Dead or Alive Wiki

The following article is the list of tag partners with unique tag throws in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round.

Continuing on from the previous game, Dead or Alive 5 Last Round added new tag partners and throws for the characters, and continued to use the commands 6 / Forward6 / ForwardHoldPlusPunchPlusKick, and 4 / Back6 / ForwardHoldPlusPunchPlusKick for partners with more than two throws.

The only playable characters not to have any tag partners nor unique throws are the guest characters Naotora Ii and Mai Shiranui.

Akira Yuki[]

Akira has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 4 different tag partners. With certain partners, Akira is able to perform 3 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Akira had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Jacky Bryant 2 n/a n/a
Kokoro 2 1 1
Pai Chan 2 1 1
Sarah Bryant 2 1 1


Alpha-152 has a total of 2 unique tag throws with only one tag partner, Phase 4. It is worth noting that this is the first time since Alpha-152's playable debut in Dead or Alive Dimensions that it has received any tag partners nor throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a


Ayane has a total of 18 unique tag throws between 13 different tag partners. With certain partners, Ayane is able to perform 7 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Ayane gained 3 new tag partner with Honoka, Nyotengu, and Phase 4, and thus 2 intros, outros, and 6 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Ayane.
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Eliot n/a 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Ayane.
Hayate 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi n/a 1 1 n/a
Honoka 2 1 1 n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Ayane to Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Ayane.
Nyotengu 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a

Bass Armstrong[]

Bass has a total of 31 unique tag throws between 14 different tag partners. With certain partners, Bass is able to perform 4 intros and 5 outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Bass has the most throws with Bayman and his daughter, Tina, with each pair being able to perform 5 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Bass gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus 2 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Ayane.
6 n/a 1 Three tag throws start with Bass, and the remaining throws start with Bayman.
For one of the throws, the opponent must be near a wall.
For one of the throws, Bayman must be facing the opponent’s back.
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Bass.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Gen Fu.
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 2 n/a n/a n/a
3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Bass, and the remaining throws start with Leon.
Mila 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Rig 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Bass.
Tina Armstrong
5 1 1 Two tag throws start with Bass, and the remaining throws start with Tina.
For one of the throws, Tina must be facing the opponent's back.
3 n/a n/a Two tag throws start with Bass, and the remaining throw starts with Zack.


Bayman has a total of 19 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Bayman is able to perform 3 intros and 4 outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Bayman has the most throws with Bass, with the pair being able to perform 5 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Bayman had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong
5 n/a 1 Three tag throws start with Bayman, while the remaining throws start with Bass.
Christie 2 1 1 n/a
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Bayman to Ein.
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Bayman.
Leon 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 2 1 1 n/a

Brad Wong[]

Brad has a total of 10 unique tag throws between 8 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Brad is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Eliot.

Out of all his tag partners, Brad has the most throws with Eliot and Gen Fu, with each pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Brad gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus a new throw.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Brad.
Eliot 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Brad.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Brad.
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Kokoro.
Phase 4 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Brad.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Zack.


Christie has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 6 different tag partners. With certain partners, Christie is able to perform 3 intros and 2 outros.

Out of all her tag partners, Christie has the most throws with Bayman and Helena, with each pair being able to perform 2 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Christie had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bayman 2 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Brad.
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Christie.
Helena Douglas 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Hitomi.
Rig 1 1 n/a From Christie to Rig.


Ein has a total of 19 unique tag throws between 12 different tag partners. With certain partners, Ein is able to perform 6 intros and outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Ein has the most throws with Jann Lee, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Ein gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus 2 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 1 1 n/a
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Bass.
Bayman 1 n/a n/a From Bayman to Ein.
Hayate 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 2 1 1 n/a
Jann Lee 3 n/a n/a One tag throw starts with Ein, and the remaining throws start with Jann Lee.
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
La Mariposa n/a 1 1 n/a
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Leifang to Ein.
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1 n/a
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Zack.


Eliot has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 6 different tag partners. With certain partners, Eliot is able to perform 4 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Eliot gained only one new tag partner with Marie Rose, and thus gained an intro, outro, and 2 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane n/a 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 1 1 n/a
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Eliot.
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Eliot to Leifang.
Marie Rose 2 1 1 n/a

Gen Fu[]

Gen Fu has a total of 21 unique tag throws between 14 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Gen Fu is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Eliot.

Compared to the previous game, Gen Fu gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus a new throw.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Ayane.
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Gen Fu.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Eliot 2 1 1 n/a
Helena Douglas 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Gen Fu.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Kasumi.
2 n/a n/a Both of the tag throws start with Gen Fu.
Leon 2 n/a n/a n/a
Phase 4 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Phase 4.
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Tina Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Tina.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Zack.


Hayate has a total of 15 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Hayate is able to perform 4 intros and 5 outros.

Compared to the previous game, Hayate gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus 2 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Brad.
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Hayate to Christie.
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 2 1 1 n/a
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Hayate.
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a 1 n/a

Helena Douglas[]

Helena has a total of 15 unique tag throws between 8 different tag partners. With certain partners, Helena is able to perform 4 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Helena gained 2 new tag partner with Marie Rose and Phase 4, and thus an intro, outro, and 4 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Christie 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kasumi 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kokoro 2 1 1 n/a
Leifang 2 1 1 n/a
Marie Rose 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Helena to Hayabusa.


Hitomi has a total of 14 unique tag throws between 10 different tag partners. With certain partners, Hitomi is able to perform 5 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Hitomi gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus a new throw.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane n/a 1 1 n/a
Christie 1 n/a n/a From Christie to Hitomi.
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Hayate 2 1 1 n/a
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Hitomi.
Kokoro 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 1 n/a n/a From La Mariposa to Hitomi.
Leifang 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Hitomi.
Zack 2 1 1 n/a


Honoka has a total of 6 unique tag throws between 3 different tag partners. Between her partners, Honoka is able to perform 3 intros and outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Ayane 2 1 1
Marie Rose 2 1 1
Raidou 2 1 1

Jacky Bryant[]

Jacky has a total of 6 unique tag throws between 3 different tag partners. With certain partners, Jacky is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Jacky had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Akira Yuki 2 n/a n/a
Jann Lee 2 1 1
Sarah Bryant 2 1 1

Jann Lee[]

Jann Lee has a total of 17 unique tag throws between 10 different tag partners. With certain partners, Jann Lee is able to perform 3 intros and outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Jann Lee has the most throws with Ein and Leifang, with each pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Jann Lee had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Ayane to Jann Lee.
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Bass to Jann Lee.
Bayman 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Bayman.
3 n/a n/a Two tag throws start with Jann Lee, and the remaining throw starts with Ein.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Gen Fu.
Jacky Bryant 2 1 1 n/a
Leifang 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Jann Lee, and the remaining throws start with Leifang.
Leon 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Leon.
Rig 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a


Kasumi has a total of 19 unique tag throws between 12 different tag partners. With certain partners, Kasumi is able to perform 5 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Kasumi gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus an intro, outro, and 2 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 1 1 n/a
Bass Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Brad.
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Kasumi.
Hayate 2 1 1 n/a
Helena Douglas 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Hitomi.
Phase 4 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1 n/a
Tina Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Kasumi.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Zack.


Kokoro has a total of 11 unique tag throws between 8 different tag partners. With certain partners, Kokoro is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Kokoro had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Akira Yuki 2 1 1 n/a
Ayane 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Ayane.
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Kokoro.
Eliot 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Eliot.
Hayate 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to Hayate.
Helena Douglas 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 2 n/a n/a n/a
La Mariposa 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to La Mariposa.

La Mariposa (Lisa Hamilton)[]

La Mariposa has a total of 7 unique tag throws between 5 different tag partners. With certain partners, La Mariposa is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Out of all her tag partners, La Mariposa has the most throws with Tina, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, La Mariposa had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ein n/a 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From La Mariposa to Hitomi.
Kokoro 1 n/a n/a From Kokoro to La Mariposa.
Tina Armstrong 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with La Mariposa, and the remaining throws start with Tina.


Leifang has a total of 16 unique tag throws between 9 different tag partners. With certain partners, Leifang is able to perform 5 intros (two with Pai) and 6 outros (two with Pai).

Out of all her tag partners, Leifang has the most throws with Jann Lee, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Leifang had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Leifang to Ein.
Eliot 1 n/a n/a From Eliot to Leifang.
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a Both of the tag throws start with Gen Fu..
Helena Douglas 2 1 1 n/a
Hitomi 2 1 1 n/a
Jann Lee 3 1 1 Two tag throws start with Leifang, and the remaining throw starts with Jann Lee.
Pai Chan 2 2 (depending on the starting partner) 2 (depending on the finishing partner) n/a
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a 1 n/a
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Leifang.


Leon has a total of 13 unique tag throws between 7 different tag partners. With certain partners, Leon is able to perform 3 intros and outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Leon has the most throws with Bass, with the pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Leon had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 3 1 1 Two tag throws start with Leon, and the remaining throw starts with Bass.
Bayman 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Jann Lee 1 n/a n/a From Jann Lee to Leon.
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Leon.
Tina Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Zack 2 1 1 n/a

Marie Rose[]

Marie Rose has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 4 different tag partners. With certain partners, Marie Rose is able to perform 3 intros and outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Eliot 2 1 1
Helena Douglas 2 1 1
Honoka 2 1 1
Nyotengu 2 n/a n/a


Mila has a total of 4 unique tag throws between 2 different tag partners. Between her partners, Mila is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Mila had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Bass Armstrong 2 1 1
Tina Armstrong 2 1 1


Momiji has a total of 4 unique tag throws between 2 different tag partners. Between her partners, Momiji is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Momiji had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Rachel 2 1 1
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1


Nyotengu has a total of 6 unique tag throws between 3 different tag partners. With certain partners, Nyotengu is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Ayane 2 1 1
Marie Rose 2 n/a n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1

Pai Chan[]

Pai has a total of 6 unique tag throws between 3 different tag partners. Between her partners, Pai is able to perform 4 intros (two with Leifang) and outros (two with Leifang).

Compared to the previous game, Pai had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Akira Yuki 2 1 1
Leifang 2 2 (depending on the starting partner) 2 (depending on the finishing partner)
Sarah Bryant 2 1 1

Phase 4[]

Phase 4 has a total of 21 unique tag throws between 13 different tag partners. It is only with one of these tag partners however that Phase 4 is able to perform an intro and outro with before and after the tag match, and that is Kasumi.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Alpha-152 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ayane 2 n/a n/a n/a
Bass Armstrong 2 n/a n/a n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Brad.
Ein 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Phase 4.
Hayate 2 n/a n/a n/a
Helena Douglas 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hitomi 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Hitomi.
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
Ryu Hayabusa 2 n/a n/a n/a
Tina Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Phase 4.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Zack.


Rachel has a total of 4 unique tag throws between 2 different tag partners. Between her partners, Rachel is able to perform 2 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Rachel had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Momiji 2 1 1
Ryu Hayabusa 2 1 1


Raidou has a total of 2 unique tag throws with only one tag partner, Honoka. It is worth noting that this is the first time since Raidou's debut in the series that he has received any tag partners nor throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Honoka 2 1 1


Rig has a total of 5 unique tag throws between 3 different tag partners. Between his partners, Rig is able to perform 3 intros and 2 outros.

Compared to the previous game, Rig had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 2 1 1 n/a
Christie 1 1 n/a From Christie to Rig.
Jann Lee 2 1 1 n/a

Ryu Hayabusa[]

Hayabusa has a total of 29 unique tag throws between 16 different tag partners. With certain partners, Hayabusa is able to perform 5 intros and 6 outros.

Compared to the previous game, Hayabusa gained 2 new tag partner with Nyotengu and Phase 4, and thus an intro, outro, and 4 new throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Ayane 2 n/a n/a n/a
Bass Armstrong 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Bass.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Ein 2 1 1 n/a
Gen Fu 2 n/a n/a n/a
Hayate 2 n/a 1 n/a
Helena Douglas 1 n/a n/a From Helena to Hayabusa.
Jann Lee 2 n/a n/a n/a
Kasumi 2 1 1 n/a
Leon 1 n/a n/a From Hayabusa to Leon.
Momiji 2 1 1 n/a
Nyotengu 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 2 n/a n/a n/a
Rachel 2 1 1 n/a
Tina Armstrong 3 n/a n/a One tag throw starts with Hayabusa, while the remaining throws start with Tina.
Zack 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Hayabusa.

Sarah Bryant[]

Sarah has a total of 8 unique tag throws between 4 different tag partners. Between her partners, Sarah is able to perform 4 intros and outros.

Compared to the previous game, Sarah had no changes, with no new tag partners or throws.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros
Akira Yuki 2 1 1
Jacky Bryant 2 1 1
Pai Chan 2 1 1
Tina Armstrong 2 1 1

Tina Armstrong[]

Tina has a total of 27 unique tag throws between 12 different tag partners. With certain partners, Tina is able to perform 5 intros and 6 outros.

Out of all her tag partners, Tina has the most throws with her father, Bass, with the pair being able to perform 5 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Tina gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus a new throw.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 5 1 1 Three tag throws start with Tina, and the remaining throws start with Bass.
For one of the throws, Tina must be facing the opponent's back.
Bayman 2 n/a n/a n/a
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Tina.
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Kasumi.
La Mariposa 3 1 1 Two tag throws start with Tina, and the remaining throw starts with La Mariposa.
Leifang 2 n/a 1 n/a
Leon 2 n/a n/a n/a
Mila 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 1 n/a n/a From Tina to Phase 4.
Ryu Hayabusa 3 n/a n/a Two tag throws start with Tina, while the remaining throw starts with Hayabusa.
Sarah Bryant 2 1 1 n/a
Zack 3 1 1 One tag throw starts with Tina, and the remaining throws start with Zack.


Zack has a total of 19 unique tag throws between 12 different tag partners. With certain partners, Zack is able to perform 4 intros and outros.

Out of all his tag partners, Zack has the most throws with Bass and Tina, with each pair being able to perform 3 different tag throws.

Compared to the previous game, Zack gained only one new tag partner with Phase 4, and thus a new throw.

Tag Partners Tag Throws Intros Outros Notes
Bass Armstrong 3 n/a n/a One tag throw starts with Zack, and the remaining throws start with Bass.
Bayman 2 1 1 n/a
Brad Wong 1 n/a n/a From Brad to Zack.
Ein 1 n/a n/a From Ein to Zack.
Gen Fu 1 n/a n/a From Gen Fu to Zack.
Hitomi 2 1 1 n/a
Kasumi 1 n/a n/a From Kasumi to Zack.
Leifang 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Leifang.
Leon 2 1 1 n/a
Phase 4 1 n/a n/a From Phase 4 to Zack.
Ryu Hayabusa 1 n/a n/a From Zack to Hayabusa.
Tina Armstrong 3 1 1 n/a



  • The game has a total of 199 tag throws, 53 intros, and 55 outros, all between 124 different partners.
  • Bass has the most tag throws at a total of 30.
    • This overtook Bass' previous amount of 28 in the previous game.
  • Hayabusa has the most tag partners, with 16 in total.
    • This overtook his previous amount of 14 in the previous game.
  • Alpha-152 and Raidou both have the least tag throws, with each having 2 in total, and the least partners (1 in total).
  • Bass and Tina have the most tag throws as partners, with 5 in total.
  • Ayane has both the most intros and outros in the game, with 7 intros and outros.
  • Alpha-152 is the only character not to have any intros nor outros with any of its tag partners.
  • Leifang and Pai are the only pair to have 2 intros and outros.
  • Phase 4, besides having Kasumi and Alpha-152 as tag partners, essentially has the same tag partners/moves as Kasumi. The minor differences being that Phase 4 has no intros and outros with these partners (aside from Kasumi) and possessing minor variant animation on the tag moves.

Navigation boxes[]

v · e · d
Main series Dead or Alive 2Dead or Alive 3Dead or Alive 4Dead or Alive 5
Spin-offs and related titles Dead or Alive 2 UltimateDead or Alive DimensionsDead or Alive 5 UltimateDead or Alive 5 Last Round
v · e · d
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate Arcade
Playable KasumiAyaneHayateRyu HayabusaHelena DouglasChristieLa Mariposa/Lisa HamiltonHitomiBaymanKokoroJann LeeLeifangTina ArmstrongBass Armstrong/Mr. StrongZackEliotGen FuBrad WongRigMilaAlpha-152EinLeonMomijiRachelMarie RosePhase 4NyotenguHonokaRaidou
Story Mode characters False Kasumi
Guest characters Akira YukiJacky BryantSarah BryantPai ChanNaotora IiMai Shiranui (latter two only in Arcade/PS4/XONE/PC)
Non-playable characters MiyakoMuramasaVictor Donovan
Gameplay modes StoryVersusArcadeTime AttackSurvivalTeam BattleTrainingOnlineSpectatorAlbumMoviesFight RecordTitlesHelp & OptionsMusic
Gameplay terms AttacksBoss BattlesCharacter SelectCliffhangerComboCounter BlowCritical HitDanger ZoneGame OverHoldsKnocked OutMatchMove DataPower BlowPower LauncherSide SteppingSpecial MovesStagesStancesTag ThrowsThrowsTriangle System
Plot subjects DOATECDead or Alive World Combat ChampionshipDIGFreedom SurvivorMISTMugen Tenshin clanProject AlphaProject EpsilonRunaway shinobiShinobi
Martial arts AikijutsuBa ji quan (hakkyoku-ken)Close quarters combatCombat SamboCounter Fiend CombatHonoka FuIi Style Leg StrikesJeet Kune DoKarateLucha libreMixed martial artsMuay ThaiNinjutsuPi gua quanProfessional wrestlingSnake fistSystemaT'ai chi quanTaekwondoTengu-doXing yi quanXinyi liuhe quanEnsei ken (yan qing quan)Zui quan
Other terms CabbageCreditsCutscenesEndingsGlassesSystem VoiceTournament WinnersVirtua FighterWarriors seriesThe King of Fighters series
Stages Aircraft CarrierCrimson (PS4/XONE) • Danger Zone (PS4/XONE) • Dead or Alive/ArrivalDepthDesert WastelandDojoThe Ends of the EarthFighting EntertainmentFlow/PrimalForestFuelHomeHot ZoneLabLorelei/Haunted LoreleiLost WorldSanctuaryScrambleThe Show/The Tiger Show/Coming SoonSky City TokyoStreetSweatTemple of the Dragon/SakuraZack Island
DLC stages (PS4/XONE) Attack on TitanAzuchiFireworks
Non-playable locations Freedom SurvivorJohnny's DinerTaylor's Bar
Dead or Alive 5 Soundtrack Vol.4
Character themes Default "Alpha-152" • "Bloody Nocturne" • "Collapse" • "Dead or Alive Reboot" • "Drunk Wolf" • "El Diablo ~DOA5 Ultimate mix~" • "Fang" • "Flowerbed" • "Fuga ~DOA5 Ultimate mix~" • "Hunter's Moon" • "I Feel For You" • "Machinations" • "Mentor" • "Moonlit Lady" • "Oiran Drive" • "Our Little Secret" • "Purity" • "Roaming Blossom" • "The Roar of the Crowd" • "Russian Roulette" • "Sacred Flower" • "Serpent Dance" • "Shade" • "Solitary Desperation" • "Sorrow" • "Steel Horse Rider" • "Successor" • "Tribal Beats" • "Turn On The Lights" • "The Wind is Howling" • "Vigaku" • "Zany Zapper"
Optional Dead or Alive "AYA" • "Blade of "RYU"" • "Code Name "BAYMAN"" • "Concentration" • "DEAD OR ALIVE" • "Densetsu no Hiken" • "Fastbreak" • "The Fist of TAIKYOKU Blows Up" • "Ganna Make You Gasp" • "Heated Heartbeat" • "Ketsui no Toki" • "Kokou no Kenshi" • "Megadeath" • "No Money" • "Power is Beauty ~more beautiful mix~" • "Superstar"
Dead or Alive 2 "B-boy no "B"" • "Blazed up Melpomene" • "Break the age" • "Grand Style" • "Hitohira" • "Natural High" • "The Shooted" • "Tehu Tehu" • "Ultimate Weapon" • "YES or YES" • "You Are Under My Control"
Dead or Alive 3 "Blood Tie" • "Cracker" • "Eternity" • "Four Thousand" • "I don't believe it!" • "It's to Show" • "Knifepoint" • "Look Ahead" • "Mayflower" • "Monster" • "Power Shovel" • "Prismatic Butterfly" • "Red Moon" • "Reincarnate" • "Trip" • "True Beauty"
Miscellaneous "Dead or Alive Redux" • "Hitohira -DW SW MIX-" • "Ryu's Determination -DW SW MIX-" • "Tehu Tehu -DW SW MIX-"
Stage themes "Accelerator" • "Against the mega disastrous blow -Last Round mix-" • "Alpha-152" • "Beginning to the End" • "Blood Tie ~DOA5 Ultimate mix~" • "Can't Stop This Feeling" • "Cascade" • "The City Never Sleeps" • "Desert Storm" • "Dimensions Training" • "Fallen Leaves" • "Fire Alarm" • "Gaia" • "Ghouls' Ball" • "Gotta Move On" • "Graceful Sounds" • "Happy Funny Crazy" • "I Feel For You" • "Imps' Ball" • "Into the Abyss" • "Liberation" • "Light the Fuse" • "Like a Dragon" • "Look Ahead" • "Knock You Down" • "Mist Knows" • "Natural High" • "Niug-Nep Place" • "Oblivion" • "Polluted Air" • "Primitive Rhythm" • "Rapids" • "Reincarnate" • "Scream" • "The Secret of Kung-Fu" • "Skyscraper" • "Tedious Days" • "Tempestuous Sign" • "Tiger's Family" • "Tradition" • "Trip" • "Tropical Beat"
Story Mode tracks "B-boy No "B" Remix" • "Cheerful Buddhist Priest" • "Collapse" • "Desperate Situation" • "False Fate" • "I'm a Fighter" • "Knifepoint" • "let's get it" • "Mentor" • "Monster" • "Moonlit Lady" • "Omen" • "Purity" • "Serpent Dance" • "Shade" • "The Storied Journey of the Boy and the Drunk" • "Successor" • "Superstar" • "Tribal Beats" • "Trip" • "The Way is Known ~DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Main Theme~" • "Vigaku" • "The Wind is Howling" • "Zany Zapper"
Other tracks "A Wind" • "Act Of Universe" • "An Invisible Shadow" • "Circle" • "Conditioning" • "D.O.A." • "Deep Impact" • "Dimensions Training" • "Evolution" • "Excelsior" • "Ignition" • "Link" • "Physical System" • "Repetition" • "Result" • "Showdown (DOA1)" • "Showdown" • "The New Century" • "Transcendence" • "ULTIMATE" • "Urges" • "Wired" • "X-ray" • "Zero Hour"
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