Dead or Alive Wiki

The following is the list of tag partners with unique tag throws in Dead or Alive Dimensions.

The tag partners (and throws) are directly taken from the previous game Dead or Alive 4 and use the commands Throw and 6 / ForwardThrow for partners with more than two throws.

The playable characters who do not have any partners nor throws in the game are Raidou, Kasumi α, Tengu, Genra, Alpha-152, and Shiden.


Ayane has a total of 12 unique tag throws between 8 different tag partners. With certain partners, Ayane is able to perform 2 intros and 2 outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Ayane.
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Ayane.
Hayate 2 1 1 n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Ayane to Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Ayane.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a

Bass Armstrong[]

Bass has a total of 24 unique tag throws between 11 different tag partners. With certain partners, Bass is able to perform 3 intros (2 with Tina) and 3 outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Bass has the most throws with his daughter Tina, with the pair being able to perform 5 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Ayane.
Bayman 4 n/a 1 Both partners each have two different tag throws that start with them.
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Bass.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Gen Fu.
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Leon 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Bass, and the remaining throws start with Leon.
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Bass.
Tina Armstrong 5 2 (depending on the starting partner) 1 Two tag throws start with Bass, and the remaining throws start with Tina.
For one of the throws, Tina must be facing the opponent's back.
Zack 3 n/a n/a Two tag throws start with Bass, and the remaining throw starts with Zack.


Bayman has a total of 18 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Bayman is able to perform 2 intros and 3 outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Bayman has the most throws with Bass Armstrong, with the pair being able to perform 4 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 4 n/a 1 Both partners each have two different tag throws that start with them.
Christie 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Bayman to Ein.
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Bayman.
Leon 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 2 1 1 n/a

Brad Wong[]

Brad has a total of 9 unique tag throws between 7 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Brad is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Gen Fu.

Out of all his tag partners, Brad has the most throws with Eliot and Gen Fu, with each pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Brad.
Eliot 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 2 1 1 n/a
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Brad.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Brad.
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Kokoro.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Zack.


Christie has a total of 7 unique tag throws between 5 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Christie is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Helena.

Out of all her tag partners, Christie has the most throws with Bayman and Helena, with each pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Brad.
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Christie.
Helena Douglas 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Hitomi.


Ein has a total of 15 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Ein is able to perform 2 intros and 3 outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Ein has the most throws with Jann Lee, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 1 1 n/a
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Bass.
Bayman 1 n/a n/a From Bayman to Ein.
Hitomi 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 3 n/a 1 One tag throw starts with Ein, and the remaining throws start with Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Leifang to Ein.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1 n/a
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Zack.


DOAD EliotGen vs Zack

One of the tag throws performed by Eliot and Gen Fu, with Eliot as the starting partner.

Eliot has a total of 6 unique tag throws between 4 different tag partners.

Out of all his tag partners, Eliot has the most throws with Brad and Gen Fu, with each pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Brad Wong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Eliot.
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Eliot to Leifang.

Gen Fu[]

Gen Fu has a total of 19 unique tag throws between 13 different tag partners. With certain partners, Gen Fu is able to perform 3 intros and 2 outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Ayane.
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Gen Fu.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 2 1 1 n/a
Eliot 2 n/a n/a n/a
Helena Douglas 2 2 (depending on the starting partner) 1 n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Gen Fu.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Kasumi.
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Leifang.
Leon 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Tina Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Tina.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Zack.


Hayate has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 6 different tag partners. With certain partners, Hayate is able to perform an intro and 2 outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Brad.
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Christie.
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Hitomi to Hayate.
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Hayate.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a 1 n/a

Helena Douglas[]

Helena has a total of 9 unique tag throws between 5 different tag partners. With certain partners, Helena is able to perform 4 intros (2 with Gen Fu) and 3 outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Christie 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 2 (depending on the starting partner) 1 n/a
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
Leifang 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Helena to Hayabusa.


Hitomi has a total of 10 unique tag throws between 7 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Hitomi is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Zack.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Hitomi.
Ein 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Hitomi to Hayate.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Hitomi.
Kokoro 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 1 n/a n/a From La Mariposa to Hitomi.
Zack 2 1 1 n/a

Jann Lee[]

Jann Lee has a total of 13 unique tag throws between 8 different tag partners. With certain partners, Jann Lee is able to perform an intro and two outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Jann Lee has the most throws with Ein and Leifang, with each pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Ayane to Jann Lee.
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Jann Lee.
Bayman 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Bayman.
Ein 3 n/a 1 Two tag throws start with Jann Lee, and the remaining throw starts with Ein.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Gen Fu.
Leifang 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Jann Lee, and the remaining throws start with Leifang.
Leon 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Leon.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a


Kasumi has a total of 15 unique tag throws between 10 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Kasumi is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Ryu Hayabusa.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 n/a n/a n/a
Bass Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Brad.
Ein 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Kasumi.
Helena Douglas 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Hitomi.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1 n/a
Tina Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Kasumi.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Zack.


Kokoro has a total of 7 unique tag throws between 6 different tag partners.

Out of all her tag partners, Kokoro has the most throws with Hitomi, with the pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Ayane.
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Kokoro.
Eliot 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Eliot.
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Hayate.
Hitomi 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to La Mariposa.

La Mariposa[]

La Mariposa has a total of 7 unique tag throws between 4 different tag partners.

Out of all her tag partners, La Mariposa has the most throws with Tina, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From La Mariposa to Hitomi.
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to La Mariposa.
Tina Armstrong 3 n/a n/a One tag throw starts with La Mariposa, and the remaining throws start with Tina.


Leifang has a total of 11 unique tag throws between 7 different tag partners. With certain partners, Leifang is able to perform 2 intros and 3 outros.

Out of all her tag partners, Leifang has the most throws with Jann Lee, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Leifang to Ein.
Eliot 1 n/a n/a From Eliot to Leifang.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Leifang.
Helena Douglas 2 1 1 n/a
Jann Lee 3 1 1 Two tag throws start with Leifang, and the remaining throw starts with Jann Lee.
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a 1 n/a
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Leifang.


Leon has a total of 13 unique tag throws between 7 different tag partners. With certain partners, Leon is able to perform 3 intros and 4 outros (2 with Zack).

Out of all his tag partners, Leon has the most throws with Bass Armstrong, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 3 1 1 Two tag throws start with Leon, and the remaining throw starts with Bass.
Bayman 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Leon.
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Leon.
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 2 1 2 (depending on the finishing partner) n/a

Ryu Hayabusa[]

Hayabusa has a total of 20 unique tag throws between 12 different tag partners. With certain partners, Hayabusa is able to perform 2 intros and 3 outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 n/a n/a n/a
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Bass.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hayate 2 n/a 1 n/a
Helena Douglas 1 n/a n/a From Helena to Hayabusa.
Jann Lee 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
Leon 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Leon.
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Hayabusa.

Tina Armstrong[]

Tina has a total of 21 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Tina is able to perform 3 intros (2 with Bass) and 3 outros.

Out of all her tag partners, Tina has the most throws with her father Bass, with the pair being able to perform 5 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 5 2 (depending on the starting partner) 1 Three tag throws start with Tina, and the remaining throws start with Bass.
For one of the throws, Tina must be facing the opponent's back.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Tina.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Kasumi.
La Mariposa 3 n/a n/a Two tag throws start with Tina, and the remaining throw starts with La Mariposa.
Leifang 2 n/a 1 n/a
Leon 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Tina, and the remaining throws start with Zack.


Zack has a total of 18 unique tag throws between 11 different tag partners. With certain partners, Zack is able to perform 4 intros and 5 outros (2 with Leon).

Out of all his tag partners, Zack has the most throws with Bass and Tina, with each pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 3 n/a n/a One tag throw starts with Zack, and the remaining throws start with Bass.
Bayman 2 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Zack.
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Zack.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Zack.
Hitomi 2 1 1 n/a
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Zack.
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Leifang.
Leon 2 1 2 (depending on the finishing partner) n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Hayabusa.
Tina Armstrong 3 1 1 n/a


  • The game has a total of 131 tag throws, 18 intros, and 21 outros, all between 79 different partners.
  • Bass has the most tag throws at a total of 24.
  • Gen Fu has the most tag partners, with 13 in total.
  • Both Eliot and La Mariposa have the least tag partners, with each having 4 in total.
    • Eliot also has the least tag throws (6 in total).
  • Bass and Tina have the most tag throws as partners, with 5 in total.
  • Both Helena and Zack have the most intros in the game, with each having 4 in total.
    • Zack also has the most outros (5 in total).
  • Eliot, Kokoro, and La Mariposa are the only characters not to have any intros nor outros with any of their tag partners.
    • Coincidentally, all three characters originated in the same game, Dead or Alive 4.
  • Bass and Tina, and Gen Fu and Helena are the only pairs to have 2 intros.
  • Leon and Zack are the only pair to have 2 outros.

Navigation boxes[]

v · e · d
Main series Dead or Alive 2Dead or Alive 3Dead or Alive 4Dead or Alive 5
Spin-offs and related titles Dead or Alive 2 UltimateDead or Alive DimensionsDead or Alive 5 UltimateDead or Alive 5 Last Round
v · e · d
Playable KasumiAyaneHayateEinRyu HayabusaHelena DouglasChristieLa MariposaHitomiBaymanKokoroJann LeeLeifangTina ArmstrongBass ArmstrongZackEliotGen FuBrad WongLeonRaidouGenraAlpha-152Kasumi αTengu
Secret character Shiden
Non-playable characters AnneAyameFame DouglasIrene LewLaurenMariaVictor Donovan
Guest characters RidleySamus Aran
Gameplay modes ChronicleArcadeSurvivalTag ChallengeFree PlayTrainingLocal PlayInternet PlayShowcase3D Photo AlbumFight RecordOptions
Gameplay terms AttacksBoss BattlesCharacter SelectComboCounter BlowCritical HitDanger ZoneHoldsKnocked OutMatchMove DataSide SteppingSpecial MovesStagesStancesTag ThrowsThrowsTriangle System
Plot subjects Dead or Alive World Combat ChampionshipDOATECExiled shinobiMugen Tenshin Ninja ClanNinpoProject AlphaProject EpsilonProject OmegaRunaway shinobiShinobiTorn Sky Blast
Martial arts Ba ji quanCombat SamboDrunken fistJeet Kune DoKarateLucha libreMuay ThaiNinjutsuPi gua quanPro-wrestlingSnake fistTai ji quanTengu-doXing yi quanXinyi liuhe quan
Other terms CreditsCutscenesEndingsFigurinesGenra (wine)System VoiceTournament Winners
Stages 999 MetersAzuchiDanger ZoneDojoEternal HelixFallen MiyamaFreedom SurvivorFrozen PeaksGenetic Biolab (Advanced) • Geothermal Power PlantHellfireKyoto in BloomLoreleiSacred MiyamaTaoWhitewater Valley
Non-playable locations Great OperaMugen Tenshin Village
Character themes "Alpha-152" • "Ayane's theme" • "Bass' theme" • "Blood Tie" • "Cracker" • "DEAD OR ALIVE" • "Gen Fu's theme" • "Hayabusa's theme" • "Jann Lee's theme" • "Jintsuriki" • "Karma" • "Kasumi's theme" • "Kasumi α's theme" • "Knifepoint" • "Leifang's theme" • "Monster" • "Moonlit Lady" • "Red Moon" • "Reincarnate" • "Shiden's theme" • "Successor" • "Tina's theme" • "Tribal Beats" • "Turn On The Lights" • "Vigaku" • "Zack's theme"
Chronicle Mode tracks "Brave Heart" • "The Broken Arrows" • "Dance Of The Angel" • "DOATEC" • "Ketsui no Toki" • "Look Ahead" • "Tengu-mai" • "Unbroken Chains"
Other tracks "D.O.A." • "Dimensions Training" • "Vs. Ridley" • "Wired"
Command listsCostumesDownloadable contentFighting quotesMerchandisePromotional artwork and wallpaperTag throws