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DOA4 Brad Vs Jann

Brad vs. Jann Lee

The following is the command list for Brad Wong in Dead or Alive 4.

Move Type of Move Command Damage Height Listed in Exercise
Tenshin-Chu Unique Attack PunchPunchPunch Yes
Ren-Dokki Unique Attack PunchPunchKick Yes
Ren-Senpu Unique Attack PunchPunch6 / ForwardKick
PunchPunch6 / ForwardKickHold 2 / Down
Ren-Dokuritsu Unique Attack PunchPunch8 / Up Yes
Ren-Toshin Unique Attack PunchPunch4 / BackKick Yes
Tessa Unique Attack PunchPunch2 / DownKick
PunchPunchHold 2 / DownKick
Getsuga-Rencho Unique Attack Punch6 / ForwardPunchPunch Yes
Katsumen-Tai Unique Attack PunchKick
PunchKickHold 4 / Back
Ren-Koshu Unique Attack 6 / ForwardPunchPunch Yes
Senshin-Getsuga Unique Attack 6 / ForwardPunch6 / ForwardPunch Yes
Soko-Chogeki Unique Attack 6 / ForwardPunchKick
6 / ForwardPunchKickHold 4 / Back
Ren-Chowan Unique Attack 3 / Down-ForwardPunchPunch Yes
Kyuho-Toda Unique Attack Hold 3 / Down-ForwardPunchHold Punch Yes
Suiho-Chogeki Unique Attack 8 / UpPunch Yes
Yakuza-Ren-Koshu Unique Attack 9 / Up-ForwardPunchPunchPunch Yes
Keppo-Sokuto Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackPunchKick Yes
Keppo-Honshin-Dantai Unique Attack Hold 1 / Down-BackPunchKick Yes
Ren-Sokuto Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackPunchPunchKick Yes
Ren-Honshin-Dantai Unique Attack Hold 1 / Down-BackPunchPunchKick Yes
Koso Unique Attack 6 / Forward6 / ForwardPunch Yes
Kasenko, Chuda Unique Attack 4 / Back6 / ForwardPunch Yes
Kasenko, Taiho-Chuda Unique Attack 6 / Forward4 / BackPunch Yes
Kasenko, Ren-Chuda Unique Attack (During Kasenko) 6 / ForwardPunch Yes
Kasenko, Taiho-Ren-Chuda Unique Attack (During Kasenko) 4 / BackPunch Yes
Kasenko, Sohaku Unique Attack (During Kasenko) PunchPunch Yes
Kasenko, Shoshi-Suiteki Unique Attack (During Kasenko) KickPunch Yes
Kasenko, Senpu-Kyaku Unique Attack (During Kasenko) KickKick
(During Kasenko) KickKickHold 2 / Down
Kasenko, Konsen-Tai Unique Attack (During Kasenko) Kick2 / DownKick Yes
Senshin-Choto Unique Attack 236 / Quarter-circle ForwardPunch
(While running) Punch
Honshin-Jokaku-Zengeki Unique Attack 214 / Quarter-circle BackPunch Yes
Sokusen-Getsuga Unique Attack 8 / Up8 / UpPunch
2 / Down2 / DownPunch
Ren-Koshutai Unique Attack KickKickKick Yes
Renkan-Kosotai Unique Attack KickKick2 / DownKick
KickKick2 / DownKickHold 2 / Down
Senpu, Zenku Unique Attack 6 / ForwardKickKick Yes
Ren-Dokui-Kyaku Unique Attack 3 / Down-ForwardKickKick Yes
Zenteki, Senpu-Kyaku Unique Attack 3 / Down-ForwardKick6 / ForwardKick
3 / Down-ForwardKick6 / ForwardKickHold 2 / Down
Zenteki, Ren-Chowan Unique Attack 3 / Down-ForwardKickPunchPunch Yes
Hisui-Senkyaku Unique Attack 8 / UpKick
8 / UpKickHold 4 / Back
Niki-Kyaku Unique Attack 9 / Up-ForwardKick Yes
Taishin-Zenku-Hontetsu Unique Attack 7 / Up-BackKickKick Yes
Tantai, Shoshi-Suiteki Unique Attack 2 / DownKickPunch Yes
Tantai, Senpu Unique Attack 2 / DownKickKick
2 / DownKickKickHold 2 / Down
Konsen-Tai Unique Attack Hold 2 / DownKickKick Yes
Zenso-Tai Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackKickHold 2 / DownKickKick
1 / Down-BackKickHold 2 / DownKickKickHold 2 / Down
Ren-Kohontai Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackKickKickKick Yes
Renkan-Bokko Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackKickKick2 / DownKick Yes
Sentai-Zachi Unique Attack 6 / Forward6 / ForwardKick Yes
Toshin-Dantai Unique Attack 4 / Back4 / BackKick Yes
Kocho-Soteki, Kohon Unique Attack 3 / Down-Forward3 / Down-ForwardKickKick Yes
Kocho-Soteki, Bokko Unique Attack 3 / Down-Forward3 / Down-ForwardKick2 / DownKick Yes
Ren-Jikusenho Unique Attack (While crouching) KickKick Yes
Koshu Unique Attack PunchPlusKick Yes
Sohaku Unique Attack 6 / ForwardPunchPlusKickPunch Yes
Taiho-Getsuga Unique Attack 4 / BackPunchPlusKick Yes
Koyo-Getsuga Unique Attack FreePlusKickPunch Yes
Renkan-Tenchi-Sotai Unique Attack FreePlusKickKickKick2 / DownKick
FreePlusKickKickKick2 / DownKickHold 2 / Down
Renso-Sokusen-Getsuga Unique Attack FreePlusKickKickPunch Yes
Renso-Tenchi-Sotai Unique Attack FreePlusKickKick2 / DownKick
FreePlusKickKick2 / DownKickHold 2 / Down
Senko-Renkan Unique Attack FreePlusKick2 / DownKick
FreePlusKick2 / DownKickHold 2 / Down
Zenku-Hontetsu Unique Attack 6 / ForwardFreePlusKick Yes
Hoho-Sohi Unique Attack 8 / UpFreePlusKick Yes
Chiso-Tensen-Shu Unique Attack 2 / DownFreePlusKickKick Yes
Kosotai Unique Attack 1 / Down-BackFreePlusKick
1 / Down-BackFreePlusKickHold 2 / Down
Gyoin-Chowan Unique Attack 4 / BackPunchPunch Yes
Gyoin-Dantai Unique Attack 4 / BackPunchKick Yes
Tekkai-Shoshu Unique Attack (While jumping over obstacle) Punch No
Tekkai-Shotai Unique Attack (While jumping over obstacle) Kick No
Dokuritsu-Ho Special Move 4 / BackKick Yes
Teishitsu-Dokuritsu-Shinshu Special Move (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 6 / Forward Yes
Teppo-Gyoinshu Special Move (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 4 / Back Yes
Dokuritsu-Yoho Special Move (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 2 / Down2 / Down Yes
Gyoin-Todan Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) PunchPunchKick Yes
Gyoin-Dashu Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) PunchKick Yes
Gyoin-Tai Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) Kick Yes
Gyoin-Kikyaku Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 6 / ForwardKick Yes
Gyoin-Ren-Teppo Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) Hold 4 / BackKickKick • • • Yes
Gyoin-Kasso-Tai Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 2 / DownKick Yes
Gyoin-Chowan Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) PunchPlusKick Yes
Gyoin-Ren-Pusanda Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) FreePlusKickPunchPunch Yes
Soteki Unique Attack (During Dokuritsu-Ho) FreePlusKickKick
(During Dokuritsu-Ho) FreePlusKickKickHold 2 / Down
Stand Special Move (During Dokuritsu-Ho) Free Yes
Koshu-Getsuga Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchPunchPunch Yes
Renkan-Yogeki Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchPunch6 / ForwardPunchPunch Yes
Renkan-Kaso Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchPunch6 / ForwardPunch2 / DownPunch Yes
Rengeki, Honshin-Dantai Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchPunch2 / DownKick Yes
Getsuga, Koshutai Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchKick Yes
Rensen-Sogeki Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 4 / BackPunchPunch Yes
Haisei-Sochisen Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 2 / DownPunchKick Yes
Haisei-Honshin-Dantai Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) Hold 2 / DownPunchKick Yes
Kotaihon Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardKickPunch Yes
Kosenhon Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardKickKick Yes
Zenkon-Hon Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardKickHold 4 / Back Yes
Kokon, Uron Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardKickHold 6 / ForwardKick Yes
Kokon, Bokko Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardKickHold 3 / Down-ForwardKick Yes
Shoshi-Suiteki Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) PunchPlusKick Yes
Haisei-Sohaku Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) 6 / ForwardPunchPlusKickPunch Yes
Tohon-Kishin Back-Facing Attack (To foe behind) FreePlusKick Yes
Kozento Special Move 3 / Down-ForwardPunchPlusKick Yes
Kokoto Special Move 2 / DownPunchPlusKick Yes
Zenten Special Move 6 / Forward Yes
Shinzen-Ten-i Special Move Hold 3 / Down-Forward Yes
Koten Special Move 4 / Back Yes
Shinko-Ten-i Special Move Hold 1 / Down-Back Yes
Oten Special Move 8 / Up
2 / Down
Fukushin-Getsuga Lying Attack (Lying with legs facing foe) Punch Yes
Fukushin-Haitai Lying Attack (Lying with legs facing foe) Kick Yes
Zenkon-Soteki Lying Attack (Lying with legs facing foe) 6 / ForwardKick Yes
Fukushin-Jikuten-Shu Lying Attack (Lying with legs faing foe) PunchPlusKick Yes
Fukushin-Bokko Lying Attack (Lying with legs facing foe) FreePlusKick Yes
Rigyo, Zenku Lying Attack (Lying with legs facing foe) FreeKick Yes
Fukushin-Kida Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) Punch Yes
Uron-Kochu Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) Kick Yes
Fukushin-Sosen Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) 6 / ForwardPunchPunch Yes
Fukushin-Tessen Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) 6 / ForwardKick
(Lying with head facing foe) 6 / ForwardKickHold 2 / Down
Kokon-Soteki Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) PunchPlusKick Yes
Rigyoen Lying Attack (Lying with head facing foe) FreePlusKick Yes
Kinkosen Special Move (Lying with head facing foe) Free Yes
Suirin-Haikai Throw FreePlusPunch Yes
Suida-Rakuten Throw (When foe's back faces a slope) FreePlusPunch No
Suihai-Kairetsu Throw (When foe's back faces a slope with a cliff) FreePlusPunch No
Tetsu-Kairi Throw 6 / Forward6 / ForwardFreePlusPunch Yes
Senhen-Nyudo Throw (Next to wall) 6 / Forward6 / ForwardFreePlusPunch No
Senshi Throw 6 / ForwardFreePlusPunch Yes
Kazan-Rakuro Throw (Next to wall) 6 / ForwardFreePlusPunch No
Tenshin-Soko Throw 4 / BackFreePlusPunch Yes
Kan-Shori Throw (To foe's back) FreePlusPunch Yes
So-Kokukyu Throw (To foe's back) 4 / BackFreePlusPunch Yes
Suiho-Unshin-Haiho Throw (Throw combo, to foe behind) FreePlusPunchFreePlusPunch Yes
Hashitsu-Gyosen Throw (To crouching foe) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Ran-Saiwa Throw (To crouching foe) 3 / Down-ForwardFreePlusPunch Yes
Kan-Shoshi Throw (To crouching foe's back) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Juji-Senraku Throw (To a crouching foe behind) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Dokuhai-Kaito Throw (During Dokuritsu-Ho) FreePlusPunch Yes
Gyoin-Ransen Throw (During Dokuritsu-Ho) 2 / DownKickFreePlusPunch Yes
Konsentai Throw (Lying with legs facing foe) FreePlusPunch Yes
Suiboku-Kosentai Throw (Lying with head facing foe) FreePlusPunch Yes
Fukushin-Kensen Throw (Lying with legs facing foe crouching) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Fukushin-Kansen Throw (To crouching foe's back, lying with legs facing foe) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Fukushin-Chosen Throw (Lying with head facing foe crouching) 2 / DownFreePlusPunch Yes
Yoki-Chochu Hold (Against a high punch) 7 / Up-BackFree Yes
Hoto-Choshitsu Hold (Against a high kick) 7 / Up-BackFree Yes
Suimu-Hateki Hold (Against a middle punch) 4 / BackFree Yes
Hotai-Gyoso Hold (Against a middle kick) 6 / ForwardFree Yes
Senri-Goan Hold (Against a low punch) 1 / Down-BackFree Yes
Ryuso-Senkyaku Hold (Against a low kick) 1 / Down-BackFree Yes
Ryusui-Rakuyo Hold (Against a jumping punch) 4 / BackFree Yes
Ryusui-Rakuheki Hold (Next to wall, against a jumping punch) 4 / BackFree No
Akusoku-Hairin Hold (Against a jumping kick) 6 / ForwardFree Yes
Zaban-Tetsu Down Attack (To knocked-down foe) 8 / UpPunchPlusKick Yes
Zenku-Hon Down Attack (To knocked-down foe) 8 / UpPunch Yes
Toshu-Richu Down Attack (To knocked-down foe) 2 / Down2 / DownPunch
(To knocked-down foe) 2 / Down2 / DownPunchHold 2 / Down
Tenshin-Hiinshu Special Move 4 / BackPunch8 / Up
4 / BackPunch2 / Down
Haisei Special Move 4 / Back4 / BackPunch Yes
Back Dash Special Move (To foe behind) 6 / Forward6 / Forward No
Hekika-Kuhon Special Move (Next to wall) 4 / BackPunchPlusKick No
Kuchu-Hon Special Move 9 / Up-ForwardPunch Yes
Taishin-Hon Special Move 7 / Up-BackPunch Yes
Nehan-Tenshin Special Move (When knocked down) PunchPlusKick No
Taunt 1 Special Move 4 / Back6 / Forward4 / BackFreePlusPunchPlusKick
Taunt 2 Special Move 6 / Forward4 / Back6 / ForwardFreePlusPunchPlusKick
6 / ForwardTaunt
4 / BackTaunt
Taunt 3 Special Move 2 / Down2 / DownFreePlusPunchPlusKick
2 / DownTaunt
Taunt 4 Special Move (Lying with legs facing foe) FreePlusPunchPlusKick
(Lying with legs facing foe) Taunt

v · e · d
Command lists (1997 - 2005)
Dead or Alive (1997 - 1998)
Playable KasumiZackRyu HayabusaBaymanLei FangGen FuTina ArmstrongBass ArmstrongJann Lee
Unlockable RaidouAyane
Dead or Alive 2 (2000)
Playable KasumiRyu HayabusaGen FuHelena DouglasTina ArmstrongBass ArmstrongZackLeonJann LeeLeifangAyaneEin
Unlockable BaymanTengu
Dead or Alive 3 (2001)
Playable KasumiRyu HayabusaHitomiZackGen FuBrad WongTina ArmstrongBass ArmstrongLeonBaymanJann LeeLeifangChristieHelena DouglasHayateAyane
Unlockable Ein
Dead or Alive Ultimate (2004)
Both games KasumiZackRyu HayabusaBaymanLeifangGen FuTina ArmstrongJann Lee
Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate only Helena DouglasBass ArmstrongLeonAyaneEinTenguHitomi
Dead or Alive 4 (2005)
Playable KasumiRyu HayabusaKokoroHitomiBrad WongEliotBass ArmstrongZackJann LeeLeifangTina ArmstrongLa Mariposa/LisaBaymanChristieAyaneHayate
Unlockable EinGen FuLeonHelena DouglasSPARTAN-458Tengu