: それにしても、パティちゃん、そんなに、ハンバーガー好きやったん?

Patty: うん!この島のハンバーガー、とっても美味しいってラジオで聞いたから、楽しみにしてたんだ!ラジオ……あれ?そういえば……

Kokoro: パティちゃん、どうしたん?

Patty: あのね、パティ、エレナさんみたいな声の歌を、ラジオで聞いたことある気がして……なんか、こう中が、ぞわぞわーってして、でも、体がぽかぽか温かくなるような声で……胸の奥に、ジーンって響く歌だったなぁ……♪

Helena: ふふっ♪オペラをしていたころの歌が、ラジオで流れていたのかしら?ラジオ越しに聞いただけで、そこまで感じ取れるなんて……私のオペラに招待してみたかったわ♪

Patty: ええっ!?エレナさん、歌手だったの!?

Kokoro: Well, Patty, did you like hamburgers so much?

Patty: Yes! I heard on the radio that this island's hamburgers are so delicious, so I was looking forward to it! Radio...... That? Speaking of which......

Kokoro: Patty, what's wrong?

Patty: You know, Patty, I feel like I've heard a voice song like Helena on the radio. Somehow, in this way, it's creepy, but in a voice that makes your body warm and warm. In the back of my heart, Jean was a song that sounded like a song. ♪

Helena: Was ♪ song on the radio when she was doing the opera? Just listening to it over the radio makes me feel that much. I wanted to invite you to my opera♪

Patty: Oh! Helena, were you a singer?!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: あ、こぼしちやった。おーい、服の中から出ておいでー。

Kokoro: ぱ、パティちゃんっ!だからオーナーはんの前で、そういうことしたらあかんて……!

Helena: ふふっ、また島が賑やかになりそうね、オーナーさん?

Patty: Oh, i spilled it. Hey, get out of your clothes.

Kokoro: Pa, Patty! That's why the owner is in front of the n,and if that's the case, i'll be fine.

Helena: Fufu, the island is going to be lively again, isn't it, owner?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ♪こころちゃんと「お宝探し」、とっても楽しかったなー!

Kokoro: ウチはちょっと疲れたけど……ふふっ、でも、お散歩なら、またいつでも誘ってほしいわ♪

Patty: ほんとに?じゃあ、お腹もいっぱいになったし、今からまた「お宝線し」行こう!

Kokoro: い、今から?えっと……もうすぐ夜やし、明日にせえへん?

Patty: Kokoro-♪ kokoro-chan and "Treasure Hunt", it was so much fun!

Kokoro: I'm a little tired, but...... If you're taking a walk, i'd like you to invite me back ♪

Patty: Are you sure? Well, my stomach is full, and now I'm going to go "Treasure Line" again.

Kokoro: Okay, now? Let's see...... It's almost night, and tomorrow?

Episode 4: A stylish teacher (オシャレの先生)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: あっ、見つけた!「オシャレなひと」!

Patty: Oh, I found it! "Fashionable People"

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わ、わたし?うふふっ、ありがと♥えっと……

Patty: パティは「パティ」だよ、先生♪

Tamaki: 先生……?

Patty: うん!あのね、パティ……先生に、オシャレを教えてもらいに来たんだ!

Tamaki: Wow, me? Uh, thanks♥ uh...

Patty: Patty's "Patty," teacher♪

Tamaki: Teacher...

Patty: Yes! You know, Patty... I'm here to teach my teacher how to dress up!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: なるほどね、オーナーくんからの紹介で……ね、どうしてオシャレになりたいの?

Patty: うーん……楽しいから?パティじゃない「パティ」になっちゃうみたいで♪でもパティ、まだオシャレのこと知ったばかりで……だから、先生みたいな「オシャレなひと」に……

Tamaki: んー、別に「先生」って柄じゃないんだけど、新しく来たと「仲良くなる」チャンスだし…………あ、良いこと思いついちゃった♥パティちゃんの先生になってもいいけど、1つだけ条件♪「先生の言うことは、何でも聞くこと」。どう?

Patty: 先生になってくれるの!?うん、それなら簡単だよ!パティ何でもする!

Tamaki: うんうん、いい返♪でも……素直すぎて、先生、ちょっと罪悪感覚えちゃうかも……♪

Patty: ……?

Tamaki: ふふっ、気にしないで。じゃ、オシャレの「授業」、始めましょっか♪

Patty: よろしくお願いします、「たまき先生」!

Tamaki: Well, i see, the owner introduced you. Hey, why do you want to be fashionable?

Patty: Hmm... Because it's fun? It's like you're becoming patty, not Patty♪ even though Patty just knew about fashion. That's why i'm a "fashionable person" like a teacher.

Tamaki: Well, i don't think it's a "teacher" because it's a good chance to get along when you're new. Oh, I thought of a good thing♥ i wish I could be Patty's teacher, but there's only one condition ♪ "Listen to everything you say." How?

Patty: Are you going to be a teacher? Yes, that's easy! Patty, i'll do anything!

Tamaki: Yes, even if it's a good return♪... It's too straightforward, and the teacher might feel a little guilty. ♪

Patty: ???

Tamaki: Phew, don't worry. Then, let's start the fashionable "class" ♪

Patty: Thank you, Mr. Tamaki!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オシャレになるコツ・その1。「まず、自分を知ること」。

Patty: 自分を知る……?パティは、パティだよ?

Tamaki: じゃなくて♪どんなにオシャレなコーデでも、その人に似合ってないと「オシャレ」にはならないものなの。

Tamaki (OFF): たとえば、その人の体型や、顔つきとかを考慮して……パティちゃん、スリーサイズいくつ?

Patty: スリーサイズ……んー、こないだオーナーさんに言われて測ったけど……いくっだっけ?

Tamaki: そうなんだ……ふふっ、なら、先生が測ってあげよっか♥

Patty: いいの!?じゃあパティ、じっとしてるね!

Tamaki: ふふっ、しっかり「測らせて」もらうわね♥

Tamaki: The knack of becoming fashionable, Part 1. First, get to know yourself.

Patty: Get to know yourself.... Patty, it's Patty.

Tamaki: It's not ♪ no matter how stylish the code is, if you don't look good in that person, you won't be "stylish".

Tamaki (OFF): For example, considering the person's body shape and face. Patty, how old are you?

Patty: Three sizes...... Well, the owner told me the other day and i measured it. It's a good thing, isn't it?

Tamaki: That's right. If you're a good teacher, let's measure it♥

Patty: It's okay!? Then Patty, stay still!

Tamaki: If you're a puffer, i'll let you measure it♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: さーて、まずはバストから……

Tamaki: Well, first of all, from the bust...

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: ひゃっ!?先生、そこは…………あははっ、くすぐったいよー♪

Patty: Oh! Doctor, there it is...... Oh, i want to tickle you♪

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: うふふっ、とっても健康的でナイスなボディね♥さて、次はヒップ……ほらパティちゃん、さっき教えたポーズで♪

Patty: えっと……こんな感じ?

Tamaki: ふふっ、ばっちり♪それじゃあ遠慮なく……♥

Tamaki: It's a very healthy and nice body♥ and now it's hip... Hey, Patty, in the pose i taught you ♪

Patty: Well... Like this?

Tamaki: If you're a ♪, don't hesitate. ♥

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……どう、パティちゃん?いろんなポーズをとってみて、自分がしてみたい「オシャレ」が分かってきたんじゃない?

Patty: たしかに……うん!パティ、今ならもっと上手にオシャレできる気がする!……んー、でも、どんな水着を着たら、自分がしてみたい「オシャレ」になるのか、分かんないや。

Tamaki: ふふっ、そこで次のステップ!オシャレになるコツ・その2は……「他人のオシャレから学ぶ」よ♪

Tamaki: ...... How's it going, Patty? I've been able to see the "fashion" that I want to try to do by taking various poses.

Patty: Yes... yes! Patty, I feel like I can dress up better now. ...... Well, but I don't know what kind of swimsuit i'd like to wear and what kind of "fashionable" I want to wear.

Tamaki: Phew, the next step there! The knack of becoming fashionable is "Learn from other people's fashion" ♪

Episode 5: The smell of "pounding" (「ドキドキ」の匂い)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: ねえ先生!次は何するの?

Tamaki: オシャレのコツ・その2は「他人のオシャレから学ぶ」そのためには、こうやって外を散歩するのが一番♪

Patty: はい、先生!誰かオシャレな人いないかな一♪

Tamaki: あ、噂をすれば……♥フィオナちゃーん♪

Patty: Hey, sir! What are you going to do next?

Tamaki: The best way to walk outside is to "learn from other people's ♪"

Patty: Yes, sir! I don't think there's anyone ♪

Tamaki: Oh, if you're talking about it... ♥ Fiona, ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: こんにちは、たまきさん。……あら?そちらの方は……?

Patty: パティは「パティ」だよ!よろしくね、フィオナちゃん♪

Fiona: はい、よろしくお願いしま……

(Patty smells Fiona)

Patty: ……

Fiona: あの、パティさん?わたくしの体に何かついてますか……?

Patty: フィオナちゃん、なんかすごく「キラキラ」した匂い!なんで!?

Tamaki: パティちゃん。フィオナちゃんはね、大きなお城(うち)に住んでる「お姫さま」なの♪

Patty: おひめさま……「キラキラ」した匂いのひと……?

Patty (OFF): あ、でもフィオナちゃんは、包いだけじゃなくて、格好も「キラキラ」してる……

Patty: そっか!フィオナちゃんは「お姫さま」のオシャレが、ちゃんと出来てるってことなんだね。すごーい!

Tamaki: うんうん、その調子よ、パティちゃん♪

Fiona: あ、あの、ありがとうこざいます。

Patty: そうだ!フィオナちゃんは「オシャレ」するとき。どんなこと考えてる?パティ、よく分かんなくて。

Fiona: オシャレ……ですか?その……オーナー様に喜んで頂けるように……とか……♥

(Patty smells Fiona)

Patty: ……「ドキドキ」の匂いがする!でも何でだろ?

Tamaki: ふふっ、それが、フィオナちゃんの「オシャレ」の原動力なのね♪

Fiona: ドキドキ……はい♪いつもオシャレをするときは、ドキドキしています♥お城(うち)のドレスも、この島での水着と同じで……たくさんある中から、どれが一番喜んでいただけるかと……

Patty: たくさん!?すごーい!フィオナちゃんのおっきな「家」。パティ、いつか行ってみたいなー。

Fiona: パティさんは、どこからいらっしやったのですか?

Patty: パティのおうち?すぐ近くの島だよ♪

Tamaki: ふーん、ヴィーナス諸島出身?フィオナちゃんとは正反対だけど……カワイイってのは一緒かな♪

Fiona: Hello, Tamaki-san. ...... Well well? You're...

Patty: Patty's "Patty" Nice to meet you, Fiona♪

Fiona: Yes, thank you...

(Patty smells Fiona)

Patty: ......

Fiona: Uh, Patty? Do you have anything on my body?

Patty: Fiona, it smells really "sparkly"! Why!?

Tamaki: Patty. Fiona is a princess who lives in a big castle♪

Patty: The smell of "glittering"

Patty (OFF): Oh, but Fiona is not only wrapped, she's also "sparkly"...

Patty: That's right! Fiona-chan is that she's dressed like a princess. That's great!

Tamaki: Yes, that's fine, Patty♪

Fiona: Oh, thank you.

Patty: That's right! Fiona is "stylish". What are you thinking? Patty, I don't know.

Fiona: Stylish... Is it? That...... So that the owner can be pleased...... And such?????? ♥

(Patty smells Fiona)

Patty: I can smell the pounding. But why?

Tamaki: Phew, that's the driving force behind Fiona's "fashion♪

Fiona: I'm excited. Yes♪ I'm always excited when I dress up ♥ the castle dress is the same as a bathing suit on this island. Of all the things, i wonder which one will please you the most.

Patty: A lot!? That's great! Fiona's big house. Patty, I want to go there someday.

Fiona: Where did Patty come from?

Patty: Patty's house? It's a nearby island♪

Tamaki: Hmm, from the Venus Islands? Fiona's the exact opposite, but...... Is it the same as kawaii♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: うーん……

Fiona: どうされましたか、パティさん?

Patty: フィオナちゃんとパティが正反対なら、「お姫さま」のオシャレも、パティには似合わないのかなって……

Tamaki: あら、それは違うわよ♪

Patty: え……?

Tamaki: じゃあ、そろそろホテルに戻ろっか。パティちゃんに、オシャレのコツ・その3、教えてあげる♥

Patty: Hmm...

Fiona: What's going on, Patty?

Patty: If Fiona and Patty are the opposite, the "Princess" fashion doesn't look good on Patty.

Tamaki: Oh, that's not true♪

Patty: Eh?

Tamaki: Well, it's time to get back to the hotel. I'll tell Patty the tips of fashion, No. 3♥

Episode 6: A lot of treasures (いっぱいの「お宝」)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: さて、と。「オシャレのコツ・その3」を教える前に……パティちゃん、脱いでみよっか♪

Patty: ええっ!?……いいけど、何で?

Tamaki: 「先生」なのに、まだオシャレのお手本、見せてなかったでしょ?わたしが、パティちゃんに、特別な「魔法」をかけてあげる♥

Patty: まほう……よく分からないけど、なんかすごそう!お願いします、先生!

Tamaki: ふふっ、任せてちょうだい♪

Tamaki: Well, and. Before i teach you the knack of fashion, "No.3". Patty, take it off♪

Patty: Oh! ...... It's okay, but why?

Tamaki: Even though you're a "teacher", you haven't shown a stylish role model yet, have you? I'll give Patty a special "magic" ♥

Patty: Oh, my Way. I'm not sure, but it's amazing! Please, sir!

Tamaki: Oh, let me go♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): オシャレのコツ・その3はね、「先入観に囚われない」っていうこと。

Patty (OFF): せんにゅうかん……?

Tamaki (OFF): そうそう♪自分に似合う、似合わない……まだ試してないのにそう決めつけちゃ、もったいないでしょ?

Tamaki (OFF): The three tips of fashion are "not caught in preconceived notions".

Patty (OFF): Sen-no-kan...?

Tamaki (OFF): Yes♪ it suits you, it doesn't look good on you. I haven't tried it yet, but it's a waste of time.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty (OFF): パティも「お姫さま」になれる?

Tamaki (OFF): もちろん!ほら♪

Patty (OFF): Can Patty be a princess?

Tamaki (OFF): Of course! Here♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: わぁ……!こんな「パティ」、生まれて初めて見た……♥

Tamaki: ふふっ、パティちゃん、すごく綺麗よ♪これなら、オーナーくんも「ドキドキ」かな♪

Patty: うん、パティも、すごくドキドキする!これが「パティのオシャレ」なんだね、先生!先生、今日はありがとうこざいました!

Tamaki: いいのよ、お礼なんて。むしろ。わたしの方がパティちゃんで、いっぱい楽しめたし♪

Patty: 確かに……最初は「イタズラ」な匂いもしてたけど……でも「真剣」な匂いもしてたから、パティ、すごく嬉しかったんだ!

Tamaki: ふふっ、パレちゃってたか……♥でも、「オシャレ」への道のりはまだまだ長いんだから♪分からないことがあったら、いつでも先生を頼ってね♥

Patty: うん!パティ、もっといっぱい勉強して、先生みたいに「オシャレ」上手になって……いつかオーナーさんにも、パティの「オシャレ」めてもらうんだ!あははっ♪

Patty: Wow... I saw this "Patty" for the first time in my life. ♥

Tamaki: Fufu, Patty-chan, it's so beautiful♪ i wonder if the owner is also "nervous"♪

Patty: Yes, Patty is really excited too! This is patty's fashion, doctor. Thank you very much, doctor!

Tamaki: It's okay, thank you. Rather. I was patty-chan, and I had a lot of fun♪

Patty: I'm sure... At first, it smelled like "prank", but...... But patty was very happy because she smelled "serious"!

Tamaki: Phew, i've got a palais... Even in ♥, the road to "fashion" is still a long way ♪ if you have any thing you don't know, you can always rely on your teacher♥

Patty: Yes! Patty studied a lot more and became "fashionable" like a teacher. One day, the owner will also have Patty's "stylish" Ah-yes♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさん、見一つけたっ!どうしてここにいるのが分かったか、って……あはっ、オーナーさんの足音が聞こえた気がしたから♪えっと、探してたのは、オーナーさんに、ありがとう!って、どうしても言いたくて。パティ、この島に来てから。「お宝」をいっばい手に入れたんだ。こころちゃんと一緒にゲットしたスタンプ♪最後に、すっこく美味しいハンパーガーも食べて……たまきさんには、3つの大事な「オシャレのコツ」、教えてもらった!他にもモニカちゃんにエレナさん、フィオナちゃん……いろんな女の子と仲良くなれて…………オーナーさん?この島に「お宝」って、まだ残ってるのかな?まだまだパティの知らない「お宝」がいっぱい!?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: 「ワクワク」で「ドキドキ」な包い!うん、パティも一緒だよ♪パティ、これからもこの島で、いっぱい「お宝」見つけたい!だから……オーナーさんも。パティと一緒に、とぴっきりの「お宝」、見つけようね!あははっ♪

Patty: Owner, I found it! I don't know how i found out i was here. Oh, I felt like I heard the owner's footsteps♪ so I was looking for it, thank you to the owner! I just wanted to say. Patty, since you've been on this island. I got all the treasure. At the end of the stamp♪ i got with Kokoro-chan, I also ate a delicious humper. Mr. Tamaki taught me three important tips for fashion. In addition, Elena and Fiona-chan... I became friends with many girls. The owner? Do you still have "treasure" on this island? There are still a lot of treasures that Patty doesn't know!?

(Patty smells Owner)

Patty: "Exciting" and "pounding" wrapping Yes, Patty is with you♪ Patty, i want to find a lot of treasure on this island from now on! So...... The owner is also. Let's find the treasure with Patty! Ah-yes♪

2.5 Anniversary: An Anniversary Every Day


DOAXVV All event episodes of 2.5 Year anniversary~Every day is an anniversary~(first half) event

Episode 1: It's your job. (お仕事だから?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): オーナー、入るよ?

Misaki: 水着、着てきたよ。……どう?似合ってる?ふふっ♪なんだか、ゴージャスな感じで……花がいろんなところに付いてて、かわいい♪水着も、フェスの準備も気合が入ってるみたいだけど……今回は、何をするの?「今回は、フェス開始から、2.5周年のお祝い」……?そっか。2周年のお祝いから、もう半年かぁ……あっという間だったような……でも、去年……1.5周年って、お祝いしたっけ?お祝いごとは多いほうがいいって……ま、まあ、それはそうだけど……とか言って、オーナーが楽しみたいだけなんじゃない?わたし?わ、わたしは……バイトだから、オーナーが楽しむなら、一緒に楽しんであげても……いいけど……も、もう!とにかく、パーっとやっちゃおうよ!

Misaki (OFF): Owner, will you come in?

Misaki: I've been wearing a bathing suit. ...... How? Does it look good on you? It ♪ gorgeous feeling. There are many flowers in every place, and cute ♪ swimsuits and festival preparations seem to be in the mood. What are you doing this time? "This time, the celebration of the 2.5th anniversary from the start of the festival" I see? It's been six months since the celebration of the second anniversary. It was so fast. But last year... 1.5th anniversary, did you celebrate? It's better to have a lot of celebrations. Well, well, that's right. Or just say, the owner just wants to have fun, doesn't it? I? Wow, I... Because it is a part-time job, if the owner enjoys it, even if it enjoys it together...... It's okay, but...... Even, no more! Anyway, let's do it with a per!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: あっ、みさきちゃんも、準備できてるわね?

Misaki: あっ、たま姉♪……まだ、飲んでない……よね?

Tamaki: ふふーん♪いくらお祝いだからって、それくらいはね。オーナーくんが来ないと、始められないでしょ♥それに……ほら、この水着、どう?オーナーくん♥パーティー中の勢いで褒める、だなんて許さないんだから♪

Misaki: ちょ、ちょっと、たま姉!?

Tamaki: ほーら、みさきちゃんも、褒めてもらいなさい?可愛いんだから♥

Misaki: か、かわいい、って……それに、わたしはもう、さっき……

Tamaki: あら?……ふふっ♪さすが、オーナーくんね♥じゃ、二人とも行きましょ♪みんな、待ってるわよ?

Misaki: もう。……待ちきれないのは、たま姉じゃないの?早くパーティー始めて、乾杯したいんでしょ?

Tamaki: それもあるけど……ほら、そんな顔しないで♪楽しいことに、大した理由は要らないでしょ?

Misaki: うーん、それはそうだけど……

Tamaki: そうそう♪ほーら、難しい顔してないで、楽しみましょ?

Misaki: もう……しょうがないなぁ……

Tamaki: ふふっ♪バイトのお仕事、だからね?

Misaki: えっ!?た、たま姉、聞いてた!?

Tamaki: ほらほら、行くわよ、二人とも♪

Tamaki: Oh, Miyaki-chan is ready, too.

Misaki: Oh, my sister ♪... I haven't had a drink yet. Right?

Tamaki: No matter how much you're celebrating ♪, that's about it. If the owner doesn't come, you can't start♥ Hey, how about this swimsuit? I won't allow the owner to praise me for the momentum i'm at ♥ party♪

Misaki: Hey, hey, my sister!?

Tamaki: Oh, and Miyaki-chan, please give me a compliment, too. It's cute♥

Misaki: Or cute. Besides, I already...

Tamaki: Oh, my God. ...... Fufu♪ It's the owner-♥, and we're both going ♪ we're all waiting for you, aren't we?

Misaki: No more. ...... Isn't that my sister who can't wait? You want to start the party early and toast, don't you?

Tamaki: That's it, too. You know, don't you look like that♪ and you don't need much reason to be fun, do you?

Misaki: Well, that's right.

Tamaki: Oh yes♪ so let's have fun without a hard face.

Misaki: No more... I can't help it.

Tamaki: ♪ work of the fluffy byte, isn't it?

Misaki: Eh!? Hey, my sister, did you hear that!?

Tamaki: Look, let's go, both of you ♪

Episode 2: Excellent servant (優秀なサーバント)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん、おそーい!マリーたち、みんな待ってたんですよ?ふふっ♪でも、オーナーさんが来てくれたから、これで、2.5周年パーティーの始まりですね♪そうだ!この水着、ありがとうございます♪お花がとっても摘麗で、マリー、すごく気に入ってます♪え?似合ってて、すごく可愛い、ですか?え、えへへ……、嬉しいです♪ありがとうございます♥じゃあ、今日のパーティーは、マリーがサーパントとして、オーナーさんをご案内しますね♥

Marie Rose: Oh, owner, son of a bitch! Marie, everyone was waiting, didn't they? Even in the ♪, the owner came, so this is the beginning of the 2.5th anniversary party♪ Thank you very much for this swimsuit♪ the flowers are very beautiful, marie, I like ♪ very much? It looks good on you, isn't it? Oh, i'm so happy♪ thank you♥ so, marie will show you the owner as a serpant for today's party♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あらあら♪マリーちゃん、それに、オーナーちゃん♥

Marie Rose: こんばんは、さゆりさん!

Sayuri: はい♥こんばんは、マリーちゃん♥オーナーちゃんを、案内してくれているんですか?

Marie Rose: はい♪今回は特別に、マリーがオーナーさんのサーバントなんです♪

Sayuri: まあ、マリーちゃんはお仕事?えらいですね♪じゃあ、お姉ちゃんが何か、お料理を取って来てあげます♥

Sayuri: Oh, ♪ Marie, and the owner♥

Marie Rose: Good evening, Sayuri!

Sayuri: Yes♥ Good evening, marie-chan♥ owner, are you guiding me?

Marie Rose: Yes♪ this time, marie is the owner's servant♪

Sayuri: Well, marie-chan is at work? That's great♪ then, i'll get you some dishes♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: はい、マリーちゃんには、ふわふわのイチゴケーキ。オーナーちゃんには、こっちの甘いチョコケーキです♪

Marie Rose: わぁっ、おいしそう♪ありがとうございます、さゆりさん!う〜ん♥このケーキ、イチゴクリームが官酸っぱくておいしいです♪

Sayuri: うふふっ、よかった♪……あら?オーナーちゃん?お口にチョコレートが……ほら、拭いますから、じっとしていてくださいね♥

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪オーナーさん子、供みたいです♪

Sayuri: あら、マリーちゃんも……

Marie Rose: えっ、マリーも……?ま、マリーはいいです、自分で試けますからっ!

Sayuri: うふふっ♪いいから、じっとしててくださいねー♪

Marie Rose: も、もう……マリーを子供扱い……うう、恥ずかしい……

Sayuri: はい、おしまい♪

Marie Rose: あ、ありがとうございます。でも……マリー、サーバント失格ですね……

Sayuri: あら、どうして?

Marie Rose: マリー、全然オーナーさんの事エスコートできてません。お料理は自分で食べちゃうし、今もさゆりさんに……

Sayuri: あらあら、そんなことないですよ♪ね、オーナーちゃん?ほら、オーナーちゃんは、とっても楽しんでるから、大丈夫です♥

Marie Rose: 二人が楽しそうなのが、一番のおもてなし?そ、そうなんですか?……それなら良かった、のかな?えへへ……

Sayuri: ふふっ♪わたしも、こういうパーティーは初めてだけど、とっても楽しいです♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん♥

Marie Rose: ……でも、オーナーさん。マリーは、サーパントですから……だからマリー。次はちゃんと、エスコートしてみせます!もっと、マリーも楽しんで、みんなが楽しめるように♪

Sayuri: あらあら♥マリーちゃん、やっぱり立派なサーパントね♪オーナーちゃんも、とっても嬉しそうですよ?

Marie Rose: えへへ……期待していてくださいね、オーナーさん♪

Sayuri: それじゃあ、オーナーちゃん♪まだまだ、パーティーは終わりじゃないですよ♪

Marie Rose: マリーも、よろしくお願いします、オーナーさん♪じゃあさゆりさんも一緒に、パーティーを楽しみましょう♪

Sayuri: Yes, Marie-chan has a fluffy strawberry cake. It is a sweet chocolate cake of this place for the owner♪

Marie Rose: Wow, thank you ♪ looks delicious, Sayuri-san! Well♥ this cake, strawberry cream is sour and delicious♪

Sayuri: Hmm, good ♪... Well well? The owner? Chocolate in your mouth. Look, I'll wipe it, so please stay still♥

Marie Rose: The owner ♪ fufu, i want to accompany her♪

Sayuri: Oh, Marie- chan...

Marie Rose: Oh, Marie too. Well, Marie is fine, you can try it yourself!

Sayuri: It's ok ♪, so please stay still♪

Marie Rose: Well, it's already... I treated Marie as a child. Well, i'm embarrassed.

Sayuri: Yes, it's over♪

Marie Rose: Oh, thank you. But...... Marie, you're disqualified from a servant.

Sayuri: Oh, why?

Marie Rose: Marie, I can't escort you to the owner at all. I'm going to eat the food by myself, and i'm still going to eat it myself.

Sayuri: Oh, that's not true♪ isn't it, owner? Look, the owner is having a lot of fun, so it's okay♥

Marie Rose: What makes them happy is the best hospitality? Oh, is that so? ...... That's good, huh? Hehei......

Sayuri: It's my first time ♪ a party like this, but it's so much fun♪ thank you, owner♥

Marie Rose: ...... But the owner. Marie is a serpant. So Marie. Next time, I'll escort you! More, Marie can enjoy it and make everyone enjoy it♪

Sayuri- Oh, my ♥ Marie-chan, it's a fine serpantafter all♪ the owner seems to be very happy, too.

Marie Rose: Oh, my Goi... Please expect it, owner♪

Sayuri: Well, the owner ♪'t finish the party♪

Marie Rose: Marie, thank you, the owner♪ so let's enjoy the party with Sayuri♪

Rough Diamond Glittering Treasures

Episode 1: Let's find it together. (一緒に探そう)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: はろはろー、オーナーさーん♪

Sayuri: うふふっ、おまたせ、オーナーちゃん♪えっと……今回はパティちゃんとフェスのお仕事かしら?ふふっ、よろしくね、パティちゃん♪

Patty: うん、パティ頑張るね♪

(Patty smells Sayuri)

Patty: ……ふふっ。さゆりさん、なんだかとっても優しい匂いがする♪

Sayuri: 匂い?うーん、香水の匂いかしら?

Patty: うーん、よくわかんないけど……ちょっと甘くて優しい感じのいい匂いだよ♪

Sayuri: ふふっ、ありがとう♪パティちゃんは、とっても敏感なんですね♪

Patty: えへへ♪

Sayuri: それで、オーナーちゃん?今日は何をすればいいのかしら?

Patty: なんでも言ってね!パティなんでもやるよ!

Sayuri: ええっ……とエステ用のオイルの香りづけに。お花を探す?

Patty: とってもいい香りのお花……うん、わかった。パティがんばる!お花ならきっと森だよね!じゃあ、さゆりさん、一緒に行こう!ほらほら、早くっ!

Sayuri: あらっ!?パ、パティちゃん!ちょ、ちょっと待って!

Patty: Oh, owner♪

Sayuri: Uh-huh, uh, owner♪ uh... I wonder if patty and fess work this time. Hi, nice to meet you, Patty♪

Patty: Yes, Patty, you're going to do your best♪

(Patty smells Sayuri)

Patty: ...... Phew. Sayuri-san, it smells very gentle♪

Sayuri: Smell? Hmm, does it smell like perfume?

Patty: Well, I don't know. It smells a little sweet and gentle♪

Sayuri: Thank you, patty ♪ very sensitive♪

Patty: Hehei♪

Sayuri: So, owner? What am I supposed to do today?

Patty: Say everything! Patty, I'll do anything!

Sayuri: Yes... And to the fragrance of the oil for the esthetic. Looking for flowers?

Patty: A very nice scented flower...... Yes, I understand. Patty, do your best! If it's a flower, it's a forest! Well then, Sayuri-san, let's go together! Come on, come on!

Sayuri: Oh, my God!? Pa, Patty! Hey, wait a minute!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: うーん、お花のいい匂い、この辺りからすると思うんだけどなぁ。

Sayuri: パティちゃん、みーつけた♪

Patty: Well, i think it smells good about flowers from around here.

Sayuri: Patty, I found it♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: もう、急に行っちゃうからびっくりしちゃった……

Patty: あっ、そうか。ごめんなさい……

Sayuri: ふふっ、元気なのはいいけれど、転んで怪我をしたら危ないですからね♪それで……この辺りにお花が咲いてるの?

Patty: う〜ん?いい匂いがするからここかなぁって思ったんだけど……

Sayuri: 匂い……は、わたしには分からないけど……この辺りは木が多くてお花は少ないから……もっと日当たりのいいところを探しましょうか♪

Patty: そうなんだ!日当たり、日当たり……お日様の匂い……あっちかも!行こうっ、さゆりさん!

Sayuri: はいはい。ふふっ、二人でいっしょに、ね?

Sayuri: I'm surprised that i'm going all of a sudden.

Patty: Oh, that's right. I am sorry......

Sayuri: Well, it's good to be fine, but it's dangerous if you fall down and get injured♪ so... There are flowers around here.

Patty: Hmm? It smells good, so I thought it might be here.

Sayuri: The smell... I don't know, but...... There are a lot of trees around here and there are few flowers. Let's find something more sunny♪

Patty: That's right! Per day, per diem...... The smell of the sun...... Maybe that way. Let's go, Sayuri-san!

Sayuri: Yes yes. Phew, we're together, right?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: わっ、ビーチに出た!

Patty: Wow, i went to the beach!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: こんなところに出られる抜け道があったのね……

Sayuri: There was a loophole in this place...

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: このあたりなら日当たりもいいと思うんだけど……

Patty: あっ、見てみてあそこにお花が咲いてるよ!きっとアレのことだよ!

Sayuri: I think it's good to have sunshine around here.

Patty: Oh, look at that, there's flowers in there! I'm sure it's about that!

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): まあ……♪

Sayuri (OFF): Well... ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: そうね、オーナーちゃんが言っていたお花、きっとこれのことね♪

Patty: やった!早くオーナーさんに届けよ♪

Sayuri: ふふっ、そうしましょう♪

Sayuri: Well, the flowers the owner said, i'm sure this is it♪

Patty: I did it! Deliver it to the owner as soon as possible♪

Sayuri: Phew, let's do it♪

Episode 2: It smells good, doesn't it? (いい香りでしょ?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: さゆりさーん、お待たせ!えへへ、どうかな、これ。パティの宝物なんだ♪

Sayuri: まあ、うふふ♪素敵ですよ、パティちゃんにピッタリね♪はい、さっきのお花のオイルができてますよ♪それじゃあさっそく、エステを始めましょうか?

Patty: わぁ、このオイル、お花のとってもいい匂い〜♪

Sayuri: そうね、とってもいい香り……パティちゃんがお花を見つけてくれたおかげですね♪

Patty: ううん、パティだけじゃないよ!二人でいっしょに、だよ♪

Sayuri: うふっ、そうでしたね♪じゃあ、このオイルでエステ。始めましょうか♪

Patty: それじゃあ、エステも二人でいっしょだね!

Patty: Sayuri Sain, keep me waiting! Oh, please, this one. It's Patty's treasure♪

Sayuri: Well, it's nice ♪, it's perfect for Patty♪ yes, you can have the oil of the flowers ♪ So let's start the esthetics right away.

Patty: Wow, this oil smells so good of flowers♪

Sayuri: Well, it smells very good. Patty found the flowers♪

Patty: No, patty's not the only one! We're together♪

Sayuri: Well, that's right♪ then, it's an esthetic with this oil. Shall we get started♪

Patty: Well, we're both together!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ、ぬるぬるぼかぼかで、気持ちいい〜♪それに、と一つてもいい匂い♪

Sayuri: ほら、お肌もしっとりでぷるぷるになりますよ♪

Patty: わあ、ほんとだ!押してみてもいい!?

Sayuri: ひゃっ♪ふふっ、パティちゃんもえいっ♪

Patty: あははっ♪

Patty: Oh, it's slimy, it feels good, ♪ it, and it smells good♪

Sayuri: You know, your skin is moist and you're going to be a little bit sour♪

Patty: Wow, that's true! You may try to push it!?

Sayuri: Oh, ♪, Patty-chan, ♪

Patty: Ahyes♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あら?パティちゃん、ここにちょっと線り傷が……?あ、こっちにも!

Patty: うん。森の中走り回ったからね!でも、痛くないし平気だよ♪

Sayuri: もう、元気なのはいいけど、女の子なんですから、怪我にも、お肌も気を付けてね?

Patty: は〜い!えへへ、でもこれでお肌しっとりだね♪

Sayuri: Oh, my God. Patty, there's a little line wound here. Oh, over here!

Patty: Yes. I ran around the woods! But it doesn't hurt, and I'm fine♪

Sayuri: It's good to be fine now, but it's a girl, so be careful about your injuries and your skin.

Patty: Yes! Oh, but this makes your skin moist♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: パティちゃん、初めてのエステ、どうだった?

Patty: うん!すーっごく気持ちよかった!あっ、オーナーさん!

Sayuri: うふふっ、エステオイル、どうもありがとう♪えっと……あ、エステの感想を聞きに来たの?えっ、やっぱり後にする?別に今でもいいんだけど……どうかしたの?

Patty: エステ、とっても気持ちよかったよ!ほらほら!オーナーさん、見てみて!パティ、お肌こんなにぷるんぶるんになっちやった!さゆりさんのお肌も、ほら、しっとりすべすべ♪ね♪

Sayuri: ええ、本当に体の恋までほぐれたみたいで、お肌もこんなに……

Sayuri: Patty, how was your first esthetic?

Patty: Yes! It felt so good! Oh, the owner!

Sayuri: Uhfu, este oil, thank you very much♪ uh... Oh, did you come to ask what este thoughts? Eh, i'll do it later after all. It's still fine. What's wrong?

Patty: Este, it felt so good! Hey! Owner, take a look! Patty, your skin has become so plump! Sayuri's skin, you know, is ♪ moist and smooth♪

Sayuri: Yes, it's really unraveling my body's love, and my skin is so...

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: それに、ほらっ♪お肌、とってもいい香り♪オーナーさんにもわかるでしょ?ほらっ!

Sayuri: どうですか?ほ〜ら?あら!オーナーちゃん、顔が真っ赤よ?熱でもあるんじゃないかしら?

Patty: えっ、大丈夫!?でも、オーナーさん……

(Patty smells)

Patty: ……うん!とっても嬉しい匂い、するよ?

Patty: And you know ♪ skin, the owner ♪ smell very good, right? Hey, yo.

Sayuri: How's it going? Oh, my God. Well well! Owner, your face is red. I think it's also a fever, isn't it?

Patty: Oh, okay!? But the owner...

(Patty smells)

Patty: ...... yes! It smells so nice, huh?

Rough Diamond Glittering Treasures: Rock Climbing

Episode 1: It's blue and sparkling. (青くてキラキラの…)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

(Patty smells)

Patty: んー、「お宝」の包い……しないなぁ……オーナーさんが言ってた「お宝」って、どこにあるんだろう……ん?あれは……

(Patty smells)

Patty: Well, the treasure package... I don't. I wonder where the "treasure" that the owner said is. Yee-ye That is......

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Patty: はろはろー!ねえねえ、あなたも「お宝」探してるの?

Honoka: こんにちは。えっと、あなたは……?

Patty: パティの名前はパティだよ♪

Honoka: あっ、オーナーさんが言ってた……!わたしは、ほのかっていいますよろしく、パティさん♪

Patty: パティ、オーナーさんに言われて「お宝」を探してるんだ♪ほのかちゃんも、お宝を探してるの?

Honoka: えっと「青くてキラキラした綺麗なもの」って……

Patty: あはっ、パティが探してるのと一緒!じゃあほのかちゃんも、パティと一緒に「お宝」探しだね♪二人で探したほうが早い、きっと楽しいよ♪

Honoka: そうですね!じゃあ、一緒に探しましょう♪

Patty: れっつごー!あははっ♪

Patty: Hey! Hey, are you looking for treasure, too?

Honoka: Hi. Well, you...?

Patty: Patty's name is Patty♪

Honoka: Oh, the owner said I say faintly, Patty♪

Patty: Patty, the owner told me to look for treasure♪ and Honoka-chan is also looking for treasure.

Honoka: Well, it's blue and beautiful.

Patty: Oh, patty's looking for you! Then, it is surely fun that it is faster to look for "Treasure" with Patty ♪ it is fast♪.

Honoka: That's right! Well, let's look for it together♪

Patty: Gotgo! Ah-yes♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Patty: うーん、やっぱり「お宝」の匂い、しないなぁ……

Honoka: 見つからないですねぇ……どこにあるのかなぁ。

Patty: うーん……考えてると、なんかポカポカしてきて…お日様の匂い…あれ?この匂いって……

Honoka: パティさん、どうかしたんですか?

Patty: あっ、きっとあっちだ!ねえねえ、ほのかちゃん、行こ♪

Honoka: え?あそこって……あ、待って!パティさーん!

Patty: Well, i don't smell "treasure" after all.

Honoka: I can't find it. I wonder where it is.

Patty: Hmm... When I think about it, it's kind of like a pocapoka. The smell of the sun... That? What is this smell?

Honoka: Patty, what's wrong?

Patty: Oh, i'm sure it's over there! Hey, Honoka-chan, let's go♪

Honoka: Eh? That's where it is. Oh, wait! Patty Sain

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: オーナーさんの言ってた「お宝」、きっとこの上じゃないかな!

Honoka: え?この上って……?

Patty: I'm sure the owner said "treasure" is on top of this!

Honoka: Eh? What's up on this?

Scene 5

Note, the dialogue doesn't change from Scene 4, but just transitions to the cliffside.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: え?この上って……?

Honoka: Eh? What's up on this?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Patty: ねえねえ!ほのかちゃん、一緒に登ろ♪

Honoka: うーん、よくわからないけど、わかりました!登って「お宝」探しましょう♪

Patty: あははっ、じゃあ、行こ♪

Patty: Hey, hey! Honoka-chan, climb with me♪

Honoka: Well, I'm not sure, but I understand! Climb up and look for treasure♪

Patty: Oh, then, let's go♪

Episode 2: It's a competition up. (上まで競争じゃ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Patty: ほのかちゃん、ほら、早くいこ♪

Honoka: はい!よーし、わたしも頑張って登るぞー!

Patty: Honoka-chan, hey, come on♪

Honoka: Yes! All right, I'll try my best to climb!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu (OFF): ほう、この上に登るとな……?そなたら、ここで何をしておる。

Honoka (OFF): あれ、その声は……

Nyotengu: ふむ、ほのかと……はて、そなたは何者じゃ?

Patty: ん?パティ?パティは、パティだよ♪

Nyotengu: ばてぃ……?ふむ、おーな一殿が言うておったのはそなたか。ふふ、そういうことなら……よかろう♪らわは「女天狗」。パティとやら、わらわと勝負じゃ!

Honoka: はわわ、「勝負」って……女天拘さんとパティちゃんが?

Patty: えっ?なになに?何して遊ぶの!?

Nyotengu: この岩の上に早く登った者が「お宝」を自分のものにできる。というのはどうじゃ?

Patty: わぁ!面白そう!パティ、やる!

Nyotengu: ふふ、良い返事じゃ♪でも、容赦はせぬぞ?

Honoka: えとえと……じゃあ、わたしは、審判と応援します!二人とも、頑張ってくださーい♪

Nyotengu (OFF): Oh, i'll climb on top of this. What are you doing here?

Honoka (OFF): Well, that voice is...

Nyotengu: Hmm, faint... Who are you?

Patty: Hmm? Patty? Patty, it's Patty♪

Nyotengu Hmm, what did yaichi-den say? Well, if that's the case... ♪ is "Female Tengu". Patty, it's a game!

Honoka: Wow, "game". Is Shea Ten-chan and Patty-chan?

Patty: Eh? Something something? What are you playing with!?

Nyotengu: Those who climb on this rock early can make the treasure their own. How about that?

Patty: Wow! Sounds interesting! Patty, i'll do it!

Nyotengu: Well, good reply, ♪, but you're not going to forgive me?

Honoka: Uh, uh... Then I will support the referee! Good luck, both of you♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: では、覚悟はできておろうな?

Patty: いつでもいいよ♪

Honoka: よーし、じゃあ……よーい、どん!

Nyotengu: So you're ready, right?

Patty: You can always do it♪

Honoka: All right, then... All right, Don!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Patty: わーい、パティがいちばーん♪

Honoka: わあ、パティさん、おめでとう!

Patty: ありがとう、ほのかちゃん♪

Nyotengu: パティと言うたか。なかなかやるではないか♪仕方あるまい、ここはおぬしのものじゃ。

Patty: 女天狗さんも、とってもリズムが良くて、パティ、負けるかと思ってたよ♪ねえねえ、女天狗さん!パティと友達になってよ!

Nyotengu: ……友達?随分と急な話じゃのう。

Patty: えー?ダメ?

Nyotengu: ふふ、勝者の言うことを聞かぬほど、落ちぶれてはおらぬ。まったく、面白い奴じゃ♪好きにするがよい♪

Honoka: あのあの、パティさん、わたしは……

Patty: あれ……?ほのかちゃんは、もうお友達だよ?

Honoka: えっ?じゃ、じゃあ、あのあの……あらためまして、よろしくお願いします……?

Patty: Wow, Patty's a ♪

Honoka: Wow, Patty, congratulations!

Patty: Thank you, Honoka-chan♪

Nyotengu: Patty, did you say that? It's hard ♪'t do it, but it's a good thing.

Patty: The woman's tengu is very good rhythm, patty, i thought you'd lose♪ hey, woman tengu! Make friends with Patty!

Nyotengu: ...... Friends? It's a very steep story.

Patty: Eh? Bad?

Nyotengu: Well, don't fall down so much that you don't listen to the winner. You can ♪ like him as an interesting guy♪

Honoka: Um, Patty, I...

Patty: That's it. Honoka-chan is already a friend, isn't she?

Honoka: Eh? Well, then, that one. Oh my god, thank you

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Patty: んー!いい天気!お日様と海のいい匂い〜!

Nyotengu: ふむ、ここは、わらわのお気に入りの場所じゃからのう。

Honoka: そういえば、パティさん、「お宝」って、どこにあるんです?「この上」ってってませんでしたっけ?

Patty: うん♪パティ、この場所から見える景色が「お宝」だと思ったんだ♪ここなら、空も海も、局くてキラキラしてるかなーって♪

Honoka: なるほどー!確かにそうですね♪

Nyotengu: ふふ、おーな一殿も、枠なことをするのう♪

Patty: いい気持ち……パティ疲れたし、お昼息しちゃおうかな。

Honoka: ほわほわほわー……じゃあ、みんなで一緒に……ちょっとだけ……

Patty: Hmm! Nice weather! The smell of the sun and the sea!

Nyotengu: Hmm, this is straw's favorite place.

Honoka: Come to think of it, Patty, where is the treasure? Didn't you say "up here"?

Patty: Yes♪ Patty, I thought the scenery from this place was a treasure♪ i wonder if the sky and the sea are sparkly here♪

Honoka: I see! That's true♪

Nyotengu: Heh, oh, i'm going to do the frame thing♪

Patty: I feel good... Patty is tired, so I think I'll have lunch.

Honoka: Oh, my God. Well, we're all together. Just a little......

Episode 3: A treasure of the real thing (ホンモノのお宝)

Japanese English translation

Patty: あっ、オーナーさーん♪え?今まで何してたか?えーっと、ほのかちゃんと女天狗さんと、お昼息して、そのあと一緒にお散歩してたんだ♪お昼気持ちよかったー♪お空も海も真っ員でキラキラで……♪さすが、オーナーさんの「お宝」の場所だね!え……?ちがう?なにが?本当に、青くてキラキラした「宝石」を隠しておいた?その場所なら……今頃は、満ち潮で海の中かも?……えーと、つまり?あっ、オーナーさん、どこ行くの?「お宝探し」って……あはは、じゃあ、パティも手伝う♪一緒に「お宝」探したら、きっと楽しいよ!れっつごー!

Patty: Oh, ♪ owner? What have you been doing? Well, I had a walk with Honoka-chan and the female tengu-san, and after that♪ it was nice to have lunch♪ - the sky and the sea were full of people and sparkling... ♪ truly, it's a place of the owner's "treasure"! What......? Wrong? What? Did you really hide the blue and glittering jewels? If it's a place... By now, it might be in the sea at high tide? ...... Uh, i mean? Oh, owner, where are you going? "Treasure Hunt" is... Well, i'll help Patty ♪ i'll be looking for a treasure together, and it'll be fun! It's a great thing.

Vacation after the rain ♪


DOAXVV All event episodes of 'Vacation after the rain' event

Episode 1: Oni Kappa? (オニ?カッパ?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: うーん……あ、あつい……オマエ……この島、ほとんど毎日晴れておるが、もう少し雨が降ってもよいのではないか?ワシは雷は起こせても、雨の方はダメなのじゃ……オマエ、なんとかせんか!

Kanna: Hmm...... Oh, hot...... Omae...... It's sunny on this island almost every day, but may it rain a little more? Even if the eagle can cause thunder, the rain is not good. Omae, i can't do anything about it!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あれ、カンナちゃん、それにオーナーさん。こんにちは。

Kanna: うん?おお、ヒトミか……

Hitomi: だ、大丈夫?なんだか、元気ないけど…………まさか、熱中症?

Kanna: ち、違うのじゃ。そう院てずとも良い……実はの……ワシが登住んでいたところは、6月……この頃になれば、毎日のように雨が降っていたものじゃ。しかし、最近この島は晴れ続き……外で遊べるのは楽しいのじゃが……

Hitomi: なるほど…… 6月は「梅雨」だもんね。でも、最近雨が降らないから……

Kanna: そうなのじゃ!ジメジメして嫌だったはずなのに、いざ無くなってみると、なんだか調子が狂うのじゃ……

Hitomi: うーん、なんとかしてあげたいけど…………それにしても、雨がなくて元気が出ないなんて、 「オニ」というより「カッパ」のような……

Kanna: わ、ワシをカッパ級いするな!ワシの頭にあるのは、サラじゃなくてツノ!

Hitomi: こ、ごめんごめん!そういう妖怪がいるって、聞いたことがあって……

Kanna: む……しかし、カッパのやつがこの島に来ては、3日ともたんじゃろうな……かくいうワシも……気分がのう……

Hitomi: 困ったなぁ……カンナちゃんを元気づける、なにかいい方法は…………え?オーナーさん、何か思いついたんですか?

Hitomi: That,Kanna-chan, and the owner. Hello.

Kanna: Yes? Oh, Hitomi......

Hitomi: Okay? Somehow, I'm not well, but...... No way, heat stroke?

Kanna: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, That's fine. Actually...... The place where the eagle lived up was june...... By this time, it would have rained almost every day. Recently, however, the island has been sunny. It's fun to play outside, but......

Hitomi: I see...... June is the rainy season. But it hasn't rained lately.

Kanna: That's right! I should have hated it, but when it's gone, it's kind of out of tune.

Hitomi: Well, I want to do something about it, but...... Even so, it's more like Kappa than "Oni" to not be cheered up because there is no rain.

Kanna: Wow, don't be a kappa-class eagle! What's on the eagle's head is not Sarah, but Tsuno!

Hitomi: I'm sorry! I've heard that there are youkai like that.

Kanna: Mu...... But if Kappa's guy comes to this island, it'll be three days. In this way, the eagle...... I'm in the mood.

Hitomi: I'm in trouble. There's a good way to cheer up Kanna-chan. What? Owner, did you come up with anything?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: えーっと……オーナーさん、この水着は……

Kanna: おぉ……これは……「カッパ」じゃな!?

Hitomi: 「カッパ」?えっと、さっきカンナちゃんは、「カッパ」じゃなくて「オニ」だって……

Kanna: ムム……えーと、これはそっちのカッパじゃなくての……着る方のカッパというやつで……ま、雨の時に着るやつじゃ!

Hitomi: レインコート、のこと?

Kanna: そう、それな その……「れいん……」なんとか!ふふん……雨の日と言えばこれを来て遊んだものじゃ……なつかしいの〜♪

Hitomi: スケスケなのは、ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……色もカエルみたいで、結構可愛いかも♪

Kanna: ふふ……ヒトミ!早速、外に出て雨名いじゃ!こうしてはおれん!

Hitomi: あ、雨乞い!?

Kanna: そうじゃ……カエルが鳴けば雨が降る、という。ということは、ワシらが鳴けばきっと雨が降るハズじゃ♪ほれ、そうと決まれば、ゆくそ>それ、ケロケロ〜♪

Hitomi: Uh...... Owner, this swimsuit......

Kanna: Oh...... This is not Kappa!?

Hitomi: "Kappa"? Well, a little while ago Kanna-chan said "Oni" instead of Kappa.

Kanna: Mum...... Well, this isn't your kappa. It's the kappa of the person who wears it. Well, it's the one you wear when it's raining!

Hitomi: Raincoat, you mean?

Kanna: Yes, that's it. Huh hmm...... Speaking of rainy days, it's something you came to and play with. I miss you♪

Hitomi: It's a little embarrassing to be lewd, but...... The color is like a frog, too, and it might be pretty♪

Kanna: Fufu...... Hitomi! Immediately, go out and rain name! This is how you are!

Hitomi: Oh, begging for rain!?

Kanna: That's right. It is said that it rains when the frog barks. That means that if the eagles ring, it will surely rain♪ fall, and if it is decided, it will go>It, Kerokero - ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ待って……って、行っちやった。ふふっ♪でも、オーナーさん流石です!カンナちゃん、すぐに元気になって…………わたしがカッパの話をしたから、思いついた?わ、わたしのおかげ?カンナちゃんには窓られちゃったけど…………結果オーライ、かな?えへへ♪……じゃあわたし、カンナちゃんのこと、追いかけますから!行ってきま〜す!

Hitomi: Wait! I did it. Even in ♪, it is the owner's style stone! Kanna-chan, get well soon. Did you come up with the idea because I told Kappa story? Wow, thanks to me? Kanna-chan had a window, but...... Result Orai, i guess? ♪. Then I'll go after Kanna-chan! Let's go!

Episode 2: After the Rain Kaminari (雨のちカミナリ)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: まさか、本当に雨が降るなんて……

Kanna: んー!久しぶりの雨は気持ちよかったのじゃ♪これで気持ちよく夏が迎えられそうじゃ♪

Hitomi: でも、カンナちゃんの雨ごい、大成功だね!雷もガンガン落ちて……びっくりしちゃやったよ!

Kanna: うむ!ワシは「オニ」じゃからの♪本気を出せば、雨を呼ぶくらいできるのじゃ♪

Hitomi: ……え?オーナーさん、なに……?スコールの予報があたった……?

Kanna: こらー、二人で内緒話をするなー!

Hitomi: あの、そのことは……内緒にしてあげてくださいね?

Kanna: それにしても、雨に濡れた後じゃから、カッパは素れるのう……

Hitomi: たしかに、スコール……じゃなくて、雨も上がったし、ちょっとくなってきたね。

Kanna: ええーい、こういう時は一、こうじゃ!♪

Hitomi: I can't believe it's really raining.

Kanna: Hmm! It's been a long time since it rained♪ so it looks like summer will be greeted comfortably♪

Hitomi: But Kanna-chan's rain is a great success! Thunder also fell pounding...... I was surprised!

Kanna: Um! If I'm serious about ♪ is "oni", I can call the rain♪

Hitomi: ...... What? Owner, what...? The squall was forecast.

Kanna: Hey, don't talk in secret!

Hitomi: Well, that's... Why don't you keep it a secret?

Kanna: Even so, after getting wet in the rain, Kappa can be used.

Hitomi: Sure, squall...... But it's not raining, and it's getting a little bit better.

Kanna: Yes, this is the time! ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ふふーん、どうじゃ、オマエー♥ワシ、セクシーじゃろ?

Hitomi: か、カンナちゃん、こんなところで脱いじゃダメだって……

Kanna: えー、ヒトミもさっき「暑い」と言うておったじゃろ?一緒に涼しくなるのじゃ それー♪

Kanna: Hmm, how's it going, Omae♥ eagle, sexy?

Hitomi: Or, Kanna-chan, you can't take it off in a place like this.

Kanna: Well, Hitomi said it was hot a little while ago, didn't she? Well, it's going to be cool together♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ひゃっ!?あわわ、えっと……オーナーさん、ちょっとあっちを向いてて……

Kanna: なんじゃ、涼しくてよいではないか♪オマエも、ヒトミも、これから3人で一緒に泳ぐのじゃー♪

Hitomi: カンナちゃん、せめてほかの水着に……オーナーさんも、止めてくださいよー!

Kanna: ふふーん、オマエはワシの味方じゃから、2対1のようじゃの♪

Hitomi: もう……こらー!

Kanna: ひゃっ、ヒトミの雷じゃー!オマエ、一緒に逃げるのじゃ!

Hitomi (OFF): 待ちなさーい!

Kanna (OFF): も、もう、カエルのじゃー!

Hitomi: Oh!? Wow, uh...... The owner was looking over there for a moment.

Kanna: Well, it's cool♪ Omae and Hitomi will swim together from now on♪

Hitomi: Kanna-chan, at least in another swimsuit...... Please stop the owner, too!

Kanna: Hmm, Omae is on the eagle's side, so it's like two-on-one♪

Hitomi: It's already...... Oh, my God!

Kanna: Oh, it's Hitomi's Thunder! Omae, let's run away together!

Hitomi (OFF): Don't wait!

Kanna (OFF): Well, it's already a frog!!

Rival Festival - Himitsu's Pajama Party

Episode 1: "Serious game" to "one place" (「一途」に「真剣勝負」)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: おはようございます、オーナー様♪

Monica: おはようございます、オーナーさん!さあ、今日も勝負です……!じゃなくて、わたしとフィオナちゃんに、一用があるって聞いたんですが……

Fiona: ふふ♪みさきさんから同いました。確か、次のフェスのお話、だと……

Monica: え?ある意味、「勝負」のお話……?

Fiona: Good morning, owner♪

Monica: Good morning, owner! Now, today is also a game...! But I heard that Fiona and I have something to do with it.

Fiona: It was the same from ♪ Misaki Fufu. I'm sure it's the story of the next festival.

Monica: Eh? In a sense, the story of "game"......?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: わたしとフィオナちゃんの二人が、次の「ライバルフェス」のリーダーに?

Fiona: つまり、わたくしとモニカさんで「勝負」…………ということでしょうか?

Monica: そういえば……フィオナちゃんとは、カジノのお仕事以外で、「勝負」をしていないかも?

Fiona: あの、わたくしではお相手に不足かもしれませんが……お手合わせ、よろしくお願いいたします、モニカさん。

Monica: 不足だなんて、とんでもないです♪「真剣勝負」で、よろしくお願いします!

Fiona: は、はい!あの、わたくし、頑張ります……!

Monica: Me and Fiona become the leader of the next "Rival Festival"?

Fiona: In other words, "the game" between me and Monica.......... Does that mean?

Monica: Come to think of it...... Fiona-chan may not be playing anything outside of casino work?

Fiona: Well, I may not be able to get enough of my partner, but...... Thank you very much, Monica.

Monica: It's ridiculous that it's a shortage, ♪ in a "serious game", thank you!

Fiona: Yes, yes! Well, I'll do my best....

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わたくしと、モニカさんで真剣勝負……あっ、オーナー様……!?あの、今度のライバルフェス、わたくしが相手で、本当に大文夫でしょうか……わたくし、勝負事や駆け引きは、よくわかりません。モニカさんの 「真剣勝負」に、お応えできるのか……え……勝ち負けは気にせず、楽しめばいい……?それが、 「真剣勝負」への答え……ですか?……はい、オーナー様。よくわかりませんが……わたくし、がんばります……!あの、見ていてください♥

Fiona: I and Monica play a serious game... Oh, owner...!? Well, i'm the other party at the next rival festival, and I wonder if it's really Daibuno. I'm not sure what to do or how to bargain. Can you respond to Monica's "serious game"? What...... Don't worry about winning or losing, just have fun. That's the answer to a serious game. Is it? ...... Yes, owner. I'm not sure, but...... I'll do my best.... Well, please watch♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: あっ、オーナーさん!すみません、ちょっと聞きたいことがあって……あの、フィオナちゃんとのライパルフェス、「真剣勝負」って言っちゃいましたけど……フィオナちゃんは 「一途」で強いタイプだから、正面から相手をしない方がいいんでしょうか?え……いつも通りの「真剣勝負」を楽しめばいい……?それが「一途」への答え…………ふふっ♪なるほど!さすがオーナーさんです!この「真剣勝負」、ちゃんと見ていてくださいね♪

Monica: Oh, owner! I'm sorry, I have something to ask you. Well, I said "serious game" with Fiona-chan. Fiona-chan is a strong type in "one place", so is it better not to deal with her from the front? What...... You just have to enjoy the "serious game" as usual. That's the answer to "one stop".................. I'm ♪! It is an owner as expected! Please take a good look at this "serious game♪

Episode 2: Himitsu's Pajama Party (ひみつのパジャマパーティー)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): モニカさん、コーヒーをお流れいたしました。たしか、メープルシロップとホイップがお好みだったと……

Monica (OFF): わぁ、ありがとう、フィオナちゃん!甘くていい香り♪

Fiona: あの、スカートが無いと……落ち着きません。

Monica: ふふっ♪フィオナちゃんとは前にパジャマパーティーもしましたし、大丈夫です♪

Fiona: ふふっ♪では、お言葉に甘えて……♥

Monica: ライバルフェスのあとの「打ち上げパーティー」。二人でリラックスしましょう♥

Fiona (OFF): Monica, we had a cup of coffee. I'm sure you liked maple syrup and whip.

Monica (OFF): Wow, thank you, Fiona! It smells sweet and good♪

Fiona: Well, if you don't have a skirt... I can't settle down.

Monica: I had ♪ pajama party before with Fiona-chan, and it's okay♪

Fiona: In fufufu ♪, i'm not going to be able to say an eup at your words. ♥

Monica: "Launch party" after rival festivals. Let's relax together♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: はぁ……♥

Monica: ふぅ……♥

Fiona: 今日のライバルフェス、お疲れさまでした♥わたくし、とても楽しくて……♪

Monica: わたしも、とっても楽しいライバルフェスでした♪

Fiona: モニカさんの作戦や駆け引き、とってもお上手で……次は勝てるように、わたくしもっと頑張ります♥

Monica: ふふっ♪今回は勝てましたけど、フィオナちゃんの一途でまっすぐなプレイ、とっても強かった……

Fiona: ふふっ♪よかったです♥オーナー様の、アドパイスのおかげです♥

Monica: えっ、フィオナちゃんも、オーナーさんからアドバイスを?

Fiona: えっ、モニカさんも?……ふふっ♪さすが、オーナー様ですね♥

Monica: ……ですね♪

Fiona: Haa...... ♥

Monica: Huh...... ♥

Fiona: Thank you for your hard work at today's rival festival♥ I'm having a lot of fun. ♪

Monica: It was a very fun rival festival for me♪

Fiona: Monica's strategy and bargaining are very good. I will try harder so that I can win next time♥

Monica: ♪ won this time, but Fiona-chan's straight play was very strong.

Fiona: It was good ♪ fluffy♥ thanks to the owner's D'Pais♥

Monica: Eh, Fiona-chan also gave advice from the owner?

Fiona: Eh, Monica, too? ...... Fufu♪ As expected, you are the owner♥

Monica: ...... That's right♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ、あの、モニカさん、本当に良いのですか?二人だけでカジノなんて……それに、この格好……

Monica: ふふっ、鍵はわたしが預かっていますから、平気です♪誰も来ないから、リラックスしたまま「真剣勝負」しましょう!

Fiona: で、では、少したけ……ですよ?

Fiona: Oh, uh, Monica, are you sure you want to do this? The casino is not only for two people...... And this outfit......

Monica: Well, I keep the keys, so I'm fine♪ no one will come, so let's relax and "seriously play"!

Fiona: So, then, a little bit... That's right?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): ほら、早くこっちに……って、あれ?きゃっ、何かがお尻に引っかかって……

Fiona (OFF): ひゃっ、モニカさん、大丈夫ですか?すぐ外しますので……

Monica: あっ、ふぃ、フィオナちゃん、引っ張らないで……えっ、お、オーナーさん!?どうして……!

Fiona: 夜中にカジノが開いていたから、見回りに?あ、あのこれは……ひゃっ、オーナー様、見ないでください、こんな、はしたない合好……恥ずかしいです……!

Monica: も、もう、見ないで!見ないでください、へんたーいっ!

Monica (OFF): Hey, come here soon... What is that? Oh, something got stuck in my ass.

Fiona (OFF): Hiya, Monica, are you all right? I'll take it off soon.

Monica: Oh, huh, Fiona-chan, don't pull it. Oh, oh, owner!? Why......!

Fiona: The casino was open in the middle of the night, so why don't you look around? Oh, that's... Oh, owner, please don't look at me. It's embarrassing....!

Monica: Well, don't look at it anymore! Don't look at me!

Honoka Challenge - The Secret to Stretching -

Episode 1: Stiff shoulders, low back pain (肩こり、腰痛に)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ふわあぁ……ねむねむ……あっ、おはようございます、オーナーさん!わたし、先に目が覚めちゃったから、待ってたんです♪昨日の夜は楽しかったなあ〜♪おかげで、あんまり眠れませんでしたけど……えへへ♪……?なんだか、体中が痛い……?オーナーさん、昨回は朝までずーっと頑張ったから、きっと、肩も腰も疲れちゃったんですね。……そういうわたしも、ちょっと、肩こりが……あっ、そうだ わたし、こういう時にぴったりの「先生」を知ってます!オーナーさんも、一緒に行きましょう♪

Honoka: Fluffy...... I'm going to be a beneer. Oh, good morning, owner! I woke up first, so I was waiting for it♪ I had a good time last night - ♪ was so happy that I couldn't sleep much. ♪.... Somehow, my whole body hurts...? Owner, I worked hard until morning last year, so I'm sure my shoulders and hips were tired. ...... I also have stiff shoulders. Oh, yes, I know the perfect "teacher" at a time like this! Let's go with the owner♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、ほのかにオーナーさんじゃない。こんな朝早くから、わたしに何の用?肩や腰がこって、体中が痛い?しょうがないわね……ほのか、ちょっと見せてみなさい?

Honoka: ……ひゃっ!く、くすぐったいです!

Leifang: ほら、じっとしてるのよ?ここは……ふむふむ、なるほど?

Honoka: えっ、そ、そっちは……!?恥ずかしいですよ……!

Leifang: はい、だいたいわかったわ。次はオーナーさんね?

Leifang: Oh, i'm not the owner. What do you want from this early in the morning? Do you have a stiff shoulder or waist and a pain all over your body? I can't help it. Honoka, can I show you a minute?

Honoka: ...... Oh, my God! It's tickling!

Leifang: Hey, are you still? Here...... Hmm, I see?

Honoka: Oh, that's it...!? It's embarrassing....!

Leifang: Yes, I almost understood. You're the owner next time, aren't you?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: なるほど、こっちはもっと酷いわね……二人とも、こんなになるまで何をしていたの?全身の筋肉がすっかり凝り固まってるわよ?

Honoka: じつは、朝までオーナーさんとずっと……その、テレビゲームを……ついつい熱くなっちゃって。

Leifang: はぁ……そんなことだろうと思ったわ。ちゃんと寝ないとダメよ?それに、ゲームをするにしても、姿勢は正しく!時々は休憩して、体をほぐすこと。いいわね?

Honoka: ……はい、これからは気を付けます。

Leifang: ま、ちょうどよかったわ。これから朝の殺錬の時間なの。太極拳で、その凝り固まった筋肉をほぐしちゃいましょ♪

Honoka: はい!よろしくおねがいします!

Leifang: ……え?オーナーさんは遠慮しておく、って?こら、何言ってるの?ほのかより、オーナーさんのほうが重症よ?普段から運動してないからじゃないの?

Honoka: オーナーさん、一緒に頑張りましょう!ゲームをした分、体も動かさないと♪

Leifang: そうだ 柔軟を中心にするなら、試したいことがあるのよ。オーナーさん、ルナから聞いたんだけど、動きやすくて、バランスの練習にちょうどいい水着……つてあるかしら?

Leifang: Well, this is worse. What were you both doing until you were like this? Your whole body's muscles are all stiff, aren't they?

Honoka: Actually, until morning, the owner and I will always... That video game...... It's getting hot.

Leifang: Haha...... I thought that would be the case. You have to sleep properly, don't you? And even if you play a game, your posture is correct! Sometimes take a break and relax. That's good, isn't it?

Honoka: ...... Yes, I'll be careful from now on.

Leifang: Well, it was just right. It's time for the morning killing. Let's loosen the stiff muscle with Tai Chi♪

Honoka: Yes! Thank you very much!

Leifang: ...... What? The owner said he'd hold back? Hey, what are you talking about? The owner is more severe than the faint? Isn't it because you don't usually exercise?

Honoka: Owner, let's do our best together! The more you play the game, the more you have to move your body♪

Leifang: Yes, if you're focused on flexibility, there's something you want to try. Owner, I heard from Luna that it's easy to move and just right for balance practice. Do you have a stick?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ふふっ、確かに動きやすいし、なかなかいいんじゃない♪

Honoka: はい!それに、とってもカワイイです♪

Leifang: じや、二人とも、鍛錬を始めるわよ!わたしが太極拳の極意、叩き込んであげるわ♪

Honoka: はーい!がんばりましょうね、オーナーさん!……あれ?……鍛錬?極意を叩き込む?

Leifang: Huh, it's certainly easy to move around, and it's not good♪

Honoka: Yes! Besides, it is very cute♪

Leifang: Jiya, we're both going to start training! I'll beat the secret of Tai Chi♪

Honoka: Yes! Let's do our best, owner! ...... That? ...... Training? Do you want to beat the secret?

Episode 2: Ready to move...? (準備達動……?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang: さ、オーナーさん、ほのか。レイファン流の太極学特別授業、始めるわよ!

Honoka: はーい よろしくお願いします。

Leifang: じゃあ、最初は準備運動から。二人とも、その凝り固まった筋肉をほぐしましょ♪

Honoka: いっち、に、さん、し……うーん……!はぁー……

Leifang: ふふっ♪さすが、ほのかは大文夫そうね。それに比べて……オーナーさん?ほら、もっとひざを曲げて、腰も回さないと、柔軟にならないわよ?はい、次は前屈から、後ろに体をそらして……


Honoka: あっ、オーナーさん……!?

Leifang: Sa, owner, honoka. I'm going to start a special class in Tai Chi, a Rayfan style!

Honoka: Yes, thank you.

Leifang: Well, let's start with the preparation exercise. Let's both loosen the stiff muscles♪

Honoka: It's, ni, san, and so on. Well let's see......! Oh, my God.

Leifang: Fufufu♪ As expected, Honoka seems to be a big buno. In comparison...... The owner? You know, if you don't bend your knees more and turn your hips, you won't be flexible, will you? Yes, next time, let's bend forward and distract my body behind me.


Honoka: Oh, owner...!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: はわわ、オーナーさん!まって……!


Honoka: ひゃっ!?そ、そこは……水着のひもが……あ、あの、そのままじっとしててくださいね!?

Honoka (OFF): ふう、間に合ってよかったです……あ、あれ……?

Honoka: Hawa, owner! Come on, come on.


Honoka: Oh!? Well, that's... The string of the swimsuit...... Oh, well, please just sit still!?

Honoka (OFF): Huh, I'm glad I was in time...... Oh, that...?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: こんどは、わたしが……は、はわわわ……

Leifang: ほのか、あぶなーい!

Honoka: This time, I'm... Hawa...

Leifang: Honoka, Abuni!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ひゃあっ!?み、水着が伸ちゃいます……!

Leifang: こ、ごめんなさい、でも、間に合って……あ、あれ……わたしも……!?ちょ、ちょっと……?

Honoka: Oh, my God! And the swimsuit is growing....!

Leifang: I'm sorry, but I'll be in time. Oh, that...... Me too......!? Hey, hey...?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation


Leifang: きゃあっ!?そ、そこはお尻……!オーナーさん!?間に合ったって……そ、そこはダメよ……!

Leifang (OFF): きゃあ!

Honoka (OFF): ひゃあ〜!


Leifang: Kyaa!? Well, there's an ass...! Owner!? He said he was in time. Well, you can't do that.

Leifang (OFF): Kyaa!

Honoka (OFF): Oh!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 結局、みんな落ちちゃったわね……オーナーさん、ほのか、大文夫?って、きゃっ!?み、水着が!?

Honoka: は、はわわ……わたしも、水着が……

Leifang: ちょ、ちょっと、オーナーさん!見てないで、早く上がりなさい!……もう!

Leifang: In the end, everyone fell off. Owner, Honoka, Ohbuno? Oh, my God!? Mi, swimsuit!?

Honoka: Hawa...... I also have a swimsuit.

Leifang: Hey, hey, owner! Don't look, go up now! ...... No more!

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Leifang: はぁ、ひどい目にあったわ……

Honoka: びっくりしました……でも……ふふっ♪なんだか、面白かったです!それに、いつの間にか局こりも治った気がします♪

Leifang: オーナーさんも?わたしのおかけ、って……ふふっ♪調子がいいわね♪まだ準備運動も途中よ?ま、いいわ。今目はこれくらいにしておきましょ 色々あったけど、わたしも楽しかったし。

Honoka: じゃあ、オーナーさん、ゲームの続きやりましょう!今度はレイファンさんも一緒に♪

Leifang: はぁ、あなたたち、飽きないわね……仕方がない。わたしも付き合うわ。それで、肩や腰が痛くなるようだったら、今度こそ、わたしが特訓してあげるんだから♪

Leifang: Oh, i've had a terrible time.

Honoka: I was surprised...... But...... It was kind of fun, ♪ was interesting! In addition, I feel that the station stiffness was cured before I knew it♪

Leifang: Who's the owner? Mykake...... You're ♪ good shape♪ you're still in the middle of a preparation exercise, aren't you? Well, that's fine. Let's keep my eyes this far now, but I had a lot of things, but I also had a lot of fun.

Honoka: Well, owner, let's continue the game! This time, Rayfan-san ♪ with us.

Leifang: Oh, you guys don't get tired of it. I can't help it. I'll go out with you, too. So, if my shoulders and lower back hurt, this time I'll give you special training♪

Very Very Sweets ♥

Episode 1: All-you-can-eat strawberry sweets!? (イチゴスイーツ食べ放題!?)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): オーナーさん、いらっしゃいますか?

Kokoro (OFF): 入りますよ?

Kokoro: あっ、オーナーはん。ウチらを探してるって聞いたんですけど……

Kasumi: 次のフェスのお仕事……ですか?

Kokoro: えっ、ウチらにピッタリのフェス……?

Kasumi: それって、どういうフェスなんでしょ?わたしにできることなら。

Kokoro: まずは、この水着を着て欲しい?

Kasumi: 水着を着たらわかる……?は、はい、いいですけど……

Kokoro: ふふっ♪どんな水着なんやろ?楽しみやわぁ♪

Kasumi (OFF): Is there an owner?

Kokoro (OFF): You'll get in, right?

Kokoro: Oh, owner-han. I heard you're looking for us.

Kasumi: Next festival job... Is it?

Kokoro: Eh, the perfect festival for us...?

Kasumi: What kind of festival is that? If I can.

Kokoro: First of all, do you want me to wear this swimsuit?

Kasumi: You know if you wear a swimsuit... Yes, that's fine, but......

Kororo: What kind of swimsuit is ♪ fufufu? I'm looking forward to it♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: これって……イチゴの水着?とっても可愛くて……

Kokoro: わぁ、かわいらしいなぁ……♪でも、ちょっと、かわいらしすぎません?

Kasumi: わたしは、こういうの嫌いじゃないな♪こころさんも、かわいいと思います♪

Kokoro: えっ……?ふふっ♪おおきに、かすみさん♥

Kasumi: イチゴの水着と言うことは、オーナーさん、今度のフェスは……

Kasumi: What's this? Strawberry swimsuit? It's so cute.

Kokoro: Wow, that's cute. Even if it's ♪, isn't it a little too cute?

Kasumi: I don't hate this kind of thing♪ I think Kokoro-san is cute, too♪

Kokoro: Eh...? Fufu ♪ Okami-san, Kasumi-san♥

Kasumi: The strawberry swimsuit is the owner, the next festival...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 「イチゴスイーツのフェス」かぁ。確かに、女の子はみんなスイーツ大好きやから♪

Kasumi: わたし、イチゴが好きだから、少し楽しみです♪

Kokoro: ……え?それだけじゃない?

Kasumi: 他にも何かあるんですか?

Kokoro: えっ!?フェスが上手く行ったら、イチゴスイーツのビュッフェ!?

Kasumi: あの、それってつまり…

Kokoro: イチゴスイーツ、食べ放題…!ええね♪

Kasumi: こころさん、フェス、頑張りましょう♪

Kokoro: ええよ♪頑張らんとね♪

Kasumi: オーナーさん、フェスが上手く行くように、応援お願いしますね!

Kokoro: ふふっ♪じゃあ、気合入れていくえー♪

Kokoro: Strawberry Sweets Festival. Sure, all the girls love sweets♪

Kasumi: I like strawberries, so I'm looking forward to it a little bit♪

Kokoro: ...... What? That's all there is to it, isn'

Kasumi: Is there anything else?

Kokoro: Eh!? If the festival goes well, strawberry sweets buffet! ?

Kasumi: Well, that's...

Kokoro: Strawberry sweets, all-you-can-eat...! Yes, you know♪

Kasumi: Kokoro-san, Fest, let's do our best♪

Koro: Yes♪ I have to do my best♪

Kasumi: Owner, please support us so that the festival goes well!

Kokoro: Fufufu ♪, then I'm going to put my mind into it♪

Episode 2: Let's go for the other. (おかわりに行こう)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation









Scene 2
Japanese English translation

















Scene 3
Japanese English translation





Scene 4
Japanese English translation























Extra Episodes

Note: The dialogue given when the player avoids peeking in the Live Change episodes (or, in the case of Nagisa and Patty, peeks) are the same as when the girls complete the shower scenes and get a new outfit. Birthday episodes supply 100 XP for the Owner Level.

Main article: Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation/Transcripts/Extra Episodes

Episode 1: A Special♥ Day (特別な♥日)


DOAXVV Nyotengu(2017)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: なんじゃ、オーナー殿。わらわに何用じゃ?その包み紙 … … さては、「ぷれぜんと」じゃな?そうか、今日はわらわの「特別な日」…… 覚えていてくれたのじゃな。ふふふ、遠慮はせぬぞ?

Nyotengu: Did you want to see me about something? This paper wrapped around the object, makes me assume it's what you call a "gift?" So you remembered that this is my "special day." Hehe. I accept.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ひやっ、こ、これはは知っておるが…… !「けーき」は知っておるが…… ふふ 、ーなんと……オーナー殿……美味そうじゃな……では、いただくそ ……?

Nyotengu: Oh my goodness…! I am familiar with this edible "cake" object… Hehe… But wow… It's so big, and looks delicious… I think I'll eat it now.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、「けーき」はうまかったのう……そなたにも分けてやりたかったわ。なんと?一人で食すものでは… …ないのか?どうりで……わらわは、もう満腹じゃ……ふう。人間は「特別な日」にだけ、「けーき」を贈り、食すのであろう。そんなに美味いものなら、なぜ毎日食わぬのか……人間とは不可解なもの 、と思っておったのじゃ。われら天狗は、快楽を我慢などせぬからのぅ。けれど、オーナー殿……そなたからの「けーき」を受け取って、分かった気がするぞそ。「特別な日のけーき」とは、こんなにも、特別で嬉しいものなじゃな。ふふ、これが毎日では、幾らわらわでも、身体が持たぬわ。……のう、オーナー殿♥今宵は、わらわの特別な日を……共に……楽しもうぞ?

Nyotengu: Hehe. The "cake" was delicious. I wanted to share some with you though. What? So it's not to be eaten by one person alone? Well that seems logical. No wonder I feel so full now… Whew. Yet humans only present this "cake" for consumption on one's "special day?" Why would they not eat something this delicious on every day of the year? Humans are puzzling creatures. Us tengu have no reservations when it comes to pleasurable activities. But still… By receiving this "cake" from you, I feel that I've learned something. This "special day cake" somehow produced a special happiness inside of me. And it's something even my body could not handle every day of the year. You know what… Tonight, I would like us to enjoy my special day together.

Episode 2: After the Feast...... ♥(宴のあとで……♥)


DOAX VV Nyotengu special day Scean (뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふむ。皆、宴を楽しんでおるようじゃな♪今日はわらわの 「特別な日」♪昨年は、おーなー殿と二人きりであったが……ふふ、こうやって、皆に祝うて貰うのも、悪くはないのう♪では、おーなー殿?その包みの中身、わかっておるぞ?……さあ、わらわを焦らすでない♥

Nyotengu: Hm. Everyone is enjoying the feast. ♪ today Straw's "special day" ♪ last year was alone with the Lord...... Well, it's not a bad thing to get everyone to celebrate. Do you know what's inside the package? ......Come on, don't tantalizing the straw.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふ、おーな一殿が用意した「けーき」……♪大きくて、美味そうじゃ……♪さあ、今宵は、皆で楽しませてもらおうぞ♥わらわ一人では、食べきれぬからのう。……ん?はて、おーなー殿、この、もう一つの包みはなんじゃ?なに?わらわだけに、「特別な贈り物」……?

Nyotengu: Hmm............ ♪ It's big and delicious...... ♪ come on, tonight, let's all be entertained ♥ straw alone, because it is not to eat. ...... Not So, Lord, what is this, another package? What? Straw alone, "special gift"......?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これをわらわに……?……おーなー殿?覚悟は、できておろうな……?ふふっ、宴のあとが楽しみじゃのう♥

Nyotengu: Better to straw this......? ...... Oh, Lord? Are you ready to Orou...? It's fun after the feast!

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?そなたの「ぷれぜんと」、似合うておるか?ふふ、当然じゃ♥……どれ。少しだけ「さあびす」じゃ。さあ、好きにするがよい♪

(camera flash)

Nyotengu: How about that? Do you look good in your "Puyo"? Well, naturally ♥... How. Just a little "come on." It is good to like it now ♪

(camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 「さそり座」の水着……?ふむ……かすみの占星術で聞いたことがあるぞ?なにやら、毒で英雄を倒した……と。ふふ……では ……今宵は、わらわの毒で、そなたを骨抜きにしてやるかのう?……おーな一殿♥今宵はともに、楽しもうぞ?

Nyotengu: "Scorpio" swimsuit...? Hm...... Have you heard of the haze in astrology? What, the Poison defeated the hero...... And. Hehehe...... And now...... Tonight is the poison of the straw, posible I will make you watered? ......I'm going to have some fun tonight.

Episode 3: Shining Gifts (輝く贈り物)


DOAXVV Nyotengu special day Scene (2019 뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트1)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: おーな一殿、分かっておろうな?今日は毎年恒例の……『あの日』じゃぞ♪ふふっ♪「けーき」は皆と頂いたぞ♪大変大きくて、美味で……一人では食べ切れない程であったからのう。わらわの『特別な日』……だが、おーなー殿のことじゃ。あれだけでは、ないのであろう?ふふっ♪やはり準備しておったか♪今年もわらわのための水着、くれるのじゃな?

Nyotengu: You know what? Today is the annual ...that♪ day♪ "Keki"♪ is very big and delicious. Because it was not possible to eat alone. Warawa's Special Day............ But it's about Lord Oh. That's all there is to it, isn't it? ♪, I'm sure you've♪ prepared a swimsuit for warawa this year, aren't you?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ほう、これはこれは……また、豪春な「ぷれぜんと」じゃのう。よかろう♪わらわへの供物として、しっかりと受け取ったぞ♪……どうした?おーな一殿。「ぷれぜんと」を渡したと思ったら、そわそわして……さては…………その熱い眼差し、ふふ♪言わずともばれておるぞ♥せっかくこうして祝うてもらったことじゃ。期待には、応えてやらねばな?着替えてやるから、……部屋で待っておるのじゃぞ?ふふっ♪

Nyotengu: Oh, this is...... In addition, it is a australian spring "Purezento" in the day. I received it firmly as an offering to Yokaro♪-Warawa♪. What? Oh, my Go- When I thought I had given him "Purezento", I fidgeted. Alright............ That hot look♪, I'♥ ve been exposed to it without saying anything. You have to live up to your expectations, right? I'll change my clothes、...... You're waiting in your room, aren't you? ♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?この水着……そなたの、わらわへの情熱が伝わってくるような……「熱い」水着じゃのう。それに、この石……「とばあず」というのか……この輝きが、高員なわらわに相応しいのう♪……おや?ふふっ♪……そなたも、この宝石が気になるようじゃな♪ほれ……もっと近くに寄って眺めても、構わんぞ?ふふっ♥なんじゃ、今更恥ずかしがって♥わらわと、お一な一殿の仲ではないか♪後からもっときちんと見返すために……写真を撮りたい、じゃと?ふふっ♪仕方がないのう。存分に撮るがよい♪

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: How about it? This swimsuit... Your passion for straw seems to be transmitted. Besides, this stone......or "tobazu"...... This brilliance is worthy of being a high-♪. Oh? Fufu-♪ fu-oh... You're also worri♪ed about this gem. Do you mind if I get closer and look at you? I'm ♥, I'm shy now and I♥'m not sure if i'm the one of the best,♪ i'm going to look back more properly after that. You want to take a picture? I can't help ♪. Take a picture to your heart's content♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ……?どうたのじゃ、おーな一。……せっかく着てやったのに、まだそわそわしておるが………まだ贈り物がある、じゃと?なんとなんと……おーな一殿は、毎度驚かせてくれるではないか♥ふふっ、では、受け取ってやろうぞ♪さあ、早く渡さぬか♥……何?「心の準備ができていない」とな?そなた、一体何を渡そうとしておるのじゃ……?ふむ……仕方がないのう。わらわは寛容じゃ。もう少しだけ待ってやろう。だが、少しだけじゃ……はやく覚悟を決めて……ふふっ♪わらわを、あまり待たせるでないぞ?お一な一殿♥

Nyotengu: ......? I don't know. ...... Even though I wore it with great pains, I'm still fidgeting, but... There's still a gift, then? Well...... I wonder if you'll surprise me every time♥ huh, so let's take it ♪ i'll give it to you, ♥ you're going to pass it on soon. What? I'm not ready for my heart. What the hell are you trying to give me? Hm...... I can't help it. Warawa is tolerant. I'll wait a little longer. But just a little... I made up my mind to do it quickly. Don't make ♪ warawa wait too long, does he? One-♥

Episode 4: You can't miss it. (逃しはせぬぞ)


DOAXVV Nyotengu special day Scene (2019 뇨텐구 스페셜데이 이벤트2)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Nyotengu after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: どうじゃ?おーな一殿。……もう、覚悟は決めたのであろうな?わらわをこれだけ待たせたのじゃ……良いものでなけサれば、承知せんぞ?ふふっ♪……なんじゃ?思いつめたような顔をして……

Nyotengu: How about it? Oh, my Go- ...... You've already decided on your resolution, aren't you? I'm not going to let you wait this long. If you're good, you'll know? Fufu-♪ fu-oh... What's that? With a face that seems to have been thought of...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: これは……指輪、か……?……ふふっ。これはまた、大胆な贈り物じゃのう?わらわは人間ではないが……人間が指輪を贈る意味くらい、知っておるぞ?……ふふっ♪良かろう♥おーな一殿の覚悟……受け取ってやろうぞ♪

Nyotengu: This is...... Ring, or...? ...... Huh. Is this also a bold gift? Warawa is not human, but... Do you know what it means for a human to give you a ring? ...... ♪ Fufu-Yoshi-ka-♥-o-no-i-den's resolution. I'll take it♪.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: 千年の間、生きてきたが……このような贈り物を受け取るとは、思うても見なかった。「指輪」は、人間の親愛を示すもの……じゃが、「人を縛る」という意味もあると聞く。そなたはどうなのじゃ?お一な一殿♥……ふふっ♥わらわは、誰かに縛られたりはせぬ。虜にして縛るのは、わらわの方じゃ。……これからも、逃しはせぬぞ?「覚悟」は、できておるのじゃな?ふっふっふっ……♥

Nyotengu: I've lived for a thousand years, but... I didn't even see it as if I were going to receive such a gift. The ring is a sign of human affinity. But I hear that there is also a meaning of "binding people". What about you? ♥ one of the best. ♥ You can't be tied up by someone. It is the one of Warawa who is the one who is captivated and bound. ...... You're not going to miss it from now on, are you? "Preparation" is made, isn't it? Huh-fu... ♥

Episode 5: I Just Have To Give It To You…? (渡せばよいのか…?)

First Version


Nyotengu Valentine Gift

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ちょ、ちょっと、よいか?これを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: Um, do you have a moment? This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Nyotengu extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ちょ、ちょっと、よいか?これを… …その、渡せばよ… …いのか?「ばれんたいん」… …というのは… …き、気に入ってもらえると、良いのじゃが… …お、オーナー殿… …では、また明日、な。

Nyotengu: Um, do you have a moment? This…do I simply give this to you? "Valentine"…or so it is called… I hope. I do hope it is to your liking… B-boss… See you tomorrow, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、そなた、わらわと二人きりで何をするつもりじゃ?♥ふふっ、遠慮はいらぬぞ?♥

(Camera flash)

Nyotengu: Heheh… What do you intend to do with me, while we're all alone, hm? Heheh… Don't be bashful ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふふ、満足したか?♥

Nyotengu: Heheheh… Satisfied? ♥

Episode 6: Kokoro's Birthday (こころの誕生日)


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene (코코로 2017 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あら、オーナーはん、こんばんはー。すぐお茶でもお入れします… …あら?そんな大きな包み抱えて、どないしはったんですか?… …あっ、ひょっとして… …?ふふつ、ウチはなーんも、知りません♪ … …なんやろなぁ。楽しみやなあ。ふふっ。

Kokoro: Oh, good evening, boss. Let me get you some tea… Oh? Why are you holding that huge package? …Oh, could it be…? Hehe, I had no idea at all ♪ …What could it be? I can't wait to find out. Hehe.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: わぁ!おおきなケーキ!ウチのお誕生日、憶えててくれはったんですね?嬉しいわぁ。さすが、オーナーはん。ほんま、おおきに♥バカンスに来て、お誕生日をお祝いしてもらえるだなんて、夢みたい♥それも、こんなおおきなケーキで、お母さん以外の人と。なんか不思議な感じ。でも… …こんなうれしいこと、独り占めしたら、あきまへんよね。ケーキも食べきれないし、みんなも呼んで、ぱーっとお祝いしましょか。そうだ♥その前に… …ふふつ。せっかくの誕生日だし… …ちょっとだけ、独り占めしてもええですか?もうちょっとだけ、こうやって、… …近くで眺めさせてくださいね。おーなーはん♥

Kokoro: Wow! What a huge cake! You remembered my birthday? I'm so happy. You sure know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you so much ♥ Coming here on vacation and having someone celebrate my birthday for me, it's like a dream ♥ To top it off, it's with someone other than my mom, and with such a huge cake. It feels somewhat strange. But… I mustn't keep this happiness all to myself. And we can't finish the cake by ourselves anyway. How about we round up the other girls for a party? Ah, that's right ♥ Before we do that… Hehe. It is my birthday, after all… I can have you all to myself, for just a bit longer, right? Just a little longer, like this, …let me gaze upon you from up close. Boss ♥

Episode 7: Just to Sagittarius...... (射手座だけに……)


DOAX VV Kokoro Birthday Scean (코코로 2018 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪今年も、ウチのお誕生日をお祝いしてもろうて、ほんま、おおきに♥それにしても、一年、あっという間やったなぁ……盆踊りで汗かいたり、悪役のマネしてみたり、みんなの「ヒミツ」を教えてもろたり……♥楽しかったなぁ♪ほんま、ええ思い出やわ♥オーナーはんのおかげで、楽しく過ごせました。これからも、よろしゅうお願いしほす♪ん?その大きな箱は……あっ♥

Kokoro: This year, I'll be celebrating my birthday, Honma, Ookini ♥ It's a year, I've done it so quickly...... Or sweat in the Bon Dance, or try to imitate the villain, and teach everyone's "secret"...... ♥ It was fun, thanks to Honma and memories. From now on, please Shiho ♪ That big box...... ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: やっぱり、オーナーはんのお誕生日ケーキ♪今年も、貰えて嬉しいです。おおきに♥ふふっ♪大きくて二人では食べきれませんし、去年みたいに、みんなでー緒に食べて、ぱ〜っと騒ぎましょ♪

Kokoro: After all, I am glad to have gotten the owner's birthday cake ♪ this year. Ookini ♥ It's big and we can't eat together, and like last year, we all ate together and let's have some fuss!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あー、楽しかった♪オーナーはん、今日はほんまにおおきに。こんな楽しいパーティーしてもらえるなんて、……気が早いですけど、来年が楽しみです♪……?もう一つ?なんやろ、この包み。ふふっ、パーティーの「おみや」かな?

Kokoro: Oh, it was fun, owner, and I Ookini to Honma today. I 、...... to have such a fun party. I'm feeling very fast, but I'm looking forward to next year...? One more? Oh, this package. Hmm, is it the party?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ひゃっ、これ……かわいい水着……「いて座」デザインの水着……?ほな、これ、ウチのために?ええんですか?もう、さっきケーキもろたから油断してました……オーナーはんの、いけず♪でも、おおきに♥また、着させてもらいますね?ほな……おやすみです。オーナーはん♪

Kokoro: Oh, this... Cute swimsuit...... swimsuit of "Sagittarius" design...? So, this, for me? Yes? I was just off guard from the cake...... The owner of the Ookini, but I'm going to wear it. So...... Good night. Owner-chan!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: こんばんは♪

Kokoro: Good evening!

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: びっくりしました?いけずのお返しです♪なんて……我慢できすに、すぐ着たくなってしもて。かわいい水着で、オーナーはんにも見てもらいたいなあって。ちょっと……恥ずかしいですけど……どないです?似合うでますか?えっ?……お誕生日の記念撮影?ま、まあ……お礼やし……え、ええですよ?はい、どーぞ……

(camera flash)

Kokoro: Were you surprised? I don't know how to repay you. It is possible to endure, and it becomes wanting to wear it soon. I want the owner to see it in a pretty swimsuit. A little...... It's embarrassing, but... No? Do you look good? Eh? ...... A commemorative photo of your birthday? Oh, well... Thank you... Oh, yeah? Yes, I don't...

(camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: は一、恥ずかしかった……でも、可愛い水着でお誕生日の写真……ええ記念になりました。お母さんにも送ろうかな♪……この水着で、オーナーはんの心も射抜けました?『いて座の水着』だけに……ふふっ♪……?聞こえなかったから、もう一回?オーナーはん、お笑いと恋の言葉は、聞き返したらあきまへん♪え?いまのはどっちか……?……ふふっ♪さあ?ほな、オーナーはん、今日はほんま、おおきにでした♥これからも、よろしゅうお願いします。

Kokoro: was one, embarrassed...... But, the photograph of the birthday in a pretty swimsuit...... Yes, it was a memorial. I might as well send it to mother. Did you Shoken the owner's heart in this swimsuit? Only in the swimsuit of Sagittarius...... Ugh...? I didn't hear you. Owner, and the words of love and laughter, if you clarification Akiman ♪ eh? Now, which one is...? ...... Ugh! Well, owner, today was Honma, Ookini.

Episode 8: Memories I want to leave (残したい思い出)


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene1 (코코로 2019 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪こんばんは♪毎年オーナーはんやみんなに誕生日祝ってもろうて……ふふっ♪ほんま、楽しいです♪あと、今年もケーキ、おおきにです。一人じゃ食べ切れない程、立派なもの頂いて…………?ケーキだけじゃなくて……もう一つ、プレゼント?

Kokoro: The owner ♪ happy to celebrate every year'♪ s birthday to everyone. ♪ really, it's fun♪ after this year," it's a cake, and it's all right. I got something so splendid that I couldn't eat it by myself. It's not just the cake. One more present?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: あっ!これ……オーナーはん♪この中身、当ててみてええですか?ひょっとして……ウチのための水着、ちがいますか?当たりですか?やったぁ♪ふふっ♪オーナーはんいつも頑張ってくれはるから。じつはウチ、ちょっと期待してたんです♥証生日は、一年に一度やから……ええもん調えて、週しいです。あ、あの、買って当たり前、言うのとは違いますよ?ウチ、去年の水着すごくうれしくて……それで、あの……ね?今年も、買えたらええなー、って……その……も、もう、オーナーはん……!黙ってないで、なんか言うてください…………えっ!?着替えて、見せてほしい……?ここでそんなこと言われたら……ウチ、断られへんです。もう、いけずやわぁ…………なんて、せっかくええもん買ったんですから、断ったりしたらバチがあたりますね。はい、ええですよ♪本当は、ウチも、早く着てみたかったんです♥

Kokoro: Oh! This...... The owner♪ is the owner, and the contents of this, is it e?g?d.? By any chance...... Is there a different swimsuit for me? Is it a hit? ♪ The owner ♪ always do his best. Actually, I was expecting a little bit of it,♥ but the day of the testimony was once a year. Well, it's been a week. Oh, well, it's not the same as buying it and saying it' right? I was so happy with last year's swimsuit. So, uh... Right? I wish I could buy it again this year. That...... Well, already, the owner...! Don't shut up, just say something. What!? I want you to change your clothes and show me...? If you say that here... I'm being refused. I can't do it anymore. Oh, I bought eemon with great pains, so if you refuse, the bee will hit you. Yes, yes♪ I really wanted to wear it early♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはーん♪水着、着てみました♪……似合ってます?それに、この石……「ラピスラズリ」、ですか?吸い込まれそうな青色で……きれい……じゃあ、オーナーはん♥お写真、お願いします♪ふふっ♪たまには、ウチからお願いしてもええですよね♪この水着と、思い出、ちゃーんと残しておきたいですから。お願い、できますか?

(camera flash)

Kokoro:♪ The owner tri♪ed to wear a swimsuit. Does it look good on you? And this stone......"Lapis Lazuli"? In blue that seems to be sucked in...... Clean...... Then, the owner ♥ a photograph,♪ please, please, please, once in a ♪, it is OK to ask from my house♪ I want to leave this swimsuit and memories, chan. Can you please?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真を撮られるの、やっぱり、ちょっと恥ずかしいですけど……でも、こうやって一つずつ、思い出が増えてくようで……嬉しいです。じゃあ、オーナーはん。今日はおおきにです♥また…………えっ?まだ、渡すものがある……?でも、あとで渡すから、もう少し待って欲しい……?……なんか、ようわからへんけど……でも、オーナーはんが言うなら……ウチ、待ってますから。

Kokoro: It's a bit embarrassing to be photographed, but... But like this, one by one, memories seem to increase. I'm glad. Well then, the owner. It's a big day today♥ again...... What? Still have something to pass on...? But I'll give it to you later, so I want you to wait a little longer...? ...... I don't know, but... But if the owner says... I'll be waiting for you.

Episode 9: The sky of the ring color (瑠環色の空)


DOAXVV Kokoro Birthday Scene2 (코코로 2019 생일 이벤트2)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Kokoro after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♪お約束の時間ですよ?ふふっ♪後ろの手に持ってるもの……渡してください♪

Kokoro: It'♪ s time for the owner to promise you, isn't it? What ♪ in the back of the fufu... Please pass it on♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: ひゃっ!?あ、あの、これ、指輪……!?その、ウチ、ビックリして……もうてなんていえばええんやろ……受け取ってくれるかって……?……ふふっ。オーナーはんの顔みたら、なんか分からへんけど……安心しました。おおきに、オーナーはん。受け取らせてもらいます。

Kokoro: Oh, my God!? Oh, this is a ring...? I was surprised. If i say anymore, I'm not going to be able to do that anymore. You want me to take it...? ...... Huh. When I look at the owner's face, I don't know what it is, but... I was relieved. Oh my Go, the owner. I'll have you receive it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 指輪も、綺麗な青色で……まるで、この島の夜空みたい…………あっ!もしかして……待ってて欲しかったのって、そのためですか?ふふっ♥オーナーはん、粋なことしはります。……ふふっ♥でも、指輪の色と比べると……まだちょっと暗すぎると思いません?だから……もう少し明るくなって……空が指輪の色と一緒になるまで……ね?うふふっ♪

Kokoro: The ring is also in beautiful blue. It's like the night sky of this island. Oh, my God! If...... Is that why you wanted me to wait? The owner ♥ fufu, it's cool. ...... Even if it's ♥, compared to the color of the ring... Don't you think it's still a little too dark? So...... It's a little brighter. Until the sky is with the color of the ring...... Right? Ufufu-♪ an

Episode 10: My Feelings… (ウチの気持ち…)

First version


DOAXVV Kokoro Valentine Event

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♥ちょっとお話し、ええですか?あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Boss ♥ Do you have a minute? Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Kokoro extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: オーナーはん♥ちょっとお話し、ええですか?あ、あの、これ… …ウチの気持ちです、受け取ってくれたら、うれしいです… …ふふっ、受け取ってくれてよかったです。お、オーナーはん…おおきに!

Kokoro: Boss ♥ Do you have a minute? Um, how should I put this… I'd like to express my feelings through this. So I hope you accept it… Hehe. I'm glad you accepted it. Um, Boss… Thanks for everything!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真ですか?わかりました。かわいく、撮らてくださいね。オーナーはん、誰も見てないからって、いけすせんといてくださいね?

(Camera Flash)

Kokoro: Pics? Of course. Just be sure to take cute ones, okay? I know nobody's watching, but still… Don't take anything nasty, okay?

(Camera Flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 後でウチにも、見せてくださいね?

Kokoro: Be sure to show them to me later.

Episode 11: Sparkling Costume (キラキラな衣装)




DOAXVV All event episodes of Messenger from the moon -second half- event (English)

Note: This episode is only an Extra Episode in the DMM version of the game. In the Steam Version, it is an Event Episode.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナでんだ!こんにちは、オーナーさん。マリーに何がご用ですか?プレゼント?やったー!なんだろう。楽しみです!

Marie Rose: Oh, it's you! Hi boss, were you looking for me? A present? Awesome! What could it be?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose:わぁ!マリー、このお話ス好きなんです!主人公の女の子が、まだハさいのに強くて、凜々しくて、とっても可愛いの!このお話、オーナーさんも読んでるんですか?ふーん、大人なのに… …… …そうだ!オーナーさん、この主人公の女の子、どんな格好してると思いますか?マリーは、きっと、キラキラでかわいい衣装だと思うんです!だから、オーナーさん。マリーに、この女の子が着ていると思う水着、選んでくれませんか?じゃぁ。お願いしますね。

Marie Rose: Oh my gosh! I love this story! The heroine is still young, but she's tough, respected, and super cute! Have you read this story, too? Really? But you're an adult... Oh yeah! What do you think the girl in this story is wearing? It's probably something shiny and cute! So I'm wondering... Would you pick out a swimsuit for me, that you think the girl in the story might wear? Okay, I'm counting on you.

Scene 3

Note: Marie Rose's lines from here onward depend on whether or not she has the Princess Rosetta SSR or is wearing it.

Japanese English translation

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: どうてすか?似合ってますか?

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta SSR

Marie Rose: じゃーん♥

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: Well? Does it look okay?

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta SSR

Marie Rose: Ta-dah! ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: ふーん、オーナーさんは、とこんなふうに想像してたんた。マリーの想像とはちはっと逼らたくけど… …オーナーさんが選んでくれたものですから。マリー、あの主人公の女の子みたいに… …この水着が似合うように、頑張りますね。ありがとう、オーナーさん♪

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta outfit

Marie Rose: さすがオーナーさんですね!キラキラで、とってもかわいいい水着!マリーが想像してた女の子にピッタリ!ふふっ、マリーにも似合ってるといいなぁ。……オーナーさんとマリーって、気が合うんですね♪ありがとう、オーナーさん♥

If the owner has her wearing an outfit other than Princess Rosetta

Marie Rose: Hmm. So this is exactly what you imagined. It's a little different from what I had in mind. But since you picked it out for me... I'll do my best to look good in it, just like the heroine in that story. Thank you so much!

If the owner has her wearing the Princess Rosetta outfit

Marie Rose: I knew you'd get it right! This swimsuit is shiny and super cute! Just like I imagined the girl in the story would wear! I hope it looks good on me too... You know, I think you and I really hit it off! ♪ Thank you so much.

Episode 12: a big battle at the end of the year (年の終わりの大勝負)


DOAXVV Monica Birthday Scene1 (모니카 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんばんは、オーナーさん!探してたんですよ♪一年の締めくくりに今年最後の勝負なんて、どうですか?えっ?ちょうどわたしを呼びに行くところだった?ふふっ、奇遇ですね♪それじゃあ、今年最後の真剣勝負、お願いします!

Monica: Good evening, owner! I was looking for♪ you to finish the year and how about the last game of the year? What? Was you just going to call me? Huh, it's a miracle♪, then, this year's last serious game, please!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: この勝負、わたしの勝ちですね!これで、今年は私の勝ち越しですね!おかげで気持ちよく新年を迎える事が出来そう♪えっ?来年こそは勝ち越してみせる?来年も……ふふっ♪そう簡単には負けないんですから♪あっ、もうすぐ、その来年!12時ですよ♪

Monica: This is my victory! Now, this year is my victory! Thanks to you, i'm going to be able to celebrate the New Year comfortably, can♪ You? Will we win next year? Next year, too... It's not so easy ♪ to lose♪ so soon, next year! It's 12 o'clock♪.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: 明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いしますね、オーナーさん♪えっ?渡したいものがあるって?もしかして、日本のお年玉……とか?もう!わたしは子供じゃないんですから……

Monica: Happy New Year. Thank you again this year, the owner ♪ eh? What do you want to give me? By any chance, the Japanese New Year's gift... And such? No more! I'm not a child.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: えっ、ケーキですか?あっ!わたしのお誕生日!わ、忘れてました……じゃあ、もしかして……さっき、わたしを呼びに行こうとしていたのは、この為に?……あ、ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪えへへ、びっくりしちゃいました♪年越しで、テンションが上がっちゃってて、いつも忘れちゃうんですよね……オーナーさんは、ちゃんと覚えてくれていたんですね……ケーキまで用意してくれて。えっ?ケーキだけじゃない?

Monica: Eh, is it a cake? Oh, my God! My Birthday! Wow, I forgot. Well, maybe...... Was this why you were going to call me? ...... Oh, thank you, the owner ♪, I was surprised ♪ New Year's Eve, tension is up, I always forget ... The owner remembered me well. Even the cake is prepared. What? It's not just the cake, is it?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: わぁ!これって新しい水着ですか!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪ふふっ、オーナーさんの考えはお見通しですよ♪ちょっと待っててくださいね♪

Monica: Wow! Is this a new swimsuit!? Thank you,♪ the owner,' mr. Fufu, the owner's idea is a prospect♪♪.

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Monica: どうですか♥決まってますか?えへへ、よかった♪えっ?記念に写真を撮りたい、ですか?もちろん、いいですよ♪勝ち越し記念もかねて♪

(camera flash)

Monica: How♥ are you sure? Ehehe, good♪, good? Do you want to take a picture in commemoration? Of course, it's okay♪ i can't even celebrate the victory♪

(camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんなに崎麗な水着まで……ありがとうございました。オーナーさん。え?これから、年始めの勝負……?……気分を変えて、外で勝負がしたい?もちろん、受けて立ちます!ディーラーは勝負から逃げませんから♪ふふっ。場所を変えても、わたしの勝ちですよ♪それじゃあ、行きましょう、オーナーさん♪

Monica: Such a beautiful swimsuit... Thank you very much. The owner. What? From now on, the game of the beginning of the year ...? ...... Do you want to change your mood and play outside? Of course, I'll take it and stand! The dealer doesn't run away from the game♪ Even if I change the place, it is my victory♪♪.

Episode 13: The game is fair. (勝負はフェアに)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Monica after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Monica Birthday Scene2 (모니카 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ここで勝負を?いいですよ。ふふっなんだか、静かな夜……一年の最初の勝負には、ピッタリですね♪さぁ、勝負を始めましょう!……?オーナーさん、後ろに何か隠してませんか?もう、真面目なふりをしてもダメです。イカサマは無しですよ?

Monica: Where are you playing? That's ok. It's a quiet night. For the first game of the year, it's perfect♪ let's start the game! ......? Owner, don't you hide something behind you? It is no good to pretend to be serious anymore. No Ikasama, right?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: えっ!?こ、これ、指輪……?受け取ってほしい、って……だって、勝負するって話じゃ……えっ?受け取ってもらえないのかって?そ、そんな事ありません!あ、あの、じゃあ……

Monica: Eh!? This is a ring...? I want you to take it. Because it's a story about winning. What? Can't you take it? Well, that's not the case! Oh, well, then...

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: こんな……その、大切な贈り物、初めてだから嬉しくて……あ、ありがとうございます……

Monica: This is... I'm happy because it's the first time for me to give you that important gift. Oh, thank you.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Monica: ところで、オーナーさん。ここに来た理由って、たしか、勝負の続き、でしたよね?えっ?指輪を受け取ってもらえるかどうか、自分の中で「勝負」してた?もう、サプライズでプレゼントだなんて……そんな勝負、フェアじゃありません。だいたい、もし受け取らなかったら、どうするつもりだったんですか?……なんて、冗談です♪こんな大切な贈り物、受け取らないわけないじゃないですか。オーナーさんの顔を見たら……「真剣勝負」だって、わかるから。じゃあ、ここからの勝負はフェアに、始めましょうか♪わたしからの勝負、受けてください、オーナーさん♪今年も、これからも、よろしくお願いします。

Monica: By the way, the owner. The reason why I came here was the continuation of the game, wasn't it? What? Were you "fighting" inside of you to see if you could receive the ring? It's already a surprise present. Such a game is not fair. In general, what were you going to do if you didn't receive it? ...... What a joke♪ i can't accept such an important gift. If you look at the owner's face... you know it's a serious game. Then, the game from here is fair, let's start ♪ the game from me, please receive, the owner♪ this year, thank you.

Episode 14: A present without a match (勝負抜きでのプレゼント)


DOAXVV Monica Valentine event(발렌타인 모니카 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica (OFF): モニカです。少し、用があって……あの……いいですか?

Monica: オーナーさん、これ……受け取ってください。わたしの気持ち、全部……賭けます!勝負抜きでのプレゼントなんて……減多にないんですから。……ふふっ♪オーナーさん明日もよろしくお願いします♪おやすみなさい。

Monica (OFF): Monica. I have a little something to do with it. Excuse me...... May I?

Monica: Owner, this... Please take it. My feelings, all... Bet! A present without a match. It's not a decrease. ...... ♪ Please give me your best regards tomorrow, mr. ♪.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: 二人きり、オーナーさんと真剣勝負ですね。……もちろん、写真のですよ♪プレイスユアベット♪さあ、始めましょうか♪

(Camera flash)

Monica: It's a serious game with the owner. ...... Of course, it's a photo of♪ your place♪, let's get started♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: こういうのが好き……か。次の勝負の、参考にしますね♪

Monica: I like this kind of thing. Is it? I'll use it as a reference for the next game♪

Episode 15: Helena's Birthday (エレナの誕生日)


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene (엘레나 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 16 - Helena's Birthday

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: あら、オーナーさん。ごめんなさい、少し休憩していたの。私の誕生日パーティー、楽しんでいただけているかしら?ふふっ、マリーが頑張らでくれたのだけれど、ちょっと大事にしてしまったかしら。ごめんなさい。そのパーティーの最中に何をしているのか… … ?をうな、のし休憩… … というだけでは、ダメかしら?… … ふふっ、イジワルな人。私から言わせるつもり?あなたと同じ、だと思うのだけれど。… …その手に持っているものは、何かしら?… …ふふっ。さ、こちらへ。あまり、待たせないでくださる?

Helena: Oh, it's you boss. Sorry, I was taking a little break. Are you enjoying my birthday party? Hehe. Marie went all out for this, but maybe she overdid it a little. Sorry. What am I doing here while the party's going on? Well, just taking a little break… Is this answer enough? Heheh… You're such a tease. Are you going to make me say it? I think we feel the same way. What are you holding? Hehe. Come over here. Don't keep me waiting.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ、素敵なケーキ♪ 盛大なパーティーももちろん嬉しいけれど… … 二人きりのお祝いも、良いものですわ。心や言葉まで、飾らなくてすみますもの。… … あめがとう、オーナーさん。とても、嬉しいですわ。ふふっ、あまりこうしていると。マリーを心配させてしまうわね。さ、戻りましょう、オーナーさん。このケーキは、一パーティーのあと… …ここで、また。ね?

Helena: My, what a wonderful cake ♪ Of course I'm happy to have such a grand party… But celebrating privately with you is great too. I can just be myself. …Thank you, boss. I'm really happy. Heheh…if we stay here much longer, Marie would start to worry. Let's return to the party, shall we? After the party, let's enjoy this cake here, together.

Episode 16: I want to brag. (自慢したいわ♥)


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scean (엘레나 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: オーナーさん、楽しんで頂けているかしら?ふふっ♪今年はマリーだけじゃなくて、こころや、みさき、たまき、フィオナ……他のみんなも協力して、パーティーの準備をしてくれたの。こんなに賑やかで、温かな誕生日パーティー……とても、嬉しいですわ♪では、みんなに、感謝を伝えないと。……また、あとで。

Helena: Do you have any fun with the owner? This year, not only Marie, Kokoro, Misaki, Tamaki, Fiona...... Everyone else worked together to prepare for the party. It's such a busy, warm birthday party...... I'm so happy that I have to give thanks to everyone. ......Also, later.

Scene 3

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: やっぱり、ここにいらしたのね。……お待たせ、してしまったかしら?「少し、休憩していただけ」……?ふふっ♪では……私も、ご一緒させていただくわ。……それで、オーナーさん?後ろに隠しているもの、見せてくださる?

Helena: After all, you've been here. ...... Have you been waiting for me? Could you take a little break? Hmm... I'll let you join me, too. ...... So, the owner? Could you show me what you're hiding behind?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ、可愛いケーキ♪「お誕生日のケーキが嬉しい」だなんて……みんなに聞かれたら、笑われるかしら?ふふっ♪こうして、二人きりでの誕生日パーティーも、……嬉しいですわ♥えっ、もう一つ……プレゼントが……?まあ、これは……うふふ……あなたらしい、ですわね。少し、お待ちいただけるかしら♪

Helena: Well, cute cake ♪ "Happy Birthday Cake"...... If everyone asks, will they laugh? I 、...... a birthday party alone. I'm so happy... and one more thing... A present...? Well, this is...... Tofu...... It seems to be you. Could you wait a little?

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Helena: いかがかしら?似合っていると良いのだけれど♪撮影を……?……ええ、構わなくてよ♪せっかくの誕生日ですもの♥

(camera flash)

Helena: How about that? It's good to be nice, but shoot...? ......Yes, I don't care. It's my birthday!

(camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Helena: 素敵な水着をありがとう。その写真は、今日の日の記念に……そろそろ、パーティーに戻りましょうか♪みんなが、探しているかもしれないわ。それに……ふふっ♪この水着、はやく自慢したいですわ♥では、オーナーさん、一緒に参りましょう♪

Helena: Thanks for a nice swimsuit. The picture is in commemoration of today's Day...... Let's go back to the party. It…… I want to brag about this swimsuit. ♥, the owner, let's Come together ♪

Episode 17: Fruitful Days (実りある日々)


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene1 (엘레나 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: こんばんは、オーナーさん。今年もこんなに素敵なパーティーをありがとう。ふふっ、隠しても無駄よ♪……マリーから全部間きましたわ。オーナーさんが、ほとんど準備してくれた、って。マリーは、少し物足りなさそうでしたけど。……あら?その手に持っているものは……うふふっ♪もっと、私を喜ばせてくださるのかしら?

Helena: Good evening, owner. Thank you for such a wonderful party this year. Huh, it's no use hiding ♪. I've been all from Marie. The owner almost prepared it for me. Marie seemed to be a little lacking. ...... Well well? What I have in my hand...... ♪ Would you please me more?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: 素敵な水着……今年も、用意してくれたのね♪ありがとう。……とても、嬉しいですわ。ふふっ♪言わなくても、わかっていますわ。……私も、早く着てみたいのだから♪……では、少し、場所を移しましょうか。参りましょう、オーナーさん♥

Helena: Nice swimsuit...... Thank you for preparing it this year♪ thank you. ...... I'm very happy. Even if you don't say ♪, i know. ...... I want to wear it early,♪ too. So, let's move some places. Let's come, the owner♥.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Helena: ふふっ♥いかがかしら?……ありがとう。私も、とても気に入ったわ♪この深い赤色は、誕生石のガーネットかしら?ガーネットの石言葉は、「実り」と「繁栄」……ふふっ、この島での生活が、こんなに豊かで、実りのあるものになるだなんて。オーナーさんのおかげ、ね。……まあ、それは……ふふっ、準備のいい人ね。もちろん、いいですわよ♪この特別な時間を、残してくださる?

(camera flash)

Helena♥: How do you like it? ...... Thank you. I also♪ liked this deep red, is it a garnet of the birthstone? Garnett's stone words are "fruit" and "prosperity"...... Huh, life on this island is so rich and fruitful. Thanks to the owner. ...... Well, it's... Huh, you're a good-natured person. Of course, it's okay♪ can you leave this special time?

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Helena: ……ふふっ、またひとつ、ニ人の想い出が実ったわね♪あらためて、ありがとうオーナーさん。とても、楽しい誕生日でしたわ。でも、そろそろパーティーに戻らないと、マリーたちが心配するわ。……あら?その顔……まだ、何か隠している顔?……わかりましたわ。では、パーティーのあと。お待ちしていますわね。オーナーさん。

Helena: ...... Huh, one more thing, the memories of two people have come to fruition♪ again, thank you owner. It was a very fun birthday. But if we don't get back to the party soon, Marie and others will be worried. ...... Well well? That face...... Face still hiding something? ...... All right. Then, after the party. I'm looking forward to seeing you. The owner.

Episode 18: a feeling that doesn't change (変わらない気持ち)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Helena after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Helena Birthday Scene1 (엘레나 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena: お待ちしていましたわ、オーナーさん。もう、皆は部屋に戻りましたわ。今は、私たちニ人だけ……ふふっ、なんだか、不思議ね。パーティーはもう終わったのに、こんなに楽しみだなんて。さあ、もう隠しごとは無しですわよ。……その手に持ったもの、見せてくださる?

Helena: I've been waiting for you, owner. Now everyone has gone back to their rooms. Right now, we're the only ones... Huh, it's kind of strange. The party is over, but I'm looking forward to it. Now, there's nothing to hide anymore. ...... Will you show me what you got in your hand?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: まあ……これは……ふふっ、随分と、大胆なプレゼントですわね。オーナーさんらしい……受け取って買えるか、ですって?ええ……もちろん。喜んで。では……オーナーさん、はめて、頂けるかしら♥

Helena: Well...... This is...... Huh, it's a very bold present. It seems to be the owner. Can you take it and buy it? Yes...... Of course. Willing. And now...... The owner, I wonder if I can put it on and have it♥?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: 私の誕生石、ガーネット……この水着とあわせて、準備してくださったのね。ガーネットの石言葉は、「実り」「繁栄」。そして、もう一つは……『一途で、変わらない……』……なんて、言葉にするのはいけませんわね♪この指輪、大切にしますわ。オーナーさん、……ありがとう。では、参りましょうか?……せっかくですもの。誕生日の残りの時間を、もう少し楽しみたいわ。さ、この手をとって……わたくしを、エスコートしてくださる?ふふっ♪

Helena: My birthstone, Garnett... You prepared it with this swimsuit. Garnett's stone words are "fruitful" and "prosperity." And the other thing is, "It's not going to change all the time..." Oh, don't put it into words♪ I'll take care of this ring. The owner、...... Thank you. So, shall we come? ...... It's a great deal of effort. I want to enjoy the rest of my birthday a little more. Now, take this hand... Can you escort me? ♪

Episode 19: Will You Accept It? (受け取って頂ける?)

First version


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Helena Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あの、少しだけ、お話し、いいかしら?あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: Could you…Spare a moment to chat? I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Helena extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: あの、少しだけ、お話し、いいかしら?あなたには、これを… …受け取って、頂けるかしら?たまには、私からも、いいでしょう?オーナーさん。それでは、ごきげんよう。

Helena Douglas: Could you…Spare a moment to chat? I'm wondering if… You would kindly accept this? I should also return the favor once in a while, right? Boss. Au revoir.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Helena: ええ、いいですわよ。ふふっ♪どんな写真になるのか、少し燥しみね。どんなポーズがよろしいのかしら?

(Camera flash)

Helena: Yes, but of course. Heheh ♪ I'm a bit excited as to how they'll turn out. What kind of posing would you prefer?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Helena: どんな写真になっているのかしら。楽しみだわ。

Helena: I'm quite curious as to how these photos will turn out.

Episode 20: Memories of us (二人だけの思い出)


DOAXVV 4K【】Fiona's birthday extra episode"二人だけの思い出"


DOAXVV Fiona - Extra Episodes Memories of us

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、わたくしのお誕生日パーティー、楽しんで頂けていますか?ふふっ♪よかった……先日、エレナさわのパーティーをお手伝いさせて頂いて、みなさまと一緒に何かをすることがとても楽しくて♪ヒトミさんや紅葉さんにお料理を教えて頂いたり、マリーさんにお給仕の仕方を教えて頂いたり……教えて頂きました。こころさんには、日本舞踊を教えて頂きました。この後の出し物で、お見せしますね♪あと、エレナさんにもご協力いただいて、歌も……が、がんばりますので、お腰きくびください♪オーナー様から、プレゼント……?感謝の気持ちをお伝えするのは、わたくしの方です♥でも、あの……うれしい……です♥

Fiona: Boss… are you enjoying my birthday party this evening? Heheh ♪ That's a relief. The other day, I helped out with Helena's party, and it was so much fun working together with the others ♪ Hitomi and Momiji taught me how to cook, Marie taught me how to wait on others… Kokoro taught me traditional Japanese dance, and I'd like to show you what I've learned ♪ Oh, and with Helena's help, I'd like to perform a song for you, so please have a listen ♪ A present from you, boss…? I'm the one who should be expressing gratitude for all you've done ♥ But…I'm so happy ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: わぁ!お誕生日のケーキ……!ありがとうございよす♥……食べてしまうのは勿体ないですが、そういうわけにも参りませんから……えっと……オーナー様、一緒に食べてくださいますか?この喜びを、二人で、分かち合って……え?もう一つ……プレゼント?

Fiona: Oh, wow! A birthday cake…! Thank you so much ♥ It would be such a waste if I just ate it now… But of course, that's what cakes are for… Um… Boss, would you share this cake with me? I want to share my joy with you… Huh? Another…present?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……わぁ……!!あの、これ……着てみてもよろしいでしょうか!?

Fiona: …Wow… Um… Do you mind if I try this on?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 神秘的で、素敵な水着……♥あの、似合って、いますでしょうか?……女神……みたい!?そっ、そんな……!?確かに水着は神秘的ですが……ありがとうございます♪とっても、ですうれしい♥……あの、オーナー様、わたくし……い、パーティーいえ、なんでもなくて、その……に戻りましょう、オーナー様♥

Fiona: What a mystical, intriguing swimsuit ♥ Do you think it…looks good on me? Like a…goddess!? I wouldn't say that… But still…it is rather mystical… Thank you ♪ This really made my day ♥ Um… boss, I… N-no, never mind… Let's get back to the party, boss ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): あの……フィオナです。……起きていらっしゃいますか?

Fiona: オーナー様、わたくし……先ほどは言い出せなかったのですが、もうひとつだけ、プレゼソドが……欲しくて……オーナー様との、今日この日の、……二人だけの、思い出が欲しいのです!よろしい、ですが?

Fiona (OFF): Um… It's Fiona. Are you awake?

Fiona: Boss… I'm… I wasn't able to say it earlier… But…there was one other present I've been wanting… I'd like to make memories with you, boss. Just the two of us together, on this magical day! Would that be okay?

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: あ、あの、では……今日頂いたこの水着で、記念のお写真を……オーナー様に、撮って頂きたいのです。では、お願いします……!ポーズは、これで、よろしいですか?

(camera flash)

Fiona: Oh… Well then, uh… I'd like to wear this swimsuit you gave me today, and have you take some commemorative photos. So…let's get started! Is this pose all right?

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございました。とても……とても、いい思い出になります♥また来年も、その次も……ずっと、ずっと。思い出を増やしていきたいな……ふふっ♪……そして、いつか、もっと勇気をもって……ちゃんと言えるように……いっ、いえ、なんでもありません……!オーナーさま、今日は……いえ、これからも、よろしくお願いします♥

Fiona: Thank you for everything you've done. I'll never forget the wonderful memories we made today ♥ Next year too, as well as every year after that… I want to keep making memories like this… Heheh ♪ And then someday, I want to muster up enough courage, to say what's really up on my mind… Oh, it's nothing! Just forget you heard that…! I hope we continue to grow closer each and every day, boss ♥

Episode 21: Dokidoki's♥ Birthday (ドキドキの誕生日♥)


DOAXVV Fiona Birthday Scene1 (피오나 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: あっ、オーナー様。今年も素敵なお誕生日パーティーを、ありがとうございます♥はい、お誕生日のケーキも、お祝いの言葉もたくさん頂いて……わたくし、お腹も胸もいっぱいです♪ふふっ♪……えっ、これから、二人だけで……ですか?あ、あの……!……では、少したけ……

Fiona: Oh, owner. Thank you♥ for this year's wonderful birthday party, yes, birthday cake, and a lot of congratulations. My stomach and chest are full♪♪ Well, from now on, just the two of us... Is it? Oh excuse me but......! ...... Well, let's go a little bit.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: うふふっ♪お誕生日パーティーをこっそり抜け出すだなんて……オーナー様、わたくし、とってもドキドキしています♥……でも、皆さまが心配されるといけませんから、少しの間だけ……ですね。ふふっ♪でも、突然どうされたのですか?

Fiona:♪ I'm sneaking out of a birthday party. Owner, I'm very♥ excited. But you shouldn't be worried, so just for a little while. Right. What happened suddenly, even if ♪?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: まあ!……プレゼントを!?とっても素敵な水着……!オーナー様、ありがとうございます!あの……すぐ、着替えてまいりますね♪

Fiona: Well! ...... Give me a present!? Very nice swimsuit...! Thank you, owner! Excuse me...... I'll change my clothes soon♪

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: お待たせいたしました、オーナー様♥いかがでしょうか?似合って、いますか?……よかった♪この水着の色は、ウィステリアでしょうか?わたくしの大好きな色です♥そして、誕生石の『アメジスト』の色……オーナー様は、アメジストの石言葉をご存知ですか?わたくしのような……「美少女の化身」……!?そ、そんな、違います!そのお話ではなくて……その……はぁ、びっくりしました…………アメジストの石言葉は『愛の守護石』。「真実の愛を守りぬく石」と言われています。……この水着を着ていると、オーナー様に守られているようで……ふふっ♪ありがとうございます、オーナー様♥お写真……ですか?はい、もちろん、よろこんで♪では……

(camera flash)

Fiona: Thank you for waiting, how about ♥ owner? Do you look good? ...... Was ♪ the color of this swimsuit is Wisteria? It is my favorite color♥. Does the owner know the stone language of Amethyst? Like me......"Beautiful Girl's Incarnation"......!? Oh, no! It's not about that. That...... Oh, I was surprised...... Amethyst's stone word is "The Guardian Stone of Love". It is said that it is a stone that protects true love. ...... When I'm wearing this swimsuit, it seems to be protected by the owner. Thank you ♪, owner♥'s photo... Is it? Yes, of course, I'm glad to hear♪ that.

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ありがとうございます、オーナー様♥今年のお誕生日も、大切な思い出ができました。でも、そろそろ皆さまのところに…………え?もうひとつ、思い出がある……のですか?パーティーが終わったあと……?は、はい……!あの……では、二人……だけで……!

Fiona: Thank you, the owner♥ i had an important memory for this year's birthday. But it's about time for you to come to me. What? I have one more memory. Is it? After the party is over...? Yes,...! Excuse me...... So, the two of us... Just...!

Episode 22: We've got a goal♥. (目標ができました♥)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Fiona after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Fiona Birthday Scene2 (피오나 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ……オーナー様?お待ちしておりました♪パーティーが終わってからも、ドキドキが止まらなくて……オーナー様にお会いしたくて、早く来てしまいました♥それで……あの……オーナー様……『もうひとつ、思い出』、というのは……えっ!?もうひとつ、プレゼントを……?

Fiona: ...... The owner? I've been waiting for you♪ after the party, I can't stop pounding. I wanted to meet the owner, so I♥ came early. Excuse me...... The more memory. What!? One more present...?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: ひゃっ!?オーナー様、こ、これは……!?

Fiona: Oh!? Owner, this is...?!?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 素敵な指輪……アメジストですね……オーナー様の、『愛の守護石』……わたくし、ずっと大切にいたします♥

Fiona: A nice ring... Amethyst, isn't it? The owner's "Guardian Stone of Love"...... I will cherish it for a long time♥

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー様、今日のお誕生日、本当にありがとうございました。とても大切な思い出ができました。それに、大きな目標も♪わたくし、いまはまだ……その、オーナー様に守って頂いてばかりで……だから、いつの日か、愛の力で、人を守れるように……そして……その、わたくしからも……ゆ、指輪を……わ、わたくし、愛の力でがんばります!……ふふっ♥

Fiona: Thank you very much for your birthday, owner. I had very important memories. And I ♪ a big goal, and now I still... The owner just protected me. So, one day, i want to protect people with the power of love. And...... That, from me, too...... Yu, ring... Wow, I will do my best with the power of love! ...... Fufu♥

Episode 23: A Token of My Love (わたくしの、愛を……)


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Fiona extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona (OFF): あの……フィオナです。……起きていらっしゃいますか?

Fiona: オーナー様……チョコレートです。たくしの、愛を……受け取ってください♪はぁ……お、お渡しできました♪わたくしの……気持ちです。オーナー様♥では、おやすみなさい。また、明日……♪

Fiona (OFF): Um… It's Fiona. …Might you be awake?

Fiona: Some chocolates for you, boss. Please accept them…as a token of my love ♪ Whew… I, I did it ♪ Just an expression of…how I feel about you. Boss ♥ Well, good night. I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: 写真の撮影ですが?わかりました♪わたるくし、頑張りますね!あの、リード……してくださいね?

(camera flash)

Fiona: Pictures? Sure, I'll do my best ♪ Um… Take the lead on this, okay?

(camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Fiona: だ、誰にも見せないでくださいね……?

Fiona: Don't, um, show these to anyone else.

Episode 24: Kasumi's Birthday (かすみの誕生日)


DOAXVV かすみ Happy Birthday


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene (카스미 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 34 - Kasumi's Birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん、何かご用ですか?なんだか、浮かない顔 … … どうか、しましたか?え?フェスのお仕事で問題が?このままだと … … 島のオーナーが替わるって … …!そんな … … はい、わたしで良ければ相談に … … それじゃ、みんなにも相談しないと。わたし、探してきます。

Kasumi: Oh, hello boss. Did you need something from me? You seem a little down… Did something happen? Oh? There's an issue with your work? And, if this continues… Someone will take over you…?! No way… Do let me know if I can be of help… You'd better talk to all the girls about this. I'll go look for them.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): オーナーさん、みんな、探してみたんですが、だれも部屋にいなくて… … … …?オーナー… …さん?誰も、いないのかな… …?

Kasumi: きゃっ!?!?… …オーナーさん!?それに、みんな?どうして?はっぴー、ばーす… …でー???えっと… …?? お誕生日… …わ、わたしの?じゃあ、さっきの話は… …「ごめんなさい」って… … … …オーナーさん!?… …もう! ふふっ、あはははは......

Kasumi (OFF): Boss, I tried looking for the girls, but none of them are in their rooms… …? Boss…? Is anyone here…?

Kasumi: Kyahh!?!? …You're here!? And…with everyone? What's going on? Happy…birthday? Um… A birthday party…for me? But what about that work issue you mentioned? You're…"sorry?" So it was all just a…! …Oh, Boss, you…! Hehe… Ahahaha…

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: はぁ……オーナーさん、それに、みんなも。こんなに楽しいお誕生日は、初めて、カな。ありがとうございます。

Kasumi: *Sigh* You know what everyone? I don't think I've ever had this much fun at a birthday party. Thank you so much.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あ、オーナーさん。お片付けまで、ありがとうございます。ふふっ、こんなにお祝いしてもらうだなんて。わたし… …本当に、初めてかも。あと… …本当に、嘘でよかった。… …でも、次は… …ふふっ、わたしも、仲間に入れてくださいね?オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました。あの… … これからも… …よろしくお願いしますね。

Kasumi: Ah, Boss. Thank you for organizing the party. Hehe. I've never had anyone celebrate anything for me so elaborately. Also…I'm glad that the work issues you had were fake. But next time… Let me part of the surprise too, alright? Hehe. Today was really special for me. So I um… I hope to see you around again, okay?

Episode 25: Can you watch it? (見ていてくれますか)


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scean (카스미 2019 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん♪よかった。わたしの誕生日パーティー、楽しんでもらえてるみたいで♪わたしもすごく楽しそう……ですか?ふふっ、もちろんです。……?いつもより明るく見える?そう、かな……♪でも、そう見えているのなら……嬉しいです。えっ?もっと喜ばせてみせるって……

Kasumi: The owner's good. My birthday party seems to be having a lot of fun. Is it? Ugh, of course. ......? Look brighter than usual? Yes, I wonder... ♪ But if you see it that way...... I'm glad. What? I'm going to make it more pleasing...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁっ、誕生日ケーキ……!ふふっ♪……オーナーさんの言う通り、ですね♪こんなに素敵なケーキ……ふふっ♪とっても嬉しいです♥

Kasumi: Wow, birthday cake......! Ugh... As the owner says, it's such a nice cake…… I'm so happy!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今日はありがとうございました。とっても楽しかったです♪みんなや……オーナーさんのおかげですね。え?上を見て……?

Kasumi: Thank you very much, owner. It was so much fun! Thanks to the owner. What? Look over...?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): ……ふふっ♪綺麗な星空ですね♪わたしの星座……?うお座です。愛と美の女神、アフロディーテとエロースが、魚に姿を変えたもの……なんだそうです。

Kasumi (OFF):...... It is a beautiful starry sky ♪ my constellation...? Pisces is. The Goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite and the loos, changed their appearance to fish...... .

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……えっ!?あの、これは……サプライズプレゼント?

Kasumi: ......What!? Well, this is... A surprise present?

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ、素敵な水着……!うお座……わたしの星座の水着!……ですか?まるで、人魚みたい……♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。とっても……とっても、嬉しいです♥じゃあ、あの……おやすみなさい。

Kasumi: Wow, a nice swimsuit......! Pisces...... Swimsuit of my constellation! ...... Is it? It's like a mermaid... # Thank you, owner. Very...... I'm so happy. ♥... Good night.

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Kasumi (OFF): ……〜♪〜〜♪

Kasumi (OFF): ……〜♪〜〜♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ひゃっ!?オーナーさん!?えっと、あの……これは……この水着が、とても素敵で……嬉しかったから。はやく着て、泳いでみたくて…………今、ここで撮影……ですか?せっかくの誕生日ですから、少し恥ずかしいけど……思い切って、お願いします♪

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Damn!? Owner!? Um, um... This is...... This swimsuit is very nice...... Because I was glad. I wanted to wear it early and swim...... Now, shoot here...... Is it? I'm a little embarrassed because it's my birthday. Take the plunge, please!

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……あの、似合ってますか?えっ!?愛と美の女神……そのもの……!?そ、そんな……も、もう!オーナーさん……!……わたし、よく夢を見るんです。人魚のように、自由に水の中を泳ぐ夢を。そのたびに思うんです。もっと自由に……素直になれたらいいな、って。この水着を貰ったとき、本当に嬉しかった。オーナーさんが、見ていてくれたように思えて。それに……「いつもより明るいわたし」に、気が付いてくれて。だから……オーナーさん、今日は本当に、ありがとうございました。あの、これからも……見ていてくれますか?

Kasumi:...... Do you look so handsome? What!? Goddess of love and beauty...... Itself......!? Oh, my... Even more! Mr. Owner...! ...... I often dream. Dream of swimming freely in the water, like a mermaid. I think that every time. More freely...... I wish I could be honest with you. When I got this swimsuit, I was really happy. The owner seemed to be watching me. And...... "I'm brighter than usual", and noticed. So...... The owner, thank you very much today. Well, in the future... Can you watch it?

Episode 26: Amethyst Color (アメジストの色)


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene1 (카스미 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、今年もお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございました♪オーナーさんや、みんなも楽しんでくれてることが……わたし、すごく嬉しかったです♪それで、オーナーさん。この飾りはどこに運べばいいですか?えっ?片付けはやるから、手伝わなくて大丈夫……ですか?いえ、いつもお祝いしてもらってますから、そのお礼です。お手伝いくらいは…………え?「お礼」なら、もう買ってる?えっと、なんのことでしょう?わたしは何も……それより、渡したいものがある……?あの、オーナーさん、それは……

Kasumi: The owner, thank you very much for celebrating this year♪ the owner and everyone is having fun. I was very happy♪ so the owner. Where should I carry this ornament? What? I'll clean it up, so I don't have to help. Is it? No, I'm always celebrating, so I'm singing for that. I don't know if I'm going to help you. What? If it's a thank you, have you already bought it? Well, what is it? I don't have anything...... What more do you want to pass? Well, owner, that's...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: わぁ、素敵な水着……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪えっ?着たところを見たい、ですか?えへへ……ちょっと照れちゃいますけど、そう言ってもらえるの……嬉しいです♪じゃあ、少しだけ、待っててくださいね。いま、着替えてきます♪

Kasumi: Wow, nice swimsuit... Thank you,♪ the owner, eh? Do you want to see where you wore it? Ehehe...... I'm a little embarrassed, but you can say that. I'm♪ glad to hear that, then, just wait a little while. I'm going to change my clothes now♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん、お待たせしました♪えっと、どう……ですか?よく似合ってる……?ふふっ、ありがとうございます♪この、水着についている宝石、アメジストですよね?わたしの誕生石……嬉しい♪そうだ、オーナーさん。アメジストが「案色」になった理由、知っていますか?この「緊色」は、お酒の神様が、透明な水晶に簡萄酒を注いで生まれた、と言われているんです。だから、アメジストには「透きとおるような業色」と、「崎麗な濃い衆色」があるんですよ♪誕生石の水着……とっても素敵なプレゼントです。えっ?写真……ですか?はい♪こんなに素敵な水着……♥……わたしからも、お願いします♪

(camera flash)

Kasumi: Owner, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting♪ Is it? Does it look good...? Huh, thank you♪, this jewelry in the swimsuit, amethyst, isn't it? My birthstone... I'm glad♪ to hear that, the owner. Do you know why amethyst became a "proposed color"? It is said that the god of sake was born by pouring simplified sake into a transparent crystal. That's why amethysthas have "transparent and dark colors♪". It is a very nice present. What? Photo...... Is it? Yes♪, this nice swimsuit... ♥... Please, too♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ありがとうございます♪今年も、たくさんのプレゼントをいただいちゃいました。ふふっ、わたし、本当に幸せです……いくらお礼を言っても足りないくらい……あっ、そういえばオーナーさん。さっき言っていた、「お礼ならもう買ってる」って、結局なんのことですか?わたし、オーナーさんから貰ってばかりで、特に、これといったお返しなんて、できてないのに…………答えを教えるから、後で、また……?……わかりました。じゃあ、また後で……オーナーさん♪

Kasumi: Thank you♪ very much. Huh, I'm really happy. No matter how much I thank you, it's not enough. Oh, come to think of it, the owner. What did you mean after all, "I've already bought it if I'm going to thank you"? I've just gotten it from the owner, and I can't give back this, especially. I'll tell you the answer, so i'll tell you the answer later, again...? ...... I understood. Well, see you later. The owner♪

Episode 27: Thank you a lot (たくさんのお礼)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Kasumi after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Kasumi Birthday Scene2 (카스미 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あっ、オーナーさん♪この水着、本当に素敵ですね……「アメジスト」は月の女神の神官の名前。月の光の下でも、とっても椅麗で……えっ?もっと綺麗になる……?あの、オーナーさん、それってどういう……一緒に波打ち際に……ですか?はい、いいですけど……

Kasumi: Oh, the owner♪ this swimsuit is really nice...."Amethyst" is the name of the goddess of the moon. Even under the light of the moon, it's so beautiful. What? Become more beautiful...? Well, the owner, what's that... When we wave together...... Is it? Yes, it's okay, but...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: きゃっ!オーナーさん!?なんで急に、水を……?あっ……!すごい……水着の色が……この色は……葡萄酒で染められた、アメジストの……?すごいです……言い伝えの通り……本当に、素敵な水着です♪改めて、お礼を言わせてください。……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……こちらこそ、ありがとう?え?えっと、わたしは何も…………「わたしの笑顔」をたくさん貰ってる……?あっ、さっき言っていた、「わたしから貰ってるお礼」って…………あの、オーナーさん。わたしがこうして、たくさん笑えるのも、オーナーさんのおかげなんですよ。この島に来て、たくさんの人たちと知り合えて、……それに、あやねちゃんとも……ふふっ♪だから、わたしの「お礼」も含めて、たくさんのものが「オーナーさんから貰っているもの」なんです。えっ?それなら、あと一つ、貰ってほしい……?

Kasumi: Kya! Owner!? Why did you suddenly get some water? Oh... Amazing...... The color of the swimsuit...... This color...... Amethyst dyed with sake...? Amazing...... As i legend... It's really a nice swimsuit♪ let me say thank you again. ...... Thank you, the owner ♪... Thank you, sir? What? Well, I've gota a lot of "my smile"...... Oh, I was just saying, "Thank you for getting it from me."...... Hey, owner. It is thanks to the owner that I can laugh a lot like this. I came to this island and got to know a lot of people、....... And Ayane-chan and... Because it'♪ s so much, there are a lot of things, including my "thank you", that i got from the owner. What? In that case, I want you to get one more...?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: ……!オーナーさん……これって……

Kasumi: ......! The owner... Does this mean......

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: アメジストの……指輪…………石言葉は「心の平和」。オーナーさんのおかげで、みんな、ここで楽しく過ごせているんです。……オーナーさんは十分だって言いますけど、やっぱり、わたし、もっと伝えたいです……!ありがとう、オーナーさん……。水着も、指輪も、ずっと大切にします。ふふっ♪

Kasumi: Amethyst............ Ring............ The stone word is "peace of mind". Thanks to the owner, everyone is having a good time here. ...... The owner says it's enough, but after all, I want to tell you more...! Thank you, the owner. I always cherish my swimsuit and ring. ♪

Episode 28: I Want You To Try It… (食べてほしくて…)

First version


【DOAXVV】DOAX VenusVacation kasumi Valentine Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん。少し、いいですか?これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: Boss. Can you spare me some time? I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Kasumi extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: オーナーさん。少し、いいですか?これ、あの、作ってみたんです。オーナーさんに、食べてほしくて… …えっと… …受け取ってくれてよかった。お、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね♪

Kasumi: Boss. Can you spare me some time? I, um, made this. I was hoping you'd try some… Um… Thank you for accepting it. Oh, and Boss? I'll continue to be in your care ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。綺麗に撮ってくれると、嬉しいな……

(Camera flash)

Kasumi: Hm? You mean, right now? Well, this is kind of awkward, but I'll get ready. Only take shots that make me look pretty.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kasumi: あの、誰にも見せないで……

Kasumi: Just don't show anyone, okay?

Episode 29: Thin Towel Wrap (Ayane) (うすかわたけのこ(あやね))


DOAXVV あやねエクストラエピソード『うすかわたけのこ』


DoAX Venus Vacation First Time Soft Esthetics Ayane Bonus Episode

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 30: Thin Towel Wrap (Misaki) (うすかわたけのこ(みさき))


DOAXVV - First Soft Aesthetic Extra Episode Misaki うすかわたけのこ (みさき)


DOAXVV みさき エピソード うすかわたけのこ 着崩れ


DOAXVV SSR Thin Towel Wrap (Misaki) Extra Episode (English)

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 31: Honoka's Birthday (ほのかの誕生日)


DOAXVV honoka Birthday Scene (호노카 2018 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 47 - Honoka's Birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: オーナーさん、こんにちはー! え?プレゼント……ですか?わぁ、ケーキだぁ!えとえと……これ、ひょっとして私の誕生日に……うわぁー!ありがとうございます!うれしいなぁ……うふふっ。ふわふわのホイップいっぱい……わたし、ホイップクリーム大好きなんです♥……ごくり……はわつ。ダメダメ……!これは、みんなで食べますね。今晩、みんながお誕生日パーティー開いてくれるんです!あのあの、オーナーさんも、来てくれますか?ふふっ、 よかった。じゃあ、このケーキはその時に……でも……ちょっとだけ……なら……は、はわわつ、ダメダメ……っ!がまん……がまん……え?我慢しなくていい?みんなが別のケーキを用意してる?でもでも……うーん…………あの、わたし、やっぱり我慢します!せっかくオーナーさんにもらったケーキ……独り占めしちゃ、勿体ないもん。みんなで食べたら、みんな嬉しくて、わたしも、もっと嬉しいかな、って。その代わり……パーティの準備ができるまで、わたし一人で待ってなきゃだから……その間だけ……その……オーナーさんを、独り占めしちゃいほすね♪

Honoka: Hello there Boss! What? A present… for me? Oh, it's a cake! Umm… Could it be… that you got me this for my birthday…? Wow! Thank you so much! I'm so happy… Hehehe… There's so much fluffy whipped cream… I… I love whipped cream♥ … Gulp… No, no no…! I've got to share this with everyone. everyone is throwing me a birthday party tonight! Umm… Would you be coming, too? Hehe… That's great. Well, then, I'll save this cake for later… But… Maybe just a taste… That would be OK… Ahh, no, no, no…! Patience… Patience… What? I don't have to wait? You ordered another cake for everyone else? But… But… Umm… …Well… I… I think that I'll wait anyway! Since you went to all the trouble to get it for me… It would be a waste to eat it all by myself. I think if everyone else has some and they enjoy it, that will make me even happier. Instead of that… I have to wait out here alone until the party is ready… In the meantime… Umm… I'm going to hog you all to myself ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): わー、綺麗な夕日……お誕生日、オーナーさんと過ごせて楽しかったです♪

Honoka: オーナーさん、あの、ちょっといいですか?えつと……オーナーさん、いつも一緒にいてくれて、ありがとうございます。今日はわたしがお祝いしてもらう日、ですけど……だから、お礼もちゃんといいたくて。あの、来年も、その、一緒にいて……お祝いできたら、嬉しいです。は、はわ……え、えっと……そろそろ戻らないとですね。マリーちゃんやみさきちゃんが呼びに来るかも。じゃあ、オーナーさん、みんなで一緒に、ケーキ食べましょう!

Honoka (OFF): Oh, what a beautiful sunset… I enjoyed spending my birthday with you ♪

Honoka: Do you mind if I say something? Umm… Thank you for always being with me. Today is my day to celebrate, but… I just wanted to thank you properly. Umm… It would make me really happy… if you would celebrate my birthday with me again next year. Oh… Oh… Well… I suppose we'd better get back. Marie and the others might come looking for me. Well, then, let's go eat cake with everyone.

Episode 32: The best present (一番のプレゼント)


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene (호노카 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: やっほ〜♪オーナーさん♪今年の誕生日パーティーも、大盛り上がりですね!こんなに楽しくていいのかな〜?ふふっ♪……?オーナーさん、ひょっとしてお疲れですか?夜遅くまで、パーティーの準備してくれたんてですね。ありがとうございます。えへへっ♥……えっ?今年は、プレゼントをふたつ用意した?わぁ〜い♪さっすがオーナーさん、太っ腹〜♪なんだろなんだろ?楽しみだなぁ♪じゃあ、まずは……そっちの大きい箱から♪

Honoka: The owner's birthday party this year is a big climax! I wonder if it's so fun? Ugh...? Mr. Owner, do you happen to be tired? It was late at night to prepare for the party. Thank you very much. Oh heh ♥... What? Have you prepared two presents this year? Wow, Satsu is the owner, generous. I'm looking forward to it, so first of all...... From that big box!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁ!すっごーい!ホイップクリームたっぷりの誕生日ケーキ!ホイップクリーム大好きなの、覚えててくれたんですね?えへへ、嬉しいなぁ……♪大きくておいしそうで、独り占めするのはもったいないです!疲れた時は甘いものが一番って、おばあちゃんも言ってました♪オーナーさんも、一緒に食べましょ〜♪

Honoka: Wow! Oh, no! A birthday cake with plenty of whipped cream! I love whipped cream, remember? Oh, I'm glad to hear that. ♪ big and delicious, it is a waste to monopolize! When I was tired, the sweet thing was the best, and the grandma said, too, and the owner also ate together!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あ〜、おいしかった♪ごちそうさまで〜す♪……あっ、そうだ!プレゼント、もうひとつあったんでした!小さい箱のほう!こっちも開けてみちゃいますね♪それじやあ、いきますよ〜!

Honoka: Oh, it was delicious ♪ Oh, yes! There was one more present! A small box! I'm going to open it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: こ、これは……新しい水着!牡羊座をイメージした水着なんですか?フワフワして、すっごくかわいい……♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪

Honoka: This is...... New swimsuit! Is it a swimsuit that the image of Aries? Fluffy, so cute......# Thank you, owner #

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Honoka (OFF): ほのか羊が一匹、ほのか羊が二匹……

Honoka: あれ?オーナーさん、起きちゃいました?

Honoka (OFF): Honoka sheep, two Honoka sheep......

Honoka: That? Did you get up, Mr. Owner?

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: ふふっ。ほのか羊が、オーナーさんを寝かせにやってきました♪オーナーさん、疲れてたみたいだったから。おばあちゃんに羊を数えてもらうと、ぐっすり眠れるんですよ。だからオーナーさんにもって……かえって目が冴えちゃう?おかしいなぁ。私はぐっすり眠れたんですけど……えっ?寝る前に写真撮影を……?だ、ダメですよ、ちゃんと寝なきゃ!誕生日の記念撮影だから、日付が変わる前じゃないとダメ……?そういうことなら、わかりました♪バッチリ撮っでくださいね♪メーメー♪

Camera flash

Honoka: Ugh. Honoka sheep came to lay down the owner, and the owner looked tired. I can sleep soundly when I ask Grandma to count the sheep. So, with the owner...... So you'll be more awake? That's funny. I slept soundly, but... What? Before you go to bed, take a picture...? No, no, you have to sleep properly! Because it is a commemorative photograph of the birthday, it is not before the date changes. If that's the case, I understand.

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Honoka: おいしいケーキを食べて、かわいい水着ももらって、最高のお誕生日でした♪いつも本当にありがとうございます。オーナーさん、ゆっくり休んでくださいね♪一緒の時間が勿体無いから、まだ起きでたい……?もう、オーナーさん!無理したら、めっ、ですよ!ちゃんと休んで元気になってもらうのが、一番のプレゼントです♪じゃあ、オーナーさんが寝るまで、もう一度羊を数えてあげます♪今度こそ、ぐっすり寝てくださいね♥あっ、でも……わたしが先に寝ちゃったら……ゴメンね?えへへっ♪

Honoka: Thank you very much for the delicious cake, the cute swimsuit, and the best birthday! The owner, please take a rest slowly ♪ shame time together, you still want to get up...? It's already the owner! If you overdo it, it is! It is the best present to have a good rest and to be energetic ♪ then, until the owner sleeps, I'll count the sheep again ♪ this time, please sleep soundly, but...... If I go to bed first...... Sorry? Oh, heh.

Episode 33: Delicious Cake (おいしいケーキ)


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene1 (호노카 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ありがとうございます!オーナーさん!と〜っても、美味しいケーキでしたよ!……えっ!?浸い食べっぷりだった……!?そ、それはパーティーが楽しかったからで……もちろん、ケーキも美味しかったですけど……そんなに喜んでくれて嬉しい……?えへへ……当然です!だって、オーナーさんや、みんながいるパーティー、楽しいに決まってるじゃないですか♪

Honoka: Thank you! The owner! And even so, it was a delicious cake! ...... What!? It was soaked and eaten.?!? Well, it was because the party was fun. Of course, the cake was also delicious, but...... I'm glad you're so happy. Hehei...... Of course! I mean, the owner and everyone are having a party, isn't it ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わあっ!綺麗な水着!わたしのために用意してくれたんですか!?とっても嬉しいです!ありがとうございます!ふふっ……綺麗な水着……着るのが楽しみです!……えっ?待ってるから、着てみて欲しい?はいっ!もちろんです!すぐに着替えてきますから、あの……待っててくださいね?

Honoka: Oh, my God! Beautiful swimsuit! Did you prepare it for me?! I'm so happy! Thank you, Sir. Heh... Beautiful swimsuit...... I'm looking forward to wearing! ...... What? I'll wait for you, so why don't you try it? Yes, it is. Of course! I'll get dressed soon, so... Please wait, please.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ……♥どうですか?オーナーさん?この水着、ひらひらしていてとっても可愛いです!えっと、なんだっけ……海にいる……小っちゃい動物に似てるかも……?透明で、妖精みたいな……あっ、そうだ!「クリオネ」みたいです!「クリオネ」って、『流氷の天使』って呼ばれてるんですよね♪……写真ですか?もちろん!よろしくおねがいしまーす どうせなら「天使みたい」に、撮ってもらいたいな〜。……でもでも、お空は飛べないし……オーナーさん、「天使」って、どうやったらなれるのかなぁ……?えっ?そのままでいい……?えへへ……ちょっと恥ずかしいけど嬉しいです♪じゃあ、「天使の笑顔」になれるように、がんばりますね♥

(camera flash)

Honoka: To e- How about ♥? The owner? This swimsuit is pretty even if I open it! Well, what is it? I'm at sea. It may look like a small animal. Transparent, like a fairy. Oh, yes! It's like Clione. "Clione" is called "Angel of drift ice", isn't it♪...... Is it a photo? Of course! Thank you, anyway, "like an angel", I want you to take a picture. ...... But i can't fly in the sky...... Mr. owner, "angel", I wonder how to become What? It's ok to leave it as it is. Hehei...... I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm happy♪ i'll do my best to become an angel smile♥

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ……終わりですか?は一つ、緊張したあ〜……「天使みたいな」写真、撮れてたらいいなぁ……♪今日はありがとうございました!えへへ……おいしいケーキに、水着まで……お誕生日、とっても楽しかったです♪えっ!?「クリオネ」みたいに大きな口で、ケーキを食べてたって……!?…………オーナーさん、見てたんですか?うう、恥ずかしいです…………?あとで、もうひとつ、渡したいものがある……?は、はい、わかりました!って、何だか、わからないですけど……わたし、楽しみにしてますね!オーナーさん♪あっ、でも、ケーキはもう……お腹いっぱいかも……えへへ……

Honoka: ...... Is it over? I wish I could take one picture of me like an angel. Thank you for ♪ today! Hehei...... To a delicious cake, to a bathing suit...... It was so much fun on my birthday♪ eh!? I ate a cake with a big mouth like "Clione". ............ Did you see the owner? Well, i'm embarrassed.......? Later, there's one more thing I want to give you. Yes, yes, okay! I don't know what it is, but...... I'm looking forward to it! ♪ owner, but the cake is already... I might be full. Hehei......

Episode 34: Angel of Happiness (幸せの天使)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Honoka after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Honoka Birthday Scene2 (호노카 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ほわぁ……縞麗な海……「流氷の天使」かぁ……ここに流氷は無いけど、この水着で「天使」みたいになれるといいなぁ……

Honoka: Oh, my God. The striped sea... "Angel of drift ice". There's no drift ice here, but I hope you'll be like an angel in this swimsuit.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: はわわ!?びっくりしたぁ……オーナーさん、いつの間に……!?え、えっと、いまの……聞かれちゃいました……?……じゃなくて、そ、そうだ!あの、「渡したいもの」って、……何ですか?

Honoka: Wow!? I was surprised. The owner, before you know it, Well, well, now... I've been asked. ...... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, You know, what do you want to give 、...... What can I do for you?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: わぁっ……!綺麗〜♪どうしたんですか、この指輪!えっ!?わたしに……プレゼント!?受け取って欲しい、って……あの、その……わたし、受け取っても……いいですか?じゃあ……あの、ドキドキしちゃいます……

Honoka: Wow, wow. What's wrong with ♪ beautiful, this ring? What!? To me... Present!? I want you to take it. Um, um... Even if I receive it...... May I? Well then...... You know, I'm excited.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えへへ……♥オーナーさんから貰っちゃった……♪綺麗な青い石……まるで、海みたいです。……「アクアマリン」って、言うんですか?石言葉は『幸福』……?わたしを見ていると、みんな幸せになる……?あの、それって、オーナーさんも……ですか?ふふっ……じゃあ、わたし、この水着と指輪で、もっと幸せを運ぶ「天使」になれるように、がんばりますね♪だから、これからも、毎回楽しく、幸せに……♪ず〜っと、一緒にいてくださいね♥オーナーさん♥

Honoka: To e- ♥ got it from the owner...... ♪ beautiful blue stone...... It's like the sea. Are you going to say aquamarine? The stone word is 'happiness'. When you look at me, everyone is happy....? You know, that's the owner, too. Is it? Heh... Well, I'll do my best to be an angel who carries happiness with this swimsuit and ring♪ so I'm going to have fun and happiness every time. ♪, please stay with me♥ owner♥

Episode 35: It's Embarrassing... (恥ずかしいです…)

First version


DOAX VenusVacation Valentine Extra episode Honoka

Japanese English translation

Honoka: あつ、オーナーさん。あの、ちょっと、いいですか?あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Ah, Boss. Do you have a second? Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Honoka extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Honoka: あつ、オーナーさん。あの、ちょっと、いいですか?あ、あの…これ、受け取ってください!うう、は、はずかしいです…、でも、喜んでもらえたら…うれしいです。えと、オーナーさん… …あの…じゃあ…また、明日一緒にあそんでね…

Honoka: Ah, Boss. Do you have a second? Um… This is for you! T-This is embarrassing… But as long as you like it… Um, Boss… Um…Anyway, let's have fun tomorrow as well.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Honoka: えっ、写真、撮りたいんですか?えっと……じゃあ、準備しますから、待らててくださいね。じゃあ、かわいく撮ってくださいね。イヤラシイのは、無しですよ?

(Camera flash)

Honoka: Oh, you wanna take pics? Well, okay… Gimme a second to get ready. Take some cute shots of me, okay? But I'm not doing anything too sexy.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Honoka: ぱちり!ふふっ♪かわいく撮れたかな?

Honoka: Click! Click! Heheh ♪ Did you get some cute ones?

Episode 36: I want to be sweet to angels. (天使に甘えたい)


DOAXVV Sayuri Birthday Scene1 (사유리 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 今日のパーティー……みんな楽しんでくれているかしら……?お料理、少し健康に気を使い過ぎたかも……自分のパーティーなんだから、そんなに心配しなくてもいい、ですか?ふふっ、お姉ちゃんのクセみたいなものだから♥オーナーちゃんの好きなものも、たくさん作ったから、お腹いっぱい食べてね?……えっ、これをお姉ちゃんに……?日頃の感謝をこめた……プレゼント?

Sayuri: Today's party... I wonder if everyone is enjoying it. I might have been a little too careful with my cooking. It's your own party, so don't you worry about it? It's like your sister's habit♥ so I made a lot of the owner's favorite things, so i'll eat a lot of them. ...... Oh, this is your sister. I put my daily thanks. Present?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: わぁ……!透き通ったきれいな水着……ありがとうございます、オーナーちゃん♥パーティーだけじゃなくて、こんなに素敵な水まで♪ふふっ♪お返しに、特別なデザートを作りましょうか♥……えっ?それもいいけど、お返しなら、着たところを見せて欲しい、ですか?ふふっ、もちろんです♪お姉ちゃん、一肌脱いじゃいます♥

Sayuri: Wow, wow. A beautiful bathing suit that is transparent...... Thank you, the owner ♥ not only party, but also to make a special dessert ♪ ♪ to such wonderful water♥ What? That's fine, but in return, do you want me to show you where I've arrived? Of course♪ sister, i'm going to take off my skin♥

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ええと……どうかしら?オーナーちゃん?まるで天使みたい……!?そ、そんな風に言われると、お姉ちゃん照れちゃいます……思わず甘えたくなる……って……ふふっ♪いいですよ、オーナーちゃん♥お姉ちゃんで良ければ……ふふっ、いい子いい子♥それは、カメラ……?記念撮影をしてくれるんですか?もちろん、いいですよ♥じゃあ、えっと……綺麗に、撮ってくださいね、オーナーちゃん♪

(camera flash)

Sayuri: Uh... What do you think? The owner? It's like an angel.!? Well, when you say it like that, your sister is embarrassed. I want to spoil it unintentionally...... What...... It♪s good, if the owner ♥ your sister. Whoa, good boy♥ it's a camera. Are you going to take a picture? Of course, that's fine♥ then, uh... Please take a picture beautifully, owner♪

(camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪オーナーちゃんとの思い出が増えて、お姉ちゃんうれしいです♥オーナーちゃんと一緒の写真も……撮りたいな♪

Sayuri: The memories of the owner ♪ increased, and the photo with the owner ♥ happy sister. I want to take a picture♪

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: あら……?オーナーちゃん?どうしたんですか?そわそわして?……あとで、用が……?……いいですよ。オーナーちゃん……♥オーナーちゃんは、いつも宵っ張りだから、お姉ちゃんがホットミルクを持っていってあげますね♥だから……えっと……また、あとで。ね、オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Oh, my God. The owner? What's happening? Fidget it up? ...... Later, i'll do what I need to do. ...... That's ok. The owner... ♥ owner is always on the pitch, so my sister will take you hot milk♥ so...... Let's see...... See you later. Hey, owner♥

Episode 37: Your sister's thoughts (お姉ちゃんの想し)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Sayuri after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Sayuri Birthday Scene2 (사유리 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): ……オーナーちゃん♪

Sayuri: ふふっ♪やっぱり、オーナーちゃんは宵っ張りですね。はい、お姉ちゃんのホットミルクです♥慌てず、ゆっくり飲んでね。

Sayuri (OFF): ...... Owner-chan♪

Sayuri: After all, ♪ owner is a good night. Yes, it's your sister's hot milk♥ don't panic and drink slowly.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ♪……落ち着きましたか?それじゃあ、今日はちょっとだけ、お姉ちゃんも一緒に夜更かしちゃおうかな♪

Sayuri: ♪. Have you calmed down? Well, i think i'll have a little late with my sister today♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん、今目は本当にありがとう。パーティーも、水着も……とっても嬉しかったです♥こんなに幸せなのは、オーナーちゃんのおかげですね♥……オーナーちゃん?……えっ、もう一つ渡したい物があった?どうしても、今日中に……大丈夫、落ち着いて……お姉ちゃん、ここにいますから♥

Sayuri: Owner, thank you very much for your eyes right now. Parties, bathing suits... I was so happy♥ i owe it to the owner ♥ so happy. The owner? ...... Oh, there was one more thing I wanted to give you. By all means, by the end of today...... It's okay. Calm down. Sister is here, so ♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: えっ!?オーナーちゃん、これって……!?あの……つけてみても、いいですか……?

Sayuri: Eh!? Owner, is this??!? Excuse me...... Even if I put it on, is it good?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 海のように言くて、透き通った石……これは、アクアマリン……ですよね?石言葉は、健康、癒し……わたしに、ピッタリの言葉だから……?ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーちゃん。お姉ちゃんのこと、考えて選んくれたんですね♥じゃあ、お姉ちゃん、これからも、オーナーちゃんや、みんなのために頑張りますね♪みんなや……オーナーちゃんのお世話をすることは、お姉ちゃんにとっての「癒し」……だから。え?累張して疲れたから、癒されたいって……ふふっ♪そう言ってもらえて、嬉しいですけど、……夜更かしは、健康に良くないですよ♥だから……今日は、オーナーちゃんが眠れるまで、お姉ちゃんが、そばにいてあげますね♥

Sayuri: It's like the sea, it's a transparent stone. This is aquamarine...... That's true? Stone words are healthy, healing...... Because it is the right word for me. Thank you ♪, owner. You thought about your sister and chose it♥ so you'll do your best for your sister, the owner, and everyone♪. Taking care of the owner is a "healing" for your sister. So. What? I'm tired from being so tired that I want to be healed. I'm glad ♪ you said that、...... Late night is bad for your health♥ so...... I'll be there for your sister until the owner sleeps today♥

Episode 38: My chocolate. (わたしのチョコを)


DOAXVV Sayuri Valentine event(발렌타인 사유리 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Sayuri (OFF): あの、夜遅くにごめんなさい。ちょっとだけ……いい、ですか?

Sayuri: オーナーちゃん……お姉ちゃん……「わたし」のチョコ、受け取ってくれますか……?オーナーちゃんが喜んでくれたら、お姉ちゃん、とっても嬉しい♪オーナーちゃん……じゃあ、また明日。おやすみなさい

Sayuri (OFF): I'm sorry late at night. Just a little...... Okay, is that it?

Sayuri: Owner... Can you accept the chocolate of "I"...... If the owner is happy, sister, very happy♪ owner... See you tomorrow. Good night

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 撮影をしたいんですか?はい♪お姉ちゃんでよければ、よろこんで少し恥ずかしいですけど……はい

(Camera flash)

Sayuri: Do you want to shoot? Yes♪ if it's okay with your sister, I'm happy and a little embarrassed, but. Yes

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Sayuri: ふふっ、あとで見せてくださいね♪

Sayuri: Huh, please show it to me later♪

Episode 39: Thin Towel Wrap (Kokoro) (うすかわたけのこ(こころ))


DOAXVV こころエクストラエピソード『うすかわたけのこ』


DOAXVV SRR Thin Towel Wrap (Kokoro) Extra Episode

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 40: Thin Towel Wrap (Honoka) (うすかわたけのこ(ほのか))


DOAXVV Honoka SSR Towel Extra Episode

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 41: Which one am I? (わたしはどっち?)


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene (2019 레이팡 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 28 - Which one am I?

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……ふう、ちょっと疲れちゃった。祝ってもらうのはうれしいけど、意外と気を遣うのよね……

Leifang: Whew… I'm getting a little tired. It's nice everyone's celebrating for me, but it is kind of overwhelming.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……って、オーナーさん!?い、いつからそこに……え?涼んでた、って……パーティーを抜け出して?ちょっと……、今日は私の誕生日でしょ?こんなところにいるなんて、どーゆーこと?ほら、しどろもどろにならないの!慌てなくてもいいわよ。顔、真っ赤じゃない、熱でもあるんじゃない?……大丈夫?

Leifang: …B-Boss!? How long have you been standing there? Oh, so you left the party… Just to get some fresh air? Excuse me… Today's my birthday. What are you doing out here when there's a party? Would you stop rambling? It's nothing to get panicked over. Oh my gosh, your face is beet red. Are you feeling okay?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……え?なによ、これ?これ、誕生日ケーキ!?もしかして、これを渡すために?じゃあ、さっき「涼んでた」って言ったのは…………もう、なに照れでるのよ。こっちまで、恥ずかしくなっちゃうじゃない…………ん?もう一つ?これは……わたしへの「特別な贈り物」……?

Leifang: Hm? What's this? My birthday cake!? Is that why you came out here? So you had more in mind than just "getting some fresh air." Why are you so embarrassed? It's starting to rub off on me… Hm? There's one more? A "special gift" for me?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ……素敵じゃない!これ、もらっていいの?嬉しい……

Leifang: Wow… This is awesome! Can I really have it? Thank you…

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: ……どう……かしら、オーナーさん?……見とれてないで、なにか言ってよ?わたしだって、恥ずかしいんだから ……!写真……?ふふっ♪早く、撮ってよ……♥

Camera flash

Leifang: What do you think, boss…? Stop staring at me and say something! I'm getting pretty embarrassed here…! Oh, a pic? Heheh ♪ Well, hurry up and take it ♥

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 牡牛座には 、二つの神話がある牡牛座にはね、二つの神話があるの。……知ってる?「娘に一目惚れした神様が、牡牛になってその娘を連れ去る話」と……「浮気がばれそうになった神様が、その娘を牡牛にしちゃう話」。……どっちも同じ神様なの。わたしって、牡牢に連れ去られるのかしら、……それとも牡牛にされちゃうのかしら?オーナーさん、浮気は、ダ・ス・よ?なーんでね♪そろそろ、みんなのいるパーティーに戻りましょ?……それとも、牡牛になって、わたしを連れ去っちゃう?ふふっ……♪

Leifang: Hey, there's two stories behind Taurus the Bull. Do you know them? The first one is about a god who falls in love with a girl, so he changes into a bull and carries her off. The other one says the god is about to get caught cheating, so he turns his lover into a bull. It's the same god is [sic] in both stories. Am I the type he'd turn into a mighty bull to take me away, or would he turn ME into the bull? Now now boss… No cheating on me, okay? Just kidding ♪ Shall we get back to that party? Or are you about to change into a mighty bull and carry me off far away? Heheh ♪

Episode 42: You know that♪ (わかってるじゃない♪)


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene1 (레이팡 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): オーナーさん、入るわよ?

Leifang: なにかしら?パーティーの途中なのに、部屋に来てほしい……だなんて。具合でも悪いの?おかゆでも作ってあげましょうか?えっ?今は違う用があるから、また今度?ならいいけど……「用」ってなあに?ふふっ♪パーティー中のわたしを呼び出すだなんて、よほど、「大切な用事」なんでしょうね?えっ?大切なプレゼント?

Leifang (OFF): Owner, are you coming in?

Leifang: What is it? I want you to come to my room in the middle of the party. I don't know. Are you sick? Do you want me to make porridge? What? Now i have a different job, so i'll see you next time. That's fine, but what do you mean by "for me"? It's a very important errand to call me up for ♪ party, isn't it? What? An important present? ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ、素敵な水着!たしかに、これは「大切な用事」ね♪なかなかやるじゃない、オーナーさん♪ふーん、ダイヤモンドをモチーフにした水着なの?わたしがそれだけ綺麗……ってことかしら。ダイヤモンドの石言葉は「完壁」に「清浄無垢」……?ふふっ、オーナーさんもわかってるじゃない♪そうね。せっかくプレゼントしてもらったんだし……オーナーさんに、「完壁」なわたしを見せてあげるわ。ちょっと待ってなさい♪

Leifang: Wow, nice swimsuit! Sure, this is an important errand♪ it's hard to do, ♪ owner, is it a diamond-themed swimsuit? I'm so beautiful...... I wonder if that means. The stone word of the diamond is "complete wall", and "clean ness" is Heh, the owner knows ♪. I had a present with great pains. I'll show the owner that i'm a complete wall. Wait a minute♪

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: はい、オーナーさん♪どうかしら?もう……見てるだけじゃなくて、何か、言ってくれてもいいんじゃない?えっ?見惚れてた?すごく似合ってるって……ふふっ、当然ね♪じゃあ、プレゼントのお礼に、写真を撮らせてあげようかしら♪カメラの準備くらい、してあるんでしょ?「ダイヤモンドみたいに」綺麗に撮ってよね♪

Camera flash

Leifang: Yes, what about ♪ owner? I'm not going to be able You're not just looking at it, you can say something. What? I was in love with you. It looks great on you. Of course♪ i'll give you a picture to thank you for the present♪ so you're preparing the camera, right? It's like a diamond, isn't it♪

Camera flash

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: ねえ、縞麗に撮れた?そう、よかった。ま、モデルがいいから、当然ね♪えっ?パーティーのあとで来てほしい場所がある?なによ、改まって……ふふっ♪素敵なプレゼントをもらったんだし、いいわよ。そのお願い、聞いてあげるわ。……でも、まずはこのドレスをみんなに見せなきゃね♪ありがと、いい「お色直し」になったわ。じゃあ、また後で会いましょ。あんまり女の子を待たせたらダメよ、オーナーさん?

Leifang: Hey, did you get a striped shot? Yes, that's good. Well, the model is good, so of course ♪ eh? Is there a place you want to come after the party? What, it's a change. I got a nice present ♪, okay? Please, I'll ask you. ...... But first, I had to show this dress to everyone♪ and it became a nice "recolor". See you later. Don't let the girl wait too much, owner?

Episode 43: I can't leave you alone. (放っておけない)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Leifang after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Leifang Birthday Scene2 (레이팡 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: あら、オーナーさん?ふふっ、約束した時間より早く来るだなんて、感心ね。ま、わたしが相手なんだから、当然だけど♪どうしたの?なんだか、複雑な表情だけど……やっぱり、具合でも悪いの?……なんて、そういう雰囲気Uじゃなさそうね?じゃあ、何かしら?これも大事な用事?

Leifang: Oh, the owner? He's impressed that he's coming earlier than he promised. Well, i'm the other person, so of course ♪ what happened? It's a complicated expression, but...... After all, are you sick or not? ...... Oh, that's not the atmosphere U, isn't it? Well, then, what is it? Is this also an important errand?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: これ、指輪……?

Leifang: This is the ring.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Leifang: わぁ、キラキラしていて綺麗……七色に輝いてる……これ……ダイヤモンドかしら?わたしの誕生石……でも、どうして突然指輪なんて…………ダイヤモンドの石言葉?さっき教えてくれた言葉以外にも、何かあるの?「永遠の紳」……?も、もうそういうこと、軽々しく言うもんじゃないの!オーナーさんが、冗談でそんなこと言わないのは、わかってるつもりだけど……えっと…………いいわ。今回は、特別に受け取ってあげる。「紳」にもいろいろあるんだし……オーナーさんとの今の関係、嫌いじゃないし、ね。それに、わたしが近くにいてあげないと、オーナーさんも困るでしょ?わたしも、なんだか放っておけないもの……だから……これからもよろしくね、オーナーさん♪

Leifang: Wow, it's sparkling and beautiful. It shines in seven colors. This...... Is it a diamond? My birthstone...... But why is the ring suddenly...... Diamond stone words? Is there anything else besides the words you just told me? "Eternal Shin" Well, that's not to say that lightly anymore! I know the owner doesn't say that with a joke, but...... Let's see............ All right. This time, I'll receive it specially. There's a lot of things in Shin... I don't like my current relationship with the owner. And if I don't stay near you, the owner will be in trouble, too. I can't leave it alone. So...... I'll continue to say hello to you, owner♪

Episode 44: Once In A While (たまにはいいでしょ)


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Leifang extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Leifang (OFF): ふふっ、来ちゃった♪

Leifang: あの、これ、受け取ってくれると、嬉しいんだけど……たまにはこういうのも、いいでしょ?オーナーさん♥ふふ……じゃあ、また明日ね♪

Leifang (OFF): Heheh. I'm here ♪

Leifang: Um, I hope you'll accept this gift from me… It's nice to do something like this once in a while, right? Boss ♥ Heheh… Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 写真を撮りたいの?別にいいけど……変なのはダメよ?さ、どこからでも、かかってらっしゃい♪

(Camera flash)

Leifang: You want to take pics? I guess that's fine, but no weird stuff. Take them from any angle you want ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Leifang: 感謝しでよね?恥ずかしいんだから。

Leifang: Be thankful I'm doing this. It's pretty embarrassing…

Episode 45: Putting Work Aside (仕事をはなれて)


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさ Nagisa's birthday extra episode"仕事をはなれて"


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 49 - Putting Work Aside

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: あら、オーナーさん。……あなたもいたんですね。今日はわたしの誕生日、ですけど……別に、お祝いなんてしてもらわなくても……仕事も忙しそうなのに…………これも「仕事」?……はぁ。そういう人でしたね。では、仕事でのお祝い、ありがとうございます。食べるものを食べたら、本当のお仕事に戻ってくださいね。……バカわんこ。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: Oh, hi boss. I didn't realize you were here. Today is my birthday, but… There's no need to celebrate it… Besides, you seem so busy with work. Oh, this is also part of your "job?" *sigh* That's so typical of you. Thanks for celebrating as part of your "job" then. Just have a quick bite to eat and then get back to your real job, okay? Silly dog.

Scene 2

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: ……オーナーさん?こんなところに一人で……仕事はどうしたんですか?仕事は終わり、今はプライベート?

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: Boss? What are you doing here all alone? Shouldn't you be working? Work's over, and now you're on private time?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これ……わたしの、誕生日ケーキ……?仕事は、終わったんじゃないんですか?……はぁ。仕方がないですね。今目くらいは……少しだけ、お休みしても。……ありがとうございます。それと……さっきは、ごめんなさい。少し、言いすぎました。え……?いっしょに食べてくれたら、許す?ふふっ、それくらいなら。なんなら、食べさせてあげましようか?わんこさん?……じょ、冗談です!本気にしないで……もう。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: This is…a birthday cake for me…? Aren't you already done with your "job?" *sigh* Oh well… I guess a little time off today won't hurt. Thank you… Oh, and sorry. I said a little too much earlier. Huh? You'll forgive me if we have a meal together. Heheh, if that's all it takes. Shall I spoon-feed you as well, doggy? I was…just kidding! Don't take everything so seriously.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これは……誕生日の、水着ですか?ありがとうございます。ふふっ、あとで着てみます。え?今……着て見せて欲しい、ですって……?調子に乗らないでください。このエロわんこ。仕事は終わったんじゃないんですか?ここからは仕事、ですって!?……はぁ。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: This is…a swimsuit for my birthday? Thank you. Heheh, I'll put it on later. Huh? You want to see it on me right now? Don't get carried away, you dirty dog. Weren't you done with your "job" for the day? Your work has just begun!? *sigh*

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: はい、着であけましたよ。これで満足ですか?……写真!?し、仕事でもお断りです!じゃあ、プライベートで……お願い!?……もう!好きにすればいいでしょう?このエロわんこ!

Camera Flash

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: There, I put it on for you. Satisfied? Pictures!? N-not a chance, even if it's for work! Take it as…a personal request!? Fine! Just do it, dirty dog!

Camera Flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: これ、風になびくとキラキラ光って……ふふっ♪とても似合ってる、って……それは、お仕事ですか?プライベートですか?……ふふっ♪……どっちでもいいです。ありがとうございます、わんこさん。

Nagisa [DMM version]/Mystery Venus [Steam version]: It's so sparkly in the wind… Heheh ♪ Oh, you think it looks nice on me? Is that part of your job? Or your personal opinion? Heheh ♪ It's fine either way. Thanks a lot, silly dog.

Episode 46: The Beauty of the World (絶世の美女)


DOAXVV Nagisa Birthday Scene1 (나기사 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 姿が見えなくなったと思ったら、こんなところに……。……ー体何を企んでいるんですか?わたしはともかく、せっかくみさきが用意してくれたパーティーなんですから。オーナーさんには、楽しむ義務があるんです。……ほら、一緒に戻りますよ?わんこさん?……ふ、二人きりになりたかった?突然何を言うんですか、この回わんこ……!

Nagisa: If you think you're out of sight, you're in a place like this. ...... What are you up to? Anyway, it is a party that Misaki prepared with great pains. The owner has a duty to have fun. ...... Look, we're coming back together, right? Doggie ...... Oh, you wanted to be alone? What are you going to say all of a sudden?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 水着……?これをわたしに?一体どういうつもりですか……?プレゼントって……それは、その、見たらわかりますけど……だったら、みんなの前で渡してください。そうすれば……その……う、受け取るくらいなら、してあげますから。……ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど。……着て見せて欲しい?はぁ、まったく。……そういうことですか。このエロわんこ。まあ、いいですよ。見たところ、ヘンな水着じゃなさそうだし……それに……せっかく用意してもらったんですから。その、お礼に……少しくらいは。

Nagisa: Swimwear Give this to me? What the hell are you doing? What's a present? I can see it when I see it, but...... Then give it to me in front of everyone. If so...... That...... Well, i'll do it if I take it. ...... I'm a little embarrassed. ...... Do you want me to put it on? Haha, at all. ...... Is that what you're talking about? This erotic dog. Well, that's fine. Apparently, it doesn't seem to be a strange swimsuit. It...... I had it prepared with great pains. Well, thank you. Not a little.

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はい、着てあげましたよ。……なかなか、悪くないと思います。なんだか、変わった水着ですね。とても豪華というか……異国の女王のような。……えっ、クレオパトラをイメージした?絶世の美女!?似合ってる、クレオパトラみたいって……はぁ……そんな口車には乗りませんよ。確かに、豪華で椅麗な水着ですけど。……なんでガッカリしてるんですか?もう……わたしが悪いみたいじゃないですか。わ、わかりました。女王っぽく……じゃあ……少しだけ……コホン。あなたが献上したこの水着、とても気に入りました。わたしのためを思ってしてくれたこと、……女王として、嬉しく思います。……礼をいいますよ。オーナーさん♪……これでいいですか?えっ?褒美!?写真を撮らせてほしい?はぁ……では、好きにするがよい。……この、エロわんこ♪

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: Yes, I put it on. ...... I think that it is not bad easily. Somehow, it's a strange swimsuit. It's so gorgeous. like a foreign queen. ...... Eh, did you imagine Cleopatra? The Beauty of the World!? You look good, you look like Cleopatra. Sigh...... I'm not going to get in that kind of car. It's a gorgeous and beautiful swimsuit. ...... Why are you so disappointed? I'm not going to be able I'm sorry, aren't I? I understand. It's like a queen. Well then...... A little bit...... Cohon. I liked this swimsuit that you gave away very much. What you thought was for me、...... I am happy as a queen. ...... I'll thank you. ♪ owner... Is this all right? What? Reward!? You want me to take a picture? Sigh...... Then, it is good to like it. ...... This, erotic♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: はぁ……もう……恥ずかしいことさせるんだから……さあ、はやくパーティーに戻りますよ。みさきが心配していますから。……え?パーティーのあとで、また……?また、ヘンなこと考えてるんじゃないでしょうね?エロわんこ。……いいですよ。わたしも、この水着のお礼、まだ言ってませんから。じゃあ、また……あとで。わんこさん。

Nagisa: Ha... I'm not going to be able It's embarrassing. Come on, i'll be back to the party soon. I'm worried about Misaki. ...... What? After the party, again.? You're not thinking about weird things again, are you? Erotic dog. ...... That's ok. I haven't said thank you for this swimsuit yet. See you later...... Later. Doggie.

Episode 47: Lucky Clover (幸運のクローバー)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Nagisa after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Nagisa Birthday Scene2 (나기사 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 絶世の美女……

Nagisa: The Beauty of the World...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 女王クレオパトラ……か。ふふっ♪ひゃあっ!?い、いつからそこに……?はぁ……と、とにかく、えっと……こ、この水着……気に入りました。クレオパトラ、っていうのは、正直ガラじゃありませんけど。この水着なら、普段言えないことでも……言えそう。だから……あの、ありがとうございます。……オーナーさん。さっきは、ちゃんと言えなかったから。……はい、こちらの用は済みました。オーナーさんの方は……どんな用ですか?

Nagisa: Queen Cleopatra... Do you? Heh♪!! How long have you been there? Sigh...... And, anyway, uh... This swimsuit... I like it. Cleopatra, i mean, it's not a gala to be honest. With this swimsuit, i don't normally know what i can't say. I can say. So...... Thank you, uh. ...... The owner. I couldn't say it right earlier. ...... Yes, i'm done with this. The owner... What kind of things do you want?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: え……これ、指輪……? ま、待ってください、わたし、こんな……こんなこと……突然……えっ!?誕生日のプレゼントに……誕生石を?はぁ……び、びっくりした……ま、まあそういう意味なら、貰っても……

Nagisa: Eh... This is a ring. Well, wait, I'm like this. Such a thing...... Suddenly...... What!? It's a birthday present. Birthstone Sigh...... I was surprised. Well, if that's what i mean, i'll get it.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: ふふっ♪四葉のクローバーがかわいい……♪……あ、あなたにしては、いいアイデアだと思います。エメラルドは「幸運の石」……ですから。女王クレオパトラへの忠誠の証って……もう、そういう話は……少しは、真面目に言うことを聞いて下さい。せっかくの、誕生日なんですから…………じゃあ。エメラルドの石言葉通り、とても、「幸せ」な、素敵な誕生日でした。お祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます。な……なんですか、ニヤニヤして……エメラルドのもう一つの石言葉?……「愛」?え?ええっ!?もう!結局、わたしをからかって……!「真面目」だ、って……!?こ……この、エロわんこ!!

Nagisa: The four-leaf clover ♪ fluffy is cute. ♪...... Oh, I think it's a good idea for you. Emerald is the stone of fortune. Therefore. A sign of loyalty to Queen Cleopatra. That's the story. A little, listen to me seriously. It's my birthday. Well then. It was a wonderful birthday, very happy, as the emerald stone says. Thank you for your congratulations. You know... What is it, grinning...... Another stone word of emerald? Love What? What!? I'm not. After all, you make fun of me....! It's serious. This...... This, erotic dog! !

Episode 48: Shut Up And Take Them (黙って受け取って)


Nagisa vday extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Nagisa (OFF): あの、なぎさ、です……ここ、開けなさいよ、バカねんこ……

Nagisa: あっ、あの、これ……受け、受け取って……だ、黙って受け取ってください!ばか!へ、ヘンな意味は無いですからね?誤解しないでください。オーナー……さん……あなたの罠く顔が見たかっただけです…………勘違い、しないでよ。はか。

Nagisa (OFF): Um, it's Nagisa… Open this door, you stupid dog.

Nagisa: I, um, just, t-take these… Ju-just shut up and take them, dummy! There's nothing special about this, okay? Don't take it the wrong way. Boss… I only wanted to see your surprised face. So don't get any wrong ideas, dummy.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 二人きりで撮影……?変なことをしたら、人を呼びますよ?……さっさと始めてください。……ヘソタイ。

(Camera flash)

Nagisa: A photo session with just the two of us? If you do anything weird I'll scream. So hurry up and get started, pervy.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Nagisa: いつまで見てるのよ!……こ、こ、この、エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Stop looking me over like that! You…dirty dog!

Episode 49: Hitomi's Birthday (ヒトミの誕生日)


DOAXVV ヒトミ誕生日

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ。オーナーさん、こんにちは。押尽!あの、今日の夜って空いてますか?ちょっと、部屋に来てほしくて……あっ、忙しかったらいいんです。お暇なら、で……あはっ、じゃあ、お待ちしてますね。あの、おなか空かせて、来てくださいね。

Hitomi: Oh, hey, boss. Hai-ya! Say, are you free tonight? I'd like you to come to my room... Oh, but if you're busy, that's OK. When you have the time... Oh, well, I'll be waiting, then. By the way, please come hungry.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: こんばんは。来てもらえてうれしいです!あの。今日、わたしの誕生日なんです。だから、みんなでパーティーを、と思って。腕によりをかけて準備したから、たくさん食べてくださいね。えっ、その前に……?なんてすか?わっ!ケーキ!?あの、頂いちやっていいんですか!?ありがとうございます!……うれしいなぁ……あの、オーナーさん。パーティーが終わった後、ちょっとだけ、お話しできませんか?えと……二人だけで。じゃあ、よろしくお願いしますね。みんな、お待ちかねですよ♪

Hitomi: Good evening. I'm so glad you came! Err... It's my birthday today, so I just thought that we could all enjoy a party together. I used all of my skills to prepare lots of food, so eat up. Huh? Before that...? What is it? Oh, a cake!? Is it really for me!? Thanks! ...I'm so happy... ...Umm, boss? Could I talk to you after the party? ...Just the two of us? Until then, then. Meanwhile, everyone is getting impatient♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: オーナーさん、お待たせしましたお。片付けまで手伝ってもらっちゃつて……わたしの国では、誕生日はパーティーを開いて、みんなにお礼の気持ちを伝える日なんです。みんな、楽しんでくれたみたいで、よかった。こうやって、楽しい誕生日パーティーができたのは、オーナーさんのおかげだと思います。あと、ケーキ!……とっても嬉しかった。わたし、オーナーさんが来るまで、今日が誕生日だって、言ってませんから。……憶えていてくれなんですよね?……だから、オーナーさんには、きちんと伝えたくて。じゃあ……言いますね。いつも、見守ってくれてありがとうございほす。……これからも、よろしくお願いしほす。……ふふっ、あらためていうと、ちょっと、照れチすね。わたし、もっともっと強くなりますから、ずっと、見ていてくださいね!押忍!

Hitomi: Boss, sorry to keep you waiting. And you're even staying behind to help clean up. In my country, parties are held on birthdays to show your appreciation and gratitude to everyone. I'm glad that everyone seemed to be having a good time. It's thanks to you that I was able to have such a great birthday party. Oh, and the cake! I was so happy. Even though I didn't mention that it was my birthday before you arrived. You remembered the date, didn't you? So... I want to say it to you properly. OK, here goes. Thank you for always looking out for me. I hope you'll continue to do so too... Hehehe... When I say it all together like that, it's a little embarrassing. I'm going to get stronger and stronger, so please keep watching! Hai-ya!

Episode 50: Together forever (いつまでも一緒に)


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Hitomi's Birthday Special 2019


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene (2019 히토미 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 50 - Together Forever

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi (OFF): さん!に!いち!

Hitomi: いぇーい!みんなありがとう!これからも、よろしくお願いしまーすっ♪あ、オーナーさん!すみません、わたしのワガママで、「お誕生日のカウントダウン」なんて、させてもらっちゃって。おかげで、思い出に残る誕生日になりました!本当にありがとうございます!「誕生日はまだ始まったばかり」……?あはっ、そうですね♪オーナーさんも楽しんでくださいね!パーティーのお料理もたっぷり用意してますから♪

Hitomi (OFF): Three! Two! One!

Hitomi: Yay! Thanks so much, everybody! I hope our friendship lasts forever ♪ Oh, hi boss! Maybe I was a little selfish asking for a "birthday countdown." But that made it a birthday I'll never forget! Thank you so, so much! My birthday is just getting started? Haha, that's right ♪ Please enjoy yourself too, boss! There's plenty of food at the party ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わぁ!可愛いケーキですね♪これもらってもいいんですか?わーい!やったぁー!ふふっ♪とってもおいしそうです♪

Hitomi: Oh my gosh, what an adorable cake ♪ I can really have this? Wow! Hooray! Heheh ♪ It looks super delicious ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: え?さらに……って、まだあるんですか?ええ!?この水着も、わたしにですか!?こんな良いものもらっちゃって……オーナーさん、本当にありがとうございほす!じゃあ、ケーキの方、皆で食べられるように切り分けて……って……?あれ……?オーナーさんどうかしました?なんだか、ふらふら……

Hitomi (OFF): オーナーさん?オーナーさん!

Hitomi: Eh? There's…more? Ehh!? This swimsuit is for me as well!? Thank you sooo much, boss… For the awesome gifts! Oh, so you want me to cut it? So everyone can have a piece and…Huh…? Whoa… Are you feeling okay, boss? You look kind of dizzy…

Hitomi (OFF): Boss…? Boss!

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ……ん。……オーナーさん、おはようございます…………もう朝ですか?

Hitomi: …Oh. Morning, boss… It's morning already?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ……じゃなくて!あ、あの、大丈夫ですか?よかったぁ……心配しました。え?なぜここに寝ていたのか?オーナーさん、パーティーの途中で寝ちゃってたから……お疲れなんだろうな、って思って。それで、片付けのあと、起きるまで待ってよう、って思ったんですけど……あはは……でめんなさい。え?迷惑だなんて、そんなことないです!わたしこそ、カウントダウンバーティーだなんて、無理言っちゃって…………せっかくのお誕生日ですから。一番おにお祝いしてもらいたくて……つい、ワガママ言っちゃいました。ごめんなさい!ええっ!?今から、水着を着で記念撮影、ですか!?一年の思い出だから……?それは、嬉しいですけど……うーん……じゃあ、ちょっとだけ、ですよ?

Hitomi: I mean… a-are you okay? Good… I was worried about you. Hm? Why are you sleeping here? Well, you passed out at the party. I thought you were exhausted, so… After tidying up, I planned to stay with you till you wake up. Haha… Sorry. Huh? It wasn't any trouble at all! I went too far asking for a countdown party. It was my birthday, after all. Most of all, I wanted you to celebrate with me. That was really selfish of me. I am so sorry! What!? You want me to put on a commemorative photo shoot right now!? For memories of this year? Well, I'm delighted, but… Hmm… Well, just a little, I guess.

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あはっ!これ、すっこく軽くて、動きやすい♪それに、とっても可愛くて……大好きです!でも、こんな、カワイイ水着……わたしに似合ってるといいんだけど……あはは……えっ!?「かわいい」ですか?あはは、なんだか照れちゃいますね。こんな素敵なプレゼント、ありがとうございます!それじゃあ、オーナーさん。撮影、よろしくお願いしますね!

Camera flash

Hitomi: Haha! This is so light and easy to move around in! And so adorable… I love it! But wearing a swimsuit this adorable… I hope it… actually matches me. Haha… Really!? You think I'm cute in it? Haha, You're making me blush… Thank you for such an awesome present! Well, boss. What do you say we get this photo session started!

Camera flash

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: そう言えばこの水着ってふたご座をモチーフにしてるんですよね?オーナーさんはふたご座の神話をしってますか?双子の兄弟が、いつまでも一緒にいられるように、神様にお願いして、星座にしてもらったんだそうです。って、わたしも、人に聞いた話なんですけど……「誰かといっまでも一緒にいたい」って、素敵ですよね。え?オーナーさんもいつでもみんなのそばにいる、ですか?あはっ♪そうですね!……いつも一緒にいてくれてありがとうございます。改めてオーナーさん。ありがとうございました。カウントダウンに、素敵な水着で写真撮影に……あと、オーナーさんの看病……は、うまくできなかったけど……とっても特別な誕生日でした♪あっ!でも、オーナーさん?わたしがワガママ言っても、無理はダメですよ!?健康第一!元気が一番!ですから♪

Hitomi: Speaking of which, I noticed this swimsuit has a Gemini motif. Do you know of the Gemini Myth, boss? A pair of twins prayed to be together forever, so God fulfilled it and made them into a constellation. I just heard the story from someone else, but doesn't the idea of being with someone forever sound amazing? Hm? You'll always be with us all, boss? Haha ♪ That's right! Thanks for always being here with us. And thanks again, so much, for all you've done for me. A countdown party, a photo shoot in an awesome swimsuit, and the chance to take care of you… Not everything went planned, but it was a really special birthday ♪ Oh! But don't push yourself too hard, no matter how selfish I might get, okay!? The most important thing is your health, after all ♪

Episode 51: Before the party (パーティーの前に)


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene1 (히토미 2020 생일 이벤트1)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: いち、に、さん、し……よーし、もうー本!

Hitomi: One, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no All right, it's already a book!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふぅ、ちょっと休憩……

Hitomi: Oh, hey, take a break.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あっ、オーナーさん!どうしたんですか?そろそろパーティーだから声をかけに……?あはっ♪ありがとうございます!え、えっと、呼びに来てくれたことだけじゃなくて……オーナーさんがわたしの誕生日をちゃんと覚えてくれてて、今年もパーティー開いてもらえて……すごく嬉しいです!……本当は、わたしもパーティーの準備、手伝いたかったんですけど……あなたは主員なんだから、いつも通り外で修行してなさい!……って、レイファンに追い出されちゃって。あはは……え?パーティーの前に、ちょっと早い誕生日プレゼント……?

Hitomi: Oh, owner! What's happening? It's about time we had a party, so i'm going to call out to you. Thank you ♪! Well, well, it's not just that you came to call me. The owner remembered my birthday and was able to have a party again this year. I'm so happy! ...... Actually, I also wanted to help prepare for the party. You are the lord, so practice outside as usual! ...... I'm kicked out by Ray Fan. Ah, i'm sae What? Before the party, a little early birthday present.?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: わぁ、橋麗な水着!この緑色の宝石は……エメラルド、かな?古代エジプトでは「生命」のシンボル……?ヘぇ、そうなんですね!体力には自信がありますから、わたしにピッタリかも♪えっ、着てみてほしい、ですか?少し恥ずかしいけど……でも、せっかくだから見てもらいたいし……分かりました!待っててくださいね♪

Hitomi: Wow, bridge beautiful swimsuit! This green gem...... Emerald, i wonder. In ancient Egypt, the symbol of life Oh, that's right! I have confidence in my physical strength, so ♪ might be perfect for me, so i want you to wear it? I'm a little embarrassed, but...... But I want you to see it because it's a great deal of trouble. I understand! Please wait♪

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: どうですか?水着に負けてなければいいんですけど♪バッチリ?あはっ、ありがとうございます!オーナーさんのプレゼントで、修行の疲れも吹き飛んだかも♪え?エメラルドには「癒し」の効果もあるんですか?ふふっ♪じゃあ「生命」と合わせて、元気2倍ですね!そうだ……あの、オーナーさん。記念に、わたしと一緒に写真、撮ってくれませんか?まずは、わたしたけで?ふふっ、分かりました。じゃあ、ポーズは……こんな感じで♪

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: How's it going? I hope i don't lose to my bathing suit♪ Oh, thank you! With the owner's present, you might have blown away the fatigue of the training♪ Does emerald have the effect of "healing"? If you ♪, you'll be two times more energetic, in conjunction with life. I got it...... Uh, owner. Will you take a picture with me in commemoration? First of all, in the watae Phew, I understand. Well, then, the pose is... It's like this♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ほら、次はオーナーさんも一緒に撮りますよ♪

Hitomi: Look, the owner's going to take a picture with you nexttime♪

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あははっ、楽しかった!オーナーさん、この水着、すごく気に入っちゃいました♪エメラルド、本当に闘だなぁ……え?エメラルドは「女神ヴィーナスに捧げる石」だから、島の女神のわたしには、エメラルドの水着を……?そ、そんな、女神って……て、照れちゃいますよ……あはは……でも、本当にプレゼントありがとうございます!今夜のパーティーも、これ、着ていきますね♪え?パーティーのあとに、またふたりで話したい、ですか?じゃあ、パーティーの後ここで!楽しみにしてますね、オーナーさん♪

Hitomi: Oh, it was fun! Owner, I really like this swimsuit♪ emerald, it's really a fight. What? Because the emerald is a stone dedicated to the goddess Venus, I of the goddess of the island, emerald swimsuit. Well, that's the goddess. I'm going to be embarrassed. Ah, i'm sae But thank you very much for the present! I'm going to wear this for tonight's party, too♪ right? Do you want to talk to each other again after the party? Well, here after the party! I'm looking forward to it, owner♪

Episode 52: Respectable Venus (立派なヴィーナス)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Hitomi after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.


DOAXVV Hitomi Birthday Scene2 (히토미 2020 생일 이벤트2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: エメラルド……「ヴィーナスに捧げる宝石」、かぁ……毎日欠かさず修行してるけど、わたし、立派な「ヴィーナス」になれてるのかなぁ?

Hitomi: Emerald : "Jewels for Venus", I practice every day, but I wonder if I can become a great Venus.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あ、オーナーさん、お待ちしてました♪パーティー、とても楽しかったです!お誕生日ケーキのトッピングも、すごく凝ってて、可愛かったなぁ…………「わたしの手作り料理も美味しかった」?あははっ、ありがとうございます♪やっぱり、お祝いされるだけじゃなくて、みんなに、それとオーナーさんに、ちゃんとお礼がしたくて。えーと、それで、「ふたりで話したい」ことっていうのは……えつ、もう一つ、わたしにとっておきのプレゼント……?

Hitomi: Oh, the owner, i was waiting for you♪ party was a lot of fun! The toppings for the birthday cake were also very elaborate and cute. Thank you very much♪ after all, not only is it celebrated, but I also want to thank everyone and the owner. Well, so i want to talk to you two. E, one more thing, every present for me.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ゆ、指輪!?こんな素敵なもの、本当に貰ってもいいんですか?受け取って、ほしい……?じゃ、じゃあ……指にはめますね……

Hitomi: Yu, ring!? Can I really get something like this? I want to receive it. Well, then... I'll put it on my finger.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: 綺麗な色……エバーグリーン、色視せない、生命の緑かあ……エメラルドの石言葉は「希望」。ですよね?え?わたしの未来が、いつも「希望」に満ちているように……?……あはっ、そうですね♪わたし、女神様みたいになれるのかなって、考え過ぎてました。今まで通り、しっかり修行して…………ってそれだけじゃダメですよね♪他にもお料理とか、いろんなこと頑張って……元気で、立派な「ヴィーナス」になります!「自分も、ヴィーナスのためにすべてを捧げる」……って?!お、大げさ過ぎですよ、オーナーさんっ!でも、その気持ち、少し……ううん、とっても嬉しいです!これからも、ふたりで一緒に頑張りましょうね、オーナーさん!あははっ♪

Hitomi: Beautiful colors... Evergreen, incolor, green of life or... The emerald stone is the word "hope". That's true? What? Just as my future is always full of hope. ...... Oh, yes♪ I was thinking too much about whether I could be like a female god. As ever, i've been training hard. It's not good enough♪ you can cook as well, and do a lot of things. You will be a cheerful and splendid Venus! I give everything for Venus. What?! Oh, it's too exaggerated, owner! But that feeling, a little... No, I'm so happy! Let's do our best together from now on, owner! Ah-yes♪

Episode 53: Overflowing With Feelings… (気持ち、詰まってる…)

First version


DOAXVV DOAX VenusVacationを無課金プレイ23「ヒトミのヴィーナスバレンタイン完遂」

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと… …あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, Boss, do you have a minute? Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Hitomi extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: あのー、オーナーさん、ちょっと… …あの、これ… …どうぞっ!手作りの… …チョコ、食べてくれたら、嬉しいな。つ、るつまらないもの、だけど… …気持ちは、詰まってるから。あの、オーナーさん… …これからもよろしくね!

Hitomi: Um, Boss, do you have a minute? Um, please…take this! This is homemade chocolate… I hope you will enjoy it. Al-although it isn't much… I put my heart into it. Um, boss… I'll continue to be in your care!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: はい。すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててくださいね。よし、じゃあ、気合い入れて……お、お願いいます。

(Camera flash)

Hitomi: Okay. Hold on a sec while I get ready. Alright, I think I'm ready, so let's do it. Take good ones…okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Hitomi: ふふっ。なんだか、照れちゃいます、ね。

Hitomi: Heheh. I'm kind of getting embarrassed.

Episode 54: Marie's Birthday (マリーの誕生日)


DOAXVV 4K【】Marie Rose's Birthday extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん?こんにちは♪オーナーさんは、今日が何の日か、知ってしますか?せいかーい♪今日はマリーの誕生日なんです!お誕生日パーティーを開きますから、オーナーさんも、来てくださいね?それじゃあ、,お待ちしていますね♥

Marie Rose: Good afternoon, boss♪ Do you know what day it is? Bingo♪ It's my birthday today! We're having a birthday party! Will you come? All right, then, I'll be waiting♥

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ!オーナーさん、こんにちは♪マリーのお誕生日パーティーに来ていただいて、ありがとうございます♪お菓チもジュースもいっぱい用意したし、それに、お料理もマリーの手作りなんです♥本当は、エレナ様の時みたいに、大人なパーティーにできればよかったんですけど……マリー、今回は自分で準備したかったんです。マリーが、この島に来てどれだけ大人になったか、エレナ様や、オーナーさんや、みんなに見てほしくて。お料理も、ヒトミさんに習って……えつと、その、ちょっとだけ……手伝ってもらって……頑張ったんですよ♪今のマリーの精一杯です♪今日は、しっかり見てくださいね、オーナーさん♪えっ?オーナーさんからのお誕生日プレゼント!?何ですか?はやくはやくっ♪……パーティーのあとで?

Marie Rose: Oh! Good evening♪ Thank you for coming to my birthday party♪ I brought lots of sweets and drinks, and I made all the food myself♥ I really wish I could have prepared a more adult party, like Lady Helena's, but... This time, I wanted to do everything myself. I wanted Lady Helena, you, and everyone else to see how much I've grown since coming to the island. Hitomi showed me how to make the food... Umm... Err... Well, maybe she did help me a little... but I worked hard♪ This is my very best♪ Watch closely how I handle things, OK♪ What? A birthday present from you!? What is it!? Quickly, quickly...♪ ...After the party?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさん、パーティー、楽しかったですか?ふふっ、よかった♪エレナ様も喜んでくれたし、今のマリー、お見せできました♪それでー……ふふっ♪オーナーさんのプレゼントって、何ですが?……?

Marie Rose: Did you enjoy the party? Hehe, I'm glad♪ Lady Helena enjoyed herself too; I really showed everyone what I'm capable of♪ And now... Hehe...♪ What did you get for me? ……?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): わぁーっ……!オーナーさん、これ……!?

Marie Rose (OFF): Wow...! Boss, this...!?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: マリーへのプレゼントは……オーナーさんと二人で、少しだけ……大人のパーティー……?わぁっ、可愛いケーキ♥……ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。マリー、こんなパーティー、してみたかったんです♪……今のマリーには、少し早いかもしれないけど……今のマリーも、……これからのマリーも、 見ていてくださいね?オーナーさん!

Marie Rose: Your present to me... You wanted to celebrate with me... just us two... Just for a littlee while...? Oh, what a cute cake♥ ...Thank you, boss. I really wanted a party just like this♪ …… It might be a little too soon for me now, but... You'll continue to watch over me from now on as well, won't you? Boss!

Episode 55: Let's Find It Together (一緒に探して)


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene (2019 마리로즈 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 51 - Let's Find It Together

Scene 1

This scene does not have any dialogue

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): オーナーさん♪

Marie Rose: どうですか、この水着、マリーに似合ってますか?今目のお誕生目パーティー、みんながマリーに似合う水着を、たくさん用意してくれたんです♪お着替えするのは大変ですけど、みんなの期待に応えられるように、張り切っちゃいますね♪あっ、もう次のお着替えの時間!オーナーさん、失礼します♪

Marie Rose (OFF): Boss ♪

Marie Rose: What do you think of this swimsuit? Do I look good in it? Everyone gave me all these swimsuits to wear at my birthday party today ♪ Changing into them all isn't easy, but I'll do it for everyone ♪ Oops, it's time for my next change! Excuse me, boss ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ、やっと落ち着きました♪オーナーさん、さっきは時間が無くて、ごめんなさい。今日はパーティーに来てくださって、ありがとうございます♪えっ?マリーにプレゼント?ふふっ♪なんでしょう、楽しみです♪

Marie Rose: Heheh… Finally things have calmed down ♪ Sorry I didn't have time to chat with you just now. Thanks for coming to my party today ♪ Hm? A present for me? Heheh ♪ What could it be?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 大きなケーキ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん オーナーさんや、みんなにお祝いしてもらえて……マリー、とっても幸せです♪……オーナーさん。今日のマリーどうでしたか?とても可愛かった?えへへ……照れちゃいます♪オーナーさんにも、いろんなマリーを見てもらえて、嬉しいです♪え?そんなマリーにピッタリのプレゼント、ですか?

Marie Rose: A huge cake ♪ Thank you , boss ♪ I'm so happy you and everyone else are celebrating my birthday ♪ Boss… What did you think of me today? I was really cute? Heheh… You're making me blush ♪ I'm glad that you got to see me in many different outfits, boss ♪ Hm? You have the perfect present for me?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わぁ、新しい水着♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪マリー、嬉しいです♪大切にしますね♪……あっ、そうだ!パーティーの後、お暇ですか?じつは……マリーと一緒に、来て欲しい場所があるんです…………じゃあ、お待ちしていますね♪

Marie Rose: Wow, a new swimsuit ♪ Thank you, boss ♪ This makes me so happy ♪ I'll cherish it ♪ Oh yeah. Umm… Are you free after the party? Actually… There's this place I'd like to take you, just the two of us. Okay, I'll be waiting for you ♪

Scene 6

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 7

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose (OFF): あっ、オーナーさん♪お待ちしてました♪

Marie Rose: えへへ……さっきプレゼントしてもらった水着、着て来ちゃいました。えっ?神秘的で綺麗……?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます♪じつは、この場所でオーナーさんに写真を撮って欲しくて。この水着と、この場所、とっても合うと思うんです♪とても、いい写真になると思う……ですか?ふふっ♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪じゃあ、撮影、よろしくお願いしますね♪

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose (OFF): Hi boss ♪ I've been waiting ♪

Marie Rose: Heheh… I'm wearing the swimsuit you got me for my birthday. Hm? A mystical beauty? Heheh ♪ Thank you ♪ Actually, I was hoping you could take some photos of me here. I think the swimsuit goes perfectly with this place ♪ You think they'll turn out great? Heheh ♪ Thank you, boss ♪ Take some cute ones, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: マリー、いつも「大人になりたい」って思ってるんです。でも、みんなと一緒にフェスに出ていて、「大人の女性」ってだけじゃ、ダメなような気もしてて……みんなのこと、「魅力的だな」って感じるんですけど、どうすればマリーがそうなれるのか……わからなくて。大人の魅力って、どうすればいいのかな……えっ?今のマリーも魅力的……ですか?えへヘ♪ありがとうございます♪そっか……オーナーさんの水着のおかげで、新しい魅力、ひとつ見付ける事が出来たんですね。……あの、オーナーさん、もっともっと、マリーの魅力、一緒に探してくれませんか?マリー、たくさん魅力を探せるように、いろんな事にチャレンジしますから♪これからも、よろしくお願いします、オーナーさん♪

Marie Rose: I'm always wishing to become an adult. But when we all play at the festivals, I feel that being a mature woman isn't enough. I mean, I feel that the other girls are so attractive, but I'm not sure how I can be more like them… How do I achieve the appeal of a grown woman? Hm? You think…I'm attractive just like this? Hehehe ♪ Thank you ♪ Wow… Thanks to this swimsuit you gave me, it's like I've found a new attractiveness within myself. Would you…help me find more things that are appealing about me, boss? I'll challenge a lot of new things, in order to find out more about myself ♪ I look forward to doing this with you, boss ♪

Episode 56: Marie is a princess. (マリーはお姫模)


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene1 (마리로즈 2020 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん♪今日はマリーのお誕生回をお祝いしてくれて、ありがとうございます♪ふふっ♥今年も、とっても大きなケーキで……マリー、嬉しいです♪えっ?まだプレゼントがあるんですか?

Marie Rose: Oh, the owner ♪ celebrating Marie's birthday today♪ thank you ♪ fluffy ♥ this year, it's a very big cake. Marie, I'm glad♪ eh? Do you still have a present?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: わあ……!これ、水着ですか?キラキラしてて、すっごく可愛い!フリルもいっぱいあって……マリーこういうの大好きです♪オーナーさん!これ、着てみていいですか♪

Marie Rose: Wow, wow. Is this a bathing suit? It's so sparkly and so cute! There were a lot of frills, too. Marie loves this ♪ owner! May I try this ♪

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: うふふっ、どうですか、オーナーさん?えっ!?お姫様みたい……ですか?嬉しいですけど……「お姫様」って、オーナーさん、マリーのこと子供扱いしてませんか?えっ!?じゃあ「花嫁みたい」……!?そ、それはちょっと、マリーには早い……かな……も、もう!オーナーさん、マリーのこと、からかわないでください!

Marie Rose: How's it going, owner? What!? Like a princess. Is it? I'm glad you're a princess, but aren't you treating marie as a child? What!? Then,"It is like a bride"?! Well, it's kinda early for Marie. I wonder...... Even, no more! Don't make fun of the owner, Marie!

Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: この水着……真珠がモチーフなんですね。内側からキラキラしていて、すごく綺麗……真珠には「守護のカ」がある、って聞きました。……ということは……オーナーさんが、マリーを守ってくれるんですね♪ふふっ♪頼りにしてます♪あっ、写真ですか?はい、お願いします♪じゃあ……今のマリーは「お姫様」ですから、かわいく撮ってくださいね♪

(camera flash)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit... Pearls are the motifs. It's sparkling from the inside, and it's so beautiful. I heard that pearls have a "guardian ka". ...... Meaning...... The owner protects Marie♪ ♪'t you ♪, is it a picture? Yes, please♪ then...... Now that Marie is a princess, please take a cute picture♪

(camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ♪あとで見せてくださいね♪パーティーのあと、一緒に……?ふふっ、マリー、楽しみです♪えっと、じつは……マリーも、ちゃんと伝えたいことがあって……ふふっ、今はまだ、ナイショです♪じゃあ、お片付けが終わったら、また!

Marie Rose: Please show me later ♪♪ after the party, will you join us? Phew, Marie, I'm looking forward to it♪ Marie also has something to tell her. Phew, i'm still in the air now♪ then, when you're done, you'll see it again!

Episode 57: Marie is a servant (マリーはサーバント)


DOAXVV Marie Rose Birthday Scene2 (마리로즈 2020 생일 이벤트)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Marie Rose after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: オーナーさんっ!えへへ♪びっくりしましたか?オーナーさん♪……って、いけない!素敵な水着を着てるんだから、おしとやかにしないと……似合ってる?そ、そうですか……?ありがとうございます♪えへへ♪写真も、可愛く撮れていましたか?よかったぁ♪マリー、嬉しいです♪えっと、それじゃあ、マリーの方も……オーナーさんに、ちゃんと伝えたいことがあるんです。あの、オーナーさん……今日は、素敵なお誕生日を、ありがとうございました。マリー、とっても嬉しかったです。……えっと、その……この水着をもらった時、マリー、はしゃいじゃってて……ちゃんと、お礼を言えなかったから。この水着に似合うように、きちんと、お礼を言わなきゃって思ったんです。大げさだ……って、そんなことないです!マリー、本当に嬉しかったんです!……ふふっ、ちゃんとお礼が言えて、よかったです♪それじゃあ……えっ?まだ……用事が?あっ、それって……

Marie Rose: Owner! Did you ♪ surprised? ♪ owner... I don't think so! I'm wearing a nice bathing suit, so I have to be careful. Does it look good on you? Oh, is that so? Thank you♪ was ♪ photo, was it cute? Good ♪ Marie, I'm happy♪ well, so, Marie... I have something to tell the owner. You know, the owner... Thank you very much for your wonderful birthday today. Marie, I was very happy. ...... Well, that's... When I got this swimsuit, Marie, i was so excited. I couldn't thank you. I thought I had to thank you properly to suit this swimsuit. That's an exaggeration. I don't know! Marie, I was really happy! ...... It was good to say thank you properly♪ then. What? Not yet...... I have an errand. Oh, that's...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: パールの、指輪……?わあっ♪……素敵♥

Marie Rose: Pearl, ring Oh, ♪. Nice ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: ふふっ、夜でも白く輝いていて、とっても椅麗……素敵な水着と指輪のプレゼント……ありがとうございます。オーナーさんが、マリーを大切に思ってくれる気持ち……マリー、とっても嬉しいです♥

Marie Rose: Puffy, it shines white even at night, and it's very beautiful. A nice swimsuit and a ring present. Thank you very much. The owner cares about Marie. Marie, I'm so happy♥

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: パールの石言葉は、「守護」……「サーバント」のお仕事は、身の回りのお世話だけじゃなくて、ご主人様をお守りすることもあるんです。マリーは、エレナ様のサーバントですけど……オーナーさんは、特別にマリーがお守りしてもいいですよ♪えっ?「お姫様と立場が逆になる」って…………今は「お姫様」ですけど、マリーはやっぱり、優秀なサーバントですから♪ふふっ♥

Marie Rose: Pearl's stone words are not only about "guardian" or "servant" but also for protecting your husband. Marie is Helena's servant, but...... The owner can be specially guarded by Marie♪ eh? The princess and her position are reversed. She's a princess now, but Marie is, after all, an excellent servant♪ so ♥

Episode 58: Marie's Utmost Effort (マリーの一生懸命)

First version


DOAXVV DOAX VenusVacationを無課金プレイ22「マリーのヴィーナスバレンタイン完遂」

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの…マリーです。あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Marie Rose extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あの…マリーです。あの、これ… …マリー、一生懸命作ったんだ… …ふふっ、渡せてよかったです。オーナーさん… …あ、ふ明日も遊んで…下さいね

Marie Rose: Um…it's Marie. Um, this… Marie put in her best efforts to make this… Heheh, I'm glad I was able to give it to you. Boss… L-let's hang out again tomorrow, okay?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪可愛く撮ってくださいね!

(Camera flash)

Marie Rose: You wanna take some photos? Heheh. Sounds good ♪ Take some cute ones!

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: 写真、マリーにも見せてくださいね。

Marie Rose: Show me what you took when you're done.

Episode 59: Misaki's Birthday (みさきの誕生日)


DOAX VV Misaki Birthday Scean (미사키 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー、おっはよー!ねえねえ、今日って、何月何日だっけ?ふふっ、そうだよねー。七月七日!じゃあ、今日は何の日か……知ってる?七夕……うん、確かに、そうだけどー……え?お仕事?買い物のお手伝い……?もう……

Misaki: Good morning, boss! Do you...know what day it is today? Heheh, yup! July 7th! And do you know what's special about it? That's right... It is Tanabata, but... Hm? Work? You need help shopping? Come on...

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: そういえばさ、オーナー、さっきの話なんだけど……ほら、今日は何の日か、って話!七夕はもう聞いたから……だから一、ほら、もっとこう……お祝いというか、おめでとー的な……え?好きなもの頼んでいいの?じゃあ、わたし、タピオカミルクティー!クリームたっぷりと、マンゴー、トッピングで!

Misaki: Anyway, back to what I was saying... I asked you what day this is, remember!? Yes, you already said Tanabata... But couldn't you get a little more excited? Maybe a little more celebratory, or...congratulatory...? Hm? I can get anything I want? Okay, I'll get the tapioca milk tea! Loaded with cream and mango on top!

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: はい、買い物終わり。……ねえ、オーナー。……ほんとはとぼけてるんでしょ?なに、って……もう!今日は、わたしの……!わたしの…………もう……え?準備できたから着替える、って……?

Misaki: I'm done shopping. Come on, boss. You're just playing around, right? What do I mean? Seriously!? Today is my–It's my... *Sigh* What? Everything's ready, and I have to get changed?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁっ!これ、ひょっとして……!?七タの……パーティー?冗談、って……! オーナー!やっぱり知ってて……もう!オーナーのイジワル!ごめん、って……フン……謝ったって、許さないんだから……ちゃんと……言ってよね……今日一日、ずっと、待ってたんだから………………よかった。一番に、お祝いしてほしかったんだ。へ、変な意味じゃなくて……!オーナーには、サポーターとしても、パートナーとしても……お世話になってるでしょ?……お互いに、だけど♪ じゃあ、パーティーに行こうよ!ケーキ、一緒に食べよ!

Misaki: Wow! Does this mean... A Stop kidding around! You knew, didn't you boss! Stop being such a meanie! You're sorry? Hmph, apologizing won't do any good. Just say the words, okay? I've been waiting all day for them. ... Thank you... I wanted to hear it from you first. I mean, don't read anything into that! You are my supporter and partner, after all. Right? ...So we should take care of each other ♪ Let's go to the party and scarf down some cake together!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): オーナー、見て。綺麗な天の川。わたし、星を見るの好きなんだ。

Misaki (OFF): Boss, look at how beautiful the Milky Way is. I love looking at the stars.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ……今日は七夕、か。

Misaki: And today is Tanabata, the Star Festival...

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Misaki: 来年もまた、こうやって、ふたりで、天の川見上げられればいいね。一年に一度くらい……

Misaki: I hope next year we can look up at the stars like this too, just the two of us. Once a year or so...

Episode 60: Wish Upon a Star (呈にお願い)


DOAXVV Misaki Birthday Scene (2019 미사키 생일 이벤트)


DOAXVV (English) - Extra Episodes - 53 - Wish Upon A Star

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あっ、オーナー!ここにいたんだ。パーティーの途中に抜け出して、なんで、こんなところに一人でいるの?もう……探したんだから……!「どうして」って……それは……ほ、ほら、お礼言わなきゃ、って。オーナー、今日は誕生日パーティーを開いてくれて、ありがとう。みんながお祝いしてくれて、とっても楽しくて……改めて、この島に来て良かったなー、って♪それで、あの……えっと…………え?「わかってる」って……

Misaki: Oh, boss! There you are. Why did you leave the party and come out here all by yourself? I've been looking all over for you. Why was I looking? Well… I just…wanted to say thank you, that's all. So thank you, boss…for putting this birthday party together for me and everything. Everyone's having such a great time. I'm really glad I decided to come to this island ♪ And one more thing… I, um… Huh? You already know?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁ、これ、お誕生日のケーキ……!?ふふっ、ありがと、オーナー!嬉しい♪……?でも、ケーキを準備してたなら、パーティーで渡してくれればよかったのに……「来ると思ったから、待ってた」……?もう、イジワルなんだから……え?あと、もう一つ、あるの……?

Misaki: Wow! Is that my…birthday cake!? Heheh, thanks, boss! I'm so happy ♪ Although…Since you've prepared a cake, why didn't you give it to me at the party? You knew I was coming, so you waited here for me? Ugh, you are such a meanie, boss. Hm? There's something else?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: わぁっ!素敵な水着……!これ……もらっていいの?オーナー、ありがとう♥とっても嬉しい♪ふふっ♪

Misaki: Wow! What a gorgeous swimsuit! Can I really have this? Thank you, boss ♥ I'm on top of the world right now ♪ Heheh ♪

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Misaki: え?プレゼントも渡したから、みんなのところに、戻るって?……もう、オーナー?それじゃ、わたし、プレゼント買いに来たみたいじゃない。「ちがうの?」って、まあ、それもあるけど……まだ、言ってもらってないでしょ?「お誕生日、おめでとう」……ふふっ、ありがとう、オーナー♥あ、そうだ!ね、オーナー……その……パーティーが終わったあと……ちょっとだけ、二人で、ビーチを散歩しない?ふふっ♪じゃあ、約束だからね?……ちゃんと来なかったら、イヤだよ?

Misaki: Hm? Now that I got my present, you want us to head back to the party? Wow boss… You make it sound like I came out here just to get my present. What do you mean "Isn't that so?" Well… That's true, but… You haven't…said the words yet. "Happy Birthday…" Heheh… Thanks, boss ♥ oh yeah! Um…boss? When…the party is over… Can we take a walk along the beach? Just the two of us? Heheh ♪ So it's a promise, right? I'll be mad if you don't show up.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Misaki (OFF): わっ!……オーナー。

Misaki (OFF): Boo!

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ふふふっ。ビックリした?さっきのお返しだよ♪どう?この水着……?せっかくだから、着て来ちゃった♪キラキラしてて、すっこい崎麗だけど、ちょっと気後れしちゃうというか……え?「似合ってる」……?ふふっ♪恥ずかしいけど……ありがと。記念に、写真を撮りたい?それは、恥ずかしいってば!イジワルしないでよ、もう……え……?イジワルじゃなくて、本気のお願い?もう……しようがないなぁ…………じゃあ、わかった♪せっかく撮るんだから、可愛く撮ってね?

(Camera flash)

Misaki: Heheheh. Did I scare you? Just getting back at you ♪ What do you think of this swimsuit? I decided to slip it on for our walk ♪ It's so shiny and pretty, but kind of has me feeling a little awkward… Really? You think it looks good on me? Heheh, that's embarrassing, but…thanks. You want to take some pictures, to commemorate this? That sounds so embarrassing! Stop being such a meanie… Oh? It's a sincere request and you're not just teasing me? Well, I guess it can't be helped… Well, you know what? If you're gonna take pics, let's make them cute.

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ところで、オーナー。わたしが、ここに呼び出した理由、わかる?今日がわたしの誕生日で……「七タ」だから?ふふっ、正解♪さすがオーナーだね!……オーナー。さっきわたしが来た時、ひょっとして、お星さまに、お願いごとしてた?……ねー、どんなお願いごとしてたの?教えてよ、オーナー♪恥ずかしい、って、そんなこと言わずにさー♪えっ?わたしの願いごと……?うーん、それじゃあ……わたしも、恥ずかしいから、ヒミツ。……でも、オーナーと、同じだといいな。なーんてね♪ふふっ♪じゃあ、今目はありがとう。もう、寝るね。おやすみ、オーナー♪

Misaki: By the way, boss. Do you know why I asked you to come here tonight? Because it's my birthday, and… Also the Star Festival? Heheh, you got it ♪ I knew you would, boss! Um… I was just wondering if you happened to wish upon a star when I came? What did you wish for, boss? Tell me ♪ There's nothing to be ashamed of ♪ Hm? What did I wish for? Well, it's um…pretty embarrassing. So I'm gonna keep it a secret. …But I hope we both wished for the same thing. Just kidding ♪ Heheh ♪ Thanks for all you did for me today. I'd better go get some sleep. Goodnight ♪

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Misaki: お星さま……来年も、これからも……ずっと……ふふっ♪

Misaki: Star light, star bright… Keep this feeling I have tonight. Into next year, and beyond my sight… Heheh ♪

Episode 61: Sun Dresses (太陽のドレス)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation



Scene 2
Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation


(Camera flash)


(Camera flash)

Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 62: One wish (ひとつの願い事)

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Misaki after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation



Scene 3
Japanese English translation



Scene 4
Japanese English translation



Scene 5
Japanese English translation



Episode 63: Because It's So Embarrassing… (恥ずかしいんだから…)

First version


DOAXVV Misaki SSR Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、みさきだけど… …ちょっと、いい?は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: Hey, it's me. Um…you got a minute? H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Misaki extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Misaki: あの、みさきだけど… …ちょっと、いい?は、はい。これ。あの… …甘いもの… …は、早く!恥ずかしいんだから… …これ… …どうしても、渡したくて… …あの... ...オーナ… …?じゃ、じゃあ、また明日ね。おやすみ。

Misaki: Hey, it's me. Um…you got a minute? H-Here. It's some sweets… H-Hurry up and accept them! It's embarrassing. I… I really wanted to hand it to you… Um… Boss? Anyway, um…see you tomorrow. Have a good night.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Misaki: ここなら、二人だけだし……その、ちょっとくらいなら、いいかな……どうせなら、……かわいく、撮ってよね?

(Camera Flash)

Misaki: It's only the two of us here… So maybe just a few would…be okay. I expect you to take cute ones though.

(Camera Flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Misaki: と、撮ったの?なら、もういい?

Misaki: So you took them? Can we call it quits then?

Episode 64: Ayane's Birthday (あやねの誕生日)


DOAX VV Ayane Birthday Scean (아야네 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: あり、オーナーさん、こんにちは。わたしの誕生日……オーナーさんなら覚えていて当然よね。で、何かプレゼントでも貰えるのかしら?みんなで……誕生日パーティー?まあ、そんなところだと思ってたけど……いいわ。まあ、断るほどじゃないし。じゃあ、あとでね。

Ayane: Oh, hello there. My birthday… It's only natural that you would remember. Does that mean I'm going to get a gift? A birthday party…together? Well, I was expecting that… Sure. It's not something I'd say no to. See ya later then.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、パーティー、楽しんでいるかしら?まったく、予想遁りね……みさきやルナ、それにほのかまで……なんでこう、うるさいのに懐かれるのかしら。お祝いされるほうが疲れちゃうわ……ふふっ♪ま、気持ちは嬉しいけど、ね♪……人徳?ふふっ♪からかわないでよね?それより……オーナーさん、ちょっといいかしら?いいから、来なさい?主賓の命令よ♪

Ayane: Are you enjoying the party? Just like I expected… I wonder how such boisterous people such as Misaki, Luna, and even Honoka can come to love me… It's more tiring to be the one being celebrated… Oh ♪ But I'm still happy ♪ …Virtue? Ah ♪ Don't tease me like that. Actually… Do you have a second? Just come on now, won't you? I'm the guest of honor here ♪

Scene 3

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Ayane: はぁー、夜風が気持ちいいわ♪……ん?用事?そうね……少し、ここで休憩するから…………一緒にいてくれないかしら。一人は嫌いじゃないけど……オーナーさんがいると、なんだか落ち着くのよね。ふふっ、少なくとも、うるさくはないし……気を使う相手でもないから、かしらね♪ え?ちょうどいい、って…………プレゼント……?ああ、えっと……あ、ありがとう……って、もう!油断してるときに渡さないでよね……びっくりしちゃつたじゃない。……ふふっ♪ま、オーナーさんらしいわね。抜けてようで、人のスキに付け込むのが上手いんだから♪じゃあ、あらためて、素直に言うわ。ありがと、オーナーさん♥これからもよろしくね。

Ayane: Ah… the night breeze feels great ♪ …What is it about? Right… I'm going to take a break here… so could you stay with me? I don't hate being alone…but it would make me feel more relaxed if you were here with me. At least you're not as boisterous… So there's no need to worry about you ♪ Huh? This is the right time for…? …A gift…? Ah…th…thank you… Hey! Don't give it to me when my guard is down… You took me by surprise there. …heheh ♪ This is so you, boss. You act like a klutz, but you're good at catching people when they aren't paying attention ♪ Okay, so, I'll say it again. Thank you so much ♥ I'm looking forward to more.

Episode 65: I'm counting on you. (期待してるわ)


DOAXVV Ayane Birthday Scene (2019 아야네 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: オーナーさん、こんばんは。わたしに用があるって聞いたんだけど、……一体何かしら?呼び出しておいて、つまらない用件だったら許さないわよ?……わたしの誕生日?ふふっ、ちゃんと覚えてたみたいね。忘れてたら、許さないところだったけど……こういうところは、抜け目ないんだから。

Ayane: Good evening, owner. I heard you have something for me、...... What the hell is going on? Call me, and you won't forgive me if it's a boring business, will you? ...... My birthday? Well, you seem to remember it. If I had forgotten, I would not forgive him, but...... This is a shrewd place.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ……ありがと♪ケーキまで用意して、準備がいいわね。でも、このケーキ、一人で食べるには大きすきぎない?……あなたのことだから、一緒に食べたいとか言うんでしょ?ふふっ♪それくらい、お見通しよ♪え?もう一つ、プレゼント?

Ayane: ...... Thank you, i'll prepare a cake ♪ you're ready to go. But isn't this cake big et it take to eat it alone? ...... Because it's about you, you want to eat with me, don't you? I'm sure ♪'s that much, i'll see ♪. One more present?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: わぁ……!なにこれ、すごいじゃない!?わたしのための……水着?ふふっ♪獅子座をイメージしたの?オーナーさんにしては、いいセンスだと思うわ♪気に入ったわ♪ありがとう、オーナーさん。……な、なによ、その笑顔…………なんて♪分かってるわよ。着てあげればいいんでしょ?まったく。せっかちは嫌われるわよ?……じゃ、オーナーさん、行きましよ♪どこに行くのか、って?ふふっ♪いいから、ついて来なさい?せっかくの水着なんだから、それにふさわしい場所で……ね?

Ayane: Wow. What is this, isn't it? For me...... Swimsuit? ♪ the image of Leo. I think it's a good sense to be the owner♪ I like it♪ thank you, owner. ...... What, what is that smile...... I know what ♪. You should wear it, right? Exactly. You don't like being impatient, do you? ...... So, owner, go ahead♪ where are you going? ♪ you a phew, so follow me. It's a special bathing suit, so it's the right place for it. Right?

Scene 4

There is no dialogue for this scene

Scene 5

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ、夜風が気持ちいいわね♪オーナーさん、どうかしら?星空の下だとこの水着が良く映えると思わない?……もう、見惚れてないで、返事くらいしなさい?せっかちなんだか、ぼんやりなんだか……ふふっ♪ありがと♪でも、その誉め言葉の半分は、あなたに買った水着のおかげね♪……オーナーさん、ありがとう。えっ!?撮影したい?……ま、いいわ。プレゼントのお礼に撮影させてあげる♪ただし、ちゃんと絢麗に撮るのが条件よ♪

(Camera flash)

Ayane: How's the owner♪, who feels like the night breeze? Don't you think this swimsuit looks good under the stars? ...... I'm not in love with you anymore, so please answer me. I'm kind of impatient, i'm vaguely... Even if you ♪ ♪, half of the compliments are thanks to the swimsuit you bought ♪. Thank you, owner. What!? You want to shoot? ...... Well, that's okay. I'll take a picture of it in return for the present♪, but it's a condition to take it properly ♪

(Camera flash)

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ふふっ♪いい写真が撮れたかしら。あとで、ちゃんと見せなさいよね?……せっかくの、記念写真なんだから♪ヘンな写真だったら、やり直しよ?えっ!?次は、二人で部屋で撮影したい……?……ば、ばか!何言ってるのよ!?……ダメに決まってるでしょ?もう、すぐ調子にのるんだから…………ふふっ♪まったく、しょうがないわね。オーナーさん♪今日は、素敵な誕生日プレゼント、ありがと。……来年も、期待してるわ。二人で、いい写真が撮れるといいわね♥

Ayane: I wonder if ♪ was able to take a nice picture. You'll see it later, right? ...... It's a commemorative photo, so if it's a strange photo♪ do you want to start over? What!? Next, i want to take a picture in the room by two people. ...... You idiot! What are you talking about!? ...... It's not good, is it? I'm already in good shape. I can't help it ♪. The owner♪ thank you for a nice birthday present today. ...... I'm looking forward to next year. I hope we can take good pictures together♥

Episode 66: Ayane's third birthday

Japanese English translation



Episode 67: Ayane's Promise Ring

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Ayane after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Japanese English translation



Episode 68: Just Take It, Will You? (受け取りなさい?)

First version


DOAX Venus Vacation Ayane Valentine SSR Extra Episode


Japanese English translation

Ayane: ちょっと、いい?あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Do you have a minute? Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Ayane extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Ayane: ちょっと、いい?あ、あの、これ、受け取りなさい。ほら、早く。もう… …た未たま、近くに来たから寄ってみただけよ。な、なによ……!明日、ねぼうしないでよね。

Ayane: Do you have a minute? Um… Just take this, okay? Would you hurry up? Sheesh… I just happened to be in the area, so I decided to drop by. Wh-What…! Don't oversleep tomorrow.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Ayane: まあ、別にいいけど……ちょ、ちょっとだけだからね。うまく撮らないと、承知しないわよ?

(Camera flash)

Ayane: Well, I guess I don't mind… But…just for a little bit. I'll only approve of the good ones you take.

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Ayane: いい写真だと嬉しいんだけど。

Ayane: I hope these photos turn out good.

Episode 69: Thin Towel Wrap (Marie) (うすかわたけのこ(マリー))


Marie Rose SSR Towel "Live Clothes Change" Extra episode


DOAXVV - Marie Rose Towel event

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 70: Thin Towel Wrap (Kasumi) (うすかわたけのこ(かすみ))


Kasumi SSR Towel "Live Clothes Change" Extra episode


Kasumi Changing Scene

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Hey… Do you mind if I change right here? Close your eyes until I finish, OK?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 71: Thin Towel Wrap (Luna) (うすかわたけのこ(ルナ))


DOAXVV ルナ エピソード うすかわたけのこ 着崩れ

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 72: Thin Towel Wrap (Momiji) (うすかわたけのこ(紅葉))


DOAXVV 紅葉 うすかわたけのこ★4解放 エピソード

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 73: Tamaki's Birthday (たまきの誕生日)


DOAX VV Tamaki Birthday Scean (타마키 생일 이벤트)


(Eng) Tamaki's Birthday Episode - Year 1 - Steam

Scene 1
Japanese English

Tamaki: オーナーくん、いらっしゃい♥ …… さ、入って?

Tamaki: Welcome, boss ♥…Coming in?

Scene 2
Japanese English

Tamaki: ほら、なにしてるの?…… 待ってたんだから♥「何を待ってたか」…… って?ふふっ♪言・わ・せ・な・い・で♥ほら、オーナーくんから♪女の子を待たせちゃダメでしょ?♥…… ねえ、今日は、何の日?……♥ ……あ・り・が・と♥

Tamaki: What are you doing? …I was waiting for you ♥ What was I waiting for…? Oh ♪ Don't make me say it out loud ♥ This is from the boss ♪ It wouldn't be right to make the girls wait, right? …Hey, what day is it today? ……Thank you ♥

Scene 3
Japanese English

Tamaki: お礼は …… なにしてあげようか?

Tamaki: What should I give you…for a thank you?

Scene 4
Japanese English

Tamaki: ねえ、なんでもいいよ?♥ ……

Tamaki: Anything is fine? …

Scene 5
Japanese English

Tamaki (OFF): あっ、オーナーくん?ちょっと……!?逃げちゃつた……?

Tamaki: オーナーくん♪さっきはゴメンね?ふふっ、ちょっとイタズラが過ぎました。反省してます♥だから、さ、ちょっとお話しよ?ね?い・い・で・しょ?♥

Tamaki (OFF): Hey! Huh…!? Did you run away…?

Tamaki: Hey ♪ Sorry about before. I think I played around a little too much. I regret it ♥ So, can we talk for a bit? Okay? I know you want to ♥

Scene 6
Japanese English

Tamaki: 南の島で、お誕生日のパーティー……それも、たくさんの 『お友達」にお祝いしてもらえるだなんて♪ みんな、本当にいい子だちで…… ……ね、オーナーくん。わたしも、いいチ……かな?うふふっ♪ だとしたら、オーナーくんのおかげね♪

Tamaki: A birthday party on a tropical island… That way I can also have a lot of friends celebrate with me ♪ All the girls are really nice… …Hey. Do you think I'm…a good girl, too? Hehe ♪ It's all thanks to the boss ♪

Scene 7
Japanese English

Tamaki: 「いい子へのプレゼント」って……?……!……ありがと。嬉しい♥ ……じゃあ、お礼は…… ……目、閉じて?

Tamaki: "A gift for a good girl"…? …! …Thanks. It's wonderful ♥ … As a thank you… …Close your eyes.

Scene 8
Japanese English

Tamaki (OFF): ……素直に従っちゃつて。オーナーくんも、いいチだね♥

Tamaki: ふふっ♪ ごめんね。冗談。せっかく褒められだんたから、今日は、これ以上ダーメ♥また褒めてもらえるように、「いい子」 にしてないとね。……じゃあ、オーナーくん、みんなのところに戻ろうか♥パーティーが終わるまで、いい子でいるから、ご褒美に腕組んで?♥

Tamaki (OFF): …You're so obedient. You're good, too ♥

Tamaki: Oh ♪ Sorry. It was just a joke. You said so many good things about me I won't say any more today ♥ I have to be a "good girl" so you keep doing it. Now… Boss, let's get back to everyone ♥ I'll be a good girl until the end of the party, so will you link arms with me as a reward?

Episode 74: Private time (プライベートな時間)


DOAXVV Tamaki Birthday Scene (2019 타마키 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): えーと、ちょっとまって?え?

Tamaki: オーナーくん、お待たせ。お部屋、散らかっててごめんね?あはは……フェスの水着考えるのに資料漁ってたんだ……え?今日はお休みにして、デート!?

Tamaki (OFF): Uh, wait a minute? What?

Tamaki: Owner, keep me waiting. I'm sorry for the mess in your room? Oh, my God. I was fishing for materials to think about fess swimsuits...... What? I'm going on a day off today and i'm going on a date!?

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: こちそうさまでした♪ふふっ、マカロンに紅茶、美味しかったぁ♪わたしとしては……、 オーナーくんとのデートなら、シェリー酒系のカクテルとか……よかったんだけどなぁ♥え……?お酒は夜になってから?むー、お休みデートなんだから、少しくらい、いいでしょ?でも、オーナーくん。なんで急に、お仕事お休みでデートな?

Tamaki: ♪ fluff, macarons, tea, tea♪, and i'm on a date with the owner, sherry cocktails. I'm glad ♥. Drinking at night? Well, it's a good date, okay? But the owner. Why are you suddenly on a date on your day off from work?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ……え?これって、「誕生日ケーキ」!?あ、あれ?今日って何回だっけ?あっちゃー……明日だと思ってた……はぁ、女の子失格ね……「働きすぎだ」って?うーん、確かに、今回は根を詰めすぎてたかも。じゃあ今日は、「お休みデート」改め「バースデーデート」♥オーナーくんに、いっぱい甘えちゃおうかな♥ふふっ♪ありがとう、オーナーくん♥それじゃあ……いっぱい遊ぶぞ〜!♪ん?「その前に」って……?

Tamaki: ...... What? Is this a birthday cake?! Oh, that's it. How many times today? Oh, my God. I thought it was tomorrow. Oh, the girl's disqualified. Well, sure, i think it was too stuffed root this time. Well, today, "good night date" renewal "birthday date" ♥ the owner, i'll spoil the full ♥ ♪, thank you, the owner ♥ then I'm going to play a lot! ♪? Before that, i.e.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: わぁ!これって……新しい水着?わぁ〜……すごくきれい……♥ありがとう、オーナーくん♪

Tamaki: Wow! Does this mean...... New swimsuit? Wow. It's so beautiful. Thank you ♥, owner♪

Scene 5

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 6

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ん〜♪ケーキも食べたし、一目たっぷり遊んだし!とってもいい誕生日ね♥それに……♪オーナーくんと、二人きりのデートも♥嬉しい♥……ん?これも、お仕事だから?ふふっ、その照れ方、オーナーくんらしいわね♪でも、全部わかってるんだから♥……ありがと♥それより……ねぇねぇ、オーナーくん♪どう?オーナーくんがくれたこの水着……「好き」?……うふふっ♪ありがと♥素直でよろしい♥オーナーくんが選んでくれたから、ってだけじゃなくて、この水着、本当に結麗で……わたしも「好き」よ♥ふふ♪ねぇ、オーナーくん♥記念に一枚、お願いしてもいいかな?……じゃあ、絢麗に撮ってね♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: I ate a cake ♪, and I played with a lot at a glance. It's a very good birthday♥ and... ♪'m happy to have a date with the owner ♥ ♥ alone. Yee-ye Because this is also your job? I know all about the way you're embarrassed, the owner ♪, but i know everything♥ Thank you ♥ more than that...... Hey, how ♪ the owner? The owner gave me this swimsuit i like. ...... It♪not only because the owner of the ♥ was good and honest and good ♥, but this swimsuit is really beautiful. I like it too♥ i'm ♪, i'll ask for a piece of ♥ anniversary of the owner. ......Then, please take it to Ayarei♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: ふふっ♪ありがと♥二人の「バースデーデート」の想い出ね♥

Tamaki: ♪'s a thought of the two of us on a birthday date♥ ♥

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 今日は、いいお休みになったし、楽しかった♥……オーナーくんも、無理しちゃダメよ?「仕事が楽しいから、大丈夫」って……もう!そういうのが、一番危ないんだからね?……ふふっ♪お互い、たまに休んで……デートしましょ♥あ、でも……仕事の手は抜いちゃダメだからね♪働いてるオーナーくん、かっこいいんだから♥あ!オーナーくん、今照れたでしょ♪ふふ〜ん♪わたしの目はごまかせないわよ♥え……!?いてるわたしも崎麗だって……ちょ、ちょっと!いきなりそんなこと言われても……オーナーくん、その返しは卑怯ー!……うふふ♪でも、うれしいかな。ありがと♥ねぇ、オーナーくん♪もうしばらく、ここで一緒にいてくれない?……だめ!?もう、そこはうなづくところじゃないの?次に行くところを、決めてあるから?……みんなで、パーティーを導備しくれてるの?ふふっ♪さすが、オーナーくん、準備万端ね♪でも……もう少したけ、オーナーくんを独り占めしていたいな♥わたし、欲張りだから……もう一つだけブプレゼント♪ね?……いいでしょ?♥

Tamaki: I had a good night's rest and it was a good day ♥... Don't overdo it, man. It's okay because i enjoy my job. Not anymore. That's the most dangerous thing, isn't it? ...... ♪ each other rests once in a while. Let's go ♥ date, but...... Don't cut corners on your work♪ so the owner who works is so cool, ♥'s cool. The owner is ♪ i'm embarrassed now♪ i'll leave my eyes ♥!? I'm also also singly. Hey, hey! Even if such a thing is suddenly said...... Owner, the return is cowardly! ...... I'm glad to ♪. Thank you, ♥, the owner ♪ stay with me here for a while? ...... No good!? Isn't that a nod anymore? You've decided where to go next? ...... Are we all preparing for the party? ♪, the owner, you're ready♪ but...... I want to keep the owner to myself for a little longer♥ I'm greedy. ♪'s just one more blot, right? ...... It's good, isn't it?♥

Episode 75: Tamaki's third birthday

Japanese English translation



Episode 76: Tamaki's Promise Ring

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Tamaki after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Japanese English translation



Episode 77: I'm nervous ♥ (緊張しちゃった♥)


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Tamaki extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Tamaki (OFF): ふふっ、だーれだ?……ね、ちょっと、いい?

Tamaki: オーナーくん、はい、これ♥……やっぱり、恥ずかしいね。本気だから……かな。受け取らでくれてよかった。ふふっ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった♥オーナーくんっ♥このまま朝まで一緒に……ふふっ、冗談♥また明日ね?

Tamaki (OFF): Heheh, guess who? …Hey, got a minute?

Tamaki: This is for you, boss ♥ It's kind of embarrassing, after all…Maybe because…its from the heart… Thank you for accepting it. Heheh, I got a little nervous there ♥ Boss ♥ Let's stay together like this until dawn. Heheh…Just kidding ♥ See you tomorrow.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん……二人っきりね♥さぁ、は・じ・め・ま・しょ♥ほら、好きにしていいよ?♥

(Camera flash)

Tamaki: Boss… We're all alone ♥ Let's get it on now…okay? Come on, do whatever you desire ♥

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Tamaki: 誰にも見せちゃダメよ……♥

Tamaki: But you can't show them to anyone else ♥

Episode 78: It's like Ningen. (ニンゲンみたいじゃ)


DOAXVV Kanna special day Scene (2019 칸나 스페셜데이 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna: オマエー!「ワシを楽しませる」と言うから、来てやったそ♪ここにおったか♪ん?「今日は何の日」じゃと……?ははーん、「クイズ」じゃな♪うーん……わざわざワシを呼んだぐらいだから……オニの日?いや、裏をかいて、ニンゲンの日!え、違う?……ああ、ワシの「特別な日」のことか。天狗に聞いたんじゃな?あのおしゃべりめ。……反応が薄い、じゃと?まあぁ、ニンゲンは特別な日に「祝い」などと言って、ケーキを食べたりするそうじゃが……「オニ」のワシには、そんなものいらんのじゃ!ほ、本当じゃぞ?……?実は……ケーキがあるじゃと!?むー……本来なら、受けサ取らんのじゃが……よ、用意してしまったのなら仕方がない!「貢ぎ物」として、ワシが食ってやろう!

Kanna: O'Maae! You said you'd entertain me, so you came ♪ ♪ here? What day is it today? It's a quiz♪ hmm. I just went out of my way to call an eagle. Oni's Day No, back, Ningen's day! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ...... Oh, it's my special day. You asked tengu, didn't you? That chatter. ...... The reaction is thin, then? Well, Ningen says "congratulations" on a special day, and he eats cake. Oh, isn't that true? ......? Actually...... There's a cake!? Well... Normally, i wouldn't take it. Yo, if you've prepared it, there's no choice! I'll eat it as a tribute!

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: わぁ……!おーっきなケーキじゃあ……♥そういえば……ニンゲンの特別な日は、祝いのプレゼントも……な、何でもないぞ!?美味そうなケーキをもらえて、ワシは満足しとるのじゃ!……なっ!?プレゼントもある、じゃと!?しかも……「ワシのために」用意した水着!?ほうほう、「おとめ座」をモチーフにした水着……?ふふーん、ワシはセクシー乙女じゃからな♪あの……本当に、ワシがもらってもいいんじゃな?では、待っていろ!すぐ着替えてくるからな!ワシのおらぬ間に、ケーキに手をつけるでないぞ?オマエと一緒に食うんじゃからの!

Kanna: Wow. That's a big cake. ♥ come to think of it. On a special day in Ningen, there are also gifts to celebrate. No, it's nothing!? I'll be happy to get a delicious cake! ...... What is it!? There is a present, too!? Moreover, the swimsuit prepared "for the eagle"!? A bathing suit with the motif of "Otoza" Hmm, I'm a sexy maiden♪ that... Really, i'm good to get Now, wait! I'll get dressed soon. Why don't you put your hands on the cake while i don't? I'm going to eat with you!

Scene 3

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Kanna: どうじゃ!ワシのような 「乙女」にはぴったりじゃろ♪「子供みたいで可愛い」……?ちがうー!そういう意味で言ったのではない!「最高にキュートな乙女」……じゃと?まったく、素直にそう言えばよいものを。ふふっ、では……次は「アレ」じゃな?知っておるぞ。ニンゲンは、特別な日に記念写真を撮るんじゃろ?ここまで、ワシの特別な日を祝ったのじゃ♪最後まで楽しませてもらうからの♪ほれ♪乙女らしく、可愛く撮るんじゃぞ?

(Camera flash)

Kanna: How's it going? It's perfect for a "maiden" like an eagle♪ "cute like a child". No, no, no! I didn't mean it in that sense! "The cutest maiden"...... Bye. What should I say honestly? Phew, then... Next time, it's ale. I know. Ningen is going to take a commemorative photo on a special day, right? So far, i've celebrated my special day♪ so i'll have you entertained to the end♪ so i'll take it like a maiden ♪ a pretty one.

(Camera flash)

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ちゃんと可愛く場れたか?まぁ、ワシはどう撮っても可愛いじゃろうがな♪ふふ、そうじゃろう?ほれ、シャッターチャンスは常にあるのじゃ。もっと撮れ♪せっかくの記念写真が、一枚だけでいいのか?まだまだいっぱい場るそ!

Kanna: Did you get a cute place? Well, no matter how i take it, it's cute♪ Come on, there's always a chance to shutter. Can i take more ♪ a special commemorative photo, just one? There are still a lot of places!

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Kanna: もう疲れたじゃと?なに?……まったく、ニンゲンは軟弱じゃのう。しょうがない、撮影はひと休みするか。じゃが、今日は楽しかったそ!ニンゲンの特別な日も、良いものじゃな♪こんな楽しい特別な日……初めてじゃ。全部、オマエのおかけじゃな♥……え?来年も一緒に祝おう……じゃと?毎年、祝ってくれるのか……ふふっ♪「来年のことを言えばオニが笑う」?……ふふっ、そうじゃな。来年も、再来年も、ワシを笑わせてくれ。……約束じゃから、な?……よーし、撮影の続きじゃ!次はセクシーポーズを、たっくさん場らせてやるからの♪

Kanna: You're tired now? What? ...... At all, ningen is weak. I can't help it, do i take a break from taking a picture? Well, i had a good time today! A special day of Ningen is not a good thing♪ such a pleasant special day...... It's my first time. It's all a lot of ♥. What? Let's celebrate together next year...... Bye. Do you celebrate it every year? ♪"Oni laughs when i talk about next year" ...... Oh, that's right. Next year and again, make me laugh. ...... It's not a promise, is it? ...... All right, let's go after the shooting! Next time, I'm going to make a sexy pose, and i'll make you ♪

Episode 79: Kanna's second Special Day

Japanese English translation



Episode 80: Kanna's Promise Ring

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Luna after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Japanese English translation



Episode 81: Even i'm a girl. (ワシだって女子じゃから…)


DOAXVV Kanna Valentine event(발렌타인 칸나 에피소드2)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Kanna (OFF): あの……起きておるか?オマエに、ちよっと用があるのじゃ……

Kanna: えっと……これ、受け取って欲しいのじゃ……ワ、ワシだって、……女子じゃからの?ふふーん♪どうじゃ?ワシに惚れたか?オマエー目も遊んでくれな♪……約束じゃから、の♪

Kanna (OFF): That... Are you awake? Omae has something to do with it.

Kanna: Uh... I want you to take this. Wow, even the eagle、...... From a girl? Hmm, ♪ how about it? Did you fall in love with the eagle? Omae eyes also play with♪ me. It's a promise♪,

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Kanna: 撮影か?仕方がないの♪つきおうでやるぞ♪セクシーなワッとニ人きり……嬉しいか?

(Camera flash)

Kanna: Did you shoot? There's no way ♪ ♪ sexy jag and a few people...... Are you happy?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Kanna: ちゃんと、オマエの部屋に飾るのじゃぞ?

Kanna: Well, you're going to decorate your room?

Episode 82: Momiji's Birthday (紅葉の誕生日)


DOAXVV 紅葉誕生日 momiji's birthday

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あっ、オーナーさん、こんにちは。はい? 一緒におでかけ… …ですか?… …お買い物のお手伝い?はい、いいですよ♪

Momiji: Oh, hello there boss. Hm? Go out together? To help with shopping? Sure, that sounds nice ♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ、二人でお買い物って、なんだか珍しいですね♪ところで、何のお買い物ですか?お花……ですか?ふふっ、楽しみだな♪じゃあ、行きましょうか。

Momiji: Hehe, just the two of us shopping together… That doesn't happen much ♪ What are we shopping for, anyway? Flowers, you say…? Hehe. Sounds fun ♪ Let's go.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ、綺麗なお花がいっぱい♪オーナーさん、どんなお花をお探しですが?……わたしが好きなお花?えつと、じゃあ……これかな♪小さくて、真っ赤で、とっても可愛い♥……これを、買うんですか?

Momiji: Wow, so many beautiful choices ♪ What kind of flowers are you looking for? Hm? Which ones do I like? Well… Maybe these ♪ Small, bright red, and adorable ♥ You're…buying these?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん、 この後は……お散歩してから、お手伝いのお礼に……夕食を?

Momiji: Boss, when we're done here… You want to take me to dinner after a walk, as thanks for my help?

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ごちそうさまでした。ふふっ、おいしかった♪えっ?デザート… …?わっ、可愛いケーキ… …♥さっきと同じお花が添えてあって… …あの、これって… … わたしの… …お誕生日… … !?あっ!わ……忘れてた……!?あの、えっと……ありがとう…… もう……びっくりした……!

Momiji: Mmm… Heheh… That was delicious ♪ Hm? Dessert? Oh my gosh, what an adorable cake ♥ With those flowers we just bought. Wait a minute… Is this… For my birthday!? Oh my--! I totally forgot…! Um, I mean… Thank you… Wow…that really caught me off guard!

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わたし里では「お姉さん」たから、お誕生日はいつもみんなでお祝いしてくれるんです。でも今日は、オーナーさんと一人きり。なんだか、ちょっと特別なお誕生日でした。オーナーさん、ありがとう♥お花を買って、お散歩して、お食事……ふふっ♪まるで、その…… ……デート、みたいでしたね……「そのとおり」って……!……もう!

Momiji: Back at my village, I'm considered everyone's "big sister," so we always celebrate birthdays in a large group. But today, it's just you and me. It feels like a special birthday to me. Thank you so much ♥ Shopping for flowers, a nice walk, and dinner… Hehe ♪ It's almost as if… We're on a date together. What do you mean "it is a date?" …Hey!

Episode 83: Please make it with me, will you? (一緒に作ってくださいね?)


DOAXVV Momiji Birthday Scene (2019 모미지 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんにちは、オーナーさん。お誕生日のパーティー、ありがとうございます。あの、こめんなさい。わたし、お約束の時間より、早く来ちゃって……待ってるだけだと、落ち着かなくて。あの、わたしも準備のお手伝い、していいですか?……少しだけなら?よかったぁ……ありがとうございます♪じゃあ、少しだけ、お手伝いさせて頂きますね♪

Momiji: Hello, owner. Thank you for your birthday party. You know, come on. I came earlier than i promised. I can't help but calm down if I just wait. Um, can I help you with the preparation? ...... If only a little? That's good. Thank you♪ so I'll help you a little bit♪

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji (OFF): えっと、これは……ここで、いいですか?じゃあ、次は……こっちをこうして……あっ、そうだ♪もっと、こうしたほうが……

Momiji: ……?オーナーさん、どうかしましたか?ひゃっ!?いけない「少しだけ」って……!や、やりすぎちゃった、かな……つい、身体が動いちゃって……ごめんなさい、オーナーさん。でも、一緒に準備をするのって、なんだか、あたたかくて、嬉しくて……楽しかったです♪じゃあ、みんなを呼んで、お誕生日パーティー、始めましょうか♪あっ、いけない……!「わたしの」お誕生日パーティ、でした……

Momiji (OFF): Well, this is... Here, okay? Well, then... This way...Oh, yes♪ more like this.

Momiji: What's the matter with the owner? Oh, my God!? Don't say "just a little bit". Oh, i did too much. I just got my body moving. I'm sorry, owner. But it was kind of warm and happy to be ready to get ready together. It was fun♪ then, i'll call everyone and start a birthday party♪ oh, don't do it.... It was my birthday party.

Scene 3

This scene has no dialogue

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ふふっ♪よかった、みんな楽しんでくれてるみたいで。それに……こんなにお祝いして買えるなんて♪えっ?お誕生日のプレゼント……!?

Momiji: It's good ♪, everyone seems to be having fun. It...... How ♪ can't you afford to celebrate like this? Birthday Present

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Momiji: わぁ♪とっても大きなケーキ!これなら、みんなで一緒に食べられますね♪ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……もうひとつ、プレゼントを?え……?これは、わたしだけに……?

Momiji: Wow♪ a very big cake! Thank you so much for ♪, the owner ♪. Another present? What......? This is only for me.

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Momiji: ……わぁ、新しい水着!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん♪……えっ?パーティーのあとで、着て来て欲しい?……はい、わかりました。じゃあ、また、あとで……

Momiji: ...... Wow, a new swimsuit!? Thank you, the owner♪...... What? Do you want me to wear it after the party? ...... Yes, I understand. Well, see you later.

Scene 7

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 8
Japanese English translation

Momiji: オーナーさん?あの、まだ約束の時間じゃ……楽しみで、早く来ちゃった、って……ふふっ♪もう、オーナーさんったら……え?水着、以合っててよかった、って……?あっ、そうだった……!わたし……あ、あの、水着、似合ってますか?……ふふっ、よかった♥オーナーさん、素敵な水着、ありがとうございます。えっ?写真を撮りたい?里のみんなにも見せたらどうだろう、って……うーん、ちょっと恥ずかしいけど……せっかくだから……じゃあ、お願いしますね♪

Momiji: The owner? You know, it's still the time we're promised. I was looking forward to it, and i came early. If ♪ owner already... What? I'm glad you're wearing a bathing suit. Oh, that was it. I...... Oh, you look good in a bathing suit, huh? ...... Well, thank you, ♥ owner, nice swimsuit. What? You want to take a picture? Why don't you show it to everyone in the village? Well, I'm a little embarrassed, but...... Why don't you...... Well, then, please♪

Scene 9

There is no dialogue in this scene. Also, the player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Scene 10
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あの、ちゃんと、撮れてましたか……?……綺麗に撮れた?よかった♪里のみんな、喜んでくれるといいな♪……えっと……オーナーさん。その写真、わたしの分も、一枚頂けますか?大切な思い出だから……残しておきたくて。島のみんなとのパーティーや…………オーナーさんと、二人きりのお誕生日も。オーナーさん、これからも……大切な思い出、一緒に作ってくださいね。ふふっ……♪

Momiji: Um, did you take a picture? ...... Did you take it beautifully? I hope everyone in the village is happy ♪ it was good ♪. Let's see...... The owner. Can I have one of those pictures? It's an important memories. I want to leave it. A party with everyone on the island...... The owner and the two of us had a birthday. The owner, from now on... Please make important memories together. Phew... ♪

Episode 84: Momiji's third birthday

Japanese English translation



Episode 85: Momiji's Promise Ring

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Momiji after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Japanese English translation



Episode 86: I Don't Mean Anything Strange By It… (変な意味じゃなくて…)

First version


Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation Momiji Valentine Event Extra Episode

Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんばんは。 あの… … 紅葉です ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Good evening. It's me, Momiji. Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Momiji extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Momiji: こんばんは。 あの… … 紅葉です ええっと、これ、チョコレート… … あ、あの、変な意味じゃなくて… … 感謝のしるしというか… … わたしの気持ちです。いつも、お世話になってるから。えっと、あのう… …ふふ、ちょっと緊張しちゃった。…またね

Momiji: Good evening. It's me, Momiji. Here's some chocolate for you. Ah, don't take it the wrong way…it's just a form of gratitude. I did this of my own accord, since you always take care of me. Um… Hehe. I got a little nervous there… See you later.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Momiji: えっと……は、はい。じゃあ、準備しますね。ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど……しょうがない、かな……

(Camera flash)

Momiji: Um… okay. Hold on while I get ready. This is a little embarrassing… But I guess it's unavoidable, so…

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Momiji: あとで、見せてくださいね。

Momiji: Show me when you're done, okay?

Episode 87: Luna's Birthday (ルナの誕生日)


DOAX VV Luna Birthday Scean (루나 생일 이벤트)


(Eng) Luna's Birthday Episode - Year 1 - Steam

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、こんにちは。どうかしましたか?誕生日パーティーに来てほしい?さて、どなたの……?わたし?あの、わたしの誕生日は明日ですが……オーナーさんはせっかちさんですね。おいしいケーキが用意されている……?では、行きます。なう。……明日でした。

Luna: Hello, boss. What's going on? You want me to come to a birthday party? Who's it for? Me? But my birthday is tomorrow. Aren't you being a little hasty? You've got a delicious cake waiting for me? Then I'll be there right away. Oh, so it is tomorrow…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: 今日は、パーティーありがとうございます。この格好、ですか?ふふ、ごちそうに失礼があってはいけませんから。では、お腹一杯食べます。ふふふ。どうぞ皆さまもご遠慮なく……

Luna: Thank you for doing this party today. This getup? Heheh, dressing up for the party is the least I could do. I'm going to eat till I'm stuffed. Heheh. And I expect all of you to do the same.

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、ここにいたのですね。食べ疲れましたか?わたし?わたしは、食休みです。おなかを空かせて、リターンマッチ。……ところで……この、とでも美味しそうなケーキは……?オーナーさんからのプレゼント…………ごくり。

Luna: Oh, there you are boss. Did you eat too much? Me? I'm just taking a little break from the food. Once I'm hungry again, I'll be ready for a "return match." By the way… This cake looks delicious, but… Oh, it's a present from you? Guuulp…

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: はぁ、おいしかった………… 「リターンマッチに行かないのか?」えと……もう、お腹いっぱい…………すこし、お話して、いい?誕生日パーティー、とても嬉しかった。こんな大勢の皆さんにお祝いしていただけるのは、初めてでしたので……でも、こうして、オーナーさんと二人でいるのも、とても嬉しいのです。美味しいお料理も、たくさんいただきましたが……オーナーさんのケーキを食べたら、もう、何も食べられなくなって。それが、なぜだかわからなくて。……不思議なのです。でも、少しだけ……こうして、オーナーさんと二人でいると……「思い出す」ような気がするのです。とても、大切なこと……だから、もう少し、一緒にいさせてくれませんか?ふふ。よかった。……なんだか、なつかしくて……でも、もっと、うれしい。ごちそうさまでした。

Luna: Ah, delicious… … Hm? The "return match?" Well… I'm pretty full now. Could I…have a little talk with you? I'm so happy you did this birthday party. This is the first time I've had so many people come together and celebrate for me. But it also makes me happy just being like this… The two of us without any distraction. I had a lot of incredible food today… But when I ate this cake from you, I felt so satisfied, I couldn't eat anything else. I'm not really sure why though… It's kind of mysterious. But if I can just… Be with you like this, a little longer… I feel like I'll remember something. Something really important. So would you be with me…just a little longer? Heheh. Thank you. Right now I feel so…nostalgic. But incredibly happy, too. Thanks for that amazing cake.

Episode 88: It's a new discovery. (新発見なのです)


DOAXVV Luna Birthday Scene (2019 루나 생일 이벤트)

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、おはようございます。今日は、何かお話があるとか…………一緒に、フィールドワークに?ふむ、オーナーさんのご提案とは、お珍しい。この島を紹介するために、いいスポットを知りたい……ですか。なるほど、そういうことならお任せください。わたしのおすすめの場所に、一名様ご案内です。オーナーさんと……フィールドワーク……ふふふ。

Luna: Good morning, owner. I have something to tell you today. Together, on fieldwork? Hmm, the owner's suggestion is unusual. I want to know a good spot to introduce this island...... Is it? Well, if that's the case, leave it to me. It is a guide for one person to the place of my recommendation. With the owner... Fieldwork...... Hehehe.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: こうして、オーナーさんとのフィールドワークは、久しぶりな気もします。……では、参りましようか。この辺りは、面白いものがいっぱいなのです。どこかに、まだ見ぬ遺跡も、きっと……

Luna: This is how I feel like I've been working in the field with the owner for a long time. ...... So, let's visit. There are a lot of interesting things around here. Somewhere, the ruins that I haven't seen yet, I'm sure...

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: こちらも、わたしのおすすめスポットです。昔の人々の生活に、ここで思いを巡らすのです……

Luna: This is also my favorite spot. Here i think about the lives of people in the past.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは……?ふむ、興味深い……

Luna: Is this...? Hmmm, interesting......

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: はっ……!つい、夢中になってしまいました。わたしが楽しそうで、良かった?今日は、オーナーさんを案内するつもりでしたが……それはそうと……たくさん歩いたので、お腹がすきました……どこかから、おいしそうな甘い香りが……これは……

Luna: Ha...! I was so engrossed in it. I'm glad You're having fun, right? Today, I was going to show the owner. That's right. I walked a lot, so I was hungry. From somewhere, there is a sweet smell that looks delicious...... This is......

Scene 6
Japanese English translation

Luna: 誕生日の……ケーキ?億えていてくださったのですか……ふふ……うれしい。これは……スイートポテトのケーキ!?ありがとうございます、オーナーさん。ほう、もう一つプレゼントが……?

Luna: Birthday... Cake? Did you make a billion...... Hehehe...... Glad. This is...... Sweet Potato Cake!? Thank you, owner. Oh, there's one more present...?

Scene 7
Japanese English translation

Luna: これは、新しい水着……!わたしのための……ありがとうございます。……着てみてほしい?ふむ……それでは早速…………はっ!?あの、やっぱり……少しお待ちを……オーナーさんの前では……恥ずかしい、ので……

Luna: This is a new swimsuit...! For me...... Thank you very much. ...... Do you want me to try it on? Hm...... And now at once............ Ha!? Well, after all...... Wait a minute... In front of the owner...... Embarrassing, so......

Scene 8

The player unlike other camera sequences in other episodes actually has to snap the photo directly.

Japanese English translation

Luna: オーナーさん、お待たせしました。カッコイイ水着で……つい、見惚れていました。てんびん座をモチーフとした水着?女神アストライアが持つ、善悪を量る天秤……あの、オーナーさん。わたし……カッコイイですか?ふふふ……うれしい♪オーナーさん、お願いが……写真を、撮ってほしいのです。思い出を、いつでも……いつまでも、見られるように。この星空の……星座のように。では……はい、ポーズ……

(camera flash)

Luna: The owner, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. In a cool swimsuit...... I was so smits. Swimsuit with the motif of Libra? The tengu that the goddess Astria weighs right and wrong. Hey, owner. I...... Is it cool? Hehehe...... Glad♪ to hear that, Mr. Topi, please. I want you to take a picture. Memories, anytime...... forever, to be seen. This starry sky... Like a constellation. And now...... Yes, pose......

(camera flash)

Scene 9
Japanese English translation

Luna: ありがとうございました、オーナーさん。オーナーさんにお祝いしてもらえるとは……わたしの誕生日……億えてくれていると思わなかったので……忘れるわけない?さすが……オーナーさん……二人きりのフィールドワークも、オーナーさんからのプレゼント……だったのですね。オーナーさんと一緒に過ごした時間、とっても長くて……オーナーさんのことなら、全て研究済み…………だと思っていました。でも、今日の誕生日は、とても楽しくて、今までの記録便更新……新発見なのです。ということは……オーナーさんと一緒にいれば、もっと?あの、オーナーさん。これからも、一緒に……いてください。オーナーさんと一緒なら、まだまだ、知らないことがいっぱい……それはとっても……うれしい……

Luna: Thank you very much, owner. The owner would celebrate. My birthday. I didn't think you were a billion. I'll never forget it. As expected...... The owner... The fieldwork of the two of us is also a present from the owner. It was. The time I spent with the owner was very long. If it's about the owner, I've done all the research... I thought. But today's birthday was so much fun, so I updated my record flights so far. It is a new discovery. Meaning...... More if you're with the owner? Hey, owner. From now on, together... Please do. If you're with the owner, there's still a lot of things you don't know. That's very... Glad......

Episode 89: Luna's third birthday

Japanese English translation



Episode 90: Luna's Promise Ring

To get this episode, gift the actual Promise Ring to Luna after winning it in her related Birthday event festival.

Japanese English translation



Episode 91: I Want You To Accept It… I Think (貰ってほしい…たぶん)

First version


DOAXVV はじめてのVenusValentine エクストラエピソード(ルナ)

Japanese English translation

Luna: … …ルナですよ。ルナが来たのです。オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: It's Luna. Here to see you again. I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Later versions


DOAXVV Melting Venus Valentine Luna extra episode

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Luna: … …ルナですよ。ルナが来たのです。オーナーさん、チョコレート、貰ってほしい… …たぶん。喜んでもらえたら、嬉しい。オーナーさん。では、また明日。ー絶に、フィールドワークしましょう。

Luna: It's Luna. Here to see you again. I'd like you to accept this chocolate from me…I think. Luna would be happy if you enjoy it. Boss. Alright then, see you tomorrow. Let's carry out some fieldwork together.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Luna: では、記録をお願いします。……ちゃーんと、撮ってね。こころの準備はできています。さあ、どうぞ。

(Camera flash)

Luna: Very well, take visual records of me. And do it right. I'm mentally prepared now. So do your thing, okay?

(Camera flash)

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふふ。後で見せてください。

Luna: Heheh. Show them to me later.

Episode 92: Serenade (Fiona) (セレナーデ(フィオナ))


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona Serenade (Ver.Normal)フィオナ セレナーデ通常バージョン!


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Fiona Serenade (Ver.Open Eyes)フィオナ セレナーデ覗き見しちゃったバージョン! (no-peek) (peek)

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Oh, my... Owner!? ...... If the owner...... I... Oh, no!

Episode 93: DOAFES 2018 Misaki (DOAFES2018 みさき)


DOAXVV 4K【】DOAFES 2018 Misaki みさき編


DOAXVV Extra Episode DOAFES2018 Misaki

Japanese English translation

Misaki: オーナー! DOAFES、楽しんでる?ふふっ、枕しも♪みんなも、すっごく盛り上がってるみたい。え?今着てる、これ?ふふっ♪ファーストアニバーサリーの、ドレスだよ!……えっと……どうかな?……♪ありがと。そう言ってくれると思ってた。でも……いつも同じ「似合うでる」だけだと、なんだか物足りないなー♪……!?す、「好き」とかどうとか、聞いてないから!……もう……ばか。……フェスが始まって一年かぁ。なんだか、あっという間だったなぁ。いろいろあうだし、困らぎれだことも……だくさん?……あらたけど。とっても、楽しかった。だから、ちゃんたと言うね。こほん。ありがとうございます。これからも、よろしくお願いします。これからも……ずらと、見ててよね?オーナー♪

Misaki: Owner! Doafes, are you having fun? I think everyone is really excited about the pillow! What? Are you wearing this now? It's the first anniversary dress! ...... Let's see...... What do you think? ...... ♪ Thanks. I thought you'd say that. But...... It is always the same "I look good" only, somehow not enough ♪...!? "I like" or not, because I do not hear! ...... I don't... Fool? ...... It was a year after the festival started. It was so fast. It's a lot of things to do and shortness. Milk? ...... . It was very fun. That's why I say it's Chan. Hon. Thank you for your kind. In the future, thank you. Keep doing...... I'm not looking for you. Owner ♪

Episode 94: DOAFES 2018 Marie (DOAFES2018 マリー)


DOAXVV 4K【】DOAFES 2018 Marie Rose マリー編


DOAXVV Extra Episode DOAFES2018 Marie

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: あっ、オーナーさん♪マリーのDOAFESのお仕事、見てくれてました?……♪えっへん!マリーは、 サーバソト以外のお仕事も完璧なんです!いいこいいこって……もう!マリーを子供扱いしないでください!ぶー……あっ、たうだ、にのドしス♪エレナ様が、オーナーさんを驚かせるためにって選んでくれたんです♪どうですか?似合っていますか?……♪ふふっ♪ありがとうございます♪そうだ、もうひとつ♪……ねえ、オーナーさん?今のマリー、オトナっぽいですか?♥……♥あはっ♪やったぁ♪……オーナーさんや、みんなと過ごしたこの一年で、少しだけ、大人になれたかな♪オーナーさん、これからも頑張りますから、大人になるマリーを、見ていてくださいね?♥

Marie Rose: Oh, Mr. Owner, did you see Marie's doafes work? ...... # EH! Marie, work other than the server Soto is perfect! Good thing. Another Don't treat Marie as a child! Boo... Oh, it's yep, ♪ Helena-sama, I chose to surprise the owner. Do you look handsome? ...... ♪ Ugh, thank you ♪ Yes, one more thing ♪...... Hey, Mr. Owner? Is Marie, like, grown-up now? ♥... ♥ Oh, ha! In the past year I spent with the owner and everyone, I wonder if I could become an adult ♪ owner, because I'll do my best in the future, please look at Marie to become an adult? ♥

Episode 95: Black Rubber (Nagisa) (ラバー・ブラック(なぎさ))


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見してしまったVer.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさ エクストラ生着替え 速攻覗き見!ver.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】なぎさエクストラ生着替え 覗き見しないVer

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: じゃあ、着替えますけど……覗いたら、ただじゃ済まないんだから……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: はい、着てあげまじだよ。……せめて、感想ぐらい聞かせなさいよね。バカ。

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: 閉じないなら、替えはお預け。当たり前です!……このエロわんこ!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Okay… Let me get changed… But if you peek I swear you'll pay for it…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: Okay, I've got it on now. At least let me hear what you think. Dummy.

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: If it does not close, replace it. Obviously! ...... This erotic dog!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 96: With You (Kasumi) (ウィズ・ユー(かすみ))

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Shall we... Can I change my clothes here?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me...

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 97: With You (Honoka) (ウィズ・ユー(ほのか))

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 98: With You (Marie) (ウィズ・ユー(マリー))

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 99: With You (Ayane) (ウィズ・ユー(あやね))

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 100: With You (Nyotengu) (ウィズ・ユー(女天狗))

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 101: With You (Kokoro) (ウィズ・ユー(こころ))

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 102: With You (Momiji) (ウィズ・ユー(紅葉))

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 103: With You (Hitomi) (ウィズ・ユー(ヒトミ))

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 104: With You (Helena) (ウィズ・ユー(エレナ))

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I wonder if I'll change it like this. Can you close your eyes?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it suits you...

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 105: With You (Misaki) (ウィズ・ユー(みさき))

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 106: With You (Luna) (ウィズ・ユー(ルナ))

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 107: With You (Tamaki) (ウィズ・ユー(たまき))


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Tamaki's live change episode.


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Peek in!!Tamaki's live change episode.2

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Then, I'm going to change. If you peek... Let me do something for you.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Ugh, do you like this? Heh... Tofu... How? Owner-kun ♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 108: With You (Leifang) (ウィズ・ユー(レイファン))


DOAXVV 4K【Eng sub】Leifang's live change episode.

Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃ、着替えるから 、ちょっと、あっち向いて欲しいんだけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: はい、お待たせ♪どうかしら?似合うでしょ?ふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: Well, I'm going to change, so please look elsewhere for a bit.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: Thanks for waiting ♪ What do you think? Looks good, right? Hehe ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 109: With You (Fiona) (ウィズ・ユー(フィオナ))

This episode only exists in the DMM version.

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Oh, my... Owner!? ...... If the owner...... I... Oh, no!

Episode 110: Lonely? (寂しい?)


DOAXVV Extra Episode 寂しい? Lonely?

This episode aired during the second half of the White Day 2019 event, around the same time Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet was released.

Japanese English translation

Misaki: あ、オーナー♪なに?呼んだ?え?しを見ろ……って?これ、バカンスの招待状!?しかも、……わたし宛!?!?バイトの慰労で、2週間のバカンス……!ホントに!?やったー!あっ、でも、その間オーナーはどうするの?なんとかする、って…………なんだか心配だなぁ。わたしが居なくても、大丈夫?仕事は?ご飯は?朝誰が起こすの?「大丈夫」って…………ホントに?えっ!?わたしは一人で大丈夫かって?わたしも平気だよ?……寂しくなんかないもん。……っていうと、ちょっと、ウソ、かも。だってさ、ずっと一緖だったし……もう、家族みたいなものだし……み、みんなが、だよ!?もう……オーナーのイヅワル。ばか。……ふふっ♪でも、せっかくだから……パーッと行っで、楽しんでくる!世話のやけるオーナーがいないのは、ちょっと物足りないのも、だけどね♪……ねえ、オーナー?ホントのところ、オーナーはどうなの?……寂しい、って、思ってくれる?あははっ、なーんてね♪じゃ、ちょっとだけ、行ってきまーす!

Misaki: Oh, owner # What? Called? What? Look... What? This is a vacation invitation!? On top of that...... Addressed to me!?!? It's a two week vacation with the allowance of bytes...! Really!? I did it! Oh, but what about the owner? I'm going to do something... I'm kind of worried. Are you okay without me? Work? What about the rice? Who wakes up in the morning? "Okay"............. Really? What!? Am I alone okay? I'm fine, too, right? ...... I'm not lonely. ...... I mean, a little lie, maybe. I mean, it was a join them... It's like family now. Try it, everyone!? No more... The owner of the Idwal. Fool? ...... Hmm, but with all the trouble... Go with the Patsu and have fun! There is not the owner who can take care of it, but it is a little unsatisfactory, too. Hey, the owner? Really, what about the owner? ...... Are you feeling lonely? Oh ha, I'm going to go for a little bit!

Episode 111: 迅雷 Gale (Kanna) (疾風迅雷(カンナ))

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 着替えてやるぞ♪楽しみにしておれ

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: 見たいのか?ふふっ♪仕方がないの どうじゃ?どうじゃ!……だめか?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: I'm going to get dressed ♪ look forward to it.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: You want to see it? I can't help it. No! ...... No?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: Hmm ♪ hmm... Ha!? Not yet! Mmm... Turn That way!

Episode 112: Hanzo Gakuin (Kasumi) (半蔵学院(かすみ))

Japanese English translation

Kasumi: えっ、今からですか?ちょっと、恥ずかしいですけど……準備しますね。綺麗に撮ってくれると、嬉しいな……

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kasumi: あの、誰にも見せないで……

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Hm? You mean, right now? Well, this is kind of awkward, but I'll get ready. Only take shots that make me look pretty.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kasumi: Just don't show anyone, okay?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kasumi: Cass! Hey, don't look! Terrible...

Episode 113: Hanzo Gakuin (Ayane) (半蔵学院(あやね))

Japanese English translation

Ayane: まあ、別にいいけど……ちょ、ちょっとだけだからね。うまく撮らないと、承知しないわよ?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Ayane: いい写真だと嬉しいんだけど。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: Well, I guess I don't mind… But…just for a little bit. I'll only approve of the good ones you take.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Ayane: I hope these photos turn out good.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 114: Hanzo Gakuin (Honoka) (半蔵学院(ほのか))

Japanese English translation

Honoka: えっ、写真、撮りたいんですか?えっと……じゃあ、準備しますから、待らててくださいね。じゃあ、かわいく撮ってくださいね。イヤラシイのは、無しですよ?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Honoka: ぱちり!ふふっ♪かわいく撮れたかな?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Honoka: Oh, you wanna take pics? Well, okay… Gimme a second to get ready. Take some cute shots of me, okay? But I'm not doing anything too sexy.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Honoka: Click! Click! Heheh ♪ Did you get some cute ones?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Episode 115: Tsukinome Women's School (Nyotengu) (月因女学館(女天狗))

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: ふふっ、そなた、わらわと二人きりで何をするつもりじゃ?♥ふふっ、遠慮はいらぬぞ?♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nyotengu: ふふふ、満足したか?♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Nyotengu: Heheh… What do you intend to do with me, while we're all alone, hm? Heheh… Don't be bashful ♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nyotengu: Heheheh… Satisfied? ♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Episode 116: Tsukinome Women's Studies Museum (Kokoro) (月因女学館(こころ))

Japanese English translation

Kokoro: 写真ですか?わかりました。かわいく、撮らてくださいね。オーナーはん、誰も見てないからって、いけすせんといてくださいね?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kokoro: 後でウチにも、見せてくださいね?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: Pics? Of course. Just be sure to take cute ones, okay? I know nobody's watching, but still… Don't take anything nasty, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Kokoro: Be sure to show them to me later.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Kokoro: Oh, my God! I'm not tired yet! I still do it! ... No, i can't go anymore!

Episode 117: Tsukinome Women's Studies Museum (Nagisa) (月因女学館(なぎさ))

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: 二人きりで撮影……?変なことをしたら、人を呼びますよ?……さっさと始めてください。……ヘソタイ。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nagisa: いつまで見てるのよ!……こ、こ、この、エロわんこ!

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Nagisa: A photo session with just the two of us? If you do anything weird I'll scream. So hurry up and get started, pervy.

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Nagisa: Stop looking me over like that! You…dirty dog!

(if the player decides to use the black fan)


Episode 118: Red Luck Corps (Fiona) (焔紅運隊(フィオナ))


DOAXVV SSR Gurin-tai Shinobu (Fiona) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Fiona: 写真の撮影ですが?わかりました♪わたるくし、頑張りますね!あの、リード……してくださいね?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Fiona: だ、誰にも見せないでくださいね……?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Pictures? Sure, I'll do my best ♪ Um… Take the lead on this, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Fiona: Don't, um, show these to anyone else.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Fiona: Oh,!?! Owner!? ...... If you're the owner... I... Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Episode 119: Red Luck Corps (Hitomi) (焔紅運隊(ヒトミ))

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: はい。すぐ準備するから、ちょっと待っててくださいね。よし、じゃあ、気合い入れて……お、お願いいます。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Hitomi: ふふっ。なんだか、照れちゃいます、ね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: Okay. Hold on a sec while I get ready. Alright, I think I'm ready, so let's do it. Take good ones…okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Hitomi: Heheh. I'm kind of getting embarrassed.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 120: Red Luck Corps (Marie) (焔紅運隊(マリー))

Japanese English translation

Marie Rose: お写真、撮るんですか?ふふっ、いいですよ♪可愛く撮ってくださいね!

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Marie Rose: 写真、マリーにも見せてくださいね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: You wanna take some photos? Heheh. Sounds good ♪ Take some cute ones!

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Marie Rose: Show me what you took when you're done.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Marie Rose: Oh, my God! What are you looking at? Please turn away quickly!

Episode 121: Snake Women's Studies (Tamaki) (蛇女子学(たまき))

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: オーナーくん……二人っきりね♥さぁ、は・じ・め・ま・しょ♥ほら、好きにしていいよ?♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tamaki: 誰にも見せちゃダメよ……♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Boss… We're all alone ♥ Let's get it on now…okay? Come on, do whatever you desire ♥

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Tamaki: But you can't show them to anyone else ♥

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Tamaki: Oh, my God! This... It's tame. Right

Episode 122: Snake Women's Studies (Leifang) (蛇女子学(レイファン))

Japanese English translation

Leifang: 写真を撮りたいの?別にいいけど……変なのはダメよ?さ、どこからでも、かかってらっしゃい♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Leifang: 感謝しでよね?恥ずかしいんだから。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: You want to take pics? I guess that's fine, but no weird stuff. Take them from any angle you want ♪

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Leifang: Be thankful I'm doing this. It's pretty embarrassing…

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 123: Snake Women's Studies (Helena) (蛇女子学(エレナ))

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: ええ、いいですわよ。ふふっ♪どんな写真になるのか、少し燥しみね。どんなポーズがよろしいのかしら?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Helena Douglas: どんな写真になっているのかしら。楽しみだわ。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena: Yes, but of course. Heheh ♪ I'm a bit excited as to how they'll turn out. What kind of posing would you prefer?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Helena: I'm quite curious as to how these photos will turn out.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 124: Mikoto Kagura Shinobu (Misaki) (巫神楽忍装束(みさき))


DOAXVV SSR Kotokagaku Shinobu (Misaki) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Misaki: ここなら、二人だけだし……その、ちょっとくらいなら、いいかな……どうせなら、……かわいく、撮ってよね?

(If the player decides to snap a picture)

Misaki: と、撮った?なら、もういい?

(If the player decides to use the black fan)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: It's only the two of us here… So maybe just a few would…be okay. I expect you to take cute ones though.

(If the player decides to snap a picture)

Misaki: So you took them? Can we call it quits then?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Misaki: Oh!? Hey, don't look! This Hentai! I believed it. You're an idiot.

Episode 125: Shrine Kagura Shinobu (Luna) (巫神楽忍装束(ルナ))

Japanese English translation

Luna: では、記録をお願いします。……ちゃーんと、撮ってね。こころの準備はできています。さあ、どうぞ。

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Luna: ふふ。後で見せてください。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Very well, take visual records of me. And do it right. I'm mentally prepared now. So do your thing, okay?

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Luna: Heheh. Show them to me later.

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Luna: Well... That...... Mr. Hentai.

Episode 126: Shrine Kagura Shinobu (Momiji) (巫神楽忍装束(紅葉))


DOAXVV SSR Kotokagaku Shinobu (Momiji) Extra episode

Japanese English translation

Momiji: えっと……は、はい。じゃあ、準備しますね。ちょっと、恥ずかしいけど……しょうがない、かな……

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Momiji: あとで、見せてくださいね。

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

Momiji: Um… okay. Hold on while I get ready. This is a little embarrassing… But I guess it's unavoidable, so…

(if the player decides to take a photo)

Momiji: Show me when you're done, okay?

(if the player decides to use the black fan)

Momiji: Oh, my God! Terrible! I told you not to look at it! ... Embarrassing...

Episode 127: Thin Towel Wrap (Tamaki) (うすかわたけのこ(たまき))

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Then, I'm going to change. If you peek... Let me do something for you.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Ugh, do you like this? Heh... Tofu... How? Owner-kun ♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 128: Thin Towel Wrap (Helena) (うすかわたけのこ(エレナ))

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I wonder if I'll change it like this. Can you close your eyes?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it suits you...

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 129: Spade Queen (Monica) (スペード・クイーン(モニカ))


【DOAXVV】 モニカ スペード・クイーン 【DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation】


DOAXVV 4K Peek in!!Monica's live change episode.

Japanese English translation

Monica: 着替えますから、待っててください

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: うん、これなら……えへへあ♪ふふっ♪決まってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: ふふっ…♪ひゃっ!?ル、ルール違反です!

Monica: I'll change my clothes, so please wait.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: Yes, this is... Are you sure that ♪ ♪ hehee?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: Phew... ♪ Oh!? Le, it's against the rules!

Episode 130: A step to a dream (夢への一歩)


DOAXVV Extra episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event

Scene 1

There is no dialogue in this scene

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: うふふ♪オーナーさん、どうですか?わたしのカジノです!え?何回も見てる?もう!オーナーさんノリが悪いです!この島にディーラーとして、働きに来たはずが、募集してないどころか、新しいカジノなんかなくて……建てるための資金もなくて……仕方なく、資金稼ぎから始めて……そして……遂に完成したカジノですよ!もっと喜んでください!それは……オーナーさんにも手伝ってもらいましたけど……少し……かなり……ほとんど、全部……で、でも、もう「わたしのカジノ」です!オーナーさんが、そう言ったんですからね!?よーし!それじゃあ、記念すべきー日目、オープンしちゃいましょうか!ん?その前に、なんですか?

Monica: How ♪ owner? It's my casino! What? Have you seen it many times? No more! The owner Nori is bad! As a dealer on this island, I should have come to work, but far from not recruiting, there is no new casino. I don't even have the money to build it. I had no choice but to start by earning money. And...... It is a casino finally completed! Please be more pleased! That is...... The owner helped me, too. Little...... Quite...... Almost all... But it's already my casino! That's what the owner said!? All right! Well then, let's open it on the day to commemorate! What's up? Before that, what is it?

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Monica: これって……、新しい水着ですか?可愛いバニーガールですね。うふふ♪ありがとうございます。でも……前のでもよかった気がしますけど?どうして、新しい水着を?

Luna: 記念すべき日ですから、お客さんの記憶に残るようにしたいのです。インパクトは大事ですから。記憶に残れば、リピーターも見込めます。さらに噂になれば、新規のお客さんも、呼び込めるのです。

Monica: なるほど……ただ、オーナーさんが見たかったわけじゃないんですね。って!?ルナちゃんいつの間に?

Luna: ウサギと言えばわたしなのです。と、言うことで、オーナーさんに頼まれて助っ人に来ました。

Monica: そ、そうなんですね!?いつの間にかいてぴっくりしました。それじゃあ、今日はよろしくお願いします。一緒に頑張りましょう!

Luna: ラジャー。ふふふ、丸裸にしてやるのです……ウサギだけに。

Monica: なんだか、ディーラーを固違いしているような……

Luna: では、まだ開店まで時間があるので、ルールを復習してきます。

Monica: ええ!?ルナちゃんだいじょ……行っちゃいました……大丈夫なんでしょうか?

Monica: Is this a new swimsuit? It is a pretty bunny girl. Thank you ♪. But...... I think it was good before, right? Why are you wearing a new swimsuit?

Luna: It's a memorable day, so I want to make sure it's memorable for my customers. Impact is important. If you remember it, you can expect repeaters. If it becomes a rumor further, new customers can also be invited.

Monica: I see... But the owner didn't want to see it. What!? Luna-chan, before you know it?

Luna: When it comes to rabbits, it's me. By saying, the owner asked me to help him.

Monica: Well, that's right!? Before I knew it, I was so happy. Well then, thank you for today. Let's do our best together!

Luna: Rajer. Huh, I'm going to make you naked. Only for rabbits.

Monica: Somehow, it's like we're making a mistake with the dealer.

Luna: We still have time to open, so we'll review the rules.

Monica: Yeah!? Luna-chan Daijo...... I've been there. Are you all right?

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: ん?ルナちゃんなら大丈夫ですか?……そうですね。オーナーさんがそう言うなら、信じます。確かに、オーナーさんより、勝負強そうですね。わたしよりも、ポーカーフェイスが上手だし……よ〜っし!それじゃあ、気合入れていきましょう!目指すはナンバパーワンカジノです!カジノはここしかない、って?もう!オーナーさん、ノリが悪いです!こういうのは気持ちが、大切なんです!それに島の外も含めて、ナンバーワンを目指すんです!ふふふ♪わたし頑張ります。

Monica: What? Is Luna okay? ...... Let's see. If the owner says so, I believe it. Certainly, it seems to be more competitive than the owner. He has a better poker face than I am. Oh, my God! Well then, let's put our heart into it! Our goal is Namba Pa Wan Casino! The casino is the only place here? No more! The owner, Nori is bad! This kind of feeling is important! And we're aiming to be number one, including outside the island! I'll do my best ♪ fufufufufu.

Episode 131: One step forward (一歩前進)


DOAXVV Extra episodes of Goddess' party 2nd anniversary event

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Monica: それではカードオープンです。ツーペアとフルハウス……ですので、そちらのお客様の勝利です。

Monica: So it's a card open. Two-pair and full house...... So, it is your victory.

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Monica: ありがとうございました。また、来てくださいね。ふぅ……お客様を楽しませるって、なかなか難しいです……あ!オーナーさん。お疲れ様です。調子はどうか、ですか?絶好調です!と、言いたいところなのですが……い、いえ!問題とか、そういうのではないのですけど……その理想と現実で、差が出ている、というか……お客さんを笑顔にしたいんですけど、どうもうまくいってないような……どうしてでしょう……あ!今、笑いましたね!もう!人が真剣に悩んでいるんですよ!え?ルナちゃんを参考に?

Monica: Thank you very much. Please come again. Phew...... It's quite difficult to entertain customers. Oh, my God! The owner. Thank you for your good work. How's it going? It's in great shape! I'd like to say that. No! It's not a problem or anything like that, but... There is a difference between the ideal and the reality. I want to make my customers smile, but it doesn't seem to be going well. Why is that... Oh, my God! You laughed now! No more! People are seriously worried! What? Are you referring to Luna-

Scene 3
Japanese English translation

Luna: ヒットでお願いします。ふむ……では、ラストにー枚お願いします。……ふふふ♪完壁なのです。ロイヤルストレートフラッシュですこの勝負、こちそうさまなのです。え?これはブラックジャック……追うのですか?むむむ……失敗なのです…………でも、失敗は成功の母。もうひと勝負、おかわりです。

Luna: Hit, please. Hm...... Then, I'd like to have a piece at the end. ...... It is a complete wall of Fufu♪fu. It is a royal straight flash this game, it is a little. What? This is blackjack. Are you going after me? Mmmu...... It's a failure. But failure is the mother of success. One more game, it's a change.

Scene 4
Japanese English translation

Monica: うう……さすがに短時間で覚えるのは、難しかったようですね。無理を言ってしまいました……え?今見るところはそこじゃない?お客さんの表情ですか?……なんだかみんな……楽しそうです。わたしとゲームをしていた、お客さんよりも……でも、なんで?失敗を笑ってる風じゃなさそうですし。わたしが緊張しているから?わたしを見たお客さんも緊張してしまっている?そうか……自分では気づきませんでした……確かに初めてで、緊張していたかもしれません……ますは、カジノを楽しんでみる……ですか?確かに、ルナちゃんは楽しそうです。一緒に遊びたい……よし!それじゃあ、お客さんを楽しませるために、わたしも楽しんでみます♪

Monica: U... It seems to have been difficult to learn in a short time. I've said no. What? Isn't that where you're seeing it now? Is it the expression of the customer? ...... Somehow everyone... It seems to be fun. I was playing games with myself, more than the customers. But why? It doesn't seem to be the wind that laughs at the failure. Because I'm nervous? Are the customers who saw me nervous? Oh I see?????? I didn't realize it myself. It was certainly the first time, and I might have been nervous. I'm going to enjoy the casino. Is it? It is true that Luna-chan seems to be having fun. I want to play with you. Good! Then, I'll enjoy it so that I can entertain the guests♪.

Scene 5
Japanese English translation

Luna: ふぅ……楽しかったですが……かなり疲れました。

Monica: ルナちゃん、お疲れ様です。ふふ♪最後の方は、とっても様になってましたよ♪

Luna: でも、あまり勝てませんでした。次こそは……ぐぬぬ。

Monica: ルナちゃん、今日はありがとうございます。今日、ルナちゃんのおかげで、お客さんが楽しめてました。それに、ルナちゃんのおかげで、わたしも夢に、一歩近づけた気がします。

Luna: わたしは、カジノを楽しんだだけなのですが……でも、お役に立てていたならなによりです。ふふ。

Monica: あ、あの……ルナちゃん、オーナーさん。お二人にご相談なんですが……

Luna: ん?なんでしょう?

Monica: 明日のためにも、少し練習しておきたくて……お付き合いお願いできませんか?

Luna: わたしはかまいません。ルールのおさらいをしたかったので、ちょうどいいです。

Monica: オーナーさん、ルナちゃん、ありがとうございます♪それじゃあ、オーナーさん♪ディナーをかけて勝負です♪

Luna: おお!そればナイスアイディア。ちょうどお腹がすいてきたところなのです。

Monica: オーナーさんを丸裸にしてあげます。ウサギだけに!ふふふ♪

Luna: Huh... It was fun, but... I'm pretty tired.

Monica: Luna- Thank you, Luna. The last one ♪ Fufu was very like me♪.

Luna: But we didn't win very well. Next time... A no-no., no.

Monica: Luna, thank you for today. Thanks to Luna-chan today, the customers enjoyed it. And thanks to Luna-chan, I feel like I'm one step closer to my dream.

Luna: I just enjoyed the casino. But if I could have helped you, it would be best. Hehehe.

Monica: Oh, my Place... Luna-chan, the owner. I'm talking to you two.

Luna: What? What is it?

Monica: I want to practice a little for tomorrow. Can I ask you to go out with me?

Luna: I don't mind. I wanted to review the rules, so it's just right.

Monica:♪ Thank you, owner, Luna-chan♪♪.

Luna: Oh! That's a nice idea. I'm just getting hungry.

Monica: I'll leave the owner naked. Only for rabbits! Fufu-♪ an

Episode 132: Cure Angel (Sayuri) (キュア・エンジェル(さゆり))

Japanese English translation

Sayuri: 良い子にして、待っててね?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Sayuri: ふぅ……よし♪うふふっ……♪待たせてこめんねオーナーちゃん♪お姉ちゃん、似合ってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Sayuri: きゃっ!?……こら♥見ちゃだめですよ♥オーナーちゃん♥

Sayuri: Be a good boy, wait for me, right?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Sayuri: Husu...... All right♪ ♪ Do you look good with the owner-chan♪-nee-chan-chan-chan-chan to keep you waiting?

(if the player peeks)

Sayuri: Kya!? ...... Don't look at ♥ ♥ owner♥.

Episode 133: S. Chocolatier (Kasumi) (S・ショコラティエ(かすみ))

Japanese English

Kasumi: ねぇ…ここで着替えてもいいかな?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: どう?似合うかな?似合ってると…いいんだけど…

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: キャッ!み、見ないで!ひどい…

Kasumi: Shall we... Can I change my clothes here?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kasumi: How does it look? I hope it looks good on me...

(if the player peeks)

Kasumi: Cap! See, Don't look! Terrible...

Episode 134: S. Chocolatier (Honoka) (S・ショコラティエ(ほのか))

Japanese English

Honoka: これ、着てみようかな...いいですか...?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: こういうの…どうですか?

(if the player peeks)


Honoka: Mind if I try this on now?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Honoka: How is it?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 135: S. Chocolatier (Marie) (S・ショコラティエ(マリー))

Japanese English

Marie Rose: すぐ、着替えますねっ。ふふっ。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: ふふっ、これ、なかなかかわいいですね?

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: きゃっ!何見てるんですか!早くあっち向いてください!

Marie Rose: I'll try it on right away.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Marie Rose: This swimsuit is pretty cute.

(if the player peeks)

Marie Rose: Come on! What are you looking at? Turn over!

Episode 136: S. Chocolatier (Ayane) (S・ショコラティエ(あやね))

Japanese English

Ayane: …着替えるから、目を閉じててもらえないかしら。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: はい、着てあげたわよ。…どう?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: ちょっ!馬鹿じゃないの!?何みてんのよ!この変態!

Ayane: I'll change into it, so close your eyes.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Ayane: I put it on for you. How does it look?

(if the player peeks)

Ayane: Hey! You're not stupid!? What the hell is wrong with you? This pervert!

Episode 137: S. Chocolatier (Nyotengu) (S・ショコラティエ(女天狗))

Japanese English translation

Nyotengu: すぐ着てみたいのう。…見るでないぞ?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: わらわの美しさ、そなたには、目の毒か?

(if the player peeks)


Nyotengu: I want to wear it right away. ...You're not gonna see it, are you?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nyotengu: Straw beauty, are you the poison of the eyes?

(if the player peeks)


Episode 138: S. Chocolatier (Kokoro) (S・ショコラティエ(こころ))

Japanese English


(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: ふふっ、どう?似合でます?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: ああう!まだあきまへん!まだやってぇー!…んもう、いけず!

Kokoro: This is a little embarrassing, but I think I'll try it on now and see how it fits.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kokoro: How does it look? Does it suit me?

(if the player peeks)

Kokoro: Hey! What are you doing?! I'm not done yet! You're so mean!

Episode 139: S. Chocolatier (Hitomi) (S・ショコラティエ(ヒトミ))

Japanese English translation

Hitomi: この水着いいなぁ一、もう、ここで着替えちゃうね。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: どう?似合ってる?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: きゃっ!なんでこっち見てるのっ!もう!えっちー!

Hitomi: I'm loving this swimsuit. I'll put it on right away!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Hitomi: So? How do I look?

(if the player peeks)

Hitomi: Oh, my God! Why are you looking at me? Not anymore. Oh, my God!

Episode 140: S. Chocolatier (Momiji) (S・ショコラティエ(紅葉))

Japanese English

Momiji: ありがとう。あの…すぐ、着替えるから…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: あ、あの、似合ってる…かな?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: きゃっ!ひどい!見ちゃダメって言ったのに!…恥ずかしい…

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: や、やっぱり、こんなところで着替えるなんて、おかしいよね?

Momiji: Thank you. Um, I'll try it on right now…

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Momiji: Um… How does it look?

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Momiji: Come on! Terrible! I told you not to look! ... Embarrassing...

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Momiji: And, after all, it's funny to be dressed in a place like this?

Episode 141: S. Chocolatier (Helena) (S・ショコラティエ(エレナ))

Japanese English translation

Helena Douglas: このまま替えようかしら…目を閉じていてくださる?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: どうかしら?似合っているといいのですけど…

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: きゃっ!まったく…いやらしい人ね。あなたには期待していましたのに…

Helena Douglas: I wonder if I'll change it like this. Can you close your eyes?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Helena Douglas: What do you think? I hope it suits you...

(if the player peeks)

Helena Douglas: Oh, my God! Exactly... You're a nasty person. I was expecting you.

Episode 142: S. Chocolatier (Misaki) (S・ショコラティエ(みさき))

Japanese English translation

Misaki: じゃあき、着替えるけど……絶対、見ちゃだめだからね!?

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: うう、見せなきゃ、だめ……?も……は 、早く見てよ。は、恥ずかしいんだから……

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: ひゃっ!?み、見ないで!このヘンタイ!信じてたのにぃ……バカぁ……

Misaki: Well, I guess I'll change into it now... And don't even think of watching!

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Misaki: Do I have to show you? Fine. Hurry up and look. This is so awkward.

(if the player peeks)

Misaki: Oh! Please, don't look at me! Thailand This hen! I believed it... You idiot...

Episode 143: S. Chocolatier (Luna) (S・ショコラティエ(ルナ))

Japanese English

Luna: では、着替えるのです。一般的には、覗かない厉がよいと思います。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: ふふ、これは興味深い......惚れちゃいますか?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: えっと……その……ヘンタイさん。

Luna: Then, it is changing clothes. In general, I think that it is good to 厉害的超人 not to peek.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Luna: Hehe. This is fascinating. Do you have a crush on me now?

(if the player peeks)

Luna: Let's see...... That...... Mr. Thailand Hen.

Episode 144: S. Chocolatier (Tamaki) (S・ショコラティエ(たまき))

Japanese English translation

Tamaki: じゃあ、着替えるわね。覗いたら……何かしてもらおうかなー

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: ふふっ、こういうの、好きなの?んふ……うふふっ…どう?オーナーくん♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: きゃっ!?こーら……タメよ?ね

Tamaki: Then, I'm going to change. If you peek... Let me do something for you.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Tamaki: Ugh, do you like this? Heh... Tofu... How? Owner-kun ♥

(if the player peeks)

Tamaki: Come on!? This is... Tame? Right

Episode 145: S. Chocolatier (Leifang) (S・ショコラティエ(レイファン))

Japanese English translation

Leifang: じゃ、着替えるから 、ちょっと、あっち向いて欲しいんだけど。

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: はい、お待たせ♪どうかしら?似合うでしょ?ふふっ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: きゃっ!?こ、こらーっ!見ないでよっ!許さないわよ!この、ドへンタイ!

Leifang: Well, I'm going to change, so please look elsewhere for a bit.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Leifang: Thanks for waiting ♪ What do you think? Looks good, right? Hehe ♪

(if the player peeks)

Leifang: Oh, my God! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Don't look! I won't forgive you! This, Doheontai!

Episode 146: S. Chocolatier (Fiona) (S・ショコラティエ(フィオナ))

Japanese English translation

Fiona: では、待っていてくださいね?オーナー様♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: お待たせいたしました♪あの、いかがでしょう。……オーナー様♥似合っているでしょうか?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: ひゃっ……!?オーナー様 !?……オーナー様になら……わたくし……やっ、やっぱり、ダメですっ!

Fiona: Okay, boss ♪ Just give me a second.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Fiona: Sorry to keep you waiting ♪ Well, what do you think? Boss ♥ Do I look okay in this?

(if the player peeks)

Fiona: Oh, my... Owner!? ...... If the owner...... I... Oh, no!

Episode 147: S. Chocolatier (Nagisa) (S・ショコラティエ(なぎさ))

Japanese English translation

Nagisa: じゃあ、着替えますけど……覗いたら、ただじゃ済まないんだから……

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: はい、着てあげまじだよ。……せめて、感想ぐらい聞かせなさいよね。バカ。

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: 閉じないなら、替えはお預け。当たり前です!……このエロわんこ!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: えっ?な、何見てるんですか!?この……バカ!ヘンタイ!エロわんこ!

Nagisa: Well, I'll change clothes, but... If you peek, I'm not sorry...

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Nagisa: Yes, I'll wear it. ...... At least, let me hear your impressions. Stupid.

(if the player peeks during the second instance)

Nagisa: If it does not close, replace it. Obviously! ...... This erotic dog!

(if the player peeks during the first opportunity)

Nagisa: Eh? What are you looking at? This...... Stupid! Hen Thailand! Erotic Dog!

Episode 148: S. Chocolatier (Kanna) (S・ショコラティエ(カンナ))

Japanese English translation

Kanna: 着替えてやるぞ♪楽しみにしておれ

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: 見たいのか?ふふっ♪仕方がないの どうじゃ?どうじゃ!……だめか?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: ふふっ♪ふむ……はっ!?まだじゃまだじゃ!むー……あっちを向いでおれ!

Kanna: I'm going to get dressed ♪ look forward to it.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Kanna: You want to see it? I can't help it. No! ...... No?

(if the player peeks)

Kanna: Hmm ♪ hmm... Ha!? Not yet! Mmm... Turn That way!

Episode 149: S. Chocolatier (Monica) (S・ショコラティエ(モニカ))

Japanese English translation

Monica: 着替えますから、待っててください

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: うん、これなら……えへへあ♪ふふっ♪決まってますか?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: ふふっ…♪ひゃっ!?ル、ルール違反です!

Monica: I'll change my clothes, so please wait.

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Monica: Yes, this is... Are you sure that ♪ ♪ hehee?

(if the player peeks)

Monica: Phew... ♪ Oh!? Le, it's against the rules!

Episode 150: Shiny Perfume (Patty) (シャイニー・パフューム(パティ))

Japanese English translation

Patty: あははっ♪お着替え楽しみ♪待っててね、オーナーさん♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Patty: ふふっ♪じゃーん♪パティ、大変身♪

(if the player peeks)

Patty: こうなって……へぇ……♪あれ?どうしたの?「嬉しい」匂い?

Patty: ♪'s the owner ♪'t wait to get dressed ♪

(if the player manages to avoid opening their eyes)

Patty: Fluffy ♪♪ Patty, great makeover♪

(if the player peeks)

Patty: This is how it is. Really...... ♪ that? What's wrong? "I'm happy" smell?


April Fool's Day event

This episode aired on April Fool's Day 2019

Scene 1
Japanese English translation

Fiona: オーナー……サマ……アイノ……チカラデ……

Owner...... Sama...... Aino…… Chika...…

Scene 2
Japanese English translation

Fiona: おはようごさいます、オーナー様。……?どうしたのですか、随分と驚かれているようですが……今日はハロウィンじゃない……?あっ!この衣装に驚かれたのですね♪わたくし、「アイドル」を目指すことにしたのです!「アイドル」とは、可憐に歌って踊って……皆様を喜ばせる存在であると聞きはした。歌とダンスで皆様を喜ばせる……まさにわたくしが目指す、理想の存在です!「そのメイクは何」……ですか?わ、わたくし特におめかしなどしていませんが……あ、あの……やはりアイドルとして人前に出るなら、きちんとしたお化粧をしないとダメでしょうか……?え……?オーナー様、がわたくしにアイドルのお化粧をしてくださるのですか?ソンヴィ……はれ……?はぁ……よくわかりませんが…………でも、立派なアイドルになるため、歌もダンスもお化粧も、精デ杯やってみます!それでは……アイド活動、愛のカで頑張ります♥フィオナ、ファイトです!

Fiona: Good morning, Mr. Owner. ......? What is the matter, I seem to be quite surprised...... Today is not Halloween...? Was I was surprised by this costume, and I decided to aim at the Idol! "Idol" is a cute song to sing and dance...... It was heard that it was the existence which pleased everyone. Sing and dance to please everyone...... It is the ideal existence that I aim at exactly! "What is that make-up"...... Is it? I'm not particularly primping... Oh excuse me but...... If you go out in public as an idol after all, do you have to do a neat makeup...? What......? The owner, will you give me an idol makeup? Son Vie...... Swollen...? Sigh...... I'm not sure, but...... But to become a splendid idol, I'll try to sing, dance and make-up! So...... I'll do my best in love activities.

Notes and references

  1. In the Japanese version, she was actually calling for the Owner.
  2. In the Japanese version, she actually refers to her as her older sister, or "Onee-san".

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